#gabriel bingo 2019
xprojectrpg · 4 months
This Day in X-Project - May 30
Arthur Centino's birthday.
2015: Felicia posts a photo of the city skyline. Gabriel posts apologizing for anyone he drunkenly texted. Alison texts Roxy for company and a Doctor Who marathon. Miles and Billy meet, this time without the masks.
2016: Topaz and Amanda return from meeting Maya's grandfather, and Topaz brings Maya her "gift."
2017: Laurie wonders about playing ER bingo.
2018: Gabriel texts Illyana to ask if she's okay. Rahne posts complaining about people wanting to touch her hair.
2020: Molly posts about a bonfire in the backyard.
2021: Jubilee posts a language meme.
2022: Clan Akkaba - Case File: Inception: Quentin posts an update on the missing teen investigation and alerts X-Force to the mystical sigils on the recovered kids that seem to be blocking their powers.
2023: Clint posts to all teams on the journals, updating everyone on missions and thanking people for lunches and assistance both. Shatterstar makes a journal post celebrating Arthur Centino's career and speculating he is still alive, and then another journal post in shock that Arthur lives at the mansion. Arthur makes a journal post to celebrate still being alive on his birthday, even after Googling himself.
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easypeasybreezy · 5 years
What the Hell?
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Well, Gabriel bingo is almost over, and I have a couple of these sitting here, so I might as well post them now. This covers the Gabriel Bingo square First Time Seeing Wings. Thanks @idabbleincrazy​ for giving me the idea :) (even though you probably don’t remember XD)
Short ~600 words, pre-sabriel. Sam sees Gabriel’s wings! 
Warnings- uhh some innuendo, maybe a little angst at the end?
“Sam! Hnng, Sam!”
Sam woke with a start from the noise, shooting up in his bed. “Wha-?” He turned on the lamp on his nightstand, looking around the room. Next to the bed he saw Gabriel, who was leaning back propped against the mattress and squirming around.
“Gabriel? What are you doing?” Sam asked, too tired to make sense of the sight.
“I’ve got an itch on my back!” he replied, continuing to writhe against the bed, “I-urgh- can’t reach it. I need you to scratch it.”
Sam sighed, reaching up to rub his eyes. “You woke me up for this? Can’t you just, snap something up to do it?”
“It’s not the same, Sam! Please?” said Gabriel, his voice growing desperate.
“Alright,” Sam gave into Gabriel’s pleading. As much as he wanted to go back to sleep, he couldn’t just turn Gabriel away. He reluctantly moved to sit on the edge of the bed and patted the space next to him. “Get over here.”
Gabriel stopped his movement against the bed and sat down next to Sam, throwing his shirt off in the process. “Yes! Thank you.”
Was losing the shirt really necessary? Sam decided to not comment on it, the view was nice after all, and reached over Gabriel’s back to scratch. “Like this?”
“Higher! Higher! To the left,” instructed Gabriel, leaning back into Sam’s hand.
Sam rolled his eyes, but followed the directions.
“Ooh, that’s it,” Gabriel moaned, melting at the touch, “Keep going, yes!”
Sam blushed at the nearly obscene noises Gabriel made. It had started to sound like a Casa Erotica video in the room. “Please dial it back a bit. You’re gonna wake up Dean.”  
“Sorry, it just feels so good,” Gabriel responded, slumping forward and closing his eyes. Sam just shook his head and continued to scratch the spot, trying to ignore the ‘ohs' and ‘ahs’ coming from him.  
Sam was about to ask how much longer when- POOF! He froze, eyes wide at the sight before him. Out of nowhere, two large, golden wings had appeared from Gabriel’s back. They shimmered in the glow of the lamp, almost as if they weren’t quite tangible, and seemed like they were too big to fit inside the room, yet the tips just brushed against the walls. One of the wings was spread out right in front of Sam, almost on his lap. His hand rested just inches from the feathers, he could just slide it over and-
“Saaam, why did you stop?” Gabriel whined, still hunched over.
“G-Gabriel, I- they’re beautiful,” was all he managed to get out. Then, Sam couldn’t help it. He buried his hand into the feathers nearest him, marveling at how soft they felt, like heaven.  
Gabriel jumped off the bed with a choked noise, bringing his wings in behind his back, and turned to Sam. “What. Was. That?”
Sam felt like he had just broken out of a trance. “Oh my god, I’m sorry. I should have asked, I- I wasn’t thinking-”
“You can see them?”  
“Yeah, I was just scratching, and- and they just appeared! I swear, I have no idea what happened,” Sam replied, throwing his hands up in front of him.
Gabriel stared at Sam. For a second, his face seemed to light up, but then he frowned, looking away. “Oh, well,” he said quietly, then took a step back. “I have to go.”
“Gabe, wait-” Sam called out, but Gabriel had already disappeared with a flutter of wings. Even his shirt had vanished from where he'd tossed it on the floor. Sam flopped back on his bed, massaging his temples. What the hell had just happened?
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Written for @gabriel-spn-bingo
Square filled: Horn of Gabriel
Pairing: Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Length: 471
Summary: Gabriel only wants one thing. But is he willing to risk it all to have it back?
Like my writing?
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“Wanna hear a song, Sam? I know how much you love it when I play for you.”
Anytime, Gabriel.
Sam’s words whispered through the wind, soft and loving, and it brought a tear to Gabriel’s eye. The summer grass crunched under his feet as he stepped forward, reaching out a trembling hand to rub gently against the smooth stone.
“Always for you, my love.”
With a wavering voice, Gabriel whispered a few words of Enochian. The grace within him swelled, bled through his vessel and danced around him until it settled into Gabriel’s outstretched palm. It stretched and shaped, this long hidden gift from his Father forming before him. 
He never wanted it, the Horn to sound the apocalypse, but now as the shining gold lay heavy in his hand, he was never more certain to use it. 
There was a moment of stillness. The air hung heavy as Gabriel’s body shuddered, his eyes downcast. The Horn vibrated in his grip, begging to cry out and raise a heavenly army, for its only purpose to be filled. And, standing here, Gabriel was more than happy to oblige in its desire. 
“Do you think that’s a good idea?”
Red rimmed eyes rose to meet the hard stare of the entity that appeared before him. 
“Billie.” Gabriel greeted the new Death coldly, his whole body tensing under her eye.
“Gabriel,” she answered casually, her scythe glinting in the light. “Are you sure you know what you're doing?”
Gabriel’s eyes narrowed, anger rolling off of him in waves. “How dare you ask me that.”
“We’ve already avoided one apocalypse, Gabriel. Are you really willing to start another one? Just to bring one man back onto the chess board?”
Anger faded immediately, sadness once again taking over Gabriel as he thought about his lover. “You don't understand!” 
“Sam Winchester walked willingly into the Empty,” Billie sneered.
“Don't give me any of that bullshit!” Gabriel cried, tears forming in his eyes again. “You took him away from me!”
“No, Gabriel. He came to me in his own time. Death doesn't go seeking.”
The tears fell freely as Gabriel shook his head, looking to the sky as he thought of Sam. “I-” he whispered through the tears, “I just want him back.” 
“Maybe,” Billie said as she walked a step closer to the wounded archangel, “the things we want, are the things we shouldn't have.”
Gabriel felt himself break on the inside, thinking about the void in his life. His friend, lover, his everything. His grace roiled as he remembered Sam, and his hands twitched around the Horn in his hand. 
“Gabriel...” Billie warned, watching as Gabriel’s grace fell out of him in waves. Around Sam Winchester’s tombstone, lilies sprouted and grew, aided by the onslaught of heaven’s light. 
