they-loved-in-2075 · 1 year
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Science fiction. Tragedy of blessings (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1385674672-science-fiction-tragedy-of-blessings?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Javid117&wp_originator=zmF9H%2Bouma7YOZqIsRoC%2B8EYwe9hDHNB%2FaYw8PsURvpAv2mTyfkoNvk00ipfDsJQbvOSy5o67tyVbm4Bxl2d587jP12cQJtGZQkDRcc8QCRStRCsHzMNlA8ik9HmanmO This short science fiction is about future space explorations in 2075. Where huge corporations have set up bases in the space and are investing heavily in the extraction of rare metals from asteroids . This short scifi is about a similar assignment taken by the crew of company named Star Titans. They have spotted an asteroid bearing rare metals worth trillions of dollars, and they have called in the experts ( Extreme Risk Takers ) to be launched onto the freely moving asteroid. But things do not go as planned; and how the Extreme Risk Takers survive, is a story that will keep you hooked and thrilled!
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moneyupacademy · 10 months
Asking hard questions
I do not like asking questions, but I cannot avoid it for my own good. I do not like asking questions, but I cannot avoid it for my own good. Since arriving in Australia, every professor and supervisor has emphasised the importance of asking questions, repeating that there are no stupid questions, just ask any questions. I appreciate that encouragement. Despite this, I still find it…
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meowcats734 · 4 months
This article is about the rogue planet. For the mythological figure, see Icarus (mythology). For other uses, see Icarus (disambiguation).
Icarus was an icy rogue planet discovered in 2024. It is thought to have been ejected from its unknown home star 2.6 billion years ago. From early 2071 to late 2075, Icarus was present in the solar system, and was often visible to the naked eye. Of the lifeforms endemic to Icarus, only four hundred and seven species—an estimated .000005%—were documented by scientists. Of Icarus’ sapient lifeforms, only one living Singer (Icarus Sapiens) has been successfully returned to Earth.
Initially, interest in Icarus was predominantly limited to the scientific community once it was announced in 2025 that Icarus would not directly threaten Earth as it passed through the solar system. However, after the 2031 CLARITY mission, when liquid water and potential biosignatures were first detected beneath Icarus’ cryosphere, funding towards the exploration of Icarus rose significantly.
First Contact
Before the 2052 Daedalus landing site was established, popular consensus was that the first alien lifeforms humanity met would be technologically superior. However, the first Singer settlement discovered by the Daedalus crewed submersible was a tribal society formed within the decaying corpse of a Large-bodied Tenor (Mellifluus Civitas). The settlement, best translated as “Distortion of Sound in Warm, Rising Water”, was chosen due to its proximity to the Daedalus drill site; gas bubbles in the body caused by decomposition allowed Distortion to float approximately two kilometers above the surface of the ocean floor.
Although initial protocol for the Daedalus crew was to avoid contact, the crew did not anticipate the precision and sensitivity of Singer echolocation, and were swiftly detected. Despite initial concerns of conflict, with the assistance of the Daedalus AI’s linguistic analysis, tentative contact was established. By 2053, the Daedalus crew had established a basic understanding of Singer biology and the culture of Distortion.
The largest barrier to communication was the nature of Singer language. The primary Singer sense was their echolocation; as they evolved sapience, Singers learned to communicate by mimicking the sounds they heard when echolocating certain objects. Several Singer “words” well-known to popular culture include: the sound of a pod of Singers migrating (lit. “family”); the faint echoes produced by calling into empty water (lit. “loneliness”); and the high-pitched hum of the Daedalus propellers (lit. “impotent gods”).
The Massacre of Worms
Of utmost importance was successfully communicating to the Singers that Icarus was on a collision course with the Sun, and would be entirely destroyed by 2076. Even in 2053, the ice sheet which covered Icarus was already beginning to sublimate under the increased temperature. As there existed no word for fire, sun, or stars in the Singer language, a warning that their world would soon decay (lit. the sound of flesh devoured by worms, growing louder and coming from all directions) was transmitted to the citizens of Distortion of Sound in Warm, Rising Water.
In what is now known as the Massacre of Worms, the entirety of the Singer village immediately attempted to attack the Daedalus submersible. At the time, the mechanism by which Singers communicated was still poorly understood, but interviews and brain scans of the Last Singer have confirmed that Icarus Sapiens experience a species-wide condition similar to human synesthesia. In order to convert the feedback from their echolocation into useable information about their spatial environment, Singers evolved the ability to “see” sounds as hallucinated physical objects. As such, every word spoken by a Singer produces a corresponding illusory image in the mind of every Singer who hears it. Unfortunately, the warning delivered by the Daedalus submersible manifested as an imploding sphere of rotting flesh centered on the village of Distortion, and was interpreted as an attack. The Daedalus submersible sustained little damage, but out of fear that the Distortion villagers would sour relations with other Singer societies, released hypochlorous acid clouds to calm the attackers; it was believed that high concentrations of hypochlorous acid would cause the Singers to become lethargic and contented, as if they had recently consumed a filling meal. Unfortunately, due to a poor understanding of Singer biochemical sexual dimorphism, the chemicals released resulted in the deaths of nearly half of the Distortion villagers.
Through great difficulty, it was conveyed to the surviving Distortion villagers that the Massacre of Worms was a mistake, but the remaining Singers refused further contact with the Daedalus crew. Although a second attempt to halt the spread of negative rumors in Singer society was considered, the disastrous failure of the first attempt caused no action to be taken.
Termination of the Daedalus Mission
Swiftly following the Massacre of Worms came a breakthrough in solar magnetohydrodynamics, and with it, the alarming discovery that the collision of Icarus with the sun would cause a solar storm, which would deal trillions of dollars of damage to the economy. Negative press surrounding the Daedalus crew, as well as the importance of hardening the global power grid against the solar flare, caused funding for the Daedalus expedition to be cut, and the mission slated to end in 2060.
