#garden variety finn
thepocket221 · 1 year
I have brought you Finn headcanons!
Finn is part French
He even speaks French!
Somtimes he calls you little names in French
Big Hozier fan
Also a Harry Styles fan
Terrible at combat video games but puzzle and indie games he's good at
Hes a mf old man
He crochetes little sweaters for you and him
Also to mention
He dances in the kitchen with you with the record player on <33
Soft snoring boy
Sleep talker also
Hes surprisingly strong Also
Its cuz He lifts flower pots for a living He says
This is canon but he is a very good cook
He knows all of the best small cafes that aren't very known in town
He is very good with kids!
Hes very awkward at first but then if the kid says, "You have very pretty hair, It's like a princesses hair!" He smiles and let's them play with his hair
One time you walked into him and his nieces doing his makeup
*Finn has bright red lipstick on and blue eyeshadow on with one girl doing his hair and the other doing his makeup*
"Oh hi love!"
The girl doing his makeup: "Quit moving and look at me uncle Finn!"
"Oh I'm sorry!
Ig that's one way to end it-
(usually for hc posts i try to have art i’ve made to go along with it BUT I DONT DRAW FINN ENOUGH <//33 well, i do, but it the scribbles don’t look too well (to me at least) so i do not post them <//3 /lh /nm but until i have finn art i’m proud of:
in return, here are some of my finn hcs!!
on the topic of what type of phone games/games in general he would play: he’s a king at sudoku.
crosswords too!!
he’s so smart, i love him dearly <33
maybe he tried a dating sim once but it did not go well for him
other than that, he definitely would play RPGs (and before ANYONE SAYS IT, based on my personal experience, i’d say finn’s more of an animal crossing fan compared to stardew.) and is the type of guy to overthink the choices he’s given in game. he doesn’t look the answer up, but oh boy is it tempting,, “if i go with this option, it will ruin my relationship with this character :(“ babes they’re not real🫶/lhj
storyteller finn however, would love stardew valley. the mystical aspects would be his favorite.
deadass would forget you can date someone bc of the lore.
anywho, back to garden variety💪🫶‼️
i would like to believe he has thick thighs
but may i raise you: muscle chub finn.
somehow is seymour AND audrey as far as personality. idk how he does it but oh sweet heart <//33
also imagine him saying the most cryptic stuff when he’s sleeping. like bro are you just saying words or are you plagued with the murder of someone,, /lhj
i’m also a finn hot freaks fan truther🫶🫶 /pos
maybe he can also play piano
“fuck you joint pain!! i do what i want!!” (his ass did NOT take his pain meds and regrets his decision)
in reference to bunny finn, garden variety finn would have a pretty big family. he’s second oldest
the type of fellow to to squint his eyes, move his glasses down slightly, and bend back a little bit to see something someone’s showing him on their phone
also the type of fellow to never wear shorts unless they’re cargo shorts.
also gives him chronic pain bc i have chronic pain😼
decked out his mobility aide with various stickers gifted to him by his little nieces and nephews
in public he uses a cane and a wheeled walker.
doesn’t use one at work (like a silly goose) and regrets it
definitely forgets his braces as well
has especially terrible wrist, knee, and hip pain
you can’t tell me he wouldn’t spoil them
also goes to all of their recitals, ball games, award ceremonies, plays, literally any and every after school event. he loves those little goobers and wants to support them!!
also embarrasses the shit out of them as well!!
people who crochet are so cool and epic like actually‼️‼️/g /srs
methinks this is canon but he probably doesn’t have a lot of friends; at max he has 2-3.
jack ofc being his bestie
they have sleepovers you can’t change my mind /lhj /nm
who says i can’t make every character autistic?? i’m the nd doing the coding here!! /pos /lhj
could just be me but he definitely has a male/masc preference
okay that’s it, goodbye and stay safe🫡‼️‼️
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ariablue144 · 2 months
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“Watching you through this looking glass is maddening. Watching you live a life without me. Without my love…”
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thetopichot · 5 months
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Now that we've had some time to process today's announcements, here's a slightly more in-depth breakdown of the three new Adventure Time projects.
Heyo BMO will be a preschool show starring BMO. The Animation on Max Twitter account says that it "follows little BMO as he approaches each challenge he faces with his unique brand of enthusiasm and a curiosity to learn and fill his database."
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This is the only project of the three for which we have received some promo art so far, which might mean it's the furthest along in development and the most likely to premier first, especially if they used rigged rather than traditional animation as is often the case with preschool shows. This promo art was created by 3D artist Crisppyboat, who has previously worked on a handful of web projects and indie games. I don't think this is the style that the entire show will have, but who knows.
Other people confirmed by Variety to be working on Heyo BMO are Adam Muto, who has been showrunner on everything Adventure Time since season five of the original show, and Ashlyn Anstee, who storyboarded on Obsidian and has written many children's books.
This show is especially interesting given that Adam Muto has often joked about the inevitability of a preschool spinoff of Adventure Time, and now that has finally come to pass while he is presumably still running the show.
Side Quests will be a "prequel series" to the original Adventure Time, likely meant as a return to the early seasons' storytelling style. It will be mostly episodic rather than serialised, meaning episodes will each tell their own story without much of an overarching plot, and it will target the original show's young demographic. Ice King is confirmed to be returning in this series, but that's about all we know about the plot.
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Interestingly, Variety did not attach Adam Muto's name to this project. Instead it mentioned that Nate Cash will be involved. Nate Cash was supervising director on Adventure Time between seasons three and five, often alternating with Adam Muto in that role. So if Nate is producing Side Quests and Adam is producing Heyo BMO, this will be something of a return to form for both of them.
One question that I've seen a few fans ask is who will voice Finn in this show. Jeremy Shada can't really pull off the season one Finn voice anymore, and they've run out of younger Shada brothers to defer to like they did after the pilot episode. So a new casting feels likely to me, with Shada continuing to voice an older Finn in other projects like Fionna and Cake and the movie. Speaking of which...
This is the announcement that we know the least about. To give some historical context, an Adventure Time movie was announced all the way back in 2015 but never came to anything. There was also allegedly a plan to end season five with a TV movie back in 2014. Elements of these two movies were later recycled into the plots of several later episodes, most notably Something Big, and possibly Distant Lands: Together Again.
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This latest attempt involves Adam Muto, as well as Rebecca Sugar and Pat McHale, who were both influential storyboard artists in the early seasons of Adventure Time before leaving to make their own shows; Steven Universe and Over the Garden Wall, respectively.
According to MidouMir on Twitter, who was live-Tweeting the Warner panel at Annecy, a brief synopsis was given as something like "Finn and Jake set out to find a birthday gift for PB but their adventure will lead them to world changing stuff." Other than that we know nothing about the plot.
Adventure Time wasn't the only show to get spinoffs announced today. Regular Show, Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, and Scooby-Doo will all be receiving new series too. We don't know anything about the Regular Show spinoff, but the Fosters spinoff will be a preschool show like Heyo BMO.
All of this appears to indicate that Warner's current animation strategy is to recycle characters who have already proven popular in order to try and attract a new generation of viewers. Original fans of Adventure Time are beginning to get old enough to have children of their own who might enjoy something like Heyo BMO, plus since the end of shows like Amphibia and The Owl House there has been a vacuum of popular "fandom" shows for the older children to younger teens demographic, which I imagine is what Side Quests is aiming for.
To be fair they have also announced a handful of brand new projects; Lovey Dovey, Bad Karma, and Barbara are all new shows announced today.
What are your thoughts? Is there anything I missed? Be sure to let me know!
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yuurivoice · 2 months
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What's that I hear? The rummaging of an adorable Finn shaped bunny out in the garden??? With your help we can get our eyes on not only the full Bunny Finn model, but it's not just his ears that are different! We'll see a whole alternate outfit, additional accessories, and more! All of which are also compatible with Garden Variety Finn!
Thank you all for helping us crush our goal for yesterday's reveal. Can we run it back? Head over to Twitter to Like/RT!
Click here!
(p.s. There'll be a stream tonight at 6pm CT and if we unlock this model as well, I'll give y'all a REAL GOOD LOOK at both of them and we can brainstorm some ideas for the debut stream!)
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loftylockjaw · 11 days
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: Wicked's Rest General Hospital PARTIES: Wyatt (@loftylockjaw) & Charlie (@zombiebabysitter) SUMMARY: As soon as he hears that Charlie is in the hospital, Wyatt rushes there. Two two have a very open, honest discussion with each other, and Wyatt might finally have found what he's been looking for. CONTENT WARNINGS: just your garden variety hospital talk!
Finn had left.
Charlie remembered what he had said to him as he lay dying in the middle of a forest and Finn left. He wasn’t surprised, he always knew that that’s not what their relationship would ever be, but by god if it didn’t hurt like hell. He had lived the nightmare a thousand times in his mind, ranging from Finn accepting it to downright disgusted with him. Reality hurt so much worse, knowing that he’d ruined their friendship forever. He was an idiot. Charlie frowned and let the nurses flutter about his useless form. They asked if he felt pain as he looked so sad, but all he could do was shake his head. He was nothing now. He just wanted to be alone, but such a thing was impossible when he was hooked up to this many wires and machines. 
The nurses had finally left him alone when someone bust through the door. Hoping that it was Finn changing his mind or to say something, Charlie cracked open an eye, far more desperate than he wished to appear. But it wasn’t Finn. It was Wyatt. Charlie blinked. “How did you…” he looked over to the phone discarded on the side table beside the hospital bed. “Oh.” He said simply, trying not to be disappointed that it was Wyatt. 
“You didn't need to show up, I’d have come back eventually.” He tried to say, voice still scratchy and hoarse from the extubation. “I… they told me I almost didn’t wake up.” He finally admitted, looking down at his hands. “Got stabbed by a zombie. A demon zombie.” The anger started to build in him again. “Said he didn’t care enough to know if he killed my friends or not.” Charlie’s hands balled into tight fists. “He might have done it, Wyatt. I might have come face to face with the guy who killed my friends.”
The raw emotion in Charlie’s voice was enough to force him to shut his mouth, misty eyes looking away from his friend. He looked so worried, and it was all Charlie’s fault. “Turns out going on a walk for your mental health is a bad thing, you get fucking stabbed.” He decided, silently vowing to never go on another walk ever again. 
This was becoming an unsettling pattern, Charlie texting something ominous and vague to Wyatt with no follow up, and Wyatt taking off to find out what had happened. He’d be annoyed by it if he wasn't more worried than he cared to admit, grabbing his car keys and making the drive through the woods and across town to the hospital. 
With a guest sticker slapped on his shirt, Wyatt made his way to the floor and room number that reception had given him, chewing the inside of his cheek as he hovered in the hallway for a moment. His gaze met that of one of the nurses at the desk, who rose from her chair to come speak with him. He glanced into the room as she told him what was going on, or at least as much as she could considering he wasn't family, and then she was telling him he could go in. 
Suddenly he wasn't sure that he wanted to. Charlie hadn't asked him to come, and he wasn’t… emotionally available in the ways that someone who'd been hospitalized would probably need. All he knew was how to hurt and flirt, what did he know of comfort? Ah, fuck… the nurse was looking at him expectantly. He nodded, uncertain, and took a step into the room, his gaze fixed on the figure in the bed. He stopped, took a breath, then started again. 
Charlie peeked at him and spoke, and Wyatt hovered awkwardly at the bedside, still a full two strides away. “I know,” he muttered softly, now wishing he'd just stayed in the hall. But Charlie was going on, telling him what had happened, unprompted, and it filled the shifter with dread. “A.. what? Hey, okay…” He stepped closer, his fingers sliding over the plastic banister of the bed and gripping it tightly. “Slow down, man.” A demon zombie? What did that even mean? “Take it easy, just… take a breath. You were attacked?” By a zombie, but one that could talk. Huh. “But no, you shouldn't go walkin’ ‘round the woods here alone. I coulda gone with you.” He frowned, brow furrowed. He could have protected Charlie from whoever had done this. His talent for violence could have been put to good use. 
Stuck in that bed, Charlie felt useless. He was stuck there because of all the wires and drips, and all he wanted was to run back to the scene and find that bastard. He wanted to kill him, he wanted justice. No. This wasn’t justice, this was revenge. He would cut down the zombie the same way he cut down his friends. Charlie closed his eyes, desperately trying to control the rage that was bubbling up inside him. He couldn’t do anything as a human. He was useless, and his friends would never get the revenge they so greatly deserved. So much had happened so fast that it felt like his life was diving straight for land without a parachute.
