#gackt solo
the-incomplete-sky · 4 months
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Artist: Gackt
Subgenre(s): J-rock, J-pop
Rating: 2/5
Standouts: U+K, Vanilla, AsrunDream
not quite visual kei, but i recently listened to this whole album and it’s Gackt’s solo debut album, so i wanted to rate it. Gackt is a musical genius, don’t get me wrong, but i just rated it so low on account of it not being for me. it’s not really my style, and this is my account, no?
my favourite by far was U+K. it’s one i listen to often, even before listening to the whole album. Gackt’s emotion in that song (being about Kami) is really raw, and i like it a lot. it’s satisfying to me, also i like the little weird/odd bits in there. it helps break the song up a bit, and lets you know he’s not taking himself way too serious, and can still be silly and lighthearted, like Kami was.
great album if you like more poppy music, but it just was not really for me…
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zamusvstheworld · 8 months
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electrosquash · 1 year
I love how whenever people get called out on calling things goth that totally are NOT they whip out The Cure as reasoning why bands that aren't technically goth can still be called goth.
Except The Cure had a massive influence on the goth scene. But. GACKT??????
This is goth now
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corneille-moisie · 11 months
i was listening to aravesque earlier and like... i was right to compare juka's career to gackt's, back then, imo. he just went fishing instead of becoming a weirdo pop star lol
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xoadoratio · 10 months
at this point, luz is like, honorary visual kei to me
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vkayl21 · 8 days
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Malice Mizer fue una banda conformada por Mana sama, Gackt, közi, Klaha, Tetsu, Kami, Gaz y Yuki. Fue una banda japonesa de rock y metal gótico visual kei. Estuvo activa desde agosto 1992 hasta diciembre 2001. Fue fundada por Mana sama y Közi.
Su temática fue influenciado por la estetica francesa de la época rococó para después solo seguir la estetica vampire goth.
Malice Mizer tuvo un gran reconocimiento tanto por su música como por sus actuaciones en vivo, con espléndidos trajes históricos y escenografías, piezas de teatro silenciosas que incluyen varias canciones e incluso un ejemplo particularmente notable, el vocalista descendiendo a la Tierra como un ángel caído, solo para ascender nuevamente al final del concierto. A lo largo de su historia, la banda pasó por diferentes alineaciones y tres drásticos cambios de imagen.
Yo conocí Malice Mizer durante la p4nd3m1a donde yo sufría una crisis de identidad. Ellos me ayudaron a descubrir quien soy y a dónde pertenezco. Aunque muchos de mis familiares no aceptan como me visto, mi forma de pensar y mis gustos, gracias al visual kei, a mí me dejó de importar las opiniones de los demás sobre mis gustos.
En lo personal recomiendo mucho escuchar su música, sus letras y melodías son muy diferentes a las bandas goticas de occidente.
A continuación les dejaré una lista de canciones que recomiendo:
Gekka no yakusoku
Ma cherie
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Since many of you liked the masterpost with visual kei movies, which proves many of us are still around, is there anything else you'd like info on? In case I know sth that could help I mean.
Is there for example a band you were always interested in but never got down to searching, or one that still intrigues you, but you just never found the right song to like them? Cause sometimes some bands do have some bangers that never make it to an mv form, I mean.
I don't know everything about every band, of course, and my knowledge lessens greatly when it comes to bands formed after 2018, but still, if you got a question do share it, maybe one of my followers has sth you need.
