#fuzzy little sweater wearing noodles
blot-squisher · 1 year
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jakescaravel · 8 months
Autumn Intake
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x reader
Word Count: 4,282
Warnings: Smoking, mentions of weed, cuddling, kissing (this is purely Jake fluff!)
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Albums mentioned (to listen to while reading!): Disraeli Gears, Dark side of the Moon, The Cars
Ok thats it, enjoyyyy!!
After a long day of getting yelled at by your boss and hiding away to cry in the bathroom, you were finally going home. The sun had already set and a chilly autumn wind swept through the air.
The heat in the car was on full blast as you tore down the residential road leading you to the tiny cabin you shared with your best friend and boyfriend Jake. You were anxious to get home, to get to him.
Usually you drove to the house just as the sun was setting and beautiful shades of orange and pink painted the sky. Usually you listened to some Beatles or Cream songs but today you were too upset to fiddle with the bluetooth of your old car or to pull over to connect your phone in the first place.
Despite the growing temperature in the small vehicle making your body hot, your feet were cold. Luckily you were only minutes away from home. 
As you pull into the driveway, you see a steadily flowing line of smoke coming from the chimney, and a few lights on in the house. (Silly little habit of Jakes, no matter the countless times you had argued over the expensiveness of keeping extra lights on, he still did it but of course you only found it endearing).
After parking you make your way to the door and it opens before you can even lay a finger on the handle. You are greeted with the immediate warmth radiating from the house, and the man standing right in front of you. The smell of chicken noodle soup hits your nose and the hunger you didn’t know you had grumbles loudly in your belly. The faint crackle coming from the fireplace tickles your ears, relaxing you.
You look up and see him in the doorway wearing his big ‘I missed you all day and I’m so happy to see you smile.’ He brings you in for a big hug and rests his chin on the top of your head swaying back and forth with you. The fabric of his sweater feels soft on your face, and it smells like him even though it belongs to you.
It's hard to describe what hugging Jake feels like, and you’ve tried many times. It feels like finally visiting your childhood home after being away for so long. It feels like being wrapped in a million blankets that hug your body perfectly, lulling you into peaceful sleep. It feels like home.
You let yourself melt into his arms, breathing in his comforting scent before stepping out of the cold. He smells like burning wood, a homey campfire, your favorite smell in the entire world. The one that reminds you of years of camping with your family and friends, and hundreds of nights spent under the stars roasting marshmallows with your favorite boy.
You pull away slightly to look up at his face. He looks so cozy and gentle. His hair is hung in a low bun messy from an afternoon of napping on the couch and his eyes are lazy and tired but he looks at you with the same amount of love he’s looked, since the moment he met you.
“Long day at work baby?” His sweet gravelly voice makes its way to your ears warming you from the inside out. 
“Yeah, like you wouldn’t believe. I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He leans down and places a single gentle kiss on your forehead. Jake rubs your cheek with the pad of his thumb, lightly prickling the skin from his rough calluses. “Is that old boss of yours still giving you trouble?”
You nod slowly looking into his beautiful brown eyes, so beautiful. 
“Alright then.. I’ll kill him” his eyes light up and that stupid smile creeps out as you giggle into his arms.
When you let go first (Jake would never let go first as he drunkenly took a vow years ago when you first started dating.) you take a step into the house. You notice your brown fuzzy blanket on the floor next to the couch from when Jake sprang up to rush to greet you upon hearing the car in the driveway. Part of you feels jealous of his day spent lounging around doing absolutely nothing but he is so hard working and deserves this just as much as you do. 
“I made soup, I made chicken noodle, your favorite.”
“Really?!? Thank you Jakey! It smells amazing, I'm sooo hungry.” You stand on your tiptoes to deliver a kiss right to the end of his nose. He blushes and smiles shyly. Then his tone changes completely, his British alter ego slipping out.
“Well take your coat off, stay a while, let's eat! And I’m talking about the soup, not you by the way, although you do look entirely delectable.”
Oliver makes an overly exaggerated gesture pointing to the already laid out bowls of soup. This silly little persona never fails to make you smile, it's just so Jake and reminds you of the night he made it up. That night is one you replay a lot in your mind. It was the first time you said ‘I love you’. It might have been a drunken confession but you would have had it no other way.
“Did you not eat yet honey, it's so late?” You say as you hang up your coat and put your bag down by the door.
“Honey?? I’m not your honey, I’m a man goddamn it!”
Oliver goes away and Jake comes back with a comforting smile. He pulls you in to whisper “no, I wanted to eat with you.”
“The soup is probably cold by now.” You whisper back.
“No. I warmed it up just a few minutes ago so it's the perfect temperature. Not too hot, not too room temperature-ee.” He smiles at you.
“Gosh, you're so perfect and why are we whispering?”
“I don’t know, it's kinda hot though. Feels like we’re keeping secrets.” He moves his eyebrows up and down in a flirtatious manner.
You pretend to swoon and you dramatically place your hand over your forehead, half falling to the floor. “Oh Jacob, what ever did I do to deserve you?”
“Yeah I have no idea what you did, must have been something really great.”
You punch his arm, maybe a little too hard.
“Hey!” He giggles and in one quick move he scoops his arms under your legs and carries you towards the dimly lit dining room table. “Put me down!” You’re both laughing as he sets you down gently.
There is one perfectly placed candle in the middle of the table, next to it lays a small hydrangea from the bush in the front yard. You pick your seat next to him and settle into the chair as he does the same. You lean forward to smell the pretty flower. He knows they are your favorite, which is why he planted the bush all those months ago.
You bring one knee up to your chin and relax even further into the comfortable padding of the wooden chairs. You and Jake had gotten them for free at a stoop sale last fall. It was pure luck that they perfectly matched your wood cabinets. Jake was very insistent on them matching. He was mostly responsible for all of the interior design in the house, he has a very good eye for this kind of thing so you’ve never minded.
Before digging into the wonderful meal he has made you, you steal a quick kiss, this one on his lips. He leans into it and you feel his soft lips press into yours. You can taste the apple and peanut butter on his tongue and you smell the traces of weed left over on your sweater. You also smell his cologne.
Your mind flashes back to last summer when you had walked into a sort of candle shop. The two of you walked hand in hand around the whole shop for at least an hour smelling every single candle and every single hand soap. You both agreed that out of all the seasons, fall had the best smells (crisp apples, warm cookies, cinnamon, pumpkin and squash soup). You also agreed it had the best tastes (pumpkin pie, turkey, chai, walnuts), the best holidays (next to Christmas obviously), and the best weather. After a bit of searching, you had found thee fall smell and in anticipation of the new shared favorite season, he had bought three bottles of it. (“To last a lifetime with you, or.. whatever three bottles will last me until, this shit is expensive man!”)
You're broken out of your day dream with a little poke on your leg.
“Hey you in there?”. 
“Yeah, yeah just thinking, you smell good baby.” He hums in response wearing a satisfied sort of smirk.
You feel your cheeks warm and the smile you can’t help makes its way across your face. Right as you're about to take your first sip of the warm broth Jake yells, you almost drop your spoon.
He jumps up and scampers off to the living room. He walks back a minute later looking content when a familiar drum fill fills the house followed by ‘strange brew, killin what's inside of you.’ 
He sits back down as the album you had both picked out on your first date plays out on the record player you gifted him on your first Christmas together. You had immediately bonded over your love for cream and especially the ‘best album of all time’ Disraeli Gears. 
Your eyes light up. “Good song!!”
“The best.”
There's a beat of comfortable silence between you before you decide to unleash what you’ve been holding in all day.
“Ok so.” You sigh.
His expression immediately changes to one of concern and you tell him about your shitty day. You tell him how much you had just wanted to come home to cuddle or watch tv together or anything other than work and how you had cried multiple times. He rests his hand on your arm while he listens to you rant, nodding his head every once in a while to show you he’s still listening. After quickly returning from flipping the album to the B side he sits back down and rubs your forearm once more. 
“Come sit in my lap baby, I'll play with your hair.” He gazes at you with those twinkling eyes and you can never resist them.
You move to sit in his lap and wiggle around until you're comfortable. He wraps his arms around you as you nuzzle into his chest. He brings his hands up to your hair, softly dragging his nails across your scalp.
“Tell me the rest of your story.”
After you finish telling Jake all about your day he says his sorrys which of course he doesn’t have to say and squeezes you to him. He peppers you with little kisses along your jaw until meeting you on the lips for a long slow kiss.
Jake finished his soup before you and he waits eagerly for you to finish with an excited look on his face. It looks… suspicious. 
“What are you planning, mister?”
“Well now that you ask… since it's friday and you won’t have to see any of the stupid work people until monday… we should celebrate. I have the perfect idea.”
He stands and holds his hand for you to grab, leading you to the couch that is already a mess of blankets and pillows. He pushes you to fall back onto the plush blankets and he’s not far behind. He falls on top top nearly crushing you. After a quick wrestling match which you unsurprisingly lose, Jake leans over to grab something resting on the coffee table. He turns back to face you and he holds up a small brown lighter and a tightly wrapped joint. 
“Smoke with me baby?” His low gravelly voice is so unbelievably sexy when he asks you the question and it's always been your favorite thing to smoke with Jake. 
“Yes yes yes always. Ohh I love you, this is exactly what I needed!” You notice his flushed cheeks and half hidden lids.
“How much did you already smoke?” The realization hits you that he's been high the whole time and suddenly some of his actions make a lot more sense. He always gets so cute and affectionate when he’s high, you had suspected it but now it was very evident.
He rolls his eyes “You know I don’t really know, who's even keeping track?” He looks down and smiles to himself.
He presents you with his rendition of a ‘girl blunt’ with a precious will toothed grin. You had explained the concept to him the past week and ever since then, he has refused to use any papers other than the sunflower ones you got him. You could have sworn you had seen the old papers in the trash a few days after.
You practically squeal with excitement and waste no time cracking open the window behind the couch to let out the smoke. The cold air blows through the house and you wrap a blanket around the two of you as you both lean out of the window. He hands you the joint and you place it in between your lips as he holds the lighter to the end of it. You take a long inhale and look up to see him staring at your lips.
The feeling of the smoke traveling down your lungs warms you from the inside out and you melt into the soft couch. You blow the smoke out the window and hand the lit joint to him. He takes a big hit and then passes it back to you once more. After some minutes of passing it back and forth, your mouth goes dry and you feel your heart rate quicken. The familiar taste of weed coats your mouth and your body goes slightly numb embracing the relaxing effects.
After you’ve both had your fill, Jake closes the window and he lays down on the couch. He opens his arms and you settle in next to him pulling the blanket over you. You turn your body into the cushion and he matches your shape, cradling you with care and comfort. His entire body is pressed against yours and it feels so safe. Nothing bad could happen to either of you at this moment. The whole world starts to melt away and it's just you and Jake on this couch. 
Whenever you two smoke together it feels like your souls are intertwining. The connection you’ve shared since day 1 twisting itself around the two of you like silk, wrapping you both up into the softest, safest cocoon. With any physical contact like this, it's hard to differentiate between your two bodies, you’re just one being. You don’t even have to be talking to him or looking at him to feel completely content. Just his presence and the soft music in the background is enough to feel perfectly happy.
As you relax, you start to really pay attention to the song playing on the record player and you can’t help but laugh at the exaggerated British accents in the song ‘Mother’s Lament’. You turn to Jake, a big smile paints his face and you both fall into a fit of giggles as the last song ends on a dramatic piano slide.
You both laugh as you're looking into each other's eyes, never once breaking the contact and a comfortable silence finds itself over the two of you once more. You stare deeply into his eyes although it feels rather like you're staring right at his soul. From the way he's looking at you there's no way he doesn't feel the same.
You can both feel the weed dancing around in your system and he certainly felt it judging by the way his hand kept moving over your ass and his necklace dangled over your face when he leaned down to kiss you. There's that taste of apples and peanut butter again. So perfect, so Jake. 
The silence is broken when he says, “babe?”
His voice moves slowly through the air and his speech sounds delayed. In your state you find it entirely hilarious and he looks at you with confusion before falling into his own fit of giggles. When you finally calm down, you ask “yes?”
“We should go as Westly and Buttercup for halloween!” He looks so cute with his excitement. His eyes are sparkling and his cheeks are the prettiest pink. You can tell he is very into this idea. To be honest you’re surprised he isn’t thinking of forcing you both to go as pirates for the millionth time although this idea isn’t far off. 
“Oh my god, that's such a good idea, I already have the perfect dress, we would just need to buy you some stuff.”
“So you wanna do it!?”
“Yeah! That’s such a good idea, and it's our favorite movie. But you have to do whatever I say all day.” You squint your eyes, challenging him with a playful smirk.
“As you wish.” 
You giggle and kiss him softly. All of a sudden you are very excited for halloween. 
“Hey are you cold?” He asks.
“Yeah a little, you’re warm though.” You say as you curl into him. Jake starts to stand up.
“Nooo don’t leave, you’re so comfortable!”
He runs away from you teasingly and you chase after him. He reaches the fireplace and throws another log on the fire. He squats down and moves his messy bun out of the way, holding it behind his head with one hand to blow on the fire. The embers glow a bright red, it’s completely mesmerizing in the darkness of the room. The flames grow much higher, licking the inside of the chimney and his face is lit up, you can see the flames in his reddened eyes. He looks so cozy it makes your heart flutter. How is he all yours? 
“We gotta listen to some more music. What should we put on?”
“Hmmmm I don’t know, let's look.”
You both walk over to the shelf containing all the records. You both rapidly switch through them trying to find the perfect bit of music to match the mood.
“Jake!” You hold up the dark cover with the prism on it displaying the silver letters: The Dark Side Of The Mood.
“Oh my god, You are a genius.”
You carefully pull the record from its pocket replacing the previous album with it. You go to put Disraeli Gears safely away back in its place on the shelf as Jake fiddles with the needle. 
The sound of a woman wailing in the background is heard then the calming sound of an organ replaces it in its perfect opposition to the drum beat. This song truly is a work of art, the whole album in fact.
He hurries back over to the couch to snuggle right back in with you. He wiggles his toes to show off his warmest socks with little ghosts flying around. You lift up your foot to show your ‘work’ socks (boring).
