#ayakashi scenarios
shonenkun309 · 1 year
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He knows that I desire him in all shapes and sizes😭❣️❤️‍🔥
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ozzgin · 6 months
I wonder if Yuugiri has a snake tail, like a naga, or does he have legs ?
I imagine him using his tail to make us trip in his arms.
That's a good question! Some of them are very vague in terms of origins, like Murasaki, but I always wondered if the ones with a definite spirit should have a second beastly form. So Kiritsubo, in his ultimate form, could be an enormous dragon. And someone like Sekiya or Yuugiri would also have degrees of variety, from horned humans to spider/snake lower halves, and so on.
Therefore, both scenarios are correct. Yuugiri can switch between his human and monstrous form. I'd include a doodle, but I still haven't decided on his design yet. For whatever reason, I always immediately associate him with Kagemaru from Ayakashi Romance Reborn and I can't imagine anything else. 😭 No idea why, they're kind of similar but also very different. Maybe it's the smugness.
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ikeprinces-stuff · 2 months
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Leon's winning percentage in fighting is smaller than my exam grades if he went against Koga over there 🌚
I mean, Leon's charismatic personality can't win against KOGA'S ABNORMAL AYAKASHI POWERS INCLUDING AN UNCONTROLLABLE BERSERKER FORM, just saying...🤓
But I wish their fight ending up in a scenario like:
"haha you're good"
"you too."
"wanna have some steak?"
"is there gonna be Sake?"
". . . Well, I know just the right place-"
And somehow Jin joining them...
And then they're besties happily ever after 🥹❤️🖤
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"I'm glad I caught you at least at home, what happened to your phone?" Ijichi was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, sitting on your couch.
"Um..." Flashbacks of Gojo blowing it up using the energy ball "it fell into my toilet as I pissing" you managed a genuine smile of embarrassment. Ijichi looked at you for a moment and then sighed with resignation.
"Somehow that doesn't surprise me..." With that he put an old model phone on the table top. "It doesn't have a camera or games, it's really an antique, but it works. Call me if you need a replacement."You smiled sincerely now. You saw that he was doing better, the bags under his eyes were a bit smaller and he had probably gained a bit of weight."You know, I've had chickenpox before and I shouldn't have..."
"Mmmmmmm!" You squealed as you felt the tiny teeth on the back of your neck. If only your coworker knew that you had your narcissistic boss on your back at that moment. "I'll be fine! Thanks for your concern!"
"I'm not the only one worried, Gojo doesn't call back, he only replies to some text messages sometimes. He doesn't send stupid memes to anyone and he doesn't poison anyone's ass..."
"Ohhh~ so you miss him?"
"Like a cold," he joked. He really felt better since he started joking. It was clear that Gojo's entire entourage was only benefiting from such a break.
"Don't worry, when he recovers you'll be up to your noses in him again." You assured, taking a sip of tea from your cup.
"I dare not doubt that." He placed his hand on your knee in a friendly gesture. Bite. Gojo have mercy! "Mr. Nanami told me recently that you borrowed half the archive library."
"Not half, maybe a third." You pursed your lips, pretending to pout. You arched your arm as if you wanted to scratch your back, even though in reality you were petting a little jealous boy. "Actually, can I have a question?"
"If I can help you..."
It's worth a try, after all your friend had more knowledge than you might think. You took a deep breath.
"Let's hypothetically... One of the jujutsu sorcerers... getting tiny..."
"You mean getting younger?"
"No... shrinking." Ijichi frowned, trying to understand you.
"Are we still talking about a hypothetical scenario?"
"Yup! Purely theoretical, hypothetical, not like something like that would even happen!" You laughed nervously. Bite.
"So let's take Itadori, he shrinks. What about his powers?" Ijichi, fucking marry me! BITE!
"YES!" You squealed in pain, good thing Ijichi took it as enthusiasm.
"Hmm... That could be a problem. Even with his powers, he would be in great danger in this form. An easier target." You saw Ijichi already activating his gray cells.
"Exactly! That's why it needs to be returned to normal growth, the sooner the better!"
Ijichi looked at you perhaps too long and too suspiciously, took his hand away and held it out. his notebook of service.
"Where did this hypothetical scene with Itadori take place?"
"On a mission in .... Old house. He defeated all the curses but suddenly shrunk. He doesn't know why. There's nothing on the spot that would indicate it was done with curse magic, and distance spells are out of the question." Gojo doesn't quite understand . It's not like you were revealing his secrets, but you were giving some pretty important details. And Ijichi didn't even question this game of hypothetical scenarios. He got involved in them and didn't ask uncomfortable questions.
Ijichi thought for a moment, breathing deeply while you waited for him.
"I would check if this old house had a Guardian Spirit"
"What do you mean?"
"Ayakashi..." You frowned. It wasn't like you'd never heard the name before - mostly in games - but you didn't expect to hear it now. "Before the first possessors of cursed energy appeared, nature itself got rid of the excess curses. They were food for some Ayakashi. People did not see it, but the areas where there was peace. Plants bore fruit and there weren't many cataclysms, they got shrines. Ayakashi that fed on human curses got names, shrines and people started to worship them." Ijichi explained patiently with a slight hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Then the first jujutsu sorcerers appeared, the human species naturally evolved for this purpose and Ayakashi were no longer needed as much. .... Especially since the first weapons against curses were created from their bodies."
"The first weapons..."
"That's what the scrolls I dug up say. Whether it's true or not, I don't know. History is like whore. Everyone has their own opinion about it, but no one knows what it's really like."
"Heh.... Right. So there's a chance that... Ayakashi could have shrunked Go-I mean Itadori?"
"Theoretically yes. If it survived the purge that its ancestors made to obtain a large amount of weapons. Nowadays, Ayakashi are almost a dying species..."
It could make sense, Gojo destroyed an old temple where Ayakashi could live, and in revenge he cast a spell on him....
"Do you know how to pull off this.... Hypothetical spell?"
"Only a hypothetical Ayakashi knows that."
"Do you know how to get this theoretical Ayakashi to cooperate?"
"he will want something, it's hard to say what."
You talked to Ijichi for a while before he left, he said it was Meeting with an old acquaintance but he blushed sweetly.
Determination returned.
"Gojo, we're going to the Old Temple!"
"I told you there's nothing there..."
"We're going there together."
"Over my dead body"
"It can be arranged"
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thedeliverygod · 1 year
Thoughts on recent chapters
I feel like it's been a while since I've made a longer post and I've just sort of shouted about a few random things here and there and I slept most of this afternoon so I have energy to spare lol
Firstly we start with... that. Hiyori. Where do we go from here?
