#g4 vs g5
onebadpunspoilsabunch · 4 months
The biggest issue that I have with g5 is all of the unanswered questions about what happened during the time frame between g4 and g5. The biggest ones are:
What happened to the alicorns? 
What happened to the other sapient creatures? Donkeys, mules, zebras, horses, cattle, sheep, buffalo/bison, deer/reindeer, hippos, yaks, griffons, hippogriffs/seaponies, dragons, Changelings, kirin, anthro cats, diamond dogs, anthro birds, etc etc.
How was Equestria able to function with the magic gone? And who's been raising the sun and moon this whole time if the magic has been gone? Is it someone outside Equestria?
They're never going to answer any of those questions.
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The only reason why I watched MYM all the way through is because I was waiting for a proper explanation for all of the questions the movie didn't answer. I think the majority of us were under the impression that the TV show or comics would provide those answers.
Well... they didn't. And, let's face it, they probably never will. And if they do, the explanation will be bad.
The explanation they gave for the Unity Crystals and ponies dividing in the comics was... dumb.
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The explanation they gave for the Unity Crystals and ponies dividing in the TV show was... dumb. And inconsistent.
Sunny in The Traditional Unicorn Sleepover:
Sunny Starscout: But then one day, a magical accident happened! An Earth pony got hurt by a unicorn! Everypony started fighting with each other! The princess, wanting to protect her kingdom and all of the ponies in it, decided to put all magic into three crystals before it got out of hoof. After that, Earth ponies only felt safe with other Earth ponies. Unicorns with unicorns. And Pegasi of a feather flock together. The ponies galloped, trotted, and flew as far as they could with their crystals, settling in what would become Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood, and Maretime Bay. And that's where they lived forever... until now.
Spike in the Isle of Scaley:
Spike: Twilight's reign was peaceful for many moons until Opaline Arcana appeared. She'd been banished from Skyros.
Sunny Starscout: The Alicorn land?
Spike: She wanted to rule all ponies. She thought that Alicorns were superior.
Spike: But my friends were strong. Our friendship had created such powerful magic that Opaline had to resort to dark ways to overthrow Equestria. She even attacked the dragons to transform into a Fire Alicorn!
Spike: The crystals were created to hide the magic of Equestria in them. All of pony magic. And all of dragon magic inside the Dragon Stone. Twilight sent us here to protect us and put a spell around Equestria to hide it from Opaline.
G5 is basically implying that Opaline was a much bigger threat than all of the other major villains the G4 characters had faced, which I don't believe for a second. Even after she powered herself up with the dragon's magic.
There's no implication that Opaline had mind controlled and used the dragons as an army back when she faced Twilight and her friends. Twilight and her friends could've just used their Element of Harmony powers to take away Opaline's magic, or turn her to stone, etc etc.
The series finale showed that they didn't need the physical elements or tree to access that magic...
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So why didn't they use it on Opaline?
I think the moment where I started to become disappointed in G5 was when they released that TYT short showing the dragons before they were properly introduced in Chapter 6.
And when I saw how horribly they were designed, I just got angry.
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And then I saw how they looked in the main show, and my disappointment grew...
And then I saw that Spike had the same horrible model as the other dragons (with minor changes) and I wanted to throw up XD
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And then I finished Chapter 6 of MYM, and I realized that I had wasted my precious time on G5.
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mudthekelpie · 6 months
Read at your own discretion...
what kind of low, self loathing, soulless, hate feeding, so called "fans of friendship is magic", illiterate scum, idiotic para-social morons-
would bully someone into harming themselves cause you decided ONE SHOW w-a-s b-e-t-t-e-r t-h-a-n a-n-o-t-h-e-r !
took something beautiful, and made it into the vision of yourself: TRASH!
the whole message of the show is meant to bring people together, not have us fight one another, did you even watch it?!
I'm ashamed to be a part of this fandom, and you all should too.
it's not something to K1ll each other over!
Stop acting like the people the actual show is trying to tell us not to be and actually SEE what you're doing to your friends.
tell anyone you know has been outright shaming others for liking one mlp over another. this is stupid and needs to stop. You're being actual children.
let's get the real problems out of this fandom.
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k1ttygam3r · 6 months
I would refer to the people sending death threats to G5 fanartists as utter animals but in all honesty even the lowliest fly has more potential for growth in life than the freaks harassing people for their interests
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missevahpony · 9 months
"bring G4 back!"
"G4 comeback!"
