archibaldtomas · 4 years
A Simple PowerBuilding Routine
I thought I would share this routine I have come up with, which I have labelled SMC/SPM, short for 'Strength Muscle Conditioning / Strength Power Muscle'. 
Feel free to give feedback on this or share how you have gotten on with it. I am very lucky that I have a power rack at home so I have been doing this for the last two months or so since the lockdown and I intend to carry this on for the forseeable. 
This SMC/SPM routine has been influenced by Korte’s 3x3, Wendler’s 5/3/1 and Andy Baker’s HLM and I am not trying to take credit for their ideas which underpin this routine. I have written this for me, but if you are similar to me then this would also be good for you to try:
I want to get stronger, but I also want to look good.
I can train at least three days a week.
I am not a powerlifter or bodybuilder, but I consider barbell training to be my ‘sport’.
I like my routines to be straightforward and driven by me.
There are plethora options out there for routines that focus on powerlifting, strength or hypertrophy: Westside for Barbell, Juggernaut Method, Wendler’s 5/3/1, Andy Baker’s HLM, PHUL and PHAT are all routines that spring to mind and they all work. 
So here is the routine which I will explain below.
Strength Muscle Conditioning (SMC) Phase
Day One
Strength: pushing main lift (5x5+)
Muscle: squatting assistance (4x8)
Conditioning: pulling assistance + bodyweight pushing assistance (50 reps)
Day Two
Strength: pulling main lift (5x5+)
Muscle: pushing assistance (4x8)
Conditioning: squatting assistance + bodyweight pulling assistance (50 reps)
Day Three
Strength: squatting main lift (5x5+)
Muscle: pulling assistance (4x8)
Conditioning: pushing assistance + bodyweight squatting assistance (50 reps)
Strength Power Muscle (SPM) Phase
Day One
Strength: pushing main lift (3x3+)
Muscle: squatting assistance (3x3 at 90%)
Conditioning: pulling assistance (5x5) + bodyweight pushing assistance
Day Two
Strength: pull main lift (3x3+)
Muscle: pushing assistance (3x3 at 90%)
Conditioning: squatting assistance (5x5) + bodyweight pulling assistance
Day Three
Strength: squatting main lift (3x3+)
Muscle: pulling assistance (3x3 at 90%)
Conditioning: pushing assistance (5x5) + bodyweight squatting assistance
Exercise Selection - Main Lifts.
The obvious choices here are back squat, deadlift and bench press, although I can and will change these to exercises I prefer/work best for me - just as long as there is one variation of pushing, pulling and squatting movements. My suggestions for main lifts are:
Pushing: bench press, overhead press, incline bench press, push press
Pulling: deadlift, rack pull, romanian deadlift, pendlay row
Squatting: back squat, front squat, zercher squat
Exercise Selection - Assistance Lifts.
Depending on which phase I am in, I will either use one or two assistance exercises. I find that by limiting the assistance work I am ensuring that I am focusing on exercises that work best. This work is to complement the main lift, work on weak areas and build a well-rounded physique. My suggestions for accessory exercises are:
Pushing: overhead press, close grip bench, incline bench press, landmine press, front raise, lateral raise.
Pulling: rack pull, romanian deadlift, row variation, dumbbell row, kirk shrugs/upright row, any curl variation.
Squatting: front squat, box squat, zercher squat, lunges, good morning, stiff leg deadlift.
At the end of each session I also throw in a bodyweight exercise which complements the main lift so: dips/push ups on pushing day, chin ups/inverted row on pull day, crunches/hyperextensions on squatting day.
The SMC Phase.
The Strength Muscle Conditioning (SMC) phase is designed to provide volume and variety in assistance whilst also building strength in the five rep range.
Main Lift - 5x5+. 3x warm up sets | 4x working (straight) sets | 1x max reps set. Increase weight of working sets when >6 reps performed on max reps set. This builds strength and provides volume.
1x assistance lift - 4x8. 2x warm up sets | 4x working (straight sets). This provides volume in the assistance work and is a good muscle building range, some strength will be developed.
