#game-cannon Lambert (the witcher)
ladydeadrabbit · 1 year
Payback [Keira Metz/Lambert]
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In a fit of anger, Keira picked up the glass perfume bottle and chucked it against the wall. The glass, as expected, shattered into a million pieces on impact. However, this did no good in quenching the rage deep inside her.
It was Lambert, again. The ass of a Witcher never ceased to somehow get under the sorceress’ skin.
Geralt had warned her about him, and oh how she wished she’d heeded such a warning. Ever since coming to Kaer Morhen, the black-haired witcher seemed to have it out for the sorceress.
Keira clenched her teeth and balled up her fists before reaching out to grab something else off her nightstand. But before she could make a victim out of the hairbrush- a firm hand gripped her forearm as a pair of lips came to mutter in her ear.
“Y’know, you could do some serious damage with that grip of yours… I wonder what else you could do with those hands;” Lambert, the cause of Keira’s frustration as of late, muttered in her ear. The stubble on his chin stretched against the shell of her ear. His warm breath fanned out against her neck as his calloused fingers came down to stroke her dress-clad thigh.
‘By the gods! I can smell the cheap ale on his breath,’ Keira inwardly groaned.
Turning her green gaze on the man behind her, Keira saw the smug grin on Lambert’s ugly mug. She controlled herself enough to not roll her eyes and to instead mimic his lustful expression. Lambert took the bait, of course, and he closed his yellow eyes and leaned forward.
Abruptly, Keira pulled back and slapped him before uttering a spell and sending the young witcher flying out of her bed chamber.
“That'll teach ya,” Keira laughed as she slammed her door closed.
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jasmines-library · 1 year
You'll Be Okay.
Geralt of Rivia/The Witchers x Injured Reader.
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Summary: Growing up in Kaer Morhen as a female Witcher was never easy, but you always had your brothers beside you. Although you only see them a few times a year, you are still close, trusting each other with your lives as you have done many times before. So what happens when your brother, and best friend, gets infected by a creature you dedicate your life to hunting?
Warnings: Blood, gore, cannon typical violence, angst, choking, near death, swearing, stabbing, weapons, loss/grief, whump, angst, hurt/comfort, a bit of a slow start.
Notes: This can be interpreted as completely platonic, or as a Geralt x reader, or Eskel x reader, it’s up to you to choose. This also takes place during S2E2 of the Netflix show.
Word count: 4.1K (it got a little out of hand...)
⭒ Masterlist ⭒
Kaer Morhen was far from silent. The snow had settled on the blue mountains casting a misty haze across the sky and the Witchers had retired home for the winter. They sat gathered round the dim firelit hall sipping on beer and sweetened mead as they boasted about their scars and the exciting stories behind them. Witchers were rare to stumble upon.The trials were dangerous and most people died before completing them. There were as little as 20 witchers left after the massacres, where many of the few men died. Female Witchers were incomparable, unheard of. The trials were nearly impossible for boys, let alone a young girl. Though, some spoke of a woman with eyes as golden as the blazing sun whose magic and strength was comparable to that of mages. A woman who not only passed the trials but exceeded trials beyond those alongside Geralt of Rivia. 
You sat slumped against the table in the corner of the room with a dark beer in hand as you studied the scenes of your brothers before you. Many had not returned home. Being a Witcher was a dangerous art and not always a wanted one. You knew that. You could be killed or fatally injured at any unexpected moment. It’s why you all had to keep a keen eye out, a single slip up and it could be game over. Your golden eyes glazed over the men before you. You would be lying to say that your stomach knotted in the absence of Geralt and Eskel. You had grown close with the pair, Geralt had been there throughout your trials, easing you though the burning pain as the herbs coursed through your veins like fire and patching up wounds you could not. Eskel had helped train you to fight. He taught you to never give up. That you could do anything they could. Your enhanced senses meant that you could hear the rattling of the door handle before it slammed open and the muttering died down like a flame. A hooded figure stepped into the room. His pale hair fell in ragged ringlets in front of his face and his eyes that correlated yours melted from the piercing gaze they held as he pulled his hood down. Surprisingly, in tow was a young girl, perhaps around the same age you were when you began your trials. 
“Here comes trouble.”
You leaned forwards in your seat as Lambert stood and approached Geralt.
“Where the fuck have you been?” He folded his arms. 
“We thought you got lost. Or killed.” Coën jested. 
Geralt's eyes softened and a smile crept onto his lips. “Not yet. Sorry.”
Lambert smiled before embracing his brother tightly. “Brother! I knew you’d make a fucking entrance.”
A tall figure lurked towards the front of the room. His hair was much like Geralt’s; it shimmered softly under the light and his eyes were much like yours. Upon his face his moustache and eyebrows were littered with greys. 
“Wolf.” When he spoke his voice was firm though you could hear the relief. “You’re home. Finally.”
“Vesemir.” Geralt said, addressing the man. He was as close to a father as Geralt had. As close to a father as all of you had. The young girl who arrived with Geralt, clung to his side, anxiously, wrapped tightly in a fur shawl, which was so large that it tickled her rosy cheeks. Geralt gestured to her. “Had to make a few stops.”
