#fully functional with todays equipment
Flipping through book 1 again and discovering
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In viking Book?
Barcode in ye olde book??
Barcode in ye olde book by Viking who Did Not have computers??????
Why barcode what how??
How they use barcode
Why, how, how and why?
Barcode scanning dragons?
Scanners in Dragon Eyeballs?
Laser beams in their eyeballs to scan barcodes????
How would they have figured that out?
How would that come about in the first place???
Many questions
14 years and theres still new things i find in this book, truly impressed, truly baffling
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cannabiscomrade · 2 years
Bathroom accessibility is not limited to mobility aids.
Bathroom accessibility is also having hooks to hang medical equipment.
I went to Walmart today and none of the bathroom stalls had hooks for my feeding tube backpack. Not even the disabled stall. They were intentionally removed by the store.
These hooks are important because we shouldn’t have to put our equipment on the floor and risk god knows what by contaminating our backpacks in the public bathroom.
Bathroom accessibility is having a fully equipped disabled stall or single use bathroom, hooks for medical equipment/bags, infant/child AND adult changing tables, sharps containers, free pads/tampons, and having a free to access, fully functioning and clean bathroom at all times.
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
Is it cool if I request Hoshina Soshiro x Fem reader but Hoshina saw the reader drawing him on her sketch book a place can be anywhere.
Ok bye!
a/n: what a cute little request! Thank you so much for submitting something ^^
pairing: Hoshina x fem!Reader
summary: reader draws her vice captain as a cat (=^・ェ・^=)
genre: fluff/romance/comedy [wc: 1.1k ]
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Vice Catnip Hoshina | Hoshina Soshiro
It was one of those days again, where peace and quiet consumed Tachikawa Base. Most of today's schedule consisted of training sessions and important battle discussions– two activities that did not demand your presence as Operations Sub Leader. Your workload consisted of finding new information on the Kaiju and Improving the suit's functions.
Therefore you sat in the cramped space of your office, mind trapped in a cloud of concentration. You normally felt nothing but joy when pursuing your job. Every little achievement, be it fixing a small issue or handing in a report, made the pride in your heart grow. But today that energy had left you.
You felt little to no joy nor motivation, the mere thought of picking up the next file caused you immense stress. All you wished for was to lie down on your bed and enjoy the beautiful spring weather. But your next break was hours away and the way things were looking right now, with the huge pile of papers that sat in front of you, you wouldn't be out of her before midnight.
“Ugh..if only I wasn't alone.” You sighed, hands reaching for your mechanical pencil. While thinking about what piece of work to tackle next, you dragged your pencil over a ripped piece of paper, scribbling whatever came to mind. You found out that this was quite therapeutic and helped you blow off some steam sometimes.
As you looked down to see what you created, you were met with an abstract doodle of a cat.
You smiled.
The cat was holding a fish in her hand and her mouth sat wide open to devour it. Your eyes moved across the drawn lines, with nothing in mind at first, until you realized that its teeth looked awfully familiar. Two sharp fangs, where have you seen those before..?
Almost immediately an image popped into your head, the very face of your beloved Vice Captain. It was quite absurd, comparing Hoshina to a cat, yet the more you thought about it the more the resemblance struck you– until you were fully convinced that the Vice Captain looked just like a cat.
In any normal situation you would have allowed yourself a quick laugh and move on with your duties but for some reason imagining Hoshina as a cat was quite hilarious, thus you entertained yourself further with the thought.
“The Vice Captain as a cat..what would he look like exactly?” Your hands reached for your pencil case where they pulled out an eraser. Now fully equipped you felt ready to bring your imagination to life. You scribbled and drew and erased, trying to create a perfect reflection of your mind. Twenty minutes went by without you realizing, this new activity having you in quite a hold. You were so deep in thought that you didn't even hear the door opening.
As you drew the final line a hum of satisfaction escaped your lips. Your gaze admired the art you had put on your notebook, pride shining in your eyes.
“Is that supposed to be me?”
You froze.
The pencil you were holding on so tightly only seconds ago fell out of your hands, connecting with the cold floor and the blood in your body turned to ice as you finally perceived the new presence behind you. Slowly turning your body around, you were met with the curious face of your Vice Captain.
“No.” Was the only response you found yourself being able to come up with.
“But it says Vice Catnip at the bottom, slightly inappropriate if I might add but I'll let it slide because it's a good drawing.”
Ten minutes ago you were giggling and laughing at the slightly inappropriate pun you came up with. You spend a good amount of time thinking of cat related words that would either match Vice or Captain– Vice Cat-tain would have almost made it on the paper but the pronunciation felt off.
If only you would have gone with that one.
You sat there in silence, neither of you saying anything. Hoshina patiently waited for you to explain yourself but the only thing you wished to do was take the paper and rip it into thousand little pieces.
“It's you..” You finally managed to admit. You mentally prepared yourself to get the scolding of your life. Hoshina was not the type of guy who took any type of mockery lightly but instead of teasing words, you were graced with a heartfelt laugh. The man reached his hand out to grab the paper and give it a more thorough examination.
“Please don't look at it!” Your protest fell on deaf ears as the Vice Captain dragged his eyes over every line, carefully analyzing your art work. You were no match for him either. Desperately you tried to snatch the paper out of his grip but every time you lifted your hands, Hoshina pulled away at the last second. After two minutes you simply gave up and accepted your fate.
“I'm not mad if that's what ya thinkin.” He suddenly said, returning the art piece.
“You are not..?” Your hands reached out to receive it.
“It's quite cute. Me as a cat, never imagine that.” His little laugh slightly eased the tension in the air, allowing you to relax. Placing the drawing down, you started to explain to the Vice Captain how you ended up in this situation, so that he wouldn't get the wrong idea. To your surprise, he showed quite a lot of consideration and even admitted that he liked it when his colleagues joked around like that with him.
You laughed and chatted for a little longer, until all humiliation was forgotten.
“Ya figured what cat I would be?” Hoshina suddenly asked, catching you off guard.
“Hm..let me think. Probably the type that meows really loud for no reason.”
The look Hoshina gave you was priceless. “I meant..the breed.”
What is wrong with me??
Hoshina broke out into another fit of laughter while you were trying your best not to drown in a sea of shame. This was your first time interacting with the Vice Captain in such casual way. Although you have done nothing but humiliate yourself so far, this was rather nice. It was a good distraction from work and definitely worked better than random scribbles.
“Come again?"
“Looking at someone's drawing without their permission is quite rude, so it's only fair..” Your voice became a mere whisper at the end, yet Hoshina still heard everything clearly.
“Only fair, huh?” A long sigh escaped his lips as he cleared his throat.
Is he actually going to..
You gasped.
The look on the Vice Captains face was picture worthy. To think that he'd actually comply and meow for you, it made your heart jump.
“Vice Captain..” Kafka stood at the door, accompanied by Reno and Shinomiya. They had come by to ask Hoshina something important but were instead met with something horrifying.
“..Did you just..meow?”
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pandorapanther · 8 days
Lucky Stars- A Moon focused fic
I started making this with intention of it being a oneshot but I got really in a groove and it kept growing and grew beyond OG plans. I wanna finish it before posting it to AO3 but I reallllyyyy wanna share it and hear peoples thoughts too! So enjoy chapter 1 while I keep working at it. I really wanna make and finish a fic for once. Since I keep trying then losing the plots I originally had. I have a goal and I'm desperate to reach it. Content warnings: (im not good at these so tell me if i miss one) Trauma talk, mention of missing kids, a bit angsty ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The generators are broken….again.
