#gaku x reader x yura
dotster001 · 2 years
Birthday Cake for Two
Summary: Yura x Reader x Gaku. You love your twins, and want to celebrate their individuality on their birthday. What better way than through cake?
A/N: oh my God I love my twins so much, so I wrote this for their birthday. If you aren't playing Ayakashi Romance Reborn...you should be. Also, it's so fitting that my last event post is set to go out today and it's for Professor Yakumo.
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"You're certain you can't see anything?" 
You were at Raccord to celebrate the twin's birthday, and had made them cover their eyes while you got their birthday treat out.
"Y/N, thou dost worry too much. Mine eyes are sealed shut."
"Just get it over with, before Yura smells it out and inhales it all."
You felt your eyes roll. But with their assurance you went back to the kitchen and collected the cake you and Aoi had made together.  You would have done it yourself but… it was a little unique.
You placed it on the table in front of the twins.
"Okay, you can open your eyes."
They both removed their hands from their eyes.  They both had the same facial expressions; excitement quickly morphing to confusion.
"That aroma…." Yura began, looking thoroughly puzzled.
"What did you do?" Gaku gave you a mildly concerned look.
"Well, I know my boys," you began. "And I know that Yura likes sweets, but will eat spicy food for Gaku. And Gaku likes spicy food but will eat sweets for Yura. But you are both your own person, so if you cut down the center of the cake," you proceeded to cut the cake in half, " you will find that half of it is sweet, and half of it is spicy and savory." 
You slid the halves of the cake to their respective boys, and waited for them to process the information.
Then Yura let out a delighted laugh. "My Y/N, you truly do not change, even over a thousand years."
"Aye," Gaku spoke up with a mildly smug smile, "Even in your previous life you were trying to make sure we were both happy."
You smiled hopefully, "Does this mean you like it?"
"There is only one way to truly know!" Yura immediately began digging into his cake, and, as Gaku had predicted, essentially inhaled the entire thing.
Gaku, meanwhile, took a bite of his cake, and gave you another smug smile. "Not bad. Could use more wasabi in the 'icing', but not bad."
"You know, a thank you would get the point across just as well."
"Where's the fun in that?" Gaku grinned.
Yura giggled at the exchange, and patted his stomach happily. "Twas an excellent treat, I hope to partake of it with you again next year."
"Well at this rate," you gave a fake angry look at Gaku, "you will get twice the cake next year, and Gaku will get none."
"You are too cruel," Gaku said dryly.
"Truly!" Yura exclaimed. "But if it must be done, it must be done…"
Gaku interrupted to throw some of Yura's leftover frosting at him, which Yura quickly retaliated against, but accidentally hit you in the process.  You then had to throw some at Yura, and soon it had evolved into an all out war. 
After the three of you had profoundly apologized to Aoi for the mess, and to Oji for not inviting him to join, the twins escorted you home, and each gave you a peck on the cheek before returning to the shrine together. Even though you were covered in frosting, you hoped you got to do this with them next year. You couldn't help but think they deserved all the love you could give them.
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kawaii-nee1 · 2 years
the ayakashi rr fandom is so starved of writing content, I'm gonna get busy and start writing on ao3
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pandas-pandemonium · 5 years
[2:37 A.M]
"What should I do, Gaku?! Everything I try to do, every cure, every possible herb, she's just not getting better!" Yura exclaimed as tears fell down his face. The thousand-year old spirit was in his full grown-up form, and below him, on the floor, lay his lover, asleep but a sickly pale white.
Gaku had no words, he had known his brother for a millennium but never had he seen him look so broken.
"I-I'm sorry brother...but-but I'm sure you'll find the cure! Maybe it's some herb we don't know about yet, or some sort of plant, we just have to keep looking! We can't give up yet, there's still hope for [name]!" The twin tried to encourage, but deep inside, he knew that [name] was holding on to her last threads of life.
A/N: Probably OOC, considering I haven't read Yura's route yet, I just finished Ginnojo's, so next is Aoi's, but I just felt like writing some angst for our boy Yura.
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lost-khione · 4 years
Some Notes~
Hi, there!
I created this tumblr so I can have a space where I can share my writings ++ a space where I can fangirl over lovebrush chronicles, ayakoi and some titles from love 365 😍
Previously, I post all my poems, thoughts etc. at my personal blog: write.as/khione
I post randomly and whenever I have the chance to work on my WIPs 💕
SFW blog, I don't reblog NSFW works although I do read them :3
Tags I use for reference:
#khione’s poetry - all of my poetry pieces
#khione quoted - lines that I love quoted from fiction (books, webtoon, otome, etc.)