1x assistance lift - 50 reps. Pick a weight and try to perform 50 reps in as few sets as possible; when this takes 3 sets or less increase the weight. This is provides muscle building and conditioning in assistance work
I will perform this SMC phase until I have increased the weight in all the main lifts at least three times. I may not increase the weight each week, it might be every second or third week. So this means that this phase can last for some time, somewhere from three to nine weeks. I might even just stay in this phase for even longer if I do not want to move into the SPM phase just yet. But that is ok, I am doing this for the long haul, not trying to complete some '8 week challenge'. I may change the assistance lifts during this time, but I will not change the main lift until I have increased the weight at least three times.
The SPM Phase. 
The Strength Power Muscle (SPM) Phase is designed to build on the volume work from SMC phase and focus on strength work by repeating the main lift a second time in the week and only having one assistance exercise.
Main Lift - 3x3+. 3x warm up sets | 2x working (straight) sets | 1x max reps set. Increase weight of working set when >4 reps performed on max reps set.
1x main lift power work - 3x3 @ 90%. Sets/reps as above. Perform main left again at 90% of weight used in previous max reps set.
1x assistance lift - 5x5. 3x warm up sets | 4x working (straight) sets | 1x max reps set.
This is bloody hard work so I will limit this to four weeks of work before having a deload week. I have the option of doing this again or going back to SMC phase.
Either later the same day I lift or on off days I am doing conditioning work in the form of barbell complexes, bodyweight circuits or jump rope work. This depends on energy levels though and I am more lenient with this, particularly in the SPM phase.
I am very happy with this routine and I have seen some great progress with it. It is not easy and I have to be careful with sleep, hydration etc but I wanted to share it here to see if anyone has any comments or experience doing similar routines. 
Will respond to constructive feedback in the comments.
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linkinevents · 2 years
Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge
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Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge Hey everyone: today's workout is only 13 minutes and it's gone na work. Your whole body, You can do this workout everyday. If you're looking for a quick and effective routine - Or you can do this as part of my free two weeks, shredding program which you can find over here Now, this program is all free. So don't forget to smash that like button subscribe and also turn on the notifications, And if you want to join in on this challenge, don't forget to leave a comment with your progress or use my hashtag on Instagram or even create a YouTube video like these girls. So that we can be there for one another and let's get started All right, we have three sets with seven exercises: each five to ten seconds rest and 15 seconds rest in between sets. Let's kick things off with Cross body Mountain Climbers Bring your knee as close to the opposite, elbow as possible and keep your core engaged To keep your core engaged. Remember to breathe, glutes, engage and make sure your core is tight. We've got a quick five seconds break and then we've got Burpees next You can do regular, burpees or add a push up. If you want to Make sure you do it safe, (, ly, ) and not on a slippery mat So for low impact. Just take it nice and slow, We'll have a 10 seconds break and next is High Knees. Make sure your core is engaged and bring your knees up to your hips level. Do it fast and controlled and remember to breathe For low impact, just bring your knees up without the jump. Next, we have In-And-Out Squats Squat down low, while engaging your glutes and core and jump back in and repeat, Make sure your glutes engage and your back is neutral For low-impact. You can do the squats without the jump. Alright, we have Push-Up with Mountain Climber. Next Start with the push-up and do two rounds of mountain climbers and repeat: If you can't do a push-up, you can go for just mountain climbers or just knee push-ups, Whichever that you like, better Skater Jump, is next. This is a really great exercise to keep your heart rate up, Make sure you take a big jump but be safe guys. That's really important For low impact. You can do it without the jump. The last exercise for set one is Spider-Man plank. This is a great exercise to work the abs so keep going guys. You can do this And that's the end of set one. We've got 15 seconds break or you can take up to a minute break. If you want to and we're gona kick off the second set with Cork Screw Start by bringing one leg across and touch your shin or you knee with your opposite hand, Start slow. If you are new to this, because it could be quite tricky at first but it'll get easier after the first round. For low impact just bring the knee across in a high plank position. Next, we have Plank Jacks. This is super great for your core, make sure your butt is not poking up or dropping down and for low impact. You can do it without the jump. Next, we have Reverse Lunge to