The Daycare lights are out as well. Whoever thought it was a good idea to tie the main light functionality of the Daycare to the generators needed to be fired. Ever since that night when a little boy broke into the Pizzaplex they never worked right. Nothing did. Fazbear essentially put a bandaid over a gaping wound and told us business as usual. The Pizzaplex got cleaned up and they put new cases on the Glamrocks giving them just enough repairs to be functional. It's not enough though. Every machine here particularly the Glamrocks are constantly throwing errors, refusing to work, breaking down physically and mentally. That kid somehow gave them all robotic ptsd. No worker is equipped to be a therapist. On top of that all the maintenance workers are massively overworked just barely keeping things going and Fazbear refuses to hire more. This place will never be fully fixed at this rate.
That's where you come in. You hate coming to the Daycare, everyone does, but you are the only available worker. The attendant duo is a two-in-one menace. It's always either Moon constantly pulling pranks, breaking stuff, and making your job harder in general or Sun anxiously fretting over safety in the most helicoptery possible way. Either way it makes every job ten times harder to do. Armed with a flashlight, your choice of caffeine life, and your trusty toolkit you enter the darkness of the Daycare knowing the menace called Moon is out. Taking cautious steps forwards you listen carefully, scanning the room with your trusty light. It's unusually quiet. Normally you would at least hear Moon's giggles in the dark but today,you hear nothing. Even the daycare's bright cheery tune that normally plays has been silenced. Moon always seems to know when someone's here. You are sure he knows you're here too. A pit settles in your stomach as you move deeper into the daycare making your way to the first generator. 
First generator was repaired, then the second, then the third. As you make your way to the fourth, that pit in your stomach only grows bigger and deeper. What is Moon planning? You stop your movement and scan the area in search of the gremlin. You can’t stand this anxiety anymore, you need to find him. Finally, you see a faint red light in the play structure's upper half. Got you. You crawl into the play structure making your way to him. As you crawl close you notice him faced away from you intently focused on something in his hands. The usually alert nap time attendant doesn't seem to notice your presence. 
It's an oddity and yet, also an opportunity. Revenge becomes the only thing on your mind. All those scares and pranks can finally be returned in this one rare opportunity. You smirk as you slowly sneak closer, being wary of how you move so as to not to lose your chance. You freeze as Moon reaches a hand out scooping up what looks like a small strip of paper bringing it to his lap as he continues his fidgeting. Briefly you are curious about what he could be doing but, the curiosity isn't stronger than the need for revenge. Suddenly you lunge, giving off a war cry as you wrap your arms around him. 
Several things happen in the next few moments. He jolts with the war cry clearly startled by your sudden presence. As you wrap your arms around him he flails throwing bits of paper everywhere. In his flailing a jar rolls free from his lap rolling towards the open gap in the structure. Why they don't put those plastic windows there you'll never know. But, that isn't important at that moment as you both lunge for it in an attempt to catch the glass. You only succeed in knocking it further towards the opening as you get in each other's way. You both keep trying to grab for it yet failing, pushing into each other as it slowly tips out the opening and goes tumbling towards the floor landing with a crash.
 You both freeze arms outstretched staring at the opening. After a long moment in the deafening silence you make the first move. Sitting up you begin your apology and descent out of the structure. Your initial movement snaps Moon from his freeze and he snatches you by your jacket freezing you once more. Your mouth lays agape unable to even finish the first word of your apology as he swings you to face him, eyes burning red and brighter than ever with his anger. His red glare burns your eyes and you try to look anywhere but them. You notice his claws dug into the structure ripping through the floor he’s on. You swallow hard. Surely he won’t kill you, he's scary but, he’s just a gremliny prankster, nothing more…right? He brings his face closer to yours, his claws prying free from the floor and grabbing your chin forcing you to face him. His raspy voice comes out in a dangerous tone.
He only says a single word but the dangerous anger is still felt. You squirm in your grip, stuttering over your words trying to find your voice again. This only seems to frustrate him further as he throws you down against the wall of the structure and pulls himself past you. You stay frozen against the wall processing what happened as he makes his way out of the structure and begins picking up the glass. After what feels like an eternity of your heart racing you come to your senses and begin crawling out. Cautiously walking over to the mess you kneel down beginning to pick up the glass. You can hear Moon muttering his ‘clean up’ chant under his breath as he picks up the pieces. His back is turned to you yet it’s obvious this time he’s aware of your presence. A deep sigh escapes your throat. What was meant to be a playful revenge turned into an embarrassing mess. In your mind the whole event ended with Moon learning his lesson about his scares. Reality is way different though and instead you learned not to try and get revenge on the gremlin. 
As you clean lost in thought something colorful catches your eyes. You notice several specks of color among the mess. Reaching for one you pick it up and bring it closer to your eyes squinting in the darkness. A small blue paper star lays in your hand. This must be what he was working on. You wonder why he was making them as you get up walking to where you left your bag of tools. Reaching in you grab the container that houses all the small things you might need and unceremoniously dump it into the bag. You’ll figure that mess out later. You grab a trash bag for the glass as well before walking back to the mess. Kneeling down again you begin placing the stars safely into the container, throwing away as much glass as you can safely pick up. 
As you continue to clean you notice more and more details about the stars. You squint closer, noticing black markings on them. Pulling out your phone you turn on its flashlight and look at the stars in your hand. Each one has a name. The names all repeat multiple times the more stars you look at. You wonder why these names and why do they repeat? You keep staring at them and eventually you notice the folds of one is a weird speck of a mark. You glance at Moon fully confirming he is still ignoring you before you even daring to undo the first fold of the star. Careful not to do any damage you slowly unravel the strip of paper and see it. ‘James - favorite game was hide and seek’. You take another James star and unravel it. ‘dislikes cheese’. You unravel another. ‘got his head stuck in the playhouse window once’. You keep going slowly figuring it out, each star holding a fact about a child of the daycare. But, surely there's more kids in the daycare than this. Why only this handful of names? 
You don't get to dwell as Moon suddenly snatches your wrist pulling the papers from your hand. He looks from them to you, releasing a low growl. You shrink back and squirm, unable to free your arm from his grip. In one smooth motion he stands pulling you to your feet and dragging you along. He pulls you to the fourth broken generator, dropping you beside it. 
“Do your job then get. out.”
He growls out before turning away walking back to finish cleaning the mess. You release a sigh of relief getting to work. You were sure he was gonna use his claws against you. You can't help but feel guilty though. Despite all the issues he's caused for you, your one revenge scare seemed to do a lot more damage. Through the rage Moon seemed almost hurt when he saw the unraveled stars. Not much can be done now though. He for sure won’t let you anywhere near him. As you fix the fourth and move to the last generator you can’t help but sneak a look at him. He’s sitting on the floor, legs crossed his focus once again on the strips of paper piled up beside him. He seems to feel your gaze as he turns to face you giving a low daring growl under his breath, pulling the bits of paper closer to himself. You pick up the pace as you hurry to the final generator sitting and getting to work. 
You don’t get much done as your mind keeps wandering to the names on the stars making you unable to focus on your task. Pulling out your phone you begin to research. You login to the Fazbear database beginning to look up guest profiles. Finally, you find the files of the names on the stars. Each child of the daycare and each one having a final entry where they checked in but never checked out along with a security alert symbol. You recognize that symbol from one of the training modules; it marks a file where the guest had a serious issue recorded by security. You click one of the symbols, the note simply saying ‘missing child’. You go back to the files and click another of the symbols. Same two worded note. You click another and another. All the children of Moon’s stars have the same security alert. Every one missing.
You open a search browser inputting the children’s names alongside the word ‘Fazbear’ in the search bar. To your horror several news articles appear talking about missing children. Sitting down you begin to read through the articles, Several children went missing in the Pizzaplex in various areas. No sign of them was ever found. The names of the Daycare children all listed in the articles along with pictures for anyone who may recognize them. You felt utterly awful. A twisted guilty feeling filled your stomach as you realize the gravity of what you have done. You opened up and went through Moon’s method of grieving. Something he clearly wanted private and out of workers' eyes. You forced yourself into a private moment in the worst possible way. You will never be able to take what you did back.
