#furry sheos
waisishoes · 11 months
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Furry Women winter boots | Women Snow boots | Handmade Suede Boots
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sheocheese · 1 month
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Do you ever just hang out, doing literally nothing but doomscrolling, when you are hit with the sudden realization that you have a crush on a non-fictional person for the first time in almost 10 years?
Haha yeah me neither
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Are you a furry
have all of you just collectively forgotten that im a literal eldritch god capable of possessing mortals and forcing them to do my bidding
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theswedishpajas · 10 months
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I should be sleeping, instead a madgod is using my brain as a scratching board.
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hallowknighttt · 7 months
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theclockworkowl · 3 years
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Finally got around to fully drawing my dear Ko’Krina!! And here she is admiring a new type of cheese- and she plans on pestering Haskil about it until he puts it in ever dish in the castle- it’s nice to see her with a face other than rage-
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skyrim-said-that · 3 years
The Daedric princes as roomates
Thank you so much to @the-drunken-huntsman for all their help with these headcanons! For those of you who want to know, Sanguine is at the very end, I saved my favorite for last. 
Clavicus Vile: Annoying ass roommate who does not clean up after himself and lets his dog do whatever the fuck it wants. He leaves dishes fucking everywhere and lets his dog lick his plate when he finishes a meal only to leave said plate on the coffee table in the living room. Has all the best gaming systems tho let’s be real, and he is willing to share them and leave them in the common space. Also, Barbas is a good boy.
Malacath: Gym bro roommate. If you are trying to get stronger or bulk up or whatever then sure he’s a great roommate but he is always kinda sweaty. Has anger issues. Leaves workout equipment everywhere? Have fun stubbing your toes on his 100-pound hand weights. Makes disgusting protein shake concoctions at 5 in the fucking morning with his loud ass blender. Lowkey is not a great cook tho so if he makes u a meal you best be eating it. Would beat up anyone you needed beat up no questions asked.
Hermaeus mora: Such a fucking know it all. The “um ACKTUALLY” guy every time you say anything. Points out any tiny inaccuracy in movies like its his job its literally painful. Hes taking like 8 classes and acing every single one. Remembers everything you have ever said fucking ever and will use it against you. He will however do your taxes and calculate the bills and stuff. Honestly probably makes u a budget. Also, has the textbooks you need for class in pristine condition just like chilling on his bookshelf? Lets you use them but if you crinkle even ONE PAGE he will be pissed. 
Hircine: lowkey redneck. 100% has a taxidermy deer head he wants to hang in the common room, also a hunting rifle. He just like has it around. He is a furry and has a fursuit. Pretty chill roommate if we are being honest? There’s a lot of raw meat in your fridge/freezer tho. I hope you're not vegetarian because he will make fun of you. if you’re not he makes really good steak as long as you like it rare. Also wakes up at the ass crack of dawn and try as he might, is not very quiet. REALLY COMPETITIVE, do not make bets/play video games/card games, etc. he will crush you and be really annoying about it. 
Azura: Azura is the crystals and astrology roommate who calls herself a plant mom but can only keep succulents alive. She's really proud if her one rose bush she's had for a while but you don't have the heart to tell her it's fake. She's constantly trying to give you essential oils for any minor ailment you may have. She also likes to call herself the mom friend but gets sloppy white girl wasted every weekend and can never be trusted as DD
Nocturnal: the suspicious roommate you know nothing at all about. What classes is she taking? What college is she even going to? Where does she work? Leaves at random times, comes back at random times. Will disappear off the face of the earth for 3 days with nothing but a note asking you to fill the birdfeeder outside her window while she’s gone. If she likes you she will just give you random stuff? Where she got it isn't important. There is literally no trace of her in common spaces but she always pays her rent on time so no complaints. 
Sheogorath: You have seen sheo like 3 times since you moved in but the stories about him are great. Someone said he got arrested, someone else said he joined a Croatian traveling circus. No one knows for sure but he still sends his half of the rent money in the mail every month (with no return address) so you can't complain. Sometimes you get up in the middle of the night and hes just sitting at the kitchen table eating kraft cheese slices one by one. Tells you an extremely weird and out of nowhere story that you will think about for the rest of your life, then disappears for another 2 months. 
