#garcy meta
somekindofflowergirl · 10 months
Timeless, Hollywoodland, and The Philadelphia Story
I found this old meta I’ve had in my Google docs for years but I don’t believe I’ve ever posted anything about it, since I originally intended to use the idea in a fic. Since that isn’t happening, even though it’s been years and I doubt anyone is out here writing or reading Timeless meta anymore, here you go. Obviously spoilers for both.
Most Garcy fans will groan if I suggest we take a look at Hollywoodland, but considering a certain admittedly fantastic dress:
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…and a certain cut scene involving a pool, it’s interesting to consider through the lens of The Philadelphia Story, of which the dress and pool scene are iconic elements. Here is a still from the movie:
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Look familiar? This is also poolside.
The Philadelphia Story revolves around Tracy Lord (Katherine Hepburn), a wealthy socialite who is preparing to marry her fiance, George (who matters as little as Lucy’s quirk-of-the-timeline-fiancé Noah in Timeless but manages to be far less likable) in a matter of days. The head of Spy Magazine assigns Macaulay Connor (Jimmy Stewart, oddly nicknamed “Mike”) and his photographer, Liz, to go to the wedding and get the story posing as friends of her expatriate brother, with an actual friend of his as their in: C.K. Dexter Haven (Cary Grant). Dexter also happens to be Tracy’s first husband. They divorced years prior due to his alcoholism—including a nasty incident of him shoving her down—and her criticism of him. Dexter originally seems to be doing this out of spite, but we quickly learn it’s actually to keep the magazine from releasing a bigger scoop about Tracy’s father’s affair and estrangement from her mother, which have devastated Tracy. The rest of the film is about Tracy’s entanglement with all these men.
(Sidenote: there are some very old-fashioned diatribes and comments about the nature of women and marriage and the shoving I found very hard to overlook, but that’s not the point of this post. Just heads up if you do ever watch it.)
On the eve of Tracy’s wedding to George, she dons The Dress to attend a ball in their honor. She gets drunk for only the second time in her life, and she and a similarly drunk Mike spend time together. They mainly talk drunk nonsense, drive drunk, and Mike sings Over the Rainbow. They have a grand time, end up kissing, and jump in the pool for a midnight swim.
Similarly, in Hollywoodland, Lucy and Wyatt share a sweet poolside conversation while she wears The Dress to a Hedy Lamarr party, they kiss, and they would have jumped in the pool if not for wildfire filming issues. They spend the night together, scar Rufus the next morning, then head back to the present. Wyatt soon receives a text from his supposedly dead wife. He takes off, without telling anyone why, and Wyatt spends the rest of the season trying to win back Jessica permanently while still having feelings for Lucy. In the “movie” (reminder: Christmas isn’t canon), Jessica is a pure evil Rittenhouse operative who lied about being pregnant, is killed, and Lucy and Wyatt are hastily shoved back together without fixing the issues between them on-screen. TPTB have claimed that their pairing was always endgame and the reunion would have happened anyway–albeit less swiftly and unrealistically–but they were Made For Each Other, loved each other all along, blah blah blah.
Which brings us back to The Philadelphia Story. The scene at the pool between Tracy and Mike is iconic for a reason. Mike is very “eat the rich” and she calls him out for being an intellectual snob, he tells her she’s wonderful and that the other men didn’t know what they were talking about, and their kiss is incredibly cinematic. It’s truly romantic…
In the moment.
For that moment, that one night, the audience can root for this couple. Mike is saying what Tracy needs to hear, and she’s enjoying letting herself fail by getting drunk and doing the unexpected. It’s sweet.
But it isn’t the endgame. No one means it to be.
After the multiple confrontations that arise out of the pool situation, Tracy breaks off with George just before the wedding. Mike asks Tracy to marry him and she turns him down. Liz loves him, and while he and Tracy like each other as friends, they would both be unhappy long-term. They live very different lives and have different values. And they’re not actually in love.
I don’t honestly believe this was intentional as foreshadowing that Lyatt may not be endgame so much as Abigail Spencer really wanting to wear The Dress. But even as a subconscious accidental parallel, it’s decent. Mike is nice and he and Tracy get along fairly well, but he’s better suited to Liz, who has stood by and loved him for years while waiting for him to mature enough for forever with her. Tracy, having realized that she doesn’t want the picture-perfect (on the outside) life she envisioned—and having seen that Dexter, now sober and much changed, is not the man he was when he hurt her—she forgives Dexter for the pain of their past. He lets go of it all as well and they remarry, this time making it down the aisle rather than eloping as they did before.
And as a book I adore (Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos) says: “Jimmy Stewart is always and indisputably the best man in the world, unless Cary Grant should happen to show up.”
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yubel198 · 2 years
Notes for the Revival AU, part 2
((I’ve been meaning to add on some notes for my Revival AU, it’ll mostly be character notes now that I’m much farther into the AU, and it’s getting more diverse now too. These will also be plot points for future stories on Ao3 whenever I post them.))
((I realize, I never did explain how Garcy and Axol became friends, or how Garcy’s revival went, let alone a bit of his past, so... this might be Garcello heavy, here we go!))
**Garcello and Axol met shortly after Axol’s death, with Gar asking if he’d seen his dad (Lucks) not knowing Axol had just arrived.
** Axol agrees to help him find his dad, if Gar helps him find Desti, Spudnick, and Fred. Garcello agrees, starting their long lasting friendship.
**Garcello also met Chris around the same time, asking him to help find his dad, he agrees, with the two falling in love during the process.
** Axol and Garcy do find Desti, Spudnick, and Fred, and make friends with a few others, such as Henry Morris, Austin Sanders, and Aika (any Wii Deleted You and Aika Village fans out there? No? okay)
** shortly after Axol’s brought back to life, Garcello comes back as well, though, the way he does is similar to the beginning of Meta Runner
** Garcello comes back to life after his 27th birthday, celebrating with the gang in the afterlife.
** he’s still 27 currently
**Garcello is found by Mario, and having heard of Axol’s adventures in the afterlife, takes him to Axol (yes he’s actually not a total butt)
**Garcello and Axol reunite at the hospital Axol’s staying at while he recovers, and the two hug and cry, happy to see each other again.
** Axol soon starts introducing Garcello to everyone while he’s wheelchair bound, but things turn awkward when Garcy meets Tari and Belle
** having been Lucks’s son before, Garcello knows who Tari and Belle are, but doesn’t know these two aren’t the same girls he once knew. upon realizing this, he slowly accepts it and becomes fast friends with both girls, Tari especially.