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eldragon-x · 6 months
i think it's actually lore as of G5 that celestia n luna were born alicorns? like they had that villain (opaline i thiiink?) that was like. their childhood friend from the alicorn country or sumn
the what country
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mkcannothelpyou · 1 year
Mission: Buy the Armored Core VI Blu-rays
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1. "621. Here's a request from a friend. Street dates for the Armored Core VI Blu-rays are in. Volume 1 includes Episodes 1 and 2. Deluxe Limited Edition packs in a bonus novella, if you wanted to know how G4 and G5 ended up in the Redguns. Audio commentary from me and Michigan too. Bring it home, 621."
2. "This is V.II Snail. I am commissioning you for this request—consider it a privilege. Having been favorably received, Volume 2 of the Armored Core VI Blu-rays is now available for reservation. Episodes 3 and 4 detail the events up to and including Operation Wallclimber. Packaged as a bonus is a novella that lays bare V.IV's induction into the Vesper Squad, as well as some of the meager deaths of Walter's mutts. Proof of your ability is on the line—you will not return empty-handed."
3. "Raven, it's me. Volume 3 of the Armored Core VI Blu-rays is going on sale. That means Episodes 5 and 6, where you take on the Watchpoint. I've looked into the bonuses. There's a novella in this one covering the Fires of Ibis, and a report on Dolmayan. I don't have any funds with which to buy it... Would you preorder it for me?"
4. "Tourist. This is "Chatty" Stick from RaD. There is a date set for Volume 4 of the Armored Core VI Blu-rays, which has made the boss very happy. Episodes 7 and 8 will cover the Crossing. There is a novella about how the boss created me, and a bonus CD of Arquebus and Balam corporate anthems. That's all I had to say. Later, tourist. "
5. "Hey, buddy. V.IV Rusty here. They just announced a date for Volume 5 of the Armored Core VI Blu-rays. That's Episodes 9 and 10, but word is they're going deluxe—a fresh cut of Episode 11, the one where we down the Ice Worm. Still going strong with the bonuses, too—a spin-off courtesy of Arquebus PR's radio station... one whole hour of Vespers VS. Redguns on CD. Don't miss out on it, buddy."
6. "Hey, tourist. It's your old friend, "Cinder" Carla of RaD. Looks like they're pushing out Volume 6 of the Armored Core VI Blu-rays. They're capping this one with the special where you intercept the Redguns. And hey, the viewers didn't vote for it, but someone up there loves us, because they're throwing in the alternate ending too. Chatty, boot up the ACs! Something tells me we're gonna go shopping!"
7. "V.II Snail, come in! This is V.VI Maeterlinck! They've gotten too lavish with Volume 7 of the Armored Core VI Blu-rays! On top of Episode 13, they've brought out a reveal-all OVA about the formation of Overseer, and a top-secret Institute report from Professor Nagai! They even have a CD where Handler Walter sings for the Episode 13 ending theme!? Requesting backup, stat!"
8. "Guess who's calling, tourist. Listen to your lucky numbers—Armored Core VI Season 2, Boxset 1, coming to stores. Sounds like they've got Episodes 1 through 4 in the "Fires of Raven" arc. Bonuses are... an old diary written by that little Ayre interloper, and a drama CD they're calling "MIND α, Release Phase 1". Happy face, tourist! Let's have ourselves the last laugh!"
9. "Hey, buddy. V.IV Rusty here. Just got a message about Armored Core VI Season 2—they're readying to sell Boxset 2. Contents are Episodes 1 to 4 of the "Liberator of Rubicon" arc. They're packing an Alternate Limited Edition with a figure of STEEL HAZE ORTUS. Your ideals brought cinders to life in the production team. I'm moving out to preorder, buddy."
10. One new message. "Rb23, independent mercenary Raven. Armored Core VI: The Movie -Alea iacta est- is now on streaming services. A UHD-BD, containing audio commentary by myself and Ayre, a CD of the main theme as sung by Ayre and ALLMIND, and a storyboard collection, is also available for purchase. This ending exists for all mercenaries."
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cwc-wiki · 7 months
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1 February - Chris complains about Peter Griffin of Family Guy.[1]
3 February
Chris blocks multiple voice actors for MLP G5 out of protest for the ending of G4.[2]
Chris requests that Geno Samuel refrain from selling a WANT WOMAN! shirt.[3]
4 February - Chris livestreams Very First Media Share Suggestion Live Stream.
9 February - Chris livestreams yet another 'Media Share Suggestion Live Stream'.
11 February - Chris uploads Christ Chan Return Live Stream Highlights.
13 February - Chris uploads CWC Art Contest Part 1.
15 February - Chris uploads a second stream highlights video.
17 February - Chris livestreams Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media.
20 February - Chris uploads a third stream highlights video and CWC ART CONTEST Round 1.
24 February - Chris turns 42, celebrating his first birthday since his release from jail. He uploads two videos in his new AI Chris Chan Vs Christ Chan series. Geno Samuel also uploads part 84 of Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History, which is notable for being the first episode to discuss the Affair with Mother.
