#gallavich wip
sam-loves-seb · 6 months
wip wednesday friday
we're gonna pretend it's still friday and not ten minutes past midnight here on the east coast (oops). thanks for the tags @jrooc & @mybrainismelted & @transmurderbug <3
wip is from a one shot i'm working on that will (hopefully) be posted next week. it's a bit of a longer snippet so i'm putting it under the cut. enjoy.
March, for some people, always seems to drag on. It’s a long, cold, rain-filled month, especially in Chicago, and it makes it feel like it goes on and on with no end in sight.
Ian, however, finds it to always go by fast.
The twenty-first is here in the blink of an eye, and when he wakes up on the morning of his fourth wedding anniversary—and God isn’t just the thought of that alone enough to make him grin—he wakes up smiling.
Mickey is still asleep beside him, curled up on his side with his half his face smushed into the pillow, his chest rising and falling with each steady breath.
The sun is just starting to rise, and Ian quickly looks over and checks his phone. They still have ten minutes until the first alarm, and he leaves his phone on the bedside table. In the drawer below it, he shuffles around the half-empty bottles of lube and spare phone charger, then lifts his journal just enough to slide out the envelope beneath it.
There’s nothing of note on either side of it, except for the scrawled Mick on one side. Despite the lack of fanfare, Ian grins at what he knows is inside.
These days he tries his best not to wake a sleeping Mickey if he can help it, but Ian figures that if there was ever going to be an exception, today would be it.
He slides over under the covers and rolls Mickey onto his back. Mickey makes a half-conscious noise at the movement, but that’s about it.
Ian leaves the envelope on his side of the bed and stretches himself out over his husband. He keeps the blankets pulled up high on his shoulders because he knows it’s fucking freezing in their apartment in the mornings, and he kisses Mickey’s neck.
Another faint sound comes from Mickey, who’s starting to wake slowly, rolling his head over on the pillow and shifting his shoulders.
Ian continues his path of kisses up to Mickey’s jaw, then switches to the other side. He takes his time, not really looking to start anything, just trying to wake his husband up with soft, loving kisses. It’s slow, careful work, but it’s so worth it when he sees the smile that tugs at the corners of Mickey’s mouth the very first second he’s aware of what’s happening.
“Morning,” Ian whispers into his skin, gently nipping at the skin just above his t-shirt collar.
Mickey hums in approval, lazily lifting one arm and getting his fingers in Ian’s hair. “Hey.”
Ian kisses Mickey’s chest over his t-shirt while his hands slip under it by his sides. Mickey’s body is still sleep-warm and soft, fitting perfectly between his palms.
When Ian reaches the center of his chest, he kisses Mickey once there, then again slightly to the left. He lets his lips linger over the tattoo that he can’t see, but knows the exact position of, then props his chin up on his husband’s chest.
“Happy Anniversary,” Ian whispers, watching Mickey blink his eyes open in the early morning light.
Mickey smirks. “Is that today?”
Ian lightly bites at his pec, and Mickey’s chest rumbles with a laugh.
“Happy Anniversary,” Mickey says with a fond smile. He pushes Ian’s curls back off his forehead. “Four years, huh?”
“Uh huh,” Ian agrees, slowly pushing Mickey’s shirt up his stomach. He dips his head lower, kisses his husband’s belly.
“That’s a long time.”
“Mm.” Ian kisses his navel. “I think we’re just getting started.”
Mickey grins. “Yeah. I think so too.”
After he’s satisfied with his exploration of kissable exposed skin, Ian pulls Mickey’s t-shirt back down and settles heavily on top of him, fitting his body between Mickey’s legs. He brings their faces closer together and kisses him soft and sweet.
Mickey hums as Ian pulls back, the morning sun dancing in his eyes. “Alright Gallagher,” he says. “What do you got planned?”
“For today? Not much,” Ian says with an honest shrug. “Work, some dinner. Maybe we’ll make out a little on the couch later. Oh,” he pretends to just remember something and reaches out to grab the envelope from the other side of the bed. “And there’s this.”
Mickey eyes the plain white envelope suspiciously as he slowly takes it from Ian’s hands. His brows furrow slightly. “I thought for sure you’d make us take the day off from work.”
“No, not today,” Ian says playfully, pretending to think about it. “But tomorrow, don’t bother setting your alarm.”
Mickey grins, all teeth. “Long weekend?”
The hopefulness in his eyes is already enough to convince Ian that what he has planned is a good idea. Just the prospect of a day off has Mickey beaming.
“Extra-long,” Ian tells him, rolling over to the side and propping his elbow up on the mattress, his head resting on his fist. “We took off Monday too.”
Mickey pushes himself up on the pillows so he’s sitting up a bit more, the unopened envelope still in his hands. “We can’t skip Monday, man, we have that huge shipment coming in for the northside grow houses.”
“Carlos is gonna do it.”
“Carlos?” Mickey rasies his brows. “He’s already working forty hours next week.”
“Yeah, he knows,” Ian says, snaking his arm around Mickey’s waist. “He’s looking forward to the overtime in his paycheck.”
Mickey grumbles. “I bet he is, greedy little fucker.”
Ian rolls his eyes. “Mickey, he needs the money. His wife’s pregnant.”
“She is?” Mickey asks, as if this is the first he’s hearing about it. “When’s the kid gonna be here?”
“Not ‘til August—are you gonna open that or what?”
TBC [coming soon to an archive near you]
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sisitrip · 8 months
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I was tagged a full week ago by sweetie @energievie (sorry for being so late dolly).