Mephala: knows everything about everyone and will find out all your dirty secrets by the second week of living together. She's ended several relationships so you hesitate to bring your partner over. Reads your diary and goes through your search history every time you leave. Is the one encouraging Azura to get sloppy drunk on the weekends with your booze. She breeds tarantulas and sells them out of your apartment, and you’ve heard the vetting process to adopt one of them is stricter than trying to adopt a child. There’s a written exam on spider care and everything. 
Peryite: Peryite is sick 24/7 and always misses class but always ends up with higher grades than you. Has pet snakes and lizards that escape like once a week and always end up chilling somewhere in the common space to scare you. They feed rodents and stuff outside your place so there’s always like possums and rats and raccoons just chilling. They all have names. If you are having issues with a person at school or a coworker or something, insists that they are weak and you. He makes and enforces the chore wheel. 
Namira:  THE WORST for dirty dishes, there is stuff in their room that was mouldy before they even moved in. do not let them use your mugs they will let a teabag grow its own biosphere before you see it again. They leave rotting food in the sink and suspicious unlabeled meat in the freezer. Nothing they eat looks at all edible but they seem to enjoy it? Offers you leftovers which is nice, but don’t eat them. 
Mehrunes Dagon: does not clean up after himself ever. You left him alone one weekend to visit home and when you came back it looked like a war zone. Have weapons just lying around??? This is super dangerous. Fights your guys’ landlord all the fucking time, how has he not been kicked out yet. Hates everyone you have ever dated for no reason, you probably shouldn’t bring them around. The good news is that when you do break up he will break their arms for you. You’re welcome :)
Boethiah: would be some kind of organizer. Definitely am anarchist punk. If you ever go to them with relationship or friendship troubles their only advice is "kill them". Loves conflict tho, so nosy to other people’s drama and encourages the worst possible outcomes bc it’s funny. Honestly? Hes just a shitty roommate. Honest with his opinions tho, if you’re gonna go out and ask his opinion on your outfit he’s gonna be brutally honest. 
Vaermina: is taking night classes so you can't make any noise in the day while she's sleeping. Has a really creepy vibe about her and whenever she's up at night it barely sounds like a person moving around. Gives an in-depth analysis of your dreams and nightmares if you share them and is able to guess your exact mental illness or childhood trauma based on your first real conversation. Her additions to the common room are all really cool stuff, but super gothic. She whips out a whole human skull and when u ask where she got it she says she just had it around. 
Meridia: is a nursing student always going on and on about how noble her career is. Won't let you decorate the common area ever lest you tarnish her perfect all white minimalist aesthetic. She doesn’t want to hang out with you and if you sit in the common room with her she will leave or side-eye you until you go. Just awful vibes, she gives you backhanded compliments. However, if you’re going somewhere and she offers to help you fix your ugly ass (in her opinon) hair or makeup, say yes. It will look great at the cost of some not so veiled insults.
Sanguine: The bad news is that he has very loud sex all the time and it’s really annoying. The good news is that it will sometimes be with you if u want. The fuckbuddy roommate. The absolute most mind-blowing soul-shattering time of your life but DO NOT GET ATTACHED. He will not commit. He does not want to be in a relationship with you. Also has all the best alcohol and shares it without you even having to ask. I hope you are okay with parties because he will be having them at your place at least twice a month. More if he can. Gets you absolutely fucking wasted but also makes sure you are having a good time and nobody bothers you. 
When he isn’t partying at your place he’s partying somewhere else and coming home as the sun is rising, tipsy. Also gets sloppy drunk on the weekends but never has a hangover. like he never ends up passing out or getting hurt or anything when he’s wasted. At no point, does his being drunk interfere with his having fun. If you end up with one he's a big believer in "hair of the dog" remedies and will make you morning cocktails before class Also if you bring people home for fun times he will not be leaving the apartment to give you guys privacy, in fact, he will give you and your partner a high five and a shot as soon as you leave the bedroom. Rolls the best joints with the best weed in the country, makes even better edibles.