You both rest silently listening to the music although it's hard not to focus on his heartbeat. You close your eyes and paint a picture of the song in your mind. You can literally see the sound of the slide guitar like a bird flying through space. The high notes of the guitar look like stars in the night sky. The song changes to a haunting electronic sound causing your heart to beat even faster. It's almost scary sounding in the dark room and for a moment you begin to panic. The feeling of the polyester blanket suddenly starts to feel suffocating but all it takes is for Jake to rest his hand on your forehead, calming you down and bringing you back to earth.
Jake has that sort of power of knowing exactly what you need and when you need it. It's the kind of connection you’ve never shared with another human being and it’s never failed you.
“Wow, I never realized how scary that song is. It's so spooky, and haunting” He says into the dark room.
“Yeah, maybe it wasn’t the best choice. It is kind of powerful though, I could like, feel it in my skin if that makes sense? But it's a little too spooky right now, can we put on something else?”
“Yeah I agree.”
Jake starts to get up again but the blanket is tangled around the two of you. After some fiddling with it, he stands and you follow closely, clutching his arm refusing to leave his side. You both walk over to the record player and he removes the spinning disc. All of a sudden like a crack of lightning shooting through your brain, you remember food exists so you leave him to venture into the kitchen. When you open the refrigerator door, the bright light hitting your sensitive eyes, something terrible happens. You realize... there's nothing to eat.
“Jake!!!! There's nothing to eat, this is really bad!” You call from the other room. He pokes his head around from where he stands.
“Shit, lemme see.” He follows into the kitchen and looks at the mostly empty shelves. 
“I just wanted some chocolate covered pretzels or something man come on.” You hang your head in defeat. Jake snickers.
“Hey! This is really bad Jake, I wouldn’t expect you to get it honestly.” You walk closer to him as you speak the words until your noses are touching. He pretends to bite off the end of your nose and you back away laughing. 
“I’m so hungry I’m gonna eat you.”
“You know I wouldn’t mind that.” He smirks and sends you a wink. You roll your eyes.
“Get your phone quick, I need an apple cider donut from that place next to the record store.”
“What? Go get the phone please, I'm so hungry.”
“It's 11pm.”
“Fuck. Okay let's get Dunkin Donuts.”
He whips out his phone and opens the doordash app. You scroll through the many options and each pick out 3 donuts. One boston cream, a vanilla one and chocolate one for Jake and three pumpkin donuts for you. You both cave and order a slice of pizza each, to pair along with the donuts.
After placing the order, the after effects of the weed pull you back into the comfort of the couch. You perfectly intertwine with each other and the rhythmic sound of Jake's heartbeat draws you into a peaceful slumber. 
The sound of someone knocking rapidly on the door wakes the both of you and Jake jumps up. The sound startles you and you clutch your chest trying to regain your composure after the initial panic fades away.
“Who is it, it's so late?” You look at him and he looks back with the same level of confusion before his expression changes and he starts to laugh.
“Baby.. it's the food we ordered, we fell asleep..” He giggles all the way to the door and opens it to greet the person. With a quick thank you and an exchange of two large boxes, Jake closes the door and sets the food on the table. You can smell it from a few feet away and you walk over to join him. Without a doubt it's most definitely the best thing you’ve ever smelled. 
“Hmmmm.” You both say at the same time.
After fixing yourselves both a plate and placing them on the coffee table next to the couch, you pick out the next album. The Cars, a classic, an album perfect for fall and another shared favorite between you and Jake.
The retro sort of sound is so very dance worthy so you move your way over to him gracefully moving your feet in a haphazard function. He laughs at you so you pretend to look hurt. 
“You can judge my dancing skills when I see you dance alright big shot?” He rolls his eyes, smiling still. 
You sit next to him on the floor and see that he has already started on his pizza. You waste no time scarfing down your own slice as well. He waits for you to finish yours before moving on to dessert. You both cheer for the donuts holding them up high before quickly finishing all of them. You steal plenty of bites of Jake’s after regretting your decision in only getting one flavor.
“I don’t know at the moment it just seemed really good!”
After finishing all the donuts, you both lay back for a moment, unable to move from the amount of food you’ve consumed.
“That was delicious but I need to sleep for like a week now. Should we go to bed or just fuck it and sleep on the couch?” You stand up stretching your limbs and he does the same. Jake intertwines your fingers in his and sways them by your sides.
“I don’t know we’ve been sleeping on the couch a lot lately, I kind of miss our bed.” A small smile plays on his lips and you both share a look of agreement without evening having to speak the words.
You and Jake walk hand in hand to fall asleep on the couch for the third time this week. You both fall asleep instantly, dreaming about one another, those kinds of dreams that you don’t ever want to wake up from.
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tiny-cloud-dragon · 3 months
Does TCD have tiny scales, skin, or is he fuzzy? It's hard to tell because I'm always distracted by his handsomeness, and in some photos he looks very fuzzy indeed, but in drawings perhaps not?
Please advise, all information about His Highness is good information to have.
A fren:
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Ah, this is an excellent question! Time to delve into some TCD lore! We'll start at the top and work our way down.
Upper body: Tiny Cloud dragon has smooth, hooman like skin from the waist up. The exception is his little dragon ears, and wings.
Ears: covered in very fine silky hair/fur.
Wings: covered in the standard leathery skin you will find on most dragons. The white oblong things on the end of each wing tip and "elbow" is a single fluffy feather.
Lower body: its like lizard skin. It has a very fine texture, and is soft to the touch.
When the winter months roll around, he usually stays indoors in his Tiny Dragon shape. He puts on his winter fat, and Angeal makes him wear wooly jumpers and socks, so he doesn't need to grow a winter coat.
That all changes when he's in his Big Boi shape. During the warmer months, this big Danger Noodle is covered in fine, short hair.
He does grow a very thick winter coat in this form. The extra floof is soft like alpaca wool, and keeps him (and Zack) toasty warm when they are off doing SOLDIER things (like building snowmen, frolicking, making snow angels, and trying to get Sephiroth with snowballs).
When he sheds in summer, Angeal makes sure to collect every tuft. He has it processed, spun into yarn, and hand dyes it to make his famous Christmas sweaters.
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xxl1zardb3ansxx · 7 months
TADC AU time!
Since everyone's doing it thought I might make a TADC AU!!!
It's about Mire, (Not me the character) Faltor, Filorin, Falia, and Sninlia! The original characters are included too though!
Mire: Their head is an animated scribble that you can ever so slightly see the shape of an eye something. They wears a light-ish pink hoodie and black jeans, with one purple and one blue sneaker. However, when they are depressed, they wear a black and red striped over-sized sweater, with black runner sweatpants, and simple black and red sneakers with skull designs on them. They have the ability to basically transform their arms into tentacles to reach stuff. However, their entire body is actually made of one really long line thus they can only stretch so far. They can also store things in their stomach like it's a void of holding. Because of this, Jax likes to randomly shove stuff into Mire. They play the guitar and have anger issues. (Hint VERY gay)
Faltor: His head is a 2nd grader's impression of the sun. A yellow circle with yellow spikes. Yep. He has one eye placed vertically in the center of the sun shape. His iris is blue, but his pupil only shows when he's mad. Also when he is mad, all his visible outlines get fuzzy and static like. He wears the same demeanor of clothes as Caine just with different colors. Black button-down shirt with a white suit vest over it. The vest has a blue lining and little light blue clouds on it. He wears a blue ribbon around his neck, tied in a loose bow. (Although I should note that the sun shape floats a few inches above the neck.) He has white pants, and black fancy click-clack shoes. (Idk what they're called XD) He eats and drinks by just dumping the said food/drink in his neck. Jax likes to run his hand in between Faltor's neck and head, bc he's thinks it funny bc he's dumb. (Fight me)
Filorin: His head is a flame, glowing brighter or dimmer depending on his mood. He wears a simple back wool button-up shawl, covering his torso. He wears dark navy blue pants and simple buckle leather boots. He also has a little brown leather satchel. His eyes are little white circles that float a centimeter or two in front of his head. The circles are usually semi-circles as he is tired most of the time. He is very shy, and hates talking to people. (Unless it's Faltor) Yes, the fire that is his head will hurt and burn other people/items. Jax likes to toss random flammable objects into Filorin's head, to see if he can land a shot and watch it burn. Even though he hates talking, some people still try to be friends with him.
Falia: She is viewed as gorgeous by the other circus members, (Except for Faltor and Filorin and including Caine) Her head appears to be made of ink in a smooth sphere. She has a silver crescent moon shape on the front of her face, and a large purple eye filling most of the empty space left. She appears to be wearing 4-point star earrings (Despite having no ears) She wears an elegant black spaghetti noodle dress, that flows down, were there is almost a cape like section of the skirt that drags behind her. It seems to flow into stars and nebula's, looking like a piece of space was placed upon her dress. She has a cool, collected and royal manor. She speaks in a calm almost dead voice, the same every time. And no she doesn't get mad, or sad, or anything! That would be silly... (Heh heh, trauma related) Faltor is her brother, and she views his fondly. Jax will occasionally just...take scoops of Falia's ink to throw at Filorin. She acts like she doesn't care.
Sninlia: Sninlia's head is a snow flake. It has a very intricate and complicated, yet graceful design. (Which is why it makes it so difficult to get the shape back every time Jax melts her head) She wears a royal looking robe, (very similar to kinger's) except it's icy blue, and has icicles coming out the bottom. A light snow also drifts from the bottom of her robe, so you can always tell where she's been. She is rather quiet, but when she does speak she is very serious. Jax makes fun of her a lot for this. Jax also finds it fun to use Filorin's head to melt Sninlia's snowflake, forcing her to go place it in a mold like thing and freeze it again. Sninlia and Falia are dating (Although neither of them will admit it) and they are very close. Despite how Sninlia seems, she loves dancing to classical music or just dancing. She favors music quite a bit and will sometimes even listen to Mire play guitar, even though it's most definitely not her style of music. Sninlia is also Filorin's sister, and she wishes he would socialize more.
Jax: He is much more annoying with these new peeps around. Although, Caine and Bubble have noticed him blushing a little when he's around Mire. (Don't worry guys this isn't a cannon ship!)
Caine: He has a really big crush on Falia and has no idea she's already dating someone.
Ragatha: Yes, ButtonBlossom is cannon, but she likes hanging out with Filorin and Falia. Sometimes Mire, but only if she sees their lonely.
Pomni: She loves her girlfriend very much, and likes hanging out with Filorin. Although not that often, because she gets a bit weirded out by him.
Kinger: He didn't really like any of them but if he had to choose one to hang out with, it'd be Faltor. So they could autism together.
Gangle: Prefers to just hide from Jax, but occasionally try to talk to Filorin. *Ahem,* emphasis on the try
Zooble: Hangs out with Mire a lot and doesn't like any of the rest of them.
I post more about it if y'all send me some asks.
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positivityfortoday · 3 years
☀ PositivityForToday’s 10K Celebration ☀
There are SO many things worth living for and reasons to smile and be happy! With the help of my lovely followers/friends, I have compiled a list of 1,000 things that make people happy, for my 10,000 amazing followers! Hopefully, this list is able to help you, make you feel better, or give you a reason to smile today! 
☀ 1,000 Happy Things ☀
Seeing cows while driving
Moss on really old fallen trees 
Seeing a lil baby you don't know in public, and they smile at you!!!
Parents doing their kids hair or just people doing someone they care about’s hair
Really ragged old and well-loved stuffed animals 
When the dandelions start blooming
Spring blossom
When you're sitting outside your house or something and people passing by wave and say hi
That feeling in the summer when you have your window open and you're listening to your favorite music
When someone does a hobby just because they enjoy it even if they aren't the best at it
Comfort shows and books
People speaking their native languages
When my brother gets something to eat and always gets me something he knows I like
When I finish a crossword 
When I see something that reminds me of someone I care about
My best friend (I love her so much shhhh don't tell her)
My dog! I love him 
My little sisters! Adorable, creative, and very witty. I love them
Music! I get the happy shaky feelings and just,,, y e a h/listening to songs
Singing! Especially for band practice!