Wyatt was trying to calm him down, and Charlie knew his friend was right. He needed to fucking breathe, something that only made him angrier to think about, but did it anyway. “Yeah, I know.” He grumbled, clenching his jaw as he tried to refocus himself. “Taller than us, Light brown curly hair, blue eyes. Light facial hair.” Charlie’s brow furrowed as he struggled to remember more details about the man. It was all a blur, he was having trouble remembering. Had he gotten a name? He couldn’t remember. Then, he remembered. “Caleb!” He blurted out, the anger escaping with the name.
“Stabbed me in the side,” Charlie explained, trying to gesture to the stab wound, but finding that he was in too much pain to do so. “Yeah, I learned that now,” Charlie responded, defeated. “I fucked up, dude. I fucked up big.” Charlie buried his face in his hands and let out a frustrated groan before rubbing his hands down his face. “I called Finn. Finn was freaking out, I was convinced I was going to die, and I… kinda told him the truth about everything.” Charlie let his head fall back onto the pillow, mentally beating himself up all over again. 
“I kinda wish I did bite it, that way I wouldn’t have to deal with the fucking embarrassment of it all,” Charlie muttered, staring up at the ceiling. “I, uh. Appreciate you showing up, man. Means a lot.” He then spoke, looking over to Wyatt and offering a tired and barely-there smile. “Sorry for… interrupting your day with shit news?” He then offered, though it came out more like a question than an apology. “Gotta stop texting you in bad situations.” He admitted, an embarrassed grin on his face. 
The description was doing little to settle Wyatt’s nerves about the whole thing, and then came the name. Caleb? Caleb had— “Stabbed you?” He asked stupidly. It was less of a question and more of a statement of disbelief, his blue eyes following his friend’s gesture to his side and his stomach twisting up in knots. Charlie was saying something about Finn, about admitting things (what things? he couldn’t remember right now, his thoughts were too stuck on Caleb stabbing his friend. what the fuck?) that he regretted, and then he was cracking wise. Smirking, deflecting his own physical and emotional pain with humor, much like Wyatt would’ve, but the lamia was still stuck on the first part. 
“Yeah,” he said numbly. “Yeah… next one better be… good news.” He glanced around the room for a chair, spotting one against the wall at the foot of the bed. Moving to grab it, Wyatt dragged it over to the bedside and plopped down, running a hand through his hair. He couldn’t… handle the whole Caleb aspect of this right now, especially not while Charlie was still hurt and mad about it, so he decided to focus elsewhere. 
“Sorry, you said you called Finn? What happened? You told him that you… like him?” It shouldn’t have stung, but it did. He had no right to be hurt by it, but he was. Whatever.
Charlie nodded his head quietly when he realized that Wyatt wasn’t following as he kept talking a mile a minute, deciding to take this as Wyatt’s speed instead of his own. “Yeah. Fuckin’ looked me in the eyes and stabbed me.” Charlie confirmed, pointing a finger to his heavily bandaged side. He watched Wyatt’s expression, realizing that there were some gears turning behind those eyes. “Fuck, you know him, don’t you?” He accused the other, sitting up in the bed and wincing a bit. He blinked, and then Wyatt was covering it all up with a layer of ‘fine.’ But Charlie knew him and liked to think he knew him pretty damn well.
“I’ll… do my best,” Charlie responded, slumping back down into the bed and watching as Wyatt dragged a seat over to sit beside him. “I told Finn that I… had feelings for him, and it scared him off.” He spoke, staring down at his hands. “I was an idiot.” He buried his face into his hands, letting out a noise of frustration. “So I’ve lost a friend, I’ve been stabbed and now you’re here to watch me fall apart.” Charlie’s voice cracked as he spoke, blinking as he stared into space, knowing that if he looked over to Wyatt he'd crumble apart like a house of cards.
“I’m tired of losing people.” He finally admitted, looking over to Wyatt, big brown eyes staring into his friend. “I’ve lost everyone, but… but you.” He realized, giving a sad smile. “So, thanks for not ditching my ass. I think I’d lose my fucking mind, actually.” Charlie decided as he went back to slumping back in the bed. “I, uh. You matter to me.” He decided, not knowing if that would scare off Wyatt too. But he decided that he’d rather scare off Wyatt too than have another person abandon him. “So run now if that scares you too much.” He grumbled, closing his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest.
The accusation had only been met with a soft shake of his head. One thing at a time, he’d silently asked of Charlie, compartmentalizing the fact that Caleb, who had seemed different the last time they’d seen each other (and who he hadn’t spoken to since) was capable of such a thing. Even if he was different… still. Just stabbing someone? That didn’t make sense. Even if Wyatt had been a bad influence, it just… it didn’t make sense. 
Anger flared in his chest at the suggestion that Finn might’ve hung up on Charlie after he’d spoken his truth, especially if Charlie had thought he was dying. “You’re not an idiot, shut up,” he countered. His frown softened before he spoke again, watching Charlie resign himself to another friend abandoning him as he leaned back in the bed, closed his eyes, and settled into a defensive position. “And you’re not gonna lose me.” He knew he wasn’t the most… well. He knew what kind of a person he was, but he also knew that Charlie was the only person in his life that knew everything about him. Actually everything, not the lies he often told to make himself appear more… palatable. So he owed it to Charlie to be better, didn’t he? To be there for him in a way that Wyatt had never tried before, because he’d never cared enough about anyone to want to. But he didn’t want to lose this friendship either, not now that he’d been so fucking… honest about it. “I’m not runnin’ anywhere, got it? You matter to me too.” He scooted the chair closer, folding his arms and resting them on top of the handrail of the bed, followed by his chin. After a short beat of silence, the shifter extended one arm out over Charlie’s lap, palm up. “I mean it.”
Narrowing his eyes a touch as Wyatt decided to come back to Charlie’s accusatory statement, he rolled his eyes but nodded his head in agreement. It rubbed him the wrong way, knowing that Wyatt possibly knew this person. But deciding to let it lie for Wyatt’s own sanity, Charlie forced himself not to ruminate on it. If he wanted to talk about it, he would.
Charlie frowned as Wyatt told him he wasn’t an idiot. He sure felt like it. And Finn had stayed with him every step of the way after he’d said it and then passed out on him. He’d confessed his feelings to Finn while bleeding out on him. What the fuck was wrong with him? Charlie squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head. He felt like the world’s biggest jerk, flipping Finn’s life upside down like that. “He came to my location, and I… thought that was it, y’know?” He shrugged his shoulders weakly, staring up at the ceiling as he recounted the experience. “He stayed with me, he… and then when I remembered what I did, he left.” Charlie groaned, throwing his head back. “Dude has my fuckin’ car keys now.” He realized, squeezing his eyes shut. He wanted to be out of the hospital and back at home. 
Taking in Wyatt’s words, Charlie began to blink, what… did that mean? “I… yeah. Me too.” Charlie responded, reaching out and taking Wyatt’s hand, squeezing it weakly. He felt weird, not knowing what that meant for either of them. Wyatt wasn’t leaving him, but now they’d told each other… well, all that. “I know that’s not what was supposed to happen. Feelings.” He let go of Wyatt’s hand to wiggle his fingers in the air, a tired smile on his face. He felt like he went a round with a chainsaw. And lost. He groaned, leaning back in bed as pain radiated through his side. “What’s that mean?” He then asked, unsure where this left them. Felt better to talk about it then let it sit. He wasn’t sure what he wanted that to mean. Did he want it to mean something? No, he should… he was literally just telling Wyatt about Finn. Wyatt and he had a good time, and he loved the guy, but as a friend. He would always be at his side if it was asked of him.
Okay, so the situation hadn’t happened exactly as he’d imagined it. That was… good. Yeah. Probably. It made it less easy to be angry with Finn, but definitely not impossible. Wyatt decided at that moment that if it’d been him, he wouldn’t have bailed. Whether or not that was true was very much an unknown, as again… he’d never been faced with this kind of situation before. And he’d definitely never been faced with the situation Finn had been in. People just didn’t do that with him. He’d felt romantic love before, but reciprocity was all but foreign to him. It never got there, it always ended with a goodbye instead. And for all the times he’d said it was fine, that he didn’t want a relationship, Wyatt was actually almost never the one to make that decision. People walked away from him all the time. He knew what loss felt like. So he just listened to Charlie finish explaining, quietly nodding his head. He wasn’t sure what was the right thing to say anyway, and since he was so spectacular at saying the wrong thing, he figured silence was probably his best friend right now. 
That is, until Charlie asked him something directly. His friend wanted clarity. It wasn’t a clarity Wyatt was sure he could provide. Rolling some words around in his head, the shifter took his hand back and tucked his forearm beneath his chin, appearing thoughtful (a rare sight in its own right). First things first, though… 
“That’s all right. Feelin’s happen, sometimes.” That felt like a loaded statement. His distant gaze refocused as he flicked it back up to meet Charlie’s, holding there for a moment in quiet contemplation. “And it means… whatever it needs to mean.” Non committal, as was his way. Perhaps to the point of self-sabotage. Wyatt could try to argue and say that it was selfless, considering the Finn of it all, and while that wasn’t untrue… It was a fear of the unknown that really forced him to hold his tongue. Maybe there would be a time and a place to be more honest with Charlie and with himself, but here in this hospital room, neither of those things could be found. “You got a lot to think about,” he added quietly, lifting his head again and leaning back into his seat. So did he. His thoughts wandered back to Caleb, and he frowned. He was going to have to talk to him, wasn’t he? Fuck.
Charlie stared into space for a long time, letting the silence take him over and seep into his marrow. He didn’t know what to say. While he had feelings, they weren’t the only ones he had. It was a confusing and downright annoying feeling that he wanted to shove away like with everything else in his life. He opened his mouth to speak when a nurse came in to check on Charlie and give him medication. He inwardly sighed in relief, glad that the moment was interrupted so he wouldn’t have to think about it any longer. The silence spread further as the nurse passed him his meds and he took them quickly, eyes darting around anywhere but Wyatt. It was easier that way. It was just like what Finn had done to him hours before. 
“Yeah, I do.” He finally admitted after the nurse left. “And I’ve got nothing to do but fuckin’ sit here and brood about it too, so.” He shrugged his shoulders helplessly. “Think of me when you’re freely walking out of the hospital and not hooked up to wires.” He spoke, voice a fake forlorn tone, desperate to lighten the mood in whatever way he possibly could. 
“I just… know that he’ll eventually want to talk. We’ve been close for over ten years, you know? I… don’t think I want to be alone when that happens.” He admitted, looking over to Wyatt with an unspoken question for him to help him out if the time ever came. “I’m stupid when it comes to him, I know I’ll get myself more hurt than I started out with, so if you could just shut me up before that happens, I’d greatly appreciate it.” 
“Don’t worry, I will. N’ I’ll make sure I do aaaaaaaaall  the things you can’t right now… for the both of us!”
Was Charlie asking him to help when it came time for a conversation with Finn? Seriously? Wyatt would have protested, but had to acknowledge the fact that he’d been cagey and vague about… everything. And Charlie wasn’t saying that he wanted Wyatt to help fix things there, but just to shut him up before he put himself through needless pain. 
Hm. Now that he thought more about it, that was something Wyatt could do. It felt shitty to know that Charlie’s concern arose from a place of such… affection for Finn, but whatever. He could just pretend that wasn’t the case, as he did with most things. “Yeah, man. I can do that,” he agreed with a forced smile. He’d stop Charlie from saying a goddamn thing, is what he would do. Make ol’ Finnyboy explain himself for being such a coward—hm, maybe not. That might appeal to Charlie’s better nature, if it was anything like a sob story. Nah, he’d be there. And he’d be sure to keep the whole thing as prickly as possible. He’d make sure to remind Charlie how much he hurt right now, and not let time heal that wound. If it was fresh in his mind, he’d be less likely to say something stupid.  Less likely to do something that would make Wyatt wonder what the fuck was wrong with him, why he was always second best to so many people.
But he wasn’t thinking about that right now! Nope. That was a future Wyatt problem.
Charlie was trying to stay present in the conversation, he was. But every time he blinked, he saw Gareth behind his eyelids. He saw that sweet man who just wanted Charlie to flourish. The man that Charlie had never wanted, but settled for anyway. God, he was an asshole. Charlie squeezed his eyes shut and groaned, burying his face in his hands. All this time, he’d been so stupid. “I… am a needy bastard.” He told Wyatt, shaking his head. “I don’t think you’re down to be with someone as fucked up as me.” He admitted, the light and zest for life completely zapped out of his eyes. “You’re… hot as fuck, great to talk to, I feel like we clicked instantly. But me? I’m running from a monster that I can’t outrun.” Charlie looked positively haunted when he said those words, curling up in on himself in the bed. 
