dragimalsdaydreams · 11 months
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[image ID: several cartoony diagrams and infographics of Melusines from the game Genshin Impact, but re-imagined as nudibranch-like creatures.
the first image is a diagram of a Melusine's basic anatomy. they're shaped like typical nudibranch sea slugs, with a mantle over top a muscular foot. the front half of the body is lifted up, with the rounded head facing forward. a couple of round, antennae-like rhinophores sprout from the head, with the text, "scent and water/air currents provide sense of spatial awareness." a mass of rounded, feathery gills sprout from the back end of the mantle, just above the foot. ocelli/eyespots sit on the head just in front of the rhinophores, with text reading, "wide range of color vision, poor depth perception." five sets of legs are situated underneath the body, with the foot partly hanging over the lower legs. these legs are much like caterpillar prolegs-- chunky and short, hydraulically powered, with cup-like suction grippers. the two front sets of legs are lifted up above the ground, with the lifted half of the body, and have slimmer grippers that look modified for grasping.
a doodle below shows the Melusine walking with all five sets of legs, with text reading, "'rippling' walking motion. they normally walk on just the lower 3 sets, but can use all 5 sets. usually reserved for running." another doodle shows the Melusine swimming flat in the water, with text reading, "legs pull up into body cavity when swimming. foot extends out farther and provides wavelike locomotion."
another doodle shows the Melusine slowly forming around a mechanical gear, with text reading, "Elynas goop clung to 'tokens' over time, leading to current forms."
the next image show a simple doodle of Melusine skin covered by a layer of Hydro particles, with oxygen molecules in the air gathering towards the Hydro. nearby text reads, "Hydro layers over the skin on land, protecting Melusines from desiccation and sun damage, and providing support to their soft bodies. Melusines can also pull oxygen and water from the air through the Hydro layer, breathing and retaining moisture as they would in water."
below that we see a human hand patting a Melusine on the head, with text reading, "the Hydro layer also provides some protection from physical damage. touching a Melusine, one would only feel the cool, smooth, somewhat rubbery surface of the moisture-wicking Hydro layer, rather than the truly moist, slimy skin of the Melusine. this layer can technically be broken, but it's difficult to break the molecular bonds outside of elemental damage."
below that is a doodle of a healthy Melusine on land in Fontaine, then that same Melusine on land anywhere else, laying on the ground dried up and dying. nearby text reads, "this semi-aquatic lifestyle is only possible in Fontaine's heavy Hydro concentration (arguably Watatsumi as well)."
the next image starts with text reading, "Melusines can change their color/patterns, and their language is based in complex color/pattern cues. each Melusine has developed unique color/pattern preference over time, so communication rules/cues vary widely between individuals. (though they've learned to telepathically communicate using common human languages, with Neuvillette's help)." a doodle below that shows two Melusine staring blankly at one another, with text reading, "having a heated argument (they've been completely silent and still for 10 minutes, but their patterns are rapidly shifting)."
a short comic sits below that, starting with text reading, "*early in Sigewinne's career*" Sigewinne-- a light blue Melusine with pink accents, wearing a white nurse's cap-- stands silent, staring into a box at her feet. Wriothesley the human stands nearby, thinking to himself, "Hm, Sigewinne hasn't moved in a while." grabbing Sigewinne's attention, Wriothesley says, "doin' alright there, Sigewinne?" Sigewinne flips through a yellow book with the title, "Human Expressions for Dummies" with a simplified Melusine mascot on the cover. then she turns back to Wriothesley to telepathically yell, "No, I'm not!!!" with angry eyebrows and a cartoonish pulsing vein on her head, created using color patterns on her face. Wriothesley simply replies, "Ah."
the next image shows many different Melusines, with text reading, "Wide variation in body, rhinophore, and gill shape." indeed, some Melusines are thin and tall, others are short and round, while others are stocky and squared-off. some have thin, upturned snouts, while others have short, stubby snouts, or blocky, drooping snouts. some of their rhinophores are thin and straight, or round and curved, or branch/antler-like, or have more pronounced nodes/ridges. some of their gills are bulbous and pointed, or thin and wavy, or feathery, or branch-like, and some Melusine even have extra gills higher up on their bodies. all of these Melusines have different colors and patterns, with text reading, "Melusines can be found in all colors across the spectrum (including colors humans can't see), but individuals usually prefer a few specific colors."
a doodle below shows off Sigewinne's present-day outfit. she's wearing a white nurse's cap tied to her head with a pink bow, on top of a grey wig with a bob cut and curling bangs. a white apron with blue hearts and pink ribbons is tied to her front, with a two-tier cut to allow her front legs to move freely. another white apron with pink and blue bows is tied across to her back, covering most of it. nearby text reads, "no concept of nudity, clothes are just fun accessories. wigs are both exotic accessories, and a way to show kinship with humans."
