#get a life challenge
crazycatsiren · 1 year
Imagine having no life to the point of going around people's inboxes and sending multiple anon hate messages at length out of undying love for a mediocrely written kids' series produced by a Nazi bitch. Can't help showing off how pathetic they are, can't they. 🤣
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justasimthing · 1 year
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First Date with Zoey - He passed the Laundry sniff test 😂
He said he had a great time. I'll take his word on that
I am gonna push it along a little because I have yet to try infants, I want to see what they are like
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barghest-land · 3 months
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first 10 days of jurassic june! i'm slow with it but still going ;__;
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jupipedia · 1 year
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and to whoever nerfed my shit, stop breathing you dumb bitch.
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taiistired · 6 months
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i need you more than anything
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christronomy · 1 year
thinking about chan with a fleshlight ??! you got it for him as a gag gift, cause he'd always come to you to tell you about how every time he tried to muster up the courage to hook up, it never worked out. he just couldn't bring himself to do it, never really understood what all the hype was about. "just get a fleshlight, then," you'd say mindlessly, and he'd always just laugh it off. but now you'd actually bought him one as a prank, ordered it online and had it shipped to his house, all wrapped up like a christmas present. it was all jokes at first, and he had it stored in his closet somewhere, completely forgetting about it for a long time. but he had to admit, the thought of actually using it had crossed his mind a few times. there was no harm in just trying it, right? sure, it might not feel like the real deal, but still ... he was curious. and stressed. and there was only one thing that he knew would really help him relieve said stress. so here he is, currently rolling his hips into the toy, just the tip for now. he moves slowly, tentatively, not wanting to bottom out all at once. it's a pretty tight squeeze around his already rock hard cock as he sinks it down a little more, since it's brand new, and he knows that if he moves too fast, he'll cum too soon. it takes a few more slow thrusts to get it to fit around him perfectly, and that first real thrust into it is like heaven. he was wrong about it not feeling like the real thing—in fact, it kinda feels better. but his only concern at this moment is: why is he thinking about you, his best friend, while fucking into this toy? the toy that you'd gotten for him as a joke? what would you think if you knew that it wasn't really much of a joke anymore? and what if you knew he's already cum inside of it several times in a row at the thought of you?
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csuitebitches · 2 months
The Charisma Myth: things that I liked
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Three quick tips to gain an instant charisma boost in conversation:
Lower the intonation of your voice at the end of your sentences. Reduce how quickly and how often you nod.
Pause for two full seconds before you speak.
The very next time you’re in a conversation, try to regularly check whether your mind is fully engaged or whether it is wandering elsewhere (including preparing your next sentence).
Expensive clothing leads us to assume wealth, friendly body language leads us to assume good intentions, a confident posture leads us to assume the person has something to be confident about. In essence, people will tend to accept whatever you project.
when you can project both power and warmth together, you really maximize your personal charisma potential.
charismatic behaviors must originate in your mind. Knowing how to skillfully handle mental discomfort is even more important than knowing how to handle physical discomfort. Anxiety is a serious drawback to charisma. First, it impacts our internal state: quite obviously, it’s hard to be fully present while you’re feeling anxious. Anxiety can also lower our confidence. Anxiety, low presence, and low confidence can show up directly in our body language, as well as reduce our ability to emanate warmth.
 The single most effective technique I’ve found to alleviate the discomfort of uncertainty is the responsibility transfer. Pick an entity—God, Fate, the Universe, whatever may best suit your beliefs—that you could imagine as benevolent. Imagine lifting the weight of everything you’re concerned about—this meeting, this interaction, this day—off your shoulders and placing it on the shoulders of whichever entity you’ve chosen. They’re in charge now. Visually lift everything off your shoulders and feel the difference as you are now no longer responsible for the outcome of any of these things. Everything is taken care of. You can sit back, relax, and enjoy whatever good you can find along the way.
Golfer Jack Nicklaus said that he never hit a shot, even during practice, without visualizing it first. For decades, professional athletes have considered visualization an essential tool, often spending hours visualizing their victory, telling their mind just what they want their body to achieve.
“There is good evidence that imagining oneself performing an activity activates parts of the brain that are used in actually performing the activity,” Professor Stephen Kosslyn, director of Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, wrote me. Visualization can even physically alter the brain structure: repeated experiments have shown that simply imagining yourself playing the piano with sufficient repetition leads to a detectable and measurable change in the motor cortex of the brain.
Silvia recently confided that visualization is one of the secrets to her success. Before key meetings, she’ll imagine “the smiles on their faces because they liked me and they are confident about the value I’m bringing them. I’ll imagine as much detail as I can, even seeing the wrinkles around their eyes as they’re smiling.” She visualizes the whole interaction, all the way through to the firm handshakes that close the meeting, sealing the deal.
