#garbage island
innovacancy · 10 months
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The Burning Hell Cafe Nine, New Haven, CT 11 November 2023
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onlyhurtforaminute · 11 months
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Rain Worlds
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Blake is clearly Japanese, and Yang is clearly chinese, so isn't giving them darker skin tones racist?
I'm going to answer this is good faith, and I will accept no follow up.
Blake being "clearly" Japanese, just no. Belladonna is Italian believe, and Kuo Kuana seems to have a lot more influence from the Pacific Islands. Even if she was Japanese, there are darker skinned Japanese people.
Yang isn't just Chinese. Even so, Chinese people can be darker skinned. I also find this ask suspect because a lot of people in the fandom make Blake darker skin (and people have been shitty about it since V1) . I've reblogged a lot of it. I've NEVER gotten anything like this in my inbox in my years running this blog until it's Yang too. Weird.
I have met with many fans of the show over the years, and it seems like many POC can see themselves as the characters and want that reflected in their skin too. It made a lot of sense to me that someone with textured hair could see Yang's protectiveness of hers as similar to their own experiences. RW/BY sure lacks protagonists with darker skin, and it's not racist to make fan art of them darker (what is this take from anyway, 2003???)
I believe it was Miles who responded to some harressment a black Blake cosplayer got years ago that Blake is Blake no matter the skin tone.
At the end of the day though, I am so very White and not the arbiter on what is or isn't racist. However, I'll always question the motives of anyone that raises a fuss over someone making cute art of characters with darker skin tones, more so in a show that lacks skin diversity.
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poisonousquinzel · 6 months
if you've ever felt embarrassed about getting characterization wrong in fan content in the past just know that the man who co wrote this ridiculously dumbass bit from an offensive revolting series went on to be allowed to co-write two of the four Harley Quinn ongoings (2014 / 2016)
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Ivy, in reference to Wonder Woman: Poor thing comes from an island of all women. That's worse than Catholic school.
Selina: Depends on your preferences.
Harley: Eww!
Selina: So we can add homophobe to your incredibly dimwitted character traits.
Harley: You know if we didn't have to work together I'd let my snookums poison your milk bowl.
Selina: Great, the talking hat thing again.
Ame-Comi was released in like 2013 and Harley's second ongoing was in 2014 ... who let him touch her character again i just wanna talk i swear
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Law would love "House" and Sanji would love "The Bear" yes, but have you considered both of them watching Love Island together
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nando161mando · 2 months
Shooter missed nazi fascist magat trump, not alot of effort went into preperation obviously to miss that big fat nazi scumbag...
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
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all drawn with my stupid broken mouse so it's no masterwork but still. here take it!!!!!
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innytoes · 8 months
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Answer me, Ray Molina.
Happy Self Insert month, fandom!
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shkika · 1 year
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I’ve spent an absurd amount of time pearl hunting with TWO slug pups to the point to me Survivor is canonically a single mom with two kids going to college.
I’ll doodle them tomorrow for fun.
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hanasinbloom · 1 year
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✨ Some faves from the new season ✨
I’m in a mood so feel free to leave some TD character requests if y’all feel like it and I’ll get to them whenever. Any season cast is fine 👍
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annieqattheperipheral · 7 months
Still not over lou the no fun police not letting his islanders costume up for their stadium series entrance and still getting rewarded with hosting the 2026 all stars
Get ready for an incredible amount of fun everybody😐 a whole weekend of it. Everyone sit down and quietly eat your box of raisins and after an appropriate amount of digestion period we will commence one singular game of hockey. No prizes. That will stimulate too much fun and joy.
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jetstargf · 2 years
black sails literally if i loved u less i might be able to talk about it more
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
hiiiiiiii I just wrote this little Olli/Allu thingie for fun, I hope you'll have fun reading it 💖 it's soft with a pinch of pining (please act surprised), and somewhat based on a couple of conversations that have been had here in the Olli/Allu Delulu Land, some of which in my/other people's asks, others in DMs 💕
Olli and Aleksi had touched each other in many ways before they first kissed each other. Perhaps that was exactly what messed with Olli's head the most.
They had hugged and wrapped their arms around the other's shoulder, like any good friends did. They had exchanged a massage or two in the tour bus or backstage, and each time had left Olli a little dry-mouthed somehow, to hear Aleksi's satisfied moans or to have Aleksi's fingers graze over his shoulder blades all too gently for it to be called a massage. It's nothing, Olli would say to himself in those moments. I've got this under control.
