#fun fact i shipped them hard back in 2017
soo-won · 8 months
hey lumen! hope you're doing well, love your AnY posts sm! i don't know if you ever said this, but do you ship hak and yona? i think you have said it before but I'm not sure 😅
Hi! Thank you, I'm glad your like my posts :) And yes I'm doing well, I hope you do too!
I don't think I've ever mentioned it directly. Is "No. and yes" an acceptable answer ahah?
The thing is at this point of the story and where the canon relationship between Hak and Yona is at, it's impossible to deny they're a thing and that they love each other romantically, I'd be in denial saying they don't, but I just don't care I guess? I don't really ship them in the sense of I'm not interested in engaging in thinking, talking, creating etc around their romantic relationship. I know it's here, but I just nod and move on. That being said I enjoy their general relationship. Like, I think what is good with them is that the romance is build on a solid foundation of trust, support, and love that is not just romantic. Like they're in love sure but before that they are great friends. I love them when they're funny and cute together, when they want to reach and support each other and their individual character arc can be partly seen through the development of their relationship, they're definitely a pair that I can't imagine separated, but I just don't vibe with the romance on top of all that if that makes sense? I enjoy them the most as besties ahah. I don't imagine them not ending up together at the end either, I wish it for them because I can tell that's what would make them happy in the canon, but I feel pretty distant about it and if that was just me I would break them off for my personal fantasies <3
So tdlr: not reallyngjbjhbj but it's hard to say a hard "no" in the context of akatsuki no yona actually has a well developed romance that is very much canon. Like I'm not stupid I swear.
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fandom-trash-xl · 11 months
Hey, it's still Halloween for a few more hours, headcanon time!
As far as I know, last time I did Halloween headcanons was back in 2017! Yoiks! Anyway, I wanted to build on some old stuff, especially with more recent writing of Kuriza as part of DBS-Gen Gang.
Of course, returning from an old headcanon is that Pan and Bulla's costumes as kids are a little tiger onesie and a fairy princess dress respectively.
When Frieza, sighing in surrender, finally allows Kuriza to stay for a night of Trick or Treating with the girls... well, there aren't many ideas that incorporate his form very well, so he adds a few accessories- fake horns (since he doesn't have them), wings, plasticky claws- and goes as a dragon! The houses they visit think his costume is very detailed and very impressive... even though most of it is just his own body as it is.
"Oh, how sweet, you must have worked so hard on that tail of yours. And, it moves on its own, wow!" "Thanks, I was born with it." "Oh, you kids say the darndest things..."
Kuriza, prior to his first Halloween, had never had much in terms of Earth candy, so a lot of new experiences... and unfortunately, how they find out he has a nut allergy. He's fine afterward, but Frieza's nerves skyrocket and it takes a lot of begging and pleading for him to allow to come along next year.
As the gang gets older, the costumes change. Kuriza's dragon gets more intricate; Pan switches to more gritty animal costumes, like werewolves and wolverines, switching to animal ears and tails rather than onesies; Bulla goes through her "glistening vampires" phase.
Of course, the teens are kind of a bit old for trick or treating, and the houses would be able to tell at their heights, so costumes are really more of something fun for the occasion- but Kuriza... Pan and Bulla notice how he's still rather short for his age and can probably pass for younger. So they use him as the designated candy collector on their behalf... though he grumbles about the fact that he's being used.
K: Are you sure, this is going to work? P: (standing behind a few feet inconspicuously) Yeah, yeah, of course, I saw it in a movie once, you got this! K: (at the door, sighing) Can I please get an extra piece for my sister, she couldn't come because she's... (sounding confused about what he's even saying, but rolling with it) sitting in a pumpkin patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin??
The plan works out and they end up getting a good haul... then it's time for Kuriza and Frieza to go back to the ship and Kuriza conveniently "forgets" to give them their share. He's a bit petty... he's his father's son after all.
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bethaven · 10 months
#7 New Girl
Plot: Jess gets home from a trip and finds her boyfriend with another woman. Since living at her friend Cece's sofa isn't a permanent solution she has to find somewhere to live. This is how she ends up in a loft with three quirky guys. And life as she knows it changes forever. This is sitcom at its finest, with comedy, friendship and love in the center. They struggle with careers, feelings and grown up life, but always have each other.
Years: 2011-2018
Seasons: 7
My story: I can't really remember how I found this series, but probably on Netflix sometime back around 2016. I was easily dragged into the relateable yet dreamy everyday lives of the people in apartment 4D. I've always been jealous about Jess's determination and passion for her dreams, something I feel I miss myself. Nick lives his life without caring about what anyone else thinks and Winston is an inspiring late bloomer. I just love them all! I've watched this a lot, it's true, but I do that with many other series too. Somehow, this is the only one that's been stuck on my boyfriend's brain. I sometimes catch him humming the theme song and everytime I watch a sitcom he asks if it's New Girl...
Teachable moments: Being a proper adult is hard and if you're gonna be a goof - be it around other goofs and have some fun on the way.
Best character: Nick is a complicated young man in an old man's body. He only eats crap, loves his job at a bar and always says the wrong and right thing at the same time. He's every girl's dream and total nightmare, all wrapped up into one. His love for Jess is the truest feeling in the world and I ship them from episode one. I just want to sot down and pick his brain for a while.
Best episode: "Prince" (S3E14). A party at Prince's house, need I say more?!
Best quote: "Cece, you're a hot slob!" (Nick)
Fun fact: Zooey Deschanel, who plays Jess, is the sister of Emily Deschanel, who played the exentric phorensic anthropologist and lead role in the crime drama Bones (2005-2017).
If you like this you might also like: Modern Family, The good place, Friends, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Minx.
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
Single Malt Scotch masterpost
well, i made a nebtho one so i guess i should make one of my namesake, right? sorry to say but in terms of video content.... aint much lol. But I will link a playlist and talk about its history!
Right so, what is there??? Why should you watch these guys?
Team Single Malt Scotch is the pair of Zisteau and Kurtjmac. Z does youtube sporadically but doesnt play minecraft much at all anymore, Kurt is well known for Far Lands or Bust and still does that and other games! So we're talking about the old days really- SMS first teamed up in UHC 7. Their dynamic caught on pretty strong in the tumblr oriented mindcrack fandom, and honestly I'd say they were one of the most popular ships back then alongside the expected Team Canada and Nebtho. I enjoyed their whole deal especially because I liked Kurt a lot, and related to his shyness and interests back then. Zisteau and him get along pretty well and shared similar interests so it was always nice to see then hang out- and their slight opposites with Z being more extroverted made them pretty balanced. Overall good chemistry.
The videos. What videos? Heres my playlist, but I will lay it out below as well. (additionally I only included one episode of UHC 7, i suggest going and watching Kurt here as he has the more eps). Be sure to read the playlist description for further info on how to watch.
Ep 45/12 - Episodes with them together start after UHC 7- its hard tracking down more videos due to lack of keywords, etc... They're working together on Kurt's base! good ol 40 min long episode.
Ep 46/13 - back to back, more work on kurt's base. really just nice slow eps with lots of chatter. - i suggest kurt's because its longer.
Fun fact about those two above!! Kurt mimics Zisteau intro :) in his episodes.
a little minecon video in there... from 9 years ago. god i feel old.
another little extra mindcrack server stuff, a pov from kurt that he hadn't shared before.
while this is in the playlist, its a specific timestamp- FLoBathon 2014, Zisteau jumps call in for a good long period. this is definitely more podcasty of a watch.
final stretch... UHC 2017 Charity event. Yeah, way later than everything else lol. This one was a shock to me when it happened too! This UHC is chaotic due to item donations but it was incredibly fun to watch them again- especially up to the very end!! Really suggest it if you want something faster paced. Spoilers: extra good because we got an "i love you kurt" out of it so.
Extra, not on the playlist- feel like itd be fun to mention this FLoB episode where Kurt recognizes the popularity of SMS on tumblr. which sends anxiety through me at times knowing i also had this url way back then as well.
Well thats it boys. There is a good chance theres some other episodes floating out there and i appreciate any added links! (especially later stuff like post-2016 since i was around less).
As I said above SMS was a pretty popular ship. its hard to know how that felt if you weren't around back then but, there is a huge backlog of fan fiction for sure. Ao3 isnt the biggest archive of fics (i suggest dreamwidth) but even there its the top ship with 100 fics!
so you know. old ship, not anything new, not something i expect new people to get into- but i think its worth sharing especially as a fandom history thing because it was quite a popular subject back in the day.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
i realized NO ship is REAL and i got clown card on being hyper focused on jkk and their shippers spaces in past! it kinda feels like eh im so dumb and fool why did i thought like that an embarrassment that follows, now im ok and kinda enjoying whatever theories i see and laugh how hard jkkrs are trying to make it seem like they are real please listen, the most funny thing is they are living in the past, like they still bring those contents which prolly a skinship/fs/nothing from jkk pov just having fun etc to state they are together even now lol and you said many times, in this jkk its jimin or nothing! jk is hardly a presence and i started believing these are jk-biased shippers so they can't say against jk.
