#gabriel castillo
lulu2992 · 5 months
Far Cry: Cull the Herd #0 review
The first issue of the manga is out! Here are my thoughts on it :)
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Spoilers for Primal’s ending below and slight spoilers for the manga itself, but it’s pretty short and just the prologue so not much happens anyway.
You can download this pilot here for free. Remember to read it from right to left!
So, I was wondering who the two teenagers on the cover were, and the answer is Antón Castillo on the right (who looks more like Diego, I think), and on the left… his sister Valeria.
Valeria Castillo is a new character, never mentioned in Far Cry 6 and created for the manga. We aren’t told if she’s older or younger than Antón, but it’s clear she has a strong and caring personality. I’m not sure she can be considered canon since it seems the game’s writing team wasn’t involved (their names don’t appear anywhere), but the idea of Antón not being an only child actually makes sense since he has a nephew!
As explained in the official description, Cull the Herd is about Batari, one of Primal’s two main antagonists, magically abducting some of the franchise’s iconic villains when they were still teenagers, making them fight against each other in prehistoric times, and… this is pretty much all that happens in this free “prelude”. In fact, the “battle royale” hasn’t even started yet.
The comic opens with Batari’s demise at the hands of Takkar, and I think the scene looks a little graphic for the manga’s rating (13+), but maybe it’s just me. As she’s mortally burnt and wondering why “evil always wins”, a mysterious, goddess-like being (possibly Suxli) speaks to her and decides it’s time to “play a game” to determine what the “nature of evil” is.
We then see a 13-year-old Antón working in Yara’s tobacco fields in 1967, as we know he was forced into labor by the revolutionaries. There are differences between the story told in the game and what we see in Cull the Herd, though, but it’s probably because canon doesn’t really matter in the manga.
Aside from the fact that Antón has a sister, it appears his father is still alive in the comic when, in Far Cry 6, he had already been executed at this point. On the other hand, although she only died in 2007 and always remained close to him, his mother Yolanda is never mentioned. We don’t see Antón’s pruning knife either, but maybe we will in future issues.
That said, again, I’ll have to refrain from focusing on the accuracy of the events presented in Cull the Herd too much since it’s just a semi-official crossover alternate universe, much like Captain Laserhawk (which I really enjoyed). Not everything is going to be faithful to the games, but since the manga series is a supernatural retelling of some of the characters’ stories, it’s not supposed to be.
This pilot is only a taste of what’s coming next, and in my opinion, it’s an effective teaser. I don’t know if the other issues will be free and fully colored as well, but I’m curious where the story is going to go, which characters will be involved, and what will happen to them. In my opinion, the story looks promising.
Don’t read Far Cry: Cull the Herd if you’re just interested in gathering more information about some of the Far Cry antagonists’ pasts; it’s clearly not canon. Now, if you’re a fan of the franchise, want to read a crossover story featuring reinterpretations of your favorite characters as teenagers, see how they survive in this nightmarish scenario, discover what “evil” is, and if it truly always wins, this manga may be for you :)
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cyanbyte · 7 days
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queenofglassbeliever · 11 months
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Naomi agrees that Gabe is handsome.
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to me, TO ME, the main 4 of eoa are in a polycule
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(i would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that they're all 18 and older by the end of the series)
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elizabethsnowflake · 1 year
it's kinda their thing.
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bonus 😊 :
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As your royal guard but also as your friend
A collection of little moments and a slowly breaking barrier.
Fandom: Elena of Avalor
Characters/relationships: Elena Castillo Flores & Gabriel "Gabe" Núñez
Words: 2,390
Tags: Mid-Canon, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Retrospective
No warnings, Gen audience, oneshot
It took them quite some time to find the balance between the guarding and princessing and simply being friends.