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ansu-gurleht · 5 years
a very daedric halloween
ok so here’s what all the princes would wear to a halloween party:
malacath dresses as boethiah and makes the best show he can of being all “scary” and “edgy” and stuff. everybody agrees he’s actually less scary and edgy when acting like boethiah. one time he went as trinimac tho, which genuinely creeped everybody out
mephala usually hosts the parties and is not above just being a spider. sometimes she wears costumes of mortals, or costumes referring to recent events. whenever somebody asks her “why are you dressed as __?” she’ll say “oh i did that. that was my doing, my secret plan come to fruition.” sometimes it’s damn near impossible to make the connection though, and she refuses to explain it. one time she was an apple, and said the exact same thing as usual, and everybody was like “??????” (also, one time she dressed as something that nobody really understood, except for boethiah, and it REALLY pissed her off, so she stormed out of the party)
it’s not without reason that malacath plays boethiah the way he does. she tends to go overboard with the edginess in her costumes. sometimes she even just goes as herself in full battle gear covered in blood. real fuckin edgelord over here
azura usually goes as mortals - literally going as possessed mortals. everyone agrees it’s pretty weird and almost everybody has at some point accidentally killed her costume. sometimes it’s not really accidentally tho
boethiah, mephala, and azura are known for doing couple (thruple?) costumes. sometimes it’s just sharing themes, and then there’s the time they literally went as a dragon. all three of them, stuffed in a three-person dragon suit. azura insisted on being the head, mephala got the tail, and boethiah was miffed that she just got the lousy middle :/
clavicus vile and barbas almost ALWAYS go as each other, and INSIST on everybody referring to them as such. that’s not clavicus in a kid’s dog suit, that’s barbas; that’s not barbas with horns pasted on and wearing pants, that’s clavicus. if you get it wrong too many times, barbas will bite you - and i mean barbas and “barbas”
sanguine always wears the “sexy” version of costumes. always.
mehrunes dagon struggles with costumes bc of his extra pair of arms, but mephala usually tries to help alter them to accommodate. one time he went as uriel septim vii (with four arms), and it was the best part of the whole party
molag bal does not get invited. sometimes, for god knows what reason, azura tells him about the party anyways. he shows up, crashes the party, and everybody leaves, cursing azura
hircine goes in full fursuit. every year, “clavicus” asks him, “oh, so you just dressed as yourself again?” hircine goes to brood in the corner as everybody laughs at him
namira rarely puts much effort into her appearance, and costume parties are no exception. it’s good enough she comes at all - to everybody without a nose, that is
vaermina wears a hideous amorphous dress that shifts and transforms depending on who’s looking at it, showing them their worst fears, so everybody tries to avoid looking at her at all. those who accidentally catch a glimpse are absolutely horrified. except for sheogorath. he just laughs. he’s basically the only person willing to talk to vaermina at the parties.
peryite likes to go as skeevers, rats, and other rodents. as a result, he tends to constantly get punted across the room by everybody walking around
sheogorath has the most diversity and originality in costumes as all the other princes. he can go as a simple jester, a talking swarm of butterflies, or a coffin emitting screams and nails scratching on wood. he can be as whimsical as sanguine and as terrifying as vaermina. one time, before the grey march at the end of the third era, he went as jyggalag. everybody was completely horrified.
jyggalag doesn’t really attend the parties, despite sheogorath inviting him every year, until recently. he went exactly one time, as himself, since he didn’t really get the point of a costume party. that was even worse than the time sheogorath went as him, and everybody kinda freaked out. sheo had to apologize to everybody afterwards. since then, sheo stopped inviting him.
hermaeus mora doesn’t usually bother to go, either. but when he does, and he bothers to actually put on a costume.....hoo boy. vaermina tends to take notes.
nocturnal likes to decline the invitation, but sneak in anyway. nobody ever sees her there, but she always ends up knowing things people said, or taking with her certain objects or hors d’oeuvres. it’s pretty unnerving - like the time she took “clavicus”’s horns off his furry head without him or anybody else noticing for an hour.
meridia has a better attendance record than hermaeus and jyggalag, but kinda misses the point on the whole “costume party” thing. she just goes full high fashion, wearing really fancy and elaborate dresses and shoes and jewelry, always REALLY bright (whenever she shows up, “barbas” quips, “everybody, turn off the lights, the sun is here!”). for several years in a row meridia and azura had a bit of a pissing contest where they just kept wearing fancier and fancier shit, trying to outdo each other, until one year they became so distracted with their rivalry that nocturnal made off with every one of the thousands of jewels they wore without anybody noticing until malacath (as “boethiah”) asked, “is it dark in here.....or is it just me?” and striking a pose
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abandonedabandoned · 5 years
My Trendersona
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[Image ID: A simple drawing made in ms paint. Go has long hair in many coloured streaks over one of gore eyes, a Twenty One Pilots t-shirt with a long-sleeved mesh shirt underneath, a ridiculous amount of bracelets, and purple and yellow pants. Attached to gore body are various bags and straps, and gore shoes are multicoloured. Go also has a giant sword, Shadowrend, and staff, the Wabbajack, on gores back. Next to gore un-covered eye, text reads "I can't draw eyes but they're blue."