I believe something could've been true in the past but is not in the present. The way my mother was 50kg when she got married but now she weighs 75kg. Does that mean she was never thinner? No, it just changed. I had really good friends in 2016 that I don't talk to anymore. It doesn't mean we were never friends. Things change all the time. I'm surprised that jikookers being the relationship experts they claim they are, apparently don't know that relationships also end.
That being said, yeah exactly. Back in like 2019 I remember I used to laugh at taekookers because all their update accounts were moments from 2016 or before. Maybe some from 2017, but that was it. Now I laugh at jikookers because they're doing exactly the same thing. All the moments they have are from 2020 or before.
Absolutely, Jimin was always the heart of jikook 🤷‍♀️ period. That's not even up to discussion. I've noticed that the most "delulu" (to not sound so harsh) jikookers are Jungkook biased, the ones who very adamantly believe that he's sending signs or clues or whatever, they need to cling to that because they don't have any facts. And if they have them, they ignore them.
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r0sequarks · 2 years
What did you think of the Runaways 2017 comics?
Mixed feelings but overall positive. I like a lot of it, there are some high points - Molly’s definitely hitting the high points of the group. The Gert stuff was interesting, I liked that her being brought back was Awkward, and while I didn’t care about the love triangle I also get this is mostly a relationship drama book so I didn’t hate it. The Vic stuff was fun, the panel of his head on a roomba wearing sunglasses is one of my favs, and I like Doombot. The new character, Gib, was an interesting concept, and I think fine in execution? Curious to see whether the next writer picks up anything on that. Also, the Klara cameo was very fun, love that she’s Done with superhero stuff.
Nico and Karolina...I never shipped them. I don’t not ship them, but I fell for Xavin hard. But I also get that they’re The Ship. I didn’t care for how the Julie stuff was written, but I don’t hate that their break up was messy, because again, relationship drama. The Nico stuff was potentially interesting but never went anywhere, the Karolina stuff fell flat but I think a part of it is that...I think most of my love of Karolina comes more from being a young lesbian reading library copies of Runaways in the manga section and loving her and Xavin more than her as a character. So like, I feel like it might be more a me thing than a Runaways thing, you know?
Still don’t know how I feel about all the Alex stuff, but at it’s core it plays into what I think was the core of the book - taking the characters who’d been taken off the field and putting them back in play. Because really, Nico is the only one who was being used for anything, but the whole cast is fun. While I didn’t always agree with every way they did it or every take on the characters, I would never take back this book existing because it sets the stage for other writers to grab characters no one has touched in like a decade.
It’s the same with Xavin. Like, I wanted more, and boy was that ending badly rushed, but you could tell that they weren’t willing to let the book end without grabbing that last piece and bringing it back. The fact that no one can touch Karolina without doing something with Xavin? Inspired. Because one of these characters is actually popular, and boy, it’s not Xavin. Personally I want to see Xavin move out into Space Politics (and do stuff with Teddy and Noh Varr who are also in space politics) and this sets that up wonderfully...if only someone would grab it.
Also the art is fantastic, i love Kris Anka.
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hikari-kaitou · 3 years
Capcom's Official AA Fanclub Surveys - DGS Edition
Many Western fans may be familiar with the Turnabout 4koma comics that get posted on the official AA fanclub site that Capcom runs, thanks to some lovely fans on tumblr and elsewhere who have shared their translations. What fewer people seem to know about is the character surveys.
Back in the old days, they used to hold a survey on Capcom's official AA fansite every few months where they'd write about the seasonal activities of a handful of characters and ask fans to vote for the funniest/most pleasant/strangest/etc answer.
They stopped doing them in like... 2016? 2017? The original text is lost for good as far as I can tell. Even the wayback machine couldn't help because the content was password locked and you can't get past the password wall while remaining in the archived version.
Fortunately, I saved some of my translations of them so I thought I’d share them.
Cut for length...
"February has begun, and the DGS cast is nearing the end of their journey aboard the RFS Alacrei. Which of them acted the most strangely?"
Ryuunosuke ~ Exhausted from his intensive study session, he decided to try some katana swinging practice as a change of pace and to combat his recent lack of exercise. But because he wasn't used to handling the katana, he swung it too hard and it went flying out of his hands and got stuck in the wall right next to Sherlock, who had just entered the room. Sherlock asked him, "aren't you supposed to be studying right now, Mr. Naruhodo?" and handcuffed him to his desk.
Susato- worked on developing a curriculum for Ryuunosuke. 'If we keep going at this pace, he won't be able to learn it all in time... It'll be hard on Naruhodo-sama, but we'll have to work hard through a couple of nights together.' With that thought, she created a harsh study schedule, and almost seemed to be looking forward to it for some reason.
Sherlock- Driven by excitement over the thought of returning to England after a long absence, he went up on deck to stare at the ocean. Being February, it was very cold out there and he ended up being chilled all the way to the tips of his fingers. He returned to the ship cabins and amused himself by putting his frozen hands on Ryuunosuke, who was stuck in his room studying.
Van Zieks- Upon hearing from Vortex that there was a Japanese exchange student coming to England to study law, he smashed a Lord's Bottle. He apparently also didn't care for the fact that that Japanese student wouldn't be alone, because he proceeded to shatter his chalice, too.
Hosonaga- in order to provide a respite from studying, he provided some hot chocolate. They enjoyed a pleasant tea time, marveling over how sweet and delicious the drink was until Sherlock piped up with some unnecessary trivia: 'Actually folks, chocolate has long been used in Europe as an aphrodisiac!' Everyone promptly spat it out."
"The long winter is nearly over and spring is on it's way, putting the DGS cast members in a celebratory mood. Who found the best way of enjoying spring?"
Ryuunosuke: the Yuumei University faculty members were holding a flower viewing event, and he joined the assistance committee. He exhausted himself keeping the blankets clean so the intense shower of flower petals wouldn't pile up too high on them, delivering sake and snacks, and mediating whatever pointless fights arose. To top it all off, for some reason his compensation was only a single piece of leftover candy. Talk about a sad result!
Susato- her father and the others living in his dormitory were  holding the flower viewing event, so she got up early to prepare the bentos. But her father carelessly forgot to tell her that they wanted tea cakes, so she had to go around the house and neighborhood collecting sweets. For some reason, she ended up being able to gather caramels, biscuits, candy sticks, basically everything but tea cakes, for the tea ceremony.
Sherlock- he disguised himself as a beat officer and infiltrated Scotland Yard to have some fun. There was a real beat officer napping on his feet in the spring sunshine, and while observing him, Sherlock ended up falling asleep too. Detective Gregson gave them a good scolding when he found them, but then Sherlock revealed his true identity with a "hey, it's me, folks!" "What the blazes do you think you're doing?!" Gregson shouted, his rage growing even more, and Sherlock ended up making a run for it.
Van Zieks- went to the vineyard to oversee the production of the contents of his Lord's Bottle. As he viewed the still unopened grape blossom buds, he thought about how they would someday grow up to fill his Lord's Bottle, and ended up going around to look at each one. But the farm hands couldn't stop wondering whether the bottle itself or its owner's heel might come flying at them and were quite uneasy.
Asougi: exhausted himself running around since early morning helping with the professors' flower viewing event. When it was over, he took a break, sharing his reward candy stick [the name of the candy literally translates to 1,000 year candy] with Ryuunosuke, who had also been helping out. 
"I wonder if the candy's effect is halved if you share it with someone."
"That still gives us 500 years."
They laughed and enjoyed looking at the flowers until dark. Then they parted ways with a handshake and a "see you later, best friend."
(This one was something about celebrating New Years. For some reason I didn't save the original question)
"Ryuunosuke ~ To celebrate New Years, he planned to pound mochi with everyone at the office. He somehow managed to get his hands on some mochi rice and he and Sherlock started pounding. Iris was having such fun watching them that she steamed a whole bunch more mochi rice so they could have some to share, and he and Sherlock spent the whole evening pounding mochi like crazy.
Asougi~ Because it's New Years, he went around to a bunch of shrines. When he drew his new year's fortune, he got a "horrible luck" result. "I'm not worried about it," he claimed, and headed up to the mountains early on New Years morning and work hard on a full training course of purification by water, meditation under a waterfall and wooden sword practice. It seems that he was working really hard to clear his mind of all earthly thoughts
Sherlock- Agreed to help Ryuunosuke pound mochi. As Ryuunosuke was flipping the mochi over, he carelessly dropped his badge into the bowl and Sherlock mixed it in without noticing, so they had to crack open both the hard and soft mochi to look for it. Fortunately they found it in the 4th one they checked, but apparently Sherlock got his hands and face covered in sticky white mochi in the process.
