#galactic frieza army
dragonsballsz · 2 years
i wonder if the frieza force had like. memes. space memes. like really really awful memes made by really really awful people.
like a planet gets blown up by someone or other and all around the murder cafeteria you hear people saying "did you hear planet xlaxor exploded?" "someone blew it up?" "no it just did that"
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Can you elaborate on the broly cheelai leemo dynamic? I could see what they were going for but thought it seemed a little underdeveloped
It's definitely underdeveloped but for what we get in the film, it works for me.
On their own, what makes Cheelai and Lemo interesting is that we rarely get to see rank-and-file Planet Trade forces. We've gotten to know Saiyans and their mutant elites, but ordinary Frieza Force troops are rarely in focus.
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So far as the writing goes, Lemo is basically a purse for Cheelai; He goes where she goes. She's the one that drives the plot of DBS: Broly. An irreverent car thief who stole a cop car and then got ID'd by the police. She didn't really join the Frieza Force; She's using Frieza as a shield.
This woman gives zero fucks.
She's right, too. As Jaco: The Galactic Patrolman clearly established, there's a limit to how much Galactic Patrol can interfere with Frieza's operations. Capitalism is far more powerful than law enforcement.
In any case, this makes Cheelai an interesting figure in the whole conflict. She's not so much with Frieza as she is a wild card in the mix. She's scrappy; She goes where she will, does what she wants, and problem-solves her way out of the trouble she lands herself in through whatever means are available, even if they're unconventional. That's a good setup for a protagonist.
And make no mistake: Cheelai, Lemo, and Broly are the protagonists of this film. In much the same way that Infinity War is more Thanos's film than anyone else's, this is their movie, without a doubt.
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For his part, Lemo's an old-timer with the organization. One thing I really like that this movie does is acknowledge that an organization like the Planet Trade requires the existence of staff beyond the direct military. We even see it with the Saiyans, as this same film introduces us to the Saiyan mechanic Beets.
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Like Goku's chef of a mom Gine, Beets exists to demonstrate the existence of Saiyan infrastructure. Saiyans may be the most powerful race in the universe but even a warrior race needs bread-making Saiyans and mechanic Saiyans and stuff.
The same is true of Lemo. By his own admission, he's been with the Frieza Force for a long time but he is not a soldier. And, y'know, neither is Cheelai; She's a car thief in hiding.
Leemo's main job is to be Cheelai's sounding board, and to Me Too Me Too every choice she makes with Broly. This serves the purpose of keeping Broly and Cheelai's dynamic from seeming romantic. They're certainly shippable, of course, but the film never crosses that line of making them a canon ship.
This is good because actively trying to thrust Broly into a romantic relationship with the first non-parent person he ever met would seem unbelievably predatory and kill the sweet vibe of their dynamic. Cheelai is not here to be a Love Interest, so the film uses Leemo as a chaperone to keep their scenes from coming across like she is.
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They're out here scouting the universe for recruits to join the Frieza Force but having difficulty finding people who can meet the standard requirements for enlisting in the main army. Until they go to pick up Paragus's distress signal and stumble upon the jackpot of their lives.
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Once we get the Dragon Ball Minus portion of the film out of the way, so much of the first act is just setting up and developing the chemistry between Broly and Cheelai.
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This is the first conversation Broly has ever had with someone who wasn't his abusive father in his entire life.
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When they introduce Broly to Frieza and we get an explanation of his tendencies, the animation on Broly is so good.
Paragus explains that he cut off Broly's tail because Broly would lose his mind whenever he became the Oozaru, and lets slip that Broly still sometimes loses his mind and becomes wild and unstable. When Frieza naturally takes issue with such a person being on his ship, Paragus quickly clarifies that he has Broly under control.
As he removes the controller to Broly's shock collar from his pouch, we get to see Broly's eyes go wide with fear, and then he starts grasping at the collar and pulling at it in panic. Pure Pavlovian terror just at the sight of the remote.
With the scene calling attention then to Cheelai and Lemo, horrified by what they're both seeing and hearing.
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"It is not a strong current," Paragus assures Frieza while Broly is having a full-blown panic attack behind him.
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Lemo and Cheelai collect a very generous payment for finding Broly. We have no idea how galactic currency works but they both react like "OH MY GOD SO MUCH CASH" so we can assume this is a lot of, uh, cosmic cigar cases or whatever.
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Admittedly, the "Lady asked you to leave her alone" cliche where the likable male protagonist beats up an asshole harassing the likable female protagonist at the bar is pretty old and tired at this point. But I will note two things I like about this scene:
1 - That Broly isn't the one who escalates. He's not the one who started this fight. Lemo tries to intervene first, attempting de-escalation by offering to buy the thug a drink. It's only after the thug gets violent and decks Lemo that Broly then steps in.
2 - And also, the main point of development that Cheelai, Lemo, and Broly have isn't "Broly stepped up to defend Cheelai". This is just a mechanism for bridging the gap between the important stuff. That is, Cheelai seeing how controlling Paragus is....
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And Cheelai getting to see for herself what the "mild current" of Broly's collar looks like in action.
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God, if the visuals of Broly writhing around in pure agony don't make you feel for the guy, the sound of him screaming bloody murder for like fifteen seconds straight sure will.
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Paragus declares that he had to do it because Broly would have killed that guy if he hadn't. Cheelai retorts by calling Paragus's parenting into question which. Like. Yeah.
We tend to just kinda take Paragus's word for it that Broly's a raging uncontrollable beast purely by nature and it has nothing to do with his failings as a dad. "That's just how the boy is, nothing to be done about it, gotta torture my kid," says the father who tortures his kid while also weaponizing him for personal gain. Why are we trusting him?
The thing this movie did for Broly that makes it so fascinating is that it asks those kinds of questions. It dares to ask, "What if the abusive father's interpretation of his child is actually full of shit?" It reinvents Broly as a character by condemning Paragus, but doesn't have to condemn Paragus any more than the original Z film already did. All it really does is take away the meta-narrative's vindication of his abuse.
The domineering Paragus barks at Cheelai to stay the hell away from his boy. He doesn't even notice Cop Carjacker Cheelai solving this problem herself.
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Fun fact: In this moment, Cheelai kills Paragus.
It's a bit of a walk from here to Paragus's death, when Frieza hysterically murders him in order to motivate Broly to become a Super Saiyan.
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But this only occurs because the fight between Broly, Goku, and Vegeta has continued to escalate beyond the point when Paragus would have stopped it. His fate is sealed when he reaches for the remote to stop Broly's fight and finds it missing.
The highlight of their relationship-building is, of course, Broly telling the story of Ba's ear after Leemo introduces him to water for the first time. The heartbreaking tale of the first and only friend he had before these two.
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Broly wears Ba's severed ear so that he'll always remember what it felt like when he had a friend. Oh my god. Are you shitting me with this. That is the most heartbreaking thing. How dare you make me want to wrap Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan up in blankets and give him hugs and chocolates.
Broly doesn't even like fighting; His dad forces him to train. Which sure makes it really fucking interesting when Paragus turns around and goes, "I have to use a shock collar because my violent and uncontrollable child is violent and uncontrollable!"
Then, as the fight goes on, we keep checking back in with Cheelai and Leemo to get Cheelai's assessment of what's happening. Cheelai sets the tone for how we should be feeling about Broly's fight with Goku and Vegeta.
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I love how, when she says Paragus raised Broly to be "the kind of warrior that he wants him to be," the shot isn't of Broly looking fierce or menacing, or beating down Goku or Vegeta. It's the shock collar. This is the visual expression of what Paragus wanted Broly to be.
And that, in turn, is the tone of Broly's fight with Goku and Vegeta. This isn't awesome, it's tragic. They don't even know. They legit have no idea who this guy is. Frieza showed up with a super cool warrior and went "FIGHT THIS STRONG GUY" and so they're doing that.
They have no idea who he is.
And they're probably going to kill him in this fight.
All of this context is what makes the finale of this movie work so hard. Because this is Cheelai, Leemo, and Broly's movie. Cheelai by this point has been firmly established as an irreverent thief who does whatever she feels like. She has no loyalties to anyone but herself and whoever she cares about, she makes dangerous choices, she's young and impulsive, and she's emotionally invested in the wellbeing of this abused boy who deserves better.
Consequently, the triumphant climax of this film isn't when Gogeta defeats Broly, but when Cheelai fucking robs Frieza to save Broly.
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This is the emotional climax of the film, offset against the tragic action climax where Gogeta is utterly destroying our boy in a predictable but heartbreaking fashion. The magic of this movie is that by the end of it, it has you rooting against Goku and Vegeta, and utterly distraught when they pull ahead and find the answer in the third act.
This character relationship is underdeveloped. It could have used a lot more fleshing out, and honestly I would never say no to more of these characters.
But for what we got, I love it. Cheelai and Broly are the best characters that DBS ever came up with, and Leemo's cool too.