A sort of uncomfortable silence encased the room as people waited for what would come next. The cracking of the flames was the only thing heard before you rose from your chair, the old wood creaking as it shifted, and made your way towards your brother. His face lit up with anticipation. 
“Geralt of Rivia.” You chuckled. “You never fail to surprise.”
Geralt studied you carefully as you spoke. He noticed all of the new blemishes in your skin and the fresh scar that ran across your eyebrow and down your cheek. He took in your eyes and the way their yellow hues shifted in the light and the smile that was pressed on your lips. He admired your hair and the way you kept it; different from the last time he saw you, but still he liked it. He had missed you. 
“Y/N. Long time no see.”
 Your lips curved further upwards and your eyes glistened. “Too long.” You pulled him in close and welcomed the slow beating of his heart. He was alive.
“He’s home!” The tender moment was broken by the slamming of a knife in one of the tables followed by the rest of your brothers swarming the man. 
It was darker still when the room continued to erupt with laughter at Lambert’s very animated retelling of one of his jobs. The young girl - Ciri, had made herself comfortable with a goblet, her face was lit up with an ecstatic grin. She reminded you much of yourself when you were her age. The wind howled outside, rattling against the door and pounding at the windows.
“Best job I had all year.” Lambert chuckled, taking another swig of his drink, spilling some of it down the side of his face and onto his shirt. He cursed and patted at it with a rag before tossing it back on the table. 
Vesemir raised his goblet aloft. “Each of your faces is cause enough for celebration. You’re safe. You made it back. You made it home.”
A series of glasses and goblets were raised in agreement. You raised yours high, morning the missing face of Eskel and your other brother who didn’t make it.
“Here’s to another winter together.”
There were a number of murmurs and follow up toasts, the sound of glasses clinking together and chairs shuffling.
Geralt raised his cup “To the brothers. To our sister. To family.”
“To family” chortled everyone. 
A strong draft rushed in as a booming voice sounded from the entrance to the hall. “To forgetting the fucking path! For one fucking night. Who’s ready?”
You rushed forwards and embraced him. His expression was tired and there was a thin sheen of sweat cascading across his brow. His dark hair fell across his face where it had fallen out of the tie he had scrapped it into. 
“Are you alright?” You asked him as you furrowed your brow. “You look like day old shit.”
He chuckled, placing a hand on your shoulder and making his way into the room “Yeah?You should see the other guy.”
Geralt eyed him as he stepped forwards, revealing the long, branchlike hand that was shoved into his bag. 
“The bout lasted six hours. I’d have got the fucker too. If I hadn’t lost my elixirs.” He threw the bag on the floor. It landed with a thud which ricocheted throughout the silent room and unsettled the grime on the floor. “Took her hand though.”
“What’s that?” One of your brothers rolled the bag over with his foot. “Is that a leshy?”
“Walked like one. Talked like one. Sort of.”
“Sort of?” You queried, raising your brow.
“I haven’t crossed a leshy in a while.” Geralt said, turning the branch over in his calloused hands. “Not in Kaedwen.”
Eskel pulled down the hem of his coat slightly. It was long and green, frayed at the edges. Bloodied bandages poked through from underneath. “Well count yourselves lucky. Unless you’re aching for the sting of one of their fucking roots.”
“Fire through the heart is the only thing that puts one down.” Vesemir said firmly. “Six hours in, that didn’t occur to you?”
Laughter scattered about the room and Eskel’s face darkened as he made a beeline towards Ciri, who took a sip from her goblet, trying to avoid his gaze and retain her laughter. He made it pretty impossible not to when his face was inches from hers.  “Who the hell are you?”
“Princess Cirilla of Cintra. Pleasure to meet you.”
He did not return the greeting, only glared at her for a brief moment before grunting and slipping away. You could tell that something was wrong. 
Your sword rang loudly across the courtyard as it made contact with Geralt's. He grunted as you advanced forwards, forcing him back against one of the pillars. You smirked, pressing the sword closer to him. He shoved you backwards, using his extra strength to force you to the floor. The snow was cold on your body, despite the layers you were wearing as you rolled underneath him, grabbing his uninjured leg and pulling him down to the ground. Scrambling quickly to your feet you forced the sword from his hand. 
“You’re getting sloppy, old man.” you chuckled.
“Or maybe I just let you win.”
Shaking your head, you held a calloused hand and helped him up from the ground. 
“When you told us you called law of surprise, Vesemir and I told you ‘big mistake.’ You said you promised you wouldn’t claim the child.”
“I had to save her.”
“I know. And you knew I would call you out on it.”
Geralt hesitated and placed his sword in a sheath. “Yeah.”
Your eyes found their way to the floor, tracing the little indents in the snow carved by the shuffling of feet. 
“What?” Geralt asked.
Geralt's stare spoke for him and you let out a deep sigh. 
“Eskel. He’s acting strange.”
Geralt sighed and brushed the hair from his face. “I noticed it too.”
