#garrett hedlund fic
canadianfangurl-95 · 1 month
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Sugar Daddy Triple Frontier Men x f reader
OK my brain has been putting in the work since the response of my stoned post the other day in which I called the guys sugar daddies and now I’m committed!
AU no Tom, so the helicopter never crashes and they make off with a cool $25 million each.
These will be female reader point of view, 18+ containing smut, alcohol, violence, etc.
Francisco Morales: Posted May 15
Benny Miller: Chapter 1 Posted June 3 + Chapter 2 Posted June 5
William Miller
Santiago Garcia
Follow along if you want to be a swooned by these rich and oh so handsome men!
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The lines of friendship blur when you’re this close. Also known as - each of the times you’ve kissed Benny, Frankie, Santiago and Will.
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Pairing - Benny Miller, Frankie Morales, Santiago Garcia, Will Miller x female reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - Cursing, sexual content, mentions of sobriety
Word Count - 5523
Author's Note - by popular demand!! thank you to everyone who voted in the poll, it was so helpful!! don't worry, there is still a stewy hosseini fic coming very soon. i love writing for the triple frontier boys, so if anyone has any requests or particular thoughts, please send them my way. i'm also a total will girly, if you couldn't tell. as always, lots of love <3
my other triple frontier fics - Time, Tranquility and Home Is Where The Heart Is.
Masterlist. Requests.
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Will’s strong hand rubs steady circles into your thigh under the table as you all hunch over laughing.
Benny’s telling the story of his bad date from the night before. The combination of his masterful storytelling and the whiskey that seems to be refilling itself is making you giddy, all of you high on the joy of being with your best friends. There’s no feeling quite like it, laughing until you cry.
“Wait, that doesn’t explain why she slapped you!” Santiago exclaims from opposite you, clapping Benny on the back.
“She slapped me because, it turns out, I’d kissed her best friend a few months ago. She called me a dog and everything,” he laughs, tears escaping from his eyes. “She had a strong hand!”
“Did you know who she was when you saw her?” Frankie asks, genuinely intrigued.
“I realised as soon as I sat down. I didn’t know it’d be a problem! Man, fuck blind dates,” Ben chuckles.
“Am I crazy for not seeing the issue here?” Santiago asks, looking around the table.
“I didn’t see it either, apparently. It’s not like me and Lucy ever went anywhere. It was just a kiss.” Benny’s face is scrunched up in confusion. It makes you want to smooth your thumb over the crease between his brows.
“She was giving me the look, I swear,” he continues. “So I went in for the kiss, and she hit me.”
The boys are all laughing again, and as guilty as you feel, you can’t help but join them. Benny has such an animated, expressive face, that even the most boring of stories are entertaining when being told by him. It’s a gift. He just has a way with people.
“What do you think, hermosa?” Santiago asks, looking at you pointedly. “Would you kiss someone your best friend has kissed?”
“I don’t know,” you reply carefully. “Depends on the situation, I guess. I’d try not to, I think.”
Will’s looking at you with amusement in his eyes, slight smirk on his face. It’s clear that no one is putting the pieces together.
“Would you, Santi?” you question, lips quirking up at the corners.
“Probably not. I’d avoid it, if possible,” he replies.
The whiskey is making you braver than usual, a warm buzz running through your veins. Without thinking, you laugh,
“Too late.”
Everyone looks at you, brows raised in confusion. Will’s grinning now, chuckling to himself quietly. You’re giggling at their faces, their naivety making you smile.
You watch as Frankie looks slowly around the table, and then back at you. Shaking his head, he catches your eyes and snickers.
“Minx,” he mutters, still smiling.
“Am I missing something here?” Benny asks, surveying the silent communication happening between you, Frankie and Will.
You sigh sarcastically and throw your drink back, downing it in one go. Well, we’re doing this, you think.
“I’ve kissed every single person at this table,” you start. “Which means you’ve all kissed the same girl your best friend has kissed.”
Santiago and Benny go silent for a moment, processing this new information. Will and Frankie are still smiling, already a step ahead.
“Wait, what?” Santiago finally speaks. “You have?”
“Oh no. Pope thought he was special,” Frankie laughs, head thrown back.
“Stop it, Francisco! You are special, Santi. It just so happens that they are too.”
You point generally at the other boys, all of them with their eyes fixed on you. You can see that Benny is still figuring things out, the alcohol making his brain work slower than usual.
“I’ve known you guys for years. We’ve been through a lot together. And you’re like, the four most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen! It was bound to happen sooner or later,” you justify.
Everyone’s laughing now, the final piece finally being put into the jigsaw. You can tell they’re all thinking back to their kisses – you are too.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Benny had been the first one to kiss you.
It happened right at the beginning of his boxing career. He’d started working out religiously, meal planning, prepping for his first big fight. He set strict rules for himself – no alcohol, no women, no sex. You were glad he’d found an output for his energy, glad he was taking something so seriously – even if the idea of him getting hurt did terrify you.
The four of you had gone to support him, eager to see him win after months of watching him train and prepare. He’d really committed to the process, which was a surprise – Benny was a notorious ladies man. He loved to relax with a beer. But he’d never broken his self-made rules, not once. No matter the outcome of the fight, you were insanely proud of him. All of you were.
The atmosphere in the warehouse was electric. It was a big venue, with hundreds of people gathering to spectate. You hadn’t realised this was such a popular event. Adrenaline buzzed through the air, making you antsy with anticipation. You and the boys had front row seats by the ring, allowing you the perfect view, the ideal place to support Ben.
“I’m gonna go get us some beers,” Santiago yells over the noise.
“I’ll come help you,” you shout back, linking your hand into his so you don’t get separated.
You make your way out of the double doors and down the hallway in attempt to find the bar. On the journey, you spot a sign that points to the locker rooms.
“You order, I’ll be right back,” you tell Santiago, before following the directions.
You push open the door and step into the locker room. Benny is sat on the bench, headphones blasting music so loud you can hear it from 10 feet away. You make your way over, and touch him on the shoulder gently. He doesn’t startle.
“I don’t want to disturb you, Ben. Just wanted to say good luck,” you say quietly.
He grabs your wrist and pulls you to sit next to him.
“You could never disturb me, honey. You’re my good luck charm,” he winks, and the cheekiness of it warms your chest.
He pulls you in, wrapping his arms around you, breathing in the scent of your strawberry shampoo. You inhale with him, and soak up the heat that’s seeping into your skin.
“It doesn’t matter what happens out there,” you tell him. “I’ll love you no matter what.”
You press a kiss to his cheek, and throw a beaming smile at him before leaving. You find Santi at the bar, and help him carry the beers back to the boys.
You’ve never seen this side of Benny. He’s throwing and dodging punches like it’s second nature. The man moves like ocean waves, fluid and constant, never once caught off guard. There’s a lot to be said about the pastime of men fighting each other, but honestly, Ben has found his calling.
Electricity crackles through the air as Benny swings his last punch. His opponent falls to the mat as you rise from your seats. All of you instantly begin screaming, roars of celebration filling the space. Ben throws his fist in the air, signalling his victory. It’s rare, this feeling. The five of you don’t win very often. This needs to be savoured.
Eventually, the cheering dies down, and Benny leaves the ring to go and get changed. The boys are all ecstatic, chattering with pride in their voices about their brother, their teammate, their best friend.
“Be right back,” you tell them, moving to slip out of the doors and down the hallway.
You strut into the locker room, eyes scanning the space for the man you’re looking for. You find him stood, unwrapping his hands. Before you know it, you’re running into him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he spins you. His bare chest is dripping with sweat. He’s covering you in it, but you couldn’t care less. You’re both laughing, joy and love filling the air.
“I’m so proud of you,” you breathe into his neck, still in his arms. Your feet finally find the floor, and you lean back slightly to stare up at him.
“Couldn’t have done it without you, pretty girl,” he beams at you.
You can feel the energy coursing through his veins. He’s thrumming with it, buzzing with adrenaline – it feels like he’s going to burst. He’s practically vibrating.
Before you can even register what’s happening, Benny pulls you back to him, smashing his lips onto yours. He skims his hands down your back to grab at the backs of your thighs, lifting you up effortlessly. You wrap your legs around his waist and press yourself into him.
The kiss is needy, desperate, pulsing - all teeth and tongue. Benny walks you backwards to slam you against the lockers, using the pressure of his body to lean forward into you. Your hands thread through his hair, pulling forcefully. He groans, deep and guttural, and it’s one of the most gorgeous sounds you’ve ever heard.
He’s grabbing at your ass as he dips his head down to leave open mouthed kisses on your neck, biting at the column of your throat. Your dress is practically around your waist, and you roll your hips forward, searching for friction. It’s your turn to groan now.
“Fuck, honey,” he murmurs. “Prettiest sound I’ve ever heard.”
He holds you up with one arm, and moves the other hand to twist into the waistband of your underwear. He’s pulling them down when someone bangs on the door, startling you both.
“Benny! Champion! Get out here, man, or we’re coming in!”
It’s Will’s voice, that deep tone instantly recognisable.
You pull your lips from Benny’s, your head dropping back against the locker with a clang.
“Shit,” he chuckles, gently pressing a kiss to your sternum.
“Shit,” you repeat, giggling gently.
Benny puts you down carefully, smoothing down your dress with those big hands of his. He fixes your hair next, sweetly moving it out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. He runs his thumb under your bottom lip, wiping where your lipstick has smudged.
“Do we look like we just made out?” you ask him, amusement evident in your tone.
“You do. I look like I just won a fight.”
He smiles at you, and you can’t help but smile back. God, this man. One minute he’s got you whining against the lockers, and the next he’s got you giggling like a schoolgirl.
“Come on,” you urge. “They’re gonna come busting in here any second.”
Right on cue, the door swings open, three men barrelling inside. They all jump on Benny, ruffling his hair and pulling him into a headlock affectionately. You watch from a short distance away, smile still etched on your face. You love them so much you’re worried your heart is going to burst out of your chest.
You look at Will, and find him smirking at you. Always a step ahead. Frankie grabs your wrist and pulls you into their celebrations. You’re being thrown around like you’re in some sort of whirlpool, dizzy with the joy of being with your best friends. You wouldn’t change a thing, even if you are a little lightheaded.
You catch eyes with Benny, and he winks. You know that the events of tonight aren’t going to change anything between the two of you. Your friendship is so solid, you’re convinced it can withstand anything. The five of you are connected, somehow. This unexplainable, invisible tether, binding you wherever you go. The kind of friendship that they write books about.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Frankie was the next person to kiss you.
Or maybe you kissed him. You’re still not sure.
The five of you were at a bar downtown, drinking and laughing. The boys were a few beers deep, muscles relaxing and minds quietening.
But not Frankie.
When he’d made the decision to get sober, he’d included everything. He wasn’t a man who believed in partially sober, or ‘California sober’. If he was going to commit, he was going to commit fully. Alcohol included.
Usually, it didn’t bother him. He could go to bars with his friends, happily crack open beers for them when they watched a football game, make a mean margarita when they hung out at his pool in the summer. But that night, he was on edge. He didn’t know why, couldn’t pinpoint any reason specifically, but he was on overdrive. His mind wouldn’t slow down - thoughts barrelling into him at a hundred miles an hour. He was debating going home to bed, before realising that he was designated driver. So, he’d sat back in his seat, taken a deep breath, and tried to pretend like he wasn’t about to combust.
You’d noticed. Of course you had. You, with your observant eyes, your careful gaze, your genuine smile. You’d noticed.
Will had too. He was keeping an eye on Frankie from across the booth, but he wasn’t worried. He knew you were watching him like a hawk. That reassured Will to no end.
“Oh yeah? Come on then, old man, put your money where your mouth is!” Benny’s yelling at Santiago, grabbing him by the bicep, up and out of his chair. You watch as he drags him over to the pool table, determined to prove himself.
No matter where you were, or what you were doing, somehow, Benny and Santiago always managed to turn it into a competition. You, Will and Frankie were always happy to watch – you usually ended up playing referee, only interfering when someone cheated or got too rowdy.
The two of them began setting up a game, leaving you at the booth with the other two.
“I’m gonna get some air,” Frankie says suddenly, standing up and making his way out of the door.
Will gives you a look of concern.
“I got it. Just make sure those two idiots don’t kill each other with pool cues, please,” you joke.
Will chuckles and nods, squeezing your waist as you move past him to follow Frankie.
Outside, you find him around the side of the bar, leaning against the brick wall. He’s breathing heavily, clearly trying to get a handle on things. You watch as he takes off his hat and runs his fingers through his hair. He slides down the wall, sitting on the cool ground, legs bent in front of him.
You walk over and sit down next to him, ignoring the feeling of the cold concrete underneath your bare legs. You lean into him slightly, placing your head on his shoulder. He breathes you in, and you feel some of the tension melt from his muscles.
Eventually, you speak.
“You okay?”
He wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in closer.
“Yeah, cariño, I’m okay,” he murmurs. “I’m usually fine in bars, it doesn’t bother me. Guess I’m just anxious tonight.”
You hum in understanding, before realising something.
“What’s today’s date?”
He looks at you with puzzlement written all over his face, but answers you anyway.
“March 16th.”
“Happy one year of sobriety, Francisco.”
You can see it all clicking into place in his head. The reason he’s been on pins all day, the reason he’s been so wound up tonight, unable to settle. You figured it out before he could. Clever girl.
“And I’m celebrating it in a bar, apparently. How appropriate,” he laughs. It’s a real, hearty, genuine laugh. You love when he laughs like this – so hard that he starts wheezing. It’s so endearing, it makes you want to cry.
“I can’t believe I forgot. A year ago, it was like, the biggest milestone ever. And I forgot.”
You can tell he’s almost disappointed with himself. But you’re not. No, quite the opposite, actually.
“You see how great that is though, right?” you ask him. “You’re so busy living your life now, working, being the best dad ever, that you didn’t even have to think about it. It’s not a bad thing that you forgot about it, Frankie.”
He pulls you closer, both arms wrapped around you, your head pressed into the crook of his neck.
“How do you do it, hermosa?”
“Do what?”
“Always know exactly what to say.”
“Years of knowing you, probably. Years of loving you,” you answer.
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispers, but you hear him clear as day.
“No, I don’t deserve you. I’m so proud of you, Francisco.”
He pulls away from you to look at you earnestly. He smiles at you, and you grin back at him. If love could lift you up, you’d be floating, both of you levitating with it.
Frankie leans in closer to you, and you mirror the movement. You’re not sure who kisses who, but suddenly his lips are on yours, his hands moving to cradle your face. It’s careful, and it’s gentle, and it’s so full of gratitude and history that it takes everything in you not to break out into a grin. One of his hands moves through your hair as the other one caresses your cheek. You can’t remember the last time you were kissed so tenderly. Neither can he.
Unbeknownst to you, Will has come out to check on you both. He stops in his tracks when he sees the two of you wrapped up in each other. His heart swells in his chest, and he can’t help but smile. He knows that this won’t change anything between you and Frankie. It’s just the comfort he needed – you both needed. He makes his way back inside quietly, grateful for the both of you and the way you look after each other.
Eventually, you both pull apart. Frankie rests his forehead on yours, and takes the first full breath he’s taken all day. His shoulders relax, his jaw unclenches. He’s okay, thanks to you.
“Thank you, cielito,” he murmurs.
“For what?”
“Everything. Knowing me better than I know myself. Knowing all of us better than we know ourselves.”
“Someone’s gotta keep you all alive,” you grin, and he chuckles, the vibration of it settling into your bones, warming you up from the inside out.
He pulls you back against his side, wrapping his arms around you. You both sit against the red brick, cold ground underneath you, for what feels like hours.
“There they are!” Santiago yells when he spots you both.
“Mom, Dad, can we go home?” Benny jokes, clearly down one drink too many.
“Of course we can, baby,” you smile, pulling Frankie to his feet with you.
You all clamber into Frankie’s truck – you riding shotgun, the other boys crammed in the back. You reach for your drivers hand, and interlace your fingers, resting your palms in your lap. You hold onto him all the way home, and can’t help but notice how much lighter he seems.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Santiago kissed you next.
The five of you were having a pool day at Frankie’s, trying to cool down in the Texan summer heat. It was rare, for all of you to have the same day off, so you planned to make the most of it.
The four boys were already in the backyard when you arrived. Letting yourself in, you made your way through the house, briefly stopping in the kitchen to put your popsicles in the freezer. You’d purposely picked the strawberry ones, knowing they were Frankie’s daughters favourite. She was at her mom’s house for the week, but you knew she’d be back at the weekend.
“Hey, honey!” Benny yells when he spots you at the back door.
All of them turn to look at you, and you’re slightly taken aback by all the golden skin on display. Benny is wearing swim shorts with an inseam that can’t be any more than 5 inches, strong thighs just begging to be bitten. Will’s navy shorts compliment his blond hair beautifully, and Santiago’s green ones bring out the dark brown of his eyes. Frankie still has his shirt on, but it hugs his biceps just right. Damn, you think. I might just have the most attractive best friends in the world.
They’re all grinning at you as you survey each of them. You know they don’t mind being ogled just a little.
“Eyes up here, princess,” Santiago teases, no seriousness whatsoever in his voice. You scoff and throw your head back in a laugh, all of them simultaneously joining you in your amusement.
You put down your bag and kick off your shoes, before grabbing the hem of your dress.
“Give us a show, Miss Supermodel,” Benny whistles, winking playfully.
You peel your dress over your head slowly, wiggling your hips as you go. You’re left in a little black bikini that admittedly doesn’t leave much to the imagination. You don’t mind. You’re safe here.
They’re all whistling and cheering, make you laugh. You never feel more appreciated than when you’re with these boys. It’s everything. They’re everything.
“It’s like Sports Illustrated in real life,” Frankie grins, bumping your shoulder with his.
“Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” Will says quietly when you catch his gaze. You roll your eyes playfully, but smile at him genuinely, silently thanking him.