Here's my WIP blurbicus. It's from a monster of a fic I wrote last year.
Context: This is an AU. That said, the Tony you think it is ... well, that's the one. Markovich. Tony Markovich and he just got knocked the fuck out by Mickey who wasn't even in the room y'all lol.
A bottom.
Mickey’s a broody, thick thighed, irritatingly sexy … bottom. Christ. 
Ian huffed in the car he was driving too fast while that one thought raged fever-like in his mind. He can’t stop thinking about Mickey on his knees, on his back. In his bed. Screaming. 
He pulled into his driveway, chanting “I’m boyfriended” like a mantra, as if it could take away this escalating desire. It doesn’t escape him that he hadn’t uttered his boyfriend's name the entire time he tried to nam-myoho-renge-kyo his way back into thoughts of fidelity. Hell, he was losing his shit and he hasn’t even touched Mickey … yet. 
Once inside the house, he pushed a surprised Tony up against the bedroom door, kissing him hard. Aggressive and greedy, he’s going to end this wanting of Mickey. Kill it, if he had to. 
He’s got to. 
Shaken by his fervor, Tony let himself be led to the bed, whispering his confusion only to be kissed into silence. 
Ian pushed Tony to sit and stepped between his legs, pulling his cock out. 
“Open,” he murmured, gentle tone belying the iron demand behind it.
In shock, his boyfriend stared up at him dumbly. Ian’s not surprised. This is not how they usually play. 
He sighed and stepped around Tony, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“I’m sorry. It’s been a long day.”
Tony slid to his knees, looking at him closely. He must see something in Ian’s face, because his confusion melted and he smiled. 
“Then let’s do something to make it better.” 
Tony pushed Ian back and took him in his mouth. Desperate, Ian tried to make this be enough, but the image of Mickey, his face half-buried in a pillow taking a pounding, wouldn’t let him enjoy it. He needs more than a mouth.
Tony paused, pulling off and stroking him from root to tip. 
“What is it, Ian? What do you need?” 
Mildly shocked, Ian just looked at him. Tony’s never this accommodating, expecting to top 90 percent of time. 
He doesn’t mind. Really, it’s not terrible. He can come from being fucked, but it takes a while. A long while. 
Tonight he needs to fuck someone. To fuck this growing need out of his system. 
To fuck Mickey out of his head. 
Since he rarely insists upon it, he asked for it now.
“I want to fuck you,” he said to the ceiling. “Hard.”
Tony stilled. Ian waited for him to say no. He has before. Many times - sometimes firmly, sometimes cajolingly, and sometimes, more often lately, that ‘no’ has been cold and final.
The pause lasted a soul killing lifetime before Tony said reluctantly, “Yeah, okay. If you really need it.” 
Tony’s benumbed enthusiasm almost makes him call it off. Lukewarm sex? Gee, thanks.
But, an unbidden image of Mickey riding him, eyes closed and cock bobbing, takes his choice away. 
“Get the lube.”
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mzshko · 1 year
Writer's Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @suzy-queued.
Rules: post the most recent sentence you have written, and then tag as many people as there are words.
“Forgive me, but are the lot of yous incapable of keeping the hamster wheel spinnin’ should I ever need to go dark for a minute?” - Going Off-Script, chapter 9
Okay, wow. Twenty-five people, huh? Here we go: @thevioletjones, @energievie, @gallawitchxx, @sweetbee78, @depressedstressedlemonzest, @mmmichyyy, @too-schoolforcool, @look-i-love-u, @yeah-all-of-it, @captainjowl, @ksuritta123, @twinklyylights, @ian-galagher, @michellemisfit, @lalazeewrites, @gallabitch73, @rereadanon, @juliakayyy, @gardenerian, @creepkinginc-au-vault, @tsuga-of-mars, @suchagallabitch, @such-a-barbarian, @silvanshadow and @auds-and-evens.
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doodlevich · 2 years
✨wip wednsday (even though it’s thursday here now oops)✨
thank you @depressedstressedlemonzest for tagging me! Atm I’m finally and officially writing Moni’s origin/birth story, so here’s a few lines from what I have so far!
They drive through the snowy city streets in silence, and Ian has to take it easier than he normally would on the corners so they don’t spin out. Ian turns on the late night talk radio on a very low volume just to provide some reprieve from the deafening quiet, and give himself background noise for his racing thoughts.
What the fuck had he gotten himself into? Ian glances at Chastity out of the corner of his eye. Of course, as soon as he saw some kid in need, he couldn’t help himself from inserting himself into the middle of it.
Don’t be a hero, Gallagher. Ian can practically hear Mickey’s advice already, but that’s the problem isn’t it- whenever he finds himself in one of these situations where his good nature overrides common sense, Mickey’s never around.
Chastity looks so tired though, just about as tired as he feels, and it’s obvious she hasn’t had an easy ride through life thus far.
“So… how old are you, Chastity?” Ian tries to ask it casually, but he knows it sounds forced.
He’s met with more silence, only to be broken by a tentative and barely audible, “…sixteen.”
Who’s Chastity? 🤔 Stay tuned to find out!
I know Wednesday is over, but if anyone feels like sharing their WIPs please do we would love to see!