The bands I'm most familiar with (therefore I'm most likely to know sth more about) are:
Alice Nine
AND -eccentric agent-
Codomo Dragon (until Kana's departure, cause roller coaster of emotions, however I am still following Kana's work)
D (Asagi solo, Ruiza solo & Hide Zou solo, as well as some stuff from their previous bands)
Gak (ex. Purple Stone)
NETH PRIERE CAIN (only newbie I know a few things about, emphasis on "few")
Kaya (mostly his solo activity, my knowledge on bands he's been in is pretty limited (i.e: Femme Fatale & Schwarz Stein))
Kiryu (& some My Dragon stuff)
Liraizo (until Suzune's withdrawal at least)
Malice Mizer (Klaha, Mana, Közi and Yu~ki activities all in, although I know almost nth about Moi dix Mois)
Megaromania (Sui (David) and Mizaly solo activities included)
Metis Gretel
RonoCro (limited knowledge, mostly around Minami)
Plastic Tree (however I'm more familiar with Ryutaro's solo music cause I could find more stuff I liked there)
Screw (and any solo or session band activity of the members)
Anli Pollicino (limited knowledge)
VANIRU (limited knowledge)
SuG (mostly anything Takeru did while in the band, every solo work during its course and after it)
The GazettE
The Valentine
Fi'ance (a little more than limited knowledge)
TRUST (some stuff I guess)
Tokami (from Agato's joining till the disband) (basically every band he's been in, I've checked it too)
Versailles (+ Kamijo's and Hizaki's solos)
Hizaki Grace Project
Vistlip (+ Lill)
I think that's all. Yeah my life revolves around bands I know. If anyone wants recommendations or wants to know sth about a release or a video or sth, feel free to ask.
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radio-ghost-cooks · 2 months
songs that give me euphoria (as a masculine trans guy)
ghost of mariano's (11-27-17) by i.am.orange
institutionalized by suicidal tendancies
rock the casbah by the clash
bigmouth strikes again by the smiths
thousand year solo by yanagi-P
vanilla by gackt (💀 /hj)
mizerable by gackt, come to think of it
sugar pills by idkhbtfm
literally any yfm song (trans Puff is canon. to me.)
vampire empire by big thief
harness your hopes by pavement
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Since you seem to be litigating rpf right now and since you’ve been around awhile, I wanted to ask you about how it’s evolved, if you haven’t already talked about that? I’ve been in fandom for maybe 15ish years, and I remember reading a lot of rpf back then (when rps seemed like more common terminology), and I feel like there were more defined lines between fans and the real people they wrote about. A lot of “if you got here by googling yourself, go back” disclaimers vs the current culture where some fans seem to show the people or ask them about fic and art and other fan works. It’s like there was a culture of secrecy before where there was less of a desire for the fanworks to ever reach their subjects, rpf or otherwise. I think most rpf writers/creators still feel that way, but I see so many awkward interview panels where actors/etc are being asked about fanfic. Is this in my head, or is the shift real?
Heh. Well, I was never a fan of any boy bands or the like until bitten by the BTS bug. I didn't even know who BSB and NSYNC were at the height of their popularity. So I did not always have a front-row seat to RPF evolution, but as far as I know, it went something like this in English-speaking spaces:
Prehistory: 1960s magazines were full of "Your night on a date with [member of the Monkees]" type stories. Music RPF was floating around in various forms for a long, long time, though the m/m band member/band member stuff tended to be extremely locked down, often with the names replaced.
From Eroica with Love shows how horny everybody was for Led Zeppelin back then. I can only presume there were doujinshi of the members in Japanese, but I'm not really familiar with what was going on over there.
Idols & Visual Kei: English-speaking fandom of Asian groups was into RPF by the early 00s and perhaps before. I was tangentially aware of this stuff from being in anime fandom but wasn't interested because I wasn't into most of the music itself. (Also, this was the era of limewire computer viruses or paying like $60 to get a Japanese album legally in the US.)
Johnny's Entertainment fandom is what I associate with this, circa 2001. On the visual kei side, people were shipping Malice Mizer around then.
Godawful 2003 vampire movie Moon Child, starring Gackt (of Malice Mizer and solo fame) and Hyde of L'Arc~en~Ciel (yes, with a fucking tilde) did make people ship their characters but certainly did not dissuade people from shipping the guys themselves.
Popslash - Ye olde slash fandom converts: On the very, very Western side of things, all of the oldschool slashers started catching the RPF bug for "popslash" in the late 90s/early 00s. Prior to this, RPF was a HARD NO for much of this crowd and continued to be seen as a dirty secret. This umbrella term was intended for specifically BSB, NSYNC, and a few other pop stars, not just fic of any pop act. I don't know if people were calling it "RPS". I think they were just calling it "popslash", but I wasn't on the mailing lists and things. This was a pre-LJ era with that older infrastructure.
