blueallihc · 9 months
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forgotten doodles but beloved
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necroticpixies · 26 days
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Caster, Revisited
Recolor of my 2018 inktober drawing.
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tgsqrd · 2 years
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To the man that tried extracting with 2 santa bags yesterday i want you to know that you should start looking up. Also HOW DARE YOU KILL SANTA TWICE!! No coal for you death is what you get!!
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dangelqueentmnt16 · 5 months
gargoyal oc
human by day, gargoyle by night! She is a half breed between human and gargoyle. Her race of people have existed for years in a small town in the west of America. and a large number of them has moved to the city due to the new gargoyles! Which have been harassed by the pure bloods of the day!
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bonbonshideout · 11 months
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EyelessJack headcanons
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♤ When he feels a certain e.ption, some of the tar from his eyesockets begin to leak and ooze out of his mask.
♡He hates his appearance, wearing his mask to hide it, he hates how he no longer had eyes, how his skin is just... gray.
◇ He wears his mask 24/7, even when comfortable, he fears taking it off will disgust or scare the person.
♧Though possessed, he still has his human consciousness, occasionally appearing when killing/hunting. He has many regrets in his life that led to his now appearance & lifestyle.
♤.If angry, tar will ooze from the holes from his mask, and he will be silent. He's usually very verbal, but when it comes to anger, he doesn't know how to properly express himself.
♡ 0fc, he loves his kidneys, he can eat other meats and animal organs as well. However, he does prefer human kidneys as they give him a sense of being full for longer.
◇ Like a Satry, he can play the flute/horn. He doesn't play much but uses it as a last resort to hypnotize the person and kilthem in a secluded area.
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His body type is that of a satyr, half human and having the lower half of a goat, his ears also that of a goat (though Chernabog is depicted as a gargoyal-like being I feel he would look more like Baphomet). He can wear human clothes. his iconic black sweater being his usual piece, he can wear pants and shoes; usually baggy pants to hide his legs, his shoes being filled with something so his hooves don't slip out. He usually walks with a limp, but the shoes cause his limp to ve much more noticeable. Always wearing his mask, he has his hood pulled over his head as a way to hide his ears as well, his disguise and mask being the only things that give him some human normalcy in his life. As I,mentioned, I see him as a satyr, however, unlike a satry, he doesn'thave horns; if they do grow, even a Iitle stud, he scratches away at them, leaving his head bloody as well as his fingers, when they are a decent size he breaks them, after enough times they just stopped growing.
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baziutawrites · 2 years
Too little, too late
Xavier Thorpe x Female OC (Valerye Zamoyski)
Beginnings part 5
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]
Other smut fics through my Masterlist.
Summary: Xavier gets braver. But will this be enough this late?
Warnings I guess: Fluff, angst, missed signals, miscommunication. Bit of smut. Slow burn. Two oblivious idiots back at it again.
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"Val! Bianca!" Yoko and Enid ran towards them, their Pilgrim costumes askew.
They pushed their way through the crowd that was now thinning. The ambulance lights were gradually getting smaller and smaller, vanishing in the distance. 
"What happened? Why is there blood all over the place? Oh my god I am feeling nauseous." 
"Where is Xavier?" Principal Weems turned her head towards the shouting, her face hard as stone. 
She was talking with the town's sheriff and it seemed she didn't like the words she was hearing from him.  There was also something in her eyes that told Val there could be trouble. 
One of the boys that assaulted Xavier was apparently the Mayor's son. The other one, the one who harassed her at the cafe, Tyler, was the sheriff's son. 
The resemblance now undeniable, as he stood next to the officer. Leaning casually against the car with a lazy smirk plastered across his face. 
His eyes followed Weems and Val thought she saw his smile falter a little, when he saw her looking directly at him. If she could, she would spit at him. But then it would not be 'improving the relations' any further.
She smiled bitterly at the way Tyler flinched under her heavy stare. She turned back towards the girls. Divina was now at their side too, along with Cameron and Kent. 
"Why there is blood all over your apron?" This was going to be a long evening. 
Yoko stood with Valerye on the balcony of their dorm room, leaning over the railing, a cigarette in her mouth.
 Her glasses were off and she rubbed at her eyes. Tired after the abysmal day and not giving a shit about the eyeliner still lining her eyelids.  
"But why would they do that?" She asked for the fifth time since they got back to their dorm. And for the fifth time Val answered, after puffing out a cloud of smoke into the cold night air. 