work. Those legs Make sure you engage your core and your front knee does not pass your front toes. And next we are gonna bring it up a notch with Jumping Lunges, Make sure you land softly and be safe, don't injure your ankles. So if you can't do the jump just keep going with forward or reverse lunge Up-And-Down Plank is next. This is another really great exercise for the upper body and for the abs Keep going guys. We are almost done with set two Next, we've Triceps Toe Touch Touch your toe. With your opposite hand, make sure you keep your core tight as well. The last exercise for the second set is Burpees, keep going guys we're almost there And that's the end of the second set. We've got 15 seconds break or you can take up to a minute break if you want to and we'll kick off the final set with some Planks with Bunny Hops. Jump both feet to the left and then to the right. This is getting more difficult now, but you can do it and for low impact just bring one leg to one side at a time Now we have Jumping Jacks, Do it fast and controlled and for low-impact you can just do it without the jump. Next, we have the Lateral Lunge followed by Curtsy. Lunge, Sit your hips back as you do. The lateral lunge then bring your legs behind you and do a curtsy lunge This is a really great exercise for your inner and outer thighs. Let's do the same on the other side. Let's do this We're almost there. Next we have Heisman. This is kind of like a high knee with a lateral jump So jump to the left then bring your opposite knee up, then repeat. On the other side For low-impact, you can take a step to the left or the right. Instead, We have Bicycle Crunch next to work those abs bring on the in touching the opposite, elbow and squeeze your abs Make sure you remember to breathe and we're almost done with the exercise guys Just one more left to go And the final exercise is High. Knee Go all out for the last exercise.   Read the full article
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howgetbest · 4 years
20 min Full Body STRETCH/YOGA for STRESS & ANXIETY Relief
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Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge What Is Yoga Burn? Yoga Burn is an innovative 12-week program designed for women who want to reshape their body, boost their metabolism and get that classic yoga booty. The program uses Dynamic Sequencing Yoga to develop a tighter, toned and sexier body. Without visiting the gym or even leaving the house. Unlike gimmicky fitness videos, this yoga program is designed to be progressive. Instead of repeating the same half-hour routine every day. You get 12 weeks of yoga workouts that gradually become more difficult. Every routine builds on the last, so you’re continuously improving while burning more calories. Read the full article
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absmaticfitness · 5 years
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Get Fit-N-6 Slide Board Training Day 3 is live on YouTube.com/Absmatic...Make sure you Subscribe! . . . #slideboard #slideboardtraining #slideboardworkout #fitness #exercise #speedskating #weightloss #fullbodyroutine #inlinespeedskating #cardio #homeworkout (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8SN-oeJ6cZ/?igshid=6bkybnkqmrm5
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linkinevents · 2 years
Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge
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https://www.duolife.ieabout:blankHey everyone: today's workout is only 13 minutes and it's gone na work. Your whole body, You can do this workout everyday. If you're looking for a quick and effective routine - Or you can do this as part of my free two weeks, shredding program which you can find over here Now, this program is all free. So don't forget to smash that like button subscribe and also turn on the notifications, And if you want to join in on this challenge, don't forget to leave a comment with your progress or use my hashtag on Instagram or even create a YouTube video like these girls. So that we can be there for one another and let's get started All right, we have three sets with seven exercises: each five to ten seconds rest and 15 seconds rest in between sets. Let's kick things off with Cross body Mountain Climbers Bring your knee as close to the opposite, elbow as possible and keep your core engaged To keep your core engaged. Remember to breathe, glutes, engage and make sure your core is tight. We've got a quick five seconds break and then we've got Burpees next You can do regular, burpees or add a push up. If you want to Make sure you do it safe, (, ly, ) and not on a slippery mat So for low impact. Just take it nice and slow, We'll have a 10 seconds break and next is High Knees. Make sure your core is engaged and bring your knees up to your hips level. Do it fast and controlled and remember to breathe For low impact, just bring your knees up without the jump. Next, we have In-And-Out Squats Squat down low, while engaging your glutes and core and jump back in and repeat, Make sure your glutes engage and your back is neutral For low-impact. You can do the squats without the jump. Alright, we have Push-Up with Mountain Climber. Next Start with the push-up and do two rounds of mountain climbers