Susato- Wore a furisode and went with her father to do the first shrine visit of the year. The shrine was incredibly crowded and they had to wait in line for a long time, but she brought the Encyclopaedia of British Law and a copy of the Strand Magazine in her sleeves to secretly read as they waited so she actually ended up enjoying the wait.
Van Zieks- Ryuunosuke cheerfully gave him some mochi as a New Year’s (which at that time was celebrated at the same time as the Chinese New Year) gift, which he accepted confusedly, wondering “...Can the Japanese not even keep track of when the New Year is?” Because Ryuunosuke referred to it as a rice cake, he tried to eat it like a regular cake without softening it with heat first. It was so hard that he couldn’t imagine how it could possibly be food, and ended up misunderstanding the Japanese even more!
"Autumn has arrived, and the weather is starting to cool off, which means that everyone is becoming more active. Which character chose the most pleasant autumn activity to keep busy with?"
Iris was making bread but her hands are small and it’s difficult for her to knead the dough, so she asked for Ryuunosuke’s help. She wanted to make enough to hand out to Gina and all the other homeless children in the East End, so she made a massive amount and Ryuunosuke was stuck kneading this massive mountain of bread dough all day. Apparently he became such a expert at kneading that he could be a baker now.
Asougi was practicing with his sword, slicing autumn-colored ginko leaves as they fell from the tree. He cut so many leaves, though, that he ended up making a big mess on the ground, the number of fallen leaves now having increased, and it took him a long time to clean it all up.    
Sherlock: Ryuunosuke told him that he was making anpan (bread filled with sweet red bean paste, the bane of my Asian-dwelling existance) and asked Sherlock to help by being in charge of getting the poppy seeds they’d need to sprinkle on top, so Sherlock went out and gathered a ton of poppy seeds. In fact, he got so many of them that no one knew what to do with them all cuz they had a huge amount of leftovers. Sherlock said, “Well, they’re only the size of poppy seeds! Surely you two can deal with them somehow! Ahahaha!” and Iris scolded him.   
(I couldn’t capture it in English, but Sherlock’s line contained a pun, and a pretty stupid one at that, so that’s part of why he got scolded)
It’s grape harvesting season, so Van Zieks commutes to the winery regularly to direct the production of the contents for his “Lord’s Bottle.” He demands perfection in everything from the selection of the grapes to the way they’re squeezed, and the winery staff is terrified by the “grim reaper’s” gaze and heel swinging (i.e. the leg thing he does in court) so they grumble as they work. 
"Hearing that there’s a holiday in the West called Halloween, the people involved with the court in Japan decided to try it out themselves. Naturally Halloween is a big deal in England as well. So, which member of the DGS cast had the best celebration?"
Team Ryuunosuke and Asougi- Asougi got Naruhodo up on his shoulders and they draped a white sheet over themselves to make a ghost costume. They went out like that, but Naruhodo had such exaggerated reactions to the fear of the people who saw them and to bumping his head on tree branches that they ended up losing their balance and falling on top of each other?!   
Sherlock Holmes- went wearing a horse’s head mask. Iris used her skills to make it a fancy horse covered in stars, but the eye holes weren’t well made and he had to wander around blindly. Because of that he tripped hard over a pile of coal! He ended up getting so dirty that the stars on his costume were covered up!
Van Zieks- took inspiration from his nickname and dressed up as the grim reaper. He covered himself up with a skeleton mask and hood figuring no one would know it was him. Unfortunately he got angry when he saw Megundal (McGilded) pass by and started throwing bottles and glasses and ended up giving himself away.
"November has arrived, and autumn is nearing its end. However, the DGS cast is still keeping busy, even on their days off. Which character chose the most interesting way to spend their late autumn day?"
Ryuunosuke- Thinking that he’d better learn more about British culture if he was going to be a defense attorney in Britain, he went down to the East End with Gina for a little observation. However, because an Asian like him stood out so much, he got mobbed by the other children. On top of it all, his arm band got stolen from him and he had to send a replacement request to Yumei University on the other side of the ocean.
Asougi- He went for a meal at La Quantas. The customer at a nearby table got a persimmon for dessert and scarfed it down, saying “Mm! This is it! This sweetness makes it worthy of being called a treasure among foods!” Asougi tried to comment on this by saying, “The customer at that table sure is enjoying his pershim--gak!” but he may or may not have accidentally bitten his tongue in the process and been unable to finish his sentence.
Iris- She accepted Ryuunosuke’s request to learn more about British culture and prepared a bagpipe and kilt costume for him. “This outfit sure is breezy,” Ryuunosuke said shyly upon trying it on. With Ryuunosuke now dressed, he, Iris, and the others from their office headed over to Gregson’s place to get him to treat them to some fish and chips.   
Sherlock- He accepted Ryuunosuke’s request to learn more about British culture and cooked up some European style curry for dinner. Thanks to the fact that his secret ingredient was a large amount of Chinese herbal medicine style spice, it caused some strange side effects and Ryuunosuke, who’d eaten it, ended up passing out and falling over.
“Another taxing trial for Ryuunosuke has finished and now it’s December. As the year draws to a close, which character acts the strangest?”
Ryuunosuke- he was recruited to help with snow removal around Yumei University and the courthouse and he enthusiastically began his task with the help of a large shovel. He got a little carried away, though, and ended up accidentally burying his umbrella, which he’d left propped up against the side of the building, in the snow he’d just finished shoveling.  He had no choice but to share Asougi’s umbrella on the way home.
Asougi- On the way home, he nods silently to Ryuunosuke’s question of whether he’d finished his travel preparations and changes the subject: “...Come to think of it, it seems that tomorrow is celebrated in the West as God’s birthday.” “I’ve heard that they eat chicken as part of the traditional celebration. Wanna try it?” Ryuunosuke asks invitingly. Asougi is strongly opposed to that particular menu item, however, and they end up going out for their usual beef stew that night instead.           
Susato- in addition to her year-end travel preparations, she also was busy with straightening up the book room in her home. She managed to get the law books in order when she suddenly stumbled upon some old issues of Strand Magazine! She hurried through the rest of her cleaning, then began flipping through the magazines she’d found, trying to decide which to take with her on her trip. She accidentally lost herself in her reading and didn’t realize it until it was already the middle of the night.
Sherlock- he was in the middle of a long ship voyage when Christmas night came. His mind on his partner in a far-off country, he made a toast alone on deck, when suddenly the crew began shooting off fireworks with a cry of “Merry Christmas!” Sherlock had to dart back and forth across the deck to prevent the fireworks from hitting him and setting off the explosive chemicals he carries with him.
Main series edition
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now that our dear show is over, i’ve been thinking about grace and frankie as a complete series, and grace/frankie within it. so here’s some messy musings about how their relationship was portrayed throughout the seasons!
i get the sense that seasons one and two really built to that authentic queer* energy between them that was absolutely crackling and on fire by season three. and i don’t think the writers really thought about it consciously as a not-straight dynamic (as far as i can tell), it’s just what grace and frankie’s relationship dynamic organically became, especially because they were always juxtaposed with an actual gay couple.
then the writers became AWARE that people were shipping it hard in the hiatus between s3 and s4, and as a result i think s4 and s5 shied away from quite portraying the intensity of that energy in quite the same way, though by the end of s5 it’s definitely back in business. then with seasons six and seven, it absolutely felt like the show returned to that same energy as season three after taking a few seasons off, like the writing regained its confidence in going “no, you know what, actually? this is what their relationship is.” which, yay! and also, just a fascinating journey to have witnessed in real time over the past handful of years!
i also find it fascinating how nick functioned so consistently and completely as a tool (er, no offense, buddy!) for demonstrating the importance and incomparable specialness of grace/frankie. nick was around for a long time and somehow wound up ultimately being exactly what we the grace/frankie shippy audience hoped for him to be. the way that the show handled nick felt exactly how fanfic handled nick -- we were in consensus with the show one hundred percent somehow, in terms of how he made grace lose herself in the role of wife in a way she hated and how he was increasingly agonizingly aware that she loved frankie more??? -- which felt absolutely WILD to watch happen with my own two eyes. like, grace was attracted to and very fond of nick but she was in love with frankie and nick was almost a way for her to try to run away from how much she loved frankie and that was the literal situation!
anyway. man. what a time we’ve had since the spring of 2017!!!! i really love where we wound up. once i thought that nothing could ever be as good as the balloon scene at the end of s3 in terms of capturing that grace/frankie energy, but i think this season matched and maybe even exceeded it. i can’t really think of anything i would have wanted more from 7b and the finale -- except, like, sure, it would have been cool if they’d kissed and therefore gone to canon town, but i absolutely 100% did not expect that and in fact did not expect the ending to feel nearly as unabashedly intimate and romantic as it did.