Your eyes flicker to Santiago. He has a look in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. It’s more than his usual appreciation. It’s hungry, hot, burning. It makes your skin prickle, the hairs on your neck standing up. You have to get away from his stare before you jump his bones right in Frankie’s backyard.
“Want me to make you a margarita?” Frankie asks, innocently breaking through the moment.
“Yes, please. That sounds amazing.”
He smiles at you before retreating to the kitchen, Benny following him in search of beer.
The heat doesn’t ease up all day. It’s sweltering, covering you all in a sheen of sweat that can’t seem to be wiped away.
Santiago’s gaze doesn’t help your warmth. Every time you look over, he’s surveying you carefully, eyes raking over your body in a way that makes your breathing quicken. There’s always been chemistry between you, sure. You have chemistry with all of the boys. But it’s never been like this with Santiago. Yes, you flirt with each other – it’s in both of your natures. But this is different. This is real.
You spend all day lounging around. Frankie keeps you topped up with margaritas as you make trips in and out of the pool, messing around with the boys. Benny hoists you up onto his shoulders in the water, throwing you up into the air as high as he can and laughing when you splash back down. You and Will throw a ball back and forth, doubling over when he overshoots and hits Frankie, who’s soaking up the sun in a lawn chair. In the late afternoon, Frankie fires up the grill, preparing to barbeque for dinner.
“Pope, you gonna help me?” he shouts from the deck.
Santiago looks at you, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip, before joining him. You release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. There’s anticipation bubbling at the pit of your stomach, butterflies swirling. Warmth has settled in your core, and Santi’s heated glances are only fuelling the fire.
The sun finally gives you some respite in the early evening. You all settle on the grass, drinks in hand, laughing about nothing and everything. Benny’s telling you about his next fight, describing his opponent in hilarious detail. You look down, and realise your glass is empty.
“I’m gonna get a refill. Anyone want anything?” you ask, smiling as you watch Benny jokingly pretend to box his brother.
“Can you grab me a beer, princesa?” Santiago asks, pointed gaze trained on you.
You nod and make your way inside, praying that it’s cooler in the kitchen. The sun might have gone in, but the warmth in your core hasn’t left.
You reach into the fridge for the jug of margaritas that Frankie made earlier. You’re rising onto your tiptoes to fetch a new glass from the top of the cabinet when you feel a presence against your back. Santiago grabs one from the shelf and places it on the counter in front of you, leaning forward as he does it. His lips are brushing the shell of your ear, and you shudder out a breath.
“So you’re feeling it too, mi amor?” he murmurs.
“Yes,” you breathe. You’re worried you might combust if he keeps speaking to you in that deep, low, raspy tone of his.
“Don’t know what’s gotten into me. Can’t keep my eyes off you,” he whispers. He feels a shiver wrack through your body and chuckles.
You turn around to face him, and he steps forward, caging you in against the counter, arms on either side of you. You can’t go anywhere. You don’t want to.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he practically purrs.
He runs his thumb across your bottom lip, testing the waters. You catch it with your teeth and pull it into your mouth, biting down gently before sucking, not once breaking eye contact. He groans and tilts his head back, exposing his throat to you. You tangle a hand in the hair at the nape of his neck, and give him a look that says I dare you.
Santiago surges forward to capture your lips with his. It’s desperate and needy - a perfect representation of both of your states all day. He slips a strong thigh between your legs and pushes upward, making you whine. You’re pressing yourself into him, trying to get as close as possible. His hands are everywhere all at once – your hips, your hair, your back, your ass. He wants to feel all of you, and can’t decide where to start.
You feel drunk off of him as he kisses you. His tongue is making you melt, his steady hands the only thing keeping you upright. You could kiss him like this for hours, surrendering yourself to this man you call your best friend. This man you’ll love forever.
You’re so lost in each other that you don’t notice Will entering the kitchen. He clocks the situation in front of him and tries to exit silently, walking backwards out the way he came in. He knocks into the recycling bin, startling you and Santiago, causing you to jump apart and hit your head on the cabinet behind you.
“Shit, sweetheart, you okay?” Will asks, genuine concern etched on his face.
Santiago cradles the back of your head as he looks at you, eyes searching yours for any signs of pain.
“I’m good, I’m good, don’t worry,” you reassure them.
Will smirks at you and winks cheekily before he leaves, grabbing a beer on his way out.
“Oh god,” you groan, leaning forward to rest your head against Santiago’s chest. He strokes your hair lovingly, a laugh rumbling through him.
You both know Will isn’t going to say anything. He’s the most trustworthy one of them all. Always observing, never gossiping.
“Love you, hermosa,” he chuckles.
“Love you too, Santi,” you reply, wide smile painted on your face.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Will was the last to kiss you.
It had been a long time coming.
Some people think Will is hard to read. He’s introverted, quiet, a wallflower of sorts. But he isn’t hard to read. Not really. You just have to know what you’re looking at.
He’d called you up one Sunday morning, asking if you had plans. When you’d told him you didn’t, he invited you over for a day of pancakes and terrible movies. It sounded perfect.
Which is how you found yourself lying on Will’s couch, legs tangled together, your back to his chest. His strong arms have found home on your waist, wrapped around your middle. You’re not sure how you ended up here, as you started the movie on opposite ends of the sofa. No one’s complaining.
It’s rare, this kind of intimacy. Casual, effortless, easy. No thought goes into it. You just fall into each other as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.
Will’s always had that gift. He makes people feel comfortable. No matter where you are, or what you’re doing, one look from those big blue eyes is all it takes to calm you down. It doesn’t matter if you’re being shot at on a battlefield, or just getting overwhelmed in a supermarket. Will’s there, and he knows exactly what you need. You’re convinced the man might be a mind reader, honestly.
He’s not, in fact, clairvoyant. He’s just a listener. No matter what you’re talking about, Will’s looking at you like you’re the centre of his universe. He’d be perfectly content to listen to your voice, to watch the way your eyes light up when you tell stories like this forever. You feel like the only girl in the world, as you lay here in his arms.
You’re deep in thought before you decide to break the silence, voice floating through the warmth of the room.
“Have you ever wanted to kiss me?”
You feel him hum from behind you before he answers softly.
“Every day since I met you.”
You nod gently before relaxing back into him, sighing in contentment.
“Have you ever wanted to kiss me?” he asks, mirroring your question.
“Not a day goes by that I don’t think about kissing you, William,” you murmur.
His arms tighten around you slightly, pulling you impossibly closer. He presses a kiss into your hair, and another to your bare shoulder.
You sit in the silence for a while, letting the questions hang heavy in the air. It’s not awkward – no, it’s the exact opposite. It’s comfortable.
“I’ve kissed Benny, Frankie and Santi,” you confess quietly. You’re not sure why, but it just feels like something you need to get off your chest. You don’t want him to judge you.
“I know,” he speaks softly. He knows. Of course he does.
“Does it make you think differently of me?” you query. You almost don’t want to know the answer.
“Of course it doesn’t,” he replies earnestly. “Why would it?”
“I don’t know. Just doesn’t look good for me, I guess.”
“That’s not true, sweetheart. They’re your best friends. You love them. A kiss doesn’t have to change anything - not always, anyway.” He pauses. “Do you regret any of it?”
“Not at all,” you whisper.
“Exactly. We all think the world of you. You should know that by now.”
You shift and turn so that you’re sitting in between his legs, facing him. You press your forehead into his, and he smiles gently.
“I love you,” you say softly.
“I love you too,” he replies, grinning widely.
Suddenly, he jumps off the couch, pulling you up with him.
“Let’s go outside,” he prompts, dragging you out the door behind him.
“Will, it’s raining!” you squeal as he practically carries you into the backyard.
He grabs you by the waist and spins you around, both of you laughing. The downpour has drenched you both, clothes sticking to your skin, hair dripping. He puts you down and looks at you as if he’s reading the words off the very surface of your soul.
Gently, he pushes the hair out of your face, moving it to behind your ears. He uses his thumb to catch a raindrop that’s making it’s way down your cheek, swiping it away. You’re both soaked through, but you can’t feel the cold. You feel the warmest you ever have, love illuminating your bones.
Will leans down and presses his lips to yours. His hands are on your waist, and he pulls you closer, plastering you together. It’s tender, and it’s sweet, and it’s a perfect amalgamation of Will. You’ve never felt more at peace.
When he pulls away, you remember his words from earlier.
“Does this kiss change anything?” you ask, megawatt smile etched on your face.
“Everything, sweetheart,” he replies, grinning widely. “It changes everything.”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
“You saved the best until last,” Will beams, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek.
The boys all scoff, laughing as they do it. You smile broadly, moving to peck his lips tenderly.
“Sure did.”
Benny and Santiago roll their eyes jokingly, while Frankie jabs them both with his elbows.
“Idiots,” he murmurs, still chuckling.
Will’s hand finds yours under the table. His fingers twist the ring you’re wearing absentmindedly, and he leans in to whisper in your ear.
“I love you, Mrs Miller.”
“I love you too, Mr Miller.”
“Guess I just had to kiss a few frogs to find my prince,” you wink at him, the whole table erupting into protests. You throw your head back in a laugh, your whole body vibrating with it. All four of them agree it’s their favourite sound in the world.
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rhoorl · 3 months
Strike a Pose
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Pairing: Benny Miller x OFC Vanessa (Delta Landscaping Universe)
Word Count: 3.3k | AO3 Link
Delta Landscaping | Benny Miller Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Summary: Benny and Vanessa go on their first date. 
Warning: Benny Miller. That’s it. That’s the warning. No, but seriously, I think this is pretty fluffy. Vanessa has some insecurities about her body and a previous bad relationship.
A/N: This is an extended version of a scene from Chapter 15 of Delta Landscaping, but I think it could be read as a standalone. Big thank you to @trulybetty for answering a series of random questions mad libs style - I’ll share more at the end! Also to those reading Delta Landscaping, this does count towards our little bingo board…I hope you enjoy the latest Easter egg 😉
The drive over to the bowling alley was pleasant. Chatting with Benny was so easy and he constantly made me laugh. When I wasn’t laughing I was trying hard to not just stare at the guy – he looked so good. At one point, we stopped at a red light and he casually turned his hat backward and my breath hitched. I coughed to try and play it off. 
Saturday night at a popular bowling alley made for a packed parking lot and an even busier lobby. We walked up to check in and the woman at the counter told me that I didn’t have a reservation. I could have sworn I set it up, but I couldn’t find a confirmation email anywhere in my inbox. To make matters worse, she was giving me a pretty snotty attitude saying it would be at least a two-hour wait. 
I was so annoyed with myself, I’m usually better about stuff like this. Lord knows I love a plan. But Benny didn’t even bat an eye, he just told me to “Stay here darlin’” as he waltzed back over to the attendant who so rudely turned me away a few moments ago. He leaned against the counter and flashed a smile and some puppy dog eyes. It’s no wonder she folded and gave him whatever he wanted – shit, I would too.
He motioned for me to come over, “What size you got doll?”
“Ah, um….8 and a half if you have it?” I asked the woman, confused as to how they miraculously found us a lane.
The attendant gave me an up-and-down and looked at Benny before she turned around and plopped two pairs of shoes onto the counter. “Lane 22.” She said with a deadpan expression.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” Benny winked. “C’mon, darlin’ let’s go,” Benny lightly laid his hand on the small of my back which sent goosebumps up my spine. 
“How’d you manage to find us a lane?”
“Well, you always catch more bees with honey,” he looked over with a smirk. 
“So a nice smile is honey now huh?” I quipped, the words coming out before I could think it through. 
“Oh I have a nice smile don’t I?” Benny chuckled. I averted my eyes, hoping that the warmth I was feeling in my cheeks wasn’t too apparent. “Here we go, lane 22. After you.”
We went to pick our bowling balls. I opted for a bright pink one pretty quickly, while Benny had to test several out. There’s a method to my madness he told me as he picked up ball after ball. I don’t know what came over me but watching his fingers slot into each…nevermind, I can’t think about that.
He eventually found one he liked and we started our game. It’s been years since I’ve done this but it was fun, even though I was playing with a ringer. I had more gutterballs than pins I knocked down, but Benny didn’t make me feel bad. It was sweet, actually. He tried to help me a couple of times, standing behind me, one hand lightly on my hip as he directed me where to aim. I honestly had no idea what he was saying, feeling his breath close to my ear it was a miracle I was still standing. 
We finished the first game just as our food arrived. Not only was it impressive that he bowled a perfect game, he did it with mostly trick shots. It was cute how he seemed to get excited trying to impress me. 
“Are you serious?” I shook my head. It was unfair, he wasn’t even looking at his last shot. His back was to the lane and he just let the ball fly behind him. He sauntered over to me with a big grin and a swagger that made me take an extra few sips of my water.
“Ooo yay, the food is here,” he rubbed his hands together, looking at the spread. I was a little self-conscious about ordering so much food, but he mentioned how training was making him hungry. 
“Wait wait!” I needed to take advantage and grab some photos. “Sorry, I um…one sec,” I bit my bottom lip as I pulled out my phone and started to rearrange the plates. I could see Benny out of the corner of my eye looking confused as I started taking photos. “Sorry…I am one of those people, annoying I know, but I figured tonight was a good excuse to start up my account again,” I finished my little impromptu photoshoot with a couple of quick videos to use for my stories. “Phone eats first,” I winked motioning that the coast was clear.
“What kind of account you have?”
“Oh, it’s just on Instagram…I started it a few years back…it’s a fun way to explore the food scene and…sorry this is all boring I’ll stop,” I laughed to myself.
“No, no, it’s not boring, I like it. I like food, clearly,” he motioned to the four plates in front of him which made me snort. “Lemme see, I wanna follow.” He motioned toward my phone with his chin.
I reluctantly handed him the phone and watched as he scrolled my account. My heart was racing wondering if he was going to think this was a stupid little hobby like Luce did. I saw his forehead scrunch and I felt a pit in my stomach, ready for the impending snide comment.
“What? I know I don’t always have the best lighting, I’ve been meaning to buy myself a little light thing and  - “
“No, hey,” he put his hand on my forearm, which sent an electric pulse up my body. I suddenly realized my sister was right and it was probably too warm for me to be wearing this flannel after all. “No this is great, these photos are beautiful…I just was wondering where you were.”
“I don’t see you in any of these photos. Maybe your hands every once in a while, but how come you’re not in these?” He shook the phone as he turned it back to me.
There was a reason for that. It started off innocently enough, with one random troll making a comment about how I should spend less time going out to eat and more time on the treadmill. I could shake it off, one comment wasn’t going to bring me down. But as my account grew, the more of these I got – mostly from blank profiles. They didn’t even have the decency to show themselves, just letting their keyboards sling harmful words. So, I deleted every photo I was in, but eventually, that wasn’t enough so I just put a pause on the account. 
“Oh…I…um…I dunno I guess I’d rather have the focus be on the food,” I looked down, playing with the straw of her water. 
“Hmm…” Benny nodded, handing back my phone. He pulled his out and started typing. My eyes narrowed trying to figure out what he was up to. “There, you have a new follower,” he winked.
I saw the notification pop up and I had to steady my breath as I saw his profile picture because he looked so hot. It was a black and white photo of him in a white tank top and the same black hat he had on tonight. I clicked on his profile and almost choked seeing how many followers he had. “Holy shit, are you like an influencer or something?!”
He looked a bit sheepish, “I started the account when I got into fighting…a way to promote them…and then I just kept posting gym stuff and it grew from there.”
“Well, you have a lot of very loyal fans it seems,” I smirked, scrolling past some very thirsty comments. 
I’ve been down this road before. A pretty boy who has women throwing themselves at him. I nearly wrote men off completely after Lucien, but thanks to Vic and Marcus I realized that he was a very unique breed. I hadn’t known him long at all but I knew Benny was different. He obviously knew he was a good-looking guy, but there was something sweet and endearing about him. And no, this isn’t just me being mesmerized by his eyes…which also was happening.
“Pope used to date a girl who did social media stuff for her job so she set it up for me. I don’t post a ton, but it’s there. I’m mostly on there to help keep an eye on my niece, lord knows her dad is a lost cause when it comes to anything on his phone that’s more than making a call,” he chuckled to himself. “But now I’m excited to see your food stuff on my feed,” he smiled.
“Well thanks…I started the account when I lived in Charlotte…gave me an excuse to get around and explore,” I gave a tight smile as I bit into a slider.
“Maybe we can explore some stuff…together?” his hopeful eyes made me slow down my chewing. 
“Um…ok, yeah sure, that’d be fun,” I smiled back, trying to hide how giddy I was. “Although you may regret what you’re signing yourself up for,” I winked.
He looked at me with a lopsided grin and leaned in. “Oh, I don’t think I’m gonna regret it at all, boss lady.”
We snacked on the rest of the food as we bowled another game. I managed to knock down a few more pins this time and Benny, again, bowled a perfect game. As the time expired on our lane, a bittersweet feeling came over me. I had a lot of fun tonight, laughing and getting a chance to forget about things for a while. I honestly didn’t want it to end. 
As he opened the passenger side door for me he stopped, biting his lip and digging his hand into his pocket. “I…uh…d’you wanna go somewhere else? Or if you need to get home that’s ok too, I just figured maybe we can-”
“No, that's fine. I don’t have a curfew.” That comment made him laugh, which was like music to my ears. It was so pure. 
“Nice. Uh, wanna go get a drink somewhere? Is there a place you want to check out for your account?”
“Umm yeah, maybe here let me scroll through some stuff I saved.”
“Get in, we can figure it out,” he opened the door for me.
Within a few minutes, we settled on a new bar that was pretty close by. It was a casual place, which I was thankful for considering how both of us were dressed. 
Walking in, I noticed Benny scan the room. Now that I thought of it, he did the same thing earlier when we walked into the bowling alley. If I didn't know any better it seemed like he was trying to get a handle on where all the exits were or something.
