#furuya x miyuki
kotomka · 1 year
Pairing Furuya/Miyuki is so underrated
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briology · 1 year
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-> Father with the most humor. Loves making their children laugh. Whenever their child is sad, all they have to do is make a funny face, do a little dance with them, or even make a funny drawing, and that child is no longer feeling sad. Also, those types of dads that say "ya momma" to their kid (like that ain't his wife...) Truly one of the best kinds of father to have.
(kuramochi, SAWAMURA, kanemaru, narumiya, carlos, sanada, ryosuke)
-> Father with the scariest face, but the purest heart. These fathers may LOOK terrifying, but these men are gentle with their kids. The faces that they have may look like they are able to murder someone (they could) but they are like the neighborhood dads. They have their house open to everybody, as long as they respect it. They do have a bad side tho. So just watch it and there will be ZERO problems!
(TANBA, TETSUYA, kataoka, okumura, raichi)
-> Father that is scared, but loving. So scared to be a father. Now don't get me wrong, they LOVE their child/children. But the thought of not being good enough for them leaves them wondering if they are cut out for this. Yet, all of those worries wash away when their child/children are clingy towards them. Their child absolutely adores their father so damn much. They have the best bond with their children, a bond that will always be cherished
(MIYUKI, chris, furuya, haruichi, jun)
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© 2023 briology
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deadlyleomidget · 9 months
Hello and happy new year 2023!!!! Can i have request for miyuki x oc(Azusa)? They have school festival every class had to hold event. The idea is Azusa class and Furuya class work together to do the play "Romeo and juliet" and suggested Furuya as Romeo while Azusa as Juliet(because she blonde)so everyone agreed. 2 days before play they decided to add kiss scene written(passionate kiss) which is azusa freak out but they ignored her. You can make scene they practiced together before and after kiss scene added the second years overheard about their play, read the script and suprised there are kiss scene. How will miyuki react or will he avoid them practice kissing? I pretty sure it's gonna hilarious when they practiced together especially furuya being just furuya. Thank you for hearing my request...
Hi Anon! Happy Holidays! I apologize for not responding to you sooner. I wish you a happy new year and I hope that you like this!
Word Count: 4256
“Why? Why? Why? Why is this happening to me?” Azusa groaned out in frustration out of the of blue while she stomped on the ground. She was preparing the drinks for the team along with the rest of the managers since they were going to be done with practice soon. Normally, she would try to have her outbursts where no one can (or at least her senpai) can see her, but this time around she didn’t care at all.
Sachiko blinked in confusion. “What’s wrong with you now?” 
“I don’t wanna talk about it!” Azusa whined, not even bothering in sparing a glance towards Sachiko. 
“Is everything alright, Azusa-san?” Takako asked in concern. 
The blonde turned around. “Don’t worry about me, Takako-senpai,” Azusa replied in a more polite tone. 
“Oi! What’s up with this difference in tone?” Sachiko angrily asked while Yui giggled in the background, preparing the onigiri. 
Takako sighed in defeat. “Haruno?” she turned to the redheaded manager. 
“Yes, Takako-senpai?” Haruno asked. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Takako inquired while pointing towards Azusa who was sulking off in the opposite end of the kitchen. 
“Well…” the redhead trailed off. 
“Don’t tell them!” Azusa pleaded, turning around at the speed of lightning. 
“But Azusa-san…” 
“Oooh, now you have to tell us, Haruno,” Sachiko said excitedly. 
“No, no, no,” the blonde shook her head. 
“Haruno,” Takako repeated her name in a stern tone. 
Haruno looked at Azusa who had pleading (or terrified or perhaps both?) expression and then at Takako who was narrowing her eyes at her, back at Azusa, and then back to her senpai who now crossed her arms in mild annoyance. 
Haruno couldn’t take it anymore and just turned around so she didn’t have to face anyone. “Well… It’s related to the school festival,” she began.
“NOOOOO!” Azusa yelled. 
“Go on,” Yui prompted. 
“I’m sorry Azusa-san,” she spared a glance towards the blonde manager. “But our class 1-C, and class 1-B are joining together to do a school play.” 
“That’s so fun!” Yui exclaimed. 
“That’s not juicy at all,” Sachiko complained, prompting Yui elbowing her with a disapproving look. 
“It does sound very nice,” Takako nodded in agreement while smiling. “What play are you guys doing?” 
“Romeo & Juliet,” Haruno answered with dread. 
“I love that play,” the eldest manager exclaimed but then shot Haruno a confused look. “But I still fail to see what’s the issue?” 
But the pig tailed manager didn’t fail to see what was the issue. “And who got casted as Romeo & Juliet?” she asked with a playful smirk. 
“Must you torture me?” Azusa deadpanned. 
“Well, you see….” 
“It’s decided! Narumiya Azusa is going to play Juliet!” a girl with short brown hair exclaimed. Her name was Tachibana Akane and she was the class representative for class 1-C. 
“What?” Azusa exclaimed in shock as shot up from her seat. “I didn’t audition or volunteer for this!” the manager pointed out. “Who the hell decided this?” she was furious. 
The class representative just smiled at her despite of Azusa’s outburst. “We know that you didn’t audition for this, Narumiya-san,” she said in a pleasant tone despite Azusa shooting daggers at her. “But the class voted for you to play Juliet and I can’t say that I disagree with the vote.” 
“And why the hell not?” the manager spat while clenching her fist. 
“Because you’re blonde,” the class rep deadpanned. 
“Hah?” Azusa scoffed. “Haven’t you heard of wigs?” she asked sarcastically. 
The class rep shook her head. “Nonsense. It just wouldn’t be the same.” 
“She has a point, blondie-chan!” Sawamura said nodding, appearing out of nowhere.
“Shut up! Who asked you for your opinion anyway?” 
“Now, now, don’t be upset Narumiya-san,” another girl came to join Akane at the front of the class. She had long black glossy hair and wore black rimmed glasses. Azusa asumed that she was the class rep for class 1-B. “Participating in a school play can be a lot of fun and it’s a good way to bond with your classmates.” 
“Then, why don’t you do it?” Azusa scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest. “I don’t know if you’re aware. But I’m a manager of the baseball team and I don’t have time to waste since I have school, the team, and now this play.” 
The girl adjusted her glasses with an evil smirk. “We don’t have classes while we prepare for the school festival and club hours are reduced as well,” she replied which made Azusa pout. “So it shouldn’t be a big burden on you. Besides, since you’re a manager of the baseball team, you would love to have the people’s vote for Romeo,” the unknown girl said the last part with a hint of excitement in her tone. 
The blonde narrowed her eyes at the two class reps who were undoubtedly plotting something terrible. “Who’s Romeo?” 
Both girls started tapping the desk as if it was a drum. “Our Romeo is,” they drumrolled again. “Furuya Satoru-kun!”
Azusa gasped. “What?” 
“What?” Sawamura also exclaimed. 
“Ahhhh!” all the girls in the classroom started screaming in delight. 
“He’s the perfect pick!” 
“He already looks like a prince!” 
“Narumiya-san is so lucky!” 
“They’re going to look so cute together!” 
The blonde manager blinked several times. Still in shock from the news. “Furuya?” she asked. “But if he is Romeo, then doesn’t that mean that we’ll k-” 
“Furuya-kun! Wake up!” she heard the younger Kominato say to Furuya who was nodding off at his desk. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked, looking disoriented and confused at the commotion of the classroom. 
