#gabriel st. john icons
can i request any words/ phrases/ themes linking to the word ‘relic’?
Writing Notes: Relic
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Relic - an object esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or martyr; souvenir, memento
Relics - remains, corpse; a survivor or remnant left after decay, disintegration, or disappearance; a trace of some past or outmoded practice, custom, or belief
Reliquaries - the containers that store and display relics
Where the bones of martyrs are buried, devils flee as from fire and unbearable torture. —St John Chrysostom
Middle English relik, from Anglo-French relike, from Medieval Latin reliquia, from Late Latin reliquiae, plural, "remains of a martyr", from Latin, "remains", from relinquere "to leave behind"
Related Words
Afterimage - a lasting memory or mental image of something
Artifact - an object remaining from a particular period
Corpus - the body of a human or animal especially when dead
Decedent - a person who is no longer living; a deceased person
Memento - souvenir
Oddment - something left over; remnant
Oeuvre - a substantial body of work constituting the lifework of a writer, an artist, or a composer
Remnant - a usually small part, member, or trace remaining
Souvenir - something kept as a reminder (as of a place one has visited)
Vestige - a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something (such as an ancient city or a condition or practice) vanished or lost
Martin Luther complained about the profusion of relics and the absurd claims being made for them: "What lies there are about relics! One claims to have a feather from the wing of the angel Gabriel, and the bishop of Mainz has a flame from Moses’ burning bush. And how does it happen that eighteen apostles are buried in Germany when Christ had only twelve?"
ANCIENT GREEK RELICS. At Athens the supposed remains of Oedipus and Theseus enjoyed an honor that is very difficult to distinguish from a religious cult.
BUDDHIST RELICS. Relics of the Buddha and various saints were (and still are) venerated. Following the Buddha's death, his bones and teeth were divided for the purpose of being used as relics in order to illustrate his teaching of impermanence (anitya). These relics were so valued that they caused armed conflict between factions for possession of them. Afterward, these relics were taken throughout Asia with the gradual spread of Buddhism.
CHRISTIAN RELICS. Since the dawn of Christianity, relics have been an important part of Christian devotionalism. During the Middle Ages, the selling of relics became a lucrative business. The concept of physical proximity to the “holy” was considered extremely important. A pilgrim's possession and veneration of a relic was seen as a means to become closer to God. Instead of having to travel hundreds of miles to become near to a venerated saint, a Christian could enjoy closeness with him/her through their relic at home.
MUSLIM RELICS. Although certain sects of Islam strongly discourage (or outwardly prohibit) the veneration of relics, a very large collection of Muslim relics is preserved in the Sacred Trusts, located in Istanbul, which contains more than 600 treasured pieces in the Topkapi Palace Museum.
The Roman Catholic Church makes a distinction between veneration and worship of relics and icons.
3 Categories of Relics According to the Vatican
First-Class Relics: Items directly associated with the events of Christ's life (manger, cross, etc.), or the physical remains of a saint (a bone, a hair, a limb, etc.).
Second-Class Relics: An item that the saint wore (e.g., sock, shirt, glove). Also included are items that the saint owned or frequently used (e.g., a crucifix, book). An item more important in the saint's life is considered a more important relic.
Third-Class Relics: Anything that has touched a first- or second-class relic of a saint.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hope this helps! Do tag me or send me a link to your writing if it does. I'd love to read your work.
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amphibious-thing · 1 year
Hi! I'm working on a queer history project, and since you seem to have pretty good knowledge of D'Eon's life, I'd love to know if you have any thoughts on which moments of her life would be the most painting/drawing worthy! I need it to capture her Vibe tm
Ok I've been thinking about this and I have a few possibilities:
The Fencing Match Between d'Eon and Saint-Georges
This is almost too obvious. But it's iconic. She was wearing her iconic black dress. It shows her as the very capable fencer she was. It's just very d'Eon.
On the 9th of April 1787 d'Eon fenced Saint-Georges at Carlton House.
The London Chronicle gave the following account of the match in their 12-14 April, 1787 issue:
Mademoiselle D’Eon exhibited a curious spectacle at the assault which was performed before the Prince of Wales last Monday. The novelty of a Lady in petticoats engaging the most experienced and able masters of the noble science of defence, excited universal pleasantry. Those who were not perfectly acquainted with the Chevalier’s history stood in amazement, and even such as had formerly known her en culottes, were not a little surprized at the skill she displayed in fencing with Mr. St. George. Her petticoats did not incommode her in the least, and it was very clear that this retired Captain of Dragoons is much more expert at the riporte than a curtsey, and handles a foil with more grace than she does a fan. The assault upon the whole proved highly entertaining, and the satisfaction of the company was not a little encreased by the affability and engaging condescension of the Prince of Wales, than whom no man possesses more the spirit of elegant hospitality, and the captivating manners of the polished gentleman.
John Buchan Telfer reprints the following contemporary newspaper article in his biography on d’Eon:
The most remarkable occurrence of the fencing match at Carlton House was the assault between Monsieur de Saint-George and Mademoiselle D'Eon, the latter though encumbered, as she humorously declared herself, with three petticoats, that suited her sex much better than her spirit, not only parried skilfully all the thrusts of her powerful antagonist, but even touched him by what is termed a coup de temps, which all his dexterity could not ward off. We hear that a celebrated painter has undertaken to hit off the semblance and attitude of the hero and heroine in this very interesting scene. Mademoiselle D'Eon had modesty enough, on her hitting Monsieur de Saint-George, to set it down to his complaisance; but the latter candidly declared that he had done all in his power to ward against it. A gentleman present assures us that nothing could equal the quickness of the repartee, especially considering that the modem Pallas is nearly in her sixtieth year, and had to cope with a young man equally skilful and vigorous.
The painter referred to in this article is Alexandre-Auguste Robineau who painted this depiction of the match.
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[The Fencing-Match between the Chevalier de Saint-George and the Chevalier d'Eon, c. 1787-9 by Alexandre-Auguste Robineau, via the Royal Collection Trust.]
If you're going to do this one I'd consider using the Mather Brown portrait of Saint-Georges as a reference. Saint-Georges himself said "c'est si resemblant c'est affreux" [it's so lifelike it's frightful]. (The Chevalier de Saint-Georges by Gabriel Banat p342)
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[Monsieur de St. George, c. 1788, print by William Ward after Mather Brown, via The British Museum.]
A Different Fencing Match
To mix it up you could depict her fencing Mrs. Bateman whom d'Eon had a professional partnership with. D’Eon complimented Bateman’s fencing skills describing her as “a youngling in her nest, that would rise and support the honour of female heroism in England.” (Diary or Woodfall's Register, 18 Jan 1793)
On Thursday the 30th of May 1793 Mrs. Bateman held a benefit night at the King’s Theatre in Haymarket. There was a performance of All in the Wrong, Mrs. Bateman played Lady Restless. The Morning Chronicle reports “After the play, the Chevalier D’Eon in generosity of friendship, displayed her wonderful talent in fencing. She first pushed carte and tierce with her youthful imitator, Mrs. Bateman.” (31 May 1793)
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[Mrs Bateman, print c.1793 by Marino or Mariano Bovi (Bova), after Ludwig Guttenbrun, via the National Portrait Gallery]
You could also depict her fencing a gentleman in her stays and petticoats. D'Eon finding woman's clothes restrictive when fencing started to strip down to allow for more mobility. This incident caused a bit of a commotion in the English press.
After her fencing display with Mrs. Bateman at the King’s Theatre in Haymarket d'Eon fenced with a gentleman, in preparation she “pulled off her jacket, and thus stripped to her stays, with her handkerchief loose over them, and short petticoats that did not come half way down her legs”. (The Times, 31 May 1793)
The Sun was scandalised writing that “the indecent circumstance of her stripping herself to her stays, preparatory to her fencing, gave a very general disgust.” And while The Times conceded credit to “the Lady’s science and activity” they were horrified “to see an old masculine woman of sixty thus attired, and publicly exposing herself on the stage,” declaring that it was “an indecency which we shall never suffer to pass by without a very severe animadversion.” (The Sun, 31 May 1793; The Times, 31 May 1793)
Her Presentation at Versailles
After d'Eon returned to France in 1777 she was presented to the King and Queen at Versailles. While she had already been telling people she was a woman before this point and was already legally acknowledged to be a woman this was important because it was the first time she was being publicly acknowledged by Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette as a woman in a formal context.
On the 23rd of November 1777 Mémoires secrets pour servir à l'histoire de la République des Lettres en France reported:
Il doit y avoir aujourd'hui un concours de monde prodigieux à Versailles. Ensin la présentation du Chevalier d'Eon represent son sexe véritable, qui est celui de femme, annoncée depuis longtems, va s'effectuer dans son nouveau costume. Mlle. d'Eon continuera à porter la croix de St. Louis attachée à son côté [Today there must be a prodigious concourse of people at Versailles. Thus the presentation of the Chevalier d'Eon represents his real sex, which is that of woman, announced for a long time, will take place in his new costume. Mlle d'Eon will continue to wear the cross of St. Louis attached to her side]*
In the weeks leading up to the event d'Eon was prepared by Marie Antoinette's marchande de modes Mademoiselle Bertin. Bertin worked not only on d'Eon's dress but to teach her how to move in it. At the French court women were required to wear the grand habit de cour which was a lot for d'Eon to get used to:
La plus grande peine de M.ˡˡᵉ Bertin fut de me faire attraper la marche. la demarche, & la contremarche d'une femme à la Cour, de me faire avancer & reculer noblement en robe longue & deplyèe sur un vaste panier qui à lui seul remplissoit la monitié de ma chambre. Mais l'aimable & doucereuse Bertin aprés s'etre insinueé fort avant dans mon amitié, me fit avancer & réculer comme elle voulut, elle me fit faire toute ce quelle jugea convenable aux habitudes, aux usages & à la décence qu'on demandoit en moi. [The greatest difficulty for Mademoiselle Bertin was to make me learn the march, dismarch, & countermarch of a woman of the Court, to make me move forward & backward nobly in a long gown spread over an enormous hoop which on its own filled half of my chamber. But the kind & sweet Bertin after being strongly insinuated in my friendship before, made me more forward & back as she willed, she made me do all that she thought proper to the habits customs & decency that was required of me.]**
D'Eon complained that the first time Mademoiselle Bertin dressed her it took four hours and and ten minutes:
Je vous dirai que ma premiere toilette entre les mains de la chaste Bertin & de ses modestes Aides-de Camp, fut accomplie en moins de quatre heures dix minutes! juger de mon tourment & de ma patience! [I will tell you that my first toilette at the hands of the chaste Bertin & her modest Aides-de-Camp, was completed in less than four hours ten minutes! Judge my torment & my patience!]**
In repose to d'Eon's complaining Mademoiselle Bertin told her:
Mon brave capitaine ne jurez pas. Le jour que vous serez presentée au Roi & à la Renie, vous serez bien heureuse, si je ne vous fais pas lever à quatre heures du matin, pour être prête à une heure aprés midi [My brave captain do not curse. The day that you will be presented to the King & to the Queen, you will be very happy, if I do not make you rise at four in the morning to be ready at one in the afternoon]**
Of course we know d'Eon was wearing her cross of St. Louis but we unfortunately don't have a detailed description of her presentation gown. In her autobiographical writings d'Eon says it was made of embroidered white satin. Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell in her article Dressing d'Eon comments that this seems odd as "etiquette stipulated that only debutantes in mourning could wear white, rather than black, which was reserved for presentation at court, mourning, and some religious habits in the eighteenth century." She suggested d'Eon may be "literally whitewashing" history but concedes that it is possible that her "presentation coincided with one of the frequent and somewhat arbitrary periods of court mourning." (p104)
During the time d'Eon spent at Versailles she had to wear both formal and informal dress as dictated by the Court calendar. She commented that "Le deshabillé me convient fort, mais quand il ma faut porter le grand habbillement [sic] avec ajustement & parure c'est pour moi un grand tourment" [The informal dress suited me very well, but when I had to wear the formal dress with accessories and jewels, it was a great torment for me]**.
