roseharpermaxwell · 2 months
RWRB FirstPrince Roommates & Neighbors Recs - Part Two
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Nothing like being Henry's roommate to send Alex on a bisexual awakening speedrun. Enjoy this selection below!
cross your thoughtless heart by kjbee81. G, 1k. It’s a normal, ordinary Tuesday when Alex finally has the realization. He isn’t really sure how it began or when it started, but one random Tuesday, when he’s at work, he finally notices. Henry has been packing him lunches.
each time we touch / i wanna take too much by @firenati0n. M, 1.3k. Alex puts his fingers in Henry's mouth.
did the light hit my blush (when i told you you could be enough?) by matherine. T, 1.4k. Henry wasn’t eavesdropping. Really, he wasn’t — he had just come home from work at the shelter early, toed off his shoes at the door, and began to settle in when he heard it.
“No, Nora,” Alex’s voice groans, floating out into the hall from where his bedroom door must be cracked open. “I can’t tell if he’s just not interested or oblivious. I’ve used my whole arsenal of flirting and Henry’s completely unresponsive.”
Or: Alex has been flirting for months. It’s not that Henry didn’t notice — it’s that he thought he couldn’t possibly mean it.
something new, something true by rizcriz. T, 1.7k. It’s Cassie in the library, Raul at the coffee shop, Emilio at the movie theater. It’s Nora and June at dinner on Thursday. It’s Ellen and Leo at brunch on Sunday. It’s knowing glances and furtive comments from bloody well everyone they know or come in contact with.
Everywhere Henry turns, it’s people looking between him and Alex like they know something they don’t. Like they’re seeing something that isn’t there. And he knows what it is. Knows what they’re thinking.
He didn’t, but he does now.
Everyone thinks Alex and Henry are dating.
It's hard to lie with water in my lungs by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf. M, 1.7k. Best friends Alex and Henry get caught in a storm on their way home, and once there, find themselves in an unexpected situation.
high expectations by rizcriz. T, 1.9k. Alex is lying in a bed, hooked up to a heart monitor, tubes sticking out of his arms. He looks like he’s gone through an entire ordeal, only, as soon as Henry walks through the door, his eyes go wide, and he’s grinning, a big, toothy smile, bits of cotton sticking out from the corners of his mouth, and sleepily slurring out something that sounds suspiciously like Henry’s name.
His gaze darts to the doctor.
Just as he’s about to ask, there’s a flutter of a movement, the racing sound of the heart monitor going crazy. He snaps his eyes over to look at the monitor—doesn’t understand anything other than the fact that Alex’s heart is going crazy enough to set off several alarms, the beeping quick and scary, and all the information Henry just forced upon himself comes racing to the forefront of his mind as he scurries further into the room, wide eyed and panicked. He looks between the doctor and the nurse, but they’re holding back smiles as they look at each other, barely paying any mind to the monitor.
I kissed a boy and I liked it by @gallifrey1sburning. T, 2k. Henry has no idea what the context would have even been to have spurred such a comment. He only heard it due to one of those mysterious moments that happen every so often in crowded rooms at the most inopportune times where the volume on all conversations inexplicably lowers simultaneously, allowing one statement that was most likely not intended for mass audiences to ring throughout a space. In this case, the somewhat offended sounding announcement of one Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry’s tragically heterosexual roommate and long unrequited crush:
“Of course I’ve kissed a guy before; I’m not homophobic. Jesus.”
Alex is a bit confused about the concept of allyship. Henry is possibly going to die.
kiss me once 'cause you know by @ninzied. T, 2.1k. Of all the things they’ve been to one another—sometimes-rivals, reluctant allies, tediously cordial seatmates at international events—Henry never thought that he and Alex would end up being something like friends.
(In which Alex sort of moves in and they don't talk about what it means.)
love don't by @smc-27. E, 2.4k. Alex calls the stupid advice podcast because he’s bored and out of ideas and he’s been trying his best, but Henry doesn’t seem to be feeling any better.
“My friend was seeing this guy for four months, and then just got straight up ghosted. What can I do to support him?”
The podcast host - a comedian most of the time - answers, “Oh, you’re gonna have to fuck him.”
you pull me in tight by @miss-minnelli. T, 2.5k. Tonight, they’re watching A New Hope, a compromise, since they spent half an hour bickering about episodes V and VI. Alex has his bare legs in Henry’s lap and Henry is gently rubbing his hand up and down Alex’s right shin.
It’s very possible Alex has died and gone to heaven, but he fucking hopes not, because this is actual bliss. Henry’s eyes are focused on the screen, smiling at something Luke is saying, but Alex hasn’t been watching the movie at all. He’s transfixed by Henry’s hand on his leg, ruffling his leg hair and stroking his ankle with each pass.
Or, Henry and Alex find each other after a bit of a detour.
until you're sick of me by rizcriz. T, 2.8k. Henry hasn't seen his roommate in nearly two months. Alex left for Austin shortly before Thanksgiving for two weeks, and Henry left for London the day before he was set to return. They’ve had the odd facetime call, and several hundred text messages to help them tide their time apart—but that didn’t take away from the fact that Henry fucking missed him.
And after three delayed flights, he’s finally standing outside their apartment door, and he’s resigned himself to the fact that it’ll still be several hours before he can finally see Alex again. He sighs and sets down his bag to dig out his keys, carefully tucks the key into the lock, and quietly opens the door, turning his back to it to pick up his carryon and grab his roller bag. As quietly as he can, he scoots backwards into the apartment, flinching as the roller bag bounces off the door frame.
bandage up your body and your bones and your bad days by @spiritsontheroof G, 2.9k. It’s been years, really, since he got that tell-tale pressure behind his eyes and ball of tension at the top of his spine. He pinches the bridge of his nose and when that doesn’t work, he reaches around to the back of his neck and presses right at his hairline, desperate for some kind of relief.
forehead kisses. by dreakawa. M, 3.2. Movie nights had become a weekly tradition for Alex and Henry.
As per usual, the movie Henry had chosen had Alex slowly dozing off next to him, his body relaxing onto the couch. He feels Henry grab the blanket and place it over him, and then-
Well, then, Henry’s fingers begin carding through his hair, and Alex doesn’t know what the fuck to do. It’s evident Henry doesn’t know he’s awake, but the touch feels… nice. Safe. Comforting in a way he didn’t realize he needed.
And then… well. And then.
Henry leans down and kisses his forehead, and his entire fucking world tips on its axis.
There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done by earth_to_alex16. T, 3.3k. Henry has a bad date.
Alex makes him a bet he can't refuse.
three seconds until the world ends by rizcriz. T, 3.3k. When Henry agreed to come with Alex to June and Nora’s for a party, he’d considered a million possibilities. Alex wandering off with someone and leaving Henry to fend for himself; June bringing out vodka jello shots (again) to try and get Henry to open up. Karaoke. A house full of strangers celebrating the New Year. Basically, the norm.
What he did not expect, however, was for June and Nora to decide that it was far too late, and Alex and Henry were far too drunk to go home when everyone else left at 3am.
Henry did not account for the singular guest room.
all i know since yesterday (is everything has changed) by saintsnames. G, 3.3k. henry and alex have been roommates for three and a half years when alex's girlfriend washes his sweatshirt in tide detergent and a realization unravels.
Red-Bull Lattes FTW by ItsMayBiTheWay. T, 3.4k. It was inadvisable. Alex knew it was inadvisable the first time he did it, and he knew it the second time he did it. By the third time he was so high on caffeine, his hands were shaking, but one might argue attending law school was inadvisable as well. So Red-Bull lattes it is.
After mainlining three Red-Bull lattes to survive the last of his law school final of the semester, Alex finds himself in the hospital, his asshole of a roommate by his side. Why the fuck is Henry there? And why things he’s hearing throwing his world off its axis.
It leads you here, despite your destination by @dreamsinthewitchouse. M, 3.5k. “So.” Alex unwinds his scarf and drapes it over the back of the couch, turning to Henry. “Welcome home.”
The word coils in Henry’s gut, a sugar-sweet spiral. “Thank you,” he says, not trusting his voice for more.
i need that charles dickens by @whimsymanaged. E, 3.6k. Henry’s flatmate (and crush) Alex is suddenly obsessed with Charles Dickens. But when Henry asks to borrow Alex’s Dickens, he quickly learns that Alex hasn’t, in fact, been talking about a book.
Every Time I Fold A Paper Crane by earth_to_alex16. T, 3.6k. The story of Alex and Henry's relationship as roommates, and the birthday card that changes it all.
love drunk, waiting on a miracle by gallifreyandglowclouds. E, 3.6k. Henry wears grey sweatpants. Alex reacts (in)appropriately.
there's one prize i'd cheat to win by @coffeecatsme. T, 3.6k. They’ve been roommates for eight years now, through Georgetown to New York, law school and grad school and ultimately their jobs, and Alex can’t imagine his life without Henry. Can’t imagine a world where he’s not in love with his best-friend-slash-roommate.
Too bad Henry has a boyfriend already.
Or, 5 times Alex is jealous over Henry's "boyfriend" and 1 time he realizes he doesn't have to be.
ocean blue eyes looking in mine (i feel like i might sink and drown and die) by coffeecatsme. T, 3.9k. It feels good. Henry’s touch feels good against his skin, and it’s not like when June hugs him so tight after not seeing him for days, not like when Nora bumps his shoulder or ruffles his hair and he wants her to get the fuck away. Not like when Henry has touched him a million times before, hands brushing as they walked, platonic cuddles during movie nights, hands on his elbow and his wrist and his chin whenever there’s a bit of chocolate on the corner of his lips or he needs someone to steady him. It’s too warm, too solid, peeling off layers of his skin until Alex kind of wants to check if somehow his internal organs are exposed, except he doesn’t because he’s worried Henry will stop if he moves and he…
Fucking hell, he doesn’t want Henry to stop, does he?