“You’re going to be Romeo,” Kominato said to him. 
“Wait a minute,” Sachiko interrupted Haruno’s story. “Is this why you’re so upset?” the pigtailed manager asked incresdously. “Because you got casted in a school play?” 
Azusa furiously blushed while she averted her gaze from Sachiko. “I don’t like being forced to do things that I don’t want,” she replied sheepishly. 
“Plays are fun though,” Takako tried to make her see the other side of the coin. “It’s not often that we get to do non baseball related things.” 
Azusa pouted. “I don’t wanna do non baseball related things though,” she whined. 
“She truly is a baseball idiot,” Yui giggled. 
“Whatever!” Sachiko exclaimed with a dismissive wave. “I thought we were going to have some juicy story. I can’t believe you’re pouting over something so simple.” 
“I’m not just pouting because of that!” Azusa blurted out. 
“Oh?” Sachiko raised an eyebrow causing Azusa to gasp and cover her mouth in embarrassment. “So there is more?” she asked with an evil smirk. “Haruno-chan?” she then turned to the redheaded manager. “There is more?” 
“This happened a little over a week ago,” Haruno replied. “So it’s not really about her being cast in the play anymore. She has even rehearsed with Furuya multiple times.” 
“Which turned out to be harder than studying,” Azusa pointed out. 
“It’s hard but they are making progress,” Haruno said with an awkward laugh. 
“Well, Furuya is not very good with studying so I can see him having issues with memorizing the lines,” Yui pointed out. 
“So, are you mad at Furuya?” Takako asked, still confused. 
“No, I knew it was a bad idea from the get go,” Azusa said nonchalantly. 
“So, what’s the issue?” Takako was starting to lose her patience. 
A shade of pink started gracing Azusa’s features so instead of replying she just looked down at her feet. 
“Well… the scriptwriters added a last minute… Scene,” Haruno trailed off. 
“What kind of scene?” Yui asked. 
“A romantic scene,” Azusa said in a barely audible whisper. 
Sachiko squealed in delight. “Don’t tell me it’s a kissing scene?” 
“Shut up,” Azusa replied with a pouting face. 
“Aren’t they supposed to kiss anyway?” Yui asked. 
“Yes, they do kiss,” Takako confirmed. “So how is it a last minute addition?” 
“It wasn’t supposed to be like that!” Azusa exclaimed. “The class rep bamboozled me! I was told that we wouldn’t have to kiss at the end. Just pretend like we did and then Furuya would hug me. It was the only reason why we even accepted in the first place.” 
“Look at that, who would’ve thought that you knew such big words like that?” Sachiko teased. 
“Sachiko,” Takako quietly chastised. 
“Sorry,” Sachiko said without a hint of remorse in her tone. 
“Then today which by the way means that we’re only two, TWO, days before the play is supposed to debut, the script writers sneak in a PASSIONATE KISS on to the final scene!” By this  time Azusa was fuming. “Not just a kiss, but PASSIONATE!” 
Haruno nodded. “And that’s why she’s upset.” 
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Takako began. “But I can see why you’re upset. I think I’d be too.” 
“Me too,” Yui nodded in agreement. “Did you ask them to remove the scene?” 
Azusa hung her head in despair. “I did multiple times but they just ignored me. They think it’s going to be the ‘cherry on top,” she said with airquotes at the end. 
“That sucks man,” Sachiko mustered up to sound sympathetically. “But on the bright side, it’s Furuya. Imagine getting an ugly Romeo.” 
“Would someone ugly be casted as Romeo anyway?” Yui asked. 
“I dunno. I’m trying to make her feel better,” Sachiko shrugged. 
“And it’s not working,” Azusa deadpanned. 
“As you can imagine, Furuya is not doing so well with the news either.” 
“Yes, he’s very oblivious and awkward around girls,” Sachiko noted.
Haruno nodded in agreement. “Yes, he’s not like Sawamura-kun, who seems to be more comfortable around girls talking about shoujo manga.” 
“Oh? So he would be your Romeo then?” Sachiko teased. 
Haruno blushed at her comment. “I d-didn’t say that!” 
“Poor Furuya isn’t Azusa-san’s Romeo either,” Yui joked. 
“Romeo or no Romeo, I don’t wanna kiss anybody in public.” 
“So how about you practice?” Sachiko suggested. “If you practice in private then it won’t be as jarring to do it while in public.” 
“I don’t wanna kiss Furuya!” Azusa shook her head. “I don’t see him like that. He’s one of my best friends. It’s just going to be so awkward.” 
“Hence, you practice,” Sachiko said in a matter of fact tone. 
“I think if you’re truly uncomfortable then speak to the scriptwriters in private and communicate that. I’m sure they will be understanding.” Takako suggested.
“In the meanwhile… Practice!” Sachiko reiterated. 
“I don’t think that is going well with some people…” Yui said and then laughed. 
Azusa started moping again not knowing what to do. She wasn’t going to be able to handle that embarrassment. 
However, unbeknownst to her, more people in the school are soon going to be knowing of her troubles. 
“You guys have no idea what I just found out!” Zono exclaimed as he barged in Miyuki’s room. 
“Good evening to you too, Zono,” Miyuki greeted from his desk in a teasing tone. 
“Arrghh! Not again!” Kuramochi complained. He was playing some video game along with Shirasu. “This is your fault now!” the shortstop then turned to his fellow vice-captain pointing at him with an accusing finger. 
“What did I do?” Zono asked confused closing the door behind him. 
“I lost my concentration and lost because of you!” 
“You would’ve lost again just like you did the last three times,” Shirasu quietly countered which made Kuramochi grit his teeth in anger.
Miyuki burst out laughing. 
“Shut up! I’ts not funny!” Kuramochi exclaimed. 
“No, it’s hilarious,” Miyuki deadpanned. 
“Didn’t you guys hear what I just said?” Zono asked angrily. He was not pleased that he was getting ignored. 
“It seems like you overheard something judging by the way that you came in like a gossiping housewife,” the captain pointed out with a sly smirk. 
Zono blushed at Miyuki’s comment. “I’m not gossiping,” he weakly argued.
“Just spill anyway!” Kuramochi interrupted. “And it better be good to justify you making me lose.” 
“It wouldn’t have made a difference,” Shirasu said in a barely audible whisper which earned him a side eye from Kuramochi.
“Anyway,” Zono cleared his throat, marching towards the middle of the room to command everyone’s attention. “I overheard the managers talking about the play that the first years are putting in.” 
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard that both class 1-B and 1-C are working together in a production,” Kuramochi nodded. “But what’s so important about it?” 
“They are doing Romeo & Juliet-” 
“Still not interesting enough,” the shortstop interrupted.  
“And Narumiya-san was casted as Juliet,” Zono finished. 
“WHAT?” Miyuki, Kuramochi, and Shirasu exclaimed in shock. 
Miyuki’s shock quickly wore off and then he started laughing along with Kuramochi. “Azusa as Juliet? Who thought of that?” he chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye. “I wonder why she hasn’t told me anything.” 
“So if she is Juliet then who is playing Romeo?” Shirasu asked in a serious tone which stunned Miyuki into silence. 
“Furuya is playing Romeo,” Zono replied. 
Miyuki widened his eyes in surprise. “Furuya? Furuya?” he asked in disbelief.
