#fyi I hate twilight
If the world collapsed today and you were left spinning for eternity through space, what book would you take with you for company?
twilight, so i could endlessly make fun of it.
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swanpit · 1 year
starlightmeadowbloom has a tendency to hound people to read their fanfic so that people can make art of it. Just so you are aware.
It’s in all likelihood that they are constantly asking you to read their fanfic so that you can make art if it
i've heard and in that case, i regretly gonna inform that kind of approach is just going to put people off, and totally will backfire the more people are hounding me about something like this the LESS i want to do it. in that case, my advice is, Please FUCKING DO NOT. CEASE. unless you wanna get hated so fucking badly for some reason.(not you twilight, it's for those who still think being pushy like this is ok, no it is not, it's fucking annoying) dont chase people, let them come to your work first, DONT FORCE YOUR WORK ON OTHERS. lack of interest doesnt mean "i should try harder", NO that means leave them alone!, they can turn from just neutral to dislike very fast especially if you're not the kind of person who can take a NO. i know it feels like you're really made it when famous big name artists are drawing and liking your fic. if you're lucky, they will but realistically that cant always happen. I assure you the fic isnt worth any less if it's not drawn by more popular artists, hell if you already have close friends constantly drawing for your fic, cherish them! are their contributions not enough??? (why even me i dont even think i am that popular anyway! i hope she doesnt do the same to other artists, we hate it if we were made to feel like we're NOTHING BUT drawing tools!) i have personal experience with someone in the past who gets super pushy with their fic, and whoo boy i do wanna give benefit of doubt at first and in the end it just got worse and worse, the persistence become more desperate and annoying and all the guilt tripping comes out and my only regret is that i didnt destroy this person any further. (fyi i just got more info that this person is still doing their shit, and even worse, good fucking grief) also ps : this person i met before has a "loyal army" of "friends" that will HARASS anyone who doesn't like their fic so yeah that's hmmmm. is this post of mine here gonna lead to a repeat of that? sadly i don't think the probability will be zero…but absolutely NOT the way to make people gonna suddenly like your friend's fic, kiddos~ i DO NOT appreciate being pushed, pressure or harassed and guilt tripped to liking something that i am not into. it might not be at that point yet for now in this situation but how am i gonna know that it wont escalate to that level? NO is NO even in this situation. if people are not interested, do NOT force it. being desperate is only gonna make people hate you , is that what you want? ask yourself, is that really what you want?
please understand that not everyone is gonna like what you put out there and that is ok. it doesnt always mean what you make is bad, sometimes because it's just niche and not people's cup of tea. if you make it personal i guarantee as fuck we're gonna make it personal too. so i'm warning you and others who still think of doing this shit now. CEASE. FUCKING CEASE. STOP
i am feeling still neutral at her fic she's trying to push constantly on others at this point, i admit i dont know enough about the content to judge, just doesnt feel like my cup of tea. nothing personal. (disclaimer this doesnt mean bad, just doesnt feel like my thing) BUT if the pushiness is still persists, that might change...and NOT in the good direction. i am truly SICK at this attitude at this point but i also know that if it was never told, no one will know and nothing will be learned. i know sometimes there's no malicious intent and it's not something people are aware on how other people take it when they're acting like this. so i have to tell now why all this "i should try harder to make everyone like my fic even if they arent interested yet i should try harder till they will" is NOT GOING TO WORK
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asexualmisconduct · 11 months
ok so I realized i didn’t have an intro post so heres my intro post
ok turns out i don’t know how to make an intro post..
ummmmm ok so i guess umm stuff about me???? Ummm oh ya! Dni criteria
DONT INTERACT WITH MY BLOG if you are / support
pro shipping
abuse of any kind
hate against religions
anti recovery
think a-spec people don’t belong in lgbt+
hate on furrys, cosplayers and other stuff like that
(just basic dni criteria)
Im apart of many different fandoms so ya. heres a few I’ll update it as i remember/join more:
🔱Percy Jackson and the Olympians🔱
🏛️Heroes of Olympus🏛️
🏃‍♂️the maze runner🏃‍♂️
🪄Harry Potter🪄
🔥the hunger games 🔥
🌿the graceling series🌿
⚙️the girl who dared series⚙️
✨alex rider
🌲gravity falls🌲 (kinda?)
����spicy mints🍬
🔮morgana and oz🔮
💜homesick 💜
⭐️the d!ckheads⭐️
‼️school bus graveyard‼️
🛸down to earth🛸
🎭our walk home🎭
📓jacksons diary📓
🧜‍♂️castle swimmer🧜‍♂️
💖maybe meant to be💖
🩸vampire husband🩸
🔆day break🔆
👻rooftops and roommates👻
*to be continued*
I’ve been reading these so if you have any recommendations or questions please send me them :3
ALSO im asexual ( if you didn’t get that from my username well….)
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I sometimes post/reblog triggering stuff.. so ya.. I normally tag those: tw [x] if I forget to tag something please tell me so nobody gets triggered by it please. Edit: i now have a vent sideblog @tir3d-and-confus3d so probably wont post anything triggering unless its on accident:3
also if you tag me in something or message me and i don’t reply back quickly i either didn’t see it or i got busy and will reply back as soon as possible
I also don’t know what or how to use the queue so if i like something im gonna reblog right then just fyi :3
Edit if i ever say anything imma tag it #the gremlin speaks
My Name: idk make something up you think would suit me
My Gender: Your Mother
My Pronouns: I honestly couldn’t give a shit go crazy
My Age: Fuck You
💥user box blast 💥
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
My Top 20 Favorite Characters (Remastered)
(FYI: just because a character is low on the list doesn’t mean I don’t like them)
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Number 1. Ganondorf/Ganon (The Legend of Zelda) - Honestly after so many years, Ganondorf still holds up as a villain. Ganon was the biproduct of a curse created by Demise to ensure that his hate is reincarnated just so he can destroy Link and Zelda’s descendants, and Ganondorf himself was born as the only male in a desert that belonged tribe to warrior women known as The Gerudo, eventually ending up as their king thanks to Gerudo traditions. Ganondorf had a huge presence in Ocarina of Time, manipulating you into locating the Triforce and immediately took over Hyrule during your time skip. In Hyrule Warriors, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and A Link To The Past, he adapts in some form either that be because of genuine character development, an ego increase, or a desire for revenge. However in Breath of the Wild, the end of all three timelines, he fully succumbs to Demise’s curse and uses his hate to create an entity known as Calamity Ganon. In short, Ganon started out as an intelligent and ambitious king, a man to be exact, but eventually he turned into a beast fueled by hate. Then in Tears of The Kingdom he returns, and not only so we learn that he DIDN’T succumb to Demise’s curse after all, we learn that 1,000 years ago, he reincarnated and began to EMBRACE it becoming the new Demon King in the process, and  he came back to life to continue his reign. HE ALSO WAS BEHIND CALAMITY GANON! Overall Ganondorf is a surprisingly versatile and interesting take on a evil king, combining power with intellect, tragedy, anger, class, inevitability, and pure EVIL which is why he’s the greatest villain in gaming history and fiction in general.
