skywarpshydroflask · 9 months
cyclonus would work so well in earthspark bc he's like one of the few villain characters u wouldn't need to tone down the evilness for them to fit into the "not everything is black and white" narrative. like he's always been basically just some guy. it's just he happened to have been created to follow a super evil dude
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ruemorinpointcom · 8 months
Fermeture des patinoires extérieures et anneaux de glace
Pour les jours du 9 et du 10 février 2024 Continue reading Fermeture des patinoires extérieures et anneaux de glace
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patricksteel · 2 years
Fallout 4 Galac Tac Retribution, Mercs and Musik Mod with a Typical Trou...
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cryb4by2k23 · 1 year
25 ☆ 05
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kroki : 17k
bilans: 645
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przemyslenia: mial byc fast ale nie wyszlo i mam ogromne wyrzuty przez to, nie cierpie tego ze na wycieczce przyjaciolka kupywala sobie lody i przez to sie zlamalam bo sama mialam na nie ochote wiec tez wzielam, plusem jest to ze odmawialam jej kazdej przekaski jaka mnie czestowala i tak caly dzien bylam na galce lodow, po powrocie do domu powrocilam znowu do starych nawykow i sie niezle wkurzylam bo caly dzien myslalam tylko o tym ze jak przyjde to wypije skbie shake proteinowego tylko jak sie okazalo moj super shake zostal wpierdolobh juz przez kogos innego a ja tak bardzo go chcialam wypic mialam ochote rozje ac pol domu i zrobic im awanture ze kto smial dotykac moj shake, zamiast tego zaczelam sie zapychac wszystkim innhm dookola
co ja jestem psem ze sie nagradzam jedzeniem
chce byc perfekcyjonistka
dlaczego tak sie wkurzam o jedzenie przeciez nie zasluguje bh jesc wiec po co chcialam sie awanturowac o shake
glupie jedzenie
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nathfiset · 6 months
What is Krabbe disease (lgloboid cell leukodystrophy and how can cord blood banking help?
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I am ready to enroll in cord blood banking NOW and get my special discount!
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By clicking on either buttons, you are agreeing to our TOS and disclaimers and will be redirected to an affiliate cord blood banking provider. We might get financial compensation if you sign up with them through our affiliate links. Unlock your special discounts by adding your promo code.CORD300 in the coupon field to get $300 OFF cord blood and tissue banking. OR cord200 to get $200 OFF if you are getting cord blood banking only. I want more information on cord blood banking
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Many families are affected by Krabbe disease, also known as globoid cell leukodystrophy, a rare and devastating genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. This condition is caused by a deficiency in an imperative enzyme, leading to the destruction of the protective coating of nerve cells. Cord blood banking offers a ray of hope for families at risk of Krabbe disease, as the stem cells found in cord blood can potentially be used for future treatments such as stem cell transplants. In this blog post, we will explore into what Krabbe disease is, how it impacts individuals, and how cord blood banking can play a crucial role in managing this condition.
Understanding Krabbe Disease
Genetic and Biological Basis of Krabbe DiseaseFor individuals diagnosed with Krabbe disease, there is a mutation in the GALC gene located on chromosome 14, leading to a deficiency in the enzyme galactocerebrosidase. This enzyme is crucial for breaking down certain lipids in the nervous system. As a result, toxic substances build up in the brain, causing damage to the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects nerve cells.Symptoms and Progression of Globoid Cell LeukodystrophyOnset of symptoms in infants with Krabbe disease typically occurs within the first few months of life and progresses rapidly. Initial signs may include irritability, feeding difficulties, muscle stiffness, and developmental delays. As the disease advances, children may experience vision loss, seizures, hearing loss, and eventually become paralyzed and non-responsive.Cell transplantation from umbilical cord blood has shown promise in slowing down the progression of Krabbe disease as it can provide the missing enzyme and help repair damaged myelin. However, the success of this treatment largely depends on the age of the patient and the stage of the disease at the time of transplantation.
Treatment Options for Krabbe Disease
Conventional Treatments and TherapiesTreatment options for Krabbe disease are limited and mainly focus on managing symptoms and providing supportive care. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy can help improve quality of life for patients with Krabbe disease. Medications may also be prescribed to manage symptoms such as seizures and muscle stiffness.The Role of Hematopoietic Stem Cell TransplantationRole Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is currently the most promising treatment option for Krabbe disease. This procedure involves transplanting healthy stem cells, typically from umbilical cord blood or bone marrow, into the patient. The goal of HSCT is to replace the faulty cells in the body with healthy ones, potentially slowing the progression of the disease and improving quality of life for affected individuals.More about The Role of Hematopoietic Stem Cell TransplantationTreatments While HSCT is not a cure for Krabbe disease, it has been shown to significantly delay the onset of symptoms and prolong lifespan in some patients, particularly when performed early in the course of the disease. This treatment option is most effective in infants and young children who have not yet developed severe symptoms of Krabbe disease.