“And that’s not all,” Zono continued. “The managers were talking about how Narumiya-san had to practice with Furuya because the writers included a last minute kiss scene in the play,” he added the last part with disdain. “Can you believe that Furuya is going to kiss a girl? Before us? Me?” Zono said at the end in a barely audible whisper.
“K-kiss?” Miyuki’s voice faltered a bit. “Why would they need to kiss?” he asked in an indignant tone. 
“It’s Romeo & Juliet you idiot,” Kuramochi angrily spat in sarcasm. “They are supposed to kiss… Which is NOT fair,” the shortstop grumbled. “I don’t even have a girlfriend.” 
“Yes, but they can take creative license and do something else,” Miyuki countered, ignoring Kuramochi’s plight about not having a girlffriend. “This is a school after all.” 
The shortstop shot him a knowing look as if he forgot about his anger. “Calm down. Since when do you care about that?” Kuramochi snickered and then gave the catcher a smirk. “Oh, don’t tell me that you’re jealous?” 
Miyuki scoffed as he crossed his arms across his  chest and leaned back on his chair. “Why would I be jealous?” 
“Yeah, why would he be jealous?” Zono cluelessly asked. “Miyuki never cared about not having a girlfriend. Even though he has a ton of girls throwing themselves at him,” he added the last part with disdain. 
Shirasu facepalmed. 
“I don’t know. You seem pretty upset,” Kuramochi pointed out. “And Zono is right. You never cared about having a girlfriend.” 
“I’m not upset,” Miyuki replied rather too quickly. “It’s just that’s not okay. She shouldn’t be kissing anyone in front of the entire school. She is too young for that.” 
“Too young? What are you, her father?” 
“No, but Mei asked me to look after her,” the catcher replied as cooly as he could muster. “He wouldn’t be pleased about any of this.” 
“Sure, blame Narumiya.”
“You know how he is.” 
“So do you think they are going to kiss for real?” Zono asked in a hopeless tone. 
Kuramochi shrugged. “Well, it’s part of the play,” he scoffed. “Those damn first years!” 
Miyuki pouted. ‘We’ll see about that.’ 
“Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavory guide! Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on The dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark! Here’s to my love. Drinking. O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.”
 Furuya recited his lines in his usual monotone voice. 
“Can you put a little more enthusiasm ?” Azusa scoffed.
They were practing their lines in Furuya’s dorm room while his teammates were still out. Neither of them wanted to do this but they figured it would be worst to look like idiots in front of the entire school. 
“How can be I more enthusiastic about it if I just died?” Furuya asked without a hint of sarcasm in his tone. 
Azusa blinked in confusion, certainly taken aback. “That’s a good point,” she conceded. “This Romeo guy seems kinda stupid to me.” 
“Baka-meo,” Furuya nodded, a little too pleased with himself with that joke. 
“Baka or not, you have to sell it!” the manager scolded. “Obviously you can’t be happy because you’re dead so at least look sad and distraught about it.” 
The ace nodded. “Look sad, got it.” 
Azusa sighed in defeat. “I don’t know how this is going to turn out.” 
“Why don’t you go next?” Furuya proposed. “With enthusiasm.” 
The blonde shot him a glare but since he had a point she cleared her throat in preparation. 
“Yea, noise? Then I’ll be brief. O, happy dagger,This is thy sheath. There rust, and let me die,”
 Azusa recited before she pretended to stab herself and then dramatically fell down, all sprawled out on the floor. She then added some gagging sounds as she choked on her imaginary blood for added effect. 
Furuya gasped and then clapped. “Bravo!” 
Azusa giggled as she got up and bowed down in front of Furuya who continued clapping. “Was that believable?” 
“Very,” Furuya replied. “But didn’t you have some other lines before that?” he innocently asked. 
The manager’s cheery expression quickly turned sour. She then averted her gaze from Furuya. “Yes, but those were the lines before… Well… You know…” 
Furuya gave her a confused look at first but then the realization dawned on him. “T-the Ki-”
“The kiss,” Azusa hissed, clenching her fists in annoyance. 
“In front of everybody,” Furuya blushed. 
“Yup,” the manager deadpanned. 
“Manager-san?” Furuya started, making Azusa raise an eyebrow in inquiry. “Can we run away?” he asked. 
Azusa knitted her eyebrows in confusion. “Then what about Koshien next year?” 
Furuya laid back in his bed in defeat. “Can we just say that we are sick, manager-san?” 
Azusa let out a melancholic sigh. “I’ve thought about that but it really wouldn’t be fair to our classmates who are working hard during rehearsals and behind the scenes. It would be pretty messed up.” 
Furuya grumbled. 
“I know, I’m not happy about it,” she spared a glance towards Furuya who was pouting. “But it doesn’t have to be a passionate kiss like the script says,” she suggested. 
“Like something quick and then done?” 
 “Yeah,” Azusa replied unsure. She really was outside of her comfort side.
“Would that be easier?” Furuya asked. “I’ve never kissed anyone before,” he whispered the last part. 
Azusa blushed at his confession. “I haven’t either,” she revealed as well. “Sachiko-senpai says that if we do that during rehearsals then it won’t be as hard during the actual play.” 
“Kominato said the same thing,” he said begrudgingly. Then he turned to her. “Should we… Try it?” he asked timidly. 
The manager’s heart skipped a beat. Try it? A kiss? This is how her first kiss would be? 
“I guess…” 
“Okay then…” 
“Maybe, I should start with my lines before and then I… Kiss you?” 
“Yeah, I’m going to be dead, right?” 
Azusa nodded. “Yes, I have to kiss you to try to get the poison from your lips. 
“Well, then that means that I don’t have to do anything,” Furuya then realized. 
Azusa widened her eyes in surprise. “What?” 
“I’m dead now,” he suddenly declared before closing his eyes and playing dead. 
‘He has to be the worst actor,’ the manager thought. ‘But that doesn’t matter now. I guess I just have to get over it.’ 
Azusa cleared her throat once again.
“What’s here? A cup closed in my true love’s hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.—O churl, drunk all, and left no friendly drop To help me after! I will kiss thy lips.Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, To make me die with a restorative. Thy lips are warm!” 
 Azusa recited perfectly and then she looked down at Furuya who was laying down on his bed. She slowly bent over to be closer to his face. But as she would inch closer to his face, her heart would beat faster and faster each time. She thought that it would burst out of her chest and her ears were ringing. Was this really happening? Was she about to kiss Furuya? But that wasn’t fair. She didn’t have anything against Furuya but this is not how she wanted her first kiss to be like. She wanted it to be special. She wanted to be with…
‘Kazuya,’ the manager thought solemnly as the catcher’s image came to her mind. He truly was the one that she wanted to kiss first as silly as it sounded. Azusa knew that Miyuki doesn’t see her like that. He still sees her as a younger sister. But deep down inside, she still had the hope that he would change his mind. Now, if she did this would he see her differently? 
Azusa closed her with trembling lips. She didn’t think that he would be that kind of guy, right? He certainly would be able to understand that it was just a play. That she didn’t like Furuya like she liked him. Yes, she was just overthinking this. After all, it was just a play. 
“Furuya, where are you?” she heard Miyuki’s voice as he opened the door surprising Azusa who was bent over Furuya. 
“AHHHH!” both first years screamed, making Azusa hit her head with the upper bunk bed. 
“What are you guys doing?” the catcher asked, scanning the room with his brown eyes. 
Both Furuya and Azusa looked at each other and then blushed when they realized the compromising position that they were found in. They immediately sat down straight on the bed. 