The first time Gabe accompanied her to an official meeting outside of the palace (it was somewhere in the very centre definitely. Maybe something to do with trading guilds and taxes or import laws?) she noticed him hesitate before the threshold. The whole day he has been trailing her like a shadow, as if leaving her side for even a moment would immediately put her in danger. This simple wooden frame however seemed powerful enough to make him stop and allow the distance between them to grow to a whole 2 meters. He glanced between the carriage and the entrance to the house and she almost heard the clogs turning in his head.
"Can I go with you?" Elena couldn't help but snort when he revealed the reason for his turmoil.
"I'm really tempted to say 'no' and finally have some breathing space."
Gabe huffed and repeated for what seemed to be the hundredth time since she met him those few weeks ago:
"I'm your guard, I'm supposed to protect you, and I can't protect you if I'm not with you." But then, with far less confidence he added, "But I don't know if I can come with you now. I mean, this meeting is probably confidential, or something?"
Her mocking smile unwittingly softened, when she saw him so uncharacteristically unsure. She decided not to bully him this time.
"Well, you're not exactly 'with me' if you're standing somewhere on the street while I'm getting kidnapped in there, or something like that." She chuckled again, seeing the horror on his face as such a possibility dawned on him. "Besides, it's not anything that confidential anyway, I'm sure all the newspapers are going to know about our decision before tomorrow morning."
He exhaled audibly and jumped up the few steps to join her at the door to the big city house.
"If they do, that definitely won't be from me," he said seriously, but with such a grin that she couldn't help but tease him a bit.
"Oh really? You're not one to gossip, Gabe?"
He laughed and raised his brows in a fake pout.
"Princess, how am I supposed to gossip, if I won't even understand a thing from what you'll be talking about."
That was the first time Elena believed that Gabe actually had a sense of humour. Still, it was whole months before she saw him be anything close to "relaxed" when on duty.
It was some party in an out of town villa. There were important conversations at the dinner table of course, but it was obvious that the whole event served more as an opportunity for the currently most important of the nobility to meet the new crown princess - and for Elena to establish her position as such.
It was after a third or fourth hour of constantly feeling his eyes on her back that she finally approached him. Gabe was standing in the exact same spot where she left him, by the door but close to a window.
"I see you're not enjoying the party," she said casually taking a sip of her punch.
Gabe's shoulders lost the tension they gained when he saw her approaching and he shrugged.
"I'm not here to enjoy it."
Elena sighed into her glass. Sometimes she wondered why she even attempted to have conversations with this guy.
As if summoned by this internal complaint, her mind reminded her of the times Lieutenant Nuñez revealed that he is actually capable of a winder range of human emotions than stone faces and stupid grins. Holding onto those memories and feeling her own stubbornness forbid her from letting him blow her off so easily, she continued to push.
"Which doesn't mean that you can't." She punched him lightly in the arm. "Come on Gabe, relax a little, get a snack, talk to somebody. There are tons of boring guys with swords here, I'm sure you'll make a friend in no time."
Gabe rolled his eyes.
"This is relaxed." He addressed only the first part of her offer. He raised his brows to show her just how unimpressed he was with her attempt to make him leave his self appointed post.
"You're at ease, I'm pretty sure that's different." She graced him with an equally sarcastic glance. And when she sighed, it was only with a dash of dramatics. "Alright, I suppose mister guard of the year just doesn't like to have fun."
Gabe huffed out a laugh.
"Of course I like to have fun," he crossed his arms and she could finally see a teasing spark light up in his eyes. "But I'd hardly call four hours of talking and eating to be the best party I've seen."
"Oh yeah? Somehow I find it hard to believe you're such an expert on parties." The competition was on.
"You'd be surprised, Elena, I have my experience." Gabe scoffed. "But it doesn't take an expert to know that music is supposed to be danced to and not just played for the sake of it."
Elena cringed but had to admit that he had a point. The mediocre string quartet must've surely been hired as a simple backdrop for the conversations. They were torturing the same piece for the twelfth time today. Her mind has become numb to it after the first half an hour, before he drew her attention to it again.
She groaned.