"Have no clue. Bunch of shitheads." 
"Thank gods you noticed. I can't imagine how far they would've gone…" 
Val swallowed thickly. She could still sense the coppery smell of blood, almost as if it bit into her hair and skin. It made her shiver at the memory of Xavier's bruised face. 
"How did you manage to scare them off?" Yoko looked at her, a curious look in her eyes. "No offence but you don't look particularly intimidating." 
That was the question Val dreaded the most. She remained silent, frantically scrambling for some sort of an explanation. When she didn't answer, Yoko continued. 
"Bianca said something about them screaming when they saw you. Something about you looking like a demon? And she swore she saw your hands being black?" 
"Must've smeared them in paint by accident." Val mumbled and took a long drag to buy her some time. 
It didn't work. 
"You still didn't answer me." 
Val couldn't bear to look Yoko in the eyes now. She could feel her friend getting annoyed at her. 
"Look, whatever is going on with you right now, I get that you might not want to talk about it. I get it. But don't lie to me." 
Val's eyes snapped up to Yoko's face. Val could still see the annoyance that hardened Yoko's features. Even with her usual emotionless mask on.
She was about to say something. Deny the truth further. 
There was a loud knock on the door and Ms. Thornhill's muffled voice sounded inside their dorm.
"Girls? Open up." 
They both scrambled frantically to put out their cigarettes. Tipping the ashtray over the balcony. Val pushed the incriminating items into the mouth of the Gargoyal on the side railing. Yoko went to answer the door. The red haired dorm 'mum' stood in the doorway. Eyes following Valerye's clumsy attempts to step inside over the windowsill. 
"You were not smoking now, were you… no, on the second thought, don't answer. Today I do not want to know." She gave them a reassuring smile. 
She always made Val a bit uneasy with her mannerisms. She couldn't quite put her finger on what exactly caused her to feel this way.  
Miss Thornhill's features turned into a solemn expression, her gaze focused on Val now. "Miss Zamoyski, the Principal wants to see you in her office." 
"Yes. Now come."
Val exchanged confused looks with Yoko. Before she could say anything, Miss Thornhill put her hand around Val. Steering her out of the room and into the cool air of the Ophelia hall. 
The Principal's office would have been quite pleasant, if it wasn't for the reason Val was brought there.  The warm glow of the fireplace bathed the rooms surfaces in soft flickering light.  
"Thank you, Miss Thornhill. You can leave now."
There was the uneasy feeling again. Crawling up her neck and into her head, making her mind race with endless excuses. When the door clicked behind Ms Thornhill, Weems turned towards her.  She studyed Val from behind the desk.  
"I think you know why I brought you here?" 
Val felt a lump form in her throat. The worry must had shown, because Weems's face softened, her red lips no longer forming a thin line. She sighed and gestured towards the chair on the other side. 
"How is he?" Val complied, perching herself stiffly on the edge of the seat, her voice small. 
She felt hot and cold at the same time, shivers running up and down her arms. 
"Mr Thorpe is to make a swift recovery but to make sure, he will stay at the hospital for a few days for some further testing." 
It didn't make Val feel any better. In fact, she felt even more worried. 
"If he's okay, why does he need to stay there? He didn't look any sort of okay when they took him." 
"I appreciate your concern about your classmate but I assure you he is in good hands right now." 
"Miss Zamoyski," The principal now straightened, her face turning stern again. "Mr Thorpe's condition is not what I want to discuss with you tonight." 
It was Val's turn to press her lips together into a tight line, her jaw clenched. The looming sense of dread she had felt when Miss Thornhill swept her from her dorm room returned. It seeped into her body, tensing almost every muscle. 
She knew perfectly well what's to come but it didn't make it any easier to sit there and wait for it. 
"I assume you are aware by now, of the accusations the four boys put through regarding your behaviour tonight?" 
"My behaviour?" Anger suddenly ignited in her chest. 
Was Weems out of her mind? Did she not see what they did to Xavier? 
"They all claim they've been a subject of your assault by using your particular… powers." Weems talked over her, a warning lacing her tone now. 
"They all claim to seeing you transform into 'a demon' of sorts." 
Val couldn't help but snort, shaking her head, but froze the second the principal continued. Her voice steely now. 
"Do you realise the severity of those accusations? Considering your and your family's current situation? Especially when they all claim to have seen the very same thing. Very damning, very specific type of thing." 
The colour drained from Val's face. The hard reality of the situation crashed over her finally. She felt as if an iron fist grabbed and squeezed her lungs, making it difficult to breathe.  