* (i feel like “queer” is the best term i can land on for it because i think there are a lot of ways you could interpret where grace and frankie wind up together -- queerplatonic partners? romantically in love with each other? sexually in love with each other and they definitely hooked up as the credits rolled in “the last hurrah”?? -- but whatever it is, it doesn’t really feel like it fits within the heteronormative bubble. not that i don’t think you can have a love this fierce with a best friend, because of course you can, but i just feel like the way the show is writing them and depicting this relationship is ... different/not heterosexual and not platonic in the common understanding of the word.)
anyway. i’m just so happy that it really felt like their relationship returned to the emotional intensity that it had during the halcyon s3 days when we were all having perhaps the most fun of all during this show’s run! it has provided some eternal good vibes for my grace and frankie fangirl heart. <3
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mish-tique · 3 years
my dumbass forgot that i had this in the drafts instead of the cue - but the sweetest @shippingaddictbaby and @thethirteenthcrow tagged me so here we go
How many stories did you publish?
51 works - which is a lot more than I thought i'd ever write in one year.
What is your total word count for this year?
146k in total, which is mind-blowing. It does however exclude all the unfinished and unpublished works because I only started using ohwrite like a month ago because Rarsa used it.
What fandoms did you write this year?
For Bridgerton (3 works) I wrote Daphne/Simon. For fate: the winx saga (1 work) I finally let my childhood ship come true and wrote Bloom/Riven (even though I never finished that one). One stray piece for Men's football (Barcelona) got published as a gift for a friend. Another random piece got written for the Wings series by Aprilynne Pike.
I wrote 38 works for Formula 1 with a huge list of ships, but mostly tagged were: 4433, maxiel, maxierre and carlando. Also I managed to post 8 works for Genshin Impact, which featured a multitude of ships but mostly kazulumi!
Did you write more, less or roughly around what you expected you would?
A lot more - it's roughly 75% of the words I ever published on ao3 and I've been on there since 2017. Especially since I wrote nothing in 2020.
Which story did you write in 2021 are you most proud of?
It's hard to say, I love what covered in you with Zhalia brought me, as it resulted in much more than just a story. No one there to shame me for my youth was such an amazing way to experiment with writing mature stuff and I love how much confidence it gave me. I just hate the way I miss you (and the way it hits me at night) was a personal favorite because it felt like a banger to end the year with and it was so much fun to experiment with the just-texting-and-nothing-more way of writing.
Did you take any writing risks this year?
Oh yeah, I did! I barely wrote smut before this year, only here and there, it was something I struggled a lot with which is strange to look back at. It took a pretty wild turn for the Genshin Impact works in which I did a lot of dead dove: do not eat content.
Also, maybe strange to others but for me writing a fic with Zhalia was pretty risky - I've never written with anyone before and I had no idea how it would go but it ended up going so well! So glad I took that risk.
Do you have any fanfiction goals for 2022?
I actually want to do a lot more post race pack fics for formula 1! It kind of got forgotten during the shitshow of the 2021 season but I do like the whole idea of it so I might try it again for the 2022 season.
Next to that I signed up for some things and I really hope I can make a masterpiece out of that one!
What is your most under-appreciated story?
I would say 'Cause you still feel like home (and I can't let you go) - if you'd ask me I think I scared too many people away with the summary of it. It doesn't feel like the right representation and I've considered redoing the summary, but it wouldn't change things whoops
Biggest fanfiction related disappointment of 2021?
The fact that I still haven't finished plotting and writing two shots of sugar please . Also the fact that I didn't write more in general for the sweet as sugar series.
Biggest fanfiction related surprise of 2021?
The fact that I had no writer's block all year long? I normally get them a lot and for long periods but this year I know how to channel any emotion into productivity. My 2021 motto lowkey became "if you're in a mood at least make sure it's a productive one"
Biggest fanfiction fans of 2021?
I think it's hard to name people because I think everyone I interacted with impacted the way I wrote or saw my fanfiction in a different way.
I can't thank everyone from the genshin impact on here because everyone was from twitter and I deleted my account there but I got to thank them for letting me explore my creative freedom!
@thetwelfthcrow was amazing to me, made the writing progress so much fun, starting from covered in you but not ending after that. managed to make a lot of good memories with them while writing. @shippingaddictbaby because we started with just talking about hair and now we're tackling each other to sprint together and come through with the funniest stuff at the strangest time. @coconutshygame was such a sweetheart during the Instagram dm fics phase and the support i received was heartwarming and made the writing progress so much fun. Don't want to forget how much i appreciate @fcb-mv33, @cinderhellas and @shelsgovroomvroom.
Every one of you made writing so much more fun, so much more than just words on paper, a whole experience and i feel like i grew so much during this year which is so much fun <3
If you're tagged, feel free to do it! if you're not tagged but still want to do it, feel free!
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chierushi · 2 years
Around 2017, I saw Pretty U (dance version) being shown almost every week at someone’s house. Their kid really liked them. Eventually, the KPop group kind of grew on me after watching it for several times, and they really do have good choreography.
I got curious and searched them up on YouTube. They’ve got more insane dances. They debuted around 2015, and were getting attention by that time, so I’ve got a lot of material to consume. I kept watching their dance rehearsal videos and ended up listening to those songs on repeat.
Simply stating this as a matter of fact: I’m usually not into KPop. It’s hard for me to fancy songs I can’t understand. I also actively refuse viewership to anything mainstream, thinking they don’t need more fans. I prefer to consume less known artists. But in the case of SVT, they demanded to make an exception. They spoke to me through dance, a universal language, and I heard their plea.
Even though I’ve watched their rehearsals a lot of times, I didn’t bother to know their names. Without effort, I could distinguish faces of S.Coups, Vernon, DK, Woozi, and The8 whenever they’re at the center. (There was no way for me to see their faces up close because I didn’t watch any of the official music videos, too. They’re 13 people; usually the cameras were setup too far the whole time to cover all of them) The reasons: S.Coups, The8, and DK have pretty recognizable voices, while Vernon and Woozi have distinct physical features.
Their first singles were pop, to which I lean more into. But around 2019, they became more rock, hip-hop, and EDM. I was probably not yet ready for those at that time, or maybe it was a mismatch of interest. I moved on.
This year, 2022. Most of the people I follow on stan twitter became fond of Mingyu and Wonwoo. While the retweets were mostly about shipping them (it is a BL stan Twitter, of course the gays go gaga over Mingyu and Wonwoo separately, and together, they’re a match made in heaven), Some do include their performances. Remembering how badly I was into them years ago, I muted all possible keywords and specific accounts.
Frankly though, I did check on their discography once or twice during my denial phase. They still didn’t appeal to me, not as much as what happened back then. I let the MinWon content on my timeline and just skipped through those tweets.
A few weeks ago, I saw a video compilation of all their dance rehearsals from past to present…and it got me HOOKED. That was probably either nostalgia or anxiety (I’m having depressive episodes these days) that turned things around. I started watching their performances again on YouTube, and had ‘em playing in the background at shuffle while at work. This time, I’ve got so much more discoveries.
It took me a week overconsuming Going Seventeen (a variety show of some sort that they host) funny clips to be able to recognize who’s who. This is also the reason why I’m dead hyper fixed on them. They’re not Running Man-level kind of variety, and they’re idols, not comedians, but I enjoy their dynamics as a group. It’s fun seeing each of them interact with quiet members, steal the spotlight (and some of them are shameless about this, which is alright! They’re celebrities!), their natural comic timing, etc.
I’ve seen clips of them as teenagers who are trainees, and I think that’s one of their secrets. They’ve been literally living with each other for so long (and as kids even) that they have learned who needs more attention, compassion, and who needs to be left alone on most days. They’ve seen each other’s quirks and have learned to be okay with it. They’ve learned to adjust for each other willingly. Combining family with work is tough, but they manage it somehow. Of course, with unending dance practices, that kind of relationship helped their performance to get to the level of where they are now. When they dance, they move as one. The synchronization is crazy.
All this, I also have to give credits to S.Coups wonderful leadership. He’s always the first one to look out for each of them, yet, you don’t feel the hierarchy. He is bossy, even the members have joked about this, yet they willingly submit to him because respect has been earned (probably also recognizing seniority is an Asian thing). They are so varied individuals, and sometimes you can feel the struggle of some to connect, but it is S.Coups that always makes way, and the members follow. I rarely see that side of him though; he’s always having fun with everyone, even being teased.
I’ve seen this one video of them singing live of mash-up of their songs, and they’re really amazing! They are grouped into three sub-units, but all of them can really sing, dance, and rap with ease; I sometimes question why there’s a need to divide themselves when they can all sing and dance really well.
