#gajeel redfox x you
zaimta · 1 year
parings: laxus, gajeel, bickslow, bacchus x gn!reader
zai's notes: rewatching fairy tail for the 100th time n i remembered bacchus he's so yea <3, n i'm getting back to requests after this one!!
˗ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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the hardest to convince, you could ask him over and over but he never gives in, he only gives in because you "annoyed him" which obviously ain't true he's just whipped
doesn't even let you pick the color either, he just tosses you the black nail polish because he's aware it's a neutral color
the two of you lounged on some couches on the upstairs area of the guild, his arm was around your shoulder as he talked to the thunder legion. while he talked to them your mind was elsewhere, you glanced at his hand. you remained silent while you stared at it you didn’t even notice how focused you were, you didn’t even notice the thunder legion going downstairs for a quick bite to eat.
you held his hand in yours as the two of you sat side by side on the upstairs level of the guild. you noticed how rough his knuckles looked from all the punches he would through, and small scars littering his hands. your gaze game down to his nails and you gazed down at your own painted nails and you got the best idea.
“you should let me paint your nails.”
with in a heartbeat he responded “no.”
you groaned “come on it’ll be fun and it’ll look cute!”
“i think you should let me paint them, they’ll look so nice too! besides your hands could use some tlc” you looked down at his hands and rose a single brow, a manicure was clearly needed for him. even if you couldn’t do anything about the scars the nails would at least spruce them up a little.
“i’m good.” he rolled his eyes at you but made no effort to remove his hand from your grasp.
you stared at him and he sighed feeling your eyes on him “tell me why i should let you paint my nails?”
“because i’m your s/o and you love me and you would do anything for me” you flashed him a grin and he rose a single brow in return “pleaseee.”
he sighed finally giving in, he his free hand down his face knowing he was going to regret his decision “fine.”
you led him out of the guild abiding “knowing” glances from some guildmates. you walked back to your house and gladly led him into your bedroom where you were going to paint his nails. you walked over to him with your box of nail polish clearly excited
“we can try any color you want maybe we could-”
he cuts you off tossing the black nail polish at you, you catch it easily and sigh “you’re so boring, i was hoping we could do a blue or something.”
“the second it chips you’re removing it.”
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another hardheaded one
tell him it’ll make him look likea rockstar and he’ll be willing to hear you out
he’ll only go for black you could talk him into grey to match his metal magic but only if it’s a dark grey
you sat across from where he sat in the guildhall leaning close to him with a grin “i just had the best idea ever, you should let me paint your nails.”
he looked at you annoyed “im still waiting on your ‘best idea ever’.”
you rolled his eyes used to his attitude by now “im serious it would be fun! plusss you’ll look like a rockstar, a real rockin' one with a stage presence.”
he rose a brow "what kind of rockstar wears nail polish?"
"a color-coordinated one. come on don't you wanna look nice for your next performance? if you don't like it we can take it off i promise." you silently begged with your eyes.
he sighed "fine if it gets you to stop your whining."
you cheered and grabbed his hand leading him to where you lived, he got comfortable in your bed while you rummaged around for some nail polish in your bathroom. you debated on shades of black and grey but you ultimately decided to bring all of them so he could have some options.
"okay so i have a few colors here which one are we feeling. maybe this one?" you held up a dark grey nail polish "or maybe this one?" you held up a light grey nail polish resembling the color of iron "or maybe-"
"well do this one" he cut you off and picked up the black nail polish
you took the black nail polish in your hand you couldn't complain much since the color would match his overall vibe, but you can't deny you were hoping to at least use some grey tones to match his iron.
"okay we can do black it'll look cute too." you take his hand in yours and smile at him, you focus intently on his nails. you knew the chances of him letting him do his nails again were low so you made sure to make his nails look perfect for the first and unfortunately the last time you'll be painting them.
he watched as you concentrated on his nails, you took great care in making sure you wouldn't mess up some nails it was honestly cute to him he couldn't help but snicker "you're really putting a lot of focus into some nails doll." he rested his free hand on his cheek and smirked at you.
"well duh, i have to make them look nice who knows when I'll be able to paint your nails again. if this is the first and last time i'm painting your nails they're gonna look cute ya know." you spoke while completely focusing on his nails.
he offered a hum as a response and let you finish working on his nails. once you finished his nails he gave you a kiss as payment.
a few days have passed by since you pained his nails, and once he saw them getting old he immediately walked over to your house and barged in "hey." he walked past you lounging on your couch, ignoring your confused expression, he walked into your bathroom then flopped down onto the couch next to you with nail polish removal and the black nail polish in his hands.
"they're gettin old wanna fix 'em up for me doll?"
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he’s down for it the second you suggest it
he mainly prefers colors that would match his whole theme any colors that he thinks would throw it off he won’t mess with em
he asks you to do it again once they start looking old he makes you redo them
the two of you were hanging out at your house, he’s at your house more than yours it was like he lived there at this point. you were lounging on your couch mindlessly talking about everything and anything. you looked down at his hands and a light bulb went off in your head
“you should let me paint your nails, we could make them match your babies too.”
he shrugged "okay let's do it."
you flashed him a smile and gently kissed his lips "I'm gonna get the nail polish i'll be right back." you padded off to your bathroom and went through your nail polish basket, you couldn't decide between purples, greens, and some oranges, although you felt like the orange was a stretch. you shrugged and brought him all the colors you walked back to the couch with various nail polish colors in your arms, and you dumped them on the couch in between the two of you.