The sole reason they had to move - to run away - in the first place, was the exact thing that was threatening to unveil right here, right now. 
All this because of her not being able to control herself. The threat of their true identity being revealed again was dangerously real right now.
"I managed to convince the sheriff not to press charges against the school. Convinced him the boys must have seen something else. That you are most certainly not any of the sort they were accusing you to be." 
"Thank you." Val let out a shaky breath. 
"But I cannot let this incident pass without taking any precautions. There is only one option I feel should be executed." 
"Y-you're not gonna expel me, are you? Please, Miss, I–" 
"I've already spoken with your mother about the incident. We both agreed that enrolling you into a therapy program would help you get a better grasp of your emotions. To minimise the chances of this to happen in the future." Weems stood up from her desk, her tall figure moving towards Valerye, still and dumbstruck. 
She put a hand on her shoulder in a surprisingly soft way that made Val look up at her.  
"Valerye, I cannot help you if you do not do anything you can to help yourself first. I promised your mother I will not tell a single soul about what you have going on. But I need you to help me keep that promise." 
During the week Xavier was hospitalised, Val and the rest of the Nightshades visited him twice. The first time was the very next day after he got admitted. They brought him food from the local restaurant. It turned out he could not eat most of it due to the pain in his jaw, where he received one of the punches. 
They resorted to sharing it, making Xavier eat tiny bites that they pushed into his barely open mouth despite his weak protests. 
One piece almost made him choke when he laughed at Kent and Divina retelling their story about their assignment at the most popular dress shop in town. 
It resulted in them being politely thrown out of the hospital as the nurse then came in and scolded them for making a racket. 
For the entire time, Val fought with her thoughts, as she watched Xavier's bruised and still swollen face contort into the smile she so loved to see on him only to change into a wince as he hissed in pain whenever his face stretched into a grin. A grin that made her pulse quicken, as she caught herself absentmindedly reach towards Xavier's face to brush his hair out of it. 
What in the heavens was going on with her? 
She had to excuse herself to the bathroom. She couldn't lose her composure, not again, not with all those who were important to her. 
Her hands gripped the sink so tight her knuckles turned white as she looked herself in the face in the mirror. Entirely black eyes stared back at her, dark, pitiless and terrifyingly empty.  
"Get a grip, Val. Get a fucking grip." She snarled towards her reflection. She was shocked to feel the piercing hot pain in her mouth, as her gums felt as if they were on fire. 
As if something was just underneath the surface, ready to spring out. 
The faint taste of copper coated her tongue and she gasped, pushing herself away from the sink. The sensation bringing her back to her normal senses. That was it. She could not stay there any longer. She had to get out, she couldn't stay. 
Not in this state, not when the fleeting control she had over her form seemed to slip away from her at the highest speed possible. Not when this thing she felt whenever she was with Xavier happened… whatever it was. 
Not when her family's safety was so close to being threatened again. 
"Fuck this," she whispered, grabbing a sketchbook she bought for Xavier this morning. It was an idea to give the artist some of his normalcy back. Now, her heart thumped in her chest at the mere thought of him smiling at her because of that. 
He was her friend, for fucks sake.
It could wait. She would get out, say her goodbyes from near the door and wait for the rest of them at the foot of the main stairs.
She leftthe bathroom and was met with empty chairs where the rest of the group was sitting just moments before. Xavier's head jerked up towards her with a start.
"Val," he sounded genuinely surprised to see her there but his face immediately lightened up, only for him to wince when pain shot through just jaw. 
"You're still here? I thought you've left before the rest did." 
Val pointed behind her back towards the bathroom with a sheepish smile. 
"Had to use the… wait, why did they leave?" 
"Got kicked out for being too loud, the nurse got pretty pissed. Tried to sweet talk her out of it but I guess my new look does not add to my charisma much." Xavier gestured towards his face with the bandaged arm and let out a dry chuckle. 
"I haven't thanked you yet. For not letting them rearrange the other half as well." 
"Don't mention it." 
"But you didn't have to intervene. Shouldn't, in fact." 
"What do you mean, shouldn't? Was I supposed to sit back and watch them beat you up into a pulp?" Val snapped, moving towards the bed. "Do you even hear yourself?" 
"Yeah, I do." It was his turn to huff now. "You shouldn't have come. You could've gotten hurt. I should've taken them by myself." 