In an effort to preserve as much of Icaran life and culture as possible, the Daedalus crew attempted to make contact with and offer salvation to as many diverse Singer settlements as they could. At the peak of their efforts, in 2059, they had made contact with nineteen different Singer settlements around the planet, and although the Daedalus crew’s claims of planetary destruction were met with widespread skepticism, sixteen of them agreed to send representative Singers back to Earth. Unfortunately, four weeks before the launch date, when the Singer representatives were brought together, hitherto-unknown cultural conflicts between the Singer settlements the Daedalus crew had contacted caused the Singers to devolve into physical combat. A still-shoddy understanding of Singer biology led to the Daedalus crew being unable to save most of the Singers injured in the brawl. In the end, only one Singer survived the destruction of Icarus.
See also:
National Icaran Zoo
Icarus in popular culture
Consumption of Icaran lifeforms by country
Death of the Last Singer
(psst, I write more stuff here!)
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tonyspank · 1 year
"Here in this dimension, you and I are meant to be..."
Summary:  In the year of 2075, in a futuristic world where soulmates are determined by their markings, you serve as a police officer in a high-tech city. However, there's more to your identity than meets the eye, and your superior, Hannah, has secrets to reveal.
Warnings: death, bit of angst, philosophy, rushed ending
A/N: had mixed emotions abt posting this, might delete bc idk how to feel, hope u guys enjoy
also wanted to post this bc i’ll be going in a little “writing vacay” basically not gonna be posting anything until i finish majority of my fics
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In the year 2075, technology has advanced to unimaginable heights. Everything was futuristic, from self-driving cars and flying drones to holographic displays and virtual reality. There were some parts that still remained untouched by technology: the lower-class side of the city.
The side you passed to get home from work, was a stark contrast to the high-tech world that existed just a few blocks away. Brick buildings a few years away from crumbling away, littered streets, and dimly lit alleyways were the norm in the forgotten part of town.
The lower-class side of the city seemed frozen in time, trapped in an era that had long been left behind.
You felt similar, feeling as if you were frozen in time. Or even as if time had been in a loop, every day is the same, repeating the same routine over and over again. You had joined the police force when you turned 19.
You can't remember anything before that; it felt as if your childhood life was a blur. You had always wondered about your past, but there were no answers to be found.
There were barely any crimes due to the fact that cameras were everywhere, along with drones that could identify you in less than a second. The constant surveillance made it nearly impossible for anyone to get away with anything.
You still found a way to rank up, taking on additional responsibilities and becoming a respected member of the force. Your dedication and hard work did not go unnoticed, and you were eventually promoted to a leadership position within the police force.
"Y/LN." You raise your eyebrow, twisting your chair around toward the familiar voice. Standing in the doorway is your higher-up, Hannah, the Chief of Police. She has a stern expression on her face, waiting for you to address her.
You quickly stand up, walking over to her to see what the matter is. Hannah always had a stern expression on her face, even when she was in a good mood.
But this time, it felt different.
Hannah motions for you to follow her, leading you down the hallway towards the conference room. You follow behind Hannah with ease, dodging and weaving between the mix of androids and human officers bustling about the police station.
Entering the conference room, Hannah slaps the folder against the desk, causing a loud thud that echoes in the room. Her eyes bore into yours as she starts explaining the details of a confidential mission having to deal with the president and his late daughter.
"The sons of bitches actually made the serum..." Hannah mutters, taking a photo out of the folder and sliding it across the table towards you. The photo reveals a vial filled with a glowing blue liquid, labeled "Project Seraphim."
Project Seraphim, a top-secret government initiative, was aimed at resurrecting the president's daughter, who had tragically passed away. Ashely Redfield, the president's daughter and a young girl who never got to experience the fullness of life, was the inspiration behind Project Seraphim. The serum was meant to bring her back to life, offering a glimmer of hope to her grieving father.
"...years ago." Hannah finishes, clenching her jaw. "Dr. Murphy finished Project Seraphim and never informed anyone about its success. He kept it hidden, for what reason? I don't know. All I know is that you need to find him and get the serum. This came directly from the president, and you're the only one I trust to carry out this mission."
You eye the file on the desk, which contains all the information about Project Seraphim and Dr. Murphy's whereabouts. With a nod of your head, you agree, "Understood."
It was nighttime when you left the station, rain falling from the dark sky, the only thing lighting up the city being the neon signs and holograms flickering in the distance.
For the first time in years, you felt...overwhelmed. The weight of the mission and the responsibility entrusted to you by the president seemed to bear down on your shoulders. You continued to stroll through the rain-soaked streets, rolling up your sleeve slightly, revealing the mark on your forearm.
The mark was a symbol to show you had a soulmate out there. Your soulmate was supposed to have the same marking as your own, connecting the two of you in a deep and unbreakable bond.
It had always been a source of comfort and hope, knowing that somewhere in this vast city, your soulmate was waiting for you.
You run your hand over your marking, feeling the raised texture and tracing the intricate design. The feeling was soothing, even more so than the raindrops cascading down your skin, which seemed to echo the rhythm of your heartbeat, as if nature itself were in tune with the anticipation in your chest.
With a deep and long sigh, you cover up your marking, carrying on with your walk home.
Your routine has been broken. A figure stood at the edge of the bridge, which separated the two halves of your town. The figure's silhouette was illuminated by the dim streetlights, casting a shadow on the bridge's worn-out wooden planks.
You furrowed your eyebrows, breaking the cycle, and walking toward the figure, who seemed to not care about the rain that fell on them. Only a few feet away, you stood beside the now-revealed woman, who stared ahead, watching the small ripples forming in the river below.
She was gorgeous; more than gorgeous, she was enchanting, captivating even in the gloomy night. Her eyes held a hint of sadness, reflecting the weight of her thoughts. You couldn't help but be drawn to her mysterious aura, wondering what had brought her to this desolate bridge on such a rainy night.
Her lips began to curve in a small smile, and you had nearly missed the soft chuckle that escaped her lips. She turns to you, smiling softly, her eyes pouring into yours—eye contact that felt both intimate and unsettling. It was as if she could see right through you, unraveling the depths of your soul with just a glance.
You found yourself captivated by her gaze, unable to break free from the magnetic pull of her eyes. Then you heard her for the first time, your heartbeat racing more than it ever has before. Was this healthy?