He closed his eyes again, and he saw Lindz and Vik’s happy smiles. He was celebrating his 28th birthday with them. They were alive and full of life, both hugging Charlie close in a weird hug that had caused him to burst into laughter. He loved his friends, they were his everything. They were… gone. They weren’t coming back. More than anything, Charlie wanted to be loved. He wanted to be cared for, he wanted what his friends had once given him. When they died, it had been stripped away from him and forced him to look at the raw parts of himself. He didn’t like what he saw. 
“I’m broken parts,” Charlie finally said as he opened his eyes to look at Wyatt, feeling small and dirty. “You don’t want this.” Charlie shook his head, certain that he was correct in his words, spiraling faster than his mind could keep up with. It should have been him dead in that graveyard from zombies. Not his friends. It should have been him to bite the dust, and his friends to continue on in his memory. Not them. A tear escaped his eyes, and Charlie felt the grief crash upon him like a tsunami. He had been holding it back ever since the night they died. And now? Now he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
Wyatt listened quietly until Charlie seemed finished, until the tears came and he looked overcome with the weight of everything that had happened to him lately. 
It was an expression that Wyatt had become very familiar with over the last few months, seeing it each time he looked in the mirror. Each time he was alone, desperate and grasping for any kind of connection only to find emptiness, his eyes always found themselves in a reflective surface. What’s wrong with me? he’d thought. He still thought that, especially now. Especially as Charlie tried to push him away, tried to discount whatever it was that they’d had going on since that day his friend had pulled him out of a pit in the woods by throwing himself under the bus. 
But what did that say about Wyatt? That Finn was good enough, but he wasn’t? That Finn could handle needy, broken parts, but he could not? 
He looked down at his lap, chewing his bottom lip for a moment before speaking. 
“Broken parts. Yeah… me too.” A pause. A soft inhale, eyes rising to meet Charlie’s gaze. “Do you think that’s why we’re unlovable?” The hurt was clear now. It flashed across his features like a deer leaping across a country road, illuminated for a split second by headlights, then gone again. He shook his head, looking away. “I said I wouldn’t go anywhere, and I won’t… unless you want me to. If you don’t want me here, I’ll leave.”
When Wyatt agreed that he was broken too, Charlie’s hand shot out and grabbed Wyatt’s hand, eyes serious and focused. “You are not unlovable.” He told him, eyes boring into Wyatt’s. “You’re…” he didn’t know what to say. “I mean, I thought you weren’t… interested in something like that. I mean. Monogamy.” Charlie wiggled his fingers, as if the idea was a mystical idea. 
Charlie let go of Wyatt’s hand, relaxing back into the bed, feeling restricted with all the wires and IVs. “I just think you could do better than someone doomed by the narrative, ya know?” He sighed, thinking of the day he inevitably died and became a zombie. 
Finn didn’t want him, how could Wyatt? How could anyone? He let his friends die. “So much fucking better,” he muttered under his breath before he shifted in the bed and made a grunt of pain. “Shit, this sucks.” 
“It’s fine,” Wyatt lied. It wasn’t fair of him to be upset. He’d never acted like a real relationship was something that he’d wanted, so it wasn’t like it was Charlie’s fault for not knowing. Hell, he didn’t even know himself. He didn’t know what he wanted. He didn’t know what he was capable of. He didn’t know how he could ever have something like that, considering the life that he lived. Whoever he was with would only worry about him, and how was that fair? 
It wasn’t. He wanted something, maybe, or he at least wanted something that resembled stability so that he could not feel alone, but he couldn’t have it. Not while the Grit Pit had him by the short hairs. 
“I don’t think you’re doomed,” Wyatt said quietly. “I think you got pretty shit fucking hand, but there’s still something beyond the door, you know?” There was eternity beyond the door, a concept that was too abstract for a mind like Wyatt’s. “It’s what you make of it that matters. I think you… I think you could still have a lot of good things behind that door.” A pause. “Maybe in front of it, too.” This wasn’t fair of him. He knew it. He knew it. “I just wanna… I…” The shifter sucked in a breath. “No one else knows shit about me like you do. I’ve never… told anyone. Never let them in like that. I don’t know what that means, and I don’t know what I want. But I just… the only thing I do know is that I want you… to be… happy. Or as close to it as folks like us can get.” He offered his friend a somber smile. He meant it, of course he did, but he was being selfish about it, too. Whatever path Charlie decided to walk, Wyatt knew he would be selfish about it. 
Sitting in silence after Wyatt spoke, Charlie was unsure of himself. He was unsure of his future, unsure of his own path in things, but he knew one thing; he wanted Wyatt in his life. If he said no to him romantically, would that mean a life without him in it forever? Charlie didn’t want that. He wanted Wyatt in his life. Wyatt was keeping him afloat after the death of his bandmates, of his best friends. A life without Wyatt in it wasn’t a life he wanted. He wouldn’t lose anyone else, no matter what that meant. So without saying another word, Charlie scooted over to one side of the bed and patted the now free space beside him. 
“I’m happy you told me how you’re feeling,” Charlie said gently as he watched Wyatt, gaze gentle and sincere. When Wyatt settled beside Charlie in the bed, Charlie leaned his head against Wyatt’s shoulder and took a deep breath. He wasn’t sure what Wyatt wanted, and it wasn’t a call Charlie could make for him. “You’ve been there for me when others weren’t. You offered me a place to stay, you told me your truth when I thought that I was living in some life alone that no one else could understand. But you… you got it. You understand what it’s like to be different in a world where difference just isn’t okay.”
Charlie lifted his head from Wyatt’s shoulder, a thoughtful look on his face as gears in his head began to turn. “I want you in my life, however that looks. However you want it to look.” Charlie decided, turning his head to face the shifter. “But I’m not going to push you into something that’s too far for you.” Charlie decided. “You need to be the one to make that decision, not me.” He put a hand to his chest, emphasizing his point. 
The truth of the matter was that his relationship with Gareth was a sham. He always knew it to be true. He was with Gareth because he knew he was in love with someone he could never have. It turned into love eventually, but that didn’t stop Charlie from feeling like one son of a bitch about it. Charlie had tunnel vision for Finn. There was no good reason for it, Finn never reciprocated those feelings. And yet, it had always been that way. But the idea of letting Wyatt walk away, it didn’t sit right with him. For the first time, there was someone in his life that wanted him. For the first time, Charlie had someone he wanted that wanted him back. “But… if you did want something serious, my answer… would be yes.” He finally decided, brown eyes glued to Wyatt’s.
He wasn’t sure what his goal was, here. Maybe he was just tired of being alone. Maybe he was feeling possessive, even though Finn had known Charlie longer, because Wyatt was the one sharing his bed, wasn’t he? He was the one trying to fill all the gaps that had been left in the wake of Charlie’s friends being gone, the one agreeing to all the stupid, dangerous ideas… all with a smile. And he did like the way Charlie would look at him sometimes, like he saw something that no one else did. He liked how Charlie would be there when he woke from a nightmare after failing to stay awake, telling him that everything was okay, that he was okay. He needed to hear it more than he realized, most nights. 
So he thought hard as he sat there on the bed beside his friend, feeling the weight of the other’s head upon his shoulder. You need to be the one to make that decision, not me. He’d never been faced with such a decision before. Things had always gone… unspoken, until they were spoken, at which point the other person walked away. But Charlie was asking him to decide, not asking him if anything they’d been doing even fucking mattered. He wasn’t shouting, he wasn’t crying, and he wasn’t telling Wyatt to get lost. He wasn’t telling him that he’d text him, when they both knew that was a lie. This wasn’t an ultimatum, it was just a question. 
He felt confused. People didn’t ask him questions without freaking out afterward. He didn’t want that. But… Charlie was saying yes. Without knowing Wyatt’s answer, his friend was saying yes. 
This was heavy. This was untrodden territory, and Wyatt didn’t particularly love the unknown aspect of it. But how much would change, he wondered? He would still come home after fights needing a little r&r, and Charlie would still be there to help. He would still crawl into the other’s bed in the middle of the night seeking comfort in touch, only maybe now they wouldn’t need separate bedrooms. He didn’t know. He didn’t know about any of this, except for the certainty that he didn’t want the man’s presence in his life to diminish. 
So it seemed like there was only one answer, and the lamia nodded his head. He lifted his gaze to find Charlie, the soulful brown doe-eyes staring back at him bringing an abrupt and genuine grin to his face. “Yeah… mine would be too,” he agreed. “Or. It is—uh.” He gave a shake of his head, chuckling at himself. “You know what I mean.”
Wyatt answered Charlie’s request, and it shocked him. Instead of claiming he had to leave, he stayed. He sat there next to Charlie and smiled at him. He stayed, and he looked into his eyes and for once, Charlie felt like someone wanted to stay with him. For once, things weren’t being ripped out of his grasp before he was ready to let go. For once, he had something. He had someone. Charlie blinked, an equally as genuine smile melting onto his face as he leaned forward to press his forehead against Wyatt’s.
“You’ve always got somewhere you belong with me, you got that?” Charlie told the other, keeping his head against the other’s. “I don’t care what you do or that your normal form isn’t this.” Charlie squeezed at Wyatt’s arms, rolling his eyes. “You deserve someone that sees the real you and accepts that. I’m sorry that… I’m the first person you felt you could trust with this.”
His gaze fell downward as he thought about that night at the grit pit, of how he’d almost been strangled because that handler had realized that Wyatt and Charlie cared about each other. They’d only been back in each other’s lives for a month, but it felt like that month was enough to give Charlie the care and attention that he needed to not let the world fall apart from underneath him. 
It was strange to talk like this with Wyatt, to be intimate with someone whom Charlie had assumed wasn’t interested in anything like that. “Just know that I don’t… share well.” Charlie decided, knowing that he had to lay down that law before they took another step forward in the direction they were heading down. “Like, at all.” Charlie lay back into the bed properly, suddenly feeling the exhaustion of the day’s events hitting him. He closed his eyes, feeling the pain in his side where he’d been stabbed. 
His brows furrowed at the pain, wincing and hissing in pain as he tried to move. “Shit, this hurts.” He admitted, letting his eyes open to stare into the hospital room, not toward Wyatt. “I almost fucking died, huh?” He finally let it hit him, that Finn had watched his friend be intubated and told that Charlie may not wake up. There was a chance that he would have turned into a zombie there and then. “Fuck.” He croaked, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
All those things he’d been doing to feel alive, they’d been furthering him closer to a fate he wasn’t sure he wanted any part in. Did he want to be a zombie or did he want to live out as much of his human life as he possibly could? He wasn’t sure. What he was sure of, was that he had someone willing to stand by him when the one person in the world thought would stand by him had abandoned him. Finn left him there and didn’t come back. But Wyatt? Wyatt showed up. He had continually showed up when Charlie needed him. So instead of words, Charlie just took Wyatt’s hand and squeezed it. They didn’t need words. Not right now.
Giving a gentle shrug of his shoulders, Wyatt tried not to think too much about how Charlie was the first person in recent memory that knew all his stupid little facets… more or less. Being a lamia, being a contracted fighter, eating people with some regularity to keep himself well fed… the latter might have been sugarcoated a little bit, but it wasn’t like what he’d said to Caleb, that he didn’t make a habit of it. Yes he fuckin’ did. 
Right. Caleb. The memory soured his stomach, knowing that even though they hadn’t spoken since that night and things could pretty much be considered done… he’d stabbed Charlie. Why the fuck had he stabbed Charlie? It was a question he needed answered, straight from the horse’s mouth, but it wasn’t a conversation he wanted to initiate. Whatever. He could think about that later. Focus.  
“Yeah… I figured,” he answered softly in response to the boundary Charlie had put in front of him. He thought first of Kieran, and it made his throat tighten. It was fine. That wasn’t—it wasn’t like that, it was just fun. Just very…. therapeutic fun. He could find other ways to supplement that, right? Right. He totally could. Wyatt glanced over at Charlie, and found himself hoping that this would be worth it. Hoping that having someone who liked him for who he really was would help… fix him, maybe. He was so tired of hiding. And tired of being tired, frankly. He slept better when Charlie was around. 