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Number 2. Palpatine/Darth Sidious (Star Wars) - In retrospective, Palpatine is easily the best villain in cinematic history. In the first two movies of the original trilogy, he never appears once, he’s only mentioned as “The Emperor,” and based off what we heard from Vader after he chopped Luke’s hand off, The Emperor sounds like a bigger and scarier dude than Vader. Then Return of The Jedi happens, and we see that he’s just a frail old man, yet he somehow manages to not only have Vader under his thumb, and based off what we see in the climax of the movie, it was primarily based off manipulation and not the force lightning he shoots out of his fingers. Then the Prequels happened, and The Clone Wars happened, which is honestly the exact moment that young me liked him more than Vader, and the moment current me rediscovered just how well written Palpatine is as a pure evil, card carrying dark lord, and as a politician. Sure he’s one of the strongest sith lords in the series, but that alone isn’t what makes him scary. It’s his careful planning, and the best part of it is that he rarely appears onscreen, yet his presence can be felt 24/7. I am not as much of a Star Wars fan as I used to be, but I will admit that I LOVE Sheev Palpatine and I’m not afraid to say it.
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Number 3. Sauron (Lord Of The Rings) - A classic example of a villain who is rarely on the field, but has such an impact on the world he inhabits. Sauron has a heavy amount of lore, the right amount of impact, the perfect fear factor, and literal omnipresence to back it all up. The creator of The One Ring is not a being to be trifled with.
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Number 4. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy) - Sephiroth is one of the hardest bosses in gaming and a genuine horror villain. He is a tragic monster born from science, and a loyal “son” fo his alien mother, Jenova, but he’s still scary as hell thanks to his god complex, unlimited strength, ethereal vibes, years of experience, his ability to live off of pure spite just so he can make the lives of his enemies (and Cloud) complete hell. His appearance in of itself is creepy due to how beautiful, yet unsettling it is, thanks to his silver hair, green snake-like eyes, and perfect physique which is complimented by a black coat. However the most dangerous things about him are that he’s completely delusional, and just how far he’s willing to go to distort peoples sense reality, specifically Cloud’s sense of reality. Sephiroth a good character and phenomenal villain.
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Number 5. Edelgard Von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem) - I would repeat several points about why her fans like her, and also explain just how in the wrong she is, but there’s a simpler way to explain why I love Edelgard. She’s the best take on the Rudolf Archetype in the entire series. She’s calculated, arrogant, and self-righteous, yet she’s also very charming, likable, self-aware, and had a good end goal that can resonate with some people, despite the way she intended to go about it. Her character basically mixes parts of what made SoV’s Rudolf, Arvis, and Walhart good, and places them into a single character, without making her seem unoriginal. Overall, Edelgard is the most well done villain the series has ever had. Long Live The Flame Emperor!
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Number 6. Bowser (Super Mario Bros) - Bowser is a genuinely great villain and fun as hell. Sure, there are a crapton of underrated villains in the Mario series, but no matter what you cannot really hate this guy. He’s a giant fire breathing turtle-dragon who’s a evil king, but he’s also a meathead, arrogant as hell, has very cool boss fights, is a surprisingly good father to his kids, an amazing protagonist and ally, as shown in games like the Paper Mario Series, and Mario & Luigi Series, not to mention he’s one of the more likable villains in gaming. So yeah, Bowser’s a cool character and fun villain.
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Number 7. Venom (The Spiderverse) - This thing. THIS FRICKIN’ THING!! To sum up this abomination and his variants throughout the Spiderverse, Venom is a gooey, parasitic being known as a symbiote that basically increases aggression in a person, eats brains and stuff found in chocolate, and gives them access to some broken ass shit, and they just so happened to bond with Spider-Man, slowly turning him into a closed off jackass and influencing his every action. That was until Spidey dumped them into the trash. Then Venom meets a suitable host that is all for ending the Web Slinger, and then boom, what we get is an angry alien out to settle a score with Spider-Man. Who their host is changes depending on the universe or point in the timeline, but the most prominent host for Venom and has been Eddie Brock, a literal loser. So that’s the lore for Venom, but if you want a summary of their character; Venom is Spider-Man’s toxic, non-binary, alien ex who is fun as hell to watch. He’s also funny as shit in some of his appearances.
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Number 8. Ghetsis (Pokemon Adventures) - Ah yes, the worst father in Pokemon and the greatest villain the series has ever known. Ghetsis is Team Plasma’s founder, the father of N, and the greatest embodiment of evil this series has seen, so that kinda makes him the perfect foil to N. Ghetsis is cunning, manipulative, abusive, banal, psychotic, self-righteous, and narcissistic, not to mention that his plan was actually put together pretty well. However the best part about this guy are his BREAKDOWNS, like good lord it’s satisfying to kick this rancid old man into the dirt and watch him mentally not take a loss. As for why he’s this high, I just love knocking an evil old man down a peg with maxed out pokemon, and I love watching him be shitty just to see karma hit him like a truck. And the Adventures manga adapts all of these things PERFECTLY, with the only actual change being that he constantly puts up a gentlemanly mask, even when he should be loosing it, which makes his eventual breakdown in the final chapters of the Unova Arc so SATISFYING! So yeah, Ghetsis is entertaining as all hell, and easily the best villain in the entire series.
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Number 9. Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) - I’ve grown to love Phoenix Wright, Mia Fey, Damon Gant, Fransika Von Karma, Godot, and like a majority of the most well done characters of the series, but Miles Edgeworth is truly the best out of all of these guys. His relationship with Pheonix is amazing, he’s very charming, and overall Miles has one of the best examples of character development a rival to a protagonist has ever had.
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Number 10. Amity Blight (The Owl House) - If you had to ask me who my favorite Owl House characters were in no particular order, my top 5 are Eda, Hunter, Luz, Belos, and this girl. Amity in season 1 seemed like she was going to be a rival character, she definitely had the makings of one, primarily due to her demeanor, but after her first encounter with Luz, being humbled by her ex-BFF at the time, and a witches duel with Luz where her “mentor,” Lilith augmented her strength without her knowledge, we began to see Amity be more and more vulnerable, and Luz managed to help her through it a lot of the time. Heck it got to the point where she got a crush on Luz! Then as soon as you reach Understanding Willow and Season 2, we learn that Amity’s whole familial situation was a Harry Osborn situation, complete with a controlling parental figure that is genuinely evil to the brim and Alador, so as you see Amity’s positive growth as a character and see her relationship with Luz grow, you celebrate her happiness. In short, Amity rocks, and by extension Lumity!
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Number 11. King Dedede (Kirby) - From a greedy penguin to a worthy rival and ally on some occasions. I swear, despite the amount of times Dedede gets possessed or brainwashed by some eldrich horror, I think we all forget that he is dank when he needs to be. Also he’s extremely funny as well.