** (this will be lore heavy) back during the events of Meta Runner, Garcy had gotten involved in taking his dad down, and then helped in taking Sheridan down. During the time though, Garcello had fallen in love with Tari
** Because he knew Tari previously, Garcello begins referring to Tari as “Little Duck” because he knows she loves ducks
** after the events of Meta Runner, Garcello moved out of Silica City with Annie, moving in with his grandparents, Dan and Marcy. He got in touch with them again after his revival, and loves them both
** Marcy’s not one to swear, but she has, once. Marcy referred to Evelyn as the 4 letter C-word (I refuse to say it otherwise, but let’s face it, Evelyn is one)
** Marco was howling with laughter when he heard that
** Garcello is childhood friends with Masa and Lucinia, he even used to call Lucinia “Lulu” when he was young, and called her that when she came back.
** during Tari’s final moments in the server, Garcy was with her, where Tari confessed she liked him too, (he had confessed to her before she dove back into the server with Lucinia) despite knowing they’d never be together.
** this is one of many things Gar and Axol had in common, losing the girl they loved. In Axol’s case, he was given a second chance to be with her, and in Garcy’s, he found someone better.
** Tari and Garcy’s confession was actually similar to Axol’s and Melony’s from WotFI 2021, except it was Tari who died, not Garcello (at first)
** Despite it not being obvious, Lucks secretly shipped his son with Tari
** Garcy never found that out until after his dad died
** Sofia wouldn’t stop picking on him for days after that, until Lucinia told her to stop.
** before his death and after his revival, Garcello was a musician, he still is one, but refused to go on tour after everything he’d been through. Axol does join him on one tour, which is comforting
** JubJub once tried to use Garcy’s lighter, but Boopkins stopped him
** during the Lawsuit Arc, Garcello, Annie, and Chris were immune to the DMCA due to being Friday Night Funkin’ characters, and not SMG4′s OC’s either. However, they were ordered to go back to their rightful owners.
** Kaizo finds Garcy’s laid back nature to be boring, same for his music, until Gar and Saiko decide to do a remix of Darkest Hour together, then he’s interested
** the rest of the SMG4 crew all adopt Garcy, Annie, and Chris into the gang no issue, as they fit right in.
((now onto other characters, but Garcy will still have more info coming))
** SMG1 is far sighted (Yellow I got you to thank for that one) hence the glasses he wears while teaching in Omnia Academy, but they’re mostly used for reading
** SMG2 loves gumdrops, he often gets called “Gumdrop” by Garcy, who keeps some on hand for the smol.
** because of this, One starts to call his boyfriend “Gumdrop” as a pet name, or even “Sugar”
** Mario calls both gay until he’s punted to the sun
** whenever Four and Three kiss, Three’s beard tickles, but Four doesn’t mind, he likes it
** SMG3 once tried wearing flannel, but according to SMG4, he just looked like, “a gay lumberjack”
** SMG0 loves to wear cute outfits, including dresses and skirts. Niles loves it, as he loves seeing Zero happy
** both agree that Mario is to never know, lest he lose his weiner
** SMG0, Luigi, Boopkins, and Tari are all besties. Melony’s in this circle of friends too, being known as “The Wholesome Squad”
** Luigi and Zero are gardening buddies, they’re even co workers as a big gardening store in the Mushroom Kingdom
** Axol knows how to drive a stick, basically, he knows how to driver older cars compared to newer ones. Garcello and Annie are the same
** Garcello has a van similar to Retro Van from Ed Edd N’ Eddy. It was a gift from Masa on his 21st birthday, he loves it.
The only people he trusts to drive the van though, are Annie, Chris, and Axol. Garcello eventually trusts SMG4 to drive it. Lucks was also another person he trusted to drive it.
** Mario’s not allowed anywhere near the steering wheel, neither is Bob
** Bob’s not allowed near the radio either, neither is Toad
During the events of the Revival AU, more FnF characters join the crew, including: CJ, Ruby, Tabi, Agoti, Zardy, Armaros, Michael/BB, Mark, Vade, and Updike. King is scheduled to join the crew later down the line
** Yellow from Pokemon is also friends with the SMG4 crew, however, she has yet to meet the FnF crew (this’ll be prominent for a future story of mine)
**There’s three arcs confirmed for the Revival AU: Isolation, Forgotten games, and Reunion (Isolation as already been finished and is on Ao3)
** As of the Isolation Arc, Fred, Spudnick, and Desti have been brought back to life as well.
** CJ, Ruby, Tabi, and Agoti join the team during Isolation
** Axol and BB are workout buddies, going to the same gym in the morning. both usually bring Garcello and Armaros along as well
**Garcy usually carries candy around, in case anyone wants any, or in case he needs to calm down.
** despite James Bailey confirming that SMG3 is Bi/Pan, 3′s also Demisexual, meaning he only develops feelings for those he’s very close to. In this case, it’s SMG4. (Lion Guard 88 if you find and read this I am so sorry)
** It’s been confirmed that Bob has ovaries, so... he’s trans apparently.
** Annie, being trans herself, does not know how to feel about this.
** Bob does try hitting on her at one point, only to get thrown at Mario instead. (this was Pre Lawsuit Arc btw)
** SMG0, SMG3, and Niles are all Demisexual, SMG1 and SMG4 are Bisexual, and SMG2 is Pansexual.
** SMG2 goes by He/They pronouns, (yes he’s a demi boy)
** for the avatars, Fred’s the more sensible, Spudnick can be sensible, Mario... lacks the brain cell half the time.
**Mario, Fred, and Spudnick are like the Eds, Mario’s Ed, Fred’s Double D, and Spudnick’s Eddy (change my mind)
** despite the two being close, Fred and Spudnick often get mistaken for being boyfriends, which drive the two nuts.
** Fred is Asexual, Spudnick’s Pansexual
** Mario’s gay for spaghetti. Ain’t nothing changing that.
((that’s all I got for now. more notes to come. Before i forget, Forgotten Games and Reunion will come out next year as next year’s big projects. Stay tuned...~))
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deathsweetblossoms · 6 years
Let’s Reclaim Episodes 2.1-2.3 as Garcy Episodes, Shall We?
That might sound crazy, but hear me out. I am fully convinced this entire season was setting us up for Garcy from the get-go. YES, even with all of the heavy handed Ly@ scenes in the earlier part of the season. The thing is that they’re more subtle, there’s a certain kind of growing intensity simmering below the surface and once you realize it’s there, you can’t ever forget it. Let’s begin! 
Episode 2.1: I’ll Only Talk to Lucy
First of all, let’s talk about where Lucy is at the start of season 2. She’s doing things she isn’t proud of, working with Rittenhouse, killing innocent men, planning to blow up the Mothership and strand herself in the past. This is the beginning of Sarah-Connor-Lucy, as Rufus so lovingly refers to her as. At the end of the episode she admits to Wy that she would have done anything to stop all this - blown herself up, blown her mother up, blown up the Mothership, anything. She believed she had nothing left and it lead her somewhere she only experienced once with Jesse James. Funny thing is, who else does this sound like? Who else was going to blow up the entire Rittenhouse summit, presumably with everyone still in the basement because he felt he had no choice?