"Fine, you win this round, Señor Fiesta." Gabe puffed out his chest, resembling a giant peacock. Even the colours almost matched. "But I still won't believe it until I see it."
"Sure. The next time there's a real party, I'm all yours."
And he sent her another of his stupid grins.
She absolutely didn't miss them once he finally stopped with them a few more months afterwards. She didn't even notice at first. It must've happened gradually after all, from one ancient magical foe to another and with all the other trouble they got into in between. One day she just realised that she's grown fond of having a reliable companion wherever she went, especially once she discovered that under a thick layer of bravado and perfectly practiced plans, that companion can actually crack a joke or hold a conversation about something other than his muscles.
That's probably why she didn't hide the disappointment in her voice when he suggested, that this time, maybe he wouldn't go to the next event with her.
"You're really leaving me alone?" Her words were punctuated by a frown of a kicked puppy.
"You're really asking me to sit through another boring meeting?" He matched her pleading tone. "I don't even understand half the things you discuss in them."
He had a point. She had to go bigger.
"But what about my safety?" she pulled out his favourite argument.
"Come on, I doubt you'll get kidnapped in there while I'm the whole time right outside anyway." She internally cursed the moment when he stopped being such a stickler for the rules. "Besides, I doubt you'll have to face anything scarier than Doña Paloma in there."
Elena's eyes darted towards the door to the building in terror.
"You don't think she managed to invite herself to this one too?"
Gabe just raised his hands, waiving the responsibility.
"It would be the third one today! Out of four!" Elena threw her arms up. The cruel skies however didn't listen to her frustrations and didn't seem eager to strike the businesswoman for the crime of being a pain in the side. In fact, they were annoyingly clear, in the perfect shade of summer afternoon blue. "And we've been at this since morning."
She raised her hands to her face and exhaled slowly.
"I wish I could just take a break."
"From Doña or in general?"
"Both," she groaned. She finally let her hands fall to her sides and heaved a sigh. "But of course you don't have to suffer with me, you wouldn't really have anything to do there anyway."
He put a hand on her shoulder. The corners of his mouth raised in a small smile when he lowered his head to look her better in the eyes.
"You can do it. If you've survived the chancellor's endless lectures, you'll survive anything." When she snorted at this comparison, he added, his smile widening, "And I can always gracefully interrupt this whole charade and say that you've been called for an urgent crown princess business and have to leave this, definitely fascinating, conversation."
Her eyes sparked with hope again and she punched him in the arm.
"Lieutenant Nuñez, you'd really risk lying on duty?"
"Who said anything about lying? Maybe I'll..." His eyes searched for something for a moment and finally stopped at the carriage beside them. "Maybe I'll set the carriage on fire, or something."
Elena punched him in the arm even stronger, as she erupted in laughter. "And I'll spontaneously grow wings and fly away."
Gabe finally dropped all pretense of seriousness and joined her.
The bell tower signaled the arrival of the full hour.
Elena sighed and straightened her dress, as if to sweep out the remains of laughter from its ruffles.
"Alright," she turned to Gabe with one last pout, though without much effort behind it.
"I'll see you in an hour." Gabe saluted casually and started backing off to the carriage.
"I wish it was just an hour." Elena shook her head but she answered with a wave and finally left through the big, wooden door.
The session went about how she expected and of course Doña Paloma was there. After the initial introductions and overly courteous pleasantries, it was time to sit down and listen to the whole litany of problems that the fabric merchant guild was struggling with and that only she could fix.
She tried to focus at first and then she tried to at least look focused. After the fourth meeting in a day, all of them relating to commerce in one way or another, all of them full of people she's met only once before or not at all... She found herself thinking about her family, the comfortable sofa in the drawing room and a warm cup of té de manzanilla. All the things she was still three meetings away from.