"i couldn't decide on one color so i brought multiple! you can pick which one you want though."
he looked down at all the colors you bought and settled on a dark purple "this would match my helmet wouldn't it?" he grins and handed you the purple nail polish.
you took his hand in yours and took care in painting his nails, he watched as you painted his nails his great care "you're really focused there babe."
you snickered "well yeah i don't want your babies making fun of your nails because they're sloppy." he laughed along with you and leaned to gently kissed your forehead.
"i can't focus if you're kissing me bix" you smiled and spoke without taking your eyes off his nails.
he laughed and smiled at you "and what if i don't want you focused?" you looked up at him and sent him a playful glare "do you want your nails to look like a mess or do you want them to look nice?" he leaned in closer to you "whatever gets your attention onto me."
"so needy" you teased while giggling and gave him a soft kiss on the lips "i'm almost done with your nails then I'll be all yours."
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he was drunk and he was just talkin
he was the one who suggest you even painted his nails when he was playing with your hand and noticed your nail polish and randomly suggested it
he traced along your hands giving them great focus despite his drunken state "let's paint our nails to match it'll wild baby." you giggled at his state "are you sure you want me to paint your nails? you're pretty drunk right now i'd doubt you'd even remember this."
he laughed loudly "do y'a know who you're talking to baby? bein' drunk is my magic." he pulled you off to the stool you were sitting on at the bar and led you home, or he assumed he was the one leading he started wobbling within a few steps so you had to lead him instead.
once you made it to your house you lead him to your bedroom where he could sit on your bed so you could paint his nails "i feel like a nice purple would suit you." you spoke to him from the bathroom raising your voice slightly so he could hear you, he hummed a response.
you hopped onto your bed with the nail polish in hand and took his hand in yours "make em look nice baby i wanna show the guys how wild i am" he emphasized his guilds motto with a small yell and a grin on his face causing you to laugh "hold still so i can do em right."
he grinned at you "come on say it with me baby these nails are gonna be" you playfully rolled your eyes at him but spoke his guilds mantra in unison "wild!"
you laughed and brought your focus back to his nails, while you did his nails he spoke mindlessly. it was becoming obvious that he was just talking so he could stay awake all the drinks he had was catching up to him. once his nails dried he carefully laid down not wanting to ruin your handiwork.
he woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and newly painted nails, he slowly sat up groaning when he noticed you sleeping by his side he froze. you stirred in your sleep and slowly opened your eyes.
he leaned down to kiss your forehead "mornin' baby. did we paint my nails yesterday? i don't remember much after the bar." he squinted in thought "or was it before the bar..."
you giggled "yes i did paint your nails bacchus you asked me to do them."
he looked down at his nails and smirked "they're wild baby."
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cinniipuppiii · 2 months
Fairy tail request!
Earth dragon slayer y/n who is like SICK x dragon slayers!
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“You can get sick?!” - Dragon Slayers x Earth Dragon Slayer!Reader
Includes: Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus, and GN!Reader
A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I thought I lost the request. WENDY IS PLATONIC. No Sting or Rogue bc… Im uhm…. Not there yet…. Might make a fic for Earth Dragon Slayer!Reader
The ground trembled as another sneeze left your body, causing you to hunch over a bit in the slightly uncomfortable bed you were laid in. If it was anyone else, you probably wouldn’t have been moved to the basement of your own guild. Because you’re a dragon slayer, one that controls the EARTH at that, they don’t want you to hurt yourself or anyone else.
Of course, the room was kinda cozy. There were pictures that were previously mounted on the wall, but now they’re on the ground due to you shaking the room. There’s lights, pretty ones at that. Probably fire lacrima or something.
Your exceed sat on the nightstand, a box of tissues in its tiny (color) paws. “I told you it wasn’t a smart idea to go to the mountain with them! Now you’ve got a nasty illness!!” It scolded, eyes clouded with worry for its best friend. “I’m fine, (exceed name). I’ll recover soon.” You took the tissue that your (color) colored furry friend offered you, blowing as softly as you can so you didn’t destroy the wall. Man, being an Earth dragon slayer sucks!
Every now and then, people would come check on you. More specially: Levy, Mirajane, and the master. They have you medicine and helped with whatever you needed.
Suddenly, you froze as a familiar scent filled your nose. They’re here. You knew they were gonna visit you sooner or later.
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The chained door was burst open by a certain pyro. As much as you wanted to see his stupid face, you didn’t want to get him as sick as you. Maybe he would sneeze fire, that wouldn’t be good. “Y/NNN!! How are ya feelin’?!” The pinkette yelled, his own blue furry friend following suit. “Aye!! We brought you some hot honey tea, from Mirajane!!” He flew over beside (Exceed Name) and sat the cup down.
(Exceed Name) placed the tissues next to it as it picked up the steaming cup of tea. Before it could fly over to you to give it, Natsu stopped it. “No, I wanna do it.” His voice sounded serious, but his face… he was pouting like a child. “You are such a child, but here.” Your cat handed the cup to the dragon boy carefully, knowing damn well he wasn’t about to be careful with you.
Surprisingly, he was. “Say ahh!!” He smiled widely, a nice attempt at lifting your spirits. You did as told and he gently placed the cup near your mouth. When you seemed satisfied with the sip, he pulled the cup back and placed it back down. “How’s that taste? I hope it’ll make you feel better soon!! We miss ya up there!!”
You chuckled, but it was cut off by a nasty coughing fit. This seemed to cause the pink haired dumbass to panic as the room rumbled. “Woah!! How’re ya doin’ that?” He asked, eyes full of sparkles. “I’m the Earth Dragon Slayer, dear. Did you forget?” The nickname seemed to flow from your tongue as if it was natural. It was, and he still enjoyed hearing it. His cheeks turned the slightest bit red as his smile only widened. “I know!! I still find ya cool!!”