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Number 12. DIO/Dio Brando (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) - After rewatching the older parts, my love for DIO resurfaced, but if I’m being honest here, it’s because of how Part 1 portrays him as a character, and how Part 3 portrays him as a villain. In Part 1, he’s still one of the greatest evils the series has ever seen, but we also saw a human element to him in a very negative way. He was bitter, envious, and straight up angry at the world for making him the bottom of the barrel, but after becoming a vampire he’s becomes sick, scary, and pitiable. In SDC, the re-emerged DIO is out to get the Joestars, not just for revenge for Jonathan constantly humiliating him, but because he KNOWS they’ll be a threat in the long run. He’s fully embraced the Novel Dracula vibes, and he’s matured by a lot, making him a lot less egocentric, angry, and erratic, and more power-hungry, paranoid, and controlled. Like DIO was not really sane, but he did a damn good job of holding himself together, until he experienced near-death yet again. As far as I can tell, DIO’s two major outtings in the series show viewers a man who can’t live with being at the bottom rung because he was born there, and as a result he’s willing to do whatever he can to ensure that he becomes untouchable.
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Number 13. Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts) - This doesn’t require much explanation, but allow me to explain. After replaying KH2, I’ve come to realize after all this time Xemnas is an amazing villain. Xemnas is the nobody of Apprentice Xehanort, his husk, an entity that can feels nothing and wasn’t meant to exist, yet he’s quite the specimen. He’s a very sinister figure due to his nature, the fact that he’s a special nobody like Roxas, his inability to feel emotion, and his belief that negative emotions are what give the heart power, but at the same time you somehow manage to feel pity for him because of these things. While what he does is his own choice, you can clearly see that while he’s a different entity from his human self, he still chooses to go in that hollow shadow because it’s in his own nature, and it ended up being his downfall. That and his boss was truly a test of your skills. TL;DR: Xemnas is amazing.
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Number 14. Death/The Wolf (Puss In Boots) - The best take on The Grim Reaper. Inevitable, terrifying, enigmatic, cruel to those who try and delay the inevitable, etc.
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Number 15. Jin (Xenoblade Chronicles) - Shoot me dead for this take, but Jin was a great part of a decent game. If you want an easy summary of him, he’s a living weapon that was once connected to a driver, a blade, then said driver died on battlefield, he became immortal in a sense, and lost all value in life, thus why he spends a lot of the story helping out the main villain, and his former enemy, Malos. Still, Jin is genuinely interesting, mostly because of his history with the ally blades in the game, his sense of comradary with his crew, Torna, and overall how he’s written is pretty good. There’s nothing stellar about him, but he’s still effective as a tragic villain who has a firm presence in the story.
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Number 16.  Dark Pit (Kid Icarus Uprising) - This angel has grown on me as a character. Dark Pit is a copy of Pit from The Mirror of Truth, and a rival for a majority of the game, however there’s a small twist. Instead of being just a “evil doppelgänger,” Dark Pit is just the equivalent of a maverick who doesn’t like being held back by anyone, which is the opposite of Pit’s whole loyal good boy soldier shtick. Still, he does help out once in a while, but Pit went missing inside a ring for a couple of years, Dark Pit vanished too, which basically drilled into his head that “Oh shit if this guy gets screwed over I get screwed over.” Heck, HE ends up being the one that saves Pit after his wings got scorched! To basically sum up Dark Pit, he’s a right way on how to do an edgy rival or a dark counterpart.
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Number 17. Samus Aran (Metroid) - To summarize this lovely lady, she’s basically Nintendo’s Boba Fett with a few differences. The similarities, they both have dead parents, are skilled bounty hunters, have a similar color palette, and just look plain cool. The difference, Samus is a great protagonist, while Boba is a good one ensemble darkhore antagonist that easily could work as a one scene wonder.
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Number 18. Dracula/Mathias Cronqvist (Castlevania Games) - Not the most terrifying incarnation of Dracula to exist, but he’s very close because of just how insane, persistent, and downright hateful he is. However this hatred did spawn from two tragedies, one that was his motivation for becoming a vampire, and one that finally drove him mad, but both involved a woman that he loved dying. So yeah, this Dracula is a very good tragic, yet irredeemable villain.
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Number 19. Dr Eggman/Dr Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog) - Been lookin’ at sonic stuff again and looking at the games in retrospective… Eggman is honestly the most entertaining part of each part of the series. He’s a saturday morning cartoon villain, and he knows it, but he’s also unironically one of the most charming, versatile, and egotistical fiends in gaming. Sure he gives a little bit of a crap about Metal Sonic, Sage, and his other successful machines, but they’re his crowning achievements, so of course he’s going to treat them with “care,” while his lesser mechs get sent to the scrapyard. I also really like how out of all the Sonic characters, he’s kinda the hardest to mess up personality-wise, so you can always expect him to be stealing the show. Aside from all of that, Eggman’s just a simply a twisted take on the magnificent bastard trope, with some traditional cackling supervillain elements thrown in for good measure. I may not be a huge Sonic fan, but Dr Julian Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik is AMAZING!
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Number 20. Meruem (Hunter x Hunter) - The best way to summarize Meruem without spoiling his arc is this. A monster becomes a king, and the king dies like any other person.
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crazy56u · 2 years
Okay, shopping cart accident to one side, I’m home now. Let’s go.
Tonight, on a very special “Quantum Leap”, we remind you that 2012 was about 11 years ago.
Oh fucking God, Party Rock Anthem…
Okay, it looked like Ben punched her to the floor.
“You love basketball.” Interesting time to pint that out.
“Ben, call it a hunch, but I think you have to save basketball.”
“Amanda, if you don’t rest your ankle, I’m banning you from basketball.”
You didn’t have to cue Party Rock Anthem back up, guys…
Gia should’ve done a Space Jam, but she got the job done regardless.
Now Ben, as you can tell, you are not leaping yet, so welcome to the long haul.
Ah, we’re getting right into the transphobia, delightful.
“And she’s your daughter.” She just called Ben “Dad���, no fucking shit.
I too sadly stare at high school trophies when confronted with dickhead teenagers yelling at my daughter.
In-fighting amongst the team, and Ben being scolded by the principal for having his trans daughter play basketball, we are starting off on a cheery fucking note…
“Look, my daughter can fucking grow a new ankle all I fucking care, you are the asshole here, not me!”
Calling it: In 8 years time, Amanda’s mom becomes a full blown Karen. I can technically say that since “Karen” didn’t enter the public consciousness until 2020, she doesn’t count yet in 2012.
Well, I commend Gia for trying to make light of a shit situation.
Also, dollars to donuts the principal was the one to make her use the janitor’s closet as a changing room.
Why the fuck would they use a real helicopter for “Miss Saigon”? You remember what happened with “Twilight Zone: The Movie”, right?
Ben already changed history, neat.