#ayakoi poetry - poems I wrote as I fangirl over ayakoi 💙
#arr fanfic | #arr headcanon
Might add more tags later for personal reference~
Masterlist under the cut. I only write for ARR for now
[Fics without pairing labels are always x Futaba]
Until We Meet Again
Making Up for Lost Time (cont. of Until We Meet Again - MC remembers)
Her Promise (alternative cont. of Until We Meet Again - MC forgets)
Yura & Gaku ( Hansel and Gretel fairy tale AU)
First Shrine Visit
Dinner with Gin (Gin x OC)
Ginnojo’s Scarf
His Clingy Side (School AU, Gin x OC)
Comforting You (Modern AU, Gin x OC)
You Came Along on a Rainy Day (Modern AU, Gin x OC)
Where’s Kuro?
Watching Her Sleep
Portrait of You
Sweet Drink (Koga x MC)
Morning With You (Modern AU)
Kuya IRL (Kuya x Reader)
Like You as You Are (Modern AU)
When We Met (HS AU)
Tired (School AU)
Ugly Insecurities (Aki x OC, School AU)
Akiyasu’s Blunder
Supporting You (Aki x OC, Modern AU)
Midnight Tryst
If the ayakashi were reborn as cats
Dawn faction: Futaba getting lost / Outstretched hand pose
Twilight faction: Futaba getting lost / Outstretched hand pose
Kuya’s birthday
Yura’s honey
AU Where Aoi is a Girl
Ayakashi lines when they didn't come home in your pulls
If the Ayakashi were to write Futaba a love letter in free verse:
Koga | Kuya | Gin | Aoi | Yura
Updated: December 3, 2023
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dotster001 · 2 years
Day 23: person a is trying to find a loved one who went missing and not daring to ask person b for help
Summary: Kuro x gn! Reader.
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You had brought Yura and Gaku with you to Kuro's troupe's performance. They had remained in their child forms, so when you met up with Kuro after the show, people kept assuming you were a happy little family. 
Kuro wasn't going to correct them. He hadn't felt this loved in a long time, and his heart was so full he thought it might explode.
The reason you'd brought the twins was because the performance was one event of many at a festival. After his performance, you all walked together from booth to booth, looking at all the cool exhibits and wares.
At some point, you tapped Kuro's shoulder, and said, "Gaku wants to look at that contraption over there, but you and Yura can go ahead, we'll catch up."
Kuro gave you a happy hug, then pushed the both of you on your way. When he turned around Yura was gone.
The first thing he did was panic. He lost his son two seconds after you left them alone! He was a terrible dad! 
The second thing he did was scold himself for role playing so hard that he forgot that Yura was not his son, and that Yura was 1000 years old and could probably take care of himself.
But you had tasked him to look after him! And in his child form he could get swept up in the crowd! 
He searched from booth to booth with no success, until eventually, he knew he had to give in and find you. You always knew how to solve problems! Especially ones that revolved around the twins! He totally knew how to explain why he didn't ask for your help in the first place.
He found you and Gaku at a stall, where you were getting Gaku some form of roasted meat. He ran at you and took you by the shoulders, and shouted, "I'm a terrible dad and I lost Yura, please help me find him!"
You looked startled at first, but then you and Gaku made eye contact, and gave each other a nod.
"I think I know where he might be," you said with a laugh.
After some traveling, you approached a dessert stall, and found Yura happily eating pastries while the stall owners fawned over how adorable he was.
Kuro ran over to Yura, and wrapped his arms tightly around him.
"You scared me! Never run off like that again!"
Yura gave a fond laugh, saying, "My nose picked up the aroma of tasty sweets, and I could not resist. I apologize for worrying thee."
"Some things never change," Gaku rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide the fond smile on his face.
The stall owner didn't charge for the sweets since Yura was "such an adorable, well behaved boy". Yura didn't feel the need to correct them.
The twins went off on their way after the festival, and Kuro wrapped his arms around you from behind with a pout. 
"Kuro," you hummed, "are you still upset because you lost our non-existent son?" You giggled, which made his pout even bigger.
"Non-existent for now, but what if someday we do have a family? Or even just a pet! What if we get a fish, and I lose it?"
"You're overthinking it," you turned around in his grip, and nuzzled your nose against his fondly. "When you're dealing with someone who isn't 1000 years old, I'm certain you will be more aware. And besides, when you were with the "kids" today, you were so good. They had a lot of fun with you."