"Xavier," Val sat on the bed and leaned over his legs to get a better look at his face. "There were four of them. Four. Against one."
 Xavier opened his mouth to speak. He wanted to argue but no words came out. 
Val's hand was on his bruised cheek, tracing her fingers delicately over the purple skin. The unexpected touch stupefied him. He watched her grey eyes, full of worry, glide over his bruises and it made him feel even more guilty. 
It wasn't her fault he was like this. 
"I hate them." Her voice low, tethered on the verge of anger. 
He could feel it, just underneath the surface. It caused shivers to run down the back of his neck. 
"I hate them for this." 
"That's how it goes around here. Sheriff and Mayor's sons for you." He thought he caught a glimpse of her eyes darkening but she lowered her gaze before he could take a better look. 
Her hand fell back onto her lap and he frowned at the sudden loss of contact. 
"It's not right." She whispered. 
He just shrugged.  
"Not the first time, deffo not the last too." He knew there was nothing more they could do about it. 
Their fathers would do anything in their power to sweep the case under the rug, as they always did. His own father would do absolutely nothing about this as well. He never took any notice of any of Xavier’s issues, especially the ones that would "taint" his pristine image. 
He felt something press against his stomach. It was a sketchbook, and a new one at that. The one he talked about buying for the past month but somehow never got around to do it. 
"Instead of flowers." Val smiled at him. "Can't risk you sneezing yourself to your grave in this state." 
He snorted, trying hard not to smile. He opened it and on the first page there was a 'get well soon' scribbled in her loopy handwriting. A tiny heart adorned the corner where her name was. 
"Hope it helps you take your mind off of things." 
"Thank you… but I kinda have a bit of a setback." He raised his injured hand. 
"Well, you said you wanted to practise with the other hand. Perfect opportunity if you ask me." 
He felt warmth settle in his chest at her words. He did say that once, in passing, and he didn't expect her to remember it. Val put a set of pencils on his bedside table. 
"I should get going. I think the nurse noticed me and she doesn't look happy." She whispered as she got up from the bed. 
Xavier felt cold where her thigh was pressing against his. Before he could think about how much he wanted her back against his skin, he felt her lips press against his uninjured cheek. 
His brain froze. 
They were warm, soft, and a little dry. She had never kissed him before.
It was short, but it was enough for him to blush furiously. His skin tingled, the outline of her lips now imprinted in his memory. 
He barely registered her saying goodbye and before he knew it, she was gone. 
Valerye let out a long sigh. The first therapy session was now over. And it went abysmally bad.
Dr Kinbott had the utmost misfortune of being the first therapist Val has ever seen. 
An entire session went by with Dr Kinbott trying and failing to reassure Val that her office was a safe space. That she could talk about everything she needed and wanted to. That she was someone she could trust. It seemed to be working, until the therapist confirmed what she had already expected.
"Principal Weems told me about your situation."
The rest of the words were drowned out by a loud ringing in her ears. It still hasn't subsided, even though Val was already outside. 
She had to finish the session early. And she knew this would reach Weems faster than she would make it back to the Academy.
Nothing about this day made Val feel particularly well. She knew she had to cooperate to stay at the school. Not to disappoint her mother.
Not to risk their safety yet again.
And the need to constantly lie to her friends. To omit the truth, to skirt around their questions. It weighed on her conscience like a heavy, sticky, vile mass, threatening to drown her, to engulf her whole if she slipped on the ever-growing hill of lies.
But talking about it all, re-living this once again - stating what they are and what she did, and had to do out loud - terrified her.
She blinked stupidly. The pale, broad shouldered figure of Cameron stood in front of her and she didn't realise she was staring at him for a hot minute, completely lost in her thoughts.
"Oh, uh, hi." Her face flushed in embarrassment. "What are you doing here this early?"
"I've decided to put the wonderful, cloudy, rainy weather to good use." He chuckled. "Went out for a walk. My roommate snores like a diesel truck in the mornings."
"And you? Could ask you the same…" His voice trailed off as he noticed the therapist sign on the side of the door. "Taking care of yourself?"
"Yeah, something like that." Val mumbled.
"I'm glad you do." Cameron's voice sounded so sincere, she couldn't help but smile. "Hey, I haven't eaten anything yet. Care to grab some breakfast with me?"
"Happy to."
She had a date. 
A date to the Rave’N. And a date for tomorrow’s evening.
She was officially going out with Cameron Moser.
During their second time the Nightshades came to visit him in the hospital, Xavier noticed a slight change.