A lot of people have looked into this and I pretty much agree with most takes.
Yato makes her his shinki. But it comes with a bag of questions now that we know a gods greatest secret is survivable per Nana and Kazuma (Yukine & Nora I consider outliers because they have names given by the koto no ha which sort of seals off their ayakashi devolving process--though I do think at this point even if the name Hagusa were removed Yukine would be fine. Nora it's a bit harder to speculate because this has always been her situation). Hiyori is known to multiple gods and shinki throughout heaven. Her very existence makes the gods greatest secret a giant problem unless Yato keeps her away from, well, pretty much everyone except gods and the shinki listed above. Because there's no standard way to know for sure if a shinki will be able to handle to knowledge; because it *is* survivable doesn't mean they will survive it.
Deification. If Tenjin can be deified because he has anger issues then Hiyori can be deified too for better reasons. Honestly. I don't know what it would take to make this happen but @pentamerous brought up the fact about her and Yato's emas being tied and blessed by Okuninushi so idk if that could be factored into this equation maybe?
The "bad" ending-- Hiyori is just dead and no far shore methods are used to 'revive' her. In this scenario I see Grandma Iki being fucking pisseddddd that Hiyori died literally a few days after her and being like wtf are you doing here??? lol. But that's just me and my comedic relief speaking.
Hiyori isn't actually dead because everything in Father's "new world" is an illusion.
The 4th option is tricky but I believe it holds validity. I made a post a while back I think Father's new world sort of strips everyone down to how they view them selves/their deepest insecurities/their most basic form if that makes sense. At least that's theory 1.
This is why Yato is a child (he often views himself as a child in his most insecure moments, relating back to the awful crimes he committed as a kid, but also for emotionally insecure moments such as realizing other humans would be the ones to 'truly' save Hiyori after the hospital incident.) This is why Nora is in her sort of 'snake' form that she hates.
Yukine is an outlier though which I've brought up before. Clearly he's an ayakashi wolf but why is he suddenly a wolf? In his 2 ablutions and and before he was named by Father, he was transforming into a sort of bat/bird type of ayakashi. While he was battling with Yato under his name of Hagusa, however, he did sort of start a wolf transformation and we all made cat boy jokes until his wolf form appeared more recently.
Theory 2 is that literally everything in this "new world" of Father's is under his control and all the visuals are to match. Which sort of matches to what he says despite the fact he says he can't totally make it "bend to his will". He sees Yato as the child he can manipulate. He sees Nora as the ayakashi girl he 'saved' but has outgrown his use for. Yukine he also saw as another one of his tools, much like the wolf ayakashi Father seems to favor, so maybe that's where the wolf form came from? Though that doesn't quite explain the partial transformation before but -shrug-. Of course he wants to see Kaya and he *does* but she's a mangled yomi version of herself, aka not what he wants. But she's long dead.
As Yato is talking with Father about Kaya and sort of trying to understand/reason with him, Father transitions into hinting towards talking about Hiyori. "Who do you see Izanami as?" and then mentions that she's somehow there and that he should be "happy to get to see her. However, as this is happening, Father is sort of manipulating a wave of water which is what reveals Hiyori and the Sakura tree she's under.
The question is, is she really there? Is he able to use her image accurately because she's still alive if it is an illusion? If it's not an illusion, is there some sort of rules that can be broken/amended in terms of bringing Hiyori back to life without pissing off Amaterasu/Heaven? After all, Father's "new world" is not exactly yomi, heaven, or Earth. And we know Father has basically broken all of heaven's rules to begin with.
Lastly, we have the topic of Yato's reaction. We were teased with his aramitama when Yukine was in the box. Now Hiyori is "dead" and Yukine is half dissolved into the ground. I think it's only fair father has the 'monster' he created turned back on him tbh but I also don't want Yukine to see Yato acting like a demon for lack of better words since they just made up and the poor kid is traumatized enough.
bonus question: where the fuck is Bishamon because her twin pistol shinki (Kazuha and Karuha) are fighting the weird ayakashi in the most recent chapter with the god squad and their shinki???
and she specifically only had Kuraha and Kinuha when she was calling out for Kazuma and reunited with him. And it's weird for her youngest shinki to just be by themselves????? the only reasoning I can think of is Amaterasu literally summoned all the damn shinki from heaven when it was raining shinki in the earlier chapter but maybe Bishamon will literally be on the next page or so in the 2nd part of the chapter and it will make sense given that context.
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kurisus · 10 months
Noragami reread: Volume 7 & 8 thoughts
A little late because instead of reading last night I slept for 15 hours. Here we go.
This volume (7) kicks right off with more foreshadowing that pains me. We have:
Hiyori refusing to have her ties cut because she wants to be with Yato longer. Not "forever," but longer. Postponing the inevitable.
Yato being so touched by this statement he takes it way too far
The first mention of the sorcerer (or crafter as he is called in the official but I don't like that term as much) in the same chapter as Fujisaki's introduction, which is saving Hiyori from a nasty fall. They could have picked a lot of "meet cute" scenarios, but they chose this one maybe because of Hiyori naturally feeling indebted to this guy.
Yato remarking that he hasn't looked at cherry blossoms in a long time. Of course not, because they always make him sad.
Yato complaining that Hiyori made it a party since the three of them haven't hung out in ages. Choking in final arc
Hiyori and Yukine agreeing to do this again next year. Choking again. CAN THE LAST CHAPTER PLEASE HAVE THIS. IF NOTHING ELSE.
And still in the same chapter, Tenjin warning Hiyori that she needs to cut ties because what's happening on the far shore doesn't affect her. Well, we see how much that's not true.
Yukine decides that as a guide, he should let go of all desires except the one to protect Yato. Which, of course, becomes his downfall. I'm being crushed over here.
It seems like Father is deliberately mocking Yato and Yukine by giving Yato cases that parallel Yukine's past to an unnerving degree. But how could he have known this? Yato hasn't even dropped a hint to anyone. Maybe he just noticed their father-son relationship and assumed Yukine was a victim of domestic abuse, then went "okay Yaboku now go kill these evil men and you can't argue <333 don't you feel like you're doing the world a favor"
And he CAN'T argue because not killing these men would be like failing to save Yukine. I just. AGH. THE PARALLELS. There's a lot in this arc that really sticks out once you know more.
Father and Yato's first interaction reveals a lot too. Yato is so terrified of him, he can't even move. Even though he'd just been yelling about wanting to go home and attacking the ayakashi.