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bones4thecats · 1 month
Their S/O Being Based on 2021! Carnage
Characters: Fused Zamasu, Cell, and Frieza Inspired By: Me remembering how much I love the Venom movies A/N: I love this so much, I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you Dragon Ball fans/simps enjoy!! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of death, murder, fighting, threats of being lobotomized, and blood ⚠️
Disclaimer: The Symbiote! Reader (Carnage) has their own form
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╚═════ King Cold ══════════════════════════════╝
🌨️ As a very potent weapon used by the Cold Force, you never knew much outside of fighting and torment. So it surprised you when King Cold began to speak to you more kindly, and honestly, you thought he was doubting your abilities at first
🌨️ He, for some reason, enjoyed your presence. You may be known for your sadism and beyond-murderous personality while fighting and really around anyone else, but you proved to be at least a bit intelligent
🌨️ King Cold adores to fight alongside you, or watch you do it yourself. Just seeing you fight was enough to satisfy his desire of you. He could sit on his thrown and watch you annihilate opponents left and right with your shapeshifting-abilities
🌨️ When he asked you to rule by his side, you were beyond shocked. You always thought he would only see you as a tool for battle, but as you felt his hand gently clasp your own clawed-one, your weapons protruding from your back disappearing as you looked at his face for any detection of a lie
🌨️ As you looked into his eyes, King Cold just smiled chivalrously. His royal-mannerisms showing through as he lightly laid his forehead on yours whilst you relaxed and wrapped yourself around the royal warrior. Neither of you had to say anything to know what you both meant; You loved one another just as much as the other
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╚═════ Cell ═════════════════════════════════╝
🔬 Cell always called himself the 'Perfect' one out of your duo. You just would roll your milky-white eyes at his words, mentally calling him 'stupid' and 'egotistical'. Honestly, sometimes you could be a bit hypocritical... not that you'd admit it
🔬 Underneath that bravado he always put up, he did see you as something worthy of his attention. Your fighting skills were not weak, you could get him slipping with your extra appendages that you would mold into many different weapons to attack with
🔬 It was when he was was facing off against two of the final warriors nearby that he saw just how amazing in battles you were
🔬 You had jumped into the air, smashed into the ground before launching five tentacles at the fighter, making him get distracted enough for you to kick him into the nearby building. This causing it to fall on him, crushing him to death as you turned around and just stabbed the other fighter with your arm being shaped like a spear-head
🔬 Cell had widened eyes as you walked up to his form and patted his shoulder, telling him better luck next time. Why you...
🔬 You were perfect... how did he overlook that quality of yours for so long. You were ruthless, cunning, and beyond everything else, amazing while showing off these traits
🔬 But, in true Cell fashion, he couldn't just admit these feelings so plainly. He needed a plan to make sure you said yes to his advances. So, for now, he would just scoff and begin a long and vigorous insult-session between the two of you... between two, for now, allies
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╚═════ Frieza ════════════════════════════════╝
🏔️ This guy was shocked when you came up in the ranks of the Frieza Force so quickly. I mean, you were just recruited what- five weeks ago?! And now you were stronger than the entire Ginyu Force combined... hopefully you weren't a danger to him
🏔️ The galactic tyrant was not amused when you were brought into a meeting with him and his father, with the taller alien praising you on defeating an entire army on another planet without any assistance
🏔️ The way you sat there without any interest in your eyes and how you just scoffed and began messing with one of your newly-grown appendages, just annoyed this guy so much. How could you be so ungrateful for such powerful beings praising you?!
"But, I believe that with your power, you have defeated the Ginyu Force, correct?" King Cold asked.
"Yeah, why?" You replied, a hint of animosity in your tone.
"I think that you would be the perfect right-hand to my young boy, Frieza! Wouldn't it be nice to see tiny yous running around? By what I remember, your kind produces asexually, am I correct?"
"Father!" He yelled, a small amount of fuchsia blush appearing on the tyrant's nose and cheeks.
🏔️ Your eyes widened as your eyebrows furrowed in agitation, you hated any kind of mention related to the concept of family. It reminded you of that bastard of a father you had. Saving those pathetic humans and stopping you from being the strongest Symbiote on that forsaken mud-ball of a planet!
🏔️ A tentacle reached out and wrapped around his wrist, pulling him closer to you as you looked in his eyes, a solid glare entering his system. And honestly? This was one of the only moments in life where King Cold was scared and Frieza was frozen in shock
"Mention that again, and I'll lobotomize you... understand, your highness?"
🏔️ Letting him go, and therefore sending the royal back into his chair with force, you scoffed and walked away, your old scanner crushed on the table with remnants of dried blood -obviously not from you- on it
🏔️ Perhaps you were more interesting than Frieza first thought. He was going to have to get to know you better for this power of yours to come to use...
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bluehairlaunch · 1 year
7 Dragon Ball Villains that could've carried their own arc
Honorable mention, Sorbet. So I enjoy Frieza as much as the next guy, but his wacky and colorful Frieza Force is what firmly places the Namek Saga over the Cell Saga in my mind. Like they're all such memorable characters that I even like Cui ffs. However, let's be real, none of these guys could carry their own arc. At their heart, they're all followers (all except good ol' Geets). Maybe before their recruitment they had more ambition and determination, but when faced with Frieza's insurmountable power, they ultimately all bent over and bowed.
Sorbet is an odd example, because he is definitely a follower as well, although when the power vacuum that is Frieza and King Cold's death opened up, he didn't turn away. He instead took charge and kept the Planet Trade Organization afloat for DECADES, despite being a koala-man with a power level that I'm sure rivals Appule at best.
The only reason he's not on the list proper is because when we finally get to see Sorbet in action, he's trying to pass the torch back to Frieza. He still gets major points tho for leading as long as he did
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Spoilers: no one else from Super is on this list, even though a filler character is
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Monster Beast Giran
Look, I'm not saying Giran could've carried his own saga, but if Dragon Ball had been written by a more traditional shonen mangaka instead of a gag artist, he probably would've been the Big Bad of the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament. And yes, I'm using his added characterization from filler scenes in the anime to make my point.
A milk drinking brute with a voracious appetite and a deep-seated hatred of heroes, this absolute unit was unfortunately no match for Goku in canon, but his hulking appearance and quirky personality (at least in the anime) always stuck out to me. In my generic re-write of this arc, a majorly buffed Giran faces Jackie Chun instead, and defeats him. He then faces and almost defeats Goku in the final, but Goku transforms into a real monster beast for the win, and that's that
Yea I won't be trying to retell the story for the rest of these entries
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It says a lot about the quality of Toriyama's villains that Goku's evil brother from space is a mere speed bump on the road to the real top dog of the Saiyan Saga. This dude is so fucking sexy and such a piece of shit that I can't help but imagine what he could've gotten himself into if only he had more screentime
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Staff Officer Black
I know Toriyama loves subverting expectations and that's one of the things I so greatly enjoy about Dragon Ball, but c'mon. Commander Black of the Black Ribbon Army would've been... so so sooo cool. The dude's a true believer, actually loyal to his men, and idk what Red did to become the leader over him, but he seems to have been the real brains behind the operation. Dragon Ball Online brought back Commander Red as a cyborg and all I'm asking is why not Staff Officer Black instead?
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Aight so Tree of Might isn't the greatest movie, I'd even say it's mid at best, but it also has amazing ideas. The Tree of Might? Neat, inspired, scary, and also drawn from Journey to the West lore. Turles? Sexy tan Goku, what's not to like? His Crusher Corps? Don't get me started on his Crusher Corps, because they all have their own story, which was included in extraneous material, but not the movie itself.
Amond, the big guy? Yea he was an intergalactic criminal that was arrested by the Galactic Patrol until he was freed by Turles. Daiz was the Prince of the Pukimpa Dynasty that led his planet's army against Turles, but was defeated, then recruited for fighting so bravely. Cacao was a cyborg built to fight an interstellar war before he fucked off to become a bounty hunter and eventually join the Crusher Corps. Rasin and Lakasei were fossils resurrected by Turles using extract from the Tree of Might.
Fuck, Turles himself is a low-class Saiyan warrior that somehow found or stole the holy Seeds of Might, which were reserved for Kai. When I was a kid my older brother told me (read, lied to me lol) that Saiyans were all test tube babies grown from different strains and that's the difference between low medium and elite saiyans and why he and Goku are almost identical. Like, that's not true, but there's a lotta fleshing out you could do with Turles to make him and his potential saga more compelling
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Demon King Dabura
Ruler of a shadowy demon realm for thousands of years with a power level that equals Perfect Cell, Demon King Dabura is also... the bitch of a tiny bitchy wizard? Yup, that's Toriyama all right.
So lemme start by saying that this guy gets so little credit he's not even in Fighterz, despite having a cool sword and a huge canon moveset. He also looks... well tbh, he doesn't look as awesome to adult me as he did to kid me, but he's still neat looking. I like his horns and his funky glamrock outfit. He also probably had his own Dabura Force filled with edgy evul henchmen (including Shula from that filler episode, who I'm pretty sure inspired Dabura's creation) that could've easily filled an entire saga.
It says a lot that Raditz isn't the lead of his saga, but imo it says way more that Toriyama created an entire evil universe opposite the regular universe ruled over by this baritone Satan and he's just a footnote. It also says a lot about Dragon Ball Heroes that instead of trying it's own thing, it digs up Toriyama's fossilized spittle and creates Mira, Towa, and Kabuto from Naruto.
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Mercenary Tao Pai Pai
Ok so I'm biased, because this flamboyant bastard is easily one of my favorite villains, and that's including everything, not just Dragon Ball or comics. He oozes so much style that I'm not even sure how you could stretch him out into an entire arc, but it doesn't matter, because he could make it work. The dude can make watching someone else shop for clothes compelling ffs, so as far as I'm concerned, Tao could've been the villain for the whole of Dragon Ball and it'd be just or almost as good as what we actually got
His shirt says Kill You! he's seriously the best don't @ me
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Dr. Gero
Yes, I know he was supposed to be the Big Bad, but Toriyama's former editor didn't think an old man in baggy pants and a fat clown could carry their own arc, but they're wrong damn it! Just look at him
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super manga Ch.68-70
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It’s Granolah time.
Let me start off by saying I’ve only read the first six chapters of this arc, and I can already say that this one is leagues better than the Moro saga that came before it.  I’m sure this story won’t be flawless, but seeing how much better Granolah is makes me realize just how crappy Moro was.  I thought I was being too hard on the manga, but no, the Moro arc was just a hot mess.  
Anyway, I’m digging this Granolah story, so I feel a lot better about liveblogging it.  Let’s dive in.
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We open with a moody flashback of Saiyan shock troops attacking Granolah’s home planet decades ago.  Turns out this is a recurring nightmare he has. 
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Granolah’s been haunted by the invasion ever since, but there’s nothing he can do about it.  Frieza wiped out the Saiyans a long time ago, and then Frieza got killed after that, so there’s no one left for Granolah to take revenge upon, even if he were powerful enough to take revenge.  When I first heard about this guy, I was skeptical of the concept, since his vendetta would be forty or fifty years old by this time.  But with Granolah, that’s the point.  He’s been holding on to this grudge the whole time, and when he gets his chance to act, he grabs it with both hands. 