And Gabriel lifted the Horn to his lips. 
Tags below the cut
Sabriel tags
@bloody-destiel-sabriel @little-boyking i @howaboutnotcaring @viana-dascolli @thetricksterarchangel @sabbycorgs @amywyn13 @nnegann @ajcza @digi-doubles @midnightstar789 @forgot-to-care-again @imbiowaresbitch @destielandsabrielshipper2017 @team-gabriel @destielhoneybee @trickster-archangel @thislumpoffuckicallabrain @scrollingkingfisher
Everything tags
@doctor-zyre @ourloveisforthelovely @authoressskr @superwhoavengelocketc-blog @sumara62 @mscrazycatbitch @emmii4 @redberrysweets @space-time-paradox @tgpanther @anxietywontmakethewordsgo  @l4life @acarpouschimerical @warlockwriter
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thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
Unexpected Company: Part 2
Pairing: dark Debriel (demon Dean x dark Gabriel)
Summary: Dean’s starting to get bored with their arrangement.  He needs something else.  Something different.  Something more.  To his surprise, Gabriel has just the thing for him.  
Written for:  
@spndarkbingo - Square Filled:  Dark!Gabriel @gabriel-spn-bingo - Square Filled: Free Space @spnkinkbingo - Square Filled: Paddling @heavenandhellbingo - Square Filled: Demon!Dean
Tags/Warnings:  Dark fic, explicit smut, dub-con overtones, restraints, gags, rough sex, anal sex, rough oral sex / face fucking, paddling, spanking, unsafe sexual practices aka this is not an accurate description of how to safely incorporate paddle play in the bedroom (or, you know, anything considering it’s angel/demon sex), unprotected sex, brief OFC appearance, swearing, threats of violence
Word Count: 4081 (uhh, that happened)
A/N: I’m not adding any series tags/warnings at this point, but if this does turn into anything more, the writing’s on the wall for where it’s headed.
<< Part 1
The sound of flat wood striking skin echoed through the hotel room. The sharp cry that followed came out muffled, and Dean paused, walking around the side of the bed to make sure the black ball gag stayed firmly wedged in the archangel’s mouth this time.
“You’re gonna need that, Chuckles,” the demon warned, stroking a hand along his length as he turned and headed back.  His other palm reached out, smoothing over the angry red welt already forming on the archangel’s ass, fingers digging in hard before he released it and returned to the foot of the bed.  
He lined the paddle up with the other cheek, the Enochian spellwork flaring bright across the surface as he drew back and let it fly again.  
Gabriel rocking forward from the force of the blow, a guttural groan emanating from his chest.  If he were human, it would have been unbearable, his vessel immediately bruising, but the harsh sting simply fed the twisted grace inside of him, causing his erection to bob against his stomach.  
Dean hit him again, and again, and again, trying to release the frustration from his mounting boredom.  They’d been at it for days, and as great as the pleasure had been, it was starting to get a little stale, a little comfortable, which was why pain had entered the picture.
Yet, he found this to be just as lackluster as the rest of his attempts to chase the high of their first few nights.
He continued striking, pumping his cock at the same time as he tried to spark something.  It felt good, to hear Gabriel's noises, to know the discomfort he was causing, to see how much the archangel was still getting off to it, but good wasn’t good enough.  
He needed something else.  Something more.  Something different.  
Impatience swelled within his chest, flaring red hot as he turned the archangel's skin a regal shade of purple.  Gabriel’s face was a flushed, drooling mess against the sheets as his sounds edged closer to screams. His hands twisted behind his back, though the cuffs around his wrists bore no magic and could be broken at anytime.  
Some part of Dean recognized this was a game; an illusion to satisfy his darker side.  For all he knew, the spell on the paddle wasn’t even real, though if that were true the archangel deserved an Emmy for his performance.  The problem was, it was hitting all the right notes save one, and that was making all the difference.  
He wasn’t sure if Gabriel was even capable of crying, but Dean needed it, craved it on a level he never realized existed.  It wasn’t a usual part of his sexual repertoire, but neither was cavorting with things that were more powerful and easily had the upper hand.  He wasn’t just after pain, he wanted submission, to break the being in front of him and to build Gabriel back up as he pleased.  
Except, it was never going to happen.  
Everything snapped, crimson overtaking his vision as he sent the paddle straight into the television set.  A primal growl burst through his lips as he climbed onto the bed, yanking the archangel’s ass up further into the air.  He entered Gabriel roughly, grabbing a handful of tender flesh in each hand before setting a brutal pace.
The only noises that could be heard above the slap of skin against skin were the archangel’s grunts, especially when Dean rammed deep, and the occasional snarl as he tried to quell the rage flaring in his veins.  
Dean slapped his palm across mottled flesh, alternating between each cheek in a flurry of blows.  If it was a human suffering his wrath, they’d be torn to shreds by now, beaten to a bloody stain on the mattress, but Gabriel simply took it, occasionally arching his ass and rocking back against the demon with encouragement.  
Dean broke pace, planting his feet on either side of the archangel’s hips so he could fuck into him even deeper.  
Gabriel moaned, the angle change a welcome addition, but it wasn’t enough.  A quick pting registered beneath their sounds, his wrists separating in a flash as he reached down to touch himself.  
Dean was on him instantly.  “Don’t you fucking dare,” he barked, catching one of the archangel’s hands and jamming it up behind his back.  
It was exactly the shift in power the demon needed, the flames of his desire finally blazing hotter than his anger, and he could feel his dick pulsating in preparation for release.  A few more thrusts had him stumbling over the edge, and he roared, hips slamming through to the very end as he spilled his seed inside the archangel.  
He dropped his weight on top of Gabriel, chest heaving with exertion as he allowed himself a moment to breathe.  
“Fucking Christ I thought you were never going to come."  It wasn't quite a complaint, but it was irritatingly close enough to one for Dean to want to shove the gag back in Gabriel's mouth.
When he looked for it, however, had vanished from existence, and his stare was just as hard as the one in amber as their eyes locked.  
The archangel arched a brow.  “You gonna get off?”  
“I believe I just did,” the demon quipped, unceremoniously pulling out before standing up.
Gabriel rolled over, throwing his legs over the side of the mattress before he gingerly sat up.  What he saw had his lips pulling so thin they briefly lost their color.
“Um, excuse me.”  There wasn’t a hint of confusion in his tone as he watched Dean start to gather his clothes.  If anything, he was pissed.  “Aren’t you forgetting something?  Something big?”
He gestured down the front of him, drawing attention to the flushed, angry looking cock in desperate need of attention.  
Dean made an unimpressed sound as he pulled up his underwear.  “I mean, it’s nothing to write home about,” he said with a shrug.  “But I guess it does it’s job.”  
He started to step into his jeans when he blinked, only to find Gabriel standing right in front of him the moment his eyes reopened.
“Jesus!” He hissed as his feet became tangled in denim.  He stumbled, pitching sideways onto the bed where he landed with a bounce.
Gabriel chuckled, the sound as empty and dark as the demon often felt.  “Not even close.”  
In a flash, he had Dean by the hair, jerking his head back with warning.  “Now you listen here, sassafrass.  You’re going to finish what you started.  Comprende?”
The archangel's eyes ignited in a bright burst of hellish grace, burnt coppers and red overtaking gold before it all faded to an eerie, infinite black.
