lovingempress · 1 year
Nailed the interview on Monday which yay!!! But I was supposed to be emailed some forms for my references to fill out on Tuesday, and now it’s Thursday and still no?? I never got the needed forms, which mind are due tomorrow?? Anxiety is thy name hmfgghhhh I already emailed AND texted her about it and she said she’ll email them but it’s been 3 hours and still no?? I’m gonna have a heart attack guys aaaaaaaaaa
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mangoposts · 9 months
I’ll change my name to Chris and dress like him please let me hit (Ur my dream woman)
Okay u can hit
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awstens-vagina · 7 months
shawty u lookin glompable as fuqqqqq >_<
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allcrush · 6 months
da fuqqqq da fuqqqqqq da fuqq da fuqqqqq da fuqqqq da fuqqqqqqq da fuqqqq
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powertothepeoplebitch · 6 months
The nausea I experience leading up to my cycle… can a bitch just be?!? fuqqqqq
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prlncessthots · 7 months
im trynna FUQQQQQ but in a cute girly way ^_^
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#snacc alert
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bunnihearted · 4 years
ngl im trying to not be dramatic but im kinda sad my other account got deleted... i had one blog where i uploaded pics and actually got notes lol T_T i dont rlly care abt notes bc i do things for me and bc it's fun, but i cant lie, getting likes makes you feel good and validated sooooo. im very sad that i lost that blog... but not just bc of that, also bc i've had that blog (+ all side blogs) for sooo long and i put so much time in it... i actually hate tumblr, the way they just delete your blog without warning (i didnt even get an email) and then you cant do anything abt it... bro i hate tumblr but there's no other site i like so i guess i'll just have to deal
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kallikrein · 2 years
here i am, literally thinking about the asshole of a jerk wakasa who refuses to answer you directly when you ask him if he still loves you — if he ever loved you — before telling him that you’re done, but you only hear silence from his end. you continue on saying that you’re done fighting for his affection, for some shit that you ought to never demand but should be selflessly received, fighting for anything when it comes to him, defending his name and showing others his good-natured side; and mostly, fighting for this relationship you’ve been carrying all alone but refuses to acknowledge his shortcomings. how you’re so indignant to say you’re not going to take back your words this time, how you’ll never ever regret loving him but only disappointed in yourself for staying just to be taken advantage of all this time; how you’ll turn your back to him, trembling shoulders and glassy gaze, stepping outside his house with a broken spirit and more so, a shattered heart, because never for once did he call out your name — in that desperate, wretched voice that would make anyone halt their steps, to weigh out their decision once more before leaving for the final time — never did he do that as he easily let you walk away out of his room and out of his life. and you know, as you cry your heart out on the street outside his house, that he never ever truly loved you.
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kickfoxing · 7 years
tbh i’m always thinking about neil and matts friendship but here i am at 12:30 getting too emotional
☆ matt is a year younger than the girls but a year older than the monsters ☆this means there is a year where the girls are gone but matt is still playing ☆ and it’s his last year with the foxes so he really wants to make it count ☆ not only is he going to be done playing with his family, he still has to be working hard to get scouted by a pro team ☆ but the foxes aren’t great, they aren’t the fantastic winners they used to be ☆ (thanks to the newbies that don’t have the murder and kidnapping as a shared life experience with the rest of the team) ☆ it’s safe to say matts stressed ☆ he wants to win to secure a good team but more so that he wants to win because it’s his last year ☆ all the stress he’s felt is built up into their games and explodes on the court ☆ he’s being reckless and jittery but managing to channel his energy and be and amazing player ☆ (it’s one of the only times kevin will admit to his face that he is deserving of court) ☆ but it isn’t enough ☆ the foxes lose and matt is devastated ☆ they didn’t even make it to the final showdown ☆ and no one seems to notice the spiral he goes into ☆ he doesn’t turn back to drugs but he stops reaching out to dan for small things ☆ he stops trying to see if nicky wants to take a break from studying and play some mario kart ☆ he stops asking neil to meet up for lunch ☆ in a move reminiscent of andrew minyard, matt find himself on the roof ☆ he doesn’t have a mob boss looming over his head demanding he play exy like kevin or neil ☆ he doesn’t need to play to make his livelihood, dans salary will eventually provide for the both of them ☆ so he sits on the roof and looks out over the smallish campus he’s know for the past 5 years ☆ and wonders how things could have gone differently ☆ he sneaks away when he knows no one will follow him ☆ when he knows he won’t be a bother to anyone ☆ but neil isn’t harry potter, he’s actually perceptive and uses his observations to help ☆ he noticed matt withdrawing himself from his friends ☆ initially, neil was too caught up in his on worry from losing to notice what was happening ☆ it was his first year as full captain, and he wasn’t taking care of his team ☆ he wasn’t sure how he knew where matt would be, but he felt drawn to the roof ☆ when he showed up, matt was immodestly shutting down ☆"ah, hey neil! how are you doing?“ ☆"just checking in. seeing what you’re up to.” ☆"just enjoying the weather, hah. didn’t mean to pull you away" ☆"what’s going on, matt?“ ☆ he tried to keep it in, he really did ☆ but there was something about neil that just made matt spill everything that had been going on ☆ all of his nerves and stress was laid out onto the table for neil to see ☆ he didn’t want to burden neil with his problems but once he started he couldn’t stop ☆ he talked in circles until he felt there was not more that could be said ☆"so that’s where i’m at.” ☆ neil didn’t laugh at him ☆ or tell him his problems were inconsequential ☆ he wrapped his arms around matt and pulled him back down to matt’s suite ☆ he rounded up the remaining original foxes ☆ (including aaron to everyone’s surprise) ☆ together they watched exy highlights (for kevin), some movies (for andrew), played some video games (for nicky), and spent a couple hours in each other’s company ☆ in the morning matt called dan and talked to her about all the things he was going through ☆ as they headed back to practice the next week, matt stopped neil with a hand on his shoulder ☆ neil motioned andrew to head out without him ☆"neil, i just want to say thank you for everything you did. for listening to my problems and not laughing at me.“ ☆"of course, matt. you’re my best friend, i’ll always be here for you.” ☆"same goes for you man.“ ☆they were silent for a moment that was slightly awkward as they shared small smiles ☆ matt clasped his hand on neil’s shoulder ☆"lets go play some exy”
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october-bird · 7 years
Yeah going off of yesterday's subject, it's a charmed circle bc I have -0 experience, making me too scared to ever initialize the slightest things, for fear of the dude freaking out about me having -0 experience; thus leaving me back with -0 experience, а годы-то идут...
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anxeary · 4 years
Do you ever study art for fun and overwhelm with love bc of thos hobby at 9 so decided you can't stop but after 10 years you find yourself drawing stranger's chest hair at 5:45 am while listening to your roommate singing rain, rain go away
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pinklysmooth · 4 years
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foppishdandy · 5 years
// Watching Dorian in action is one big turn on X'D
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isn’t it tho
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bambi-marquez · 3 years
merc ma dudes
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