Sunlight beams in the morning
The moon
That feeling when you’re with friends and you’re all laughing so loudly, and you just feel complete
Talking to my favorite people/talking to my best friend
Sunrises and sunsets
Seeing the stars
Warm sunshine
Purple gel pens
My children
Sunny days
Beautiful views
Spending time with my family and friends
Playing badminton
Playing with little kids
Playing with dogs
Animals doing daft things 
Talks and walks with my son 
Morning breakfast and coffee 
A good spicy lunch
Laying in my bed at night and just checking on current affairs and news
My boyfriend
My friends 
Voice acting
Petting my dog
Smelling Flowers 
Feeling a cold thing when I’m warm or a warm thing when I’m cold 
Giving and getting kisses
Random texts from friends
Coffee flavored chocolate 
Moths with big white wings
Underdone scrambled eggs
A rainy night
That first warm day of spring
Going on hikes
Being outdoors
The smell of playdoh 
Taking photos
Getting new clothing 
Going on picnics
Writing poetry
Reading books
The holidays
Making people smile/laugh
A nice warm blanket
Eating ice cream
Snow globes
Lightning bugs
Flowers after the snow melts
The smell of rain
Sitting on the steps early in the morning
Being the first to wake up
The feeling I get after running
The comfort of a favorite shirt
My girlfriend 
Random acts of kindness
When I play with my dog by pretending to run at her and she goes crazy with excitement 
My cat 
Piano (playing or listening)
Small flowers
Flowy skirts/dresses
Wholesome romances
Hearing a song for the first time and loving it immediately 
Playing my flute
Listening to vinyls on a record player
When someone remembers a little detail about you
Painting my nails
Doing yoga
Doing exercise
Beating a personal record
Making crafts
Taking a shower after a long day
Going to the zoo
Going on vacation
Being at the beach or near water
Watching Netflix
Going to the movie theatre
Watching a live play at a theatre
Learning something new
Teaching someone how to do something 
Toasting marshmallows and eating S’mores 
Seeing a shooting star
Taking a nap
When someone compliments me
Decorating my room
My favorite band
My favorite celebrities
My favorite actors
Setting a new goal
Collecting rocks
Putting on fresh clean sheets
Seeing Christmas lights
Listening to birds chirping
Sitting by a bonfire
Eating mashed potatoes
Bullet journaling
Driving in the car with the windows down
Looking at pretty pictures
Funny jokes/puns/memes
Pretty clouds
My favorite shoes
Getting new art supplies
Making photo edits
Making gifts for my friends and family
Getting gifts from people 
Playing an instrument
Drinking a nice cup of tea
Iced tea on a summer day
Eating fresh fruit
Getting my hair braided 
Eating at a restaurant 
Being on a boat
Making new friends
Finding an animal in nature 
Pumpkins and pumpkin patches
Carving pumpkins 
Autumn and all the beautiful colors
Acting for theatre
Making video edits
Wearing a costume for Halloween
Dressing fancy
Finding four leaf clovers
Pressing flowers
Scrap booking
Handwritten letters
Eating breakfast 
Inspirational quotes
Wearing my favorite necklace 
Baby animals 
Little streams and ponds
Sun shining through trees
When it’s foggy out and you can see dew drops on plants and spider webs
Being on a swing
Finally accomplishing a goal you’ve been working on 
When a new season of your favorite show comes out
Doing my makeup
Cleaning and organizing 
Taking a bath
Watching funny videos
Wearing sweaters and hoodies
Fuzzy socks
Helping people 
Little figurines and objects
Looking out the window 
Opening a window for fresh air
The smell of coffee 
Watching YouTube videos 
Getting a haircut 
Seeing a deer in the woods 
Watching birds fly
Finding shapes and objects in the clouds 
The smell of fresh laundry
When someone tells me something reminded them of me
Stepping on crunchy leaves
Animal crossing
My switch
Seeing cool cars/old cars
Drawing with chalk on a sidewalk
Going to bed early
Making progress
Checking things off my to-do list
Taking Polaroid pictures
Going for walks
Going to the library
Starting a new book
Finishing a good book
Playing board games
Big trees
Sunlight coming through the windows
Waking up on Christmas morning
Getting book, song, movie, etc. recommendations from my friends
Making music playlists
Finally receiving packages I ordered in the mail 
Baking desserts
When my favorite song comes on
When people make playlists for each other
Finding new characters to ship
Having free time
Sticky notes
Peace and quietness
Alone time
Meeting my step/exercise goal for the day
The people who love me
Coloring books
Getting into bed after a long day
How unique and different everyone is
Getting a lot of work done
Looking forward to my future dream job
Playing video games
Being on Tumblr
Taking time for myself
Practicing self-care
Face masks
Finding money you forgot about
Holding hands
The smell of apple pie
Starting a new tv show
Getting letters in the mail
When the seasons change
Mugs and teacups
Breakfast food
Going into the woods/forest
Trying new creative outlets
The smell of sunscreen
Eating the food you’ve been craving
Knowing and feeling that people care
Telling a good story
Laughing so hard can’t stop and your stomach hurts
Late summer nights
Late night drives
Listening to people I love talk about their favorite things and what they’re passionate about
Listening to podcasts
Turning up the volume of my music
Putting my headphones in
Blasting my favorite songs through my speaker
People accepting and supporting others for who they truly are
Wearing something cozy
Soft light
Warm weather
A well-rested night
Waking up in the morning and feeling refreshed
Knowing that every day is a fresh start
Well written characters
A book I can get lost in
My parents
My siblings
My grandparents
The feeling of sand beneath your feet
Heated blankets
Getting something for free
Mason jars
Practicing a new skill
Finding a new hobby
Lazy weekends
Mac n cheese
French fries
Having deep conversations with my best friend
New jeans
Going to IKEA
When other people are happy (especially people I know and love)
Marching band
Sleeping in
Having the day off
Getting new books
Playing guitar
Playing ukulele 
Random compliments
A change of scenery
Waking before the sun is up
Reading old letters
Building Lego sets
Using photoshop to make edits
Walking along the seafront and breathing in time with the waves
A good rom-com or nostalgic show
Writing lists
Pinterest boards
Looking back at my accomplishments
Talking on the phone with a friend or family member
Wrapping presents
A blue sky
Loving someone 
Washi tape
The color yellow
Cooking dinner
Kind gestures
Inside jokes
Songs that make you feel nostalgic
Seeing other people’s art
Comfy clothes
Wearing pajamas
When someone calls you by your nickname
Going to Target
The first sunburn of the summer
Ramen noodles
Chinese food
Thrift shopping
Flower fields
Flowers growing in random places, like through a crack in the sidewalk
Sparkly snowflakes
When it snows on Christmas
Mixing paint colors together
Perfectly shaven legs
The color red
The smell of flowers
The ocean 
Adult sized onesies
Driving a golf cart
The color blue
Crickets chirping
Seeing everyone’s houses decorated for the holidays, especially Christmas
Other people sharing what makes them happy
Being understood
When someone texts to make sure I got home safely
Iced coffee
Becoming better at communicating with others
Seeing a friend for the first time in a while
Good morning and good night texts
Drinking a cold glass of water
Deep conversations in the middle of the night
Collecting sea shells
Building blanket forts
Tan lines
Being under lots of blankets
Making better health and money choices
Getting chills from a song even after hearing it countless times 
Liking how I look
Hot chocolate
Finding new music
Buying cute things
Wearing an outfit I really like
When someone tells you how glad they are to be your friend
Watching raindrops race down a window 
Trying new food
Finding exactly what I was looking for 
Planning my future
Finding a song that perfectly fits my mood or describes how I’m feeling
Writing little notes to people
When someone tells me I did something good
Eating ice cream on a hot day
Making friends with animals
Going to football games
Seeing people genuinely interested in something
Snow days
The last day of school
Winter break
Spring break
New Year’s Eve
Sitting outside on a cool summer day
Watching rain
Watching the ocean waves come in
Netflix binges
A new movie release I really want to watch
Driving with a window down for the first time in the spring 
Taking a cruise
Giving helpful advice
Getting helpful advice
Doing a favor for someone who needs it
Someone referencing one of my fandoms or something I love out of no where
Learning and knowing stuff
Doing something physically challenging or scary
Listening to my bedroom fan while I fall asleep
Coming up with a new creative idea 
Finding something I wanted at the store on sale for a good deal
Finishing all my assignments on time or even early
Hugging my dog
Taking my dog for a walk
Teaching my dog a new trick
When strangers stop to say hi to my dog
Listening to audiobooks
The weekend
Finding a new flavor of chapstick
Drinking Kool-Aid, it makes me feel so nostalgic
Watching nature shows on a weekend morning
Watching cartoon shows on a Sunday morning
A good TV show, most likely something I've watched before because that way I know it ends well
A good, delicious comfort meal on a Friday night by myself 
A café in the city centre at noon when it's not filled with the morning rush or afternoon coffee breakers
The stars from my childhood bedroom because they're the brightest here
Listening to my favorite playlist really loud on a long road trip and singing to myself loudly in my car
Having an entire day to myself without interruptions from anyone
Opening the curtains first thing in the morning 
A new jacket
Going to the cinema on a first release day because it's always super exciting and full of people anxious to see a movie they've been waiting for forever
Listening to live music
Riding roller coasters
Going to amusement parks
Eating fair food
Feeling an instrument vibrate when you’re playing it
Hearing my dog snore
When my dog dreams in his sleep 
Wearing a new piece of clothing for the first time
Feeling the sun on you
Eyes in the sunlight
Seeing city lights
Singing in the shower at the top of my lungs
Looking at someone and them knowing exactly what they’re going to say
Laughing till you cry
Being under a blanket
Going to craft stores
Watching boats
The idea of traveling the world
When my dogs let me lay my head on them
Listening to an old song and having it bring back memories
Candy corn
Crazy socks
Fall and the leaves changing color and the crisp feeling in the air
Making snowmen
Making gingerbread houses for Christmas
Making videos with family
Burning a candle
Booping a dog’s nose
Getting letters/notes from people; writing them
Snow globes
Dr. Pepper
Doc martens
Fortune cookies
Finishing something
Skipping rocks
Warm rain
When someone opens up to you
Finding the right words to say exactly what you wanted
Animal footprints
Eating outside
Fairy lights
The smell of a hotel
Meeting a new dog
Getting magazines in the mail
Being in the woods as the sun starts to rise and the animals wake up
Warm days
Adirondack chairs
A warm breeze
Clothes and blankets hanging outside to dry
Feeding birds
The color green
Tie dying things
Going to art museums
Going to science museums
New albums from my favorite artists 
Seeing moss in nature
Finding cute little mushrooms 
When a dog wags its tail a bunch and is excited to see me
Playing fetch with my dog
Obsessing over something and having someone to talk about it with
Going on a walk with my best friend and talking about life
Looking at old pictures and reminiscing on good memories
Reading a book that's so good your brain wants to read faster than it can
Laughing with friends about the weirdest things
Being appreciated for doing small things you wouldn't even have thought about yourself because it's something you *just do*
Being creative
Watching animals
A story I can't put down
The moment when you listen to a new song/album by your favourite artist
When you're at a concert and anticipating the moment before the band comes out
When at a concert and they play your favourite song live
The moment when someone compliments your outfit 
When you see someone wearing merch of something you like 
Seeing the sunrise/sunset 
Watching the sun rise out of the water or sink down into it as it’s setting
This ecstatic feeling in general when you're just living in the moment with people who love something as much as you do
Hugging my cat and smelling his fur
Listening to my music by myself and singing to it 
Making edits I’m really proud of 
Losing hours in a good book or fanfiction
Writing sentences that I actually like 
My siblings and my parents when they're being chill and funny
Watching my favorite tv shows and movies and yelling about them into the void 
Finding a new good song 
Fresh out of the shower + fresh clean sheets feeling when you go to bed
When I come downstairs in the morning and my dog greets me right at the bottom step with her lil’ tail wagging
Knowing that if I ever needed someone to chat with, someone would be there to lend an ear
When you shuffle your music and the exact song you want to hear plays
When all my family is around the outdoor fire on a summer’s evening
When my nieces and nephews give me squishy kid hugs
Being home alone and being able to cook or bake in the kitchen without disruption
Driving around with a friend in the evenings and just belting our favorite songs
Seaside walks
Disney World
Seeing live theatre
The sun shining on leaves and stone buildings
Dancing when I'm alone
Color-coordinating my outfit
Floating on my back in the sea
The smell of summer nights
The smell of winter mornings
Colorful things/environments
Walking along lakes/rivers/the sea
Spending time in nature
Taking care of my plants
Giving affection to my loved ones
Listening to other people's stories
Reading about people I've never met before or places I've never visited before (especially if they are now just a part of history)
Swimming in a river or the sea
Stargazing (my favorite moments usually happen an hour before sunrise)
Feeling the breeze when I spin and my heartbeat when I dance for an hour at a time
All the wonderful smells of flowers and colours that nature has to offer
Sharing good laughter with someone
Feeling like I belong
Travelling and discovering new customs of different cultures
Hiking or foraging
That feeling when I'm approaching the end of a really good book and I let myself be engulfed by the fact that it's a unique experience, that I'll never experience as the first time again
Observing my local fauna
Petting and taking care of an animal (double the joy if it is friendly with strangers)
Drinking a good cup of honey tea
Finding a perfume that suits me
Eating something sweet
Enjoying a meal with others
Cat paws tapping on the floor
Dipping a biscuit into tea
Trying to catch leaves falling from the tree
Having sunlight hit your face when you’re napping
Objects that cast a rainbow when the sun shines through them
Seeing patterned shadows
Ambient mood lighting
Wearing jewelry 
Playing chess
Fresh air
Going somewhere new
My Mom’s cooking
Being inspired
When someone holding your hand rubs their thumb lovingly in circles
Picking strawberries
Painting the walls of my room
Wind chimes
Seeing that your favorite people are active online
Finally understanding something you were struggling with
The excitement you get when someone reblogs your writing or art
Getting a new notebook or journal
When someone tells you they love you and mean it
The smell of freshly baked bread
When my dog falls asleep on me
Making new online friends
Found family
Finishing cleaning my room
When someone lays their head on your shoulder
Doing something right on the first try
Finally sitting down after standing for a long time
Getting goosebumps from hearing or seeing something you love
Seeing a gorgeous view
Loving someone and them loving you back
Freshly baked gooey cookies
When a song comes on and everyone starts singing
When I’m out for a run and it’s hot and it starts raining. Nothing makes me feel more like a human than getting caught in the rain on a run
Swimming in the ocean
When people are talking about something they really love and get carried away trying to explain it all to you
Being in the middle of nowhere and actually getting to see the whole sky of stars that you never get to see in a city
Finding people that love the same things you do
 When something silly reminds you of someone you love; like every time I see an orange and green gummy worm I think of my sister
When you’re hugging someone and they squeeze you a little bit before they let go
Weather where you can leave all the windows open in your house
Driving with no destination in mind
Falling asleep to the sound of rain
Hearing other people laugh
Laughing only because you hear someone else laugh and it's just so contagious
The first snowfall of the year
Disney movies
Listening to someone tell stories and they have like 15 side stories in between the main one
Romantic movies
Bubble baths
Smiling between kisses
Wearing sweatpants
A clean house
My computer
Cheesy pickup lines
When people tell me they miss me
Cool spring mornings after a storm
My job
New shoes
Oversized shoes
Caramel apples
Running my blog
Finding sea glass at the beach
Getting my nails done 
Planning vacation
Hot cider
Telling people I love them
Writing in my gratitude journal
Eating homegrown vegetables, fruit, and herbs
Remembering a good dream I had
Happy endings
Colored pens
Decorating for the holidays
Finishing a really good tv show
Summer rain
Thunderstorms where I can just open my window to the full extent and just watch and listen