“You sure did. Be careful, I hear that’s bad for your health,” Wyatt quipped, wrapping an arm around Charlie’s shoulders with care. His hand was grasped as they settled in beside one another, and the lamia leaned his head back against the bed, looking up at the ceiling. 
He still didn’t feel great, but he felt better than before. More secure. Less like his life was falling apart around him. Yeah… this was nice. He could get used to it, he thought.
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liquidstar · 2 years
ilisten i have 0 stakes at all in the mario movie but i feel like the “ugh not another isekai” sentiment is getting passed around for no real reason. “isekai” is not a bad thing? it just refers to the trope of someone from the normal world getting sent to somekind of fantasy world (sometimes in reverse too)- here we call those “portal fantasies” and its not a singular genre.
anime fans who are disgruntled by the overinflation of shitty and cheaply written isekai being produced often complain about it but... i feel like people online have seen others complain about the overinflation of lazily written isekai and, without really understanding what the complaints were, somehow got the message that portal fantasies are a Bad Trope which isnt true. 
its SUCH an old and common trope you can find it everywhere from mythologies about fairfolk to... you know what heres a list
spirited away
the owl house
every heart a doorway
otherside picnic
infinity train
the chronicals of narnia
hairy farter
stranger things
that one episode of adventure time where finn went to a pillow dimension
peter pan
lost, debatably
angel beats
the haunted house game in goosebumps
code lyoko
the neverending story 
any episode of supernatural where they go to hell or an alternate timeline
alice in wonderland
fullmetal alchemist 2003
that episode of kim possible where they have to go inside a video game
the matrix
believe it or not fucking homestuck has it on like 3 levels
over the garden wall 
the little mermaid, debatably
the wizard of oz
rwby but only vol 9
the fairly oddparents’ channel chasers movie
that teen titans episode where they go into a tv
the devil is a part-timer 
any episode of wizards of waverly place where they go to the wizard world
cool world
planet of the apes until the twist happens
space jam
mlp equestria girls
and yes sword art online and all those other ones
like, you see how incredibly different all these things are? how much variety there is in tone, genre, demographic, themes, story, characters, all that? “isekai” isnt this monolithic thing its really just a trope. it can be used in good ways, it can be used in bad ways, no big. but its kind of sad seeing people take a cinemasins approach to it where they assume that Trope=Bad. its not! its one of the most classic and varied ones...
anyway in terms of the mario movie specifically, like i said idc, and you can for sure critique how the portal fantasy is written in it. it could be bad lol idk, but dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. 
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greaseonmymouth · 11 months
9, 13, 24… and, you know what, 20 bc I’m curious 😂
9. What is your favorite summer activity?
trying not to melt from the heat! although this week has been balmy in the low twenties with rain on/off, today it is 17 degrees and raining and I'm not complaining. I made myself hot chocolate.
other than that, sitting outside in the evenings in good company and enjoying the long nights! haven't got to do that in a while and tbr it works better somewhere that isn't the south of England (by which I mean Denmark at the very least but ideally like Finland or Iceland) because the light lasts longer there.
13. What fandom do you consume the most content for?
at the moment?? I think I'm between fandoms?? I'm sort of poking at things here and there and just reading whatever I feel like across a wide variety of fandoms. Historically though, that would be HP, SPN and MCU, and also because of the sheer number of fics available in these which means there's always something there to find...
24. Current hyperfixation?
the caterpillars in my tiny herb garden. no for real, I have a caterpillar problem so this past ten days or so, every 30 minutes (when home and not in the office or otherwise out of the house) I go check for caterpillars so I can pluck them off. (haven't found any in 48 hours so maybe I am Free.)
I think the only other thing that comes close to a hyperfixation at the moment is my bookbinding spreadsheets, I have been re-organising my stuff and cleaning up spreadsheets to keep track of everything and now I'm at a point where there are no more spreadsheets that can feasibly be made. I mean, I probably could just invent some, but like, I am capable of reason.
20. What are the fanfics you’ve ever read?
...I don't know how to answer this question :''D what does this even mean :'''''D
you know what FUCK IT let's have the 5 most recently read fics from my AO3 history no cheating
so. we spacemen in geardagum by indigostohelit (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42430848) a Star Trek fic in old English (there's a modern English backtranslation in chapter 2). actually considering binding this one with the two texts side by side and ALSO transliterating it into futhorc. somebody stop me
Cas + Dean 4Ever by Tuesday (https://archiveofourown.org/works/66459) a classic! I actually bound this one the other day, just haven't posted any photos because it's a simple paperback experiment and I'm going to do a group post when I've got a few more bindings like that
Miss by mistr3ssquickly (https://archiveofourown.org/works/48372088) this is smutty Ballister Boldheart/Ambrosius Goldenloin fic
The Music Room by CinnamonAndPancakes (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38755788) this is smutty Metal Lords (Hunter/Clay) fic
Treasures by yeaka (https://archiveofourown.org/works/849107) this is smutty Kirk/Spock fic
the reason we're stopping here and not doing 10 most recently read is because the next 5 fics are just smutty Finn/Poe fic and look I don't need to air ALL my dirty laundry. if you ask nicely I'll link you the one with Poe in a gold bikini
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grizzlyofthesea · 1 year
I have a dumb idea.
Buzzfeed has AI quizzes now (AI is everywhere now for some reason), and this one caught my eye since I've always loved mermaids. And then I thought to relate it back to TMNT, because of course. I decided to take the quiz once for myself in character as Regiomontanus, once for each of the turtles, and once for April. These results may not be the most reliable out there, and the names are a little wacky since the quiz is likely assuming female takers, but it was fun. Here's what I got.
My mermaid name is Aprilla and my tail is a beautiful turquoise color, with tiny sparkles covering my fin. My sidekick is a Bottlenose Dolphin named Duke, who guides me all around the ocean. The city I live in is Coral Reef; it is home to dolphins, whales, and a variety of colorful fish. Every day I swim to all the different coral caves and explore the depths of the ocean. I enjoy swimming with the dolphins and playing tag among the sea stars. I also love talking to the mermaids and learning new magical tricks in our underwater kingdom.
My mermaid name is Regeo. My tail is a deep teal with streaks of bright pinks and oranges, shimmering and sparkling in the sunlit depths of the ocean. My sidekick is a brightly patterned Moorish Idol named Glitter. Together, we explore the wonders of the seafloor, from sunlit coral gardens to dark and mysterious trenches. From time to time, we visit the underwater city of Callemon, my home. There, I pass the time catching and trading seashells with fellow mermaids, racing through fields of swaying seaweed and zipping around the city on our scaly friends, sharing stories and secrets with friends old and new.
My life as a mermaid, Raphaelia, is filled with enchantment. My tail is a shimmering turquoise, with vibrant pink and orange scales along the upper half. I thrive in the underwater city of Nassquah, where I have many friends and adventures. My closest companion is a playful angelfish named Finn. We spend our days exploring sunken shipwrecks, swimming with dolphins, learning magical new spells, and chasing rainbows of color through vibrantly-hued coral reefs. We also love helping to protect our beautiful aquatic homes from pollution and fishing nets. In Nassquah, I'm never bored—my life is a continuous magical journey!
My mermaid name is Leonida and my tail is a majestic white and light blue combo that shimmers in the sun. My sidekick is a Nemo-like clownfish named Antonia. We regularly explore the ocean on whimsical journeys filled with exciting adventures. We usually return to our underwater city, Corallian, which is a small but vibrant town located in the depths of the Atlantic. During our time in Corallian, I often enjoy making music with my dolphin friends, searching for sunken treasure, and swimming in the shipwrecks littered in the bay.
My mermaid name is Donatella, and my tail is a glittering turquoise and emerald mermaid tail with pearl scales. I live in the underwater city of Neptune Bay, which is home to a multitude of marine life. My sidekick is Pebbles, a small yellow and blue striped fish. In Neptune Bay, I enjoy swimming with dolphins and exploring the coral reefs. I have a number of mermaid friends and we often have singing contests with the fish and dolphins. Each night, I rest on a bed of white sand and gaze up at the twinkling stars. Life as a mermaid is liberating and I couldn't be happier.
My name as a mermaid is Michelamar, and my tail is shimmering aquamarine with golden accents. I reside in the beautiful city of Atlanina, located on the seafloor, which is bustling with life and activity. My sidekick is Coralessa, a cheerful clownfish who loves to follow me around. I spend my days swimming around the many coral reefs, exploring the vast ocean and playing with the other fish. I often like to gather with other merfolk in the city and socialize, competing in various mermaid challenges such as tail races and pearl hunting. Other activities I enjoy are creating stunning sand sculptures and gazing at the starfish.
No kidding, I'm thinking of making an AU out of this. I may change some design details, too (because 5 out of 6 characters having blue-green tails is kind of lame), but merturtles is such a silly concept, I can't help but love it and want to make it a thing.
What do you guys think?
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mediaevalmusereads · 2 years
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The Good Girl’s Guide to Rakes. By Eva Leigh. Avon, 2022.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: historical romance
Part of a Series? Yes, Last Chance Scoundrels #1
Summary: When Kieran Ransome’s latest antics result in a massive scandal, his father issues an ultimatum: find a respectable wife or inherit nothing. But as one of London’s most inveterate scoundrels, Kieran doesn’t know any ladies who fit the bill. Or does he? Celeste Kilburn is a society darling, beloved by influential members of the ton. But keeping a spotless reputation leaves little room for adventure and she longs to escape her gilded cage, especially with her impending engagement to a stuffy earl. When Kieran—her older brother’s best friend and an irresistibly attractive rogue—begs for her help, Celeste makes a deal: she’ll introduce him to the right social circles if he’ll show her the scandalous side of London. In between proper teas and garden parties, Kieran escorts Celeste—disguised as “Salome”—to rowdy gaming hells, wild fêtes, and sensual art salons. As they spend more time together, their initial attraction builds to a desperate desire that neither can ignore. But when someone discovers their midnight exploits, Celeste’s freedom and reputation are endangered, and Kieran must save the woman he loves… respectable or not.
***Full review under the cut.***
***Minor spoilers in the last paragraph of the Romance section.***
Content Warnings: graphic sexual content
Overview: This book came at the recommendation of my friend Amanda, though I probably would have picked it up on my own in time. We’re both admirers of Eva Leigh, so we were excited to learn about this new series. Overall, I very much enjoyed this book as I did Leigh’s Union of Rakes series; like the others, there was a focus on women’s empowerment and a nice variety of characters, with POC and queer characters just casually dropped into the London scene (making them feel naturally part of the setting). The only reason I don’t give this book a higher rating is that I felt like I read a similar plot in one of Leigh’s earlier novels, Forever Your Earl. A lot of The Good Girl’s Guide involves the heroine being “shown around” the seedier parts of London, which is all well and good, except that Leigh has already had a shot at this. Granted, I think The Good Girl’s Guide accomplishes its goals way better than Forever Your Earl, so I’m going with a solid 4 stars.
Writing: Leigh’s prose is about what you’d expect for the genre, but I don’t mean that as a condemnation. Rather, I think Leigh is very good at making her prose appear effortless while balancing showing and telling in a way that makes the pace feel quick, yet not rushed. I also find Leigh’s prose to flow well, making the experience as a whole pleasant and joyful.
Plot: The non-romance plot of this book follows Kieran Ransome - the third son of an earl and a notorious rake. Kieran is placed in a predicament after he and his brother, Finn, help their best friend, Dom, escape marriage to the Ransome’s younger sister, Willa. After Dom leaves Willa at the altar, the resulting scandal leads both families to offer an ultimatum: all three must find respectable brides within a year or be financially cut off forever.
Not knowing how to salvage his rakish reputation, Kieran turns to Dom’s sister, Celeste Kilburn. Celeste has a sterling reputation, and is thus the perfect person to introduce Kieran to the respectable ladies of the ton; however, Celeste has an ultimatum of her own: she will not help Kieran unless he agrees to show her around the seedier side of London. You see, Celeste has the enormous burden of being the sole hope of putting her family in good social standing. After Dom leaves Willa, Celeste’s father is hoping his daughter will marry well, and there’s even more pressure since the Kilburn family comes from humble beginnings - they aren’t nobility, but “new money,” and thus need to act perfectly in order to earn the ton’s respect.