In October, they will be having a concert here in Manila, and I want to come! It has always been a dream of mine to watch them perform live, but knowing how KPop fandom works, I doubt if I’ll get VIP tickets. As much as possible, I don’t want a seat far from the stage, and only see them on a big screen. I want to see them up close, not breathe the same air. It’s better to watch the stream if that’s the case. Getting into this, I thought, it’s kind of dangerous for someone like me, because I have no kids, no dating life, and I earn more than enough to cover my bills.
Anyway, I’ll see if I’ll have the energy to fight for a good seat on that concert, or if my laziness would continue to topple everything, even my love for Jun (one of the members and my bias). I don’t really have an idea how to end this dump; I think it’s obvious from how poorly written this blog is. But yeah~ I love them.
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bigbrotherlouis · 4 years
i’m obsessed with joel farabee and morgan frost and you should be too: a primer
hello! welcome! recently i have become infatuated with morgan frost and joel farabee for a lot of reasons but mostly because of that one post that i spent like twenty minutes searching various blogs for that said “people are freaking out about sexualising hockey players, meanwhile joel farabee is one instagram comment away from telling morgan frost he’d suck him dry.” in my head rent free. hit a girl up if you have the post.
anyway! frosty and beezy:
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[hard cut to me whispering “oh my god even their nUMBERS are friends” i’m fine.]
this is more like about vibes and less about facts, so you can google if you want to know more about their, like, bios and stats and stuff that’s not 99% rpf or conjecture. this primer is just the things that make me scream. however, that being said, they do play well on a line together and both are very good players.
joel farabee is american, from new york i believe but his dad is from philly, and falls neatly into the category of BORN TO BE A FLYER. longtime fan, hugely excited to play for the team, brings it up all the time.
morgan frost, from ontario canada, was not.
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a real, actual tweet. he tweeted this with his WHOLE chest and then joined the flyers like three years later. i adore it. another real actual tweet i adore:
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sweet, sweet joel. he misses his buddies :( no doubt including morgan because they are, by all appearances, obsessed with each other. i’m trying not to keep  using the word obsessed in this primer but it’s hard because they are. morgan’s a year older, a first round draft pick in 2017 and joel’s a first round pick in 2018, but they didn’t start playing together until 2019, i believe, because joel played for a college team in boston. side note: he also captained team usa and wore a number 28 in honour of claude giroux and i am absolutely not okay about it.
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e! mo! tion! al! incidentally, frosty wears danny briere’s number when he plays for the flyers, which. take from that what you will. iykyk. their NUMBERS are FRIENDS. HERITAGE SOULMATES. joel’s been called up to play on the flyers (and did really well in the playoffs!) but we’re still waitin’ for morgan to come along too but the coaching staff hasn’t recognised the raw power of true love yet so.
at this point, you’re probably saying “sasha shut up about their fucking numbers and talk about why they’re obsessed with each other” but good news! i do not need to do that because the official flyers media has done that for me! (x) i’d recommend watching it because it’s a lot packed into a neat 100 seconds, but notable moments include the voice over saying “joel farabee and morgan frost have found that going at it together has its benefits” within the first thirty seconds. that is a real direct quote. i can’t believe it either. there’s also a lot of light homoerotic bonding over playing chel, them sitting across from each other  on their beds, the admission of being ROOMMATES (oh my god they were roommates), this shot of them sitting with their mouths wide open on either side of their dad,
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and also joel wearing a hat with a canadian maple leaf on it, despite being from the the united states. wonder where he got that from. please watch the video.
when they’re not playing chel or, you know, going at it together, they’re being horny in each other’s instagram comments. there’s honestly.... so many of these that i can include but we’re just gonna go with my favourites.
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when i say i think about this comment on a picture of morgan with isaac ratcliffe, a fellow flyers prospect on a daily basis, i mean it. i’ll be just doing my thing, minding my own business, and MORGAN MAKES ME VENMO HIM JUST TO TALK will pop into my head, completely uninvited. king shit for morgan to do and king shit for joel to admit on social media for the world to see, but joel admitting things he maybe shouldn’t is a running theme. 
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cool. TOTALLY not flirting or anything.
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joel. also both their exhibitionist streaks should be explored in fic more i am JUST sayin.
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ok but bee you were lookin. like you can chirp but you were lookin, don’t lie. 
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when ur in love with ur roommate but ur both hockey players so u can only communicate that love via chirping when he’s with the boys :(
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what’s it called when you vibe really well with someone and also live with them and also comment on their shirtlessness and also maybe kiss them on the mouth a little? d... da... dating?? can’t be it.
morgan is a little more composed in the comments and mostly just posts inside jokes i cannot comprehend, or compliments. it’s still cute.
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this was on a playoffs pic where joel’s wearing #28 love 2 see it love a supportive boyf always
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this one was of joel with a fish he caught and i’m sorry but i did not want it on my phone.
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but morgan can’t hide his affection for long. (me, in the distance: TWENTY EIGHT TWENTY EIGHT TWENTY EIGHT!!!!!!!)
there’s more comments but they’re boring and this is long, mostly joel chirping  morgan for wearing baseball or football stuff. however! they are also on twitter where they keep each other humble after incredible goals, like bros do,
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this is DEFINITELY flirting. like, blatant. it’s like that kind of flirting when you’re thirteen and you don’t know what to do with your body so you just kinda steal your crush’s stuff or insult them because all attention is good attention, right??
but when push comes to shove, beezy is always gonna look out for his boy (because they are in love):
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some important pictures of them together, for your pleasure: 
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this is so DUMB and i love it
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friends supporting friends!!!
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this is them meeting their hockey dads :) so cute :) joel is promising g that he’ll have morgan back by ten yessir he will be respectful of boundaries and curfew. jake is high fiving morgan on getting some. this is facts i just call em like i see em.
and finally!
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is this allowed?????  is this allowed???? it’s hard to tell but i’m pretty sure that’s joel on his knees for in front of morgan and i just??? how is that allowed???? it’s been five days and this picture has RUINED me. someone write me an essay to have on my desk by morning, stat.
also v unrelated but here is a video of morgan frost reading, proving he’s the smart one in the relationship. that’s not saying much but, hey! at least there’s proof he can read.
obviously different ships capture people in different ways but there’s something about them to me, personally, that is just so captivating. there’s a lot of potential for different fic vibes, and joel in particular always has a really fun voice to read (and also to write). they definitely have chemistry, they’re pitted against each other so there’s a good-natured rivalry going on, CLOTHES SHARING AND HERITAGE SOULMATE NUMBERS, and, like, they just genuinely seem to enjoy each other. someone PLEASE write more fic for them or by god i’ll have to do it myself.
ok that’s everything for now, i believe. they’re in love and don’t care who knows it and i’m obsessed. (however, i’m also obsessed with joel farabee and andrei svechnikov together, for which i have a one-picture argument for here.)
(p.s. anything not linked i screenshotted myself thank youuu for reading have a good day and remember: morgan makes joel vemno him just to talk 😌)
edit: hello. i wrote this on election night as a way to take off the edge of my nerves and it is not as funny or screechy as i wanted it to be so i’m going to add some now.  
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alyblacklist · 3 years
Hi Aly, firstly I want to thank you for your great efforts in this tumultuous time! I wanted to ask you, what is your opinion about some people being angry at Megan? Personally I get that people might be upset that she’s leaving the show or breaking their favourite ship, but being angry at the actress about it seems a little strange to me. Obviously it’s up to her, and the things a lot of people are accusing her off is speculation (her feeling too good for the show now, etc.). Personally I think its pretty obvious that she seems hurt, hence she changed some captions. People are making a big deal about those captions, but it’s not like she’s throwing tbl or her costars under the buss with them. Nor is she actively hating on anyone. If anything her changed captions remain vague, but I don’t think it’s offending to anyone. I think the show screwed her over in every way, including how they kept writing her character. Not to mention how people treated her because of how her character changed. And now people are angry at her for leaving too (which I’m not sure she did exactly willingly, at least not the way it’s going now). I mean she was fine with the show until a short while ago, something must have gone sideways for her to feel this way and disconnect. I think if we should be blaming anyone, it should be NBC. I feel like it is sus that the news dropped just a day before an important episode. You bet this is going to bring in viewers. But that’s just speculation, and we’ll probably never know. But I do believe NBC/tbl should have treated her and the character better, within reason of course but better. And of course, if I were in her shoes, I wouldn’t be changing captions, etc. either, but everyone deals with hurt in different ways and the fact is we’re not in her shoes. We have no idea what the hell went on behind the scenes, but it wasn’t fun. A lot people think she wanted more money, but I have a hard time believing this since Megan is really comfortable financially due to her grandparents I believe. If all she wanted was some recognition, I thinks she should have gotten it (but within reason of course!). I think Megan just deserves a bit more respect, everyone’s allowed their opinion of course but I don’t think it’s right to hate on an actress who brought so many good years to a show while actively getting some of the worst material to work with. And a lot of hate throughout its run, for 8 years. I feel bad for her mostly, and I am going to miss her and tbl. And Ressler. But this was it for me. But I really don’t blame Megan. I mean I think it’s a little strange no female actress/character ever stayed on tbl. But again, I know nothing about what happened behind the scenes. Just sad to see Megan/Liz go. I am going to miss the Keenler scenes and her dynamic with Red. I loved those moments the most. Imo they’re all such great actors who worked together so well. But I guess you’ve got to draw the line somewhere (even though they get blurred when you dram them in the sand - Red, S1). I hope she finds what she’s looking for, and I hope she’ll get a little respect on the way ✌🏻I would love to hear your thought on this.