*this was translated by google translate. If anyone wants to add a better translation I'd love that.
**All of these quotes are from d'Eon's autobiographical writings which are all quoted and translated in Dressing d'Eon by Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell.
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
Hi everyone,
In honor of my TOG fic “Their souls were knit together (and he loved him as himself)” reaching 10k (thank you readers!!) I wanted to compile my (80+) resource links I used during the plotting stage and throughout the fic - divided by category as best as I could manage.
In case you’d like additional resources, please check out @actualmermaid historical resource upload here, and/or the The Old Guard Character Resource Hub.  Here’s a list of books as well:
Genoa & the Genoese 958-1528 ( x )
The Crusade Indulgence: Spiritual Rewards and the Theology of the Crusades, c. 1095-1216 ( x ) - a post with excerpts linked below
Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World: Lodging, Trade, and Travel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages ( x ) 
The rest under the cut in case you’d like to avoid potential spoilers (nothing descriptive) 
For Genoa
San Siro ( x )
San Lorenzo ( x ) & St. John the Baptist ( x )
The Mahdia Campaign of 1087 ( x )
Nicolò as a Genovese crossbowman ( x ) ( x )
For Mahdia
Yusuf’s potential backstory with Mahdia ( x ) ( x ) and the Zirid dynasty ( x ) 
And his family’s intergenerational trauma in relation to the Battle of Haydaran in 1052 ( x )
For the Crusades
Some other ways a non noble Nicolò might have found himself in the Crusades ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
General timeline of the first crusade ( x ) 
The Siege of Antioch ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) 
The Siege of Jerusalem ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) 
Visual maps of the city of Jerusalem and surrounding area ( x ) and general climate ( x )
For Constantinople
Daily life in the city ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
Procession of the Theotokos icon ( x ) 
Maps of the city from that time ( x ) ( x ) 
Their apartment and general housing ( x ) 
Little Hagia Sophia ( x )
Church of Sts Sergius and Bacchus ( x ) - and why that would have been meaningful to Nicolò ( x ) as the setting for their Adelphopoiesis ( x ) & here are the Byzantine instructions for it ( x ) 
For Islamic spiritual practices
Barzakh ( x ) & Jinn ( x ) (both referred to in a blink and you’d miss it sort of way)
Qur’an scroll ( x ) - technically a 19th century copy, but was using it as a visual reference
Islamic calendar for that year ( x ) & the significance of Yusuf’s first death of rajab ( x ) 
The verse Yusuf reflects on when he internally refers to Nicolò as his dearest ( x ) 
The verse Nicolò inscribed on Yusuf’s wedding present ( x ) 
For Catholic spiritual practices
Lay Orders (what used to be called Third Order) for Nicolò to be an oblate ( x )
Eleusa icon (a gift he received from Brother Gabriel) ( x ) - here’s a 12th century version ( x )
The cross necklace gift Nicolò received before leaving Genoa ( x ) 
Excerpts from the book linked above about how indulgences played a part in the Crusades ( x )
Lenten practices in the middle ages ( x ) 
Some Bible verses Nicolò reflects on during his love confession ( x ) ( x ) 
For some interfaith dialogue moments
The Canticle of Zechariah in the Liturgy of Hours ( x ) & Verse 95 for corresponding references to the dawn ( x )
Why Zechariah is important in both faiths ( x ) 
Encouragement for open dialogue and friendliness ( x ) the rights of Non-Muslims as laid out in the Constitution of Medina ( x ) and protection via the Testament of Muhammed ( x ) though there are some doubts to the authenticity 
Lent & Ramadan similarities ( x ) ( x ) 
Interfaith marriage rights between Christians and Muslims from Muhammed ( x ) 
For some other historical context 
Context for same sex attraction in the middle ages ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
Some LGTB+ historical figures and Saints Nicolò might have been aware of ( x ) ( x )
Brother Gabriel from chapter two was based on Marina the Monk ( x ) 
Wiki about illiterate popes ( x )
11th-12th century trade maps ( x ) 
Tunisian Arabic ( x ) 
The Great Schism of 1054 ( x ) 
The Seljuk Empire ( x ) 
The Byzantine-Venetian treaty of 1082 ( x )
A poem by Abu Nawas that Yusuf reflects on before the love confession ( x ) 
For the Biblical references and significance to Nicolò of Gortyn/Crete ( x ) and some visual references ( x )
Why Chandax as a honeymoon site would have been comfortable for them both ( x ) & ruled by the Byzantine Empire at the time of their visit ( x ) 
The book Yusuf gave to Nicolò as a wedding present ( x ) & some context ( x )
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orthodoxydaily · 3 months
june 16_june 29 2024
Commemorated on the Saturday closest to June 19th (ROCOR), June 19th (MP)
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On this date 30 years ago, ROCOR celebrated the glorification of St John of Shangaï and San Francisco at the Holy Virgin Cathedral, also known as Joy of All Sorrows, the Church St John built in San Francisco. This event occurred after his relics, located in the cathedral crypt under the main altar, were uncovered incorrupted on October 12, 1993.
The future St. John was born on June 4, 1896, in the southern Russian village (current day Ukraine) of Adamovka in Kharkiv province to pious aristocrats, Boris and Glafira Maximovitch. He was given the baptismal name of Michael, after the Holy Archangel Michael. In his youth, Michael was sickly and had a poor appetite, but he displayed an intense religious interest. He was educated at the Poltava Military School (1907-14), Kharkiv Imperial University, from which he received a law degree (in 1918), and the University of Belgrade (where he completed his theological education in 1925).
He and his family fled their country as the Bolshevik revolutionaries descended on the country, emigrating to Yugoslavia. There, he enrolled in the Department of Theology of the University of Belgrade. He was tonsured a monk in 1926 by Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) of Kharkov (later the first primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia). Metr. Anthony later in 1926 ordained him hierodeacon. Bishop Gabriel of Chelyabinsk ordained him hieromonk on November 21, 1926. Subsequent to his ordination he began an active life of teaching in a Serbian high school and serving, at the request of local Greeks and Macedonians, in the Greek language. With the growth of his popularity, the bishops of the Russian Church Aboard resolved to elevate him to the episcopate.
Hieromonk John was consecrated bishop on May 28, 1934, with Metr. Anthony serving as principal consecrator, after which he was assigned to the Diocese of Shanghai. Twelve years later he was named Archbishop of China. Upon his arrival in Shanghai, Bp. John began working to restore unity among the various Orthodox nationalities. In time, he worked to build a large cathedral church that was dedicated to Surety of Sinners Icon to the Mother of God, with a bell tower and large parish house. Additionally, he inspired many activities: building of churches, hospitals, and orphanages among the Orthodox and Russians of Shanghai. He was intensely active, constantly praying and serving the daily cycle of services, while also visiting the sick with the Holy Gifts. He often would walk barefooted even in the coldest days. Yet to avoid the appearance of secular glory, he would pretend to act the fool.
With the end of World War II and the coming to power of the Communists in China, Bp. John led the exodus of his community from Shanghai in 1949. Initially, he helped some 5,000 refugees to a camp on the island of Tubabao in the Philippines, while he travelled successfully to Washington, D.C., to lobby to amending the law to allow these refugees to enter the United States. It was while on this trip that Bp. John took time to establish a parish in Washington dedicated to St. John the Forerunner.
In 1951, Abp. John was assigned to the Archdiocese of Western Europe with his cathedra in Paris. During his time there, he also served as archpastor of the Orthodox Church of France, whose restored Gallican liturgy he studied and then celebrated. He was the principal consecrator of the Orthodox Church of France's first modern bishop, Jean-Nectaire (Kovalevsky) of Saint-Denis, and ordained to the priesthood the man who would become its second bishop, Germain (Bertrand-Hardy) of Saint-Denis.
In 1962, Abp. John was assigned to the Diocese of San Francisco, succeeding his long time friend Abp. Tikhon. Abp. John's days in San Francisco were to prove sorrowful as he attempted to heal the great disunity in his community. He was able to bring peace such that the new cathedral, dedicated to the Joy of all Who Sorrow Icon of the Mother of God, was completed.
Deeply revering St. John of Kronstadt, Abp. John played an active role in preparation of his canonization.
He reposed during a visit to Seattle on July 2, 1966, while accompanying a tour of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God.
Source: Holy virgin Cathedral of San Francisco
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His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicola, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia ( ROCOR), venerated St John's relics upon his arrival.
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Metropolitan Nicolas, guardian since (13 years) of the Kurk-Roots wonderworking came with him for the celebration.
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For all to venerate, the icon was then placed in the shrine where St John's relics usually reposed.
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In front of St Joh's relics the Metropolitan and seven hierarchs of the Russian Church Abroad were gathered.
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pwlanier · 10 months
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Icon "Metropolitans of All Russia - Alexei, Peter and Jonah." Russia, the beginning of the twentieth century.
Wood, levkas, tempera, gilding.
Dimensions: 17.5x14x2 cm.
The icon depicts Metropolitan Alexei of Kiev and All Russia, Metropolitan Peter of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Jonah of Kiev and All Russia. In the upper row, next to the Lord, the Mother of God with a lily and the archangel Gabriel are depicted.
Metropolitan Alexy (between 1292-1305, Moscow - February 12, 1378, Moscow) - Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, bishop, statesman, diplomat. In church and liturgical texts, he is called "the saint of Moscow and all Russia the wonderworker." Son of boyar Fyodor Byakont.
Metropolitan Peter (second half of the XIII century - December 21, 1326) - Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, the first of the Metropolitans of Kiev, who had (since 1325) a permanent residence in Moscow. It's called Rathensky.
The church and state activity of Metropolitan Peter gave reason to his contemporaries to compare him with St. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. Peter's main feat is the struggle for the unity of the Russian state and the blessing of Moscow as a collector of the Russian land.
Metropolitan Jonah (1390s, Pogost Odnoushevo (now Soligalichsky district of Kostroma region) - March 31, 1461, Moscow) - Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia from 1448 to 1461; Holy Russian Church (canonized by Makaryev Cathedral in 1547 in the rank of saint): memory of March 31, May 27 (transfer of relics), June 15 and October 5 (Cathedral of Moscow Hierarchs) according to the Julian calendar.
He became the last metropolitan to head the one Russian Church, and its last first-chairman, titled "Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia."