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konaiiro · 13 days
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sketches n wips
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gallapiech · 5 months
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This was supposed to be for the gallavich masquerade event. But I changed my mind and decided to make something else for it LMAO
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howlinchickhowl · 4 months
Ristretto - mini update
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Hey! So, uh. I've been working on the next chapter of Ristretto for a good long while now. I'm finding it challenging because it's a lot of spice and that's one of the things I find hardest to write well. The next chapter, May, the lusty month of may, is planned as basically a five + 1 of fucking, and I have completed one section! So I have decided what I am doing for this chapter is mini updates by section here on tumblr, and then whenever I have all the sections complete I will update on ao3. In all honesty I just feel like I need the boost of actually posting something right now.
If you remember this fic and want to read the updates separately as they come, great! If you would rather wait and read them all in one go as one whole chapter, also great!
If you have no idea what Ristretto is, it's my coffeeshop AU I have been writing forever and a day and you can read from the beginning here.
And now without further ado!
Chapter 9(a) - rated E
By the time Ian closes the store, Mickey has taken to the break room for a nap, and Ian completes all of his nightly cleaning duties to the sounds of him snoring deep and rhythmic. When he’s done Ian shakes him awake and is treated to a full ten minutes of Mickey yawning and squinting like a sleepy baby while they gather their shit and lock up. They walk to the L and it seems to dawn on Mickey just when they’re getting on the train that he doesn’t actually know what Ian has planned, or where they’re going.
He gripes when Ian refuses to tell him, makes a few guesses but doesn’t get anywhere close. When they get to their stop he looks confused, wary, like maybe Ian’s playing some sort of trick on him. But he follows all the same. 
They get off at 47th and cut back across the 90 towards the maze of streets they both sort of call home. Ian leads them through Fuller Park, past the train depot, and the little league field.
“I peed on first base here once.” Mickey tells him, with a childish sort of pride, hooking his fingers into the chain-link fence and stopping to stare out at the spot in question.
“Why?” Ian stops beside him, watching his face as he looks, remembers. Mickey shrugs, like he doesn’t know why, but there is a faraway look in his eyes that suggests that this is not really the case.
“Bet you were a little terror.” Ian jokes, bumping Mickey’s shoulder with his own.
“I was a Milkovich.” Mickey smiles, licks his teeth, kind of feral, and pushes off from the fence. “We got far to go?” He asks, and Ian shakes his head no, pushing off as well and steering them across the little patch of green adjacent to the field so they can hang a right onto Normal.
A couple of blocks and a couple of turns later and they’re there. A road of empty homes, a tiny ghost town in the middle of the night. It’s eerie, actually, Ian thinks as they walk. They reach their destination, two doors down from Lip’s new place, a little square box of a home with faded gray walls, an overgrown front yard, and, crucially, a shitty back door with a broken lock.
Ian leads them through the little wilderness of the yard around to the back, jiggles the handle a little in the way that he has figured out gives him the quickest access, and ushers Mickey inside.
The electricity is out but Ian is prepared, he reaches over to the counter and flips on the camping lantern he had set there for this exact purpose. It’s not bright but it gives off just enough light for Mickey to see the selection of snacks Ian has set out next to the sink, the array of candles he has prepared on most of the other surfaces, ready to light, and through the open door into the next room where he has set up a little nest for them.
Mickey’s back is to him and he hasn’t spoken yet, and it’s making Ian kind of nervous. Was this a weird thing to do? Was it too much? Maybe he should have talked to him about it before? The seconds tick by and neither of them speaks and Ian’s heart starts to pound like that time he and Lip had boosted a car and ended up in front of a cop car at a red light, holding their breaths and hoping like hell that the car hadn’t been reported stolen yet.
Sucking in a deep breath he moves past Mickey and starts to light the candles, just to give himself something to do.
“It’s not much, I don’t know, I thought…”
He trails off, holds his lighter to the wick of a dusty teddy bear shaped candle Debbie had been throwing away and chances a glance at Mickey, nervous, but unable to stop himself from trying to figure out what he’s thinking.
Mickey’s eyes roam around the room, taking in the sight as the newly lit candles cast warm flickering shadows over his impassive face. They land at last on Ian’s, reflections of the flames dancing against the black of his pupils.
“It’s private.” Ian shrugs.
Mickey cocks an eyebrow, drags his bottom lip between his teeth for a moment and nods.
“Private, huh?” He asks, stepping closer so their bodies brush against each other. Ian reaches around past him to light another candle, no noise but their breathing and the soft swish of his sleeve against Mickey’s.
He lights the candle, and the one next to it, placing them gently back in place on the counter, and when he turns his head towards Mickey he is right there. Their faces are inches apart, so close he could count the individual freckles on Mickey’s eyelids, could extend his tongue and lick the tip of his nose.
Their eyes lock onto each other’s and his breath is suddenly coming in shallow little huffs that blow the stray hairs hanging over Mickey’s forehead up.
“Tell me Gallagher,” Mickey’s voice is hushed, a low rumble of a thing that gets Ian’s nerves tingling as Mickey squares up to him, getting his body even closer and laying assured hands on Ian’s belt buckle. “What do we need somewhere private for?”
His eyebrows tick up again, suggestive, knowing, and his fingers find stronger purchase on Ian’s belt, the backs of his first knuckles brushing the sensitive skin of Ian’s stomach while his thumbs trace the outline of the buckle. Ian sucks in a sharp breath, Mickey draws in his own, long and slow and he waits.
Ian moves first, slamming his face into Mickey’s with enough force to push him back into the counter and latching his lips onto Mickey’s with almost desperate fervor, and after that it’s pointless trying to say who is kissing or grabbing or undressing whom.