That was a really, really long commentary ask and I honestly don't have the energy to even attempt to respond to all your points.
We all have our personal views, especially those of us who have been around this fandom for a long time and have lived the ups and downs of her interactions with the network and the fans over the years. I find it hard to ignore the rumors and to muster much sympathy after her very public war with the network back in 2017 over her worth and her representation. The changing of her IG captions unfortunately is precisely the sort of petty gesture that suggests to me that the majority of the rumors are true.
I wish her well in her future endeavors.
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
i was tagged by @sleepswithvillains for this and it looks quite fun! tagging @ipreferfiction @tarrevizsla @darthsassacre @basilissa-bastila and @darthmarrsgf for this.
1)how many works do you have on AO3?
SO. i'm doing this with my main account as opposed to just the pseud i actively post on, so uhhhh. this and the next two questions are not counting the 9-fic 470k word series i orphaned a few years ago that i occasionally check in on to see how it's doing. i have... drumroll... 104 works posted on AO3 since February of 2016!
2)what's your total AO3 word count?
2,000,622 words!
3)what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
do you love me, tcw/codywan, 2723 kudos
follow me (and i will bring you home), ST/reylo, 1495 kudos
something inside this heart has died (you're in ruins), tcw/codywan, 1316 kudos
tell the world (i'm coming home), swr/vader + ahsoka, 1291 kudos
i just wanna keep calling your name (until you come back home), tcw/codywan, 784 kudos
4)do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i respond to comments on my current fics, especially because they're pretty niche - kotor and swtor mostly - and so i don't get a lot of them, and i crave interaction. i haven't responded to the comments on a lot of my older ones because i got a lot and it simply got too difficult to keep up with - for example, dylm has 491 comments and that's a bit much to actively respond to all of them
5)what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
oh god this one is difficult. probably a rogue one fic back in 2017 i wrote based off the song whiskey lullaby, which is uhhh pretty damn angsty. for the most part i don't tend to end fics with angst, so all my angst is in the middle, and Let Me Tell You What there is a lot of it! but i like healing and growth and change and resolution and happiness so my fics tend to at least end bittersweetly?
6)what's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
uhhhh hm that's a hard one. i don't usually write explicit fluff either. probably it would be the one and only doctor who longfic i wrote way back in 2016 which ended with a wedding, which i am not linking because it is very old and not good writing and you can find it if you dig really hard.
7)do you write crossovers?
crossovers, not so much. fusions, absolutely yes, i love taking my favorite sw blorbos and putting them into new fandoms. i've got a hunger games fusion back when i wrote for tcw, there's a swtor/mass effect fusion siting in my drafts, and ofc my main project right now is a kotor/swtor/hp fusion that i am very proud of!
8)have you ever received hate on a fic?
i sure have. my very very first fanfic, which i posted on ffn, got outright hate yelling at me saying i'd clearly never watched the canon before lol. was sure an Experience as a very insecure 17 year old new to writing! also i wrote for some pretty ""problematic"" ships back in the day so i used to get shit for that, but that's a bit different imo
9)do you write smut? if so, what kind?
UNFORTUNATELY yes i do. none of it is posted yet, the only scene i've finished needs a lot more of the hp au posted before it has the context it needs, but i do in fact write smut. mostly it is full of emotions like angst and also so many horrible Dynamics, either dead dove or like, D/s shit, or what have you. vanilla sex is incredibly boring to my very ace mind and so i don't really have any interest in reading or writing it.
10)have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as such, but i have seen someone who very very closely copied a fic idea of mine once, including similar plot beats. it wasn't as well-written though so i ignored it.
11)have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge!
12)have you ever co-written a fic before?
oh god have i. i spent two and a half years writing tcw fic with @ellis-thescribbler, which was a very enjoyable time and ended in 2020. now i split my time between solo projects and a few different things i've got going with @ipreferfiction!
13)what's your all time favorite ship?
oh god this is a hard one. this is a really difficult one. it depends what hyperfixation i'm into at the moment. i still have a soft spot for codywan and rebelcaptain, but i think my favorite is probably going to end up being revalek. it just has all the dynamics i love and many of my favorite tropes are very common for it! i'm also incredibly attached to a couple of exceedingly rarepair ships that are the fault of the discord server and also AC and i interacting without supervision but the only one of those i can list is Cassus Fett/Mandalore the Ultimate. the others make me sound insane.
14)what's a WIP that you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
i have two of these, both from my tcw days, which won't ever be finished because i no longer write with the other author involved. those would be the all i ask of you series, which is a tcw/hunger games fusion, and the other is the lullabies series, which is a huge rewrite of the latter half of tcw.
15)what are your writing strengths?
oh hmmm this is difficult to answer as i'm not very objective about my own writing. i have been told i am good at fight scenes before, and as much as i hate writing them i do feel fairly confident with them. i like to think i am decent at putting emotion into my narration and making the prose really feel like it belongs to the characters. crowdsourced from my discord: i am apparently very good at fluid prose and vivid descriptions. that is word for word.
16)what are your writing weaknesses?
i have always struggled with coming up with sideplots, and with juggling large casts of characters in scenes, both of which are being heavily tested in my novelization of kotor. i also feel like i spend a lot of time saying the same things over and over again while trying to write description, but description is Hard so
17)what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
well, given that i do this a lot.... i don't always go hunt down conlang words, sometimes i'll just indicate other languages by italicizing the dialogue, but i definitely do it. in a setting as varied as star wars, there are so many other languages, and especially when writing nonhuman characters i like to show that they're nonhuman in more ways than one.
18)what was the first fandom you wrote for?
doctor who, back in 2016! god but it feels like ages since then
19)what's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet, but want to?
Shepard/Kaidan, mass effect. Shepard/Javik, also mass effect. most of my swtor ships exist in my head but i haven't actually written them out on paper yet. mostly i just want to write for mass effect in general, and also dragon age, but i need to finish the dragon age games before i can write for them
20)what's your favorite fic you've written?
i have a few! war has let this age begin (it's where we've gone and where they've been) is the first solo longfic i've written and finished in a long long time and i'm pretty happy with parts of it. it's better to love (whether you win, lose, or die) has some prose that i feel like is probably some of the best i've written, and i'm pretty damn happy with it. and, frankly, the Vader + Ahsoka rebels fic i linked above in the kudos section, tell the world (i'm coming home), which is a Vader defects fic that explores redemption and i like a lot.
finally, i have to add an honorable mention to sharing beds like little kids (but that will never be enough), for the sheer worldbuilding fun i've had writing it, and where i know it's going. when it finishes, with all million+ words that series is going to have, it's going to be my favorite thing of all time.
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450 Followers: Meet The Writer
Hello there! We’re back with another Meet The Writer Q&A and it’s our pleasure to introduce a fellow Brazilian fanfic author for our ninth interview:
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Blog: @julia-highstorms​ Name (or petname): Julia/Ju Birthday: July 9 Nationality: Brazilian 🇧🇷 Current residency: I'm one of the 12 million people living in São Paulo, Brazil Languages you speak: Brazilian Portuguese, English and a bit of Japanese Masterlist: Julia’s choices fanfiction masterlist
1. Is there a meaning behind your url name? Yes! For those who have been following me for a while, they already know that I used to change my URL according to the Choices character I was stanning at the time but it was a PAIN to fix all my fanfics links 😩 so I decided to finally create an unique URL that I wouldn't get tired of. So I mixed my two surnames together and it (basically) means Highstorms. I loved it 😌
2. When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 2017 I believe. TRR book 1 was about to debut. YEAH. It was the Freshman Book 1.