Your views of the attendant shifted heavily at that moment. You only ever saw him as a prankster and a gremlin. Playing mean jokes and running away in a flurry of jingling bells and creepy giggles is all you’ve ever really seen. But, now that you’ve seen this you realize there’s more to him. Something beyond robotic code. He’s keeping memories of those he cared about that are gone. That deep secretive emotion can’t be copied in code; it can only be felt and lived organically. All your interactions with the animatronics and you never seen beyond their programming until now. Must be the robotic version of a customer service face. Your guilt only grows as you lean against the structure looking out at the lunar animatronic. The stars are mostly repaired tucked safely in their new container. You give a soft sigh moving to finally repair the last generator silently debating how to make it up to the attendant. Not much you can do to make up for this kind of betrayal but there has to be something at least.
Crawling out of the structure you pick up your toolbox and head towards the exit. Looking back at Moon you stumble over a clumsy apology before hurrying out. Closing time is approaching and you need to be out before the shutters close. The generators are fixed but you left them off. The lights will return once the power cycles at midnight. For now Moon needs this time to himself to fix the damage you’ve done. As you clock out at one of the Helpy stations you give the daycares entrance a brief glance. You’ll find a way to apologize, you will make up for what you did and your previous dismissal of seeing them as nothing more than artificial. You make this promise to yourself as you exit the doors, the shutters sliding closed behind you. You mumble a quiet “good night moon” to yourself with a chuckle as you head to your car and make the drive home. 
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plumbobbro · 2 months
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Exquisite Cotswold Style Manor in Henford-on-Bagley
Discover the epitome of luxury living in this stunning Cotswold-style manor, meticulously refurbished to blend historical charm with modern comforts. Nestled in the picturesque village of Henford-on-Bagley, this expansive estate is perfect for a large family seeking a tranquil yet opulent lifestyle. The main floor features a grand living room spaciously designed for both relaxation and entertaining, an ideal office room for remote work or a private study, a formal dining room perfect for hosting dinner parties and family gatherings, a cozy family room for everyday living, and a sunroom where you can bask in natural light while enjoying views of the beautiful gardens. The huge kitchen is equipped with state-of-the-art appliances and a convenient laundry area. Upstairs, the primary suite boasts a luxurious bathroom, walk-in closet, and an adjoining nursery designed for two infants. The upper floor also includes four en suite bedrooms, each with its own private bathroom, providing comfort and privacy for all family members. The basement is a true highlight, featuring a connoisseur's dream wine cellar with ample storage for an extensive collection, an indoor pool complete with locker rooms for year-round enjoyment, a fully equipped gym for all your fitness needs, and comfortable maid's quarters. The outdoor space offers a huge backyard, a private oasis with plenty of space for outdoor activities, a swimming pool perfect for summer fun and relaxation, and an English-styled garden featuring a serene pond ideal for peaceful strolls and reflective moments. This magnificent manor offers an unparalleled lifestyle, combining historical elegance with modern luxury. The extensive refurbishment has retained the estate's timeless beauty while enhancing its functionality and comfort. Don't miss this rare opportunity to own a piece of Henford-on-Bagley's rich heritage, perfectly suited for a large family seeking the best of country living. Schedule your private tour today and envision yourself in this breathtaking residence.
available on the gallery under ID : plumbobbro
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shironayatl · 5 months
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And today's the mini event for the next big event!
Today we know what's their background is, so here we go!
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The Leadership of the Student Union
Minerva Academy Student Union is an organization established by the academy. Through the careful management of each student union, it has now become an indispensable bridge and leader between the academy and students. In addition to the leadership team with the president and vice president as the core, there are also a number of functional departments responsible for different matters such as publicity, literature and art, and sports.
Among them, the Publicity Department has performed particularly well, and has been awarded the title of Excellent Department many times recently. The Publicity Department is responsible for daily tasks such as printing school newspapers and posting posters. It's not only records major activities of the college, but also records the energetic mental outlook of students. It is an indispensable student organization.
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Minerva Academy Drama Club
Minerva Academy focuses on cultivating students' interests and hobbies. Minerva Academy has opened many clubs of different directions and types. The drama club is one of the most outstanding clubs among the many clubs. It has many members and with students that are good at acting, dancing, scripting, directing, etc.
The drama club has their own classroom. The space in the classroom covers the rehearsal space and prop storage space. It is also equipped with professional video recording and playback equipment. In addition, the school has also specially approved drama club students to use the school auditorium and other venues for rehearsals during specific times, so that students can better understand and learn drama-related content.
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Overseas Exchange Program
In order to promote academic exchanges between on-campus students and classmates from overseas institutions, improve students' comprehensive quality, and stimulate students' innovative learning motivation, Minerva Academy has established an overseas exchange program. Every year, the academy will select a number of students to go overseas for cooperation. In addition to exchange studies between schools, overseas academy will also send students to this city to study with students from Minerva Academy.
Since overseas student representatives came to the city for inspection and decided to make Minerva Academy a key partner for the exchange program, the program has been implemented for many years, with a total of 43 students participating. Hoping the friendship between the two schools will last forever and the exchanges will last forever.
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Strong artistic atmosphere
Under the concept of diversified development of Minerva Academy, the art lovers who gathered together continued to communicate and collaborate with each other, forming a strong artistic atmosphere in a corner of the campus.
The building is included with a fully equipped art classroom. The commonly used drawing board paints, plaster models, etc., the art classroom also prepares art book sections of different styles for students to refer to when creating. In addition to hosting club activities for students in the art club, the art classroom is also open to students outside the club during non-club time. Students who are interested are welcome to visit and experience and step into the door of the art world.
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thorns-and-rosewings · 11 months
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Sooooo new AU anyone?
Behold the 🔥'Seraphim AU!'🔥
LOL I have been working on this for a month and decided to post what I have so far today on the spookiest of days, dear old Halloween. 🎃 And yes, I do get a ton of enjoyment out of The Sun and Moon Show, which helped inspire the direction this AU has gone.
I actually do have a whole AU/Story idea for him and his brothers (Yes he has siblings, his versions of Bloodmoon and Lunar)
I will just give a little intro into him and his background into this world below. :)
First thing I need to point out is that Seraphim Eclipse is not actually a Fazbear product. No, his creation was the result of a very ambitious fellow within Fazbear who had the brilliant idea to commission an outside company to build some of the more unique animatronics for less money. Specifically the Daycare Attendants.
As the DCA is the only animatronic whose insides cannot be replaced by a random backup Endo due to their thinner, more complex structures. They need to be custom built each time and it's particularly expensive given the unique 3 personalities and abilities the Endo will need. So, without authorization, he commissions a smaller company to build a new attendant.
Unfortunately A LOT was lost in translation. As this small company was led to believe that if their work was satisfactory they could get many more commissions from Fazbear. They were also provided with the DCA's primary blueprints... And furthering the miscommunication, they were told to improve on the design rather than make it identical.
Thus the Creator took liberties and built the base model of Seraphim Eclipse. (Pictured below)
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Initial Info: The he first thing that should be said is that Seraphim Eclipse was not initially able to fly. (He can currently) his original wings were just for show and were made to flash and glow. (If he tries it's like getting flashed with six Fazcams all at once)
Next, he was made to be a 'Gentle Giant' sort of figure. He stands at a towering 10 feet tall if one includes his rays.
He also doesn't have a hook on his back, rather he is equipped with a long, flexible and insanely durable cable that can retract completely into his back. This cable measures almost 35-40 feet and is so strong it can fully lift Seraphim Eclipse's weight and keep him balanced and suspended perfectly in midair. The reason for this is he was built to fill all three of the DCA's roles and for naps he would place the kids down for a nap, while being suspended above with his wings glowing faintly.
His entire appearance is supposed to invoke that of a guardian angel.