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Back to L+W, Wy in this scene is playing the role of, “You did what you had to do”, when she’s admitting she killed this innocent man. Sure, she killed Jesse James before, but this guy was innocent. He was just trying to help his friend, and she murdered him and it was entirely her choice. She pulled that trigger and now she KNOWS the lengths she’ll go to when her last hope is gone. (Parallel to Garcia knowing he would have shot Young John in order to stop Rittenhouse - both of them have experienced the darkest parts of their souls and have seen it in each other. It’s hard to come back from this point once you’ve reached it, and it’s even harder to find a kindred spirit who has just the same level of darkness that you do). These parallels are not a coincidence. Flynn and Lucy are both people who need hope, who need a family to anchor them into the world, otherwise they both spiral. Most likely, this is the reason they become ‘quite the team’, and I’m convinced that had we been blessed with a Season 3 and beyond, we would have seen them adopt a relationship in which they helped guide each other out of their own personal hell and became each other’s family (Personally, I believe in a way that’s deeper than platonic affection). They’re cut from the same cloth, as is evidenced by the profoundly beautiful cinematographic parallels of the Flynn vs Young John scene in 1.10 and Lucy vs Emma in 2.10, which means that as much darkness as there is in Flynn, there is also in Lucy. On the otherhand, as much goodness as there is in Lucy, there is also in Flynn. But what alchemizes their two extremes into a perfect balance is the two of them coming together. 
At the end of the day, this entire season was set up to finally get Flynn and Lucy on the same page, and the evidence is there from the start. As she’s crying to Wy, thinking she’s lost everything, the most poignant moment of that scene is that she hasn’t even come close to losing everything. He tells her that she hasn’t lost him, not knowing it’s going to take her losing absolutely everything in the world in order for the one person who will be her most trusted ally to step in. The thing is, though, that the writers don’t TELL US this, they show it to us. Her scene with W at the end of this episode is setting us up for the moment when she DOES lose him, so that her soulmate can step in:
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Finally, at the end of episode 2.1 we have the iconic, “I’ll only talk to Lucy” moment. Flynn has lost everything at this point, he has literally NOTHING. Not even his wedding ring (we’ll get to that later). The whole world thinks he’s a murderer and a terrorist, not worthy of redemption or forgiveness. That he demands for Lucy in this moment says so much about how he acknowledges that she is the One Person who sees him and understands him, she is his only hope of getting out of this prison. Lucy constantly feels exposed that Flynn knows every single thing about her because of the journal, but the funny thing is that Lucy knows quite a bit about Flynn as well, and with only an army personnel file to go off of. When she tells him in 1.16 that she thinks he’s a broken person, his face tells us everything. He IS a broken person, and Lucy is the ONLY other person who can see the humanity in him. So not only do we already know that Flynn knows “everything” about Lucy, because some future version of herself trusted him with the most intimate details of her life, here we start to see evidence that Lucy knows Flynn, has taken the time to study him and understand him as well. It starts to become more and more apparent as we get into H-woodland....and we’ll get into that in Part II! Stay tuned!
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prairiepirate · 6 years
I cannot get over the hundreds of little ways that Garcia Flynn is a goddamn gentleman with Lucy Preston.  Just in this episode alone he lifts her down from the Lifeboat, he opens/holds doors for her, he tells her he’d like to get to know her more but on her own terms, he’s up front and honest (to the point of blunt) with her, and he protects her at every turn.  THAT is how you slowly build the foundations of a relationship built to last. 
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extasiswings · 6 years
When you’re emotionally ready (lol will I ever be) could we get a meta on the confession scene ?
Tagging @ksaxophone who wanted both 2x10 scenes. 
Emotionally ready? LMAO NONNY, YOU’RE FUNNY. I have not been emotionally ready for anything ever since the finale and I am still not. BUT. I did rewatch that scene like a hundred times today so I’m about as close as I think I’m going to get. 
With Lucy, I’m assuming she’s been sitting there for awhile by the time Flynn arrives. Sitting, waiting, thinking about everything–Wyatt’s betrayal, Jessica, losing Carol, Carol’s last words–she’s about at the end of her rope by the time this scene starts. 
And then Flynn walks in and he’s tense and frustrated, possibly even regretful that he doesn’t have news Lucy’s going to want to hear. Because Emma got away. The frustration is most obvious in his voice when he mentions Wyatt (”Relax, I couldn’t kill Wyatt even if I wanted to. And I want to.”), which…valid. It is entirely legitimate for absolutely all of them to be pissed at Wyatt right now. And it’s even more legitimate for Flynn, who has every reason to not only be pissed at Wyatt, but all of them for cutting him out of the loop on an issue that ended up totally fucking them over. 
But he doesn’t hold onto that. Instead, he drops the curtain, sighs, takes a few steps toward Lucy. You can tell from how resigned his voice is when he asks about Carol that he’s already sure she’s dead. It’s just a matter of reading the situation, seeing what kind of comfort, if any, he can offer now. 
Lucy…god, she kills me in this scene. She doesn’t look at him for most of it. From the time she says that Carol’s dead all the way up until Flynn mentions Wyatt again, she’s just looking straight ahead, but not really seeing. And Flynn…he puts himself in her line of sight anyway.   
“She’s dead,” and Lucy isn’t looking at him, isn’t looking at anything, so he steps closer, into her field of vision so she’ll know he’s there for her(physically and metaphorically). And he tells her he’s sorry. Now, I don’t think he’s actually sorry Carol is dead. I stand by what I said after 2x06 that if Flynn had been in Wyatt’s place then, he would have taken the shot. But he’s sorry that Lucy is hurting. He’s sorry that she had to lose Carol like that. And I’m sure he’s sorry that he couldn’t have at least come back to tell her that he took out Emma. 
The camera stays pretty close to Lucy’s face while she’s talking about Carol, and she’s still stuck in that hollow-eyed, seeing/unseeing stare into nothingness.  The one shot of Flynn we get then, he’s struggling. Pretty sure his face is the “God, Carol, we knew you were bad but that’s terrible even for you” representation of all of us while his heart breaks for her. And then we get, “You were right.” 
“You were right,” and his mouth opens slightly, maybe in shock, maybe to say something, but the camera cuts away and Lucy keeps going. “You were right,” and under different circumstances he would love to hear that from her, but not now. Not with this. Not when her next words are blaming herself, criticizing herself, echoing his own words from 2x02. But when he said them he was angry, he was lashing out, he wanted them to cut. Now though, when she’s the one saying them, hurting herself, he can’t stand to hear it. So he cuts her off. He shifts the focus back to Wyatt. Wyatt’s the one who got them into this situation, not her. Not her mother. He wants her to stop blaming herself, so he gives her another option. 