“We w-were rehearsing, Miyuki-senpai,” the manager replied in a timid tone. 
Furuya nodded. “We are playing Romeo & Juliet,” the ace added. 
“Yes, so I’ve heard,” Miyuki let out an exasperated sigh. 
“But what are you doing here, Miyuki-senpai?” Furuya asked.
“What are you doing here?” the catcher countered.
“This is my room,” Furuya deadpanned. 
“Yes, I know that,” Miyuki said confidently. “But Sawamura has been running by himself on the field for a long time and I haven’t seen you. I thought our ace passed out in exhaustion or something.” 
“You were worried about me?” Furuya asked surprised. 
Azusa scratched her head in confusion. “I don’t believe that.” 
Miyuki dramatically put his hand over his chest. “You two wound me. Here I am, trying to be a good captain by worrying about my team.” 
“Yeah, I definitely don’t believe you now,” the manager shook her head. 
The catcher rolled his eyes. “Enough. Stop trying to change the subject here. You don’t think about the optics here?” 
Azusa’s cheeks started to redden as Furuya looked down in embarrassment. “Like we said we were practicing our lines.” 
Miyuki narrowed his eyes on her. “Just your lines?” 
Both first years nodded. 
“We have to kiss though,” Furuya blurted out. “Which is what is taking our rehearsal so much longer.” 
“K-kiss?” Miyuki’s voice faltered a bit. “So you guys have been kissing all this time?” 
“NO!” both Furuya and Azusa shouted at the same time. 
“We haven’t done it yet-” 
Miyuki raised an eyebrow. “Yet?” 
“It’s just too embarrassing and we’re just friends so it makes it more awkward,” Azusa explained, not wanting Miyuki to get the wrong impression. 
Furuya nodded at every word that Azusa said. “And we can’t get out of this.” 
“Why not? It’s not okay to force you guys to do something that you don’t want,” the catcher let out an indignant huff. 
“Our class reps dont’ wanna hear it. They think that this is going to make the play memorable,” Furuya explained. 
Miyuki crossed his arms across his chest. “I see,” he said. “So you guys don’t wanna kiss, right?” 
“Not at all,” Azusa said.
“It’s too much pressure and my manager-san is my friend,” the ace replied. 
The captain let out a sigh of relief which caught Azusa by surprise. 
“Very well then,” the catcher began. “You don’t have to kiss then.” 
Both Azusa and Furuya widened their eyes in surprise and clasped their in a praying position. 
“Really?” Furuya asked.
Miyuki nodded. “Really.” 
“What do you mean? We already told you the class reps are not budging,” Azusa pointed out.
“I have an idea,” the catcher revealed with a cocky smirk.” Care to hear it?” 
Azusa grinned. “We’re all ears.” 
 “What’s here? A cup closed in my true love’s hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.—O churl, drunk all, and left no friendly drop To help me after! I will kiss thy lips.Haply some poison yet doth hang on them,To make me die with a restorative. Thy lips are warm!” 
Azusa exclaimed in front of the crowd on stage. She was wearing a medieval style burgundy dress with her long hair out of her usual ponytail. She turned to look at her Romeo’s dead body on the ground with a sorrowful expression. Azusa kneeled down in front of Furuya with her body hovering over him, her face away from the crowd. Passionately, she closed her eyes and caressed Furuya’s left side of his face, as she bent her head down further to kiss Furuya. 
The crowd went wild with applause as they witnessed the kiss between the blonde manager and the current ace of the baseball team. They couldn’t believe that it actually happening. It was certainly going to be the talk of the school for the next few days to come. 
While the cheering was going on, Azusa curled her lips in a satisfied smile as she kissed Furuya’s right cheek instead unbeknownst to the roaring crowd. 
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sportsanimesrarepairs · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Furuya Satoru/Miyuki Kazuya Characters: Miyuki Kazuya, Furuya Satoru Additional Tags: Identity Porn, Secret Crush, Challenge: Sports Anime Shipping Olympics | SASO 2016, mentions of bullying, Canon Universe Summary:
In his last year of middle school still with no one willing to play baseball with him, Furuya posts on a forum to decide if he should give up pitching once and for all.
One person answers.
Second place winner of SASO 2016 Main Round 1.
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heaven-s-black-box · 4 days
Notes- Romance Tropes Sawamura, Miyuki, and Tetsu
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Recovery date: September 21st, 2024
Description: Headcanons for what romance trope is best for Sawamura, Miyuki, and tetsu
Notes: Recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions.
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Sawamura Eijun
This boy is built for shoujo romance tropes
Childhood friends? Yes, definitely.
I mean, I don’t ship him with Wakana, but I could see that being a good trope for him
He’s an abrasive little shit at the start, to love him with all the rough edges is an accomplishment
My second choice would be the tutor and the idiot
Again, you meet him as his most flawed version
Sure he wears his insecurities on his sleeve anyways, but you’re looking these insecurities in the eye and saying “I’m here”
And especially while at Seidou he needs that rock
Honorable mention: best friend’s sibling, does not matter who you pick it’s funny but top choices are Kuramochi, Chris, Miyuki, and Furuya in that order
Miyuki Kazuya
Enemies/ rivals to lovers
I do not believe this man had a single smooth start in any friendship/relationship
He hides behind snark and sarcasm
Like with Sawamura you’re meeting the worst version of him and saying “I’ll stick around”
Second choice is probably meeting at your lowest point
Idk what the trope actually is
But you meet in physio
He’s definitely at his most vulnerable, and you probably are too
He’s most afraid of vulnerability, so starting their gets him opening up really fast
Honorable mention: second chance, why he thought trying to have a relationship during highschool/uni was a good idea no one knows and frankly you should’ve seen the break up coming but your paths have crossed again and he’s found balance so why not try again
Tetsuya Yuki
Best friends to lovers
Like, I don’t really know what to say about him because he’s mostly matured by the time we meet him in Daiya
He does seem like he’s easy to love though
So being his best friend, seeing his dedication to baseball and his team
You kind of just… whoops, I’m in love.
Second choice would be…office romance
We know he intends to come back to Seidou as a coach
You also work at Seidou, no one’s even sure how you two crossed paths but you did
And surprisingly [everyone else] couldn’t see it any other way
Honorable mention: Opposites, outgoing student council president x quiet baseball captain people who know Tetsu aren’t too surprised but everyone else is baffled
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lovehypegirl · 8 months
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when you request please specifically outline what you are asking for ex: so and so with f!reader or x gn!eader
anything 18+ alcohol or drug related anything death or any heavy dark topics probably not angst since i'm scared of that stuff smut I don't write male!reader
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stellar-imagines · 2 years
[ i. ] Unfortunately, we don’t write for all characters because we don’t have a grasp of their character. [ ii. ] Don't be too greedy and send in one request at a time because we want to make sure everyone has a turn. You can send in a another request once yours has been answered! [ iii. ] We only accept requests with a maximum of 4 characters for scenarios and 4 for headcanons!  [ iv. ] Please specify the Fandom and what type of request it is (Headcanons/Scenario/etc) [ v. ] S/O will always be the opposite sex of the requested character, because we don’t have the ability to properly write a same sex scenarios. [ vi. ] NSFW is allowed! They will tagged with NSFW. For people who aren’t comfortable, please shield your innocent eyes! [ vii. ] Don’t be shy to request anything! If we’re uncomfortable with it, we will let you know.<br> [ viii. ] We do Scenarios, Headcanons, NSFW and matchups once in a while. [ ix. ] Characters that we pair up you up for matchups is almost everyone from the fandom! Please note that we don't necessarily accept requests for them.  [ x. ] The list below contains the characters we accept for requests (Scenarios/Headcanons) [ xi. ] Please be nice…..