We found a booth tucked in the back and I was surprised when he followed to sit on the same side of the booth as me. He sat close, our legs touching as we shared a menu. 
“So…what're you thinking?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Hmm…I'm not sure, everything looks so good. Kinda thinking of this espresso martini. What about you?”
“Espresso this late?” He chuckled.
“I'm Cuban, Bun. I've been drinking espresso since I was like four. You build up a tolerance,” I winked.
He licked his bottom lip as he looked down and laughed. “Ah makes sense. Is there a drink you think would make for a good picture? I can order that.”
I could have melted right there. In just a couple of hours he'd shown more support for this account than my ex had shown in years. 
“Aww that's sweet, but seriously, order whatever you want. Everything here looks awesome.”
He twisted his mouth to the side as he read through the menu again. “Hmm ok, I'm thinking this smoked Old Fashioned then.”
I had to laugh at myself when the drinks arrived. I could hear Marcus in my head making some comment about how they both looked “Insta-worthy.” The Old Fashioned Benny ordered came with a beautiful presentation. I was able to capture the smoke billowing out of the glass container as they unveiled the drink. My creative juices were flowing and I couldn't wait to edit and post some of these photos. 
“Hey, can I try and take some photos?” Benny asked with a lopsided grin. 
My eyes narrowed wondering what he was up to, but I was intrigued so I handed over my phone. He started off innocently enough taking some photos of the drinks and the bar, but the next thing I knew he flipped the camera around and wrapped his arm around me to snap a few photos of the two of us. I brought my hand to my mouth as I laughed, turning into his neck to hide. Being this close to him made my brain short-circuit a bit.
“There, some for your personal collection,” he said softly. He still kept his arm around me and I swear it felt like he was rubbing his thumb up and down my shoulder. 
I turned to look at him and the hustle and bustle of the bar faded away and it was just the two of us sitting on a bench. His eyes looked even more blue up close and the smell of his cologne filled my nostrils. If he kissed me right there I would have been more than ok with it. 
The waitress coming back to check on us pulled us both back to the present. It was getting late so Benny asked for the check and paid, even though I was more than willing to. He'd taken care of everything this evening. I wanted to split things but he would tsk and say “no ma'am” and pull out his card instead. 
He walked close to me as we made our way back to his car side-by-side. It felt like his hand brushed against mine a few times, but I thought maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me. The drive home was a bit quieter. I was running through different ways I thought the night may end…trying to not get my hopes up for how I wanted it to end.
“Right, well Mari will be happy to know I got you home safe,” Benny said with a tight smile as he parked the car.
“Yeah, don’t want to get on her bad side. Although I don’t think you could do anything to get on her bad side, she’s pretty taken with you,” I laughed as I undid my seatbelt and grabbed my crossbody. 
“Here, ah…let me walk you to the door.” He quickly turned off the car and unbuckled his seatbelt, getting out before I could object. He waited for me to come around the front of the car, again lightly placing his hand on the small of my back as we walked up the walkway to the porch. 
“Thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun,” I smiled as I started looking for my keys.
Benny put a hand in each of his pockets and rocked slightly forwards and backward. “I…ah…I had a lot of fun too…even if I kicked your ass in bowling,” he chuckled.
I feigned offense, “Hey now! I didn’t know I was up against a professional.”
“It’s not my fault I’m good at that stuff,” he said with a sheepish grin. 
“What other stuff are you good at?” I asked, not realizing I was biting my lip.
The energy changed and I think Benny must have felt it too with the way he sucked in a breath. His eyes didn’t leave mine as he closed the distance between us. Everything felt like it was simultaneously happening at warped speed but also in slow motion. As he got closer to me, the front door opened. Marcus. Marcus stood there with a garbage bag in his hand.
“Oh…ah…shoot, sorry,” he winced. “I was cleaning up a bit and I um…’scuse me,” he walked in between us giving me an apologetic look.
Benny rubbed the back of his neck, “Right well, I’ll get going. Maybe we could do this again sometime?”
I nodded, trying to catch my breath since my heart felt like it was beating in my throat. “Um, yeah. That’d be n-nice. I’d like that.”
Marcus walked back up, wringing his hands together as he approached us. “Hey, I ah…I don’t want to impose or anything, but um…Vic and I are celebrating our anniversary on Friday…10 years…we were planning on taking the day off together. I have a few things planned. But, we were talking and Benny if you want to help Vandy you guys can take the kids to the zoo or aquarium or something.”
“Marcus, you can’t just ask him to spend the day with two little kids…” I shook my head.
“N-no, it’s ok. Congrats by the way. I…uh…I like kids. The guys say it’s because I’m just a big kid myself,” Benny chuckled to himself. 
“You really don’t have to Benny….Marcus,” I gave him a look that said we’re talking about this later. 
“I really don’t mind. Besides, you’re going to tell Mariella that she could have spent a whole day with me and you said no,” he waggled his eyebrows at me with a grin. 
“She’s the boss around here you know,” Marcus added.
“We can talk about it…don’t feel like you have to make a commitment or anything tonight. I’ll um…I’ll see you later Benny. Thanks again.” I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck for a hug. 
He wrapped both arms around me, squeezing me tight. “I had a lot of fun tonight,” he whispered in my ear, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. “Have a good night Marcus.” He said with a small wave as he backed his way off the porch and walked back to his car. 
“I can’t believe you,” I hissed at Marcus as we walked through the door.
“Shoot I’m sorry Vandy,” he scratched his head. “I was listening to music as I was cleaning up, I didn’t hear you all pull up. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose.”
I inhaled through my nose, counting to five so I didn’t freak out on him. “It’s fine, Buck.”
“So…how’d it go?” He followed me into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as I poured myself a glass of water. 
“Good. Really good. He’s a nice guy and we had a lot of fun.”
He pushed himself off the counter and came over wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “That makes me happy, you deserve it.” He kissed my forehead and I hugged him back.
As I lay in bed, I started going through my photos from the night, trying to decide which ones I would post. I came across the photos Benny took. I hadn’t looked at them at the time but now I was able to see the way he looked at me in those photos. I didn’t even spend time picking apart how I looked. My eyes were zoned in on him – on the way his eyes crinkled or the big smile across his face. It gave me butterflies.
I had enough photos to split things up over a few posts, so I decided to go with a photo of Benny’s Old Fashioned from tonight. I was pretty pleased with myself at how I was able to capture the smoke. I didn’t know what to put for the caption but landed on “Great drinks. Better company.” and posted it. Within 30 seconds I heard my phone buzz. And then a few seconds later it buzzed again.
I had two Instagram notifications – both from Benny – a like on the post and a comment.
thatbmiller: Better company indeed.
The biggest grin came across my face and I had to cover my mouth to stop from squealing. I liked the comment and then felt another buzz, this time it was a text.
Benny: I had fun tonight. 
Vanessa: Me too. Thanks for liking my photo
Benny: Of course. 
Benny: So, I was thinking….aquarium?
Vanessa: Yeah, I’d like that.
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A/N: That meddling Marcus 😆 for as much as he’s helped these two get together he’s also inadvertently cockblocked them too. Ok, so earlier I mentioned how @trulybetty answered some random questions I threw in her inbox one day… here’s what I asked, what her answer was, and how I used it in the story.
Pick a color: Pink (the bowling ball Vanessa chose)
Pick a number between 18-25; 22 (the lane they got)
Yes or No This was going to be whether or not they sat on the same side at the booth at the bar, so because she said yes, that’s why Benny went ahead and tucked himself into the same side of the booth.
A drink: Espresso martini (the drink Vanessa ordered at the bar)
Phrase: “You catch more bees with honey” (what Benny says after he sweet-talked his way to getting them a lane after Vanessa was initially turned away).
I hope you enjoyed this. I’m excited to share more about Benny and Vanessa in DL and beyond. Some of it may or may not already be written…. 😉
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A kiss on the cheek that turns into a kiss on the lips
Benny Miller x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count- 663
Warnings- friends to lovers, mutual pining, hint of spice
Notes- Written for my 4k follower drabble event requested by anon! Thank you so much for the request I think this is one of my personal favs of the event!! Taglists are closed. To stay up to date on when I post, follow my update blog and turn on post notifs @flightlessangelwings-updates​
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“Nice shot babe!” Benny’s encouraging voice made your heart flutter as he playfully bumped your hip with his.
You chuckled nervously to hide the way your hand trembled under his piercing gaze, “Thanks, Ben,” you mumbled as you fiddled with your poolstick.
Nights out like this were wonderful and relaxing, but also nerve wracking. You loved nothing more than when you got together with all the guys and you could just forget about the world around you for a few hours. They all made you feel welcome in their group right away, and you felt comfortable around them. Santiago, Frankie and the Miller brothers quickly became your best friends.
But there was one of them you thought of as more than just friends. And Benny’s flirtatious nature didn’t help the growing feelings you harbored for him. From the moment you met, you were captivated by him; Benny’s charming smile, his infectious laugh, his soft eyes, his kind nature made you a goner before you even had a chance. 
But you two were just friends… There was no way he felt the same about you. 
At least, that’s what you told yourself. It made it hard at times though whenever he would wrap his arm around you or gently nudge your chin or give you a subtle wink. You convinced yourself that was just how he was, though, and it didn’t mean anything with you. Especially when you knew about the nights he went home with someone else… 
“Hey…” Benny’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, “You still with me here, babe?” he asked with a puzzled look in his eyes, “I need your help to kick Pope and Fish’s ass and win this pool game!” 
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered, “I’m still here,” you found your voice as you steadied yourself on your feet next to your partner, “Let’s win this thing, Benny!”
“Alright that’s what I want to hear!” Benny cheered as he kissed you softly on the cheek in the heat of the moment. 
Both of you froze.
“Ben…” you whispered as your fingers grazed the skin of your face and you felt like you were on fire.
Benny’s gaze turned serious as the world melted away around him and only you were in focus. His hand landed on the side of your face as his eyes dropped down to your lips for just a moment, “Is this ok… baby?” he asked in a tone you had never heard before.
“Yes,” you breathed without hesitation.
Benny’s face lit up and before you knew it, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer as he pressed his lips against yours. You immediately melted into his embrace and parted your lips for him. Sparks flew between you as months of repressed feelings exploded to the surface. It all felt like a whirlwind: one moment you were just playing pool with Benny, the next moment you were living a romance fantasy.
Cheers from the other end of the pool table brought the moment crashing down as quickly as it started, however, and you and Benny broke away to find Santi, Frankie and Will cheering for the two of you.
“Fucking finally!” Santi jeered.
“We were wondering how long it was going to take you two idiots to realize you liked each other,” Will added.
A wave of heat pulsed through your veins and you felt even more embarrassed than before. 
“Fuck off, you guys,” Benny snipped at them, “We were just taking our time that’s all.”
“Yeah, ok,” Frankie rolled his eyes with a smile, “Now can we get back to the game or are we going to have to watch you two suck each other’s faces the rest of the night?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Benny bantered back at his friends, “Just one more kiss,” he said before he leaned in and kissed you again before he murmured in your ear, “If they think this is bad, just wait til I get you home…”
496 notes · View notes
anitalenia · 4 months
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━━ 𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒐 𝒅𝒖𝒎 𝒎𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒔 pt. 4
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━━ 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔 / 𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔. the frontier boys as random tropes. ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ part one | part two | part three
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┊┊✧ ⁺ 𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 ⋆。˚ ⋆ Pope, Will, Benny, Frank x fem!Reader
┊┊✧ ⁺ 𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓼 ⋆。˚ ⋆ ceo!Pope x assistant!Reader, lumberjack!Will x bimbo!Reader, bartender!Benny x fem!Reader, step dad!Frank x step daughter!Reader
┊┊✧ ⁺ 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ⋆。˚ ⋆ sexual content, implied smut, graphic depictions of sexual acts, fantasized sexual content, blowjobs, depictions of fingering, pussy eating, inappropriate family dynamics you definitely shouldn’t partake in, inappropriate work relationships that you definitely shouldn’t do in real life (unless you want to purrrr💅🏻), a little long just cause I haven’t made one in a while, slight dark content in Franks section
┊┊✧ ⁺ 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 ⋆。˚ ⋆ sorry for the wait with this series, people really loved it actually, more than I thought they would. The begging for another part finally got to me, so here you go!!!! Hope you enjoy while I work on the next one 😭
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 desk in those cute little skirts and too tight dresses, always so busy and always so beautiful. He liked to stare out at you from his private office with a semi hard cock in his black slacks; a perfect view of your desk and the best view of you.
He could never get any work done of course, not properly anyway, too busy thinking about you and all the things you’d do for him if he asked. You always did what he asked, so eager to work and so eager to please. You, you with those black stiletto heels and those pink pouty lips, you, you with your sweet voice and your round hips — begging to be fucked good.
Nngh, just you.
He liked to call you into his office for no real reason other than his own selfish desires; he liked to see your hips sway when you walked and stare at your soft tits when you’d lean over — it’s what really got him through the tough days.
He loved to hear your soft giggles and see your cheeks go pink when he’d say something scandalously sly, something a ceo definitely shouldn’t say to their assistant, something a boss definitely shouldn’t say to their employee.
He’d take you on business meetings and lavish business trips, invite you to expensive business dinners and elite business parties, it was always business, business, business. He wanted more than that, wanted to take you out for real and show you how much of a gentleman he could be if you’d give him the chance.
Mainly, he wanted to show you how good he could fuck you, much better than any man could, show you how well he knew your body in ways you even didn’t, in ways no man did.
He’d have to clench his fists and hold himself back from fucking you on his very desk with his blinds open for all the horny temps to see — the ones who could never seem to leave you and your beauty alone, the ones who gawked at you in the break room, the ones whose grimy hands lingered on your arm for just a little too long…
That always pissed him off, having to see those puny fanboys of yours charade around your desk like prissy princesses and fight for your attention — it was pathetic and obnoxious. He couldn’t fire them like he wanted to though (unfortunately), too many lawsuits already being filed against him that he was too rich to really care about.
He had lawyers for that shit anyway.
Santiago, or Santi as he’s made you call him now, liked to watch you talk. He loved hearing your voice, seeing the way your lips moved and sparkled with gloss as you rambled on about some company he supposedly owned, pacing his office as he sat in his chair with his dick hard under his desk.
He’d clench his jaw and picture how those lips would look wrapped around his thick cock, your lipstick leaving stains all over him that he could admire later — maybe he’d even have you under his desk during meetings, sitting right between his legs with your lipstick smeared over your cheeks, and a sweet mix of your saliva and his cum dripping down his balls —
“Are you even listening to me?” You’d always scold him with your arms crossed over your chest when you’d notice his blank stare, pushing your tits up and giving him yet another fantasy he couldn’t get his mind off of.
He’d quickly snap out of whatever trance he was in, eyes flickering from your tits to your face, intense and twinkling — really thinking he was slick enough that you wouldn’t notice it. Then he’d let out a husky chuckle, his hand subtly palming his cock as he’d say, “Of course I am.”
You’d just roll your eyes and continue talking, oblivious to his arousal as he’d stare at your ass, your lips, your legs, his hungry eyes running up and down the length of your perfect body until he was so hard he physically couldn’t stand it.
But that was the norm for him.
For any other girl he had everything — the money, the power, the cars, the looks. He could’ve had literally any other girl he wanted yet he wanted you, yet he couldn’t have you.
You were so professional, always did your job perfectly and always did the right thing, the perfect assistant, the perfect employee, the perfect woman. Why, why, couldn’t you be one of those dumb slutty assistants who he didn’t give a damn about? The ones who didn’t bother to hide the fact that they were a slut, the ones who’d drop everything and suck his dick if he asked, even if he didn’t ask.
But no, you were you and you were so damn different from that and really, that made him want you even more. The fact that you weren’t a dumb girl but a mature woman, as flawless and elegant as rose petals and wine. He wanted you to break out of that persona, see your strong facade crack and crumble for him, for his love, for his cock.
He wanted to see that perfect red lipstick smeared over your tear stained cheeks, see that tight pussy gaping and wet and begging for him, see those lacy panties wrapped around your ankles as he’d fuck you hard and fast before a business meeting in just the way he knew you’d like, just hard enough so everyone could see the stumble in your walk and the tears in your eyes.
One day he was going to have that, one day. But for now he was just gonna have to stick with the lustful stares during crowded meetings and the not-so-innocent fantasies when you’d poke into his office.
One day he’d have you, one day… but for now he was satisfied with jerking his dick off in his office at the sweet smell of your lingering perfume. For now he was okay with imagining to throw you on his desk and fucking your brains out when you’d deliver his coffee in the mornings, his lunch in the afternoon, his dinner in the evenings… all the while staring at you from behind his computer with his dick so achingly hard he couldn’t focus on a damn thing.
All right, he wasn’t okay with it but what choice did he have? Bosses shouldn’t fuck their assistants, but damn, he couldn’t wait to break his own rule and see how easily he could make a good girl turn bad.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 where you went. It was inevitable really; a pretty girl like you, wearing those pink skirts like you did, wearing those 6-inch heels like you did, wearing those tight tops like you did, in a town like this? It was really no wonder why you always got stared at.
It was just unfortunate that you were too dumb to notice that he was no better than the countless men that gawked at you, he was just better at hiding it.
You were the bosses daughter — dangerously beautiful and utterly unattainable (spoiled rotten too). You were a walking, talking Barbie in pink dresses and pretty purses; a pink, glittering ditzy princess who carelessly walked around the muddy work site in those cute heels of yours — William believed you were too beautiful to walk around in the filth.
You were the sweetest little thing he had ever met too — a butterfly in a battlefield — so giggly and cheery it drove him insane. The sound of your voice in his ears, your laugh, twinkling and sweet like sparkling water; he could only imagine how good you’d sound underneath him as he drove his cock into you nice and slow so you felt every vein, every ridge, every curve hitting that spot inside you that made you squeal.