Cord Blood Banking
Basics of Cord Blood BankingBlood collected from a newborn's umbilical cord and placenta after birth is known as cord blood. This blood is a rich source of stem cells, which have the potential to develop into various types of cells in the body. Cord blood banking involves the storage of this valuable resource for potential future use in medical treatments.How Cord Blood Banking Can Help in Krabbe DiseaseTo understand how cord blood banking can help in Krabbe Disease, it's important to note that this rare and fatal genetic disorder affects the nervous system. Stem cell transplants, using cord blood containing healthy cells, have shown promise in halting the progression of the disease and improving symptoms in affected individuals.The transplantation of cord blood stem cells can potentially provide the missing enzyme needed to break down toxic substances in the body, which accumulate in individuals with Krabbe Disease. This can help slow down the disease progression and improve the quality of life for those affected by this devastating condition.
Research and Future Directions
Advancements in Krabbe Disease Treatment ResearchTo further advance the treatment options for Krabbe disease, ongoing research is focusing on the development of innovative therapeutic strategies. Any progress in understanding the disease mechanisms and exploring novel treatment approaches is crucial in improving patient outcomes. Clinical trials and preclinical studies are vital in evaluating the effectiveness and safety of potential therapies, which may lead to significant breakthroughs in the near future.The Potential of Gene Therapy and Other Emerging TechnologiesOne of the most promising avenues for Krabbe disease treatment is the potential use of gene therapy and other emerging technologies. With advancements in genetic engineering and targeted therapies, there is hope for developing more precise and effective treatments for this devastating condition. For instance, gene editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 hold promise in correcting the genetic mutations underlying Krabbe disease, offering a potential cure or long-term management solution for patients.
Krabbe disease, also known as globoid cell leukodystrophy, is a rare and devastating genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. Cord blood banking offers a potential solution by providing a source of stem cells that can be used in the treatment of Krabbe disease through stem cell transplantation. By storing a baby's cord blood at birth, families can be prepared in case their child develops this rare disease, allowing for early intervention and potentially better outcomes. Cord blood banking is a way for families to take proactive steps towards protecting the health of their loved ones and ensuring that they have access to potentially life-saving treatments in the future.
Q: What is Krabbe Disease (Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy)?A: Krabbe disease, also known as Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy, is a rare and fatal genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. It is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase, which leads to the destruction of the nerve cells in the brain and throughout the body.Q: How can cord blood banking help in Krabbe Disease?A: Cord blood banking involves collecting and storing the blood from the umbilical cord after a baby is born. This blood is a rich source of stem cells, which have the potential to treat a variety of genetic and acquired disorders, including Krabbe disease. Stem cell transplants from cord blood have shown promising results in slowing down the progression of Krabbe disease and improving quality of life for affected individuals.Q: Why is cord blood banking important for families at risk of Krabbe Disease?A: Families with a history of Krabbe disease or other genetic disorders may benefit from cord blood banking as it provides them with a potential treatment option for their child if they are diagnosed with the disease. By storing cord blood at birth, families can have peace of mind knowing that there is a potential source of stem cells that could be used in the future to help treat their child's condition. Read the full article
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n33t-o · 7 months
Want if the fucking of the LOONA sexya Dame 9r marbles big aaaaasssss wfal hips of raw iron big hola boons or Mandy milllie better fuskaina she seems like Blake inloveblakqeuans I washed they galce mille curlart hai essay What does this mean?
yeah I have no idea
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apkdrv · 9 months
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cafedeotocom · 1 year
Evans, liderliğini sağlamlaştırmak için ilerledi.
Galli sürücü, sekiz etaptan yedisinde zafer kazanarak Thierry Neuville'in önüne geçti.
