#future plot points
veilchenjaeger · 2 years
"This character is only in love with [love interest] because they showed them affection. If someone else had been nice to them, they would have fallen in love with that person."
Yeah, but... the crucial point is: no one else was. Being kind, especially being kind in certain situations or to certain people, is a character trait!
If a character is so starved for affection that someone being genuinely kind to them sparks big damn feelings, that implies that the vast majority of people have not been and would not be kind to that character. It sets those who are kind apart from everyone else, and it says a lot about them. That kindness is not easily interchangeable.
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westywallowing · 3 years
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a friend, to take away the heartache
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shirozora-draws · 2 years
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Among a whole bunch of other things that happened this week (the Tumblr app has not known peace since that episode of TBOBF dropped), I started desperately wanting to doodle Din's armor. And the Darksaber. And the little detail/accessory/favor that makes this Din Djarin my Din Djarin.
Also I can't write a Mando fic anymore without some art to go with it, so here's some art to go with a one-shot set after the events of The Suns - Between Planets @ AO3.
(I'll do an Intro/"Meet The Person" post at some point because hello to all the new faces stumbling across my art side blog, did you know I also write stuff?)
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demonboyhalo · 3 years
okay but Techno coming up with this plan that would take days of genuine work and toil is so him. like, this is the man who won the Potato War through psychological analysis and gaming the system in ways that have never been done. it's so up his alley that i can't tell is this is a jokingly sarcastic plan that he's playing straight, or if this is deliberate torture that he's forcing c!Dream through bc—mining obsidian for that amount of time, with slowness, with the channel member bell ringing every 30 minutes...that's absolutely cruel and unusual punishment!
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gaybellethorn · 2 years
mh having its central theme be 'embrace your freaky flaws!' immediately followed by eah's central theme of 'repression. repression. secrets. guilt. etc' is so funny
like cerise never gets to take her hood down. cedar never gets the truth curse lifted. the ohairs have to keep hiding the truth of their heritage because it's just easier.
eah is in this weird doll franchise storytelling limbo where the plot itself is allowed to grow and develop and change but the characters have to remain totally stagnant because otherwise it might hurt brand recognition. briar can decide to turn rebel if she wants but ultimately her story still needs to hinge on her destiny of the 100 years of sleep because she's 'the sleeping beauty one'.
and then i, gaybellethorn, eah understander, argue that it's actually very clever and big brained and thematically resonant because it encapsulates how these characters are like self aware stock characters, they know they're one dimensional with just enough characterisation to experience grief at their lot in life but no agency to actually change it because they have to tell us a story, the same story, over and over, prometheus and the eagle. the premise of the show is predicated on the fact that these are the sons and daughters of fairy tale characters, they're not fairy tale characters themselves YET, there's still time before the fall, they could save themselves if they wanted, but youre a doll in a toy franchise called ever after high. obviously you can't.
#ever after high#.txtpst#if eah was about what i think eah is about itd be the greatest media property of all time. which is lucky because it is.#the most themes and narratives of all time like#side tangent but briar dropping the book of legacy in the well at the end of thronecoming is one of my FAVV plot points in the whole series#like at this point shes not a main character but not a side character either#so shes at this min max extreme of minimum personal agency and maximum self awareness and grief over it#she cant just Make the decision to turn rebel and jeopardise everyones future#especially when the main character who COULD make that choice (raven) has taken her decision back and decides to play destiny instead#so she decides to Not Decide. take agency away from everyone. and gets rid of the book#it's so selfish and catastrophic in the name of not being singled out or culpable!!!! it's so interesting and such a WEIRD dramatic gut#punch to end The 45 Minute Special Called Thronecoming on!!!!!! eah is so WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#and then they literally never go back to it and it makes me want to cry like they just never have briar be a main player in the book of#legacy plot ever again!!!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!#like boring stupid analytical answer is she threw the book away and making the Decision to be a side character who doesnt decide things#so it makes sense that shes just not in the story anymore. like instead of chasing what little agency she could she carved out what little#interiority she had instead so at least she doesnt have a spotlight on that grief and stagnation for the audience to :( over anymore#BUT THAT SUCKS AND IS SO GRIM. I WANT BRIAR TO BE A CHARACTER.#me meta
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secretwhumplair · 2 years
The gardens, p.3
825 words | Royal arms (some time after that, which was between this and The gardens, p.2)
Content | Emotional whump, manipulation, conditioning
Notes | Cassio no.