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Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta are still training on Beerus’ planet. Goku learned to use Ultra Instinct at will during the Moro crisis, but Whis explains that this is only the beginning.  Goku still can’t sustain UI for very long, while Merus could do it all the time.  And Whis is even better at UI than Merus was, and the Grand Minister is even better still.  So Goku has a long way to go, which is fine by him.
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Vegeta, however, has no interest in learning Ultra Instinct, since he concluded some time ago that the ability doesn’t suit his tendency to overthink things.  He wants to surpass Goku in some other way, and Beerus offers him a glimmer of hope, saying that there’s more than one godly technique that he can learn.  The angels uses Ultra Instinct, but the Gods of Destruction follow a different path.  Beerus says he’s not interested in teaching Vegeta, but then he teaches him anyway, because Beerus is tsundere.  “I-it’s not like I want to teach you how to use destruction ki or anything, baka!”
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Back to Granolah.  At the end of the Moro arc, we met Granolah as he was stealing Seven Three’s remains from the aliens who built him.  Seven Three was part of a whole series of similar androids, but he was the only one who spent any time in the field, so he’s a lot more powerful from the life experiences he had.  Granolah’s client, Elec, could use Seven Three as the template for an army of unstoppable androids, but that’s not why he wanted the android.  Elec’s what you might call an information broker, and he plans to mine Seven Three’s memory banks to find some useful data.
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Granolah asks about his next assignment, but Elec doesn’t have any new work lined up, due to Frieza’s return to the galactic stage.  We’ve only gotten glimpses of what Frieza’s been up to since Whis re-revived him at the end of the Tournament of Power.  But apparently his activities have upset the status quo, and that’s hurting Elec’s business.  That doesn’t matter to Granolah, though, and he immediately demands to know where Freiza is.  Elec has his associates clobber him a little to get him back in line.  He convinces Granolah that he doesn’t need to run off half-cocked, and Granolah backs down and heads home.
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After he leaves, the rest of Elec’s group, the Heeters, ask Elec why he would tell Granolah about Frieza at all.  They know how he feels about Frieza, so why stir the pot?  Elec explains that Granolah’s getting too powerful, and if he ever surpassed the Heeters’ strongest member, Gas, then that might lead to trouble.  The Heeters doubt that anyone could surpass Gas, but Elec still doesn’t want to take any chances.
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So he wants Granolah good and riled up, so that when the time is right, he can manuever Granolah into a fight he can’t win, and Frieza will finish off Granolah for him. 
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Meanwhile, on the way home, Granolah gets ambushed by one of his fellow bounty-hunter guys, who wants to steal the big payday Granolah just scored.  But Granolah has him completely outclassed.  First he uses his eye-piece/computer, Oatmeel, as a decoy, and then Granolah picks off all of this guy’s allies with his sniper technique.  Granolah’s species, the Cerealians, have a specialized right eye that gives them exceptional vision. 
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So Granolah’s powerful, sure, but he’s no match for Frieza, right?  Well, Granolah plans to do something about that.  As he schemes, the Oracle Fish on Beerus’ planet has a prophetic vision that the “strongest warrior in the universe will soon rise up.”
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Back to Granolah, we find that he’s still living on Planet Cereal, even after the rest of his people were wiped out by the Saiyans.  Since then, the planet has been re-populated by another species, the Sugurians, who lost their own homeworld at some point.  The Heeters brokered a deal to settle them on Cereal, and their domed cities are built right next to the ruins of the Cerealian cities.  I really like this imagery.  Like I said, I was kind of wary of the idea of an alien seeking revenge after so many decades, but this story really uses that passage of time to full effect.
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Meanwhile, Beerus talks to Vegeta about the Saiyans, and Vegeta admits that their destructive tendencies led to their downfall.  Frieza accelerated the process, but his own father, King Vegeta III, is the one Vegeta holds responsible. 
I’ve often noted this, but I find Vegeta to be an unreliable narrator for Saiyan history.  In most stories, he’s literally the only one who remembers the Saiyan race, so his perspective is treated as gospel simply because there’s no one else to dispute it.  In this case, I think Vegeta’s putting too much blame on his dad.  I’m sure Vegeta I and Vegeta II bear their own responsibility, and it probably goes back even further than that.   But Vegeta III is the leader he remembers, so it makes sense he would see it that way. 
But he’s still wrong.  Remember the Super Saiyan God legend from the Battle of Gods movie.  The hero of the tale was trying to wipe out the wicked Saiyans, and he failed.  That story was so ancient that Vegeta didn’t even know about it, which just goes to show that the Saiyans’ problems are far older than his dynasty.
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And I guess this is what sets off Beerus’ bullshit-meter, since he dismisses Vegeta’s answer as ridiculous.  He accuses Vegeta of putting the sins of his people on his own shoulders, and even if he were responsible, why do those old crimes have anything to do with his life now?  He then reveals that he was the one who gave Frieza the idea to destroy Planet Vegeta all those years ago.  Vegeta flies into a rage, but he can’t beat Beerus any more now than he could when they first fought on Earth.
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Beerus’ point is that Vegeta will have to let go of the past if he hopes to master the style of the Gods of Destruction.  This is kind of like what Toppo had to do when he transformed into a Destroyer in the Tournament of Power.  He had been trying to avoid that step for a long time, but when he got desperate enough, he finally crossed the threshold, and Vegeta mocked him for it. 
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And now Beerus is mocking Vegeta for failing to understand this.   Toppo got stronger because he put aside the irrelevancies and focused on what mattered.  Beerus says he only focuses on destruction, which keeps him sharp.  His advice to Vegeta is that he’ll have to destroy his own stray thoughts to build himself into something better.
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Meanwhile, the Heeters go through Seven Three’s memory records and learn what they wanted to know: the location of Zuno, the galaxy’s greatest information broker.  But they also learn about Moro and the Dragon Balls, since Seven Three was involved with that business before he got captured.  Elec realizes that the Dragon Balls might explain how Frieza came back to life, and Macki recalls that there used to be Namekians on Planet Cereal before they got wiped out.  But Elec knows that there’s one left: Granolah’s housemate, Monaito.
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Back on Cereal, Granolah discusses his latest job with Monaito, and informs him of Frieza’s return.  The two of them live in this remote house, far from the Cerealian ruins and the Sugurian cities.  Even though they’re on friendly terms with the Sugurians, they prefer to be removed from their tragic past.  I find it off that their house doesn’t look much like the Cerealian or Namekian architecture.  Maybe the Sugurians built it for them. 
Anyway, Granolah considers using the Dragon Balls to become powerful enough to defeat Frieza, but Monaito warns him that the Dragon Balls aren’t meant for revenge.  Besides, they don’t have a complete set on planet Cereal.  One is in Monaito’s house, but the other was lost a long time ago.  Wait, what?
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To explain how Monaito has his own set of Dragon Balls, we cut to a lesson on New Namek, where Moori explains how Namekians have settled on other planets.  Those communities would have their own elders, just as Moori is the elder of New Namek.  And those elders would be empowered to create and maintain Dragon Balls. 
This isn’t exactly news, since this is exactly how we have Dragon Balls on Earth.  The Son of Katas came to Earth as a refugee, then eventually ascended to the role of Kami and created a set of Dragon Balls without remembering where he learned to do it.  Monaito’s basically the same deal, except he had a whole group of Namekians with him on Cereal, and he’s the only one who survived the invasion.  This story just confirms that there could be other Namekian communities in the universe, and any of them could have their own sets of Dragon Balls. 
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What I find more troubling is that Monaito’s set of Dragon Balls is just a pair.  I guess there’s no rule that their must be seven, but it’s kind of weird how we’ve always seen them in groups of seven before, and yet this one is just two. 
Anyway, as fate would have it, Granolah turns on the local news and learns that some Sugarian kid just happened to find the lost ball and took it to a lab for study.  And maybe this is why they went with just two balls, in order to simplify this moment, but they could have just as easily put six Dragon Balls on Monaito’s shelf. 
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So Granolah immediately makes his move, stealing the second Dragon Ball and sneaking off to make his wish.  I like the design for Cereal’s Shenron, or whatever he’s called.  The dragon is willing to grant Granolah’s wish to become the greatest warrior in the universe, but Granolah’s body isn’t sturdy enough for that kind of power.  However, the Dragon can make it possible, if Granolah is willing to accept a compromise in exchange.  Granolah doesn’t even wait to find out what it is.
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Meanwhile, Vegeta has finally achieved some success in using the Hakai technique.  He can only destroy little grains of sand, but he can destroy them, which is a big accomplishment.  And he’s not going to rest on his laurels.
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Satisfied that his wish has been granted, Granolah immediately heads back to the Heeter’s HQ and demands to know where he can find Frieza.  The Heeters don’t understand what’s happened to him, but Granolah quickly defeats Oil and Macki in combat, and Elec realizes that Granolah’s not just blowing smoke.  Maybe he really can defeat Frieza, but he can’t just tell him where to find Frieza, because if he loses, Frieza might take revenge on the Heeters.  So Elec asks for some information on how Granolah got this strong, and Granolah explains the Dragon Balls and the condition he had to agree to.  Normally, Cerealians live for two hundred hears, and Granolah’s 50 now, but in order to get his wish, he had to let the Dragon shorten his lifespan.  Granolah now has only three years left to live.
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Elec convinces Granolah to wait on Planet Cereal while they track down Frieza’s position.  In reality, Elec hatches a scheme to neutralize Granolah first.  Elec wants Frieza out of the picture, but he’s worried that if Granolah does the job, he might wipe out Frieza’s goon squad, and Elec wants to take them over for his own organization.  Wait, why didn’t the Heeters take over the Frieza Force before, when Frieza was dead? I mean, it’s just as well that they didn’t do this, since Frieza would have returned and killed them, but they didn’t know that at the time. 