Alex finds himself in Henry's arms after a night of drinking and realizes some things.
In the teeth of strong opposition by @clottedcreamfudge. E, 4k. "You know what?" Henry says loudly, annoyed beyond belief that he has to hear for the millionth time how fucking cool Alex is with Henry's sexuality. "If you're such a good ally, why don't you suck me off? Since you're so insistent, why not get on your knees, Alex?"
He regrets the words as soon as he says them, but it's not like he can shove them back into his mouth; he can't take them back. He closes his eyes so he doesn't have to see the shocked expression on Alex's face and takes a few deep breaths.
"Sorry," he says tightly a moment later, eyes still closed. "That was uncalled for."
"Do you want me to?"
in the dip of your collarbone (baby that's called home) by rizcriz. T, 4.2k. Alex has had too much to drink.
Alex has had too much to drink and he’s practically horizontal, held up only by the strength of his roommates singular arm while said roommate is dribbling fucking Patron into the dip between his clavicle so he can lap it up with his tongue.
or two idiots are in love.
it hits different 'cause it's you by coffeecatsme. E, 4.3k. “Fuck, I need someone to like, rail me to next week so I stop worrying about this class.”
Henry chokes on his tea in an attempt not to spurt it all over his computer. He turns to his roommate. “Alex?” he says carefully. “Could you…repeat that, please?”
Or, Alex needs to get railed. Henry provides.
you taste like home by whitescarves. T, 4.4k. “I lied to you,” he says.
He doesn’t clarify. He doesn’t have to.
Alex toys with his fingers. Quiet settles over them, offset by the pattering rain.
“I know.”
Or, the rizcriz prompt where Alex and Henry are roommates and Henry lies when Alex confesses his feelings in order to protect their dynamic.
Riding slow 'cause you know the world's moving too fast by earth_to_alex16. T, 4.9k. Maybe he should be reaching for the stars, like his parents told him. Moving mountains. Changing the world.
But all he wants to do is tackle one small hurdle at a time, Henry right by his side.
So what does that say about him?
Four times Alex and Henry face collisions, and the one time a collision yields stars.
all this bitching and moaning. by @chaa-kiao. M, 5k. His door creaks. “Alex.”
Henry. Fresh tears splash over his cheeks. “Since when do you ignore my boundaries?”
“Since you—” Henry sputters. “For Christ’s sake, I haven’t allowed myself a single shred of hope in four years, can you blame me for not being able to stand it?”
Alex’s sexuality—straight—is the punchline of most Super Six jokes. He starts figuring out why that bothers him so much.
be with you day and night (all i need is time) by chanmosphere. T, 5.2k. Five times Henry is about to confess and one time Alex does it first.
None of my love will go to waste by @kiwiana-writes. E, 5.3k. Henry has made peace with the fact that he's in love with his straight roommate. When he walks in on said "straight" roommate with a man, though, he may need to re-evaluate.
coming clean by ninzied. E, 5.8k. Objectively, Henry knows it’s not so big a deal. They’ve seen each other naked before, in a strictly gym locker sort of way. Here should be no different, really. Either way, it's no place for deeply guarded fantasies about his housemate—his best mate—to go. Either way, Alex is straight. Either way, Alex is not even looking.
Or, 3 times Alex wants to talk about his day while Henry's in the shower + 1 time he wants other things.
it's all fun and games (til somebody loses their mind) by @theprinceandagcd. T, 6k. He’s left standing there, listening to the thudding of his pulse in his ears, trying to swallow the sudden nausea twisting in his belly. Alex is long gone, like he flipped Henry’s world upside down without a single care and walked away from him similarly, with no concern for the destruction left behind in the wake.
Alex had kissed him.
He’d done so for several moments, a full stretch of countable time, like he’d meant it, and then disappeared in a split second once he’d achieved his victory, the apparent purpose of his kiss.
As if it had meant nothing.
Alex kisses Henry during a game of laser tag, and then pretends it was just a distraction, only he can't stop thinking about it, either.
Let Me inside (I Want to Get to Know You) by affectionatelyrs, @happiness-of-the-pursuit. T, 6.1k.
A sticky note, placed between the knobs on the kitchen sink:
Tap not working. Called plumber 5th Oct.
A new sticky note, placed between the knobs on the kitchen sink:
fixed. told plumber not to bother.
A new sticky note, placed to the right of the sink:
Did you wear the uniform and everything?
A new sticky note, placed below the previous sticky note:
wouldn’t you like to know?
Or, Alex and Henry fall in love one note at a time
Run the Risk by etherealdimini. NR, 6.1k. Henry smiles at him. Then, he shakes his head, like he’s trying to shake out a thought. “Well, thank you for having David. I should, um, get going. I wouldn’t want to bother you even further on a Sunday morning. I suppose I’ll see you—”
“I could have you, too,” Alex blurts out. Henry’s mouth drops open slightly.
Henry moves in beside Alex. Alex is enamoured. He does something about it.
Uncut not Uncultured by @inexplicablymine. E, 6.4k. “Excuse me? Have I dealt with Uncircumcised Dick? Are you at a hookup or something right now and a little lost?”
“Yes, have you dealt with uncircumcised dick, no I’m not at a hookup, I am having an existential crisis and I need support okay Liam!” Alex’s voice pitches up at the end showing that he really is worried about something to do with foreskin.
One Trader Joe’s Pride themed phallic treat, one existential crisis with your ex and his current lover, one hot and steamy night to work it all out.
YourMusicSucksAndYouLookLikeADickhead by cloudymilk. E, 6.7k. In which Alex gets a new neighbour who immediately pisses him off, and they begin blaring their music to communicate with each other.
oh shit...are we in love? by sunnysideprince. T, 6.8k. They are practically polar opposites. Henry is quiet and introverted where Alex is definitely not, but it works for them just fine. It’s just like what Ms. Benson taught them about magnets. Opposites attract, and Henry wouldn’t have it any other way.
down the hall, through the door by kwrites. E, 7k. Alex had found his door opening at least once a week, Henry’s tall frame filling the space looking for something or other. The thing is, Henry seemed so well put together all of the time, that him constantly running out of common household supplies or food is so outside the walls of what Alex expects from him.
or, Henry and Alex are neighbors and Henry has a habit of stopping by unannounced.
peekaboo, baby by celeritas2997. E, 7k. Henry might die.
“You good?”
“I—er—fine,” Henry stammers. His blasted, traitorous eyes lock onto where Alex is hanging out.
Alex follows Henry’s gaze. His surprise is short-lived before he cocks an eyebrow and smirks. “Like what you see, sweetheart?”
Henry is definitely going to die.
Can You See Me? (I'm Waiting for the Right Time) by @affectionatelyrs. T, 7.2k. “Whose turn was it?” Henry asks while Alex is busy pondering the merits of throwing himself out their fifth-story window and hoping his boner doesn’t take anyone’s eye out on his way down. “Forgive me, but I am a bit tired. Do you think you could take it?”
There’s no way that Henry’s not doing this on purpose. He makes words mean things when put in a certain order for a living, for fucks sake. Alex almost quips back depends on how big it is just to see how—or if—Henry would react.
“Yeah, um, no problem.” There. Much more normal. He could steal Henry’s job at this rate. “Truth or dare?”
Or, Alex’s world gets flipped on its axis during a game of truth or dare
deep in the dreaming of you by ninzied. E, 7.4k. Alex isn’t sleeping after a recent breakup. Henry tries to be the supportive best friend, because he knows all too well what it’s like to lose sleep over pining for someone.
Or, Alex is pining. Henry is just very wrong about whom.
(looked to the sky and said) please, I've been on my knees by theprinceandagcd. M, 7.5k. But Henry is not Alex’s.
He won’t ever be Alex’s to hold and cherish and love.
Because Henry chose someone else.
That searing pain is why Alex has folded his limbs into a patio bench on their balcony, feeling petulant and hating himself for it. It’s the reason that he’s a quarter of the way into the bottle he’s holding and pouting up at the sky, looking for stars that he knows are there but aren’t showing themselves to him, like maybe they’ve abandoned him, too.
He feels like he’s staring up at an endless expanse of darkness and wishing on fucking nothing, his prayers falling on deaf ears and getting forever lost in that infinite abyss.
or, Alex gets drunk because Henry is on a date & drunken confessions ensue
in your arms (the happiest place on earth) by rizcriz. T, 7.6k. Alex stares at the text, his heartbeat thrumming wild and free in his veins, because what the fuck. Not because of the content of the text, as mundane and normal as it is; not Henry thinking about him when he’s several states away without him; not the fact he’s even texted while Alex is in the middle of the busiest damn park at Disney World.
It’s the words that pop into his head as soon as he reads the text:
Fuck, I love him.
What. The. Fuck.
Or, the happiest place on earth isn't where you'd expect it to be.
Sprinkler Splashes To Fireplace Ashes by @iboatedhere. T, 7.7k. "So, tell me everything."
"There's not much to tell, really," Henry says, smiling into the phone when Pez sighs dramatically.
"Henry. You are young, beautiful, living in an exciting city half a world away, and you say there's nothing to tell?"
"I'm over thirty," Henry counters as he strains his tea into his mug. "I found a gray hair three days ago, and I'm in Georgetown—the most exciting thing I've seen is the neighbor from three houses down trying to fight a ticket for double parking."
"Was he successful?"
