they-loved-in-2075 · 1 year
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Science fiction. Tragedy of blessings (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1385674672-science-fiction-tragedy-of-blessings?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Javid117&wp_originator=zmF9H%2Bouma7YOZqIsRoC%2B8EYwe9hDHNB%2FaYw8PsURvpAv2mTyfkoNvk00ipfDsJQbvOSy5o67tyVbm4Bxl2d587jP12cQJtGZQkDRcc8QCRStRCsHzMNlA8ik9HmanmO This short science fiction is about future space explorations in 2075. Where huge corporations have set up bases in the space and are investing heavily in the extraction of rare metals from asteroids . This short scifi is about a similar assignment taken by the crew of company named Star Titans. They have spotted an asteroid bearing rare metals worth trillions of dollars, and they have called in the experts ( Extreme Risk Takers ) to be launched onto the freely moving asteroid. But things do not go as planned; and how the Extreme Risk Takers survive, is a story that will keep you hooked and thrilled!
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mighty-mations · 6 months
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Space Battleship Yamato by Noriyoshi Ohrai (1978)
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mycolourfullworld · 2 years
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
There are massive warships. Things that are the size of stations but that can move more swiftly through hyperspace and real space than any other object created by humans or gods. They're not like the warships you imagine, they're like entire divisions of the military, some of them have the populations of small planets, the largest of them have populations higher then earth had before industry came to it.
It only takes one of these ships to comquor a system. Though they often have smaller ships swarming them, like the microorganisms on your skin. And when they fight eachother, holes are torn in hyperspace, and heavily bodies become asteroid belts. Even the weapons that can destroy planets can't take ships like this down in one hit.
Inside the ships are entire societies, of humans, cyborgs, robots, and strange organisms generated by human science. Many of them soldiers who exist to serve as the ships troops, especially since a boarding action is the fastest way to take them down, but many are there for other reasons. You need an entire society to support a ship like that and all the troops it can carry, from workers who maintain the ship, to traders who bring new recourses on, to artists and teachers and lawyers and all the other things that end up as needed when there's that many people.
Some of these ships are so large and so deep that there are people on there who've never seen the world outside their machines of war. And some isolated parts of those ships, who've been within the depths of the endless machinery for so long, that they've lost contact with the more outwards facing parts of the ship society. Tribes and towns within the dark mechanical labyrinth who don't know they're on a warship, who don't even know planets exist.
And they say, that as the loyalty of a ship fades from the empire that built it, that the ship may come to be controlled by many nations, vying for control of the ship's flight. They say that within the depths of some war ships, wars are fought.
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united-in-cyberspace · 6 months
The Enchanted Learning Astronomy Dictionary
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Some of the spectacular images from the Enchanted Learning astronomy dictionary.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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art by Robert McCall (1986-1996)
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magmethius · 3 days
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for today's @theemperorweek prompt: exploration
The colors of the flora on this satellite are like nothing you've seen before. The way the blue-shifted light passes through the giant leaves of the canopy beyond you seems fresher, somehow, as if it diffuses into different, softer prisms. And yet, as you and the Emperor make your way through the knee-tall grass of the outerworldly meadow, you spot something that grounds you, reminds you that the dirt beneath your feet was indeed once part of Toril: a patch of daisies.
daisies for daisy. <3
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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The shocking contrast. We may never ever hear Philip own up re: his mistakes, given how fearful he has been to go there all the damn time. Camila found it agonizing to tell Luz that she herself screwed up by changing Luz into someone she wasn't, but she pushed through, doing it for her child. Hunter also needs to be told in crystal clear language, that he is not a failure, never will be, that mistakes can in fact be a normalized part of life.
(Bonus, because if you know me you know I get excited about colours and lighting: complementary colours chosen for the locations where these parallels take place!! Yellow-green and purple-red. Aaaaahh)
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funkylilomen · 9 months
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pangeen · 2 years
“ Orbital “ // AstrooSpace
Music:  RÜFÜS DU SOL - Innerbloom (Radio Edit)
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polybiusplayer · 1 year
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I’ve been holding this one out on all y’all Tumblr people, but I wanted to post it THE DAY OF. So here I am, April 8th, writing this now so I don’t forget about it later.