3. When did you decide to join Choices fandom? December 21 2017. ILITW was in its last chapters and I was obsessed with it. I wanted to talk about it with other people, but I didn't know anyone who also played Choices. So I found the fandom on Tumblr and decided to join. I miss all my friends I made back then and we all went nuts with ILITW finale together 😩 Good times
4. Go back to your archive and tell us what was your first post on your Choices blog was about. My first post was about how I loved ILITW and how everyone was fucked up sjddndossok also a lot of reblogs about MAKE NOAH AN LI 🗣️
5. How long have you been writing fanfiction? I started writing fanfictions in my senior year of high school, although I attempted to write my own stories when I was younger, around 12-13.
6. Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it? My first fanfic ever is about The Maine, it was my favorite band back then slfjdfodj but my first Choices fanfic is If Jane Was Here (ILITW told by Noah) Chapter 1. I AM SO PROUD OF IT. Of course, there are some things I would change. Like adding even more angst. Having finished writing it way sooner. But I'm super proud of it overall. My first (and so far only) Choices long series I've ever finished. Wow.
7. What are your favorite Choices books to write about? Definitely Open Heart just because of Bryce Lahela and Rei (my MC). OPH has become a mess, but I love Bryce too much. I loved the It Lives anthology too and enjoyed writing about. And I'm hyped for my upcoming Blades AU series!
8. What is your specialty as a fanfic writer? Oooh I guess it is rewriting certain scenes or events of the books or thinking about AUs. Since ILITW I have enjoyed doing this. Writing on another character's point of view of the events that have happened (the whole If Jane Was Here series, that is ILITW told by Noah's POV). Or adding some depth to a certain scene (did something like this with Julia, my ILB MC, and Tom's relationship. And with Rei and Bryce's). Or even rewriting the story to fit better with my MC's personality (Rei, OPH MC).
9. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised? When people say they like my MC's, Rei (OPH MC) and Luxia (Blades MC). Before, whenever I played Choices, I didn't care much about the MCs because they're all generic (which makes sense because we're the ones playing it). They're always the happy go lucky friend that tries to fix everyone's problems and every LI is in love with them. Boooooring. Rei was my first MC that I created a whole non-canon personality to her, and that's why she's my baby 🥺 and when people commented that they felt represented by Rei, that she felt more realistic than PB's usual MC, well, that was my peak as a writer lol so they're basically OC's, with their own personalities and temperaments.
10. Do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? If so, what do you like about them? I do, but I wish I could participate more often! The prompts are what I like the most, because they give me ideas that I'd have never thought to write about before.
11. Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? Meg Cabot was my favorite author growing up and I read some of Sophie Kinsella’s books too, so probably my love for adding a bit of comedy, silly little things in my fanfics came from them. I love Jane Austen too. And last but not least, my flair for angst definitely came from reading Fruits Basket, my favorite manga ever. There’s so much angst in Furuba dodksdishd Takaya Natsuki-sensei really enjoys it. I recommend reading her other manga series, Twinkle Stars, too.
12. What element of writing do you struggle with most? Actually writing lmao. You know, taking the plot out of my mind and typing it down on Google Docs. Writing is hard, takes too much time and I'm lazy 😩 I wish I could just transfer my ideas to a document and it's done. No need to write, no need to revise, etc. I love the final product, but I hate the process.
13. Do you have any abandoned WIPs? What made you abandon them? A BUNCH OAJDSKDKD 🤦 Either because my inspiration to write it has faded or because I don't want to spend my whole time writing.
14. You’re applying for the fanfic writer of the year award. What five fanfics do you put in your portfolio? Oooooh great question! I must put:
If Jane Was Here - Alternative ending (ILITW): this is the only finale I accept sorrynotsorry
Too Little Too Late - Jax x MC (Bloodbound): I wanted to feel hurt. People cried. I loved it sclkdsdjsops
The Loudest One - Bryce x F!MC (Open Heart): I wrote this one for CFWC Kinktober! And honestly, this is the best smut scene I have written. I’m quite proud about it.
Satisfied - Jax x Lily (Bloodbound): it was fun writing for my crack ship! My babies. And the first smut scene I have ever written. I’m glad it was with these two. I still can’t get over the fact that either one of them dies in BB’s finale. I cannot accept skfjdpd
Lullaby - Tyril x Elf!F!MC (Blades): don’t get me wrong, I love Tyril and his goth lordling mysterious elf boy personality and the first time he and MC made out was HOT but… I missed a bit of clousure before, you know? It felt a bit sudden to me, so I wrote a couple of fanfics showing their growing interest and attraction towards one another. This one is a light cute one and I really like it.
15. Do you create original content aside from fanfiction (original stories, art, etc)?  I sometimes draw some fanarts in which you can see by searching for #occasional drawings on my Tumblr.
Do you want to contribute with questions/ideas for the next Meet The Writer Q&A? Send us a message.
Thanks for reading! Reblog to share your appreciation for @julia-highstorms​ ❤️
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I've been rewatching Ducktales 2017 on Disney plus, and since the series finale is on March 15th. I thought it would be fun to go back and review the first two seasons. I've already did a review of season one, this is my review of season two.
Some of the positives of season two
* I liked that when the season opened up you knew what louies character arc was going to be this season, and I think it made a lot of sense. In the first season you saw the family always teasing Louie that he always messed things up, and in the second season he realized what his place in the family was and how he learned to be more humble when it came to money.
*while I wished he had actually apologized, I liked that Scrooge told Webby that she was family in The most dangerous game...Night. I think that might have been the easiest way for Scrooge to apologize to her after what he said in The last crash of the Sunchasher about how she wasn't family, even after telling her to call him Uncle Scrooge a few episodes before. But I think him calling her family would probably mean more to her instead of him just saying "I'm sorry."
* I liked that we got an entire episode focusing on Glomgold as a character and seeing how his rivalry with Scrooge started.
*Della's reunion with her family was really emotional and I think the show handled it well. I liked that the boys all reacted differently to meeting Della, while they were all happy to meet her I think Louie's reaction was the most realistic.
*The fact that Della had to slow down and figure out how she was going to fit into the family now. The show could have had everyone act like that Della suddenly show up wasn't a big deal. But it was, the family admitted that it was going to be hard getting used to her living there now, and Louie admitting he didn't know how to feel that he suddenly had a mother when he never had one before.
*The conversation that Scrooge and Della had in the garage. Della being upset that Scrooge said she wasn't a Mom. Scrooge wasn't wrong when he said that. At the time, she wasn't a parent to the boys the same way Donald was. I also liked that Scrooge told her she couldn't make up 10 years of being gone in one night and needed to slow down and take the time to get to know the kids better and she did do that for the rest of the season.
*the origins and reveals of Drake Mallard/Darkwing and Negaduck. I liked that this version of Drake is a good person who wants to help and inspire people, the same time though he does have a lot of the same flaws as the original Darkwing. So he doesn't feel like a completely different character from the original show.
*The reveal that the fan/actor from the signing and the new Darkwing was actually Drake Mallard. I liked how they revealed his name when Launchpad let him sign the poster, and that Jim Starling wasn't Drake Mallard at all. (I saw a couple theories that Jim Starling was maybe just a stage name.)
*The set up and reveal that Jim Starling was going to become Negaduck. As I've seen others point out, Jim was never a nice guy even before he found out about the movie, he was rude to his fans and instead of appreciating the fans he had, he was complaing that he wasn't more popular.
I also really liked the ending of the episode when they revealed the purple dye coming off of the costume and it was actually the same colors as Negaduck's outfit. And also his last words being "they want grim and gritty huh, happy to play the part."
While we don't know much about him before he became Darkwing, I think Jim might be a good example of "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Not only that but the show proves that Darkwing needs Gosalyn and Launchpad so he doesn't become bitter like Jim did.
Even before the ending there was a lot of hints that Jim would become Negaduck. (the crazy eyes he had when he locked Drake up, the chainsaws and the red and yellow balloons at the signing are Negaducks colors)
*Donald's reaction to seeing Della's ship and their reunion. Donald's voice actor did a great job when he said Della's name for the first time and liked that the two of them were able to have a reunion and how even though they both wanted to be mad at each other, they missed each other too much to stay mad for long.
* The reveal of Fowl coming out of the shadows and coming for the family. I liked the reveals that Gandra Dee was a Fowl agent and that John D. Rockerduck was still alive.
Some mixed/negatives things about season two.
*I wish the season had focused more on Scrooge and Glomgold's bet. Considering what Louie's arc was this season, I think it would have made more sense if Glomgold was the main villain of the season and the season finale was about Scrooge losing the bet and trying to get his company back instead of moonvasion. Considering how important his fortune is to Scrooge, I thought that would have been a big focus this season. At times it felt like the show forgot about the bet.
*I didn't like how they tried to make it a joke in Nothing can stop Della Duck when every time they mentioned Donald's vacation we saw him screaming in the spaceship and being terrified the whole time. It wasn't funny at all. And that's one of my few negatives in that episode.