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dapper-lil-arts · 15 days
The whole Tirac vs Tirek ask made me think about Grogar and how (despite not knowing much about his G1 counterpart) if the team wanted the ending of the end to be good, they would have either made Grogar real or maybe Tirek and Cozy escape Tartarus, bump into Chrysalis, team up and find the Bewitching Bell on their own. I should also mention that I am considering having a Fimfiction account and making a G5 fanfic about the real Grogar, the G4 cast, Tambelon and the actual afterlife. Do you have any advice and do you think Sunset should be relevent to the potential story?
Side note: which of these villains wouldbe the most likely to say "Fuck You" to Twilight just because they can? (You can only pick one):
Cozy Glow
Starlight Glimmer
Sunset Shimmer
Read any of my fanfiction and you'll know how I think Sunset should be more relevant to the story. She's the only other living pupil of celestia, even a failed one, she's uniquely qualified to join twilight and rule Equestria together as inheritors of night and day. Sunset would improve literally every character, by giving Celestia a connection to motherhood, giving luna the chance to be an aunt, cadance be a fun cousin, every mane 6 having to get acquainted wiht a new protag and even giving Twilight a legitimate love interest. Also I think that the finale of the show should have been if not with the mean 6, with evil twilight clone not having been killed in one episode and genuinely have become a full threat. Also cozy glow would say fuck you lmao
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blurban-form · 6 months
What’s Next?
Musing on what the future holds
I hate to start a rumour but here goes? Stick with me and check this out:
It’s evident a lot of work goes into each “Bluey” episode.
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It seems like we are now at a turning point / crossroads with “Bluey”, we finally have season 3 wrapping up after a very dragged-out timeline, and no real word on a season four, except for some talk a while back of a hiatus to give the team a break.
The bottleneck may well be Joe Brumm and his commitment & attention-to-detail acknowledged in the Bloomberg article. This care and attention is clear… but the impact on timeline (pushing out finished episodes) must be a cause of concern for management at the BBC and Disney. But right now Brumm (and his animation company) appears to be very much in control.
This David-and-Goliath situation reminds me of another animated show where a lot of effort was put into a singular vision for the world building and the design characters by a creative one-person-show… the show was immensely popular… and then that creator was pushed out and lost control of their creation to a much-more-powerful management entity, and then that creation was re-imagined (dumbed down/ simplified in various ways) and now is very different.
Specifically Lauren Faust and MLP:FIM (G4) vs what became of My Little Pony characters in G5.
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BBC and Disney must be somewhat desperate for “Bluey” content… to the point they’re now re-recording famous names reading existing Bluey stories. They must be thinking of how to speed up production…
I suspect what will happen in the near future is that the “The Sign” wedding special episode will signal the end of Bluey “classic” and “Bluey” will relaunch (in about a year?) with a makeover — redesigned simpler animation, less detail in the backgrounds and more emphasis on the other kids. This will also allow for voice actors to probably change too for the kid characters.
(Probably more emphasis on being loud and in-your-face too, lots of hamming it up!)
Because the target audience of very young kids are always turning over, the next cohort of kids won’t notice the difference/change - they’ll just get the new variant of “Bluey”. It won’t matter to them that the old version is better, it will be “Bluey is Bluey”
It will probably be called something slightly different like “Bluey and Friends”
It will probably look like the style of these recent Bluey books that have just come out in Australia. Note the easier-to-animate big mouths and general simplification of scenery and how the characters are placed. This will feel more like mid-2000s Flash animation.
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Hoping I’m wrong but who knows…
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ponyguru · 5 months
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Pony Pez! I found this on Amazon randomly looking to see if there were more G5 releases I’d missed, and I found G4 My Little Pony Pez, a whole case! With what looked like G4.5/potion ponies branding? So I thought, hey why not! I love Pez candy! 😜 So I ordered the case for fifteen bucks, and I got… G5 pony Pez! 🤣 So just be aware, they haven’t updated their product photos yet, LOL! I’m including a pic of what I thought I was getting, since it’s still there in my order history! Shame tho, that glitter Twilight looked cute! It’s crazy to see just HOW MANY of Sunny Starscout comes in a standard case vs the other characters! 😵‍💫
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ajthebumblebee · 2 years
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G4 vs G5 compare and contrast, because people keep saying G5 is watered down G4 and I am TIRED OF THE LIES.