Yato and Ebisu's conversation in Yomi gets more heart-wrenching with every reread. Yato is bitter because Ebisu will always continue to live so he can afford to be careless with his life, while Ebisu wishes he could value his life like Yato. Yato will take a few lessons from Ebisu's way of doing things--the whole god of fortune thing, as well as living in the background and not interfering so much.
There's a lot to unpack about both Hiyori's and Yato's journeys in volume 8, especially with regards to the series' ending. This is the volume where Hiyori forgets about Yato (albeit temporarily), and she's distressed the entire time her memory is blank. Does this point to an ending where she keeps all her memories? I don't know. I feel like the best ending for me at this point would be for her to keep all her memories, but choose to part ways of her own accord. As Tenjin rightly points out, this isn't more important than her real life. She can't keep running around here forever. But I don't want her to forget, either. The entire story has been about her avoiding that.
Now I'm switching gears to being sad about Yato. Again, he learns from Ebisu here that a god should exist for his people and not interfere with their lives. So what does that mean for endgame? I don't want Yato to reincarnate. That was what he wanted, after all, and it was a result of him not valuing his life, the same mistake Ebisu made. Plus, if he did, he would forget Sakura, and as sad as that story is he should remember her. If he ceases to exist? I will be crying screaming kicking at the walls...but it would be a fitting end to his character arc. But of course, the remaining issue with that is Yukine. I don't want Yukine to be left alone either. Perhaps he and Hiyori can keep hanging out...in my ideal scenario where she keeps her memories but chooses not to involve herself with the far shore anymore.
But my preferred ending for Yato would be for him to remain as he is. He's gone through so much, and he deserves to continue to live, memories intact. That goes for Hiyori too. (Plus when Yato got his shrine, Kofuku said "now you can live a long life.")
God the closer I get to the ending, the sadder I get. See you tomorrow with more sadness.
Oh, Discord reactions:
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makarovsfosterson · 7 days
Hello hello Ayakashi: Romance Reborn fandom! Wish to be delulu with your fav character on the most popular ai chat site? Fear not, Arthemis is here! Just request me any character plus scenario and i'll gladly make it! (...after exams that is-) just comment or DM me and i'll make it! NSFW not allowed tho! <3
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satoshi-mochida · 11 months
Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakashi Tsuzuri launches February 29, 2024
Gematsu Source
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Visual novel Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakashi Tsuzuri will launch for Switch and PC via Steam on February 29, 2024, publisher dramatic create and developer HaccaWorks* announced. It will support English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese language options.
Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:
What is Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakashi. A PC game released in 2011, the second released by the dojin group HaccaWorks*. It has been adapted into a comic book (10 volumes total), a novel, drama CD, as well as other media. In 2014 it was re-released on the PSP gaming system with a major revision of the main scenario, and with full voices, a prequel, and a new ending. This new version of the game has all the content of the PSP version, but is now even easier to play, available on the Nintendo Switch and on Steam!
Added Content
Digital illustration collection.
Updated game specifications and user interface.
Multiple languages support (Japanese, English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese).
Yue is a young boy, born in a mountain shrine in the town of Utsuwa. One day, he attends the winter festival together with his childhood friend, a black fox named Kurogitsune. The lanterns burn bright red, and the people are buzzing. As Yue sees the outside world for the first time in his life, he meets two mysterious boys. Upon returning to the mountain, the owner of the shrine, Mikoto, told him.
-Main Character
Yue (voiced by Shinosuke Tachibana) – Likes to take things at his own pace. He enjoys being lazy, but also has a curious side to him. He descends from the mountain for the first time on the day of the winter festival…
-Branch Characters
Kurogitsune (voiced by Kei Shindo) – A black fox that has been together with Yue since he was a child. He is a good friend, and a self-proclaimed big brother to Yue. Strong-willed and straightforward, he is an open book to those around him.
Togo Tsubaki (voiced by Daichu Muzishima) – A second-year student at Utsuwa High School. He lives together with his father and little sister. He has a rather mature personality for his age, and is a caring eldest son. Both he and Yue seem to remember something about each other…
Akiyoshi Tochika (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) – A second-year student at Utsuwa High School, he is the son of the heir of a large land-owning family. Due to his severe allergies he is always carrying a box of tissues under his arm. He has a straightforward personality, for better or for worse. After having met Yue at the festival, he is trying to uncover his true identity.
Sagano (voiced by Kosuke Toriumi) – A mysterious man who appears at twilight. Even though he’s always smiling, there’s something not quite right about him. He acts as if he knows Yue.
-Sub Characters
Mr. Sato (voiced by Kenyu Horiuchi) – A Shinto priest at Utsuwa Shrine, and Mikoto’s right-hand man. To Yue he is a mentor and a father figure. He enjoys cleaning.
Mikoto (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro) – She may look like a little girl, but she is actually the master of the mountain that rules over Utsuwa. She dotes on Yue as if he were her younger brother. She has a calm and natural disposition.
-Other Characters
Momiji (voiced by Akiki Yajima) – A doll-like specter that suddenly appears in town. He is always hungry, as eating is his pastime. Although he has a wealth of experience in meals and is a glutton who will eat anything, he eats in accordance with his own aesthetics, and is picky about his tastes. His dream is to make 100 friends.
Tomori (voiced by Junichi Suwabe) – A specter that serves Mikoto. Keeper of the mountain lights, he watches over them all night. In his free time he can be seen having a pleasant conversation with Yue and Kurogitsune. He is kind despite his frightening appearance. Kurogitsune in particular has taken a liking to him.
Saku (voiced by Yui Horie) – A schoolgirl-like specter. She does not get along well with the other specters of the shrine, instead patrolling the town together with Nagi. She has a cheerful and innocent personality, but as she hates to lose, she also has a belligerent side that loves to take on strong opponents. She is a little interested in Yue, as he looks like an opponent that she lost to once in the past.
Nagi (voiced by Saki Nakajima) – A schoolgirl-like specter. She does not get along well with the other specters of the shrine, instead patrolling the town together with Saki. Perhaps due to her calm and collected personality she often acts as the pacifist in contrast to Saki. She is well known for her long braids, which she sometimes braids herself, and sometimes Saki does it for her.
Ranchu (voiced by Kenichi Suzumura) – A specter that serves Mikoto. He is the caretaker for the residents at Utsuwa Shrine. Perhaps due to feeling comfortable around him due to their similar ages, and a bit of envy towards his positive attitude, he often treats Kurogitsune in a cold manner. However, despite his negative words, his actions are quite kind.