LOTR - Ye olde slash fandom converts again: Those that didn't get sucked in by popslash fell to LotRiPS when the Lord of the Rings movies came out in the early 00s. RPS was still seen as a shocking dirty secret before the advent of this fandom. Afterwards... people still hated it, but they'd realized there was no way to fully keep it out of their spaces. This also coincided with the move from the bajillions of LOTR (non RPF) archives with picky rules and mailing lists ruled with an iron fist to LJ with people's personal blogs full of their ungovernable wrong opinions and terrible taste in fandoms on display for all the world to see.
There was so much structured behind the scenes material for the LOTR movies that it formed a kind of canon of its own along with the press tours, and the actors were cuddly with each other. I don't think this is easy to understand now. Even the Hobbit movies didn't have this vibe, and there's so much more behind the scenes info and so many more youtube clips for everything now that the effect is much diminished. At the time, LOTR felt like a new era in sff franchise media.
There was tons of any two gu... um... somewhat generic hot porn, so even if you didn't care much for RPF, it became an attractive fandom. At this point, people were calling it "RPS", not "RPF", despite there being some femslash and het in the same spaces as all the Viggo/Orlando. The domlijah tinhats were notorious and did go bother the actors, I think?
The height of this fandom coincided with the height of cringey photomanips and "Why are their necks broken?" art with actors' faces on it. Fanartist The Theban Band was well known, though more for FPF than RPF. It's just that when you use the actual actors' faces, things tend to get conflated. Now, whether people started bothering most of the actors at the time in the early 00s, I don't know. Fanlore suggests that misuse of The Theban Band's art was already well underway in 2004. It's also often this stuff that Graham Norton bothers actors with years later.
It's not so much that fandom or RPF fandom changed at this point as that new people were into RPF who hadn't been before and much more importantly, the internet was changing. The level of access to actors and the level of awareness of online fandoms was changing radically around here. It changed again with Twitter and so forth, but this was still a major point in internet history.
Rockfic: "Rockfic" as seen on the Rockfic archive got started at some point. They meant Metallica, Bon Jovi, etc. I mostly know about them because there was beef between them and some of the popslash and bandom people around the time OTW was starting. (Popslash and bandom but not rockfic communities being well represented among OTW founders.)
Bandom: "Bandom" is another umbrella term with a general sound but a specific meaning. It was used for Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, and associated bands. This RPF fandom got big on LJ at the height of LJ fandom. It sucked in plenty of Western fandoms types who hadn't been into RPF before.
At the time, some of these bands and their associates weren't that famous, and they had personal Livejournals. It was not unusual for people peripherally involved with the actual people to be in the same spaces as the RPF. This was very much not appreciated by a lot of the fic authors. Band reactions seem to have varied between "yuck" and "Why doesn't anyone ship MEEEE? Don't you think I'M hot???" and other jokey lack of boundaries stuff.
A lot of the "Go away, X" disclaimers that sound like jokes are from this era and are due to some of these people actively going looking for the lulz.
Hockey - The final nail in the coffin for ye olde slash fandom: If the Popslash and LotRiPS waves didn't get people, Hockey did. After SGA, all the big slash writers that people follow from fandom to fandom seemed to be going to Hockey RPF.
Asianfanfics.com: Meanwhile, on the Asian media side of things, sites like Asianfanfics have been going strong for ages and are full of kpop rpf and the like.
Wattpad: Wattpad was the home of not only the Larries but of soooo much more Mary Sue/1D guy, and now Mary Sue/Jungkook.
How the boundaries are really depends on the era and the fandom.
The Rockfic archive used to make you pay a buck to sign up or something. It was extremely locked down, from what I remember, as you'd expect from a very old community writing m/m about macho bands.
The hockey people don't tend to be all up in players' faces because the players were mega, mega, mega famous long before the RPF fandom got big and because half the fandom doesn't even like sports: they're just there for the m/m AUs.
The Wattpad fandoms are a toxic hive of no boundaries and 13-year-olds posting their porn and too much personal info, but with fandoms as big as 1D or BTS, you can figure that plenty of individual people behave themselves.
Asking actors about fic in panels has become more common over the years, I think, though people have also learned to head it off better. I wouldn't say this is a RPF-specific phenomenon though.
