kasanovatie · 1 year
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My Pup who is getting fucking hugeeee !!!
9 months.
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jojotier · 21 days
thinking again about dunmeshistuck ages and having the strilondes meet at age 13 would be so fuckign funny. you are a half-dwarf named Dave of Stri'dir and your piece of shit tallman Bro appears to shove what looks like a baby elf in your arms and says that's your twin. you're just fucking holding this baby up and said baby is just staring at you from under her lacy little bonnet because and i cannot stress this enough, she is baby. five years later she is taller than you, speaking in full sentences, and refuses to acknowledge that said first meeting ever happened.
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marcillepanels · 1 year
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blood-choke · 11 months
Sinice I get the feeling MC and Valentina are very Old - were they together continuously in the past, or did they have long periods of being on/off, or secret third thing: head-cannon?
a little bit of the first and last one. Valentina (and mc for that matter) like to play coy about their ages. it's not something i'm ever going to confirm or deny, and even Hana makes the joke "it's rude to ask a woman her age"
we don't really know how old Valentina is, but she arrived in the United States in the early 1800s, before the Taiping Rebellion in China, before the gold rush in America, and some time before the Chinese Exclusion Act-- i avoid using specific years because it's all a little bit fast and loose. when it comes to the mc, i don't want to "canonize" anything because i don't want to inadvertently imply this or that about them that could go against the player's customization. the mc could have been born in the states, they could have immigrated from somewhere else, or even immigrated with Valentina and met her just before/on the way over, they could be extremely old or younger, etc. - it's not something that will ever be confirmed in game, your mc's history is up to your own headcanon.
what we know for sure is that they were together in America for at least a little over a hundred years, before mc was entombed. and unfortunately the mc is not going to ever really remember this early time they spent with Valentina, at least not in any coherent way, and some of it is even fuzzy to Valentina-- 220 something years is a long time, especially when half of it is spent grieving. otherwise, anything before that is up to you to headcanon. if they were together longer, on and off before coming to the US, or if they met in the US & the mc was turned there, etc-- that's kinda all up to you. the scope of the game is mainly going to focus on their time together in the US, mainly 1900-1920s, and obviously their present day. and i do that mainly because a lot of my personal knowledge and experience around gender, gender presentation & sexuality is US-centric, so that's what Valentina and mc know and are familiar with now, since they've lived here for some time, though we've seen in game that mc remembers vampires as always being more sexually liberated and free than their human counterparts.
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bucephaly · 9 days
I just can't believe anyone who says specifically that they're gg grandmother was fullblood cherokee / their grandmother was half on this site. It seems like every single fake story is that a gg grandmother is fullblood.
I'm so tired of hearing it
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magnum-caelum · 1 month
Eli (fullblood vamp)
Vittoria (half vamp on her mom's side)
Noah (fullblood vamp)
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cogpulse · 2 years
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linguisticparadox · 2 years
Bram was Irish but a bootlicker. Yes we have those too (you can be marginalized and wanting to be Not Like The Other Minorities, it's very much a thing)
And when the British Empire started waning to the American not-empire he started hyping that up as better than the British Empire.
Yeah unfortunately it is very much a thing. I think someone said he was Anglo-Irish as well? He was certainly an Irish Protestant which if I'm not mistaken would tend to bias him in favor of the British Empire.
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marketingremesis · 10 months
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legofemme · 1 year
Me: now what if i follow the implication canon sets in nexo knights that wizards are a different species that can have hybrid children, and that while humans can learn SOME spells, wizards are the ones that can do them without thinking. And also have a magical core like the other "monsters" seem to have based in certain magic elements
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qblester · 2 years
The wolf man
Probably his second biggest regret, is a vivisection he performed at age 18. He could just kind of tell this person was too.. normal? A changeling isnt something you can tell from appearance but theres a certain aura almost that exists. A certain tint to their blood under the lights, a way of holding themselves on the operating table. She lacked all of these, and kept making eye contact with him. He put her under, which was rare for the time as he hadn't completed his anesthesia courses fully yet. He performed what was asked, skin collection for a graft and a basic "scoop" just taking the most worthwhile of organs with little finesse. It sunk as a real dire mistake about two days later, when he noticed a new biohazard janitor cleaning after another operation. It had all clicked then and it took a while to 'convince' him that it was all coincidence.