(Already then he had known it wasn't quite how things were.)
There had been the subtle touches of hands during signing sessions and the light nudges of feet under the table at band dinners that had lived inside Olli's head for days after. When either of them was tired enough, they'd lie their head on the other's shoulder or lap and have their hair played with, absentmindedly, at least in Olli's case, until he'd notice Aleksi was staring up at him with what Olli identified as curiosity or questioning, as if Olli would somehow be able to explain how or why his fingers found it so easy to twirl Aleksi's locks around them. It just happened, every heart-shattering time, and Olli had no means to do anything about it.
Amazingly, some of the touches they had shared had been far too intimate for just two guys who enjoyed each other's company but had never even kissed each other before, like that time a hotel room play-wrestle had turned into grinding against each other until they had messed their pants, or when they had been bored out of their minds on a day off and helped each other release some built-up steam under their duvet (they hadn't been bothered to notify the hotel reception for having given them only one). Yet another time they had schemed against Niko in a game of hotel room roulette and celebrated their victory by sucking each other's brains off the following night, just for the heck of it, because it was fun and they both felt like it (And Other Lies Olli Told Himself at Night When He Couldn't Sleep).
They hadn't talked about it afterwards, because why would they have? Hey mate, 'twas fun having you in my mouth last night, I hope that didn't awaken anything in you, haha, anyway, whatcha wanna have for lunch today? In Olli's defence, it hadn't awaken anything in him, per se; that had happened a long time ago already, by touches that had been far more innocent and far more devastating.
Still, ever since that night, Olli had been wondering what it might feel like to have Aleksi's tongue elsewhere on him. The thought alone sent shivers through his entire body.
"You're not getting sick again, are you?" Niko asked him, and it was then Olli realised he had got too lost in his thoughts once again. "Better not make a habit out of it, catching something whenever we're touring the States."
"Nah, it's just..." Olli lost his line of thought when his eyes met Aleksi's across the lounge. The flash of his sympathetic smile before he turned back to his phone was enough to empty Olli's mind again. "I'm not getting sick. No need to worry. It's just... chilly here."
Also, I was imagining our DJ's tongue on my shoulder bone, on my navel, on my own tongue, but let's not get into too much detail about that.
"It's 27 fucking degrees outside..." Niko mumbled, but left it at that. Olli almost felt like kissing the man on the mouth for deciding not to bother him about it further; Niko, if anyone, would've fished the truth out of him eventually.
Olli resumed his useless daydreams about Aleksi's tongue, his eyes locked on Aleksi's brown flannel jacket thrown on the lounge sofa instead of the man himself, in fear of being too obvious, or maybe in fear of Aleksi looking back at him, whichever would be the worst option. At the same time, he craved for Aleksi's attention and for his gaze on him as much as he ached for Aleksi's touch, even though the last one had taken place just moments ago when Aleksi had lightly braced his hand on Olli's knee when he had passed him on his way to the back of the bus, where Olli had been losing himself in a variety of imaginary scenarios involving himself, Aleksi, and their hands all over each other's bodies. Yes, just a small touch from him, and Olli had been going dizzy with the need for more.
Maybe he was getting sick after all.
Olli closed his eyes and tried to think of something else for change, but Aleksi's mere presence was like a siren's song that kept calling him, and helplessly he dived into another reverie that would take him back to the night they had tested out a bath bomb a fan had given to Aleksi and ended up exchanging footjobs in the hotel room bath, or that morning after they had all spent the night in some Central European train station because their flight had been cancelled, and Olli had been so tired he hadn't noticed a pickpocket taking his phone out of his hand, but he had sensed Aleksi's calm breathing against his neck as they had leaned against each other on the dirty station floor. The combination of his favourite Aleksi memories and the gentle sway of the moving tour bus was like a rocking cradle lulling Olli until his muscles relaxed and his head felt heavy.
He felt a sudden warmth next to him, but by then he was too far gone to see what it was, and instead laid his head on something soft and familiar. If falling asleep came easy to him, so did clearing his mind off anything except for Aleksi and his soft fingers caressing his cheek, which was the last thought he had before he fell asleep.
When he next opened his eyes, he realised why Aleksi's touches had felt so real in his dream.
"Hey," Aleksi whispered at him, his face hovering above Olli's. "Slept well?"
