#fugou keiji episode 7
moodysnowflake · 4 years
Another unpopular opinion, because this is my fourth useless skill.
I am glad that Haru wasn’t able to shot yet.
Why? Because PTSD doesn’t work that way.
It’s NOT a condition you can win just because “it’s all in your head” so you would/should be fine; it’s NOT something you can overcome that easily, especially an event of that magnitude. You need help, time, a good surrounding environment - family, friends, coworkers, therapist-, and develop your self-awareness.
THIS is how it works: it can jump you ANY given moment (likely the worst possible) withou warning, doesn’t matter how thight, dangerous the situation is, or how much determined and willing you can be.
If you mind snaps, it snaps, and you can’t. Either you have worked on it before, or you’re gonna be in trouble. And even if you know what to do, there’s no guarantee because you’re panicked, anxious, furious for being panicking, but you have to make a decision.
Haru is fighting with himself so bad in those seconds: he’s fighting his fear, the image of that pool of blood, the rumbling sound of that shot, the helplessness of knee-jerk-life-saving reaction, the guilt of not knowing what he should do. The anger of not being able to help Daisuke, who would very much needs it, and surely will appreciate it.
Moreover, he might have frozen also because, on top of everything, he’s probably afraid to fix a new vent hole into Daisuke as well. Which, considering the amount of trembling, isn’t too farfetched.
Is he gonna shoot at some point?
We can only wait, but personally I would be fine with him not doing it and finding another wait to set things right.
Come on, fluffy angry boi. Show us what you’ve got.
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touyatodvroki · 4 years
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thinking about this
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lee-etc · 4 years
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So I've got a friend who watches fkbl with me and I'll often discuss it with her but just as I was reading over this I realised that Daisuke's opening monologue makes ✨perfect✨ sense if you know that that 'certain day' is probably the day of his mother's passing...
This show is hella good at foreshadowing and we shouldn't forget it
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lilasing17 · 4 years
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AND HE LOOKS- ok you get it~
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renwatchesanime · 4 years
So I just watched Episode 7 of Balance Unlimited and I have some thoughts (tm)
(I didn’t do this for last week rip)
So we start off this episode with a flashback - how iconic - and, hold on, is that Nakamoto Chosuke? Damn he looks young.
And oop. Murder. Love that for us.
(Note: this the ONE time I’m skipping the opening because you can’t just introduce that bombshell then leave).
Again with Shigemaru Kambe.
I don’t know about yall, but Kikuko Kambe (the grandmother) is sketchy as FUCK. But like, she hasn’t aged a bit in twenty odd years? Drop the skin care routine sis.
Eh, Cho-san, I’m not really familiar with the Japanese legal system or whatever, but I’m pretty sure you can’t just take someone things without a warrant.
(But like, thinking about it, Daisuke did the same thing in the previous episode when he went through that lady’s laptop. Must be a detective thing)
Oh, Nakamoto is hard to work with? Interesting.
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(Nice to know that he has been dead inside from childhood.)
Dirty cops dirty cops dirty cops dirty cops dir-
And I was right! Stolen evidence has no value in court of law as evidence! Thank you How to Get Away With Murder.
Ah. More death. I feel bad for Daisuke though.
Hey. I get that you’re sad and all but. That was a perfectly good watermelon popsicle. Why you gotta waste food like that?
We’re in the present again and HOLY FUCK NAKAMOTO IS SHORT.
Guys the quote for this episode is ‘Money is the root of all evil’.
Daisuke Kambe really said ‘yeah I took control over a woman’s car and made her believe that she had killed a man what of it?’
Did Haru just. Run into a gate. With his car. Oh God. Watch it, your boyfriend’s reckless driving is influencing you.
First rule of investigating kids: just because someone could doesn’t mean they would. It’s all about the motive baby.
Yo my guy is proper hallucinating wtf.
Hold up hold up. It was all a simulation? Damn Kambe.
Nah when Nakamoto hit us with that “Were you able to become a father who you could be proud of?’ I felt that.
Final thoughts:
So we all pretty much called Daisuke not being involved in the murder of Imura. It was a pleasant surprise seeing that Haru also shared this sentiment (the absolute trust they have in each other agh). Moreover we finally found out what happened to the older Kambes, although I am very sceptical as to whether Shigemaru was really a suicide. Seems a bit convenient, don’t you think?