Only, as I wrote in this post earlier, Lucy doesn’t want to blame Wyatt right now. It’s too much. So instead, she does to Flynn what Wyatt did to her and pulls the “What would you have done in this situation?” card. But even as she’s asking, she’s falling apart. Her voice shakes, she sounds almost on the verge of tears at points, she’s talking very fast. She doesn’t even let him answer before she jumps into “You can blame Wyatt if you want–” and that’s his breaking point. He’s been keeping his distance, trying to figure out what she needs in this moment, what he can do, but he’s not going to do nothing when she’s clearly so close to the edge. 
So he cuts her off. “I don’t give a damn about Wyatt,” but it’s not angry or bitter or anything like that. It’s soft, almost pleading in a way, and he goes down on one knee to put himself on her level, to get as close as possible without overstepping. And the way he looks at her is also so damn soft. The split-second smile on “Wyatt”, the hush in his voice, the whole thing is A Lot, okay? And then we get an instant of Lucy being…surprised? It’s fast and hard to read her expression, but she certainly doesn’t seem to be against his proximity, which in itself says volumes about how far their relationship has come. 
“That’s not why I’m here.” 
Lucy’s face. Lucy’s. Face. He’s gazing at her with all this intensity and is so close and she cycles through a number of different emotions. Confusion. A hint of fear. Curiosity. Wonder. Because it’s clear that this is A Moment. A moment like the end of 2x08, where if she asks the right questions, she’ll get answers. But they may be big and life changing and terrifying…or they could be those things and also beautiful and hopeful and right. And yet, she does ask. 
“Why are you here?” And it’s everything. It’s why did he do any of it to begin with. Why didn’t he abandon them all after he escaped prison. Why has he stayed, why has he put up with a miserable existence in a cramped bunker with people who don’t like him. Why has he been there…for her. Why is he there for her now. 
She searches his face with her eyes in that pause, and when the camera cuts back to him, you can tell that he’s resolving himself to just saying it (whatever “it” is), he opens his mouth…and then the door opens and I swear to god I have never hated Wyatt more in my entire life than I have in that moment. Because nonny, I have no idea what Flynn was going to say. I feel confident that it wasn’t anything he’s said before. Given the context, the look on his face before he decided to go for it, and the way he tugs at his collar and leans back when Wyatt interrupts, I’m sure it was very personal and quite probably romantic. Why is he there? He’s there for her. 
Anyway. Let Flynn Tell Lucy He Loves Her 2K18/In Season 3, because the man is absolutely ass-over-teakettle gone for her and this entire season has done nothing to challenge my feelings that they’re married/together in the future/in the journal. 
I love one (1) supportive, comforting, beautiful husband. *cries about it for a year*
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FLYNNS BED TOTALLY SMELLS LIKE LUCY NOW. FUUUUUUUUUUDGE. (Thanks to whoever pointed that out; I didn't see who it was. Sorry!)
Ok but look....
I'm willing to bet my kingdom that Lucy's journal smelled like her. And while he only saw it as a tool to take down Rittenhouse at first....he grew to adore Lucy. He began to know and understand her. Therefore, probably grew attached to the scent. Her scent.
And—holy shit—fast forward (months of him trying to get her to realize and to work with him) to them working together and being comfortable in each others presence joking, teasing, smiling, drinking...and FUCK NOW HIS BED SMELLS LIKE HER.
And it takes all of his will not to choke up because God he's been waiting and waiting for what he thought was just going to be this epic team of just taking this evil cult down (which it is) and he didn't realize that he could fall for her. Appreciate, adore, respect...love her. Maybe he does cry. A little.
I'm have a lot of Feelings™
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
“I want to finish what we started.”
Aka, I was always probably going to write this meta at some point, lbr.
There was not nearly enough Flynn in the episode overall (though I do think he’s out next week and then hopefully will kick off his return to major-character status with 2x04) but. I personally loved the shit out of that 2x02 Garcy scene for like all the reasons, and my angst-junkie heart is just like yaaaaaas queen. And one of the main reasons is that line above. Because it embodies a) Lucy still instinctively seeing them on the same side, and b) all the ways in which she’s changed and Has Not Come To Play. Which yes. Give me the dark and twisty and complicated-fucked-upness of all of it. It’s why I love this ship, no matter what it ultimately ends up being in canon, so damn much.
I touched on some of my thoughts in my general meta post here, but I’m 101% here for Dark Lucy and her continuing to push down a more and more focused and ruthless road. As @extasiswings pointed out, I’m also 101% sure that Flynn asking her if she’s willing to kill her own mother is foreshadowing, because Lucy is definitely going to be put in a position where she has to make that choice, and because it was Flynn who brought it up, he’s probably going to be the one to either walk her back from it, or have to do it for her (though I think, especially after Carol’s misgivings about Nicholas whereas Emma is clearly the true-believer zealot, Carol herself may choose to abandon Rittenhouse in the eleventh hour. Anyway, I’m just saying, that line will come back).
I also wrote a lot after 2x01 aired about Lucy straight up paralleling Flynn in her willingness to sacrifice an innocent man’s life for the greater cause. Now 2x02 sees her acting like him in other ways. Just think how far she’s come from the teary, terrified person who met Flynn by the Hindenburg in 1x01 and thought he was this terrible monster. Now she knows everything about him, she wants to give him a chance to help them, she tells him she’s still committed to the mission of taking down Rittenhouse... and he can help, or he can get the hell out of the way. She didn’t come here to play nice. We can assume she feels bad (and because the “we need you more” line is still coming) but Lucy isn’t really in a place where feeling bad about prior actions helps her, or anyone. She has a mission in front of her, this huge and dark and terrifying mission that gets more complicated all the time, she finally gets what Flynn was up against, and yeah. She is just getting her feet wet.
Y’all. Lucy isn’t the daughter of two Rittenhouse grand poombahs (speaking of which, are we seeing Cahill’s slimy face again this season, or has he been discarded?) and the great-granddaughter of Batshit Cray Cray Rittenmaster, the “prodigal princess” as Emma calls her, for nothing. She comes from a whole LINE of people willing to do whatever the fuck it takes to win. They happen to be on the opposite side of things from her now, but as Lucy is discovering who she is... she’s discovering who she is, and that is hella dark in ways that are more than just tangential. She’s using the same techniques her family has done (and is of course still comparatively mild by their standards AND by Flynn’s) to oppose them. So the question becomes, can she do that, and go down that road, without becoming like them? 