Midoriya Izuku
Bakugou Katsuki
Todoroki Shouto
Hitoshi Shinsou
Kirishima Eijirou
Amajiki Tamaki
Togata Mirio
Aizawa Shouta
Hawks (Takami Keigo)
Kamado Tanjiro
Hashibira Inosuke
Agatsuma Zenitsu
Tomioka Giyu
Shinazugawa Sanemi
Shinazugawa Genya
Rengoku Kyojuro
Muichiro Tokito
Hinata Shoyo
Kageyama Tobio
Tsukishima Kei
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Nishinoya Yuu
Sugawara Koushi
Kozume Kenma
Kuroo Tetsurou
Oikawa Tooru
Iwaizumi Hajime
Bokuto Koutarou
Akaashi Keiji
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Satori Tendou
Semi Eita
Shirabu Kenjirou
Goshiki Tsutomu
Miya Atsumu
Miya Osamu
Sawamura Eijun
Furuya Satoru
Kominato Haruichi
Miyuki Kazuya
Kuramochi Yoichi
Kawakami Norifumi
Yuki Testuya
Isashiki Jun
Kominato Ryosuke
Okumura Koushuu
Takigawa Chris Yuu
Narumiya Mei
Todoroki Raichi
Sanada Shunpei
Monkey D Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Vinsmoke Sanji
Trafalgar D Water Law
Portgas D Ace
Eustass Kid
Marco the Phoenix
Red Haired Shanks
Benn Beckman
Dracule Mihawk
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4kominato · 3 years
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Happy birthday, Furuya!!! I’m back with another rare pair ☺️ -kuri
Day 1 || Birthday @daiya-events
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Pairing: Miyuki Kazuya x Furuya Satoru
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 847
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“Furuya,” Miyuki calls just as everyone starts heading back to the dorms after practice, “Come. I reserved the indoor practice room for us tonight. I’ll catch for you.”
“Just… for us?” Furuya gleams as he follows closely behind Miyuki, “But why?”
“Oi, oi, don’t think about it too hard, your tiny brain will explode. I’m just feeling nice today.”
“Thank you… Miyuki-senpai…”
Idiot… So he really did forget his birthday… Miyuki scoffs, but isn’t surprised at how incredibly dense his kouhai is.
Furuya feels a sense of warmth inside, but he can’t tell if it’s simply gratitude or something more. Whenever he and Miyuki spend time together, or Miyuki does something nice for him, the feeling comes back, but he brushes it off each time, given he can’t quite put his finger on what it is.
“Nice ball!” Miyuki yells, throwing the ball back to Furuya, “Let’s just do a few more and then call it a night, okay?”
“I want to pitch more…” Furuya answers under his breath, aura spewing which takes Miyuki aback.
“Oi! Put that away! Even though I let you pitch a little extra today, you need to learn your limits! Sheesh…” he answers, shaking his head, “C’mon, give me a few more good ones and we’re calling it quits for tonight.”
What seems like only a few short minutes to Furuya, is actually over an hour in reality, and while it’s difficult to drag the stubborn pitcher out of the practice area, Miyuki miraculously manages to do it.
“Let’s stop by the cafeteria. I forgot the scorebook in there,” Miyuki announces as they head back towards the dorms. Furuya only nods in acknowledgement, following cluelessly behind the spectacled boy down the dim sidewalk to the empty room… or so he thinks. Snickering to himself, Miyuki opens the cafeteria door and flicks on the lights to reveal a pleasant surprise—
“Happy Birthday, Furuya!” The first string players pop up from behind the tables with birthday hats on their heads and party poppers in hand which fills the vast room with colorful confetti.
My… birthday?! Furuya thinks to himself, realizing that it is indeed his birthday today and that he definitely forgot about it. With a twinkle in his eyes, he is overcome with joy that the first string planned something so nice for him and that they even remembered his birthday when he didn’t. He isn’t usually one to think very much, but why is his gut telling him this is Miyuki’s doing?
“The managers baked some cupcakes for us!” Haruichi announces, gesturing towards the table on which the fluffy dessert is sitting.
“And we got a candle for you too!” Kuramochi adds.
“Don’t think you’re special though, Furuya! The team would do this for me too!” Sawamura huffs with his arms crossed over his chest.
“We definitely wouldn’t,” Miyuki answers as Haruichi sticks the candle into one of the cupcakes.
“Miyuki Kazuya you tanuki, piece of—!”
“Shut up. You’re too noisy,” Kuramochi speaks eerily, placing his roommate in a playful chokehold.
Once the candle is lit, Kanemaru counts everyone in and they sing the birthday song for him together. Miyuki wears a proud grin at his efforts as he observes Furuya from a distance; though he doesn’t really show his emotions too much, Miyuki has dealt with the air-headed pitcher enough to know how happy he is with all the attention he’s receiving, and he can’t help the swell of his heart at the sight.
Unfortunately, with how late it’s getting, the other teammates clear out of the cafeteria relatively quickly, making their way back to their dorms for the night… but Miyuki and Furuya on the other hand, linger behind just a little bit longer.
“So what did you wish for?” Miyuki asks Furuya, who is seated next to him at one of the many empty tables, “Let me guess… you wished for me to catch for you more?”
“I wished…” Furuya starts whilst fiddling his thumbs under the table, “I wished to spend more time with you, senpai.”
Miyuki’s eyes widen initially, but his expression quickly dissipates into a soft smile, “Kuramochi really is sharp. He told me you’ve been acting like you have a crush on me lately.”
“I… I don’t know if that’s what it is…” Furuya replies shyly, his cheeks obviously flushed as he speaks. Despite his words, maybe Furuya did in fact know all along about his feelings for Miyuki, but rather, he was denying it because he didn’t know what to do with them. He knows he isn’t the most social person and approaching people is out of his comfort-zone, so even if he does like Miyuki… so what? They’re both boys after all, if people on the team find out…
Before Furuya can think any further, soft lips meet his, and his eyes can only widen in shock while he fathoms the situation. He can’t say he doesn’t like it, but it definitely catches him by surprise.
“I like you, too, Satoru,” Miyuki nearly whispers against his lips as he pulls away, “Happy birthday.”