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liferelics · 9 months
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Silver-Plated Icon 999 | (5.12" x 7.1") 13 x 18 cm
Title: The Holy Family | Orthodox Icon | Handmade | Silver-Plated Icon 999 | (5.12" x 7.1") 13 x 18 cm
Highlights: handmade, consecrated
Materials: wood, 999 silver, gift box
And a collection of 12 rare postcards - RUSSIAN ICON
The Archangel Gabriel (Angle with the Golden Hair) The Miracle of St George The Battle of the Novgorodians and the Suzdalians. The Miraculous Sign of the Icon of the Virgin The Trinity by Andrey Rublev St John the Theologian in Silence Sts Boris and Gleb The Entry into Jerusalem The Mother of God of Vladimir Icon Not-Made-by-Hand of Our Lord The Baptism of Christ St Nicholas with Selected Saints (on the borders) Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
The titles of these icons are written in five languages (Russian, English, German, French, and Japanese), which only proves the international value of the Russian art of icon painting.
This set of postcards includes some impressive examples of Russian Orthodox icon painting. Some of these icons can only be found in museums and reflect the history of the development of icon painting in the country throughout the centuries. Every period is represented here: the early stage (the 12th century) when the artists were taking lessons from the famed Byzantine masters, the era of flourishing (the 14th and 15th centuries) when independent schools of icon painting in Russia were established, and the late stage (the 16th century) dedicated to discovering theological meanings and finding the unique artistic side.
The multifaceted diversity of Russian icon painting schools is shown in the works. Thus, the Novgorod icons are notable for their brightness, and positive vibes in the colour palette, and at the same time, they convey infinite spiritual power. It’s visible in such works as The Baptism of Christ and Icon Not-Made-by-Hand of Our Lord. As if opposing this brightness, there are the Pskov icons, which stand out because of their dark colours. Another approach to icon painting is shown by the Moscow School – the visible inner harmony and serenity as in Andrey Rublev’s famous work The Trinity. And although it’s a widely-known motif for many believers, the painting and the talent of the artist turned it into one of the most prominent works of Russian art.
Another change in Russian icon painting was influenced by the appearance of The Mother of God of Vladimir. This image was not made in Russia – its birthplace is Constantinople. Brought to Kyiv at the beginning of the 12th century, it stayed in the Holy Dormition Cathedral until 1480. It was later transferred to Moscow but regardless of its resting place, has always had immersive power over believers. And even more: the striking beauty of the Mother of God and her genuine mournful features ranks this image as one of the most perfect portraits in the world of art
ICON SIZE: 13 x 18 cm (5.12 x 7.1 inches)
The Holy Family is one of the most common souvenirs that pilgrims and tourists bring from Jerusalem. Even without visiting the Holy Land, you can make a generous gift for your loved ones and order the Holy Family icon online in our store. This handmade icon can turn into a family heirloom and serve as home decor. This is the exact reproduction of Jerusalem icons, which is made with the blessing of the clergy.
This is a rare depiction that cannot be found in many churches: typically, Joseph is not portrayed with the Virgin Mary and Baby Christ in sacred images. However, it serves as a great reminder of the human origins of Our Saviour and the importance of family ties. The Holy Family is a frequent gift for a newly wedded couple, wedding anniversaries, or for the birth of the first child. It will become a great and meaningful home decor for any couple.
The image on the icon makes its meaning and purpose quite clear for all believers. The Holy Family is a symbol of strong bonds that bind a man and a woman, mutual understanding between the spouses, and their responsibility for each other and their children. The portrayal of the Holy Family is so vivid that it looks like a photo from a family album – warm and radiating love and happiness. This is the example of an ideal family, which everyone should strive for.
Believers turn to this image if there are problems in the family: frequent fights and misunderstandings between husband and wife, conflicts with children, infidelities, or loss of warmth and affection. Single people ask the sacred image to help them meet a worthy spouse. Anyone can turn to the Holy Family with requests for protecting his family and giving health to all relatives.
Only quality materials were used for crafting this item: high-density wood and 999 fine silver. Thanks to the solid wooden stand, it can be placed on the shelf or the table.
The product is handmade by Orthodox craftsmen who work with prayer and devotion to what they do. You can be confident in the spiritual value of this sacred image.
[DIMENSIONS] The size of the icon is 13 x 18 cm (5.12" x 7.1"). 
Standard delivery: 5-20 business days, depending on the destination. All our products are shipped from Estonia. You can also request expedited shipping: just send us a message and we’ll get back to you.
Feel free to message us if there are any questions about the selection of Orthodox goods or our mission!
The Andcross Orthodox Art Corporation responds to all incoming requests.
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cruger2984 · 1 year
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The history of Our Lady of Good Event of Parañaque was based on the writings of Nicolás de San Pedro, the vicar of St. Andrew's Parish (now the Cathedral Parish of St. Andrew), written in 1700.
The Augustinian fathers brought the image from Spain in 1580 as a gift from the King to Filipino converts. The Augustinians stayed in Palanyag (now Parañaque) and established St. Andrew's Parish that year. The image was left untouched and covered with dust until Catig, a poor native from Don Galo, saw this and asked the sacristan if he could take the statue home. The sacristan obliged and Catig enshrined it in his home, lighting candles in its honour.
As Catig lay dying later on, his neighbours called the priest Juan de Guevarra to administer Last Rites. Upon blessing Catig, de Guevarra saw the statue standing near the bed and asked if he could buy it for PHP 24 (note: the peso was of higher value during the Spanish Period). Catig initially refused, but then changed his mind, knowing that it would be revered by the people. De Guevarra took the statue and placed it in his own room after Catig had died.
According to de Guevarra, he saw the image emit a mysterious light and heard glorious hymns, leading him to conclude the image as being miraculous. De Guevarra reported the miracle immediately to the Augustinian Superior Alonzo de Mentrida.
Upon hearing de Guevarra's words, de Mentrida ordered that the icon be transported to St. Andrew's church. On August 10, 1625, a great procession was held, and the image was enshrined in the altar.
Not knowing what to call the image of Virgin Mary, de Mentrida asked the other friars to write the name of all the famous titles of the Blessed Mother in Europe on strips of paper and placed them in an urn. A young child was asked to draw the name and for six consecutive times, the title 'Our Lady of Good Event' (Buen Suceso) was picked, so they named the image as such.
The fifth Archbishop of Manila, Miguel García Serrano and colonial officials based in Manila arrived and venerated the image. Serrano is credited with instituting the novena and reconstructing the altar. After the reconstruction, another feast was celebrated on February 22, 1626, attended by townsfolk and those from neighboring provinces.
St. John Paul II granted the image a decree of Canonical Coronation on 18 December 1999. The rite of coronation was executed on September 8, 2000 - the feast of the Nativity of Mary. Former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo attended the formal event.
Our Lady of Good Event is patroness of the Diocese of Parañaque along with Andrew the Apostle, to whom the cathedral is dedicated.
An official replica by Filipino santero artisan Thomas Joven (deceased) was blessed by Manuel Gabriel during the solemn High Mass on September 8, 2010.
In celebration of her 387th enthronement anniversary and feast day, a decree of Pope Benedict XVI, with approval of Jesse E. Mercado, the bishop of the Diocese of Parañaque, stated that the Cathedral Parish of St. Andrew would be the 'Diocesan Shrine of Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso de Palanyag' on August 10, 2012 - the feast of St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr.
The Diocese of Parañaque declared Our Lady of Good Event of Parañaque as the official Patroness of the City of Parañaque. The Mass was attended by Parañaque City government officials and lay people on her 12th canonical coronation anniversary in 2012.
The Cathedral Parish of St. Andrew celebrates her feast on August 10. In the Spanish times, there are several feast dates honored to "Nana Ciso," as the townsfolk called her (endearment), such as February 22 (the first feast of Nana Ciso, which was approved by the Archdiocese of Manila on that same day, year 1626), months of May and October, and December 1 (from 1892 until the breakout of World War II, her feast is celebrated on December 1 following the parish's patron feast, St. Andrew the Apostle, the day before, November 30). From the end of World War II until 2004, it was celebrated on November 29, but since 2005, it is observed on August 10 to commemorate the image's 1625 enthronement and it became her official feast day.
©2022 photo by yours truly
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booksrefuge · 4 years
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𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗥𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗥𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗥𝗮𝗸𝗲 — 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀
Please give credit on Twitter @aelinsword
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drfaustus · 3 years
The Baines Notes's accusation against Christopher Marlowe
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images via The British Library
Though initially, Marlowe's death in a bar fight in 1593 seems like a cut and dry case of a heated argument over the tab, many scholars speculate there was more than meets the eye. Looking further we can see evidence of espionage and accusations of atheism. One particular piece of evidence that backs up their theory is the Baines Notes, a documentation of supposed opinions of Marlowe himself. They were composed from a transcript of accusations against him by fellow playwright and former roommate of his Thomas Kyd, author of The Spanish Tragedy, that was probably recorded during his interrogation and torture by the Privy Council in May 1593.
Marlowe was accused of many things, particularly atheism. He was quoted as saying things such as:
"... Christ was a bastard and his mother dishonest"
"... the Angell Gabriell was baud to the Holy ghost, because he brought the salutation to Mary"
"That St John the Evangelist was bedfellow to C[hrist] and leaned alwaies in his bosome, that he used him as the sinners of Sodoma"
and probably most iconically:
"... all they that love not Tobacco & Boies were fooles."
The British Library notes in their description of the Baines Notes that "Baines suggests that Marlowe’s ‘dangerous’ mouth should ‘be stopped’ (f. 186r) and, a few days later, the playwright was fatally stabbed at Mrs. Bull’s lodging house in Deptford." After Kyd's accusations, a warrant was issued for Marlowe's arrest on May 18th. Though he was eventually placed on bail, he was also placed under government survallence until his death on May 30th.
Or perhaps it was just an argument over the bill, we'll never know for sure.
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENT Bigfoot Frankenstein #1, $3.99
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COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1780, AR
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ONI PRESS Invader Zim Deluxe Edition Volume 5 HC, $49.99 Underground TP, $19.99
PLAID STALLIONS PRESS Toy-Ventures Magazine #5, $10.99
SCOUT COMICS Corset #1, $4.99 Corset Prestige Edition #1, $6.99 Night Of The Cadillacs #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Rob Prior), $3.99 Night Of The Cadillacs #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Laurent Jacques Spot Foil Riv Photo), AR
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TWOMORROWS PUBLISHING Comic Book Artist Bullpen TP, $24.95
VAULT COMICS Autumnal TP, $19.99 Devil’s Red Bride TP, $15.99 Human Remains #1 (Cover A Sally Cantirino), $3.99 Human Remains #1 (Cover B Josh Hixson), $3.99 Human Remains #1 (Cover C Corin Howell), AR Human Remains #1 (Cover D Brendan McCarthy), AR Human Remains #1 (Cover E Michael Allred), AR Shadow Service Volume 2 TP, $17.99 Verse Volume 1 The Broken Half GN, $12.99
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TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES DC Gaming 7 Inch Scale Wave 4 Action Figure Assortment, AR DC Gaming 7 Inch Scale Wave 4 Dr Fate Action Figure, AR Golden Girls Series 3 24 Piece 3D Foam Bag Clip Blind Mystery Box Display, AR Marvel Shang-Chi 24 Piece 3D Foam Bag Clip Blind Mystery Box Display, AR Vinyl Soda Agent Carter Captain Carter With Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Bazooka Joe With Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Evil Dead Ash With Blood Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Super Friends Zan With Vamp Chase, AR
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tasksweekly · 4 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 170+ Saint Vincentian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Sommore / Lori Ann Rambough (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Trinidadian, Afro-Barbadian, African-American - actress and comedian.