Galli sürücü, sekiz etaptan yedisinde zafer kazanarak Thierry Neuville’in önüne geçti. Elfyn Evans, Cumartesi günü yapılan son iki etap boyunca muhteşem bir atağa geçerek ikinci Secto Rally Finland zaferine doğru büyük adımlar attı. Hızlı ve çakıl yollarının bulunduğu Fin ormanlarında sekiz etaptan yedisinde en hızlı olan Galce sürücü, başlangıçta 6.9 saniyelik bir avantajı 32.1 saniyelik güçlü…
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444names · 2 years
precious stone and american forenames
Adumbuste Adury Akerk Akeryl Alberlard Alcite Aleval Alita Alite Almate Almbenity Almburgh Almond Altla Amelland Amesti Amonand Ananch Anaria Anarville Anassite Anatlaker Ancon Andine Angle Anite Anoodbria Anorosand Antsville Arralle Aston Athesta Athoch Augel Auker Aurquor Austa Balkgra Batio Beapeka Bearite Beause Berson Biamon Bilerise Bilis Bille Bockson Boralcity Borouge Bortwood Boste Bouge Bredo Breenolin Brent Brest Brian Briel Brilwate Briock Broce Brock Broit Brolicam Broustval Brove Buffalce Buque Burro Calend Calexan Calle Caltolle Caridge Carids Carille Casite Cassiamal Celiet Celite Celle Cenviler Chalcia Chalow Chamacite Chamen Chamford Chiand Chiseaus Chistmite Chite Choens Chria Chriale Chryl Chryste Chunsboce Cland Clandra Coliele Colilase Coliter Colul Consvery Corach Corago Corde Corowne Corthylle Cortz Coruce Coruces Cosalich Courourgh Coutinga Couver Crinelk Dachite Dacramony Dalench Dalle Dalleston Dalmon Dantateo Daverque Dettle Dolend Doluby Downs Downsidle Dumber Duming Eboutings Edoweline Eleycite Elinalle Elkgreen Emesta Euguse Evaltle Evega Evegas Evego Eventgo Everylle Fallite Fluby Fluord Folli Foreent Forfora Forntgo Forphise Forth Forthch Forthount Fortong Fortwasse Fortwood Fralley Freensa Frent Frica Fulan Fulde Galce Galcedo Galita Garite Garli Garne Ginnews Grago Graine Grand Gredo Gremadia Grentity Grony Halce Hamphia Hangton Hemoroker Hempal Hempeccia Heston Hille Hityl Hoclakro Homantam Horanke Horonia Hulan Hunzite Hunzitte Inewood Insver Irano Iredon Irvise Jacite Jadal Jadalle Jadencin Jadepio Jewine Jewporda Joriam Jorthite Kellene Killine Kimille Kimon Knora Knoracham Knorlargo Knorthe Koralcite Korne Korthock Korvise Kyanta Ladeld Lafalite Lakeport Landury Lapeo Lapora Larledo Lasse Lauguste Lazulaha Lazulank Lazuld Lejoll Linnatero Liste Litenne Lomem Lowns Machatio Malent Malmonyx Marlo Marre Marro Mcage Mcalown Mentarro Merisvill Mesta Meste Mesto Meston Michate Midson Millywood Minsvise Mintgo Mival Monkewood Murgh Murha Murham Murman Murres Napeo Narderia Nelders Newich Newood Newyon Norfre Nortlesta Noxvine Oakeccite Oakells Oaklas Obsimecon Obsita Obsitery Okenapis Oklancit Olles Olomette Olontone Olumity Omite Omorpem Onton Opaledo Opalexand Opaudenta Opazuland Opazulum Orago Oralo Orfrite Orocedind Orron Ortwalbus Ortwase Palcite Paliteo Paltlans Pander Parlsbus Parris Pazuls Peach Pearginet Pecosach Pekano Pensvelis Periana Phena Phenda Phills Phingto Phinsvill Phirgh Phite Phylle Phyral Phyria Pidge Pingtock Piscolans Pland Plaville Poluoite Pomesta Pominny Pompalite Poridge Porle Porne Porthesto Porthyra Prident Pridlanta Pueblot Pusey Puste Pustite Pyrago Pyrans Randise Ranfrette Reend Rempton Riamonve Riampe Rianke Rilansit Rings Rinte Rorne Rorton Rouscortz Ruthon Rutio Rutit Sacharlan Sadeim Saderque Sairvise Salenath Salmdayen Sanate Sander Sandertz Sandis Sandranta Santarnt Santasvis Sante Santer Santon Seacite Serquitt Sille Simbean Sprock Stacis Staculle Stasch Stone Sundurfor Sunnewood Sunsine Sunta Surhate Surphyl Surpria Surysont Syentaton Syettero Syranco Tacha Tanchite Teridiege Toparids Toparlite Topaurgo Toulitem Tourborle Tourris Touthel Triand Tridow Tulan Turfield Turginio Turhascis Turret Turyst Valey Valite Vichand Viderk Ville Villevery Viscon Wargomonk Watock Welant Welinne Wesan Wesnolk Westa Westaanst Westanati Weste Weston Wicampa Wichryl Wileacine Wineycite Wiseeston Woodbron Yonoranna Zoise
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greysfoundry · 2 years
Daisy bates
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Bates Home is nationally significant for its role as the de facto command post during the Central High School desegregation crisis in Little Rock, Arkansas. Designs by Jilalga Murray.The Daisy and L.C. Thanks also to Andrew Tanner and Nadia Faragaab for editing work. Thanks to Lauren Gawne and Jill Vaughan for their work on Thanks to Conal Tuohy for scripting and general TEI implementation. This project has also been supported by: the Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne the Australian Research Council the ARCĬentre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language. Contact him for any queries about the Digital Bates project. The project has been part of Nick Thieberger'sĪRC Future Fellowship ( FT140100214). Native Tribes of Western Australia Canberra: National Library of Australia Acknowledgments In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages. In Austin, Peter K., Harold Koch and Jane Simpson (eds) Language, land and song: Studies in honour of Luise Hercus.