“I sense something is changing, Geralt. Keep Ciri close.”
Eskels party raved on as you sat, tucked away in the corner with a glass of mead observing the way the flickering candlelight cast a gentle glow over everyone's faces. The witchers swayed and danced and kissed with women from the nearby village. You observed how Eskel was fondled over desperately by a fair haired woman. He hollered and pulled his arm back protectively when she got a fraction too close to his wound that was no longer leaking crimson, but burned like fire. You watched how Geralt, who had been previously absent, walked briskly towards him with angry lines etched on his face. You edged closer, something was telling you this wouldn’t end well. And you were right, you rose quickly to your feet when Eskel got up in Geralt's face. When you pushed the two of them apart, Eskel eyed you angrily.
You could tell his shoulder was bothering him and that he was in more pain than he let on. 
“You know, it's funny,” Eskel grunted at Geralt, “Me and the others, we come back here, all banged up. Rock troll busts Lambert's eye. A werewolf takes a chunk out of Coen’s arse…” Eskel’s gaze turned to you and he drank you in, lingering on the pink scar that ran along your face. “And Y/N… Y/N here gets her face torn up by a Bruxa. Was out for days.”
It’s clear from the way that Geralt watches you that you didn’t tell him that one. Eskel smirks and cocks his head. “Hmm, but looks like she didn’t tell you that one did she? And…what do you come back with? All i'm saying is when I find a princess, the last thing i'm gonna do is play knight.” he jested.
He swung at Geralt who quickly countered the punch and pulled his brother into a hold. You skidded to a halt besides the two trying to separate them. Eskel’s face was raging with anger, his eyes piercing like a thousand tiny daggers. “Eskel,” You told him sternly. “Do us a favour, and go to bed.” His teeth clenched and he pulled his hands into fists but before he could do anything, the woman pulled him away down a corridor and deep into the keep.  
You turned to leave, to go back to your corner or to join another Witcher, expecting Geralt to return to Ciri or wherever he had been before he caused the stir, but instead he gripped your arm and forced you to face him. You looked at him inquisitively. 
“Why didn’t you tell me about the Bruxa?”
You turned away from him, walking back to your goblet. “I didn’t think it mattered.”
“But you told Eskel?”
You whipped back around, his face was laced with concern and frustration. “I didn’t tell Eskel. He was there.”
“He was hunting it with you? Then why didn’t he stop it before you got hurt? I swear to the gods-”
“Geralt. Stop. He found me… we were both coincidentally hunting the same Bruxa.”
“You hate Bruxae.” Geralt stated. 
You hummed and sipped your drink. “There was a rumour about a local village being attacked by a vampire. Things had been slow and the pay was good, so I went to check it out. You know Bruxa, they’re quick and she got me from behind. Winded me and pinned me down so I couldn’t get to my weapons. Took a chunk out my face with her claws and nearly drunk me dry. That’s when Eskel found me. He shot her down and took me to an Inn. He saved my life Geralt. I can never repay him for that.”
It was the high pitch buzzing followed by the rapid vibrating of the medallion slung over your neck that caused your head to snap up. Everyone stopped. A low, guttering rumbling spread its way across the room. 
“Maybe Eskel’s leshy wants its hand back.” Coën said. 
Vesemir’s golden eyes scanned the room, trying to follow the pattering and heaving creaking. “Wield your wits, kids.”
Everything seemed to happen very quickly. Everyone scattered to keep Kaer Morhen safe, darting between corridors and brandishing themselves with their weapons. You slipped away from the crowd to try and find Eskel, if he was preoccupied and didn’t notice, or it was his leshy, he was in trouble, and you felt as though you owed him protection. Geralt, to your surprise, joined you in the eerily silent corridors. You had a feeling he wanted to get to Ciri, but knew he was needed in the fight or, perhaps after your story about the Bruxa, he felt as though he needed to stay by your side.
The weight of your sword was comfortable in your hand as you released it from its sheath, it was almost like an extension of your body; an arm made of silver, a protector, a deadly limb. The sound of your footsteps mixed with the steady drip of water seeping through one of the many spidering cracks in the tall ceilings. Sometimes they seemed never ending as though there was no escape from Kaer Morhen, you would be trapped in its walls forever. A low rumbling ricocheted throughout the keep, shaking the walls and blowing out some of the sconces, plunging more of the halls into darkness. You gripped your sword tighter. 
The grand oak doors creaked as Geralt forced them open. The room was dimly lit by the moonlight which flooded in from the skylight and from the chandeliers which swung wildly on their hinges. The pair of you edged your way inside, your eyes and ears sharp as you scanned the room. 