Nia Long (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Trinidadian, Afro-Barbadian, African-American - actress.
Nikki M. James (1981) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Haitian - actress and singer.
Nicosia Lawson (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Caymanian - model and Miss Cayman Islands 2008.
Cassie / Cassie Ventura (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Anguillan, Mexican / Filipino - actress, singer-songwriter, model, and dancer.
Annaliese Dayes (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Saint Lucian, Afro-Barbadian, Afro-Grenadian / Afro-Jamaican - model, tv personality, and tv presenter.
Julia Holt (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Trinidadian, Afro-Barbadian, Kalinago, Indian / Irish, Scottish, French, German, English - actress.
Jezra Matthews (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - model.
Mary-Ana Baker (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Judy Boucher (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer-songwriter.
Kimya Hypolite (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer, dancer and actress. 
Soli Wallace (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian, other - model (instagram: ahtilos_model).
SunDivas (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian, St. Lucian, Barbadian, British - soca artist. 
Jimelle Roberts (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - Miss SVG 2017.
F - Athletes:
Joan Baptiste (1959) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Bigna Samuel (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - middle-distance runner.
Jacqueline Ross (1969) Saint Vincentian - long jumper.
Gail Prescod (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Shani Anderson (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Natalie Martindale (1977) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Juliana Nero (1979) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Natasha Mayers (1979) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Teran Matthews (1980) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Clea Hoyte (1981) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Cordel Jack (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Sophia Young (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Genielle Greaves (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Sancho Lyttle (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Kineke Alexander (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Arantxa King (1987) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Bermudian - long jumper.
Bryanna McCarthy (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Christine Exeter (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Gabrielle George (1997) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Izzy Shne Joachim (2000) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Arthur W. French Jr. (1931) Afro-Saint Vincentian - actor and director.
Papa Winnie / Winston Carlisle Peters (1955) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Ardon Bess (1964) Afro-Saint Vincentian - actor.
Jamesy P / James Morgan (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Andi Peters / Andrew Peters Eleazu (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - actor, voice-over artist, tv presenter, and producer.
Noel Clarke (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Trinidadian, Akan Ghanaian - actor, director, producer, screenwriter, and author.
Kevin Lyttle (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Protoje / Oje Ken Ollivierre (1981) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - singer-songwriter and DJ.
Marlon Roudette (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Trinidadian, Dominican / Scottish, English - singer-songwriter, rapper, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, percussionist, and producer.
Aml Ameen (1985) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - actor.
Demetrius Joyette (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Greek - actor.
Skarpyon (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer-songwriter.
Watts / Austin Garrick (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Greek, Russian, Polish - rapper-songwriter, producer, and composer.
M - Athletes:
Garnet Brisbane (1938) Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Mike Findlay (1943) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Frankie Lucas (1953) Saint Vincentian - boxer.
Colville Browne (1953) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Lance John (1957) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Errington Kelly (1958) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Winston Davis (1958) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Albert Texeira (1960) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Sydney Murphy (1960) Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Orde Ballantyne (1962) Afro-Saint Vincentian - shot putter.
André François (1964) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Errion Charles (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Roger Gurley (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Lenford O'Garro (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Ian Allen (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Verbin Sutherland (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Dawnley Joseph (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Leroy Blugh (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian - Canadian football player.
Fitzgerald Bramble (1967) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Lennox Adams (1968) Afro-Saint Vincentian - triple jumper.
Tyrone Prince (1968) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Eversley Linley (1969) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Kendale Mercury (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Cameron Cuffy (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Mike McLean (1970) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Keith Ollivierre (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Carlton Myers (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Italian - basketball player.
Kendall Velox (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Michael Williams (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Ezra Hendrickson (1972) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Rodney Jack (1972) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Eswort Coombs (1972) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Ezra Hendrickson (1972) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Linvoy Primus (1973) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Pamenos Ballantyne (1973) Afro-Saint Vincentian - long-distance runner.
Nixon McLean (1973) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Julian Joachim (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Deighton Butler (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Joel Mascoll (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Melvin Andrews (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Thomas Dickson (1974) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Orlanzo Jackson (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Cornelius Bernard Huggins (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Adonal Foyle (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Erasto Sampson (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Wesley Charles (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Marlon James (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Sabuton John (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Oronde Ash (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Wesley John (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Rohan Ash (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Kenlyn Gonsalves (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Zema Abbey (1977) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Julian Charles (1977) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Kahlil Cato (1977) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Nathan Abbey (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Ghanaian - footballer.
Dan Gadzuric (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Serbian - basketball player.
Bront DeFreitas (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Caswain Mason (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Kenroy Martin (1979) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Clayton Latham (1980) Afro-Saint Vincentian - long jumper.
Kenroy Peters (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Shawn King (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Calvert Hooper (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Jared Lewis (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Hyron Shallow (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Shandel Samuel (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Romel Currency (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Stephenson Wallace (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Alston Bobb (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Omari Aldridge (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Kishore Shallow (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Andy Grant (1984) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Lindon James (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Donnie Defreitas (1985) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Casnel Bushay (1985) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Miles Bascombe (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Damal Francis (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Nyika Williams (1987) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Donwell Hector (1988) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Othneil Bailey (1988) Afro-Saint Vincentian - squash player.
Delorn Johnson (1988) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Kieran Agard (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Jolanshoy McDowall (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Keron Cottoy (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Dwayne Sandy (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Cornelius Stewart (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Gavin James (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Junior Cadougan (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Trinidadian - basketball player.
Reginald Richardson (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Chad Balcombe (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Darren Stewart (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - mixed martial artist.
Kesrick Williams (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Gregson Hazell (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Courtney Carl Williams (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Jamal Yorke (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Atticus Browne (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
David Pitt (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jomel Warrican (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Myron Samuel (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jesse Lingard (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian / English - footballer.
Nazir McBurnette (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Akeem Williams (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Sunil Ambris (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Tolga Akcayli (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Turkish - swimmer.
Kevin Francis (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Tevin Slater (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Azinho Solomon (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jahvin Sutherland (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Ray Jordan (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Brandon John (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Chavel Cunningham (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Lemus Christopher (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Brandon Valentine-Parris (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Oalex Anderson (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Gidron Pope (1996) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jevon Cottoy (1996) Afro-Saint Vincentian - Canadian football player.
Kyle Edwards (1997) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Obed McCoy (1997) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Tayo Edun (1998) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Yoruba Nigerian - footballer.
Nikolas Sylvester (2000) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Diel Spring (2000) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Joel Quashie (2001) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
21 Sa**ge / Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph (1992) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Haitian, Afro-Saint Vincentian - rapper-songwriter and producer. - His stage name involves an anti-native slur despite not being native, in his song ASMR he had anti-semitic lyrics, and made tweets supporting rape culture.
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signaturetoursegypt · 5 years
Hanging Church
The Hanging Church ⛪️ One of the most wonderful places you can see in Coptic Cairo 🤩 is Saint Virgin Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church which was constructed over the old Babylon wall (Roman Fortress). That is actually part of the reason it got the title "Hanging Church" for as a matter of fact most of the church resides on one of the gates of Babylon (the southern tower gate to be precise).
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Till our date the Hanging church is running, fully with a structure that is believed to date back to the 5 th century AD. Having said that, there have been many efforts aiming to preserve it and keep it full of life and amazement, via continuous renovations for instance.
The Hanging church comprises seven sanctuaries as well as alters devoted to the Virgin Mary, St John, St John the Baptist and St. Mar Girgis. It is well known for being the seat of the Coptic patriarchate from the 11th century to the 14t.h . There are also several beautiful icons of Christ, the Virgin Mary, Archangel Gabriel and St. Peter.
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You can know more details about The Hanging Church ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://bit.ly/37u9zxR
Or Feel free and send Us message 📩 and we will contact you😉 ------------------------------------------------------------ Please CONTACT US ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Website: https://signaturetoursegypt.com/en TripAdvisor: https://bit.ly/35LkWkf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/signaturetourseg/ E-Mail: [email protected] WhatsUpp :+2 01012999366 Viber:+2 01012999366 Tele: +2 01012999366
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orthodoxydaily · 3 years
Sunday, September 12, Russian orthodox Christian around the world celebrated the Translation of the relics of Saint Alexander Nevsky. 
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The Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky (in monastic schema Alexis) died on the return journey from the Horde at Gorodtsa on the Volga, on November 14, 1263, and on November 23, 1263 he was buried in the Cathedral Church of the Nativity Monastery in the city of Vladimir.1
Veneration of the Prince began right at his burial, where a remarkable miracle took place. The saint extended his hand for the prayer of absolution (a written document placed in the coffin). Great Prince John (1353-1359), in his spiritual testament written in the year 1356, left to his son Demetrius (1363-1389), the future victor of the Battle of Kulikovo, “an icon of Saint Alexander.” The incorrupt relics of the holy Prince were uncovered, because of a vision, before the Battle of Kulikovo in the year 1380, and then they were sent forth for a local celebration.
Russian commanders asked for the intercession of the holy Prince, glorified by his defense of the Fatherland, in the following times: On August 30, 1721 Peter I, after a lengthy and exhausting war with the Swedes, concluded the Nishtad Peace. On this day it was decided to transfer the relics of the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to the new northern capital, Peterburg, on the banks of the Neva. Removed from Vladimir on August 11, 1723, the holy relics were greeted at Shlisselburg on September 20 of that year and remained there until 1724. On August 30, they were placed in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, where they now rest in Saint Petersburg. By an edict on September 2, 1724 a feastday was established on August 30.2
Archimandrite Gabriel Buzhinsky (later Bishop of Ryazan, + April 27, 1731) compiled a special service in remembrance of the Nishtad Peace, combining with it a service to Saint Alexander Nevsky.
The name of the Defender of the borders of Russia and the Patron of Soldiers is famous far beyond the borders of Russia. The numerous temples dedicated to Saint Alexander Nevsky bear witness to this. The most famous of them: the Patriarchal Cathedral at Sofia, the Cathedral church in Talinin, and a church in Tbilisi. These churches are a pledge of friendship of the Russian National-Liberator with brother nations.
1 There is now a memorial to the holy prince at the Cathedral Church of the Nativity Monastery. Another memorial is in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessk.
2 In 1727, the feast was discontinued because of secular matters, which involved clique struggles at the imperial court. In 1730, the Feast was again re-established.
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However, the  2021 celebration wasn’t like any other in Russia were the pious feast day was combined with the 800 th birthday of the Great Sainted Prince. Fireworks illuminated the sky of St Petersburg and all other major cities. A event planned way ahead. In June 2014, Vladimir Putin had signed an executive order authorizing the National celebration of the birth of Alexander Newsky. 
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Saint Alexander Newsky, pray to God for us....
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tabernacleheart · 5 years
As we await the beginning of the [Orthodox] service, we are deep in conversation—not with other people in church, but with those represented in the images before us. There is Christ, for example, who said once, “My sheep hear my voice.” There is his Mother, pointing to her Son. She once said, “Do whatever he tells you.” There are icons of the Apostles, gathered around Christ at the Last Supper. Images of persons who trod the earth with Jesus, and members of the Communion of Saints who have a special place in our heart. They all have something to tell us, and as we come to church this morning, carrying the cares of life, they speak to us anew, leading us to a deeper understanding of what role those burdens play in the plan God has for us. Father... opens the central doors from inside the sanctuary and bows to Christ’s faithful. We stand and bow in return. Those doors, called the Royal Doors, have something to say as well: they are illustrated with icons of the Four Evangelists and one of Mary being greeted by the Angel Gabriel. As the Virgin opened herself to the Mystery of the Incarnation, paving the Way for our salvation, these doors allow us to enter the Kingdom, at least for the time of this service... We will spend this time with the Master, listening to His voice, becoming closer disciples, obeying His command to “take and eat.”...This service—the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom—has spiritually sustained Christians since at least the 4th century... [it] has undergone little change since the time of that great Church Doctor for whom it is named.