Wyatt has a dark past, as we’ve seen. But he’s a soldier, he’s used to killing people, he’s used to that fight, and it’s not specifically and personally against Rittenhouse for him. It is for Flynn. It took his family, even if not quite in the way it took Lucy’s. He’s the one who has been fighting it alone. Lucy is getting that now. She won’t tell Wyatt what happened to her while she was with them, because it’s not important to her. She is throwing herself into this mission, this quest to eradicate Rittenhouse, in some of the same ways Flynn did. And she’s probably going to keep doing it, especially after the Jessica return disrupts the burgeoning Lyatt romance, at least temporarily. She’s going to have lost another thing/person she cared about, because Rittenhouse doubtless has something to do with Jessica’s return (trying to distract Wyatt, cause tension, etc). Because of them.
And you know what? That’s gonna make her even more angry.
And who gets that? Yep. Flynn.
The same way I yelled OH SHIT when Lucy shot the guy in 2x01, was kind of how I felt when she, having zero fear of this idiot in the cell, tells him to his face that she knows he doesn’t want his wife and daughter to have died for nothing, and that his sass, while it’s understandable, is a hollow self-defense mechanism that isn’t going to get him anywhere. She doesn’t want to leave him there, she doesn’t want him to snip at her, she doesn’t want to be fighting this war without him, because she knows just how much they need him (ding ding ding, again) and how much SHE does. (And lbr, Flynn is a grumpy bear who needs a lot of direct poking with blunt objects.) So guess what? Lucy calls him straight out on his BS, and all of a sudden, Flynn’s willing to talk.
Honestly, I think it was that -- seeing that she 100% meant the “I’m willing to do anything it takes to stop Rittenhouse,” and proving it -- which made Flynn help, however grudgingly. He challenged her to show her that she meant it, so she did. He hasn’t changed his mind about what he wants to do, but he’s not gonna muck around with empty morality games and what have you. Lucy says she wants him on her side, says she wants to finish what they started together, and that she’s going to do just that. And Flynn can see right away (”no offense, Lucy, but you’ve looked better) that something’s changed, but when she lays down the law flat, that’s when he can actually feel it.
So yes. Give me all the fallout, slow-burn, angst, stubborn, ruthless-but-vulnerable soulmates fighting each other exactly as they know how to do and realizing how much they are paralleling. Give me the whole messy situation at the end of 1x16 worked through and developed and turned into something lovely. Give me 2x04 for literally all the reasons, but also give me that scene presumably in 2x03 with Lucy softening and almost crying as she tells him that they need him, because that’s the point she was trying to make all along. That’s what she wants them to be. But Flynn is, as well attested, an idiot. He’s not wrong, and Lucy’s not wrong, and yet. They obviously cannot see eye to eye right now, and that’s how you make good drama. Your characters are flawed and motivated and even, in this case, agree broadly on their goals (stop Rittenhouse by any means”) but their past history makes it very complicated for them to cooperate, even though they want to.
Like I keep saying: Do not, do not, fuck ye with Lucy Preston right now, ladies and gentlemen. Because her whole world is burning down behind her, and she will not shed a single tear.
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nancydfan · 6 years
So Garcy has to be end game at this point. It just has to be, and I’m not saying that as a shipper. It just makes no sense to me otherwise.
All through season one, Flynn is tearing through history trying to bring back his family which is the only thought that consumes him. And even though he makes a bigger mess half the time and literally has zero control over half the outcomes he gets, he never waivers until this smol historian comes along and literally changes everything. And of course by the end of season one, he thinks she betrays him and gets his ass hauled to jail.
Then fast forward to season 2 and he starts to grow this relationship with her where he’s the easiest to talk to, the one comforting her, the one supporting her and he falls head over heels for her. And even though he probably didn’t hear I love and no Wyatt doesn’t actually hold Lucy in th S2 finale, seeing them that way has to fucking hurt. He has to think that she probably still wants something with Wyatt despite everything. So when he’s finally able to actually love another person for the first time since his wife, he sees that maybe she’s not ever going to return that or he’s lost his chance.
Honestly, Timeless Writers, why you hurting my man like this???
Anyway, the point is they shouldn’t be showing Flynn’s reaction or piling more pain on a man that’s already lost so much if it was just drama before W/L eventually get back together. That’s why I think there’s a point to this and the point is Garcy will ultimately happen
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theadorelocksly · 3 years
Do you think Flynn was ever really trying to hurt Lucy in S1? He had the journal then and knew what she was going to become, but he shot at her, Rufus and Wyatt a few times. He could easily have hurt or even killed her.
OKOKOKOK I never get asks and this topic/phase of the show is my JAM:D
Short answer: no I don’t think was TRYING to hurt her
VERY LONG answer:
To him, it was war and she was fighting against him. He didn’t WANT her to get hurt and I think he would have protected her if it came down to it.
In 1x01 he sent someone to fetch her, more than likely to explain things/get her out of the way. He even says this in a deleted scene that no one is to hurt Lucy. The next chance he gets to speak with her he IMMEDIATELY tries to get her to understand that he’s not fighting HER, but instead rittenhouse. When he uses her as a shield he is assuming Wyatt won’t shoot so he believes she is more or less “safe”.
1x02 he tells her to stay out of his way. To me that makes it apparent even more that he has no intention or desire to do her harm. When he sees her in the theater box the simplest solution would be to shoot her when she tries to warn Lincoln. He instead grabs her in a way that will control her entire body and pushes her OUT of the way.
1x03 Kriple you coward:( why don’t they see each other here? ☹️😔 *skips episode*
OK 1x04 we getting into the DICEY STUFF (good soup ehem:) BEFORE he turns her over to the nazis, he tries yet again to compel her to his side. Lmao it don’t work (idk what he was expecting 🤦🏼) In my opinion he was under the belief that the timeline was set and so that ment she would come out safe. This was “all apart of the journal.”Also he could have just fucked up and regretted this decision.
1x05 LUCY YOU ARE ADORABLE IN YOUR OUTFIT. Also same thought as above about the set timeline.
1x06 AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS MUST. FLYNN YOU ARE A BASTARD HERE AND I LOVE YOU FOR IT (also thank you for tying Lucy up>:) BIG MOMENT: he doesn’t threaten Lucy! He doesn’t want to hurt her as far as we can tell here. He’s also impressed and not mad at her for outsmarting him! (Me too baby 🥺 you kick his ass😍)
1x07 again they don’t interact so I usually skip (no shame😎) BUT this is dicey yet again. I still believe in him having the whole “it’ll all work out in the end” mind set. Also! He could go back for her at any point! Even 5 minutes after he marooned them! So to him “no harm done”
1x08 again no garcy action 😔. Bad ass ladies though! AND LUCYS OUTFIT. DEAR GOD LOVE OF MY LIFE. ADORABLE 😍
1x09 😔👆🏽
1x10 MY BELOVED. PEAK ENEMIES TO LOVERS CONTENT. He comes up the back when they are deserting so one could say he was covering her back:)<3 It is dangerous for her to accompany him and the guys, but hey! It’ll “all work out”/he can protect her!