It wasn’t the fact he now could eat on his own, finally - despite Ajax still trying to force feed him. It also wasn’t the lack of homework that surprised him.
It was Val.
She was unusually quiet. Kept smiling at her phone as she tapped away at it.
When they were about to leave, he called after her.
She stopped in the doorway. But she didn't make any move towards him. Didn't come over to sit at his side like the last time.
"I, ah… thank you, for the sketchbook. It really did help. I would go insane here otherwise."
She smiled at him in the sweet way she always did, her eyes crinkling.
"Hope you will show me your sketches tomorrow then." When Xavier looked quizzically at her, she continued. "Foreign? We have Foreign on Mondays."
"Oh, yeah, right. I just thought you might…" He gestured to the bedside chair.
"I'm sorry. I have, uh, plans tonight." She blushed and another smile crept upon her face. And it made him a bit uneasy. "So, tomorrow? I'm still waiting for my portrait, tho."
"You can come over to my studio then." Xavier blurted out, throwing caution to the wind. "Tomorrow at seven?"
"Wow. I didn't expect it to work." The wink Val sent him made his chest grow warm. "See you then?"
"Yeah." He smiled but then his grin faltered as she waved at him and went out.
She didn't even come over to kiss him goodbye like the last time. And God, he hoped so much she would.
The Foreign Beings and Legends class got cancelled. For the first time in his life, Xavier was disappointed to hear that. 
"Free at last." Ajax stretched, a content sigh falling from his lips. "What are we gonna do with all this freedom? Yo, wanna go for a smoke?"
"Yeah," Divina piped up. "Could use some."
"Later." Xavier replied hastily. He looked around but the green glinting hair was nowhere to be seen. He could swear Val was just there.
"Don't know if there's gonna be any left tho." Ajax laughed. 
Xavier just waved them off.
"Gotta go. I want to catch up with my painting skills."
"Oh god, the turpentine smell is gonna join us again. Bleh." Yoko wrinkled her nose in mock disgust. "And you finally smelled so good at the hospital."
"Like what? Blood eau cologne?" Kent snorted.
Yoko smacked him across the chest.
Xavier laughed and shook his head. He missed them so much. But he had to go clean up the shed.
Val was coming over today.
Xavier almost jumped out of his skin at the knock on the shed door. She was here.
He felt as if his heart was about to break his ribs with how hard it was beating.
With one last look at the unusually spotless studio, he went over to open the door.
"Hey there. I'm here for my appointment with mister Thorpe?" Valerye flashed him another one of her smiles and he grinned.
"Hold on, I'm gonna see if he's available. In the meantime," he stepped to the side, letting her in. "Please have a seat."
His chest swelled at the amazed look on her face. She looked around, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.
"This is… jaw dropping." She managed to let out after a few moments of walking around, Xavier trailing behind her.
"Yea, I can see that." 
He felt brave today. He reached out and pushed her chin with his finger, causing her to snap her mouth shut and blush. 
He made her blush.
"So." Val stopped in the middle of the shed, near the chair he put there before. "How much for a portrait?"
He wanted to say 'a kiss' so bad.
"We'll see when I finish. I might need a bit of a warm up."
"I hope I'm able to pay for that then." She laughed.
He hoped so too. He thought about asking her to the dance for days now. He had to do this today. No more waiting around.
"Do you have a date for the dance?" Val asked him. His heart stuttered.
"No." He stepped away from the easel. He bit his lip, feeling the insecurity seep back in. "But I do want to ask someone out though."
She slipped from the chair and stretched. They were there for almost an hour now. 
He still didn't ask her out.
"Wonder who caught your eye." She mused as she stepped next to him and gasped.
His heart beat painfully against his ribs now. She was so close he could smell her hair.
"Is that supposed to be me?"
He blinked, taken aback.
"Y-yeah. What do you mean? You don't like it?"
"I thought you were painting me, not some… ethereal, beautiful entity."
"That's what I see." He breathed, feeling his palms start to sweat.
She looked back at him, her grey eyes shining under the dim light. He could count her eyelashes.
"So… about the, uh, payment." His voice got caught up in his throat. She was so close to him he was starting to get dizzy. She looked almost exactly like in one of his dreams. "Do you… uh, do you have a date for the Rave'N?"
"Yeah, I do."
He swore his heart broke into pieces. This wasn't supposed to go that way. He was supposed to ask her out now.
"Who?" His tone came out harsh, almost accusatory before he composed himself. He took a step back.