What I liked about this plot was that a lot of it focused on Celeste’s agency. Celeste doesn’t merely want cheap thrills, but longs to be in charge of her own life, free to act how she wants rather than how society dictates a “proper” young lady should be. Thus, I appreciated that Leigh wrote Celeste as visiting venues where people were free to be themselves - parties with queer people loving each other openly, poetry sessions with actors and performers, the homes of her former neighbors in Ratcliffe (the slum where she and her family lived for the first 12 years of her life). I never felt like the book was trying to suggest that gambling hells, cast parties, or the like were scandalous; rather, they all felt like places where Celeste could explore both herself and human nature without the restrictions of society.
The only criticism I have is that I think this plot resembled that of Forever Your Earl a little too much, though the themes are definitely distinct enough where I didn’t feel like I was reading the same book twice. Perhaps this criticism is unfair; if you haven’t read Forever Your Earl, you’ll likely have little problem, though I do think this book and the Wicked Quills series take place in the same universe.
Characters: Celeste, our heroine, is likeable in that she longs for her freedom and rejects the role that society (and her family) has forced on her. Celeste is sympathetic because she and her family grew up poor, so their social standing is a lot more precarious than families of the nobility. I enjoyed watching Celeste navigate the demands placed on her with her true desires, and I loved that her desires involved her actually engaging with people of lower classes, not just simple seeking out hedonistic pleasure.
Kieran, our hero, is also likeable in that he’s a rake with a secret passion for poetry. I liked that a lot of Kieran’s motivation stemmed not just from his selfish desires, but from a lifetime of seeing the marriage between his mother and father fall apart. It felt like he, too, had to learn to live the life he wanted, so his and Celeste’s character arcs felt complimentary. As an added bonus, I liked that Leigh made Kieran half-Irish but didn’t inject any Irish clichés or stereotypes that fetishize Irish characters in some romances.
Supporting characters were charming, though I think they’ll shine more as the series progresses. Kieran’s relationship with his brother, Finn, was touching in that Kieran knew how to read Finn in a way no one else could. Celeste’s friendship with her maid, Dolly, was cute, and I liked that she also had a queer friend, Rosalind, who seems to have a good time making sure Celeste has fun with Kieran. Dom, Celeste’s brother, seems like he could be a better a character, but I think he’s getting his own book, so it makes sense that a lot of focus isn’t on him.
If this book had an antagonist, it would be Lord Montford - the eldest son and heir to an earldom. Montford has his sights set on Celeste, and he’s the type of person who will go to great lengths to get what he wants. I appreciated that Montford used his cunning rather than threatening violence, and I liked that Leigh didn’t make him outrageously sexist or bigoted to enhance his villainy.
Romance: Celeste and Kieran’s romance is nice in that a lot of it is focused on Celeste’s agency and consent. I really appreciated that Leigh went out of her way to include affirmative, verbal, enthusiastic consent in her sex scenes, as well as weave the themes of choice and autonomy throughout the rest of the romance.
I also appreciated that though Celeste was a virgin, Leigh didn’t write her as ignorant, nor did she make the sex scenes a bloody, painful mess. I know it’s a low bar to clear these days, but I still feel grateful every time. I’m not a fan of virginal protagonists, but when they’re written well, I don’t mind as much.
Perhaps the thing I liked most about this romance, however, was that each character’s personal arc mirrored the other, which made their connection feel more real and strengthened by emotional intimacy. Not only does Celeste get “set free” to explore her desires, but Kieran experiences freedom for himself. Celeste sees past his rakish façade and gives him the courage to be himself, praising his skills in the gambling hell and writing poetry where normally, those things would be considered useless. Moreover, I really liked that their romance didn’t end with Kieran’s reformation. While Kieran is a rake, the only thing that truly gets “reformed” is his womanizing; he and Celeste still decide to experience all of life’s joys together, rather than alone. As a result, it felt less like Kieran was being fundamentally changed and more like both characters were being freed from shame.
TL;DR: The Good Girl’s Guide to Rakes is a fun historical romance centered around the theme of women’s freedom and agency. While the plot resembled that of Forever Your Earl in some superficial ways, the execution of this book felt more polished, making a much more enjoyable read.
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thepocket221 · 1 year
Finn smokes weed :)
weed/substance intake cw for strangers uncomfortable with the topic /nm //
he grows it himself too and has the best joints around
definitely the type to get super fucking hungry when he’s high. but when it’s in more of a blunt rotation scenario, he gets emotional. still hungry, but he’s just eating while sobbing. love him dearly🫶🫶
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,,, also finn with grandma glasses bc methinks he would have multiple pairs depending on the occasion.
since finn and jack are besties, i wanted to include him. don’t have enough jack content out there and i know someone wants to see him again(i see you, jack fans, and i hear you🫡‼️)
he and finn have nicknames for each other. jack referring to finn as “goldie/goldie locks” and finn calling jack “copper” or “bronze”. they do have “normal” nicknames for each other though; buddy and pal
jack gets slightly agitated while high. not like, because he’s actually angry, just more prone to it. and it definitely doesn’t help that his bro is basically stealing all of his food.
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drew finn with his tiddies partially out,, thinking abt finn tits now,,,
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musecaravan-info · 9 months
Finn Ilios
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"You are magic. Don't ever apologize for the fire in you." ~ Unknown ~
Basic Information
AGE: Very Old; born in 8000 BCE - probably during the summer months
EYES: A blue so pale it's almost disconcerting
HAIR: Bright Orange; she usually wears it long and loose down her back
PRIMARY OUTFIT: She loves a variety of styles, but the themes tend to stay the same: lots of warm colors - red, orange, gold, yellow - with a splash of shine, sparkle, or glitter as accents
On the outside Finn had a very bubbly, friendly demeanor - it’s not all that she is, but it does play a large part. This is what often gives others the impression that she’s naïve or simple-minded. It’s not a façade, per say, it’s just how she chooses to be - to always see the happiness and good in things. She knows there’s bad and evil in the world, but she doesn’t want to give it power by acknowledging its existence. Like all dragons, she has a wisdom that isn’t often matched (even by Apollo) and if someone managed to make her angry it would come in a sharp burst of intensity - the kind where she wouldn’t realize or regret what she’d said or done until she’d had a chance to calm down.
Powers & Weaknesses
To avoid repetitiveness, go here.
Finn isn’t an overly sexual creature, despite how one might be mislead by her physical appearance and overly-friendly personality. She’s not immediately going to hit on someone she finds attractive, although she will openly and honestly compliment them. But Finn doesn’t see it as the same thing - she’s just being honest - not flirty. However, she appreciates sex as an act that creates pleasure for both partners, and is rarely offended or put-off when someone expresses an interest in her. Finn also doesn’t see any reason why two people need to be ‘in love’ to take part in such things, so if she were propositioned, she wouldn’t be likely to say no if the one suggesting it was someone she found physically attractive. There might be other things which would factor in that might lead her to say no (like a really terrible personality) but in general, she won’t.
Where to Find Her
Finn is one of those people that can be found just about anywhere, so in regards to picking a place to start an RP, I'm pretty flexible. Here are some generic ideas:
Ballet/Music/Theater performance
City park/botanical garden
Famous landmarks
Fashion show
Just because a verse isn't listed here doesn't mean I'm not interested in writing it. I adore all kinds of AUs, and welcome the chance to get creative with my muses. If you've seen a verse that another of my muses has, and you'd like to see this muse in something similar, let me know. You can also check out my 'Plot Ideas' tag, too. ^_^
Main Verse:
Finn's main verse can actually be explored in this bio post. It seems silly to re-type it all here. ^_^;
Current/Ongoing Threads
If your thread with Finn isn't listed here it's probably because it's been long enough since your last reply that I thought you'd dropped it. Message me to let me know you're still interested, and I'll happily add you to the list (with no pressure for a reply.) ♡
The Nature Of Secrets
Stuff That's Good to Know Before Starting a Thread
She has a sun-shaped scar over her heart where Apollo critically wounded her.
Apollo was the love of her life - her mate; there won't ever be anyone who comes close to him. However, that doesn't mean Finn isn't capable of caring/loving someone new. It won't be the same for her, but she can still show affection for someone given enough time and trust.
Please keep in mind, this blog is an ongoing work in progress. Not all of these links may lead somewhere, but they're here because they link to potential tags for this muse.
All Things Finn
All Threads
Ask Replies
Meme Replies
Special Links
Original Blog
Finn's Wardrobe
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goldiers1 · 1 year
Discover the Wonders of Brighton and Hove
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  Are you looking for a unique and exciting destination to explore? Look no further than the vibrant city of Brighton & Hove! This beautiful seaside town on England's south coast has something for everyone. From stunning beaches and tourist hotspots to delicious local cuisine, shopping opportunities, parks and gardens, and plenty of places to stay overnight – there's an abundance of things to do in Brighton & Hove. So if you're ready to delve into this coastal gem packed with activities that cater to all tastes, read on as we take a look at some of the best attractions Brighton & Hove has to offer. Get ready for a journey filled with breathtaking scenery, amazing experiences, and unforgettable memories!  
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Withdean Park, Brighton. Photo by Paul Gillett. Wikimedia.  
Exploring Brighton & Hove
Brighton and Hove offer a delightful destination for travelers serious about exploring all its historical wonders. A stroll along the vintage Palace Pier takes visitors back to the Victorian era with unparalleled views of the English Channel. The city is also full of historic gardens and parks such as Preston Park and Withdean Park, both adorned with grand sculptures, exotic plants, and centuries-old trees. Boasting miles of golden beaches there is more than enough opportunity to explore from beach soccer to building fun sandcastles! The Wonders of Brighton and Hove are certainly something not to miss out on when visiting England!  
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Brighton beach looking East towards the marina. Photo by osde8info. Flickr.  
Coastline: Stunning Beaches
Brighton and Hove boast stunning beaches that are major attractions for visitors, locals, and daytrippers alike. The classic pebbles, soft white sand, clear blue waters, and abundance of marine life make it an ideal coastal getaway. Adventure-seekers will also find plenty to enjoy here; activities range from kite boarding and jet skiing to parasailing and canoeing. Visitors can marvel at Brighton's iconic Victorian architecture, which is scattered along the waterfront, or just enjoy the gorgeous views of the English Channel on one of Brighton's lively beachfront promenades. From a nudest beach to amazing sea birds, Brighton and Hove's coastline truly has something to fascinate everyone!  
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Brighton - walking to Lewes over the South Downs. Photo by Mike Finn. Flickr.  
Attractions: Tourist Hotspots
Brighton is a popular tourist hotspot due to its sheer variety of attractions. From its pebble beaches, vibrant and creative city architecture, and bustling markets, Brighton has something for everyone! Brighton boasts a rich cultural history with plenty of museums and galleries. For the more outdoorsy type, Brighton marina offers a wealth of activities such as kayaking, paddle boarding, and boat rentals. And for those who just want to sit back and enjoy nature, Brighton's South Downs is an amazing sight full of rolling hills, chalk cliffs, and a Jurassic coastline. Brighton has something for every type of traveler making it one of Britain's most popular tourist destinations.  
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A sunny summer's day in Brighton. Photo by hehaden. Flickr.  
Food: Local Cuisine and Beverages
Brighton boasts a fabulous range of food offerings, from local cuisine to fine dining. Beach food is an especially popular option in Brighton; visitors to this seaside destination can indulge their taste buds with fish and chips, ice creams, or bubbling hot scampi. For those seeking something more extravagant, Brighton has an array of foreign restaurants offering dishes from all over the world. Fine dining is also exceptionally well catered for, with some innovative restaurant concepts partnering up with local producers to develop unique Brighton-themed dishes and culinary experiences. Whatever your tastes, Brighton's vast and varied selection of restaurants ensures that everyone can find something delicious to enjoy!  
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The Lanes, Brighton. Photo by Stephen McKay. Wikimedia.  
Shopping: Where to Find Unique Gifts
Brighton and Hove provide the ultimate shopping experience for those looking for unique gifts. Here, the hustle and bustle of the Brighton Lanes offer a range of independent stores that often feature handmade items from local artisans and craftsmen. The North Laine area also provides seekers with myriad stalls selling vintage wares as well as quirky gifts like upcycled furniture and artwork. Seafront locations such as Brighton Centre and Brighton Marina are bustling hubs of entertainment, offering a range of lifestyle-orientated shops including homeware, clothing, and other goods to take back home. For larger boutiques or department stores, there's Churchill Square Shopping Centre, where you can find high-street favorites alongside blossoming independents. Brighton and Hove provide a diverse selection of outlets to explore, no gift-hunter is ever short on choice. There is of course a unlimited supply of charity shops for the bargin hunters.  