below that is text reading, "Melusines usually darken their tones outdoors, for extra sun protection." a nearby doodle shows a pale Melusine indoors, then that same Melusine outdoors, her colors visibly darker.
the final image is an edit of a meme, reading, "If a Melusine wore pants, would she wear them like this or like this?" above two drawings of the same Melusine. in the first, the Melusine is wearing jeans cut to fit around her three lower sets of legs and the bottom edge of the foot. in the second, she's wearing jeans cut to fit around the back end of her body and last set of legs, covering the back end of the foot and mantle, and cut around the gills.
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I swear I had no idea it was nudibranch day yesterday, this was just a happy coincidence LMAO
anyways, I hate how Melusines look in-game, so I decided to make them Actual Slugs b/c that's objectively cuter. obvious nudibranch base design, but I added in some planaria and caterpillar elements for the eyes and legs, respectively. it's a bit goofy, but I'm real happy with how it all turned out <3
also sorry if the Sigewinne comic isn't true to her early career, personality, or her relationship w/ Wrio. we haven't seen her much yet, and tbh I didn't rly care to look into her current lore all that deeply
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mortiskiller · 1 year
@ihatemakingusernames why is this chocolate so sexy?!
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derickbatista31 · 2 years
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Commander ganch
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autisticandroids · 4 months
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My Son His Name Is Ganch
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word-for-today · 1 year
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Word for today: ganch/gaunch
To drop someone on spikes as punishment. Since the punishment is rare today, the word is largely out of use outside of historical context, so I’m not sure who to ask if dropping someone in lava, acid, or ravenous sharks would count or not.
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r0zeclawz · 2 years
new type of bug, ganch
isnt that the one movie everyones talking about lately
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yamicrochetcraft · 1 year
Cono tejer zapatos de Bebe a Crochet. Talla de 0 3 meses. Tejido a Ganch...
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"NOUVELLES GARDES-MALADES DE NOTRE-DAME," La Presse. May 31, 1933. Page 12. ---- La collation du diplôme de l'école des gardes-malades de l'hôpital Notre-Dame a eu lieu hier soir, sous la présidence de Mgr A.-V.-J. Piette, recteur de l'Université de Montréal. Cette photographie représente le groupe des nouvelles graduées prise avant le banquet qui inaugurait la cérémonie. Assises, de ganche à droite: Miles Emilienne Porte- lance, Blanche Pronoveau, Hermance Lacasse, Carmelle Lamoureux, Aurore Dupont, Cécile Perreault, Berthe Marleau, Marie-Ange Riopel, Rita Joubarne, Marguerite Rivel, Colombe Guevremont, Marie-Ange Paradis, Simone Mayotte et Denise Ledue. Debout en arrière: Miles Germaine Leduc, Lucile Beaulieu, Adéline Arsenault, Juliette Fraser, Simone Bélair, Laura Richard, Yvette Dion, Simone Saint-Germain, Régina Lalonde, Aline Duval, Estelle Pauze, Pauline Larocque, Alice Talbot, Hélène Talbot, Anna-Maria Chevaller, Rachel Désilets, Juliette Lafontaine, Juliette Jacob. (Cliché La "Presse")
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lemcrafters · 2 years
ganching on his arov until he . until he runs out of time
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dragimalsdaydreams · 1 year
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[image ID: two images of the same front-view, full-body screenshot of Kuki Shinobu from the game Genshin Impact.
the first image is an unedited screenshot of how Shinobu appears in-game. she has pale skin, and light green hair pulled into a roughly swirl-shaped bun with some red rope. a black mask with fang-like patterns covers the bottom half of her face. Shinobu's wearing a purple/pink, crop-cut jacket, a large red/gold pauldron on her right shoulder, a black mesh crop-cut tank (exposing her midriff), black/purple short-shorts, black/red gradient stockings with red/gold thigh guards strapped on top, partly fingerless red/black gloves, and black/red open-toed, mesh shoes. most of the outfit has additional gold decals/patterning, and red/magenta rope accessories.
the second image is a heavily edited version of the first image. Shinobu's mask now has purple/red/gold decals and more emphasized fangs. her jacket is longer, covering her back up to the hem of her pants (though the open jacket still leaves her midriff bare at the front). the left shoulder of the jacket is also falling off the shoulder a bit, leaving more of that bare shoulder exposed. the short shorts have been changed into hakama pants, with loose legs that are pulled to a taper at the shins, in a color scheme/style matching the original stockings. shin guards over top the pants match the style of the original thigh guards.