Pez hums. "You should get out more."
coming on fast like good dreams do by @cricketnationrise. E, 7.5k. When Henry recovers from his unexpected factory reset, he still can’t really breathe properly and somehow Alex is still standing in front of him with a hopeful and excited expression on his face.
“Run that by me again?” he asks faintly.
“I need your help.”
“I need you to edge me. Like a lot,” Alex says with a shrug.
Nope, it’s not any clearer a second time around.
One More Weekend by @underthefigtree777. E, 7.7k. “Are you going to miss me?” Henry’s arms wrap around Alex’s waist from behind. His chin rests gently on Alex’s shoulder.
Alex doesn’t know how to answer the question. He already misses Henry.
The unspoken rules they made for whatever they’ve been doing over the past year have slowly started to deteriorate. Now that there is an end in sight, there isn’t much point in minimizing the small talk. There’s no need to sneak back to their respective apartments in the middle of the night to avoid waking up next to each other in the morning.
Or, Alex and Henry have been neighbors and fuck buddies for the past year. Alex realizes his feelings for Henry might be more than casual when he learns that Henry is moving back to London.
(how's one to know?) I'd live and die for moments that we stole. by untoward. G, 8k. He kissed Henry.
But it wasn’t a long or deep kiss, it was a peck. He did that to a lot of people; Nora, his old friends from back home, hell, even strangers at parties. He knows he’s an affectionate person and this is just an extension of that. Plus, he’s really comfortable in his sexuality to know it doesn’t actually mean anything.
5+1 Things where Alex keeps giving Henry kisses and claiming he's just being his affectionate, straight self.
we broke all the pieces (still wanna play the game) by theprinceandagcd. E, 8.5k. “Henry.” Alex crawls over and braces his hands on Henry's thighs, sitting up on his knees so that he can meet Henry's gaze. His own lips curl automatically when he sees that Henry is already smiling, but he schools his features into a more serious expression. “Do you want to play?”
“Do you?” Henry reaches out to push a curl away from Alex's forehead, trailing a finger down the side of his face and making Alex shiver. He leans down until his mouth is beside Alex's ear, and Alex feels lightheaded all of a sudden, his breath held hostage in his lungs. “Because you're going to lose.”
Alex shoves him away, shaking his head as that challenge reverberates in his brain and sparks fire in his veins, accelerating his heart rate as he grins. “You're fucking on, Fox.”
or, Alex and Henry are best friends who are *definitely* not into each other, so they get a little tipsy and play gay chicken that neither of them are willing to lose.
Number Neighbour by aforgottennymph. E, 9.2k. Henry likes his new neighbours well enough - There’s Mrs Bennett in 6D, who always pinches his cheek when she passes him in the hall. Mr Ewing in 3B, that Henry always helps carry his groceries up the stairs as he doesn’t trust the lifts. There’s Emily from 4A, who always stops Henry in the halls to show him photos of her baby, who has recently learned how to put square shaped blocks into square shaped holes.
And then there's Alexander Claremont Diaz in 2E that he has been steadily falling in love with via text message, despite never meeting the man.
He's bloody screwed.
I Get On My Knees by quill_and_ink. E, 9.5k. What the fuck is Henry Fox doing in his bed? His best friend, his roommate, the person who knows him better than anyone else in the world - why in the everloving fuck is Henry in his bed?
Better question - why the fuck is Henry naked in his bed?
bacterial? fungal? nah, baby, we're going viral by @benwvatt. T, 10k. It’s okay, Henry thinks. This is who he is on Eureka Boys, magnanimous, gracious, intelligent. Perhaps it’s a role he embodies. Perhaps it’s his actual personality.
It takes time to figure out.
Alex gulps just then, and Henry follows the languid dip of his Adam’s apple down, down the exquisite column of his throat; Henry follows the hand that scratches at his starchy collar. Henry stares into the middle distance and wants him.
In which Alex and Henry run a science comedy podcast while in college, and Henry spends every episode pining madly after his (seemingly) straight best friend. Yes, they do flirt while talking about animal sex.
Through His Stomach by KiwianaPods (kiwiana), lovecommahannah. E, 13k. “Do you think we can save the pot?” Henry asks, moving to run it under water in the sink.
“Not a chance,” Alex says with a laugh. “But here. Go sit down. I know my way around a kitchen pretty well, so you don’t have to worry. I’ve got this."
Or: How to get your roommate to fall in love with you, in 5+1 beginner friendly(ish) recipes.
It's a Strange Way of Saying that I Know, I'm Supposed to Love You by sunflowerjpg. T, 13k. “So… Alex is bi.”
“Y-yes, I heard,” he responds through a gulp.
“When do you plan on making your move?” June asks, straight forward as always.
“June! I can’t! He just came out, how can I take advantage of that? I can’t just say, “Hey Alex! Now that you’re into men, do you fancy sucking my cock?” He would have me committed! Jailed! Deported! And what if he came to his sexuality because he met someone? Oh, god.”
“Okay, ew, I’d expect more romance.” June protests just as Bea scoffs.
Moving 3,399 miles across the ocean with just his dog and whatever clothing he could fit in his travel bag to attend NYU behind his grandmother’s back was not one of Henry’s most sane ideas. Thankfully he meets his roommate on move-in day—one charming, inevitable, Alex Claremont-Diaz—and they slowly fall in love during their first year living together. Henry thinks it's completely unrequited, Alex thinks they’re dating the whole time.
Lovefool by aforgottennymph. E, 18k. Henry has been in love with his roommate and best friend since the moment they met, caught in the rain outside their college apartment. Over the next four years he learns everything there is to know about Alex Claremont Diaz, what makes him tick.
He knows his coffee order, the meaning behind how he narrows his eyes one way versus a slightly different way. He knows how to make him finish in under thirty seconds (“That was one fucking time, sweetheart!”).
If only he could have him, wholeheartedly, not just the friends with benefits arrangement they have stumbled into.
The Flatshare, or Two Boys One Bed by momsgoldteeth. G, 18k. The Craigslist ad reads, 'I work nights and only require the apartment between the hours of 9am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. The flat would be yours 4:30pm to 9am Monday through Friday as well as all day and night on Saturday and Sunday.' Henry and Alex share a bed. Henry and Alex have never met. (Based on Beth O'Leary's 'The Flatshare'.)
Room For Rent (Sex Dungeon Not Included) by @everwitch-magiks. E, 19k. When Alex comes, he only knows two things: that he’s good, and that he’s Henry’s. And that’s all he needs to know.
Alex’s housemate has a sex dungeon. It’s pretty much exactly what you’d expect; whips and bondage gear and a chair that looks like something a gynecologist would have use for. Alex, being the chill, sex-positive guy he is, is of course extremely cool with this. Totally normal about it. Enthusiastically supportive, even.
But as Alex watches Henry invite a steady stream of men into his dungeon, he develops one tiny little issue with the arrangement: he desperately wants to take their place.
Murphy’s Law (aka, A series of most (un)fortunate events) by Djokodal_Fan. M, 22k. If something can go wrong, it will.
The somewhat cynical statement of the Murphy's law has never really appealed to Henry - but he can't help start believing in it more and more, after the magnificently gorgeous, witty and compassionate Alex Claremont-Diaz moves in to the house next door to his. Basically, the man of Henry's most fervent dreams and deepest desires. They quickly become good friends, but somehow, every so often, Murphy's Law strikes when he's in Alex's company and leaves Henry feeling either flustered and tongue-tied, or completely mortified, or utterly distressed. It's not long before he starts disconsolately wondering if the very Universe is conspiring to keep him away from the man of his dreams. If he is Thisbe to Alex's Pyramus, and Henry's destiny is to always keep pining from across the picket fence separating their homes.
Alex, of course, has radically different ideas. ☺️
Newton's Fourth Law by dilfpickles. E, 26k. In which Alex meets his new very attractive roommate through Reddit, downloads Grindr, and discovers some things about himself and his roommate in the process.
You Make my Head Spin by starry_pisces. E, 26k. Henry and Alex become roommates while both attending classes at NYU. Alex learns what it's like to live with (and love) someone with an invisible disability. Feelings abound.
thinking out loud by later2dae. T, 27k. Alex has a new neighbor. The walls are quite thin. One night, he hears a voice, but it's not what he expects.
OR the one where Henry berates himself and Alex thinks that it's Henry's horrible boyfriend.
wrung out by arcticmaggie. M, 35k. So excuse him if he passes by Henry one night, both in pajamas and on their way to their respective rooms, both about to end their day at the same time, and his pinky slightly grazes against Henry’s right hip, immediately making him stop, whip around and stutter out, “H-Hey.”
It startles Henry—it startles Alex as well, Jesus—as he stumbles with his steps and turns around, eyebrows raised in surprise at the sudden break in peaceful silence in their apartment.
“Hey?” he replies.
Law student Alex is incredibly touch-starved and his English Lit PhD roommate Henry is right there.
If you know a firstprince author handle I may have missed tagging or find a broken link, please give me a heads up! Happy reading.
RWRB FirstPrince Roommates & Neighbors Part One
Master List of RWRB FirstPrince Recs
Master List of Recommendations
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Pieces Of Me by @shewhomustnotbenamed [E, 88k]
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter have never been friends. After finding themselves isolated from others due to their own specific problems, they somehow connect. While Harry ignores his issues with addiction, and Draco disguises just how horrible his relationship is, a friendship blooms between them. Draco must choose between the life he's known for the past five years with Cormac McLaggen, or the life that Harry offers him, and the consequences that follow.