Calls with my best friend
Seeing a meme and sending it to my friends
Getting an email from AO3
That moment when you get an idea for creating something
Walking barefoot on the grass
Sending thank you notes
Writing events I’m looking forward to on my calendar
Dippin' Dots
Spicy food
Seeing a full moon
Eating cookie dough
Eating seasonal food
Bubble wrap
Going to the car wash and getting rainbow soap
Dark chocolate
Soft blankets
Weighted blankets
Soft drinks with crushed ice
When I get an unexpected phone call from someone I love
Wearing flip flops
Longer daylight hours
Having a BBQ
Frosting cookies
Making cupcakes in the microwave
Watching the Hallmark channel during the holidays
Taking selfies or photos with people I love
Putting on lotion
The smell of a baby’s head
The Office
Online shopping
The smell of freshly cut grass
Surprising my family or friends
Looking at the clock when it’s 11:11
Being productive
Doing good on an exam
Someone doing a favor for me (especially when I didn’t ask)
Eating pancakes with syrup
Waving at people
Giving high fives
Complicated Handshakes between you and your best friend
Naps/feeling well-rested
Eating one of my favorite foods
Hearing good news from/about a friend or family member
Looking at nature (these days it's seeing squirrels in my neighbour's garden and looking at my plants and trees)
When make someone happy or feel like I made a difference (including a satisfied client)
Success (good grades, a gifset that does well)
Hugs from my mom
Learning new things
Chatting with my friends because they’re all amazing people
Group watches of my favorite tv show or movie
That feeling when the house has just been cleaned/when I’m freshly showered
Making jokes/laughing with people
Reading fluffy fanfics
Driving on the road to a destination far away, I love the trip as much as (if not more than) arriving at the actual place
Reading affirmations
Green tea
Getting breakfast or lunch from a nice restaurant 
Learning about topics that won’t benefit me; like Chinese history, geography, ancient flora and fauna, etc. just things that I find cool 
The jokes my girlfriend makes, especially when they’re the same ones she always makes
Stories from the past! Stories from history from people who actually lived through it
Stories in general, just hearing the life experiences of people in completely different positions from me. I love hearing people’s stories
Drawing intricate things, like old buildings, landscapes, and plants
Cooking a nice meal
Grocery shopping and farmers markets especially 
My cat! All of her weird little habits too, like how she stands in front of my feet so I’ll push her where she wants to go 
Botanical gardens
State parks
Art galleries
Listening to stories my grandparents tell
When people tell me about their life goals and dreams
Being surrounded by the people I love 
Living the best life I can
Partying hard the night away
Sunflowers always make me smile
Warm tea
Big fluffy clouds in a blue sky
Friendly babies
Hearing a past favorite song
Singing karaoke 
Biking riding
Helping others
Chocolate milk
Sweets and fruits
Having fun doing things I love
Video games
My favorite things
Being on Tumblr
Looking at flowers and plants
Playing with my cats
Chatting with my friends (at the moment it’s through zoom, of course)
Finding new ways to decorate my room
Window shopping
Spending time with my boyfriend
Wearing my favorite outfit/accessory
Eating something delicious
The cool side of my pillow 
Tears of joy
Reading poems
Hugging trees
Tree houses
Playing frisbee
Making sculptures
Puppy ears
The first day of spring
The first day of summer
Sending silly photos to my friends
Building sand castles
Winning prizes at the fair or arcade
Scrolling through my phone
Writing fanfiction
Seeing someone you haven't seen for a really long time
Putting together collages
Printing out photos I love
DIY projects
Listening to steel drums
Haunted houses
Going through a corn maze
Picking fresh fruit or vegetables
Bubble tea
Dunkin donuts
Disney Princesses
Climbing trees
Finishing errands
Rewatching my favorite episodes
Ice cream blizzards
Listening to acoustic versions of songs
Hot tubs
Rubber ducks
Coconut flavored food
Dipping fries in ice cream
Discovering a new type of animal
Seeing hot air balloons
Splashing in puddles 
Having plants inside my house
Teddy bears
Iridescent/holographic things
Bird houses
Breakfast in bed
Dew drops
Glow sticks
Flower crowns (especially handmade ones)
Spring rain 
Watching other people make art
Finding heart shaped things in nature
Thinking of getting my own apartment
Coming up with a new recipe for food
Cookbook recipes passed down through families
Making pretty yogurt bowls
Seaside houses
Flying on planes and being in/above the clouds
Flower bouquets
Looking at and learning about the planets
Fruit snacks
Palm trees
Weeping willow trees
Cherry blossoms
Eating cake
Decorating cakes with eccentric icing designs and colors
Whipped cream
Having snowball fights
Hearing Christmas music
Wearing rings
Green grass
A tidy organized desk with cute desk supplies
My craft room
Little cottages
Cotton candy (and cotton candy flavored things)
Looking at all the paint pallet colors in paint stores
Taking silly photos in photobooths
Going to the mall
Making jam, especially strawberry jam
Reading outside
Finding a bird nest and watching eggs hatch
Looking at photos of my family and friends 
Finding old flora and art books
Eating fresh corn on the cob with butter on a summer day
Lily Pads
Inner peace
Sitting under a tree
Not having to turn on the light in your room when the sun is shining through
When restaurants have patios you can dine at
Fishing on a pier
Seeing old couples in public
Making gifs
Trees swaying in the wind
Dying Easter eggs
Laying in the trunk of a car and watching the clouds or stars
Night lights
Flower shops 
Outer space
PB&J sandwiches
Toasted Cheese
LoFi music
Listening to/watching ambience videos
Turtle necks
Looking at old maps
Figurines of the earth/globe
Honey and bees
Seeing footprints in sand and watching them be washed away by waves
Anything related to the moon, stars, and sun
Reading my horoscope (even if I know it’s not real)
Archways decorated with hanging flowers
Knowing that I’m not alone
Ancient roman sculptures
When someone tells me they care about me
Birthday parties 
My brother
My sister
When my dog leaves his bed to lay in the sunlight
Doing mini photoshoots with my friends
Hand making bracelets/necklaces (friendship bracelets)
When someone calls me darling or honey
Love letters
Game night
Stress balls and squishy toys
Starting something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time
Playing cards
Doing puzzles
Word searches
Ordering takeout
Stepping out into the fresh air
Creating vision boards
Getting a massage
Writing positive affirmations
Lunch dates
Standup comedy
Listening to classical music
Nature/animal documentaries
Having someone there to listen to me
Listening to someone when they need it
Accepting myself for who I am
Looking back and seeing how far I’ve come and all the progress I've made
Doing something my future self will be thankful for
Speaking up for myself
Being near loved ones
Finding time for my hobbies
Giving myself time to rest
Saturday mornings
Marrying the one I love
Discovering new things
Going to new cities
My idols
Feeling the wind on my face on a car ride
The sensation of music in my ears and like nothing else matters
People who have my best interest in mind
Fulfilling my dreams
Discovering a new ice cream flavor
Making myself a priority
Knowing that I am important, and I matter
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Thank you all so much for following me and supporting my blog! It means a TON! I never expected for this blog to become popular, especially because I originally started it to help myself get through some mental health issues. I am so happy to be able to share my journey of healing with you all! It means the world to me to help or make a positive impact on even just one person’s life! Each and every single one of you is amazing!! You matter and you are SO important! Thanks again for your everything! Have a great day!!! Sending sunshine your way!! 
156 notes · View notes
excindrela · 4 years
12 Days of Demon Ayno -Day 9 (18+)
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Supernatural AU
Pairing: demon! Ayno (Noh YoonHo) VAV / Female reader
Genre: Fluff/ Angst/ Smut
Warnings: Cussing, alcohol consumption, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you snap it!)
Word Count: 5031 (...I did not mean to write War & Peace...)
AU: OMG DAY 9 IS FINALLY DONE! (So I guess we’re having Christmas in July)  I’m sorry this one took so long. I knew where we needed to go, I just couldn’t get there. Good news: Day 10 is started, Day 12 is done! (We might skip 11) I have also started NYE & Lunar New Year (I’m writing all of them simultaneously) I love feedback- so if there’s something you like, or something you want to see- tell me!! Thanks to everyone who has stuck around! Special thanks to @quyennie​ for being my editor!!
Demon Ayno: Summoned, Thanksgiving, 12 Days: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11| Day 12 | NYE | Lunar New Year
On the 9th Day of Christmas: You Took Ayno to the Office Holiday Party
It was a little after three thirty when you came through the apartment door wearing baggy sweats, a zip up hoodie with nothing but a tank underneath, fuzzy flip-flop slippers, and no gloves. Even with the calf length down coat on you were freezing, but you couldn’t risk wrecking your once a winter pedi and once a year mani. Even though the heater was on and it hit you like a blast furnace the minute you came in, you were still shivering.
“Ayno? Are you here? I’m home.” The question was rhetorical. You knew your beautiful demon was there somewhere because the TV was set to a music channel playing Christmas standards, and something smelled good.
Ayno came striding out of the kitchen. “Good. I have made you lunch.”, he said as he took your coat. Like a typical human male, he paid no attention to your fancy nails and hair and instead focused on your outfit. “Why are you dressed so inappropriately for the weather?! You will catch a chill and die, and I will have to go back to being a…what was it you called me?”
“Interdimensional hooker. What are we having?”
“Macaroni and cheese. I am told that this food brings comfort, and you seem very agitated today.” He said as he bent down and wrapped his arms around your legs just below your butt and carried you into the kitchen.
“Out of the box?”
“Is what out of what box?” he looked around confused as he deposited you onto a barstool.
“Why would macaroni and cheese be in a box? Cheese must be kept cold.”
“You know- the blue box? With the orange powdered cheese? It’s like its own food group.”
Ayno looked horrified. “I do not know what kind of witchcraft would be necessary to turn cheese into an orange powder, but it should not be trusted and I do not know why you would dare to consume it.”
You privately thought he was missing out. Instead, he removed a baking dish from the oven with cavatappi noodles he had baked with some mixture of cream and cheeses and topped with panko breadcrumbs. He dished out a large helping and retrieved a bowl of salad from the fridge and set it next to the mac & cheese. You took a bite…it was creamy and cheesy and delicious…and you were so not hungry.
“It’s delicious, but not exactly cocktail dress friendly.”
Ayno frowned. “You did not eat breakfast. Now you do not want lunch. You are…stressed” he said, happy that he remembered the right word. He moved around behind you, fastening his lips to your neck and slipping a hand inside your jacket to fondle your breast through the thin tank. “You do not smell right…too much cortisol…” he said as his lips worked their way toward your ear. “If you do not do something to relax, then I will have to make you relax.” He gently threatened as his thumb flicked over your erect nipple.
You sighed and closed your eyes, “Ayno, so help me God, if you ruin a $60 hairstyle before I get to that party, I swear I will pour holy water over your head myself!” you gritted out through clenched teeth.
He wisely released you; then reached over and picked up the glass of water above your plate, and poured it out in the sink while muttering something that sounded like “I’d like to see you try it” under his breath, before going to the fridge, grabbing the open bottle of wine, removing the cork with his teeth, filling the glass and setting it in front of you.
He stepped back and looked meaningfully from the glass to your face and back again. You took the hint and drained half the glass in three gulps. Ayno refilled it.
He moved back to your side and picked up a forkful of mac & cheese and held it up to your lips. You obediently opened your mouth and took the bite. “We should not go to this party if it is making you this unhappy”, he said gently rubbing your back.
You placed your forehead carefully against his chest. “Oh Ayno – I don’t mean to be like this to you. Yes, you are right, I am stressed. The Office Christmas Party is one of my least favorite nights of the year. But this is one of those weird human social things that you have to attend even though you don’t want to.”
He continued rubbing your back comfortingly. “I will stay home if it will make you less worried.”
You put your arms around his waist and looked up into his concerned eyes. “Not a chance. Having you as my date is the one thing I’m looking forward to about tonight.”
*          *          *
You came through the doors of your building at 7:41 and the Atrium was already packed with people and the party was in full swing. Ayno slid your coat from your shoulders and went to take it and your bag to the coat check. Meanwhile, you glanced around and saw Tenley & Kara leaning against the wall by the elevator bank and headed straight over.
“Hey!” “There you are!” They called as you trotted over as fast as the slippery soles of your strappy sandals would allow. You all engaged in the typical “girl hug” that involved leaning over with your butt sticking out and the bare minimum of contact while patting the other’s back.
“Cute dress Ten!” you said. “Thanks! I was accused of being boring by Danielle, so I decided to embrace my ethnicity!” she replied, smoothing the peony embroidered satin of her mandarin collared mini-qi pao. “But it’s still black. Festive is Kara’s job.”
“What? It’s still a neutral! Just because I refuse to join the sea of black dresses with you two…” she retorted, giving her hips a little shake that made the silver beaded dress shimmy with her.
“I like it Kara! Perfect for New Year’s Eve too!” you supported.
“Right?! Kill two parties with one dress!” she affirmed.
“I thought Ayno was coming tonight?”, Tenley questioned.
“Oh, he’s here. He’s just dropping my things at coat check.”
Then Kara’s brain caught up with the conversation and she turned to Tenley looking confused “Danielle? From the Data Matrixing dept. called you boring? They only have one ‘Danielle’, right?”
At that, Tenley launched into her story the way only catty girlfriends can about another woman throwing them shade. She was just wrapping it up when you noticed Kara’s attention had been diverted.
“I don’t know what department that belongs in, but whatever it is, I will find out, and then I am transferring there whether I have the requisite skill and experience or not.” Kara said, her gaze never wavering.
You understood. You smiled at the tall, well-built man that had captured her attention, his fire engine red suit tapered from his broad shoulders to nip in at his slender waist and the pants caressed his muscular thighs. A black mesh shirt peeked out from underneath the jacket and was accented with a couple silver chains at his throat. He was stunning – and oblivious to the attention he was garnering: wide eyed open mouth stares from the ladies and looks of undisguised envy from the men. He glanced around and spying your little group he made his way over with four filled champagne flutes tucked between his long fingers. He handed out the champagne, gave a blinding smile and said “Hi!”  
Kara giggled. You just shook your head. Tenley took command of the conversation. “Hi Ayno. It’s good to see you again. I like your suit! It’s a much better look on you than the reindeer sweater.”
“Thank you, I think so too. It itches less. Although, it does not have lights like the sweater, so I think it is unlikely I will win a prize. I think you look better too.”
You laughed. “Kara, this is my boyfriend, Ayno. Ayno, this is Kara- she’s our department assistant.” “Which means she’s the only one who has any idea what’s going on.” Tenley supplied as Ayno, excited to once again be practicing traditional human greetings, extended his hand to Kara.
Kara shook his hand and then downed the whole glass in one gulp. You followed suit, and then handed the glasses back to Ayno. “Will you be a love and go get us 2 more?”, you asked him sweetly. He bent down until his face was even with yours. “Please?” you smiled at him. He smiled back, “Yes Mistress. I am always happy to serve you”, he whispered as he planted a quick kiss on your lips and then turned on his heel and headed to the champagne fountain.
“Ho-lee crap!” Kara said to no one in particular. She looked at Tenley, “You said he was hot, you didn’t say he was the male equivalent of a Victoria’s Secret angel.”
You snickered at the idea of Ayno being an angel of any kind. Kara turned slowly and looked at you. “He’s cute? He’s tall? I love his smile? Seriously??? How about he’s breathtaking and sexy as fuck??”
You laughed. “Sorry Kara. After my last boyfriend…I just sort-of downplay things now. And yes, Ayno is breathtaking…sometimes I think people look at us together and wonder what a man like that is doing with me.”