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YIPPIEEE this one was fun. not the shin guards, but the rest of it was fine lmao. apologies for not transferring the guards perfectly accurately, some of the shapes frustrated me, especially on the rotated right leg. just don't look too hard, lmao
a few extra notes under the cut~
btw, sorry if "hakama" isn't the right term for these pants, but that term kept popping up when I was looking for "samurai-style" pants, though other reference images for hakama look a bit different to me? maybe they're just worn differently in this style, but please correct if I'm wrong haha
anyways, I started this project with the pants in mind, like usual, but I'm actually most proud of the mask this time! lemme zoom in for ya
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[image ID: the original and redesigned images, each cropped to Shinobu's face.
the original mask is solid black, with a few subtle red decals to the far sides of the mask. the "nose" bit is an angular, dull bronze diamond, and the "teeth" are just a simple, jagged line bisecting the mask horizontally. darker black half-circles to either side of the teeth suggest a gaping jaw.
the redesigned mask has more decorative red/purple/green decals surrounding the different features. the red nose now has a pronounced, upturned nose shape, with nostril holes for breathing. the gold teeth are now distinctly carved as well, with large, curved, overlapping canines, and small, simple incisors. the darker black half-circles to the sides still give the teeth a gaping impression.
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Shinobu's original mask is just sooooooooo boring, y'know? very disappointing for a member Arataki 'Numero Uno' Itto's very important gang-- esp considering the man himself is, literally, an Oni. so I took inspiration from real Japanese Oni masks and gave Shinobu some big honkin' teeth, hehe~
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terfywho · 2 years
Hi! In reference to your gbbo s’mores post, s’mores are made with graham crackers and only graham crackers in America. And with Hershey’s chocolate bars, not ganche. And the marshmallow is supposed to be completely melted from the camp fire :) they could have done it that way even in the tent, I’ve actually used a stove burner to roast my marshmallows for s’mores in an apartment a couple times. So making a real American s’mores dessert was definitely doable, Paul just instead did something so different it isn’t a s’more
Okay, intresting! Where I'm from (Scotland), a s'more is a marshmallow melted over a campfire identically to america, but we always use chocolate digestives. They work to the same effect really as a Graham cracker and chocolate. Seems like a weird thing to make on GBBO!
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outlxw · 1 month
🍺 uma bebida com @enganchou
uma coisa sempre fizera parte da vida de flávia: resiliência. talvez fosse o jeitinho brasileiro inerente a todos os que nasciam no país, ou apenas a forma que a vida instável obrigava a todos que ali viviam a se adaptar rapidamente a quaisquer problemas (que costumavam ser muitos). portanto assim que tivera certeza de que não estava completamente maluca, nem presa em um sonho esquisito, a garota já estava mais do que pronta para se adaptar ao local. mágica? bem, nada que já não tivesse visto nos filmes, certo? sereias, dragões, fadas… contanto que ela não acabasse virando metade animal, não tinha nenhum problema com a presença de criaturas de espécies diferentes por ali. já havia lidado com muito pior que feras e monstros. era do rio de janeiro, ora essa! por isso a presença dos vilões tampouco lhe assustava. talvez, até, ela os levasse menos a sério do que deveria. que culpassem os desenhos infantis, mas a verdade era que ficava difícil acreditar nos riscos reais que os vilões poderiam oferecer sabendo que em seus filmes geralmente eram derrotados por coisas idiotas como pó mágico ou a força do amor.