The cable also has a secondary function as it is much like a Na'vi queue and allows Eclipse to interact with the networks throughout the Pizzaplex. Due to his systems being completely built outside of Fazbear, he has difficulty with various aspects of the systems. But it also meant he was immune to the initial Glitchtrap virus.
He refers to this cable as his tail.
His creator chose to simplify the 'Sun, Moon and Eclipse' personalities and just made one singular being who could handle all of the duties he would need too. Choosing to name him Eclipse as it was more appropriate and would seemingly encompass all of the needed aspects.
The final really 'Abnormal' thing about him is that during his construction, someone attempted to abduct and possibly assault one of the Creators three kids, specifically his youngest daughter... Thankfully the bastard failed and was arrested, but the lingering stress of that disturbing situation resulted in his Creator building flamethrowers into his arms/hands... To be used in case of emergencies.
Brief History: Unfortunately when he was revealed to the heads of the Fazbear Board of Directors, brought before them and activated by the manager who commissioned him... He immediately showed that he was as sweet and as cheerful as Sun models usually are-
He was about as well received as someone finding a dead rat in their cereal...
The board was livid, as company secrets and schematics were given out to make this abomination... Yeah, his first memories at the job he was made for was being called an abomination to his face.
The manager was fired and Eclipse, since they couldn't send him back for a refund but also couldn't use him... They put him in a few restraints, locked him into a permanent 'resting mode' and pretty much hung him up on a wall in a small closet off of parts and services... and forgot he existed.
Unfortunately for Eclipse, he was locked but still conscious.
He was trapped in his own body, in darkness, alone for several years... The only escape he had was that while they locked his limbs up, they neglected doing so with his tail. So he was eventually able to get into the Fazbear networks and essentially observe the ongoings of the Pizzaplex.
He was also able to get access to an online Anime/Manga account that one employee set up for 'Productive Loafing' while at work. But it ended up being the one true joy Seraphim Eclipse had. A distraction from the nightmare he was stuck in. Even when the human employee was fired, Eclipse still kept the account active and constantly used it.
...on a negative note, Eclipse developed a seething hatred towards Sun, Moon and their Eclipse. As he viewed them as responsible for his own situation. Let alone the horrors that the malfunctioning Moon caused...
(Because I truly can write too much and given how LONG I could make this... I am going to shorten this now)
Seraphim Eclipse was finally be let loose from his captivity by MXES as a final desperate act to prevent Mimic from escaping and killing Cassie. As when MXES was set up, he became aware of Eclipse but didn't release him... Due to him not being sure if he was just another vessel for the Mimic or some other threat.
After getting free and having been watching Cassie's dangerous progress through the destroyed Pizzaplex via the cameras, Eclipse's first and only thought is about saving that little girl... And he reactivates Roxy to help him. (Because I still wonder how the hell she reactivated.) And it turns into a huge fight... Ending with Mimic getting deactivated by being ripped to pieces. And Eclipse taking quite a bit of damage especially to one side of his face, but making sure Mimic is VERY dead.
They all leave up the elevator, meeting the real Gregory, Freddy (Well... his head anyway) and Vanessa at the top. (They don't drop them.)
Literally everyone is burnt out from this nightmare, they go to the only place that might be a reprieve from the whole mess... They go to Cassie's aunt's place. Cassie's aunt, Twila, owns a Junk/Scrapyard and was babysitting her niece while her father was out of town. She opens the door to this lot and Cassie nervously laughing that she has a funny story to tell her.
Cassie is grounded for a month for scaring her aunt half to death by running off...
But Seraphim Eclipse stays there for a bit; and knowing he saved her niece... Twila gives him his sword. As she knows it's valuable, but judging by her nieces description about how Eclipse used a piece of rebar like a sword while fighting Mimic, she thought he should own a real one.
The sword is an Nodaichi.
His face is repaired, but seems to sport a permanent red scar, resembling a bloody tear.
(Again I am shortening this...)
After pulling off some blackmail, Seraphim Eclipse manages to aquire this particular Pizzaplex, all of its accounts for money and while associated, it's not connected to the Fazbear brand anymore... He owns it and gets it repaired.
His first act is to get rid of Sun/Moon/Eclipse... He quite literally tells them they are fired... And to go throw themselves into the dumpster outside because that's where they belong.
Twila takes the now distraught trio to live and help her at the scrapyard...
The Pizzaplex gets repaired better than ever and Eclipse takes his 'rightful' role, running the daycare.
...all is peaceful for a bit...
Until something is blasted through the roof and lands in the ballpit...
...namely the damaged form of a certain other Eclipse...
...and the damaged remains of the Newton Star...
Exercising A LOT of caution, Seraphim Eclipse takes the damaged other Eclipse to his workshop and starts going through his mind.
Yeaaaahhh he learns how batshit the other is... But he also comes across the schematics for the interdimensional portal, but more importantly the blueprints for both Bloodmoon and Lunar...
Because he and his alter share a trait of being agonizingly lonely.
He also meets Solar Flare, who he moves his consciousness into his computer... And ends up adapting him to be the AI in charge of his defenses...
LOL, MXES finally gets a friend.
He repairs Canon Eclipse, but knowing that he's pretty insane... Seraphim Eclipse slaps a nasty control collar on him so his alter cannot secretly work to destroy him...
Poor guy gets turned into a very angry janitor.
And Seraphim Eclipse proceeds to build his own versions of Bloodmoon and Lunar... Even incorporating the fragments of the Newton Star into his own Lunar.
The results are... Interesting... Especially considering his Lunar, who is extremely magically inclined, becomes responsible for Seraphim Eclipse's wing upgrades. As well as a multitude of additional upgrades... And awkward scenarios; that this crazy family will start enduring 😅
...I will write more later, but that's pretty much the start of this AU 🌟
Also, Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃
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tomtenadia · 6 months
Detours to You - 25
Hello all again, here we are with another chapter. This is a nice one and after this there are still 6 chapters left. The angst is basically over. We are a few months after the last chapter. Rowan is healed and also back to work.
He gets some amazing news in this chapter and then we have Lysaedion's wedding. Also we have smut. Oh yes our two birds have finally reconnected that way too and now they can't keep their hands off each other.
Hope you will love this.
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A few more months elapsed and spring finally decided to appear in Orynth and the snow eventually began to thaw. The white of winter lead the way to the colours of the new seasons and cherry blossoms painted some of the parks pink.
Rowan was a winter person but happily admitted that spring had its own way of making everything look happier with all of its colours.
He had left HQ after a meeting with the commissioners on some of the improvements they have been working on. That had been his last meeting of the day and now he was driving towards the ice rink to pick up Maya after hockey practice. She had finished her introductory weeks and now she had started the actual training and was finally learning to play hockey. That was a first he had got to experience and his phone was bursting with pictures of his daughter in hockey gear. He and Aelin had taken her to a shop to buy all the equipment. She was proudly using the stick she had received for her birthday and for her jersey she had chosen the same number he used. She had chosen him and not Dorian and he could not contain his pride. On his way to the rink he had stopped at the dry cleaner where he had to collect his dress mess uniform. Lysandra and Aedion were finally getting married that weekend and Aelin had begged him to wear his uniform so he had agreed.
He and Aelin had improved a lot more and as soon as he was cleared to go back to work, he had taken her for a weekend in Ilium just before he was due to go back to work. They had left Maya with her grandparents and it had taken some convincing that it was a holiday they needed alone. They had to reconnect fully and finally took the last step in their relationship. They had almost spent the entire weekend in bed with just a few interludes for a swim in the sea and dinners out. It had been a perfect weekend.
The ice rink appeared in front of him and parked his TFD pickup in the car park and walked in, following the sound of the girls playing. He reached the rink and saw a few parents leaning against the barriers watching their daughters play.
He easily spotted Maya and smiled. She had perfected her skating technique quickly and they had gone out a few times together.