“Whatever! He’s with you, right? And he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.” She grabbed your arms and turned you to face her, “Please tell me he has a single brother?” she mock pleaded.
“Actually, he has six brothers.”
Both of them stared at you wide eyed. “SIX BROTHERS?” they chorused in unison. “Are they all single and do they all look like him? I just want one.” Kara said. “Yeah, one for you & one for me” Tenley agreed.
“I don’t know, I’ve never seen them. But they’re…uh…adopted, so I’m not sure what they look like.”
“Well, you clearly hit the jackpot on this one. He’s gorgeous and seems totally devoted.” Kara said with a touch of envy.
“I know, right? I want a man who follows me around and does whatever I say without question while looking at me adoringly too.” Tenley agreed.
The conversation was halted by the ding of the elevator doors opening to reveal a couple of drunk colleagues from accounting stumbling out tipsy and looking slightly disheveled. They looked around nervously before slipping back into the crowd. “Like we didn’t all know about that…” Tenley said rolling her eyes.
You were glad the conversation shifted away from Ayno. Not only was answering questions about him like walking through a mine field, but something about the champagne or the girl’s words had made you uneasy. You didn’t doubt Ayno truly had feelings for you, but you sometimes wondered if he would stay if he had a choice. Did he only stay with you because he had to? Was this like Stockholm Syndrome where you fall in love with your captor as a coping mechanism?  Was he devoted because he had to be, not because he wanted to?
Your thoughts were interrupted by Ayno’s arrival with more champagne. You took the glass he offered, and then turned away to eye the crowd- causing Ayno to frown slightly. Kara, emboldened by the alcohol now coursing through her veins, pounced on him in full getting-to-know-you mode. Normally you would have jumped in and changed the subject, or answered for him, but you were so edgy you decided to just let him handle it. If he freaked out, transformed into his natural form, and rained hellfire on the building then so be it. You still listened with half an ear, proud that he remembered the answers you had practiced to common personal questions.
Your sudden coolness was not lost on Tenley. Sensing that Ayno might need to be rescued from Kara, and the two of you might need a moment, she nudged you, “Hey. Have you shown Ayno our floor yet?”
You looked at her with something between distain and annoyance. “No. I can’t imagine why Ayno would want to see our cubicle farm.”
“Nope. You don’t get a choice. It’s an unwritten rule that all new significant others must get a tour of the prison cells at their first Christmas Party, so they have a frame of reference for stories of office shenanigans and sympathy for the conditions we are suffering in when we have to work late”, she said matter-of-factly. With that, she punched the elevator button, snagged your champagne glass, and shoved you in when the doors opened, Ayno following right behind you trying not to laugh. The last thing you saw was her giving you a cheesy grin and a wave of her waggled fingers.
The elevator ride to the 9th floor was quick but felt like an eternity with the two of you standing in silence, you just out of Ayno’s reach. You walked at the same speed you did during your workday, lengths ahead of Ayno who strolled along behind you down the hall past the conference and break rooms, eventually arriving at the center of the floor full of cubicles.
“This is it.” You sighed, bored.
Ayno nodded. “I have seen this before.”
“Someone summoned you to their office building?”
“No. Purgatory. There are several levels that look just like this. I recommend avoiding it.” He paused, “Which chamber is yours?”
You started walking and Ayno followed you to your desk. “This is it. This is where I spend most of my day”, you said gesturing to your glass walled box full of pre-fab office furniture.
Ayno stepped inside and sat in your chair. You were surprised how normal he looked sitting there, as though you might have come around the corner and found your handsome coworker at his desk.
While you absentmindedly stared off into space, he took in your workspace, thinking to himself that it was rather like a cage, and feeling sorry that you spent so many hours there. He smiled when he saw that the one truly personal thing on your desk was a small photo of the two of you.
Knowing Ayno would follow, you slowly began strolling out of the maze of cubicles, idly wondering how much longer you’d have to stay at the party for people to consider it an “appearance” and what you needed to do to give the impression that you had had a good time.
“What is this place?” you heard Ayno’s voice behind you as he stuck his head into an open doorway.
“That’s the break room.”
“Ah!”, Ayno said with comprehension, “The domain of Cody the Coffee Snob and Amber the Refrigerator Nazi!” You almost laughed– he always asked how your day was when you came home, and you were impressed he had paid attention to your rambling stories about office drama …but it made you feel even less worthy of him. “Was the identity of the Lean Cuisine thief ever discovered?”, he asked as he continued to follow you.
“Nope. It remains a mystery.”
“What is this place?” he asked stepping into yet another doorway.
You followed him. “This is the conference room. We come in here when we have important things to discuss. That triangle thing in the middle of the table lets us watch Power Points, call other offices, make announcements…or sometimes we just use the table and talk.”
You turned to leave, but the door slammed shut. You didn’t need to ask how. Taking a deep breath, you turned and walked back to your waiting demon.
“What is wrong?”
“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong- I’m fine.”
“No. Something is very wrong. You have stopped speaking to me. You are not looking at me. You are pushing me away”, he paused looking sad and confused “What did I do wrong? Please tell me, because I do not know.”
You sighed. “Nothing…you haven’t done anything wrong – I swear…I was just thinking about things the girls said to me and about you being with me…it just made me question whether you would be here if you had a choice.”
Ayno slipped a hand around your waist and pulled you against his body, his other hand tipping your chin up to look him in the eyes. “Do you really doubt my feelings for you?” he asked gently.
You looked into his deep eyes and shook your head, “No, I believe your feelings are very real. I just wonder if you would choose to be with me if you had another option.”
Surprisingly, Ayno smiled. He gave a small laugh and a little shake of his head, “How old am I?”
“Uh…Eight hundred and…something…”
“Fourty-four.” He supplied.  “You are not my first patron. I have had so many masters and mistresses in these years that I lost track long ago. You are not the first to want to keep me…but you are the only one I have ever stayed with. I assure you that if I wanted to leave, I could make your life so miserable that you would release me and beg me to be gone.”
Then he threaded his fingers into your fancy hair and pulled your face to his. He kissed you hard, tongue pillaging your mouth as he pressed his body tightly against yours. He backed you up until your butt hit the conference table, and then lifted you slightly so you were sitting on it. He finally released your mouth and dove straight for your neck. “No! Ayno! What are you doing?” He pulled his head up and looked at you with eyes so deep they bordered on maroon, “This is a conference room. We are having a conference. Apparently, I need to explain to you again how much I want you. That I will willingly be your slave until the end of time. That I am wholly yours…not just because you keep me, but because I choose to be. So, I’d start taking notes, Mistress, because I am going to fuck you until you get the memo.”
With that he pushed you down on to the table and resumed his attack on your neck. You could feel the heat of his mouth even as the cold of the glass covering the table penetrated your thin dress. You shivered, unsure if it was from that or Ayno’s sudden aggression.
Ayno put one knee up onto the table and pressed his other thigh against your waiting heat as he continued sucking harshly on your neck and chest working his way ever lower. You felt yourself growing warm and wet as he ground his thigh against your core. “Ayno! You’ve got to stop… someone could come in and find us!” you pleaded. “Let them”, he growled low in your ear, “I don’t actually care.”
“I care! Anyone could just walk in! And one whole wall of this room is glass!!” Making an inhuman sound, Ayno raised his head and held one hand up toward the door. A rope of red energy shot out and zig zagged around the door and frame stitching the door closed. Then he waved his hand in the direction of the windows and you watched as they turned black like magic demon limo tint. “Better?” he hissed. He had that determined look on his face – the same one he’d had when he showed up the night of the Halloween party…and once again you realized there was no escape. Ayno in pure demon mode was a dangerous force that both scared the crap out of you and turned you on in a way you could never have imagined. You suddenly noticed that his shirt and jacket had disappeared from his body and recalled his warning about why conjuring his clothes was a bad idea.
His hands roughly yanked the straps from your dress down and to the side pushing your dress down and causing your breasts to spring free. He brought his other leg up onto the table and pushed your dress up to your waist before he reached down and flipped the crotch of your thong to the side plunging his fingers into your already dripping pussy. “Always so wet for me…”,he hummed, “I know how much you want me, and I am going to show you how much I want you”, he said as he worked his fingers in and out of you rapidly while he sucked on your nipples. Your barely there underwear were finally in his way so he pulled them off and slingshot’d them somewhere unknown in the room- not caring about where they landed or how you were going to find them, before plunging his fingers back in and rubbing at your G spot at a frenetic pace. You could feel the pressure building in your belly. Needing an outlet for your own desires, you consciously willed him naked (enjoying that particular power you had) and once your will was done, you reached down and grabbed his cock and begin stroking it. You knew that you didn’t need to, but feeling his length running up and down in your hand felt so good…and you knew that he enjoyed it. “Do you like that?” You choked out. “Yes”, he whispered. “I like it when you touch me.” His fingers rubbed your G spot in time with the strokes you made to his cock. The tingling sensation you were feeling in your fingers and toes was causing your hips to buck. “Oh! Oh!” you cried as you whimpered his name like a mantra as your walls clenched and your juices ran down onto his hand.
 He lifted your ankles to his shoulders and slid easily between your folds with how worked up you were. He leveraged his weight and trapped you between him and the conference table as he speared into you hot and hard. Every thrust sent you sliding backward across the table. Your nails dug into his biceps as his thrusts gained in strength and speed and the table began to groan in protest. Somewhere around the middle of the table Ayno’s hands finally found a grip and you stopped sliding.  You couldn’t help the loud moans escaping your lips and mixed with the sound of skin on skin as his hips slammed into the back of your thighs, the creak of the table and Ayno’s soft grunts, it was intoxicating - you closed your eyes and let it echo in your head and overtake your senses.
You reached between your legs and firmly pinched your clit, rolling the ball of nerves between your fingers. Your mind was empty as you looked at Ayno’s beautiful lust filled face and saw his ab muscles rippling as he drove himself into you. Robbed of the ability to form coherent words, you settled for the vocal equivalent of a keyboard smash as your legs began to shake and your orgasm overtook you. Ayno continued his thrusts until you had ridden out your high before he lowered your legs and unsheathed himself from your over stimulated body.
You laid there on the table, sweaty and panting. Something gleamed out of the corner of your eye and lolled your head to the left. It was a small red light. The world came back into focus as the realization hit you: Ayno’s hand had finally found purchase on the command console in the center of the table…which was where the red indicator light was coming from…on the “Intercom- all office” button. Oh shit. Oh shit no. That thing over-rode everything else…including the music being piped into the party. Your moans of ecstasy weren’t echoing in your head, they had just been echoing through the entire building – including the party in the atrium and on every single floor. Everyone in this building had just heard you and Ayno going at it on the conference table. You reached over and gently pressed the button again, watching as the light went out.
You were in such a state of shock and horror at the realization of what had just transpired that you almost failed to notice Ayno’s naked body, covered in a light sheen of perspiration, planking over you. His eyes, still burgundy ringed with pink, bored into you. “Have we reached an understanding Mistress? Or would you like me to explain it again?”
“I got the memo, and while I’d love to go over it again, I think this is not the place.”
*          *          *
It had only taken a few moments for you to assess the situation. Your up-do was ruined, you were sweaty and smelled like sex, and you couldn’t find your underwear. You were a hot mess. Worse, the keys to the apartment – and the car- were in your purse that Ayno had politely coat-checked…right by the front doors of the building…so any thoughts of sneaking out an exit door on another floor and just going home without having to see anyone were dashed. You were going to have to do the ultimate walk of shame. The only good thing you could say was that it took only a heartbeat for you to desire Ayno back into the red GQ suit – and there he was- looking like nothing had happened.
As soon as you had finger combed your hair, adjusted your dress, and given up hunting for your thong, Ayno un-tinted the windows and released the door.
The hallway and elevator bank were mercifully empty.
If the elevator ride up had seemed to take forever, the ride down felt like an express. You wanted to just stand in the corner, but Ayno wasn’t having it. He pulled you to his side and wrapped one long arm possessively around your waist.
You took a deep steadying breath, squared your shoulders and lifted your chin as the elevator thumped to a stop. The bell dinged, the doors slid open, and your heart began pounding. Maybe the system was turned off? Maybe everyone was so drunk they wouldn’t notice you?
No such luck. While you were sure it wasn’t really the whole room it felt like everyone turned to stare at the two of you. You felt your face go hot, and you were certain that your cheeks matched Ayno’s suit. Ayno, who wasn’t the least bit embarrassed, kept his arm tightly around you and steered you straight into the crowd. You heard giggles, saw knowing smiles, got some judgmental frowns with accompanying head shakes, and a few hissed “yes girl!”s as you passed people. You saw Kara & Tenley over by the snack table, both sporting giant grins, who as soon as they caught your eye held up a cocktail napkin in each hand like Olympic judges- at least they gave you four 10.00s. You were almost there when Santa, who was in fact Ernie from Accounting, walked by and said “Ooooo! Someone’s on the naughty list now!” …and you could have sworn Brandon from IT high fived Ayno who simply continued strutting along unfazed, with a cat-that-ate-the-canary smirk on his face.
You finally reached the coat check, and Ayno handed the pimple-faced college age clerk the ticket. He returned a moment later with your coat and bag, looked at Ayno and said, “Well at least I don’t have to ask if you two enjoyed the party.” You snatched your bag from him and pushed your way out onto the freezing sidewalk, making a beeline for your car. A moment later, you heard Ayno’s laughter as he ran up behind you and threw your coat around your shoulders before sweeping you up into his arms and carrying you the rest of the way.
 *          *          *
When you got out of the shower, Ayno was lounging on the bed shirtless in a pair of pajama pants. The intense gaze had never left his eyes, so you avoided it by heading to the mirror to comb out your hair. You were about three strokes in when you felt yourself being pulled backwards around the waist. Looking down you saw the red energy rope that was dragging you to your demon’s waiting arms. As soon as you got there, he pulled you against him and the ropes wrapped around the two of you, binding you together. You remembered that struggling would make them tighter, so decided to just enjoy the feeling of being forced against him without escape. The intense look in his eyes was now accompanied by an arched eyebrow. He knew your mind was busy. He was waiting.
You sighed. “I’m sorry about tonight. I know I ruined the party for you…I get so nervous & stressed about things like this… I feel like I keep questioning you Ayno, and it’s not fair. Never once have you not been perfectly clear about your desires, feelings or intentions. So, no more – it’s not your fault I’m being insecure. I apologize for treating you this way, and I will do better.”
