#gaia x madi
okmcintyre · 4 months
send me a character and I'll list:
favourite thing about them: Clarke's tenacity! Her first scene? She fights off two armed guards and LOCKS THEM IN HER CELL BEHIND HER. Then how she handles herself at the dropship ("You think we care who's in charge!?"). Her commitment to getting her people out of MW (despite every other leader before her failing to do so). Praimfaya. AFTER Praimfaya... When Clarke sets her mind on something, she's a force! 💥
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least favourite thing about them: I hated seeing how much crap she put up with in S6 (and even some of the earlier seasons!) I wish she'd value herself enough to apply that tenacity to her own well-being 😅
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favourite line: my answer always changes, but today it's this one from 512. It was refreshing to see Clarke own that 'Wanheda' part of herself after so many years. Loved that energy for her ⤵️
"What if I never see you again? No, not possible. How can you be sure? It's simple. You may be the Commander, but I'm the Commander of Death..."
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brOTP: MURPHY! Their dynamic is sm fun!!
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OTP: Bellarke. For sure 100% I'm always rooting for those two wonderful fools.
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nOTP: I still think the Clarke x Gaia vibes felt really... off? I wasn't a fan. And Cillian definitely wasn't my fave either, but I guess he's actually not meant to be 😅
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random headcanon: Eventually, earthkru has settled peacefully and trained a team of medics: so Clarke decides, after some convincing, to take up life as an artist.
(Though sometimes, when she can't sleep, Bellamy and Madi still find her helping patients in the med tent...)
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unpopular opinion: she wasn't completely wrong with all her S5 decisions. Some of them, like shock-collaring her daughter? YES! But feeling obligated to get a 12 year old girl tf away from Wonkru and Blodrenia? Maybe not a bad call 🤷‍♀️ Her method was lousy, but her intentions not completely un-understandable.
...and her red hair was COOL! 🤣
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song i associate with them: I'm gonna be predictable again bc ofc it's this one!
favourite picture of them: so many to choose from, but here's an adorable gif! ✨
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rhcenyra · 2 years
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It's not easy loving someone who puts their own life at risk.
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yiangchen · 4 years
I love the fact that you like Gaia, if you could rewrite her storyline what would it be? And I think you were the one who said something about Gaia x Gabriel? Listen my life has never been the same since, its truly a good ship ever since you explained yourself of 2 overcoming their religion/cults/etc.. so thank you!
Oof, there are so many storylines that I’ve thought of for her.
1. If her introduction had been in s3, I would have liked her to be the flame keeper in Titus’s place. Maybe have Clarkaia (or whatever their ship name is) happen instead of CL. Also, I would have dropped the Indra x O/ctavia relationship and focused instead on Indra’s relationship with her actual daughter. It infuriates me that in s4 Indra seemed to love the psycho white girl who went on senseless killing sprees instead of her own black daughter, just because Gaia didn’t want to lead armies and O/ctavia was a “warrior.”
2. I’ve also always thought that if nightblood and the flame didn’t exist, then maybe Gaia could have been introduced as the next commander when L runs away off screen to be with Costia or something. Like, maybe Costia was alive the whole time, and since L has been getting death threats she’s like, “Alright, I think I’ve had enough of this bullshit, gonna go run away with my beautiful ex girlfriend.” But anyway, the point is, Gaia would basically be the commander in place of L in s3.
3. If her introduction was still in s4, I’d probably make Gaia a nightblood instead of a flame keeper and have her lead the bunker instead of O/ctavia. In this scenario, I’d also keep Roan alive, and maybe have something happen between him and Gaia, mainly because I think it would be funny watching Indra’s reaction to her daughter having feelings for the king of the Ice Nation. Maybe it’s just me, but I think it would have been hilarious. Also, Roanaia just sounds cool to me.
4. I also think if she had ended up on the Ring instead of E/cho, that would have been really interesting. The only other grounder up there would be Emori, and Emori is far from a normal grounder. Gaia would have been forced to see things from a different perspective. Maybe Bellamy and Gaia could have been a thing too. Bellaia. I kinda like it.
5. The last one is, as you mentioned, my Gaia x Gabriel crackship coming to life. Gaia has never been with anyone romantically on the show, and I would love to see that side of her, especially with Gabriel since they have a lot in common if you think about it. Even if it doesn’t happen, which it probably won’t, I really hope that they at least become friends. Gaia could learn a lot from him. My greatest wish for her now is that she finally lets go of the grounder religion. They kind of set that up in s6 with her choosing Madi over the flame, so I’d continue that development with her into s7. 
And you’re welcome for introducing you to the Gaiabriel ship, as I call them! They are truly the crackship of crackships and I adore them despite the fact that Gabriel x O/ctavia will likely happen instead.