Dean's eyes responded in kind, minus the light show, of course, the bottomless pit consuming his soul reflecting back in his own gaze.  He bared his teeth at the archangel, an animalistic hiss escaping as Gabriel put a foot on the mattress, thigh hovering up next to Dean’s face as he inched his cock closer.  
The archangel leveled a wholly serious finger in his direction.  “I feel a single one of those, and you’ll need to purchase a whole new set by the time I’m done with you.”
There was an unexpected rush of heat as their primal sides and pride collided, and while Dean wasn’t thrilled to have his hand (or mouth) forced , a deal was a deal.  He got to beat Gabriel with something that actually caused pain and prevented his grace from healing, and the archangel got to fuck his mouth for as long as he wanted.  
Being on board and acting like he was on board, however, were two entirely different things.
“Fuck you, freak.”  
Gabriel rolled his eyes.  “How original.”  
He shifted his weight backward, giving the demon some space.  
“I’m not stupid,” he began, an exasperated hand planting on his hip.  “I know what the problem is, and I already have something in mind that’ll flick your bic again, if you’ll just hurry up and suck my damn dick.”  
Well.  That certainly changed things.  Provided it was actually something useful.  
Dean frowned skeptically.  “What exactly do you have in mind?”
Gabriel grinned, and the conversation was clearly over as he dragged the plush seam of Dean's lips against the head of his cock.  Bluntness and strength parted the barrier, his thick girth finally pushed into the warm confines of Dean's mouth.
“Oh fuck,” the angel groaned, clearly enjoying the way Dean had no choice but to swallow him down.  A single, sharp thrust had the demon choking as his nose hit the hair at the base of the archangel's shaft.  
"Ohh, yeah.  That’s what I’ve been waiting for.”  
Gabriel drew back, allowing Dean a moment to suck in air before stuffing himself back in.  “I am gonna enjoy this.”  
“Fefckssay,” Dean mumbled, lips still stretched around the archangel’s cock.  
Gabriel may not have understood the words, but he knew the message all the same.  He'd been fucking Dean's mouth for nearly an hour, savoring all the ways he'd been able to fuck with the man.
At first, it was getting him to realize that resisting or refusing to make good on his part of the deal was a waste of time.
Next, it was testing his patience, making Dean cycle through every trick in the book to try to get the archangel to come.  So far, Gabriel was impressed with his oral skills, and if the archangel hadn't been trying so hard not to orgasm, he would have easily ten times over.
Then there was the heckling, which Dean loathed.  
Never one for missed opportunities, Gabriel slowed his pace, hand drifting up behind his ear as he leaned down in Dean’s direction.  “I’m sorry, what was that?  I’m not sure I can hear you with all that dick in your mouth.”
He might have also been dead ten times over if he had been anything less than what he was (and hadn't spent most of his time in a gag).  
He bet Dean was itching to get his hands on another one, if not the First Blade.  Lucky for Gabriel, whatever he was packing still trumped anything the Knight of Hell had going on.  In more departments than one.  
Sort of.
Dean might have had him beat in length, but Gabriel had him on girth, and damn if it wasn't satisfying watching the man's mouth quiver with exertion as they continued to pull taut around him.  
He pulled back out with a pop, enjoying the wrathful flush that had crept up Dean's face.
"I'm going to kill you,” he rasped, breath ragged.  
"Careful, big boy.  You keep whispering all these sweet nothings in my ear and I'm gonna start thinking you actually love me."  His gaze dropped down to Dean’s pants, noting the bulge that had returned with a chuckle. "Maybe that's not too far from the truth."  
It wasn't just murder that flashed in Dean's eyes, but Gabriel had to give him props for playing the soulless demon to a T.  
"That's because I'm thinking of all the ways I'm gonna flay you alive you sonofa--"
The archangel jammed himself back into Dean's mouth, turning the threat into a sputter.  
"First, rude,"  Gabriel tsked, savoring the long strokes that had Dean’s tongue pressing along the length of his shaft.  "Second, that's some sick shit, Dean-bean.  Even I have standards, and that's one business I will never mix with pleasure."  
He grabbed behind the man’s head, holding it steady as he did a series of shallow thrusts deep into the back of his throat.
"You ever consider seeing a therapist for that?"  
A snarl tore through Dean's chest, vibrating it's way across Gabriel's cock and pulling a low moan from him.  
"In the least, fucking one?" He continued, hoping to goad Dean into doing it again.  "You could probably get something out of the pillow talk."
It was clear Dean was done with his protests, and the archangel rocked his hips a few more times before stuffing himself down Dean's throat again.  
"I bet it's daddy issues," he taunted, mashing Dean’s nose against his pubic bone.  "It's always daddy issues with people like you."
The archangel held him there, enjoying the way the man’s gags spasmed around him.  It was hard to tell if Dean's face was turning colors from the lack of oxygen or from hitting the end of his rope.  
Gabriel hoped it was a little of both.
"For fucks sake," Dean gasped when he was finally given reprieve, chest heaving as spit dribbled down his chin.  "Would you shut up and come already?"
The archangel smirked, a mischievous glint entering his gaze.  "Since you asked so nicely…"
He ran his fingers through Dean’s short hair, much like he might his favorite pet, before palming the back of the man’s head and guiding him back to his dick.  The pace he set wasn’t anywhere near as brutal as Dean’s had been, but it wasn’t considerate either, and it didn’t take long for him to reach his climax.  
Pleasure burst across his system and he yanked the demon back, painting his face in thick, sticky ropes.  
Dean sat there a moment, an aura of murder engulfing the room.  One second passed.  Then another.  And after a few more he managed to crack an eye, thick lashes preventing the mess from dripping into it.
"Was that really necessary?" He growled.
Gabriel shrugged, as maddeningly casual as Dean had been after he’d gotten done.  "You said come.  You didn't specify where."
He snapped a hand towel into existence, throwing it in Dean’s face.  “Clean yourself up.  You look like a slut.”  
“Yeah, well you look like a whore with your pretty painted cheeks,” he slapped the archangel hard across his ass, smirking at the way Gabriel immediately straightened.  “Bet you’ll be feeling that for awhile.”
He grabbed himself a quick handful of tender flesh before rocking to his feet, tall frame shooting up from the floor as he cleared the come from his face.  He disappeared into the bathroom, the sound of running water filling the room before silence returned.  
Dean reemerged, patting his face with a different towel as droplets still clung to his hairline.  “Now, about that idea you had…”
Gabriel’s lips twitched.  The man could be so predictable sometimes.  It’s was always on to the next conquest, the next bar, the next victim.  He could never just exist long enough to enjoy the moment.    
“All in good time, my little Sith lord.”
Dean rolled his eyes, and the fact that’s all he continued to do in regards to the nickname suggested he wasn’t that opposed to it.  
“Why don’t you go hone those darkside skills of yours some more.  Take a shower.  Fuck someone else for a few days.  Kill somebody.”  Whatever Gabriel’s tone said.  “And when you’re ready to have some real fun again, you now how to reach me.”
“That’s it?” Dean demanded, incredulity breathing life back into the embers of his anger.  “That’s your big reveal?”
Gabriel snapped himself back into his clothing with a sigh.  “Seriously?  Go pull out some entrails or something, because you’re an obnoxious fucking priss when you’re pissy.”
Without another word, the archangel vanished, leaving Dean to his own devices once more.  
It was nice getting back into the swing of things alone, but everything seemed so ordinary after his romp with the archangel.  He could have tried to spice things up, finally taking an extended detour into the darker side of his pleasure.  He’d yet to fully play around with the idea of manipulation and coercion.  Maybe Gabriel was onto something with the whole mindfuck routine.  