Before you could say anything else, his lips met yours softly. You would’ve rejected it because you didn’t wanna get him sick, but you were so deprived of his love that you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. He pulled away and gave you a toothy grin. “Maybe that‘ll do the trick!!” He laughed heartily as your face lit up, and not just from your fever. “Ewwww!! Get a room you two!!” Happy stuck his tongue out at the two of you, which Natsu ignored.
He sat on the side of your bed, smile turning into something more sweet. “Really, get better. I’m not goin’ on another mission without cha! Got it?” He put his hand out to you. You weakly put your hand to his and smiled as best as you could. “Yeah. Of course!”
A bit has passed. Just as you said, you got him sick.
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The door opened roughly, almost getting unhinged as a certain iron headed freak walked in. “Hey. How’ve you been?” He asked, almost demanded. Behind him, Pantherlily followed in silence. “I’ve been better.” As you spoke, a sneeze erupted from your body, causing the pictures on the ground to shift even further away from their landing spot. It even shook the two boneheads who walked in the room. “That’s one nasty sneeze.” Lily remarked, a surprised expression on his tiny face.
You chuckled weakly and moved your hand to pat the spot on your bed. “Don’t be so hard on them! They’re sick!” (Exceed Name) pouted, its cheeks pudding up at the other exceed mocking its poor friend. “I’m doing no such thing.” He replied calmly, turning his tiny back to your friend. You just smiled and turned your attention back to your boyfriend, who was now sitting at your side.
“I didn’t even know you could get sick. Ain’t that your whole shtick?? You being a natural healer or somethin’? Like Wendy?” He questioned kinda angrily. He was confused as hell, and you could tell. “Sorta. I’ll explain it all when I’m better.” You scooted closer to him and curled your body around the part of him that sat next to you. He was warm, warmer than your body.
He leaned into you, face dusting a light pink. “Whatever. I hope you feel better, squirt.” You put a large, rough hand on your head and ruffled your (hair type) locks. “Stay with me a bit longer, please?” Your face was so sad that he ALMOST said it out loud. He sighed heavily, turning his body so he could lay beside you. He put an arm around you and rested the other one on his chest.
You leaned into him as well and gently rested your smaller hand in his messy, black locks. “Thank you, ‘Jeel.” He just scoffed and turned his head from you. He didn’t want to see just how flustered you made him, even when you weren’t trying.
Even if he got sick a week later, it was worth being able to comfort you during your weakest time.
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The door opened gently, revealing a peaking Wendy. “Hey, Y/n! How are you feeling??” Her kind, chipper voice called out to you. You sneezed again, causing her to lose her footing and almost fall on Carla. “Are you okay, child?” The white cat asked as she flew behind her friend and held her up. “Yeah, I’m fine, Carla.”
You took a tissue from (Exceed Name) and blew your nose as carefully as you could, so you wouldn’t hurt your best friend. You put it in the small, nearly full, trash can that was placed near your bed. “Sorry, Wendy.” She walked over to your bedside, a worried look on her face. “I’m fine, please don’t be sorry!!”
She thought for a moment. “Aren’t you like me? Sorry if it sounds like I’m overstepping, but aren’t you a healer?” She questioned while observing your sick form. “Naturally, yeah. When I heal other illnesses, they come to me.” You replied, beautiful (color) colored eyes looking right back at her.
Without a word, she placed her hands on you and created a magic circle above your laying form. It took a second, but eventually, your illness faded. It was amazing having another healer around. “Thank you, Wendy.” “Don’t waste your magic, child!”
You giggled and tried to sit up, only to be stopped. “You aren’t fully healed, but you’ll heal faster now!” She smiled and placed some medicine on your nightstand. (Exceed Name) flew over to Wendy and sat on her head. “Good thing we got another healer. Y/n would be toast!” It joked, laughing at your pain lovingly.
Wendy chuckled pitifully, patting your head gently. “Want something to drink? I heard hot tea will help!” She suggested as she jumped away from your bed. “That would be nice.” You smiled weakly and giggled.
She nodded and looked for Carla. “Come on, Carla! Let’s get them some tea!” The sky dragon slayer said, picking up her feline friend. You watched her leave the room.
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The door opened roughly and closed just the same. The smell that filled your senses was the man of the hour, the electric dragon himself. He crossed his arms and walked over to you without saying a word. “You’re an idiot, doll.” He shook his head in disappointment. He sat on the side of your bed, making you sink a bit more into the bed.
You laughed weakly. “Stop teasing them! They’re ill!” Your feline friend pointed a clawed finger at the blonde, causing him to glare at it. It jumped and slowly backed away under his intense stare. “Got a problem, cat?” “No…”
“Don’t be mean to them, love.” You placed your hand on his left elbow, gently squeezing to try and get him to let up. He sighed and turned his head to your smaller form. “Get better already. You’re strong.” He said, almost as if he was talking to himself.
Your eyes met his as you gained the energy to tease him. “Aw, you care about me.” You chuckled and rubbed his arm. He sighed and narrowed his eyes at you. “Shut up. Of course I do.” He placed a large hand on your head and pushed you back down.
“Wanna cuddle for a bit? Your immune system is better than mine and I miss you.” He would’ve said no if it wasn’t for the look you were giving them. “Fine. If you get me sick, that’s your fault.” As he agreed, he pushed you gently to the side and laid next to you. You pulled yourself into him and smiled, his scent filling your senses.
He wasn’t going to admit it, but he missed you too. He wanted you to feel better. He wanted you by his side again. You were warm, probably from your fever. He knew Mirajane gave you some medicine, but he still can’t help but worry. He would’ve left if it wasn’t for the fact you fell asleep on him.