Olli had, though his eyelids still weighed a ton each. He wondered how long he had been sleeping; the dim-lit lounge offered no clues of the passage of time.
"The others went to bed already."
"How's your neck? I... tried to make you more comfortable."
Olli hated how his sleepy brain only provided him with single-syllable answers.
"Yeah. 'Cause... that one time you got a killer headache from sleeping on the sofa without a pillow, remember?"
"Mmmh." Olli did, but he had not expected Aleksi to keep books about his physical troubles. "I mean. Thanks."
He sat up, his neck feeling no more stiff than it already had been from hours of sitting in a moving vehicle.
"Feeling alright?"
Physically, Olli may have been, but Aleksi's shoulder was pressed against his and his nose inches away from Olli's face and his poor heart skipping beats left and right at the sight of Aleksi's eyes up so close all of a sudden, so his honest answer to the question would be a matter of perspective entirely.
"Yeah, I'm good."
As good as I possibly could, after having dreamt about the warmth of your skin under my fingertips and lips, only to wake up to find your fingertips on me instead and your mouth but a spur of the moment away from mine.
"Wanna keep me company a little while? I'm not tired at all yet."
There's no force in the world that could rip me from next to you right now.
"I know I should try at least, so I'd maybe be a little less jetlagged tomorrow, but..."
And deprive me of the chance to see you adorably sleepy again, resting your chin on my shoulder and pulling me to your bunk for an early afternoon nap? No chance in hell.
"Sure," he heard himself say anyway, because of course he would.
"It's good to be back in the States again, isn't it?"
"It is," Olli just nodded, letting Aleksi do most of the speaking.
"Lots of great memories, eh?"
Tons, actually, most of them somehow related to you.
"I mean, sometimes it's rough, of course, but it's all worth it, in the end?"
"Wouldn't change a day," Olli said, although it was only half the truth; he'd never give up the thrill of playing at new locations to rooms full of people who were about to have experience the best show of their lives, but he could've lived without the sleepless nights he had spent thinking back to Aleksi's smile over his Mountain Dew or how he could swear Aleksi had stopped to stare at Olli's mouth a little too many times to not make Olli think.
(Thinking was the worst.)
"Yeah, me neither," Aleksi agreed. His eyes did it again: glancing at Olli's lips once, twice, perhaps a third time if Olli hadn't averted his own gaze.
The silence that then followed had Olli both hoping and fearing Aleksi would mercilessly cut their late-night talk short and suggest they go to bed after all, but he was soon to find out it was in vain.
"Except for maybe that day Porko pissed himself. The bus reeked for days afterwards, eugh."
It was a small miracle no one in the bunk section began to grunt in displeasure when Olli snorted loudly at Aleksi's anecdote that hit Olli like a lightning out of the blue West Coast sky and bended him over in giggles, bonking his head on Aleksi's shoulder where it rested as his shoulders shook and his chest vibrated with laughter. He felt Aleksi's hand on his back, just staying there for some unknown purpose, but Olli was too tired and too giggly to preoccupy himself with it.
Perhaps he should have, because when he lifted his head, there was no escape: Aleksi's hand was now in the back of his neck, and Olli's nose touching the side of Aleksi's. His lungs forgot how to breathe, because his brain was no longer giving orders to the rest of his body, except for his eyes that kept travelling between Aleksi's eyes and his red, parted lips.
Their lips touched, but it wasn't quite a kiss yet; however, it was enough for Olli to understand having Aleksi's lips wrapped around his erection once upon a wild night was merely a foretaste, an omen of something that would turn his entire world upside down, or at least that's what happened to all his internal organs when their mouths finally melted against each other and Olli melted in Aleksi's gentle embrace. Their first kiss was a tender one, shy even, so light that it was barely even there, and Olli kept holding his breath in fear of scaring it away if he did something has reckless as using the bodily functions that kept him alive. The next one was a little more experimental, a shade more daring, with Aleksi's bottom lip captured by Olli. That was when Olli noticed Aleksi was probably as frightened as he was, sucking in a trembling breath when Olli let go of him.
Olli brought his hand to the side of Aleksi's neck. He felt the man's pulse under his palm, pounding as vigorously as Olli's own.
"Aleksi..." he begun, without the faintest idea of what he even wanted to say. That seemed to be just enough, however, to make Aleksi sigh before pulling Olli back in, bringing their mouth against one another, tasting him, taking him.
Olli had had Aleksi touching him in almost every way he could imagine, but he had a feeling this one might just become his favourite.