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dunmeshistash · 1 day
Anybody else notice when the mushrooms transform marcille into other races she always ends up "fullblooded" I guess would work. I just thought that was neat, even though their magic they have some limitations you know? They don't know how to do halflings
They changed both halfs, or perhaps changelings go by look and not genetics?
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crownedinmarigolds · 18 days
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Stakebait Coterie has taken over the summer Renaissance Festival - ready to make the Elysium night-time pleasure faire theirs in a Thinblood Bacchanalia! Ralph came as a satyr, Khloe arrived in classic tavern wench chic, Kyle is dressed as Dionysus, and Christian showed up just for the booze. They also came to celebrate my birthday month - and I invite you all to do the same! Like the previous collaborations of Malkavian and Nosferatu, I'd love for people to draw their Thinbloods (or heck, invite a few Fullblood besties if you'd like) next to mine for a fun-filled time of going medieval! Like the other collaborations, I will take all submissions at the end and smush them all into one final collab piece - the deadline will be JULY 1st!! (My birthday is later in the month but that's fine with me I count the whole month as mine.) I tried to answer how to submit here in case you were curious! (For reference, Ralph is 6'5 - Khloe is 5'5 - Kyle is 5'10 - Christian is 6') IF YOU WANT TO DRAW AND FEEL LIKE YOU CANNOT DRAW DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT VOICE THAT IS THE DEVIL DECEIVING YOU! Please draw your OC next to them if you want to I would cry and love to see it!
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getvalentined · 9 months
Friendly reminder that the only reason Genesis is the antagonist of Crisis Core is because Zack is with Shinra. Literally.
Once he's on the run, once Genesis knows that Zack can't help him, he literally brings Hollander to Gongaga for Zack to kill—he tells Zack what Hollander is planning under the guise of it being a joint effort, but once Hollander runs off, Genesis then tells Zack what he intends to do. He talks to him about Loveless and the Lifestream, he shoves a Banora White into his hands when Zack charges at him, and then he leaves. Hollander is left behind—in Zack's hometown, his own turf, so there's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide—allowing Zack to enact poetic justice at last by striking down Angeal's birth father with the very sword that the man who actually raised Angeal died to earn, the sword that honorless Gillian said represented all the honor the Hewleys had left.
And then, finally realizing what's actually going on, Zack sets out to to Banora to save Genesis from dying.
There's no point after Modeoheim that Genesis outright attacks Zack until he's cured at the Light of Doom; there, he calls Zack First Class SOLDIER even though he's not anymore, because Genesis isn't trying to strike down Zack, he's trying to reclaim the right to the only title he's ever had that felt worth anything, and he's trying to take the burden of that title from Zack.
If he wins, Genesis takes the guilt of killing both Angeal and Sephiroth—because he doesn't know Cloud's role, he doesn't know that Zack wasn't the one to strike Sephiroth down, he doesn't even know Cloud's name. Conversely, if he loses, then it's confirmation that Zack is the hero of the story, truly and completely, and that's all right too. If that's how the story ends, that's how it ends. (Minerva intervenes, pulls Genesis from the duel, and he never gets to see the ending. The final act, as in his beloved ancient poem, remains a mystery.)
Genesis is the main antagonist of Crisis Core, but he's never been the bad guy. The entirety of Final Fantasy VII has a single monolith of villainy, and that's always been—and will always be—Shinra. Shinra made the Reactors and dug up Jenova. Shinra made Genesis, Sephiroth, Angeal, and DeepGround. Shinra burned Kalm, Banora, and (partially) Nibelheim. Shinra used any corpse they found or made as research fodder. Shinra killed the last fullblooded Cetra and drove her only daughter to a place where the only way to save the people she loved was through her death. Shinra is the bad guy.