To end this, let’s take a look at the costs for this episode (translated with the help of Google Translate):
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mizumilk · 4 years
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check-7 Money is the Root of all Evil
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daiiharu · 4 years
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That’s what I’m after
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andromedomaii · 4 years
ok, so... fkbu ep 7, huh... well, shit certainly did escalate quickly lol. and now i feel so invested in this anime that i’m seriously compelled to write down my thoughts and theories. beware the spoilers below. let’s fucking go
so apparently, takei was the one who hid/destroyed/delivered the locker key evidence 19 years ago and he’s the one who got rid of imura now. i gotta say, that came as a total surprise to me, ngl. plus, it seems that daisuke somehow has some evidence to connect him with these two cases, something solid enough to go after the man, making him (and me as well) think that he’s dead smh
i think the initial reason for takei’s misdeeds in the case from 19 years ago was about takei wanting to rise up in the force
 the director was most likely taking orders from someone else as well, as indicated several times through the episode, and takei wanted to get the clout too. so he was probably the director’s puppet instead of being directly involved with someone higher
and when he followed the director’s order, he was promoted while both cho-san and kiyomizu were demoted, even though, as kiyomizu says, there was no reason for him to be demoted with cho-san
in his artificially induced vision, at the part about the locker key, we see that takei knows where the locker that the key would open is, but he is incredibly scared to open it or look inside. so my take on this is that takei was threatened to be killed if he looked inside, and he either never saw what was actually in the locker or he did look inside the locker despite the threat and is scared of being killed because of that, judging by the overwhelmed reaction he gives
i’m not too sure whether or not takei knows who directly ordered that locker to stay un-investigated but when cho-san asks him if he knows who the person that would kill him is, he is straight up terrified so maybe he figured that out too and wants to keep quiet about that
after that, when imura tells him that she knows it’s takei who killed her, he denies, probably because he was technically indirectly involved with her death but the interesting thing at that scene is who he calls
the person he calls, the former director, is dead today, so logically, he wouldn’t be calling him to report the death of imura. i’m not too sure about this part too but the reason is probably that the former director was the reason takei was involved in this whole mess in the first place, so maybe he still blames him? idk.
btw, the director’s cause of death is a car accident, much like the death of shigemaru, and that feels somewhat fishy to me, so he was probably “taken care of” after he served his purpose
i think takei is still working for someone even after the case from 19 years ago, since he was ordered to take imura down and at this point, i feel like he’s being blackmailed into further cooperation to keep his status and protect his family. but i have to admit, after this episode, despite the justifications he may have, he’s certainly not my fave lol
the next point is about the deaths of sayuri and shigemaru
so, i’ve seen a lot of people say that shigemaru was the one who murdered sayuri but i really don’t think that’s the case
i think sayuri and shigemaru was working on this new chemical thing together and it was probably something that would benefit the kambe family in a financial sense but was also something that was dangerous for... idk the public, the environment? yeah.
people think that sayuri moved into a random flat to escape shigemaru but i think shigemaru was trying to protect her by keeping her away from the kambe family
shigemaru himself would be fine even if he refused to share the knowledge about this chemical thing since he was the eldest son of the family but sayuri probably wasn’t as safe as he was, so he distanced her from the rest of the family
i think both of them were killed because someone else within the family wanted to be the next heir of the family or wanted to rival the entire family (that is, if someone from the kambe family is connected with the mizuo future technologies stuff as a challenger) and went for their heads, killing sayuri, making it look like shigemaru killed her and then committed suicide, because that car accident feels fishy as fuck too ngl
at first i thought that maybe shigemaru faked his death to close the case because he was the one who killed sayuri, but if he was to be the next heir of the family, why wouldn’t he act to claim his place for 19 years? 