A twenty-second hug is enough to send oxytocin coursing through your veins, and that you can achieve the same effect just by imagining the hug. So the next time you’re feeling anxious, you might want to imagine being wrapped up in a great big hug from someone you care about.
Self-confidence is our belief in our ability to do or to learn how to do something.
Self-esteem is how much we approve of or value ourselves. It’s often a comparison-based evaluation (whether measured against other people or against our own internal standards for approval).
Self-compassion is how much warmth we can have for ourselves, especially when we’re going through a difficult experience.
It’s quite possible for people to have high self-confidence but low self-esteem and very low self-compassion.
Types of charisma:
Focus: Focus charisma requires, of course, the ability to focus and be truly present. Good listening skills are nonnegotiable, as is a certain degree of patience. To develop focus charisma, cultivate your ability to be present.
Visionary charisma makes others feel inspired; it makes us believe. It can be remarkably effective even though it won’t necessarily make people like you. We assess visionary charisma primarily through demeanor, which includes body language and behavior. Due to the fact that people tend to accept whatever you project, if you seem inspired, they will assume you have something to be inspired about.
kindness charisma comes entirely from body language—specifically your face, and even more specifically your eyes. Kindness charisma is primarily based on warmth. It connects with people’s hearts, and makes them feel welcomed, cherished, embraced, and, most of all, completely accepted.
Authority charisma is primarily based on a perception of power: the belief that this person has the power to affect our world. We evaluate someone’s authority charisma through four indicators: body language, appearance, title, and the reactions of others. you’ll need to learn how to “take up space” with your posture, reduce nonverbal reassurances (such as excessive nodding), and avoid fidgeting. You may need to speak less, to speak more slowly, to know how and when to pause your sentences, or how to modulate your intonation. Look expensive. 
Avoid holding a drink in your right hand, especially if it’s a cold drink, as the condensation will make your hand feel cold and clammy. Before shaking someone’s hand, whether you are a man or a woman, rise if you’re seated. And keep your hands out of your pockets: visible hands make you look more open and honest. Make sure to use plenty of eye contact, and smile warmly but briefly: too much smiling could make you appear overeager. Keep your head straight, without tilting it in any way, and face the person.
Ask people open ended questions, focus on questions that will likely elicit positive emotions. With your questions, you have the power to lead the conversation in the direction you want. In fact, even when you’re speaking, the one word that should pop up most often in your conversation is not I but you. Instead of saying “I read a great article on that subject in the New York Times,” try “You might enjoy the recent New York Times article on the subject.” Or simply insert “You know...” before any sentence to make them instantly perk up and pay attention.
Another way to exit a conversation with grace is to offer something of value:
Information: an article, book, or Web site you think might be of use to them A connection: someone they ought to meet whom you know and can introduce them to
Visibility: an organization you belong to, where you could invite them to speak
Recognition: an award you think they should be nominated for
When someone has spoken, see if you can let your facial expression react first, showing that you’re absorbing what they’ve just said and giving their brilliant statement the consideration it deserves. Only then, after about two seconds, do you answer. The sequence goes like this:
They finish their sentence
Your face absorbs
Your face reacts
Then, and only then, you answer
The next time you’re given a compliment, the following steps will help you skillfully handle the moment:
1. Stop.
2. Absorb the compliment.
3. Let that second of absorption show on your face. Show the person that they’ve had an impact.
4. Thank them. Saying “Thank you very much” is enough, but you can take it a step further by thanking them for their thoughtfulness or telling them that they’ve made your day.
It’s not just metaphors that can paint the wrong picture. Some common phrases can have the same effect. When you tell someone, “No problem,” “Don’t worry,” or “Don’t hesitate to call,” for example, there’s a chance their brain will remember “problem,” “worry,” or “hesitate” instead of your desire to support them. To counter this negative effect, use phrases like “We’ll take care of it” or “Please feel free to call anytime.”
You can deliver value to others in multiple ways:
Entertainment: Make your e-mail or meeting enjoyable.
Information: Give interesting or informative content that they can use. 
Good feelings: Find ways to make them feel important or good about themselves. 
The longer you speak, the higher the price you’re making them pay, so the higher the value ought to be. 
If your goal is to communicate power, set the pitch, tone, volume, and tempo of your voice in the following ways:
Pitch and tone: The lower, more resonant, and more baritone your voice, the more impact it will have.
Volume: One of the first things an actor learns to do on stage is to project his voice, which means gaining the ability to modulate its volume and aim it in such a targeted way that specific portions of the audience can hear it, even from afar. One classic exercise to hone your projection skills is to imagine that your words are arrows. As you speak, aim them at different groups of listeners.
Tempo: A slow, measured tempo with frequent pauses conveys confidence.
To emanate vocal warmth, you need to do only one thing: smile, or even just imagine smiling.