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So how can Elec stop Granolah from wrecking his plans?  Simple, he’s going to get Goku and Vegeta to do it for him.  Having studied Seven Three’s records, Elec knows that the Saiyans fought Moro, and they should be powerful enough to defeat Granolah, and Granolah won’t turn down a chance to fight Saiyans, since he wants revenge against those guys too.  Elec is confident that Goku and Vegeta would win that fight, but what if he’s wrong?  Well, I guess he’s got nothing to lose by trying...
So yeah, to repeat what I said at the top, this is way, way better than the Moro arc. There’s a lot fewer characters, and their motive are more complex, and their plans aren’t nearly as convoluted.  We’re not sending Goku and Vegeta on a wild goose chase to like five different planets for this one.  No dead-end subplots about Majin Buu or those space crooks who tried to rob that space train. 
I also really like the way this story uses Frieza without featuring him in the plot.  The problem I’ve always had with bringing back Frieza is that he just does all the same stuff he did the first time around.  The only novelty to Frieza these days is less about what he’s up to, but how everyone else reacts to his return.  The Heeters, Granolah, Monaito, and the Sugarians have been trying to build a life for themselves in a post-Frieza universe, but now he’s back, and that upsets everything. 
Also, it’s refreshing to see Goku and Vegeta actually learning something on Beerus’ planet, as opposed to just sparring there as an establishing scene.  I’m looking forward to seeing how this plays out. 
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litrpgburrito · 5 months
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Pondering a fresh story idea where the main character's avatar looks like mob boss Cell...
There exists a fantastic online manga (it might be available in book form?) that follows a young man who dies and is reincarnated as Yamcha, from our beloved #DragonBallZ.
The character proceeds to become the version of Yamcha we all know he dreams of ACTUALLY being.
Running with that line of thought, here's a version where our main reincarnated as Perfect Cell. Knowing perfectly well how Cell's short life played out the first time, he faces his new reality, equipped with a bizarre but helpful video game like HUD display and the ability to level up, and aims his ambitions at becoming universe 7's most powerful ruler...
Title: Dragon Ball Z: Cell’s New World Order
Synopsis: The Z fighters have fallen. Cell, the ultimate bio-android, emerges victorious and seizes control of Earth, declaring himself the supreme ruler. His reign is ruthless, his power unchallenged, and his ambition knows no bounds. With Earth under his iron grip, Cell turns his gaze to the stars, seeking to dethrone Frieza and become the new Emperor of the Universe.
Cell’s strategy is cunning and brutal. He extends an ultimatum to all sentient beings across Universe 7: join his colossal galactic army or face immediate execution, followed by the annihilation of their entire species and homeworlds. Fear spreads like wildfire, and countless races submit to his rule, bolstering his forces with warriors, scientists, and strategists from a thousand worlds.
As Cell’s empire expands, a resistance begins to form, spearheaded by the few surviving members of the Z fighters and new allies who refuse to bow to tyranny. Among them is a mysterious Saiyan warrior, wielding power unseen and motives unknown. The stage is set for an epic saga that will span galaxies and test the limits of power, loyalty, and the spirit of freedom.
Will the resistance be able to overthrow Cell’s New World Order, or will the universe succumb to the reign of the ultimate bio-android? The battle for the future has begun.
[ Mustache Latte #Vegeta shirts!!! ]
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Frieza destroys Planet Vegeta
The event that began it all and kicked off Goku's story
Dragon Ball
Emperor Pilaf Saga - Tournament Saga - Red Ribbon Army Saga
General Blue Saga - Commander Red Saga - Fortuneteller Baba Saga
Tien Shinhan Saga - King Piccolo Saga - Piccolo Jr. Saga
Dragon Ball Z
Raditz Saga - Vegeta Saga - Namek Saga - Captain Ginyu Saga
Frieza Saga - Garlic Jr. Saga - Trunks Saga - Androids Saga
Imperfect Cell Saga - Perfect Cell Saga - Cell Games Saga
Other World Saga - Great Saiyaman Saga - World Tournament Saga
Babidi Saga - Majin Buu Saga - Fusion Saga - Kid Buu Saga
Dragon Ball Super
God of Destruction Beerus Saga - Golden Frieza Saga
Universe 6 Saga - Copy-Vegeta Saga - "Future" Trunks Saga
Universe Survival Saga - Broly Saga - Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga
Granolah the Survivor Saga - Super Hero Saga
Dragon Ball GT
Black Star Dragon Ball Saga - Baby Saga - Super 17 Saga
Shadow Dragon Saga
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maifrenthebesto · 2 months
The events of the planet Namek saga within universe 7 were both significant within the realm from which the series follows the plot, however as we move forward in the story, we see background characters reacting appropriately to the environmental changes brought up by the Z warriors and those who their strength attracts.
In the DBS Super Hero movie, we see the aftermath of the Namek saga brought back to the foreground as a plot element to link the main story yo events that were hypothetically brewing in the background, as this serves the explorative writing structure of Toriyama, and makes it easier to introduce fighters to fight in the Shonen.
The Gammas came as a response to an insignificant moment to the world's plot (in-universe) being given significance through the story's need to have Hedo on the villains side, and I argue that once the plot resolves, we will see a plot line coming out of the aftermath of the change in status quo after news broke out that Frieza was able to be defeated.
From a galactic citizen's perspective, the existence of the Frieza clan is just a reality they need to live around, either as customers or subjects. However the news of Frieza's failure of the overtaking of Namek would not be associated with the Dragon Balls, as that would be classified information from the force, but the knowledge of their "Excursion To Namek" could be heavily propagandized, and failure could have been felt similarly to US in Vietnam.
We have evidence that Frost was running similar propaganda campaigns on universe 6, however I feel like the bureaucratic side of the empire would be ran similarly, while the force itself is the brutal army that is depicted in the series, something that you don't see as a galactic citizen in the series.
The Granolah arc brings some insights as to the lives of those very same citizens, living in a bubble, unaware of the majority of the decisions that come before a settlement can be built on a planet. I argue that several of the plot elements established in this arc are foreshadowing for what I allude to here.
The Heeter clan is an example of the power vacuum created by Frieza'a absence, and is only a small fraction of what surely remains unseen as resistances rose, and how morality must have dropped for those holding out hope when the emperor of the universe returned.
Now I argue that while the training goalposts will be surpassing Black Frieza, we will come to find him beaten to a pulp by another party before he can properly take the antagonist role again.
I also argue that Frieza may know something the readers don't, and that his display of strength was meant to push the monkeys further, because they will need to combine forces again.
I don't think the evil angel plot is that farfetched as it was meant to appear through the ToP extrapolative memes, so when associated with Gohan Blanco (which became real) it seemed silly.
There is enough secrecy and elements pointing towards something in that realm of existence for fighters to pursue, and I also think Frieza might take on a permanent ally role due to Frieza growing as a fighter and reaching similar conclusions as the main cast through training.
But he is racist enough to not care despite making these conclusions, and is staying a hater that fills in the role of Majima prompting random brawls to occur through provocation rather than through threats, but I never see him sparring with the core sayain team unless specifically training as a team for another tournament of power style event, which I think is in the future.
Crisis on infinite earths kinda deal bridging/overlapping all universes and causing chaos, with a central force overtaking Zeno's power to interfere through sealing the God room, potentially as a rebellious angelic takeover.
We saw an interest in recruiting Frieza for something similar before the ToP, but it was vague at best.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Hi! I saw the requests were finally open so I’m asking again, could you do a dying in Goku’s arms fic. Yes it is the same person and if I’m mistaken, forgive me🥰❤️🧡
Haha, I gotchu! Glad you came back ♥
☆☆ Pairing: Goku x Fem!Reader ( Human Z Fighter ) ☆☆ Rating: T ☆☆ Contents:  ( RoF arc, established relationship, reader referenced as gohan & goten's mother ) ☆☆ Warning: ( canon-typical violence, blood, character death )
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'If I could just hold out a little longer, then he'll show up to help win this', you repeated to help yourself stay focused for the next rush of alien fighters charging your way.
Everyone who could stand their own was already struggling in their own fight, whether outnumbered by the hoards of soldiers or overpowered by the one called Tagoma. But they didn't back down, so neither would you. Truth be told, you hadn't been much into martial arts since the Cell Games and were in over your head with a fight of this scale. Even back then things like this stopped being within your skill range, you were surpassed by your children.
An invasion by a galactic army, however, led by their malicious leader was certainly no earthbound martial arts tournament and called for everyone regardless of power to step in. There wasn't any running away, and you weren't going to let all your friends fight this alone. Especially with your sons giving their all, it wouldn't be like you to just sit back and let them fight without you.
You and the rest of the Earth's forces fought your hardest while Bulma continued to try to make contact with Whis to get Goku and Vegeta here quickly to aid the fight. You were all able to team up when you could but these guys weren't as stupid as you hoped and found ways to keep you all separated and outnumbered 10 to 1.
Being a woman at least gave you some advantage at the start as the cocky bunch of Frieza Force soldiers didn't think to take you seriously, but enough of them saw you rip through a number of their men to start getting the idea that you weren't some pushover earthling. The lot of them being a batch of chumps didn't dwindle their numbers in your favor, there were many more of them than there were earthlings. Collectively, all your allies' strengths were wearing down as well as your own and you started to get anxious about Goku's arrival.
It's Frieza you need to really be concerned with as he boasts about his vengeance over your husband. Yet rather than try to find Goku, he wants to watch you all get slaughtered for his entertainment while he waits for the saiyan to show up. This situation was going to be a massacre without Goku if it goes on any longer like this. You had to start looking into other options with no telling when the two saiyans would arrive. Even your faith in your boys' strength was shaken watching them fight—struggle unprepared for the fight for their home— as a consequence of being the sons of Goku. It was not fair, and you wouldn't forgive yourself if they died sharing the battlefield with you because of this.