He ended up getting sick, but he hid it well.
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heartonxions · 1 year
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they’re so fucking stupid and i love them for that i guess
(inspired by this post by @erzasimpbitch <3)
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erzasimpbitch · 5 months
Gajeel: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a.
Levy: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory.
Gajeel: Fuck you.
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firapolemos05 · 1 year
Gajeel: *gazing at Levy*
Asuka, walking up to him: Oh don't worry, she likes your butt and fancy hair.
Asuka: I know, I read her diary.
Levy, overhearing: ASUKA!!
Gajeel: I-
Gajeel: She thinks it's fancy?
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I really like Gajeel and Juvia friendship , I wonder what have you got any hcs for them in a romantic way ?
I used to ship them before I got into Gale XD still got a soft spot for this ship lol
Lemme see what I can do! I def considered shipping them after Juvia brought him to the guild like that's so cute
They used to mess around in Phantom. Never anything serious tho
Gajeel, knowing how Juvia is, was super nervous that she'd catch feelings. And then when Juvia brought him to FT, he was convinced she had
Mans started panicking. He was like wtf is he gonna do, he's not ready for a relationship, etc
And because Gajeel is always super calm, cool, and collected... he immediately tensed when she was near and debated running away
Juvia wasn't even considering resuming their previous agreement. But Gajeel was convinced she was trying to start something. So after every interaction he would go home and freak out
It took him awhile to figure out that Juvia wasn't being weird, but that he had just caught feelings and didn't know how to deal with it
So he did what every reasonable person would do and ignored it
That is until someone accused them of dating and in his embarrassment he totally blew his cover and everyone figured out he had the hots for Juvia
Including Juvia, who teased him about it pretty mercilessly
Until Gajeel finally snapped and admitted his crush
Their actual relationship is pretty chill. Juvia is the jealous type but no one actually hits on Gajeel (cause he's scary) so Juvia doesn't freak out too much
Juvia is almost always draped all over him. He feigns annoyance, but when she moves to leave his lap, he pulls her right back
Date nights for them are metal concerts. Nothing like moshing all night and then cuddling while nursing their wounds
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acacia-may · 1 year
Please Gajevy for your new game 🥰
OOH! This is such a fun one, Anon-friend! Thank you so much for sending this in. My sister and I came up with one for them once, but I can barely remember anything about it so I'm very excited for the opportunity to come up with another Hallmark movie AU for my favorite ship in Fairy Tail! 🥰 I hope you'll enjoy it!
Gajevy If It Was A Hallmark Movie...
Music Of My Heart: Levy is the librarian at a school that is in danger of losing its music program due to budget cuts. When her car breaks down, she meets a gruff but ruggedly handsome mechanic named Gajeel who was once a relatively successful musician. She pleads with him to help her put together a fundraiser concert to save the school music program, but he refuses because he vowed to never play music again after the sudden and unexpected disappearance of his father. Levy does not give up, however, and continues to ask him for help until eventually Gajeel begrudgingly agrees.
As they plan the fundraiser concert together, Levy soon learns that though Gajeel may be rough around the edges, he truly has a heart of gold, and Gajeel comes to marvel at Levy's tenacity, intelligence, kindness, and generosity. When wounds from their pasts make it difficult for them to open themselves up to love, however, will they learn to listen to the music of their hearts?
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fairytail-writing · 2 years
< SageTheWriter (ao3) : If you don't mind, could you write an angsty vampire au featuring Gajeel and Levy? >
•AU: Vampire•     •Ship: Gajeel x Levy•
Red. It’s everywhere; staining his shirt, his hands, the mud underneath them - and still, the rain refuses to wash it away. To wash Levy’s life away. Gajeel holds her, gently, careful to avoid the stab wound in her side, but it’s no use. No amount of pressure can stop the bleeding, and their hope was beginning to die out with her.
They both know she’ll die. Wendy won’t be quick enough, or Chelia, or even Porlyusica. No one will get there in time. Her life was slipping away, and - Gajeel sighs, licking over his sharp fangs. Well, there was one way left.
“Levy,” He wipes away warm tears, trying to stay strong in front of her. For the person he loved, he’d draw hidden strength. Always. “Let me turn you. We can keep living, together.” Gajeel, surprisingly, struggles to choke back more tears. He always did have a habit of becoming weak when by her side. Just her smile, her voice, and he would always calm down. But, that smile’s dying now.
“But, that-” Levy weakly coughs, shaking hands holding Gajeel’s face. “That wouldn’t be fun. We’d just... watch everyone else die, then.”
“I wouldn’t care!” He sobs, holding her hands. “If it’s just us, and Lily, I wouldn’t care. Please, please don’t go.”
“Just me, and you, and a vampire cat?” Levy tries to joke, but her laugh is cut off with a painful gasp. “That- I don’t want to watch my friends die. That would hurt.”
Stubborn. Levy had always called him stubborn, whenever he would argue with Natsu, standing on his point for too long even while wrong. He understands. She knows he does, but - watching her die, watching his love and hope die, would hurt most for him. Being turned into a vampire, it wasn’t something he wanted. It wasn’t something he was happy about. He remembers when he went home, afraid, and Levy was there; comforting and warm, she was always there to help.
And now, her life was ending, and she had accepted it too easily. Too ready. Always prepared for the unexpected, she somehow even faced her pain with a smile.
“I don’t wanna watch you die. That would hurt.” Gajeel sighs, knowing it’s pointless to keep being stubborn here. His words and pleads fall on deaf ears, and the listener is already gone. If nothing else, he’ll at least kill the bastard who caused this. He promises her body this, and quickly leaves with the rain before someone finds the two.