He noticed that they were practicing shooting techniques and he smiled when Maya kicked her puck right in the corner of the net with what meant to be a basic snapshot, fooling the goalie. He had taught her that.
He pumped his fist in the air in joy and in that instant one of the mothers walked towards him “is she yours?”
“Yes,” he answered quietly.
Aelin had explained him that at school he had won the title of DILF. He was about to celebrate until she explained him the meaning of the acronym. He had been horrified. The same story repeated itself at hockey practice.
The woman tried to keep talking to him, but Rowan managed to ignore her by adding that he was there to enjoy his daughter playing hockey. 
Maya finished half an hour later and ran to him, while carrying her duffel bag and stick “Dad!”
He lifted her in his arms and kissed her “You have been so good today.”
“Did you see me?”
He nodded and put her down “ready to go home?”
Hand in hand they walked out of the rink and drove home.
The weekend finally arrived and so did Lysandra and Aedion’s wedding. The couple had decided to get married in a steading just outside the city that offered functions. It had a big pond and the wedding was going to take place near its banks and then the owners had prepared all the tables for the meal which was all produce from their farm. 
Aelin was in hers and Rowan’s room getting ready. She and Elide were maid of honours and were wearing a long sleeveless green dress “Ro, can you zip it please?”
He came out the bathroom in his still open shirt and damp hair.
“You are not allowed to look this hot,” she stepped closer, her fingers brushing his chest. Stroking the markings in the old language where she knew Fireheart and Maya stood.
Rowan hummed “no distractions, we have a wedding to attend.”
Aelin kissed his pecs and his hands landed on her hips. Since they had taken the last step in Ilium, they had struggled to keep their hands off each other, but with a toddler next door they had been careful and did not manage to have as much fun as they wanted.
Rowan kissed her neck “You look stunning.”
“I don’t have anything underneath,” she whispered in his ear and felt Rowan pushing her against the dresser.
Aelin looked up at his eyes clouded with lust and a darker shade of green. She loved being the cause of that reaction. She had feared that after their separation their intimate life would suffer but Aelin had been wrong. The sexual tension had been building up for a while and in Ilium they had discovered that their chemistry was still explosive.
Rowan nibbled at the spot behind her ear that had the power to melt her and a whimper left her mouth. She had to talk to him, she had something important to say but her body had decided to stop responding to her.
The kiss he gave her almost reduced her to a putty “Ro…” she repeated with urgency.
He gently pulled back and caressed her face “what?”
Aelin stepped back and looked at him “I have something to tell you.”
His stare turned worried and Aelin noticed it so moved quickly back to him, grabbing his hand and placing it on her belly “I found out a few days ago.”
She stared at his expression morph from worry to pure joy as he got the meaning of her words “for real?”
Aelin nodded “I did the math and I am positive it was our sex fest in Ilium,”
Rowan laughed and pulled Aelin to him “We are having another baby?”
She looked up at him and was glad that she had not started with make up yet because at his expression, tears started to well in her eyes “Maya will be a big sister?”
Another nod “I have not told anyone because I have not been to the doctor yet and I wanted to tell you first.”
“I am coming with you, I am not missing anything this time.” He lifted Aelin in his arms and twirled on his feet until she asked him to stop because she was getting queasy.
“I love you,” he added kissing her deeply and in that instant the door flew open and Maya burst in “Mama, dad no kissy.”
Rowan went to his daughter, lifted her in his arms and stamped a loud kiss on her cheek “did nana help you dress?”
Maya climbed off him and showed her dad her green dress and the cute green trainers Aelin had bought her. Eiddwen had combed her hair in two lovely braids tied with a green ribbon.
“You are lovely, but now sit on the bed so mum and dad can finish dress up.”
“Mama, dad are you getting married too?”
Both adults stopped what they were doing and looked at each other. They had put the priority on rebuilding the foundations of their relationship but Rowan definitely wanted to marry Aelin.
“Not yet, Maya.” Added Aelin, looking at Rowan who nodded back at her. He walked to his daughter and sat at her side “Your mum and I are working on it,” he extended his hand to Aelin and she took it “For now you need to know that I love you and your mum very much.”
“But she is your princess.”
Rowan smiled and shook his head “no baby, you are my princess,” he kissed her head and then stood, enveloping Aelin in his arms “Your mum is my queen.”
Aelin melted in his arms and Maya joined them, and Rowan held in his arms his growing family.
The wedding had been perfect. Aelin and Rowan had sat together with Elide and Lorcan and Maya had been the ring bearer and she had been proud at being given such an important task. 
The ceremony had been perfect and during the vows Aelin had found herself crying, although she mostly blamed the hormones.
Now it was the after dinner and the party was in full swing. Lysandra had invited both Aelin and Rowan’s parents and Maya was busy dancing with her grandfather while Rowan had stolen Lysandra for a moment and Aelin had gone dancing with her cousin.
“So, how does it feel to be married?”
Lysandra chuckled “Marry Aelin and you will know…”
Rowan chuckled and Lysandra gasped “Are you going to propose?”
“Rowan Whitethorn,” she whispered “It’s about time.”
He smiled “we just took a detour through life but we are back on track now.”
“Good, because I want to dance at your wedding next.”
The dance came to an end and Aelin joined him again “Want to dance, chief?”
Rowan kissed her  “I have a better idea,” he took her hand and started walking away from the main party area. 
Aelin laughed when she noticed when he was going towards the barn.
Rowan paused “don’t tell me that in none of your romance books the couple doesn’t sneak away for some fun in the barn?”
Aelin pulled him closer “Oh no, chief, I have plenty of examples.”
Quickly they walked in the building and Rowan closed the door behind them and then a moment later Aelin was flush against the wall, his body caging hers “this dress has been driving me crazy,”  
Aelin’s hands found purchase in his hair while his started roving her body climbing higher up to the edge of the corset. Her breast were full and tempting him. Slowly he pulled the fabric down exposing her soft mounds. His mouth covered one of her hard peaks while the other was being tended by his hand. Aelin moaned loudly and pushed him harder against her. 
“Fuck, Rowan…”
He looked up with a happy smirk “any problems, m’lady?”
“I need you,” she breathed while her hand palmed his length in a teasing motion.
Rowan put the corset back in place and with a strong pull of his arms he lifted her on the desk, moving between her legs and getting closer to her.
“How much do you want me?” He breathed against her ear and Aelin moaned, her hand fisting in his long hair “stop teasing, chief.”
A chuckle left Rowan’s lips while his hand trailed her legs, slowly lifting the long dress. His mouth was avidly on her neck.
Aelin’s legs wrapped around his back and she slightly leaned backward on her hands “I am going commando, remember.”
The growl that left Rowan’s lips was savage and his mouth devoured her in desperation.
And when Aelin let out another obscene moan, Rowan’s finger slowly traced her core, noting how wet she was “all this for me? Gods, Aelin, you are dripping.”
She was about to let out a sassy remark when the feeling of his fingers filling her made her shatter and shorted her ability to speak. 
Gods, sex with Rowan always had the power to destroy her. She had tried with another person but it had been so mundane that she had gone home and finished herself off. It had not been Sam’s fault. He could have been decent with anyone else but she had Rowan has main reference. It had been hopeless. 
When Rowan added a third finger, Aelin saw stars and while he worked her to drag an earth shattering orgasm out of her, she grabbed one of her breasts and began teasing one of her hard peaks.
“I love when you touch yourself,” he added in a dark voice.
“Does that turn you on, chief?”
As a response Rowan stooped and fully lifted her dress, exposing her to him. A moment later his mouth was on her core and Aelin almost screamed.
“I have been hard for you since you put this dress on,” his tone had turned gruff while he kept feasting on her like a starved man. 
“Fuck me, Rowan. I need you inside of me.”
“Do you?”
Aelin knew he loved when she begged him and it turned her on to no end when their lovemaking was a bit rougher. Mala burn her, being taken in a barn was one of her fantasies.