Ayno smiled and pressed his lips to your forehead. “I am not upset. I understand. The reality of me challenges everything mortals assume demons to be. We are all supposed to be ugly, deceitful minions of evil, not humanoid in appearance and capable of honesty and feelings. This is not about you or me – it is about whoever damaged your heart before I came. Your questioning comes from fear- the fear that you will experience the same pain again. I am used to this. Do you think I am summoned by people who feel secure and happy and loved? Quite the opposite. I am called to fill a void, and my temporary nature makes me ‘safe’. I told you, I will take good care of you and I will not hurt you. I promise this. You may doubt all you wish. I will just keep explaining it to you over and over and over until you know”, he said kissing your cheeks gently as he finished.
You kissed him deeply before meeting his eyes. “I already know Ayno. But I’m happy to let you remind me as often as possible.”
And with that, Ayno turned out the lights, and reminded you again.
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nightunite · 4 years
I'm the soft sibling but... A-all of them??
I’ve been waiting, my sibster...
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Probably @safetyfirstbiatch
 2. Are you outgoing or shy? 
Shy in the beginning, outgoing afterwards!
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? 
@safetyfirstbiatch @tricksandmagix
4. Are you easy to get along with? 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? 
Probably not
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? 
Loyal, funny, can tease me like I tease them, won’t mock my anxiety, etc.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? 
Gonna say Bucky Barnes
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? 
@binkysteebnpewter @breadgenie892 @fuzzy-cloud-head-queen @andyl394
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? 
“I might post this on tumblr”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? 
Blink-182: Black rain
Halsey&Marina Mashup: Gasoline and Savages
Saweetie: My type
Dermot Kennedy: Power Over You
chillpill: Fuck the Club
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? 
15. What good thing happened this summer? 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? 
19. Do you like bubble baths? 
20. Do you like your neighbors? 
21. What are you bad habits? 
Impulsive, loud, awkward, dont like vacuuming
22. Where would you like to travel? 
23. Do you have trust issues? 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? 
Nap time
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? 
26. What do you do when you wake up? 
Play Animal Crossing
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? 
No but I wish it was healthy
28. Who are you most comfortable around? 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? 
30. Do you ever want to get married? 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? 
It’s always up so yeah
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
 33. Spell your name with your chin. 
(Cant attempt this tbh I have a big ol hormone zit about ready to pop)
34. Do you play sports? What sports? 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? 
Without TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? 
Of course!
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Some stupid joke or story
 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? 
I’ve answered this in previous asks but see #6
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? 
Lush, Barnes&Noble, Candy Stores
40. What do you want to do after high school? 
I’m already a college graduate, but lab work
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? 
I’m either busy, sleeping, or anxious
43. Do you smile at strangers? 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer space
 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? 
Animal Crossing and food
46. What are you paranoid about?
Everything tbh anxiety sucks 
47. Have you ever been high? 
48. Have you ever been drunk? 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? 
No but I’ve been hella simping
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? 
Grey and yellow, my hufflepuff hoodie
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? 
Have healthier skin aka no genetic issues
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Dont wear any
 54. Favourite store? 
55. Favourite blog? 
56. Favourite colour? 
57. Favourite food? 
I’m a slut for pretzel bites right now
58. Last thing you ate? 
Cheese ravioli
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Sour cream&onion chips
 60. Ever won a competition? For what? 
Won a ribbon for a literary contest
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? 
62. Been arrested? For what? 
63. Ever been in love? 
Don’t know tbh
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? 
Already answered this on previous asks, but it was after a movie in his car
65. Are you hungry right now? 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? 
Nah, they’re equal
67. Facebook or Twitter? 
68. Twitter or Tumblr? 
69. Are you watching tv right now? 
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
@safetyfirstbiatch @tricksandmagix
71. Craving something? What? 
Shaved ice, blue raspberry and lime flavor
72. What colour are your towels? 
Salmon pink and mold green, got em real ugly
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 
2, one under my head and one against my side
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? 
Yup a Totodile
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 
Like 80+
75. Favourite animal? 
76. What colour is your underwear? 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? 
80. What colour pants? 
81. Favourite tv show? 
82. Favourite movie? 
James and the Giant Peach
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? 
Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 
Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? 
87. First person you talked to today? 
The fam
88. Last person you talked to today? 
The fam
89. Name a person you hate? 
90. Name a person you love? 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? 
92. In a fight with someone? 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 
2 pairs
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 
like 6
95. Last movie you watched? 
Sky High (I regret nothing)
96. Favourite actress? 
97. Favourite actor? 
Sebastian Stan
98. Do you tan a lot? 
99. Have any pets? 
A cat and a corgi
100. How are you feeling? 
Pretty alright
101. Do you type fast? 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? 
A couple things, time I wish I had listened better
103. Can you spell well? 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? 
Not really
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? 
Probably but I was never told
107. Have you ever been on a horse? 
108. What should you be doing? 
109. Is something irritating you right now? 
My back
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? 
111. Do you have trust issues?
Of course
 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? 
@safetyfirstbiatch while laughing I’m pretty sure
113. What was your childhood nickname? 
‘Hey you’
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? 
Yes, been to several other states and the Bahamas
115. Do you play the Wii? 
I used, played so much Harvest Moon Animal Parade
116. Are you listening to music right now? 
Yup, mothra’s theme
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? 
118. Do you like Chinese food? 
119. Favourite book? 
The Serpent King is one of my favorites
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
 121. Are you mean? 
122. Is cheating ever okay? 
In extreme extenuating circumstances like ‘You refuse to let me out of this marriage despite knowing we don’t even like each other’
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? 
Somewhat yeah
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
125. Do you believe in true love?
 126. Are you currently bored? 
127. What makes you happy? 
Little things; rain, smell of a new book, soft sheets.
128. Would you change your name? 
129. What your zodiac sign? 
130. Do you like subway? 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 
Either let em down easy or see if it works
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 
The fam
133. Favourite lyrics right now? 
Dont have any honestly
134. Can you count to one million? 
Sure but it takes a while
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
‘Can’t go, Mom needs me to watch the dog’ -Dog is in fact being taken to daycare in plain view of person
 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? 
Open a crack
137. How tall are you?
 138. Curly or Straight hair? 
139. Brunette or Blonde? 
140. Summer or Winter? 
Fuck both, Fall
141. Night or Day? 
142. Favourite month? 
143. Are you a vegetarian?
 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
 145. Tea or Coffee? 
Neither, soda
146. Was today a good day?
Yeah it was pretty great
147. Mars or Snickers?
Snickers even though I have a peanut sensitivity
 148. What’s your favourite quote?
Don’t have one, sorry
 149. Do you believe in ghosts? 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
“This is madness” - Sorcery of Thorns
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Types of girls - herb edition
herb // traits // a language that fits to the types (if you ask me) // a song from my two most recent playlist that fits these types
mint // unfinished paintings, graphite smudges, bright bedroom, desk full of stationery items, weirdly specific washi tape, paint smudges on their face, their walls being their galleries, trying to keep plants alive, oversized sweaters, flowers woven in a braid // arabic // mister glassman by scotty sire
sage // knowing their zodiac everything, reading tarot cards, etheric oils, eating healthy, cardigans, dried cloudberries, daisies, full moon, always being kind of tired, friendship bracelets, dreamcatchers // french // rainbow connection by sleeping at last
oregano // having a natural tan all year long, rolled up pants, wearing sunglasses, graphic tees, vintage cameras, lollipops, loving summer, knowing the city or village they live in like the back of their hand, bicycling, freckles, having lots of friends // spanish // joan of arc by little mix
parsley // tumblr addict, wtf is sleep?, having short hair, floor to ceiling windows, ramen noodles, discovering new music, chipped nail polish, fuzzy socks, comedy movies, picnics, doing silly faces at your friends in class // russian // programming naughty pictograms in python by pryapisme
rosemary // keeping a whole herb garden on their balcony, home-cooked meals, getting lost in thoughts and books, green knit sweaters with blouses underneath, sunny autumn days, having lots of crushes // english // letter from last summer by charlie burg
basil // heels, matte lipstick, neon signs, eating pancakes for breakfast, messy buns, floral dresses, pink clouds, star shaped glitter, floral bed sheets, doodling in class, coffee, scrunchies // danish // not over you by tessa violet
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Stranger Places (A stranger things tale) Chapter 10- Valentine’s Day part 2
Description: Everything changes when Dustin finds his mother’s lifeless body, but he is quickly reminded that he still has family when his older sister comes home. Though she is not the company he wants, can he learn to live with her? Can she readjust to life in Hawkins?
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This chapter contains content that may be triggering to those who are sensitive to sexual abuse. Please continue with discretion.
Dustin walked out to the living room for the fourth time. “What about this one?”
Steve turned his head to him. He shrugs. “Good, I guess.”
“You guess?”
Steve let out a frustrated sigh. “Yes, like the other ones you tried on. Why are you putting so much emphasis into what you’re wearing?”
“Because what if she thinks it’s a date?”
“It is a date,” Steve told him. “She asked you out.”
“Shit!” Dustin let out.
“Stop freaking out. You need to be more relaxed,” Steve said, getting up from the couch. He went upstairs into the guest room.
“What are you doing?” Dustin asked.
“I’m making your life easier,” he answered, going through the drawers that held Dustin’s clothes. “Do you have a cardigan?”
“What’s that?”
Steve sighed, “Jesus christ. Okay, hold on.”
Steve disappeared into his own room, only to come back a few moments later with a button down sweater and a bottle of cologne. “here,” he said gathering the other clothes he had laid out on the bed, handing it to Dustin “Put this on and wear it tonight.” He Headed for the door but peaked his head in one last time. “One spray is enough. Don’t drown yourself in that shit.” And with that Steve went back down stairs to wait for Dustin.
Ten minutes passed and Dustin came down stairs, dressed in the outfit Steve picked out. The blue cardigan fit well with the plain black long sleeve underneath it and the medium washed jeans. Dustin also threw on his favorite hat as well as his worn in converse’s. Steve smiled. “Not too shabby, Henderson.”
Dustin smiled. “Thanks. Now, what about my hair?”
“Oh, we don’t have that type of time,” Steve said quickly.
Dustin frowned. “But is it bad?”
“Come on, Dustin. Let’s go,” Steve answered.
“Wait, Steve! does it look bad?”
A couples miles away, Jackie was back at the Henderson’s house, getting ready for her own date. She was finishing twisting up the last couple of curls, when she heard the doorbell rang. She stuck a bobby pin in her mouth, attempting to finish her hair without a mirror as she went to answer the door. She opened the door with her free hand and was greeted by Billy. He was wearing his famous leather jacket and an old pair of acid washed jeans. Billy had an arm behind his back.
“What’s that?” she asked between the bobby pin and her teeth. Billy revealed the boquet of flowers he had promised her. “I am a man of my word.”
She laughed. “Come in for a second,” she said fixing the rest of her hair. Billy wiped his boots off on the doormat. He looked around the house, noticing it was extremely clean and tidy. Then his eyes averted to Jackie. She was wearing a a black denim skirt with tights and a fuzzy sweater. He cocked his head to stare at her backside. “You look sexy,” he bluntly told her.
“Oh god,” she said with slight exaggeration. “Should I change?”
He laughed at the fact he had made her self conscious. “No, I’m just saying you look good.”
She let out a nervous giggle as she placed the flowers into a vase full of water. She turned around to find Billy standing just a few inches away. “Ready?” he asked. She smiled. “Let me just grab a jacket,” she said dodging underneath the arm Billy had placed to lean on the cabinet. He rolled his eyes, wondering if this was how the night was going to go.
Steve parked outside the arcade. “Okay,” he began. “So just go in and see if she’s there. If not, just come back outside and we’ll stop by the video store and grab some alien for the night.”
Dustin let out a breath. “I’m nervous.”
“Why?” Steve asked.
“Because,” He began, trying to think of an excuse. “Because what if she’s really good at Dragon’s Lair? Do you know how long I’ve worked for that High Score spot? Months, Steve. And what if she beats it in one shot? That’s so embarrassing.”
Steve narrowed his eyes at the boy. Was he serious right now? “Dustin, get out of the car.”
He sighed while unbuckling his seatbelt. “Fine.”
Dustin walked through the doors of the arcade that were slightly less crowded than usual. He had never gone this late on a school night. He looked around and headed over to wear Dragon’s Lair was. No one was in that corner of the arcade. He checked the Score board. “DSTN” was still at number one. He let out a sigh of relief.
“Boo!” Dustin jumped. He turned around to find kimmy with a bowlers hat on, dressed in all denim except for her bright green shirt that peaked through her jean jacket. She smiled at him. “You came!” 
“Yeah,” he said with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his neck. Dustin peaked his head over to look through the window. Steve was pulling out of the parking lot. No turning back now, he thought.
“Ready to lose?” she asked with a smile.
He laughed. “I don’t think you realize just how hard Dragon’s Lair can be,” Dustin explained. “It’s much more complex than anything else here.”
Kimmy shrugged and her short black bob bounced with her shoulders. “I guess you’ll have to teach me.”
Dustin smiled. “Okay,” He replied, putting in the first quarter of the night.
Before heading home, Steve stopped at a diner to grab some take out. He couldn’t wait till his parents got home so he could have an actual home cooked meal. He went up to the counter and smiled at the girl working. She went to the back to see if his order was finished. 
Steve’s eyes glanced around the small diner as he waited for the girl to return back with his food. He was set back when he found Nancy sitting in a booth with Jonathan. She seemed so happy and was giggling as she bit down on her straw. Her hair was curled and she was wearing Steve’s favorite dress. He felt his heart pick up in pace. 
He spinned away fast, afraid he was starring for too long. He grabbed his takeout from the girl with a quick thank you and dashed for the door. Steve stole one more look before putting the keys into the ignition of his car, only to find Jonathan and Nancy leaning over the table sharing a kiss. He regretted seeing that, as he quickly turned his car on and sped out of the parking lot of the diner.
Billy pulled into a parking spot at a Chinese restaurant that Jackie picked out. She figured it was fast enough and cheap enough to where the date would be short and easy on her pocket. 
“What’s good?” Billy asked.
Jackie scanned the menu, familiarizing herself with it again. Her finger pointed at the item. “The Kung Pao beef is good.”
Billy looked up from the his menu with a smiled. “You sold me,” he said flagging down the waiter to order, whom promptly hurried over. “We’ll take two Kung Pao beef with fried rice.”