2. Plural by paintxthexwind [E, 26k, series]
Draco has finally conquered his Boggart and thrown away his toxic mask, and he is now ready to enjoy his Happily Ever Middle with Harry. That is until a certain selfless proposition from a trusted friend threatens to destroy everything Draco has strengthened within himself.
1. I Think You Can in Europe by @gallifrey1sburning [T, 17k]
Harry has too many things to do and too little time to do them. [...] Everything comes to a head when former-nemesis turned mutually-antagonistic-acquaintance Draco Malfoy finds him hiding under his invisibility cloak to avoid taking on yet another project and issues him a challenge: cancel one single obligatory event and take an evening to himself. Easy, right? As it turns out, not so much. Luckily, Harry’s now got Malfoy there to bully him into taking care of himself, whether he wants to or not. ★ HP Horrible Goose Fest 2024 | @horriblegoosefest
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thedrarrylibrarian · 1 year
Hi! Do you know of any fics where Draco is a rich/powerful businessman? Maybe muggle au’s?
Hello! Your holds have arrived!
I think I've got the exact kind of vibes you're looking for! I hope you enjoy these fics! And as a bonus, be sure to check out this excellent art by @ano-ka-ba.
Rich/powerful businessman Draco
The Potters' Pool Party by @darcyshire (7,453 words, rated T)
When 12-year-old Scorpius is invited to a pool party, worried father Draco insists on tagging along for the sake of safety. By the time Draco realizes whose family is hosting, it's too late for him to back out.
i stay by @hogwartsfirebolt (9,104 words, rated M)
The darkening sky is dangerous for the shape of Harry’s desire, it makes it seem reasonable, as though it were a natural conclusion of having Draco once again within reach, rather than the mirage it actually is.
Seeking: pet carer for Bartholomew (four-year old rescue greyhound, no special needs) by @gallifrey1sburning (14,694 words, rated E)
When Draco’s boyfriend ends their relationship rather abruptly (and, frankly, extremely rudely), he leaves Draco with full-time responsibility for their rescue greyhound, Bartholomew. Draco loves his dog with all his heart, but the long hours he works at his law firm mean that he can’t possibly be home as much as Bartholomew needs. Enter Sirius Pet Care, an app designed to solve this very problem! When Draco books Harry, he’s relieved at how quickly the man and his dog bond. He’s less relieved by how unexpectedly, distractingly attractive Harry turns out to be… and how Draco’s afternoon meetings keep being “mysteriously” cancelled, meaning that he JUST HAPPENS to be home when Harry comes by. After all, it’s not appropriate to ogle one’s employees… right?
to be where I'm going (in the sunshine of your love) by theweightofmywords (19,080 words, rated E)
"He imagined Draco’s smile, all gums and slightly crooked teeth, his hair slicked back with Pacific water, and he knew: He’d travel as long as he’d need to if it meant he’d see that face. If it meant that Draco would hear the message he’d been carrying for so long. Maybe he didn’t have to travel the road alone anymore."
Draco and Harry go on a road trip together. It's about the journey, not the destination.
Uptown Downtown by Sbpagel (29,134 words, rated E)
Draco Malfoy is the spoiled, entitled, pretentious heir to Malfoy Constructions. James Black is a mystery, wrapped in an enigma and tied together with a puzzle.
it was a bad idea ('cause now I'm even more lost) by @all-drarry-to-me (36,446 words, rated T)
When Draco is told his green card is denied and he must return to England, he does the only thing he can think of and starts a fake relationship with the one available person in the room: Harry. The plan is simple — until feelings get involved.
When Trust and Truth Collide by silvergalaxy (47,374 words, rated E)
Harry meets Draco for the first time in the employee break room on a boring Wednesday morning and they immediately hit it off. Chance encounters turn into dates, and dates turn into feelings.
Oh, yeah. Draco's also Harry's boss. Harry has no idea.
Burn the Witch by @lettersbyelise (95,800 words, rated E)
When Harry Potter is sent in to investigate Draco Malfoy’s successful potions company, posing as Draco’s bodyguard, he doesn’t know the case will launch a series of events that will change his life — and Draco’s.
A story about choices, scars, Chopin piano pieces, and finding all kinds of love in the most unexpected places.
Pages of You by @wolfpants (101,717 words, rated E)
Summer, 1980. Harry is floating between university and becoming a Real Certified Adult. He's not ready. He really isn't.
In a desperate attempt to have the Best Last Summer ever, he takes a casual job at his godfather's bookshop in London, starts an illicit pen pal affair with a wordy posh boy that he's catching feelings for, all while dealing with the son of Sirius's business rival, one Draco Malfoy, insufferable know-it-all extraordinaire.
A story about trying to figure out who you are, where you're going in life, and who you want to take along with you.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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horriblegoosefest · 2 months
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moodboard by @timothysboxers for @gallifrey1sburning's WIP
"It's completely different," Malfoy sniffed. "For one, I am delightful company, whereas that fundraiser is going to be horrifyingly dull. And secondly, I'll actually let you choose what night works for you..."
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assassinsdragons · 1 year
Anon Project Round 2
Some of you may remember back in winter 2017-2018, when I did this thing to spread some love through the anon ask option we've got here on tumblr. Well, I did the same thing again, back in winter 2020-2021, though instead of just one month, I did it for two months. From the 1st of December 2020, until the 31st of January 2021.
Every day, I sent the message "Hi. I love you. 🤍" to one blog each day. I wanted them to know they're loved.
Now, I know tumblr sometimes eats asks, so maybe not everyone that I planned to give love to actually got their messages, and this roundup will therefore serve as a reminder to all of you that yes, I do love you. Even now, 2.5 years later.
So, here we go, I love all of you:
Dec 1st @creeeee Dec 2nd @quicksilvermaid Dec 3rd @faevorite-main-blog Dec 4th @legendrarry Dec 5th @fleetofshippyships Dec 6th @candybarrnerd Dec 7th @cibeewastaken Dec 8th @nadiasna7 Dec 9th @cheekytorah Dec 10th @stargazing-enby Dec 11th @keyflight790 Dec 12th @all-drarry-to-me Dec 13th @tackytigerfic Dec 14th @shealwaysreads Dec 15th @ununquadius Dec 16th @mad1492 Dec 17th @gnarf Dec 18th @restlessandordinary Dec 19th @parkkate Dec 20th @l0vegl0wsinthedark Dec 21st @ekayart Dec 22nd @lqtraintracks Dec 23rd @midgart Dec 24th @unicornsandphoenix Dec 25th @phantomrin Dec 26th @gallifrey1sburning Dec 27th @p1013 Dec 28th @scarheaded-ferret Dec 29th @firethesound Dec 30th @wordsphoenix Dec 31st @veelawings
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crazybutgood · 5 months
Thank you @gallifrey1sburning (x) and @owl-of-fandom (x) for tagging me ❤️❤️
Last Song: Aao Milo Chalein
Favourite colour: Blue! Also purples and greens! Cool colours ftw
Currently watching: Taskmaster, Last Week Tonight, Abbott Elementary, some re-watches of Schitt's Creek and YouTube videos ... A lot of things basically
Last movie: oh gosh I've been bingeing so many movies and shows and all to get through the final horrible neverending stretch of the sem 😭 I can't rmb the order so here's three I enjoyed: Crew, Sita Ramam, Thiruchitrambalam
Sweet/savory/spicy: chatpata, which is a combination of all three
Current obsession(s): Taskmaster!!! Forever obsession
No pressure tagging @andithiel @stavromulabetaaa @getawayfox @vukovich @curlyy-hair-dont-care @notalexhorne @echo @orange-peony @danpuff-ao3 @nv-md @squintclover @schmem14 @sleepstxtic @practicefortheheart if you'd like to do this, and anyone else who sees this and wants to as well (feel free to tag me back so I can see!) 😊
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drarrymicrofic · 1 year
Wheel Of Drarry (WoD) Round 1/2023 Masterlist
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Hello there!
Recently the Drarrymicrofic Discord Server ran its latest round of Wheel of Drarry (WoD) Fic Gift Exchange between participating members. Here is the compiled Masterlist, based on the details submitted by the gifters themselves. Please enjoy these beautiful works <3 To participants: If you see any errors with the links or the usernames, or if you don’t see your fic and want to be included, please reach out to Isami (isamijoo) on Discord.
1. Gift for @peachydreamxx by @makeitp1nk
Title: Overcome with light
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 295
Summary: For dear Eliza, as part of the WoD exchange for @drarrymicrofic, based on her prompt ethereal. A gazillion thanks to my beloved @crazybutgood for the always excellent beta. Inspired by The Dreamer Trilogy; the title is from the song with the same name by Bowerbirds. Hope you like it!
2. Gift for @steampunkserpent27​  by @cavendishbutterfly
Title: As it was written
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 4772
Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), War Trauma, Depression, Nightmares, Canon-Typical Violence, Trans Male Draco Malfoy, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Angst with a Happy Ending, snuggling with your former enemy, and weeping in their arms, a kneazle who probably has a secret evil agenda
Summary: Harry keeps having nightmares after the war. Someone keeps saving him.
3. Gift for  @geesenoises​  by @wolfpants​
Title: The Holly and the Ivy
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4640
Tags: EWE, Non-Linear Narrative, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Quidditch Player Draco Malfoy, Castles, Flashbacks, References to A Christmas Carol, Miscommunication, Idiots in Love, Misunderstandings, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Holidays, Christmas, Fluff, Light Angst, Explicit Sexual Content, Charity Auctions, Rich Harry Potter, Prickly Draco Malfoy, POV Draco Malfoy
Summary: This year at the Annual Ministry Yule Auction, Magpies Seeker Draco Malfoy's time is up for sale. When Harry places the winning bid, will their contracturally-binding weekend together heal old wounds, or worsen them? Featuring a fluffy black cat called Marley, a castle on the western coast of Scotland, an Eighth Year Christmas kiss, and stupid boys who can't express their feelings.