Best of wishes to JUICE, I hope the launch goes well and the cruise to Jupiter is a relaxing one. May the lunchables be plentiful!
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orbital power plant by alexei leonov & andrei sokolov
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isoetiks · 9 months
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Space time
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whereserpentswalk · 4 days
Human space has always been large. Generations ago when ftl was first invented humans used it to create far off colonies, but then those colonies created colonies, and so on and so fourth, until nobody even knew where human space ends.
You were on an exploratory mission, and your ship ended up flung way further and faster out into the universe than you thought you could go, and ended up way past what you wanted to explore. You were lucky to still be in human space, but the culture was entirely unknown.
The first system you went to was filled with humans wearing hoods and masks, and clothing that covered their entire bodies. When they met you they made you wear the same clothing as them, and you quickly learned that in the local cluster of planets any skin being shown was completely taboo, even the smallest inch on any part of the body. The closest they had to revealing clothing were tighter fitting garments, and more humanoid masks. They started helping you repair your ship, but it would take a few years.
And while you were there it seemed strange at first. You felt sad for the mask wearers, knowing that people would never know the appearance of their closest freinds, their siblings, their parents. Even eating was strange, being done with the same privacy as a shower would be on your planet. It felt as if the masked people had lost some element of humanity.
As time went on, and as you got used to wearing their clothing it stopped feeling that way though. You had close freinds on those planets now, and you found it weird to want to see their faces, it would be weird to, perhaps it was better with them choosing how they looked. And soon the idea of someone having an exposed face seemed weird, at least it was when you left. Part of you wished they hadn't fixed your ship, you had a life there. But they did, and you left.
When you got to your ship again you spent months avoiding pirates and androids before getting to your next safe planet. When you got there the people looked strange, most of them had prosthetic body parts, many of them looking so cut up that they didnt even look human. You learned that it was the custom there in those local systems, to slowly remove body parts as people aged, until they completely lacked biological forms, and were purely mechanical beings.
The custom was horrifying to you for your first few weeks there. And you knew it would be awhile since your ship needed fuel. People celebrated their first amputation, discarded limbs would be preserved like baby teeth, and it was all so casual a mutilation. You knew a young woman there who would talk so cheerfully about how they were going to remove the bottom part of her face, and how excited she was. You couldn't bare to look at anyone.
But as months became years, and you had a job as a professor of far off cultures, you began to understand. Not agree but understand. They could live forever, and never be disabled by old age. Children could visit their great great grandparents. And soon the amputations that disgusted you became commonplace enough to ignore. You even agreed to have a broken arm replaced, as so few doctors knew how to mend one. But you left, and you wept as you left, for all the people you'd never see again.
It took you awhile to find a habitable planet again. You were lonely for a time. And when you found one again it was like a drowning person finding water. The people in the new planet you found looked strange, they were hairless and androgynous, many of them either underweight or chubby, or somehow both, and all with a softness to them. Pretty soon you found out that their civilization reproduced using machines, and removed their children's testicles or ovaries as soon as possible, never letting them go through puberty.
Even having seen many worlds these people disturbed you. Their bodies were so broken looking, being so obviously incomplete to you. They thought of you as an oddity but they didn't even know what was taken from them. None of them had or desired sex, their genitals remaining childlike and useless, and because of that they were naïve to any hint of sexuality, they'd shadow publicly, and it was normal for friends to kiss and cuddle naked. It felt as if they had lost so much of what made someone human, and like you had no way of telling them.
But as time went on it too became normal. Even though you told yourself it wasn't. Sex seemed weird and useless when nobody had it, and bodies seemed normal when they were the only kind around. You thought they were missing something at first but they just weren't, they were as human as you, they could still live full lives. And in time it was all ok. After spending years there you ended up with a wife there, and though you never were allowed to have sex you loved eachother. But you eventually left, you had to, even though your wife wept as you said goodbye, it was in your nature to leave after years as it was in their nature to castrate children.
You've come to your next planet now, and they seemed to be serving human flesh alongside all the normal meats like pig and cow. It's disturbing to your right now but your sure it'll all be normal in time. Everything is normal in time.
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