Why in the hell did he feel betrayed? She didn't owe him anything. But still, there was a vile, bile-like feeling rising up to his throat.
"Cameron." She smiled in a way that made the remnants of his heart sink.
He swallowed with difficulty. His throat felt dry. It was tense, just like his chest. Sharp pangs followed his every breath, almost as if slicing his lungs open over and over again. He waited around for too long. And he was too late now.
Is it why he couldn't find her during the breaks today?
"You?" Val's voice rang out again in the shed. "You said you wanted to ask someone, right? Who is it?"
His mind was blank. He had to come up with something, anything. Fast. 
She looked at him, an amused grin on her face.
"I won't tell anyo–"
"Bianca." Xavier blurted out, surprising even himself. This was the first name that came to his mind, after he recalled the last class he had that day. Fuck.
"Ooh," her grey eyes, the ones he kept seeing in his dreams, widened and she grinned up at him. "Oh wow. Aiming high I see."
She gave him a wink that always made his knees weak and this time it was no different.
"Go get her, tiger." 
Xavier was feeling like shit. But who could blame him now, as he was forced to watch the girl he liked shamelessly flirt with the guy he now hated with his entire self?
It was as if wherever he looked, whenever he turned, Cameron was there. And Val was with him, or got up from their group to meet him, leaving the conversation they were currently having. 
It made him furious.
"Good thing you're not a Gorgon."
He turned to see Ajax, watching him intently.
"They would be so stoned by now."
Xavier just grumbled, turning back to shoot daggers at the vampire. He watched him glide his hand over Valerye's shoulder, brushing her long hair off of her uniform. 
And then he kissed her on her cheek. She blushed at that and giggled.
If he had snakes on his head, they would surely be hissing and spitting in their direction.
His dreams about her were different now. 
Besides the ones where he danced with her and kissed her in the darkened room, he still dreamed about her naked, wrapped around him in a heated, blissful embrace. 
But the overall aura of the lewd ones was new. 
The need he felt, the desperation and longing for her to be close to him consumed him whole every night. He relished in the way she breathed his name over his lips whenever he stopped kissing her for short moments, only to press his mouth again over her flushed skin in a needy manner. His arms were tightly wrapped around her, pulling her closer to him, while he rolled his hips slowly against her core. 
Their bodies, hot and sweaty, were sticking together in the heated embrace, as he pressed her against the sheets, repeatedly burying himself inside her. Her heels dug into his butt, urging him to press himself even deeper and he listened to her pleas every time.
The way her body responded to his, the way she clenched around his cock, the way she fell apart underneath him made him go crazy with need even after he woke up. No amount of ice-cold showers helped in the long run.
It was no longer just solely the sexual tension that clung to him whenever he saw her. It was this overwhelming longing, a need to be close. To feel her hand in his, to have her close to him and hear her laugh, feel her breath on his neck, to run his finger through the glinting hair. 
And it killed him every single time he saw Cameron be in the place he wished to be in.
He did ask Bianca to the dance two days before it was taking place. What else he was supposed to do, now that his chances were thwarted by that bloodsucker. 
It didn't escape him however, how happy Bianca looked and how enthusiastic her 'yes' sounded when he stopped her after Botany and hastily asked her to be his date for the Rave'N. She never agreed to anything this quick and it made him a little… curious. 
But now, the hole he was in not that long ago, was nothing compared to the one he willingly jumped in now. He was basically at the bottom of the fucking ocean.
And all of that because of his own doing. Or lack thereof.
A/N: Special thanks to @beggingforxavierthorpe and @fangirlies for keeping up with my continuous pestering for feedback and giving me so many ideas and inspiration whenever I feel stuck. Thank you @misspsychotic for proofreading bits and pieces in your spare time. Can't stress enough how much I love you besties. 💙
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blueallihc · 30 days
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aldor-der-wear · 10 months
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Why do you look like that my boy. Oh yea my au has a name now and a whole ass blog lmao @the-gargoyal-titan
This au takes place a few years after the time skip. King is 14 ish in this design .
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ghcstcd · 2 years
your art gives off the vibes that you used to have a crush on Scar from the Lion King, or that you heavily studied early 2d disney animation. either way thats absolutely not a dig and i genuinely adore your style! you have an amazing eye when it comes to line weight and how to make each character unique
ask game: Make super specific assumptions about me based on my art syle
Uh, it was Scar's son Kovu, thank you very much! I didn't get good taste in villains until I got older.