Tongues and lips and teeth all slide and catch and drag, Ian pulls Mickey’s jacket down his shoulders, Mickey gets Ian’s pants open and shoved down over the swell of his ass. They move as one frenzied unit, pulling and grabbing and pushing and shoving, until Ian’s pants are around his ankles and they are tripping and stumbling and laughing into each other’s mouths trying to stay upright.
Mickey grabs a fistful of Ian’s shirt and yanks it up in an entirely ineffective attempt to get it off him, growling when he is unsuccessful.
“Fuckin’, take your fuckin’ shirt off asshole.’ Mickey yanks again and Ian pulls away just enough to get his shirt over his head, tossing it blindly and praying it doesn’t land on a lit candle and start a fire. He should be more careful, he knows, but he can’t focus on anything but Mickey right now, Mickey who is looking him up and down and licking his lips like Ian is a big juicy steak he’s looking to devour.
“Fuck, yeah.” Mickey breathes, getting both his hands on Ian’s traps and sliding them, firmly, down over his chest until just his fingertips are brushing over Ian’s abs. He rests there, and the muscles in Ian’s stomach jerk under his touch.  
“This is the most of you I’ve seen all at once.” Mickey tells him, breathless, giddy, running his eyes up over Ian’s chest and shoulders and then down to where his hands are resting, plucking gently at the elastic waistband of his underwear, index finger rubbing idly over the little thatch of coarse red hairs that line it.
Ian leans in to drop a kiss on his open mouth, slack and wet and eager against Ian’s own. He moves over to leave kisses against his cheek, his jaw, nosing up behind his ear into his hairline and breathing in the scent of his skin, intoxicating and so intense just there that Ian can hardly bear it.
“You want to see more?” He asks, pushing the flat of his tongue against the skin of Mickey’s neck and dragging, slowly, as Mickey shivers against him.
“Wanna see it all.” Mickey’s voice catches as Ian flicks at his earlobe with the tip of his tongue, and he shoves his whole hands down into Ian’s shorts, palms flattening over his hips and fingers digging into the flesh of his ass in retaliation. The movement pulls them right in close, and Ian’s cock ends up shoved right up along the length of Mickey’s where’s it’s hard in his jeans.
It’s like a whole series of flashbulbs go off in Ian’s brain, one after the other. Flash. Flash. Flash. His whole brain lighting up with the contact, a full-body shudder running through him, forcing his breath right out of his chest in short little vocal puffs that he can’t contain. He shoves his forehead into Mickey’s shoulder and breathes there, letting the soft, musty scent of Mickey’s skin soothe him until he has a better hold of himself. 
Mickey’s fingers twitch, urgent, and it is that impatience helps Ian focus, helps him find it in himself to drag his mouth up Mickey’s neck, take his earlobe between his teeth in a sharp tug and then whisper.
“Take them off then.”
That’s all the permission Mickey needs, he shoves Ian’s shorts down and the two of them are off again, hands and tongues and lips everywhere at once. Ian gets distracted running his hands all over Mickey’s back and shoulders and waist, feeling the warmth of his skin seeping into his palms and getting lost in the sensation so much that he barely notices Mickey huffing and puffing about having to take off his own pants, since Ian isn’t gonna do it for him.
They laugh together when he can’t get enough room to open his fly button. Ian leans his hips back to make some space and gets with the program enough to help Mickey get his jeans and underwear down until there is a matching pool of fabric restricting his ankles as much as Ian’s. And then they laugh again.
“Should probably take our shoes off.” Ian murmurs, pressing kisses to Mickey’s lips, pressing the whole length of his body along the whole length of Mickey’s and trying not to hyperventilate at how good it feels to feel him.
“Later.” Mickey grunts, shoving his hand between them and grabbing hold of Ian, firm in the way he’s come to learn that Ian likes best. He slides his tongue sloppily into Ian’s mouth in time with his thumb rubbing over the head and it’s almost  enough to make Ian’s knees buckle.
“Mickey.” He tries to say, muffled against Mickey’s lips, hindered by his seeking tongue and his clever little hand starting to stroke.
“Mickey!” He succeeds this time, firmly, grabbing whole handfuls of Mickey’s ass and pulling him tight to Ian’s body, trapping his hand between them and halting his movement with a grunt. Mickey’s answering huff is petulant and it’s pure instinct that has Ian pulling him in even harder, letting his fingers pull at Mickey’s ass-cheeks so that they part, exposing him to the open air, letting him feel it until his panting breaths turn vocal and he stops trying to move.
Mickey’s eyes catch on his, they’re dark with want, pupils blown wide enough that Ian can barely make out the blue in them. Up to now their encounters have been marked with both an overwhelming intensity of desire and a level of humor Ian never knew could be a part of sex. Sex has never really been fun in this way, before. Fun in the way where you get your rocks off and it feels really fucking good and someone thinks you’re hot and that feels amazing or you’re super high or out of your head and everything you do is fun. But fun like this, stupid fun where you’re held captive by your pants and your lover won’t let you do anything about it kind of fun, that’s a new thing. That’s a Mickey thing. It’s the best thing Ian’s ever had.
But now it feels like they are teetering on the edge of something else, something new. Not wholly new to Ian, he’s dangled his feet in these waters a couple of times before, and the heat in Mickey’s eyes suggests that it’s not his first dip in this particular pool either, but new for them, together, and just the thought that they might be on the same page, compatible in this as well, it’s a whole new thrill. 