So, Ben has to make sure Gia has to not run away, got it. How many transphobes does he need to beat up to make this happen? Can that be the episode?
Moral of the Story: Being an ally is for scrubs, being an accomplice gets shit done.
Why am I convinced this bar is in Texas?
Also, is Janis still at the Project, or was she allowed to leave after saying a name?
Dottie, you are clearly lying about not knowing Ben, why are you lying to Ernie Hudson?
Dottie is such a sick-ass poet, the government hates her. That’s awesome.
So, while Ben is fighting transphobia in 2012, Magic and Jenn are attending a poetry slam in Not Texas.
March 13th, the scariest March. So, watch as it turns out that day was actually super bad for Dottie, and I become an asshole.
“Management here is sus.” Among Us has done a lot of fucking damage to society.
[My phone wanted to autocorrect “damage” to “Sam anger”, just FYI.]
If only “Angry Birds” was still a good game in 2023…
“I can’t believe you put her in the game without giving me a head’s up first!” It was the last 30 seconds, and Amanda had a shit ankle, stop trying to make Ben the bad guy here!
“Don’t make me the enemy, I’m already doing that to you!”
Okay, I count that as confirmation of my “Amanda’s mom becomes a Karen” theory.
I think you need to block that number, ma’am.
“I-I didn’t think-” “That’s right. You didn’t think.” Ma’am, remember how you told Ben to not make you the enemy? Yeah, that’s a two-way street.
Ma’am, I am willing to bet Gia’s going to regionals, I hope you are prepared for that.
I love how Ben indirectly asked “Why couldn’t this episode just be basketball?”
“They banned trans people in the military?” Oh, I wish to fucking God they were allowed to directly shit on Trump here…
“The point is, we saw it coming, and we[…] didn’t say anything.” A tale as old as time.
I love it when my wholesome time travel show openly admits it wants to fix the bullshit of 2017, but can’t yet.
“[soft cheerful music]” is not a caption this episode deserves.
I love how the episode is blatantly making this a wholesome family moment to set the audience up for more bullshit at that car wash. I saw the trailer.
I fucking felt myself die hearing Ben say “Swag”. Certain things were left behind in the 2010s for a fucking reason.
And now there’s a debate between Twilight and Hunger Games. I am fucking old.
“Bella is totally useless without Edward or Jacob.” Show, I did not fucking sign up for debates about the lore of Twilight, stop this.
“Who needs The Hunger Games if you got high school, am I right?” Mic drop.
And now the episode enters hardcore “This is the fucking moral” mode.
Nothing like a dance party to make life better.
Okay, legitimate question: How much of this speech was written, and how much of this is ad-libbed from personal experience?
Okay, time for the fun car wash scene set to Carly Rae Jepson, clearly things will not get bad!
Oh goody, Amanda’s mom is also here, I already do not have high hopes!
[Fun fact: I dabbled in car washing as a kid one summer. That lasted only a week; when I tried washing my sister’s car, she got annoyed that I didn’t do a good job, and when she tried doing it herself, she sprayed me in the face with the hose out of anger. That’s why I don’t wash cars anymore.]
“Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s tonal whiplash, I guess sorry, maybe.”
Ohhhhhhh, I hope that wasn’t the principal’s car…
…so, of course it was actually Amanda’s mom’s car…
Ben is getting fed up with this mom, and I agree with him.
Boy, I already know what the principal has in mind for “protecting girl’s basketball”, and I already am mad.
Ben is legitimately knocking some skulls to protect Gia. Father of the year.
“Okay, let me tell you a story. It’s about me.”
“Dad, I bet it sucked for Ben Song…” “You don’t know the fucking half of it.”
“And every time I smell Febreze-“ Holy fucking tonal shift, Batman.
“She called it loneliness, but I called it toast.” …you were having a stroke?
Magic is having a religious experience in this poetry slam.
I love how she didn’t even say a name, and yet Amanda’s mom instantly owned up to being the complainer. No fucking subtlety.
Amanda, why are trying to be cordial at this point, your mom is currently making shit worse, and both you and Gia know this.
Okay, fuck it. She’s a full-blown Karen now. The evolution is complete.
Please, please let her slap the shit out of Amanda’s mom…
Amanda, there is only one reason why you would say it would be different. You know that, right?
I love how the principal has just decided to cowtow to Amanda’s bitch-ass mom.
I now really fucking hate the principal. Way to fucking go, you made shit worse!
And now Gia’s going to run away! Good job all around!
“This isn’t my first runaway kid, let me tell you about an earthquake in ‘89 sometime.”
Maybe basketball will help fix everything…
Look, Gia, if it makes you feel better, there’s a decent chance karma is going to bite Principal Kruger and Amanda’s mom both in the ass hard.
“Why don’t you grownups figure out how to make school safe for everyone?!” Gia? Hi. I’m from 2023. We’re still waiting for that question to be answered…
Ben has indirectly said the principal can go fuck herself.
Okay, cool, Amanda has decided to stop giving a shit about her mom.
“You’re really going to put your job on the line for this stunt?” “Go fuck yourself, ma’am, I’m fucking Ben Song.”
“What exactly do you think you’re going to achieve with this?” “Well, ma’am, I think we’re about to go to regionals.” I honest to God wish Ben flipped her off after saying that. You know for a fact he wanted to.
Okay, time for the most important game of basketball all episode.
The only cheaters I see are all the assholes holding up the shitty fucking signs trying to psyche Gia out.
That was Ben’s “Remember the Titans” speech.
I love how everyone at the Project is getting in on the action.
And Ian goes into the Imaging Chamber.
“Look, the principal wanted me to make you pull your daughter, but I ain’t her fucking lackey. Instead, I just want to tell you good luck, we’re all counting on you.”
Yeah, get fucked, society, the Union saves the day yet again!
Annnnnnd I was wondering when Katy Perry would poke her head into the door…
I love how Ben leapt there.
Meanwhile, back at the poetry slam.
“Dottie, you got Quantum Leaped.”
So, I guess Ian’s the secret leaper.
Meanwhile, Hell’s Kitchen.
“Awesome! I get to be a cook! Nothing bad can happen!”
[On an unrelated note, the promo revealed that the next episode involves the restaurant burning down that same day.]
All in all, I am now doubly upset I couldn’t watch this live. And that’s not even factoring in there’s another three week gap.
Also, my pet theory is that Principal Kroger gets sacked soon after that game.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 months
so since p3r's been out for a while, if you had to choose one and only one thing to change about the remake, what would it be? (I said change not add, so no femc option or og music option lol)
NO SPOILERS (I'm mostly gonna talk about gameplay mechanics)
(Just an FYI how far I've been able to get through P3R with my current sched, I just watched Junpei's believe it or don't Shinji just saved us in the back alley).
I mean if a change is just replacing, rather than adding onto it......