Your father was a good man, had hired Will in a desperate time when he needed someone — something, constant. Ever since then Will had always been the best employee. He was the first hire and the only one to stay when things got tough. He put in the most hours, doing the most work, being the best lumberjack he could be for your father in repayment of his kindness. So for that reason Will had earned your father’s respect in more ways than one — for being patient, hardworking, loyal.
So sometimes Will would feel bad when he’d sneak into the bathroom after a rather short conversation with you; he’d slam the stall door closed and whip out his throbbing cock to relief some of the tension you had so dim wittingly caused.
He’d fuck his fist at the thought of you bent over the break room table he had left you at, cute mini skirt flipped up and giving him a perfect view of that pretty pussy he only prayed to see. He knew it was gorgeous, knew it’d be just as pretty as you, knew he’d be fucking addicted at the first taste.
Will was patient, level headed, a loyal worker who’d never betray your fathers trust… but he’d picture thrusting his thick fingers inside you slowly and carefully, smearing cum over your warm hole and feel your wetness drip down his palm as you begged him to go faster — a pretty pink mess all for him.
He'd imagine throwing your cute little ass against a tree and wrapping your smooth legs around his waist when he was supposed to be working, telling you to be a good girl for him as he'd grope your tits and hear your needy whimpers.
He’d hold you against him as he’d push his hard cock inside your tight little pussy once you begged him enough, listen to your gasps as he’d stretch you out in ways you’d never been stretched before. He'd be sure to cover your mouth with his calloused, work torn hands to muffle your screams, have you claw his chiseled back with those glossy pink nails of yours until he bled.
He’d make you cum around his cock as he whispered every filthy thing he could think of in your ear, hear you whine and whimper and leave bruises in the sweet spots only he got to see; your father would be down the hill confused on where the both of you had gone.
He’d squirt all over his hand and thighs once he was done, panting and hissing from the pleasure pulsing through his body. He knew you were right outside those doors too, right where he left you in the break room, sipping on an ice coffee — completely oblivious.
Will would take a long while to clean himself up after that, the guilt burrowing heavy in his tummy knowing your father’s office was right down the hall. He wouldn’t dare look in that direction, and he certainly wouldn’t be able to look your father in the eye for a good hour.
He’d walk out the bathroom as inconspicuously as possible and put his hands in his coat pockets, walk back into the break room like nothing had happened, like he didn’t want to fuck your brains out right then and there, and he’d lean against the door frame and give you the most charming, innocent smile you dotingly believed.
“Hey, darlin’.”
You’d look up from your phone startled, your tits spilling out of your pink top and the plushness of your thighs flared out on the bench. Your hair was shiny and glittery with cute hair clips on each side, your makeup done so prettily and perfectly he just wanted to ruin it. You looked so damn good Will couldn’t help but take a minute to admire you some more, his eyes running over you hotly, but too subtly for you to notice.
“Oh, hey, where did you go? You said 5 minutes…” You teasingly pouted up at him with those glossy, twinkling lips of yours like you weren’t making this hard enough as it was.
You’d giggle and smile at him — making his heart churn and dick stir. He’d be entranced by your tits jiggling as you did, covered in glittery perfume and smelling of vanilla and strawberries.
So fucking delicious.
Then you’d wrap those same lips around your pink straw and take another sip of your iced coffee.
God damn those lips of yours… Will would go in a daze at the image of you on your knees for him, your lipgloss smeared over your cheeks as you’d suck his swollen cock head into your mouth, patiently waiting for him to say you could take more. Sparkly pink lip stains marked over his dick and balls… it was his dream.
Will knew he was bigger than you too, in a lot of ways, was reminded of if every time you stood next to his hulking form in those cute heels of yours that still didn’t manage to reach him. He was a 6’0 mass of muscle and brawn, carved from brick and forged from stone and way too rough around the edges to handle a delicate thing like you — it’d be like putting a pretty flower petal in the brazen hands of a giant. He wasn’t sure he could have you and not ruin you.
But god damn he’d fucking try. He’d be so delicate and tender with you in ways he’s never been with another woman. He’d cherish every scar and blemish on your smooth skin and treat you like the princess you so clearly were. He’d kiss you from head to toe and lap at your pussy like a poor man worshipping a goddess — he’d be oh so lucky.
He was big, yes, but he promised he wouldn’t crush you. He was rough, yes, but even a pretty girl like you liked having a rough hand wrapped around her throat. You’d be a pretty pink angel wrapped in his gray cotton sheets, held between his mundane, trauma stained hands.
He was manly and burly, all flannel jackets and tree stained jeans and you were girly and feminine, all short skirts and glittering strawberry lipgloss. You two didn’t work in a conventional sense but nothing about his life or yours was conventional.
Your father was a good man and William was a good worker, the best employee, the best lumberjack. He was patient and so loyal, fully aware he was risking his livelihood by wanting you but yet he was left wanting anyway. You were too cute and bouncy and he needed you to bounce on his cock more than he needed a job.
He wanted to see you bare for him — bare in heart, mind, and soul because he knew there was more to you than meets the eye. There was more of you to discover beyond the pink masses and he wanted to be the one that discovered it, the one that you trusted enough to show it to. He wanted to see the real you bared to him in the middle of the night with the beautiful afterglow of what you two had just done shining on your skin — your most organic, happiest form.
“Ah, William, I see you’re keeping my girl company? I hope she’s not keeping you, she’s a chatterbox.” Your father laughed and smacked a hand on Will’s shoulder, suddenly popping up in the doorway like Will had conjured him with his guilt. A thud sounded from the smack and Will felt his shoulder sting, completely shaken out of his fantasy now.
He looked at your father and laughed that charming laugh — I want to fuck your daughter more than I need air to breath sir but no she’s not a problem at all.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐇𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 it almost angered you. Every Saturday night the club was packed with women just hoping Benny the Bartender would look their way… it was pathetic, if you didn’t do the exact same thing.
It was routine for you, the only thing you really looked forward to in your long weeks of monotonous work and errands — Benny was new, exciting, and so fucking hot you blushed at just the mere thought of him.
He was so charming too, so good at his job by simply just existing you could see why the company had hired him. With just one dazzling smile the whole room swooned and came, even you, who so pathetically tried to act hard to get at the corner of the bar with your lonely margarita you only ever ordered — you needed to be somewhat tipsy to actually have the confidence to talk to him.
You’d wear your sexiest dresses, your cutest shoes, have your hair done pristinely and your makeup done perfectly all in hopes of Benny noticing you — you were almost ashamed that you valued his attention that much.
You’d sit by yourself, alone, at the end of the bar staring at him while he worked, staring at his face and body and just picturing him fucking you on this very bar with his snapback still on his head, his hands gripping your thighs, your hips, your tits, anywhere his greedy hands could leave their mark on.
He’d wear baseball tees and black t-shirts that clung perfectly to his abs and muscles — you even heard a rumor that he was in an underground fighting ring that gave him all those muscles and scars in the first place. The thought aroused you incredibly and you couldn’t stop from fluttering your eyes at him more than usual that night.
He seldom never wore his snapback, and while you loved seeing his full face you couldn’t deny how much you loved the nights when he left his hat at home more.
He’d have his dirty blonde hair slicked back out of his face but yet there was always that one rebelling strand that fell over his eyes when he was working… it drove you insane. And the way he’d run his fingers through his hair when he was in the middle of a busy service, the way your own hands could pull it when he was laid between your legs, nibbling on your thighs and bringing you to such an ecstasy you’ve never experienced.
He was such a natural flirt too, professional to a limit when it came to all the women fawning over him over the bar, their tits falling out of their dresses and their lips over lined with lipstick. He’d laugh that boisterous laugh of his, take shots with them like he wasn’t on the clock, and he’d charm the panties right off them and the money right out of their purses by the time he was done.
You couldn’t say you weren’t jealous.
Benny, on the other hand, was all too aware of the pretty girl at the end of the bar who never seemed to bring anyone but her credit card. He was all too aware of her pretty eyes and pretty lips and perfect set of tits in those skimpy dresses she’d always wear.
And honestly, since the first night he saw you he’s wanted you.
He’d flirt with you all the time in that southern accent of his that charmed all the ladies, but you never seemed to register it, or in other words, you never seemed to care.
You were nothing like the women he dealt with every night — you would roll your eyes when he’d tell you how happy he was to see you again, purse your lips when he complimented your makeup, and seem totally disinterested in him and whatever nonsense he had to say.
And he fucking loved it.
You didn’t fawn over him like the others girls did, you didn’t seem to buy into the whole charming bartender shtick he portrayed either. You were quiet and beautiful and sharp; you never seemed too desperate or eager for him like everyone else. Sure, he loved the attention from other women, he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t, but the fact that he never seemed to have yours made him want you even more.
He’d flirt with you whenever he got the chance to, knew your drink of choice by heart now and was always there to fill it back up when it was empty. He was attentive to your needs and he swore he could be just as attentive in other settings if you gave him the chance.
You’d just sit there in the shadows, skin flashing blue and black from the lights of the club and looking so damn fine Benny wished he could drag you into the bathroom and fuck your brains out on the door, feel the music pumping through your veins as you stuck your tongue in his mouth until all he tasted was you and liqueur.
It’d be fast and hot and he wouldn’t be able to breath in anything but you and margarita salt but it sounded perfect. His big hand wrapped around your throat as people knocked on the door like you two weren’t busy. He’d try to muffle your moans for your sake but he’d also decide he liked hearing them more. It’d be cramped and intimate and it would certainly leave him breathless but god damn that sounded like just what he needed right now.
He’d be drunk on you, the taste of you, the smell of you, the feel of you wrapped around him so tight — the mysterious girl he could never seem to break through to no matter how many times he tried. Sometimes, Benny even felt like giving up — you clearly didn’t want him like he wanted you.
But then, at some point during the night when you were two margaritas in and your eyes were starting to get hazy, he’d look over at you and you’d be giving him the hottest, most seductive look he’s ever seen. It makes his heart pound and skin prickle, his cock ache for something.
It was the kind of look where your eyelashes would flutter and you’d stare up at him with a delectable little smirk on your face, a look that screamed take me now, take me on this bar and show everyone what you’re capable of, show these other bitches you only want me.
And he fucking wished he could. It was that look that kept him going, that look that gave him hope.
And you wanted him to do just that. To leave bruises on your skin and taint your body with himself, to leave his mark on your pussy and soul and be so deep inside you you weren’t sure where his body began and your pleasure ended, just that you needed more, more, more of it.
But Benny assumed that was the game you two liked to play — to show up every Saturday night with the expectation that one of you was going to finally make a move on the other. To see who would crack first, give in to the temptation the both of you so clearly desired but neither were confident enough to admit.
Benny, the sexy bartender obsessed with the mysterious girl who barely gave him the time of day.
You, the girl at the end of the bar wishing Benny would just take the initiative and fuck her already.
And to think, Benny did want you, wanted you so fucking badly, only you. You’re the one that he even bothered to show off for anyway; flipping bottles, being quick on his feet, being better than anyone else cause he knew you were the one watching.
He made a soulful promise to both you and him that one of these nights you’re gonna give him that damned look one more time and he’s not gonna have a choice but to prove to you why you shouldn’t start things you don’t intend to finish.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐇𝐞’𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 for a good year and a half before he met you, the young and beautiful daughter of the woman he supposedly loved.
You were grown, well, grown enough; a beautiful woman with dreams and ambitions, goals for her life that he couldn’t help but admire. But you also had this delectable snark you certainly didn’t get from your mother, an attitude that made anything remotely good about you pale in comparison — it drove him mad.
He hated to act like a father to you because he wasn’t your father — you were in your 20s anyway, it was too late for him to be anything other than Frank. He was just an older man in your life set to wed your mother, yet he really only had eyes for you, his beautiful step daughter he certainly shouldn’t be fantasizing about when he was fucking your mother.
You were bratty and mean, always rolled your eyes at him and walked off right in the middle of him talking to you; you wore those short shorts he despised (loved more than he should have) and those dresses that clung just a little too tight to your body for his liking. You were disobedient and rude, but so fucking sexy he was left torn between his desires and morals.
You never cared what he had to say about anything, never bothered to listen to his rules, and never bothered to wear some god damn house appropriate shorts that didn’t shove your round ass into his face every time he walked past you.
He imagined bending you over his knee and pulling your shorts off you, gently sliding your pink panties down your thighs, then spanking your ass, hard, like the disobedient brat you were until his handprints were etched into your skin, until you were sniffling and moaning for him to stop, until you had finally learned some respect.
He wondered if you’d get wet from that simple act alone: maybe your childish attitude was all a front, an act, to really piss him off to his limits and see how far you could push him until he broke. Maybe you wanted to be punished by him, be spanked raw, be fucked hard, until tears were streaming in your pretty little eyes and you were sobbing your apologizes to him instead of running your mouth.
As a matter of fact he should do just that; with all the times you’d “accidentally” leave the door open when you were showering and your mother had gone shopping, just you and Frank and the sizzling tension between you left to fend for itself. He was a gentleman at heart but no man could deny the allure of such a pretty body like yours covered in water.
He should shove your face into his pillow and fuck you from behind so you didn’t have to see his face like he knew you’d want to. He’d hold your hands behind your back and pound you until you cried for him to stop, to go faster, that it hurts, but you fucking wanted more.
You’d probably be a squirter too, all mean girls like you were when they got stripped down to the bare parts of themselves, where they couldn’t hide behind their own insolence and were touched by the experienced hands of an older man.
Frank was a patient man, a very patient man. It took a lot to drive him over the edge but yet you always seemed to know just what to say and just what to do to really push his buttons.
Your bedroom door wide open as you changed out of your bra, your perky tits all smooth and round for him to ogle at through the hallway, your music blasting through the whole house when he was trying to get some god damn sleep, bringing over your stupid little boyfriends into his house and letting them fuck you under his roof — it was all reason enough for him to punish you.
And no, Frank wasn’t jealous. He was a grown man, what did he have to be jealous about? He wasn’t jealous when he’d hear your moans sound through the whole house, the headboard banging on the wall, the giggles you’d try to hide as you’d walk them out the door. It was pathetic. Those boys could never fuck you like he could and he knew it. He was not jealous.
You were a bad girl, a naughty girl, and he didn’t like pretty little girls who thought they knew better than him.
You never showed him any gratitude, or appreciation for taking you and your mother in when he didn’t have to, you never thanked him when he made you a hot meal, and you never listened when he’d say put gas back in my car if you use it.
He basically let you do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. There was no structure, no rhyme or reason to anything you did and he’d be damned if he was going to let a spoiled brat like you make his life any harder than it needed to be.
Your mother was an angel, all kisses and kind words and that’s why he loved her in the first place. He had plans to marry her and live a great life with her. Even when she mentioned a daughter Frank didn’t worry, he imagined an adorable little toddler with big doe eyes and a kind heart just like her mother. But then he met you, and you were no kid, and you were certainly no fucking angel.
You were a soul sucking succubus sent from the depths of hell to tempt him, to make him fail yet another marriage. You were young and he knew it was wrong to despise you yet simultaneously want you so fucking badly. He wanted you out of his house, but he also wanted you on your knees and gagging around his cock. He wanted you to shut up for once, but he also wanted you to scream his name until the neighbors knew it.
It was certainly complicated and contradicting, and with his wedding on the way he really didn’t need anything going wrong. But, he figured, if he married your mother at least he would always be around to keep you in line, right?
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85 notes · View notes
giowritess · 5 months
fortnight | masterlist.
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gif by @dameronscopilot
pairing | Benny Miller x female!reader [Grace Stratford] summary | you somehow end up pretending to be Benny's girlfriend for two whole weeks. is your heart going to survive that? probably not. warnings | swearing, smut, fluff, angst, two idiots who love each other but refuse to say a thing, fake dating. yn is rarely mentioned. word count | 4k author's note | on-going mini series. smut is marked with a ♡. do not copy or translate my work. main masterlist
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part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
101 notes · View notes
intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Deep Water II
Characters: Frankie Morales, Will Miller, Ben Miller, Santiago Garcia and female reader
Warnings: Some swear words and mention of killings and murder
Summary: Waking up in a room that isn’t your own you suddenly remember you were kidnapped by a dangerous gang called the Frontiers, and you get to talk to your captors a little more
Part 1 Part 3
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Quickly blinking your eyes open as you stared up at the ceiling wondering where you were. Everything looked and seemed normal but you did not recognize the place. Rubbing your eyes as you sat up trying to remember what happened.
Feeling that sudden prick in the side of your neck  it hitting you that the men of The Frontiers had kidnapped you. Taken your against your will after you had witnessed them murder an innocent man. Although you have absolutely no idea if he was innocent or not.
All you could hear in your head was the sound of a gun going off, and a man's body hitting the floor. Images flashed through your brain as they so casually slumped his bloody figure into the car. Unable to get the sent of metallic out of your nose.
It didn't matter cause they still didn't have a right to take you away. Feeling like you still had liquor in your system. Your hair and your face probably looked like a train wreck right now. Still wearing the same clothes that you had on feeling sticky and hot.
Taking a closer look at your surroundings you noticed the room looked like someone was already living in it. There was a dresser that had all kinds of cologne on top of it, and a shelf that had books stacked on every inch of the shelves.
This was a massive room whoever was living in it, and you hated to admit but you were kind of jealous. You've never seen a bedroom just as big as your entire apartment.
In the corner there was a pile of clothes stacked in a hamper that were clearly a man's. Nothing in here indicated to you who was living in here, but you really didn't care at the moment. You just wanted to get out of this room and get the hell out of here.
Just as you started to get off the bed you looked over to the nightstand to see a white note along with some water. Picking up the piece of paper you realized the note was written for you.
Come downstairs when you're ready
                              Will xx
As you held the note in your hand you debated whether or not you really wanted to go downstairs. It was probably just a rouse or a trick to get you to be around them so they could kill you or rape you. A shiver running up your spine at the thought of what their hands could do.