His curiosity, though, ate away at him, searing through the back of his mind in the early hours of the morning or when there was nothing to keep him occupied.  What could the archangel possibly have up his sleeve that would interest him?  
While Dean tried to drag it out to avoid looking desperate, resisting temptation was not exactly a demon’s forte, and it took all of four days for him to give in and finally send out a prayer.  
Within thirty seconds, he’d received a response; a single text with nothing other than a location and a date and time three days out.
He suffered through the first two in vanillas-ville, knowing nothing was going to sate him now that he was left to imagine what it was Gabriel had planned.  The possibilities were literally endless with a being that could construct entire realities.  
Perhaps he’d get his own private harem to play with, ones who looked, felt, sounded, bled realistic enough, but whose absence wouldn’t be noticed once he grew tired of them.  
Maybe he’d get to construct his own to play out his personal fantasies.  
Maybe he’d actually get to be a Sith Lord, run his own dark Empire, fuck and kill his way through the masses.  
Yeah.  That would hit spot.  For a little while anyway.   
Certainly beat fucking Moaning Myrtle from the diner (or whatever her name was) who couldn’t help but put herself in the running for worst lay in existence with how exaggeratedly awful her sounds were.  She almost made him miss Gabriel’s inane chatter.  
Thankfully the remaining twenty-four hours were spent on the road.  The address was in Hell, Michigan, and while he’d never admit to enjoying the joke, some small shred of his former self did.  
Thankfully, the Mark's magic had all but strangled that dork out of existence.  
He arrived ahead of schedule with just enough time to case the area and grab a few drinks.  The place in question was exactly where he would have stayed if he'd been there on a hunt.  Cheap.  Seedy.  Not likely to have occupants who asked a lot of questions or did anything other than turn their TV up at any unusual sounds.
It wasn't promising to say the least, but he imagined not much would be in a place like this.
The entire town was a tourist trap, every souvenir playing off  its name.  Dean would have loved to show them what having been to Hell and back was really like, but that would have to wait for another time.  
Unless Gabriel's surprise turned out to be as appealing as this place was.  Then someone was going to pay.
He stepped out of the Impala, the summer heat rising up off the asphalt in a balmy rush.  His skin, however, remained cool, not a drop of perspiration forming as he made his way to room number four.  He raised his hand to knock, head tilting slightly when there wasn’t anything inside he could detect with his senses.
Before his knuckles could connect, the lock unlatched, faded wood swinging open on it’s own accord.  As expected, the room was empty.
“So help me, if this is a waste of my time,” he muttered, stepping through the threshold.  
The door immediately closed behind him, bathing him in darkness.  A sliver of light filtered through a tiny gap in the curtains.  They’d been drawn across all the windows, and if Dean eyesight didn’t come with an extra boost, it would have taken him a few seconds to adjust.
He checked his watch, noting he was a few minutes late.  
"Enough of the games, Gabriel," he called out, his patience already fraying.  "This better not be a trick or else I--"
A hesitant knock had his head whipping back toward the entrance.  It wasn’t the interruption that cut off his words so much as the scent that wafted toward him from beneath the doorway.  It tingled across his senses with an aching familiarity, and the memories that slid to the surface poured over him with a startling intensity.
No way.  No fucking way was that who he thought it was.
He turned around, eye peering through the peephole before widening in surprise.
Holy shit.  It was.
He hadn't seen Evelyn in years.  He'd given up on ever seeing her again after the way Sam had ended things with her.  
Yet, there she stood.  A touch older.  A little harder, her stare no longer as soft and warm as he remembered.  But he could tell, even through the loose flannel shirt that she was as firm and supple as ever.
The question was, what the fuck was she doing there?
He turned the knob, the entirety of her washing over him as fresh air flooded the opening.  He could smell everything.  Her shampoo.  Her soap.  The sweet tang of the sweat gathering in her folds as she stood in the unrelenting heat.  Her uneasiness.
He could practically taste the salt of her skin, his nostrils flaring as every part of him kicked into overdrive.  
"Hey, stranger," he greeted, voice a smooth, low rumble in the back of his throat.
Her pupils dilated, her heart picking up an extra beat as she detected something.  He’d gone on enough hunts with her to recognize the spark in her eyes, the one that flared in tandem with her intuition.  
Yet, there was still a touch of fondness in her tight smile.  “Dean.”  She hesitated, uncertainty splashing across her features as she no doubt tried to figure out how to proceed.  “I, um, I got your message.”
It didn’t surprise him she would head straight to business with him.  Not that he had any idea what that business was, considering he hadn’t left any messages for her.  
"...About Sam?"  She nervously twisted a ring on one of her fingers, and he noted the lack of  wedding band.
His gaze flicked back up, roaming over the long, waves framing her face.  She’d let her hair grow out, a dangerous thing for a hunter, presuming she still was one.  The change, however, suited her.  
Her gaze turned questioning as he continued to stare at her.
“C’mon, Dean,” a familiar voice materialized next to his ear, a split second before Gabriel appeared.  He was standing much further away than he sounded, gold taking on an unusually bright gleam as he leaned casually against the wall.
He gestured toward the open door.  "Where are your manners?  Aren’t you going to let our guest in?”  
Dean glanced back at her, watching closely for a reaction, noting the way her brow furrowed.  
"Are you alright, D?"
Hearing the former nickname was like taking a bolt of lightning to his chest, the aftershocks heading straight between his legs.  
“Yeah, D," Gabriel teased.  "You ok?  Or is this little blast from the past not as thrilling as expected?"
Holy fucking shit.  He hadn't.
The infuriatingly smug smirk that spread across the archangel's face said oh yes he had.  
"She can't hear me yet, by the way, so get your shit together, because this is all riding on you."
He had no idea how Gabriel had known how many nights had Dean lost sleep over her, but at that moment, he didn't care if it had been lifted straight from his mind.  He'd lost track of how many fantasies she’d starred in, the most prominent of which involved erasing Sam from her mind.  He just remembered daydreaming about taking her from every angle, fucking her in every position, making her come undone so many times she would be ruined for anyone else.  
And now he had a chance to make all of those things a reality.   
Dean moved aside, admiring the view with a lick of his lips as she stepped inside.  
The best part about it, what really had his dick already growing hard, was that Sam still cared for her.  She wasn’t just an ex, she was the ex, the only person after Jessica who had had a shot at a life with him.  
But the idiot had gone and thrown it all away because happily ever afters didn’t exist for people like him or her.
Dean shut the door behind him, the room going ominously dim as he secured the deadbolt behind him.
"So, about that message…"
She turned and he waited for her eyes to adjust before letting his ink out of sight.  
"Oh god," she gasped, her fear intoxicating as it saturated the air.
"God can't help you, sweetheart," he grinned, advancing upon her.
His brother had been right.  This wasn’t going to end happily.  Not for Sam.  Not for her.  Not for anyone but him.
Tags are open to anyone 18+.  Send an ask to be added OR follow @rabbit-writes (my fic only side blog) and turn on notifications.