John Burger
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bongaboi · 6 years
Grammy Awards 2019: The List, Part 3
Best Latin Pop Album
Sincera – Claudia Brant
Prometo – Pablo Alborán
Musas, Vol. 2 – Natalia Lafourcade
2:00 AM – Raquel Sofía
Vives – Carlos Vives
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album
Aztlán – Zoé
Claroscura – Aterciopelados
Encanto Tropical – Monsieur Periné
Gourmet – Orishas
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano)
¡México Por Siempre! – Luis Miguel
Primero Soy Mexicana – Ángela Aguilar
Mitad Y Mitad – Calibre 50
Totalmente Juan Gabriel Vol. II – Aida Cuevas
Cruzando Borders – Los Texmaniacs
Leyendas de Mi Pueblo – Mariachi Sol de Mexico
Best Tropical Latin Album
Anniversary – Spanish Harlem Orchestra
Pa' Mi Gente – Charlie Aponte
Legado – Formell y Los Van Van
Orquesta Akokán – Orquesta Akokán
Ponle Actitud – Felipe Peláez
American Roots Music
Best American Roots Performance
"The Joke" – Brandi Carlile
"Kick Rocks" – Sean Ardoin
"St. James Infirmary Blues" – Jon Batiste
"All on My Mind" – Anderson East
"Last Man Standing" – Willie Nelson
Best American Roots Song
"The Joke"
"All the Trouble"
"Build a Bridge"
"Knockin' on Your Screen Door"
"Summer's End"
Brandi Carlile, Dave Cobb, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile)
Waylon Payne, Lee Ann Womack & Adam Wright, songwriters (Lee Ann Womack)
Jeff Tweedy, songwriter (Mavis Staples)
Pat McLaughlin & John Prine, songwriters (John Prine)
Pat McLaughlin & John Prine, songwriters (John Prine)
Best Americana Album
By the Way, I Forgive You – Brandi Carlile
Things Have Changed – Bettye LaVette
The Tree of Forgiveness – John Prine
The Lonely, the Lonesome & the Gone – Lee Ann Womack
One Drop of Truth – The Wood Brothers
Best Bluegrass Album
The Travelin' McCourys – The Travelin' McCourys
Portraits in Fiddles – Mike Barnett
Sister Sadie II – Sister Sadie
Rivers and Roads – The Special Consensus
North of Despair – Wood & Wire
Best Traditional Blues Album
The Blues Is Alive and Well – Buddy Guy
Something Smells Funky 'Round Here – Elvis Bishop's Big Fun Trio
Benton County Relic – Cedric Burnside
No Mercy in This Land – Ben Harper and Charlie Musselwhite
Don't You Feel My Leg (The Naughty Bawdy Blues of Blue Lu Barker) – Maria Muldaur
Best Contemporary Blues Album
Please Don't Be Dead – Fantastic Negrito
Here in Babylon – Teresa James and the Rhythm Tramps
Cry No More – Danielle Nicole
Out of the Blues – Boz Scaggs
Victor Wainwright and the Train – Victor Wainwright and the Train
Best Folk Album
All Ashore – Punch Brothers
Whistle Down the Wind – Joan Baez
Black Cowboys – Dom Flemons
Rifles & Rosary Beads – Mary Gauthier
Weed Garden – Iron & Wine
Best Regional Roots Music Album
No 'Ane'i – Kalani Pe'a
Kreole Rock and Soul – Sean Ardoin
Spyboy – Cha Wa
Aloha from Na Hoa – Na Hoa
Mewasinsational: Cree Round Dance Songs – Young Spirit
Best Reggae Album
44/876 – Sting & Shaggy
As the World Turns – Black Uhuru
Reggae Forever – Etana
Rebellion Rises – Ziggy Marley
A Matter of Time – Protoje
World Music
Best World Music Album
Freedom – Soweto Gospel Choir
Deran – Bombino
Fenfo – Fatoumata Diawara
Black Times – Seun Kuti & Egypt 80
Yiddish Glory: The Lost Songs of World War II, various artists
Best Children's Album
All the Sounds – Lucy Kalantari & The Jazz Cats
Building Blocks – Tim Kubart
Falu's Bazaar – Falu
Giants of Science – The Pop Ups
The Nation of Imagine – Frank & Deane
Spoken Word
Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling)
Faith: A Journey for All – Jimmy Carter
Accessory to War – Courtney B. Vance
Calypso – David Sedaris
Creative Quest – Questlove
The Last Black Unicorn – Tiffany Haddish
Best Comedy Album
Equanimity & The Bird Revelation – Dave Chappelle
Annihilation – Patton Oswalt
Noble Ape – Jim Gaffigan
Standup for Drummers – Fred Armisen
Tamborine – Chris Rock
Musical Theater
Best Musical Theater Album
The Band's Visit – Etai Benson, Adam Kantor, Katrina Lenk & Ari'el Stachel, principal soloists; Dean Sharenow & David Yazbek, producers; David Yazbek, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast)
Carousel – Renée Fleming, Alexander Gemignani, Joshua Henry, Lindsay Mendez & Jessie Mueller, principal soloists; Steven Epstein, producer (Richard Rodgers, composer; Oscar Hammerstein II, lyricist) (2018 Broadway Cast)
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert – Sara Bareilles, Alice Cooper, Ben Daniels, Brandon Victor Dixon, Erik Grönwall, Jin Ha, John Legend, Norm Lewis & Jason Tam, principal soloists; Harvey Mason Jr., producer (Andrew Lloyd Webber, composer; Tim Rice, lyricist) (Original Television Cast)
My Fair Lady – Lauren Ambrose, Norbert Leo Butz & Harry Hadden-Paton, principal soloists; Andre Bishop, Van Dean, Hattie K. Jutagir, David Lai, Adam Siegel & Ted Sperling, producers (Frederick Loewe, composer; Alan Jay Lerner, lyricist) (2018 Broadway Cast)
Once on This Island – Phillip Boykin, Merle Dandridge, Quentin Earl Darrington, Hailey Kilgore, Kenita R. Miller, Alex Newell, Isaac Powell & Lea Salonga, principal soloists; Lynn Ahrens, Hunter Arnold, Ken Davenport, Stephen Flaherty & Elliot Scheiner, producers (Stephen Flaherty, composer; Lynn Ahrens, lyricist) (New Broadway Cast)
Music for Visual Media
Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
The Greatest Showman – Hugh Jackman (& Various Artists)
Call Me by Your Name – (Various Artists)
Deadpool 2 – (Various Artists)
Lady Bird – (Various Artists)
Stranger Things – (Various Artists)
Alex Lacamoire, Benj Pasek, Justin Paul & Greg Wells, compilation producers
Luca Guadagnino, compilation producer; Robin Urdang, music supervisor
David Leitch & Ryan Reynolds, compilation producers; John Houlihan, music supervisor
Timothy J. Smith, compilation producer; Michael Hill & Brian Ross, music supervisors
Matt Duffer, Ross Duffer, Timothy J. Smith, compilation producer; Nora Felder, music supervisor
Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media
Black Panther – Ludwig Göransson, composer
Blade Runner 2049 – Benjamin Wallfisch & Hans Zimmer, composers
Coco – Michael Giacchino, composer
The Shape of Water – Alexandre Desplat, composer
Star Wars: The Last Jedi – John Williams, composer
Best Song Written for Visual Media
"Shallow" (from A Star Is Born)
"All the Stars" (from Black Panther)
"Mystery of Love" (from Call Me by Your Name)
"Remember Me" (from Coco)
"This Is Me" (from The Greatest Showman)
Lady Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando & Andrew Wyatt, songwriters (Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper)
Kendrick Duckworth, Solána Rowe, Alexander William Shuckburgh, Mark Anthony Spears & Anthony Tiffith, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar & SZA)
Sufjan Stevens, songwriter (Sufjan Stevens)
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez, songwriters (Miguel featuring Natalia Lafourcade)
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Keala Settle & The Greatest Showman Ensemble)
Best Instrumental Composition
"Blut Und Boden (Blood and Soil)"
"Infinity War"
"Mine Mission"
"The Shape of Water"
Terence Blanchard, composer (Terence Blanchard)
Jeremy Kittel, composer (Kittel & Co.)
Alan Silvestri, composer (Alan Silvestri)
John Powell & John Williams, composers (John Powell & John Williams)
Alexandre Desplat, composer (Alexandre Desplat)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella
"Stars and Stripes Forever"
"Batman Theme (TV)"
"Change the World"
"Madrid Finale"
"The Shape of Water"
John Daversa, arranger (John Daversa Big Band featuring DACA Artists)
Randy Waldman & Justin Wilson, arrangers (Randy Waldman featuring Wynton Marsalis)
Mark Kibble, arranger (Take 6)
John Powell, arranger (John Powell)
Alexandre Desplat, arranger (Alexandre Desplat)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals
"Spiderman Theme"
"It Was a Very Good Year"
"Mona Lisa"
Mark Kibble, Randy Waldman & Justin Wilson, arrangers (Randy Waldman featuring Take 6 & Chris Potter)
Matt Rollings & Kristin Wilkinson, arrangers (Willie Nelson)
Dan Pugach & Nicole Zuraitis, arrangers (Dan Pugach)
Vince Mendoza, arranger (Gregory Porter)
Gonzalo Grau, arranger (Magos Herrera & Brooklyn Rider)
Best Recording Package
Be the Cowboy
Love Yourself: Tear
The Offering
Well Kept Thing
Willo Perron, art director (St. Vincent)
Mary Banas, art director (Mitski)
HuskyFox, art director (BTS)
Qing-Yang Xiao, art director (The Chairman)
Adam Moore, art director (Foxhole)
Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
Squeeze Box: The Complete Works of "Weird Al" Yankovic
Appetite For Destruction (Locked N' Loaded Box)
I'll Be Your Girl
Pacific Northwest '73–'74: The Complete Recordings
Too Many Bad Habits
Meghan Foley, Annie Stoll & Al Yankovic, art directors ("Weird Al" Yankovic)
Arian Buhler, Charles Dooher, Jeff Fura, Scott Sandler & Matt Taylor, art directors (Guns N' Roses)
Carson Ellis, Jeri Heiden & Glen Nakasako, art directors (The Decemberists)
Lisa Glines, Doran Tyson & Roy Henry Vickers, art directors (Grateful Dead)
Sarah Dodds & Shauna Dodds, art directors (Johnny Nicholas)
Best Album Notes
Voices of Mississippi: Artists and Musicians Documented by William Ferris
Alpine Dreaming: The Helvetia Records Story, 1920-1924
4 Banjo Songs, 1891-1897: Foundational Recordings of America's Iconic Instrument
The 1960 Time Sessions
The Product of Our Souls: The Sound and Sway of James Reese Europe's Society Orchestra
Trouble No More: The Bootleg Series Vol. 13/1979-1981 (Deluxe Edition)
David Evans, album notes writer (Various artists)
James P. Leary, album notes writer (Various artists)
Richard Martin & Ted Olson, album notes writer (Charles A. Asbury)
Ben Ratliff, album notes writer (Sonny Clark Trio)
David Gilbert, album notes writer (Various artists)
Amanda Petrusich, album notes writer (Bob Dylan)
Best Historical Album
Voices of Mississippi: Artists and Musicians Documented by William Ferris
Any Other Way
At the Louisiana Hayride Tonight...