The waiter began to write it down. “I’m sorry, he meant one Kung Pao Beef. I’ll have the curry noodles.” The waiter smiled as Billy stared at Jackie. Usually girls went along with whatever he ordered for them. When the waiter left the table, Billy let out a little laugh.
Jackie smiled. “What?”
He shook his head. “Are you always so difficult?”
She furrowed her eyebrows. “I’m not difficult.”
“Maybe just a little,” Billy teased.
She let out a laugh. “What? Because I changed my order from what you got me?”
“It was also pulling teeth to get you on this date,” Billy added.
Jackie rolls her eyes at him. “I just know myself. I know what I want. I don’t need someone making decisions for me,” she told him.
He lets out a sigh. “So curry noodles?”
She giggles. “Yes. Curry noodles.”
Kimmy and Dustin cheer each other on as they get to another boss level of Dragon’s Lair. This is when Dustin realizes that they are out of quarters and goes to the counter to get more.  He goes up to the counter where Keith is pretending to do his job to get change for four more dollars. A light tap on his should puts a grin on his face. Dustin turns around, but to his surprise is met face to face with Max.
“Hey dork,” she says with a smile.
“Hey,” Dustin says thrown off. “What are you doing here? Is Lucas with you?”
“Nah,” she answered back. “Lucas had to stay home with his sister while his dad took his mom out for dinner. I wanted to play some Donkey Kong. What are you doing here so late?”
“I uh-” He began.
“Why do you smell like that?” She cut him off. “Is that cologne?”
He let out a chuckle. “Well,”
“Wait” she told him. A smile stretched across her face. “Are you on a date at the arcade? What’s her name?”
“Haha!” he laughed. “No!”
She shrugged. “Good then you can help me beat Donkey Kong,” she stated, pulling him by the sleeve towards the game.
“Wait!” he protested. She looked back at him with a smirk, turning around and crossing her arms. 
“Her name is Kimmy.”
“I know,” she told him. “Lucas told me.”
“Then why did you ask all those questions.”
She shrugged. “Cause I knew it would embarrass you.” Max was right. Dustin’s cheeks were turning to a shade of coral.
“Speaking of dates,” she continued. “Tell me your sister didn’t go on that date with my brother.”
His jaw dropped. “What?” he tried not to yell, but he found himself shouting.
Max sighed. “Apparently, Billy’s been trying to ask her out and she finally caved. I told her what a tool he is, but I don’t know if she actually listened to me.”
Dustin laughed. “How should I know if she went? Sounds like a match made in heaven if you ask me.”
Max looked at him, narrowing her eyes. “Why are you so mean to her?”
“Why do you hate Billy?”
“Because he’s a jerk.”
“Well same with Jackie,” he told her, shooting her a look as if to say that was an obvious statement.
“No Dustin,” she corrected him. “Jackie’s cool. She’s nice and funny and makes awesome food. Billy is a pig. He’s mean and self serving. Not to mention, he tried to hurt us all.” Max shook her head at him. “All I know, is that if I was in your position, Billy wouldn’t come back for me. And if Jackie was my sister, I would be a lot nicer to her,” and with that, she pushed by him leaving him with only a head full of guilt. How’d she do that? He thought. How did she make him feel awful for the way he’s been acting towards Jacqueline. Without warning, he feels someone squeeze either side of his torso, making him jump.
He turns around to find Kimmy giggling. “Did you get lost?”
He smiles, “I was just heading back.” He holds up a plastic bag full of coins. “Ready to play?”
Jackie laughs sitting on the hood of Billy’s car, watching Billy do acrobatics on the grass in front of her. Dinner ended up not being too bad, especially after the little heart to heart they had. Jackie learned that they both came from broken homes, both didn’t get along with their fathers, and both disliked living in Hawkins. It felt like she had someone to relate to, who sort of understood what she was going through even if it was under different circumstances. Billy wasn’t that bad either; at least what he was showing her of himself. He even offered to pay for her dinner, though she declined the gesture. 
After dinner, they went to the same lake that Jonathan and her usually go to. She swore to Billy that it was “breathtaking” when the starlight mirrored on the water. They shared a bottle of vodka to keep themselves warm as they enjoyed each other’s company under the night sky.
Jackie lets out a yawn, checking her watch. It reads 10:56 pm. Much later than what she was used to on a week night. 
“Getting pass your bedtime?” He teased.
She laughed, letting out another yawn. “Sort of. I’m usually in for the night by now.”
Billy stretches his arms above his head, cracking his neck as he cocks it from side to side. “Guess we better get you home then.”
She nods, hopping off the hood of the car and heading towards the passenger side. He opens the door for her like a gentleman and Jackie slides in the seat as graceful as she can. This is when she starts to notice the fog over her vision and the slight sensation of spinning. Moments later, Billy gets in on the driver side and turns the heat on. He looks over at her, admiring the way the moonlight kissed the surface of her skin. She notices his stare.
Jackie chuckles nervously, “What?”
“Nothing,” he says with a smile. “You’re just pretty to look at.”
Jackie fiddles with her fingers not knowing what to say, when without warning, she feels the shift of Billy’s body as he moves closer to her. Before she has time to react or say anything, his lips crash into hers. His mouth tastes of alcohol and cigarettes and his cologne stings her nostrils, making her feel nauseous. She wedges her hands in between both their chests. 
“Billy,” she manages to let out, but he is relentless and as soon as she pushes him off, he is back on her. The weight of his body is too heavy for her to push off, especially now that she felt intoxicated. She tries again though, with a little more force in her voice. 
“Billy stop,” she commands. 
Billy laughs. “Come on, Annie. Lets have some fun,” he tells her, adventuring his hand up her skirt and kissing her again. Jackie felt her cheeks grew hot as she became enraged by the situation. 
“Stop!” she shouted at him, shoving him to the driver’s side with all her might. Both teens look at each other with shock and anger.
“What did you call me?” she threatened him.
Billy had enough. “What’s wrong with you?” he accused her.
“What’s wrong with you?” she demanded back.
“I’m trying to have a good time! But it’s hard when you’re being such a little prissy bitch!”
His words ring through her ears. This is what Max meant by having an alternative motive. 
“I thought we were having a good time,” she says, mostly to herself.
He laughed. “You didn’t actually think we were just going spend the whole night playing therapy and talking? Don’t be so naive, Jackie.”
Her jaw clenched. “It’s Jacqueline, you schmuck,” she hissed at him.
Billy flared his nostrils as he looked at her with disgust, shaking his head, then looking away. “Get out,” he tells her.
Her eyes widen. “What?”
“I said get the fuck out of my car. Walk home,” he said not giving her a second glance. Jackie’s mouth fell open. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Jackie gave him one last glance. His jaw was tight and his eyes looking straight at what was ahead. She tried to swallow down the lump forming in her throat as she unlocked the passenger door and hopped out of Billy’s camaro. 
“Fuck you, Hargrove,” she said before slamming the door shut. Jackie quickly stepped out of the way of the car as Billy began to pull out into the night. 
Jackie felt a tear hit her cheek and then another. She let out a shaky breath as the february air stung the back of her throat. She couldn’t believe the situation she was thrown into; drunk, scared, cold, and stranded. She could go to Jonathan’s but she didn’t want to have to explain what she was doing out there. Jackie let out a sob. She didn’t understand why she couldn’t be left alone. Why was she a target for everyone around her? She wiped the tears from her face and crossed her arms as she began the walk back home.
Yeah, Billy’s a dick. let me know what you think. I am also going to start tagging people who have liked any previous stranger places chapters so if you do not want to be tagged please dm me :)
@10blurredsmoke10 @prettylittlealiengirl  @dII0101 @lewistommolommodingdong @cluelesseleven @middlebodyinjury @liamsmithbobo @oddlittlereader @dizyumi @saint-penguin-empire @whysthenameelizapopular @25thcenturygirl @lilias-buckingham @12thatsanumber @julkaglenc @peakyfuckingblinders1919 @lmao-im-hecc-gay @suavelolita 
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followusontweeters · 7 years
Against the Wind - Chapter 4  - Zasha fic
Sorry this took so long - real life happened and let's be honest, it's the Christmas season so we're all busy.  But enjoy (and don't be afraid to send a message or a review or just review and send a like)!
Three weeks later and Rasha could honestly say that she was starting to feel better.  Her morning sickness actually seemed to end in the morning and her headaches dissipated and she had more energy than before.  Zoe had been away on a business trip for the past week and, surprisingly, had asked Lola to stay with Rasha just in case anything happened.  
“I swear you’ve gotten bigger.”
Rasha frowned and looked down at her abdomen, her hands cupping it softly.  “Maybe.  I don’t really know.  Zoe will notice when she comes home.”
The doorbell rang and the tiny girl flitted over to get the door and grabbing the food that they had ordered.  “I did text Zoe and told her about your cornflakes and cheese thing.”  Lola teased Rasha.  The curly haired girl blushed and poured the two of them glasses of water and grabbed plates.  Lola set down the food on the table, a vegetarian pad thai for Rasha made with tofu and spicy ginger beef and rice.
“Well, cornflakes and cheese is better than some cravings women have.”  Rasha retorted with a blushing smile.
Filling up a large plate, Lola shrugged.  “That’s true.  You aren’t eating pickles and pineapple sandwiches yet.”
Rasha wrinkled her nose and took a bite of her pad thai.  She was thankful for Lola, thankful for the girl’s help and company, but if she was being honest...she missed her wife.  
“So, have you thought about what you want?  Like, do you want a girl or a boy?”  Lola chirped as she started to plow through her food.  The girl still ran, and owned, her own restaurant, but even she needed a change once in awhile.  “And like, with the donor, do you know who it is?  What did you and Zoe look for in a donor?  Do you know what he looks like?”
Chewing silently on the noodles, Rasha worked on formulating a response before speaking.  “I just want a baby that’s healthy, I do not care if we have a boy or a girl.”  Picking at a few bean sprouts, Rasha shrugged.  “We had a file with information, but no name.  It gave us his health background, his specifics like his height and weight, his ethnicity.  There was a picture and we looked for someone with the same colouring as Zoe.  Because the baby will be half me, we wanted someone that looked like Zoe.”  Rasha shrugged.  “We wanted someone healthy, like a good family history, and someone who is kind of tall and Latino, but other than that…”  Her voice trailed off.  “I just really hope that our baby doesn’t look totally like him…”  She admitted softly.  Her voice trailed off and she fell into silence as she picked at her food.
“I’m sure your baby will be adorable like you and Zoe.”  Lola said happily as she ate.
Rasha nodded silently and picked at her food.  She was hungry, but her mind was elsewhere.  Her chopsticks poked at the food and Lola watched with an amused smile.  She knew that Rasha missed Zoe.  The two had hour conversations every night which usually ended with Rasha sniffling and wiping back her tears at the end.  She also knew that Zoe got an earlier flight and was coming in tomorrow around noon instead of Sunday.
“How about we watch a movie?”  Lola suggested.
The sound of chopsticks clattering to the table brought Rasha out of her reverie and she blinked a few times at Lola.  “Pardon?”  She asked, her face reddening.
A soft smile crossed Lola’s face.  “Movie?  I’ll clean up and you can go take a hot bath...then we’ll get in our jammies and we can watch something?”  She offered.
Returning the soft smile, Rasha nodded.  “That sounds great, Lola.”  She said getting to her feet.  “I’ll be back in a little bit.”  Heading up to the master bedroom, Rasha filled the tub with steaming water and added some scented bath oil before lowering herself in.  A heavy sigh escaped her lips and she closed her eyes as she leaned back.  Her muscles started to relax and unwind as she laid there.  She had more than a few cases on her plate at work, including one that brought back a lot of bad memories and feelings that got worse without Zoe.  She was attempting to help a young girl from Myanmar get landed refugee status in Canada.  She was alone, young, Muslim, gay, and terrified.  Just like her 8 years ago.  Soaking in the tub until she felt like she could get out and be social.  Finding her comfiest pair of pyjamas, a set with rainbows and unicorns, she pulled them on and matched them with a set of slippers.  Zoe teased her relentlessly about those pyjamas, but sometimes she just needed to feel comfy.  Speaking of Zoe, Rasha dug through her wife’s drawers and grabbed her well worn sweatshirt and put it on overtop.  She headed downstairs and gave Lola a smile.  The small woman had cleaned up the kitchen and had a bowl of popcorn ready.  She was wearing fuzzy pyjama pants and a tank top and grinned at Rasha.  “Come’on.  I’ve got Beauty and the Beast ready to go.”
Curling up on the couch, Rasha made it through most of the movie, waking up at the end.  She rubbed her eyes and gave Lola a sleepy smile.  Since Zoe and Rasha had been married, Rasha had slept very few nights alone.  That was part of the reason Lola was staying with her.  There was nothing sexual between Lola and Rasha, and Zoe knew that Rasha’s anxiety heightened when she was alone and she knew that the excess hormones would have made it worse.
Rasha wandered around and shut off the lights and double checked the locks before heading up to bed.  Lola emerged from the washroom bare faced and crawled into the far side of the bed.  Shutting the lights off, Rasha climbed onto her side and pulled one of her pillows to her chest.  Her eyes closed, but sleep was becoming harder and harder to come by.
----- ----- -----
The plane's wheels hit the tarmac and as soon as the seatbelt sign turned off, Zoe got to her feet.  Gathering her baggage, she called an Uber and headed home.  She loved her job, but helping with a campaign for a major party leader was stressful and took her away from her wife sometimes.  Climbing out of the uber, she almost ran up the driveway, her bag over one shoulder, a bag of gifts for Rasha, and one for Lola for all her help.  Zoe opened the door, spotting Lola sitting on the couch.
“Hey!”  The small woman said getting to her feet.  “Rasha is just upstairs taking a nap.”  She said with a smile.  “I’ll head out to the restaurant now.  She had a good week, well as good as she could considering she’s pregnant and hormonal and she was missing her wife.”
Zoe smiled softly and gave Lola a hug.  “That bad, hunh?”  Pulling a bottle of wine and different Montreal cheeses out of the bag, she handed it to Lola.  “A small thank you gift for being here.”  She said as Lola gathered her things.  Zoe watched as Lola left and pulled out of the driveway.  The woman had become a close friend and Zoe felt better knowing that they had someone to call on.