As long as Frieza was willing to wait, you could try to stall some more but who knows how much longer that would be. If he was really as strong as everyone else feared, then he should be the intended target instead of this battle fodder he keeps sending out. Your focus needed to be narrowed on cutting off the head of this nasty beast to end it or at the very least buy Goku and Vegeta some more time to get here. Frieza couldn't be so strong as to withstand three super saiyans, a super namekian, and a few trained humans if Goku at his first super saiyan level was more than enough to overpower him before. And yet, the aura coming from him behind the hoard of minions set a frightful chill down your spine. It's the power he's not showing that rattles you, yet fear cannot hold you down here. If you can all muster up the strength to attack together, then you are certain you all need to share a single target.
"Hey, Frieza!" You shouted out suddenly, stilling your trembles with clenched fists and wearing a smug grin to mask your anxiousness. "You really brought your whole army to watch Goku send you off with your tail between your legs again? Was the first time not enough?" Your voice carried across the hoard of minions and while they paused, only a few actively turned to look for a response from the tyrant. "-Look at you, just floating there in your little egg carrier. How cute. My son had one when he was a toddler, too. Kinda hard to take you seriously in that thing."
"Mom, what are you doing?!"
"Mom don't!"
The two half-saiyans called out for you to back down. You know full well the difference in your strengths, but you can't keep letting everyone be outnumbered and worn out. In the worst-case scenario, Frieza simply commands the remaining masses to target you and opens himself up to everyone else to attack if they can shake that lanky alien elite. But if there was a way to get Frieza down here then your plan wouldn't be in vain.
Hovering over to a high peak of a cliff, you placed your hands on your hips and called out again. "No one here's that afraid of you, ya know! That's right, I said it! You're old news! I wouldn't waste your time throwing these chumps at us if you were really as tough as you claim. Goku beat you once and he'll wipe the floor with you again if we don't do it first!" In between your jeering at the space tyrant, you were able to share your idea with Piccolo through his telepathy, who was able to fill everyone else in and openly discouraged you from further antagonizing Frieza. Perhaps you overlooked the possibility of him just outright destroying the planet instead of being patient with you all.
You succeeded in at least ceasing that horrid laugh of his, his beady red eyes narrowing down upon you with a thoughtful finger at his chin. "Well, it seems one of the earthlings has finally lost their sanity to their fear, how unfortunate. You think you can match the power of a super saiyan and best Lord Frieza, do you?" The lop-sided smirk rose back on Frieza's dark lips, a musing finger directed towards you as he continued to humor you. "And did I hear correctly, the child of Goku referred to as his mother- You are that simian's mate, I take it. Why am I not surprised."
"I am." You confidently answered. Your heart frightfully pounded in your chest but you couldn't stop yourself now. Either he takes the bait or you really opened your mouth where you shouldn't.
But your prayers were answered. In a flash, you felt two ki signatures fill the space around you, and Goku and Vegeta had arrived just in the knick of time with the Instant Transmission technique. You were filled with relief when you turned at the sight of them, smiling with joy at the taller saiyan.
"Goku!" You shouted, waving him down. His power felt stronger than the last time you saw him. In the shock of this assault on earth, you could easily forget it had been months since you-
...Oh? There was a rush of heat shot through your back and out the left side of your chest. You lower your eyes to see the thin beam of energy disperse as it completed its passage through your body. Blood spurted from your chest and rushed up your throat causing you to stumble forward. It was so fast; you weren't able to sense it coming your way or even when he charged it up to fire at you. But its damage was clear. It went through your heart. Pain filled in the opened hole once the initial shock wore off. You swayed on your feet again, your weight pulling you backward, over and off the cliff with the distant sight of Goku making his way to you. You opened your mouth to call out for him again but it felt slow leaving your lips, almost soundless. You hear the muffled sounds of your family crying out to you with a warm ringing in your ears and the edge of your vision blurring as you sank down the high cliff side, your body picking up speed in its limp drop.
"Haha! How delightful, and not a moment too soon! It couldn't have been timed more perfectly! You've come just in time, saiyan! Any longer and I would have abandoned my patience altogether to do away with that mouthy one, but it was worth the wait after all!" Frieza's hearty laugh returned overhead.
Goku had already dove off the edge after you, catching a senzu bean thrown his way, as he flew down to increase his speed towards you. Your fingers weakly grasped at the air to reach out for him before your eyes fell shut completely. He altered to his Instant Transmission to close the gap between you and grasped you against his chest once in range, but when he caught you...
He felt it. The last of your life energy disappeared from your body. Your limp weight in his arms caused a soft, trembling "no" to escape on his breath. Goku stopped in the air and looked you over, eyes frantically jumping between your bloody chest and still face. With the senzu bean tucked against his palm, he checked you for a pulse- Even a faint one was better than nothing, and sadly nothing was all he was answered with. "(Y/n)!" Goku uttered in a panic, shaking your body enough to disturb a deep sleep. "Wake up... Answer me- Wake up!" The saiyan begged with a lump in his throat, urging for the opposite of what his senses had already told him.
He can hear Gohan and Goten over the top of the cliff calling down to him just as worried, joined by Krillin and Piccolo.
Frieza's impish grin shined, his laugh filling the atmosphere. "Look as the mighty saiyan Goku fails once again to save yet another cherished companion. It couldn't be more adequate to see the very moment you witnessed her fall" The tyrant hovered through the parting masses of his army to the front lines. "How does it feel monkey, to once again be helpless in the wake of the mighty Lord Frieza? Does it make you angry? Are you going to turn gold and scream at me?" He goaded.
Goku was still shocked, he couldn't believe what he just witnessed. Not you, anything but this. But you're gone. Just gone- No goodbye, no cushioning the blow. Your voice and smile so suddenly silenced, taken away from him, your sons, and friends and he couldn't stop it. He doesn't know how or why Frieza was here but it was the least concerning detail compared to what he was going to do to him. He was sending that monster back to hell for good. With a furrowed brow and clenched jaw, Goku held his face against yours, hands shaking as he cradled you against him rising from the cliffside.
"I-I'm sorry, (Y/n)..." He uttered lowly to your body, voice reflecting his awakened fury and broken sorrow. "Damn that Frieza. He'll pay for this. I'll...I'll make him suffer!" He slowly lifts his head from you and places a soft kiss to your forehead, whispering a final promise. "The second this is all over, I'll use the dragon balls to bring you back to us I swear it."
A fleeting whisper crosses his thoughts, leaving hope to coddle his ire.
'I believe in you, Goku. When you kick his ass, don't keep me waiting long on the other side.'
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imperfectercell · 3 years
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OH BOY PART 2 Alright, Lemme take it from the top!
Earth Centric AU is a DBZ AU where Raditz doesn't come to earth in search of Goku... for about 6 years. In the mean time, the Z-Fighters have no idea about space, saiyans, namekians, or Galactic Threats. They have to deal with troubles on their own end, like Piccolo perfecting the Makankosapo and killing Goku with it, sending 6 year old Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma on a search for the Dragon Balls in order to revive Goku, Pilaf getting his wish of World Domination and not being great at it, and Dr. Gero taking advantage of Royal Funding to create an Android Army.
As for Piccolo and Frieza specifically? Lemme explain more underneath the Read More! And also heres a lil doodle for u of Android Frieza <3
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Piccolo remains the Z-Fighters main threat in this AU (For now) and is able to kill Goku one day. Gohan exhibits his Saiyan Rage power, preventing Piccolo from kidnapping him and heavily damaging him. Over the course of the next year while they wait for the Dragon Balls to become active again, the two clash every so often, and Gohan begins training with Kami on the lookout.
Piccolo, as you can suspect, isn't exactly raving with excitement over what he's done. He feels Good that Goku is dead, but that shred of good inside of him feels guilty for having killed the man who let him live. And Kami can sense it inside of him too, and encourages Gohan to try and appeal to that sense of honor and kindness that exists within Piccolo. Things eventually come to a head, with Gohan and Piccolo having an incredible battle over the last Dragon Ball, and it coming to basically a stalemate. Goku is revived and ready to fight with these techniques he learned from King Kai, but Gohan asks him to not hurt Piccolo, and Piccolo flies away begrudingly and doesn't attack them again. Gohan was able to appeal to his Humanity (for lack of a better word) and, while he isn't quite their Ally yet, he doesn't want to kill Goku or Gohan, or rule the world anymore. Piccolo has had a taste of something else, and has turned his back on that old life.
WOW that was long! Time for Frieza!
Honestly Frieza doesn't have too much to do in this AU! But has some Very fun changes <3
Frieza hasn't had much going on until the Z-Fighters are heading to Namek in order to use their Dragon Balls after Piccolo is killed by Cell... Well, Cell V.1. Ask about him later <3 They are accompanied by Raditz, who along with the other Saiyans are beginning a plan to rebel against Frieza. They don't plan on taking them to Namek at first, but they accidentally let it spill over Scouter Comms to Frieza that Namek has Wish Granting balls. So it's a race to gather them. From there, the Namek Saga is largely the same on Friezas part, other than his defeat at the hands of Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta all together, all in Super Saiyan mode. he is blasted into one of Nameks Suns, and is later picked up by King Cold. They do the whole Mecha Frieza thing, but as they approach earth they are... Contacted by a certain Android Doctor.
Dr. Gero leaves on Friezas ship (With Android 16 and a Larval Cell V.2 in tow) and begins upgrading Friezas Mechanics to his own standard, and an Energy Absorption Model to boot. Frieza begins sapping the life out of his own soldiers and crew, and things get real fucking Creepy up in space for a while, as Gero realizes just how sadistic Frieza is. He is able to alter Android 16s programming to make Frieza another of his targets, and as a back up plan begins to change Cell V.2s perfection to be obtained by absorbing the Android Frieza. The attack on Earth begins, and Frieza is Ridiculously strong now (OH also it's Krillin and Lazulis wedding day (she and lapis are not androids here <3 smile)) He and the Z-Fighters fight, and Gero tries to activate the bomb he put into Frieza at the right moment to take out both him And Goku, but King Cold stops him and prepares to Kill Gero before 16 is activated and blasts away Cold and a good fourth of the entire ship.