ALL the tags:
@girl-next-door-writes​ @fand0maniac​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @lucifer-in-leather​ @blondecoffeecake​  @tistai​ @room-with-a-cat​ @authoressskr​ @revwinchester​ @flufy07​ @tardis-is-mine​ @tangle-of-ivy​ @luciferseclipse @mrswhozeewhatsis @protectivedestiel ​ @angelofwinchester17 @phantomwarrior12 @jeanjeaniethings @wontlookaway @copperseraphim @fandomsrourlives @archangelgabriellives @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mizzezm @disneymarina @zpandaqueen @idabbleincrazy @katekvnes @han68000 @brokencasbutt67-writer @crashdevlin @klinenovakwinchester @bofa-deans-nuts @sherlockedtash88 @lovelyhexbag
Gabe Squad:
@bloodstained-porcelain-doll​​ @lacqueluster​ @baritonechick @samikitten​ ​ @kazosa​ @nobodys-baby-now​ @acarpouschimerical​ ​ @cipherwheeldecoder​ ​ @megasimpleplan4ever​ @azlinh​ ​ @fruitypieq​​  ​ @koithings​ @booknerd1324​ @the-kryomancer​ @karichanarts @archangelashiah @calamity-chaos @erisunderthemoon @hankypranky @missihart23 @curious-trickster @gabegirrl86 @trickster-emissarie @crazyevilninja-is-tired @sweetmisseddreams2002    @bun-dpdbny @greeneyedtrickster @marichromatic @ourloveisforthelovely @supernaturalways  @a-wing-and-a-pen
Dean Beans:  @marichromatic @polina-93
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hanneswrites · 5 years
gotta go back in time
Pairings: Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Rating: T
Word Count: 365
Summary/Tags: A witch sends Sam back in time & he meets someone he thought he'd never see again. || Past, but Established Sam/Gabriel, Accidental Time Travel, Episode: s02e18 Tall Tales
Written for @gabriel-spn-bingo Square filled: Time Travel.
Sam groaned as he picked himself up from the floor, his wrist stinging as he put pressure on it - probably a strain, hopefully not a break. He blinked, realized that he was no longer in a warehouse, and the witch that had been less than three feet from him was gone as well. There was speckled linoleum beneath his fingers and as Sam took a look around, he noticed he was in a hallway that looked oddly familiar. He remembered this - the tan brick walls, the old wooden display cases, the stairway at the end of the corridor, and as he turned, he heard the telltale sound of a spring-lock door opening behind him.
And then? A fond click of a tongue and an all-too-familiar voice called out to him, “Did you get lost there, detective?” Sam’s heart was in his throat in an instant.
"Gabe?" Sam whispered, turning and moving toward him faster than he probably should have, with his head still spinning from being knocked around by that witch. But it’s Gabriel , here, now, right in front of him, and Sam couldn’t help but reach out for him as he stumbled closer. Gabriel took a step back, his eyes wide and his trademark grin quickly transformed into a frightened scowl. He was wearing a navy jumpsuit, his hair shorter than the last time Sam had seen him, but that didn’t matter now.
"What?" Gabriel breathed, taking another step back, but Sam had him, his fingers closing around his wrist. Sam pulled him close, his face buried in Gabriel's hair the instant they made contact. And it only occurred to him moments later, how strange the situation was.  How he'd been in a warehouse minutes before, and yet now he stood in a university corridor, his dead lover cradled in his arms. And he remembered, then, why this place looked so familiar. He looked down, his heart still pounding in his throat, expecting to see a demon, a ghost, or some eldritch monstrosity in place of where Gabriel had just been. Instead, Gabriel threw him, quite literally, into a wall, and all Sam heard before he blacked out was the sound of snapping fingers.
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falcatrecon · 5 years
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Linkage: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18596425
Title: Chapel of Love
Pairing: Sabriel
Rating: Gen
For @sabrielcc AU prompt ‘Fake Marriage’, for @gabriel-spn-bingo square ‘fake relationship-hunt’
“Alright. Alright.” Sam rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He clicked the phone shut and turned to Gabriel, who raised an eyebrow. “There’s a rash of suspicious deaths near here, so guess what.”
“Ugh.” Gabriel slumped on the bed. “We just finished a case!”
Shrugging, Sam tucked his phone in his pocket. “I know, but it’s just the next town over. According to Dean it’s a bunch of couples that have been dying over at this church, murder/suicide, but far too many to be a coincidence.”
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Black and White: New Sabriel fic
I wrote a continuation of my Colors of the Rainbow ‘verse, called ‘Black and White.’  It fills the ‘Costumes!’ square on my @gabriel-spn-bingo Card.  
It’s explicit, and no, I don’t know what my brain was on when I wrote it.  I no longer have any idea wtf.  
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gabriel-spn-bingo · 6 years
By @falcatrecon
Square filled: Sam writes fanfic
Angsty drabble. So sweet and so sad. 😭
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idabbleincrazy · 6 years
By @mightywolves23
Square filled: Coffee Shop AU - Sabriel
Very sweet and silly, with a few unexpected guest stars.
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warlockwriter · 6 years
Rainbows Out of Storm Clouds
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Yay! My first entry into the Gabriel Bingo 2019. Fills the Grace Kink square.
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Gabriel, Trans!Male Reader
Word Count: 1224
Tags: Body dysphoria (mild), Creative!Gabriel
Summary:  It's the moment of truth and time to go all the way with Gabriel. But will you be able to get past your hangups about your body? Good thing Gabriel is creative.
AO3 Link
It was finally the right time. You and Gabriel had been on a couple of dates, and had compared notes about crazy families, trauma and favorite television shows--he liked most CW shows, and you were more into other things. Yes, some of those were odd things to discuss on a date, but it had worked for the two of you.
By mutual agreement, sex hadn’t happened yet, although, it had been close when you discovered that he was a fantastic kisser. You supposed it made sense, considering how long he had lived. You’d been intimidated because how could your experience possibly live up to that? However, he had assured you he was most satisfied with your skill, and he’d made sure the hardness pressed against your leg proved he wasn’t just being a gentleman.
Of course, that led to a whole other round of insecurity because you didn’t have the same equipment. As many times as he assured you it didn’t matter, you couldn’t help but wonder if he was just being nice.
But you’d both decided tonight was the night. The date had been a simple one, dinner and a movie. Of course, being Gabriel, he wasn’t satisfied with the local multiplex. No, he’d flown you to some town you’d never heard of for the world premiere of some indie film you’d never heard of.
As soon as the movie started and you saw one of the leads, you knew why he’d picked it. “Is that you?”
“Nope,” he whispered back. “I’ve got several look alikes running around. This one is an actor, and he was busy while Asmodeus was...entertaining me. I finally caught up last month, and now I can focus on his new stuff.”
The movie was entertaining, and you’d been amused to see it dealt with demons, for the lack of a better term. Wow, did they get almost everything wrong!
Afterwards, he took you to an amazing hotel with every possible luxury, including the softest sheets you’d ever felt.
Things started out well enough, with kissing and both of you touching each other through clothes. However, Gabriel started to slide his hand up your shirt, and you froze.
“What is it?” he asked.
While he knew you were trans and didn’t have male equipment, you’d dodged his attempts to learn more about your transition. Now there was no more room to dodge.
“Umm. I’ve never had surgery or taken hormones. I’m pretty lucky to be small on top, and a hunting lifestyle has built muscle. But yeah, I’ve got boobs, and right now I’m feeling shy about them. ”
He smiled said, “I don’t care what your chest looks like. I do want to touch, but I’m cool with you telling me shirt on or off.”
“On for now,” you answered without hesitation. You’ve let guys take your shirt off before, but none of them had been Gabriel, whom you were pretty sure you were falling in love with.
Gonna have to show him someday then, your traitorous, logical inner voice pointed out.
You resolved to argue that point with yourself later.
Gabriel didn’t hesitate, sliding his hand up your shirt and caressing you with gentle skill. It felt fantastic, and you were able to relax into it.