The text on the side is gore name and a list of details of the image. The text reads "Hatch Aether Lutece-Terranas, Bard of the MadGod. Random scenecore outfit, always accompanied by a chicken, Shadowrend sheath Is made of silver kandi so jot that down, Amber studded sheath (gift) holds Wabbajack, Green strap is a Gir backpack, Slight Dunmer features and coloring, Almost always has lute, Big as fuck, Strong as fuck, The absolute hottest, Teeth necklace, Special kandi made by Sheo"]
Thats my Super Cool (noncanon compliant) Elder Scrolls rp server self insert!!
Answers to Hatch, Aether (if i know u,) any of my fictionkintype names, or Nico Necrovorous (my scene king name)
Go/gore/goreself, it/itself, and if i feel a little spicy then 🔪self
Xenic, Diamoric Peacock, Mantis presenting ambonec borderfluid genderhoarder
Pansexual (with preferences, holy Shit) arospec between multiple arospec orientations, sensuvague, Objectum and Ficto AND polyam. In a polyam relationship with a beautiful system, with several romantic and queerplatonic partners and an absolute horrible kismesis AND two objectum partners and several F/Os
Autistic (professionally diagnosed,) three personality disorders, psychotic depression, MADD, cptsd, and a quoigenic median system
Actually hella dysphoric but in a way related to being nonhuman so it "doesnt count" or some shit
Incredibly alterhuman. Several kintypes, kinhearted mainly with Clowns, Sapphire (SU,) Wrench from Watch Dogs and Lucas Baker from RE7. Also literally divine, a vampire, and a dragon
Im a furry, i lov 2 roleplay with my friends, i love scenecore and NEED trender scene friends, and im a witch and a filthy daedra worshipper!! Sheogorath 4 life!
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bound-until-death · 7 years
I’ve always wanted to make headcanons for daedric prince parties (because that’s completely canon) so here goes
Hermaeus Mora is the one sitting in the corner with a book, talking the dog (Yes it’s Barbas) because they don’t like social events
This was a fairly casual party but Nocturnal lockpicks her way in, wearing 6 inch heels, a cocktail dress, and a goddamn raven feather boa because that’s how extra she is.
Sanguine is the drunk guy stripping on the table because of course he is (and Mehrunes and Sheo were totally cheering him on)
Clavicus is trying to make people pay him for the punch that he didn’t bring
Molag Bal is that one creepy guy at parties and is hitting on literally everyone
Malacath is the guy that no one invited but for some reason he shows up anyway acting like a “special surprise guest” and brings a group of ogres that were also not invited and everyone hates them
Vaermina put something in the liquor and now all the ogres are passed out and seem to be suffering severe nightmares
Namira drank one glass of non alcoholic fruit juice and yet they have thrown up 3 times
Sheogorath is dj'ing mixtures of hardcore metal and happy children’s music
Merhunes Dagon destroyed a table, smashed 5 cups, and has managed to set the sweetrolls on fire.
Meridia is drunkenly crying because someone recently raised a corpse within an acre of her precious shrine and didn’t apologise and drop dead immediately
Azura is doing her best to comfort Meridia
Hircine is trying to convince one of the ogres why the furry lifestyle is actually a meaningful and valid way to live
Mephala and Boethiah are gossiping about their recent betrayals and snickering nefariously
Periyite couldn’t make it because he was sick
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sheocheese · 8 months
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I'm sick so I have some time to do art, yay!
Too bad this little WIP crop is the only part of thisthing I can show here on tumblr and I'm not even sure yet if I'll put it on FurAffinity, that's how self indulgent I'm being with this one.
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hallowknighttt · 8 months
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what if we were both warm-toned drawings of our fursonas and in love
jex belongs to @doggirlviscera !!
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hallowknighttt · 1 year
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woah i actually made something
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sheocheese · 1 year
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Refsheet for my little skrungle. My blorbo. My smelly dorito. My fursona.
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hallowknighttt · 1 year
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ARTFIGHT ATTACK ON @coward2coward my wifey my beloved :3
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sheocheese · 1 year
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Art Fight attack on @toonocosm! Two extradimensional shapeshifters walk into a bar...
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