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pure-garbage · 28 days
Captured! Irreverence In The Court Of King Neptune!
Chapter Warnings: SMUT! MINORS DNI
"Come on, Lana, it'll be fine."
Zoro's smirk made light of the situation to an extent that struck Lana as worse than even his usual flippancy toward danger. His irreverance went beyond the bounds of even the cocksure confidence Lana had come to expect from him, his certainty that his prowess could get him out of any jam. His complete lack of respect for what should have been an alarming development left her a little baffled.
Upon coming ashore, Neptune's guards had intercepted the half-drowned straw hats and issued them a royal invitation to the court of the self-titled King Of The Sea. Zoro had been dubious, but Lana had quickly convinced him to accept, citing the possibility that Fishman Island's sovereign could help them find the rest of their crew. Unfortunately, Zoro's concerns had proven well-founded. The fishmen went from confusingly hospitable to puzzlingly hostile in the time it took Zoro to drink himself into a stupor.
Lana had never seen Zoro drink himself into a stupor before and the sight was honestly fairly disturbing.
"You just let them toss you in here and chain you up to the wall?" she puzzled, arms high over her head in the same pose as her lover. "Why would you do that?"
While she spoke, she popped open her secret arsenal and carefully tipped her arm until just one of the pins fell forward. She deftly caught it with her teeth, then passed it back up to her own hand and went to work on the manacle secured around her wrist.
"I was having the best nap," he sighed lazily, all but lounging against the cold stone of the wall at his back. "Didn't feel like letting it be interrupted. Besides, we both know I could get out of this any time I wanted. Anyway, I could ask you the same question. Don't tell me Neptune's guards overpowered you."
"Tsh, as if. They said they captured you and I don't know the layout of the castle."
Lana was already free. She rolled her eyes, approached the bars and cast her gaze up and down the corridor. No guards.
"Figured this would be the fastest way to find you so we could bust out together," Lana concluded.
'Wonder if something's happening in the palace to keep them busy,' she mused internally. 'Luffy was supposed to be coming... he can be a handful, that's for sure. Well, I'm not one to gripe about a convenient distraction.'
"Alright, well I hope that nap was good enough, because now it's time to get a move on," she informed Zoro, reaching for his wrists with her pins.
"Hold on, we don't have to go right away, do we?" Zoro asked.
"Huh? Why would we not go right away?" Lana retorted.
"We could have a little fun first," he smirked. His intentions were plain enough that Lana could have sensed them even without using her haki.
"Right here?" she demanded. "Right now? Something could be wrong out there."
"Right here, right now. If there's trouble, it'll still be there when we're done," Zoro purred.
Zoro wrapped his fingers around the chains that bound him to the wall and arched seductively. He tucked the left side of his face against his arm and fluttered his lashes at her, tongue swiping over slightly parted lips. Lana bit her lip a little and cast her perception out around them without taking her eyes off him. The sultry intent in his expression was bolstered by the open-chested robe that it would seem he'd decided to adopt as his go-to outfit at some point during their two year separation.
'There's no one around and no one on the way. That's kind of strange, but also...'
"In that case, we should make it interesting," Lana replied, putting her pins away. Zoro's eyebrows shot up.
"Mm-hm. Stay just like that."
"What, in chains?" he chuckled incredulously.
Lana leaned up onto her toes so she could kiss him, steadying herself with one hand on his chest and one on his shoulder while iron clinked and rattled over his head.
"But I want to touch you," he complained against her lips.
Her hand trailed down his chest, nails raking over tight muscle while their tongues danced subtly. Lana's fingers made short work of the sash securing his robe, letting it fall open so she could admire even more of the bare expanse of his body.
"I could be convinced to help you out," she told him coyly. She knew as well as he did that he could probably break his chains at any time or even rip them clean from the wall behind him, but the mischief in her tone promised a game he was happy to play with her. "If you're very, very good for me, that is..."
Her lips moved to his neck, fingers nudging his chin up to afford herself better access. Zoro went along willingly, humming his satisfaction with her advances.
"Tell me what you would do..." Lana requested as she pushed her knee between his legs and rubbed her thigh against the bulge quickly forming there. Zoro's hums changed pitch at the contact, deepening as his mouth fell open and his eye slid shut. "... if you could touch me."