He joins the battle, fighting both Goku and Frieza, and eventually Frieza is killed by his own technique and sent 2 Hell. Theres more to this story, but Friezas is over. For good! Due to his frankly completely creepy and terrifying actions at the end of his life of absorbing his soldiers life force, and King Cold letting it happen, in the future his own peons resurrect a Certain Older Brother of his <3 so Resurrection C!
THAT WAS REAL LONG Thanks so much for reading all that if you did!
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falling-heights · 4 years
Even though I've only found your blog today I was surprised to see that your masterlist didn't list any analysis or general headcanons for Frieza. What do you think he'd be like as a Yandere? And do you think he would be one of the more plausible DBZ cast members to become a yandere?
[Hello dearest! I love you forever and always for finally requesting this spicy boy. Tbh I had been surprised as well. As of yet, I haven’t received many requests for DBZ villains in general.]
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 Frieza, the Galactic Emperor, is a nightmare of a yandere. In measure of action, he sets new records. He’ll go the farthest for you, and his lack of morals doesn’t help you in the slightest.
He’ll destroy an entire solar system in the blink of an eye, without a moment’s hesitation, all for you. How lucky, right?
Though it’s hard to believe that someone as heartless as Frieza could turn, I agree wholeheartedly he’s among the most likely characters of Dragon Ball to take on those traits.
He’s too prone to letting his emotions guide him, and he’s a very emotional creature. Although, he would only turn if specific conditions were met. You would’ve had to have served under him at some point. Though you may think that being a saiyan might make him less likely to grow interest, it would more than likely escalate the process even more.
The only true way to make him lose himself would be if the day ever arrived that you betrayed him.
Leaving with Vegeta and becoming some some of rebellious figure against his army would be it for him.
How benevolent he is depends entirely on what you can do for him. Even if you are weak or useless, he won’t just kill you, however you’d be far better off if you could give him something in return.
Merely talking about you in his presence is a death sentence. You couldn’t imagine what would happen to the poor soul if he ever found out that you’d been hurt.
He’s driven purely by hatred. The more indignant and confused about his emotions that he is, the quicker he’ll act. His desires are completely irrational, and his compulsions make him unpredictable. Anything can set him off, and there’s no telling how far he’ll take it.  
Now, to say your life with him would be worse than a living hell is underselling what he’s truly offering. He may not be avidly harming you at all hours, and in fact you’ll be quite comfortable with him. But frankly, that would only be possible if you were the perfect little servant, his perfect little servant. And let’s get real, Frieza’s ego is too big to admit that anyone but himself is capable of perfection. So it’ll be a rocky ride no matter what.  All in all, it would be a mixed bag.
Frieza has a nasty power complex. You will never be seen as an equal, as he far too enjoys seeing you as a loyal subordinate. 
Yes, he’d prefer a quiet and devoted partner, however Frieza isn’t one to shy from a challenge. It can become a nuisance to him, however, if you are constantly causing him trouble, so I’d be careful dear. You don’t want to play that game with him. 
“And yet there you stand, unperturbed at the mere sight of me as always. That’s exactly why you belong with me.”
Now, you’ll notice a stark difference between the Frieza who was killed on Namek by Goku’s hand, and the Frieza after his return from hell. All that time that he’d spent in agonizing torment changed him. Perhaps a few cogs fell out of his clock if you catch my meaning. And worse yet, his motivation is fueled by much more than simple anger. 
His never-ending nightmare in hell wasn’t just fairies and stuffed animals. They weren’t even the worst of it. No, what depraved his sanity was the image of you. Always out of reach, always in the corner of his gaze but never in focus. You were right there, and yet he couldn’t have you. It’s enough to make anyone go mad. But upon his return, his number one mission would be finding you again. 
Which, to say his behavior would be different is a tad understated. He’s more reposed in his actions, his words are spoken more gently and with a hint of restraint. He smiles more, though it’s not a kind or happy smile in the slightest. To best describe it would be to call it a promise. A silent oath that he’d win no matter what. To say this newfound nature may have stemmed from unspoken love would be a lie. 
"Your naivety deeply sickens me, my dear, but I suppose I should applaud you for thinking you could elude me forever. 
This isn’t love. It will never be love. Frieza, no matter how suave he may seem at times, is incapable of feeling compassion for anyone. In a sense, his behavior can seem a bit ironic. In no way is he romantic with you, nor will he admit any sort of intimate relationship, but you’re nonetheless viewed as his property. A piece of property that he is violently protective of.
He no longer wants you to simply suffer. You need to understand the hell he was put through. Frieza will kill everyone if you provoke him to such a length. He wouldn’t even bat an eye at it. You need to see suffering before you can even begin to understand him. He wants to see the light fade, the hope rotting under his influence. 
You’re going to be his little muse for a long time. And he won’t be satisfied until you’re just as corrupt as he is. He’s going to twist you into his own little fantasy until your bent to his will. 
I certainly hope your strength holds out. You can only bend and twist something so much before it breaks. 
“Shall we begin this spectacle of horror, my dear?”
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zombryz · 4 years
I just thought of an interesting scenario about Frieza’s s/o patiently listening to Frieza’s rants after he’s had a stressful day because leading a galactic army ain’t as easy as he makes it look.
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TW - mentions of blood
I loved writing this scenario, thanks for the idea!! side note: sometimes I love a soft and angsty galactic Lord Frieza!  ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
You weren’t sure where he was but you could hear him. His angry yelling echoed down the halls and caused everyone on the ship to close the doors to their cabins out of fear. You were patiently waiting in your cabin that you shared with the ruthless galactic army leader, Lord Frieza. He was late coming in which means it was probably a very long day at work. Frieza didn’t normally scare you like he did everyone else, but on days like today when he was fuming with rage you couldn’t help but admit he was terrifying. You prepared wine for his return in hopes that it would soften his irritation with whatever/whomever screwed up today. Frieza was just as resilient as a lover as he was a leader. Your palms were becoming clammy out of nervousness for his return.
You took a seat on one end of your enormous black suede couch and sat in an uncomfortable upright position. Your eyes were pinned on the door, awaiting his entrance. Finally, a few moments later, Frieza stormed in. He radiated displeasure and his eyes skipped over yours and immediately scanned for the wine you had prepared for him. Without a single word he marched over to your kitchen nook and gripped the wine glass in one hand and the bottle in the other. His grasp was so tight you could’ve sworn the glass was going to break into a ton of little shards. You sat quietly allowing him to regain his composure. You were always able to see another side of Frieza that no one on the ship got to see. You were able to see how much his work actually got to him and how stressful it was on him. The pair of you weren’t like normal couples, on earth if a husband came home from work upset the wife would help make him feel better by feeding him dinner, or so you assumed based on stereotypes. Not you and Frieza, some days he would come home and instantly rip your clothes off to release his anger inside you. Other days he would destroy furniture out of anger and come to bed really late. You were unsure what today was going to be. You were still in an uncomfortable upright position, the air was awkward so you decided to clear your throat. You weren’t even sure if he knew you were there. 
“Why hello darling, have you been sitting pretty over there this whole time?” Frieza tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, you were sitting in the dark so he squinted a little. He was already two glasses in and was nowhere near his limit. 
“Hello my love, tough day today?” You questioned, not trying to overstep but trying to squeeze him for some information.
“Ahh yes, indeed. My combatants didn’t follow orders and put me in a very difficult position today. I repaid them by killing two… well, maybe three of them.” Frieza was getting progressively more tipsy with each glass he drank. He began tapping his head with his pointer finger trying to remember something, “Hmm, what were their names I wonder? Oh nevermind, it does not matter anyways. They’re dead.” Frieza trailed off chuckling evilly. He placed his wine glass on the counter and spun it around in his hand, there was a brief silence before he spoke once more. “I left one alive so if he pulls the same act I’ll have to kill him too.” Frieza froze, gripping the wine glass once more staring off into space. “I do hate when they don’t follow orders, Y/N. Why can’t they just do what I say?” His voice raised an octave higher and finally the wine glass burst into tiny pieces. 
It happened so quickly, a piece of the wine glass must’ve flown towards you and brushed your cheek. You reached up to your face and felt a warm wet substance trickling down. Frieza faced you with horror in his eyes. He rushed to your side as soon as he saw the blood on your hands. 
“Y/N! Oh no, I’ve ruined your beautiful face!” Frieza cupped your cheeks, holding you still while he examined the wound. His eyes were fixed on your cheek but you couldn’t take your eyes off of him, he was the beautiful one. Even in his rage you loved him. He wasn’t one for apologizing, you knew he showed he was sorry by expressing his apologies. His closeness was all that you wanted. With your face still in his hands you sat up to kiss him. Your hands reached around his shoulders so that you could embrace him harder. Frieza kissed back, he let all of his sorrows and anger be released into the loving kiss you shared. You absorbed all of his emotions and could feel him loosen up under your spell. He gently pushed you backwards so that your head would fall back onto the couch cushion. Frieza climbed on top of you, your lips never leaving each other. He broke the kiss to plant a kiss on your injured cheek, still sorry about what he did to you. You pulled on his neck so that he was face to face with you again. Your eyes went from his down to his dark lips. In this moment you felt the most intimate you’ve ever felt with him. Between his rants about work and him showing how much he cares about you. 
“It’s okay baby, I know you didn’t mean it. Now let me help you feel better.” Before he could contest you kissed him even harder.
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eazyaustin3 · 3 years
DBZ: Return of the Saiyans (fanfic) | Chapter 22: This Means War
The next day, Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, Bardock and his team all sit in a mess hall eating lunch. They all talk to each other when Vegeta gets the message from his scouter that the spy had sent him before getting crushed in the vent. He taps on Nappa's shoulder to let everyone know that something is up. Everyone else gets up from the table and exits the hall. Vegeta stands in front of everyone to brief them on the next move.