OH OH OH NEW PARAGRAPH CAUSE IT DESERVES IT:D now we’re at THE scene. Their best acting in my opinion 😎. Ok SO he could have done many things: violently shove her to the ground, shoot her leg, shoot HER. BUT NO. HE BEGS HER TO MOVE. He very obviously DOENT want to hurt her here. He tries to reason with her and when he can’t, his response is to pushe her out of the way. More or less “safely”.
NOW when she RUINS his plans. What hes been LIVING for. What his best friend DIED for. To save his god damn wife and CHILD, does he hurt her? Yes and no. Kidnapping does hurt (ptsd my beloved) but in the show this has no repercussions (😔). He forces her to come with him by dragging her along even though she’s yelling and leading Wyatt to them. He could have just knocked her out or something but NOPE. We see that she is scared here and at the church. Naturally! But again he pretty much just tries to intimidate her. When they are in the past he threatens her FALSLY (even when I was watching in ye old 2017 I was just like “homie that is a LIE”). He would not have a back up plan with Rufus and Wyatt if he was willing to ACTUALLY harm Lucy. Cause if he really wanted to hurt her he could have broke her arm or something???? My man worked for the NSA. Being “persuasive” was no doubt apart of the job. It is also my belief that he would have accompanied Lucy to the Fords Hotel at the end of his plan to 1) hold up his end of the deal and 2) to protect Lucy while there.
1x12 Lucy, hon. You need THERAPY.
1x13 BORRRIIIINNNNGGGGGG. Although Lucy in her little coat is beautiful. What can I say. I’m predictable:)
1x14 “let her go. She’s not a prisoner.” <- enough said:D
1x15 not much to say here🤷🏼
1x16 he doesn’t know what to do anymore. He’s obviously suicidal and just wants to fix things. He’s desperate and honestly can you blame him? I believe he grew to regret the bad decisions he made here in s2
LASTLY: we have entered (however breafy (fuck you Denise>:( the enemies to FRIENDS to lovers!!! Yay! I’m so proud of my loves! His smile? The little hand he puts out to reassure Lucy that he’s not pulling a gun? GOOD SOUP. And then when he gets arrested he looses it. Idk here. Kinda grey and I don’t blame him tbh😔
So over all: no I don’t think he wanted or was trying to hurt her! But I do love exploring their dynamic here and how it could play out at times. Even if it takes a darker turn😇
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ANYWAY that was so long I’m sorry🤣 hope that answers your questions about what I believe. If you don’t agree that’s totally cool! It’s all up to interpretation 😘
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reystars · 6 years
The reason why I’ve now hopped ship almost completely from Lucy/Wyatt to Lucy/Flynn is because of how much Lucy has grown as a character from the beginning of season one. S1 Lucy was a good fit for Wyatt. And Wyatt was what she needed then—she needed a soldier, a protector, she needed someone she trusted to fight these missions with her.
But as we’ve watched Lucy, and what she’s gone through, and how she’s tackled everything that’s been thrown at her, especially the situation with Wyatt, it would have felt unnatural for her to tell Wyatt she loves him tonight. Because with everything else she’s gone through, after having both her sister, her mother and now her best friend ripped from her, I think they’re now at completely different places as characters.
THIS is why she bonded with Flynn. They level with each other. He respects her, respects her space, and as of this finale episode, he’s seen her at her absolute most vicious and furious and he gets her. He understands her, he understands what it’s like to get to that place of rage and anger, the place of wanting to destroy the people who took everything from you. That’s who he’s been for such a long time that he knows to just hold Lucy and let her feel whatever she’s feeling. Underneath all his snark is someone who’s felt almost the exact same pain that Lucy is going through.
Lucy has grown beyond needing help, she’s proving herself more and more capable, she’s grown into her anger and fury, she’s learning to accept the pain that’s started to shape who she is. At the end of the day, Wyatt (with all his hurt with Jessica) is still not even on the same planet as Lucy. As much as he loves her, Flynn understands her at a different level. And not only that, Flynn is so respectful of Lucy and what she wants that he can barely even vocalize his feelings for her. He sees her with Wyatt and he gives them space.
I’ve been fighting it all season but really I can’t anymore. I’m all in for #Garcy.
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 6 years
Okay, I love how Garcia Flynn is over here, grinning like the besotted fool he is... And Lucy just keeps apologizing.
"I'm so sorry for coming to your room in the middle of the night, and getting stupidly drunk, and making you sleep in that uncomfortable chair, and keeping you up all night talking, and... Oh, gosh, you felt like you had to make me coffee? I'm so sorry!"
And you can just SEE Flynn thinking, "You trusted me enough to come to me in the middle of the night. You're adorable when you're drunk. You felt comfortable enough around me to sleep in my bed. (Plus I bet it smells like you now.) You chose to talk to me all night, instead of drowning your sorrows alone. I made you coffee because I wanted to see you smile. Because nothing makes me happier. Lucy, trust me, I don't mind at all."
But he can't say any of that.
She isn't ready to hear it.
So he just gently teases her, continues to reach out to her, and lets her leave when she's ready.
But he can't quite stop himself from making one quiet but firm promise:
"Any time."
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flynn-it-up · 6 years
Timeless Writers: *gives us three Ly@tt scenes*
Garcy Fandom:
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Timeless Writers: *gives us the ultimate Garcy scene complete with giggling!Flynn, flustered-yet-happy!Lucy, a sex joke, and meaningful conversation*
Garcy Fandom:
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yubel198 · 1 year
some context for my latest skit
I should explain the context of the skit I wrote for Annie/Atsuover's birthday, and why Sheridan sent her a card.
see, in the AU, Sheridan saw Annie as his daughter, despite her still having her parents. this also plays into a take of the Swap AU that exists.
I came up with my own take of the Swap AU with the Revival AU thrown in.
here's who swaps with who:
Annie swaps with Garcy
Sheridan with Lucks
Masa with Marco
Lamar with Sofia
Lucinia with Evelyn
Theo with Bo
you get the idea
as for the other characters,
Wren would swap with Winston (which would make the most sense)
Steven and Glitchy Red would both swap with Mike and Blue Tears (Mike would have a shiny Squirtle)
you get the idea
given this would be similar to the Revival AU, Annie would be adopted by Sheridan, fall in love with Belle (Tari's swap) befriend Desti (Axol's swap) in the afterlife (she died from Alcohol poisoning, and a failing liver) and met the SMG2 crew
Regarding Steven and Glitchy, Steven would be swapped with Mike, Mike went insane after losing his Blastoise Dewdrop in a failed trade, so he strangled Steven, becoming Strangled Blue, or "M!k3" as his inner madness. However, Dewdrop gets reincarnated as a shiny Squirtle for Mike, and he calls him Dewey. As for Glitchy, he swaps with Blue Tears, since Blue and Red are polar opposites.