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miyuwuki · 3 years
random text messages with miyuki kazuya
a/n: my first smau!! i’ve been wanting to do this for a while but i didn’t know what app to use— but i finally found one YES
warnings: none
miyuki kazuya x reader
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hoped you guys enjoyed this as much as i :)
**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**
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abiyoichi · 2 years
daiya boys first date with you
summary: these are what the seidou boys would do as a first date
genre: fluff
characters: sawamura, miyuki, kuramochi, haruichi, furuya
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sawamura eijun
he would probably take you to a roller skating rank
you weren’t too bad at roller skating yourself but eijun seemed to be struggling the most out of everyone in that room
he would repeatedly fall on his face because of his poor roller skating skills
you would speed toward him checking if he’s alright but would quickly climb back on his feet with a loud huff
“don’t worry y/n i got this!!” you watch him skate off immediately falling on his face
you would cry so hard from his mistakes that it would make a tint of blush appear on his cheeks seeing the way you smile because of him
after shedding a few tears of laughter from him, you help him back up on his feet with you holding his hand
he would be gripping onto your hand for his dear life as you led the way around the rank
after your fun at the roller skating rank ended, he takes u to a convenient store near seidou campus
he buys a bowl of ramin for the both of you to enjoy on an empty table at the front of the convenient store
the street was empty with the moon lit with the two of you enjoying each others company
it was your first date with him but soon became your most memorable one with him
miyuki kazuya
he might take you to an art museum
he seems like the type of guy who’s into certain pieces with philosophical meanings to them
he would take you to each individual painting he admires the most
he share his perspective on every painting
he’d ask your perspective on it and nods, interested in how differently you perceived it
during your trip around the museum he would carry your bag for you while wrapping his hand around yours gently swinging it back and forth
he enjoyed seeing the way your eyes lit from seeing another pretty painting near by
you would lead the way to the next painting
he would blush at the way you held onto his hand, pulling him to look at the next painting
he takes you to the gift shop, the both of you looking through the cute knickknacks
he takes a photo of you wearing some overpriced hats, enjoying the sight of you
he notices you repeatedly looking at a specific cat ring that was similar to one of the paintings you guys saw
you force a smile and asks miyuki if he’s ready to leave
on your way walking to the metro, he pulls out something out of his pocket
it was the ring you kept looking at in the gift shop
“for you…” he holds his hand up with the ring resting at the palm of his hands
you were flustered but didn’t want to accept it
he lifts your hand up and slips the ring on your ring finger
you see him smiling with pink on his cheeks
you two spend the rest of the night at his place where he cooked your favorite meal
kuramochi youichi
he would definitely take you to an arcade
he would constantly try to impress you by winning every game in the arcade
you both reached a baseball arcade game which youichi was absolutely thrilled to try
like the gentleman he is, he lets you go first and watches you pitch the plastic baseball into the hole of a catcher drawn on a flimsy wall
the ball you threw shot right into the hole making his jaw drop as you jumped with excitement seeing tickets roll out
kuramochi was impressed, but was also willing to challenge you
the two of you continued to challenge each other in almost every arcade game you were playing
when it came to the claw machines you seemed to be struggling the most with it
he decides to help you by standing behind you and putting both his hands on top of yours helping u move the controls
you feel him pressed against you back while he’s eagerly trying to help you win that stuffed cheetah toy
you both watched anxiously as the claw machine grabbed onto the cheetah
once the toy was in you hands you jump up to him, wrapping ur arms around him
he gets flustered but burying his face in the crook of your neck
the two of you continue playing the claw machine for the rest of the night until he won every single stuff toy in that machine for you
haruichi kominato
he would take you to a garden festival
he seems like he enjoys studying flowers and plants
every time you see a flower that catches your eye he would share some fun facts about them
it made you smile seeing how fascinated he was with each individual plant
you felt your fingertips brush against each other while walking side by side making the pink haired boy get flustered
you noticed a small booth selling dangos and quickly grab onto his hand, running to get in line
once you both got your snack, you continued your trip around the garden
haruichi noticed a beautiful section of the garden he hasn’t gotten the chance to take you to yet
he tells you to close your eyes as he holds onto you while leading the way
you question what he’s doing but doesn’t bother opening your eyes
he has you stand a specific spot making sure you were facing the right angle
he tells you to open your eyes
you were greeted with a beautiful glowing tunnel of bright purple wisteria
the flowery sent brushed the tip of your nose as you slowly stepped into the tunnel in awe
a smile grew on haruichi’s face seeing the way you lit up from seeing such a beautiful scenery
“shall we explore?” you ask with your hand held out for him
he chuckles and wraps his fingers around yours and continue’s your date around the garden
furuya satorou
he would take you to the zoo
specifically to see the polar bears
with his adorable obsession over those fluffy creatures, he had to see them with his favorite person
you guys would spend hours in the polar bear section
he would stare into the glass window watching the polar bears swim around and sleep on the rocks
you would take a picture of him with the polar bear
for once he was actually smiling
in the middle of you taking pictures of more polar bears he grabs onto your hand and leads you to another section
there was a tunnel for kids to crawl into with a window to see the polar bears in there own view
furuya notices it’s empty and starts to crawl inside
you were stunned by his sudden decision but follows him inside anyways
the two of you were both seated on the ground, stuffed side by side looking through the window
one polar bear swam toward your window and pressed its nose against the window
furuya eagerly leaned closer to the window with a wide grin on his face with hands pressed against the window
you noticed the pink color growing on his pale cheeks as he watched in awe with how the polar bear swam away
“thanks for coming with me y/n…” furuya was never really the thankful type
you got a little flustered but smiled brightly to him
“of course, i love spending time with you!” you lean closer to him and plant a kiss on his cheek
he quickly sat up from the unexpected kiss, and a soft smile slowly appeared on his lips
he grabs your hand and leads you out of the kids window
the two of you spend the rest of the day looking at other animals, and finally leaving the zoo with a stuffed polar bear toy in furuya’s hands
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a/n: this was my first ever tumblr post i hope you enjoyed!! i plan to post more soon
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kunikame · 2 years
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❝miyuki didn't want to let you guys in, he wanted to sleep. the music started playing and suddenly there were too many of you, so the party was moved to the cafeteria in the end.❞
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C/N: this has been sitting in my drafts since february i finally posted it omg go me !!!!! anyway hellaur tinee people in my phone <3
T: 4 h 21 m
ㅡ!tags: @toges-wife / fill form/pm/ask/comment to be added! (if you’re in bold i can’t tag you)
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furuyalover · 3 years
a fellow furuya lover !! hello !! may i request hcs with kuramochi, miyuki and furuya and like trying to make them flustered LOL
trying to fluster them
— ft. furuya satoru, kuramochi youichi, & miyuki kazuya
warnings: flustered seido boys & mentions of miyuki slander....
AN: hi my beloved anon!! this request was so cute i hope i did it justice ^_^ im trying a new writing format so.... idk how i feel about it yet..... also if you reblog i’ll name one of my pokemon after you <3
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࿔*:・゚FURUYA he always manages to fluster you by doing barely anything.. he’ll just simply look you dead in the eye and go “pretty” and then smile to himself, NOW YOU’RE JUST SITTING THERE LOOKING DOWN, TRYING TO AVOID HIM NOTICING THE BLUSH ON YOUR FACE… feeling annoyed that he’s never flustered by anything, you decide you’re going to do whatever it takes to fluster this boy! *cue evil laughter* you go to his dorm after his practice to help him with his homework, and to conduct your evil plans mwahhaha! as you’re sitting down with him to help him with his work you stop and just look up at him and just appreciate his features, right now he’s confused as to why you’re kind of just looking at him so he goes “uh, hey y/n, you okay?” in awe of your boyfriend you reach out to cup his cheek with your hand and just simply say “pretty” and smile. now he’s looking down and trying to avoid you seeing him blush and you swear you hear him mutter “you’re one to talk” you laugh this blushing pouting mess and pinch his cheek “shy as always aren't you satoru”
࿔*:・゚MIYUKI this shithead i hate him miyuki loves to see you flustered, he’ll do anything to see you get all shy and see your face flushed. yes his comments are sincere so if he calls you pretty, you know he’s being honest. however you just know he’s doing it to see your reaction, so obviously you’re going to get him back by flustering him! throughout the day you’ve been calling him ‘miyuki’ rather than kazuya, this isn’t too out of the ordinary because you do this a lot since your boyfriend is a little shit, but you’re doing it more today so it’ll go with your evil plan! you two go to a coffee shop just to get drinks and then sit on a nearby park bench to just people watch, talk to each other, and what not. as he’s talking you wrap your arm around his and lay your head on his shoulder, “oh whats gotten into you y/n?” with his signature shit eating grin on his face “nothing i just love my pretty boy kazuya” you respond in a monotone voice, you see his features soften, a genuine smile spread across his face, and even a rosy hue to his face, but of course this cocky mf has to ruin it -_- his grin appears once again then he responds “i know i know, how could you not” slapping him “playfully” IM KIDDING... AM I.. “i hate you never mind” “thats not what you just said my lovely y/n!” 
