#full moon lunar eclipse in taurus 2023: what it means for your zodiac sign
inkindofmagic · 6 months
What I did during the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus 🌕🐂🕯️
disclaimer: I'm not a professional anything but today I did a full moon "ritual" and I wanted to share it! Hope you'll enjoy it and hopefully be inspired~
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So this full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus is all about releasing, letting go of what no longer serves us. It's closing a big chapter started November 2021 and even though we may feel tired, even exhausted, we should take a moment for ourselves and take a deep breath. What I did wasn't properly a ritual, it was a series of actions done with intention (okay, perhaps it was, indeed, a sort of ritual)
I started by lighting a candle and put it near my bathtub
I filled the bathtub and used a bath bomb that I bought exactly for this event
I took a moment to enjoy the water, closed my eyes and rested in silence feeling my body
After that, I started taking my energy back. I've spent a lot of energy for people who didn't deserve it, so I said this, out loud, multiple times:
I lovingly and peacefully call all of my power back to me now
As I was saying that, I was visualizing all the energy in the form of a white light coming from them to me and entering my body once again.
I did it for as much time as I felt, until it was right for me. Then I started letting go. Similarly to the situation aforementioned, I was spending a lot of energies for the wrong people and, even if it may feel hard to do and sad, it is right to do the best thing for us and let go. So I started saying:
I accept what enriches me and I let go of what no longer serves me.
I was saying that taking deep breaths and letting stuff go as I exhaled and accepting while inhaling.
After that I started washing myself, as I did, I focalized with what I was saying and I also began to talk to the universe. I said how grateful I was for all the blessings it was providing me, and that as I washed myself I was reborn. Just like a snake, I was letting go of my old skin and mind, I was accepting to become my desired version of myself and I was so happy for everything the universe did to me, because I was able to be present in that exact moment. I was able to thank it and to accept all the blessings it is about to give me. I thanked it for always rooting for me and making everything fall into place just the way I want and it is supposed to be.
I then started to empty the bathtub, I continued talking throughout this process and I didn't leave the tub yet, I waited for the water to be all gone, with all the stuff I had released with it.
Once I was done I dried myself up and I did a thing that was mind-blowing for me: I cut my nails. I know it's nothing special, but it is something so simple that can become so meaningful if done with intention. I cut them visualizing everything I needed to let go and I was happy after I saw my nails pretty and without any superfluous emotions in them (as I was writing it I thought it could be something like "hair holds memory", why shouldn't nails? Of course it's a shorter amount of time but it's still time)
And that's about it, it was so good I had to share it right away, for closing my morning I will also do a special tarot reading and then I'll have a nutritious breakfast.
Hope this post reaches you and brings you some inspiration! Fair Winds~ 🧿
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alpha-mag-media · 5 months
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ur-mag · 5 months
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kakiastro · 6 months
Lunar Taurus Eclipse
Date : October 28th, 2023
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Hey yall! I decided to start doing important transits announcements. As you know and probably been feeling is the upcoming lunar Eclipse. Now mind we still feeling the effects from the Solar eclipse in Libra
What is in an eclipse?
-It’s when the celestial bodies, the Sun and Moon light is blocked for a short period of time.
How long do they last?
- the actual eclipse don’t last long but the energy of the eclipse last for 6 about months.
What do they mean spiritually and astrologically?
-Many astrologers and spiritualist alike believe eclipse are signatures of life changing events. Whether it’s the ending of a cycle or the beginning of a new one.
This is the last Taurus eclipse cycle that we’ll have for a while. This Taurus eclipse cycle started back November 2021 so check back on the events in your life during that time.
-for me, this is when I started my Tumblr blog, so it’s full circle that I’m making this post lol. Taurus rules my 11h of social media!
-Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac. It rules over our values, self worth, finances, our physical home, our voice.
-Lunar (Moon) is our emotions, mom, immediate family, the karmic cycles in our life. Whenever the moon changes phases so do we!
This eclipse is ruled by Venus which is in its fall of Virgo. Venus isn’t comfortable in Virgo so this transit will be intense
Taurus eclipse is also opposing the Sun, Mercury and Mars which heightens the restless feelings.
So what do you need to do?
Rest, drink lots of water, listen to feel good music. Watch your words and thoughts. Journal or do voice notes if you need to get the words out of your head. Emotions will be strong so try to only watch feel good movies and shows. Release what no longer serve you.
Affirmations I personally use, now you can create your own but for beginners who need an example on where to start.
“if there’s anything or anyone blocking me from reaching my potential, then I release them with love.”
“I’m thankful for all the lessons I’ve learned in this cycle whether it was through people or through my own situations. I’m ready to start this new cycle in my life with an open mind and heart, let my new journey be one filled with love.”
“With this new journey, let it be filled with people who has genuine love, and wants the best for me and I them.”
After saying or writing these, just start living your life normally and let God/Universe/Source, whoever you believe do the rest.
Eclipse energy is tiring plus we’re still feeling the last one. So try to get as much rest as you possibly can.
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symbolicliving · 6 months
It's officially A Full Moon in Taurus with a Lunar Eclipse October 28, 2023 at 4:23 pm ET.
Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs October 23-29, 2023 for Your Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Ascendant Sign.