4. Gift for  @thebooktopus  by @themountainsgreen
Title: Midnight Confessions
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 1576
Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Potioneer Draco Malfoy, Auror Harry Potter, Idiots in Love, New Years Eve, Fluff, Holidays, Confessions, Falling In Love, Drarry, alternating POV
Summary: Sometimes, you need that special charm to realise what's right in front of you.
Harry's and Draco's is a tentative friendship, built on the ruins of Hogwarts and losses they’ve both suffered. This year marks the first time they spend New Year's Eve together. 
5. Gift for @isamijoo​ by @steampunkserpent27
Title: Shared Glimpses and First Kisses
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 2029
Tags: Harry Potter EWE, Eighth Year, Pining, Fluff, Gift Giving, Getting Together, Yule Party, Dancing, Good Harry Potter, Good Draco Malfoy, Established Friendship, Oblivious Harry Potter, Banter, First Kiss, Boys in Love, Boys Kissing, Happy Ending
Summary: The Eighth years have put on their very own magical Yule Party to celebrate how far they have all come. Harry has invited Draco, knowing that his new-found friend has been having a tough year, but will he show up?
6. Gift for @tink-wondering by @gallifrey1sburning​
Title: Waifs and Strays
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 5279
Tags: Alernate Universe - Different First Meeting, Chance Meetings, Runaway Harry Potter, Lost Draco Malfoy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Canonical Child Abuse (but nothing graphic), Libraries, Good Influence Tonks, Cousins don't let cousins grow up to be bigots, and friends don't leave their friends' kids in abusive households, pre-Harry/Draco, very very pre, they are small children then have many years to go, Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon
Summary: When Draco Malfoy was seven years old, he got lost in Diagon Alley and met a cousin he’d never heard of. When Harry Potter was seven years old, he ran away from home and met a friend he never knew he had. A story of how chance encounters can change everything.
7. Gift for @basicallyahedgehog​ by @nelweensfic
Title: Patience is the best gift
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4037
Tags: Omegaverse, mpreg, smut, fluff, Omega Harry Potter, Alpha Draco Malfoy, christmas
Summary: After almost a decade of being both a teacher at Hogwarts, and an Omega, Harry realises there’s only one thing he's finally ready for: founding his own family.
8. Gift for @wolfpants by @isamijoo​
Title: Take Your Time
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 3000
Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Not Epilogue Compliant, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Getting Together, Kissing, The Deathly Hallows  
Summary: Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy owns a repair shop in Knockturn Alley. One day, Harry Potter came with a job for him.
9. Gift for @blue--dreaming by @peachydreamxx
Title: Treacle Tarts and Longing Hearts
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 4230
Tags: Hogwarts Alternate Universe- Canon Divergence, First Kiss, POV Draco Malfoy, Friends to Lovers, Flirting, Pining, Fluff, Awkward Crush Feelings
Summary: Draco would usually find studying an absolute breeze, if it weren’t for Harry Potter being such a frustratingly gorgeous distraction.
10. Gift for @quackquackcey​ by @sorrybutblog
Title: Two of Us
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5559
Tags: Professional Quidditch, Fake/Pretend Relationship, except not really because Harry is too dumb to realize he’s doing it, Pining, Jealousy, Quidditch teammates, Himbo Harry Potter, Smut, based on the vibes of a hockey rpf!!, Harry is a little repressed but he gets it in the end
Summary: The gang goes to a gay bar. Or: five times Harry accidentally pretended to be Draco’s boyfriend and one time Draco told him to put out or shut up.
11.  Gift for @cluelesspigeons​  by @shealynn88
Title: For Everything, a Season
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 1344
Tags: established Drarry, fluff, empty nest, parents with adult children
Summary: Harry misses the kids, but Draco knows how to cheer him up.
12. Gift for @gallifrey1sburning by @blue--dreaming
Title: waiting for courage
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1125
Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Pre-Canon, Pre-Slash, Canon Divergence - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Happy Ending, Post Sectumsempra Scene | Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter's Duel in the Bathroom  
Summary: In which Draco forgets about finding an odd book in the library as a child, but is somehow set on a better course anyway after an unexpected tumble.
13. Gift for @nelweensfic​  by @cluelesspigeons​
Title: Counting Down To The New Year With You
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 2117
Tags: Minor Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Minor Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, New Year's Eve, New Year's Party, New Year's Kiss, Fights, Making Up, Grumpy Harry Potter, Healer Draco Malfoy, Sulking Harry Potter
Summary: Just before Harry left for the party, he and Draco had a massive fight. Will Draco forgive him before the new year begins?
14. Gift for @sorrybutblog by @quackquackcey​
Title: "Little Blond Shite"
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 22557
Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Draco Malfoy Wielding a Bat, Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Hijinks & Shenanigans, A little bit of mystery, Some Action, Baking, Everyone Thinks They're Together, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Some pining, Banter, Eventual Smut, Probably one of the best things I’ve ever written, Wheel Of Drarry Mini-Exchange 2023, Animagus Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy Has Long Hair
Summary: Picture Draco Malfoy now in the habit of swingin’ a Beater’s bat—(not unlike Steve Harrington from Stranger Things)—after Harry Potter snatched his wand during the war. Now picture Draco Malfoy in eighth year minding his own business, getting rid of his excess handbaked goods by offering them to fairies, only to accidentally push Harry Potter into a fairy ring and get him cursed. That’s the story.
15. Gift for @written-in-ash​ by @tink-wondering​
Title: Lacrima Mortis
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 13954
Tags: Dementors, the Kiss, Azkaban, Veela!Draco, depressive thoughts, borderline suicidal ideation, self-harm, very brief and not really self-harm, but tagging it just in case, low self-esteem, mental health, microfics, within the fic itself, angst, happy ending, kind of an open ending, love is an important theme in this, as much as it is in the original story, canon divergent after the Lily’s and James’ deaths, wherein Voldemort truly died that night, but with a slight twist, so kind of, Alternate Universe, time travel, or more like time imprisonment, time-turner, Minor character death, nothing graphic and not from the character’s POV, No beta we die like Sirius, Spoiler alert?, canon compliant violence, Veela!Draco finding his mate, Panic Attack, cremation
Summary: Through history, Veelas have been hunted and almost decimated for one thing. A single thing that seems trivial and useless at first. A lone tear. Their last tear. Lacrima Mortis. Many advocated against the kills, yet it remains a potent potion ingredient. And now, though illegal, the hunt still perdures.
Please read, leave a kudos and comment of these wonderful fics. Until next time, have a lovely day!
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fredficaccount · 6 months
I read 32 fics in march and reread 1.
From several fandoms : larry, rwrb, tarlos, drarry, athelnar, cmbyn, sterek, obikin.
As always, I'm infinitely grateful to all the authors for their gifts and to AO3 for being this space for sharing.
Apart from my re-reading, which I'll talk about at the end of this post, I particularly enjoyed 6 of these fics.
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2 Larry :
Landslide, by @aimmyarrowshighaes, spibsy (lucy_and_ramona)
Explicit, 143k words, completed 2014-02-19
Historical AU, 70s AU, Strangers to lovers
The year is 1976. In November, Jimmy Carter will take control of the White House. Americans are meeting Laverne & Shirley at their apartment in Milwaukee. Hotel California diverges from the reign of Kool & the Gang. And the FBI is still reeling from the repercussions of Watergate, the tragedy at Wounded Knee, Operation Family Secrets, and the strategic terrors of the anti-cult movement.
That's what Special Agent Harry Styles has been told is the basis of his mission to an abandoned farmhouse in rural New Hampshire.
With his hair grown out long and his shirt untucked, he's going undercover to do reconnaissance on suspected cult leader Louis Tomlinson, who has led a group of people out into the middle of nowhere, leaving no record of the life he'd had before. All Harry knows is what the agency gave him: Tomlinson's name, and instructions to figure out what he's doing with the eleven people he brought with him.
In the year that Harry spends undercover and under Louis Tomlinson's wing, he learns more than he ever expected.
What I liked :
This story is perfect : masterful scenario, well crafted characters, and a very special and absolutely unique atmosphere, all to achieve about how a remote place can help you find in someone the home you were looking for...
@louisbumpenguin did this superb cover :
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With blood and soft stitches, by @bravestyles
Not Rated, 57k words, completed 2020-07-30
Established relationships, suicide attempt, hurt/comfort
Summary :
After a failed suicide attempt and a three month long coma, Harry wakes up.
What I liked :
Suicide, depression… It's not an easy subject… And yet the author comes up with a story that is all sensitivity and emotion. They describe perfectly what it's like to go wrong, even when you love your husband, even when, from the outside, everything seems to be going well. The distress of Louis, the husband who almost lost his love, is also palpable and poignant.
Both characters are amazing, and it's literally impossible not to fall in love with Louis, who reminds me TTS Louis, a marvel of solidity and devotion to his other half.
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2 Drarry :
Life lessons, by @bixgirl1
Explicit, 68k words, completed 2019-06-04
Enemies to friends to lovers
Fic post
Summary :
On the cusp of a promotion, Harry needs a little help with his image. Enter Draco Malfoy — who doesn't really do that, Potter — to whip him into shape… and make him feel things he hasn't for a very long time.
Featuring: odd jobs, surprising chemistry, lots of accidental kissing, the Prophet living up to type, owls exhausted by the carrying of dirty letters, a secret no one can talk about, a merry band of Slytherins (none of whom really approve), and an enchanted mirror (who really, really does).