The bell tower announced the arrival of the next hour. She counted the muffled strikes of the large bell outside and the melodic chimes of the clock in the room, and when they reached four, she let her shoulders slump just a little. She finally admitted to herself that she might have actually hoped that she would really get to leave this room after an hour. Though (she hid her smile by resting her chin on her hand) at least it meant that Gabe didn't set the carriage on fire.
Exactly at this moment her thoughts were interrupted by knocking on the door. Whichever of the representatives was currently talking (Señor Carreras? Carrera? Zanahoria?) trailed off, as a familiar blue and red uniform stepped into the room.
"Your highness," Gabe addressed her and clinked his heels. "I am sorry for interrupting, but you are urgently needed elsewhere."
Elena stared at him with wide eyes. Am i a telepath now too, crossed her mind before a sharp voice to her right pulled her back to earth.
"Can't it wait?" If the tone of voice was reflecting appearance, she'd be sitting next to a lemon now.
"I'm afraid not, Doña." Gabe inclined his head to her and then added, looking back at Elena, "It's an urgent crown princess business."
Elena finally understood his hints. She cleared her throat, putting aside all her questions and simply grasping the occasion when it arised.
"Forgive me, but it seems like I need to leave." She sent everyone apologetic smiles and assured them that she'll deliver her decisions to the board in writing, and not more than a minute later was finally safely behind the door.
She let out a long, relieved, dramatic sigh.
"So does that mean that the carriage is on fire?" She asked when they were descending the stairs.
Gabe laughed.
"Something better."
He winked and held the door for her.
Elena sent him an intrigued look but let him lead her to the side of the building (the opposite one to the meeting room) and sure enough, the carriage was parked there, safe and unscorched.
Gabe opened the door and dove inside, then turned back to her, holding two big paper bags in his hands. He passed one to her and she immediately felt that it was warm. Not getting any answers from his self assured smirk, she finally looked inside.
A gasp escaped her lips. In a moment she already had half an empanada stuffed in her mouth and could only hum in pure bliss.
As soon as she swallowed, she asked, "Are those from your parents?"
"You bet," he bit down on a taquito, "The best in the whole city."
Elena could only nod her head as she was finishing the other half of her empanada. Then she realised.
"So you had it all planned, huh?"
"Not really, I only came up with everything on the way here." He averted her eyes with a sheepish smile. "And I wasn't sure if my plan is even going to work, so I didn't want to make false promises."
He stopped for a moment and fished out another taquito but played with it a bit in his fingers.
"But I saw how tired you were already and there's still a few things to do in the day." He took a bite and shrugged. "You deserve a break from this whole rush, you know."
Elena bumped his shoulder lightly with hers.
"We both do. Need I remind you that you've been rushing with me this whole day too?" She leaned on him and felt him relax against her. With a bag of warm, delicious food, unexpected free time and a friend by her side (both literally and figuratively) she felt herself relax too.
"Thanks, Gabe."
"Anytime." She heard the smile in his voice. "That's what friends are for."
They continued their late lunch in silence and let the minutes pass, slowly.
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Hey, do you mind if I just...
*projects my feelings of unreality onto every fictional character I possibly can*
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pureanonofficial · 2 years
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - A Suitable Tomb, LM 1.8.5 (Les Miserables 1925)
This was Sister Simplice, who had never told a lie in her life. Javert knew it, and held her in special veneration in consequence.
“Sister,” said he, “are you alone in this room?”
A terrible moment ensued, during which the poor portress felt as though she should faint.
The sister raised her eyes and answered:—
“Then,” resumed Javert, “you will excuse me if I persist; it is my duty; you have not seen a certain person—a man—this evening? He has escaped; we are in search of him—that Jean Valjean; you have not seen him?”
The sister replied:—
She lied. She had lied twice in succession, one after the other, without hesitation, promptly, as a person does when sacrificing herself.
“Pardon me,” said Javert, and he retired with a deep bow.
O sainted maid! you left this world many years ago; you have rejoined your sisters, the virgins, and your brothers, the angels, in the light; may this lie be counted to your credit in paradise!