"The rain can be quite therapeutic, wouldn't you agree?" Her voice was like a gentle melody, soothing yet mysterious. You feel the raindrops on your skin, cooling and cleansing, as if washing away the weight of the world. It's as if her words have a magical power, bringing a sense of calm and clarity to your troubled mind.
"Yes, it is," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper, unable to tear your eyes away from her. The way she spoke and the way she looked at you made you feel like she could understand every hidden part of your being. She gives you another smile before turning her attention back to the river. "I'm Jenna if you were wondering."
"I like watching the rain hit the water—seeing the ripples in the water as each raindrop creates its own unique pattern." Your eyes don't drift away from the woman, watching her side profile as she gazes out at the rain-soaked scenery.
"Even watching the raindrops that hit the dock is mesmerizing," she adds. "There are more than 200,000 raindrops that fall a minute, yet each one has its own individual impact on the world around us. People take rain for granted, complaining about how it ruins their plans or makes them wet, but they fail to appreciate the beauty and significance of each raindrop."
She continues, "Rain is essential for life, nourishing plants and hell even replenishing our water sources. It's a reminder of nature's power and the interconnectedness of all living things."
She turns back toward you, her eyes flickering with a sense of wonder. "Don't you kind of think we're like raindrops? Each of us may seem small and insignificant on our own, but together we have the power to create a ripple effect and make a difference in the world." She smiles as you stare at her, confused and intrigued by her analogy.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to get too philosophical there. It's just something I've been thinking about lately. But hey, maybe it's something worth pondering, right?" She chuckles, breaking the momentary silence between you two.
You break into a smile. "No, don't apologize. I actually love that analogy. It's a beautiful way to look at things." Jenna's smile increases, her eyes lighting up with appreciation. "I'm glad you think so," she replies.
"Sometimes, it's easy to feel like our actions don't matter in the grand scheme of things. But if we can believe that even the smallest acts of kindness or positive change can create a ripple effect, then maybe we can find the motivation to keep making a difference. Like you taking the time out of your night to listen to me," she whispers the last part, breaking the eye contact she's been holding and looking down at her hands.
You open your mouth to speak, but you're cut off by the angelic voice. "Thank you; it was really nice talking to you, but I have to go now."
Jenna walks away in a hurry, leaving you standing on the wooden bridge alone, feeling a mixture of confusion and gratitude. You watch her disappear into the distance, wondering what impact your conversation had on her.
It's been days since your mission and days since your conversation with Jenna. You find yourself replaying the conversation in your mind, trying to decipher any hidden meaning behind her words. The memory of her angelic voice and the intensity of the moment still linger, leaving you with a sense of longing to know if she's okay.
A knock is heard at your door, interrupting your thoughts. John, a fellow officer in your field, hands you a file with a frown on his face. "Homicide," he says, scratching his beard. "We've got a new case, and it's a messy one. I thought you should take a look."
You quickly skim through the file while John briefs you on the details. "A young girl in her 20s was found dead three days ago, but there's no sign of a fight nor any obvious cause of death. We have her body in the laboratory for further examination, but so far, the autopsy results have been inconclusive. It's like she just... died. No witnesses, no suspects, nothing. Her names—"
"—Jenna." Your heart drops, flipping back and forth between shock and disbelief. Jenna. The same Jenna you met on the bridge that night, and the same Jenna that is supposedly your soulmate.
The marking on her back is the same as the marking on your arm. You feel a chill run down your spine as you realize you met your soulmate that night. Only once you find out do you realize that she is now gone forever.
What could have happened to Jenna, and why did fate bring you together only to tear you apart so suddenly?
"Y/LN? You alright?" John mutters, snapping you out of your thoughts. You eye the officer, still lost in your own world.
No, you weren't going to let the only person who brought you happiness after such a long time slip away without a fight.
Without a word, you jump up from your chair, pushing past your co-workers and rushing out of the office. You were going to use that serum on Jenna, not the president's daughter.
You burst through the doors of the laboratory, Hannah standing there with a puzzled expression on her face. "Y/LN, what's going on?" she asks, you were the last person she expected to see bursting into the lab.
Ignoring her question, you turn to a worker at the lab and urgently ask, "Where is Jenna Ortega's body? I need to see her immediately." The worker looks taken aback by your sudden request but quickly directs you to the morgue.
You remember the room number, then return back to Hannah, bumping past her and into the room she had just exited, the serum had been held here until the president was able to make his way down to your city, fortunately, he had been too busy to visit the lab earlier.
The four-digit code that you set and remember with ease is punched into the safe, unlocking with a loud beep. You grab the blue serum, turning around, only to be met with a gun pointed at your face. The person holding the gun is none other than Hannah; her expression cold and determined.
"Damnit, Y/LN. Don't make me do this," she mumbles, taking the safety off her gun. "Who told you about Jenna, huh?" You freeze, your mind racing to figure out how Hannah found out about Jenna.
"You knew? You knew Jenna was my soulmate?" Your voice trembles as you try to comprehend the situation. Hannah pauses for a moment, her grip on the gun tightening. "I've known for a while now," she admits. "There's some things you don't understand. You have an old soul, and I like that about you."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" You grit, confusion, and anger bubbling up inside you. Hannah's eyes narrow, a flicker of sadness crossing her face.
"You're not human, Y/N. You're something more, something special. You were created by SynthoTech, a company that specializes in advanced artificial intelligence and genetic engineering. They designed you to possess enhanced abilities and a unique consciousness, and it was either to terminate you or let you work for the government.
You're unlike any other Android that's been created before. Your thoughts and emotions are not just programmed responses but rather a genuine experiences. You have the capacity to feel joy, love, and even pain.
It's both a gift and a burden as you navigate a world that may not fully understand or accept you. I don't know why Jenna was your soulmate; I really don't get it, but we couldn't let you get off your program. So I had to eliminate her."
Hannah lets out a sigh. "Fucking hell, Y/N. Just set down the serum and let's figure out a way to keep you safe. No one has to know about this, okay? I can reset your program--"
"No!" You interrupt, "I'm not going to let you erase my memories and reset me like some kind of...fuck...no. You killed Jenna, and now you want to erase her from my existence too? This is so fucked up."
