#fulcrum agents
never-ending-fanfic · 7 months
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Fulcrum agents doing normal Fulcrum things. Fulcrum-ing.
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seth-shitposts · 7 months
Kallus bench pressing in the rebellion.
But instead of weights, it's Cass and Ahsoka on either side of the bar, casually talking over the plans for their next mission.
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
the Fulcrum agents chilling on the space couch together except they look like the last bedraggled kittens in a cardboard box outside the grocery store in a children's book
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alozk · 1 year
It took me years to finally start reading Star Wars comics and boy have I learn interesting stuff. I feel I am so much more appreciative of other types of art and I have a more in depth understanding of the characters and lore that lots of fans do not have.
Did you know Kallus continued to work as a fulcrum agent and had a ship called "Glimmer of Hope" (The queerest ship name btw. But him and Zeb are “just” friends 🤡)
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I am curious, what are people’s reasons for not reading comics? Not knowing where to start? Find them boring? Pricing?
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sabellart · 4 months
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the best character development in the show
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hayesflint · 2 months
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don't mind him. he is just nervous about going to Lira San.
more rebels nine nine!
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keelifallen · 18 days
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My queen 🫶
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cameoliob · 1 month
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"This is babygirl" i say while drawing a 35 year old man with muttonchops
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fernesaul · 2 months
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I am, in fact, a simple person
Give me a repressed brain washed freckled man and a big fluffy rebel catman and I'll draw them kissing
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nicki0kaye · 8 months
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So I have a 3 monitor set up and decided I really wanted to make a Kallus-themed background. Originally it was going to have a more vaporwave, hand-drawn window pop-up feel, but ultimately I decided to make the fake UI elements fit more in line with the displays shown in canon
When aligned properly it goes (left to right);
Star destroyer + Ezra/Fulcrum's radio tower
Atollon-head Kallus + Fulcrum's broadcast device + the rock formation where Zeb and Kallus first duel
Aurora + Jedi Temple on Lothal
Why does Kallus have a fungi head? Because I love the Bendu. The Bendu is balance and the god of Enbies and I've got a lot of HCs that connect Kallus to him and 'walking in the middle'. It's also a nod to the tragedy that he ultimately gives Thrawn all he needs to find and destroy the rebel base on Atollon.
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seth-shitposts · 7 months
Fulcrum Trio HC
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Besties who help each other work through their trauma, and their trauma has overlapping areas in some parts.
They share a ship, it's the first home they've had in awhile.
It's not uncommon for them to go on missions together. But when they go on missions and things start getting chaotic, only one of them manages to hold onto a brain cell while the other two become more feral. The one who holds the brain cell changes each time.
Cassian is treated as the baby brother and he says he hates it. He'll never admit how much he actually likes it. It took the longest time for him to admit it to himself.
This one was spoken about in comvo with some friends (hi you're probably reading it rn 💙) [ They have platonic cuddle sessions. They're all very touch starved and it starts out as an accident.
Kallus is an octopus cuddler when he manages to drink too much. At first, Kanan had been the one to get trapped, but he managed to slip away. Unfortunately, that means the nearest person would get trapped. Which was Cassian. He just accepted it. There was no way he was going to be able to wrestle out of this two meter man's arms and he wasn't upset about it. In fact, he was very smug about the fact that he cuddled Kallus before Ahsoka did.
Cassian got his payback on Kallus. Cassian cannot hold his liquor nearly as well as Kal and fell asleep laying across his lap. Kallus was not even tipsy, he refused to move. "No. It's illegal." Cassian rarely gets asleep as it is. He was NOT about to wake him. Ahsoka decided that she had enough and sat herself right next to Kallus, laying her head on his shoulder as she gently brushed through Cassa's hair.
After that, the three of them decided to just incorporate it into their routine. It wasn't uncommon for their friends or partners to find the three of them in a puddle of blankets and pillows together.
(Also, any of their partners just as to accept the fact that they're sharing their partner with the other fulcrum counter parts.)
The three of them are usually the reason why there's a weekly supply run made just for Caf.
They have crafts each of them learned when they were younger and they teach them to each other.
On coruscant, since the stars were never visible, especially so far down in the lower levels, stars were a treasured cultural thing. Star-themed nicknames were some of the highest praise or used to emphasize how cherished one was to another. Star maps and holo projectors were an expensive luxury item. Something that was always passed around the youth were paper stars. Kallus was taught how to make them before he even learned how to read or write. The children of the lower levels often sold or traded them for food or other supplies. Pennies for each one. Kallus had made hundreds of thousands of them. When he began to interact with Ahsoka and Cassian more, he picked it back up and would leave them in random nooks and cranies.
On Kenari, Cassian had learned how to braid threads into accessory pieces. Attachments to clothing for special events, bracelets, necklaces, headbands, sashes, even bags. It's something he does occasionally to keep his hands busy. Eventually, he had completed projects but didn't have anything he could do with them. So he gave them away. Commonly, he made braided bands for K2, Bee, and any droid that took a liking to Kallus. (Which kept him busy because "why are there so many droids that decide 'yes. You.' Do you just pick up every droid you see?"
Ahsoka was very young when she came to Coruscant. Master Plo Koon taught her not just about the Jedi Order and training, but little things too. Something that the two of them often did together started out as a way of training but became a shared hobby for them to do as they talked things over or meditated. Master Plo Koon had taught Ahsoka how to embroid and cross stitch with her mind. It was to have a master over precision and patience. It's a practice that Ahsoka never truly dropped. She greatly struggled with it as a youngling and a padawan, but as she got older, she got better at it.
When Ahsoka started teaching Cassian and Alexsandr, she struggled slightly because it was the first time she was doing it by hand rather than through the force, but she enjoyed learning a new way of the craft.
They'll spend hours debriefing over missions, making strategies, or just talking things out as they teach each other their crafts.
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That's all i got atm. Will probably add more later.
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martianbugsbunny · 5 months
Fulcrum Fic?
YaY!!! I love this fic, I swear I'm gonna finish it and post it soon bc it's so tasty
I felt like having Ahsoka, Kallus, and Cassian hanging out together for fun even tho canonically they couldn't do that, because they deserve to have a good time, so I did! there's some nostalgia but it's not super angsty, and Ahsoka realizes that even though she lost one family she's found another one with the other Fulcrum agents
here's a piece of it that I really like:
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ninjiniz · 10 months
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Kallus ❤️
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archivistofnerddom · 1 month
Do you think Rex called Omega after Kallus fully defected from the Empire and asked her to check in on Kallus?
We all know that Kallus had a metric butt ton of trauma and issues to sort through due to the Empire and his role in it. Who better than to help him deal with that than an extremely compassionate (and wonderfully chaotic) ball of sunshine?
Rex definitely knows what Omega did to help Crosshair deal with his own issues surrounding the Empire. He’s hoping that she can offer similar kindness to Kallus. (Omega would also give Kallis an appropriately hard time to hold him accountable for his actions when he was with the Empire. Rex just won’t tell the Spectres about that, at least not right away.)
Plus, Omega’s therapies include both meditation and truly chaotic shenanigans. (Rex joins them with the shenanigans. His excuse for doing that? It’s a Blond Thing. You wouldn’t get it.)
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overlord-of-fantasy · 1 month
Fulcrum is worried
Zeb: I got an idea! "Fulcrum": Does it involve breaking the law? Zeb: By now don’t you think that’s a given? "Fulcrum": I was just trying to be optimistic. Zeb, laughing: Don’t bother.
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zeb: are you good?
kallus: in what sense?
zeb: generally.
kallus: oh, definitely not.
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