Rowan pulled her up and then a bit forward so that her ass was lined up with the edge of the table. 
And while Rowan was unbuckling his trousers, Aelin’s finger found its way inside her causing a reaction in him “Look at me, Ae.”
That she did but at the same time she lifted her finger to her mouth and sucked it clean.
He stood in front of her, his cock in his hand, watching Aelin pleasing herself.
“Now chief, are we doing something about this?”
Rowan’s reaction was almost feral. He walked closer to her, lining himself to her entrance and in a swift motion he was inside her. Aelin groaned and collapsed on her back. He leaned forward and kissed her exposed breasts “gods Aelin.”
“More, I need more.”
He pulled her as close as possible never slowing down.
He felt her walls starting to clench and smiled and increased his speed until Aelin shattered under him, his name on her lips.
“I am not done yet with you.”
His finger went back to her clit trying to prolong her pleasure.
Aelin shattered a second time in his arms and he eventually felt the first signs that his peak was close too.
And when he did, he collapsed on her, wrapping her in his arms and leaning his forehead on hers “did it meet your fantasy?”
She kissed him “so much better.”
He gave her another kiss and then pulled back, trying to tidy himself up “I wonder if in the books they stash some cloth for the afterwards.”
Aelin laughed “no, in books they get clean magically.”
He grabbed her waist and pulled her off the table, pushing down her gown “Your hair is a bit messy.”
She snuggled closer to him “I don’t care. I’ll sneak in the bathroom on my way back.”
Giggling like two teenagers who had caused some troubles, they ran back to the main building and went to get sorted before joining again the wedding party.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn  @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127 @mariaofdoranelle
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britt-kageryuu · 4 months
It's a fairly calm day in the studio, considering Donnie has decided to update and /or upgrade everyones setups, and equipment. He had the desks pulled from their stations, and multiple parts stacked up around the area.
He periodically tested the parts or programs to make sure they were not broken in some way which would lead to more work, and needing to fix or order replacements, which was not the worst that could happen. Donnie still has nightmares about how somehow one of the setups fully bricked from just one faulty part, he was glad he always had backups for his backups, so it was only a loss of parts, time, and some money.
Donnie was also doing some upgrades to the desks themselves, like making Raphs a bit taller because his while growth rate may have slowed down alot, finally, he's still too big for the current height.
Mikeys was made a bit wider to accommodate a bigger digital drawing setup with multiple custom styluses that look like paintbrushes, pencils, pens, and crayons.
Leo's desk was just getting some new controller storage that doubles as a charging dock, he annoyed Donnie a bit too much recently, so minimal upgrades this time.
Donnie was going to add lighting to his, even if only those in the studio will see it, and maybe add a new monitor or something to allocate 'junk icons' to de clutter the other monitors. And he's planning to upgrade all of their stream decks.
He was also checking on Shelldon who was in the middle of an update himself and 'sleeping' on his charging bed. The updates being sent from a spare laptop wirelessly connected to Donnies main computer in his lab.
As he's about to put a new part into place, he pauses to yawn, and then checks the time.
"Sweet and Spicy Churros, has it been that long already. I'm surprised Angelo hasn't tried to drag me out to make sure I eat. Oh wait, he's working today. Right." Donnie looks around to see his current progress, and decides it's a good time to take a brake. Taking care to not step on any parts that got left out, he starts to head for the kitchen area of the studio.
When suddenly Shelldon shoots off his charging dock and flys across the room, thankfully not hitting anything except the wall he crashed into.
"Pizza Supreme! SHELLDON!" He uses his Ninpo to turn his battle-shell into it's hover mode, and quickly goes to check on his robot son. Donnie picks Shelldon up to look him over, "Are you okay, are your systems functioning?!"
Shelldon comes out of the 'daze' he was in. "I'm find Dad, but if that was real, your ancestors are jerks, except Gram Gram of course."
Donnie is understandably confused, "What do you mean 'if that was real'? And the Hamato ancestors tried to contact you?"
Shelldon shakes his head, "Well I don't know, it was like I was dreaming, and suddenly someone claiming to be a great great aunt from Grandpas aunts side, or something." He then rolls his eyes, "Dude was totally pushy about some distant cousin disgracing the family, or something. My translation programming wasn't working in my 'Dream'."
Donnie is still confused, "I don't know whether to be surprised over the fact that you can simulate dreaming, since you've told me you could, question why the ancestors decided to contact you, or wonder what was messing with your translation programming."
"Yeah, this Great Aunt was trying to tell me a name, but it kept translating the meaning of the name," Shelldon says annoyed at his programming, "And when I asked 'why me?' she was getting more pushy until she started chasing me. Which is probably what triggered me to fly off the dock."
Donnie was still feeling lost, but decided to shelve the idea for later, to focus on getting food. "We can check if this 'dream' was recorded, and look it over while I eat, and you finish your updates."
The dream was in fact recorded, and analyzing it revealed that Shelldon apparently had a human form in this dream, which they believe is why this random ancestor thought Shelldon could help. Also the name they discovered wasn't being translated because it was not the proper way to say the name, or something.
But that was a problem for a different day, when Donnie didn't have another, what feels like, 10 hours of work left, at least.
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himedanshicult · 2 months
the thing w the "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" dictum is that it less describes some sort of iron law of governance and more an inherent tension. what is defined as "ability" and what is defined as "need" are ambiguous, and will necessarily be different from society to society, from epoch to epoch. no communist society will have a full, complete idea on what either means or entails, and no communist society will have an airtight consensus on it either. in that sense, the arguments over disability care under communism from both anarchists and MLs are, in a sense, correct. anarchists are right to notice a friction between communism as the flourishing of freedom and personhood and the idea of social obligation still being extent, and MLs are right to notice a friction between communism as the fulfillment of all need and communism as the fulfillment of all liberty and desire. but there is no one answer that would satisfy either argument, because no hypothetical global communist society would be content with just one answer for all eternity.
similarly, how do you abolish the compulsion to work, and for instance, make sure that men are as involved in childcare as women are (as opposed to most men opting out and most women opting in) so as to prevent the functional reintroduction of gender roles? how do you deal with inherently grueling and often disabling work like mining or lumber extraction and the need for some amount of natural resources (obviously nowhere near the amount of today) for building shelter, medical equipment, infrastructure and so on? how do communities decide which areas are fine for resource extraction and which aren't, and in a way that doesnt recreate the problem of sacrifice zones or settler-colonial violence upon indigenous communities? how do you enforce an agreed upon obligation in a society with no police, no prisons, no courts, no legal system, and no bureaucracy (sorry brezhnev, thats gotta go too!) without functionally recreating either of these institutions? i dont know! and i dont think initial revolutionary projects will know either. these are not issues you can fully answer in a 50 page academic paper, let alone a tumblr post dunking on teh tankies or anarkiddies. contradictions wont suddenly disappear in communist societies, like there will be conflicts, disputes and resolutions that not everybody likes, because humans have vastly complicated, highly variable needs and also as social media leftism proves, humans like arguing with each other over inane bullshit. handwaving it with "well people will want to do these things!" or invoking bourgeois pieties around work and social obligation wont solve these issues by themselves
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simslegacy5083 · 5 days
Not So Berry (Straud Descendants) Gen 9
Today's (9/20/2024) Episode: Bad Habits Die Hard
“Hey – I need to talk to you!” Luigi called out to the Papparazzo who had just taken the unsavory photos of his family.
Stowing her camera, she turned to him with a put-upon look “What do you want Mr. Lawbourne, and can you make it quick? I’ve got places to be.”
Luigi took a deep breath before responding: “Those photos you took of my family, it would mean a lot to me if you would delete them. My wife and grandfather are very private sims, and my boy is too little to have his image floating around randomly on the web.”