She dipped lower while she awaited his response, lavishing wet attentions over his collar bone. She kept one hand on his throat so she could feel the vibrations of his rasping, quickening breaths against her palm. Her other played with his nipples until they were both pert and red. She cast her eyes up, catching Zoro's wide grin as her tongue laved a path between the excitable, sensitive buds. They hardened further under her ministrations, as did the arousal yearning against her leg.
"Mm, I'd put one hand in your hair and one between those pretty legs," he mused, wrists flexing against their bonds at the thought. "I'd pull just hard enough to get you to bite... you know how."
Lana's lips turned up against his skin. He knew her too well.
'Asking works just as well too,' she thought. She indulged his desire, teeth grazing his stiff nipples and clamping over his ribs hard enough to leave marks. He loosed a truly delectable series of moans for her, arching into her rough affections as her fingers tightened around his throat.
"Go on," Lana urged him. Her bites traveled lower, marring his side as she pushed his haramaki down his legs to the ground with her free hand.
"Mm... wanna put my fingers inside you," he rasped. His hips jerked forward to rut against her as her mouth reached the beginning of the groove that ran down his pelvis in a sharp v-line. "Teasing me always makes you so wet... Nng! I wanna feel... wanna feel how wet I got you just letting you have your way with me."
Lana moaned a little against his heated skin at the thought, clenching involuntarily around nothing as she imagined his narration playing out.
"Would you put them deep?" she asked, voice low and brimming with lust. She tugged his pants down so her teeth could continue their path, bite marks littering Zoro's skin in a chaotic line from his ribs to his knee. His cock sprang free at once to stand at attention against his stomach. Zoro shook his head, gaze fixed to her, enraptured as she moved from the outside of his thigh to the inside.
'He stopped wearing boxers?' she thought, amused at the realization. It made sense, she supposed. Robe, pants, haramaki... it was already a few layers too many for her liking. She was forced to release his neck as she knelt, splaying her fingers instead over his chest, feeling his heart as its thumping beats came harder.
"Nuh-uh," he groaned in response. "Not deep... I'd just... go in once, then keep rubbing you from outside... mm, I'd rub until you were dripping all- fuck, all over my hand..."
Lana licked him in full, tongue pressed flat to his underside as she swept from base to tip. He stuttered a little and thrust toward her, silently begging for more. She gripped his hips firmly, holding him fast against the wall, a strict, unspoken instruction.
'Stay still.'
"I know you would," she purred, a wicked glint shining up at him from her shaded eyes. Her tongue darted out, teasing his tip as he sucked in a sharp breath and tightened his hold on his chains until his knuckles were white. She kept going, eyes locked to his while she licked him lightly, playfully between tantalizing, sensual phrases. "You like to tease even more than I do... you wouldn't let me feel those long fingers, deep, deep inside me... even though you know... I love to feel you deep... I need it, you know that?"
"I know!" he growled, shaking slightly from the effort of keeping his hips steady in her grasp. Every time her tongue reached his tip again he could think of nothing but how easy it would be to push forward, to slip inside the soaking, velvet heat of Lana's pretty mouth. "Fuck, I need it too, Lana! Need to feel myself deep inside you... need to feel you squeezing me, pulling me in further and further like you can't get enough of me..."
"Hm, like this?"
Lana enthusiastically rewarded the filth rolling off his tongue, taking him into her mouth fully and without warning. It wasn't often that Zoro was so vocal when they made love, at least not with his words, and she wanted to make sure he knew she enjoyed hearing him. Part of her wanted to ask him something else, anything to prompt him to share more of his explicit inner musings with her, but she couldn't bring herself to interrupt the chorus of moans and whimpers she was drawing from him by choking herself on his length. She reveled in the sounds, thumbs tracing circles over his hipbones as he pushed forward insistently.
Zoro desperately wanted to free his hands. He wanted to touch her, wanted to wind his fingers into her hair, wanted to stroke her cheekbones with his thumbs and guide her pace. As divine as her mouth felt around him, he wanted to push her down on the floor of the cell and let his greedy hands have their fill of her body. He loosed a string of curses, some for his frustration, others for his gratitude.
"It's a good thing my hands aren't free," he rasped. She held his gaze with wide, glistening eyes, wet with reflexive tears triggered by his cock constantly hitting the back of her throat. "Or else I'd rip off everything you're wearing right now!"