 “I had a plan.” He tells Mickey, low and serious, letting his thumb rub over the swell of one ass cheek, feeling the fuzz of the surprisingly light colored hairs that grow there. “Got a mattress all set up in the next room, comfy pillows, soft sheets.”
“Not a fuckin’ princess Gallagher.” Mickey grumbles, and Ian clenches his fingers harder, pulling his cheeks further apart. He can’t see, but from the sharp grunt that Mickey lets out he can tell the tension is starting to stretch his hole open ever so slightly.
“No.” He says, easing up just a little.  “Just thought you might appreciate getting fucked without getting carpet burn on your ass.”
Mickey’s mouth turns up in a smile that is somehow equal parts flirty, filthy, and sweet, and his tongue flicks out over his lips slow, tantalizing.
“Awful thoughtful of you.” He tilts his head up into the space below Ian’s chin and Ian shivers as the flat of his warm, wet, tongue slides over the underside of his jaw.
“Yeah, I’m nice like that.” His focus is split, the sharp spikes of Mickey’s stubble following the path of his tongue like tiny electric shocks against the sensitive skin of his throat, but he manages to loosen his grip and slide the fingers on his right hand all the way into Mickey’s crack and stroke them up and down a couple of times, fingertips catching gently against his rim as they move.
“Hmm.” Mickey sucks in a slow breath, and Ian can feel all the muscles in his ass twitch, uncontrollably. He likes that. “Other ways too.”
“You think I’m nice?” Mickey’s teeth join the party, scraping over the hinge in Ian’s jaw, adding a new sensation to the wet and sharp in a way that makes Ian’s knees threaten to give out. Ian rewards him by allowing the tip of his middle finger to sink in, breeching the tight circle of muscle just enough that it clenches around him. Just enough that he can now officially say he’s been inside Mickey Milkovich.
A soft vocal puff of breath blows out against Ian’s neck, wet with saliva and just a little itchy where Mickey’s been working it over with his lips and tongue and teeth. 
“What’s that?” Ian inclines his head, pushing their temples together. He pushes his finger a little deeper and then pulls it back almost immediately, Mickey’s body moving with him, unconsciously trying to keep him in. Mickey grunts. Ian pushes at his cheek with his nose, lays soft kisses on his cheek, against the corner of his lips. “Say you think I’m nice, Mick.”
He gets at Mickey’s lips, hot and wet, slides his own over them, breathes a hot breath into his mouth, swallows the breath that Mickey gives him back. He lets his finger push back in, as far as it will easily go.
Mickey kisses him, one sweaty hand coming up to grip at his shoulder and the other grabbing him at the hip. He kisses him dirty, lips and tongue dragging hot over Ian’s own, slow and wet and it’s so fucking hot Ian makes a sound he’s never heard outside of porn, like a grunt and a moan had a filthy high-pitched baby and it gets Mickey grinning against his mouth until he’s basically kissing teeth.
“Nice guy, huh?” His lips pluck at Ian’s again, nose bashing nose as he draws his head back so their eyes can meet. “That what you think you are?”
“What else?” Ian shrugs, drawing his finger, still resting just inside of Mickey’s ass, in tight little circles, just the tip really, swirling around, feeling his walls, the heat, the jolt of Mickey’s muscles as they pulse at the contact. He could just stay there forever, just rubbing at him, feeling him, but at the same time he’s desperate to get a rhythm going, add more fingers, taste him, get something else inside him, he wants everything all at once and it’s like he’s just feeling too many things, he can’t take it.
He buries his face in Mickey’s neck and clenches his hands, one holding steadfastly to Mickey’s ass-cheek, one spread so that he can keep his finger inside, but still clenching against the sheer strength of what he’s feeling.
It’s a lot, he thinks, as Mickey gasps against his ear, he must be pulling at him pretty hard, dragging him from the inside. He tries to relax, tries to think about releasing his muscles and slowing his breathing, think about things that calm him down. Soft music, going for a run, the sound of Mickey’s voice lately.
“Mick.” He about manages to grind out against the flushed pink skin of Mickey’s shoulder. “What else?”
“What, if you ain’t nice?” Mickey’s voice is soft, kind of high right there against the shell of his ear, soft lips mouthing at his earlobe as small warm hands run up and down his sides in slow, firm strokes. It must be clear to Mickey that Ian is on the brink of falling the fuck to pieces. He manages a juddery kind of nod, face still buried in Mickey’s skin, hands still fighting to tense, and he feels Mickey’s chest rise and fall in a deep breath, feels him relax his body against Ian’s.
The kisses that follow are gentle, soothing, along his hairline, down his forehead, over his cheeks and jaw, and punctuated with that sweet, husky voice, not quite whispering, but not quite talking aloud either, talking him down with each pointed breath.
“Well you’re really fuckin’ hot. So there’s that.” Kiss. “Funny. When you’re not trying to make a dumb pun joke.” Kiss. “Strong.” Kiss. “I like that you’re strong.”
He can feel it working, feel himself settling back into his skin, his heart slowing back to a regular (if aroused) rate. He manages to press a kiss into the ball of Mickey’s shoulder and is rewarded with a questioning “hmm?”
He gulps in a breath and focuses on relaxing his hands, soothing his thumb over Mickey’s almost certainly bruised ass-cheek, retracting his finger in a long, slow, slide that has Mickey’s breaths coming in short sharp vocalisations, almost giggles, like the sensation is more than his body can bear.