Right now all you wish you had in this moment was your mother. To have her holding you in her arms as she rocked you back and forth to comfort you. Telling you sweet things in your ear until you smiled. Brushing your hair until you could fall asleep.
Having nobody and feeling so alone was the most dangerous thing you could feel. It was like falling down a deep dark hole that you just couldn't escape. Trying to claw your way up only to fall further down.
Hearing voices below silently reminding you what situation you were in. These men were probably never going to let you go, and that you might as well just accept it. Grabbing the water bottle uncapping it as you chugged half of it contents, but it still didn't quench your thirst.
Placing your feet on the cold floor as you quietly stepped towards the door. Soon as you opened the door you kept smacking yourself in the head for not walking away from the alley when you had the chance. If only you had your mother or father to get you out of this.
Walking down the hall slowly trying to listen in what they were saying, but all you could hear were muffled sounds. Peeking around the corner down to the stairs to see them all sitting in a humongous living room chatting.
"You know he's going to come looking for him." Frankie had spoke as he lifted up his beer to take a sip.
"You think I don't fucking know that?" Will spat back at him as he rubbed his forehead in stress.
They obviously knew the man was of some importance otherwise they wouldn't be worrying about it so much. He had to have been an enemy of theirs, and they didn't want to start a war with them. The last thing they wanted was to piss on someone else’s front yard. They knew how to handle things accordingly before they got out of control.
"I'm just saying man." He put his hands up in defense.
"Anybody could have killed the poor bastard." It almost scared you how cold he was acting after murdering someone in public.
"How are we going to get rid of the body?" Santi asked looking between all of them in genuine curiosity.
"We burn his body and put his ashes and everything else in a trash bag." His suggestion came so quickly since he's obviously murdered people before. "Nobody will ever know."
"I say we just come clean and come to a truce." Benny suggested which made Will laugh menacingly. "In case they do find out."
"That's a stupid fucking idea." Taking a huge gulp of what looked like whiskey hissing as it went down his throat. "We'll get rid of any trace it was us."
"He's not an idiot Will he'll know it was us." Santi responded lounging back on the leather couch.
“Yeah than he’ll be knocking on our front door.” Frankie mumbled loud enough.
“More like shooting our front door.” Benny shot back which only irritate Will even more.
"Enough." Will bellowed as his cheeks started to turn red with frustration. "We're done talking about it." 
"What about the girl?" Benny asked after a few moments of silence and that definitely got your ears perked up now.
"What about her?" Will said raising his eyebrows at him in question.
"I mean what are we gonna do with her?" Leaning forward so his elbows were leaned against his knees in genuine concern for you. "She can't get involved in this."
"We keep her here until she is of no use to us." When those words left his lips you felt yourself gulping but a lump forming in your throat making you panic.
"We're not killing her William." Frankie exclaimed the other two men nodding their heads in agreement. "She's done nothing wrong."
"I won't kill her." Sighing heavily as he crossed his arms over his chest. "It's her name that's keeping her alive."
Scrunching your brows you wondered what he could have possibly meant by that. Pondering if your father was involved in stuff that he maybe shouldn't have been. Maybe this is what they didn't want you to know growing up. The less you knew about what he did the better.
Maybe that's why they kidnapped you thinking they could find some use of you. Although it didn't make sense given the fact that your family was dead, and it was probably by an enemy of his.
Standing there with even more kinds of questions  running through your mind now. If only your parents were alive to help answer these questions cause you already knew that those men down there certainly weren't going to answer them for you.
"Good morning darling." A voice rang out as you started to back away groaning knowing you'd been caught. "Hear something interesting?"
You were like a child who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Your entire body froze and you couldn’t find it in yourself to move quick enough. Feeling like their was something stuck in your throat. Finding it extremely hard to swallow that saliva that built in your mouth.
"Come down and join us." He waved over to you to come down which you timidly did.
Walking down the steps you kept your eyes downward not wanting to look up. Even though you could feel all there eyes on you. It was like that spotlight was on you again, and you just wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
Hesitating on taking the last step off the stairs to what could be your doom. Looking up to see all of them staring at you with different looks on their faces. Benny and Santi gave you a smile, Frankie gave you a wink while Will had a dangerous twinkle in his eye.
Almost like he was challenging you to cross the line or challenge him. He didn't seem like the type of person you wanted to cross or even piss off. At the same time though you couldn't help but admire each and every one of them.
They were handsome in there own unique way. If they weren't blood soaked killers you probably would be flirting with them right now. Feeling your cheeks heating up under there intense gazes rocking back and forth on your heels.
As you glanced around you could tell that this wasn't just a house but a full on mansion. It was pretty clear that these men were living a lavish lifestyle. They could probably buy anything they wanted with a snap of there fingers.
"How are you feeling?" Benny asked as he stood up to stand in front of you.
"Fine." Voice was so dry it sounded gruff making you let out a cough to clear your throat.
"Are you hungry?" Frankie spoke up making you look over at him with a quizzical look not expecting any of them to be nice. "Could make you some beef stroganoff?"
"Um." That was a complete shock not expecting him to be a cook at most you thought cold pizza out of the fridge. "Sure."
Giving you a wink he took off into the kitchen to starting preparing your meal. Looking out the window seeing the sun shining brightly in the room. It looked like it was morning time although you could be wrong and your brain is tricking you right now. It looked like it was morning, but since he offered you dinner food it clearly wasn't.
Which means that you have slept for more than eighteen hours. Never in your life have you ever slept that long, and it was only cause they drugged you. Thanking your lucky stars they didn't use too much, and accidentally killing you with an overdose. 
Looking back over to the rest of the men you noticed Will was looking your body up and down with a close eye. Quickly looking away when he made eye contact with you. Hearing a light chuckle slip past his lips.
"Relax we're not gonna kill you." Will joked after a few minutes of awkward silence making your eyes widen. It was in bad taste. "Yet."
"Jesus man don't fuck with her like that." Santi gruffed as he took in your terrified look.
"He doesn't mean that sweetheart." Benny smiled as he placed his hand on your lower back guiding you over to the couch. "You're our guest."
"Weird choice of words for a group of men that just kidnapped me." You snapped back unable to keep it from coming out of your mouth. "After they killed a man."
"The babe here can bite." Benny joked as he sat down beside you making Santi laugh and Will crack a smile.
"Harder than you think." You really were pushing it with your attitude considering they literally could snap your neck like a twig.
"I'd watch your tone sweetheart." Will caught on to you as he gave you a firm warning.
Sitting back up against the couch while you stared down Will. Pouting like a little child letting them control you like that. Your mother always taught you to never ever let a man tell you what to do.
Once again there was awkward silence as the four of you sat there and looked at each other. Silently nudging for someone else to speak up first. They figured you probably had questions and wanted to answer as many of them as they could.
"Why did you kidnap me?" Asking as you looked over to Will for a response Santi and Benny could tell this was just going to be between you two.
"Because you're a witness and we can't have you running your pretty little mouth." Will groaned as he answered when nobody else responded.
"So what do you guys do?"
"We're salesmen."
"What do you sell?"
"Stuff little girls like you have no business in buying."
"You don't know what little girls like me are into or know about."
"Judging by the way you acted after we killed that guy I'd say you've been sheltered most of your life."
"You know nothing about my life." The corner of Wills lip twitched when he knew he had struck a nerve with you.
"Just like you know nothing about us sweetheart."
"What do you want with me?"
"I told you I wouldn't go to anyone I would keep quiet and you'd never hear from me."
"Like I told you that's something we can't risk."
"Are you gonna kill me?"
"Not unless you give us a reason to." He answered honestly which made you audibly gulp.
As you sat there thinking about his answers there was one question you did want to ask him, but we're too afraid to ask. It was nagging at the back of your mind to just go ahead and ask to see what he says.
"Did you know my father?" Silence.
All of them including Frankie in the kitchen was silent. They all looked to each other waiting to see if Will was going to respond. As you sat there looking at him you noticed how light his eyes really were. They were almost kind entrancing like something was tugging you to him.
Feeling your heart stating to race as the two of you looked at one another. It was like it was just the two of you in this room, and the rest of the men were disappearing. The room was starting to become smaller, and the air was becoming thicker with tension.
"Yes I did." He finally responded making you lean forward a little more your curiosity even more peaked.
"H-how?" Forgetting about who you were talking to and just cared more about what he had to say. "How did you know my father?"
“If it weren’t for your last name you wouldn’t even be alive.” His words had a cold meaning behind them almost like a warning or threat.
“How did you know him?” Asking him again but he was clearly choosing to not answer that.
"That's enough questions." He growled as he stood up and headed upstairs assuming to his room since you heard a door slam shut.
Staring straight ahead as you felt a slight ringing in your ears. Feeling that familiar lump in your throat as well as your eyes watering up. Shaking your head you looked to the other guys to be met with sympathetic looks.
It really did shock you that Will knew your father, and as soon as you start asking questions he suddenly shuts down. It was almost like he didn't want you to know the answer which was frustrating to you.
Right now your mind was all over the place like it had been scrambled. All you wanted to do right now was take a shower, wash off the smell of alcohol, get into some comfy clothes, and then go to bed. Taking a deep breath before you stood up to go back to your room.
"Dinner is ready." Frankie called from the kitchen placing your plate on the table with a soda.
"Smells delicious." Sniffing the air you almost moaned at how good it smelled.
"It's the best you'll ever have." Complimenting himself making Benny and Santi nod their heads in agreement. "I can promise you that."
"Thanks." Picking up the fork quietly jabbing the pasta and beef before placing it into your waiting mouth. "Jesus Christ this is delicious."
"The best you've ever had kind of delicious?" Frankie asked as he stood there with a hand on his hand and a smile on his face.
"Yes." Quickly jabbing some more into your mouth practically stuffing your face like a weirdo.
The guys laughed at your eagerness to eat not caring anymore, and starting to feel more comfortable around them. They were being incredibly nice and understanding of your situation.
Will on the other hand was cold and hostile towards you for some reason. One minute it felt like he felt bad for you and wanted to help you, and the next it was like he wanted to rip your throat out.
The guys were chatting around you making small talk while you ate your food in peace. For a minute you forgot where you were and what was going on in your life. Just imagining that you were back at your apartment watching tv while playing on your phone.
Speaking of your phone and your stuff, you had no idea where any of your belongings were. Patting down your pockets to feel they were all empty. Looking over at the other men debating on whether you should ask or not.
"Wheres my stuff?" Asking with a mouthful of food turning their attention to you.
"Will said it was best if you didn't have it until we can trust you." Benny answered making you scoff with a roll of your eyes.
"What if someone comes looking for me?" Not being able to come up with one person you knew that would ask where you were but you still asked anyway.
"Nobody's gonna look for you darling." Santi answered honestly with as much sweetness as he could muster. "Not that anybody wouldn't but we have ways to handle it."
"That's such bullshit." Not meaning to say that out loud but they found it funny. "Sorry."
"Sweetheart you don't have anything to apologize for." Benny gave you a huge grin showing off his white teeth.
"We actually tried convincing him to let you go." Looking over at Frankie and then the rest of the men who nodded.
"When you were passed out we told him you wouldn't tell anyone." Santi spoke up. "I mean we have the cops in our back pocket they wouldn't touch us."
"Why didn't he let me go then?" It was the one question nobody really seemed to want to answer.
"That's something he's gonna have to tell you sweetheart." That was the kind of response that you didn't want to hear.
It would be as waste of energy and time if you asked Will more questions. You'd probably irritate him so much he snap your neck, and then dispose of your body like the other man. As much as you wanted him to tell you everything it might just have to wait.
"I guess I'll go back to the room and sleep." Getting up from the chair heading towards the stairs but someone's voice stopped you.
"I wouldn't do that sweetheart." Frankie’s voice turned a little deeper making your nervous turning around to face him.
"Why not?" Quirking an eyebrow at him wondering why he told you not to go upstairs.
"Because that's Wills room."
“Then where am I supposed to sleep?”
“We’ve got a spare room all made for you.” Benny stood up as he walked over to you with a hand on your back escorting you upstairs to the room going past Wills bedroom.
Great you were going to be staying in the room just next to his. You would rather sleep downstairs on the couch then get within twenty feet of him. He seemed like he would smother you with a pillow in the middle of the night.
“Do this a lot do you?” Quirking an eyebrow as you stood in the middle of the room looking around.
“Nah.” Drawing out the word crossing his arms across his chest. “We don’t give them a room we dig them a grave.”
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21
Tag list for Pedro Pascal: @pedrohoe04 @k-k0129
Tag list for Series: @casa-boiardi @luciferiorbxtch @ladyelissarose
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musings-of-a-rose · 11 months
It's Miller Time
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Original ask from @boogerpresleyonthemeanguitar84: would you, could you, write some smut with benny and will ofc not incest i mean with a female reader (me lol)? I love your work and like i mentioned in the comment i just found your work! Impressive!
It’s Miller Time
Pairing: Benny Miller, Will Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 2400+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Thanks to @mermaidxatxheart for reading this over!!
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Main Masterlist
Benny Masterlist
Will Masterlist
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"I never do anything like this!" I'm nervous, excited energy rushing through my body, my fingers tingling and shaking slightly. 
"Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll take good care of you."
I went out to the bar tonight, intending on having a quick drink at the end of a long work week. But instead I found myself the center of attention for not one but two incredibly hot men, Benny and Will, who happen to be brothers. And here I am, following them inside their shared home, giddy with the prospect of having these 2 touch me.
Will takes my coat and bag, hanging them on the coat rack by the door as Benny guides me to the living room, gesturing towards the couch for me to sit. I do, smoothing my dress down my thighs and he sits next to me, extending his arm behind me, settling it on the top of the couch. He cups my face with his other hand, his warmth burning my cheek as he turns me to face him, his bright blue eyes staring into me. 
“Are you sure, sweetheart? Things can get a little rough. You can say no and there’s no hard feelings.”
“N-no, I’m sure. I just…I’ve never…” I gesture between the two of them. “...done this before?”
Benny smiles and it calms me. “Don’t worry about that. You just feel good. We can guide you.”
I nod, my nerves emboldening me as I kiss Benny. He responds immediately, the hand on my face sliding around the back of my head and holding me to him. His lips are soft and warm, inviting me to part mine and I do, moaning a little when he slides his tongue into my mouth. He kisses me for a few moments, my head feeling light when he slides his thumb under my chin and breaks the kiss, tipping my head back and gently sucking on my neck. I left out a gasp and his hand settles on my hip, gently sliding up to reach into my dress, grabbing my boob and squeezing a little, thumb brushing over my nipple. God does this feel good. So good, I nearly forget about Will, sitting somewhere behind me just watching. 
I push him back slightly and straddle his hips, his concern vanishing from his face when I start to grind on him, fingers tangled in his hair as he buries his face in my chest, pulling down the top of my dress to suck a nipple in his mouth.
“Oh God that feels good,” I pant, rocking my hips a little faster. 
“Arms up.”
I comply, my arms raising as he grips my dress, pulling it over my head and tossing it across the room. He quickly undoes my bra, tossing it in the same direction as my dress as I toss my panties somewhere in that same area. Benny’s eyes rake over me, drinking me in as I straddle his hips again, whimpering when his clothed erection rubs at me. I start to kiss Benny again when I feel a different set of hands on my hips, fingers digging into the skin to pull my hips up. I don’t stop kissing Benny until Will’s finger slides through me, groaning at how wet I am. He says nothing, swirling that same finger around my entrance and pushing it in. 
“Fuck,” I whisper into Benny’s mouth as Will adds another finger, slowly fucking me with them. Will pulls his fingers from me and I whine, frustrated at the lack of contact. There’s some shuffling behind me, Benny shifting under me and then Will’s fingers grip my hips again, angling them a certain way. But before I can ask if he needs me to move, his tongue is there, licking at me like his life depends on it. I cry out, Benny’s hands finding my boobs and pinching my nipples as he watches my face, loving the way it changes expression when Will pushes his tongue inside of me for a moment. A particularly hard flick over my nipple pushes me over the edge, heat and pleasure rolling over me as I cum, Will moaning into my cunt, which makes my orgasm last longer. 
“You taste amazing, darlin,” Will stands from behind me, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. I sit up, legs shaking slightly as I turn around to face him. “I wonder if you taste just as amazing.” I reach for his pants, undoing his button but he grips my chin and turns my head up to his. “Not yet, pretty girl. I'll watch you a bit first.”
Benny’s hands are on my hips, pulling me back on his lap, his hard dick pushing against the top of my ass, which is when I realize he had gotten undressed, clothes tossed somewhere in the room. And the fact that he’s long, or longer than I’ve ever had at least. He pulls my back against his chest, his hands hooking under my knees and spreading my legs wide. He shifts his hips, pushing himself through my wet folds and I whimper. He feels so fucking good like this. After a few moments of this, he sits me up, pushing himself slowly into me and I look down, watching him disappear inside of me. 
“Fuck! You feel so..ugh!” Once he’s fully inside, he pulls my back down on his chest again, hoisting my legs up and wide, on full display for Will, who was seated in a chair across from us, stroking himself. Benny starts at a slower pace, gliding lazily against my g spot before he growls in my ear. “Hold your legs.” I do as he says, his fingers immediately moving between my legs, rubbing circles where I need him most, his other hand pinching a nipple as he quickens his pace, fucking me as fast and hard as he can from this angle, launching me over the edge, screaming his name as he continues to rail into me, chasing his own high. He cums, biting my shoulder as he fills me, still stroking me as my thighs twitch. We stay like that for a moment, heavy breathing, sweat sticking to our skin as Benny nibbles on my earlobe, his dick twitching slightly inside of me. 