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ignis-venenatus · 2 years
@cpirits​​ asked:  [POSSESSIVE PROMPTS] “I never craved attention until I tasted yours.” // Gajeel to Erik
[Possessive Prompts] Accepting
“If ya crave it so much why don’t ya prove it?”
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Erik’s eye would glint as the Poison Dragon’s lips curled into a typical smirk. The maroon haired male was very much aware of the sort of reaction he could get from the Iron Slayer. Especially since they’d shared a bed before. What could he say? Gajeel was warm and he detested the cold of winter. That aspect of himself wasn’t likely to change anytime soon. Or at all, really. He’d never like the cold.
“I mean... I can always just make myself comfortable on yer lap. Bet ya would like that, wouldn’t ya, Gajeel?”
He’d purr the other male’s name out whilst keeping his single violet eye trained on the other’s face. He was waiting for some sort of reaction that showed his words were getting to the other as he slowly walked his way over toward where Gajeel was. If he was able to, one of his tanned hands would press against the other male’s chest in an attempt to get the other to move toward a bed or other place he would be able to get him to sit down so he could straddle his lap as he’d ‘threatened’.
“Tell me, do ya want me to sit on yer lap and give ya some attention? Be honest, because I’ll be able to hear if yer lyin’.”
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨?
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various x reader ! [natsu, gray, gajeel, jellal, and zeref]
synopsis: my head cannons and my opinion on which songs they'd fuck you to .
warnings/tw: all characters are 21+, praise, degradation, and my personal head cannons on what they are like during sex .
a/n: don't copy my work ! like, re-blog, and comment ily ! not proofread .
jjk ver. aot ver. hq ver. bllk ver. bnha ver.
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Natsu Dragneel
Sure Thing [Miguel]
✰ Of course Natsu sees you as a friend and a lover, this song explains how he feels about you. That's why it's his favorite.
✰ He can be a dom or a sub, it's whatever you want from him, he loves you so he will do anything for you.
✰ This song makes him want to fuck you deep, slow, and steady. He just wants you to know that he loves you.
✰ He is a bit dumb so he doesn't always have the right words during sex.
✰ "Holy shit, the way you take my dick is so good! Keep it up babe,"
✰ He is a moaning mess, he can't control himself !
✰ Usually he tries not to cum inside of you, he doesn't want to make a mess or have a mini him running around the house.
✰ But ! Sometimes he has breeding urges so he tries to cum deep in your womb here and there.
✰ He couldn't ask for anyone better than you, you're his person. He dedicated this song to you for a reason.
✰ He doesn't really understand aftercare so all he does is hold you tightly so you can't get up after sex.
"We could do it, baby, simple and plain. 'Cause this love is a sure thing"
Gray Fullbuster
Na Na [Trey Songz]
✰ I can see him being a sweet dom. Like mean in actions but sweet when it comes to talking with you.
✰ It's cannon that he smokes so he probably would light up a cigarette as he plunges himself deep inside you.
✰ He'd offer you a cigarette to but you're too fucked out of your mind to reply to him.
✰ He smirks when seeing you in such a pathetic position.
✰ He'd be the one who would go as deep and as fast as he can, not wanting to slow down.
✰ Butt naked. You and him don't wear any clothes when it comes to sex.
✰ I can't see him as the type to cum inside you, I feel like he'd like to cum on your tummy or on your face.
✰ "Hey, all clothes off sweetheart, including your bra,"
✰ After cumming on you he will clean you up and just hold you close while being naked.
"You feeling lucky tonight, When we leave this party, you gon' love me tonight"
Gajeel Redfox
Locked Out of Heaven [Bruno Mars]
✰ GUYS ! HEAR ME OUT ! This is something he'd listen to! He loves music that has somewhat of a funky beat.
✰ Of course he fucks you to this song. Your sex does take him to paradise.
✰ Degrades you if you act like a brat and doesn't often praise you.
✰ "Shut your damn mouth you brat !"
✰ He manhandles you . Super rough, pushes your head into the pillows etc.
✰ This song during sex isn't very likable to you but if it makes Gajeel happy, you don't mind listening to it.
✰ Cums inside you at all costs.
✰ He sings . He sings this song after you two are done . He can't help it .
"'Cause your sex takes me to paradise"
Jellal Fernandez
Die For You [Joji]
✰ Switch. With this song he is kind of submissive.
✰ He loves you so deeply and passionate. This song expresses that he would die for you, even if you left him.
✰ I can see his deep voice moaning and groaning.
✰ "So... Warm~ Keep bouncing on my cock... So good~"
✰ Praises you but when he's dominate he would degrade you.
✰ He lets you ride him to this song, going at whatever pace you want.
✰ "W-woah, slow down baby,"
✰ If you don't cum he will use his tongue to make you.
✰ Boob guy>
✰ He sucks on your boobs, leaving hickeys on your soft plump breasts.
"And it's true that I need you here closer"
Zeref Dragneel
Apocalypse [Cigarettes After Sex]
✰ His love for you is out of this world . He is the definition of 'would die for you'.
✰ He has never cared for anyone so much.
✰ He is the type to cry after sex because of how much he loves you. The intimacy just makes him so happy to be with you.
✰ Super slow and gentle with you, rubbing on your favorite parts to help you cum.
✰ "Are you gonna cum for me?"
✰ He likes sucking on your skin, he doesn't care where it's at.
✰ He is a vanilla guy.
✰ Moans for you, loud and clearly.
✰ He is so sweet, making sure you're okay. He often gets worried if he hurts you on accident, he would never dream of hurting you.