You're not wrong AT ALL, though. The biggest influence on my art and love for storytelling came from growing up watching Disney animation. Every weekend as a kid when I went to my dad's house and or visited the grandparents on his side of the family, and I would watch Nightmare Before Christmas, Aladdin, the Lion King, and so many more. I even had the computer and old as fuck console games for the Lion King, Aladdin, and Hercules.
I CONSUMED every Disney Animation I could out there in the 90's and early 2000's. Do any of you remember the cartoon series for Timon & Pumba? The one for Aladdin? The Little Mermaid? Even for Hercules, when he was a teenager! I LIVED for the cross-over episodes where Hercules and Aladdin were set up against each other! Even Disney's Gargoyals had such a huge influence on me, and I barely remember a god-damn THING about that show beyond the animation style and character designs. (I actually am using Garyoyals as a big influence on how I'm designing the ghouls right now LMAO)
I'm delighted. You have no idea how fucking delighted I am by this ask. Thank you!
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caocao-caokie-blog · 2 years
Art from Picrew @zumizumi1254
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Yusef Al-Nazari
Dorm: Scarabia
Age: 18
Grade: 3rd Year
Birthday: September 18
Club(s): Mountain Lovers Club, Gargoyal Research Society, Globetrotters Club
Best Subject: Astrology
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Unique Magic: Diamond a Dozen
Forms crystalline structures on where he wants to cast his unique magic. As heavy and as hard as diamond, he can stop whoever is causing havoc or causing problems for him. It can be used multiple times, but each new crystalline structure, depending on how big or small it is, will cost a lot or a little of his stamina. He can remove the creations after, but after they are created, and without him dispelling them, the creation will stay indefinitely.
“O heed my call, shards of clear light, or green envy, or ripe rage, protrude out and capture my foe! Diamond a Dozen!”
A coy and mischievous man, Yusef never takes a break in chaos. Especially with the dorm leader Kalim, to the chagrin of Jamil. Although his looks may make him out to be a party animal, he much prefers to move his body without much of a crowd. He used to be the dorm leader until Kalim arrived. Why he succeeded his position to Kalim is still up to debate, though no one is complaining with the constant parties buzzing about.
He can be found on long treks in the dormitory’s desert, adventuring for who knows what. But, whenever he comes back to the dorm, he has one or two of trinkets that seem to appear out of nowhere. He does caution to the others to avoid venturing to far out, but does make sure to leave markers for those lost during his trips.
Part of the Nazari family, he excels in creating and appraising jewelry. Part of a distinguished familiy in the Scalding Sands, he has traveled all over the world too learn of the crafts to take on the family legacy. But, if presented with questions about what he will do after graduation, he simply shrugs and laughs it off.
He is introduced to Yuu or whoever is transported into Twisted Wonderland through the same way you meet Malleus: Trespassing!
Is it really? You don’t own it- Shut up narrator, it is my home ಠ_ಠ.
You don’t meet him until the second time they meet Malleus, and a few cameos here and there maybe. He would quickly dip until the Scarabia and Pomfiore arcs, where he most likely stayed in Scarabia to take care of the kids, which then turned him into a puppetservant for Jamil to use.
He tried out for the VDC and got in, where you get to see more of him. He would most likely set up pranks on people like Jamil or the freshman, but that’s about it. Stuff like spooking them, moving items slightly, maybe taking them, or slipping ominous notes.
Kina; His snake who he has owned for a long time. Unknown age, but she seems to enjoy basking in the hot sun when Yusef is away. He says he has had her since he was but a child, and her, an egg. He diligently takes care of her, feeding her mice and other small creatures. She returns the favor by being a menacing body guard to people who think the man is just an aloof idiot.
Kalim: A ball of what could only be a piece of raw sugar or the sun incarnate, both him and Kalim get into a lot of trouble usually. Took a shine to him when Kalim and Jamil came, and was at first distrustful and outright dismissive of Kalim from the start, especially with how his family status bought him a seat at Night Raven, and how he was told to “pass on the torch” of the dorm to another person.
After a few weeks, he started to warm up to Kalim and his leadership. With the lackadaisical rule of Kalim, he was eventually won over with parties and fun. Now, he love the boy to death. But, he will talk to him seriously from time to time.
Jamil: Not oblivious to the hatred and faux kindness directed towards Kalim at the start, thinking that he could turn Jamil if he wanted to, against Kalim, and reinstate himself as dorm head. But, as fate would lead him, he grew to take care of the boy, taking care of his chores and simultaneously causing another mess for Jamil to clean up. If you asked Jamil, he would sigh and be both frustrated and amused by Yusef’s actions.