Mr. Abe+ (voiced by Akira Ishida) – A specter that serves Mikoto. They work at the talisman counter, where they make charms and fortunes. They’re always trying to get Yue to pull a fortune for some reason or another. Despite a suspicious-looking pair of hands emerging from his jacket, they insist that there’s no one else hiding inside.
Kagetsu (voiced by Takuya Eguchi) – A specter that serves Mikoto. He is a direct subordinate of Sato, and works together with Mashiro. He’s been together with Mashiro since birth, as the two are inseparable. He’s responsible for the “cleaning” of Utsuwa City, both literally and in another sense of the word. He has a rather blunt and condescending attitude.
Mashiro (voiced by Yuki Ono) – A specter that serves Mikoto. He is a direct subordinate of Sato, and works together with Kagetsu. He’s been together with Kagetsu since birth, as the two are inseparable. He’s responsible for the “cleaning” of Utsuwa City, both literally and in another sense of the word. He appears to be friendly and cheerful at first, but has an unexpected dry side to him.
Hina Tsubaki (voiced by Yukana) – Togo’s younger sister. She really loves her brother and is attached to him. She is a bright and innocent kindergartner, but sometimes she speaks and acts in a mature manner beyond her years. According to her brother, there is something called the “Hina Language.”
Goldfish+ (Suisen voiced by Marie Miyake, Gyokuro voiced by Juri Nagatsuma, and Kimun voiced by Natsumi Takamori) – Three goldfish specters that are always together. They get along well with Sato, and can also take human form. The Red Goldfish Suisen is the most energetic. The Black Goldfish Gyokuro is the calmest. The Yellow Goldfish Kimun is the most spoiled.
Sora Suzuki (voiced by Ryota Osaka) – A classmate of Togo and Akiyoshi. He enjoys taking notes in classes. He looks up to the cool Togo, and is obsessed with lending his notebooks to him.
Young Man A (voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki) – A boy that Yue meets in town. He seems to be connected to the disappearances happening in the town.
Yaichi Tsubaki (voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa) – Togo’s father. He is an unsuccessful novelist that is working part-time. He is a caring father, but his sons don’t take him seriously. The family gets along well.
Akitoshi Tochika (voiced by Satoshi Tsuruoka) – Akiyoshi’s father. A major landowner who has supported Utsuwa City for a long time. He is the current head of the Tochika family.
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suzuran777 · 2 years
New Holicworks game: Tokyo Satsujinki Gakkou no Kaidan
Last month Holicworks announced their new 18+ BL visual novel, Tokyo Satsujinki Gakkou no Kaidan! The scenario writer (Nakajo Rosa) and director (Kouji Mio) also worked on the company's previous titles (Tokyo 24ku, Taisho Mebiusline and Beniiro Tenjou Ayakashi Kitan). This time the artist will be Asahi Miyabi, who I couldn't really find any information about, but the art looks very good so far.
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Synopsis Amaterasu has existed since ancient times, as Japan's supreme deity. Aramatsuri, on the other hand, symbolizes the evil powers that also exists in this world. Good and evil, happiness and misfortune, life and death, all of it was derived from Amaterasu and Aramatsuri. Aramatsuri sometimes materializes and causes disruptions to the world, which can also affect humans.
The main character, Yuzuru Kurotori, is a civil servant working for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. He belongs to the Aramatsuri Countermeasure Division, located on the 7th floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. The department gathers individuals who are able to see Aramatsuri. There are various methods to test this ability, but in the end, they have to be able to see a huge flower on top of the clock tower in Yoyogi (which can also be seen in the picture above). It has been three years since Yuzuru joined, but Aramatsuri can still be sensed in Tokyo.
I definitely recommend checking out the official website, the main visual you can see above is actually animated! I hope the game will have animated CGs too, something I really enjoyed while playing some of their older games like Taisho Mebiusline and Tokyo Onmyouji. I’m a big fan of the protagonist’s design, especially the high heels, black nails and black sword! The website also introduces a couple of other new characters, which are probably going to be the love interests. Tendou Taki (the one with the glasses) is Kurotori’s senior who works for the same organization. He’s from a family that specialists in magic and divination (Onmyoudou). If you’ve played Tokyo Onmyouji, you might be familiar with these themes!
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The second new character is Inami You (left), a man who’s originally from Okinawa. Although he’s a temporary employee of the Aramatsuri Countermeasure Division, he has the longest history with the department and knows the most. Due to the complexity of his career, most people don’t know much about him. He’s able to use Amaterasu’s power. Next is Tsubaki Isuzu (middle). He’s an entertainer who works as a stuntman and an idol, and doesn’t seem to be connected to the organization the other characters are part of. The final new main character is Isshiki Seimei (right), a bartender who owns a bar in Shinjuku Sanchome. He’s technically also an Onmyouji, but because Onmyoudou has been on a decline recently he gave up on making this his career. Although it’s not his official job, he can still use some of his spells.
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I really hope they will show some of the CGs soon, but I’m surprised they revealed so much information already! I am curious what kind of form the ‘’Aramatsuri’’ takes, right now I have no idea what the battles will look like or what the flower on top of the building even symbolizes. The second part of the game's title literally translates to ''school ghost stories'' but none of the main characters seem to be in school. I'm guessing the plot also focuses on murders, because that’s also in the game’s title... Either way, I’ll be patient and hope they release more info about the game later this year! 
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just-somehuman · 2 years
been 2 hours of crying since I found out and now I'm ready to address it
This is it, guys. This is actually happening.
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Thanks for it all.
vent under the cut (+ some announcments about this blog)
I guess this means that I have no choice but to read that night book, read all those revivals, grind for all those card stories, and waste all the diamonds that I can. I told myself that I was going to take this game slow because I wanted to savour it, but apparently that's not happening. I'm still in shock, but... I hope they don't have a server shut down, rather just an update-close. Midnight Cinderella (CYBIRD game) did the update-close thing, which is far better in my opinion. Server shut down, like AFTERL!FE: The Sacred Kaleidoscope, would hurt even more than this.
Damn, it started raining. What a perfect way to match the mood.
I don't know how to describe this, but I feel "distant" in a way. The same way I felt towards ARR when I first started playing - this unawareness and uncertainty - is the same way I'm feeling now. I don't know what to do right now. I won't quit this game, that's for sure. But I don't know what my next step is from here.
For starters, just about every scenario came to mind when I tried determining why the devs decided to stop updating, some scenarios more bizarre than others. I won't continue to guess what may have happened despite my curiosity and confusion.