Battleground Korea: Songs and Sounds of America's Forgotten War
A Rhapsody in Blue: The Extraordinary Life of Oscar Levant
William Ferris, April Ledbetter & Steven Lance Ledbetter, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various artists)
Rob Bowman, Douglas McGowan, Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton, mastering engineer (Jackie Shane)
Martin Hawkins, compilation producer; Christian Zwarg, mastering engineer (Various artists)
Hugo Keesing, compilation producer; Christian Zwarg, mastering engineer (Various artists)
Robert Russ, compilation producer; Andreas K. Meyer & Rebekah Wineman, mastering engineers (Oscar Levant)
Production, Non-Classical
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
All the Things That I Did and All the Things That I Didn't Do
Head Over Heels
Julian Burg, Serban Ghenea, David "Elevator" Greenbaum, John Hanes, Beck Hansen, Greg Kurstin, Florian Lagatta, Cole M.G.N., Alex Pasco, Jesse Shatkin, Darrell Thorp & Cassidy Turbin, engineers; Chris Bellman, Tom Coyne, Emily Lazar & Randy Merrill, mastering engineers (Beck)
Ryan Freeland & Kenneth Pattengale, engineers; Kim Rosen, mastering engineer (The Milk Carton Kids)
Robbie Lackritz, engineer; Philip Shaw Bova, mastering engineer (Bahamas)
Nathaniel Alford, Jason Evigan, Chris Galland, Tom Gardner, Patrick "P-Thugg" Gemayel, Serban Ghenea, John Hanes, Tony Hoffer, Derek Keota, Ian Kirkpatrick, David Macklovitch, Amber Mark, Manny Marroquin, Vaughn Oliver, Chris "TEK" O'Ryan, Morgan Taylor Reid & Gian Stone, engineers; Chris Gehringer & Michelle Mancini, mastering engineers (Chromeo)
Manny Marroquin & Charlie Puth, engineers; Dave Kutch, mastering engineer (Charlie Puth)
Producer of the Year, Non-Classical
Pharrell Williams
Larry Klein
Linda Perry
Kanye West
"Apeshit" (The Carters)
Man of the Woods (Justin Timberlake)
No One Ever Really Dies (N.E.R.D)
"Stir Fry" (Migos)
Sweetener (Ariana Grande)
"Be Careful" (Cardi B)
"Diplomatic Immunity" (Drake)
"Friends" (The Carters)
"God's Plan" (Drake)
"Heard About Us" (The Carters)
"Lucky You" (Eminem featuring Joyner Lucas)
"Mob Ties" (Drake)
"No Limit" (G-Eazy featuring ASAP Rocky & Cardi B)
"All These Things" (Thomas Dybdahl)
Anthem (Madeleine Peyroux)
The Book of Longing (Luciana Souza)
"Can I Have It All" (Thomas Dybdahl)
Junk (Hailey Tuck)
"Look At What We've Done" (Thomas Dybdahl)
Meaning to Tell Ya (Molly Johnson)
"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" (Willa Amai)
Served Like a Girl (Various artists)
28 Days in the Valley (Dorothy)
Daytona (Pusha T)
Kids See Ghosts (Kids See Ghosts)
K.T.S.E. (Teyana Taylor)
Nasir (Nas)
Ye (Kanye West)
Best Remixed Recording
"Walking Away" (Mura Masa Remix)
"Audio" (CID Remix)
"How Long" (EDX's Dubai Skyline Remix)
"Only Road" (Cosmic Gate Remix)
"Stargazing" (Kaskade Remix)
Alex Crossan, remixer (Haim)
CID, remixer (LSD)
Maurizio Colella, remixer (Charlie Puth)
Stefan Bossems & Claus Terhoeven, remixers (Gabriel & Dresden featuring Sub Teal)
Kaskade, remixer (Kygo featuring Justin Jesso)
Production, Immersive Audio
Best Immersive Audio Album
Eye in the Sky: 35th Anniversary Edition
Seven Words from the Cross
Sommerro: Ujamaa & The Iceberg
Alan Parsons, surround mix engineer; Dave Donnelly, PJ Olsson & Alan Parsons, surround mastering engineers; Alan Parsons, surround producer (The Alan Parsons Project)
Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Anne Karin Sundal-Ask & Det Norske Jentekor)
Daniel Shores, surround mix engineer; Daniel Shores, surround mastering engineer; Dan Merceruio, surround producer (Matthew Guard & Skylark)
Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Ingar Heine Bergby, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra & Choir)
Prashant Mistry & Ronald Prent, surround mix engineers; Darcy Proper, surround mastering engineer; Prashant Mistry & Ronald Prent, surround producers (Engine-Earz Experiment)
Production, Classical
Best Engineered Album, Classical
Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 11
Bates: The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3; Strauss: Horn Concerto No. 1
John Williams at the Movies
Liquid Melancholy: Clarinet Music of James M. Stephenson
Visions and Variations
Shawn Murphy & Nick Squire, engineers; Tim Martyn, mastering engineer (Andris Nelsons & Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Mark Donahue & Dirk Sobotka, engineers; Mark Donahue, mastering engineer (Michael Christie, Garrett Sorenson, Wei Wu, Sasha Cooke, Edwards Parks, Jessica E. Jones & Santa Fe Opera Orchestra)
Mark Donahue, engineer; Mark Donahue, mastering engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Keith O. Johnson & Sean Royce Martin, engineers; Keith O. Johnson, mastering engineer (Jerry Junkin & Dallas Winds)
Bill Maylone & Mary Mazurek, engineers; Bill Maylone, mastering engineer (John Bruce Yeh)
Tom Caulfield, engineer; Jesse Lewis, mastering engineer (A Far Cry)
Producer of the Year, Classical
Blanton Alspaugh
David Frost
Elizabeth Ostrow
Judith Sherman
Dirk Sobotka
Arnesen: Infinity - Choral Works (Joel Rinsema & Kantorei)
Aspects of America (Carlos Kalmar & Oregon Symphony)
Chesnokov: Teach Me Thy Statutes (Vladimir Gorbik & PaTRAM Institute Male Choir)
Gordon, R.: The House Without a Christmas Tree (Bradley Moore, Elisabeth Leone, Maximillian Macias, Megan Mikailovna Samarin, Patricia Schuman, Lauren Snouffer, Heidi Stober, Daniel Belcher, Houston Gran Opera Juvenile Chorus & Houston Grand OperaOrchestra)
Haydn: The Creation (Andrés Orozco-Estrada, Betsy Cook Weber, Houston Symphony & Houston Symphony Chorus)
Heggie: Great Scott (Patrick Summers, Manuel Palazzo, Mark Hancock, Michael Mayes, Rodell Rosel, Kevin Burdette, Anthony Roth Costanzo, Nathan Gunn, Frederica von Stade, Ailyn Pérez, Joyce DiDonato, Dallas Opera Chorus & Orchestra)
Music of Fauré, Buide & Zemlinsky (Trio Séléné)
Paterson: Three Way - A Trio of One-Act Operas (Dean Williamson, Daniele Pastin, Courtney Ruckman, Eliza Bonet, Melisa Bonetti, Jordan Rutter, Samuel Levine, Wes Mason, Matthew Treviño & Nashville Opera Orchestra)
Vaughan Williams: Piano Concerto; Oboe Concerto; Serenade to Music; Flos Campi (Peter Oundjian & Toronto Symphony Orchestra)
Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Volume 7 (Jonathan Biss)
Mirror in Mirror (Anne Akiko Meyers, Kristjan Järvi & Philharmonia Orchestra)
Mozart: Idomeneo (James Levine, Alan Opie, Matthew Polenzani, Alice Coote, Nadine Sierra, Elza van den Heever, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus)
Presentiment (Orion Weiss)
Strauss, R.: Der Rosenkavalier (Sebastian Weigle, Renée Fleming, Elīna Garanča, Erin Morley, Günther Groissböck, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus)
Bates: The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs (Michael Christie, Garrett Sorenson, Wei Wu, Sasha Cooke, Edwards Parks, Jessica E. Jones & Santa Fe Opera Orchestra)
The Road Home (Joshua Habermann & Santa Fe Desert Chorale)
Beethoven Unbound (Llŷr Williams)
Black Manhattan Volume 3 (Rick Benjamin & Paragon Ragtime Orchestra)
Bolcom: Piano Music (Various Artists)
Del Tredici: March to Tonality (Mark Peskanov & Various Artists)
Love Comes in at the Eye (Timothy Jones, Stephanie Sant'Ambrogio, Jeffrey Sykes, Anthony Ross, Carol Cook, Beth Rapier & Stephanie Jutt)
Meltzer: Variations on a Summer Day & Piano Quartet (Abigail Fischer, Jayce Ogren & Sequitur)
Mendelssohn: Complete Works for Cello and Piano (Marcy Rosen & Lydia Artymiw)
New Music for Violin and Piano (Julie Rosenfeld & Peter Miyamoto)
Reich: Pulse/Quartet (Colin Currie Group & International Contemporary Ensemble)
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3; Strauss: Horn Concerto No. 1 (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Lippencott: Frontier Symphony (Jeff Lippencott & Ligonier Festival Orchestra)
Mahler: Symphony No. 8 (Thierry Fischer, Mormon Tabernacle Choir & Utah Symphony)
Music of the Americas (Andrés Orozco-Estrada & Houston Symphony)
Best Orchestral Performance
Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 11
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3; Strauss: Horn Concerto No. 1
Nielsen: Symphony No. 3 & Symphony No. 4
Ruggles, Stucky & Harbison: Orchestral Works
Schumann: Symphonies Nos. 1-4
Andris Nelsons, conductor (Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Manfred Honeck, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Thomas Dausgaard, conductor (Seattle Symphony)
David Alan Miller, conductor (National Orchestral Institute Philharmonic)
Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony)
Best Opera Recording
Bates: The (R)evolution Of Steve Jobs
Adams: Doctor Atomic
Lully: Alceste
Strauss, R.: Der Rosenkavalier
Verdi: Rigoletto
Michael Christie, conductor; Sasha Cooke, Jessica E. Jones, Edward Parks, Garrett Sorenson & Wei Wu; Elizabeth Ostrow, producer (The Santa Fe Opera Orchestra)
John Adams, conductor; Aubrey Allicock, Julia Bullock, Gerald Finley & Brindley Sherratt; Friedemann Engelbrecht, producer (The BBC Symphony Orchestra; BBC Singers)
Christophe Rousset, conductor; Edwin Crossley-Mercer, Emiliano Gonzalez Toro & Judith Van Wanroij; Maximilien Ciup, producer (Les Talens Lyriques; Choeur De Chambre De Namur)
Sebastian Weigle, conductor; Renée Fleming, Elīna Garanča, Günther Groissböck & Erin Morley; David Frost, producer (Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
Constantine Orbelian, conductor; Francesco Demuro, Dmitri Hvorostovsky & Nadine Sierra; Vilius Keras & Aleksandra Keriene, producers (Kaunas City Symphony Orchestra; Men Of The Kaunas State Choir)
Best Choral Performance
McLoskey: Zealot Canticles
Chesnokov: Teach Me Thy Statutes
Kastalsky: Memory Eternal
Rachmaninov: The Bells
Seven Words From The Cross
Donald Nally, conductor (Doris Hall-Gulati, Rebecca Harris, Arlen Hlusko, Lorenzo Raval & Mandy Wolman; The Crossing)
Vladimir Gorbik, conductor (Mikhail Davydov & Vladimir Krasov; PaTRAM Institute Male Choir)
Steven Fox, conductor (The Clarion Choir)
Mariss Jansons, conductor; Peter Dijkstra, chorus master (Oleg Dolgov, Alexey Markov & Tatiana Pavlovskaya; Symphonieorchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks; Chor Des Bayerischen Rundfunks)
Matthew Guard, conductor (Skylark)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