Yuu: The magicless prefect of the abandoned Ramshackle dorm. Yuu’s first impression of him, and his impression of Yuu, wasn’t off to a good start. While Yusef was apathetic to Yuu as a whole, Yuu thought bad of him for laughing at Kalim as he was burning. The second time they saw each other was during his time with Malleus. While he was there, he didn’t want to stay and intimate the Prefect more, right? Because he’s so scary.
Yuu got to know more of him during the Scarabia Arc. He opens up about how he felt about the situation with Kalim and Jamil, and him trying to help them get along, especially since while he wanted to tell Kalim the truth, he would need to do so subtly in order to not be accused by the Scalding Sands’ Government of being an internal or international spy for some organization. To bad that ended with an overblot. You see him during the VDC tournament too!
Jade: Although they don’t seem like the types to interact much, they talk fairly quite often. The hyper-fixation Jade and Yusef has are somewhat close, but their personalities, to the rest of the NRC Student Body, seem somewhat incompatible, especially with Floyd already filling the role of the excitable man to Jade’s stoicness. There was one thing the had in common; adventure. That’s why he signed up for the Mountain Lovers Club, in order to both research and discover new flora, fauna, and breathtaking views.
Jack: Another odd pair, but he like to move his body quite a lot, so it isn’t a surprise to see him on a morning jog with Jack. They seem to have grown a camaraderie through the shared passion of running. This was especially true, due to the fact Yusef told his history of being on the Track & Field team, winning gold 6 times for each Track Meet. Sadly, Yusef couldn’t fit in Track & Field into his schedule anymore, and decided to quit the club to focus on other hobbies and clubs, albeit, he does coach here and there in the clubs to help prepare the members for competitions if he has time.
Epel: Again. Odd alliance. What do they have in common? Nothing! One day, they both happened to just meet each other, and bam! They just clicked. He can be seen talking to Epel about his hometown and the unique flowers and fruit that are in his home. He begs Epel to show him pictures some day, to the boys puzzlement.
Malleus: They met at their first orientation, and never looked back. One of the only people that actively hang out and seek him (Besides Yuu and the Diasomnia students). He invited our precious Tsunotaro to a walk around campus in the middle of the night. Even when told of what Malleus is, he shrugged it off and laughed at how ridiculous it would be to shun the man when they were the same age, and were at least amicable with each other. They stick like glue, and have created a new group with Yuu, formulating the Gargoyle Squad (Name pending approval by Yuu and Malleus).
He is part of 3 Clubs. Even if the limit is 1 club, the nature of the other two clubs make it so that he is able to join another club and to found one too! The Globetrotters Club was created to have people talk about their homes and to where their culture there, also finding pride in diversity of the school body. But, it has now become another pseudo-cooking club and photography club, due to the absence of Yusef for most of the clubs founding. He has left his Vice President to handle most of the basic day to day issues, and some documents needed for the club. There are currently 7 members, but are visited by the rest of the student body.
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servicereward · 10 months
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royalweddingcakes · 2 years
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King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra (1863)
Before he became King Edward VII, he was known as the prince of Wales and married Princess Alexandra of Denmark at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle (where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be wed).
The ceremony featured a wedding cake that looked a lot like the facade of a Gothic church, though it was round rather than oblong. A close look reveals touches that look like they were lifted right off Paris’s Notre-Dame — with the exception of those great round stained glass windows.
A sculpted pot of flowers crowned the top instead of a spire, but the design featured pinnacles (small spires), tracery (spine-like structures), small flying buttresses, and pointed arches — all markers of classic Gothic style. Garlands and bouquets of flowers adorned the edges of the cake instead of gargoyals. In the center, a staid cameo of the prince held court.
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theseriesregs · 2 years
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fantasyinvader · 2 years
Well, I’m back to the furthest I’ve ever gotten in Dark Souls. The Gargoyals only took 2.5 attempts (one I teleported out to retrieve my souls). Light armor for mobility + +5 Longsword + Gold Pine Resin = Me killing the first one before the second one could arrive, then taking him out before the effect could wear off (lasts 60 seconds). Now, to see where I have to go next.
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hisblossombunny · 2 years
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They made them look like their voice actors OMG ♥
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blueallihc · 8 months
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Day 4 . OTP
I shipped them when I didn’t know what it meant
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