✰ You're his everything, he couldn't live without you.
✰ After sex he will help you get in the shower, rubbing your back until you fall asleep.
"Your lips, my lips. Apocalypse"
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zaimta · 2 years
parings: laxus x reader, gajeel x reader
a/n- i’m not a big fan of assigning traits to “reader” bc as a black reader ik how this makes the experience un enjoyable HOWEVER JUST THIS ONCE reader has a certain trait and it’s only magic wise nothing else
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
any magic with a metal attribute would compliment his magic very well! being lightning and all that
“y/n! a little help over here!” he shouted over his shoulder as he was flanked around all sides by members from a dark guild.
you sighed “you’re not gonna do that thing again are you? lightning gets all over the place and the static feels weird on my clothes.”
he punched one of the dark guild members while narrowly dodging an attack from another “Y/N!”
“alright alright! LIGHTNING ROD!” you clapped your hands together and produced a rod of metal, you tossed it in the air and watched as laxus struck it with lightning. as soon as the lighting hit the rod it’s magic power doubled taking out all your foes.
“uh you’re welcome.” you teased with a grin.
a metal user could either be his biggest ally or his biggest foe but in this case it would help him out a lot to just have someone on stand by so he can eat a shit ton of metal
the two of you were caught in an intense battle with foes all around, in your eyes the battle was one big royale it was just you and gajeel but against an army.
slowly the two of you were caught dead center of the army, the two of you were standing back to back as they had the two of you cornered all around. at this point you were feeling exhausted, you were covered in scratches and wounds while gajeel was covered in dry blood with only one more roar left in him.
“hey y/n you got any more of that yummy metal?”
you rose a brow and slightly raised your voice in annoyance “what now?! this ain’t the time for a snack!”
“actually it’s the perfect time”
you rolled your eyes and decided to go along with your boyfriend’s plan, you channeled your last bits of energy to create metal for him to consume “metal creation!”
gajeel quickly consumed the metal and let out a final roar, once the foes were defeated you both collapsed from exhaustion, your chests rapidly heaving up and down.
“maybe…we could…rest…for a while” he spoke through ragged breaths
“good idea.”
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sanemisfleshlight · 2 years
Getting Peirced
kinktober day eight
Gajeel Redfox x Reader
warnings: clit piercing, fingering, squirting, pain, overstimulation, caught off guard
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You squeal, your legs shuddering. Just the sting of the tip of the needle makes you lose your composure. “Will you stay still!” Gajeel shouts at you, while he grabs your thigh roughly, pinning it down into the table. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting it to sting that much” you exclaimed. “I pierced your tits before, you can handle this” he says while reaching to try to point the needle through again. But your simply too nervous, you clamp your legs shut again. While you grab his wrist. “Well this is way more sensitive!” you say in a shrill voice.
“Then why do you you want your clit pierced!?” Gajeel bickered back, from between your bare legs. Your pussy is up for display to him. He was starting to get annoyed at you. This was ten times worse then when he pierced your tits last year. “Well I heard it ups your pleasure more” you explained with a blush. “If this is how you react to a poke, then I don’t think you need it.” Gajeel tries to rationalize with you, so he doesn’t have to deal with your bratiness. “That’s different! This is pain not pleasure!” you exclaimed, this just brings a defeated sigh from Gajeel.
“Fine, but you seriously need to chill out” he says. He spreads your legs, even though he seems composed and professional. Him crouching down this close to your pussy is getting to him. He thought it was hard to focus when he had your nipples in his grasp last year. But now that this is happening, there is nothing left for the imagination anymore. Not that he’s complaining, you look even better then imagine. Despite you being a whiny, brat.
He goes for a different approach this before he was only trying to poke it with a needle without pressure on the other side. When you look down to see him about to start again, you went to bite your lip in anticipation. So lifts the skin above your clit to get a better view, which you couldn’t help but clench on nothing but air. He hovers his needle to the left side of your clit. But this time he pushes his finger to the right side for pressure. Before he can slide the needle through you caught him off guard with a moan from his touch.
He’s barely containing himself now, out of everything you just had to moan. He’s already been hard for most of this. At this point what little morals of professionalism is out the window, and its totally your fault. He looks up to you, seeing your nipples poke out your shirt. With nipples piercings that literally came from his scales. It’s almost like your already claimed to him. So there’s no point on backing off now. He drops the needle, to rub circle to your clit with the pad of his finger. Which makes you lean your head back letting out a soft moan.
“G-Gajeel” you moan out his name, trying to get his attention to ask what’s going on. But before you can question the slayer starts pushing his finger into your cunt. Which has you moaning out loudly. As he replaces that finger he was using with his thumb to continue to rub your clit. While he stands up to meet your gaze, his forehead touching yours. He towers over you with intense, domineering look in your eyes. “You really thought you cool tease me and be a brat with these piercings sessions, that I wouldn’t do anything eventually.” He says while he continues to play with you. “I-I don’t know what your talking about” you said between breathes “I wasn’t trying to tease.”. “Oh really..” he says condescendingly “your telling me that you just decides to get a random clit piercing when you are single and have no one to fuck”.
He adds two more fingers, not bothering to slowly work you up. Which had you squeezing while he pumps you roucghly, his focus on your clit never faulting. You doing your best to slow down his overstimulation to your poor clit, your digging your nails into his wrist and your legs doing their best to clamp down his arm. Your eyes start to spill tears and you moan so loudly that your neighbors will definitely be reporting you to the landlord. Which only brings out a “Geehee” out of Gajeel. Being proud of his work.