࿔*:・゚KURAMOCHI you and youichi have been dating for a while now, and he never fails to make you blush with all the sweet compliments he says to you! “y/n i'm convinced you’re my good luck charm! whenever you watch me play i get the beeesst hits kyaha!” i swear you’re blushing 24/7 around this kid… but finally you decide you’re going to turn the tables and leave him blushing and flustered! seido has a game today, so you take the train to the stadium and prepare to watch your boyfriend play, but of course, before the game starts you need to find him and wish him luck! lost in the sea of spectators around the stadium you can’t seem to find him until out of nowhere, you’re receiving a bear hug from behind <3 with his arms wrapped around you, you grab his hand, give it a little squeeze and whisper “good luck, you won’t need it though since you’re already the best” and kiss his cheek. youichi feels his cheeks heat up so he immediately pulls you closer into him, burying your head into his chest so you cant see his face, and kisses your forehead “since when are you such a sap y/n” “shut up you love it.” “mmm yeah you’re right, i do”
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reblogs appreciated and admired ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
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mochisdoll · 3 years
When you haven’t saved their name as something cute
Feat. Sawamura, Isashiki, Miyuki, & Furuya
Established relationship
Warnings: none
“Hey, Eijun, have you seen my phone? I can’t find it.” You tell him as you search your room
“No, want me to call it?”
You both stand silently trying to hear it faintly buzz
“Found it!” Sawamura shouts, he holds it up to show you but stops as he sees your phone screen
“What is it, Eijun?” You ask taking your phone from his hands
“Why is my name in your phone that?” He points dejectedly at your phone
You check to see what it was, “It’s just Sawamura??”
“Yeah, why?” He honestly seemed like you just told him you didn’t think he had what it takes to be an ace
“Because it’s your name???”
“But how will anyone know that we’re dating? I look like any other person in your phone!”
“I don’t really see th-“
“Look!” He shouts and thrusts his phone into your face
The picture for your contact was a picture of him kissing your cheek and your name was “the cutest person in the world 🥺💗” you felt your heart grow ten sizes
“I’m sorry, I just never changed your contact name from when I first put your number in before we were dating. I’ll change it right now!”
“How’s this?”
My ace💗
He grinned at you, "I like it!"
Isashiki had come to your room under the pretense of studying, but the only thing he had in his hands was a teen magazine
You gave him a questioning look and he showed you the page he was opened to
“How cute of a couple are you?”
“Is this what you want us to do?”
“Yes, I think we have the potential to have a soulmate level relationship!” You laughed and agreed.
The two of you laid side by side on your floor on your stomachs. For the most part you guys earned a lot of points, your only problem was when it came to your names for each other in your phones.
“Here’s yours.” He said as he showed you your contact.
Dream girl (or boy, I was just really caught up on him using dream something)
You awwed at him, “I don’t actually know what you are in my phone.”
You pulled yours out and showed him
“That’s it? Not even Jun??” He asked, sinfully sitting up from the position you two were in on the floor.
“I guess I never really thought of having cute names for each there as a thing?”
“But you don’t even call me Isashiki!”
“I’ll change it, I’ll change it.”
You type away and showed him your new contact for him
“That’s more like it.” He huffed, crossing his arms.
“I’m sorry, I should have changed it much earlier.” You say as you kiss Isashiki’s cheek.
“As long as you know what you did.” He said as he leaned into your touch.
You were sitting in class during a break with Kuramochi when your nosey boyfriend decided to come up behind you and look over your shoulder at your phone
“Ugh, is that my name in your phone?”
Cutie 🥰
“What? No. This is Sawamura.”
“Sawamura is “Cutie” in your phone? Why?” Miyuki asked incredulously. Kuramochi started cackling at this.
“Cause he’s cute?” You’d shrugged.
“Well what am I?”
You paused, “I don’t actually know…” You swipe through until you find his contact and turn your screen to show him
Kuramochi began gasping for air as he took your phone out of your hands, “I’ve gotta send this to the group chat!”
Miyuki tried his best to appear unbothered
He screenshot both of the contacts and went to send them to himself, “Wait, is this me?”
Kuramochi held up the phone
Cheetah 🐆
Now Miyuki just felt betrayed
“You have a nickname for him in your phone? But not your loving boyfriend??”
“Uh, sorry. I guess we were just on last name basis when I put yours in, but I was already friends with Sawamura and Kuramochi when I made theirs.”
Kuramochi had yet to stop laughing, “I’ll change it!” You told Miyuki.
“I was just kidding, it doesn’t really matter to me.” Yes it does
Pretty Boy 😉
“How’s that?”
He wanted to act like it didn’t make him embarrassingly happy to have a special name in your phone., but he just settled on, “Cute.” And he flicked your forehead
“That’s cute and all, (y/n), but do you want to know what you are in his phone?” Kuramochi asks, snatching Miyuki’s phone from his hands.
“You dick! You made me feel bad!” You punch his arm.
“At least it’s a nickname!”
You were sitting with Furuya during lunch when Sawamura and Haruichi sat down with the two of you
“Hey guys, what’s up?” You asked.
“We were wondering-“ Haruichi began
“What’s your name for Furuya in your phone?” Sawamura finished.
“I think it’s just his name.” You answered and pulled out your phone.
“Yep, it’s just “Furuya”.” You show them.
The three of them sat in silence for a second before Sawamura broke out sobbing and wiping his eyes. “I’m so sorry your feelings aren’t required Furuya!”
Haruichi placed a hand on his shoulder and gave Furuya a sympathetic look.
“What are you guys talking about? It’s his name, what wrong with that?”
“Nothing,” Furuya assured you. “My name for you is just your name too.”
“Liar!” Haruichi snatches Furuya’s phone from him.
He turned for you to see his phone screen, “See.”
“This keeps getting worse and worse!” Sawamura cries.
“Oh, shut up! Just because I didn’t change his name doesn’t mean I don’t care about him!” You kick Sawamura.
“But, I will change his name.”
“Handsome”, you show them.
“A little plain.” Sawamura complains.
“Shut up! We match!” You push him this time and he lets out a yelp.
“I like it.” Furuya tells you he gives you a smile.
“I’m glad.”
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Furuya Satoru/Miyuki Kazuya Characters: Furuya Satoru, Miyuki Kazuya Additional Tags: Fake Name Usage, Prostitution, Alternate Universe - Pretty Woman Fusion Series: Part 1 of touch Summary:
Furuya's new to Tokyo and hopelessly lost on his way home from a late game; Miyuki is the hooker with a heart of - well, not gold, but maybe something a little like it.