He had no such reservations and managed to unbutton and remove his shirt without breaking the kiss. Then he deliberately moved your hand to his chest, and you explored him, consciously imitating some of the things he was doing to you.
Who knew archangels had such filthy mouths? At least you knew exactly what he liked.
Eventually, he pulled his hand out from under your shirt and started unbuttoning your jeans.
“You’re not going to try to do this with your pants on, are you?”
Obviously that wasn’t going to work, but if you’d thought you’d been self-conscious earlier, it was nothing compared to what you felt as he slid your zipper down.
He must have sensed your mood because he stopped.
Great. You’d ruined everything.
He must have read your expression because he smiled and said, “Really not going to work, you know.”
“I know.” And this was the moment he was going to make his polite excuses. Maybe he’d leave you the key to the room so you could at least cry into a high thread count pillowcase.
A gentle finger traced the line of your jaw. “Oh, no. We’re not done here. I have an idea.”
“You do?” You weren’t sure you dared get your hopes up.
“You’ve said you don’t want me to...alter your body, right?”
It was an effort, but no, you really didn’t want that.
“However, what about sensation?” he asked.
“Huh?” Not the most eloquent of responses, but it was all you could come up with.”
“Let me demonstrate,” he said.
He moved farther up the bed and motioned you to sit with your back against the headboard. You followed, having no idea what he was proposing, but he wasn’t leaving, so right now you were thinking it was all good.
“Spread your legs a little,” he said.
You did so, and he wiggled around to remove his jeans. You were amused to note that he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Then he sat between your legs, his back to you. You were at just the right angle to peer over his shoulder to see his erect cock. Oh. He was not small.
You had no idea what he was planning, but it wasn’t a bad sight. However, he didn’t let you look long. “Jack me off?” he asked.
“Uh, sure.” You’d done that before, although not at this particular angle. It was a good thing he wasn’t as big as the Winchesters. You weren’t tall, and your arms never would have reached around one of them. Gabriel, though, was just about the right size for this.
Wishing for a moment that it was your cock you were stroking, you took him in hand and began.
Your hands nearly stuttered to a halt when you felt the same sensation in your non-existent cock.
“How?” was all you could say.
“I can use my grace in all sorts of creative ways. Now, don’t stop. That was good.”
You managed to get your wits back just enough to continue. Everything you did to him was somehow transmitted to you, and it was amazing. You’d always wondered what it felt like to jack off, and it was the most incredible thing ever.
Gabriel gave vocal encouragement and occasionally placed his hands over yours, showing you exactly what he liked. He had incredible control, and you completely lost track of how long you spent working him, until you realized your hands were cramping a bit.
“Not much longer now,” Gabriel said, each word coming out with a gasp.
Encouraged, you stroked him a little more firmly, and oh my god that’s what coming felt like when you had a cock!
Another advantage to doing this with an angel. Cleaning up the mess as soon as he was finished, he turned to face you.
“So, enjoy that?”
“There are no words,” you answer honestly, still stunned by the biggest gift anyone had ever given you.
He kissed you before winking. “Excellent. Because next up is feeling what it’s like to be inside someone.”
Oh, you could hardly wait.
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xprojectrpg · 1 year
This Day in X-Project - May 30
Arthur Centino's birthday
2015: Felicia posts a photo of the city skyline. Gabriel posts apologizing for anyone he drunkenly texted. Alison texts Roxy for company and a Doctor Who marathon. Miles and Billy meet, this time without the masks.
2016: Topaz and Amanda return from meeting Maya's grandfather, and Topaz brings Maya her "gift."
2017: Laurie wonders about playing ER bingo.
2018: Gabriel texts Illyana to ask if she's okay. Rahne posts complaining about people wanting to touch her hair.
2020: Molly posts about a bonfire in the backyard.
2021: Jubilee posts a language meme.
2022: Clan Akkaba - Case File: Inception: Quentin posts an update on the missing teen investigation and alerts X-Force to the mystical sigils on the recovered kids that seem to be blocking their powers.
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easypeasybreezy · 5 years
Just Watching
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Um, here's another one 😅 This is uhhhh more crack. Have been sitting on it for a long time.
Fills the square Trickster!Gabriel for @gabriel-spn-bingo​
990 words. This is just, a retelling of the end of Tall Tales with- you!
Warnings/Tags- crack ish, gender neutral reader, reader ships sabriel, uhh voyeur reader? (but nothing happens XD)
You walked up the steps at Crawford Hall, looking around to make sure no one was watching. This wasn’t something you usually did. You were more into research and gathering information, preferring to stay behind when the Winchesters went after the monsters. In fact, Sam and Dean thought you were safe in the hotel room right now, waiting for them to hatch their plan to stop the trickster. However, you couldn’t let that happen. 
Every person the trickster killed or pranked had it coming to them- you couldn’t see a reason to kill him. He didn’t even really hurt you, Sam, and Dean, just played harmless pranks that even you could find funny. So, you were going to warn him and try to get him to leave before the others could attack him. In your mind, there was no reason to fear him. He had every opportunity to kill you, but he didn’t. That had to count for something. Also, he seemed to like Sam. You had thought about getting Sam and the janitor together after you saw them obviously flirting with each other, but, well, that wasn’t happening anymore.
The sound of muffled music pulled you from your thoughts. You followed it to a set of doors which opened to a large lecture hall, the music playing loudly inside. What was this, sex music? Walking down the steps, you were surprised to see a large red bed on the stage with two women in lingerie splayed out on it. 
Huh, that was odd. The women sat motionless on the bed.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting you.”
You turned to see the trickster leaning back in a seat. That explained the situation on the stage. 
“This was supposed to be a peace-offering for Dean, but you showed up instead,” he continued, sitting up. “Are you fine with the women, or would you prefer men? Perhaps one of each?”
“Wait, a peace-offering?” you asked. It seemed like the trickster was already far ahead of you.
“I know what you do,” he said, pulling out a candy bar. “But I like you- you, Sam, and Dean. So, just tell me what you’d like and enjoy yourself. I’ll move to the next town and be out of your way.”
Wow, that was easy. You didn’t imagine he would actually offer to leave first. Maybe you could have some fun with this. “Hmm, I think I’ll take you up on that offer,” you said. “How about you make one of those two Sam?”
The trickster smiled as he opened the candy bar. “And the other one Dean? Ooh, scandalous.” 
“Uh, well, actually,” you started, somehow finding it in yourself to continue. “Can you make the other one you?”
He chuckled. “Wow, I am flattered, y/n,” he said, taking a bite of the candy. “Why not just ask for the real thing instead?”
“Oh no, um. I just wanted to watch?” you explained, feeling your face grow hot.
The trickster burst out laughing. “You want me and Sam, for your viewing pleasure? Heck, I wouldn’t mind that either. Absolutely!” 
Relieved, you moved to sit down in a seat. You felt a lot more comfortable around him now. “Can I have one of those too,” you said, pointing at his candy bar. “Also, what’s your name? I can’t keep calling you trickster.”
"It’s Loki,” he answered, trying to get his laughter under control, and raised his hand to snap. 
Suddenly, you heard your name being called faintly from the hallway. “Shit, they’re early,” you swore, looking at the trickster, no- Loki, with his hand paused in the air. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
He sighed, no longer laughing. “And just when it was getting good, too.” Loki snapped, and you found yourself tied up and gagged in a seat to the side. Now you weren’t feeling so brave, but all he did was grin at you.