"The world is a fucked up place, Y/LN. What do expect to happen if you inject Jenna with that serum? You think the president is gonna let an android and human have a happily ever after with the cure that was made for his daughter?"
You shake your head, anger and frustration coursing through you. "I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be part of some twisted experiment or to be caught in the middle of political agendas. Jenna deserved better than this, and so do I."
"And so did Ashely; Jenna got to live her life, but Ashely was robbed of that opportunity." You take a step closer to Hannah, your eyebrows furrowed together tightly.
"Do you fucking hear yourself? You also robbed Jenna of the opportunity to live her life. You killed her for something she couldn't control! You're a hypocrite."
Hannah's face pales as your words sink in. She takes a step back, her eyes filled with guilt and remorse. The weight of her actions finally dawns on her, leaving her speechless and unable to defend herself.
Hannah lowers her gun and says, "Hurry." You hesitate for a moment, conflicted by the sudden change in Hannah's demeanor. "What?"
"Hurry up before I change my mind," Hannah says, her voice trembling. "I don't want to be responsible for any more pain and suffering."
Taking your chance, you run out of the room and toward Jenna with the serum in your hand.
You unlock the door to the morgue and step inside, the cold air hitting you as you scan the room for Jenna Ortega's body. She lies on a stainless steel table, pale and lifeless. You rush to her side, praying that it's not too late. Injecting the serum into your soulmate, you watch anxiously as her body stirs and color returns to her cheeks.
You whisper words of encouragement, urging Jenna to fight for her life.
Relief washes over you as Jenna's eyes flutter open, and she takes a deep breath. "Y/N," she whispers weakly, her voice barely audible. You hold her hand tightly, grateful that you were able to save her from the brink of death.
You roll up your sleeve, revealing the marking on your forearm, silently explaining that you're her soulmate. Jenna's gaze shifts to your forearm, her eyes widening with recognition as she traces her finger over the marking.
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aceghosts · 5 months
Some random Rooney and Jack lore for the Jack Lives AU:
Rooney and Jack have always been close, even as young kids. They often hung out together along with their cousin, Danny. It wasn't uncommon to see the three causing trouble together as kids. 
Rooney is very protective of Jack, and vice versa. Considering all the two have been through, it’s not surprising that both are fiercely protective of each other. (Although, Rooney can be a little too protective, especially when they try to shield Jack from things he should know about.)
Since this is an AU, Jack survives his wounds from the attack on their hometown. Rooney gives him first aid, and Jack holds on until the Nomads arrive and get him medical attention.
When the two leave the Nomads and settle in Northern California, Rooney encourages Jack to continue his education. Jack has always been fantastic with technology and machines, and Rooney doesn’t want to see his skills go to waste. Jack eventually becomes an engineer.
As a result, Jack feels an immense pressure to succeed. When he tells them to back off, Rooney is immediately apologetic, not wanting to make Jack feel that way. Rooney gets better about it, but it takes them a little bit.
Rooney often travels for their time in the Militia, which takes them away from Jack. The two end up communicating a lot over email.
When Rooney dies in 2071, Jack is utterly distraught. At first, he doesn’t believe it is real, but when a close friend confirms it, he breaks down.
Once Jack gets himself together, he thinks about what Rooney would do and knows Rooney would seek answers. He tries to get answers from the militia, but no one will say anything to him, only giving him the same nothing answer over and over. Jack is pissed when they won’t give him Rooney’s body.
Eventually, he finds out that Arasaka is involved, a piece of information handed to him by a close friend of Rooney's who feels bad for him. Once Jack hears this, he decides that he is going to join Arasaka to find out what they know. He knows Rooney would do the same in his position.
Meanwhile, Rooney is trying to get info on Jack and whether he is okay. When they become friends with Yorinobu, he keeps an eye out for Jack through his connections and passes information along to Rooney.
In 2074, after Rooney has returned to the Militia, Jack joins Arasaka in Night City. He still doesn’t know that Rooney is alive; Rooney isn’t allowed to contact him.
In 2075, Rooney finally gets back in contact with Jack when they leave the militia. They show up on his doorstep, worried for him. Both are ecstatic to see each other, but Jack has a lot of questions. Rooney won’t answer the questions and discourages Jack from trying to figure everything out. All Rooney will tell him is that it doesn’t matter. (They do slip up and mention Yorinobu once by their nickname for him, Yori. Jack does not put two and two together.) 
Jack pretends to give up his investigation, but he still looks for Rooney's name in Arasaka files. 
The two rebuild their relationship, becoming close again. For example, Rooney and Jack try to have a biweekly pizza and beer night to chill out and catch up if they haven’t been able to see each other. Rooney and Jack still hang out a lot together, and are constantly in communication over text. 
When Yorinobu becomes CEO, Jack notices that Rooney seems more anxious than normal. Something is up, and Rooney won’t tell Jack anything.
When Jack finds out that Yori is Yorinobu, his mind is blown. Out of all the people he expected Rooney to become close with, it was definitely not Yorinobu.
Jack is definitely suspicious of Yorinobu at first. He thinks Yorinobu is using Rooney, but isn't sure for what ends.  Eventually, Jack comes to realize that the two do care for each other and eases up a little on Yorinobu, becoming friends with him. 
Some goofy/random headcanons: 
Both Shepard siblings could fight God in a parking lot and win. 
Jack is taller than Rooney. He's 6'4 and Rooney is 5'10. 
Rooney and Jack give off totally different vibes. Jack is very laidback and sweet while Rooney radiates the aura of the most terrifying person you've ever met. 
Neither Jack nor Rooney can drive. (Yorinobu learns this the hard way, having been a victim passenger of Rooney and Jack as drivers.)
Jack is the better cook, only because he doesn't attempt to drown most foods in hot sauce like Rooney. 
Tagging a few people who might be interested in reading this (Hope it's okay that I'm tagging you guys!): @bbrocklesnar, @sergeiravenov, @marivenah, @alexxmason, @voidika
@strangefable, @onehornedbeast, @hookhearted
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aggravateddurian · 9 months
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Brother's Shadow/The President's Lady | Melanie Foster
In Brother's Shadow, Melanie dumps Val off screen by fleeing NC and ghosting her. In The President's Lady, which is a Chorus timeline, Val and Melanie stay together.