Zack is with Shinra for the majority of the game, and thus the story behaves accordingly. Shinra's enemies are Zack's enemies, because that's the side he's on. Shinra sees Avalanche as enemies, too, but no one ever refers to Barret or Elfe as "irredeemably evil" the way they do Genesis. Barret dresses up his quest for revenge in the guise of saving the planet, but all that matters to him is that anyone even remotely connected to the company suffers the way he's suffered. Elfe allowed Fuhito to experiment on people, to take the corpses of SOLDIER and make undead weapons out of them, violating the sanctity of their final rest and denying them entry to the Lifestream altogether.
"Genesis experimented on his men!" It was a desertion, not an abduction. People who become Copies when they aren't properly enhanced don't get the same enhanced abilities as a First and they degrade very quickly, we see that in Hollander and Lazard—meaning that every single Genesis Copy was one of those SOLDIER Seconds or Thirds that defected with Genesis of their own free will in Wutai after he grew a wing and the world turned upside-down. Genesis' men loved him and they went along willingly.
When Genesis locks himself up in the Light of Doom, his last hope for a cure, he has one last Copy in there with him. When Zack unlocks the gate, he's attacked by one last Copy, even though Genesis has been waiting for him, he's not antagonistic toward him anymore, he hasn't been for a long time.
Genesis took that last Copy, a man with a horrible disease who is definitely too far gone to save, and brought him along to the Light of Doom in the hopes that maybe, maybe things could be set right. When Zack unlocks the gate, that man throws himself at him to protect Genesis, because this is his last chance and Genesis' men love him.
When Zack fights Genesis' Weapon avatar and is attacked by incomplete and twisted ghosts of Genesis Copies, magical inhuman wisps that hold him back while Genesis heals—they're in the Lifestream then, the Light of Doom pulled them both in. Those Copies are literally the ghosts of Genesis' men, unable to diffuse into the Lifestream because of their Jenova infection, fighting to protect him from beyond the grave. Genesis' men love him. They want to save him. They went with him willingly.
"Genesis killed his parents!" The parents who lied to him his entire life in order to keep getting a paycheck from Shinra? The parents that funded his fanclub as a form of marketing for a company that literally wouldn't exist without Genesis' world-changing contribution to food processing as a teenager? Those parents?
Genesis has a little shrine in the Banora Underground where he keeps all his awards and achievements—a little desk with a lantern in an unfinished stone tunnel. They survived the bombing of Banora because they weren't in the house; the chalkboard has sketches of what would clearly become the Banora brand logo, which was presumably made about a decade prior to the Nibelheim Incident, not long after Genesis figured out how to make Banora White juice shelf stable, not long before he left for Midgar to enlist.
Having all the proof of every good thing Genesis has ever done shoved into a tunnel under his hometown, hidden from the public, while his family raked in huge amounts of wealth based on those achievements, indicates quite clearly that Genesis' parents were the exact opposite of good and loving.
But he buried them anyway, didn't he?
Genesis may not be a particularly good person, but he's never been evil, he's never been the bad guy. Genesis was right—more than that, he was justified. His methods were not. He did terrible things. He hurt and killed a lot of people.
But he was only ever the enemy because Shinra said he was. Genesis doesn't need a redemption arc because he already had one, and Minerva herself said he could serve the planet forever to prove it.
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journeytomonkiekid · 1 year
Was Wan Ji a full-blooded huli-jing in the early concepts, or was she also a half-breed?
In the older version, she was fullblooded! She used to look more like this:
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seananmcguire · 9 months
Your prolific catalogue kept me going through the worst year of my life and I cannot thank you enough for giving me a tiny escape in the misery of 2021. Do you think Alice would survive Toby’s world? Or would Toby’s world survive Alice?
Since Alice is (mostly) human, and the part of her that isn't human isn't fae, I think she and Toby's world would totally ignore each other. She'd live a perfectly normal life, never quite realizing that Faerie was there.
Now, if you wanted to do a Toby-universe InCryptid AU, the easiest path would be to make the Covenant a merlin organization that hunts changelings and fae foolish enough to get spotted by humans. Make Fran, who was never quite human to begin with, Dochas Sidhe--possibly a fullblood, abandoned at the carnival exactly as in canon. That gives you an Alice who's as indestructible as Toby is, and opens lots and lots of awful doors.
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