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locitapurplepink · 6 months
For the fandom ask game, Elena of Avalor and 1, 12, and 14?
Thank you for asking @cassie-fanfics 🙂
1. My favorite thing about the fandom
My favorite thing about this series was everything. There was fantasy, musical, family and friendship moments and lately, I've been reading the reblogs that we explore the main character's mental health.
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12. How long I have been in the fandom ?
I've been watching this series since 2016 if I'm not wrong but I was too focusing on watch the other TV shows since the pandemic. Then I just finished the rest of episodes from season 2 then season 3 about two years ago.
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14. My current impression of the fandom
My impression from this series is the stoyline especially on season 3. Exploring the main character's PTSD since the stuck for a long time like 41 years. That was crazy. Dealing with grief, anger, and especially dealing with the betrayal from someone in her family but this series ended with forgiveness which it took a long time for both of them to earn their trust back.
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
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boomgers · 2 months
Regresaron, pero no saben adónde… “Technoboys”
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Veinte años después de dominar los charts de popularidad, la exitosa boyband Technoboys vuelve a los escenarios para reclamar su trono en el despiadado mundo del pop. Pero en su camino al éxito tendrán que enfrentarse a un mundo cambiante que apenas entienden, la temida cancelación, el regreso de la banda de Saboríguenes que son sus jurados enemigos, y la agenda oculta del vocalista Alan, quien en realidad está haciendo todo esto con el único fin de reconquistar al amor de su vida, la reina del pop latino y símbolo del empoderamiento femenino, Melena.
Estreno: 11 de septiembre de 2024 en Netflix.
Dirigida por Gerardo Gatica y Luis Gerardo Méndez y guionizada por Alexandro Aldrete, la película cuenta con las actuaciones de Gerardo Méndez, Karla Souza, Gabriel Nuncio, Daniela Vega, Fernando Bonilla, Joaquín Ferreira, Luis ‘El Guana’ Rodríguez, Ari Brickman, Vin Ramos, Mónica del Carmen, German Bracco y Fernanda Castillo.
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Video Musical: Technoboyfriend
Video Musical: Enjabóname Bebé
Video Musical: Bienvenido Paisano
Video Musical: Amor Robótico
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calyxthenerd · 8 days
I need fictional dads whose wives have died to just… stop
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cyanbyte · 6 months
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the guys
gabriel, percy (percept.exe), will, and jeoff
updated them a bit, went a bit cartoony
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harveyguillensource · 2 years
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Harvey has joined the inaugural Visionary Alliance for the National Hispanic Media Coalition! As The Hollywood Reporter describes:
Alliance members will lend their professional expertise to longstanding NHMC entertainment initiatives such as its Series Scriptwriters Program and Latinx Stream Showcase and also get involved in the nonprofit’s social justice and policy advocacy work.
“NHMC is about representation from the White House to Hollywood,” the coalition’s president and CEO Brenda Victoria Castillo tells THR. “The policies and decisions that are made in D.C. affect Hollywood. The way Hollywood decides they’re going to portray Latinos is the way we’re perceived and the way the public treats us, and it’s a vicious cycle.”
The inaugural Alliance members also include Ismael Cruz Córdova (The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power), Wilson Cruz, Rosario Dawson, Diane Guerrero (Encanto, Doom Patrol), Harvey Guillén (What We Do in the Shadows), Eva Longoria, Gabriel Luna (The Last of Us), Justina Machado, Encanto producer Yvett Merino, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Danny Pino (Mayans M.C., Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), Aubrey Plaza, Gina Torres, Wilmer Valderrama and Lisa Vidal (Being Mary Jane).
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moonlightmidtone · 2 years
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Some Fortune of Decay Blorbo doodles from @underdog-arts Black Sheep comic!! Some interactions with Quinn and Logan 😌
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elizabethsnowflake · 9 months
collection of eoa colorings 🌈
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