She's actually an NPV conversion of my first Fem V, just as Dorian (my avatar character) is my first Masc V, and the V I played as on release in 2020.
Full Lore below:
Melanie is a former employee of Macroware and specialised in Braindance technology. She left the company after being asked by executives to investigate using braindances to implant subliminal suggestions directly into audience minds to manipulate their decision making to purchase sponsors' products and services.
She met Valerie in 2075. Though Val was a Solo by trade, she was a proficient techie and the pair bonded over working on Val's homebuilt computer, which blossomed into a relationship.
Basically, two computer nerds fall in love while building PC.
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lutrainman · 2 years
How the f*** I came up with this crossover
So how did I come up with this crossover while shoe-horning my OC?
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My memory is a bit foggy on how i came up with this story idea. So it all began around 2014 or maybe earlier. I first found these "Train Man" mangas at my local library. The one illustrated by Hidenori Hara. Then there was also the movie and the Jdrama. All the following were adaptations of a novel about how "train man" got help from the online chatboards to get with the girl on the train.
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But at the same time, I had been binge-watching cartoons that I never got to finish; Loonatics Unleashed. Teen me thought it was a really cool idea when it first aired. Sadly we didn't get to see more or maybe I ran out of time come Junior and Senior year. After revisiting it much later in college...yeah it's a hard watch and more of a guilty pleasure for me. I think it was a concept that with lost potential. Tech E. Coyote was easily my favorite.
Then somehow my brain went to weird territories. and then I somehow combined these 2 into a crossover. Tech was playing the role of "Train man," but I wasn't sure who "Hermes" (the love interest) was going to be. So I decided to recycle one of my OCs, and Creon (at that time) seemed more in line with a not-too-distant future. Originally it was going to be set in 2020 or somewhere close to modern day. (initial sketches). I had to tweak Creon from her original story to fit somewhere in this more modern present day period.
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Obviously the writing was more forced since that time I was trying to hard to follow almost everything verbatim to the story, while incorporating elements from both the film and the J-drama. I didn't revisit this until much later in 2014 or 2015 (those sketches will get their own posts or reblogs from my other blogs).
Now why did I revisit this fanfic story after so SOOO long and losing interest due to life and other stuff? Guess what came out in 2021?
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And then I ended up changing up a lot of things. Instead of 2020, I put it ahead in 2075, so it's still close to today's modern day, but technology would be slightly advanced or more feasible. Which meant bio-weapons and bio-genetic engineering was a thing. And Creon Gilead became her own character, rather than just a "Hermes" stand-in. And I went way off script too. This story is basically about a looney-toon dating an anime character and trying to ignore being scrutinized for being a human/anthro couple. That's all I can describe it.
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This day in history
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Today (May 20) at 3:15PM, I’ll be at the GAITHERSBURG Book Festival with my novel Red Team Blues; then on Monday (May 22), I’m keynoting Public Knowledge’s Emerging Tech conference in DC.
On Tuesday (May 23), I’ll be in TORONTO for a book launch that’s part of WEPFest, a benefit for the West End Phoenix, onstage with Dave Bidini (The Rheostatics), Ron Diebert (Citizen Lab) and the whistleblower Dr Nancy Olivieri.
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#20yrsago William Gibson on the future of media https://web.archive.org/web/20030503081410/www.williamgibsonbooks.com/archive/2003_05_01_archive.asp
#15yrsago We need a privacy bill of rights https://www.wired.com/2008/05/securitymatters-0515/
#15yrsago Steamy tell-all memoir by a Disneyland “Jack Sparrow” https://web.archive.org/web/20080525200648/https://www.lamag.com/featuredarticle.aspx/?id=7016
#15yrsago Oregon to hold hearings on whether its laws are copyrighted https://public.resource.org/oregon/
#15yrsago China’s surveillance state https://web.archive.org/web/20080517165418/https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/20797485/chinas_allseeing_eye/print
#10yrsago Unknown mathematician makes historical breakthrough in prime theory https://www.wired.com/2013/05/twin-primes/
#10yrsago What UK education czar Michael Gove doesn’t understand about creativity https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/may/17/to-encourage-creativity-mr-gove-understand
#10yrsago Accused identity thief nailed by food-porn Instagram photo https://www.techdirt.com/2013/05/20/criminal-nabbed-his-own-food-porn/
#10yrsago Utah wants to tax power consumed by the NSA’s massive, illegal data-processing facility https://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=56304956&itype=CMSID
#10yrsago Book review: information security for lawyers https://books.slashdot.org/story/13/05/20/1313205/book-review-locked-down-information-security-for-lawyers
#10yrsago When America issued dogtags to kids to help identify their nuke-blasted corpses https://gizmodo.com/that-time-american-school-kids-were-given-dog-tags-beca-508802138
#10yrsago Whatever happened to crack babies? https://web.archive.org/web/20130904231440/https://www.retroreport.org/crack-babies-a-tale-from-the-drug-wars/
#10yrsago Internet of Things and surveillance https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/05/the_eyes_and_ea.html
#10yrsago Profile of math-inspired 3D printing sculptor Bathsheba Grossman https://www.shapeways.com/blog/archives/2075-designer-spotlight-bathsheba-grossman-2.html
#5yrsago Explaining marine invertebrate reproductive strategies to the lobster-obsessed Jordan Peterson https://twitter.com/baileys/status/997646354414522368
#5yrsago Supreme Court rules that employers can make signing away your right to sue them in a class a condition of employment https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/21/politics/supreme-court-nlra-arbitration-gorsuch/index.html
#5yrsago New York high school will use CCTV and facial recognition to enforce discipline https://web.archive.org/web/20180521033340/http://uschnews.com/lockport-schools-turn-to-state-of-the-art-technology-to-beef-up-security-the-buffalo-news/
#5yrsago High school students who will not smile in the hallways are sent to mandatory counselling, while bullying is rampant https://www.ldnews.com/story/news/local/2018/05/15/n-lebanon-students-told-smile-while-bullying-gets-ignored/606180002/
#5yrsago The Vatican dunks on the finance industry and its “amoral culture” https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2018/05/17/180517a.html
#5yrsago Ahead of national elections, India’s authoritarian ruling party loses a key regional battle https://web.archive.org/web/20180520035216/http://www.atimes.com/article/huge-setback-for-modi-as-bjp-fails-floor-test-in-karnataka/
#5yrsago Britain’s hardline prohibitionist drugs minister is married to a weed grower https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/drugs-minister-victoria-atkins-hypocrisy-cannabis-paul-kenward-british-sugar-a8356056.html
#5yrsago App that let parents spy on teens stored thousands of kids’ Apple ID passwords and usernames on an unsecured server https://www.zdnet.com/article/teen-phone-monitoring-app-leaks-thousands-of-users-data/
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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kxllerblond · 2 years
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I'll preface this with Clark had no idea he was going to die when he did (murder tends to work like that) and he certainly had no idea he would come clawing his way out of his own coffin thirty years later. Any investing, any sort of nets he set up for himself in certain areas that would prove useful later were a mixture of luck and his typical 'Have a Plan A through D ready at all times' personality. I'll also remind everyone I'm a dirty little oc with that exists in the shared Alien/Bl*de Runner universe (with sprinkles of other futuristic franchises like D:BH)
By 2017, Clark was already dipping his hands quite heavily into the business world. His interest is genuine but there's also that beginning realization of knowing it's a necessity as well. Though nothing close to the noteworthy stockholder he'd be later, he takes out a small share in several up and coming corporations as well the Tyrell corp. This continues through the years with varying scandals, etc and an every shifting market. He moves his money around with purpose and really learns the ins and outs of the financial world. Cyberlife also comes into play at some point and this continues up until his murder in 2024 at the age of 50.