As for this blog, which started as an Obey Me blog, shifted to including Attack on Titan stuff as well, and then Ayakashi: Romance Reborn too...
I won't quit.
Not yet.
I may slow down on the ARR posts and shift my focus back onto OM (which is not shutting down any time soon), but I'm not disappearing. I might be less active though, but that's because of personal reasons which you guys don't need to worry about.
Also, a little side note, my health hasn't been looking too great as of late. I'm going for a blood test this week to see what's going on, so if I go on a mini-hiatus, please forgive me.
I still have so many ARR fanfictions to release that I am still writing, and I will post all of them once they're done. I'm going to pause on the requests for a while, though. I've got these big fanfics to focus on, then I'll go back to the small ones.
Thank you for listening to me pointlessly rant, please take the 😌 Yura:
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See you soon !
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
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Fandom: Ayakashi Romance Reborn - Modern AU
Rating: G
Category: Multi
Relationship: Futaba Saotome/Aoi/Kuro/OC
Prompt(s): Multiamory March: Cuddling and Art from @polyamships; OCxCanon Week: Day 7 - Modern AU from @theocxcanonweek
Summary: Whenever Aoi struggled with his art, his partners made their best to help him.
AO3 Link / Ayakashi Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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“Rinka!” Aoi protested as his girlfriend practically dragged him to get a taxi. “I really have to finish my schoolwork.”
“Yeah? It didn’t look like you were making much progress.” She laughed, pulling him into the vehicle. “I might not know much about art, but I know it is mostly made of feelings. So I think a nice break will actually help you. Plus, a change of scenario always helps too.”
Rinka was always so attentive. Aoi had tried changes of scenario before, but maybe, if she knew somewhere different, that could be what he needed.
That somewhere ended up being all the way out of town - Aoi complained that Rinka was spending too much money on that trip, plus the fact that Rinka hated being in a car and put herself in a situation of panic on purpose, all for him, but she quickly dismissed it - and then they had to walk through a patch of forest, until they arrived in a meadow full of flowers, where their other partners were waiting with a picnic already set up.
“Ao! Rin!” Kuro almost jumped on them, dragging both into a crushing hug. “You’re right on time.”
“Let them breathe, Kuro.” Futaba chuckled from behind him.
“But I like this.” Kuro laughed, only briefly releasing Rinka to pull Futaba into the hug too."
“Kuro!” Aoi protested, squirming in his boyfriend’s hold, face burning.
Took a moment long for Kuro to finally release them, not without giving each a kiss on the cheek, making Aoi even redder.
“Rinka called us and said you were struggling with your assignment from art school. We thought some food and a new scenario would help.” Futaba smiled, pulling him to the picnic blanket.
“I helped Fu cook, since Rinka was busy.”
All of his partners were too sweet, going out of their way to help him. Aoi really felt less worried when he was with them.
And the scenery was really beautiful, something you would rarely see so close to the city. With various kinds of colorful flowers. Almost looked like a place from a dream.
The picnic ended with the four of them cuddling on the blanket, with Futaba and Kuro on each side of him, Kuro resting his head on Aoi’s shoulder and Futaba snuggling into his chest. Rinka was on Kuro’s other side, but she had reached over to hold his hand.
“Are you feeling better now?” Futaba asked, looking up at him.
“Yes. I think I needed some fresh air. Thank you.”
Fresh new scenery, good food and time with the people he loved. That was exactly what he had needed. Aoi already had a pretty good image of what he wanted to paint, now. Not only for school, but something he wanted to make as a surprise to his partners.
Any other time, he would have gotten to work right away, but the little that he moved, the other three tightened their hold on him.
Aoi wasn’t used to being in the middle of the cuddling group, but he liked the warmth, and even the soft weights on his body didn’t bother. Maybe he was even craving that warmth, although he rarely had the courage to ask.
Not that he had to. Surprisingly, whenever he was craving their touch and one of them was around, they seemed to know. The one who was closest or with the most free time would cuddle up to him for as long as they could. And he loved that. He loved these people like he never expected to, at least not all of them at once.
Aoi stayed in their embrace and talked to them until he was sure Futaba and Kura had fallen asleep, before gently sneaking out of the pile, Rinka kissing him and taking his place as he went to paint.
As he looked back, Aoi couldn’t help but smile. The scene of his partners cuddling together in that field of flowers was the most beautiful art he could see. A surprise for them would be his first order of business as soon as his school project was finished.
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Ayakashi Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre, Senor, senors car avec les soldats Oui, les Toreros, peuvent s'entendre; Pour plaisirs, pour plaisirs, Ils ont les combats! Le cirque est plein, c'est jour de fete! Le cirque est plein du haut en bas; Les spectateurs, perdant la tete, Les spectateurs s'interpellent a grand fracas! Apostrophes, cris et tapage Pousses jusques a la fureur! Car c'est la fete du courage! C'est la fete des gens de co Allons! en garde! Allons! Allons! ah!
Today, a bull rages through the China shop that is our collective hearts and minds. Kamen Rider Buffa stands alone against the wicked witch Beroba. Two cows enter, one cow leaves. Best moooooooove it to your seats if you wanna catch the action this week. Haha~! Ohhhhhh, I'm sorry.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Geats is bleached like he's the Man of the Beginning. Throw him in the wash with a red sock and he'll turn pink!
-Good morning, Tsumuri-neechan!
-The God of Creation.
-Chained to the game, like his mother before him.
-Yeah you're gettin' it now, Keiwa.
-The squad're all posing together <3333
-Well! We did it!
-...huh, the Gang Riders were still a thing? I think I legitimately forgot about them being in last episode.
-Did Jitto just call them "vips"?
-"Whatever, I've got a better idea."
-This must be our Azu for the season.
-Kuromuri, I'll call her for now.
-Or as the transliteration may call her, "Kromer".
-Goddess of Destruction.
-"This will be the greatest fucking moment of reality TV of all time. The Desire Grand Prix's Bad End Game!"
-"Rise, my son. We must battle."
-Oh hey there, Daichi.
-Yeah, you did that.
-"Man Daichi-kun, this was peak character writing right here~! I really liked how you made Keiwa-kun shit himself in anger by saying her memories amounted to nothing, that was sick."
-"Get lost! This is my tree!"
-Y'know I just realized that the people who watch the DGP don't really want anything substantial out of it. Niram-P wanted to make cool superhero stories out of real people, Archimedel wanted to make his children grow up big and strong, Daichi wanted to use, even the DGP executives have actual goals in mind (those obviously being profit and subjugation).