The doors slammed open, and Dean ran into the room, followed by Sam and Bobby from the other side. They all held wooden stakes in their hands. Momentarily thrown off by the sight on the stage, it took a few seconds until they saw you and Loki.
“Get away from y/n!” Dean yelled, rushing down towards you.
“Or what, big guy?” said Loki, and the two women who were still frozen on the bed appeared in front of Dean and attacked him, throwing punches. At the same time, a man with a chainsaw materialized to fight Sam and Bobby. You thought they could handle it, but started to worry as you watched them struggle. Loki, however, was thoroughly entertained, laughing as he watched the fights. 
It didn’t take long though before the boys overcame their opponents, and Dean stabbed Loki through the chest. The chainsaw man and women disappeared, along with your restraints, as Loki fell back into the seats dead.
“Are you okay, y/n?” Bobby said as the three came over to check on you.
“What happened?” asked Sam.
“I’m okay,” you answered, deciding not to tell them about your plan. “I was just sitting in the hotel room, when the next thing I knew I was in here tied up. I’m sorry you had to save me.” 
“Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault,” said Dean, helping you up. “We should have known he could have got you. Now let’s get out of here.” 
The four of you left the room and Loki’s body behind. You couldn’t help but wonder if your actions had actually killed Loki. Would Dean have taken the peace-offering? You shook your head. It was too late to change anything now.
As you stepped through the doors of the building and headed down the steps, you felt something inside in the back pocket of your pants. Waiting until the others couldn’t see you, you reached down and pulled out a candy bar. Smiling, you placed it back into your pocket.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Kinktober 2019
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October 1st: Dirty Angel - Enemies to lovers (Sam x Reader)
October 2nd: Unholy Night - Partner sharing (Castiel x Reader; Dean x Reader)
October 3rd: Desperate Souls - Sex for money (Soulless!Sam x Reader) 
October 4th: Unholy Night - Part 2 - Threesome (Dean x Reader x Castiel)
October 5th: The art of hate - Marking (Jensen x Reader)
October 6th: Tall Mountain - Size Kink (Jared x Reader)
October 7th: Lesson learned - Public Sex (Demon!Dean x Reader)
October 8th: Daddy’s good girl - Daddy Kink (John x Reader)
October 9th: Rapture - Car Sex (Dean x Reader)
October 10th: Brothers in arms - Threesome (Dean x Reader x Sam)
October 11th: Two pairs of blue eyes - Overstimulation (Michael!Dean x Reader x Samifer)
October 12th: When your daddy isn’t around - Cuckolding/Cuckoldry (Dean x Reader x Sam; John x Reader)
October 13th: Unholy Night - Part 3 - Foursome (Winchesters x Reader x Castiel)
October 14th: Mechanic Dreams - Dirty Dreams (Dean x Reader)
October 15th: The other angel - Grace Kink (Gadreel x Reader)
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October 16th: Only mine - Sex Pollen (Nomad!Steve Rogers x Reader)
October 17th: Thunderstrike - Outdoor Sex (Thor x Reader) 
October 18th: The Alpha within - Breeding Kink (Alpha!Tony x OmegaReader)
October 19th: Beyond the soldier - Praise Kink (Bucky x Reader)
October 20th: What’s a Tumblr? - Double the fun - Cum Play (Steve x Reader x Bucky)
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October 21th: Desperate Souls - Part 2 - Somnophilia (Soulless!Sam x Reader)
October 22th: J2 Forever - Gags (Jensen x Reader x Jared)
October 23th: Deals with the devil are never easy - Quorofilia (Demon!Dean x Reader) 
October 24th: The angel within - Blindfolding (Gadreel!Sam x Reader) vs
October 24th - My favorite angel - Mutual Masturbation (Castiel x Reader)
October 25th - Best version of Dean - Knife Play (Michael!Dean x Reader)
October 26th - Trickster at your service - Role Play (Gabriel x Reader)
October 27th - Wrong costume - Part 2 - Mechanophilia (Dean x Reader)
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October 28th: Bloody Lips - Blooddrinking (Vamp!Dean x Reader)
October 29th: Sharp Teeth - Mating (Werewolf!Sam x Reader)
October 30th: Wrong angel - Possession (Casifer x Reader)
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Halloween Specials: Angst/Smut
October 31st: Lesson Learned - Awakening - Pregnancy Sex (Demon!Dean x Reader)
October 31st: Is that a costume? - Choking (Wolverine x Reader)
October 31st: Abandoned Souls - Knife Play (Soulless!Sam x Demon!Reader)
October 31st: Darkness all around - HAPPY HALLOWEEN (Demon!Dean x Reader x Soulless!Sam)
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Text Divider by @firefly-graphics​​​
Find all other Bingos and Special Events here: Special Events
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Omg. Dark bingo, Asmodeus. "Thought you got away, didn't you, pet?" Prompt: Gabriel tries to escape, but he gets caught. Describe the aftermath.
Title: Run, Rabbit, RunFor: @spndarkbingo
Square filled: Asmodeus
Warnings/Tags: Violence against an archangel
“Little raaaa-bbiiiiit…”
Gabriel froze as the voice echoed around him, that southern sweetness masking an unending penchant for horror and suffering. Behind the stitches in his lips, Gabriel bit his tongue to keep quiet. The taste of blood bloomed down his throat, finding its way down into his empty stomach. The ache of something in his hollow gut was better than the brutal touches that came when he uttered any sound.
But that ache kept him moving. Gabriel’s poorly healed and bloody hands maneuvered along the wall of the darkened hallway, the dim candles adding no useful light. If he stopped, allowed his legs to rest, he’d crumble; wait in a huddled pile until his captor found him again. He had found the strength to abandon his cage. He couldn’t give up again.
“…Where aaare youuuu?”
Gabriel stumbled, the sacrinne sound drawing back all the horrible memories of his time in this hell. He had to get the fuck out of here. A window, a door, anything that lead him out of this nightmare.
Steady as he was going to be, Gabriel pressed on. Turning corners without thought and eyes darting everywhere looking for his salvation. But all he found was nothing. Just more darkness and the screams and pleas of the damned around him.
Through the dark and winding halls, Gabriel ran, as fast as he could on his mutilated legs. One last turn, and he ran right into those yellow eyes and wicked smirk that haunted him.
“Thought you could get away, didn’t you, pet,” Asmodeus sneered. Gabriel staggered, falling back to the floor, hands over his face and trembling in fear. “Don’t you worry, rabbit,” he clicked his tongue as he crouched down, leaning dangerously close, “I’ll make sure you never want to leave your pen...” The yellow in his eyes glowed brighter, and Gabriel pulled back further when Asmodeus raised a hand. “...Ever again.”
The first hit of the demon’s power sent him reeling. Gabriel’s own grace mixed with the power of a Prince of Hell flung him high, ricocheting from wall to ceiling and back again. Blood flowed, running down his skin and through his already dirty rags to splatter everywhere. Asmodeus laughed, loud and evil and when Gabriel pried his eyes open to look at the face of his torturer, the demon licked his lips, tasting the blood of the holy being he held captive.
“Tastes almost as good as your tainted grace,” he spat, and Gabriel looked away in shame. “When are you gonna learn that you are dirty, filthy, unworthy of Heaven’s golden light?!” Each word was punctuated with a kick, a punch, each blow cracking bone and grinding him into the stone. “You are a failure, Gabriel!” he shouted as he raked his disheveled hair back from his eyes before they went dark and his voice dropped to a murmur. “And I will make you my bitch.”