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karlyblakegriffin · 4 years
An appreciation post for a couple of parents who should be really proud of their awesome kiddos 🥺❤️
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ranmaiscool · 4 years
i love the clarke-madi-indra-gaia household soooo much ;
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elenajones23 · 4 years
So basically what A.L.I.E tried to do for all the human race all these years ago is whT eventually happened?? Which means after S3 the whole show was pointless, because A.L.I.E offered all of the human race to live out the rest of their lives in peace forever by uploading their minds/souls to mind drive and that’s eventually happened so literally the show after S3 is just bullshit.
At least if took up A.L.I.E’s offer they ALL would have been together forever for real. Instead we got this bullshit, where the rest of rev human race gets to live a happy peaceful life forever while our people/our favorites get live their lives to old age then they disappear forever and they were all made sterile so there can’t be anymore of them?
So the message here is so humans don’t deserve a happy peaceful forever just a temporary one and then they’re forgotten forever.
The ones who got reward are literally all the side/secondary/background characters NONE of the main characters got that reward after everything they did. Yeah this such “great” show
So the whole “may we met again” is complete BULLSHIT I guess
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blakeismydaddy · 4 years
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asaletad · 4 years
The 100 weekly update: the final season.
And we are once again traveling in time… to 3 months early, and air is bad. Bardo is a weird place. Aliens are dead.
"Let me get this straight, the 10ft aliens with superior technology that built this place got genocided and turned to stone by the enemy we're going to fight?"
“I do love me an unwinnable war."
Anyone else worried about how much PTSD Madi will suffer after all she been through?? Can Lexa come back and save her child??
Poor Emori. Pretty sure she is preggo.
Indra cleans up everyone else’s messes.
Are they actually going to make the big badass female warriors train with nobody’s? 
Weird dude Levitt is Octavias number one fan.
How this dudes how so many cool tech?
Sheiheda again….. can someone put a bullet to his brain? please! Each time Indra comes on I am like The 100 Reasons to Love Indra!
Where is Gaia? I completely forgot about her. 
So the Disciples don’t need sex to have babies…. they just make them in weird machines. 
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Every single time they say “For all man kind” I get that this is going to go super wrong.
“You just like someone giving you orders so you don’t have to think for yourself” Echo and Hope on different sides this won’t end well.
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Echo is an assassin/spy trained to assimilate into whatever culture she’s into. I feel like she’s going to be the one who brings Bardos down.
Octavia and weird dude.... boom chica bau boom. And now Levitt defects, after discovering how babies are REALLY made. WAIT WHAT IS IN HER BACK??
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“If anything happened to my girl” Awww Murphy.
Hope wanting to set a farm in fire... Reminds me of someone.
“I thought Bellamy meant something to you”  Oh Hope is puching it! 
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I didn’t expect that scene to be a test/simulation. My jaw was ON THE FLOOR.
Are you telling me that Octavia “Blodreina", “Skairipa", “Queen of the cannibals" Blake was broken by some half assed brainwashing and sex??? 
And now even the former Grounders are kneeling. Anybody that didn’t think Sheidheda wasn’t gonna slaughter those people haven’t been taking him seriously.
I miss Madi and Clarke.
The next episode, 7x10, will air August 5, 2020. Mid-season hiatus begins now. 
New world, same problems.
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puthyflapps · 4 years
Sips bellark's tears. twitter(.)com/shtbellarkessay/status/1263540576932302848
But they’re definitely not in any way homophobic
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rhcenyra · 4 years
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THE 100 ⇢ 5x12
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How s7 should end (The 100)
The remaining delinquents (and maybe the other mains) are sitting around a campfire. Someone asks “What do we do now?” and then either Bellamy or Clarke (who are sitting closely with each other cos they are now canon) answer, smiling, “Whatever the hell we want.” Camera zooms out as Radioactive by Imagine Dragons starts to play, and then as the instrumental intro finishes it cuts to the credits.
(Inspired by @/TeamBellarkee from Twitter/Instagram)
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il-ragazzocenere · 4 years
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yiangchen · 5 years
Bellamy and Gaia this episode were like a father and nanny talking about his wife and their child. Amazing.
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blarkehart · 5 years
okay but why is no one talking about the fact that when gaia told madi to “hold on to a good memory. it could be like a shelter that keeps you safe from the storm” and she immediately responded with “the day i met clarke” because ever since that day she was not alone anymore and had someone that always looked out for her and loved her and cared for her and kept her safe. because clarke is her shelter, her home, her safe place and in a few hours she’ll find out that she’s dead i-
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thattvgirl · 5 years
Honestly The Primes in the next episodes needs to chill bc Bellamy is really about to snap and just kill everyone if any more of his people end up in danger.
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The 100 Season 6 First Image Of The Trailer
Gaia, Madi Griffin, Clarke Griffin, Abby Griffin, Eric Jackson, Nathan Miller, Abby Griffin, John Murphy, Bellamy Blake, Jordan Green, Echo, Emori and Raven Reyes
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