that’s why i think he’s truly dead 
from the photos we see, i truly don’t think shigemaru would want to kill sayuri. in the photos, both of them looked doting over tiny daisuke too, and shigemaru doesn’t feel like an absent or bad father/husband to me. idk, maybe i’m wrong
kikuko was probably helping them escape or stay hidden, so that’s why she was reluctant to disclose information. or, as some people have theorized, she’s the evil master mind and is still close to daisuke and suzue because they have no idea about who she really is
but tbh, throughout this episode, there was too much emphasis on the kambe family as a whole instead of just shigemaru or sayuri or even daisuke. so i think someone inside the family wanted daisuke’s parents dead to achieve whatever personal goal they have
which brings me to the final point
i think that first lady with the obscured face from the op with the jewelry and the nail job is another kambe but not suzue
the second lady we see near the end of the op is suzue, despite wearing different clothes and jewelry from the way we have seen suzue throughout the episodes so far
but the two ladies are still distinctively different from each other
because if they were the same lady, we wouldn’t get the second lady from the same angle and half unseen face but with a more realistic (and familiar) color palette while the first one’s colors still keep changing and still feels mysterious
plus, daisuke is standing behind the first lady, looking at her from the corner of his eyes while there are security laser beams at the background, so it’s either someone he’s aware and is wary of or someone he will meet later on who will be dangerous to him
and that’s why i think the first lady is connected with the kambe(s) who killed sayuri and shigemaru 19 years ago. she looks young, so she could be someone’s daughter and daisuke’s cousin
but if the two ladies really are the same person and that person is suzue, i feel like some back-stabbing and betraying stuff will happen and i really don’t wanna see that -- i genuinely like suzue, she’s best girl uwu.
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clearly-not-ok · 4 years
Will Kambe Daisuke be framed for a crime?
This may have spoilers of episode 6.
Ok so since episode 5, there have been a lot of questions about why Kambe wont become the head of Kambe Group? How is he related to Cho-san? And Why HEUSC denied him access to information.
I came up with a theory due to the ending, and the development of episode 6 so let me explain: 
First it´s seems that Kambe Group is involved on some illegal stuff
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Translation: Did you use Kambe Poliador(? to import illegally. right?
Than we have Daisuke asking if the woman knows a person called Kambe Shiguemaru.
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Translation: Have you met with Kambe Shiguemaru?
And the woman´s reaction is obvious she knows something. But who is Kambe Shiguemaru. Is Daisuke´s parent? The heir of Kambe Group? Were they related with Kambe Sayuri´s death???? 
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It´s seems that Cho-san is still investigating Kambe Sayuri´s death and maybe that´s the reason why Daisuke is with them. But after the explosion of the car at the end of the episode Cho-san goes to speak with Daisuke and he blames Daisuke for the explosion.
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Tranlation: you did it, right?
He´s definitely blaming Daisuke, maybe Cho-san thinks that Daisuke is trying to cover Kambe Sayuri´s death, but I dont think he did it, I think it was  Kambe Shiguemaru the culprit of the explosion and they´re the one trying to cover Sayuri´s death and Daisuke is trying to find the true.
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It look like Haru is pissed since they are handcuffed and in the last one it gives the impression that they are hiding. So.... I think Daisuke will get to close to discover the culprit of  Kambe Sayuri´s death and to stop him they are going to frame him for a crime (probably murder) and Haru will get involve while trying to help Daisuke.
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meroko26us · 4 years
Balance Unlimited Ending
So I just finished watching balance unlimited episode 7 and in we learned Daisuke’s Mother was murdered and her case is unsolved and evidence covered up. Whenever I watched it before the ending just seemed like a normal generic cop anime ending. However after this episode I paid attention and saw the body outline, then someone running away then someone shooting someone and thought...maybe there’s some clues about her murder in the ending song? Maybe I’m just overthinking it because of what’s happening in the anime now. I’d like to know what others think though. 
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kannra21 · 4 years
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FKBU ep7- at least we know that Haru learned some driving skills from Daisuke and now Cho-san is the one who's shook 😂
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moodysnowflake · 4 years
Daisuke: Property damage on top of unlawful entry
Haru: Then you can arrest us. You're a police officer after all
Daisuke: Then why didn’t you just RING THE FREAKING BELL
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noturssis · 4 years
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omggg haru is so dramatic, if you want to talk to your bf just say that, don’t destroy your car in the process🙄. but holy fuck this episode is so confusing my lord someone PLS explain . did the dude they did VR kill daisuke’s mom??? OMG IM SO LOST?? PLS I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK WTF. young cho-san is so suave tho, i like it!!! and i rlly like that daisuke shared what he was doing with haru instead of leaving him worried and confused. it’s not like he had a choice tho pls
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lilasing17 · 4 years
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HE- I-
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childishtendencies · 4 years
Fugou Keiji episode 4 vs. episode 7
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mizumilk · 4 years
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Start vs. Fin : A Father You Could Be Proud Of
extra : the higher ups are to blame
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