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 4 months
I think out of the G5 counterparts to the G4 characters, I hate Pipp, Sparky, and the Pippsqueaks the most. They're just dumbed down versions of Rarity, Spike, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders :/
This may be a controversial opinion, but I actually hate Pipp more than I hate Sparky. Sparky is… not great, but Pipp is just downright insulting to me.
Rarity vs Pipp Petals
In G4, Rarity is a businesswoman that came from a normal background. She had to work her way up into becoming famous and successful. 
There are episodes that show the struggle of her craft, such as dealing with upset customers, or opening up another store in a different city, or not forgetting her roots and where she came from, and it's pretty interesting. 
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Pipp Petals is… a social media influencer. And pop artist I guess. They focus more on the social media thing than the pop artist thing.
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They could have used Pipps character to focus on the struggles that pop artists go through (even if that's still unoriginal), but they focus on her being a social media influencer instead… but it's not interesting. 
The majority of it is really just an excuse to pander to younger kids by having these goddamn ponies use goddamn social media. 
Also, instead of Pipp coming from a normal background like Rarity and working for her success, because Pipp is a goddamn princess she basically had her fame, fortune, and fans handed to her. That's not as inspiring as Rarity's character. That's just insulting. And bland.
Spike vs Sparky
Although Sparky is… not great, he doesn't offend me in the way Pipp does. Even though he is a dumbed down version of Spike.
The writers of G4 didn't really start doing anything noteworthy with Spike until season 4, but even prior to that he still has an actual character and a personality. They give him a more important role in season 6, where he becomes friends with Ember and Thorax, helping to make (reluctant) peace between ponies and dragons, and him helping Thorax make friends with ponies causes Thorax to become the new peaceful leader of the Changelings. So, anyway, he became an ambassador because he showed that he knows how to bring peace between different creatures and kingdoms.
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And the comedy that comes from him is actually funny. And he's not hard to look at.
The comedy that comes from Sparky...
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Sparky doesn't have a recognizable personality. Or a character arc. He's more of a plot device than an actual character. There's nothing about his character that the audience can latch onto. 
The most interesting thing about Sparky's character is his god-like powers, and the father-son relationship he has with Hitch. But the majority of his relationship with Hitch is just a bunch of repetitive jokes about how tough it is for Hitch to be a “dragon dad” and take care of this annoying little bugger.
There are only a few sweet genuine moments between them.
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CMC vs Pippsqueaks
There's not much to say on the Pippsqueaks, because they're just such non-characters.
Unlike the CMC who are individual characters that formed a group together, the Pippsqueaks all exist together. The CMC have individual characters, personalities, backgrounds, goals, struggles, etc. The Pippsqueaks pretty much all have the same personality and character. 
Well, if they do have individual personalities then I probably didn't notice, because they're just so uninteresting and unimportant. 
The CMC are adventurers who did many different activities to get their cutie marks. Once they got their cutie marks, they helped other ponies (and a griffon) discover their special talents.
The Pippsqueaks are just fans of Pipp. That's it.
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There is one moment where one of them was reading a book on the Tree of Harmony, but it was just another reference to G4. 
If G5 were a show like G4 where it was more in the business of developing their characters in a meaningful way, than I could see these G5 characters actually becoming interesting. But the way that Make Your Mark was structured was making it a Netflix show with "chapters" instead of seasons. The entirety of MYM equates to one season of MLP:FIM.
And since that show wasn't doing well, they canceled it so the only G5 show is the godawful YouTube Kids show Tell Your Tale, where each episode is, like, 5 minutes long. So whatever character/story arcs they're attempting to make now are going incredibly slowly, that it's not worth watching and nobody seems to care anymore.
Alright, I'm done…
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group G Round 1: #G4 vs #G5
#G4: Three girls decide to open an animation club
Midori Asakusa draws detailed landscapes and backgrounds of both the world around her and the one within her boundless imagination. Even the simple act of doodling on a wall evolves into an emergency repair on the outer hull of her spaceship. She is only brought back to reality by her best friend Sayaka Kanamori. The two are stark opposites, with Asakusa’s childlike wonder contrasted by Kanamori’s calculated approach to life.
After a chance encounter where the two “save” the young model Tsubame Misuzaki from her overprotective bodyguard, a connection instantly sparks between Asakusa and Misuzaki, as both share an intense passion for art and animation. Whereas Asakusa is interested in backgrounds and settings, Misuzaki loves drawing the human form. Sensing a money-making opportunity, Kanamori suggests that they start an animation club. Thus begins the trio’s journey of producing animation that will awe the world.