Suddenly, there was a hand in Gabriel’s hair, fisting roughly and dragging him down the hallway. The pain on his scalp was horrible. On instinct, his own hands tried to free himself from Asmodeus’s grasp, clawing and scratching at any bit of the demon he could reach. But the demon never faltered in his steps or his grip, and soon they were back in that horrible place. Back in Asmodeus’s throne room.
“This is what happens,” Asmodeus shouted as he threw Gabriel across the floor, “when you think you can escape me!” Demon power buffeted him from every angle, crushing Gabriel further into the dirty floor. “You think you deserve to be free? To be playing a god?” A twist of Asmodeus’s wrist and Gabriel’s body seized, electricity locking every muscle tight enough to snap under his skin. There was a snap, and Gabriel’s body relaxed. The pain faded slowly, and between his ragged breathing through his nose Gabriel was aware that Asmodeus was circling him like a shark.
“I do pity you, Gabriel,” he said softly. “You are something weak. No one would possibly want you. Where did you think you could go?”
The words hit Gabriel hard, and before he could catch himself, a tear slipped down his cheek, cutting a path through the grime. Asmodeus sighed, almost a laugh, at the sight.
“I’ll make you see,” he murmured. “The cage is a blessing.”
There was a rumbling below Gabriel. The floor shook, cracks forming and coming together along the floor. With a boom, a massive hole opened in the center of the throne room, smoke and screams and a horrible smell emanating from it. No, not again, Gabriel thought in anguish.
“Say hi to your friends for me, Gabriel.”
With a wicked laugh and a wave of his hand, Gabriel slid across the floor. He desparately tried to grab for anything to save himself from the pit. But with nothing to save him, Gabriel fell. He finally screamed, or at least tried to, as he landed, millions of hands grabbing him. Millions of pairs of eyes glaring into him. Millions of demons and souls of the damned trying to tear him apart at the seams, digging into his flesh.
With eyes wide and a cry on his lips, Gabriel watched the hole close up above him, Asmodeus’s glowing eyes and evil grin the last things he saw before the darkness engulfed him.
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@doctor-zyre @ourloveisforthelovely @authoressskr @superwhoavengelocketc-blog @sumara62 @mscrazycatbitch @emmii4 @redberrysweets @space-time-paradox @tgpanther @anxietywontmakethewordsgo @l4life @acarpouschimerical @warlockwriter
SPN Dark Bingo@spndarkbingo @idabbleincrazy @destielhoneybee
Let me know if you wanna be on the Tags list!
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thewhiterabbit42 · 6 years
2019 Kink Bingo Masterlist
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Biting - The Other Side (AU!Gabriel x AU!Reader)  Survival wasn’t all there was to life in the apocalypse, and you were lucky enough to understand this.
Voyeurism - Undisclosed Desires (Dean x Reader, Dean x reader x Gabriel overtones)  No strings attached isn’t supposed to be complicated, but when is anything simple when a Winchester and archangel are involved?  
Domestic - Breakfast in Bed (Gabriel x reader)   Gabriel starts his morning by savoring one of his favorite meals.  You.  
Free Space - Beard Kink (Gabriel x reader) Gabriel riles the reader up with a little extra something he’s brought on the hunt.  
Impala Sex - Impala Sex (Mick x reader) A hunt almost goes sideways and you and Mick find yourselves giving in to temptation in less than ideal places.
Paddling - Unexpected Company Part 2 (demon Dean x dark Gabriel)  Dean’s starting to get bored with their arrangement.  He needs something else.  Something different.  Something more.  To his surprise, Gabriel has just the thing for him.  
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hanneswrites · 5 years
gotta go back in time (Chapter 2)
Pairings: Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Rating: T
Word Count: 700ish
Summary/Tags: A witch sends Sam back in time & he meets someone he thought he’d never see again. || Past, but Established Sam/Gabriel, Accidental Time Travel, Episode: s02e15 Tall Tales
Written for @gabriel-spn-bingo Square filled: Argument @idabbleincrazy
Sam woke slowly, his eyes blinking open and trying to take in his surroundings. He tried to lift his arms and found that he wasn’t able, noticed he was tied to a chair and said chair was sitting in the middle of a devil’s trap surrounded by a ring of burning holy oil. The room he was in was dim, but he could still make out a few distinct things: the floor was a dark hardwood and the walls were stained log - he was in a cabin. He glanced around, trying to get his eyes to focus to the dark, and noticed an ornate rug just to the left of him that was starkly familiar - it had been in the cabin Gabriel had brought him to after Dean died, back when he still thought Gabriel was Loki. It could just be a coincidence, of course it could, because Gabriel was dead. He’d died in the Elysian Fields hotel over three years ago and Sam knew that. Sam knew he was dead. He’d seen the burned ash wings spreading out from his lifeless vessel. Gabriel was dead.
And yet, as he strained his eyes in the darkness, he saw a figure leaning in the doorway, a figure with golden-shining eyes. Sam cleared his throat and tried to make a mental map of everything he could possibly use as a weapon against this...being...that looked exactly like his dead archangel boyfriend. No angel blade, no demon-killing knife, no gun. He tried to wriggle out of the restraints on his wrists, but they wouldn’t budge.
“You won’t be able to break those, don’t waste your energy.” The figure in the doorway said, and Sam winced - it sounded so much like Gabriel it hurt. He moved toward Sam, stepping into the light just outside of the ring of holy fire, “Who are you?”
Sam smiled weakly and paused, looking him over. The navy jumpsuit had been replaced with a simple red button-down underneath a tan jacket and a pair of dark-wash jeans. His eyes were still honey-gold, glowing bright and angry in the dim light. Sam hadn’t seen him like this since, well, since the night he’d died.
“I’m Sam Winchester.” Sam said, and the man let out a bitter laugh.
“No, you’re not.” He pointed a blade at him, “Sam Winchester is asleep in his motel room. So, I’m gonna ask again, who are you?”
“Sam Winchester.” Sam repeated, brows furrowing. Sam Winchester is asleep in his motel room. Familiar college hallway, a Gabriel look-a-like. What looked like an archangel blade in the Gabriel-look-a-like’s hand. The man scoffed and twirled the blade between his fingers, walking slowly around the ring of holy fire. Sam could hear his boots thunking across the hardwood floor as he came to stand directly behind him. There was a long pause and Sam could hear his blood ringing in his ears as he tried to fit together a plan. The ring of holy fire dissipated and Sam heard him step closer, and suddenly there was cool metal pressing up against his neck, a hand in his hair forcing his head back to look into those fire-golden eyes.
“How do you know my name?” Not-Gabriel’s breath ghosted over his face and it smelled like caramel coffee. He placed two fingers on Sam’s neck, gliding soft to the pressure point just below his jaw. A moment passed where he just looked into Sam’s eyes before that all-too-familiar feeling of grace rushed through Sam’s body, warming him, surging through his nerves like live electricity. Sam closed his eyes, leaning slightly into the touch, and he knew in that moment that this was Gabriel. He’d know that feeling anywhere. Regardless of what Dean always said, every angel Sam had encountered had a different feeling to their grace. Castiel’s was colder, like ice running through his veins, Gadreel’s had been heavy, suffocating, and lukewarm, Lucifer’s -- Sam didn’t want to think about -- fire coursing under his skin, burning down his throat and scorching his insides. And Gabriel’s was warm. It was warm and it felt right, like he was safe and loved every moment it flowed through him.
Gabriel’s fingers slowly withdrew and Sam looked up at him - at the hard line of his mouth, the angry furrow of his brow. Sam smiled, slow and sad, and Gabriel snapped his fingers once more.
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