Vegeta: I just got a message from the spy. This message is crucial to our race's very survival. It turns out Frieza and his men plan to destroy the planet from the inside. He knows about the core. He knows how reactive it is. If they even get close to it, the results can be catastrophic…
Tora: Soooo… we're going to protect the planet core?
Vegeta: We need to intercept the route they're going to take and push them back. It's going to take more than our best men to do the job right…
Nappa: Unless we can take it a step further and track the beginning of their attack and stop him there. That way he won't even reach the planet itself, let alone the planet's core.
Bardock: We don't even know where or when he's going to attack. If we anticipate his every move we need to have multiple lookouts. One near the core, one out here on level ground, and the other in the sky. We create a division of each of the armies we have to push them back before they reach us.
Tora: Why does Frieza want us all dead anyway? We served alongside him loyally.
Raditz: Frieza is nothing but a galactic overlord. He wants to take over the entire galaxy. The only ones threatening him in his plans is us. The saiyans are the only race in the galaxy that have the power to overthrow him. And deep down, he knows that…
Vegeta: We have fought valiantly for thousands of years to make sure the saiyans stay on the top of the food chain. We are the most powerful race in the universe, I'll be damned if I let a freak like Frieza end us all to near extinction again! We are going to bring the fight to Frieza and defend our home, or we will die trying!
*Vegeta now sits atop his father's throne. As King Vegeta rests in his bed as the doctors look after him. Vegeta orders the saiyan armies elite, middle and low class to all defend the planet. The saiyans shine and wear their armor and put on their scouters, they ready their equipment and their weapons. Vegeta stands up as the saiyans chant. He puts on his scouter, Nappa and Raditz do the same. Bardock and his team all gather together and walk out on the front line of the elite soldier group, they pound fists. Bardock walks to Raditz, they shake hands and butt heads. Raditz cracks his knuckles as the chants continue*
Raditz: This is for you mother… and Gorza… I shall avenge you my sweet girl…
Bardock: So you and Gorza were more than friends after all?
Raditz: I just appreciate the last few minutes I spent with her before our first mission together father… I hate to admit it, but I am going to miss her dearly. I will make sure Zarbon and Dodoria both regret ever messing with us.
Vegeta: You mean WE.
Raditz: Huh?
Bardock: *Smirks and steps to the side for Vegeta and Nappa*
Vegeta: You, me, and Nappa are going to pay Frieza and his goons a visit. It's going to be the last time they see us. For good.
Raditz: We… we three?
Vegeta: We were the ones who revived the planet and brought everyone back. This is our revenge! The saiyans have returned and I will make sure you are hailed as a hero of the saiyan race along with Nappa and I.
Nappa: Come on Raditz. Let's stick it to Zarbon and Dodoria! Then you and I will do some sparring afterwards.
Raditz: Very well, then!
Vegeta: Excellent. Let's get going to the pod and sneak through the back of Frieza's ship. He will not suspect us.
Raditz: Are you going to be okay, father?
Bardock: Yes Raditz. Me and the team are going to command our own battalions. We are going to give it all we've got.
Raditz: Let's do it.
Bardock: Good luck, Raditz.
*Raditz and Bardock hug each other. The trio that revived the planet and the race go to their pod to ambush Frieza. Bardock and his team go to the battalions they are commanding. The war for planet Vegeta is about to begin*
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fusiioneternal-a · 3 years
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Sooooo...I think I’ve finally managed to scrape together a Modern AU for Vegito! I tried to incorporate a lot of DB things into it to help it feel familiar, but still different. This is subject to tweaks here and there of course, but I think it’s coherent enough to at least show off now.
This AU isn’t 100% based in the real world. It has a lot of fantasy elements to it, i.e. like the Marvel and DC worlds. I must emphasize that Vegito is NOT a superhero though. He doesn’t go around fighting crime or anything like that.
(Sorry in advance for the weird formatting, I wrote this in a word doc for spellchecking and just copy-pasted it.)
-          Vegito is still a “Saiyan”, a humanoid alien possessing a primate, cat-like tail. Planet Vegeta is still called that, and the Saiyans were still a warrior, war-mongering race that traveled through the cosmos to conquer planets. Planet Vegeta still was eventually destroyed by the galactic tyrant Frieza who reigned over the planet, as he feared the Saiyans would grow too powerful and overcome him one day.
-          Vegito himself is not a fusion in the actual sense here however, but his origins are still unorthodox. Vegito is a clone, a part of a top secret project where he was created from the prince Vegeta’s DNA for the purpose of having another highly powerful Saiyan warrior in the mission to overthrow Frieza, so the Saiyans could reclaim control of their planet. Vegito’s own DNA was manipulated further, added onto with the genes of another remarkable Saiyan warrior - Kakarot - who was unusually gifted and showed an abundance of untapped potential. The experimentation resulted in Vegito possessing a cosmically strong level of power, even compared to what the Saiyans were naturally capable of. He would be a trump card that, should the Saiyan army fail, would hopefully win them the war against Frieza.
-          When Vegito was a child around 4 years in age however, Planet Vegeta was unexpectedly visited by Frieza’s forces, as the tyrant finally lost his patience with the Saiyans. Knowing they were out of time, the lead developer of the project placed Vegito into a pod, that contained recordings which would tell the child who he was and what his purpose was. Vegito was sent off of the planet to another called “Earth”, that was deemed a place Frieza likely would not take interest in for years to come, minutes before Frieza decided to destroy Planet Vegeta. The Saiyan race was decimated.
-          Vegito’s pod landed on Earth, crashing nearby a mansion belonging to a wealthy family of scientists in the middle of the night. He was discovered by them, who naturally took an extreme interest in him. The matriarch and patriarch of the family, Panchy Burifu and Brief Burifu, quickly became endeared with the little Saiyan. After hearing what the child could tell them about Planet Vegeta (he conveniently knew a bit of English as the Saiyan scientists were teaching him about it), and eventually deciphering the recorded messages in his pod, they realized Vegito had a very important purpose and chose to raise him as part of their family. Their two daughters, Tights and Bulma, became his new sisters.
-          The family kept Vegito’s alien origins a secret from the rest of the world, as he lived the typical life of a human. For the protection of his identity, his tail was removed (*but it does end up growing back in Vegito’s adult age). They quickly realized Vegito’s physical capabilities were exponentially higher than those of human, and that he also had: superhuman strength, the ability to fly, and the ability to harness his body’s innate energy to utilize as energy attacks. Special training rooms were built in the mansion for the boy so he could learn how to hone his abilities (while also letting the family learn more about him biologically as a result).
-          When Vegito turned 18 and graduated from high school, it was then that Panchy and Brief deemed him old and responsible enough to know what the recorded messages of his spacepod divulged to them years ago. Recalling his earliest memories of living in a laboratory on Planet Vegeta, he accepted his purpose.
-          Being well into his middle age now (but still appearing to be in his twenties because of Saiyan genes), Vegito balances a “civilian” life alongside training himself to become even stronger, so he could face Frieza if the time ever came. For all he knew, the tyrant was still out in space somewhere, and could come to Earth one day to conquer it. He can’t let HIS homeworld come to an end, like how Planet Vegeta did.
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risingsouls · 4 years
Recruited: Prologue
[I suck at titles so excuse the lameness of me just using the name for Nabooru’s new verse. 
So I decided to write actual shit for this because I’m in love with the idea and exploring it. This is just some background on how shit gets set in motion but you can have it anyway. :3]
Nabooru had witnessed falling stars before, trails of light streaking through the sky on clear nights. But never had she seen such a display at midday. Watched them crash into the desert sands with such force as to quake the ground beneath her feet, the edifice she and her people resided in shuddering in protest.
If they had been shooting stars, she would have made a wish on them like a child still so filled with hope for the world. She would have wished for clairvoyance, to know the dreadful shift her life would take, delivered by this phenomenon.
After helping to quell the excitement and panic, she joined Ganondorf and a group of the Elite to investigate. They found that the stars were no stars at all but spherical contraptions embedded in deep pits they created in the sand. They cracked open like a quintet of eggs and out stepped a crew of people the likes she had never seen before, their features all varied and strange to her down to the clothes they donned. 
They hardly noticed the pair of Gerudo step forward despite the king’s size as they conversed among themselves. Planning. Doling out orders. Three took to the air without aid that she could see, leaving the Gerudo in awe. The two remaining--a shorter fellow with a snowy mohawk and reptilian features and a burly warrior with dark hair and sea-colored skin--approached and demanded we offer refuge. Nabooru opened her mouth to protest, but the lizard man raised a hand, a yellow sphere of light forming in his palm and aimed at her chest. Baffled by the technique, on edge over its similarity to magic, she closed her lips again. The message was clear: comply or die.
The band of Gerudo lead the strangers back to the Fortress and Nabooru's unease was reflected back at her on each of the Elite's faces. Ganondorf’s tense jaw and posture, the cogs working behind his eyes as he, too, strategized ways to keep their people safe while wondering who they were, what they wanted. Friend or foe. I could see Aveil desperate to speak to me and convey her own ideas or perhaps make a joke about their appearance to relieve the tension in the furtive glances she shot between myself and the pair. Avira's hands never once left the hilt of the broadsword at her back, and I noticed a flash of silver pressed in Valis's palm. When we passed through the gates, onlookers peered around corners, stopped their training to stare, but the king's glares and the presence of these two kept them all at a distance.
The Elite meeting room was the first stop. A compromise to the initial request. Information for comfort. Nabooru sat on Ganondorf's right side, Aveil next to her, their guests seated directly across from them. The rest of the Elite filled in along the table, all eyes locked on the newcomers. She was grateful that Ganondorf wasted no time with introductions or greetings. Though the warning in his tone when he demanded they state their business only caused the two to exchange smirks. Haughty and overconfident like the stuffed-shirt nobles of Hyrule's court when either of them spoke. Nabooru wrapped her legs around the legs of her chair to keep from springing over the table and tearing them from their faces, that sphere of light poised toward her heart stark in her memory.