What I liked
This is another one of those drarry fics where I fall in love with both characters and their stories, each so different yet so compatible.
The Cabin Trip, by @gallifrey1sburning
Explicit, 23k words, completed 2021-02-22
Friends to lovers, Sharing a bed, Pining
Fic post
Summary :
When Harry decides to swap his house in London for a cabin in the Catskill Mountains for a week, he’s excited for the chance to take a vacation with a group of his closest friends. He’s positive that his long-standing crush on Draco won’t be a problem; he’s been handling it just fine for years, after all. Unfortunately, he wasn’t counting on those tiny swim trunks. Or the way Draco licks melted chocolate off his fingers. Or having to rescue him from a rogue shower. And he definitely wasn’t counting on Draco deciding to sleep in Harry’s bed. But it’s going to be fine. Right?
Featuring: gender fuckery fashion icon Blaise Zabini, Greg Goyle as “the dad friend,” Luna Lovegood petting wild animals that she absolutely should not be petting, and Harry and Draco not being nearly as subtle as they think they are.
What I Liked :
This fic is a sort of grand epilogue, set against the backdrop of a beautiful cabin in the Canadian woods, with a lake, obviously a shared bed, pining and a great bunch of friends. A lovely serotonin moment. I could have gone on for pages and pages.
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1 Tarlos :
No rules in breakable heaven, by @strandnreyes
Explicit, 75k words, completeted 2023-07-27
Private chef AU, friends with benefits
Fic post
Carlos doesn't know what to expect when he takes a position as a private chef in the Hamptons for the summer. All he knows is that he needs a job, and one that puts a roof over his head, gives him a chance to practice his craft, and will look great on his CV is more than he could ask for. Turns out he has no idea what he’s in for.
What I liked :
I sincerely hope that the author continues to write for a long time to come, because every time, it's a joy to read. Carlos and TK are beautiful, moving and touching, no matter what reality they find themselves in, and this AU private chef is no exception.
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1 Athelnar (Vikings) :
Uppsalir, by @gwylliondream
Mature, 66k words, completed 2019-02-01
Strangers (Or Enemies ?) to lovers, slow burn
Fic post (kind of)
Summary :
In the raid at Lindisfarne, Ragnar takes a blow to the head and is knocked unconscious. Thinking Ragnar is dead, his kinsmen leave him behind on the beach. When Ragnar awakens, he suffers from amnesia. He cannot remember why he sailed west, or what transpired at the monastery. Athelstan discovers his bruised body on the shore, and they embark on an adventure that challenges their faiths, their lives, and their love.
What I liked :
Years ago, I was really into the Vikings series. And all my interest collapsed when Athelstan died (I don't suppose I'm spoiling anything for anyone?), because G. Blagden was due to join the Versailles series. Here we are in 2024, I'm discovering Uppsalir on AO3 and omg it's a gem! It's a shame that such perfections don't have more readers, for lack of a more popular fandom…
My monthly reread :
We cant take the long road home, by @pinkcords
larry fic
Explicit, 45k words, completed 2020-07-09
Road trip AU, strangers to lovers, pining
Fic post
Late afternoon seeps into the cab, just shy of too warm, and the breeze that crosses window to window tosses their hair in their eyes, around their faces. They ride in pleasant silence, the radio humming softly in the background as they speed down the coast, and when Louis looks over, Harry’s smiling to himself, a private happiness born from whatever’s going on in his head. Louis likes to think it has something to do with him, or at the very least, this adventure they’ve embarked on together, chosen to see through to San Diego.
Or, Harry and Louis fall in love down the coast of California.
What I liked :
I finished March by rereading this fic after watching a TV documentary about the Seattle area with my mum (Easter weekend). This is the third time I've reread it, and the third time I've loved it! It's got some of my favourite ingredients: road trip, pining, a lonely character whose heart gradually opens up, beautiful landscapes, pining, emotion… Really, We can take the long road home is one of my all time favourite fics.
What's more, there's a lighthouse and a sea glass found on a beach…
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cailynwrites · 4 months
The Tally by GallifreyIsBurning - a Podfic
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Auror partners friends to lovers Drarry full of banter! This was a gift @sweatersinthesummer, a super talented podficcer, book binder, and cover artist from my Voiceteam Purple Puffapods.
The Tally by @gallifrey1sburning Rating: T Pairing: Draco/Harry Length: 12:57 Tags: Humor, Mutual Pining, Office Rivalries
Listen now on AO3
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romaine2424 · 2 years
Drarry Fic Recs!
I've written very little the past week because I've been on a reading rampage. Stating up front, I'm a speed reader. Oh my! I usually read something everyday but set it aside at night when I do most of my writing. These stories, though, just took me in and I couldn't stop. They run the spectrum from a Regency A/B/O WIP to a 580K Dystopian Voldemort wins with a Draco and Harry you will never ever forget. These fics are all on AO3. So let's get started...
Let's start Light: Seeking: pet carer for Bartholomew (four-year old rescue greyhound, no special needs) by @gallifrey1sburning (14.5K, 2020). The fic is non-magical AU and features overworked, recently dumped, lawyer!Draco. He and his previous partner had adopted a rescue greyhound (Bartholomew). The poor beast needs care during the day, walking and such. Enter dog-walker extraordinaire Harry. It's lovely and it reads true to their characters. Pansy plays a very Slytherin role in putting these two together. It's not too fluffy but is definitely sweet in just the right amount.
Follow the Water by @xanthippe74 (38K, 2020). The atmosphere the author created for this fic is so gorgeous. You can picture and almost feel the breeze of a spring day. The heat of summer relieved by brooks, forests, and rivers. It starts on a Spring day with Harry taking a long walk from the Burrow because he doesn't feel like going home. He has a boring job and leads a boring life. He comes upon Luna's house, now rebuilt into a one story stone home. He finds Draco, Pansy, and Greg visiting Luna. Soon he is coming every Saturday to work in the garden, cook, and other things as they put together an outdoor camp. The whole fic takes place on these weekend adventures and mostly outside in the fresh air as the group bonds. While this is a light fic, it is not fluffy. They are children recapturing a youth most never got to experience. So come enjoy Pansy reading romance novels, Draco singing, a promise of flying kites, spending the night in tents, and taking long hikes. Oh, and finding Love.
Strawberry Fields (bitter bites) by @eddietoz (54K, WIP 15/18) And now we come to the Regency A/B/O. I mean really, do I need to say more than Omega!Draco who was caught with the gardener in Malfoy Manor being sent away to live with his aunt and cousin in Godric's Hollow, where he quickly insults the most eligible Alpha, one young Harry Potter who is joining the Navy. Captain Harry returns five years later and the fun ensues. Well not for Harry who has had his heart broken by his childhood sweetheart. Draco, still trying to redeem himself after the incident in Wiltshire and insulting Harry, meets with Captain Potter and they devise a plan for Harry to win back his love and Draco be redeemed. This may or may not backfire. You can feel the A/B/O heat in this fic, but given the era, everything is repressed and societal norms of courting must be followed. *fans myself* The author is still updating. The 14th chapter went up a little over a week ago (update...chapter 15 just went up). I haven't found many Drarry A/B/O fics of my liking (besides Embers by @shiftylinguini), but this one is like a Jane Austen/HarryPotter/ A/B/O crossover. Delish!!!!!
Where all the Veins Meet by @saxamophone (146K, 2023) How good is this fic? It's so good I read it despite it being the usual type I normally wouldn't. I'm not a fan of depressed, 'woe is me' Harry after the war. Not that he wouldn't have problems...most definitely. I just usually stay away from depressed!Harry for my own sake. However, the author won me over on this one. It takes place right after the war and through the summer of 1998. Harry's friends are trying to support him by showing up at Grimmauld Place to be with him. They love him. But, Harry, is so confused on what is him, who he is now that Voldemort is not only physically gone but also gone from his head. He becomes...shall I say...dickish. But still they love him. He meets up with Draco by accident in a museum, and this continues. They become almost friends. Draco (on parole having to take Muggle studies) is living with his Slytherin compatriots and they aren't doing so well either. Especially Pansy. Meetings continue, trust builds, friends aren't happy (some furious) when they find out. But in all this confusion, a light appears at the end of this tunnel. Beautifully told, heartbreaking, but resiliency and forgiveness is found.
And now for the beast of a fic I mentioned up top. I'm giving two links as the Completed original is in Spanish and was just completed a few weeks ago). The second is the translation that is not yet completed and I believe will take quite a while to do so. Desolación by SimpleNefelibata (2023). Desolation translated by JhonnyBotello01. (24/67 ~200K). Here is the summary: Harry Potter was dead. The war was over. The whole (UK) Wizarding World was finally under Voldemort's regime. And Draco Malfoy was part of the most inner circle to the Dark Lord. Eight years after the Battle of Hogwarts, and with the sudden apparition of Hannah Abbott at the Manor door, Draco is faced with desmanteling all the hard truths he's learned to live with. The fic comes down to one point, Nagini disappeared before being killed by Neville and one Narcissa Malfoy has been in Azkaban for 8 years for treason (lying to Voldemort about Harry being dead). And Draco has spent 8 years moving up the ranks so he could get her released.
I'll say up front, do not come near this fic if you cannot read torture. The author gives this warning: This story takes place in a dark world. It will touch themes like slavery, torture, violence, sexual abuse, and death in VERY grusome ways, as far as detailing them graphically and explicitly from the start, with the idea to not romanticize these themes. Take this seriously.