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Recordar cómo en antaño la mordaza incipiente de un cálido sentimiento que en una tormentosa y vivida esencia estalló en lágrimas por una muerte anunciada. ¿Qué fue de mí en esos largos desvelos?, ¿A dónde fue el motivo de querer vivir?, el poder perturba en las decisiones frías que una habitación silenciosa oprime cuál cárcel la existencia. El sollozo abrumador de un alma herida, tratando de sobrevivir en una jaula de cristal,  dónde es observada, manipulada, lastimada por aquéllos seres que juraron protegerle. La traición carcome en ese ser que pierde su calidez,  que agoniza en silencio y sonríe tras una careta falsa para gustó de sus captores. Con plena injusticia el dolor se escurre entre sangre y whisky en medio de cristales rotos, piel lacerada y llanto entre carcajadas. Esa delgada línea dónde la locura emerge en la oscuridad de un alma noble, y el odio se apodera del ser. Cuándo dejas de ser lo que eras, para convertirte en ese monstruo que todos dicen que eres, y te cuestionas seriamente,  la posibilidad de que esta transformación solo es una farsa y siempre fuiste quién en medió de tanto mal, orquestaba cada movimiento de su propia decadencia. Una vez más el circo de los horrores pretendiendo urgar en lo grotesco de el ser, para emerger cómo realmente necesitas ser, un despiadado villano en los cuentos de otros quienes en su cobardía te eligieron por ser diferente. #groteskencirkus #vampiro #malkavian #Gackt https://www.instagram.com/p/CoTu4y1MeSQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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historias-by-xedarix · 24 hours
No hay nada nuevo bajo el sol... (?)
Han sido días muy monótonos.
Me he enfrascado en cosas propias de la vida adulta y la verdad los momentos que tuve "libres" no hice nada productivo.
Tardé tres días en hacer un dibujo de mi personaje de rol y anoche finalmente lo pude terminar. Sé que estuve tensa mientras lo hice porque recargué mucho el lápiz y también la pluma al entintar así que se rompió un poco el papel por tanta pasada. Pero creo que quedó bien.
El juego es este pero me parece que lo estamos jugando de un modo un poco diferente. Preguntaré luego:
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Evidentemente, hice un samurái. Se llama Aika Yamada (guiño guiño) pero se me murió (más bien quedo KO) en la refriega y tuve que hacer otro personaje, que es una nativa de un lugar que se llama Jargono (qué creo que ni siquiera es en este planeta) y le puse Lala... y como no habla muy bien el terrícola se la pasa diciendo esa muletilla y por eso le llaman así, aunque se llama Leeloominaï Lekatariba Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat De Sebat :v (o también "La chichona" en el idioma Jargono XD)
No se crean.
No he compartido estos lores con mis compañeros de campaña (aun me da algo de pena 😅).
Pero este es mi blog, en el que subo las cosas que invento así que es adecuado ponerlo por acá 🤣
De pronto parece un poco curioso que le haya puesto nombre y apellido a la señora samurái pero es que pasa que las mujeres en épocas de Samuráis solo podían tener apellido si venían de una familia samurái, ya sea siendo hijas o esposas. En esta ocasión más bien es la hija de un samurái de un clan importante.
Quise que se pareciera a Yoshi de la película Bunraku XD (si, Gackt 🤤). Ella también persigue como máximo ideal la perfección del Jin, qué es una de las siete virtudes del bushido y es "la benevolencia" del guerrero, es una de las virtudes más malentendidas porque si piensas en samuráis es difícil pensar que lleguen a tenerle compasión a alguien, pero más bien se refiere a que siempre tiene que estar dispuesto a ayudar a los demás.
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Y creo que Aika lo refleja bien a la hora de la batalla, si no estoy cerca, me muevo para poder defender a quien lo necesite o ayudar a curar con mi equipo aunque yo misma me quede sin nada (así me pasó la vez pasada y por eso valí cheeto).
Como hija de una noble familia samurái, no suele rapiñar cosas aunque seguro que si es muy necesario lo va a hacer. La última vez fue desagradable porque cuando se negó le dio golpes a la cordura XD, pero no se arrepintió, lo sé.
Su familia está al servicio de un clan poderoso y su padre le exigió viajar por el país para conocer el mundo y estar mejor preparada para heredar el puesto de su padre.