The lizard man answered with the ease of being used to such conversations, of someone with nothing to hide. The five of them were soldiers for the ruler of a galactic empire, words that only half made sense to Nabooru. He sent them to the planet to scout its resources, to see if it held any promise as an addition to their empire. When pressed on what that meant for them, the two once more exchanged darkly amused glances, and the dire explanation, blunt and up front, revealed why: they either found usefulness in the planet and its people or it and them would be exterminated.
A million questions swirled around in her panicked mind, most of which fell to pieces before they could reach coherence. Every sinew screamed that they should attack, but the weight of dread and apprehension pinned her and the rest of the Gerudo to their seats, masks of indifference threatening to slip and reveal the desperation and anger they had all felt for years. Hyrule's offences suddenly felt as insignificant as the bite of ants.
The second soldier spoke up before anyone could articulate further questions with one of his own. He saw the warriors training, called attention to those who had welcomed them,all armed and in peak physical condition, and asked if they were warriors. That their power levels, whatever that meant, suggested as much, dismal as they were. Nabooru could see Ganondorf felt the sting of an insult neither of them could quite grasp yet, but answered proudly that Gerudo are taught to fight from the moment they could remain upright and hold a sword. 
As the conversation continued along this vein, Nabooru's apprehension welcomed curiosity when they hinted at such information at least being promising toward their survival. Potentially. A new means of combat for her to learn and strengthen herself. They mentioned something called ki, the energy he had used to threaten her, and Nabooru failed to hold her tongue. Was it magic, then? Both laughed and assured her it wasn't, that even a band of weaklings like them could harness ki or life energy and become an army capable of razing this entire planet and more. Another slight, but in the glance she and the Gerudo king shared, the glimmer of something akin to hope and a desire for strength they both shared to some degree sparking in their eyes, she knew they both wanted to unlock the secrets of this ki. A way to solve their current problems. To fight by their own means rather than artifacts not meant for them just as she always hoped.
Neither of them liked the prospective offer they set on the table for the newcomers, a sentiment shared between the king and his second the following evening as they pored over the same maps that often lead to their more heated arguments, the dead end strategies doomed more than one of them, ripped to shreds in frustration. In futility and helplessness. It was like swapping one ruler for another, but neither had cared to doubt their glib explanation of their business there. With some apprehension, Ganondorf had explained the growing tension within the country, the ire and fear of their neighbors that threatened to slowly suffocate and end their race entirely. How they fought to stave off war with diplomacy and promises of unity, a war they could only dream of winning with the scars of the last one still so fresh. It always shocked her how easily he shifted into the role of the humbled king, how he wove his passion for his people back into his words, his motives, his being. She saw the king she was proud of, the man she fell in love with all those years ago.
The bargain was simple: Ganondorf offered the Gerudo as a standing army to rule over the planet for this emperor of theirs in exchange for training in using ki which would help them overtake the current governing body. Nabooru added that, as natural warriors, the Gerudo learned quickly, and would not cost them much time. She also suggested they teach the Elite warriors first and that they could pass the knowledge on to the rest of the tribe, rather than expend time and soldiers of their own on training an entire army.
Though an agreement hung in the air, the soldiers informing them they would need to run that and the rest of their report by their emperor, Nabooru felt an elation she had not felt in years. A sense that they might finally make progress. She wanted peace, but Hyrule had made it apparent that wasn’t an option. The prospect that they could triumph and survive, to discontinue scraping by, she couldn’t help herself. And to be on the same page as the man she devoted herself to working with--someday ruling beside--after so many long months of disagreements and fights...to see a glimmer of the future she thought they could no longer sustain…
They made love that night. Truly. Deeply. Lovingly. Not as the result of a heated argument, a need for release or the adrenaline after a sparring session. Though the thought of impending doom occurred to her and spurred a second and third round before she tucked herself against his side for sleep, the thought that this could be their last night, such anxiety played a secondary role to her bolstered spirits.
Spirits that only soared higher into the cloudless desert sky when the soldiers returned with the rest of their crew and news that their emperor, Frieza, had agreed to the terms. Training commenced immediately, and Nabooru flourished. She felt like a kid again, handed her very first proper sword and learned to wield it. When she tapped into the energy slumbering within her, it amazed her how natural it felt. The skills, the strength she could have had all that time. Flight, blasts fired from her hands that tore through solid plateaus. It was invigorating. She obsessed over mastering it and challenging herself to reach new heights, finding time outside of the formal training sessions to train more. To spar with Aveil, Avira, Ganondorf, or any of the other Elite who would humor her. 
If only she had known her zeal for combat would someday bite her. That she would find her proclivity for fighting, her love and enjoyment of it, a hindrance over an aid.
How it would cost her everything.
Each Gerudo had to brace themself as the gargantuan ship flew low over the fortress, the gust left in its wake ripping flags from their standards and sand whipping through the air. It landed just outside the gates in far more graceful fashion than the pods the others arrived in. Their five guests scrambled to round up all the Gerudo and assemble them in front of the fortress, barking orders to straighten clothing or to stop looking so slack-jawed. Many aired their grievances with the rushed treatment, their confusion over the unidentified craft that flew overhead. But the sight of it working the galactic soldiers into a frenzy made sense with the whispers and off-handed comments made during their stay once they finally illuminated the significance of the ship: Frieza had arrived.
Nabooru stood at Ganondorf’s side as a chair carrying a horned, diminutive creature hovered toward them tailed by two what she could only guess were his guards or generals, and she followed suit in bowing along with the rest of her tribe and the soldiers. Her gold gaze lifted in curiosity to watch them, to understand why the emperor was so feared and surmise if the horror stories his men told them rang true. She only had to stare into his crimson eyes and witness that condescendingly amused smirk once to discontinue doubting them.
The alarm bells should have sounded when he requested an audience with both her and Ganondorf. It made sense to want to speak with the one who would rule the planet in his stead. But to specifically request she join them after inquiring if she was the one he had been told about, she should have seen the signs no matter how futile a retreat would have been. Her pride blinded her to any possibility except her skill and power being seen as impressive for a beginner. Enough to have earned the emperor’s praise. 
She had only been half right.
The turn the conversation took after a cordial discussion of the planet’s landmarks and resources, of how the warriors handled the training and a prospective timeframe for the attack on Hyrule, had forced Nabooru to forget most of the details of anything prior. The world slipped out from beneath her when Frieza informed the king and his second that he would recruit Nabooru to his ranks due to her skill and unusually high power level for a denizen of a planet like this one, and explained that he couldn’t rightly take Ganondorf, the more powerful of the two, as he needed him to stay and rule as promised. He would settle for close second. As insurance, to feel that he was given as much as they took in their conquest of the planet.
Every fiber of her being screamed out in protest. How could she leave her home? Her people? Her lover? And after all they had worked for and accomplished and on the brink of sacking Hyrule and starting something so entirely new? They were her life, everything she threw every ounce of her essence into. But to refuse was death. Or worse, her people's slaughter over it. She could feel herself hollowing out with each passing moment, as the same hopelessness she thought she had left behind tore the feelings of assured victory from her heart. 
Ganondorf opened his mouth at last to speak for her, but she stopped him with a deep bow. "It would be my honor to serve you, Lord Frieza."
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vulgarbulma · 4 years
it’s been one year and 7 months since she’s seen earth and counting.  wonders if her home planet even exists after frieza’s army had ravished and destroyed everything within their path.  stolen their resources and forcefully inscribed humans to work through various unfortunate services-- military,  tech.  those who fought against the actions of interstellar invaders perished in the process.  her friends.  all gone.  but it’s been years and that shock of pain deep curled in her chest has subdued to a dull throb.  her mother had been too old and murdered alongside those deemed unfit to be useful -- her father dared not part,  even though his intellect alone could have saved him from the same fact.  
she had been dragged screaming to the belly of a ship that possessed tech she never even fathomed in her wildest dreams,  vomiting and crying.  it didn’t take her long to learn and adapt to the advanced engineering.  standard galactic replaced her native tongue due to the chip implanted in her head and she was forced to assimilate or die.  there was no escaping the murkiness of outer-space and she didn’t even have the chance to contact her sister before she was shuttled into the far reaches of nothingness.  in the laboratory in which she was forcefully stationed,  she worked alongside a variety of aliens and creatures that shared the same fate as she did.  same stories.  same tragedies wrapped in imperialism. 
they’re never allowed to discuss anything more than schematics.  someone was always watching through cameras and the assigned attendance often resulted to violence if any of the scientist seemed like they wanted to step out of line.  in the beginning,  she had become quite acquainted with the roughness of the assigned guards-- had the scars and bruises to showcase the way her mouth proved reckless.  the kind of scars that left her panic and prone to anxiety attacks in her first year on the ship.  
she’s slowly grown more numb as the months flickered by.  but she worked fast and she worked hard and she avoided far worst circumstances than what she experienced by laying low in waiting.  some of the women from earth had been tossed into brothels and harems throughout this quadrant.  she’ll die before she ever face a similar fate.  she’s learned the workings of this ship’s system.  she’s configured a map of the galaxy in her head.  one day,  she waits.
dressed in the shapeless gray grab of scientists of the PTO with her hair tied in a loose braid-- she waits for her assigned ‘bodyguard’ by the laboratory door.  she’s been given her task for that month and she’s to follow through,  if she does not want punishment.  one that no one ever truly wants.  ever so often,  one of scientists would be given the assignment of collecting data samples from a lawless planet that may or may not be cultivated into the organization.  
these planets operated as festering grounds for the underbelly work.  disease ridden,  prostitutes,  and trafficking was rapid in this area-- occasionally someone she knows would go missing while down there.  easily replaceable in a rotational system that has numbers for faces.  the markets were full of thieves and con artists waiting for the right opportunity from some drugged out unfortunate soul.  the automatic door hisses open and she steps back,  fingers curled in the pockets of her laboratory coat.
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