There is a Resistance, there is an Order and there is a BAMF Harry Potter who is now a seasoned warrior. He's surrounded by the most faithful including one Minerva McGonagall and, of course, Ron and Hermione. The Weasleys, Luna, Theo,and Kingsley all play starring roles, too. On Voldemort's side, Greyback, Theo, and an OC are front and center.
When we meet up with Draco Malfoy, he is a member of Voldemort's highest inner circle the Nobilium. Draco, called by the name Astaroth, is feared by all as he is the potion and spell maker of the Darkest kind. He discovers his mother has died at Azkaban and she is his world. The only person he truly loves and cares for. He breaks. He knows the master he's been serving was responsible but his father has been blamed and is in Azkaban, too. Narcissa saw something at the end of the Battle, but couldn't be broken to tell what it was. What she knew would be the turning point for both sides. Draco meets with the Order and despite almost everyone telling Harry not to do it, Harry brings him into the fold...well kind of...
The worldbuilding for this dystopian fic is amazing. The storytelling so very very original. The characterizations of Harry and Draco, masterful. And almost every chapter will have you on the edge of your seat. There is no let up.
I will say, there is one subplot towards the end, I detested and couldn't buy into it. But when you write a 580K fic, you cannot please everyone. I stand by that this fic is masterful despite this issue.
Now, how did I, who doesn't read or write Spanish finish this fic? I read the translation version, which is terrific and then switched over to the original story and read it on my Iphone. You're given a choice there to read it in English. Okay, its a google translation which massacres each and every pronoun and translates Draco calling Lucius PaPa into Potato. LMAO. But I was so hooked, I had to know what happened. If you have patience, I advise subscribing to the translated version. If you can read Spanish, I'm highly jealous of you!
Hope you find something you enjoy reading here. And remember to comment with love on what you read.
I seriously have to get back to my writing now.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
hi friend! you have the best recs so I wanted to reach out. I feel like this is both a pretty simple request yet somehow also uber specific?? if it's too specific that's totally OK and you can disregard. I'm just having trouble sifting thru matches on AO3 and trust your judgment!
in major need of T-rated (or not-super-smutty M) fics between 5-50k, preferably ones set while the characters are in their 20s (early, mid, and late 20s all work) with plenty of fluff/nothing too heavy emotionally.
anything you can offer would be so appreciated!!
Hi there! This was a bit challenging because I’m more familiar with angst than fluff 😅 I hope these work for you! They’re all T-rated, except for Astolat’s:
The Interest Here by disapparater (9k)
Draco has his own morning show on the wireless, which he loves; an ambitious assistant, whom he needs; and days in The Tea Shop, where he relaxes. He also has a new caller on the show, whom he finds bloody annoying.
honey milk tea by @softlystarstruck (14k)
When Draco runs into Harry at his favorite boba tea shop and gets so flustered he orders the exact same thing, he has no idea how quickly his life is going to change.
Espresso Patronum by @tasteofshapes (15k)
When Draco reappears five years after the war and opens a wildly popular coffee shop, Harry’s pretty sure that Draco’s Up to Something. He just has to prove it.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
Heartlines by @sorrybutblog (22k)
Just as Draco Malfoy's life seems to be getting back on track, the magic at Malfoy Manor is spinning out of control. Auror partners Harry Potter and Angelina Johnson are assigned to the case and quickly find that nothing about the situation is obvious.
House Proud by astolat (M, 23k)
His house liked Draco Malfoy more than him.
Safe As Houses by @xanthippe74 (24k)
After five years abroad, Harry’s thrilled to be home and working at the most prestigious ward-building firm in Britain. But everything gets turned upside down when he's assigned to work for Draco Malfoy—who somehow grew up to be just the sort of sexy bastard Harry goes for.
Doing the Lambeth Walk by @blamebrampton (26k)
There are only three traditional choices for the cashed-up hero after victory. Harry Potter is too young to settle down and provide the wizarding world with a happy ending, and has too acute a sense of humour to spiral downwards into a spectacular flame-out. That leaves a life of good works. Choosing to lead it in Muggle Brixton comes with its own set of challenges, including Malfoys in the biscuit aisle.
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout (29k)
Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he's here, and he won't stop requesting books from the library where Harry works.
Little Red Courgette by @blamebrampton (31k)
When this season's purple courgettes are woefully thin, Draco Malfoy thinks it amounts to small beans. Next thing he knows, the Department of Standards is over-run with leeks, Brussels sprouts all sorts of legislative difficulties, and somebody appears to have put a roquette under Harry Potter. Can Draco seize a marrow victory? Or will his plans for peas be squashed?
Follow the Water by xanthippe74 (38k)
Harry Potter’s life is fine. Maybe a little dull and predictable, but he shouldn’t complain about that, right? When he unexpectedly finds himself at Luna’s house one afternoon, Harry gets invited to join the secret wonderland that she’s creating with a surprising group of friends. Maybe a summer outdoors is just what a former hero needs to bring some zest back into his life.
I'll Floo Home for Christmas by jadepresley (39k)
The Ministry Christmas party is the biggest event of the year and Harry absolutely does not want to plan it, and he certainly, one hundred percent, does not have a crush on Draco Malfoy.
Witch Weekly's Most Eligible by @gallifrey1sburning (54k)
The first few times, it was kind of funny. After a while, however, it started to get a bit depressing. By the tenth time Harry won Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, it was downright humiliating. But even that wouldn’t have been enough to get him to agree to Pansy Parkinson’s scheme to put him on a wizarding dating show—at least, not without the additions of a tearfully earnest Molly Weasley and one too many glasses of champagne.
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2023.01.01 ~ New Year
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. The Countdown by midnight_moon_sky [G, 3k]
►It's the Ravenclaws' turn to throw the annual New Years party. Draco is being forced to go, and Harry desperately wants to avoid being a third wheel to Hermione and Ron or to Luna and Ginny. Harry gets the wonderful idea to ask Draco to go with him since, after all, they had grown closer together this past year in their added eighth year of Hogwarts.
2. Garden of You by thoracicduck [T, 17k]
►Draco has Hanahaki Disease, and he would rather die than admit that he's liked his childhood nemesis all along (for reasons he does not expect); Harry warms up slowly to his unusual friend with a mysterious disease that doesn't get better. /// A story of two men reopening old wounds and seeking comfort in each other's presence, wherein they find common ground in unspoken grief.
3. Lemon by @coffeedrgn87 [M, 2k]
►Welcome to Draco Malfoy's menagerie of wild animals with an attitude.
4. Livin' For That Day by @phoebe-delia [T, 1k]
►I like to drink tea every morning, still. I used to only drink it at night, but now I drink it in the morning, too, because that's what you used to do. It's my way of admitting you were right. About everything.
5. Waifs and Strays by @gallifrey1sburning [G, 5k]
►When Draco Malfoy was seven years old, he got lost in Diagon Alley and met a cousin he’d never heard of. When Harry Potter was seven years old, he ran away from home and met a friend he never knew he had.
★ Harry/Draco Owlpost 2022 | @hdowlpost
A Dance, A Lifetime by Anonymous [T, 3k]
Devious for Love by Anonymous [G, 5k]
The Golden Bough by Anonymous [T, 21k]
4. Waiting for Life to Start by oldenuf2nb [E, 71k]
►Sometimes it takes the magic of Christmas to make your dreams come true. ★ 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022 | @slythindor100
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thedrarrylibrarian · 1 year
Do you have any recs for Drarry struggling with trauma or ptsd during 8th year? Please and thank you!
Hello! Your holds have arrived!
I took the liberty of giving you MORE RECS and splitting this rec list into two parts! Be sure to check out last week's list for the first part of these recs!
Eighth Year + Trauma 2
A Sliver of Hope by @goldentruth813 (539 words, rated G)
Draco doesn't have much to offer, but he'll gladly share what he does have.
say something by @gallifrey1sburning (1,190 words, rated M)
“The world I was raised for is dead,” he stated, his voice flat. “And good riddance, I suppose, but there’s no place for me here. I was molded to ascend in a society that burned. It might have been better if I had burned with it.”
Destination: Healing by @stargazing-enby (2,027 words, rated T)
As much as he refused to think about it, the truth was something in Harry’s chest unravelled in those dawn-hued moments of quiet when his body was heavy against the bathroom door frame, the Cloak heavy on his shoulders, and his gaze heavier than any of the two on the rise and fall of Malfoy’s breathing.
The Swallows Will Return by @thisbloodycat (4,621 words, rated E)
Harry wasn’t sure what he’d expected from life after the war—peace, obviously, maybe a sense of accomplishment—but it certainly hadn’t been this.
to be a bit of warmth (for you) by @softlystarstruck (9,304 words, rated M)
As some of the only eighth years to return to Hogwarts, Harry doesn't know how he and Draco will manage to be roommates for a whole year without resorting to violence. But Draco is too quiet, and too thin, and wears layers of sweaters that he tucks over his fingers. So they fall into an unspoken routine, one that soothes Harry as much as it helps Draco, one that's so much easier than Harry thought it would be.
Until it all falls apart, and Harry realizes he holds the world in his hands.
Dragons Don’t Talk by @rama-thorn (15,805 words, rated T)
In which Harry can't talk, Hermione soon will have a nervous breakdown, Ron's just confused and Draco has some illwishers (and talks a lot).
Cascade by @avonneslovelies (18,738 words, rated M)
Harry wants to touch, and Draco wants to be touched. If only they could figure it out.
Heartache by @bixgirl1 (25,577 words, rated E)
What if the one person you least expect is the only one who really understands what you've gone through?