One of her hands left his hips, slipping into her skirt. Lana was unbearably aroused, the sultry sound of her lover's voice somehow even more enticing than the sensation of him filling her mouth. She moaned around him, fingers sliding on the obscenely wet evidence of her desire. Zoro didn't miss the movement and Lana didn't miss the way his eye followed her hand longingly or the way his tongue traced his lips absently. She broke for a breath, stroking his spit-slicked member with one hand and her own soaked folds with the other. She adored his stricken, ravenous expression. Her own touch only made her that much hungrier for his, even as the high of being so in control heightened her pleasure. Her eyes fluttered shut briefly as her fingers dipped inside, thrust as deep as she could force them. She moaned helplessly, grip tightening on Zoro as she desperately, futilely sought a release only he could grant her.
Lana wasn't the only one coming undone. Zoro's mounting desperation was becoming painful.
"Lana! At least take the skirt off!" he growled. His feet were tangled in his pants, still bunched around his ankles, but he managed to lift one boot up to her waist in an attempt to nudge her waistband down. "Fuck, if I can't touch you at least let me see!"
"You wanna watch?" she managed to smirk, slapping his leg away.
He whined in protest when her hand left him entirely. She laid back on the floor at his feet, tutting him and shaking a finger at his loss of composure.
"Watch then," she ordered. She ran her hands down the outsides of her thighs, heavily lidded eyes holding his gaze intensely as she slowly parted her legs. Zoro's breath hitched hard and he broke eye contact so he could watch her hands as they crept under her skirt, pulling it higher an inch at a time until he could see her panties. His cock twitched yearningly when he realized they were visibly wet with her arousal.
"Fuck," he sighed, entranced as her slender, delicate fingers rubbed over the cloth.
"Mm!" Lana gave a short, whimpering moan as she teased herself, pressing the pads of her fingers to her clit and circling.
"Too gentle," Zoro groaned. "Do it harder!"
Lana complied, arching a little into the stimulation and rewarding Zoro's suggestion with a louder moan.
"Fuck, that's it!" he encouraged. "Now inside... take them off so I can see your fingers go inside..."
Lana obliged his request frantically, tossing her panties aside so she could bury her fingers inside herself to the second knuckle. She cried out in bliss while Zoro all but drooled, chest heaving as he glued his eye to the show.
"One more!" he instructed her fervently. "You can take three, lemme see you!"
Lana bit her lip and slipped a third finger past her entrance, enamored with the little shiver that ripped through Zoro at the sight. She drew her fingers in and out quickly, shallowly, mewling her pleasure even as she grew ever more frustrated by the fact that she couldn't reach deep enough. Zoro's groans were starting to sound a little unhinged, veins visible in his forehead and his cock as the sexual tension between them became more than he could stand. It wasn't just him.
'Damn it, I need him inside me!' Lana thought desperately, clenching tight around her own fingers as she moaned her desire for him to hear.
"Wanna taste you so bad!" Zoro slurred, chains rattling as he adjusted his grip on them.
Zoro's heart leapt as Lana pulled her fingers free and rose.
'She's finally tired of this game,' he thought with relief as she came back to press her body against his. 'She'll unchain me now and let me have her... and not a minute too soon, I'm going crazy watching her!'
"You wanna taste?" she murmured, fixing her lips to his jaw as her hand dipped between her legs again. He nodded with unchecked enthusiasm. Lana smirked deviously and brought her fingers up to his lips, hovering an inch away. "Well? Do you want it?"
He wanted it more than anything else in that moment.
Zoro's tongue reached out, beckoning, inviting her fingers to follow back into his mouth. His moans when she gave them to him were guttural, animalistic as lust consumed him while he licked them clean.
"Fuck, Zoro!" Lana all but growled, grabbing a handful of his hair to pull him even closer. She pulled her fingers from his mouth with a wet pop, but he didn't have time to protest the loss. She replaced them with her tongue, their kiss ravaging as she tasted herself on his breath. Their uncontrolled moans echoed down the corridor as Lana grasped him and he arched into the contact unabashedly.
Lana was having so much fun, but she couldn't endure another moment without him inside her. She felt like she was throbbing, pulsing with the need to feel him filling her. She lifted her left leg, hiking her knee onto his hip so she could line him up with her entrance. She didn't break their kiss as she took him in, just moaned her relief into his mouth as he thrust toward her eagerly. The sounds of his pleasure were rough, grunts and rasping groans as he surged forward to meet the roll of her hips.