“Oh God…” You recoiled. On the left side of the room, the girl Eskel had been with was pinned against the wall, suffocated by a thick rope of branches. One protruded awkwardly from her mouth, a river of blood coating her chin and the offending branches. There was a thud, and you raised your sword aloft to slice through the thick vine that darted out towards you. A second one raced towards Geralt, who sliced through it as though it was butter. The pair of you readied your swords, turning to watch each other's backs and making your way further into the centre of the room. Glinting as it caught the light, your sword swung to destroy another branch, which had made to grab your ankle. The room was silent for a worrying moment. Then, the two of you were assaulted from all sides. The leshy growled as its arms attacked from all sides, breaking walls and bending the wooden framing of the windows. The pair of you swung your swords with precision, slicing and ducking to avoid a deadly ending, though no matter how hard you tried, the two of you were outnumbered. One of the vines, as thick as your arm, wound itself around Geralt, slamming him against the wall with a grunt, out of your reach. 
“Geralt!” You cried, trying to make your way over to him in vain, whilst dancing between the onslaught of vines. You could see the witcher struggling, wheezing and clawing at the second branch slivering across his neck, binding him to the stone pillar. You could see him straining, his hands struggling to grip the sconce that hung just out of reach, mocking him. The branches’ attack ceased for a moment, as the leshy rolled in. It was tall and spindly with a humanoid face that looked very pissed off. Geralt dropped beside you as the creature squealed in pain; he had managed to burn the wood with the sconce, casing it to drop him to the ground. With your face stony, you pointed your sword at the leshy. With the help of the flames from Geralt's sconce, the pair of you backed it behind a table. Geralt jabbed the flames at the creature, which caused the bark of its skin to blister and it to growl. When it turned its head towards you, your face dropped. 
Staring back at you were the piercing, green eyes of another witcher. “Eskel?” 
It came out as less than a whisper, your voice betraying you, revealing the fear behind your mask. 
“Y/N…” Eskel panted back. “Geralt.”
The leshy, Eskel, grunted in pain as it stood, tossing the table it hid behind to the side. Geralt dropped the flames and held his sword in front of him. It was only seconds before Eskel was firing vines and the pair of you. Geralt thrust his sword downwards, deep into one of the branches coming towards him. Eskel howled in pain and tossed his brother back into the doors before turning towards you. Desperate to get away from the danger, you rolled across one of the benches. The branches shot over you as you backed away. You were about to strike again, when two protruded from the walls and gripped both of your arms, yanking you backwards against a second cold bench. Two more slithered around your ankles, pinning you to the piece of furniture. They were harsh, thick with thorns and rough surfaces that scratched against your skin. You grunted, squirming to get free, but you were stuck. 
“Eskel.” You strained, “I don’t want to hurt you…please.”
The leshy bent over, towering above you so that you could see the scarring on the wooden version of Eskel’s face. When he spoke, his voice wasn’t the witty, gruff voice you were used to, but a fragile, pained whisper. “I came back here…I knew something was wrong.” He swallowed thickly, struggling with his words as you struggled against him with gritted teeth. Where was Geralt? What had Eskel done to him? “I don’t know what happened...”
One of the leshys arms jabbed itself into your shoulder, drawing ribbons of crimson blood. You screwed your face up and bit back a scream. 
“I thought I could fight it.” Another branch into the same shoulder. You groaned and clenched your jaw. The next few words were broken and hard to understand, you weren’t sure if it was because of the hazy pain you were in, or because Eskel was struggling against the leshy. Probably both. “I thought…you could help me like I helped you…”
Eskel stared at you, before turning away and screeching loudly. Vessemir stood in the doorway, his sword sheathed behind his back and a javelin which he had just thrown lodged inside the bark of the creature, Geralt stood beside him, weapon at the ready. It yanked it out and ascended into the ceiling as Vessemir removed his sword and began to cut the vines from around you. 
“What is this?” He grumbled, pulling you up to your feet.
“It’s Eskel.” Geralt replied. “The leshy’s infected him.”
Vesemir faltered. “But that’s not possible.”
“That’s what we thought.”
The room creaked, the ceiling cracked and the chandeliers swayed as the three of you circled the room. You held your weapon in your off hand as you nursed your injured shoulder. When the leshy’s failed attacks wore thin, it descended from its place in the ceiling and made a beeline for the door. The elder witcher was quick to notice and ordered Geralt to shield them shut. Pissed that its simple escape route was no more, Eskel stalked towards Geralt, albeit didn’t make it very far because you and Vesemir assaulted him with chains that were pinned to the walls. The hooks dug into the bark, keeping him in place. You wound them tightly as he thrashed, suspending him off the ground. Vessemir’s attempts to calm him, telling him you could save him were futile. He just knocked the man to the side, attacking him with lengths of branches, sending him careening to the side. 
“Hey!” You yelled, stabbing one of the branches with the point of your sword. The creature turned its attention back to you. It vines wrapped themselves around you, suffocating you in a bone crushing grip. One hooked itself around your neck like a python, coiling tighter and tighter until you felt as though your head might fall off from your body. Eskel cocked his head and studied you closely, his eyes twinkled. No amount of yelling or distraction could draw his attention away from you. He was hooked, conflicted between wanting to kill you and wanting help. 
“Eskel…” You wheezed, “Please…stop.”