Will crosses the room and extends a hand to me, helping me up when I accept it, Benny grunting when he slides from me. What do I do now? Surely I have to clean up or something? But Will gives me no time to think about that as he bends me over the side of the chair he was sitting on, his pants hitting the floor as he brings a hand down to smack on my ass, watching it jiggle as I cry, a smile at the corner of my lips. I didn’t know I liked that but I also have no time to linger on it as Will thrusts into me fairly rough, fingers digging into my hips, pulling me back on him. My hands scramble for purchase as I cry his name, Will setting a rough pace as he winds his fingers into my hair, gripping it tight and holding me down. Damn he fucks so good, my toes slipping slightly on the floor from the height difference. 
“Yeah you like that? You good little slut? Lettin’ me fuck you like this?” Will’s voice is strained, like he’s trying to last. His hand reaches around between my legs, gently rubbing me in stark contrast to the way he’s fucking me and I come without warning, crying his name into the chair as I squeeze him, my fingers digging into the fabric as Will snaps his hips impossibly harder, finally coming himself as he grunts into me, leaking down my legs. He pulls himself from me with a hiss, helping me up and turning me to look at him, all trace of the moment on pause.
“Are you ok, darlin’? I know I can be rough and I know you didn’t use the safe word-”
I have no words. Instead, I pull him to me, kissing him finally, his beard scratching at my skin. He holds me to him, fingers light on my skin, like he’s cherishing me. He cups my face and pulls back, looking into my eyes like he’s making sure I’m really ok. I smile. I know I have to look fucked out by this point, but somehow, I’m not done. 
“Can I have a minute?” I ask. Will nods and points to the bathroom. I take a few moments to clean myself out, drying off before finally getting a good look in the mirror. I was right - I do look fucked out of my mind, a small smile playing on my lips. I return to the living room and they look at me, both of their eyes scanning my body, eyes darkening with every second. 
“You doin’ ok, sweetheart?” Benny asks, his eyebrows pinching together and making him look like a damn puppy. 
“So fucking good.”
They smile and Benny stands, already hard again as he takes my hand. “Good. Follow me.”
He guides me to his bedroom, spinning me around with a smile and motioning for me to lay down. I do, scooting up the bed, which is apparently not where he wanted me, as he grips my ankles and pulls me down to the edge fo the bed in one swift movement, my boobs bouncing as I giggle. He kneels between my legs, pushing them apart as he stares down at me, already wet for more. 
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous. I didn’t get to look before.” He lowers his head and darts his tongue out, a quick little tap at my clit and my legs jerk. He does this a few more times, chuckling darkly when my legs continue to twitch before he finally licks up the center of me, sucking lightly on my clit. My chest is heaving, my fingers fly to his hair, gripping his golden locks as he slides his nose through me, fucking me on his tongue. 
“Oh God, Benny!” My thighs slam against his head as I cum, gripping his hair tightly, holding him to me as I chant his name. While I come down, he softly turns my body so my head is now at the edge. He moves back between my thighs, sliding his dick through me again, watching me twich and moan under him. He pushes in slowly, watching me for any sign of discomfort. My mouth flies open, breathing heavily as he bottoms out. He pulls one of my legs up onto his hip before gripping my wrists and pushing them into the bed on either side of my head. He slowly pulls out and pushes in, loving the way I contort under him. 
I feel movement behind my head and that’s when I notice Will, standing off to the side of the room, watching Benny fuck me. On his next thrust, my head moves a little off the edge of the bed and suddenly Will is there, holding my head as he stands over me, his dick hard again. I know what he wants and I want to give it to him, immediately opening my mouth. He looks at my eyes, like he’s waiting for a final consent. “I want to taste you, Will.”
That’s all the permission he needs. He pushes in, much slower than he did before, making sure to stop when I can’t take anymore. I lick and suck as he guides me, his little moans and affirmations spurring me on, my own moans from Benny sliding in and out of me muffled by Will. Benny releases my wrists, taking a boob in each hand and squeezing them, pinching my nipples as Will leans over, rubbing circles into my clit. The overstimulation of everything, the idea that these 2 gorgeous men are not only turned on by me, but also doing everything they can to make sure I feel fucking orgasmically blissful. My thighs shake, my body tensing as I start to come, Benny’s voice muffled by the ringing in my ear, Will quickly pulling from my mouth to let me cry out their names, my eyes watering from all the stimulation. I can feel Benny holding back, trying to give me a moment. 
“Fuck me, Benny!”
“Yes, ma’am.” His hips snap against mine, hitting deeper than he’s done so far. My mouth hangs open and I gesture at Will, who pushes himself into my mouth, holding onto my head as he fucks into me, matching Benny’s thrusts. Benny takes one of my hands, lacing his fingers with mine as I reach behind my head with the other, fingers digging into Will’s thigh. He pants my name, cumming down my throat as Benny grunts out my name, hips sputtering into mine. Will comes to first, quickly pulling himself out of my mouth, a trail of spit still connecting us. He dabs at my mouth, moving towards the bathroom, the sound of running water a few moments later. Benny is still inside of me, his head on my chest as his breath finally levels out, humming as I card my fingers through his hair. 
Will comes back into the room and like teamwork, they take care of me, helping me into the bathtub, washing me up and making me feel clean and cared for. After, they offer me some soft boxers and a shirt, in case I didn’t feel like putting on my dress. They help me into it, bringing me a glass of water and finally listening when I turn down their offer of food for the 5th time. I sit on the bed for a moment, looking between them both. 
“This…this was…well…fucking amazing. I’ve never…I’m not the one who…just… thank you. For a fucking good time.”
They smile at me. “It doesn’t have to end, darlin’.”
Benny takes my hand, rubbing little circles into the back of it. “Do you wanna stay for the weekend?”
I have never agreed to anything so fast in my life.
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theewokingdead · 9 months
The Best One - Benny Miller x f!Reader
Pairing: Benny Miller x f!Reader Summary: You and Benny are best friends, but one night together changed everything. Protecting your own heart, you decided it's best to forget. Problem is, Benny doesn't want to - and truthfully, neither do you. Word Count: 3.5k Rating: Explicit Content: Language, Santi is an asshole, idiots in love, friends to lovers, PiV sex, public sex A/N: I listen to "Best Ones" by Garrett Hedlund way too much, sparking this idea. I present...my first Benny Miller smut. Enjoy!
“Then she took my dick in both her hands and sucked the soul out of my body.”
Benny rolls his eyes and shifts in the booth, arms crossed stubbornly over his chest. He cannot bear to look at Santi, but he is stuck here, listening to his nonstop blabbering about his recent sexcapade. His eyes drift upwards to the light fixtures in the ceiling as he desperately tries to focus on anything other than Santi and his stories. But one thought springs into Benny's mind before he can push it away: her…down on her knees. It's a memory he had vowed to bury and never uncover again, but that hasn't stopped him from thinking about it - especially now.
She broke their hungry kiss by pushing against his chest. He tried to pull her back, but she shook her head and slowly dropped to her knees, keeping her gaze locked on his. She was too impatient to do more than tug his jeans down far enough to get what she wanted. His cock sprung free and she wrapped her delicate hands around the base before rubbing the head across her luscious lips. Fuck, she looked so beautiful. When she opened her mouth and took him in, he groaned with pleasure, her cheeks hollowing as she hungrily sucked him. He threaded his fingers through her hair and fucked her greedy little mouth, her name the only thing on his lips as he-
“What about you, Ben?”
Benny is pulled from his memory by the sound of his name. He looks to Santi, realizing he was asked a question.
“What about me?” he asks, feigning ignorance, not really in the mood to satisfy his curiosity.
“You gotten laid lately?” Santi asks.
“Well, no… I mean, yes. I mean, I’ve gotten some,” he stutters, his face going red as the words escape his mouth. He realizes he sounds like a teenager lying to his friends about having had sex.
“Oh, really?” the older man questions, his brows raising in surprise. “When’s the last time you got laid?”
“A few weeks ago, I guess,” Benny says, shrugging his shoulders.             
First, he had Santi’s curiosity. Now, he has his full attention. The man sits back in his seat, watching him with interest, as if he doesn't believe him. “Does she have a name?”
Of course, she has a name. Her name is the perfect complement to her delicate beauty, sweet and gentle. He wishes he could speak it aloud now - the sound of her name on anyone's lips is music, a beautiful melody that sends shivers down his spine.
But he can't.
Nobody at the table knows a thing about his secret encounter with her, and he promised himself that he wouldn’t tell anyone what happened between them. Not even Will. If anyone has their suspicions, Benny is oblivious to it. Besides, there’s nothing to talk about. It had been a single night of passion fueled by alcohol and desire that now belonged in the past, best left as it. She had made it clear that she wanted nothing more. In fact, it sounded like she regretted that anything even happened.
"I'm sorry, Benny. Just forget this ever happened."
Perhaps it would be easier that way; it’s already been several weeks, and it seem she has moved on. He realizes how much he had overestimated her feelings for him. She's always flirted with him, but maybe it was just innocent. That realization kills him. To him, she is everything, but to her, he's just a man – a friend.
Maybe it's best if he moves on and never speaks, never even thinks, of the night again.
But it's impossible - especially when she walks through the door right then.
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You slip into the bar and look around, hoping to easily find the boys somewhere in the crowd. As expected, they’re sitting in their usual booth, beers in front of them as they seem to engage in some sort of conversation. A smile spreads across your face as you move toward them.
A warmth floods you when you notice Benny looking at you, his blue eyes shining even in the dim lighting of the bar. You bite your lip and push the memory of the night the two of you shared away. You can’t think of that right now. You can't think about that ever. You can’t think about the way his hands felt on your body, holding your wrists down…and you definitely can’t think about the way his lips felt against yours as his cock shoved every thought out of your head.
You break your gaze and push the thought out of your mind as you walk to the table, forcing yourself to remember that there will never be anything between the two of you, that you two are friends – that you’ll never be anything more than just friends.
“Hello boys,” you say, slipping into the booth next to Frankie, careful to avoid catching Benny’s eyes again. “What did I miss?”
“Benjamin here was just about to tell us about his latest encounter with some saucy señorita,” Santi informs you.
Your heart sinks as you think about Benny with another woman. All color drains from your face and your stomach twists. You know he doesn't have feelings for you, but did he really move on from that night with you that quickly?
“Oh,” you say, feigning interest, trying to keep your best poker face.
“Negative,” Benny replies harshly. “And I sure as hell ain’t about to allow this conversation go any further with a lady present.”
You furrow your brows in confusion. Sure, Benny isn't one to strut around like a peacock - that's more of Santi's thing - but he's also not one to keep tight-lipped.
Santi laughs. “A lady? Her mouth is just as filthy as yours, Ben. So, go on. Tell us more of your adventures. I’m sure she’d love to hear them."
Benny rises from his seat quicker than you’ve ever seen him move, not even in the ring, his face flushed and angry as he glares at Santi. “Back off or I swear-” he growls, tone hard and threatening
Will stands between the two men, looking at his younger brother, holding up a hand to stop him from advancing further towards the other man. “Don’t finish that sentence."
“Can we drop whatever this is, please?” you suggest. Things have been awkward enough lately. The last thing this group needs is strife between Benny and Pope too.
You watch Benny's chest rise and fall with every measured breath. You ache to reach out and touch him, to feel the warmth of his skin. He catches your eye and you quickly look away, feeling embarrassed and allowing your hands to sink into your lap.
“There's no story to tell,” he says, and you feel his glance on you before turning and walking away.
“Fuck,” Santi sighs, breaking the silence before raising the bottle in front of him and taking a sip. “He needs to save that shit for fight night.”
Frankie gives Santi a sharp whack on the back of his head, making the latter sputter out out his beer.
“Cabrón!" Frankie hisses. "No es obvio, o estás ciego?”
Fortunately, you don't catch the words. Otherwise, it would become obvious that everyone but Santi has picked up on the awkwardness between you and Benny. It really shouldn’t be a surprise that Will and Frankie suspect something happened between you two. You both have been quieter than usual lately, talk to and about each other less, and whenever your eyes meet, you both quickly look away, a telltale sign that something is amiss.
“Excuse me,” you utter before rising from the booth, moving to follow Benny outside. You open the door and search for him, spotting him making a beeline towards his car.
“What the hell was that?” you demand, trailing close behind him.
“Nothing that concerns you,” he replies harshly without losing stride.
“Really, Benny? How can that not be my concern?"
“It’s not your concern because it’s none of your business,” he snaps, whipping around to face you.
You're taken aback by his sudden hostility toward you. “How can you say that?” you question, stepping toward him. “You’re my fiend, which means you're my business."
Benny rolls his eyes, which sets a fire in you.
"You’re my god damned business, Benny," you reiterate. "You always have been. I know you better than anyone, and I can tell when you’re upset. So, talk to me.”
His eyes are filled with a mixture of emotions, his face an expression that is a cross between exhaustion, hurt, anger. “I can’t talk to you about something that never happened. I mean, that’s what you want, right? To pretend it never happened?"
You freeze, his words striking you like a punch to the gut. The realization stings you, the reality of what he’s saying finally clicking in your mind. The reason he didn't want to talk about his last sexual encounter was because it was with you.
“I didn't mean it like that,” you reply, crossing your arms protectively.
“Then, can you tell me what you meant? Because clearly, I'm confused.”
You hesitate before speaking, unsure why you said the things you said the morning after. It’s clear that you can’t forget what happened, and you don't want to, but you also don't want to risk ruining your relationship with him and the others, even though it appears that you have already made a complete mess of things.
"Benny, our friendship means a lot to me and I don't want to-"
Benny snorts. “Friendship? Does this look like a friendship?" He's referring to the way things have been the last few weeks. "Our friendship changed the moment you kissed me...and it was destroyed when you ran away, my come still dripping from between your legs.”
Your mouth falls open, Benny’s harsh words hitting you like a slap across the face. You’re not sure if he’s ashamed of what happened, or upset that you’ve been denying it. Either way, you know he’s right: your friendship is fucked.
"I was scared," you confess, tears forming in your eyes. "Terrified that it would ruin us. I had to be the one to put a stop to it, to set boundaries for our friendship, because if you'd been the one to say we should just be friends, it would've broken me.” You take a breath, trying to maintain some control of your emotions. “I'm sorry, Ben. I know things will never be the same between us. If I could go back and change what happened, I would. Please. Can we at least try to move on from this?”
"No," Benny ultimately answers after a moment of silence. His voice is choked with emotion, the gravity of his words heavy in the air.
You look away from him, trying to hide your hurt, but it's too late - the tears streaming down your face speak for you.
"That night was…,” Benny begins. “It's been playing in my head every single day since then, like a movie I can't stop watching." His breathing is ragged as he continues, the intensity in his eyes growing with each passing seconds. "I know I should forget about it, and I know you want me to forget-"
"Ben, that's not-"
"But I’d kill to live that night just one more time," he speaks, his eyes wet and filled with emotion.
Your lips part in surprise as Benny's admission sinks in, and for a moment, all you can do is stare at him. The way he’s looking at you though makes you feel like the most wanted woman in the world. It's making it impossible for you to keep your walls up. You’ve wanted him for so long, it’s hard to tell how you could ever turn him away. But you were so afraid that he didn't feel the same way you do.
When you shared that one night together, you told yourself it was the alcohol, the adrenaline, the emotion of the night that pushed you into it. You told yourself a thousand different excuses for why he hooked up with you. You told yourself you both were just caught up in the moment. You told yourself it wasn’t real. You told yourself that Benny could have any woman that he wants - there was no reason for him to choose you. But now, standing before him, watching him stare at you, seeing the look in his eyes, hearing the tone of his voice, you wonder if you’ve been blind to the truth all along.
Despite all the fear and uncertainty between you two, there was something real that happened that night - something neither of you can ignore or deny any longer.
“What are you saying?” you whisper, needing to hear him speak his true feelings, plain and clear.
“I want you,” he tells you. “I’ve always wanted you. You’re beautiful and smart and funny…and you drive me fucking insane. I can’t be in the same room with you without feeling like I am seconds away from taking you right there. I can’t think about anyone else. You are it for me. You are my person…and it fucking kills me that I’m not yours.”
As you look at him, perplexed, it dawns on you that the two of you are both harboring strong feelings for one another, yet completely oblivious to that fact. Has it been this way the whole time? The flirting, the touching, the constant need to be near one another. All these years of friendship...
Laughter bubbles up within you in disbelief, spilling over and out into a fit of giggles.
“What’s so damn funny?” he questions, staring at you like you're crazy - and maybe you are.
“Don't you understand, Benny? You are mine,” you reveal, wiping your eyes in an attempt to compose yourself.
“I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember,” you reveal. “Apparently we’re both too damn stupid to see what’s been right in front of us all along.”
Benny's eyes widen as he looks at you, processing your words. You can almost see the sense of relief wash over him, knowing that his feelings are reciprocated. A smile spreads across his face.
He takes a step forward, the softness in his eyes quickly turning dark. He’s standing mere inches in front of you, the heat from his body taking you by surprise as it washes over you. Your stomach whooshes, and you ache as you wait for him to kiss you, but no kiss comes.
“Say it,” he commands. "I need to hear it. Please."
You take a step closer to Benny, your eyes never leaving his. You grab hold of his button-up shirt, pulling him toward you. Meanwhile, his hands fall to your hips, as if by instinct.
“I love you.”
Benny pulls you closer to him, his lips finally meeting yours. A fire sparks inside of you and you open your mouth to meet his tongue. You’re positive that you only imagined the way his mouth felt on you before, but it can’t be anything like this. It’s like your lips remember him, yearning for him even though several weeks have passed. You moan against his mouth as you cling to him, your body desperate for his touch.
A low growl escapes Benny's lips as his mouth grazes your neck. You lean against his car, feeling intoxicated from the sensations in your body, as your hands explore his shoulders. You feel a giddy thrill, unlike anything you've ever experienced before. His kisses move from your neck to your shoulder, and his hands wander lower. But before things get too carried away, Benny pulls away suddenly and stares into your eyes. He then reaches behind him and opens the back door of his SUV.
“Get in.”