Lana's satisfaction was immediate and complete. Zoro carved a familiar path deep inside her, the sharp impact of his rhythmless thrusts filling her body with a bliss only he could provide. She clung to him, eyes rolling back into her head as he strained against his manacles fruitlessly. She could feel his frustration at not being able to touch her, feel the itch in his fingers as they yearned for her flesh.
'I wonder if his observation lets him feel me the same way.'
Lana doubted it. Zoro's time had been spent honing his armament, to masterful effect. Their complementary, contrasting skillsets made them a devastating team. It was only natural they would apply their disparate specializations to sex, each in their own way. Finally, she thought with some amusement, she'd found an advantage he wouldn't be able to steal from her immediately.
Enthused by Zoro's intent, Lana wrapped her arms around his neck cooperatively and brought her other leg up around his waist. Her ankles met behind his back just as he turned them both, pushing her against the wall so he could truly take over their pace. His wrists crossed and the pose didn't afford much breathing room between them, but Lana adored the closeness, adored the force he could put behind his thrusts with her braced against the wall. She broke free of their kiss to cry her ecstasy out breathlessly, her unrestrained moans echoing around them in the stone cell while Zoro's teeth clamped into her shirt. He was growling with every stroke, throwing his entire weight into her body to coax out the chorus of her bliss that he so longed to hear.
'Fuck, he's close!'
Lana seized a handful of Zoro's hair and pulled his head back, marking his throat with her teeth while his chains rattled and his moans grew more unhinged.
"Don't you dare!" she hissed, tightening her legs around him and rolling her hips forward to meet his thrusts. "Don't you fucking dare cum before me this time, Zoro!"
"'S fine!" he groaned, splaying his fingers against the chilly stone of the wall in an attempt to distract himself from his building ecstasy. "Just unchain me and I'll make sure you get yours before we leave!"
"Not good enough!" Lana insisted, nails digging into his back through his robe as his pace became more erratic. "I need you to hold out for me, Zoro! Fuck, you feel so good... don't stop, please, I need it harder! I need your cock right now, need you so fucking bad!"
He whined, but she could feel his focus, feel him holding back to oblige her request. His thrusts steadied again, the impact of his body against hers bordering on brutal as he hurried to please her. Lana basked in the sensation of him filling her after so much anticipation, the delicious stretch and stroke as he pulled in and out of her with sharp, short movements that slammed her back against the stone wall every time.
"That's it, yeah!" she breathed at his ear, rasping her bliss to encourage him. "Uhh! Zoro! Keep going! Just a little more... mm! Ohh, you're so fucking good to me, I'm gonna... oohh! I promise I'm gonna cum all over your cock just like a good little slut if you just keep going a little longer!"
"Fu-uck, Lana!" Zoro's voice actually broke. 'She's driving me crazy, I'm going fucking insane!'
Slowly but surely, he could feel himself losing the battle against his impending orgasm. His impressive discipline could only carry him so far with her walls clenching around him and and her provocative words swimming through his head. His fingertips dug into the stone while she suckled at his pulse point, the vibrations of her deep, lustful moans tickling his very blood as it roared past her mouth. She gasped harshly as he shifted, changing the angle of his thrusts by the slimmest margin.
"There! There! Right there, don't stop, don't- Z- UUGHH! MMM!"
Lana's words trailed off, devolving into wild, moaning cries as she clutched him and threw her head back. It wasn't often that Zoro was able to drive her to a screaming climax, and he could only hope he'd managed it this time. His cries joined hers as he drove her back against the wall hard enough to crack the stone behind them, stars swimming across his field of vision as he spilled inside her.
"Damn!" Lana breathed, burying her face in his chest as she slowly lowered her legs to the ground again, bracing between Zoro and the wall while she found her footing.
"Damn," Zoro agreed, nuzzling the top of her head while every cell of his body thrummed with the aftereffects of such a powerful climax.
"We need to get a move on. Anything could be happening out there," Lana groaned.
"Yeah, I had a quickie in mind and you turned it into a whole affair," Zoro laughed.
"You loved it."
"I did. You gonna unchain me now, or what?"
"I guess you earned it."
"Next time, I get to chain you up..."
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== First Chapter ==
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citrine-elephant · 2 months
chris has to appease leon's extreme appetite and is struggling to satisfy his fucked up neurons with rotting slop. he is crying. his boyfriend is trying to take shit from the dumpster. he is embarassing. chris can't break up with him because he loves his trash panda boyfriend but he cannot deal with this, why is he like this
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