You were completely unaware of the distressed calls of the other witchers and the hum of Geralt's sword as he cast a spell over it, causing it to glow white hot. You were absorbed by the face of your brother as the branches tightened around your body. Your lungs burned and you tried to suck in air, much to the protest of your ribs, which cracked and shifted uncomfortably. It was when that coppery taste flooded your senses and blood fell from your mouth that you stopped struggling. Your vision blurred as you choked, gasping and spluttering. Your ears rang and white spots obscured your vision as you stared blankly up at Eskels face. When Geralt drove his sword into the leshy’s heart, your body slumped to the floor.
“Y/N!” Geralt was quick to your side, rolling you over to face him, agitating the raw wound on your shoulder. You cried out in pain.
“Shh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. “ he hushed, taking you in. He eyed nervously the blood that was seeping from your mouth and ears, some streaming down your nose. There were angry bruises already forming on your neck and winding around your body. As your spluttering began to cease, your eyes began to flutter shut.
“No. No, no, no, no. Keep those eyes open.” Geralt pleaded. You whimpered as he pulled you into his arms, holding you securely to his body. Your head lolled against him as your eyes fluttered. You missed his call to Vesemir, who led Geralt down the hall. You missed the anxious calls of your brothers, who were aghast to see your condition. You didn’t see the way that Geralt’s face contorted at your pained whimpers and the scattering of people trying to make room for you. You missed it all as you slipped into unconsciousness.
When you awoke and your eyes had adjusted to the light, the first thing you were aware of was the dull pain that radiated throughout your body. A throbbing ache mixed with a sharp stabbing pain. The second was the anxious, golden eyed stare of Geralt of Rivia. 
“You’re awake.” He whispered, as though he were trying to convince himself. 
You groaned as you tried to sit up, ignoring the pain in your shoulder and across your ribs. There was still a slight wheeze to your breath. 
“Easy,” He told you. “You took quite a beating.”
Your voice cracked as you spoke, dry from lack of water. “How long…?”
“A few days. We had to lace you with elixirs…” Geralt sighed deeply. “You had us so worried, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry.” You muttered. In that moment, you remembered something, like someone had turned on a light. “Eskel?”
Geralt shook his head. “Gone. I’m sorry.”
You nodded solemnly. You knew that the chances of saving him were slim, through a rough tear spilled from your eyes. 
“It’s okay.” Geralt placed a hand on your shoulder that wasn’t covered by a bloodied bandage. “It’s okay. We still have each other. We have our brothers. We will be okay.”
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donovaneagle2098 · 7 months
Bear Witcher/Arnaghad Headcannons
Here's a list of Bear Headcannons because I can't stop thinking about them. They won't leave my brain no matter how much I try.
-their fighting style is more about dodging than a lot of the Bears' lore says. (Actually I don't think this is a headcannon I think they have confirmed in like the TRPG and that "what Witcher school are you?" quiz that their armor is super flexible for dodging and that they're just very good with quen so the school got a reputation for tanking blows)
-they hate authority/are possibly anarchists. Another low key cannon one. The Cat School lore in Gwent lists the Bears as "firebrands", Arnaghad is cited over and over as having trouble with authority, as does Gerd and Ivo's lore. Honestly so many people connect Lambert to the Cat School but he'd fit right in with the Bears too.
-Arnaghad got a following and respect from other Witchers because of his hatred for authority. Most Witchers, ESPECIALLY early era Witchers, did not come to the Order of their own choice, and I think Arnaghad speaking his mind about the school not needing a code that further takes choice away from future Witchers is what earned him support.
-Arnaghad was a slave. I think this because he comes from Gemmera, a country bordered by several nations that practice slavery, and we know the Order was not above buying test subjects. It also explains why he "hated anyone who tried to impose their will on him."
-Arnaghad attacked Rhys because he lost a student. I have no evidence to support this one at all, I just like the idea of Arnaghad losing a student to the Trial of the Grasses, and him going off to hunt a monster, so he can work through his grief with violence, finding Rhys already took the contract, and not getting to picky about what target he tried to kill while grieving. I especially think it's be sad if Rhys, seeing Arnaghad, went to comfort him about his dead student, only for Arnaghad to draw his sword before he can get a word out. It humanizes him without excusing his violence.
-Gryphon, the Order's swordmaster who inspired the creation of the Griffin Witchers, picked on Arnaghad. Gemmera, Arnaghad's homeland, supposedly constantly attacked it's neighbors including Gryphon's home country, so I think the idea of Gryphon treating Arnaghad as a barbarian fits his character, and a lot of Witcher esque themes of knightly hypocrisy.
-the Bears were the most successful school. This one is just economics. When the Bears left the Order of Witchers, the location they picked to set up shop was on a massive mountain range bordering the North and South. Anyone who wanted to pass through or around that mountain range for things like trade would need a guide, and who better than a Witcher who had been trained on those mountains? Toussaint especially would need protection to get their wine across the mountains, and the Bear's final trial was on Mt. Gorgon.
-Skellige hero worships the Bears. Kind of implied already, but I love the idea that the Skellige armor sets you get, which look a lot like the Bear school gear, were inspired by tales of the Bear school, since we know the Skelligers loved them.