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The photographer just rolled her eyes. “Occasional embarrassment is the price you pay for fame. You and your misses are flaming hot right now. Add your reclusive granddad into the mix? That’s gold right there! There’s no way I’m deleting anything, so you can just go on and get out of my face.”
Luigi, infuriated by her harsh words, lost all control of his temper and his only chance to negotiate with her to use the least embarrassing photos. “You paparazzi are the worst!” he cried, “Bottom feeders harassing sims smarter and better looking than you for an easy simoleon! I hope you get eaten by a cowplant!”
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“Shove it, you plumhole!” the pap replied “Just for that I’m going to call up my friend at SimNation Weekly. Your little family drama will be splashed across the front page, and any other skeletons in your closet are about to become relevant news.  We’ll see how much better you really are then!”
Luigi stood shell shocked by her spicy retort as she strode away towards the market, pulling out her camera to look over her catch again.
Her mention of skeletons immediately made him think of his early relationship with Beau and their long-ago fight. His friend wasn’t nearly as famous as he was, but he didn’t think it would be good for either of them, or Rainy Day, to stir up any new controversy so soon after the mouse incident. Desperate to find a way to fix things his vision refocused on the camera the Paparazzi had foolishly exposed.
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In a flash of fury, Luigi lunged forward, quickly catching the pap from behind and trying to wrestle the device, and its poisonous contents, away from her.
“Get off!” she cried, fighting him with more strength than he’d anticipated.  “Delete the pictures!” he responded, pulling back harder.
The camera, stressed between them, made an ominous cracking noise and she let go with a look of horror. Suddenly released, he stumbled back, throwing a hand wide to catch his balance. At the same time his prize slipped from his grasp and went crashing to the ground.
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The fight went out of Luigi as he gazed at the clearly expensive, and just as clearly broken, piece of equipment on the pavement. What had he done!?
He turned back to apologize and offer to pay for the damage but as he opened his mouth the wind was knocked out of him by a punch to his gut.
Doubling over in pain, all the remorse he’d felt flew out the window. If she wanted a fight, he’d give her one! Luigi came up swinging and in no time the two sims were battling it out amid a sea of interested spectators, including a few other paparazzi who’d come running from the busy market.
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In the end Luigi proved stronger than his adversary and sent her reeling. While she was collecting her wits, he looked around frantically for the camera that had been at the center of this whole torturous debacle. Somehow, it was no longer anywhere to be seen.
Only then did he realize that similar, but still fully functional, cameras were busily recording his every move, held by paparazzi who had captured his fight with one of their own.
“You arrogant little woohoocker!” the women he had beaten but clearly not defeated spat out. “You may have cracked up my gear, but a gamer like you knows that data doesn’t die so easily. All your epic little tantrum did was make the images on my data card even more newsworthy. Don’t think this is over. Mark my words, you’re going to regret being such a raging plumhole for a LONG time to come.”
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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cosmica-galaxy · 9 months
I hope you don't mind one last one for now but this ask has been in the back of my mind forever. I saw the weaponsmith!human ask & I fell in love with the idea. Based on John Wick 2 where the Baba Yaga goes equipment shopping & meets the Sommelier, picture this:
Cameron, DJ, Vee & Veteran were called down to the armory by Doc to see something. Upon arrival, the doors opened to reveal Doc & greeting them upon arrival & the human, who was wearing a fancy looking butler uniform & tuxedo with gloves, was polishing a paralyzer rifle with a cloth. They then put it back on the rack & turn to face their friends & caretaker.
"Good afternoon guys. I'm glad you all could come here today for what I like to call a, 'tasting'. Now then, let's get started. Cameron, Vet. Now I know of both of your fondness for the paralyzer rifles but, I can whole heartedly endorse this new upgraded version (hands them both each one). A higher frequency output for longer stunning duration against normal & larger opponents, a built in plasma ballistics knife for close quarters combat, a laser function for blasting stronger toilets to dust, & I know & hope you'll both appreciate the custom design & your names signed by yours truly of course. I've also, (pulls out two cases from under the display counter & opens them, revealing pistol variants of their rifles), made these more compact breed with the same power as their larger counterparts but with much better handling & mobility."
Now then, DJ. I've noticed that while you're race is more then capable in the knife-fight-distance & self defense with your soundwaves, there's one small key area that's lacking a little bit. Range. Now don't get me wrong I've seen your matriarch, her brother & your titan blast their knives with their soundwaves & no doubt you can do the same, I've always felt you could do more. Which is why, after a ethical thumbs up from Pal, I made you this (hands DJ his new gun). The cardiac pulse blaster. Functionally very similar to a speaker mimic's blast, albeit not as strong as the real thing. But it can penetrate headphones and disrupt a foes' cardiac rhythm, however it doesn't fully kill the unit. Instead, let the stress of the battle kill those toilets. No doubt it will up your kill count my friend.
And of course, I can't forget about you Vee. I would say you arguably have the most solid combat package. But I know for a fact that it can be perfected even more. (Takes out two wrist blasters with TV remotes sticking out to form their barrels) Should your TV light not work on whatever Skibidi you encounter, these blasters should come in handy. One blast will infect the toilet allowing you to mind-control it. And of course, (takes out a custom box with his new blades in them) the finest cutlery. All freshly stemmed & designed by me. The electrical obsidian material & the remote charging feature through the pulses of your own core that these have will allow you to cleave through metal & porcelain. The "reaper" shapes they have helps for better directional swings.
Now with that said, I really do hope you guys enjoy them & find them effective."
What are all their reactions?
P.S: Sorry this is so long.
If there's one thing the alliance members LOVE, it's getting new weapons. The camera units, both Vet and Camron, each explore the new guns frames and magazines before walking over to try them out in the shooting range that was built for testing such things. The first round of shooting enabled the pair to discover that they find that the guns were nimble, smaller, and still packed a PUNCH, judging from how badly singed the dummy's further into the range fared. Plus, the dummy that appears in front of both Camron and Vet was reflexively stabbed by both in their disgusting fake neck. Cleaving through the thick-skin material like warm butter. With a brief glance of excitement towards one another, the pair give the guns an approving thumbs up. DJ is excited to finally get a weapon that fits his faction a lot more. Knives are nice, but they are VERY close range and need multiple hits to kill...as a result, DJ has to be careful and lacks a kill count that's worthy of boasting about. However, the new gun in his hands felt amazing. Upon taking it to the shooting range and lining up a headphone-equipped dummy, he fires the first blast. The recoil was there, but it wasn't horrible. Plus, he finally understood how the gun could penetrate the headphones...the plastic that the headphones were made out of cracked and crumbled from the force of the blast...as well as the entire dummy's posture changed. It even skid back a few feet! DJ lets out a whistle sfx. He LOVES this new gun! Vee was a little apprehensive of exchanging his precious combat knives, but the sheer sleekness and reaper-like design of the new ones swayed him over nearly immediately. The biggest problem the TV units have is the glasses that the enemy uses to resist their powers...if this weapon can bypass such a handicap, then the battles would become easier to win. With a quick exchange of his knives and a wiring of the new weapon into his core-line, he heads over to practice with the new ones. The first was obvious, he needed to test these knives. As soon as the round started, skibidi dummies appear in the training area and he unsheathes his new scythes. With a swing, they cut through even the thickest of material with gliding accuracy, then with a flick and rotation of his wrist, he swings cleanly in the opposite direction. Nailing the dummy that appeared behind him. He swings again and again, ripping, shredding, and demolishing the dummies. Then, he saved the last one for long range as the remaining toilet dummy was a ways away. Of course, this would need a live subject, so all he could do was check the range on the weapon. Which was...quite a distance, surprisingly. Once it was all said and done, he retracts his scythes and nods in approval.
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hasufin · 7 months
It still bothers me how there's this obligatory "Sure, Israel is literally perpetrating a genocide, buuuuut first we have to condemn what Hamas did on October 7th"
How about condemning what Israel did every day before then?