since X and FM become Spudnick recolors in the Swap AU, Enzo becomes one as well, (Starman's not in the AU for very obvious reasons)
As for Wren, he and Winston swap, so Winston becomes a washed up Splatfest champion and Melony's idol, while Wren becomes the TV Adware, making a simulation for Winston. the Simulation in question would also be Pirate themed, (I remember seeing a picture of the Swap AU having a pirate themed simulation instead of a western theme, which I liked)
for the trio's, Annie becomes pals with both Otis (Swap!SMG0) and Desti, while Garcello befriends Niles and Orange (Swap!Meggy)
Annie and Desti are also a trio with Belle (this'll be shown in the Revival AU too, as the three are also close)
regarding the Meta Runner crew, Lucinia and Sofia are cousins in the swap!AU, and Sofia wants nothing to do with her spoiled cousin. As for Evelyn, she and Lamar are step siblings, both are close, as half the time, the two just had each other. As for their friendship with Annie, they plus Marco met her when she was real young, so they became her older siblings.
As for Annie and Sheridan's relationship, in both AU's, they got along well. In the Swap AU, she's his daughter, and Sheridan fully supports his daughter, both in her dreams, and her transition. Annie's gone by Annie since she was little, she barely remembers her birth name, (rather, her dead name) so Sheridan has always known her as Annie, and he loves her. In the main AU, the two get along well, in fact, Sheridan has Annie as his assistant when working in his lab. She's also hurt when the truth is revealed.
Some things do stay the same from the main series, such as Sheridan's love for coffee, Garcello smoking, and Annie drinking "The Liquid" however, she gains The Liquid after her revival, allowing her to become her Liquid form. Garcello's cigs aren't deadly, but can turn him into a ghost.
That's all I have right now guys, I made add on in the future.
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deathsweetblossoms · 6 years
Awhile ago I wrote that meta about Episode 2x08 and the implications of paralleling Garcy and the journal with Denise and the USB drive. In quick summary, I don’t think Lucy would have made the trip back to Sao Paolo with the journal lightly, and Flynn must have given her the green light to do it. Because she is trusting him with a LOT by telling him so many intimate details of herself, and trusting him with this entire mission.  At the time I didn’t exactly know what would have been the event that would have inspired Flynn to give Lucy that greenlight. I’ve battled with it - is it because he knows he won’t get his family back once and for all? Does he die and as he’s dying tells her she has to do this at some point?  Here is the thing - if Flynn were to go back and fulfill his purpose from Season 1, which was to take out whoever put the hit on his family and save their lives.....there would be no story. So, the time team would have never met, and Rittenhouse would have full control of this time machine and nobody to stop them. Meaning that if Flynn were to successfully get his family back, Rittenhouse would be active with nobody actively fighting against them. If we were to have had more seasons of this show, I really think Flynn would have come to realize that his family was a sacrifice that needed to be made in order to take down Rittenhouse. It was the motivation needed to get the ball rolling, and because Lucy (will eventually come to) loves him...she does it. She gives him the journal, and it’s PAINFUL for her seeing him like that. Giving him this book which she knows is going to lead him down a lonely, difficult path. Here’s the thing though...personally, I believe this whole story has been about happy endings and hope. Even if the journey getting there is painful and difficult and sacrifices are made along the way. Which means, Flynn has something to look forward to at the end of this. His entire story has been set up as one of redemption, forgiveness, acceptance. He finds that with Lucy. Basically, I don’t see any other alternative than that they both end up falling steadfastly in love with each other through all of this and the whole thing is just beautiful - and everything is canon now that the show is over so this is your Truth Tea for the day.
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prairiepirate · 7 years
So, @savetimeless got asked why certain folks ship Garcy and kinda threw the question out to the fandom for further thoughts and discussion.  Since I hella ship Garcy and talking about them is one of my favorite things, I thought I’d give this a go and see if I can turn my 50 gazillion thoughts on them into some semblance of order, lol. 
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1. They have a mysterious connection - This one is rather obvi and one of the main threads of the show that has yet to be revealed, but it has sucked me in and I NEED TO KNOW MOAR.  How and why did future Lucy get the journal to Flynn?  What does the journal say?  (Spill your secrets, dammit!)   More specifically, what does it say about Flynn and Lucy?  Obviously they come together somehow because Garcia is 100% on board the “team destiny” train.  The journal has told him something about the two of them working together in the future, and because of this, you get this delicious tension between them.  He knows how things are supposed to go, but he’s having a hell of a time trying to get present Lucy on board.  Hence the “frustrations” that leak out when he feels she’s not catching on like she should be (”Don’t get in my way again,” purposefully causing rifts with the time team via the journal reveal in 1.06, kidnapping in 1.11, etc.).  They are also the only two confirmed characters who are spiritual/believe in God.  I mean, when one of them suggests that “God led you to me,” how much more evidence do you need?! There’s always something that grabs hold of you a little bit more when you know these two character’s fates are entwined somehow. You can’t wait to find out every last detail of the mystery! 
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2. He makes her question what she believes - Right off the bat, she’s thrown for a loop with the reality of time travel and everything starts snowballing from there.  Future selves, mystery journals, secret societies - through it all, Flynn has been there telling her exactly why he’s doing what he’s doing.  And more importantly, he’s always told her the truth.  It hasn’t been easy for her to come to terms with a lot of what has happened to her (and he hasn’t exactly tried his best to minimize the blows, lbr), but she’s become stronger for it.  She is firm in her convictions when she does not agree with him, but has come to understand that she can’t sit on the sidelines, tiptoeing around, hoping to not make an impact.  “Flynn, crazy as he is, seems to be telling the truth.  Rittenhouse is real, and it is dangerous.  Who’s to say what’s right and wrong anymore?” 
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3. She reminds him of his humanity - There is a reason Garcia is not so affectionately called ‘the Garbage Boss.”  Making seriously questionable choices is his default mode.  But I knew right from the pilot that this was a man who was way more than just your run of the mill, crazy terrorist villain.  Through the course of the season, Lucy has become the one person to see him for who he really is: hurting, broken, lonely, and desperately determined to make things right, no matter the cost.  She’s the one he’s opened up to most (1.10 is an absolute GIFT) and we’ve been able to see that vulnerable side of him more and more.  She gives him no quarter when he’s being an murderous idiot, but she is always quick to remind him that there is a good man underneath the pain and rage.  She offers to work with him despite the protests of her teammates, and she even gives him the means to finally get his closure at the end.  She is really his only hope and light, both through her encouragement and compassion in the present, and her guidance via the journal from the future.