FeMC route instead of P3MC's route. 8U (can't do that with Answer, I mean you can but I'd just have a game about a group of teens bitching at each other for like 5 hours instead of 80 ajlfkdjsf) Same can be said about OG music over new I guess jaskdflafj
But that's not really playing fair so......
Bringing back the key mechanics of Tartarus (aka fatigue and split up).
If not that then.......either bringing back randomizing floors each time (and doing away with fixed for the night floors).....OR getting rid of those fucking Twilight fragments/having the damn clock have the option for monetary spending.
I do not like the twilight fragments, and I find grinding for money early on to be worse than any of the other versions.
Like fr my bf goes to sleep, I've been booting up P3 (OG) and I'm going through Tartarus, and.....I like it more. I think P3R obvie has the better presentation, but just......having the option to run up and down floors and snagging cases filled with money (with tired and no teammates left) feel less grindy or an issue than me running up all the floors hitting those damn breakables hoping for a piece of item that I can sell (for a shit price too). (P3P makes it a tad bit less grindy by keeping teammates there and not having the tired aspect until you leave, AND actually giving you the damn money when they find it TT0TT) But the time I spent playing Vanilla I got A LOT more money saved up than I did in P3R....even after I left and sold all my shit too (both are being played on normal mode). TT0TT I'm not even finished with my run, I still have the dumb driver to kill (and all my teammates have left so woot......solo fight 8U)
I also just think the shiny gold chest is like.....more pleasing to the eye than those damn locked chest. They just put that in there cause P4 and P5 had them, but their thing is less of an issue getting those keys than P3R.
So far you only get TF's if: Liz gives them to you passively, You find them walking around, or you happen across a breakable in Tartarus. (maybe more are possible later, maybe you can grow them, maybe the Fortune teller gives you a boost I dunno)
P5/R you can make those lock picks, and you're encourage to just......make a lot of thief stuff (you get an item and it boost your stats).
P4 is a bit more of an issue, you get them by defeating rare enemies, and iirc you can get two of these keys on rainy days if you go to the capsule machine outside the item store (best way to get them).
P4G makes it a bit easier by giving you growable keys iirc. Which makes it easily passive.
But what P5/R/4/G lack that doesn't make this as much of an issues as P3R is.........those are ONLY for locked chests. It's not ALSO for HEALING. TT0TT And so far for not a way to get them easily (as far as I know atm) it's like......no I shouldn't waste it on healing.
And maybe it's all a ploy to force me to use other characters. Well....they have another thing coming buster, I'm dropping some of these chars the second I'm able to cause I only wanna play with my favs. But I guess it's nice to just use Yukari as a healing fountain instead. Doesn't solve my SP issue but eh......just having to buy a shit ton of mad bulls.
I dunno I just feel like...I have more CHOICE in OG/FES/P3P (and while those have their own little quirks, it's mostly just if they made it easier on you to exploit or not).
Btw I don't really......hate the new Tartarus, it's just different and I'm not used to it. I mean it doesn't help they removed things I did like and replaced it with things that make me go 🤨 Some are good, some are frustrating (ex of good: compendium first day???? amazing, why did it take this long, should've at least been a thing in P3P??? they adopted so much from P4 but not that???) So there's growing pains with that. And I REALLY don't like Twilight fragments. If they just gave me the option to pay with TFs or money at the clock that would be better (I mean money is already an issue in this fucking thing anyway TT0TT)
So yeah like....one of those would be nice on my sanity sljfdlkjfj
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flowerslut · 1 year
are going to hate me too much if I said there are a lot of taylor swift songs I associate with your fics 😭
also she wrote the great war about the call of the night series just saying
just fyi this message made me SCREAM laugh
tswift for twilight playlists or whatever is like. entirely fine. one might say it works well! so don't worry, I'm pretty sure I've put her collab with the civil wars on a playlist or two. but when I see her in locked tomb playlists or when people are like "yeah this sad acoustic guitar song is perfect for the mean mentally ill necrophilia cannibal lesbians" THAT makes me want to tear my hair out because like????/ NO??????
also damn you for making me purposefully look up and listen to an entire taylor swift song. I can't stand her bc she's uhhh not my taste. plus everything swifties do in general makes me roll my eyes hard. (anon if youre a swiftie im so sorry. you have my thoughts and prayers) my weird ass prefers random cinematic ambience + cinematic/alt pop. my favorite artists are either severely mentally ill or religiously traumatized baby. get those vanilla popsicle girlies out of here! I want music by someone who has experienced a psychotic break! yes mama!
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stregoni-benefici · 2 years
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And one year later, it’s complete ✔️ dedicated to that milf - snow white in the flesh
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edwardsaginger · 4 years
the dilemma that now that twilight has trended all over I find that the accounts I follow on my main blog are posting about how much they hate twilight
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ree-duh · 6 years
Yall: so what's your opinions on renesmee
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terrorsticken · 3 years
damn i let myself get bribed into installing and playing genshin impact and now i am cursed with knowledge of genshin impact. literally who could have predicted this
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
Min Yoongi & Park Jimin: BTS!Twilight!Au HeadCanon
Summary: here is a glimpse at the beta and the epsilon of the pack!
Warnings: mentions of insecurities/eating disorders, depression, anxiety, FLUFF, POLY if that is still being considered as a warning along with mxm, fluffffff, my bad writing
W.C.: 1.4k
Notes: so i basically worked on this when i had breaks at work, so it might be a little confusing and jumped around, but i know. i will be going back and fixing this whenever i have time and after writing the one shot. SHOUT OUT TO @minniepetals​ for being a BIGG motivator for me during this long dry spell or writing. she is amazing and i cannot thank her enough for reassuring me and working with me. i know that i have been slacking with writing (hate work) but trust me, i am writing. my life has been too hectic lately and i am wanting this series to be amazing. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!
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·   Both Yoongi and Jimin are lonely
·   But different type of lonely
·   First off – Yoongi
·   To sum it up – Yoongi comes from a broken family where his mom died from brain cancer and his father turned into an alcoholic after her death
·   Yoongi was four at the time
·   Growing up motherless and with an alcoholic father – he became very angry at the world and hated almost everyone
·   In school he’s known as the quiet, but angry kid because of outbursts he has when people push him to far (which doesn’t take a lot from him)
·   But the one person who didn’t push him to far was jimin
·   Jimin bonds with Yoongi on a personal level, and he is very fond of the fairy like boy
·   They met in sociology
·   Btw yoongi is 26
·   I will get to the age thing when I talk about jimin – so one second
·   So yes, he graduated from high school and was trying to live a life of his own, which backfired on him due to turning.