Anderson, Laurie: Landfall – Laurie Anderson & Kronos Quartet
Beethoven, Shostakovich & Bach – The Danish String Quartet
Blueprinting – Aizuri Quartet
Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring Concerto for Two Pianos – Leif Ove Andsnes & Marc-André Hamelin
Visions And Variations – A Far Cry
Best Classical Instrumental Solo
Kernis: Violin Concerto – James Ehnes
Bartók: Piano Concerto No. 2 – Yuja Wang
Biber: The Mystery Sonatas – Christina Day Martinson
Bruch: Scottish Fantasy, Op. 46; Violin Concerto No. 1 In G Minor, Op. 26
Glass: Three Pieces In The Shape of A Square
Ludovic Morlot, conductor (Seattle Symphony)
Simon Rattle, conductor (Berliner Philharmoniker)
Martin Pearlman, conductor (Boston Baroque)
Joshua Bell (The Academy Of St. Martin In The Fields)
Craig Morris
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album
Songs of Orpheus: Monteverdi, Caccini, d'India & Landi – Karim Sulayman
ARC – Anthony Roth Costanzo
The Handel Album – Philippe Jaroussky
Mirages – Sabine Devieilhe
Schubert: Winterreise – Randall Scarlata
Jeannette Sorrell, conductor; Apollo's Fire, ensembles
Jonathan Cohen, conductor (Les Violons Du Roy)
Artaserse, ensemble
François-Xavier Roth, conductor (Alexandre Tharaud; Marianne Crebassa & Jodie Devos; Les Siècles)
Gilbert Kalish, accompanist
Best Classical Compendium
Fuchs: Piano Concerto 'Spiritualist'; Poems Of Life; Glacier; Rush
The John Adams Edition
John Williams at the Movies
Vaughan Williams: Piano Concerto; Oboe Concerto; Serenade To Music; Flos Campi
JoAnn Falletta, conductor; Tim Handley, producer
The King's Singers; Nigel Short, producer
Simon Rattle, conductor; Christoph Franke, producer
Jerry Junkin, conductor; Donald J. McKinney, producer
Peter Oundjian, conductor; Blanton Alspaugh, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition
Kernis: Violin Concerto
Bates: The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs
Du Yun: Air Glow
Heggie: Great Scott
Mazzoli: Vespers for Violin
Aaron Jay Kernis, composer (James Ehnes, Ludovic Morlot & Seattle Symphony)
Mason Bates, composer; Mark Campbell, librettist (Michael Christie, Garrett Sorenson, Wei Wu, Sasha Cooke, Edward Parks, Jessica E. Jones & Santa Fe Opera Orchestra)
Du Yun, composer (International Contemporary Ensemble)
Jake Heggie, composer; Terrence McNally, librettist (Patrick Summers, Manuel Palazzo, Mark Hancock, Michael Mayes, Rodell Rosel, Kevin Burdette, Anthony Roth Costanzo, Nathan Gunn, Frederica von Stade, Ailyn Pérez, Joyce DiDonato, Dallas Opera Chorus & Orchestra)
Missy Mazzoli, composer (Olivia De Prato)
Music Video/Film
Best Music Video
"This Is America" – Childish Gambino
"Apeshit" – The Carters
"I'm Not Racist" – Joyner Lucas
"Pynk" – Janelle Monáe
"Mumbo Jumbo" – Tierra Whack
Hiro Murai, video directors; Ibra Ake, Jason Cole & Fam Rothstein, video producers
Ricky Saiz, video director; Mélodie Buchris, Natan Schottenfels & Erinn Williams, video producers
Joyner Lucas & Ben Proulx, video directors; Joyner Lucas, video producer
Emma Westenburg, video director; Justin Benoliel & Whitney Jackson, video producers
Marco Prestini, video director; Sara Nassim, video producer
Best Music Film
Quincy – Quincy Jones
Life in 12 Bars – Eric Clapton
Whitney – (Whitney Houston)
Itzhak – Itzhak Perlman
The King – (Elvis Presley)
Alan Hicks & Rashida Jones, video directors; Paula DuPré Pesmen, video producer
Lili Fini Zanuck, video director; John Battsek, Scooter Weintraub, Larry Yelen & Lili Fini Zanuck, video producers
Kevin Macdonald, video director; Jonathan Chinn, Simon Chinn & Lisa Erspamer, video producers
Alison Chernick, video director; Alison Chernick, video producer
Eugene Jarecki, video director; Christopher Frierson, Georgina Hill, David Kuhn & Christopher St. John, video producers
6 notes · View notes
ehkw1989 · 6 years
Four Loves - A Choices Crossover Imagine
Pairings: Michael x MC (High School Story), James x MC (The Freshman), Liam x MC (The Royal Romance) and Drake x MC (The Royal Romance)
Ratings: NSFW, some swear words, fluffiness, angst, some hints of smut
A/N: The basis of this imagine came about from a conversation I had with my friend a long time ago.  We were discussing the different types of romantic loves they are and how sometimes, if we’re very lucky, the people that we share the four romantic loves with are the same person.  Please like, reblog or comment if you’ve enjoyed this imagine.  Italics are flashbacks and tags are at the bottom.  As usual, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Love, Edith
Word Count: 3308 words, not sure what happened.
A soft knock on the bedroom door interrupts Evelyn’s routine as she prepares herself for bed.  She is about to call out to ask who it is but before she could do so, she can hear her daughter’s voice through the door, “Mom, are you still awake?”
“Yes, Astoria.  Come on in, my love.” Evelyn turns to face the door as it opens.
“Am I interrupting anything? Is Papa here?”
“Your papa is here and of course, you’re not interrupting anything. Is everything alright?”  Evelyn reaches for her daughter, her forehead creased with worry.
“I just . . . I just wanted to ask you something.  Nothing’s the matter.” Astoria smiled at her mother, wanting to put her at ease.
“Ask away.” The older woman smiles back, waiting patiently as her daughter gathers her thoughts.
“It’s about . . . love.  I . . . don’t know what . . . How . . . how did you know what you had with Daddy was love?”
Evelyn looks at her daughter thoughtfully, gathering her thoughts before she could answer.  “I didn’t know what kind of love it was until I realized it too late.” She admitted.
“What kind of love?  Isn’t there only one kind when it comes to romance?  It’s . . . isn’t it Eros?”
“Eros is one of them.  But there’s four types of romantic love experiences that most people go through.  Your Uncle Thomas once told me that there were four kinds of romantic love.  There’s Phileo, Eros, Storge, and Agape.”  Evelyn looks at the photograph on the bedside table wistfully before continuing.  “And I’ve experienced all four.”
“Was the love you had for Daddy eros?”
“No, love, it was storge.  It’s the kind of love you have when you’re in a long-term relationship.  It’s a very powerful love.  It’s one of the most passionate and best loves that I have ever had in my life.” She smiles at her daughter. “It was the best love that I have had in my life because you were born as a result of this love.” She brushes her daughter’s hair away from her face lovingly as they share a smile.
“What about the other ones?  Phileo, eros and agrape?”
“No, darling, agape.  Is this about Eddie?  Isn’t he the son of Ezekiel and Penelope?”
“Yes, the future Duke of Portavira. It’s not just about Eddie; it’s about Eddie and me.” Her daughter blushes. “I was dancing with him and we were talking about love, future and relationships.  I wasn’t sure what to think so I wanted to talk to you about love and all the experiences that you have had”
“I’m glad you came to me.” She kissed her daughter on the forehead.  “I wasn’t sure about anything when I was in my relationships.  Well, maybe except for one.  Anyways, which love of mine do you want to hear first?”
“Whichever one you want to tell me first.” Her daughter snuggles up to her as they lay together in bed.
“Well, I can start with phileo love.  That’s what most people experience first; it’s also known as puppy love or your first love.”  Evelyn continues to tell her daughter the story of the puppy love that she had experienced at Oliver M. Berry High.  “His name is Michael Harrison.”
“Michael Harrison?  The Michael Harrison, the famous director?  He just won an Academy Award!”
“Yes, that Michael Harrison; I actually received an invitation to the awards but I turned it down.  I don’t think your Papa would have liked that but let me continue.”
“Evelyn, come quick!  There’s been an . . . umm . . . accident at the school parking lot!” Evelyn hears as Luis runs towards her.
“Oh really? What kind of incident?”
“A . . . huge one!”
“Good or bad?”
“You just really need to come see it, okay?”
“Luis, you’re not great this whole ‘lying’ thing, are you?” Evelyn smiles at him.
“You just need to come quick; just come!”  Luis looks sheepishly at her.
“Of course, Luis.  I’m just pulling your leg.  Lead on!”  Evelyn follow Luis towards to parking lot where she can hear a familiar song playing in the distance.  They turn the corner to see Michael holding a stereo standing next to his motorcycle, smirking at them.
“Michael Harrison, what are you doing?”  She laughs.
“Paying homage to one of the most iconic teen movies of all time while asking you to prom.”
“So, even when he was at high school, he was already directing people around to set up scenes?” Astoria grins at her mom.  “You sure know how to pick them.”
“I do, that’s how I picked your daddy.”
“But what happened to you guys?  Because Michael Harrison is definitely not my father.”
“Michael, I got accepted to Hartfeld University.”  Evelyn peers at him anxiously as she tells him of the news.
“That’s great!  That’s what you were going for anyways.  I  . . . ahh . . . I got accepted to USC.  Just got the letter today!” He waved the package in his hand excitedly.
“We’ll be so far apart.” She whispered sadly as moved to embrace him.
“I know . . . but don’t you think it’s time?  We knew from the beginning that this might have happened.”  He kissed her forehead gently.
“What do you want to do?”
“I don’t believe in saying goodbyes.  Can I say I’ll see you later, Evelyn Carter?”
“Not yet, Michael.  Afraid you’re stuck with me for the rest of this summer.”
“Well, most puppy loves don’t last long.” Evelyn sees the worried look in her daughter's eyes, “What you and Eddie have isn’t phileo love, darling.  It’s deeper than that, more emotional;  I don’t know what it is but I know you’ll find out together.” She smiles at her daughter.  “But to answer your question, Michael and I came to an understanding that we couldn’t love each other thousands of miles away and that we had to say “see you later” eventually.  And to this day, whenever I hear “In Your Eyes”, that song from the famous teen movie he’s talking about, I still thank Michael and the innocent love that we shared.”