Inside Your Mind by lazywonderland (36,376 words, rated E)
Goyle's taken it upon himself to act as Malfoy's personal, one-man guard and Harry can't help but feel like it's only making the bullying worse.
The July Tree by @oknowkiss (51,637 words, rated E)
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail… nor well-meaning friends, nor questionable communication skills, nor seven years of hating each other’s guts can keep Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from falling in love.
Diffraction Patterns (I Don't Know How to Forget You) by @yourdifferentoctober (93,636 words, rated E)
When Harry Potter, of all people, offers to help Draco erase his Dark Mark, he has no choice but to accept. He wants it gone. He wants to forget. He wants to reconstitute the past. Never mind that erasures leave real marks on bodies, real traces on the world in its becoming. This is not how he expected his eighth year to go.
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wynnyfryd · 2 years
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
thank you tag @infinite-orangepeel 💜💜 here’s a little snippet from chapter 2 of my steddie stardust AU (ch 1 on ao3, link pinned on my blog) which is just gonna be like 3k of human Eddie and star Steve being so bitchy to each other
“Listen, man—”
“—Not a man.”
“Oh, my sincerest apologies, sunshine,” Eddie sneers, “you see how that’s fucking confusing considering you look like a dude in a silk nightie right now.”
too high to do math rn lol tagging @gorgeousgreymatter-x @thorniest-rose @flintandfuss @gallifrey1sburning @walkingsaladshooter @wormdebut @topcatnikki @messessentialist
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basicallyahedgehog · 2 years
Self-Rec Whenever
Thank you to @maesterchill for the tag! See her wonderful self-recs here
Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems.” Then tag some folks.
Most Popular: The Love You Find (13.6k, E)
This is the most popular by both hits and kudos. This was my Drizzlefest fic, and will always hold a special place in my heart as my first anon fest, first completed multi-chapter, first fic over 10K, AND first smut! The premise is that Harry and Draco have been Auror partners for the past ten years, and Draco suddenly announces he's taking a year off to travel. Meanwhile Harry gets himself seriously injured and is dragged along on Draco's Australian roadtrip. Cue much pining, thirsting after Beach Draco, Australian scenery and fluff (and smut).
“If you’re trying to get rid of me, I’m afraid you’re out of luck,” Draco teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “I am quite determined to stay until you have recovered enough to come with me.”
“Come with you?” Harry spluttered, completely caught off guard. 
“Of course,” Draco replied. “I apparently can’t leave you unsupervised, and the Healers want you to take at least six months off work to recuperate. So, you’re coming with me.”
“Draco, I—” Harry stumbled over his words, unable to believe that Draco was serious. “I can’t just impose on you like that. You’re meant to be exploring, discovering yourself. I’ll hold you back.”
“Harry.” Draco fixed him with a stern glare. “You cannot heal properly in this miserable London smog. Plus, you are just as due a holiday as I am. You’re coming with me, even if I have to tie you up and drag you along.”
Harry deliberately did not let his brain follow that train of thought. 
“Fine. But don’t complain when you don’t like it!”
(Gah, it's so hard to pick hidden gems!)
Hidden Gem 1: Til The End of The Night (684, T)
I wrote this for the song "Holding Out For A Hero" and it was my first foray into anything that wasn't just pure fluff. It's entirely Harry-centric, but while writing it I pictured Draco being the one to come and "save" Harry, who is suffering from anxiety and PTSD two years post war. At this point I had never written drarry before! I do have the very beginnings of a multi-chap "sequel" to this fic, maybe it will get done some day!
It was such a strange word, Harry thought as he placed a tea bag into his mug. That’s all the public wanted to call him these days, Hero. Either that or Saviour. He wasn’t sure which was worse. 
Perhaps, he mused as he poured the boiling water into his mug, tremors causing the water to splash across the benchtop, the worst part wasn’t the words themselves, but the fact that the public was truly convinced of what they saw. All they could see was their Hero, their Saviour. The Boy Who Lived, who defeated the Dark Lord.
Hidden Gem 2: Like This, My Beloved (996, T)
I wrote this for the wonderful @gallifrey1sburning for wheel of drarry, and it's just 1k of 1st person Harry POV fluff. It follows their relationship post war, and it's basically just Harry being obsessed with his man.
I didn’t think I would see you again, after the war. Well, to be more accurate, I didn’t think I would ever interact with you after the war. Our world is too small for us to never cross paths again, but I pictured cold nods at Ministry galas or pretending to not see each other when lining up for the floo after a long day at work.
What I didn’t picture was you walking into the room that first day of Auror training, your face still pale from two months in Azkaban. I didn’t picture the quiet, “it’s ok, I can convert the old janitors closet to a bunk. I know no one wants me.”
I think I already knew, in that moment. I just didn’t know it yet.
What I did know, though, was that there was no way in Hell that you would be sleeping in a cupboard. Fucking Smith offered to move you in — nothing had felt so satisfying as feeling his nose break under my fist.
No-pressure tagging @phoebe-delia, @thebooktopus, @geesenoises, @saintgarbanzo, @academicdisasterfic, @rockingrobin69 and anyone else who wants to!
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crazybutgood · 2 years
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banner created by the lovely @getawayfox 🥰
I absolutely adore short stories, and I thought I'd use the spotlight saturday concept to spread love for them as much as I can. I will try my best to make this a monthly thing,, sometimes more or less frequent. I hope you find some bite-sized bits of escapism to enjoy through these reclists. Today's features stories to curl up cosily with for a good laugh, some hurt/comfort, or softness—take your pick! And as always, please check the tags and author notes. Have a lovely weekend~
At The Top by @moonstruckwytch (Draco/Harry) (G) 
written for hdcandyheartsfest 2022 day two: first date
Sinking/Floating by @andithiel (Draco/Harry) (T, 966)
After the war, Harry once again dwells so much on dreams of the past and those he lost, that he forgets to live. Draco helps to remind him.
For All You Give (I’ll Give it Back to You) by @thesleepiesthufflepuff (Harry/Ron/Hermione) (T, 7144)
A birthday, a beach cottage, a love confession (or two). All Harry can wonder is why it took him so long to figure this out.
Flushed with love and romance by toutcequonvuet (Draco/Harry) (M, 3011)
Harry has been eagerly anticipating the perfect proposal Draco is surely crafting. Nothing can put a plug on his excitement. When he finally gets it, he’s in for a surprise of the accidental (and hilarious) variety./Featuring: wordplay, bath bombs, and theoretically attractive plumbers
From Sunset to Star Rise by @schmem14 (Harry/Ron) (M, 7618)
Ron stops in his tracks, trembling from head to toe as he points his nose to the clear blue sky, feeling the autumn chill bite his fevered skin./He’s in love with Harry, and he only just realizes it./I have to conquer this is his first thought./I have to tell him is his second./But I’m afraid… lingers longest of all./Ron and Harry move to New England to get away from the aftermath of war, buy a cozy cabin in the woods, and fall in love under the stars of an autumn sky.
Dancing with our eyes closed by Patriceavril (Ginny/Luna) (T, 2517)
Ginny ditches the wedding and her stupid heels, expecting to drink her bottle of stolen champagne alone. When Luna appears, Ginny decides maybe she doesn't want to be alone after all.
Destination: Healing by @stargazing-enby (Draco/Harry) (T, 2027)
As much as he refused to think about it, the truth was something in Harry’s chest unravelled in those dawn-hued moments of quiet when his body was heavy against the bathroom door frame, the Cloak heavy on his shoulders, and his gaze heavier than any of the two on the rise and fall of Malfoy’s breathing.
bloom for me by dynazty (Pansy/Luna) (T, 824)
It was a flower garden. That’s what Luna told her.
Strict Essentials by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (Draco/Harry) (M, 3884)
Harry and Draco go shopping for a new kettle.
The List by @onbeinganangel (Remus/Sirius) (M, 1400)
A story where the to-do list is too long, the weather is terrible and Sirius is seriously trying his best not to have to leave the house.
Marshmallow Kisses by @samunderthelights (James Sirius/Teddy) (G, 889)
James has been working on a surprise for Teddy, but it doesn't go as planned.
Bind by @gallifrey1sburning (Gin/Luna) (T, 2088)
Gin's binder is beginning to affect their career. Pansy's still struggling to figure out how to support her partner through their dysphoria, but she's learning.
The Music of the Stars by @gallifrey1sburning (Draco/Harry) (G, 556)
“It’s almost like music, isn’t it?” Draco looked down to catch Harry’s eye, seemingly unperturbed to find him staring, and Harry wondered if he’d known all along./“What is?”/“All of this. The sea, the wind, the stars.”/Harry laughed. “The stars don’t make noise, you weirdo.”/“They do,” Draco argued. “You just have to know how to listen.”
Beneath the Wisteria by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion (Draco & Scorpius, Albus Severus/Scorpius) (G, 2589)
Scorpius likes the wisteria best of all. He likes the pretty colours and the way the petals fall like rain, and he likes when Draco lifts him up to push his small fingers through the heaps of flowers. It’s Draco’s favourite too, so he sits with Scorpius by the pond often, under the full, soft petals, and watches Scorpius scoop at the water with a conjured green fishing net. He uses his magic to make the petals fall close to Scorpius, and they kiss the water and unfurl inches from him, until they’re scooped up by the net and placed in a pile on the grass./Scorpius laughs each time he catches one, patting his chubby legs with glee./It makes Draco feel warm.
The Darling Curse by @orange-peony (Draco/Harry) (E, 9209)
It was just a slip./Harry didn't mean to call Draco 'love' in front of the other Aurors, especially because they have no idea they're a couple./Well, Harry could always pretend to be cursed and use pet names with everyone./What's the worst that can happen?
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