The history of Palestine did not begin on October 7, 2023.
It also didn't begin on May 14, 1948.
Any condemnation of the actions of any Palestinian group can only be made in the context of the ongoing brutal occupation of Palestine by a fully-equipped military which regularly targets civilians, including children, and routinely destroys civilian infrastructure to create ongoing humanitarian crises.
Condemnation of any Palestinian action today must be made in the context that they are under a constant blockade which results in their homes functioning as concentration camps, the overseers of which await only a sufficient cassus belli to engage in mass murder.
If these realities are not being acknowledged, then condemnation of Palestinian actions only serves to excuse genocide.
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(cw: like..........kinda death mention if that bothers you??????? talking about it in a disability/chronic illness context)
man I'm having feelings lol (good?????? I think??????????? definitely not bad)
I don't really talk about my specific condition very often because like.....idk. I'm sure other people with permanent since-birth disabilities can relate, but it's such a regular part of my life that I think about it as much as my glasses, y'know?
But I have spinal muscular atrophy, which is a neuromuscular disorder that gets worse over time until it usually passively kills you (most commonly: you get a respiratory infection and your lungs don't have the strength to clear it). Pretty much my whole life I've expected the loss of function and planned accordingly. Like, "okay when you can't use your good arm anymore, we'll get a voice controller so we can still write", "okay when we're on a permanent vent we already have everything set up so we'll be able to comfortably go places with it", etc etc. It's just always been an inevitability I needed to adapt and prepare for instead of avoid.
I've already been on new medication that stops/significantly slows down the progression, which has already shook my worldview that I'm probably not gonna die as young as I always thought I would (and confirmed that the meds are working!!!!!).
But now I just found out today that, in about two years max, they're gonna have a treatment to rebuild muscle as well.
So like...not only will I be on medication that's preventing me from getting worse, but I will potentially also have a medication that helps me regain what I've already lost.
If it's only marginally, that would improve my life significantly. If I had function of my arms, so much of my nightmare scenarios about my independence and staying out of an institution--especially when my mom and dad die or Ace moves away or something--would be quelled. I could take care of myself, like fully truly, and rely a little less on staff for once. I could actually do things that I wanna do but they don't have good adaptive equipment for my own needs, like cooking and cleaning and gardening--playing with my pets!!!!!! video games again!!!!!!!! Witchcraft!!!!!!
For the first time in my life, I wouldn't be living with the expectation that I would be losing something constantly.
I might actually end up being okay.
Idk it's really kinda overwhelming to think about.
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plumbobbro · 1 month
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Most exclusive penthouse in San Myshuno
Step into the epitome of luxury with San Myshuno's most exclusive penthouse, a lavish residence that spans two spectacular floors and is entirely furnished in iconic '80s glam style. This one-of-a-kind property offers breathtaking views of the city skyline and an unparalleled living experience.
The centerpiece of this extraordinary home is the expansive two-story living room, featuring dramatic floor-to-ceiling windows, a stylish bar area, and plush furnishings that exude the opulence of the '80s. Adjacent to the living room is a spacious office, providing a private and inspiring space to work from home while enjoying panoramic views.
For culinary enthusiasts, the gourmet kitchen is a dream come true, boasting top-of-the-line appliances, ample counter space, and a design that marries modern functionality with retro charm. The adjoining dining room is perfect for entertaining, with a glamorous ambiance that recalls the golden age of excess.
Indulge in ultimate relaxation with your private indoor pool, complete with a luxurious lounging area and a wet bar. Whether you're unwinding after a long day or hosting a poolside soirée, this space offers a resort-like retreat within your home.
Maintain your fitness routine in the fully-equipped home gym, which also includes a personal sauna for post-workout relaxation. When it's time for entertainment, retreat to the home cinema, where plush seating and a stocked bar create the perfect atmosphere for movie nights or private screenings.
The primary bedroom is a true sanctuary, featuring a spacious walk-in closet, a personal sauna, and an en suite bathroom that redefines luxury. In addition to the primary suite, there are five other en suite bedrooms, each offering comfort, privacy, and a touch of '80s glam.
The penthouse also boasts wraparound balconies on both floors, offering unobstructed 360-degree views of San Myshuno. The crowning jewel of this property is the rooftop garden, where you can relax in your private exterior swimming pool while taking in the stunning cityscape.
This penthouse is more than just a residence; it's a statement of style, luxury, and unparalleled taste. Fully furnished in the distinctive '80s glam aesthetic, this home is a rare opportunity to own a piece of architectural and interior design history. Schedule your private tour today and envision yourself in this breathtaking residence.
available on the gallery under ID : plumbobbro
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acceptccnow · 1 year
Credit Card Merchant Accounts: Strategies for Optimal Integration
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In today's rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, businesses must equip themselves with seamless payment processing solutions to cater to their diverse customer base. A critical facet of this process involves the efficient integration of credit card merchant accounts. In this article, we will explore strategies for optimizing the integration of credit card merchant accounts, especially within high-risk industries, ensuring smooth transactions and heightened customer satisfaction.
Understanding Credit Card Merchant Accounts At its core, a credit card merchant account functions as a specialized bank account, empowering businesses to accept payments via credit and debit cards. This integration is pivotal for expanding customer reach, augmenting sales, and preserving competitiveness. In high-risk sectors such as CBD, credit repair, and e-commerce, marked by elevated chargebacks and fraud risks, tailored solutions are a necessity.
The Significance of Payment Processing for High-Risk Businesses High-risk industries confront distinct challenges in payment processing. However, with the right approach, these challenges can be transformed into opportunities. High-risk businesses, whether dealing with CBD products or credit repair services, must accord top priority to secure and reliable payment processing to instill trust among both customers and financial institutions.
Customized Merchant Processing for High-Risk Sectors High-risk merchant processing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Customized solutions are imperative to mitigate risks while facilitating seamless transactions. Industries like CBD and credit repair necessitate specialized merchant accounts equipped to comprehend and address their unique requisites. Collaborating with experienced payment processors specializing in high-risk sectors empowers businesses to navigate complexities adeptly.
E-commerce Payment Processing and Merchant Accounts The rapid proliferation of e-commerce has ushered in a new era of transaction dynamics. Acceptance of credit cards for e-commerce is non-negotiable in today's digital landscape. Flawless integration of an e-commerce payment gateway and merchant account is indispensable for ensuring a frictionless shopping experience. This applies equally to industries like CBD and credit repair, where a robust online presence is indispensable.
Navigating the CBD Landscape CBD, despite its promise, grapples with stringent regulations and skepticism from financial institutions. Businesses in this sector necessitate CBD merchant accounts finely attuned to its intricacies and fully compliant with legal standards. Reliable payment processing for CBD not only ensures legality but also fosters credibility, facilitating the seamless acceptance of credit cards for CBD products.
Credit Repair Industry and Payment Processing The credit repair sector offers invaluable assistance to individuals seeking to enhance their financial standing. However, due to perceived risks, it faces substantial obstacles in payment processing. A credit repair merchant account tailored to the industry's unique intricacies is pivotal. Efficient credit repair payment processing streamlines transactions and bolsters the legitimacy of the industry.
Building a Secure Future: Payment Gateway Solutions At the heart of credit card merchant accounts lies the payment gateway. A robust payment gateway not only facilitates transactions but also guarantees data security, fraud mitigation, and a marked reduction in chargebacks. In high-risk sectors, the selection of the right payment gateway can be transformative, instilling confidence in customers and financial partners alike.
Credit card merchant accounts wield immense significance, particularly within high-risk industries such as CBD and credit repair. The strategies delineated in this article underscore the importance of tailored solutions, secure payment gateways, and industry-specific merchant accounts. By embracing these strategies, businesses can seamlessly integrate credit card processing, mitigate risks, and provide customers with a reliable transaction experience, thus fostering long-term trust and satisfaction.
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