*Another thing I didn't like with Donald is that the family never realized that Donald was missing and being held on the moon. One of my biggest negatives with this show is how they treat Donald. If Lunaris was going after the Mcduck family I think it would have made sense if he told Della, "Not only am I coming to take over the earth but I also have your brother." I think instead of running away with the kids and hiding, I think Della should have spent part of the episode trying to rescue Donald.
*I honestly think The richest duck in the world would have made for a better season finale instead of Moonvasion.
Overall I really liked season two. I do prefer season two over season one. Again feel free to agree or disagree with anything that I said. I do want to review season three but I know I'll have to wait for it to come on Disney plus.
Some of my favorite episodes of the season are
The Duck knight returns
The most dangerous game...night
The Ballard of Duke Baloney
Nothing can stop Della Duck
Raiders of the doomsday vault
The 87 cent solution.
Treasure of the lost lamp.
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tuiyla · 4 years
A Definitive History of Bubbline
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With “Obsidian” coming out in two days, it really is time for a definitive history of Marceline and Bubblegum’s relationship. And by that I mean the tumultuous road that led us to “Obsidian” from a production and fandom point of view. For a list of Bubbline episodes, check out my Bubbline Guide (and part two) - which I need to update, I know I know. For this post, I wanted to highlight how far this pairing has come and what Bubbline means to queer representation in children’s cartoons.
This is less of an analysis and more of an overview with links to more information on specific incidents to keep it (relatively) brief. I say it’s a definitive history but it isn’t an exhaustive one, so do check out the links included to learn more about how we got here. I realize not everyone cares about these kinds of things but I think it’s important to know how hard Adventure Time’s creators had to fight. Bubbline is a pioneer ship in many ways but it doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves.
Initial Concepts
As is the case with much of Adventure Time, the initial concept of who the characters of Bonnibel and Marceline were going to be is very different than what we ended up getting. @gunterfan1992 explores this and other production tidbits in depth in his book so I do recommend checking that out. The short version is that these two were created to be opposites and with a Betty and Veronica type dynamic in mind where they would both be love interest to the protagonist, Finn.
This didn’t quite end up being the case but remnants of this concept are seen in “Go With Me” (March, 2011), the episode with the first on-screen Bubbline interaction. As Marcy helps - and sabotages - Finn in asking Bonnie out, she also becomes a potential love interest for him but she shuts him down immediately. So while Finn’s crush on PB continues, the notion that Marceline would be part of a love triangle is dismissed. Instead, this first Bonnie and Marcy interaction established that the two already know each other and there’s some bitterness in that past.
“What Was Missing” and the Mathematical Controversy
A potential preexisting relationship between the two was further explored in “What Was Missing” (September 2011) just a season later. The episode was written and storyboarded by Rebecca Sugar and eventual showrunner Adam Muto. Sugar was responsible for much of the character depth added to Marceline and later even played, quite aptly, her mother in the Stakes miniseries. It was Sugar who wrote the now beyond iconic “I’m Just Your Problem” based on personal experiences and suggested that Marcy and Bonnie be queer characters with a complicated romantic past.
“What Was Missing” was hugely important in how it hinted at a complex relationship through character interactions, Marceline’s song, and the last scene twist with PB’s shirt. The AT crew were supportive of the idea and sneaked in plenty of queer subtext, but this is where I have to point out that 2011 was a very different time and it’s thanks, in part, to Bubbline that things have changed. Autostraddle’s article from back when covers what is now known as the Mathematical controversy. Audiences picked up on the subtext and Cartoon Network was not having it. The popularity of the ship soared but the execs were not taking to queer implications kindly.
Great Bubbline Drought
So, the ship has sailed but controversy looms over it. “What Was Missing” s subtle by today’s standards but it was enough to keep Marceline and Bubblegum apart for two years on-screen. Each character went through wonderful development in the meantime, as did the show itself, but there’s a certain sense of bitterness to what came to be known as the Great Bubbline Drought. CN got so afraid of the potential backlash that they waited two years to have a new episode featuring the pair, “Sky Witch” (July 2013), by which point Sugar had left AT to work on her own show, Steven Universe. I’m happy that Sugar got to create her own show and push for even more queer representation, but it’s also sad that she never got to write more for the ship she pioneered.
“Sky Witch” still happened, though, and featured even more subtext, from PB’s side this time around. The shirt returned and there was hope as Marcy and Bonnie were seen hanging out together more often (”Red Starved” and “Princess Day”). Another controversy threatened to emerge in August 2014 when Olivia Olson, Marceline’s voice actress said that creator Pendleton Ward had confirmed a pre-show Bubbline romance. It was a messy ordeal with deleted tweets and questions about whether the two could get together again in the series. Fortunately, though, things changed in the three years between 2011 to 2014 and another Bubbline drought didn’t follow.
The Season That Changed Everything
It took another two years after “Sky Witch” but the ball was finally, inevitably, relentlessly rolling. “Varmints” premiered in November 2015 and three episodes later, the Stakes miniseries kicked off. What season 7 meant wasn’t just breadcrumbs and (not so) subtle songs anymore: suddenly, there were too many Bubbline moments to count. “Varmints” served as a follow-up to “What Was Missing” and a final reconciliation, and though Stakes was primarily about Marcy, it also developed her relationship with Bonnie. Afterwards, it became clear that Bubbline was heading somewhere.
It’s worth noting that the cultural context also changed between when “Sky Witch” and “Varmints” aired. In December 2014, The Legend of Korra ended with Korra and Asami beginning their romantic relationship, and Rebecca Sugar was making Steven Universe more and more explicitly queer by the day. Adventure Time started the ball rolling but now it wasn’t alone as a popular Western cable cartoon with queer characters. However, Bubbline was still very much subtext at this point, just with significantly more hope of becoming more.
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Late Series Entanglement
But at what point does subtext become plain text? Bubbline fans sure did have fun with that question between Stakes and the finale. Bonnie and Marcy became near inseparable, with most of their major appearances involving one another from this point on. These included the meet the adoptive dad date “Broke His Crown” (March 2016), the Elements miniseries (April 2017) and the nigh on obnoxiously on the nose “Marcy & Hunson” (December 2017). In fact, all but two of Marceline’s major appearances from season 7 on included Bonnie - the exceptions being “Everything Stays” as part of Stakes, and “Ketchup”, which really wasn’t any less gay.
Bubbline moments really did become too many to count, with the vast majority of them having romantic implications. And with queer representation becoming more and more prominent in Western animation, canon Bubbline romance seemed like a question of when rather than if. I’d like to point out here how this was often frustrating, though. After the very rocky start, this relationship was thriving and was really basically confirmed, but that last little push to make it undeniably a part of queer history was still needed.
“Come on!” - The End and Beyond
The almost three years that passed between Stakes and “Come Along With Me” (September 2018) were much more tolerable than the Drought; after all, there was plenty of Bubbline content in the later seasons. The big question as the finale came was whether Adventure Time would fizzle out on its early pioneer of a wlw ship or follow through, once and for all. Almost four years after LoK ended and just before season 1 of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power dropped, Marcy and Bonnie had an emotional moment, kissed on screen, and ended the series together.
The intricacies of why a kiss was needed as a signifier of romance is a discussion for another day. But wouldn’t it have been strange after almost a decade of build-up for them not to seal the deal with a kiss? And to think it almost didn’t happen, as by that point it was so obvious they were together. Again, I direct your attention towards Paul Thomas’s book, he explains how it was storyboard artist Hanna K. Nyström’s call to add this final detail. Because, come on! Sometimes, you need to be as clear as possible, and that’s the case with queer representation in animation.
Since the finale, the comics have been continuing the Bubbline train - which are not technically canon but one can have fun regardless. In any case, the existence of Marcy and Bonnie’s relationship, of their queer identities, is not something that can reasonably be denied. It was a long road, and, make no mistake, an arduous one, but this is the story of a win. A win for storytelling and a win for wlw relationships.
We’ll Build Our Own Forever
So, there you have it, a Bubbline timeline of sorts. In March of 2011 we had the first on-screen interaction and now, in November of 2020, we’re getting a 45-minute-long special with the two of them as the central characters. They’re canonically in love, with King Princess covers of Bubbline songs and more. I tried to contain myself, for once, and not write too much. I think it’s important that people have a general idea of just how monumental all of this is and how, even just 9 years ago, “Obsidian” would have been totally inconceivable.
Some of this might have come as a surprise to you. It’s certainly not been easy to get to where we are now with Bubbline and it’s yet to be seen how open “Obsidian” will be about the relationship. I’ve been talking about Bubbline for years and attempted to chronicle their relationship many times so I’m happy I’ve finally done it from this perspective as well.
Adventure Time: Distant Lands “Obsidian” is streaming on Nov 19 on HBO Max. If you can, stream it so we can show that there’s popular demand for stories like that of an angry vampire and a despotic piece of gum.
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