(The Pretty Woman AU absolutely nobody asked for.)
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dulcetscen · 3 years
hi, i hope im first in line for this!! may i request from the tea prompts coffee for Miyuki, Jun, and furuya from daiya no ace please? thank you for opening your requests again!! i might send in another one (or a few more lol)
oh!! and all my requests are for a fem!reader if you need pronouns. thank you 😇❣️🍒
Hi!! You are the first in line actually! Thank you for sending this request in. 🤍 you’ve actually been one of the regulars that show up in my notifications recently so thank you for supporting my other posts as well. I hope you enjoy this 🥺🤍
coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
Miyuki Kazuya
- I don’t think Miyuki gets jealous easily, but he does have his moments when he’s a bit more vulnerable. One day he can be extremely confident in himself, your relationship, and knows that no one will come between it. But other times he questions if he’s good enough for you, and starts to mentally mark off all the reasons why you would be better off without him or with someone else
- He doesn’t get jealous when he sees you interacting with other guys, but Miyuki is very much aware of the fact that he isn’t very open with his feelings and he knows that you often crave that kind of intimacy. So when he notices you getting close with someone who seems to be more in touch with their feelings and are able to communicate it, he can’t help but get a little jealous 🥺
- When he’s in a jealous rut, he starts to distance himself from you. He finds more reasons to tell you that he’s too busy to hang out, or he might pull away whenever you try to show him affection. He hates seeing how much it hurts you but in that moment he thinks it’s for the best
- Eventually, when he’s had enough of the distance he might blow up, not necessarily towards you, but there’s likely a moment where he lets everything out. How the last few days have been so frustrating for him, how he hates how good you look with that idiot you’ve been hanging out with recently, how sorry he is for being a dolt that can’t express his feelings
- He just 🥺 needs a lot of reassurance so pls be nice to him
Isashiki Jun
- Jun does get jealous and quite easily too. Blame it on the shojo that he reads but whenever he sees someone else, especially a guy, make a point to befriend you, his mind immediately goes to the worst thing. He knows you’re a catch and how lucky he is to be dating you, so he’s aware that other guys might want a piece too
- Jun will try to hide his jealousy, for the sake that he does trust you and knows that you’re capable of having your own relationships outside of the one you have with him. But he can’t help his mouth when someone gets a bit too close, or a little too touchy with you
- When you’re alone with him, he’s sooo clingy. He wants your affection and for your attention to be 100% on him. He needs to know from your mouth that there isn’t anything for him to worry about 🤍
- Your reassurance is enough to know that he isn’t going to lose his spot as your #1 man. But that’s not to say that he won’t still have a few choice words with the person that started all of this
- What a baby 🤍🤍
Furuya Satoru
- Furuya gets jealous 100% but no one knows. He doesn’t get jealous easily, and his facade doesn’t change, he doesn’t act any different with you when others are around. He could watch 10 different people flirt with you, and he wouldn’t say a word because 1: you can handle it yourself, and 2: he knows no one will take his place
- But everyone has a sense of pride, especially him, so he can’t help the jealous thoughts that pop up in his head every once in a while
- His jealousy really shows when the two of you are alone. He’s a bit short with you, a little more aggressive in how he acts intimately. You have to call him out on it because he’d never admit that he’s acting this way because he’s jealous
- His head cools off once you point out how silly he’s acting, but he’s still a bit in need of your affection 🤍
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kuleo26 · 3 years
O m g, I’m so glad you liked the matchup🥺💕 it’s been a while since I watched dna so I wasn’t sure if the matchup went good- thank you for the comment! It really made me happy😊💕
Also may I ask for a Diamond no ace headcanons about first string seidou members love language, plz💕 your writing is so good and I really enjoy your thoughts💖
the matchup was amazing! like, i'm honestly about to have a breakdown because of how happy i am :)))
ok so the funny thing is that i already had started a draft for daiya character's love languages LMAO. so ilysm because it gives me an excuse to finish it. thanks for requesting!! <333
seido love languages
including: yuki tetsuya, kominato ryosuke, tanba koichirou, masuko tooru, isashiki jun, miyuki kazuya, kuramochi youichi, kawakami norifumi, sawamura eijun, furuya satoru, kominato haruichi (bonus: ???)
| - - third years - - |
yuki tetsuya love language: words of affirmation
i think he would definitely appreciate encouraging words and compliments, and i think that he would definitely take kind words to heart. even if it's little things, like complimenting his one of many home runs, or simple plays that he seems to pull off flawlessly.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
kominato ryosuke love language: acts of service
as an older sibling, i feel like he doesn't expect things to be done for him. so when someone goes out of their way to do something for him, he feels really touched. i think he can be sometimes cold on the outside, but with close friends you know he really means well.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
tanba koichirou love language: quality time
i feel like he feels the best spending time with those he loves. in the show, he feels like miyuki is ignoring what he wants to pitch, so it really messes up their relationship as teammates. so i think when people bother to pay attention to what he's saying really makes him feel loved or appreciated.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
masuko tooru love language: receiving gifts
i feel like there wasn't too much of his character shown in the anime, but i feel like he would love gifts (not just pudding!). he's a really kind person, and i think he'd honestly be appreciated with any type of love language.
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isashiki jun love language: physical touch
he can be loud and brash sometimes, but someone slinging their arm over his shoulder lets him know that he's being heard. i feel like if he's stressed about something, but if someone pats him on the back, or if his s/o links their pinkies, he can feel grounded again.
| - - second years - - |
miyuki kazuya love language: quality time
he definitely has trouble expressing his emotions/feelings. i think that through time, he'd be able to express himself to those he cares for, or people will be able to understand when he's trying to show that he cares. and i think he is able to show it by spending time with others. i feel like he's okay with being alone, so when he puts in the effort to spend time with people, it shows how much he likes them.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
kuramochi youichi love language: physical touch
he is definitely a physical touch type of person. absolutely LOVES to have physical contact with people, whether it be platonic or romantic. holding hands, an arm slung over another's shoulder, wrestling someone to the ground. he's definitely the type to hit people or fall all over them if he's laughing too hard.
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kawakami norifumi love language: words of affirmation
he needs reassurance in his life. i feel like he's a bit timid, especially for a pitcher. he would probably feel most appreciative if someone gives him time to vent to them, and then reassure him that he's doing well, or subtle hints towards how he can improve.
| - - first years - - |
sawamura eijun love language: quality time
in the show, i think the love language of quality time shows the most. i honestly think he would have a bit of every type, but this stood out to me the most. he spends time with his teammates because he cares about them. and you can tell that the more he practices with his catchers, the more intimate relationship they have (whether you want to see it as platonic or romantic).
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furuya satoru love language: receiving gifts
i'd like to think that he'd really enjoy gifts from others. he was probably lonely growing up, and he struggles with expressing his emotions (other than passion towards baseball). so really anything from giving gifts or spending time with him really makes him feel wanted.
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kominato haruichi love language: words of affirmation
he'd definitely find value in compliments and encouraging words. not in a toxic way, but when someone encourages him to do his best or that he's doing well, it makes him want to work harder. i feel like he's a people pleaser, and that's not a bad thing.
| - - BONUS - - | (because he can't not be included)
takigawa chris yuu love language: acts of service
i think that he would really appreciate someone doing something for him. whether it be picking up something he dropped or buying his favorite candy for him. the thought of someone thinking of him makes him feel appreciated.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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