I got more but this post has gone on long enough. If you made it this far, thank you for reading, you're awesome and I hope you have a day that's just as great as you are.
Oh and, uh... my ever wonderful friend and Witcher TRPG game player @aerllette , my always incredible mutual @loganyeehawhowlett who I know loves a good Witcher story, and my new super amazing Witcher mutual @seainthestars , any Witcher Headcannons you guys have?
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gaygayaurel · 1 year
As game Lambert #1 fan 5ever the Nerflix Lambert sucks but not bcs of what people think? (I didnt read book of elves I love and respect myself sometimes )
As in game Lambert is kinda fun in that he got actually defined compared to Novels and Hexer where he did not exist ad character proper. He is deeply mean and sarcasric person, being willing to chew out his closest friends and enemies alike. He isnt as morally concerned abt stuff as geralt and when someone asks him to kill a monster he'd do it. Fuck he'd even go as far as use Axii to make two bandits die in horrific way. This is after all his lot in his shitty miserable life. He hates witchery and witchers and the very concept of this much suffering ("But you kept the table" he says furious to Vesemir as they stand above screaming Uma). His attitude is just such a complete 360° from Geralt' silent acceptance of what was done to them. It truly becomes the only voice of like hey fuck what happened to us, fuck it all to hell. Hes an utter fucking dickhead and hell provoke people for no reason (talkinf abt geralt and triss in front of phillipa for no reason) (i deadass dont think he would fuck up yens stuff on purpose tho #;#&#&)
His main core personal element is revenge. In his short appearence in w1 he proclaims desire to slaughter salamandra for killing Leo. In W3 he goes on massive revenge rampage spanning CONTINENTS for a guy we dont know (and thats pretty cool to me, implying he has adventures outside geralt, both him and eskel). He says his first action after he left Kaer Morhen was to find and kill his dad ( and him being sad he couldnt save his mother his life is all just empty revenges that will never fill the holes of people hell miss).
But also main Core element of Lambert is also love as cheesy as it sounds. He cared deeply for Leo and Aiden and even his own mom. After Triss. Got conked out by a mage guy in witcher 1 he cared for her and watched over her (they were hardcore inplying shipping which is funnt but whatever). He literally puts his life on line dor Ciri and Geralt. The thing is he is dickhead but he will do Everythinf for those few peoples he has left in his life.
The Point is games being games and larger allowed Lambert to have depth and nuance. He is imo one of the most interesting and coolest game characters. Netflix Lambert however did not have the time for variety of reasons to get that.
One is Lambert is very minor person in books. Second is that the show didnt...realy care abt witchers past vesemir maybe. So he wasnt a focus. In the end what we get is disappoitninf character not helped by the fact most witchers in netflix are cannon fodders for baba yaga.
ONE issue that I have is people saying Lambert was a dick to Ciri and thats OOC. While I cant speak from the POV of books (altho my friend who did read them say he is sexist), from POV of game thats untrue. In fact I believe game Lambert would VERY much be a fucking dick to Ciri fron a start. It doesnt even need to have sexist colouring to it. This dude HATES witchering. He hates the mutagenesis and the pain of it all, the destiny in it. I firmly believe he wouldnt be OK with a bew trainee and guess what? While he didnt live through instructors not giving fucks abt new witchers because like 1/20 live to become witchers he LIVED through it. On his skin. I firmly believe Lambert being DICKHEAD to ciri at first is nit only a whiff of the complex game!Lambert but a decent start of its own standalone character.
In witcher 1 also wheb tou tell him Leo died he laments he "was not ready". Leo. Just like ciri never got his mutagens (take this with grain of salt because leos whole character is weird tm). So him being an miserable instructor who will push you until you cry is in character ingame. This guys has ten layers of issue.
What Netflix misses is the fact we dont SEE lambert getting to his relationship Ciri where we see rhem albeit briefly in game (willing to fight to death for her). We just have this awkward jump from utter hostility to them beinf kinda pals after baba yaga fight. In the end netflix lambert is just. Boring.
Also hes not a balding fuck and i cant forgive that
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lovelyscot · 3 years
I haven’t played the game but I adore the soundtrack. For some reason, the song ‘Asgard Hall of the Aesir’ really gets into my Lambert/Aiden feels. Any way I read the pair (strong platonic love/a couple/star-crossed lovers) and any way their story ends (but generally with Aiden’s murder as in canon), I just feel them in that song. Their relationship is so bittersweet.
Maybe also because I love a head cannon that the Witchers get to be in a place of peace, happiness and rest when they die. After what makes them (against their will) and the lives they live (dangerous, painful, lonely, hated, judged, etc), after Aiden is murdered and leaves Lambert alone, and Lambert lives on and through Geralt’s death/disappearance, the whole Wild Hunt business and Vesemir’s death, and everything else. Death finally comes to Lambert and he awakens, in Asgard, to his Aiden.