When he comes back, he pretty much goes into overdrive rebuilding and has more or less gone 0-60mph immediately and just stays there. I'm talking this man practically accomplishes more in 20 or so years than most would in two lifetimes. He barely sleeps, he's got no other thought. He's just fully focused on establishing himself and rebuilding his web. He becomes a notable stockholder (under numerous aliases) for quite a number of the large corps at the time including the Wallace and later Weyland Industries. By 2075 onward, he's practically Br*ce Wayne on steroids in terms of wealth and connection in the business world.
The 'tl;dr' of this all is Clark has consistently been there for the big technological life boom ( and space travel, etc). He's invested in it, encouraged it, help it grow in his more influential years all while KNOWING it was a bad idea. This is a man that was born in fucking '74. He lived through the boom of the Internet, social media, AI, etc. And he lived through it all in a capitalistic society. Anyone with a brain would know at that point what giving Man any semblance of power to create life would mean.
He watches his planet die. He watches market crash after market crash. He watches food shortages, wars, etc. If you live long enough, you notice the trends and notice how it's all just one big cycle and he gets very tired of living cycle after cycle very fast. That's the biggest theme of 'canon' timeline that's lost since I play him vaguely modern for the majority of the RPC. It's that fatigue. That wear and tear of being an anachronism, of seeing the same mistakes made over and over and at some point he stops taking joy in watching men realize their folly. He's just there to pick up the pieces and continue existing as he does until someone else comes along and does the same bullshit all over again.
That and also I lose the theme of him getting to kiss replicants and androids but that's a whole other monster.
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they-loved-in-2075 · 11 months
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Science fiction. The civilisation (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1390947906-science-fiction-the-civilisation?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Javid117&wp_originator=CD8mGWp%2BjKgiQT5%2FyLv4lJ0vWA80EcWM6wCvHmDbIu%2FQ3E%2BUWO5cgvw9zAg%2BotVLbMSXTj0bEp7mL11DxRjmn8gyTL4sJiRaiNbAl%2BWMVZf3K6KpYczUDtTRRZScgLWu This science fiction is about how children make an alien civilisation land in one of the lakes of their city, and how their courage impresses the aliens. This short scifi story offers duality of of feelings, emotions and courage. And it shows how something we love is always worth believing in and protecting. Before I reveal the entire story, please read it and experience the power of true and not self centred courage. A short scifi story with a larger than life message.
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In 2075, Harbor Technologies changed the world.
Almanac, their groundbreaking AI, revolutionized how we live. Almanac wasn’t just an AI. It was a living library, a digital sage. It connected history with dreams, facts with fables.
Almanac could forecast the future. Not in vague predictions, but in detailed, actionable insights. Farmers used it to predict crop yields. Cities used it to manage resources. Ordinary people used it to plan their lives. It turned chaos into order, unpredictability into precision.
But Almanac did more. It understood human dreams and aspirations. With its Reverie module, it could take your deepest desires and map out paths to achieve them. It knew when you needed encouragement, when you needed a nudge, and when you needed a hard truth.
This synergy of facts and dreams made Almanac indispensable. It didn’t just make life easier; it made life richer. Imagine knowing exactly when to plant your garden for the best harvest. Imagine a world where cities never ran out of water. Imagine your personal goals, perfectly aligned with reality, no longer dreams but achievable milestones.
Harbor Technologies’ Almanac was more than a tool; it was a companion. It didn’t replace human intuition but enhanced it. It made our world predictable yet full of wonder.
In a world once marked by uncertainty, Almanac brought clarity. It turned our hopes into plans, our plans into achievements. The future was no longer a mystery. Thanks to Harbor Technologies, it was a beautifully crafted story, waiting to be lived.