He lunges forward to bite your bottom lip, starring you in the eyes. Making sure that you know he sees through you and from here on your his. He’ll have nothing less from you. Your the only person in the guild who has made these intimate requests from him. Your body starts to shiver under his touch, as he slips his tongue basically down your throat. Which definitely earned a few moans from you, while your legs start to convulse around his arm. His thrusts to his fingers start to get rougher and faster pace. Since he notice that your getting real close. He pushes even more pressure onto your clit, that you scream into his mouth. As your cunt start to clench onto his fingers. Your cum gushing out from your pussy, doing it’s best to push Gajeel’s fingers.
You lean back onto the table hosting yourself on your elbows. Trying your best to catch your breath. As he continues to pump in and out of you so you can ride out your high. You close your eyes in exhaustion. Which Gajeel takes the opportunity to grab a needle from the table. And quickly slides the needle through your clit. Which brings out a loud sob from you. While you gasped out looking at him in disbelief. And he slides your new piercing on your clit.
“Your welcome”
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heartonxions · 2 years
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you’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you
Is this their wedding? A winter ball mayhaps? Who knows! Y’all I don’t know how I drew this in like 3 hours but I did … I missed them so much
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velvetydream · 2 years
꒰ :🌹 [ Motion sickness of a Dragon Slayer ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : It was already the second day of the grand magic games and you seriously didn't understand why they let Sting compete in the race. So now you had a sick Dragon Slayer on your hands, who was way to stubborn to admit it was a stupid idea to not let Orga or Yukino go.
Pairing : Sting x Gn! Reader
Word count : 625
Genre : Fluff
➵ Warnings ;
a/n : I can barely find Fairy Tail content, so now I've made it my resposibility to write fors this awesome show, starting with my all time favorite boy.. Sting! <3
I also just finished the grand magic games arc, so perfect to write for Sting!
┌───────────────────────── ·  ·  ·  · ♡
Why did he have to be so stubborn? It would have been much smarter to let one of the others compete.. But no that dumb ass with the adorable smile had to go up against Fairy Tails Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox. You understood that he wants to beat Natsu, the one he looked up to for years.. But did it really have to be in a race on moving carts?! Jiemma was so mad, Sting and the whole team couldn't allow themselves another slip up, or the whole guild would feel his rage.
“Sting it's me, I'm coming in.” Entering his room in the inn the guild was staying at, he was laying on his side, clutching his stomach. Beside his bed a little bucket just in case. Well at least it was good to know Sting and Rogue weren't the only Dragon Slayer with this issue. “Lectors out with Rogue and Frosch, they'll pick up some soup for you.” Upon the mentioning of food, the blonde poorly clutched his mouth, letting out a low groan, warning to not mention food again.
Setting the bowl of water you were carrying onto the nightstand, you take a seat at his side. Stings eyes averted. Of course. Ashamed is what he felt when he stood in front of Jiemma, of front of the whole guild.. And he still feels like this. Taking the rug from the water, you carefully wring out the excess water, before rubbing it softly over his face. A content sigh could be heard, as Sting turns onto his back, so you had better acess to his face. Poor boy, he looked completely out of it.
“Feeling better a bit?” Looking at him now, he nods. Eyes closed. For once he had a soft look on his face, no scowl, no sadistic smirk. Deep down he was a hurt little boy wanting to prove himself to whoever. It's sad what this guild made out of him.
“Sting! You're awake!” A cry could be heard, as the little red exceed jumped onto the bed, followed by Rogue and Frosch. “You should really think a little more before jumping straight into the games.” Rogue had a little annoyed look on his face, as he sets the bag with the soup on the table, the green cat letting out a little – Fro thinks so too. The two exceed seriously were the most adorable little beings ever. “Sorry you had to take care of him for being careless.” Words now directed to you, making you let out a little laugh. “Oh it's fine, at least I get to spend some time with my favorite Dragon Slayer.” Ruffling Stings hair now slightly, Lector letting out a surprised scream – at how someone could just touch Sting like that. The later now wearing his usual scowl on his face, with a little twist – he was blushing madly, averting his gaze to the other side and away from you.
Now that Sting was finally feeling better, it was time for the battles of the day. Following them back to the arena, Lector comfortably in your arms. Even if he didn't want to admit it, Lector liked you a lot. The battles were interesting to say the least, especially Mirajane against Jenny. What a show truly. So lastly now Yukino. Of course you were cheering for the white haired stellar magician. You two were quit close. Just like you were with Sting and Rogue. But at the end, she fell. Laying on her back and staring at the sky, tears streaming down her soft features. This was bad. Jiemma will not like this.
The evening and night to come.. were definitely something no one would have expected to happen.
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Hide and Seek
Gajeel Redfox X Reader
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(Y/n) lies stretched out on the couch in her boyfriend's home, waiting for the male to get out of the shower so that they could head off to the guild. Though she quickly grew bored and ended up getting off the couch to go wonder the kitchen, that was when she found it. Cling wrap. An idea came to mind, and she quickly searched the drawers under the sink, finding the duct tape she had been searching for. She made her way to the bathroom door; it opened in wards so she knew her plan would work. She covered the upper third of the doorway in the cling wrap, taping it down before taping off the opening of the hallway with it.
The next step was to determine a hiding place, choosing the corner of the living room blocked off by the couches as the best choice. She quickly turned on the hot water of the kitchen sink, then ran over and basically leaped over the couches to duck in this corner with a cover thrown over her. In seconds she heard a loud string of curses as her iron brained boyfriend stumbled out of the shower as the water went ice cold. That was quickly followed by the screams of her name and the bathroom door being thrown open, she assumed he hit the first barrier by the sliding sound and thud.