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The Royal Pavilion Brighton, England. Photo by Fenliokao. Wikimedia.  
Nature: Parks, Gardens, and Wildlife
Brighton and Hove is a city full of beautiful parks and gardens. From the breathtaking Brighton Pavilion Gardens to St Ann’s Well; Brighton and Hove offer a wide range of green spaces to explore. Brighton’s Royal Pavilion gardens were originally designed in the 19th century and reflect the city’s style, culture, and importance as a seaside resort. The parks are abundant with wildlife, especially near canals, streams, or ponds where you might catch a glimpse of ducks, coots, woodpeckers, tawny owls, or even foxes. Brighton is home to many wonderful conservation projects such as Brighton Bee Projects which are protecting bees from disease to ensure their future existence through measured population management and scientific study.  
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The Grand Hotel, Brighton. Photo by Nick Fewings. Flickr.  
Accommodations: Stay in Style
Brighton is a vibrant, beachy city located on the south coast of England. It boasts many unique places to stay, from grand Brighton hotels and charming guesthouses to rooftop camping and countryside retreats. For those looking for premium accommodation in Brighton, there are plenty of options that can be tailored to any taste and budget. Its historic architecture means Brighton is home to some stunning 4 and 5-star establishments with many additional features like spa days, private dining rooms, and terraces overlooking the city's stunning views - perfect for honeymooners or a romantic getaway. Offering a wide range of luxury amenities sure to make your stay extra special, Brighton's accommodation will give you the best upmarket experiences this beautiful city has to offer.  
Conclusion: A Must-Visit Destination
Brighton and Hove is a must-visit destination for any traveler looking to experience the best of British culture. From its stunning parks, gardens, and wildlife to its array of restaurants offering both local and international cuisine, shopping venues featuring unique handmade items from artisans, as well as luxury accommodation options tailored to all budgets - you're sure to find something that suits your interests. Whether it's an adventurous getaway or a romantic retreat, Brighton has everything you could ever want in one place! So if you’re searching for somewhere special with plenty of things to do – look no further than this beautiful city on England’s south coast.   Sources: THX News, Tourist Information & Wikipedia. Read the full article
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yuurivoice · 28 days
When you first made finn did you have a bigger story in mind for him or did that come along later?
He was created to fill a role, the protag of Talk Floral, and beyond that I needed a soft subby boy on the roster. The plan didn't really go beyond that, but I knew I wanted to give him some sort of footing.
The language of flowers, nature, and magic go hand in hand, so that was where I started to see threads to pull on.
It was sometime around the first bunny audio I was like...what if there was some REASON he has these AUs, like they're not all just AUs like others we've done, but entire worlds and entities. What then?
I don't remember the first brain blast I really had about Evalas. At first I thought maybe he would be a sort of cross dimensional entity, like The Watcher or something. Storyteller Finn was the idea.
Took me about a week to realize that was pretty fucking boring. 😂
So I dug deeper from there. Why and how? Where? What drives him to do this? Do other people have this power? Do other people KNOW about this power? What are the stakes?
Then we were cooking. It took a lot of time for me to find footing with Finn that excited me. I adore garden variety Finn, but a slice of life in a flowershop is not something I could return to dozens and dozens of times. I needed something more, but also wanted to ensure that his various incarnations remained valid and intact.
I feel confident that I've accomplished that.
Now, will I be able to stick the landing? We will see. It's risky and I'm nervous, but that means I give a fuck, and sometimes as a creative person all you want is to just be able to work on something you give a fuck about.
If it blows up in my face, it'll be the explosion I asked for.
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marauderss-hp · 2 years
The Runaway Prince - chapter one
hello…so i don’t know if anyone is still interested in this little side story but i’ve finally finished the first chapter! i’m so excited for this little side of the universe and i hope you are too! i can’t guarantee the chapters will be out fast and will be long but i do hope to get this done :)
let me know if you want me to continue this or if you’re bored of the universe :)
note: you do not need to have read/completed TRA to read this :)
characters belong to the amazing @lumosinlove
word count: 6,750
the runaway prince masterlist
Remus was no stranger to the Snake Princes. He was no stranger to the Slytherin Crowns. He knew of their manipulative ways and their hunger for power. He knew their cunning minds and cold nature. He witnessed their violence and their greed, the way they treated their people, treated him. He knew of the hold they had over people. It was why he left. Sirius, as much as Remus hated to admit it, knew just as well as he did. And that made him despise the Slytherin Prince.
Remus sighed, eyes closed and face cast towards the sun, a small smile dancing on his lips as he basked in the early morning heat. It was far too soon for him to be awake, the moon still fading behind him and the birds only just beginning to chirp in the trees surrounding him, but his mind was stirring and his body was far too conscious to attempt to sleep again. The garden was the only place he felt comfortable this early in the morning, other than the dark passageways deep in the palace that only a small number of the staff and royals went down, but that was more for the late nights, unable to sleep, not the early morning rises.
He let his hands trail through the rose bushes he trimmed to perfection, avoiding the thorns as much as he could, though his hands were littered with small scars, reaching up to his wrists. He didn’t have the most delicate hands, forever shaking and unsteady. He had tried a variety of jobs over his time here but this one stuck the most, he wasn’t sure he would ever be as comfortable at this very moment doing something else.
He was forever switching, his mind panicked over the simple jobs and his shy nature holding him back from high up positions. But a year was a long time for switching between jobs and so the crown gave him free rein, with a disgruntled warning from the King to pick wisely and the gentle wisdom from the Queen to pick what felt right. Right now, this felt right.
When he arrived in Gryffindor all those years ago, he was a broken man. Or that was what everyone thought about him. He became the talk of the town in Crianna, eyes always following him around with the rumours and the history trailing behind him, sticking to his back. He thought it would be the same when he was referred to the palace as a servant. It mostly was, and probably would have followed him to Bardom too if it wasn’t for the prince. Thomas was more than just his prince. He became a friend, almost a protector against the whispers and past. He stayed by his side for the three years he was there, trailing him and warning people away when their voices got just too loud for Remus to hear. He never took an official job there, or an official role. He was just Thomas’ friend. The two year age difference did little to steer them away from each other, no matter how hard people tried. They were attached at the hip.
When he moved to Bardom later, he was prepared for it all to start again, for the stories to be used against him. Thomas had secured him a good place at the palace and squashed everything down, but it didn’t do much. He found himself another royal who backed his corner, a younger prince this time. Finn was everything a prince wasn’t supposed to be and it was a pleasant surprise for Remus to witness. He was loud and outgoing, forever ignoring the warning glances from his parents and brother, wandering the woods on the outskirts of the palace grounds with another, younger still, prince.
Logan was more like what Remus was expecting. Calm, collected - well, as collected as a hotheaded prince with plenty of opinions could be, but he kept those to himself mostly - and rule-following up until the moment he was reunited with Finn, and everyone knew when the pair were reunited. You could never find them for more than mere minutes at a time, the two running off with each other to who knows where from a young age, Remus was told the first time he saw it happen. It was sweet to see two princes get a lot so well together and not battling with one another. But then again, this was Gryffindor. Not everyone was like the royals of Slytherin.
He didn’t bother turning his face away from the sky when he heard the footsteps sound from behind him, simply letting them approach and clap them on the shoulder. He heard a deep sigh and then they were sitting next to him, arm now fully around his shoulder.
“For a prince, you are far too comfortable with commoners,” he remarked, cracking an eye open to glance at Finn, whose gaze was cast to the bush beside them.
“You say that like you don’t enjoy these times we spend together. Admit it, you like my hugs,” he shot back, moving closer and wrapping him up tighter, Remus’ head almost locked in.
“I’m not Logan,” he wheezed out.
Finn faked a gasp. “You’re awfully more cheeky now that you’re no longer in your teenage years. Being twenty changed you, Loops! Where is the gardener from all those months ago?”
He rolled his eyes, shoving his side gently, hiding the smirk growing across his face. “You’re just mad that you're only sixteen.”
Finn let out a quiet snort, waving his hands slightly. “Please. I love being 16. The older I get, the more princely responsibilities I get. I’m very happy to be 16.”
He huffed out a laugh, pulling himself free and settling down more firmly on the bench. “Is that sarcasm I detect? That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble one of these days.”
“Yeah, well, the joys of being a prince. I’ll be protected from that. Lucky me,” he said dryly and Remus cast a knowing gaze over to him.
“Hey,” Finn looked over, a downcast and sullen expression on his face, one that was not normally found on the bubbly sixteen-year-old. “I know it’s not easy the older you get. Especially not for you. But you have people here to help you when things get hard, you know that. Your parents, as unapproachable as they are, are here to teach you this. You have Olli, he’ll be your advisor very soon, and you’re lucky he’s someone who can put up with your adventurous nature,” Finn smirked at that. “Alex is there. He’s always there for you. Logan’s there. I don’t think he’s going to be leaving anytime soon, neither of you would be able to function very well if he did. You have people here.”
Finn smiled at him. “Don’t miss your name off that list, Loops. You may not class yourself as someone worthy of my time but you mean a lot to me too. I’m here talking about this with you, aren’t I?” He raised an eyebrow and Remus shifted his gaze back to the flowers surrounding them.
“There are people who would be able to give you better advice about this than I can. I know nothing about being a sixteen-year-old prince whose duties are increasing tenfold by the day. Your brother does. Thomas does, you can write to him. There are others who could help you far better. Don’t disregard that and stick to asking me. I’m quite useless in this topic area.”
“Yes, well, I came to talk to you about it. Deal with it,” he snarked back, chin poised and eyes closed as he looked up. Remus couldn’t hold back his laugh.
“Well, I’ll leave the bad decision making to you, then. When are you leaving?”
Finn shrugged his shoulder, shifting in his spot and spreading his legs further out, slouching down further. “Tomorrow afternoon, I think. Logan has brought most of the belongings that he needs but we will be stopping at Dumo’s along the way. Then straight into Hufflepuff to the house.”
“You don’t sound too excited,” Remus remarked, turning and making Finn look directly at him. “You normally love your trips away, especially when Logan gets to go.”
Finn sighed, nodding along absentmindedly. Remus frowned in slight concern, moving closer. “I know. Father still won’t budge on us going alone with just the guards. No older siblings or advisors to ruin the trip with royalty talk.”
“I know this isn’t what you want to hear but it’s not because they are being difficult, it’s for your own safety-”
“I know it is but it’s not that necessary anymore. Saint and Luke will be there to travel around with Logan like they always do and Henrik and Sergei will be there, of course they will, and the guards at the house too, so I don’t understand why it is such a big issue. It’s a week and a half trip, a holiday that we look forward to every year that’s mine and Logan’s holiday. It always has been.”
“Finn,” Remus started, as softly as he could. “Logan is fifteen. Even if you wanted to, it is not practical. You are only sixteen. You’re princes. It’s not going to work. Don’t make this trip unhappy for the both of you just because Dumo is with you and Alex is staying for a few days. Eventually, it will just be the guards with you. But you are both still teenage princes. Give it a few years.”
Remus could only describe the look on Finn’s face to be a sulky pout, his eyes downcast and heavy overexaggerated sighs interrupting him as he spoke. “I know. It would just be nice to do it now, while we don’t have so many responsibilities. I’m second in line, my responsibilities are nowhere near to where Logan’s are going to be once he turns sixteen. We won’t get as many opportunities as we have now.”
“I get that, I do, it’s frustrating. But that’s exactly why you can’t ruin this trip by being miserable, okay. If not for your own sake then Logan’s.”
Finn sighed again and Remus bit back his smile, shaking his head at the brooding teen. “Yeah, you’re right. I guess I can put up with it for now. But as soon as Logan turns eighteen…things are changing around here.”
Remus chuckled. “If you say so, Your Majesty.”
Finn pulled a face, turning his face into a scowl. “How many times? Don’t call me that. That title goes better with my brother than it does me.”
“Okay, little prince.”
“That’s no better. Come on, you’ve known me for two years now, you can do better than that. What are your plans for when Alex and I aren’t here? You can go down to Crianna, I think mother said you have time if you wanted to. Or is Thomas coming here?”
“Thomas is the King, I doubt he would have time for me within his schedule. But yes, he is coming up for this week, so rest assured I won’t be completely on my own when you are away.”
“Are those the days before Alex comes or after?”
“I think before. He and Kasey are going to join you after his first day and then I get him all to myself. Well, along with the politicians visiting,” he smiled to himself, already excited for him to arrive.