-Beroba, Kekera, everybody who ever sunk all their free time into this farce, they're all just doing it because they're bored. Is the future really that sad and miserable that banging hot alien chicks and curbing robot uprisings doesn't excite these yuppies?
-Daichi's dead!
-Oh, never mind.
-That's our Buffa! Keeping up despite the vast power difference.
-Awkward silence.
-Berdly's got nothin' for you, Michinaga.
-"A world-ending tree. Like Exdeath, or the Saigyou Ayakashi!"
-"Get the tree back, and I'll save her."
-They bought the Battle Pass.
-"Tycoon's my problem. Right now, this guy's yours."
-All that weight must be crashing down upon our boy Michinaga.
-"Tycoon, my son. Please, help shoulder that burden."
-Whose faith in man endures despite their sins...
-"Hey, at least we're actually doing shit, y'know?"
-"Hi, Micchi~! My oshi~! Guess who's gonna write fanfics about you getting your organs surgically removed while you're still conscious~?
-"Laser Raise Riser~!"
-Ohhhhhh! There she is. Breaking Mammoth Rosé.
-...God, I can only imagine what sort of horrifying scenarios Beroba'd inflict on a Buffa figure.
-Oh, the gun scales with Beroba. That's something I haven't noticed before. Though uh, I guess I couldn't have, but-
-Let's goooooo! Fuck 'em up, Michinaga!
-Zombie Strike!
-Buffa's Jyamashin powers just kicked in.
-I'm afraid you've lost, Beroba-san.
-Beroba, one of what seems to be endless sadists who indulged the DGP for so long, lies dying on the ground.
-Ayaka-san, you are a fantastic actress.
-Kazuto-san too, this scene is legitimately fantastic considering it came just after an angry construction worker just went Super Saiyan against a giant pink robot.
-Deleted Beroba.
-"For now on, Buffa's a Rider of Hope."
-"Oh, an old fossil?"
-Kekera Set!
-Keiwa with the save!
-"My ribs are poking into my kidneys and I think my arm is completely shattered. I'm sorry, Tycoon..."
-"Keiwaaaaa... that's not what I told you to be, Tycoon!"
-"Alright, stop yelling. Here's the serum."
-Sara-neesan is alive!
-"Keiwa, my spleen. I still need that..."
-Godhood is a curse, it seems.
-Ohhhhhh, that's a Game Master form.
-That's no doubt Jitto's. I wonder what kinda name he's saddled with?
-Alright, tune in next time~!
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Who Knows (A Kekkaishi Fanfic): Chapter 33
If Lissette was keeping track of time correctly, it had been almost two days since she had seen her sister. Considering she had been visiting what seemed to be almost daily the younger twin was starting to become concerned. What on Earth did these guys have her doing that would keep her gone for so long? “So, you’re still down here huh? Thought you would’ve at least tried to bust out by now.” Lissette’s head whipped around to the small window and the all-too-familiar voice. She stepped up onto her rock pile and glared at the bandaged baster outside. “If you think I’d come this far to leave her behind, then you’re dumber than I thought you were.” She spat, feeling the reflexive glare plaster itself to her face. He let out a disappointed sigh, his arms crossed across his chest. “You really let her hold you back kid. Considering what’s planned for her tonight, you’d be better off cutting your losses.” “What the hell are you on about? What are you bastards planning?” “Oh, just the plan to grab one of those Kekkaishi to bring her to fix the place. Byaku thought using a hostage could convince them. So, since no one here wants to try tying you up again, they went with the next best option. Nice outfit by the way.” Lissette felt her stomach drop. So that was why they hadn’t given her old clothes back. Put Azza in them and keep her from talking, and you almost couldn’t tell them apart. “I have to say, I’m not a fan of this strategy, but I suppose they’re just getting that desperate. If it’s any consolation, I doubt they’d kill her. It would probably anger the Princess if they did. But, if your little friends don’t cooperate….well, who knows what could happen.” Lissette wanted nothing more in that moment than to wipe that smug look off of his face and go run after her sister. But what good would that do? She didn’t know her way around this place, she’d just be going in circles until they found her again. Best case scenario was winding up back in the cage. Worst case would mean not even making it past Kaguro. “Well, looks like I’ve given you something to think about for a while. Don’t forget what I told you.” On that delightfully craptastic note, he walked away, leaving his youngest with more questions that when he’d arrived. What was the point in telling her all of this? ‘Well, he does hate hostage situations. maybe he just doesn’t think his own daughter is worth the trouble.’ She reasoned bitterly. One thing was still for certain though. Things were going on the fast track to hell, and she needed to get out of this damn cell. XXXXXXXXXX It wasn't too difficult for Gen to keep track of Yoshimori’s movements. His attacks were so obvious he could still spot him pretty easily through the myriad of other attacks. The fact that he was mainly striking to the rooftops until Madaroa came back with news was also helpful. It was clear from his position on the ground that the younger Kekkaishi was growing impatient however, and at this point, Gen was right there with him. Unfortunately, with the myriad of different scents floating around, picking out one or two specific ones proved to be more than a little difficult for him. His worry and anger clouded mind was also an unpleasant addition to the mix. So in the meantime, he assisted in the battle as much as he could, taking down every enemy thrown his way. Under normal circumstances he’d be struggling to keep in control, but keep their end goal in mind seemed to be helping. Besides, he needed to save that unbridled rage for a bigger target. About the time he thought this, a large whirlwind began to touch down, managing to suck Atora and the two main ayakashi she was working with for the night into it and, of course, do a good amount of damage to the grounds. Once it faded, it was replaced by a blonde ayakashi with an overwhelmingly evil aura. “So, you must be the Night Troops. I’ve heard a lot about you. My name is Sakon, and I’ve been looking forward to this. Pleased to meet you all. You should know, my task force one and I are here to take Karasumori this very night.” Once he’d finished this little introduction, several of the other night troops threw attacks at him, only for all of them to fizzle out. “What a let down. Surely the Night Troops must have better attacks than those. I suggest you give it everything you have.” Gen looked up to where Yoshimori stood on his kekkai. The white demon dog had returned, and the younger Kekkaishi started following him off of the sight. Gen started after them, taking this as a sign that they’d found their target. ‘Hang on a little longer Lissette.’ He thought, pouring on as much speed as he possibly could without losing sight of Yoshimori ‘We’re coming for you.’
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this is for the halloween requests, the event is totally cute btw like it's so unique in my opinion :") the fandom I chose is Ayakashi: romance reborn, the 3 keywords: Magic / Enchanted / Festival. I'm a hopeless romantic, I adore beautiful things/people, and I absolutely love celebrations and festivals especially night festivals. is this alright?