Taglist | @whumpy-writings​ @cupcakes-and-pain​ @whumpzone​ @newbornwhumperfly​ @whump-cravings​ @whumpityy @nicolepascaline​ @whots-a-tag-precious  @thegreatwhodini​ @shameless-whumper​ @neverthelass​ @wolfeyedwitch​ @onlybadendings​ @melancholy-in-the-morning​ @quietshae​ @whumpcreations​ @whumpydaydreams​
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Cassio had grown fond of the poor weapon, and he already felt bad.
He hadn’t told Idalis what he was about to do. Firstly, the king would doubtlessly forbid it - but secondly, this way, when he inevitably went to comfort Ainsel after the fact, he could honestly say he hadn’t know and hadn’t wanted this. He had never been a good liar, much worse than someone in his position ought to be.
But regardless of his sensitivities, it had to be done. Ainsel was so obviously just trying to please it was impossible to determine what they actually thought and felt. He had to make sure they had their priorities straight.
He didn’t knock before he entered their chamber. * Cassio led the weapon out of the castle, into the gardens. They vaguely wondered where the king was, but of course, it was not their job to think. Surely he was busy with important matters a simple weapon couldn’t fathom.
Or maybe, they hoped, he was waiting for them outside. They quickly shoved the feeling down. They shouldn’t hope, either.
Being outside still made them nervous, made them feel their powers prickle under their skin that much more keenly, but it was a beautiful day, and even though the weapon shouldn’t think, or feel, it noticed. The gardens were still full of flowers and birds. Cassio, though, led the way into an area they hadn’t been before, a little wilder, the buzz filling the air getting louder, until they saw a row of beehives neatly lined up under tall, flowering bushes.
The hives were buzzing with activity, bees crawling around the entrances, eagerly flying out or returning after a successful run with yolk-yellow legs.
Cassio stopped a few steps away, far enough to not raise the small warriors’ wrath. The weapon stopped as well, a little relieved, little enough they didn’t think the king would mind; he had been so generous. Cassio looked over to them. The weapon couldn’t read his expression at all, but there was something odd in his eyes that put them on edge.
»Burn them.«
The weapon’s breath caught. The shape of the horribly familiar words carved into its brain as sharply as a knife, drawing a choked whimper from it. It had been only a matter of time, of course it had been- but-
Trembling, it shook its head. Only the king was allowed to use its powers- but-
»You heard me. Burn them.«
»S-sir.« It barely commanded its voice. »Only the king - only-« It silently begged for Cassio to acknowledge what it was trying to say, but he just stared at it, narrow-eyed, now distinctly displeased. »Only the king m-may use my powers.« It wondered whether it would be punished; wondered if the king would approve of the punishment.
»I’m the king’s second in command, am I not? It’s alright. Burn them.«
It couldn’t. It couldn’t do that. Icy cold panic washed through its veins. »N… no sir,« it whispered, and it couldn’t think, it shouldn’t say these words in this sense, but the king wasn’t here to command its powers-
»Do as you’re told. Burn. Them.« Cassio’s eyes were fixed on it, and its heart was racing with terror - he’d be so angry, and who knew whether the king would stop him from punishing it, but that didn’t matter - it couldn’t, only the king-
It fell to its knees, tears streaking down its face, and shook its head.
»This is an order.«
An order only the king could give. It knew that. But words failed it. It couldn’t explain again, and maybe it was wrong, maybe the new king wanted to hand off its powers to someone else and wash his hands clean of it, but it didn’t know-
And it didn’t want to-
»What’s wrong with you?« Cassio stepped forward, closing what little space there was between them.