·   Speaking of turning
·   When he turned, he cut all ties with Jimin after this – which hurts both of them
·   But let’s take a look at Jimin’s life
·   So Jimin comes from what others would call a ‘perfect family’
·   Jimin can admit that his family can be considered perfect
·   But jimin does not feel as if that he belongs in his family
·   Coming from a family that is very successful and considered to be ‘perfect’ jimin feels very pressured
·   Everyone has high expectations for Jimin so Jimin always puts a fake smile on and does everything in his power to please
·   From this, he becomes severely insecure and develops depression and an eating disorder
·   When Jimin was a Junior in high school and Yoongi was a senior, they both have sociology and they sat next to each other
·   Que love at first sight
·   Truthfully the both of them did not know what it was, but they know that there is this c e r t a i n bond between them
·   So when Yoongi became distant towards jimin, Jimin becomes very depressed and closed himself off
By the way, Jimin is now out of high school and so is Yoongi
They’re both in college with the pack*
But when they accidentally ran into each other when they both were in the woods, Yoongi felt something weird, the weird that Namjoon explained when he first met his imprint
It clicked to him and then 
Yoongi imprinted on Jimin and they have reunited 
I am going to give a more insider on this in a seperate one shot 
But just know that this was a very cautious beginning for the two of them because of Jimin’s insecurities and Yoongi’s change.
Eventually, mainly a month later Jimin changed and that cleared things up for the two
Wolf Descriptions
Yoongi is the beta of the pack and is badass
When Yoongi changed, Namjoon really helped Yoongi by calming him down and reassuring him that everything’s fine
Form the first meeting, Yoongi felt a connection (alpha and pack one) to Namjoon and found a fondness and closeness to the alpha
Like in Jungkooks one shot, Yoongi indeed does have an all black coat that allows him to blend into the night to the point even those who have the greatest eyesight cannot even see him
Yoongi jokes about how his fur coat represents how he has no feelings or soul 
Yoongi’s Wolf is also his best friend (like how it’ll be for every member) 
But his wolf helps him cope better because his wolf Dagny, helps Yoongi stop and take a breath kind of deal
But if the situation is where either both Jimin and you (imprint) are threatened or harmed, or anything in that aspect, better pray for that person because Yoongi is similar to Paul in this area - there’s literally no way to get Yoongi calmed unless it’s either his imprint or Jimin coaxing him. 
As for Jimin - Sereperindity vibezzzzz - fur color = blonde.
Jimin’s Wolf is actually kind of smaller than everyone else’s
To a human he seems gigantic but when he’s in wolf form standing next to everyone else he has a smaller frame
But one thing that comes out of this is that he is able to maneuver through trees and is a lot quicker 
Just like everyone else, Jimin’s Wolf is his safety and his wolfs name is Neon
Whenever he is feeling emotional or insecure he turns into his wolf so he is able to cope and talk to someone 
Even tho he has you and yoongi, his bond with his wolf is something that both you and Yoongi can’t have with jimin
Okie that sounded harsh, but ya know what I mean?
Thankfully both you and Yoongi understand this and aren’t jealous of it and are actually happy for Jimin to have someone to turn too and have a good coping mechanism. 
Okay, FYI - everything is still based in college (I think I forgot to mention that)
So, Yoongi and Jimin are both in the same classes (Yoongi actually went behind Jimin’s back when he enrolled because he wanted to be in every class with Jimin).
Jimin wasn’t thrilled but he couldn’t deny his fluttering heart at this
But y’all meet in Developmental Psychology on the first day
I wanna be cliche hehe
But you ran into both Jimin and Yoongi as you were turning a corner which led to the class
You heard a growl *damnit yoongi* which scares you into a stuttering mess
And as you looked into Jimins eyes, 
Yoongi also felt this too because of the bond 
Que guilty Yoongi and Dagny
But you did feel something but you were severely intimidated by the two BTS members so you ran off
Both Jimin and Yoongi wanted to chase after you but they both also didn’t want to force the bond onto you
So being causal, they both sat by you 
They totally did not sniff the air for you backpack (lmaoooooo)
So when you found out that they were sitting by you, you definitely tried to move seats but with your luck, they both glared at anyone to the point where those would put their bags in the seat next to them
You sighed, which made them feel bad because they could feel the anxiety you radiated, but eventually you gave in and sat down
They totally feel really bad
During the lecture they stared at you to the point you snapped 
“Can you please stop staring at me, I’m trying to concentrate.”
You were shocked from how they listened to you automatically 
You apologized for sounding rude - you just want to focus on your studies
After class they asked to talk to you
Talking meaning Jimin rambling to you while Yoongi is quietly staring at you adoringly 
Basically all you could comprehend is jimin asking to be friends 
To which you agreed 
Okay I’m trying to save everything for the one shot
You balance both Jimin and Yoongi due to their insecurities and their demons
You’re the reason why they now wake up everyday 
1 because they want to make you happy
And 2 - you make them want to wake up
Of course they both felt like this before they found you
But they now have another reason , and also because the thought of you finding someone else haunts them
You CONSTANTLY have to remind that YOU LOVE THEM!!
Also that you’re their damn imprint and that you could never, couldn’t want to love anyone else like you love them
They also don’t realize how much they help you 
Especially by when your anxiety gets bad
They’re the only outlets you have when it comes to your anxiety 
Sometimes you do feel like you came crashing into their life and interrupted the relationship and you do sometimes feel like you’re left out
Once those two found about those feelings
Love ….. you sure were attacked by reassurances and love by them
You truly don’t realize how much you help them
It’s so disgustingly fluff that the pack sometimes feel like they’re watching a Hallmark movie lmao
It’s so cute
So in all - you complete them and they complete you. 
It’s a balanced relationship with open communication and help/love
No one is left out and no one feels alone
I want to be in a poly relationship with Jimin and Yoongi :(
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ashes-in-a-jar · 4 years
Tma relisten Episodes 6-10
(Still really long)
Alot of really important details that are going to be very relevant later on. Very facinating how early on you find these out. Relistens are good.
Episode 6 squirm
It's a good thing tma doesn't do much of sexual encounters and their connection to entities. While I'm sure that's a thing that in any realistic universe would exist avoiding it was a good choice. This statement was *shudder*
Interesting that she had no visible mark on her. Also being repulsed by police stations because the sectioned officers could have helped.
Naked in the streets after lighting his apartment on fire. What an image.
So technically the worms were in the archives 3 times: when Jane made her first statement, when Timothy hodge made his and when Jane attacked. The worms are very familiar with the magnus institute.
"This story is concerning. Not because of Mr. Hodge’s experience, although I’m sure it was very upsetting." ace Jon talking very technical about "experiences"
" though obviously it’s a tragic loss of life, etcetera, etcetera." Jon being Jon.
Ecdc are aware of Jane and corruption typical attacks which is off the bat interesting world building.
He's skeptic here because of lack of evidence but does admit the existence of a threat in Jane Prentiss
Also! He knows of her from before probably when he was a researcher. This confused me on first listen because I was trying to remember if she was ever mentioned before this. But she wasn't.
Episode 7 the piper
Wilfred kind of sounds like martin in some way but maybe it's just me assigning poetry to anyone like him.
But he hated apathy which might be very Martin like
Gentle sadness and creeping fear from the music. For violence of war... Is that what it means to immortalize it?