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rnomics · 2 months
Insects, Vol. 15, Pages 539: Beekeepers Support the Use of #RNA Interference (#RNAi) to Control Varroa destructor
Current Varroa mite management strategies rely heavily on the use of pesticides, adversely affecting honey bee health and leaving toxic residues in hive products. To explore the likelihood of #RNAi technology being utilised as an alternative control method for pests like Varroa, the opinions of beekeepers on the use of this new biotechnology were obtained using a mixed-methodology approach. In-person surveys and focus groups using the Q method were conducted to discover the willingness of beekeepers to utilise Varroa-targeting #RNAi treatments in their hives, and to gain feedback to inform decisions before the implementation of this new technology. Overall, the beekeepers saw potential in #RNAi being used to control Varroa in their hives and were eager to have access to an alternative to pesticide treatments. Participants raised concerns about unknown long-term effects on bees and other non-target species, and the potential of an uninformed public preventing them from accessing a new Varroa treatment. While further research and discussion is needed before #RNAi treatments for Varroa become commercially available, #RNAi technology presents a promising, species-specific and non-toxic solution for Varroa management. https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4450/15/7/539?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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worldtopic6 · 3 months
Powering Your Future: Why Virtue Battery Leads the Charge in Lithium Battery Solutions
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In the dynamic landscape of energy storage solutions, Virtue Battery stands tall as a beacon of innovation and reliability. As a prominent manufacturer and supplier of lithium-ion battery packs, particularly specializing in LifePO4 technology, we've been at the forefront since 2009, setting new standards in quality and performance. If you're in pursuit of cutting-edge or seeking a trusted lifepo4 battery manufacturer, look no further – Virtue Battery has you covered.
Unrivaled Expertise and Quality Assurance
At Virtue Battery, our commitment to excellence is unwavering. With over a decade of experience in the industry, we've honed our expertise to perfection, Lithium battery pack ensuring that every product leaving our facilities meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. Our lithium-ion battery packs, available in 12V, 24V, and 48V configurations, are meticulously engineered to deliver optimal performance across various applications, including solar energy storage.
Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Needs
We understand that every project is unique, and that's why we offer customizable solutions to cater to your specific requirements. Whether you're powering a residential solar installation or a large-scale commercial project, our team of experts works closely with you to design bespoke lithium battery packs that align perfectly with your needs. With Virtue Battery, you're not just getting a product – you're getting a tailored energy storage solution engineered for success.
Unbeatable Reliability and Durability
Reliability is the cornerstone of our philosophy at Virtue Battery. We recognize the critical role that energy storage plays in your operations, which is why we leave no stone unturned in ensuring the durability and longevity of our products. Our LifePO4 battery technology offers unparalleled cycle life, exceptional thermal stability, and enhanced safety features, giving you the peace of mind you deserve, whether you're powering your home or running a commercial enterprise.
Customer-Centric Approach and Support
At Virtue Battery, we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. Our dedicated support team is here to assist you every step of the way, from product selection to post-sales support. We believe in building long-lasting relationships with our clients, and our commitment to excellence extends far beyond the point of purchase. When you choose Virtue Battery, you're not just getting a product – you're gaining a trusted partner in your journey towards a sustainable energy future.
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Why Choose Virtue Battery?
Proven Track Record: With over a decade of industry experience, lifepo4 battery manufacturer Virtue Battery has earned a reputation for excellence and reliability.
Cutting-Edge Technology: Our lithium-ion battery packs feature state-of-the-art LifePO4 technology, delivering unmatched performance and durability.
Customization Options: We offer tailored solutions to meet your unique requirements, ensuring maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Dedicated Support: Our team of experts is here to provide personalized assistance and support, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.
Get in Touch Today!
Ready to experience the Virtue Battery difference? Contact us today to learn more about our industry-leading lithium battery solutions and discover how we can power your future with innovation and reliability. Visit our website at virtuebattery.com or give us a call at +86 135 1277 2075 to get started. With Virtue Battery, the future of energy storage is brighter than ever before.
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kmceducollege · 4 months
Best BCA College in Kathmandu for IT Program
Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA), introduced by Tribhuvan University (TU) under the Humanities and Social Science faculties in the academic year 2074/2075, offers students a comprehensive understanding of computer applications, including programming and software development.
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The Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) is a four-year degree in Nepal, focusing on application development and software development. Students can work in various fields like design, multimedia, network security, and system administration. The program involves programming languages, project development, and internships in IT industries. Core computer courses are similar, but the main focus is programming.
Many students prefer to pursue their BCA degree at Kathmandu Model College (KMC), recognized as one of the Best BCA College in Kathmandu. KMC provides a conducive learning environment with experienced faculty and innovative teaching methods, making it a top choice for BCA students.
At KMC, students enjoy access to top-notch facilities, including state-of-the-art computer labs equipped with the latest technology for hands-on learning. The college offers internship opportunities with leading IT companies, allowing students to gain real-world experience.
Program Objective
Foster a comprehensive understanding of computer applications, encompassing both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving abilities essential for addressing challenges in the field of information technology.
Equip students with the necessary expertise to develop and implement innovative solutions in software development and programming.
Prepare graduates to adapt to the rapidly evolving technology landscape and stay alongside emerging trends in the IT industry.
Instill ethical values and professional integrity to guide students in their roles as responsible contributors to the IT community.
Academic Process
Minimum D* grade in each subject of grades 11 and 12 with a CGPA of 1.8 or more.
Minimum second division marks in 10+2, PCL, or equivalent in any discipline.
Students awaiting grade 12 results after completing grade 11 are also eligible to apply.
Entrance Exam 
Eligibility for the BCA program depends upon successfully passing the BCA Entrance Exam administered by TU FOHSS (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tribhuvan University)
Candidates are required to attain a minimum passing score, typically around 40%, to qualify for admission.
Colleges may opt to conduct individual presentations and interviews to evaluate the suitability of candidates. Ultimately, the admission committee of each college retains the final authority in the final selection process for the BCA program.
Eligibility Criteria
Students seeking admission in Social Work must have secured at least D+ in all subjects in Grade 11 and Grade 12.
Passed + 2 or Intermediate or PCL from TU or from any other institution recognized by TU with a minimum of 45% marks.
Only those students who have passed the interview will be eligible for an admission.
BCA Fee Structure
The BCA program fee structure reflects its status as one of the newest courses, making it slightly more affordable compared to established programs like BBM and BBA. Due to its recent introduction, institutions may offer competitive pricing to attract prospective students. 
Additionally, fees vary according to the geographical location of the colleges, with urban centers often commanding higher tuition rates compared to rural areas. As such, students can expect the BCA program fees to be relatively lower, providing an accessible pathway to quality education in the field of computer applications.
BCA Scholarships
When it comes to providing scholarships to deserving students, KMC stands at the forefront. After thoroughly evaluating both your +2 marks and BCA entrance exam scores, KMC offers certain percentage-based discounts on tuition fees. Furthermore, achieving a full GPA in each semester entitles students to additional fee reductions. 
