#fun facts about my ocs
kurocookieemi · 8 months
new favorite drink for RH: flower teas (like hibiscus tea, hydrangea tea, any tea that involves flowers)
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sunshiline-writes · 11 months
Hello! can I ask 🎤 & 🌅 for the oc Olympics ask game?
YESS of course you can ask!!! From this ask game.
🎤 which one of your OCs has the best singing
voice?: oooo okay so I think Isobele has the best singing voice. She used to love to sing as a kid. And sometimes in good days she’ll hum to herself. Jeremiah and Ben will catch her, say nothing, and just listen. Because it’s the only form of music they get at base.
🌅 Which of your ocs wakes up the earliest?:
Kyler is definitely the one who wakes up the earliest. He loves to make himself tea, go out onto the porch and just listen to the birds sing good morning songs. He actually oftentimes will be angry with his partner Irvington if they let him sleep in lol.
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Fun facts about my O.C's: Takara
So she is technically considered a fresh-water demon because while she can go into saltwater without any major negative effects she prefers not to as it hurts her eyes and makes her nose and gills itch. Also her "hair" is more like a large collection of thin but strong barbells aka catfish whiskers.
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fanfluffls-ocs · 9 months
An Introduction to my Sea Cucumber OCs, Part 2
Informationen about the characters
First of all some basic informations about all of them individually (this sheet might seam empty but it’ll make sense why in a later post hehehe)
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(The text here is a bit small, sorry :ˋ) It gets better i promise)
Then some fun facts :D
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zivazivc · 4 months
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the morning (afternoon?) after this messy stunt. Floyd got off too easy in my opinion, but it's hard for Les to stay mad at him when he makes those sad pouting faces... 🤦
If you think Floyd's being really dumb at the start of this comic before getting a reality check, you have to take into account that he's madly lovesick and was feeling very smug atm; he's also a 15yo pop troll who thinks making out with someone means they're together now; and he assumed Les's sour mood was entirely the result of a nasty hangover...
P.S. They forgot about Hed lol (I almost forgot about him too, drew him just before posting lmao)
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ricky-mortis · 21 days
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I’m thinking about supernatural spies again…
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dovewingkinnie · 8 months
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hands u my oc critters
alien that is madly in love with some random office worker, truly a story
ignore that the guy looks like phone guy.. 🥺
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sillycosmicrabbit · 3 months
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I finally had time to finish making my clown character!
Introducing Curlee Fry! ❤️
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channnel · 5 months
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I saw her, and I immediately loved her
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blindmagdalena · 5 months
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Homelander & Yulia "Empress" Bellam. art for my planned homelander x oc fic, The Hand You Wanna Hold is a Weapon. 🖤 ( art by Toyryla )
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
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people who don't know them sometimes jump to conclusions about diamond city's detective duo.
closeups under the cut
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kurocookieemi · 8 months
fun fact: in AUs that involve magic (like Hello Conde, Mundo Oscuro, etc) Azra has mystical powers and floats while she meditates, while in Hello Neighbor, NOTRN, and AUs that don’t involve magic, she doesn’t have any of that
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yummyyummie · 2 months
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The girls experimenting continues with Vexx surprising Marimoo by having the two swap bodies, funnily enough they still ended up retaining their usual pred and prey dynamic - so now Mari knows what it's like if she were to eat herself
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friendlyengie · 9 months
Oogogogogogohoh getting all kinds of unwell abt your BLU team. They're all lamp posts, poor Spy 😂
theyre just a bunch of funny little guys! Spy . Spy makes do. Though him being 4’10” is funny for a lot of reasons. Specifically because it makes the concept of her hauling a BLU sniper around for Meet the Spy really funny
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Its gotta say something that shes able to haul around their 7’2” ass
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derpyycorvid · 10 months
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Jonny animation test
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therealcallmekd · 2 months
Been obsessing over the fact that my old oc, Artie, and Kinitopet are like so one in the same it's actually crazy.
Pink AI that's friendly on the surface, is actually really clingy and obsessive at times. Lonely and really just trying to fulfill a core objective as set by their creator or other influences, someone or something that they look up to as a godly figure maybe.
They both act as your friendly AI assistant, Artie is just for a specific program, while Kinito just gets to be his own thing.
Both want you to stay with them. Both will go out of their way to do things to make sure that happens.
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they are so silly to me, and i love them
Also I found an old sketch from way back that somehow mimics the literal same plot beats to the ending portion of kinitopet and that threw me for a loop. Too bad it was only a concept sketch.
ohhh i love sentient silly ai so much... ohhh i love themmmmmm
something something sentience of ai is inherently a tragedy or something like that.
thank you for listening to me ramble. ahem.
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