Heading upstairs, Zoe silently pushed the door to their bedroom open and watched as Rasha slept.  She couldn’t help but smile seeing her wife wearing her sweatshirt.  On tip toes, Zoe quickly changed into a pair of sweats and a long sleeved tshirt before crawling into bed behind her wife.  Rasha shifted away from her, sighing deeply.  Zoe wrapped her arms around Rasha’s middle and held her gently.  “Hey, sweetheart.”  She whispered softly.  Rasha tensed momentarily before turning, her eyes wide.  
“Y-You are not supposed to be back until tomorrow night.”  Rasha exclaimed softly, tears welling in her eyes.  Her arms wrapped around Zoe tightly, her face pressing into her chest.  “You came back early.” She mumbled.
Zoe grinned and wrapped her arms around, Rasha, kissing her head.  “I explained that I had a pregnant wife at home and I wanted to get back to her.”  She said softly.  Rubbing Rasha’s back, she waited until she felt Rasha lift her head up.  Zoe reached out and wiped the tears from Rasha’s face.  “And now I’m back and I bought you presents.”  She couldn’t help but laugh when she saw Rasha’s face light up.  “Come down stairs and I’ll show you.”
Rasha swung her legs over the side of the bed and climbed out, her back to Zoe.  She pulled on her slippers and grabbed her cardigan.  Turning she walked to Zoe whose eyes had grown, her jaw dropped.  
“What?”  Rasha asked softly, looking at her wife uncomfortably, shifting her weight from foot to foot.  Zoe closed the space between them, her hands pressing gently against Rasha’s abdomen.  
“You’ve grown.”  She whispered softly, her eyes trained on Rasha’s abdomen before looking up at her wife’s face.  “I can’t believe how much you’ve grown.”
A blush covered Rasha’s face and she shrugged.  “I guess so.  But the baby hasn’t kicked yet, so you did not miss anything.  I think they were waiting for their Mommy to come back.”  They had decided that Zoe would be Mom and Rasha would be Mama.  Taking Zoe’s hands, Rasha squeezed them and led her downstairs.
“I told you I am with you every step of the way and I mean it.” Zoe said simply.  When they got downstairs, she happily grabbed the bags she had with her.  Montreal bagels, a maternity sweater she could wear to work and a few other fashionable shirts, and a box of assorted baking from Rasha’s favourite bakery.  “Try them on.”  Zoe urged, as Rasha pulled out a flowing white top.  Rasha pulled it over her head and gave Zoe a shy smile.  It was loose enough that Rasha could wear it through her pregnancy.  She tried on the soft grey sweater and the pastel coloured top.  They were both longer and Zoe knew that they would allow Rasha to grow without making her feel self conscious about herself.  “Now come on, let’s eat some treats.”  Zoe sat down on the couch and pulled Rasha towards her.  There was a small Syrian bakery in Montreal that had some of Rasha’s favourite delicacies that they had a hard time finding in Toronto.
Snuggling up as close as she could to her wife, Rasha sighed heavily and rested her head on Zoe’s shoulder.  “I missed you.”  She said softly.  
“I missed you too.”  Zoe replied, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Rasha’s lips.  She tasted like honey and pistachios.  “I’m glad to be home.”
Rasha grinned and picked up another piece of dessert.  Zoe watched with a smile and reached into her bag and pulled out one more thing.  Rasha’s face blushed and she started to laugh as Zoe handed her a box of cornflakes and a brick of cheddar cheese.  “Just in case.”
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hireikotsu · 7 years
It’s College! // pt. 2
Kagome's black kitten keels clicked as she walked down the hallway to her second and final class that day. She had a biology course that morning. According to her syllabus it should be a good course mostly made up of assignments with the occasional hands on project. Nothing she couldn't handle.
She adjusted her white wool-cardigan that layered on top of a yellow floral tank top. Her brown leather messenger bag was strapped to her shoulder and lightly patted her left leg with every step. This was her sixth day and it was everything she expected; sex, drugs and rock and roll. For everyone else that is. The day before she had to go the local pharmacy and pick up a pair of earplugs in order to drown out the sound of the people in the next room fucking every night. Sango came back drunk Kagome's first  night and Kagome helped her go to bed. Ever since the two were on mutual ground; they weren't BFFs but they didn't hate each other either. Sango had asked Kagome to go out with her and the boys whenever they went out and Kagome would politely decline.
The lecture hall had about six other people in it, not to Kagome's surprise due to the fact that they had another ten minutes before the class started. Most of the other students sat to the back. Naturally, Kagome sat closer to the front the best spot to hear and see everything that the prof was saying. She took her small light pink binder, pencil case and daily planner out of her bag and placed them neatly out in front of her. She then pulled out her phone browsing mindlessly through Facebook posts.
Eri had posted with Ayumi and Yuki as they had face paint on their face with their school colours: navy and white. Kagome liked the photo and continued to scroll down her feed.   Once that got boring she locked her phone and slid it back into her bag. This was her first History lecture of the year and she had to make sure that she had everything in the syllabus down to the last dotted i and crossed t.
Sat bored and very warm, Kagome was glad she decided to wear her denim shorts. There wasn't any air conditioning in the building and the isolated walls wasn't exactly cooling her off. She used her small planner as a fan as she prayed for her class to begin.
Slowly the room people began to show up. A boy say next to Kagome to her surprise it was a very familiar face.
"Hojo?" The shock was clear in her voice and the boy stared at her wide eyed as he swallowed hard.
"I didn't know you came here!" She gushed as the boy tried not to let his supplies fumble out of his hands.
The smile on her face could light up all of Shinjuku in his eyes. She had never felt more relieved to see someone from her middle school class in her life.
"Well, we haven't seen each other since we graduated junior high..." He pointed out.
It was a good point they did go to different high schools after all.
The pair carried on conversations about what they had been up to for the past couple of years, sharing their high school experiences. Kagome was not surprised to hear that Hojo was elected the class president two years in a row, he was always the most popular boy in school. Just one of those kids that everyone liked. It had always seemed like a blessing and Kagome could remember the days where she would listen to Eri mutter about the popular kids under her breath. Kagome enjoyed their little girl squad of four, but there was always the days where she would wonder 'what if I was in with the popular kids' .
Kagome told him about her days in the musical theatre and the couple of lead roles that she snagged, along with earning the title of valedictorian. The role of valedictorian was down to her and Ayumi but due to Ayumui's massive stage fright she backed down and let Kagome take it.
Their conversation was short lived when the professor walked into the room, but Kagome was just glad she was able to have a half decent conversation with someone. The thought of posting a snapchat with Hojo would definitely up her social credibilty and possibly turn the tables so her friends would be jealous of her. Kagome smiled cheekily to herself at the selfie plan and was thinking about the caption she could possibly use.
"Hey, can I borrow a pencil?" Hojo whispered to his neighbor.
Kagome nodded her head as she quickly unzipped her pencil case, she took half a second to decide if he would want a green or blue pencil. Ultamitely she picked the blue one which he smiled and told her that it was his favourite colour.
Their professor who wanted to go by Yuta was, in Kagome's opinion, young for his profession. If she had to guess she would say he was in his early thirties maybe late twenties. He had very light brown hair and blue eyes which made Kagome assume he was biracial or possibly a forgiener. He told tales about his travels to other provinces and countries, which revealed some of his humour.
Overall it was an assuming class in Kagome's opinion. At the end of class they were not assigned any homework apart from the syallbus for the class to work up to a final project which will hold a major percentage of their grade. Kagome knew that the assignment would be a breeze because well... she was the queen of assignments.
As she was putting away her stationery she began to think about what she would have for dinner. Would she have sushi or rice with a couple boiled eggs? Maybe she would just have a ramen cup with a fruit salad and call it a day. The thought of the intake of sodium in the noodle cup made her want to reconsider.
"Kagome," the girl turned her head to her right to Hojo.
The boy was leaning on his desk making him just a few inches away from her. Kagome felt her blood slowly begin to rush to face with Hojo so close to her. The thought of her being so flustered over the middle school heart throb was ridiculous but he definitely did not get uglier over the past couple of years. The dark blue t-shirt he wore did indeed look good on him.
"Can I borrow this and give it back to you tomorrow? I have one more class for the day." He asked as he held the pencil between two fingers and he flashed the same smile that she remembered all the girls would swoon over.
"Uh, yeah. No problem." She said as she collected her things and put them into her bag.
"Thank you. See you around, Kagome!" Hojo said as he put his single notebook into his backpack and shoved her blue pencil into his pocket.
I wonder how he lost his other pencil
The boy gave the girl a peace sign as he practically ran out of the classroom and she was left with nothing but a dumbfounded wave as she watched him get lost in the sea of students leave the room. She noticed one student wearing a backwards black and red hat with silver hair leave the room among the students which almost made her drop the class on the spot.
Inuyasha was in her class.
"And... done." Kagome proudly said to herself as she finished her biology notes for the day.
She closed her laptop to free herself from the work which she had poured into for the past few hours. It was a little after six and her stomach reminded her just how long it had been since her last meal. Sango should've been back from her class shortly and she thought that it would be nice if the two went out for dinner. To bond, and Kagome could send out an instagram post to prove to her friends that she did have at least one friend.
Kagome picked out a new outfit to wear as it was cooler in the evening than in the morning. She changed into a pair of black leggings and was beginning to take off her yellow tanktop for a navy long sleeve when the door opened to reveal Inuyasha and Miroku.
"Do you guys ever spend time in your own room or at least learn to knock?!" Kagome screamed as she threw a throw pillow in the boys' direction.
Instead of putting on her long sleeve she settled for the same wool sweater she was wearing earlier that day.
"You're so intimidating." Inuyasha muttered under his breath and tossed the fuzzy pink pillow back onto her bed.
"Don't be shy." Miroku teased with a wink and sat down on Sango's desk chair.
Kagome simply rolled her eyes at the boys' comments.
"Where is Sango?" Miroku asked to fill the awkward silence that had fallen between the three of them.
Kagome wondered if the two boys ever talked when Sango wasn't around or was mentioned. She really seemed like the glue that stuck the two boys together.
"She is on the way she just finished her biomechanics class" Inuyasha answered from his usual spot, layed down on Sango's bed as if he owned the place.
That was one thing that really got under her skin, this was her room. Why does he have this entitlement to everything in there?
Maybe he's Sango's boyfriend?
Could they have been dating? The concept seemed far fetch but that the same time be possible. Kagome never really hung out with the trio so how should she know.
Sango walked into the room her room was up in a perfect high pony tail, her signature pink eye shadow was stunning as always and even though she was wearing a slouchy army green sweater and leggings she looked amazing. Kagome was jealous of her roommate, she put minimal effort into her look yet still looked like a ten everytime. Meanwhile Kagome had to put into double- possibly triple the time and energy to be a nine.
No words came from the physical education teacher to be. Only a small groan and the sound of her Nike bag drop to the floor before she plopped herself on her bed next to Inuyasha.
"Same." Was all he said as he rubbed circles on the back of her shoulders with his palm.
"I am so hungover." Sango spoke facedown into her pillow.
"We told you not to try those mystery drinks." Miroku said in his 'lawyer voice'. Sango groaned again, Kagome only able to pick out 'mystery drink', 'never again' and 'street hotdog'.
The two boys laughed as Sango continued to make sounds similar to someone being tortured into her pillow.
"So, you're not going out tonight?" Kagome asked, and secretly hoped Sango would say of course not, let's stay in and watch a movie on Netflix.
Yet, just like most things that had happened since Kagome began college. Nothing went her way.
Instead Sango shot up and turned to face her roommate. Her face filled with anger and confusion.
"How dare you even ask if I am not going out. Of course I am going out it's Thursday night!" Sango told Kagome as if Kagome asked her if she was wearing a green shirt.
"What is so special about Thursday night?" Kagome was completely confused about this whole conversation and was wondering if all college students were like this group of people in her dorm room or if it was just them.
"It's the night to go out! Deals on drinks, the best DJ, no cover and class roulette tomorrow!" Sango's eyes gleamed as she spoke.
Kagome had truly never seen someone with so much love and admiration for anything before.
"Class roulette?" Sango rolled her eyes at her roommate's question.
"Every Friday is known as class roulette because profs are more likely to cancel classes. It's a fifty-fifty chance." Sango explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Are you coming out with us Kagome?" Miroku asked. Kagome shook her head and Inuyasha scoffed.
"Yes she is!" Sango said excitedly.
"No. I am not. I have class tomorrow!" Kagome snapped back at Sango.
Sango looked taken back for a second before she recollected herself.
"You are too! I told you when you first came here you had three times to say no! Besides this is college! Live a little."
"What the hell kind of rule is that? I am not old enough to go out to bars." Kagome crossed her arms and waited to see what Sango had to say back to that.
She still wouldn't be legal for another year and a half.
A smiled played on Sango's lips as she mirrored Kagome across the room with crossed arms.
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digitaldeadlock · 6 years
Girgory goes to the slot machine in the gift shop and tried his luck
The Gemini Machine noms on the coins and spits out these 10 items.
Science workbook: A workbook filled with science questions. It hasn’t been started yet.
Burnt Picture - Oh would you look at that? An instax photo seems to be hella burnt but the photo is still somewhat visible. A fair-skin female hugged a tall male. The clothes they were wearing are unclear. So is their faces. Huh... Might as well not show it to anyone.
Fuzzy Dice - One of those pairs of fuzzy dice often found in cars. Also fashionable to hang from a belt loop. Probably.
Polly the Talking Bird - A tiny, but fake bird placed in a plastic cage. Although it's more of a children’s toy than anything else, it's a hit with the elderly as well. The noise it produces is enough to make you scratch your ears out, though.
Talking toy parrot: A small, blue and yellow stuffed parrot. If you squeeze its stomach, it says various random phrases.
Festive Sweater – A cute green sweater depicting a reindeer and a snowman. It looks comfortable
T.V Dinner - It’s one of those really cheap T.V Dinners. It comes with a Salisbury steak dripping in watery gravy, cold potatoes and a soggy chocolate pudding. It’s edible, but only if you’re really desperate for food.
Family Picture - Look at that! A family of 4 and the picture looks like it's 5 years old! The eldest son seems 13 while he was holding his little sister, assuming that she was 5 at this time. Both parents were at their early 30s. Such a cute family!
Diamond Ring- A beautiful gold ring encrusted with several small white diamonds. At the very centre is a gigantic, perfectly cut white diamond. It’s probably worth more than a small mansion.
Korean Spicy Ramyun - Hot-chicken flavoured instant noodles originated from South Korea. If you plan to gulp down this bad boy, make sure to prepare lots and lots of water!
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