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by Raicheru
Three weeks after waking in Kaer Morhen, Jaskier is still settling into his new surroundings. Winter is starting to establish itself and he's trying to figure out more about how his abilities work while trying to keep himself occupied. He finds guidance among the Wolves of Kaer Morhen as he spends time with each one.
Takes place after "Into the Wood"
Updates Mon/Wed/Fri
Words: 4630, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Wood
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Vesemir (The Witcher), Eskel (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Coën (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Jaskier | Dandelion-centric, Established Relationship, fraternal relationships, Sibling affection, Sibling bickering, Found Family, Families of Choice, wolf family, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Mild Angst, Magic, AU- Cannon divergence, AU- Modern Setting Mixed with Canon Fantasy Setting, Book/Show/and Game Lore, Alternate Character Origins, OOC Behavior based on Alternate Character Origins
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witcherfic · 4 years
SpiteMeister August 25, 2020 at 07:46PM
by SpiteMeister
Jaskier is fresh out of Oxenfurt and wants to become a bard. But he also wants to sing about adventures on the high seas. What shall we do with a deluded bard?
Words: 5506, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Eskel (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Vesemir (The Witcher), Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion & Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Pirate, It's not canon compliant but it is cannon compliant, Sort of seventeenth century golden age of piracy, I promise there's a plot, This is actually beta'd, Competent Jaskier | Dandelion, but it is secret so far, Pirate Captain Geralt, surgeon Yennefer, on this exact pirate ship yennefer and jaskier are somehow friends
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by cordelianoir
Most humans over the age of ten had a thin band or two of black ink around their arms, brought on by the dozens of little heartbreaks that people couldn’t seem to avoid. A lover spurned, a mother disappointed, a child abandoned. Anything that broke another emotionally could result in a band around the arm of the person responsible.
Geralt had seen truly awful bands, whole arms painted black on babes whose mothers had died in childbirth—babes that wore their father’s heartbreak on their skin for their whole lives. Or callous young ladies who strung men along to their whims who wore the dark black bands around their arms as badges of honor.
But Geralt had never seen a band on a Witcher.
AU inspired by @hey-there-hunter and @elpiething on tumblr: Whenever you break someones heart a dark band inks itself on your arms. The thickness of the band depends from how strong were the feelings.
Words: 3264, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Vesemir (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
Additional Tags: AU, Alternate Universe, Heartbreak bands, when you break some one's heart a mark appears on your skin, the worse the heartbreak, the wider and darker the band, cannon-typical witchering, a harpy dies, but that's it, yen doesn't get much love, it just didn't fit, sorry - Freeform, Geralt and Jaskier don't just talk it out like grownups, Bittersweet, Geralt learning to be a Dad, Jaskier being a Dad from Day one, love and heartache, Geralt's unhealthy internal monologue
21 notes · View notes
by SpiteMeister
Jaskier is fresh out of Oxenfurt and wants to become a bard. But he also wants to sing about adventures on the high seas. What shall we do with a deluded bard?
Words: 5506, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Eskel (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Vesemir (The Witcher), Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion & Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Pirate, It's not canon compliant but it is cannon compliant, Sort of seventeenth century golden age of piracy, I promise there's a plot, This is actually beta'd, Competent Jaskier | Dandelion, but it is secret so far, Pirate Captain Geralt, surgeon Yennefer, on this exact pirate ship yennefer and jaskier are somehow friends
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witcherfic · 4 years
Raicheru September 09, 2020 at 09:04PM
by Raicheru
Three weeks after waking in Kaer Morhen, Jaskier is still settling into his new surroundings. Winter is starting to establish itself and he's trying to figure out more about how his abilities work while trying to keep himself occupied. He finds guidance among the Wolves of Kaer Morhen as he spends time with each one.
Takes place after "Into the Wood"
Updates Mon/Wed/Fri
Words: 4630, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Wood
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Vesemir (The Witcher), Eskel (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Coën (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Jaskier | Dandelion-centric, Established Relationship, fraternal relationships, Sibling affection, Sibling bickering, Found Family, Families of Choice, wolf family, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Mild Angst, Magic, AU- Cannon divergence, AU- Modern Setting Mixed with Canon Fantasy Setting, Book/Show/and Game Lore, Alternate Character Origins, OOC Behavior based on Alternate Character Origins
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by Ophidia_Queen_of_Nothing
The world has changed. The continent has begun to fall to an inexplicable never-ending winter. Pockets of people survive the unforgiving weather, but as the world grows ever colder those pockets become ever fewer. In the desolation following the Frost, Witchers are needed in a way they haven't been in over 100 years. Monsters have evolved to be deadlier and survive the cold, The Brotherhood is in disarray, food is scarce, and Chaos has begun to change living beings in ways not witnessed before.
During this crisis, a few mages working with the greatest minds Oxenfurt had to offer created the generators. Massive machines capable of heating large areas to livable temperatures if they were magically maintained and given enough alchemical fire and coal to burn. Now came the herculean task to get whatever people could be saved through the treacherous icy wastelands to the generators.
And still Nilfgaard marshals it's forces to war.