Podría pasar por arrogante, aunque en realidad solo es alguien muy callada y se molesta con facilidad por estupideces que pueden hacerle perder el tiempo. Desde luego es muy estricta con la cuestión de clases, así que no ve como iguales a otros samuráis. Y si, es defecto porque eso contradice la benevolencia qué busca practicar. Aunque cuida bien a sus siervos, tuvo un achichincle alguna vez y lo intentó salvar en una de las batallas feas. Murió por culpa del otro samurái del grupo, le consuela que éste murió con honor, ayudándoles a abrirse paso ante la adversidad (ese wey hizo una tirada horrible y salieron shingo de enemigos qué pudieron haberse evitado... Justo antes de la misión).
Busca dominar todas las técnicas de combate, por lo que recién le conseguí un arco. Por desgracia después de la primera campaña salió con mutaciones (vuelvan a agradecerle al mismo wey salado del chasco pasado). Ahora luce un sensual bigote de tentáculos (le hacen descuentos :v) y le brilla la piel como a aquel infame vampiro brilloso...
Aunque la dibujé con la misma ropa de Yoshi en el combate final de Bunraku, más bien ella tiene armadura, porque es pro la morra, aunque ahorita esté bebé de nivel 1. Se que va a estar bien rotota más adelante XD.
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El dibujo feo que hice
Ahora hablemos de Lala. Cuando saqué el artefacto aleatorio que le tocaba al crearla, le salió un maldito parche para el ojo. La vieja tiene el ojo (igual que el Masamune de Love Ballad XD) pero se lo tapa "para disparar mejor con el arco", Aika casi le pega por eso, hasta que vio que era cierto XD (en realidad debería revisar que hace ese artefacto. Lo olvidé XD), necesito dibujar esa escena 🤣.
No he dibujado a Lala... pero quizá haga el boceto de ella para ver como queda y luego pienso en la ropa. Como viene de una pinshis jungla está casi encuerada la morra.
Siento que ella y Aika son amigas, pero Lala es muy simple y Aika se estresa que no sepa hacer las cosas. Más bien Aika se arma de paciencia (muuuuucha) para enseñarle cosas a Lala y que otros no la tomen por tonta, aunque Lala en realidad si se sabe cuidar sola...
En si no hay manera de que convivan en las campañas salvo cuando las guardo juntas en la carpeta XD, Lala solo salió porque Aika estaba noqueada. Pero quiero pensar que conviven hasta cierto punto.
Lala era cazadora en Jargono, como todos. Es muy buena siguiendo rastros y sabe usar bien las plantas. Desde luego su nombre real, aunque se lo ha dicho a otros, piensan que dice otra cosa ya que nadie entiende su idioma. Ella habla un poco mal el lenguaje terrícola por lo que se come palabras o pronuncia mal cosas. Por esto casi no habla salvo cuando es necesario. La muletilla de "Lala" en realidad significa "¡qué curioso!", y se resignó a que le llamen así porque al resto eso le sonaba como su nombre.
Me hace falta otro personaje para equilibrarlas, me gustaría un Ronin pero igual elijo un personaje masculino de los otros, un monje o incluso hasta un vaquero... (bueno no, no sé 🤣).
Es necesario porque Lala es muy salvaje y Aika (piensa que) es demasiado civilizada (según ella) y las dos se parecen mucho aunque no se note. A Aika no le gusta que ella use ropa tan destapada mientras no está en Jargono pero Lala está acostumbrada. Además si alguien le hace un comentario lascivo usualmente el agresor acaba sin dientes porque Lala de inmediato reacciona con violencia. Aunque usualmente es muy tranquila y casi hasta boba, lo que desquicia a Aika.
Más o menos, ese sería el lore de mis personajes de rol. Igual les falta más historia pero creo que eso está bien para empezar, esa clase de cosas no han sido importantes en la dinámica del juego pero yo quise hacerlo de todos modos, porque ese es el chiste de rolear, ¿no?
Me gusta mucho que esto me ha regresado las ganas de dibujar y de crear personajes. Ahora no sé si lo quiero poner en etiquetas porque aún me da penita. Cuando se me quite la pondré XD
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popmusicu · 17 days
A Brief History of Visual Kei
Back in class, when we discussed the challenges of growing up in Chile, I was transported back to my younger self. It was a time when the internet was just becoming accessible for everyone, and I stumbled upon the phenomenon of "urban tribes" flourishing among Chilean youth.  Drawn by my interest in anime at the time, the tribes that captivated me most were those with a Japanese influence.