The Sun in Scorpio is now opposite the Full Moon in Taurus, with earth between casting the shadow of the lunar eclipse.
A key phrase for Taurus is “I have” and can also indicate, “I want” as in having the desire to receive, acquire, have and own. Taurus is highly territorial over who owns what and emphasizes “what is mine” like physical objects, land, housing, food, resources, etc., and of course money associated to all such things.
Taurus is the builder of the zodiac, doing the work required to manifest something into tangible reality. Interestingly enough, we have Pluto finishing off in Capricorn which indicates destruction of what is established due to changing goals and plans from higher echelons of power. We’ve all heard the phrase from politicians (Capricorn’s domain) of the long term plan of building back…, but in order to build something back, it means what was there before must be destroyed/altered/changed/ transformed first, which is what Pluto indicates – rebirth, the phoenix rising from the ashes...
More for the Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse here...
Thank you for being a friend.
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erius-vidi · 5 months
Full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus 2023: what it means for your zodiac sign
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apollotarot · 2 years
🌕 🐂 Full Moon In Taurus 2021 Eclipse Tarot Spread
We at Apollo Tarot share a tarot spread related to the zodiac sign the Moon is passing every New and Full Moon. Here is our Full Moon In Taurus 2021 Eclipse Tarot Spread for the November 19th Moon.
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1️⃣ What is unique about November's 2021 Full Moon in Taurus Eclipse?
You've probably seen a lunar eclipse before, and you might think they're all alike, but the next eclipse of the Moon might surprise you. The partial lunar eclipse that takes place on November 19 will be the longest in the century.
According to NASA, this lengthy eclipse will last almost three hours. In other words, we will have a true heavenly spectacle.
Despite being considered a partial eclipse, it will come close to being a total eclipse. The Moon will be in its full phase, with 97.42% in the earth's shadow cone and only 2.58% in the penumbra.
2️⃣ But enough astronomy, and let's interpret this Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse with the magic of astrology 💫.
Eclipses are known to be harbingers of significant changes. This November Eclipse during a Full Moon In Taurus is the first in a series of eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis that will extend into the end of 2023.
That means that due to the earth and water elements involving these two signs, these eclipses can cause reality shocks.
These earthly and moist eclipses can make people abruptly perceive situations that were not visible before.
Therefore, you'll be prompt to make decisions. Or they will be made for you.
That's because eclipses tend to end cycles and bring about new opportunities.
So, if you're feeling something in your life is about to end, expect a final push now.
Emotional and material security issues will be prominent since this Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse is also during Scorpio Season.
This Taurean-Scorpian Eclipse will test our core values and priorities while affecting our finances and emotions.
The collective may also be presented with critical situations in these themes.
3️⃣ What transits will be influencing this Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse?
Good news first! We can also expect some much-needed healing and healthy transformations in our lives, indicated by the Sun's contact with Pluto.
Still, the opposition between Mars and Uranus suggests surprises, unforeseen events, and unusual situations.
Moreover, the Moon is joined by Algol, the most feared fixed star in Astrology. Also known as the demon star, Algol is associated with the myth of Medusa.
In a few words, this ancient Greek myth is an allegory for being resourceful when looking to your demons or shadow self.
And that's something worth keeping in mind.
During this Taurean eclipse, we must be cautious. Watch out for aggressiveness, impulsiveness, and radicalism.
Just like Perseus used his mirrored shield to avoid looking directly into Medusa's eyes, remember to be resourceful when doing your shadow work.
Here are the key points to remember for the 19th November eclipse that takes place in a sumptuous Full Moon in Taurus:
Eclipses tend to end cycles and bring about new opportunities;
First eclipse on the Taurus-Scorpio axis until 2023: changes in financial and sensitive matters over the next two years;
Earth-water eclipses can cause reality shocks;
Extra key points for the Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse regarding the astral arrangement at the moment:
Sun and Pluto conjunct: healing and healthy transformations;
Mars opposes Pluto: surprises and unusual situations
The Moon joins Algol: be resourceful.
So our advice is that being a strategist and avoiding impulsiveness will be essential. Happy Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse, everyone!
4️⃣ [Six Cards] Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse Tarot Spread:
Now, to make the most of this Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse, start shuffling your favorite tarot deck, and ask the cards:
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Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse Tarot Spread
What should I know about my financial life?
What should I know about my emotional life?
How do my feelings relate to the material situation in my life?
What is it that I do not see that could bring about change in my life?
How can I best prepare for possible changes in my life?
What negative aspects of myself need healing?
As an extra activity, you may want to pick the Hierophant Card from your tarot deck and meditate or reflect on its power, as this card correlates with Taurus.
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Our Bijou Tarot Card Necklaces are among our shop's best-sellers. Shop now for yours here.
5️⃣ Share your Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse Tarot Spread with me!
I'd love to hear your thoughts about our Full Moon in Taurus 2021 Eclipse Tarot Spread. Please leave us a comment here or on any of our social media channels.
Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter (at apollotarot.com) to get the next New Moon in Sagittarius 2021 Tarot Spread in time.
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alpha-mag-media · 5 months
Full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus 2023: what it means for your zodiac sign | In Trend Today
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ur-mag · 5 months
Full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus 2023: what it means for your zodiac sign | In Trend Today
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erius-vidi · 5 months
Full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus 2023: what it means for your zodiac sign
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