It's really cool that the concept of music in this podcast is associated specifically with war and unwarranted violence. There's a very strong statement in there somewhere that needs to be explored.
God this statement was intense. Lying for such a long time in that trench surrounded by violent death. But what's most interesting is that this statement doesn't feel like a supernatural one and yet... The piper was with Wilfred throughout the various battles and bouts of violence until the moment it was officially over. But in a very subtle way.
The description of the piper is really intense with the 3 faces. I think I missed it the first time but hearing that representation of war and fear is something I'm going to look for in artistic depictions now.
Wait. Who is Joseph Rayner? I know of Maxwell but never heard of Joseph.a victim instead of Wilfred? Collaborator with the Slaughter? Hmmm
I wonder how Accidental it was that the statement from 1922 was filed in the 2000s. Maybe to show that the piper never really leaves and the war never really ends. Ever.
Episode 8 burned out
Wow Hilltop Road already! I forgot how many of the first episodes were so important to the plot later on.
"That side of the road backed onto South Park with fences marking the bottom of each garden." this is wrong btw. Hilltop Road in Oxford does not run along Sount Park but is perpendicular to it, meeting it in the corner with Divinity Road which meets with Morrell Avenue which is the road running along South Park. Just FYI because I had to look this up to get a good picture. But I guess Morrell doesn't sound as exciting as Hilltop (which isn't even at the top of the hill smh)
Ivo lensik describes Raymond fielding as white which makes me automatically think he is not. Just a thought that popped in my mind.
Huh. His family had a history of schizophrenia. And his dad was obsessed with fractals. Being followed by The spiral (all the bones are in his hands) was also part of this story really interesting.
Agnes had mousy brown hair and looked like Raymond! Not red hair ( at least at first) like I pictured. Also she was a hell of a creepy child...
So did he time travel? Seeing the moments of Raymond's end? Seems like time doesn't work right in that place anyway.
Web person being devout church goer is also an interesting touch
Father Edwin Burroughs! I forgot he was here too! The knock reminded me of Mr Spider *shiver*
The priest explaining that the church exorcized demons but what not decisive if ghosts exist was hilarious. Jon dismisses paranormal but asks Martin if he's a ghost is opposite of the church.
Hmmm the web pushing him to cut the tree to uncover box from antique table...
Apple full of spiders ugh. Maybe something web was trapped in there by Desolation and ivo managed free it as Agnes was dying.
"We cannot prove any connection, but Martin unearthed a report on an Agnes Montague, who was found dead in her Sheffield flat on the evening of November 23rd 2006, the same day Mr. Lensik claims to have uprooted the tree." wow that's an obscure thing to find well done Martin!
Jon still looks for credence for this story despite the schizophrenia that could leave him skeptical.
"while I trust Mr. Lensik’s testimony of his own experiences about as far as I can throw a bleeding tree," again Jon with his special brand of jokes.
Episode 9 a Father's love
The Montauk's story! I always thought their family had one of the most tragic ones. The hunt is a really cruel patron with its forced hunger and having other entities use them as tools.
Julia telling the truth of the story to the Magnus Institute instead of the police is also heartbreaking. How desperate and alone she must have felt drowned in that awful literally unbelievable story. The magnus institute feeds off of those people too.
So many of the hunt end up in police it's just... Such a strong statement against that establishment. What do we do to make that less of a horrible, unjust, all consuming system? That feeds on the hunger of some and the abject fear of others? And it doesn't have to be supernatural. It's interesting how season five, of all seasons, is the one that gave us that perspective. The non supernatural one on the subject while the world itself is so far away from the natural. God everything about this idea is so heavy and painful.
I kind of hate Julia's fate because of her background and how much alot of its beginning was out of her control. It's like Daisy. The hunt can never be forgiven no matter how compulsive it is.
The dark that took her mother turned her into part of it? Like the dark liquid?
A dark room to develop his photos of his victims huh? A play on words here.
Oooh they put a heartbeats in the soundscape really cool actually.
So Montauk killed other dark members that tried to leave? For the ritual? Like Julia's mother?
The hunt compelled him to keep the hearts as trophies? which is very self destructive of the hunt to do. Or is it part of the dark ritual with the sacrifices that the heart had to be kept?
I think Montauk was trying to slow down the ritual as revenge that night, rendering the sacrifices he helped create useless. Which is why pitch came after them that night and dissappeared once Montauk finished his ritual.
Sourcing the Serial killer enthusiast community. Love that the archives use whatever source of info they can access.
So Maxwell dissappeared in 1994 from public eye land yet the cult kept working towards a ritual. But now in secret? Their timeline always confused me.
Episode 10 vampire killer
I never noticed Trevor came right after Julia! Oooh this is so much connecting the dots so early on!
Vampires are so disturbing here makes you ever wonder how the hell media like twilight were ever created. But hehe the monster ****er community has always been a vibrant one. Not these vampires tho.
Trevor is so sassy I love his statements. Like Julia it really makes me sad how consumed he became at the end and how awful his death was. Once again the tragedy of the Hunt.
"I taught myself to read, I read as much on the subject as I could, and it isn’t covered often or clearly in those books I have found." can you imagine what kinds of books he might have found during the sexy vampire Era? This is a hilarious picture to paint.
So vampires feed off of blood and not fear which is an interesting creature to have in this kind of universe. Although hunters are also like that but there is still alot of fear and awareness involved with that while the vampires try to conceal themselves until the last moment.
There's alot of mosquito imagery in these vampires which is... Ugh
Also interesting how many time Trevor just uses the vampire's full name. Never shortened and never talked about in another title. Sylvia McDonald this Sylvia McDonald that. Also the other vampire. They always had a name that was psychicly imposed on the victims to be remembered fully. Very Stranger behavior.
Ahhhh the one vampire weakness... Drrrugs.
It's also very flammable which sets interesting precedence to setting unnatural things on fire to make them disappear.
Alard dupont comes in a later statement right? Yeah in 56
Martin was there when the statement was given which was 2010 and in 2016 he's 29 so he worked there for a while! At least since age 23 perhaps we'll find out even earlier. And he was still scared to be found under qualified after all this time! Oof...
I wonder how draining it is to give a statement that it kills someone who is sick.
The government is in on this! Looking for the teeth Trevor gave the institute... Somehow that strikes me as hilarious in the world building of this podcast. And it really leaves Jon no choice but to concede that there is something to the statement even if he refuses to use the term vampire like Trevor did so freely.
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yamujiburo · 4 years
tagged by @queenof-evil-blogging
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions!  Don’t look at them first. Then tag some people.
Jimmy Neutron
The Amazing World of Gumball
Steven universe
My Little Pony
Who is your favorite character in 2? 
Carl Wheezer!!! My boy!!! Most people either love or hate Carl and Sheen but they were the best part of the show for me. I like how he’s kinda the nerdy trope but actually not (he’s really dumb). The voice acting for him is A+, the gags with him are my FAVORITE (“that’s not mine...” “that’s not me”). God I love him
who is your least favorite character in 1? 