Hello anon, of course this is alright! Thank you for requesting with us, and I hope you enjoy this!
>Admin 𝕋
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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The festival was bustling and loud, and Yura had to hold onto your hand to make sure that you wouldn’t be separated from him. It was the night of this so called “Halloween” that the West had introduced to the country. It seemed it was a celebration of sorts, where people would dress up in various costumes and do God knows what. 
And you were no exception; sporting a long black kimono, your hair down, and your face painted with some sort of foundation and your lips tinted with red. You said to Yura that you were trying to be an enchanted mistress, that could persuade any person to do your bidding. Or much rather commonly known as a witch. Yura looked back and to see your beautiful smiling face, making him smile too. With great effort, he pulled you nearer, making sure you didn’t hit shoulders with anybody.
“Come, I want to show you something.” Yura insisted, dragging you to a more secluded area of this festival. He knew they were going to show something spectacular towards the end of the festival, and since it was becoming about that time, the white haired Ayakashi led his beloved through a thick of trees, dodging branches and leaves, until finally they came to a ledge. It was quite a ways a way from the festival, and looking down you saw the crowd you were in before. They seemed almost like ants now, and gazing over to Yura, you gave him a big grin. 
“This spot if magnificent, I can’t believe I’ve never found it before and I ‘ve lived here all my life.”
“Ye but a small child compared to this land. It holds many secret places, ones far grander than others.” He spoke, standing next to you, brushing his fingers against yours. You peered down and giggled before interlacing your fingers with his, then looked up to the starry sky, your eyes reflecting the galaxies. “Ye want to see something simply amazing?” Yura asked.
“I would love to.” You responded. Yura pointed up to the sky, and just as you fixed your gaze to the stars there was a loud explosion and fireworks of all shapes and colors. They exploding right in front of you, brightening up the night sky in the most dazzling way. “Wow--It’s--it’s like magic.” You whispered, awestruck by the display. Yura sat down on the cold grass, having you fall to his side and wrapped his arm around your waist. He gave you akiss on your cheek and chuckled when your face became beat red.
“It is quite magical isn’t it.”
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pandas-pandemonium · 5 years
[2:37 A.M]
"What should I do, Gaku?! Everything I try to do, every cure, every possible herb, she's just not getting better!" Yura exclaimed as tears fell down his face. The thousand-year old spirit was in his full grown-up form, and below him, on the floor, lay his lover, asleep but a sickly pale white.
Gaku had no words, he had known his brother for a millennium but never had he seen him look so broken.
"I-I'm sorry brother...but-but I'm sure you'll find the cure! Maybe it's some herb we don't know about yet, or some sort of plant, we just have to keep looking! We can't give up yet, there's still hope for [name]!" The twin tried to encourage, but deep inside, he knew that [name] was holding on to her last threads of life.
A/N: Probably OOC, considering I haven't read Yura's route yet, I just finished Ginnojo's, so next is Aoi's, but I just felt like writing some angst for our boy Yura.
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thot-writes · 2 years
Hi, sorry, person who wanted Ayakashi when you suck their tiddies fic. I just realized I should've been more specific. Can you do it for the dawn gang, as headcanons? Tyyy
i accidentally deleted the first part of ur ask!!!!! but yes of course i can do some boy titty sucking for those sweet sweet ayakois
(i had too much fun with ginnojo’s bit. does anyone else wanna make him cry????)
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you suck the tiddies of the ayabois — dawn edition (NSFW 18+);
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“You want to do what to me?” Koga asks, looking curious yet all too amused. “Do you think it’d even feel good?”
you grin back at him, coiling a dark strand of his hair around your fingers. “Of course, I’m an expert at this.”
he doesn’t need anymore convincing than that. you’re normally right about these sorts of things — besides, nothing ventured nothing gained, right? he rests casually on the bed and motions for you to continue. “Alright, I trust you. Do as you like with me.”
you give him a kiss, then start peppering them on his cheeks, jaw, and neck. your fingers dance over his bare skin, tracing the tattoo on his chest momentarily before undoing his clothes and exposing more of him.
you give a little lick to the nipple closest to you and he jerks in surprise, an anticipatory smile spreading on his face. you prod at his other nipple with your fingers, taking it between them and rolling it gently.
you cover the right one entirely with your mouth and his eyes flutter shut. your actions are languid, relaxed, but skilled, and a quiet moan slips from his lips. he’s surprised at how quickly you’ve managed to turn him on, but he really shouldn’t be. you know his body more than even he does, after all.
you increase the pressure on his left and he leans his back against the headboard. “Haah… you weren’t kidding, [Name], you really are an expert.”
he feels you grinning against him and you gently bite the nipple in your mouth. he leans up into you and groans.
you feel his excitement growing against your thigh, which is snugly entangled between his legs. you pull away from him, still pinching at his left bud and smile. “You’re getting hard from this, aren’t you?”
“Just a bit,” he answers as he slides his fingers through his hair.
you rub his erection through his clothes while your tongue plays with his nipple again. “Hmm. Well I guess I need to take care of it, don’t I?”
Kuya is resting beneath you on your shared bed as you caress his chest with your hands and tongue. he moans quietly, shifting under you every so often and luxuriates in the feeling
he’s almost completely hard and has been for some time. you love to play with his nipples and he loves to let you, sometimes you don’t even go further than this, you just suck his titties like they’re giving you sustenance until you’re satisfied
you feel his hips move as he tries to get some friction going, but he’s not trying very hard. he’s honestly content just with this, but sometimes his urges just get the better of him
you suck and bite at his nipple until it goes red and puffy, and he breathes out your name in a pleased sigh
his eyes softly close as he submits to you, and his breathing steadies. whenever you lick or pinch at his tits just right you’ll hear him whimper or moan
kuya’s tanned skin is marred a deep red, his broad chest littered with hickeys. it excites you to see. it reminds you that he’s yours.
you continue your fondling happily, until a few minutes in you realise his breathing has slowed and his voice has grown quiet.
you lift your head up and narrow your gaze at him. he’s not seriously…
you put your hands on his shoulders and shake him. “Oi, Kuya! You’re asleep!”
he stirs at this and cracks his eyes open. “Huh…? Oh… hi [Name].”
“Was it really that boring?” you chide playfully. “If you wanted me to get nastier, you could’ve told me.”
“No, it’s not that. It just felt really good so I drifted off…”
“That’s not normally how foreplay goes.” you purse your lips, then continue. “But I guess it is you we’re talking about.”
there’s a moment of silence between you, and at first you think he’s gone back to sleep, but then he says, “Could you do it again?”