and repeat: If you can't do a push-up, you can go for just mountain climbers or just knee push-ups, Whichever that you like, better Skater Jump, is next. This is a really great exercise to keep your heart rate up, Make sure you take a big jump but be safe guys. That's really important For low impact. You can do it without the jump. The last exercise for set one is Spider-Man plank. This is a great exercise to work the abs so keep going guys. You can do this And that's the end of set one. We've got 15 seconds break or you can take up to a minute break. If you want to and we're gona kick off the second set with Cork Screw Start by bringing one leg across and touch your shin or you knee with your opposite hand, Start slow. If you are new to this, because it could be quite tricky at first but it'll get easier after the first round. For low impact just bring the knee across in a high plank position. Next, we have Plank Jacks. This is super great for your core, make sure your butt is not poking up or dropping down and for low impact. You can do it without the jump. Next, we have Reverse Lunge to work. Those legs Make sure you engage your core and your front knee does not pass your front toes. And next we are gonna bring it up a notch with Jumping Lunges, Make sure you land softly and be safe, don't injure your ankles. So if you can't do the jump just keep going with forward or reverse lunge Up-And-Down Plank is next. This is another really great exercise for the upper body and for the abs Keep going guys. We are almost done with set two Next, we've Triceps Toe Touch Touch your toe. With your opposite hand, make sure you keep your core tight as well. The last exercise for the second set is Burpees, keep going guys we're almost there And that's the end of the second set. We've got 15 seconds break or you can take up to a minute break if you want to and we'll kick off the final set with some Planks with Bunny Hops. Jump both feet to the left and then to the right. This is getting more difficult now, but you can do it and for low impact just bring one leg to one side at a time Now we have Jumping Jacks, Do it fast and controlled and for low-impact you can just do it without the jump. Next, we have the Lateral Lunge followed by Curtsy. Lunge, Sit your hips back as you do. The lateral lunge then bring your legs behind you and do a curtsy lunge This is a really great exercise for your inner and outer thighs. Let's do the same on the other side. Let's do this We're almost there. Next we have Heisman. This is kind of like a high knee with a lateral jump So jump to the left then bring your opposite knee up, then repeat. On the other side For low-impact, you can take a step to the left or the right. Instead, We have Bicycle Crunch next to work those abs bring on the in touching the opposite, elbow and squeeze your abs Make sure you remember to breathe and we're almost done with the exercise guys Just one more left to go And the final exercise is High. Knee Go all out for the last exercise. Read the full article
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howgetbest · 4 years
20 min Full Body STRETCH/YOGA for STRESS & ANXIETY Relief
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Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge What Is Yoga Burn? Yoga Burn is an innovative 12-week program designed for women who want to reshape their body, boost their metabolism and get that classic yoga booty. The program uses Dynamic Sequencing Yoga to develop a tighter, toned and sexier body. Without visiting the gym or even leaving the house. Unlike gimmicky fitness videos, this yoga program is designed to be progressive. Instead of repeating the same half-hour routine every day. You get 12 weeks of yoga workouts that gradually become more difficult. Every routine builds on the last, so you’re continuously improving while burning more calories. Read the full article
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howgetbest · 4 years
Ways to Easily Lose Weight While Sleeping
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Most of us are looking for a simple yet effective way to lose weight for good with no effort. It turns out you can lose weight while sleeping as long as you follow some secret tips that actually work. In case you were looking for a super easy weight loss technique – here it is. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that well-rested people burn 20% more calories after eating than those who don’t get enough sleep. Have a shake with about 30 grams of protein before heading to bed. That'll be enough for you to lose weight, all while catching some z’s. During deep sleep, our brain puts out a growth hormone. If you eat late at night, that growth hormone stores the food in your system as fat instead of fuel. And there you go, a few more inches around the waist that you never asked for. Consuming alcohol close to bedtime will make your body metabolize the alcohol during your sleep. This process will keep you from achieving a state of REM sleep, which is when your body burns the most calories at night. Exercise gets the heart pumping and wakes the body up, making it difficult to achieve a good night’s rest if you work out before you go to sleep so do it in the morning. Full Guide How To Lose Weight Click Below:    Read the full article