“Aww, Mom, that is so sweet.” Astoria wipes some tears from her eyes.  “You’re right though, Eddie and I don’t have phileo love, that’s for sure.  I can’t see myself living without him.  So that’s phileo love, how about eros?  Isn’t that supposed to be the love of your life?”
“Eros love is what you experience when you think you found love.  It’s not so much as a emotional love, rather than a sexual love.” Evelyn blushes as her daughter smirks at her.  “It’s influenced by . . . um . . . physical attraction.  Oh, honestly, you’re 21, I will go ahead and say it.  It’s really like a lusty kind of love?  After all, eros is the root word for erotic.”
“And you had eros love with?”
“James Ashton.” Evelyn blushes at the memory of some of steamy encounters she had with James.  “We went to Hartfeld University together.”
“Wait!  The James Ashton!  Mom, how do you know all these famous people?  Didn’t he write Working Title?  And Rosethorne Park?  And his Victorian gothic romance series are so . . .” Astoria fans herself as she prattles on.
“Well, as the Duchess of Valtoria, I’m famous too, you know!  I actually co-wrote Working Title with James.”  She admits. “It was the last play that I ever wrote with him before breaking up with him after graduation.”  Evelyn smiles at the memory of James and her collaborating on Working Title.
“I can see it now.  Our characters sweep across the stage and introduce the world through the magic of song.”  James gestures towards the stage dramatically.
“That sounds like a solid opening.  I’m glad I’ve got a veteran at my back here.”
“I was born in a theater, my dear.” He grins at her.  “Perhaps later, we can go backstage for some walkthroughs?” He winks at her as Evelyn blushes.
“Focus, James Ashton!” Evelyn scolds him before breaking out in laughter at her pretend seriousness.  “Or you can take me here.  Have you ever been ridden in a theatre seat?  There’s a first time for everything.”  A flush began to appear on James’ face, her hand began to trail up his thigh only to draw away before continuing.  “So, our play needs a protagonist.  And I’m imagining a heroine.  Okay, she’s a good girl gone bad.  She’s had enough of life giving her lemons, and she’s building a lemon bomb now.”
“What made her so sour?”  He asks as he kisses her neck. “I don’t think this protagonist is based on you.  You’re too sweet.” He sucks on her neck leaving a small mark.
“You’re going . . . to leave a mark.” She tries to not moan.  “Can we please focus?”  She moves a seat away from him.  “She’s sour because of the horrible socioeconomics but then she does the worst thing anyone can do . . . she falls in love.” She smiles at James noting the desire in his eyes.
“Strong opener. And what shall we call this badass diva with a heart of gold?” He moves towards her, gently nudging her legs apart while nipping at her collarbone.
“St . . . Sella.  Are we done?  We can go to the backstage now, right?” Evelyn rubs his hardening length through his pants.  “ I can’t wait!”
“Afraid not, darling.  It’s my turn to build a character then.” He moves back to his seat; she whines in disappointment at the lack of contact.  “And his name is . . . John.  Or Gabriel. Or Casper.”
“How did I pick a name so fast? Did I do it wrong?”  She moves to straddle him, her hot core rubbing up against his.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.  We’re about to do something very, very right.” She giggles as he leads her towards the backstage.
Evelyn blushes before clearing her throat.  “Sorry, what was I saying?”
“That you co-wrote Working Title with James Ashton?”
“Yes, the four years at Hartfeld were some of the best that I have had in my life.  My peers were amazing, Professor Valdez was a great mentor to me before he passed.”
“Sounds like you and James did some amazing stuff together.  What happened?”
“Hey! Are you ready for some exciting news?” Evelyn calls out as James opens the door to their shared apartment.
“I’ve already got some.  Ruth Gunderson extended a formal invitation to Icebreakers.  She’s going to send the paperwork later tonight.  I can’t wait to see you all bundled up in Alaska.”
“Right . . . in Alaska.  James, I . . .”
“What’s the matter?  I thought you would have been excited to go to Alaska.” He tilts his head in confusion.  “Is everything all right?  I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have just burst in like that.  What’s your exciting news?”
“I may have just gotten an interview with Quills in London.” She whispered.
“That’s great!  But it’s just an interview, right? I mean,” He swiftly corrected himself seeing the crestfallen look on her face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know but I know I want to go to London if I get it.” She took a deep breath.
“We’ve done long distance before, we can handle it.” He draws her into his embrace.  “What do you say to a celebration?” He kisses her deeply on her mouth.
“I say, lead the way, Mr. Ashton.” She allows herself to be pulled in the bedroom.
“Well, he got an offer to go to Alaska for an authorship circle and I got an offer to write for Quills in London.  James and I couldn't see each other that frequently and the love we had . . . well kind of fizzled out.”  Seeing Astoria’s watery eyes, Evelyn reached out for daughter’s hand and patted it reassuringly.  “James and I weren’t meant to be.  Our love would have withstood thousand of miles apart if we had an emotional connection.  We supported each other through some really difficult times like Professor Valdez’s death, your grandparents’ separation, and other adventures.  We even put away an evil fratority like Nancy Drew.”
“A mix between fraternity and sorority.  Sometimes I feel like your daddy and I didn’t give you the college experience given the circumstances.”  Evelyn sighed, feeling disappointed at herself.
“From what I read, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on much.” Astoria looks amused at her mother.  “You and Daddy did your best.  I love you both so much.”  They both turn to look at the photograph on the nightside table and for a moment, a sorrowful silence filled the room.  “I think the next love is storge.”
“Storge love.  Storge love.” Evelyn repeats as she mulls over what to say to her daughter.  “Well, like I said before, it’s a long that you have when you’re in a long-term relationship. And that’s the love I had with Liam.  It was very passionate and we cared for each other a great deal.”
“Just cared?”
“I’m sorry, we loved each other a great deal but we also cared about one another.  The sexual-” Astoria cringes. “Sorry darling, but the sexual attraction was still there but not as much as there was with James.  It never fizzled out either when we had problems; we pushed through it all together.”  Evelyn lost her trail of thought as she thought about the night she told Liam about Astoria.
“Liam, I need to tell you something.” Evelyn looked at him as they stared at the statue of Lady Liberty together.
“What is it, Lady Evelyn?” Liam looked at her, his eyebrows pinched in worry.  “Is everything all right?”
“I’m . . . I’m pregnant.  About four months along.  I’m so sorry.  I just thought that my cycle was irregular due to stress and all the travelling.  I took a test last week and the doctor just sent me the results.”  She took a deep breath before continuing.  “It’s yours, Liam.”
Liam smiles at her, “You mean I’m going to be a father?  Why would that be bad news?”
“It’s not bad news.  I’m so happy you are excited about being a father.  I was just worried that Cordonia wouldn’t accept this baby and well, us.  Considering all the things that had happened, I didn’t know how you would feel.”
“Lady Evelyn, you’ve opened my eyes . . . it has been a true honor to witness your strength in the face of every challenge you have overcome  And I am so sorry that I was the reason that you had so many challenges during our time together.  But your strength during our trials and challenges lends me courage.  The courage to do the right thing.  The courage to a better man.  And I am a better man because I have you by my side.  All I want to do for the rest of my life is to dedicate my life to being the best man and king that I can be . . . for you . .. and the baby too.”  Liam sinks to one knee, his eyes locked on Evelyn’s.  There is an intensity in his gaze, so loving, vulnerable, passionate and protective as well.  He reached out and grabbed her hand.  
“Lady Evelyn, queen of my heart, I have yearned to say these four words for a very, very long time . . .”
“Liam!” Evelyn covers her mouth in surprise, tears of joys trailing down her cheeks.
“Will you marry me?”
“So, what you and Daddy had is storge love.  So did you have your agape love with Papa Drake?”
“Yes,” Evelyn admits to her daughter quietly.
“What’s the difference between storge love and agape love?”
“Well, you know how I said storge love is the love that you have when you’re in a long-term relationship.  It’s a very powerful love.”  She pauses before continuing.  “Darling, Liam was perfect and I loved him so, so much but what I didn’t tell him and I hope that this doesn’t change how you think or feel about love . . . what I never told him was I fell in love with someone else during the engagement tour.  I fell in love with Drake.”
“Drake, I need to tell you something.”  Evelyn smiles sadly at him as they rode on the ferris wheel together at Coney Island.
“What is it, Carter?” He replied as Evelyn drinks in the view of him, knowing that this will be the last time she could be alone with him.  She couldn’t bear the thought of being alone with him but not being able to love him.
“I’m pregnant with Liam’s baby.  I’m so sorry; we were so careful but I . . .”
“I know.”
“How?”  She gasped at him.  
“You were throwing up a lot the last month or so. I just thought you didn’t want to tell anyone else because of Madeline and Liam.  But now that they’re no longer engaged, I guess, well, Congratulations.” Drake whispered bitterly.
“Drake, I.”
“It doesn’t matter.  Liam will propose to you and well, it doesn’t matter what happened between us.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” He reached across the gondola and squeezes her hand.  “I’m going to leave after the wedding.  I’m going to go home.”
“I’m so sorry.  I should have left with you when you offered.”
“Carter, it doesn’t matter.  What matters is the here and now.” He moves her hair out of her face and kissed her for the last time.  
“Drake.”  She sobbed as his lips left hers for the final time.
“So how come you stayed with Daddy?”  Came Astoria’s question.  “I’m glad you did though.”
“I loved Liam but also because Cordonia needed us.  After the assassination attempts, the people needed a show of strength from the monarchy.  And what better way than a marriage?  Your birth only cemented Cordonia’s strength.”
“So you got married because of Cordonia?”
“No, I got married because I loved Liam.  I also love Cordonia enough to let Drake go.  You must always remember that you are Queen of Cordonia first, and Astoria Rhys second.”
“I know.”  Astoria sighed, “So how come you and Papa Drake never married after Daddy died?”
“It didn’t matter, darling.  The love that we shared and still share is enough.   Cordonia needed me after Liam’s passing and I visit him as much as I can and he comes to Cordonia for six months a year.  Although, if you become Queen, I may just move there permanently; it may be too scandalous for this court though.” The mother and daughter shared a laugh together.  “Well, does that clear your head a little bit more, darling?”
“Yes, you’ve given me a lot to think about.  I’m still not sure how I feel about Eddie but I hope that we can figure it out together.”
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you and know that you guys can figure it out together.  Just remind him that if he breaks your heart, there will be an army waiting for him.  Papa Drake and I will be leading it, followed by a few others I know.”
“Thanks, Mom.  I better go to bed; I took up a lot of your time tonight.”  Astoria winks at Evelyn.  “Thank God that Papa Drake has more patience.”
“He wasn’t that patient when we were younger, believe me.  We still have five months together, my darling.  Never apologize for talking to me.  We love you so much.”
“Good night, Mom.” Astoria kissed her and opened the door, only to see Drake.  “She’s all yours, Papa!”
“I’m only the Queen’s visiting head guard, I have no idea what you are talking about.” Drake kissed Astoria goodnight and walked in the room.  “What were you two talking about?  We got lucky that it was Bastien on the rounds tonight.”
“You get to design the rounds the entire time you’re here.  Poor Bastien never gets any vacation when you visit.” Evelyn draws Drake into a kiss.  “Never mind what we were talking about.  I believe you were going to remind me how much you miss me.”
“Always, my Queen.  Always.” Drake smirks at her as he closes the door.
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