Charismatic people are known to be more “contagious”; they have a strong ability to transmit their emotions to others.
The most effective and credible compliments are those that are both personal and specific. For instance, instead of “Great job,” you could say, “You did a great job,” or, better yet, “The way you kept your calm when that client became obnoxious was impressive.”
Here’s one specific—and surprisingly effective—recommendation for phone charisma, courtesy of author Leil Lowndes: Do not answer the phone in a warm or friendly manner. Instead, answer crisply and professionally. Then, only after you hear who is calling, let warmth or even enthusiasm pour forth in your voice. This simple technique is an easy and effective way to make people feel special. I recommend it to all my business clients whose companies have a strong customer service component. The gains in customer satisfaction are impressive.
Charisma takes practice. Steve Jobs, who appeared so masterful on stage, was known to rehearse important presentations relentlessly.
Retain at least a certain measure of equanimity. Most charismatic leaders are known for their ability to remain (or appear) calm even in the midst of turbulent circumstances.
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technicalgator · 10 months
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I fuckin’ love meshed together taxidermy like this.
Kinda wish I did something like this with the first deer mount I got from my first buck kill. Woulda been waaay cooler.
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deandraxon · 4 months
So wild how “non-disordered” assholes always bitch about being harassed, yet choose to ignore my DNI and keep coming onto MY posts.
You’ll never find me in the notes of THEIR posts, but they fucking FLOCK to mine.
Respect my DNI, or I’m going to tear you a new asshole before blocking you.
Endos fuck off.
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second batch of outfit requests!
pattern collage / showfit / clownfit for @koifsssh & candy cardigan Eddie for @jazzzzzzhands <3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 17 days
your drawings literally makes my day !! thank you so much <3 hope you have a great summer winter spring autumn - ❣️
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Getting myself ready for the best Summerwinter Springautumn!
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justasimthing · 1 year
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Work rivalry with Brendan 😆 I had no idea this was a thing. I like it lol. I wonder how we should solve it. Befriend him or sabotage him at work. No promotion until it is solved
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astrologysaysno · 3 months
Idol Shang Qinghua
Previous Post: here
I have discussed the music aspect of Shang Qinghua and how he is a capable vocalist, but what about dancing?
As a trainee, SQH would be trained to do a lot of dances depending on the company. Personally, I think he would be going for a more vocal-based company like SM rather than a more dance based company.
But Shang Qinghua is trained in MODERN dance styles, rather than traditional dancing, so all I can envision is just him just popping and locking it as he sang girl crush K-pop.
Basically, my interpretation is that all modern dance is more risqué than the period SQH lives in, so personally, I just want to imagine the Qing generation witnessing SQH shake ass like a pro. Watch him perform in a short sleeved shirt and some mid-thigh length shorts and cause a scene that could cause Liu Qingge to blow a fuse.
Mobei-Jun doesn't mind tho
Also, how much of being an idol would have influenced Shang Qinghua in writing demon culture. Like, did he include things like hip hop or jazz dances, or the like into the mix? Cause it would be really funny if demon culture had these dances they sometimes do when they court others, and it's just them getting low.
Mobei-jun doing a STAYC type choreo may very well end Shang Qinghua.
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natjennie · 4 months
what's weird about the fantasy high drama is that like. it seems to me like people forget d&d is primarily a) a game you play with your friends and also b) luck based.
I mean it's fine to say that "nothing felt like a challenge" and "they just dominated everything and there weren't any stakes" but like. it's not as if they weren't up against huge threats. they lost the mall fight. the last stand was an onslaught of enemies. they fought a dozen dragons from an airship. the fights were hard. they're just really good. they've had very good dice luck in general this season and are all very high level and highly specialized. fig is gonna beat deception and performance checks. adaine's gonna figure out the arcana. riz is gonna succeed investigations. like. for some reason their strategical competence and wisely picked abilities are. a downside? a disappointment?
the thing about d&d that you need to remember is it's first and foremost a game. it's mostly random and it takes you down weird paths and you're playing to have fun with your friends. the dice are literally telling the story that it's their time, it's their year. they've struggled enough. they've trained enough. they're good at what they do. and in my post about the academic/domestic/personal stressors being the focus, d&d doesn't have any other system to work them out than rolling different skills. that's what d&d is. brennan set specific challenge levels for different tasks and the players strategized to prioritize which abilities they were strongest in. the challenges were there. and the players rose to them. they were both smart in their delegation of responsibilities and lucky with their dice rolls. of which, both are foundations of d&d.
don't mistake them being good players and getting lucky with there being no hardship. just because they smashed through the wall, that doesn't mean the wall wasn't strong. they were just stronger.
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kitkatdoodlez · 4 months
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That was different, that was just you and me
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bibibusinessman · 24 days
gym rats and athletes of tumblr how many pushups can you do? Also open to couch potatoes
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