Words: 3469, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Frost
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Frostpunk (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Dara (The Witcher), Renfri | Shrike (The Witcher), Aiden (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Coën (The Witcher), Vesemir (The Witcher), Calanthe Fiona Riannon, Eist Tuirseach, Ermion | Mousesack, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Witcher Character(s), Shani (The Witcher), Valdo Marx, Filavandrel aén Fidháil, Cat Witchers - Character, Wolf witchers, So Many Witchers, Stregobor (The Witcher), Fringilla Vigo
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Istredd/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold/Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Calanthe Fiona Riannon/Eist Tuirseach/Ermion | Mousesack, Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher), Vesemir/Original Female Character, Coën/Lambert (The Witcher), Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Vilgefortz of Roggeveen, Filavandrel aén Fidhál & Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Post-Apocalypse, Pre-Apocalypse, Cold Apocalypse, Frostpunk AU, Cannon?, who's that?, Renfri Dies, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Timeline What Timeline, Trigger Warning Mpreg, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, More tags when I think of them, Please let me know if I missed something that upsets someone, My Summary is garbage jeebus, Slow Burn, mentions of vivisection, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Child Murder, Implied Child Murder, STREGOBOR IS HIS OWN WARNING, or as we call him Stregobitch, ALL the tags, Mentioned Renfri | Shrike (The Witcher), Renfri Deserved Better, Starts Light Gets Dark, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Swearing, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Says "Hmm"
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witcherfic · 4 years
Ophidia_Queen_of_Nothing August 03, 2020 at 07:46PM
by Ophidia_Queen_of_Nothing
The world has changed. The continent has begun to fall to an inexplicable never-ending winter. Pockets of people survive the unforgiving weather, but as the world grows ever colder those pockets become ever fewer. In the desolation following the Frost, Witchers are needed in a way they haven't been in over 100 years. Monsters have evolved to be deadlier and survive the cold, The Brotherhood is in disarray, food is scarce, and Chaos has begun to change living beings in ways not witnessed before.
During this crisis, a few mages working with the greatest minds Oxenfurt had to offer created the generators. Massive machines capable of heating large areas to livable temperatures if they were magically maintained and given enough alchemical fire and coal to burn. Now came the herculean task to get whatever people could be saved through the treacherous icy wastelands to the generators.
And still Nilfgaard marshals it's forces to war.
Words: 3469, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Frost
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Frostpunk (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Dara (The Witcher), Renfri | Shrike (The Witcher), Aiden (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Coën (The Witcher), Vesemir (The Witcher), Calanthe Fiona Riannon, Eist Tuirseach, Ermion | Mousesack, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Witcher Character(s), Shani (The Witcher), Valdo Marx, Filavandrel aén Fidháil, Cat Witchers - Character, Wolf witchers, So Many Witchers, Stregobor (The Witcher), Fringilla Vigo
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Istredd/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold/Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Calanthe Fiona Riannon/Eist Tuirseach/Ermion | Mousesack, Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher), Vesemir/Original Female Character, Coën/Lambert (The Witcher), Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Vilgefortz of Roggeveen, Filavandrel aén Fidhál & Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Post-Apocalypse, Pre-Apocalypse, Cold Apocalypse, Frostpunk AU, Cannon?, who's that?, Renfri Dies, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Timeline What Timeline, Trigger Warning Mpreg, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, More tags when I think of them, Please let me know if I missed something that upsets someone, My Summary is garbage jeebus, Slow Burn, mentions of vivisection, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Child Murder, Implied Child Murder, STREGOBOR IS HIS OWN WARNING, or as we call him Stregobitch, ALL the tags, Mentioned Renfri | Shrike (The Witcher), Renfri Deserved Better, Starts Light Gets Dark, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Swearing, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Says "Hmm"
0 notes
witcherfic · 4 years
cordelianoir April 18, 2020 at 02:16AM
by cordelianoir
Most humans over the age of ten had a thin band or two of black ink around their arms, brought on by the dozens of little heartbreaks that people couldn’t seem to avoid. A lover spurned, a mother disappointed, a child abandoned. Anything that broke another emotionally could result in a band around the arm of the person responsible.
Geralt had seen truly awful bands, whole arms painted black on babes whose mothers had died in childbirth—babes that wore their father’s heartbreak on their skin for their whole lives. Or callous young ladies who strung men along to their whims who wore the dark black bands around their arms as badges of honor.
But Geralt had never seen a band on a Witcher.
AU inspired by @hey-there-hunter and @elpiething on tumblr: Whenever you break someones heart a dark band inks itself on your arms. The thickness of the band depends from how strong were the feelings.
Words: 3264, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Vesemir (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
Additional Tags: AU, Alternate Universe, Heartbreak bands, when you break some one's heart a mark appears on your skin, the worse the heartbreak, the wider and darker the band, cannon-typical witchering, a harpy dies, but that's it, yen doesn't get much love, it just didn't fit, sorry - Freeform, Geralt and Jaskier don't just talk it out like grownups, Bittersweet, Geralt learning to be a Dad, Jaskier being a Dad from Day one, love and heartache, Geralt's unhealthy internal monologue
0 notes