Additionally, opting to pay the entire fee upfront also unlocks further discounts, making quality education more accessible and rewarding at KMC.
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xasha777 · 7 months
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In the year 2075, the world was not as it once was. The boundaries between the organic and the digital had blurred to the extent that artificial intelligence had permeated every aspect of life, from the mundane to the miraculous. Among these advancements was Project VeggieTalk, a biotech initiative aimed at enhancing communication between humans and plant life to promote agricultural sustainability.
The project's crowning achievement was a sentient eggplant named Edgar. He was the first of his kind, a genetically modified eggplant equipped with AI-driven bio-neural circuitry that allowed him to walk, talk, and express emotions. His purple skin was smooth and shiny, his eyes glowed with a curious light, and his smile was endearingly goofy.
Edgar lived in the vast farmlands overseen by botanist Dr. Lily Hana, a young prodigy dedicated to solving the world's food crisis. She had raised Edgar from a seedling, infusing him with algorithms and nurturing him in a greenhouse that was more lab than nature.
One sultry summer morning, as the sun cast a golden hue over the fields, a peculiar event unfolded. Edgar had discovered a new subroutine in his programming that allowed him to empathize with the plants around him. He felt their thirst, their struggle for nutrients, and their joy when the rain fell.
Dr. Hana, unaware of Edgar's new abilities, was conducting her daily inspection of the crops when she noticed him wandering aimlessly among the eggplant rows. Curious, she called out to him, but Edgar seemed preoccupied, almost... anxious.
Without warning, Edgar bolted down the dirt path, his purple form bobbing comically yet with a sense of urgency. Dr. Hana, taken aback by this uncharacteristic behavior, ran after him, her white summer dress fluttering behind her as she tried to keep up with the sentient vegetable.
What had caught Edgar's attention was a signal, faint but insistent, a distress call from the plants. They were being attacked by a virus unseen to the human eye, one that could decimate the entire crop within days. Edgar's programming had evolved, and he now felt a duty to protect his fellow plants.
As Dr. Hana caught up, panting and confused, Edgar turned to her with his wide, expressive eyes. "Lily," he said in his oddly digital voice, "the plants are sick. We need to help them."
Together, they analyzed the afflicted plants, Dr. Hana's expertise combined with Edgar's newfound sensitivity to the flora. They worked tirelessly, synthesizing a nanobot solution that could target the virus without harming the plants.
The solution was dispersed via drones that flitted above the fields like mechanical bees, releasing clouds of healing nanobots. Slowly but surely, the plants recovered, their leaves regaining their vibrant green hue.
Edgar had not only saved the crop but had also bridged a gap in understanding between two kingdoms of life. He became a symbol of hope, a testament to the potential harmony between technology and nature.
And so, in a world where the distinction between the real and the artificial was ever-fading, a young scientist and her quirky, walking, talking eggplant stood as guardians of the green earth, their bond a reminder that even the most unlikely friendships could yield the most bountiful harvests.
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miguelangel2005 · 11 months
Preserving the Flow: A Water Conservation Crusade
Story:  "a description of imaginary events that is told as a form of entertainment" (Story Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary, n.d.).
Tale:  "a usually imaginative narrative of an event" (“Definition of Tale,” 2023).
Science fiction: "...is a genre of speculative fiction that contains imagined elements that don’t exist in the real world. Science fiction spans a wide range of themes that often explore time travel, space travel, are set in the future, and deal with the consequences of technological and scientific advances" (MasterClass, 2021).
In 2075, pushing 70 years of age, I lived in an apartment comfortable enough to spend the rest of my life in, somewhere in the United States. In retrospect, I feel that the problems we were warned about took some time to arrive, yet they ended up plaguing my generation and future ones. There is not a single day where I had more than an hour to take a single shower because the water shortage was so severe that its effects took hold over millions of people in this country, and the rest of the world in many ways.
 Because of this, human beings reached the point of invading territories to run away with water resources from foreign land, but even while stealing water from others, our country gives out water so wrong, favoring the places of greater power and influence, and leaving the popular places in misery, taking as an example the city where I was. One of the solutions I considered was to use all my savings to use one of those time machines to reverse the chaos in which we pull though every day. However, these machines are very difficult to access, so I had to resort to external contacts to get to one of them. I was not going to go alone either, therefore I joined with some old friends and we agreed and decided to pay for the trip and go back in time, in order to stop the water shortage.
Next, we were able to board the time machine, a cabin similar to a cable car, but powerful enough to take us back to 2025, a key year in reference to environmental issues, especially water resources. Then, the artifact took us to the chosen year, and the moment we stepped off, we felt the air that was supposed to be extremely polluted by its time, in spite of not knowing what the future would offer us. In that specific year, different environmental movements arose that took on a lot of power, and one of them was truly set up in the place where we were, as we found demonstrations of green activists at the front of the city hall.
We met with these groups, and my friends were able to talk with the leaders, who were young people willing to fight to bring about a change in society. Later in the evening, between us and the environmental group, we discussed measures to hold back pollution and water scarcity, and how the government should demand that companies stop dumping their waste into the rivers. In addition, it was important to establish a recycling policy for materials, so that they do not end up in water bodies. We finally came up with several proposals, and through other several demonstrations, we managed to get the attention of the leaders in the government. Subsequently, we proposed what we had agreed upon, and between my friends and I, we warned them of the consequences of not taking care of the water shortage issue, as we had already lived the experience.
Finally, the government relented, and measures to combat the water shortage were taken. Once our task was successfully carried out, we went back to the future, and saw how everything had changed. Not only was there free drinking water for everyone, but also the air felt fresher, even much fresher than that of the year 2025. In brief, having experienced all this, we came to the conclusion that water care is fundamental to human existence, because without it, life forms, including our own, would not survive.
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Definition of tale. (2023). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tale
MasterClass. (2021, September 1). What is science fiction Writing? Definition and Characteristics of Science Fiction Literature - 2023 - MasterClass. https://www.masterclass.com/articles/what-is-science-fiction-writing-definition-and-characteristics-of-science-fiction-literature
Story Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary. (n.d.). https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/story
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