But how is this related to the question about growing up? Since I saw this ‘urban tribe’ phenomena I immediately felt attracted to the fashion and musical concept of the Visual Kei ‘tribe’, which kind of awakened in me a sense of wanting to belong but back in those years, I was really young, and lived in a small city far away from Santiago and all the events that were happening about the topic, so I just limited myself to watch and learn about the Visual Kei subculture.
Since Visual Kei became a growing interest in my life, my intention today is to give you a brief overview to its history and characteristics. As a disclaimer, the Visual Kei history is quite long, so I’ll just approach general aspects based on the descriptions of the subcultures we discussed about in class.
Visual Kei (ヴィジュアル系 – Visual Style) is an aesthetic and musical movement that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s, primarily in major cities like Tokyo. Heavily influenced by imported punk, metal, rock, and their derivatives, Visual Kei was born from the desire to break free from the stereotype of "irreproachable and collected behavior" ingrained in Japanese culture.
Some sources credit the band Visual Scandal, formed in 1979, with coining the concept of "visual violence" or "visual shock" to define this disruptive style. Later, in the mid-1980s, the emergence of bands like X (later known as X JAPAN), Seikima-lI, AION, kamaitachi, DEAD END, BUCK-TICK, and many others solidified some key characteristics of the Visual aesthetic. These included Kabuki-inspired makeup (previously used by David Bowie and KISS in the West), androgyny (seen earlier in glam rock and new wave), and extravagant, colorful mohawk hairstyles influenced by punk.
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You can see the make-up and hairstyle similarities between KISS (on the first image) and Seikima-ll (on the second image)
The mid-1990s saw the solidification of the "Visual" denomination. During this period, new bands like Malice Mizer, La'cryma Christi, SHAZNA, and FANATIC◇CRISIS rose to prominence, earning the title "big four of Visual Kei." Malice Mizer incorporated elements of the gothic subculture, using white face makeup and Victorian fashion and classical music influences in their performances. They further amplified the theatricality inherited from glam rock, and it was Mana from Malice Mizer and Izam from SHAZNA who, in a way, established a defining characteristic of Visual Kei: having a band member transcend androgyny and embrace cross-dressing.
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Malice Mizer and their aesthetics in the MV for Le ciel ~空白の彼方へ~. The blue-haired one in a dress is Mana.
The 1990s also witnessed another phenomenon. While new bands continued the established dark style, some older bands, upon gaining popularity, began to move away from this aesthetic and sound. They toned down the extreme androgyny, reduced makeup usage, adopted more casual clothing, and their music evolved from new wave-influenced experimentalism to incorporate more pop elements.
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L'Arc~en~Ciel in their early era (~1991) above and L'Arc~en~Ciel in recent years (~2022) below.
The Visual Kei scene experienced a decline in 1998, following the disbandment of X JAPAN and the tragic death of their guitarist, Hideto Matsumoto, also known as hide. The media seized this opportunity to discredit the movement, labeling it as a dangerous influence on society. Only a few bands, like Dir en Grey, LAREINE, and Plastic Tree, managed to survive the 1990s. Other groups disbanded, with members pursuing solo careers, like GACKT from Malice Mizer. However, they all remained significant contributors to the evolution of Visual Kei.
The early 2000s saw the birth of Neo Visual Kei. Some sources attribute this shift to Dir en Grey's 2002 album "six Ugly," which deviated from the typical Visual Kei sound. Their music was harsher and more aggressive, incorporating screaming vocals alongside the melodic elements characteristic of earlier Visual Kei. This new sound influenced contemporary bands like The GazettE, kagerō, and girugämesh.
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The GazettE
It's important to highlight that Visual Kei didn't solely evolve towards harsher sounds. Bands like An Cafe, with their pop sound and colorful aesthetics, opened the door to a new Visual Kei current, following the path paved by bands like COLOR and carried forward by SHAZNA and L'Arc~en~Ciel.