além do mais, enquanto olhava os arredores do local escuro e nada conto de fadesco, percebia que aquele bar não era tão diferente de qualquer espelunca escondido em esquinas de madureira. verdade fosse dita (e ela jamais diria em voz alta), chegava a ser até mais confortável estar em torno de gente meio suspeita. ela certamente se misturava melhor com aquelas pessoas — talvez perdidos, vilões ou apenas personagens irrelevantes — do que com os príncipes e princesas. que não a entendessem errado! ela tinha plena certeza de que era tão boa quanto eles e que na verdade havia nascido para se tornar realeza mesmo, mas toda a pompa e o jeito sofrível dos coitadinhos da silva era um pouco diferente da forma que ela agia. se flávia já estaria completamente fora de local em uma mera balada cara da zona sul do rio, imagine em meio à literal realeza? o ambiente em que se encontrava era confortável. e ninguém ali parecia rico o suficiente para que se tornasse seu alvo, então poderia descansar a cabeça também. era a quarta cerveja que terminava, quando alguém lhe dirigiu a palavra. algo sobre estar impressionado com sua resistência. “como um o que? pirata?” ela deu risada; sim, era resistente, mas não de ferro. embora estivesse longe de estar bêbada demais, o riso já saía com muito mais facilidade. “eu juro que vocês por aqui falam tão esquisito. enfim, isso aqui?” ergueu a caneca vazia, ao mesmo tempo indicando que falava da cerveja, e gesticulando para o atendente que enchesse o recipiente outra vez. “que isso, fraquinho. quando você beber esse mesmo tanto aqui de caipirinha, o resto é quase nada. e de qualquer forma, a cerveja de vocês é mais fraca, parece. não é ruim não. não é boa, também, mas serve. por que, não aguenta tudo isso?” fez piada, como se não estivesse ciente de que poderia estar literalmente falando com um vilão de filme. inclusive, quando prestou mais atenção, os olhos recaíram para a mão do rapaz. “mentira!” ela falou, alto demais. talvez a cerveja fosse forte sim. “capitão gancho? para. eu amava esse filme! se servir de alguma coisa, eu achava o peter pan muito chato também. obrigada” disse a última palavra para o atendente que preenchia sua caneca “ai, espera, desculpa. já tive essa conversa quinze vezes: filme, vocês não tem aqui e eu não sei explicar, mas sei lá, meio que fizeram um vídeo de vocês. sabe? como se eu tivesse visto vocês. mas não era vocês. sim, eu sei, vocês não são histórias, blabla. e sim também, foi a versão da disney que eu assisti. pensando bem, eu acho que a disney sabe até demais de vocês, viu? por exemplo, me enfiaram aqui na história da rapunzel, mas não é qualquer rapunzel! é a rapunzel da disney. com o bandido pobre e tudo! eu juro, aposto que esse tal de merlo, merlin, marlene, tem coisa aí com o walt disney. enfim, o que eu tava dizendo? AH SIM, você é o gancho! caramba, você é um gato. o gancho da disney era bem feio, que bom pra você, divo.”
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bluepoodle7 · 5 months
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#Walmart #SamsChoice #WalmartEasterSamChoiceBelgianTrufflesAssortedFilledBelgianChocolates #EasterChocolates #EasterCandy#EasterChocolateReview
I tried the Walmart Easter Sam's Choice Belgian Truffles Assorted Filled Belgian Chocolates and these were pretty good.
These assorted filled chocolates were firm, soft, while also creamy.
The milk, dark, and while chocolate was not artificial tasting but was light while the fillings inside overpowered the chocolate flavor.
The fillings in these had a light raspberry foam, liquid caramel, vanilla, and honey filled truffle.
When I bit into the animal shaped chocolates they seemed to break apart in a messy way while the square one with the bees on it had a cleaner bite cut.
These are very cute seasonal chocolate shapes and I hope Halloween and Christmas gets chocolates similar to these but with seasonal fillings like pumpkin spice or peppermint maybe sugar plum.
The dark chocolate ladybug shaped with raspberry was pretty good.
The dark chocolate ladybug shaped with raspberry ganache had a foam like texture to it and tasted like a natural light raspberry taste that was lightly sweet that went well with the lightly bitter dark chocolate.
The milk chocolate with salted caramel cow shaped chocolate was okay.
The milk chocolate tasted real and not artificial and the caramel did have a light salt taste to it.
The caramel was liquidly in texture.
But it just tastes like a mini milk chocolate caramel bar but the milk chocolate seems higher quality than Hershey's without the weird aftertaste.
The white and milk chocolate sheep shaped with vanilla cream and it was okay.
The white and milk chocolate mixed together seemed to overpower the vanilla cream to this chocolate but I did taste a faint light vanilla cream at the end.
The white chocolate truffle with honey ganche square with the bees on it and it was pretty good.
The white chocolate had a light taste cocoa butter taste while having a light sweet honey flavor from the ganche but at the end that was in a foam like cream texture.
All these assorted chocolates were lightly sweet.
I would eat these again.
Got at Walmart in the Easter area when they have them and I really like the shape designs of these chocolates.
My favorites in order.
White chocolate truffle with honey ganche square with the bees on it.
2. Dark chocolate ladybug shaped with raspberry ganche.
3. Milk chocolate with salted caramel cow shaped.
4. White and milk chocolate sheep shaped with vanilla cream.
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lisablasstudio · 5 months
Monday's image: April 29, 2024
Susie Ganch, Drag, Collected detritus and steel, 32 x 32 x 132 inches, 2013-2014, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
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croutoneater69 · 10 months
just made chocolate ganche for my pretzels the joy cucked protestants are gonna hate this one
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