“So you can go back to sleep?”
he nods simply. he just looks so cute and sweet lying there that you can’t find it in you to deny him. you resume your actions, and it isn’t long until sleep captures him again.
“A-ah… Are you sure you want to do this? I mean…” Ginnojo stutters, “It doesn’t seem l-like something a man and woman should do…”
his shirt is already pushed up to his collarbones and your hands are massaging the toned flesh of his pecs. his face is lit up with a bright pink blush and his eyes are looking anywhere but you.
“You should sit back and enjoy it, old man. All the kids these days are doing it,” you tease. you often go back and forth between calling him a senior citizen or saying that he’s ‘not that old’. it all depends on which specific way you feel like toying with him that day — despite being almost 60 he has remarkably little experience. it’s cute.
“I-I’m not sure if that’s the truth…” he almost whines, covering his face with the back of his hand.
you squeeze his chest and he suppresses a yelp, you smirk. “Do you want me to stop, then? I don’t wanna bully my elders…” a blatant lie. you loved to bully him and he knew it.
his words fail him as he tries to say something — anything — but he knew whatever he’d say you’d use as ammo against him.
your mouth finally makes contact with his skin and he squeezes his eyes shut. the feel of your hot breath, your wet tongue leaving a trail of saliva on and around his nipple, your teeth lightly grazing his skin— it was driving him wild already.
it was no shock (but still no less embarrassing) when his half-mast quickly stood at full attention. a heat spreads from his chest down to his stomach, pulsating through his limbs. he had no idea he was even so sensitive like this. many men aren’t, after all, but he almost felt like he could cum just from this and he knew it would only be used against him.
a gargled moan escapes him and he tries desperately to maintain his dignity despite your ruthless teasing. he just knew if he looked at you you’d be staring up at him with that face.
that cocky, nearing totally arrogant face that said “i can do anything i want to you and you’ll love it”. it gets him so hot and bothered and he knows that you know but he’s in too deep to resist you anymore
despite his mind screaming not to look, he risks a peak and sees the all-too-familiar expression he knew you’d have. you catch his nipple between your teeth and tug, earning a shaky gasp that melts into a whine.
he already wants to cum. he’s completely losing his composure — if he had any to begin with — and you pick up on it.
“You’re leaking already…” you coo at him. “Do you want me to fuck you, Ginnojo?”
he’s nodding before he can stop himself, and you stand up to your full height to gaze at him. “I’ll enjoy making you a mess for me, my sweet Ayakashi.”
the sound of Aoi’s sweet moans fills the halls of Raccord as you pin him firmly to the wall and assault his lithe body. your hands busy themselves, one cupping his ass and the other toying with his tits.
you suck eagerly at him and he throws his head back. his hands are resting at your shoulders, like he’s unsure if he wants to push you away or let you continue to ravage him.
“P-please… Oji will be back any minute— aahn!”
you hum against his chest and his fingers dig into you. you lift your mouth enough to say, “Don’t want him seeing how lewd you are?”
he bites his lower lip as he presses himself further into you. “I-I’m not lewd!” he protests. “You’re the lewd one! Doing this to me in public… what if someone comes in?”
your thigh rubs against his erection as you give him a quick smack to the ass. he jolts and lets out a surprised squeak. “Then they get a free show, don’t they?”
he hopelessly grinds himself against you as you continue to grope, suck, and lick at him. despite himself he’s so horny he can’t stand it. he wants you to just throw him down and fuck him already. he wants to cry your name as you ride him so hard his hips are bruised, he wants to be covered in cum (yours and his) sweat, tears, and drool as you drain everything out of him. the thought alone drives him insane.
he can never vocalise these things with you — or anyone. they’re far too embarrassing. you have him pegged (haha) when you call him lewd, he’s probably the horniest person you know.
“Please…” he begs, coming out like a sob. “I can’t go back to work like this… please let me cum.. I need it…”
“How badly?” you ask casually, unconvinced that you should give him any release.
“R-really badly..! My mind’s going blank, I’m so hot everywhere… please, [Name], I need you.” the pleading look on his face is incredibly arousing, you love to see the hornier parts of his personality slip through his tsundere facade.
you think back to the handbag you brought with you. you packed some toys specifically because you intended to come here to tease him.
you lean up to his ear, “How about I take you in the back and fuck you with my fat cock so hard you forget about your shift?”
his eyes widened and, despite the responsible part of his brain saying ‘no’, he easily agreed.
Yura was too kind for his own good. he knew, deep inside, that when you asked to meditate with him you had an ulterior motive, but he didn’t want to refuse you. he loves your presence and he didn’t want to miss a chance to spend time with you, however devilish your intentions might be.
but now he was laid neath a tree, his fingers lazily twirling through blades of grass as you straddled him and kissed all over his bare chest.
“Mmm… your kisses are so sweet, [Name], you could kiss me a thousand times and I’d not be satisfied.” he sighs happily, a contented smile on his face and a blush tingeing his cheeks.
the way he talked was simultaneously cute and embarrassing. even when he was asking you to fuck him senseless he’d manage to make it sound poetic, some shit like “please embrace me” or “i yearn for you” or whatever.
it was endearing… and a tad cringe-inducing. serves you right for fucking a 1000 year old ayakashi, you suppose.
as your tongue encircles the pale pink bud, he moans a little. you suck at him, moving from one nipple to the next to ensure they both get equal amounts of attention.
“Feels nice…” Yura says as he exhales. “You’re making me crave more of you…”
“Don’t I always?” you ask, and he responds with lilted laugh. his voice is pleasant and beautiful even as he’s getting shamelessly aroused in broad daylight.
“You do,” he answers simply. earnestly. he raises a hand from the ground to stroke your hair, which only fills you with the urge to make him less composed.
you gyrate your hips against his and he gasps out, his nails lightly digging into your scalp. your attention is once again focused on his chest, your eager hands squeezing, pinching, and exploring every inch of him.
his head rolls back and he moans, pushing his lower half up to meet you better. “Please…” he whispers, his way of asking you for more. you happily comply, and soon your ears are filled with yura’s intoxicating soft cries.
you stop sucking at his chest to take his lips instead. he kisses you back hungrily, only to part when he feels your fingers wrap around his cock. he’s stunned, his eyes widened as he twitches in your hand, though instead of being displeased he smiles softly and tells you, “It seems I shall be doing more than reaching enlightenment today.”
you bark out a laugh and his smile widens. “More than once too, pretty boy.”
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