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4. She’s safe with him - If there is one thing that can stop a raging Flynn in his tracks, it’s the sudden appearance of a wild!Lucy.  Just look at the total shock on his face in 1.02.  He even lowers his gun for a second.  Though they are often in danger (much of it brought about by Flynn /smh), he never personally (or otherwise if he can help it) lets harm come to her.  That cannot be said for anyone else on the show.  Everyone is expendable, if not an outright nuisance to him.  You can say that he’s keeping her alive purely for journal related reasons, but I don’t think that’s the case, at least not anymore.  He cares about her.  He wouldn’t have warned her about his plans to blow up the Rittenhouse summit and the potential effects it would have on her existence, if he didn’t.  He was practically begging her to think of another way to stop it all by the end.
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5. They have some kinda chemistry - Sometimes it’s feisty, sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes it’s downright sweet, but Lucy and Flynn scenes are always a treat.  Can we talk about the height difference (SWOON).  I’m only human.  The way he can just tuck her right into his side, the way he towers over her, yet she’s never intimidated?  That’s my jam.  There are allll kinds of glances (do not even get me started on all the heart eyes in 1.11).  Just do yourself a favor and hit up my Garcy tag.  You’re welcome.  I love that they can bark at each other and show frustration because that’s a realistic response to a lot of what they go through.  There’s a definite enemies to friends progression going on.  Then there are the moments of compassion and vulnerability that just make me want to cry.  It will be interesting to see how they get on in season two, because their parting was cruel in the extreme.  (YES, I’m STILL PISSED AS HELL AT YOU, DE-NICE!)
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(from happy to betrayed in 0.02 seconds.  RUDE. /ugly sobbing)
Anywho, those are just a few reasons why I love Garcy so much!  
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extasiswings · 6 years
hi um could i get that meta please!!! i'm losing it !!
Well, now that I’ve watched that clip about a thousand times, I feel completely ready to write about it. That’s a lie, I’m not at all ready, but I do know that I love one (1) man and his name is Garcia Flynn. And he’s worn the hell out of some incredible outfits, but have I been more attracted to him than I was watching this scene? …very rarely. 
First of all, the second I saw “Stay the hell away from her” was a dialogue tease, I knew it was going to be Wyatt talking to Flynn about Lucy. And I was hoping for some proper dragging, but this? I was not prepared for this. This was…wow. Incredible. Amazing. All the awards and standing ovations. 
Right out the gate, Wyatt is antagonistic, possessive, angry. And it would be so easy to rise to that bait. It would be so easy for Flynn to be just as pissed and shoot right back, because you know, Flynn really deserves an opportunity to have it out with him. But this isn’t the time for that because this is about Lucy. 
Lucy, who is notably not in the room. Lucy, who spent the night in Flynn’s room, continuing this “getting to know you” journey. Lucy, who Flynn has been worried about because he knows she’s hurting, and especially knows that Wyatt’s actions have strongly contributed to why she’s hurting. Lucy, who Flynn cares about, who finally let him in and has allowed him to be her support when she isn’t letting anyone else be there for her. 
In 2x06, Flynn was fully prepared to walk away from the potential of a relationship with Lucy if it wasn’t what she wanted. He gave her the choice and she decided to choose him. And now? Wyatt, of “You haven’t lost me” notoriety, who hasn’t been around, who hasn’t taken responsibility for his actions, who has continued to cause Lucy pain, is standing there telling Flynn to stay away from her.  
If it were me, I would fucking deck him for the audacity. But no. Garcia Flynn…takes the high road. Rises above. Exercises a level of maturity that we should all aspire to. 
“Oh, you mean…Lucy? You know she’s not your wife, right? That’s the, uh, blonde lady down the hall, unless history’s changed again.”
It’s calm. It’s collected. It’s not aggressive. It’s just…a statement of fact. And yet, somehow it’s also a masterful drag that made me go “Oh SHIT.” Which may just be because no one has given Wyatt such a pointed reminder during this whole situation and I’ve been waiting for it. And calmly stated or not, there are so many perfect implications in that. 
“She’s not your wife,” is “So, you don’t get to say that to me” is “You don’t get an opinion here” is “Don’t even start.” And then there’s the reminder that not only does Wyatt have no right to be acting the way he is, but that his wife is quite literally down the hall. She’s there. And why is she there? Because Wyatt brought her there. Because he’s been given a second chance, and yet he’s blowing it. 
Wyatt’s “I’m warning you” made me roll my eyes so hard I swear I almost strained something, but anyway, back to the love of my life who continues to slay, we get this gem:
“What is it you want from her, Wyatt? Because if you have a problem, I suggest you talk to Lucy about it. She’s perfectly capable of making her own choices…don’t you think?”
I just…Lord have mercy. Again, Flynn is not even fucking around. Lucy chose him. She chose him. Therefore, the only person who gets to decide whether Flynn sticks around is Lucy. He respects her so much that he’s not even willing to engage in this conversation because she’s not there. Because it’s not his right to talk about her or make decisions about her relationships without her permission. And this whole line is just…Flynn reaffirms her agency, reminds Wyatt that he respects her, and implies that if Wyatt respects her even a little, he’ll cut this shit out right now and go talk to her like an adult. Amazing. 
(Also, my heart hurts at “What is it you want from her, Wyatt?” because in telling Flynn to stay away from Lucy, he’s really trying to take away her main source of comfort and support even when he himself is not remotely in a position to offer those things, and the very idea of Lucy going back to being lonely and sad rips me up inside, and the amount of selfishness Wyatt’s displaying here by trying to do that makes me so angry. And maybe he really doesn’t know what he wants from her, but then what he needs to do is figure it the hell out instead of making demands of the people who do know what they want from her and also know what they can give her.) 
The pause before the “Don’t you think?” is the pettiest part of the whole conversation, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Because Flynn’s already made his position perfectly clear. So it’s just that last little dig, almost daring Wyatt to say that no, he doesn’t think she’s capable of making her own choices, or at least she wasn’t capable of making this one (to trust Flynn). Which…clearly that’s exactly what Wyatt thinks (and it’s not Flynn-specific, since this isn’t the first time this season he’s interfered with her choices, 2x05 anyone?) but to say it out loud? That would be the most damaging admission he could possibly make in this situation. So with three words, Flynn pins him in a corner, drops the mic, and then walks away. Never had to raise his voice. Never had to lift a finger. Just laid Wyatt out with cold, hard facts and the strength of his own respect for Lucy’s choices. 
I think what I love most is that this is so different? From how this scene would normally play out? Because every time I’ve seen this situation arise it’s all male aggression and volatility on both sides, which is predictable and obnoxious. But this was so…subversive in a way? Precisely because Flynn kept it all about Lucy and her choices and her needs and wasn’t willing to bend, but also wasn’t willing to make a single move that would risk his own relationship with her, and that’s brilliant. 
Anyway, I’m like…super attracted to him right now. It’s kind of a problem, but also…not.   
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