She tensed when she heard him growl and the pounding of his footsteps before the sound of plastic straining, he hit the wall of cling wrap. (Y/n) could almost swear she could feel his irritation, she burrowed under the pile of pillows that were in the corner. Hoping they would hide her much better than just the cover, the sound of the plastic ripping made her freeze. She placed a hand over her mouth and tried to keep her breathing quiet, the cold air at ground level made her tense to fight the chill but she could feel his footsteps as he began wondering about in search for her. She could hear him perfectly thanks to the small gaps behind and under the couches, so when she heard his deep chuckle, she barely fought back against the squeak caught in her throat.
"You think you can hide from me (Y/n)?... I'm gonna find you and when I do... I'll have to punish you." She held her breath when hearing his footsteps stop close by, she could practically feel his eyes looking over the corner. Though when she heard the couch to her right creek she panicked, leaping up and tossing the cover over Gajeel's head as she bolted. Though she didn't get far, she ended up tripping over one of her shoes and falling flat on her face. It was at that moment Gajeel's booming laughter filled the room; he tossed the balled-up cover into the corner before walking over towards her. "You okay down there munchkin? You hit pretty hard." He chuckled and watched the girl sit up, pouting as she puffed up her cheeks and looked up at him. "It's not funny... I thought I was free." Gajeel crouched in front of her, filling her with confusion as she tilted her head. At least until he leaned down and kissed her gently, before she could react, he straightened up and began to leave the room. (Y/n) quickly stood, chasing after him blushing cheeks and all. "H-hey Gajeel! Wait up!"
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Hi! I’ve just read your Gray Fullbuster work and it was incredible! I’d like to ask you Gray x Ethernano Dragon Slayer s/o.
Maybe when they have feelings for each other but can’t confess because of Juvia and everybody’s opinion that she will be the best girlfriend for him
Actually, I’d be happy to read everything about these to
Sorry for interrupting
hello thank you for your request :) sorry for the delay!
i’ve been super busy because i had a politics exam a couple days ago and in all honesty, i haven’t written in a while so ya girls very rusty and this will be crap but i hope you enjoy some parts of it at least <3
the reader’s name is Lillian Ellara btw, i cannot take “y/n” seriously if i’m being honest 😭
Unrequited - Gray Fullbuster
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“Ethernano Dragon’s Roar!”
It was a sunny day in Fiore and as usual, the members of the Fairy Tail guild were having impromptu competitions to find out who held the most power in the guild.
Today’s match was between Gajeel Redfox, the Iron Dragon Slayer and Lilian Ellara, the Ethernano Dragon Slayer.
And boy, was it a chaotic one.
“Iron Dragon’s Lance!”
Gray Fullbuster watched the two Slayers fight, though his focus was only on one of the two.
Lillian swiftly dodged Gajeel’s spell and swiftly launched a counter attack, earning her a yell of approval from the Titania, Erza Scarlett. She was truly a sight to behold when it came to combat.
Gray had always had a crush on Lillian, ever since he had joined the guild. The brunette was an enigma to him. She was sweet, charming and incredibly sassy but in a loveable way. He definitely had feelings for her and suspected she felt the same thanks to listening to the ramblings of a very drunk Cana.
However, there was one issue.
“Gray-sama! Juvia was thinking of going for a walk. Would you like to come along?”
The Ice Make Mage sighed as he turned to face the Water Mage. Juvia had pursued him relentlessly despite him turning her down at multiple occasions. She was stubborn, for sure but it was clear that the other members of Fairy Tail always encouraged her to keep trying because they thought Juvia and Gray made an ideal couple.
“No I-”
Before Gray could answer, Lucy pitched in.
“He’d love to, wouldn’t he?” The Celestial Wizard winked at him and he blinked. Turning back to Juvia, he was about to reject the offer but the look on her face made him agree. He huffed as he put on a jacket.
Why was it so hard for him to just tell Juvia he liked someone else?
With one glance back at Lillian, who was smirking as Gajeel fell to the floor, he walked out of the guild hall with Juvia.
“Guess I underestimated you, pipsqueak” Gajeel groaned as he stood up and Lillian smirked.
She looked around the guild for the one person she wanted to see but he was nowhere to be found.
“Where’s Gray gone off to?” She asked Erza.
“With Julia probably” the Titania sighed dreamily “Young love, am I right?”
“Erza, you’re 19 and those two are 18”
Erza simply rolled her eyes in response.
Lillian bit her lip. Nearly everyone in the guild shipped Gray and Juvia but nobody knew that the Ethernano Dragon slayer had feelings for him too. Well, nobody except Mirajane, who was shooting a warning glance to Lillian at that moment. She had noticed the way Lillian looked at the Ice Mage and simply told her to ‘get over him because Juvia would be a better fit’.
She couldn’t disclose her feelings to anyone else. Not when there was a chance of Gray finding out. Believe it or not, the big bad powerful Dragon Slayer was fearful of rejection. Besides, everyone in the guild felt Juvia would succeed in getting Gray to reciprocate her feelings and by the looks of it, she already had so what was the point?
Maybe they could be together. Maybe not. Maybe Gray even had feelings for her. Or maybe he was with Juvia now. Or maybe he just wasn’t interested in her.
Lillian shook her thoughts off. What was wrong with her? She needed to focus on getting stronger, not focus on one sided romance..what was it called again?
Unrequited love— as her dragon, Zenith would call it.
Erza’s voice suddenly snapped her out of her thoughts.
“I’m going to Sabertooth to meet Frosch, you wanna come with?”
Lillian nodded and followed the redhead.
A distraction could possibly be just what she needed to eliminate her feelings for Gray.
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