“It’s been so long since you have last seen each other. You could always go back down to Crianna with him. It’s your home, where your family is. I’m sure Julian would love to see you for a surprise visit.”
His smile widened at the mention of his younger brother, young and carefree at the age of six, who he absolutely adored and hated leaving behind every time he visited. It was worth waiting to see them, though, knowing they were safe in Crianna than they were before. Before they left. If he could bring them up to live in Bardom and be with him every day over safety, eight weeks separation was the far better option.
“Maybe. I’m supposed to be back in three weeks, so I can’t afford to lose any days that I can be down there. Your mother would let me go. Your father…” He trailed off and Finn raised an understanding eyebrow. The King would never allow it.
They were quiet after that, the only noise around them coming from the wind between the branches of the trees and the birds singing in the alcove nearby, a trio circling around each other. Remus smiled and made to stand up, stretching his back and his right shoulder, wincing at the pull in his left. Finn gave him a sympathetic look and stood with him, clapping his forearm softly.
“I’ve got a meeting now and I’m sure that Adam will be here any minute now to drag me away. Apparently, they’ve found me an advisor now that I’m sixteen and they want me to see if I like them,” he rolled his eyes and sighs. “All my freedom is now going to be gone.”
“You’ll get over it. I’m sure they will be nice. Your mother had a say and I’m sure Adam wouldn’t pick anyone who you wouldn’t like.”
He only got another sigh in return and a tight-lipped smile before walking backwards away from him and around the corner, out of sight. Remus let out a breath that he wasn’t sure he was holding until it was gone. He started his slow walk over to the flower beds, still low and unbloomed and sank down beside them. No matter how long he spent at the palace and how many royal members he had as friends, he would never get over that feeling. The feeling of being friends with a prince, never mind a king.
He let his fingers trail through the soil, tracing random patterns and shapes over and over until it had spread out and over the edge. He dropped his hand, bringing his knees up to his chest and tipping his head back into the warm morning sun, creeping higher into the sky now, the moon disappearing away. He let his eyes fall shut and his body drop, ignoring the feel of the wet soil creeping up where his shirt had ridden and he let his breathing slow out. It was too warm for him to be staying out here in the middle of summer with no cover or shade. But he let the heat wash over him and let himself drift off.
Sirius lay in the dark of his room, silent and still, ignoring the whispered voices from downstairs and the creaking of floorboards around him. He squeezed his eyes shut, blocking out as much as he could with no hope, grabbing his pillow and shoving it over his face. He struggled to breathe in this position but at least the noise was lessened.
He should be downstairs, is expected to be downstairs and greet the guests that had arrived for dinner and the diplomatic meetings taking place across the weekend. Instead, he was here, cowering away, trying to get as far away from the Slytherin kingdoms all piled into his home. He knew, he knew as much as his mother tried to dismiss his concerns that he wasn’t safe here. Regulus wasn’t safe here and that was his biggest worry. His brother, barely eleven and already under the influence of his parents was being paraded around in front of dangerous people with dangerous minds and there was nothing he could do about it.
It would be more dangerous to bring him along, to try and make the journey to a destination he still wasn’t certain of than it would be to let him stay. They wouldn’t hurt him, not like they had him. He was too much under their power for that. But he couldn’t leave him to the snakes. It would ruin both of them.
He flinched when a knock resounded through the room, bouncing off the walls and echoing around him. He silently moved off the bed and over, turning the lock with the key he wasn’t supposed to know was hidden and ushered his brother inside, closing it behind them just as quickly. He sighed, resting his forehead against the cool wood, letting his breath slow and his heartbeat even out.
“Sirius?” He turned at the call of his name, Regulus perched on the edge of the bed, rigid and tall, displaying the perfect stance of a Slytherin prince even in the confines of an empty room. Even when there was no one to judge his every move.
“Please relax, Regulus. You won’t get told off here,” he kept his voice soft and gentle, seeing the shakiness of his form and the barely concealed rough breathing, moving to settle beside him and wrap an arm around his shoulder.
Regulus flinched slightly at the contact and Sirius clenched his jaw, bringing him closer to his side. Moments went by before a warm weight settled more deliberately next to him, his brother slouched and calm, sitting like he was. Sitting like a normal boy.
“I don’t like all these people downstairs. They are not very nice,” the posh accent of his brother threw him and for a minute he forgot who they were. They could pose and pretend that they were normal all they wanted but they had been conditioned since birth, given far too many harsh and unneeded punishments for not following rules. It saddened him that his brother couldn’t even talk freely, always princely and proper. It disgusted him.
“I don’t either. You can stay here all you like, you know that. You don’t have to go back downstairs, I won’t make you, and I won’t let them take you back down,” it was no shock to everyone that Regulus was not one to enjoy social interactions, similar to himself. He knew that his parents wished they weren’t as similar.
They were brought up around nobody but each other, parents who didn’t love them and nannies who barely spoke a word out of turn. Regulus didn’t know crowds or many people. He shouldn’t fear being in a room with his cousins and their husbands. He shouldn’t fear his family. But that was what it had come down to. The disciplinary lessons didn’t happen to just them. It was a family ‘tradition’. Others just took to it, following it more than he did.
“They want me to join a club. A society of other young princes. I do not want to join,” his words were frantic and scared and all Sirius could do was hold him closer to his side.
The Society of Young Slytherin Princes, or The Den which Sirius called it, was unavoidable. Once every prince turns eleven and a half they are made to join. If the lessons with his parents were intense, it was nothing compared to this. They were called pythons, young snakes hungry for order. It was the worst six years of his life. He had only just ‘graduated’ the club, just over a year ago, turning eighteen the November before. Graduates left six months before the age of eighteen, enough time left to prepare them for what came after they turned of age.
The Society was led by cruel and punishing men, hired and controlled by one of the Slytherin kings, Riddle. It didn’t matter that they each had their own kingdoms, Riddle was the king of kings and oversaw the entirety of the country. He had all the power. Normally, graduates of The Den would become apprentices, groomed into becoming exactly what made them the men they were. In some people, they became teachers to get revenge on what happened to them. Only, they would just repeat the actions on the innocent children around them.
If there was one place Sirius didn’t want Regulus to be, it was in The Den. Sirius missed his brother’s life, missed his own life when he was there. It was almost a boarding school in the very northwest of Horcrux, Riddle’s kingdom, called Little Hangleton, the grounds spreading into Tedith, an empty plot of land perfect for their outdoor lessons. Mostly combat and one on one fighting. It wasn’t innocent and careful training. It was a brutal, injury-inducing conflict. Regulus would never survive. They were there for months at a time, coming home for two weeks at most to display all they had learnt before being shoved right back into the snake’s den.
“I know you don’t. Nobody does and I will try my very best to keep you as far away from there as possible, but I don’t know how much I can do. But I’ll try,” he promised, brushing the long fringe out of his brother’s eyes. “Did you meet anyone who will be going with you?”
“There is a boy called Nott. He is a Prince of Abima. He is going along with his twin brother Avery. But they are not nice. They are mean and were causing trouble all night.”
Sirius pursed his lips. Those boys would be an issue if they were there with Regulus. “That is why princes are sent. To correct their behaviour and prepare them to become rulers,” he was spitting bullshit, lies that his mother had beaten into him, but he knew there was nothing else he could tell Regulus.
“But my behaviour is good. I am a good prince, I do not need to go,” it was almost like Regulus was pleading with him to not let him go and Sirius could feel the beginnings of tears form. None came, not even a glaze went across his eyes. Crying was not proper of Slytherin princes. He didn’t even know if he had any tears left.
“I’m sorry,” he choked out in a hushed whisper before clearing his throat. “You are an amazing prince, Regulus. But you cannot escape this, as much as I want you to.”
Regulus only let out a sniff and Sirius’ heart broke. One day he wouldn’t even be able to do that. Would be too numb to feel emotion at all. They stayed in the silence, his hand rubbing circles across Regulus' shoulder as he tried to calm his panic-stricken brother down before something bad happened. His eyes were locked on the gap beneath the door, the light creating shadows that he wasn’t sure were footsteps; there was no sound to follow them but it was eerily too empty upstairs for nobody to be here.
Regulus gasps quietly and his attention was drawn away and back to the child beside him, angling his body to look at him more directly, a questioning look drawn on his face. He followed his line of sight and his heart sunk, bile rising up his throat. Regulus’ eyes were locked on the small bags on the corner of the room, concealed but easily clear to what they were.
“You are leaving,” it wasn’t a question, but his voice still pitched up at the end, thick with emotion and Sirius sunk down until he was eye level with his brother.
“Regulus…” he started but stopped. How was he supposed to explain this? Explain that he was leaving their home and consequently Regulus behind.
“Why?” His voice was small and he couldn’t even look at Sirius, his eyes everywhere but on him. Sirius made a soft noise in the back of his throat and leaned forward slowly, as if he was approaching a wounded animal and cupped the back of his neck, bringing his face to look at him.
“I…I do not know what to say to you. I am so sorry. I am. I do not want to leave you here, not with…with all these people around you, all of these horrible people. But…” he trailed off again, wiping his hands over his thighs, watching Regulus stare at him with tear-filled eyes, shaking again, curling his fingers into his robes. “I can’t,” his voice broke and his head dropped.
Small hands grabbed his face and pulled it back up and Sirius watched the first tears fall down his cheeks and reached up to wipe them away. “It is okay,” his voice was wobbly and he was nodding along to his words like he was trying to convince him just as much as Sirius.
“It’s not okay. It is not what I want to do. But I am. I am going to find a place, a safer place for us, both of us and then come back for you. I am going to come back for you as soon as I can.”
“I understand,” Sirius felt like sobbing. Regulus was far too mature for an eleven-year-old, had seen far too much that a child shouldn’t have to see. “When are you going?”
Sirius was prepared to leave at any given moment, as soon as he knew Regulus wouldn’t be in immediate danger then he felt ready enough to go. He wouldn’t be gone for long. He would be back as soon as he could. He had to be.
“I do not know yet. But I will tell you before I go. I will say goodbye.”
“‘S not goodbye. Promise me. It is not goodbye,” that was when the tears came, and they came harder and faster than before, spilling down both of their cheeks. Sirius reached forward and wrapped Regulus into a tight hug, bringing him down to the floor with him and pressing them as closely together as he could.
“I promise. I promise I promise,” he whispered fervently, rocking them slowly and they struggled to catch their breath, chocking on clogged emotion.
As soon as Regulus had stopped shaking, Sirius could feel it slump down and become a dead weight in his arms. He glanced down, watching the small breaths puff out and smiled slightly despite the dried tear tracks on your cheeks. He shifted the boy’s weight and lifted him up as he stood, walking over to the door and unlocking it, peeking out and glancing for wandering guests. Once it was clear he walked across the hall to Regulus’ room and placed the boy down on his silk green sheets, tucking them up to his chin and swiping the hair from his forehead, sighing.
He left shortly after, making sure Regulus was warm and comfortable back to his own room where he sat, elbows resting on his knees and face in his hands, silent tears tracking back down his face.
There was a chill breeze in the air today compared to yesterday that had Remus wrapping himself up in his softest and warmest jumpers. Gryffindor was always tedious with the weather, especially in summer and especially in the north. But not even the cold could stop the smile spreading across his face as he rounded the corner into the sitting room in the west of the palace, towards the guest rooms.
“Long time no see Mr Lupin,” the smile only widened and he crossed the room in a second, arms flinging around Thomas’ shoulders, a laugh escaping him and he pulled him close.
“Six weeks,” he started around the laughter bubbling out of both of them. “Is far too long.”
“Damn right, but hey, we’ve lasted longer. Are you sure you need to stay here? You can come back with me. You still have the place at the palace and your parent’s house,” he knew it was only a joke but the temptation was still there.
“As much as I would like to…I like it here.”
“I bet you do. Lazing around in the garden all day every day, soaking up a tan. But looking at you right now, I’d say more of a burn,” Remus scoffed and brought a hand up to his cheeks, cooling the heat pooling there. The lazy rest in the sun a few days ago had left him red all over.
“Oh stop. I’m not used to the sun, you know that. My home was a dark place,” he trailed off, mumbling and scratching his neck. Now he’d made it awkward.
“Exactly why this job is the best for you. You can soak up everything you didn’t have before, sun included,” he sighed in relief, shoulders dropping and smile returning. Thomas never asked when he didn’t need to. But he knew the story himself already.
“What are you planning for today? Are there going to be a swarm of politicians here to steal you away or are you clear for us to do something?”