Oh god there’s so many characters in Pokémon. I didn’t really like Paul much. He’s a good character/rival and serves his purpose in the show but uh yeah didn’t really like him.
what is your favorite episode of 4? 
THERE’S TOO MANY GOOD SU EPISODES!! The one I go to the most though is Rose’s Scabbard. Such a beautifully sad episode where we learn about Pearl’s relationship with Rose. Plus UGH the music at the end makes me cry every time.
what is your favorite season of 5? 
Season 4 for SURE. Season 4 is when I jumped into MLP (yeah after the alicorn stuff). That felt like peak MLP to me. They hit their stride with the writing, the characters were well established but there were new challenges they had to face with Twilight being a princess and all (plus it was before the started catering more to their male audience). It’s also just very nostalgic for me being that it was the first season I kinda watched while being in the fandom.
who is your favorite couple in 3? 
Ooof hmm. TAWoG doesn’t reaaaally focus on ships all that much. I thoroughly enjoy Gumball and Penny’s relationship, and Carrie and Darwin are cute as hell. But I think I gotta Go with Nicole and Richard, especially after watching “The Choices”. I hate when shows portray marriages as awful and like the worst possible scenario. They make jokes about it but Nicole and Richard genuinely care for each other. I always think about the part in “The Fury” when Nicole is sad but Richard cheers her up in his own goofy way. So cute ;0;
what is your favorite episode of 1? 
I,,, have watched,,, Pokemon XY63 so many times you would not believe.  It’s a Jessie episode (obviously). Seeing her fall for this doctor and do a complete 180 in character was so funny but also gives insight into how desperately she just wants domesticity and to be loved. Seeing James and Meowth be supportive of her choice and letting her go hurts so gooood and the little sprinkled in “twerps offering to help jessie plan her wedding” was wholesome. 
I know I can only pick one but HHHHHH SAYONARA DOKUCALE MESSED ME UP. It was one of the first Pokémon episodes I had ever seen and I distinctly remember watching it in my Uncle and Aunt’s living room and SOBBING. Jessie backstory, a twerp truce AND a bitter sweet ending. GOOD STUUUUFFF
what is your favorite episode of 5? 
I always come back to Rarity Takes Manehattan (rarity’s my favorite fyi haha). I love love loved the songs, Suri Polomare for no reason is so funny to me LMAOOO. Rarity episodes where she has a creative breakdown, which is most of them, are super relatable haha. There was so much fun Tabitha St Germain acting and great animation. It’s not the most well written episode of MLP but I still very much enjoy it.
what is your favorite season of 2? 
This is really difficult bc Jimmy Neutron is just so consistent all the way through. I looked at a list of episodes and most of my favorites are in S2 so I guess that one! I remember watching a lot of these with my brother.
how long have you watched 1?
I’d seen episodes of Pokémon since like the early 2000s but didn’t start watching regularly until DP when me and my brother finally convinced our parents to let us watch it. I feel like we got into it around 2007/2008?
how did you become interested in 3? 
Oh god everything about it interested me! Gumball came out RIGHT when I was starting to seriously pursue animation as a career. So, the animation/mishmash of animation styles initially hooked me right away. But then the WRITING. Oh the WRITING is what kept me coming back. It was so smart and snappy and it greatly shaped my sense of humor.
who is your favorite actor in 4? 
SUSAN EGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! Literally the whole cast is incredible but Susan Egan’s voice is just,,,, WHEW!!!
which do you prefer: 1, 2, or 5?
This is the hardest question I’ve ever had to answer. I love each of these shows for such different reasons. But if I were put in a scenario where someone said “i’m gonna show you a random episode from one of these shows, which do you wanna watch?” I would pick Jimmy Neutron hands down.
if you could be anyone from 4, who would it be? 
I would be Sapphire I think. Just like vibing w my wife as a fusion sounds p dope.
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? 
Well 4 did a crossover with Uncle Grandpa so yes absolutely. Plus Gumball is so meta anyways, it would work with generally anything.
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?  
delia,,,, and,,,,, jessie
overall, which show has the best storyline: 3 or 5?
MLP for sure! Gumball is super episodic and started having continuity by the later seasons (and the storyline they were gonna have got CANCELLED so!!!!)
which has better theme music: 2 or 4? 
Jimmy Neutron is a classic but the fact that there is a full theme for SU and it made me cry when it was released at ComicCon is making me want to say SU lol.
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akajustmerry · 3 years
why are you repelled by YA fantasy?
i don’t hate it fyi!! but if your 30+ yrold sister and 60+-year-old mother was a die-hard mortal instruments, divergent, twilight, vampire academy, nevernight, fallen academy, etc fans- you would be repelled too, my guy. there’s only so much one can take
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akari-hope · 4 years
Citing Lindsay Ellis isn’t a good idea, just fyi. She’s all but single-handedly responsible for popularizing the “Each & every criticism of Twilight is misogyny & born of the idea that ppl love to hate on teen girls!” stance. She’s dismissed native ppl’s criticisms of the bastardized portrayal of the Quileute tribe w/ “But I know some native ppl who like it so I don’t feel comfortable speaking on that!” (She then failed to provide examples of native ppl she knew who liked it, & went on to make
2/3   a video about Pocahontas comprised entirely of talking points already put forth by poc, w/ no credit.) She has made tasteless jokes about Harriet Tubman & her “twink” master & defended ContraPoints, a known antisemite who only caters to white feminists & has dismissed ppl who point said antisemitism out, claiming that she was only joking & that ppl were just “too sensitive.” I just thought you’d want to know.
3/3  Ellis has also dismissed criticisms put forth by poc of Daenerys Targaryen being a prime example of a colonizing white savior (which she quite literally is written to be) as baseless hate. She’s just a generally racist & ignorant person who knowingly monetizes the arguments of poc & deflects any criticism w/ blanket claims of misogyny.
gonna be 100% with you here. idk any of what you’re talking about. i’m not saying it’s not true, or that you don’t have sources, but i am saying that my knowledge of her work is...basically limited to those video essays i linked. i mean i’ll publish this ask so other people are aware i suppose? but i don’t follow youtubers (idek who the other person you brought up IS). i’m not really involved with any of that. and i’m not saying that you’re wrong, or that i couldn’t look this up. what i AM saying is that i need some sources bc i can’t just take word of mouth as fact, and that i am really just not in the headspace to be doing that research. i’m out of spoons today, and even if i wasn’t i don’t have the time or energy to dig through hours of videos or tweets to find this stuff. if you have it on hand and wanna send to me, sure, go for it. just...please don’t send me stuff like this without at least a link or the specific name of a video i can reference.
for transparency, i still think those videos i linked on death of the author have good points and are unrelated to the issues you listed, so i’m going to keep them up for now. if it comes to my knowledge that lindsay ellis is concretely a terrible person i’ll consider unlinking them.
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