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Yeah," you gave him a peck on the cheek, but when you started to pull away, he pulled you back to him.
"I'm still sad," he said, now exaggerating his pout, despite the twinkle in his eye. He pressed you even closer to him, and kissed you deeply, before saying, "Maybe I should lose the twins more often." 
You playfully mussed his hair, then pulled away. "Don't press your luck, Kuro."
He giggled, and wrapped an arm around your waist, as he began to escort you home. 
"You're right, next time I'll lose Nachi."
Maybe he'd been hanging out with Toichiro too much. You'd have to cut him off before you got that non-existent fish Kuro was talking about.
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dotster001 · 2 years
The Winds of Change
Summary: Alternate end to Koga's route, where Aki's offer is beginning to look a little bit more appealing
A/N: I know there's only like six of you in this fandom, but it's such a masterpiece I can't
Cw: Depression, major character death, spoilers for Koga's route
"I'm not your enemy, Y/N," Aki said firmly. "If you don't believe me, see for yourself." 
He gestured to the scene playing out below you. With a suspicious glance at him, you walked to the edge of the roof, just in time to see Aizen run Koga through with a sword.
"No!" You screamed, and you could have sworn Koga smiled up at you before he collapsed and stopped moving. 
Maybe it was your contract breaking, maybe it was your heart that you'd finally started letting your love for Koga make its way into, but you felt an immense pain and pressure, as the world around you faded.
You became dimly aware of Kuya flying to the roof, and wrapping his arms around you to fly you to somewhere safe, but you could only hear a dull ringing in your ears.
He'd taken you to the hidden shrine. And you'd just laid there curled in on yourself for days on end. You could hear Yura and Gaku trying to get through to you, and see Aoi feeding you something, but you never knew what they were saying.
Eventually, you heard a beautiful drum sound, and the world came clearer to you. Gaku sat in front of you, drumming what you could only assume was a healing song.
"Gaku?" You whispered, and you felt someone practically jump on you and wrap you in a hug.
"Y/N, I was so worried," Nachi whimpered. "It was like you were dead."
"Nachi, you're going to suffocate them," you heard Aoi protest, and Nachi backed away.
"In your previous lifetime, when thou wast our master, thou passed on before the rest of us," Yura said, giving you a soft reassuring smile. "I can only imagine the pain thou must have felt losing someone thine soul was bonded to."
"Koga," you whispered, your chest feeling tight as you tried to hold back tears.
"Aye," Gaku muttered, looking at you with sadness. "But you have to move forward, or the rest of us will lose you again." 
Ginnojo placed a hand on yours. "Live for his memory and his cause, and he will always be with you."
You smiled at all of them gratefully. 
"I think there's some things we need to rethink," you whispered, and watched them all nod solemnly. "Where's Kuya?" You asked, realizing the tengu was nowhere to be seen. 
"We don't know," Aoi looked frustrated and scared all at once. "That lazy tengu  disappeared after getting you to safety."
"He'll return once he is ready, worry not," Yura placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
You nodded, and stood up, ignoring the protests of Nachi and Aoi. 
You formed a familiar, and sent the butterfly on its way, before turning to your friends. 
"There's some things we need to talk about."
You stood outside of the shrine, long after the sun had set. Finally, a white egret arrived, followed quickly by the appearance of Aki.
"Well," he raised a single eyebrow at you. 
You held out a hand to him, which he took, giving it a gentle squeeze. Despite everything, his eyes said he still wanted your approval.
"We've all been talking," you said, as firmly as possible. "We're going to join your cause, Aki."
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dotster001 · 1 year
Day Two: Piercings
Summary: Gaku x gn!reader. The kid in your college class has some piercings that you can't stop looking at.
Modern au
A/N: okay, but Gaku with some piercings would be so hot 😭
October 2023 Prompt List
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You'd never thought he'd be your type before. But God damn, was he hot.
The aloof kid who sat in the back of your folklore lecture was fine. Even if he always glared at you whenever you'd try to talk to him, and his twin seemed far more welcoming than him, something about him drew you in. 
Particularly the variety of earrings he wore. All on his left ear. From top to bottom, there was a bronze gear, something that looked like a wand, and a drum.
Maybe you were more impulsive than you ever thought you were, but you wanted to touch his earrings. Or maybe you wanted to flirtily caress his ear, using the earrings as an excuse. That's what your friend Kuro had teased when you'd told him about Gaku.
But you didn't think that was it. The drum in particular…it made you queasy sometimes when you looked at him.