He drags his face up to Mickey’s for a kiss, and as he melts into that mouth it’s like he’s fully back inside his body again. He can feel every place where his skin is sticking to Mickey’s, pulling in little painful drags as they move against each other. He is aware once more, of Mickey’s dick, resting, a little twitchily, beside his own, pressed between them both and dribbling into his pubic hair. Ian enjoys how wet he gets, can’t help but reach between them to feel along the sticky length of him and give a couple of short tugs, coating his fingers in pre-come and sucking in the little huffy breaths that Mickey puffs out as he does.
“What else?” He asks, dragging his hand back around and sliding his finger back inside, crooking his knuckle to stretch out the rim a little before diving properly in.
“Fuck.” Mickey breathes against him, and Ian swallows it, his words, his breath, the intoxicating smell of him swirling inside Ian’s mouth and resting against his palate.
“What else?”
“Jesus Christ you uh.” Ian licks at his lips as he is trying to form the thoughts, a little more sensation, wants to see if he can get Mickey to shake out of his skin just the way Ian almost just had. “You kiss good.”
He licks him again, closes his lips over Mickeys in a reward of a kiss, rubbing at his rim with the tip of his ring finger, testing the waters to see if they’re there yet. Mickey’s moan is loud, fills Ian’s mouth with its neediness as he throws his arms around Ian’s shoulders and presses himself as close to Ian’s body as he can get. Second finger it is. On the next draw back, he pushes two in. Mickey’s whole body shudders against him.
“Mickey.” He loves the feel of Mickey’s entire weight hanging off him, pressed against him, clinging to him like he’s a life-raft and Mickey’s adrift at sea. “What else.”
Mickey whines, and it is such a sweet sound. Ian buries his fingers as far as they will go and swallows the noises his lover makes.
“Christ, Ian, I don’t know, if I say you’re nice will you stick your fuckin’ dick in me?”
If he’d thought laughter would break the horny spell he’s under, he would have been wrong. He’s so turned on he’s not quite sure what to do any more. He’s laughing straight into Mickey’s mouth and buzzing with desire and fighting the instinctual thrust of his hips all at the same time, so many sensations warring for attention he hardly knows how he’s still standing up, except that Mickey’s body is supporting his as much as Ian’s own is supporting Mickey’s. And God does he want to stick his dick in Mickey, more than anything he thinks he’s ever wanted. There’s only one thing stopping him.
He pulls his mouth from Mickey’s and unceremoniously drags his fingers out of his ass, grabbing a cheek in both hands and squeezing.
“Not without lube.”
Mickey rolls his eyes, leaning back in, but Ian stops him short with a hard smack and pushes him away.
It’s only when he makes for the little nest he’s set up in the next room that he remembers his pants are still around his ankles and he’s still wearing his boots. It’s Mickey’s turn to laugh as he very narrowly escapes tripping over his own feet.
“Shut up and get your shit off.” Is all Ian says, working on freeing his feet and admiring the lines of Mickey’s body as he hops about pulling his own boots off and shaking his legs out of his pants until at last he’s standing in nothing but his socks, a mile and a half of pale skin lit only by the soft glow of the candles and making Ian’s breath catch in his throat.
He has to kiss him again. His pants have barely hit the floor and he’s got Mickey gripped by the hips and is smashing their lips together even as Mickey’s shit-eating grin gives way to open-mouthed laughter.
He keeps kissing him as he uses his body to move them through to where he has stashed the lube, keeps kissing him as he backs him toward the mattress he has topped with piles of blankets and pillows gathered from every corner of the Gallagher household (and washed on a super high heat to remove any trace of Frank that might have been lingering), keeps kissing him, though not with a whole lot of finesse as he lowers them both down horizontal and reaches blindly around the side of the mattress for his little kit of supplies, and Mickey just keeps kissing him back.
Back when Mickey had first come around the Tamp and Grind, refusing to order his drink the way he wanted and barely looking Ian in the eyes some days, he would never have imagined, in a million years, that Mickey loved kissing as much as he does. But he really fucking does. He’s almost always the first one to lean in, and never the first one to pull away, he leads with his lips, a total kiss slut, and Ian loves it, loves that he is maybe the only person to know it. He kisses him and kisses him and gets hold of the lube and kisses him and vows that he will never deny Mickey a kiss when he wants it. He deserves all the kisses.
Although maybe he needs to take a breath, his thoughts are getting a little loopy.
He gets the lube on his fingers and fumbles around beneath them, sliding two straight back in to Mickey’s hole without much pre-amble and smiles when Mickey gasps beneath him.
“Yeah?” He asks, not really pulling his face back from Mickey’s, their mouths still connected though not quite in a kiss.
“Fuckin’ warn a guy” Mickey murmurs, lipping at Ian’s bottom lip a little, not quite a kiss, not anything really but some contact.
“How’s this for a warning?” He brings his ring finger into play, running it along Mickey’s rim to position it in the sort of ridge formed by his other two fingers and pushing, just a little, before pulling back again.
Mickey sucks in a deep breath, blowing it back out warm over Ian’s mouth as the finger slides in next to the others. There are so many sensations, warm breath on his face, soft hairs against his cheek threatening to tickle, sticky skin pulling against his own wherever they move, and the sucking heat surrounding his fingers, Ian revels in in, how completely physically consumed he is by this man, how absolutely lost he is to anything outside of his body and Mickey’s body right now.