įrom Small to Big Data: paper manuscripts to RDF triples of Australian Indigenous Vocabularies. You can also cite this work by reference to this paper: Nick Thieberger. You can see a short video presentation of this website here You can hear a five minute podcast about this project here. To find them you can use the 'Search' function and you can also browse through the typed version of the work,Įach of which you can find by looking at the 'Map of vocabularies'. There are more than just the words in this map presentation. It will also show the geographic location for words.īecause the people who filled out the questionnaire added new words and did not answer all questions, This will give you an overview of the spread of languages recorded. Use the 'Map of words' to see the key terms that Bates asked for in the questionnaire. There are several ways to navigate through the thousands of pages and words in this set of materials. The University of Western Australia Using these pages It's a wonderful research resource that I'll be consulting often."Ĭentre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management and School of Biological Sciences "I spent all day yesterday exploring the above website and wanted to congratulate you on creating it. Many times since I was told about it, and that was not too long ago, I think your work on this project is invaluable Nick. I will rely on your new work much more in theįuture. Understandings that make seeing your new work exhilarating at times,Īs I can see the pencil work (of recognisable institutions to me)īehind the original hand written material that otherwise I would haveīeen troubled with. "I have done independent analysis for research and have comfortable "I’d again like to express how incredibly useful is for our work here at GALC: I don’t know what I would do without it!!" The output of this project has been a web page with the text of all the vocabularies,Įach linked to the image of the source document. For more details on how these pages have been built, see the technical information page.Īccess to these historical records of Australian languages will benefit from the interdisciplinary cooperation of linguists and musicologists with technology experts and with the premier collecting agency, the National Library of Australia. This will enable reuse of the collection by Aboriginal people searching for their own heritage Originally recorded by Daisy Bates in the early 1900s, made up of the original questionnaires and around 4,000 pages of typescripts. In collaboration with the National Library of Australia (NLA), these web pages make accessible thisĮxtremely valuable collection of over 23,000 pages of wordlists of Australian languages, Significantly, it is an edited version of all of her notes except the section containing thousands of pages dealing with Aboriginal languages. Her 'Native Tribes of Western Australia' (White 1985) is a detailed collection about Aboriginal people of WA. Her priceless collection of written records documents a great deal about the language and culture of the Daisy Bates (1859-1951) was a remarkable and quite controversial ethnographer who spent all of her adult life living inĪboriginal communities around parts of Western Australia and South Australia.
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starburstshores · 3 years
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i’m trying to manifest an abduction
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strictlyfavorites · 2 years
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patchworkedits · 3 years
More Encanto promo poster pfps!
PART 4 - Pepa, Félix, & Alma/Abuela!
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PART 1 - Mirabel, Julieta, Agustin
PART 2 - Antonio, Camilo, Dolores
PART 3 - Isabela & Luisa
PART 4 - You are here!
PART 5 - Bruno & the logo
Credit isn't necessary, but appreciated
These are all 2000x2000, feel free to ask for a resize!
Also, check out my sideblog @talkingaboutbruno
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des-dabbles · 3 years
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The pets aren’t the only new faces. Meet Danielle Rhodes, Ace’s roommate.
The cutie was made by @junktrait. She’s so adorable. I love her.
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talkingaboutbruno · 3 years
I expressed a ton of why I love Encanto and keep watching it in one of my Discord servers and I feel like others might want to hear it
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[ID: A series of discord dark-mode messages sent by a person with a blurred-out green name. They read:
[Dos Oraguitas or Two Oruguitas plays]
No matter how many times I watch this movie. I will tear up and sob at those songs. Cause I know the translation. And it kills me every single time /pos
Need to make me cry? Those songs.
They're somber. They're bittersweet. They're parallels and they show it well in the movie. They hurt you but also make you feel whole. They make you realize that bad things happen, but that those bad things will be replaced with good ones in time.
I just. This movie gives me so many emotions. And I keep watching it to feel them over and over again.
It's relatable and sad and yearning and comfort and connections and family and friends and feelings and suppression and negativity and positivism and neglect and sorrow and coming together and feeling together and learning and mourning and growing.
I just. I love this movie
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babkaioshka · 5 years
0°C by Stephane Gachet Via Flickr:
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