The weapon could do nothing to avoid the strike that was surely to come, it wasn’t its right, but it couldn’t-
»Burn them, or you’ll regret it.«
It knew. Of course it knew what failing to follow an order meant. It could only shake its head once more, trying to cling on to the notion that betraying the king was the worst it could do, the worst it would suffer, it knew that, too, but it didn’t want to be punished for this, either, it-
It shouldn’t want-
»Alright.« Cassio stepped back. Suddenly his voice was soft, and the next moment, he had crouched down before the weapon.
The weapon curled in on itself. It didn’t understand, but it didn’t have to understand, it was only a dumb weapon. The tears were still falling, wouldn’t stop.
»Ainsel. It’s alright. Well done.«
It heard the words, but they didn’t make any sense. It wasn’t ever told any of this, much less when it failed to obey - what was happening?
»It’s alright. It was a test. I’m sorry.«
The weapon didn’t understand.
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camelotsheart · 3 years
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#season 4 was meant to have a magic reveal Deleted Scenes Edition
For my fellow season 4 conspiracy theorist @percyjacksonfan3
#merlinedit#bbc merlin#look I know this is a conspiracy theory but listen 😂#we have a 3 page google doc listing evidence of how some of the untied plot points that came from season 4#hint at a sudden change in writing prior to or during production#basically we think the writers had a whole fleshed out season 4 written out that included a magic reveal#but for some reason - whether they thought they wouldn't have enough plot to move the story after a magic reveal or found the idea daunting#- they backtailed and created another plotline#but because some things were already in place - certain scripts already written.... certain promos released....#certain people already approved....#they couldn't change the plot entirely#so what we have left is quite a strange season 4 that goes back and forth on certain central themes like arthur/camelot's view on magic#aithusa's role in the future of albion#(also notice how many of these deleted scenes reference ballinor and dragons?#One of the things I theorise is that aithusa was actually supposed to have a larger role in s4#gah. I'm not going to go into it here everything is in the doc once I actually fix it up)#alator and the magical community's role in arthur and merlin's destiny#just so many plot points that are never addressed again even in season 5#(my current hcs also include the possibility of the writers planning morgana's redemption#the banishment happening to merlin instead of gwen#a battle similar to camlann happening at the end of the season instead of just the the takeover of camelot by morgana#and possibly the whole plot of merlin loosing his magic and rediscovering it through balinor and the crystal cave was originally a s4 thing#yes things are getting crazy in this braincell#I'll probably write a more detailed version of this tag rant as a reblog but for now just have this#please share your thoughts!#season4theory
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the-finch-address · 2 years
okay writeblr! reblog this and tell me your weirdest writing device that surprisingly works really really well
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“Pen could have at least told Colin in private about Marina” ah yes because as this show has established men and women are allowed to have conversations in private. What she should have done is tell a woman like Eloise or Violet but ya know plot, plus the general society rules of not talking about sex or babies.
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
it’s also, i think, kind of important after 12′s nightmare record with companions and the trauma that led from all that that the show chose to portray the Doctor having actual positive effects on those around her. From the doctor’s pov, they sowed nothing but destruction to the people they loved, it’s why she didn’t ask the fam to stick around and tried to leave fast so she’d not get attached. 
And while 13′s life has gone horribly wrong and her own trauma is messing with her interpersonal relationships, those said relationships Aren’t having catastrophically negative effects on her loved ones. Yaz may be mad at her, but Yaz is alive and well, is only lacking in contentment because she accidentally caught feelings, and Dan is healthy and alive as well, even despite his fight me complex and that he’s clearly not the favourite tardis lodger and knows it. 
Graham and Ryan survived and Thrived because of their time with 13. 