He twists his fingers and pulls out a little before pushing back in, trying to give him a little stretch on every move, he grins at Mickey, thinking about why he needs the stretch, and Mickey’s returning grin is filthy and harsh.
“You gonna fuck me Gallagher?” He grunts as Ian makes his two main fingers into a scissor inside of him.
“Uh-huh.” Another kiss, another thrust, and now Mickey’s hand is worming in between them to grab at Ian’s dick, firm and sure in a way that makes Ian jolt.
“Think you got what it takes?” He starts up a stroke, nice and light, not letting his hand catch where Ian is sticky from pre-come, and Ian gives him a couple of thrusts in time with his fingers and fuck it feels really fucking good.
“Fuckin’ know I do. You’re desperate for it.”
Mickey licks his grinning lips, thumbing at the head of Ian’s dick.
“That right?” He squeezes a little, and Ian jerks.
“Fuckin’ greedy for it, you think you can take it?” He needs a condom, where did he leave them? He knows it was close by. He throws his arm out over their heads, feeling blindly as he sucks on Mickey’s lips. He comes up triumphant, waving it between their faces with a grin which Mickey returns, eyebrow cocking up toward his hairline.
“Only one way to find out man.” Mickey says, and all at once they are moving together, getting the packet open, getting Ian suited up and ready, and then both of their hands are there, covering him together, guiding him together, until he is finally sinking into the sucking heat of Mickey’s body and the both of them stop breathing for a minute as he slides all the way in.
It’s like time stops still. Like the whole world shrinks down to just him and Mickey and the points of contact between them, the heat that surrounds his cock and the light hairs tickling his elbow where it is bracketing Mickey’s arm, the short bursts of air that are passing between them as they kind of gape open-mouthed at each other, adjusting, feeling.
He thinks he could stay there like that forever, just locked inside Mickey for the rest of time, and be perfectly content with his lot in life. Mickey, though, he senses, is about to get restless.
He opens his mouth, no doubt to give Ian some patented Milkovich sass, so Ian takes his moment, right before Mickey speaks, and strikes, pulling out almost all the way in one swift movement, before grinding his way back in, pushing even further when he bottoms out so that Mickey’s hips tilt up off the mattress and a short grunt comes punching out of Mickey’s mouth.
He seems to like that move, so Ian goes with it, adjusting his weight so that he is able to grab hold of a seductively thick thigh in each hand and push upwards, holding Mickey’s weight so he can pull out again and grind back in, using every ounce of muscle control he’s worked so hard for to tilt his hips at just the right angle and push himself forward at just the right pace to get Mickey’s knees to twitch and his thighs to clench around him.
He goes at it like that for as long as he can, sweating and gasping and rolling his hips, rewarded for each thrust with a soft breathy ‘uhn’ from Mickey and the occasional half-hearted bite to his jaw or his ear or, at one point, his nose, though he does wonder if that was just bad aim. He doesn’t know how long he manages, maybe a minute, maybe less, before he starts to get that tight feeling in the base of his spine and his toes start to tingle and clench. His movements grow less smooth, less sure, jerking forcefully instead of gliding with purpose and he hopes he’s done enough to get Mickey there as well because this is apparently going to be a short performance.
‘Mick,’ he manages to gasp, eyes zeroing in for a second on a sweaty lock of hair that’s dangling out of place, ‘Mick, I’m—’, the force of his breaths blows the hair away again and Mickey’s face, flushed and glistening with sweat, comes back into focus.
‘Yeah, yeah.’ Mickey says, hushed and dark and right there with him, thank fuck. Glassy eyes lock onto Ian’s for just a second before Mickey’s reaching down between them to get a hold of his own cock and the sensation forces them closed, head tipping back, hips jolting upward with a force that nearly knocks Ian sideways. He pulls back, bringing Mickey with him so that he’s resting back on his knees, Mickey splayed basically in his lap. He does his best to grip Mickey’s hips despite the sweat and his waning co-ordination, juddering through the last thirty seconds of thrusts as Mickey urgently strips his cock, bringing himself to the edge and throwing himself off it seconds after Ian shudders and jolts and grinds to a seizing halt. He empties into the condom with great heaving groans, laughing as Mickey’s face twists up in bemusement at the noises he makes. A whole body shiver runs all the way through him and he leans into it, shaking his shoulders and head like a dog, spraying sweat everywhere and arching his back into a stretch.
It’s only when Mickey grunts and gives him a half-hearted kick against his right side that he realizes all of this movement is probably a bit much for the man he’s still inside of thirty seconds after he’s blown his load.
‘Fuck.’ He breathes, running his hands over Mickey’s hips in a way that he hopes is at least a little soothing. ‘Sorry.’
Mickey’s whole body seems to go limp, legs flopping down, head tipping back onto the mattress as his breathing slows. There is a small bruise starting to come through just beneath his clavicle, a dark blue just beginning to bloom, and Ian is struck with the overwhelming urge to taste it.
He tips forward, softening cock slipping out with the movement and earning another grunt out of Mickey, whose hands are covering his face now but who adjusts his body to the shifting weight of Ian leaning down over him. He brings his arms down around Ian to run light fingers over his back as Ian mouths gently at the darkening mark. They catch their breaths with soft touches and light kisses, Ian can hear the slowing thud of Mickey’s heart beneath his skin and he tries to match his own against it, breathing slow into his chest, contemplating what it might feel like if they were to somehow become one single being.
Mickey’s fingers in his hair tug him back to reality, and his brain suddenly starts whirring in a different direction, one that plants the seed of worry as he goes back over the last half hour, cataloguing everything he could have done different, better.