You smile, biting your lip as you slide into the back seat, Benny close behind. As soon as he closes the door, he pulls you onto his lap, and kiss you soft yet urgent. His hands journey down your body, lightly tracing down your arms, across your thighs, over your shirt. He doesn't unclothe you; instead, his palms rest on the curve of your ass as your hands push up against the fabric of his shirt, feeling the heat radiating from his skin. You grind against him, pressing yourself down onto his lap as you feel for his arousal. A groan escapes between his lips, and it turns more primal when he clasps your butt tighter. Your mouth moves hungrily against his for several bewitching seconds.
You take the initiative, starting to open his jeans. Your fingers fumble with the button and zipper before you pull down his boxer briefs and free his cock. Benny tilts his head back in pleasure as soon as a hand wraps around it, and he looks down for a moment to watch you stroke him before looking back up at you as your lips press against his. Benny whimpers into your kiss as he reaches out to find the center of your legs, caressing you through the fabric of your pants.
“Baby, please,” he begs.
You lift up and pull your pants down, just enough to expose yourself. Benny follows suit, pushing his jeans down until they are around his ankles. He wastes no time, running a finger through the folds between your legs before you can sink down on him.
“Benny!” you gasp, clutching onto his shirt.
“Now who’s the fucking tease?” he asks before sinking two fingers into you, eliciting a gasp from you. “Fuck, baby. You’re so wet.”
“Benny,” you plead, leaning your head forward until your forehead touches the top of his hat, the texture of its fabric rough against your skin.
“Tell me what you need.”
“Fuck me.”
He nods and grins. “Alright. I’m going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before."
His straightforwardness causes you to gasp. You can feel yourself dripping for him in anticipation. How could he possibly fuck you better than he did before?
"Then I’m taking you home. We'll spend the night together, make love until we pass out. When sunrise comes, I won't let you go. In fact, I plan on making love to you all over again. Got it?"
You nod vigorously, your mind whirling. Somehow, you manage a reply. “Okay.” It’s simple, but a promise that you'll never leave him again.
Benny pulls his fingers away then positions himself at your entrance. He eases himself into you, your eyes rolling back for a moment before finding his. His lips meet yours again as he slowly pushes deeper into you. You moan against his lips. His movements are smooth and slow, gentle but still raw and powerful.
Your movements match his, rising and falling, your breath in sync. You moan, Benny’s lips finding your neck. He buries his face against you, laying desperate kisses all along your skin as you ride him, faster and faster, letting the intensity build.
“You’re mine,” he rasps before nipping your ear.
“I’m yours.”
He slides a hand up your body, lifting your shirt and your bra with it, exposing your breasts. His mouth latches onto one of your nipples, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud. You gasp, feeling your body tense. You feel that familiar tingling sensation start to consume you.
Benny unlatches then looks down at where your bodies join before looking back up at your face. "Look at you," Benny says, his voice low. "Look at you taking my cock. You're gorgeous."
You can't see yourself, but you don't have to. His gaze is burning into you, and it’s like he can see every inch of you. His eyes devour you with hunger, desire, and admiration. You feel beautiful in that moment; dirtier than anything you thought possible.
“I want to watch you come on my cock,” he tells you.
“I’m s-so close.”
Seeming to sense what you need, he moves a hand between your legs, his thumb finding the spot where you’re pulsing.
As you rock on top of him, his eyes never leave you, and the intensity of his gaze is nearly enough to send you over the edge. You can feel yourself getting closer, the anticipation building up inside you until it explodes in a shuddering climax that almost makes you forget who you are or where you are. You cry out, your breath coming in pants.
Benny presses his lips against yours as he slows his movements, and draws out your pleasure until you collapse against him, utterly spent.
You feel the heat of his body, pressed against yours, and the pleasant sense of fullness with his cock still buried inside of you. The air is filled with the smell of sex and sweat as the two of you stay there together in blissful silence for several moments before Benny speaks.
"Fuck, that was amazing," he says softly. “You're incredible. You’re perfect. We just…we have to work on our communication a bit. if we want this to work.”
You chuckle, snuggling against his chest with a contented sigh. This is what happiness feels like - warm and comforting, completely enveloping the two of you in its embrace.
As Benny's breathing begins to settle, he tightens his grip around your body slightly and whispers into your hair:
“In case it wasn’t clear… I love you too.”
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doodles-bi-tea · 1 year
how you met the love of your life, benny miller
pairing: benny miller x bartender reader [second person, no y/n]
warnings: mentions + consumption of alcohol. that’s really it. flirting?? idk
word count: 2,116
a/n: heyyy I’ve been really inactive (at least in terms of posting) but I’ve opened up requests recently! this isn’t a request but thought I’d write something just for fun and to get back into writing. here’s the post where I talked abt the requests, feel free to send something in!! also sorry I kind of weirdly switched time perspectives closer to the end so uhhh hope you don’t mind it just felt weird trying to fix it so I didn’t. but yeah I’ve been hella obsessed with benny miller from triple frontier so figured I’d write smth for him 🤗 honestly not entirely sure I like this oneshot that much but yeah whatever if you enjoy feel free to lmk <3
The bar was quiet, to say the least. It was a Saturday night, which typically meant that many of your usuals would be there, as well as other strangers looking to unwind after the work week. But, fortunately for you, it was mostly empty, save for most of the aforementioned usuals. This was an empty shift no one else wanted to take, and you didn’t have plans so you just decided to take it on a whim. You wiped off a glass and set it on the counter next to a few others, hearing the bell on the door ring again.
Glancing up, you saw a group of four [hot] men come in, talking and smiling with each other. You watched them as they made their way over to a booth closer to the back. They got settled in as you continued to dry different beer and cocktail glasses behind the counter.
Since it wasn’t busy, you spent most of your time just doing mundane tasks to clean and fix different things around the bar and in the back. Eventually, one of the men came from the booth and up to the bar to grab drinks. He wore a dark red t-shirt and beige pants, with a navy baseball cap atop his head and aviators covering his eyes.
He asked for four beers, which you then handed to him. He nodded in acknowledgment, and was turning to leave with the bottles, but paused.
“Hey, by the way-“ he turned again to face you. “-my friend over there thinks you’re cute.”
You were admittedly a little stunned to hear that, but you let your eyes drift over to the booth where his friends sat. Also to your surprise, two of the other three were looking back at you. The one wearing a blue button up over a white tee and a backwards green baseball cap put his hand up with a grin and winked.
“What’s his name?” You waved back, albeit more hesitant.
“Benny. I would’ve sent him over but didn’t know if you’d like that.” He put the beers down on the counter as he leaned against it.
“Tell him he can come over if he wants, I don’t mind. Oh, but what’s your name?”
“Just call me Frankie.” He stuck his hand out and you shook it. “Let me know if he starts harassing you or something, I’ll beat ‘im up.”
You smiled and chuckled quietly. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary, but thank you.”
He nodded before grabbing the beers and heading back to the booth. You saw him put the bottles down on the table before sitting down and saying something to the rest of the group. It probably had something to do with what you said about Benny, seeing as he stood up suddenly and began [nearly] bounding over, beer in hand, like a golden retriever with a stick in its mouth.
“Hey.” You greeted him as he sat on one of the barstools and leaned against the counter.
“Hey,” He smiled at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling upwards like his lips. “I’m Ben, or you can call me Benny.”
You didn’t know what you were expecting but it certainly wasn’t his voice when he first spoke. It was deep and smooth, with a hint of a southern drawl, like music to your ears or honey for your tea.
“Yeah, Frankie over there told me.” You nodded over in the direction of the booth he had just come from. “Said you thought I was cute?”
Benny chuckled, letting his head tilt downwards as if to look at his shirt or shoes bashfully. It was a wonderful sound. “Yeah, yeah, I still do.”
You suddenly became aware of the fact that you were feeling warm all over, and a little nervous. You’d have your fair share of people hitting on you, but Benny seemed different for once. He seemed very genuine.
You weren’t sure what it was. Maybe the way his dark dirty blonde hair peeked out from the edges of his backwards baseball cap. Maybe the way his eyelashes were so thick and dark that you could practically see them from a mile away. Maybe the way his voice had your stomach doing somersaults any time he spoke. Anyway, you weren’t sure what it was.
“Well thank you then, hon.” You smiled back at him. “I think you’re pretty cute too.”
“Thanks.” He chuckled again, before taking a sip of his beer.
That noise. You would never get enough of it. It was deep, slightly raspy, and had a bit of a stutter to it. Your knees nearly buckled underneath you when he looked back up at you with those pretty blue eyes.
“So,” Benny started, setting his bottle down on the counter and crossing his arms. “Could I get to know you a little better?”
The once-boring evening turns into something much more enjoyable from that point on. You continue serving the customers that are already there and the ones that come in later. Benny sits at the counter, talking to you about each of your likes and dislikes, daily life, stuff like that. He asks you about the bar, you ask him about his fights and training. It’s nice and calm, and he’s very easy to talk to. He makes a joke about every other sentence, but you can tell he’s not trying too hard, it’s just something that comes naturally to him.
You ask him a couple times if he needs to get back to his friends, who are still nursing their beers and talking amongst themselves, but he smiles and waves the notion away.
“I’d much rather talk to you, honey.”
This man was going to be the death of you, with his stupid pretty blue eyes and fluffy hair and soft jaw defined by that barely-there stubble.
The night continues on. You and Benny end up talking until closing, long after his first and only beer is gone, when you realize that it’s only you two and his friends left in the building.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I talked your ear off all night. I should start closing up.” You apologize, wiping the counter with a rag one last time for the night.
Benny smiles at you gently. “You’re fine, don’t worry about it. I had fun, even if all we were doing was talkin’.”
“Me too.”
There’s a bit of silence as you finish cleaning and putting some things away, before you decide to speak again.
“Hey, I hope it isn’t too forward of me, but could I get your number?” You’re not sure where the sudden confidence comes from, but it appears and you welcome it.
“Honey,” Benny grins a little wider this time. “You can never be too forward with me. Here, hand me your phone real quick.”
You feel your cheeks warm up again as you hand it to him, waiting as he creates a contact for himself. He hands you the phone back a moment later. “Benny Miller,” the contact reads.
“Thanks, Miller.”
“No problem. Make sure to text me later. I’ll be waitin’ for it.” He winks.
You can only chuckle in response, feeling almost giddy as you notice his friends make their way over to the bar behind Benny.
One of them, not Frankie, though, came up next to Benny. He was slightly shorter than Benny if he were standing, but looked somewhat like him, instead with shorter hair of a similar dark blonde hue, and more grown out facial hair. He shared Benny’s striking blue eyes.
“Hey, we’re heading out now.” He told Benny, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “You wanna leave with me or do you need the keys to the truck? I can leave with Frankie and Santi if you need to stay longer.”
Ah, so that’s the name of the other man next to Frankie. All four of them were very attractive, now that you get a nice up-close look at them. You give a little wave to Frankie as he talks with “Santi.” He smiles and waves back, not breaking their discussion.
“Oh, uh…” Benny trailed off, before looking back at you. “Did you need a ride?”
As much as you would have liked that, you had your own car to take home. Damn, the one time you choose not to get an Uber.
“No, I have my own car, it’s fine. And I need to just close up anyways, I’ve cleaned up most of the stuff already.”
“Okay,” He grinned at you before turning back to the other man. “I’ll take the keys, thanks.”
The man nodded and fished them out of his pocket, along with his wallet. He placed a $20 and a $5 bill on the counter and slid it over to you.
“I’m Will,” Like Frankie, he holds his hand out for you to shake, which you take. “Thanks for the beers. Let me know if you need anything.” He says that last part to Benny, before nodding again at you in acknowledgment and then turning to leave with Frankie and Santi—who you didn’t get to talk to, unfortunately.
He seemed fun, though, as he yelled out to Benny as they began opening the door. “See you later, tonto!” [“See you later, silly!”]
You giggle a little as the door swings closed and Benny scoffs under his breath. “They sound like a fun group.”
“Yeah, they can be. A bit of a handful, though.”
“Present company excluded?” You tilt your head slightly and raise an eyebrow.
“You’ll just have to find that out when we go on a real date, honey.” He flashes you a smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he does so. “Could I walk you out when you’re done here?”
For nearly the tenth time tonight butterflies arise in your stomach at his antics. “Yeah, that’d be nice. Let me go in the back real quick and then we can go.”
He nods and checks his phone as you head behind the doors to the storage rooms and kitchen area, just doing a check-up to make sure everything’s locked and secured. You finish that up quickly and turn off all the lights in the rooms before coming back out behind the bar counter to face Benny.
He looks up from his phone and gives you a sweet smile as he turns it off and slides it back into his back pocket. “Everything good?”
“Yep,” You reach into a cabinet behind you to grab your bag and coat. “Ready to go.”
You finish putting on your coat as you come out from behind the bar to stand next to Benny, who gets up from his seat before pushing in the stool.
“Shall we?” He holds his bent arm out to you as if you two were about to go out on a walk in a fancy flower garden.
You chuckle quietly at the motion, before going to hook your arm with his. “We shall.”
And so the two of you walk out—you locking up before you leave, of course—and he leads you to your car.
“Thanks for walking me out.” You smile at him under the mixture of the glow of the moon and the shine of the streetlights. “You’re real sweet, you know that?”
“It’s no problem. Just been raised that way,” Benny grins back. “Gotta make sure you get home safe.”
You hum in agreement, tracing his features with your eyes for the last time that night. Your ears almost don’t hear what he says because you’re so enthralled with just studying his face. “Real pretty too, Benny.”
His smile drops for a moment, out of shock, you think, before he just looks down again at the ground, cheeks flushed. He almost looks embarrassed, and for a moment you’re afraid you’ve said something wrong. You open your mouth to speak but he says something first.
“I think that’s the best compliment a man like me could get, honey.” He brings his gaze back up to make eye contact with you, his voice smooth and deep. “Thank you. You’re real pretty too.”
Even as you head home alone, driving along the dark and near-empty streets, you can’t stop thinking about him. About how pretty he looked under the moonlight in the latest hours of night, the early hours of the morning, in that barren parking lot. About how easy it was to talk to him and how interested he was in the things you had to say. The dark was unsettling, but his presence made everything a bit brighter.
You would definitely have to find a way to thank Frankie for introducing you later.
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coweye · 1 year
Commitment Issues - Part 8
Pairing: Benjamin Miller x Reader
Words: 2.7k
Summary: When you try and take your friends with benefits relationship to the next level, Benny’s response isn’t quite what you were expecting.
AN: So I lied - I'm so sorry for the wait! Recently, writing hasn't come as easy to me and although it's almost a year late I hope you enjoy, this isn't the final chapter - I lied twice.
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➢ fic masterpost
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28th April 2022 - 37 weeks pregnant
Life playing host to the parasite that was soon to be your daughter had only gotten worse. Hard to believe, I know.
The gift that kept on giving made sure that you’d suddenly without any warning whatsoever have the overwhelming urge to vomit. 
There was no rhyme or reason to her neat new little party trick but at any given moment your stomach said nope and you bought up whatever you happened to have eaten or as the case may be; be eating at the time. 
Honestly, you weren’t a negative person by nature, but these agonizing eight months had taken it out of you. 
Hell, you were in the process of drafting an eviction notice if this kid didn’t get out of you in the next two weeks. 
Long story short, between this and the Benny situation you were not exactly the best of company, right now. 
The boys and Val had all learnt this early on and for the past eight days, you had given up all pretense of a brave face, now you were bleeding and letting everyone who would listen know about it.
When Santiago, who had decided to stay in town until the birth of your baby, suggested a stroll around the mall, you had fixed him with the stare that would have had a lesser man running back to Colombia with his tail between his legs. Until, of course, he had sweetened the deal with fried chicken, his treat and coincidentally the only meal that you had yet to regurgitate. 
So, here you found yourself with Santiago and William and a six piece bucket to yourself.
The change in company was a welcome distraction from dwelling on your non-existent love life at home with the love of your life. 
After the thorn in your side that was Jasmine, reared her ugly head at the baby shower, you had pulled back into your protective bubble of distant and cold. 
Benny, though confused about the message, received it loud and clear as he returned to the swing to find you inside and talking incredibly heatedly to Valerie. In the eight days that followed, he yet to confront you about it. Apparently old habits died hard.. 
The camaraderie that had come hand in hand with your truce had dissolved. You weren’t actively unpleasant, but you didn’t melt into his side, or nap on the couch with him anymore. 
You had established boundaries, resolving yourself to the simple philosophy of anything you wouldn’t do with Frankie, you wouldn’t do with Ben. 
It was simple… well kind of, every one of your moves was carefully calculated and exhausting.
For example, lying on the couch watching a movie with a leg rub? Acceptable. 
Frankie would do that for your swollen ankle joint, hell, he had done.
However, lying on the couch with his body sandwiched against yours as you fall asleep, the hardness of him pressed into your backside; well… that was quite clearly a no, but I digress! 
Boundaries were established and what almost was, had been completely and totally healthily avoided at all costs, creating the exact tenuous home environment you'd spent so long trying to avoid. 
So, here you found yourself in the food court, slamming some fried chicken trying desperately to forget your woes.
“She’s too clingy…” Santi huffed in between a bite of his burger, talking mostly to Will as you had yet to peak up from behind your bucket. 
“Maybe she just likes you and wants to spend time with you, god forbid someone shows interest.” You grunted irritably between bites, looking for a fight. 
Both men turned to you in surprise, the whites of their eyes visible as they feared your outburst. 
Santiago strategically paused as he searched for the right words before he began to speak again. 
“You’re right … Maybe I’m too harsh.” Pope placated as he fixed you with a look of reproach, however, that only served to enrage you further. 
He watched for your reaction as if you were an angry bear or a child throwing a tantrum. Truth be told, you weren’t strictly unlike either of those things at that precise moment. 
Your brows narrowed, ready to unload and tell him all the reasons he was a dick before a cramping pain in your bloated abdomen overwhelmed you. Your eyes clenched shut as you breathed heavily through your nose, your ringed fingers gripped at the circular table in pain. 