“You have me all to yourself along with Alex and Kasey. I hear the two little troublemakers are over in Hufflepuff. Shame, I enjoy pulling trouble with them.”
Remus chuckled. “I think the palace staff are very grateful that the three of you aren’t together. Alex and Kasey should be here soon. They were in a meeting this morning.”
“Them two are always in meetings. Come on, you need to tell me everything that has happened since we last saw each other.”
“There isn’t much to tell. So far, June has been a slow and boring month. But at least summer is here. Finn hasn’t stopped going on about summer since last summer, so at least he’s happy now.”
“All excited for the big birthday ball in August, I assume,” they both rolled their eyes. It was no secret to anyone that Finn hated growing older.
“There’s no doubt in my mind that he and Logan will escape some time into the evening. They always do,” Logan liked growing older, looked forward to the responsibilities it brought him. He just didn’t like being the centre of attention of parties.
“Come on, we’re not having these conversations here when Alex has a massive sitting room all to himself on the other side of the palace where we won’t get interrupted. We’ll meet them there, they should be done by then.”
They started a slow walk over out into the garden and over to the other side of the grounds, mostly in silence with quips thrown between them as they went. “How are my parents? Julian?”
Thomas badly tried to conceal a smirk. “Well, Julian has now decided that he wants to be called Jules full time,” Remus raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know either. But he pulls a face when he is called by his full name. Must think it’s too posh.”
“He’s not wrong. And my parents?”
“They are all well. No issues, no troubles, both there and elsewhere. They miss you, of course,” silence dragged out as they walked back through the halls and Remus looked over at him curiously. “I…may have sent a carriage over to their house before I left so they could join us over here in the next few days.”
“Thomas…” he said in disbelief, stopping outside the door and catching his arm. “What?”
“Don’t look at me like that. You miss them, every day, I know you do, and if I have to look at poor Jules' baby face frown and grow sad every time your name is mentioned I’ll have to kidnap you and bring him back to you. Your family miss you.”
There was a ghost of a smile on his lips as he pictured his baby brother's face and he nodded along. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me just yet. Jules is going to make a storm when he gets here, believe me. Good job Finn isn’t here. A child with a child? This poor palace.”
“Alright, alright, my brother is not that bad, Your Majesty, and I can guarantee that Jules would only have his attention for the first hour before he himself will be tired out,” they turned around, Alex and Kasey standing behind them, all four of them going to bow before laughing at each other. “Up you get you two. Welcome back,” he drew Thomas into a hug and Kasey walked up to Remus’ side.
“Back together again, huh? Reckon they will be just as bad as last time?”
“I don’t think you have anything to say. If I remember correctly, you were the one who fell into the fountain, not them.”
He was smacked lightly on the back of the head. “We were never supposed to bring that incident up again.”
“But we always have such a good laugh when we do,” he laughed as if to prove the point and Kasey rolled his eyes at him, dragging him back into the room.
“Come on, we are leaving later on tonight so we only have the rest of the day together. Let’s make some new memories and stop rehatching old ones.”
The three of them laughed at his pout and Alex walked over to ruffle his hair, but ended up just running his fingers through it instead. Remus looked away over to where Thomas was rifling through the shelves and pulling out objects, making a mess already. He smiled softly to himself and sank down into a chair, letting his head tip back and his body relax before the laughter and fun began.
Sirius was back where he was before, laying in the dark confines of his room, his travelling jacket wrapped around himself and his bags by the door. His hands were covering his face and he was desperately trying to find the urge to stay but go at the same time. He had reasons for both. He slowly sat himself up, brushing his fingers through his hair and sighing softly to himself. If he didn’t leave now he never would, and he would never be able to escape past the guards and grab Padfoot before waking up the rest of the house.
Grabbing his bag, he paused by the door, taking another look at his dull, green room, with his king-sized bed rumpled and unmade. He eyed the curtains at his window and around his bed, pulling a face at the intricate silver designs and French phrases stitched into them. His dresser was a dark brown, almost black and was cleared of all the belongings he desperately wanted to bring with him. His crown was resting on top and he walked over to it, letting his fingers run over the silver lines and the emerald gems. He stashed it in the bottom of the bag. If he needed to he could sell it. Or use it if he needed proof of who he was, but he hoped it wouldn’t come to that. He didn’t need people to know who he was.
He unlocked the door, keeping the key in his hand and relocked it behind him, walking over to Regulus’ room. It was late, far past the time his brother normally goes to sleep but he had promised him that he would say goodbye before he left. He opened the door, wincing at the creek in the wood and quickly made his way over to the bed, settling down beside the younger boy.
He smiled sadly at the calmness he saw when he was asleep, a look he had never seen was Regulus was awake. It would be there less and less by the time he went to The Den and he would be plagued with nightmares. He wished he could stop it. He run a hand down his arm and to his hand, the cold seeping into his skin and rubbed it softly before leaning over.
“Regulus,” he whispered, pushing his hair back. “Reg, wake up.”
The boy groaned in his sleep, whimpering and shifting over, curling into his side, his eyes scrunching up. He reached up with his fist, rubbing at them and making eye contact with him. “‘Rius?”
“Come on, sit up,” he coaxed him into a seated position and let his bags drop beside him quietly, Regulus following the movement with his eyes. The tears came faster than he thought they would. “It's okay. It’s okay, don’t cry, Reg.”
“How long? How long will you be gone?” The question was hard and unavoidable. But he didn’t have an answer for him.
“You will be at The Society soon, you won’t have time to miss me,” that was a lie. Sirius missed Regulus every day when he was there. He missed the birth of his brother, his first steps, his first word. He spent every second missing his brother. But he needed Regulus to be better than him. “I’ll be back before you know it and me and you will leave this place forever. I promise.”
He couldn’t promise him that but he had to do something to calm him down. It would be kidnapping and as much as Sirius needed Regulus out of the house, he needed a plan in order to do it. He needed help and he wasn’t sure he was going to get it.
“Don’t forget me. Please come back for me,” Sirius’ old tears fell then and he brought his brother into a tight hug.
“Never, Reg. I will never forget you and I am getting you back to me.”
They stayed in the hug for minutes, neither of them wanting to pull away before Sirius took the first move and pushed himself back, cupping the back of Regulus’ neck.
“Now, you listen to me. When you get to The Society, don’t disobey. Don’t give them a reason to punish you. Don’t isolate yourself from the other boys but you do not have to do what they do. Don’t make enemies. It’s…it’s going to be hard, but you will get through it.”
“You will not be back before I have to go?”
“I don’t know yet, Reg. But just in case I am not, follow what I said, okay? I know you, I know how smart you are. You’ll know what you should and should not do. Do what you think is best when you are there, okay?”
Regulus nodded, mumbling in confirmation and Sirius stared at him for a moment longer. He had no idea how old his brother was going to be the next time he saw him. Would it be a few months? A year? Even longer? He didn’t know. He leant forward, pressing a kiss to his hair and stood up, stretching and letting his hand drop onto Regulus’ hair.
“Love you, Siri,” he felt his heart squeeze at the mumbled words and bent down to pick up his bags, walking towards the door, dropping the key to his room on the dresser.
“Love you too, Reg. The key to my room is there if…if you need a place to hide out. I got the locks changed so her key will not work. Be safe, Reg.”
He didn’t stay behind to hear what he said in reply, closing the door behind him and making his way down towards the stairs. It took a moment to look at the stairs, at the worn about splotches in the carpet and slowly made his way down, sticking to those creak-free spots.
He made his way out of the door, closing it quietly and running over to the garden, past the seats and the outdoor eating area and over to where the horses were kept. He crept past Kreacher, the horse turning in his direction and watching him carefully as he unhooked Padfoot’s reigns and saddle before going over to the horse and getting himself ready. He flung the bags over the side and led him out and into the clearing before jumping on and turning around, watching Kreacher trot back over to his own stall.
Sirius knew he would be followed. He knew the moment he left the stable, slipped through the door and then again through the gate that they would come after him, that they would track him down. It didn't stop him, nor slow him down, but rather spurred him on. He didn’t feel nervous as he grabbed the reins of his horse, didn’t feel scared as he headed down the path that led through the woods. He felt excited, happy, relieved that he was finally doing this. He was finally leaving this hellhole he could never call home. But he couldn’t help the guilt that ate up inside him, couldn’t help the frown that etched onto his face at what he was leaving behind. Who he was leaving behind. He didn’t let that turn him back around.
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27 January 2021 Additions to Reylo Friends-to-Lovers
These fics have been added to the Friends-to-Lovers list located here.
secret garden by hi_raeth (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In a world where love physically manifests as flowers on one's skin, Rey spends a decade hiding a garden's worth of blooms from childhood friend Ben. (And maybe, just maybe, Ben's hiding a few flowers of his own too.))
I Dedicate This To... by Fayth_Delarosa (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: She’s enraptured, reading through the abstract thoroughly before coming up to the curriculum vitae, which lists all of his school information, areas of special interest, degrees awarded, and other professional publications in which he made a contribution to. Then she reaches the acknowledgements page.)
and i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this) by akosmia (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Tired of being around every time his roommate Poe invites his boyfriend over, Ben seeks refuge in Rey's room, until he's there most of the times (even when Poe's not around).)
Ben and Rey Self-Quarantine by kalx58 (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Coworkers Ben and Rey must quarantine together after returning from a work conference.)
acquisition by bitterbones (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey decides she's ready to start a family of her own and Ben Solo, her boss and dear friend, would make the perfect sperm donor.)
Plus Won by AmberDread, DarkMage13, Erulisse17, Trish47, venetum (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After a drunken night of complaining at a bar, Rey and Ben agree to be each other's plus-ones for a variety of events. As friends and family continue to invite them to things, they discover that they really enjoy spending time together. And holding hands. And... kissing. What happens when their relationship starts to feel a lot more real than fake?)
Meet My Pussy by Hellyjellybean, spicytofuuuu (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey adopts a kitten, she invites Ben over to meet it. He misinterprets this as an invitation for something else. When Ben comes over, Rey says she'll be right back (to get the kitten). He starts taking off his clothes...)
Love is Strange by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Or the one where Rey lies and tells her coworkers she has a loving husband and a son. Now the annual picnic is coming up and she needs a fake picture-perfect family. Fortunately, her friend Ben fits all the requirements.)
And Let Me Kiss You by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey are best friends, and are cuddling on the couch. Rey’s head rests on his chest, his breathing as relaxed and steady as the calming beat of his heart. When she’s sure he’s asleep, she leans up and places a soft kiss on his lips. He pulls her closer. He was awake the whole time.)
How to Keep Christmas by JaneNightwork (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 26 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Ben have had feelings for each other since she began teaching at Chandrila Elementary School earlier that year, but neither knows their affection is mutual. Rey plans to use the the Christmas season––her favorite time of year––as an excuse to spend more time with Ben, and to find a way to tell him how she feels. But can she convince the Grinch-ish Ben to enjoy Christmas with her? Equally important: will her friends Finn, Poe, and Rose be able to stop themselves from matchmaking and meddling and general mischief?)
The Revelation by ClaireLou (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey have lived together for 3 years, it was a housemate of convenience type effort. They got on from the start, and are the best of friends..... The thing is, neither of them can see what more they have become. Until Rey comes home one evening shouting "Darling I'm home". Unfortunately Bens date doesn't take to well to that.... Well, until she sees with her own eyes the things these 2 idiots have been missing.)
Crash my Bandicoot by KyloTrashForever (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben has lived next door to Rey for ten years now, and he’s been in love with her for most of them. A Christmas break with no one but themselves for company leaves a lot of time for Crash Bandicoot sessions... among other things.)
Losing It by Crysania (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "I'm never going to lose my virginity," Rey announces one day to her roommate Ben Solo. When she finds out that he, too, has no experience, she decides to get them both laid. Things, of course, don't quite go the way she expects them to.)
Practice Makes Perfect by violethoure666 (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Grumpy Ben Solo gets asked out by Jessica Pava, the hottest girl in the office. The only problem is that he's a 29 year old virgin who doesn't wanna make an ass of himself with the aforementioned hottest girl in the office. Rey offers to help him get all the awkward and embarrassing stuff out of the way before his big date. Everyone can definitely stay cool and not catch feelings. No big deal.)
I'll Show You Mine, If You Show Me Yours by CaliforniaQueen (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is getting ready to get back into the dating world. His roommate Rey interrupts him preparing for his date and sees something she wasn't prepared to see.)
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