“Sorry.” He says again, propping his chin up on Mickey’s chest so he can look up at him. “That was—I can do better than that.”
Mickey waves a dismissive hand between them before planting it back in his hair.
“Nah,” He says, twisting a damp curl just starting to form around his middle finger, “you’re a fucking stud Gallagher.”
It’s dumb, and it pulls a groaning laugh out of Ian, but it’s enough to quiet his doubting mind and he buries his face in between Mickey’s pecs as the both of them give in to a few giggles.
“I can do better, though.” He says eventually, “I got a bit overwhelmed but usually I don’t just lose my shit like that.”
Mickey pulls at his hair, forcing him to look back up and meet Mickey’s eyes, cool and sharp, assessing Ian as they look him over.
“Alright,” He says at length, dropping his head back and giving Ian a couple of gentle pats on the shoulder, “well give me a minute to get the feeling back in my legs and you can prove it to me.”
part b coming soon??
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jrooc · 2 months
The final chapters of Light My Fire are live! Complete with a drag show and a private dance 👀 and incredible incredible art by @sgtmickeyslaughter
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Read it now!
Thanks to my teammates for making this really fun ❤️ @sgtmickeyslaughter @solitarycreaturesthey
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lingy910y · 3 months
time loop au for @gallabitch73's prompt, "Where have you been?" for @galladrabbles this week
"Where have you been?" Ian turns around, his mouth twisted into a smile.
That's not Ian.
He's fake. He's fake. He's fake.
He's lived this ordinary day approximately 1088 times, with something slightly changing each time. But, he never ages and the day gets reset at midnight before he can escape it.
This time, he's sure. He's sure that Ian's the fake one here. His husband doesn't look at him like that.
He stands behind Ian with a knife behind his back, his heartbeat blocking out any other racket.
When Ian kisses him, he drops it.
He can't do it.
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cringengl · 2 months
Currently writing a very self indulgent 5+1 gallavich fic that probably going to end up being around 5k or less and im already over 2k in and it's been less than a day!! Here's to hoping that it makes out of the graveyard that is my wips on Google docs‼️💯
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adakechi · 2 years
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surprise bitch bet you thought you saw the last of me
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doshiart · 7 months
🖤a little sneak peek🖤
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working on some AU 🤫 and it seems like no one has ever done this. so… this will be something really new for gallavich. that's all I'm saying 😜
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 6 months
WIP wednesday friday!
god writing has been like pulling teeth lately, but sharing this gave me a little inspo, so there's that
thanks for tagging me @jrooc and @mmmichyyy
“Am I losing my mind?” Mickey asked quietly, all the fight draining from his voice as he stared intently across the alleyway, where two men were backed against the bricks
It wasn't that strange, not until they swayed for a second and Ian saw a shock of red hair illuminated by the street light on the man with his back to them, his broad frame blocking the face of the smaller man. 
“Come on, man. We went to your gay ass concert, you gotta’ fulfill your end of the deal” Ian froze when he heard the voice. It was Mickey’s voice for sure, but it was coming from across the alley from them. 
They were kissing playfully, quiet laughter barely drifting across the alley. Ian felt a little creepy until they pulled apart again and swayed until he could briefly get a good look at both their faces. He recognized Mickey right away, older but still looking pretty much the same. It would have been harder to recognized himself, if it wasn't for the same orange curls.
His older self was saying something about blowies and home but Ian couldn't stop himself from blurting out “is that fucking us?” 
share if u want to @metalheadmickey @iansw0rld @gallawitchxx @stocious @mybrainismelted
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ardent-fox · 1 year
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Hello and welcome to my first fic! A huge thank you to everyone who hyped me up when posting snippets of it (and all the other WIPs I've been working on), I hope the finished product lives up to it <3
Word count: 6.8K Rating: Explicit Tags: Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich, Porn with Feelings, Emotional Sex, Smut, Light Angst, Anal Sex, Hand Jobs, Dacryphilia, Crying, Vulnerability, Aftercare, Established Relationship, Post-Canon Summary: "I know what comes over you when we do this sometimes," he declares, the revelation taking Mickey by surprise, outstretched arm dropping to his side. "You don't have to fight it anymore." Mickey gets emotional during sex. Ian encourages him to embrace it.
[read here on AO3]
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sam-loves-seb · 6 months
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went so far to soothe this soul -- chapter 2
Mickey hums. “Y’think there are bears and shit up here?” he asks. Ian shrugs. “Probably.” “What if one comes up to the house?��� Mickey asks, looking back at Ian with raised brows. “Can we shoot it?” “Can we—” Ian blinks. “You brought a gun?” “Of course I brought a fucking gun,” Mickey says, like Ian’s the strange one. “Didn’t you?” “No.” Mickey sighs. “Well, when the bear starts clawing at the front door, I’m not giving you mine.”
[ read the rest on ao3 ]
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mmmichyyy · 6 months
wip wednesday friday
thanks for tagging me @crestfallercanyon 🖤 here's a snippet from part two of i'll find a new place to be from (screenshots because tumblr formatting is wonky and i'm lazy)
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tagging @gallawitchxx @thisdivorce @juliakayyy @energievie @lingy910y @crossmydna @metalheadmickey @whatthebodygraspsnot @spoonfulstar @darlingian @sickness-health-all-that-shit @heymacy @jrooc @sgtmickeyslaughter @stocious if y'all want to share what you're working on too!
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