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#G5: Two boys uncover reason behind mysterious deaths
Many years ago, after the end of a bloody world war, mankind took shelter in six city-states that were peaceful and perfect... at least on the surface. However, Shion—an elite resident of the city-state No. 6—gained a new perspective on the world he lives in, thanks to a chance encounter with a mysterious boy, Nezumi. Now, a long time after their life-altering first meeting, Shion and Nezumi are finally brought together once again—the former elite and the boy on the run are about to embark on an adventure that will, in time, reveal the shattering secrets of No. 6.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#G4: Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! (Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!)
It’s playing with animation in a really cool way, AND it is just gorgeous. The backgrounds are done in a beautiful painterly style, and each environment is detailed and evokes wonder.
Each of the three girls is a unique and fleshed-out character, and their interactions and blossoming friendship are super fun and wholesome to watch. The dialogue is also very realistic—it really feels like what three high school nerdy girl friends would talk about. Each has her own strengths, in animation, organization and craft, such that they really come together as a team and manage to make something beautiful.
The show is fun, heartwarming and doesn’t take itself too seriously, but at the same time it is so so sincere. Quiet and serious moments can be quiet and serious without needless bathos, and fun sequences (like a chase through the school) are given extra effort to be zany and funny, and fully animated in both senses of the word. Above all, you feel a strong love for animation and deep wonder of the world permeating the series.
Trigger Warnings: Flashing lights in the opening theme
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#G5: No. 6
It's a suspenseful science fiction that has a unique take on class issues using the setting of a world post apocalypse. It crafts a unique world with incredible characters you want to succeed. The relationship that develops between the two mains is a heartwarming respite in the cold world they inhabit. The mystery of the show keeps the audience entertained and on the edge of their seat.
Trigger Warnings: Body Horror, Genocide, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Rape/Non-Con
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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1emon-snickers · 6 months
My Little Pony G5 Revamp
okay so ive seen this mlp g5 concept art floating around recently:
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and one thing about it really bothered me especially cuz i think having different base body types and shape language for different types of ponies is a really fun idea
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bc what is this- i am honestly so tired of earth ponies getting treated like chopped liver (even in g4- where sometimes they were supposed to have super strength as their main ability and then the writers either forgot or intentionally got rid of it) and this is honestly showing that despite having the main character be an earth pony, the writers are still depriving them of a real identity- down to their base shapes!!!!
so heres my attempt at the same concept!!!
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their pegasus concept of having them be “light on their feet” - all slim and slender like - is honestly fine so i pretty much kept it how it was!
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for earth ponies, i basically took their unicorn concept and thought it better fit them- being the strongest physically, and having to work the hardest of all the types
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unicorns were the most difficult to come up with, but i think the result ultimately makes a lot of sense! in g4 a lot of the ruling class (royalty, the rich and fancy, the privileged) were unicorns. this combined with telekinesis being very simple for most every unicorn to do results in them using their physical strength the least of all the ponies. sort of going for that era where being plump was super attractive cuz it meant you were wealthy enough to be eating well and not having to work
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speedpaint :3
when it comes to alicorns i think the body shape would reflect whatever the pony was before becoming one foremost, but throughout the years may change a bit depending on lifestyle (how much they use their wings vs walk, how much they use magic and carriages instead of carrying things on their own, etc, etc)
thanks for reading all of this if you did, therell be more parts to this bc i have a lot to say (even if no one listens lol)
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owarinaki · 5 days
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Ryokugyu Vs Fujitora - One Piece EP 1119 [GIFS] 5 END
[GIFS] G1 // G2 // G3 // G4 //G5
[PIC] P1 // P2 // P3 // P4 // P5 // P6 // P7 // P8 // P9 // P10
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squishy-lombax · 1 year
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The popular "art style challenge" for MLP I was able to find online was outdated. So I wanted to make one of my own in order to include G5. I wasn't sure how in-depth I wanted this challenge to be. Instead of including all the sub-gens, I've left it vague so you are free to draw whatever style of the generation you want. (example: Friendship is magic vs. Pony Life.) You don't have to do this challenge exactly like me. Feel free to use any character, canon or OC (can be all of the same pony too.) Feel free to use this template without permission. Just don't remove my username. Optionally, I'd love to be tagged so I can see it!
If you want generational options, here's some ideas:
G1- Special/promo, Pony N Friends, Pony Tales.
G2- Box art, comic books, Friendship Gardens.
G3- Movies, 3.5, Newborn Cuties
G4- Pony Life, IDW comics, Friendship is Magic
G5- The movie/MYM, Tell your Tale, IDW comics
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