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It was the mixing of these two currents of Visual Kei with the new sounds that developed in the West that resulted in the wide spectrum of bands that now are part of the Visual Kei scene.
It was only recently that I reconnected with this movement through the discovery of new (and old) bands that captured my attention. Reflecting on my journey exploring the Visual Kei subculture, I realized that my initial fascination with its fashion and music was not merely a passing interest but rather a window into a rich cultural movement. Visual Kei, with its roots in rebellion against societal norms and its evolution over the decades, serves as a testament to the power of music and aesthetic expression to transcend boundaries.
-Francisca Rivera ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sources:  -https://jpop.fandom.com/es/wiki/Visual_Kei -https://visualkei.fandom.com/es/wiki/Historia_del_Visual_Kei -Sanz Martínez, C. I. (2016). El Visual Kei como producto cultural y su huella en la cultura popular.
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gacktbitfanarchive · 3 months
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2023/12/25 15:00
【Dealer GACKT】 ✨Product introduction✨ GACKT’s 1/8 scale figure will be released on July 4th. He will celebrate 25th anniversary of his solo debut this year ♥♠♦♣  Please check it out and purchase from the link! ※It is only for people who have a overseas account.
来年のソロデビュー25周年に合わせ、豪華な服をまといディーラー姿となった、その名も“Dealer GACKT”。細かい服のシワや、高級感あふれる彩色など、細部まで精巧に造られた1/8サイズのスケールフィギュアがアミューズメント専用景品になって登場します!
商品名:1/8スケールフィギュア Dealer GACKT
Figures will be available as prize items in game arcades.
Outside Japan
The figures will be available for purchase on the website.
They cannot be purchased from Japan.
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pinkiepiebones · 6 months
What are some of your favorite music albums? :3
Oof I missed this when it was sent my bad orz
Uhhhhh I'm not a smart music guy but like. There's albums that fundamentally Changed me. Several came into my life in a very formative time (middle school)- Radiohead's OK COMPUTER, The Cure's DISINTEGRATION, and Nine Inch Nails' PRETTY HATE MACHINE
High school was all about L'Arc~En~Ciel and the solo acts and Gackt and motherfucking PENICILLIN (and the solo acts obv). PENICILLIN wrote and starred in a fucking rock opera based on HAMLET!! And I own that album!
Also, the Flaming Lips was part of my high school time. YOSHIMI BATTLES THE PINK ROBOTS and THE SOFT BULLETIN in particular.
Somewhere in there is also The Stranglers and MUCC and Merry and Elliot Smith and the Chrono Trigger OST- so many OSTs to mention. The OG Trigun OST, the Gungrave OSTs, The Man from UNCLE movie OST, etc etc
Now it's all GHOST. Each album is a certified banger. Though I am biased towards Copia's albums seeing as how he recognised me at a meet and greet and all 🤭
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eigwayne · 1 year
I know I haven’t been posted as much CQL/MDZS lately but let me tell you, dear readers, that Wuji hits twice as hard when you haven’t heard it in a while. That fucking orchestra started and I got tears in my eyes~
And it was the Xiao Zhan solo version which is my favorite. Yes, Wang Yibo is great as well, but when I have to pick one version to fit on a car CD (because I have a CD player and I enjoy it that way), it’s Xiao Zhan’s.
Also Sugizo and Luna Sea and BiSH and Gackt are all really great, but Tamaki Nami still has the best covers of Gundam songs, you can’t fight me because I’m right.
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I saw a post giving a little taste of Gackt's work cause we started talking about him and Yoshiki again and I'd like to join the bandwagon for a post cause most are too focused on his Malice Mizer releases or the first solo album and I think it's unfair. He has some bangers that came out later in his career too. I think his last one was Original Sin and it was sooo good. I don't know why people are sleeping on it. (I'd add an mv but apparently it's age-restricted now *rolls eyes*. It's got a bit of blood in it wow)
Another good one is Arrow, however I personally prefer the symphonic version to the original.
Now for older stuff that isn't from the "Mars" album...I live and breathe for this song, Setsugekka - the end of Silence:
There is a lot of stuff if you search. He has fun songs, dramatic ones, rougher ones...He's a complicated person and sure controversial, but as an artist he's really somebody you shouldn't skip, I think. Of course, everything is a matter of taste but well. :P
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