So when the two of you were paired up for a project, and he had essentially told you, "Fuck off, I'll do it myself," you'd taken the opportunity to schedule meet ups with him. You were going to ask him about his earrings, god damn it!
It didn't go well…
"I just like them. Something wrong with that?"
"You gonna judge me for my tattoos next?"
"You got tattoos?!"
"Let's just finish this project." 
You stared at him in disbelief. He'd always been aloof, but that felt outright hostile. And he seemed to realize it, because he sighed, and looked up from his book.
"I'm not used to people being genuinely interested. Usually it's a lot of 'it's gonna be hard to get a job with those'."
You smiled in what you hoped was a reassuring manor.
"I just think they're really cool. That's all."
He stared and sighed, closing his book.
"I'm a mechanic on the side. The gear is for that."
It was clearly a stare down now. Who would crack first? 
You must have been lucky today.
"The one that looks like a stick is a wand. It's an onmyoji wand, we'll probably read a couple of stories about them this semester."
"Onmyoji…" you tested the word out, allowing yourself to taste the word. "I feel like I've heard that somewhere before."
"Yup," he muttered under his breath, moving to open his book again. If he did, you knew you'd never get to have this conversation again.
"And the drum?"
He stiffened. "I like drums."
"That's it?"
"It's not that deep." He seemed awfully insistent, but it wasn't worth pushing.
"And your tattoos?" 
He glared, but seemed to soften when he saw your pleading gaze.
"God, Yura is never gonna let me hear the end of this," he said, pulling down his collar and revealing a butterfly tattoo by his heart. "That's the only one I'll show you, by the way."
"One last question!" You giggled as he groaned. "Can I touch your earrings?"
"What the fuck kind of a question- fine! You can touch them if we can finish our project in this sitting."
You got up from your seat, and moved to the one next to him, gently pushing a lock of his unruly hair behind his ear, and slowly caressing the ridge, fiddling with each earring as you reached it. You lingered longer with the drum, staring so intently at it you didn't notice his ears and face turning bright red, until he stood up, knocking his chair over, and muttering, "I'll see you tomorrow."
He rushed out of the cafe before you could even process what was happening.
You stared down at your hand, noticing your fingers were shaking.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Return Home? Yes
What's Mine is Mine- yan!Yura x Reader. The other ayakashi you hold contracts with are getting too close to you.
Birthday Cake for Two- Yura x reader x Gaku. Birthday fic for the twins. You celebrate their differences on their birthday with a... unique...cake.
This Sounds Familiar- Kuya x reader Kuya actually writes a book.
Birthday Cake for Two- Yura x reader x Gaku. Birthday fic for the twins. You celebrate their differences on their birthday with a... unique...cake.
The Winds of Change- alternate ending to Koga's route.
300 Follower Event Masterlist
October Prompt List
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dotster001 · 2 years
What's Mine is Mine
Summary: yan!Yura x gn! Reader. Yura has had enough of people touching what's his
Cw: yan! Themes, unhealthy mindsets, mentions of murder, spoilers for Yura's route
Yura should be happy.  He was finally free from his thousand year curse, his brother no longer had to suffer while searching for a cure, and you had agreed to be his. He should be happy.
But then why did he feel sick whenever Aoi got all blushy and flustered around you? Why did he taste blood when Koga would throw an arm around your shoulder when you two laughed at a joke together? Why did he feel the sudden urge to strangle when Kuya used your lap to take a nap?
At least he could be sure it wasn't your fault. You were too sweet to notice anything more than friendship in their actions. 
Maybe that's really all it was. But this wasn't the first time he'd seen them treat you this way.Their former selves had also fallen for you. At the time he had been preoccupied with his curse, and never believed he could be worthy of anyone's love, let alone yours.
But things were different now. You were his, and those three knew that. They had acknowledged it when you two had told them. So why wouldn't they back off!
He knew you had to interact with them. You had contracts with them and needed them for the purification ritual. But it wasn't like if one of them were to disappear you couldn't find someone to fill their place. It would break your heart, but if an accident were to befall one of them, you could find someone else. Hell, Gaku would form a contract with you without a second thought after you traversed the cursed plane for them. 
Suddenly, those feelings Yura was feeling began to ease. Koga visited the pleasure quarter quite often. Yura was well aware of at least one Ayakashi working there who wouldn't be difficult to frame if Koga's sake had a little poison in it.
Yes, it would all be alright. The other two would learn their place and you'd never be the wiser. And soon Yura would have what he always wanted. Just you, him, and his brother as one happy little family.
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