I’ve always thought that ascension of the cybermen was a direct book end to the ghost monument, aotc even openly references tgm in an effort to point at it and say ‘look over there’, which is why I’ve always thought that 13′s promise in tgp means a lot in context to the fam in the last 3 episodes of s12. 
She Promises to get them home safe. The S12 finale may be her losing in pretty much every other way she had to lose, but she kept them alive and got them home safe. She kept that promise. And 13′s companion trauma is Such a huge part of her as a person that I honestly class that one as a win for her, and i genuinely think she’d agree with me. She did not want to get them killed, we always forget that 13 lost a companion in her first episode, her first night of life and somebody is already dead because she appeared in her life. 
‘i will get you home safe’ is honestly what i think matters to 13 the most in life, and no matter how bad it gets for her or how awful what happens to her is I think the absolute linchpin of her as a character and her motivations will always call back to her not wanting to stand over the body of one of them like she did Grace. 
In which case, it’s genuinely important that 13′s companions have done well and haven’t been ruined by association to her. Have even grown into happier and healthier people. Yaz is happier and more self assured and confident in herself by using wwtdd as a creed, and that’s important not just for her but for 13 as well. I know many saw that only as a bad omen, but i don’t actually think so, I think Yaz growing into a more happy and self confident person directly Because of the doctor being in her life is exactly the positive effect the doctor needs to see them have on another person. 
Yaz is happier. The doctor positively influences somebody. win win. 
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peachie5000 · 3 years
Perhaps controversial take but adding more human world scenes to Centaurworld season 2 would have made the season worse, not better.
I get the feeling a lot of people were hoping the series would go more grimdark with the human world now being accessible - I just don’t think it fits with the direction of the series. Sure, Centaurworld has its moments of dark or very horror-esque jokes, but ultimately it is a series that chooses fun over lore at most opportunities. Season 1 follows a linear quest to get each pieces from a different place. Season 2 also has a structure, its just less obvious. The structure is about recruitment - encountering  groups of people that have different values and how those values can cause issues when you need them to fight for a cause that impacts everyone. Thus we do get times of Rider trying to get help within the human world, but stuff beyond that is, to be honest, unnecessary. The final episode develops enough that we can still get a feel of what the lore is, without derailing the main plot.
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abd-illustrates · 3 years
Honestly though I’m like this 👌🏻 close to just info-dumping/rambling on here about some of the Heartless-related tangents I’ve had running through my head the past few weeks, ‘cause bouncing ideas around is super helpful. 
(But also °˖✧spoilers✧˖°)
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wow, episode 31 has everything
• purchase of the Dust of Deliciousness
• first mention of dunamis
• first use of the term “Luxon”
• the letter to Astrid
• hilt of the Star Razor
• first mention of Sabian by name
• Cree learning the truth of Molly’s death
• first proposal of Traveler Con (including Marisha calling it that as a joke)
like COME ON
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hey. do y'all think the chantry keeps records of children born to circle mages? at first i thought they wouldn't so there would be no opportunity for children to locate their mage parents. but then i thought, well. it was known that wynne's child was rhys so /someone/ had to be keeping track of that
and also,, children taken from mages are raised in chantry orphanages (and probably told their parents are dead or abandoned them) and are often given to either the chantry or templar order, so it would be to the chantry's benefit to know about them to keep its eye on them, so to speak. either to look for early signs of magic or just to control them better. and if they do end up in a circle, the chantry needs to make sure they don't end up in the same circle as their parent(s)
there isn't a group more fit for indoctrination than children raised within the chantry who have no family ties. knowing which children are children of mages would be an advantage i think the chantry would want
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chisatowo · 2 years
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Some concept design doodles for a few main characters of my warrior cats story
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In case you’re wondering where I stand with Gibbous, every year I think about how this will be the year I’ll finish the fic...and every year I do not finish it. But I do come closer and closer and I think that’s the thought that counts. Fr tho, fingers-crossed if everything works out, I could be able to finish it this year, though I am debating on getting a huge chunk written and then updating weekly, we shall see.
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