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howgetbest · 4 years
20 min Full Body STRETCH/YOGA for STRESS & ANXIETY Relief
Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge What Is Yoga Burn? Yoga Burn is an innovative 12-week program designed for women who want to reshape their body, boost their metabolism and get that classic yoga booty. The program uses Dynamic Sequencing Yoga to develop a tighter, toned and sexier body. Without visiting the gym or even leaving the house. Unlike gimmicky fitness videos, this yoga program is designed to be progressive. Instead of repeating the same half-hour routine every day. You get 12 weeks of yoga workouts that gradually become more difficult. Every routine builds on the last, so you’re continuously improving while burning more calories. Read the full article
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howgetbest · 4 years
Ways to Easily Lose Weight While Sleeping
Most of us are looking for a simple yet effective way to lose weight for good with no effort. It turns out you can lose weight while sleeping as long as you follow some secret tips that actually work. In case you were looking for a super easy weight loss technique – here it is. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that well-rested people burn 20% more calories after eating than those who don’t get enough sleep. Have a shake with about 30 grams of protein before heading to bed. That'll be enough for you to lose weight, all while catching some z’s. During deep sleep, our brain puts out a growth hormone. If you eat late at night, that growth hormone stores the food in your system as fat instead of fuel. And there you go, a few more inches around the waist that you never asked for. Consuming alcohol close to bedtime will make your body metabolize the alcohol during your sleep. This process will keep you from achieving a state of REM sleep, which is when your body burns the most calories at night. Exercise gets the heart pumping and wakes the body up, making it difficult to achieve a good night’s rest if you work out before you go to sleep so do it in the morning. Full Guide How To Lose Weight Click Below:    Read the full article
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howgetbest · 4 years
Ways to Easily Lose Weight While Sleeping
Most of us are looking for a simple yet effective way to lose weight for good with no effort. It turns out you can lose weight while sleeping as long as you follow some secret tips that actually work. In case you were looking for a super easy weight loss technique – here it is. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that well-rested people burn 20% more calories after eating than those who don’t get enough sleep. Have a shake with about 30 grams of protein before heading to bed. That'll be enough for you to lose weight, all while catching some z’s. During deep sleep, our brain puts out a growth hormone. If you eat late at night, that growth hormone stores the food in your system as fat instead of fuel. And there you go, a few more inches around the waist that you never asked for. Consuming alcohol close to bedtime will make your body metabolize the alcohol during your sleep. This process will keep you from achieving a state of REM sleep, which is when your body burns the most calories at night. Exercise gets the heart pumping and wakes the body up, making it difficult to achieve a good night’s rest if you work out before you go to sleep so do it in the morning. Full Guide How To Lose Weight Click Below:    Read the full article
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howgetbest · 4 years
20 min Full Body STRETCH/YOGA for STRESS & ANXIETY Relief
Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge What Is Yoga Burn? Yoga Burn is an innovative 12-week program designed for women who want to reshape their body, boost their metabolism and get that classic yoga booty. The program uses Dynamic Sequencing Yoga to develop a tighter, toned and sexier body. Without visiting the gym or even leaving the house. Unlike gimmicky fitness videos, this yoga program is designed to be progressive. Instead of repeating the same half-hour routine every day. You get 12 weeks of yoga workouts that gradually become more difficult. Every routine builds on the last, so you’re continuously improving while burning more calories. Read the full article
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howgetbest · 4 years
20 min Full Body STRETCH/YOGA for STRESS & ANXIETY Relief
Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge What Is Yoga Burn? Yoga Burn is an innovative 12-week program designed for women who want to reshape their body, boost their metabolism and get that classic yoga booty. The program uses Dynamic Sequencing Yoga to develop a tighter, toned and sexier body. Without visiting the gym or even leaving the house. Unlike gimmicky fitness videos, this yoga program is designed to be progressive. Instead of repeating the same half-hour routine every day. You get 12 weeks of yoga workouts that gradually become more difficult. Every routine builds on the last, so you’re continuously improving while burning more calories. Read the full article
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