It was impossible for you to judge how long went by before the pain finally passed. 
You took a further second or two to even your breathing before you resumed eating, succinctly dropping the subject that had injected fire into your veins merely moments before. 
With a fry in your mouth, you glanced up to find both men watching you. 
“What the fuck?”
“Are you okay?” They questioned in unison. 
A moment passed as you swallowed your mouthful before you concisely answered your comrades. “I’m pretty sure I’m going into labor.” 
“And … you don’t think we should be actively doing something about that?” Santiago pressed, looking as if he was ready to bolt.
“Labor can take hours and I won't be able to eat once it gets going…” You shrug, picking up another piece of chicken. 
“What’s wrong with you?” Pope breathed, eyes wide before he palmed in his eye sockets in frustration, attempting to rub the stress you induced away.
Will had dragged his chair to your side, his eyes focused on his watch.
“Don’t worry so much… the book said until they're ten minutes apart … there’s no point going …  to the hospital!” You explain in between bites of greasy chicken. 
Your words do little to quell their panic as both men look as if they're ready to pull their hair out with worry. 
“I’ll ring Ben.” Santi groaned as he stood up and reached into his jacket pocket before fishing out his phone. He turned dramatically with a finger pointed in your general direction. “You get her to hurry up - I swear to god, Y/N. If you’re eating when I get back, pregnant or not, I’ll drag you to that car. You’re not having your baby in the damn food court… estúpida, obstinada…” The man continued grunting curses at your expenses as he stalked off for somewhere quiet with cell reception to call the father of your child.
The silence that extended all of three minutes was too good to be true as Will watched your face as you ate for any sign of distress. 
“Whilst giving Pope a coronary is always a good time… don’t you think we should go and get your bag and meet Ben?” Will’s voice was soft, the kind of soothing tone you’d seen him use to talk down shell shocked soldiers - it was both unassuming and laced with copious amounts of compassion. 
You’d be damned if it didn’t just piss you right off. 
With a quick shake of your head, you dropped the empty bone into the bucket with the rest of the carcasses and took a long sip of your drink. 
“I’m good here … I can meet you guys there if you like?”
The pinch in his brow was quite simply incredulous, his concern was quickly outweighing his patience. 
“If you think I’m leaving you both here, you’re insane.”
Chewing on the straw of your drink; your eyes locked with his. They were brimming with a concoction of confusion and concern, which if the clench in his jaw was anything to go by, was slowly morphing into exasperation at your lack of compliance. 
“I … just need some time.”
“Y/N. All you’ve spoken about for the past week is how you want this to be over, wish granted - she’s coming and she’s coming now.”
“That’s what he said…” You uttered half-heartedly under your breath as you broke eye contact, no longer able to face his look of bewilderment. 
On the red tray in front of you was a lemon scented wet wipe hidden among napkins and sauces, you tore open the former and gratuitously began scrubbing the grease off of your hands, actively ignoring the perplexed stare of one of your closest friends. 
“Y/N, we need to get moving… will you just stop and listen?” Will snapped finally as he grabbed the wipe from your grip as you passed over your digits for the third time. 
Your own patience had reached its end as his hand gripped your elbow, his intention to make good on Santiago’s threat and drag you out, clear and present in your mind.
The devil in question was making his way back to your table, all quick strides as he dodged the food courts clientele.
You wrenched your arm from his grip huffing in annoyance at the well meaning Miller. 
“Fine. Let's go and get my bag, maybe we can grab an iced tea on the way to the car…”
Will nodded but you knew the mother hen would never allow a diversion from the mission at hand. 
All was going well. 
You were compliant as you strode through the mall, both men flanking you like a high priority asset as you clambered into Santi’s rental truck.
Hell, you were goddamn amenable as you unlocked your front door and grabbed the hospital duffel bag from the cubby under the stairs. 
However, your cooperation waned somewhat when heading to the maternity ward as  the guys tried to wheel your chair past the hospital's Starbucks. 
Your palm, lightening fast, caught the break on the chair causing it to veer left right into Santiago’s shins.
“Ice Tea!”
“You’ve got a baby about to shoot out of your hoo-hah and you're stopping for tea?!” Santi huffed incredulously as he rubbed his shin.
“My contractions are 25 minutes apart, when they’re 15, I’ll consider joining the panicking cry baby club.” 
“Panicking baby- huh!” Santi huffed rubbing his forehead. “You are not well, Y/N/N! You’re having a baby - Go and have it and then I’ll bathe you in fucking tea!” 
“I’ll come back down and grab you one-” Will placated before Santi bent to remove the break on the chair, allowing Will to move all of two steps, before you slammed it back on, the rubber tyres screeched against the tile floor of the hospital lobby. 
“Tea. First.” You huffed much like a troublesome child. 
This time it was Will who leaned down to remove the break, having clearly decided you weren’t in your right mind.
So, you did the only thing you could; you threw your baby bag off of your lap. 
“Y/N, stop being a goddamn child!” Will huffed, you had clearly pushed him to the edge, not that it had been particularly hard. 
Ignoring him, you began to stand. They both watched on in horror as you slowly ambled your way to the end of the queue. 
Leaning against the drinks fridge, you sighed. 
Your spine was aching something awful. The poor timing of this kid resumed as a contraction wracked your body, sharper than the others, it felt longer but you had no way to be sure. 
Will was at your side the second it overcame your body.
“Twenty minutes apart, please, Y/N. Come on.”
When finally the pain dissipated, your aching back remained. You weren’t proud of the weight you were placing on Will but the floor was the only other option. 
“y/n?! … Y/N!” You heard Benny hollar before you saw him, his eyes were wild with panic as he rushed to your side. He patted his brother on the shoulder, before taking his place. “Baby, what are you doing? You need to get into bed.”
“I want… my … tea.” You huffed, breathing not yet evening out. 
“Fine, we get the tea and we go straight up. How far apart are they?”
The gush of amniotic fluid leaving your body cut the older Miller off, soaking through your jeans and unfortunately onto Benny’s shoes.
“You just pissed, she just pissed!” Santi cried in disbelief, his hands an almost permanent fixture in his disheveled curls at this point. It was hard to believe this man was a pressure player.
“It's not piss, it's her waters. We need to go, I’m sorry baby, you can have all the ice tea you want when it's safe for you both.” He bent down and caught your sodden legs, picking you up in one sweep. 
If you weren’t currently covered in amniotic fluid, that story book firefighter carry would have set your loins ablaze. 
Who were you kidding? 
You were absolutely drenched in amniotic fluid and your loins were practically smoking. 
Between writhing in pain as your uterus contracted to eject a literal watermelon and lusting over your baby daddy who you had spent the last eight days practically snarling at every time he dared advance, the journey to your delivery suite had been all but a blur. 
Somehow all three men surrounded you, having coerced their way through the midwifery staff with their nefarious charm. 
“How ya’ doing champ?” Santi questioned as you huffed on the oxygen inhaler handed to you by your midwife. A thumbs up was all you could offer as you groaned through the contractions that were now give or take five minutes apart. 
“How about we use a bit of gravity?” The woman in control of the drugs questioned. A suggestion you were only more than happy to try.
Following her instructions and with minor assistance from Ben you were now on all fours, frantically inhaling the gas and air. 
“We’re going to need to clear the room, anyone who isn’t the father needs to leave.” 
You were so far gone, you didn’t care if they saw the business end of your cervix. All you knew was uncontrollable pain that wracked your body every five minutes like a sadistic egg timer. 
Ben wiped at your forehead with a damp towel as tears escaped. 
“You can do this, baby.”
“UGNGH.. It feels like I’m shitting a knife!” You cried as another contraction wracked your body. 
“Not long now, gorgeous. Then we’ll have our baby.”
“I’m not ready.” You cried burying your face in the reclined back of the bed. You couldn’t look him in the eyes.
“You are-”
“No. We’re not ready. Things were … supposed to be fixed… I promised her.”
“ you stupid fucking idiot. I want to be with you; I have done for like ten years…  smitten with you from the second I heard your tone deaf ass singing that … crappy hick song on base. Ungh… And everything is so broken because I don’t want you … to just stay for the Bean, I want to be with you … because you want to be with me.” You cried, tears wracking your body as uncontrollably as the contractions.
“It’s all broken… I promised her and I fucked it all up. You … and Jaz can just live happily ever-” You cut yourself off with a low wail as another contraction wracked your body. It seemed to knock Benny out of his stupor as his hand rubbed your lower back.
It was a moment before you leveled out and remembered you were divulging your innermost thoughts but a moment ago, though you couldn’t find it in you to care. 
Bigger fish to fry, and all that.
“I adore you, even if you are the goddamn most stubborn fuckin’ idiot I’ve ever met. You're the mother of my baby, yeah. It scares the crap outta me. Caring for you. Damn near spent three months thinking up all the reasons we couldn’t be together cause it scared me so bad.” He huffed, stroking your hair. He helped you reposition on your back, as you breathed in another wave of oxygen. “I- I don’t do this. I don’t do relationships … because this feeling in my stomach when I think of you is fuckin awful. Sure I get the tingles when you smile at me or stroke my arm. But ninety-nine percent of the time, fucking nightmare, I worry if you’re happy, if you’ve eaten and now we’re adding an whole ass entire other person into this fucking clown show.”
“Gee… thanks.” You huffed in between breaths of gas and air. 
Ben chuckled as he pushed the sweat sodden hair back from your brow. He leaned forward, pressing his mouth against yours, the kiss was brief and nowhere near what was needed but it was all you could manage. 
It was enough, you thought at that moment.
The promise, that everything wasn’t lost, there was hope ahead, it carried you through.
Next Part
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canadianfangurl-95 · 14 days
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Benny Miller- Sugar Daddy edition
Chapter One!
Summary: Your gym crush becomes unmanageable when he is suddenly thrust upon you as your new boxing trainer. After a drunken hook up at a night club opening, you begin to explore your feelings as you continue to learn new and exciting things about him.
About: Continuation of the sugar daddies AU Triple Frontier collection. See Frankie’s story or original teaser post for more information.
Characters- Kayla and Tasha are undescribed, so you can imagine them as your own friend group.
Chapter Warning: 18 + minors, DNI, age difference, reader is early 20s, Benny is late 30s, swearing, alcohol, violence (boxing), making out, grinding (dancing)
Chapter Word Count: 4k+
Your attention suddenly turns to the padded boxing glove coming right at your face, it collides just seconds later with your right cheek, sending you bent over onto the boxing ring mat.
“Ooo, that looks like it hurt.” Your friend Kayla mutters into her fist, leaning on the ropes of the ring.
An outstretched hand reaches down to pull you back up, you accept it begrudgingly, knowing it was your own damn fault you ended up down here.
Your face was met with your trainer, Carlos when you stood up straight. He was in his forties, but you’d never know. He had short black hair and a stiff jaw, his arms adorned with tattoos. He had been training you for a while now and offered a sort of big brother relationship you hadn’t had before.
“What’s with you? Your attention has been all over the place tonight.” he said, peeling off his gloves.
You looked down at the mat embarrassed, “I don’t know, just got distracted. Come on we don’t have to stop; I promise I’m in it.” Bouncing on your feet you tried to engage him again while the throbbing in your cheek started to grow.
Shaking his head, he replied, “I’m not trying to hurt you, we’ll stop here, and you can do some cardio.” He collected the rest of his training supplies in his bag and stepped out of the ring.
Slumping your shoulders forward, you walked over to the corner where Kayla was leaning on the ropes, standing on the floor below the ring to take off your gloves.
“What was that all about?” she asked.
You shrugged, “It was nothing, I just lost focus for fucking what, two seconds? It happens.” But that wasn’t the truth, the truth was that you were distracted by him again.
You don’t even know his name, just see him in the gym all the time, either working out or training other boxers. You sipped from your water as you casually peered over to the other side of the gym to the mirrored wall. He was standing in front of it lifting weights.
Tall, dirty blonde hair, muscles flexing out of his Army t-shirt, a bit of scruff and the most beautiful blue eyes you’ve ever seen. He had a tattoo of an army man on his right shoulder that made you swoon. He was so handsome it made your core ache just watching him lift weights.
You couldn’t even fathom the idea of talking to him. Just looking at him made your knees weak. You imagine to yourself how easily he could throw you around with those big strong arms, and how badly you wanted to run your fingers through his hair.
Once again, you and Kayla found yourselves at the gym down the road from the University of Kentucky. They had an agreement where students got free membership, so you only had to pay for the training. The room had dark green paint and motivational sayings all over the walls. It was part of a big organization, but the employees worked really hard to make it a personal experience. There was a long wall of mirrors with weights for people to lift facing and every exercise machine you could possibly think of. You both made your way to the far back corner where a boxing ring is set up.
You tossed your gym bag up onto the mat and climbed in, adjusting your sneakers before standing up and placing your bag on the stool in the corner. You glanced around the room, looking for nothing really, you knew you wouldn’t see him here today as you had somewhat learned his routine, but you couldn’t help but hope you might catch a glimpse of his t-shirt being pulled tight across his chest.
“You know you should really just talk to him.” Kayla said pointedly, fiddling with your roll of athletic tape that you tossed on the mat as you tried to collect your things.
You furrowed your eyebrows at her, “Who?”
She rolled her eyes, “The hunky guy you’ve been staring at for months.”
“Oh, you uh- noticed that?” You ran your hand through your ponytail and leaned on the ropes so you could speak quieter to her.
Nodding, she replied, “Mhmm, and I really think you should take a shot.”
“Girl, have you seen him? How old would you think he is?” You jousted back at her, growing frustrated by her intrusion.
She pursed her lips and smiled, “Well, if this were One Tree Hill I’d say he’s old enough to be your dad-,”
“Exactly, fuck.” You exclaimed.
“Which, is pretty hot if you ask me.” She smirked.
You leaned forward and grabbed the tape from her. Ripping off a piece and strategically wrapping it around your knuckles you commented, “It’s a good thing I didn’t ask you then, did I?”
She scrunched her nose and gave you a smug look, to which you flipped her off.
“Hey, I’m just saying, you and Mike have been broken up for 4 months, your grieving period is over and now it’s time for you to have some fun. Like having a dirty, depraved hookup with a guy you have no business being with. Like that guy I hooked up with after the St. Patrick’s Day party.”
You rolled your eyes, “If that guy is the standard I’m looking for I think I’m happy being celibate.”
“Hey, he was cute!” She swatted your leg through the ropes.
You nudged your leg back at her, “He had a handlebar mustache and was wearing cut off jean shorts so don’t even start with me.”
“Shouldn’t you be doing your own workout? You don’t have to spend your whole time here watching me train.”
She hummed, “Yeahhhh, but it’s also more fun to bug you. Plus, I’m not really here for the whole exercise thing, just for the eye candy.” She said as she scanned the gym intently.
You giggled to yourself as you finished putting together your tape and gloves.
Suddenly her eyes widened and reached back to swat your leg again, “Speaking of eye candy.”
You followed her gaze and saw none other than your crush talking to the receptionist at the entry way. You bent down, “What the fuck is he doing here today? He never comes on Fridays!”
She shook her head, “I don’t know, but- um he’s walking in this direction.” She quickly turned her back to him and gave you a shocked expression.
“What!” You quietly exclaimed. “No, no, no why is he coming over here?”
She waved her arms casually, “Just calm down, no need to panic. He probably just needs something in this general area. No reason to think he’s coming over here.” You nodded, shifting your gaze to find that he was still on a path towards the ring. “But I mean if he was coming over here. You could finally talk to him.”
“Not happening! I am perfectly content staring at him from a distance and imaging what his bicep would taste like thank you very much.” She giggled at the mental image you just tossed into her head.
You glanced above her head and realized he was definitely walking towards the ring and was now trying to make eye contact with you. You muttered to Kayla, “No, no, no, no, no-,”
“Hey.” he said with a wave as he reached the outside of the ring beside Kayla. He was wearing a grey Under Armour t-shirt that was so tight the arms sat snuggly on his biceps, with navy gym shorts and running shoes.
You flung up straight, “Hi.” Kayla gave you a little thumbs up from the side of her body he couldn’t see.
He tossed his bag through the ropes and climbed up, “You must be Carlos’ 4 o’clock?”
Nodding, you hummed, “Yep.” Slowly backing into the corner of the ring.
“Great, I’m Benny. So, uh- bad news. Carlos had to go home to Honduras for a family emergency, he’ll be gone for a few weeks at least. So, I promised I would take over his sessions until he returns.”
Your eyes widened; he’d be training you? Oh no, this is not good you thought. “Oh, sorry to hear about Carlos. That sounds like a lot to take on, don’t you have your own clients? I could always just take a few weeks off.” You said brazenly, trying not to be too flustered.
He shook his head, “No, no it’s fine I promise.” His smile was so bright you could’ve melted under its shine. “I’m happy to help, I just had a client transfer to a different gym anyway, so I’ve got the time.”
“Really? Because that seems like a lot to take on.” You choked out.
“I’ve got the time.” he stated, resting his hands on his hips, and grinning at your flustered state.
Kayla chirped in from below you, “He’s got the time.”
You glared down at her, and she winked.
Clapping his hands together he began putting his boxing mitts on. You feigned a smiled and turned to Kayla who was still beaming from the interaction.
You chugged your water, your mouth had gone completely dry during the interaction and finally stepped towards the center of the ring.
After getting himself prepped he met you there. “So, Carlos said you’re not training for professional fighting, just for exercise, right?”
Nodding, you pulled your lips tight. “Yep.”
“What got you interested in boxing?” He asked.
You shifted your stance, “Um, just uh- wanted to be more active and I find the machines boring.” You lied through your teeth.
He nodded, “Alright well let’s see what you got.”
The hour was excruciating. Both from the work out, and from how your heart ached even more for him. The entire time he was nice and understanding and not at all condescending like some of the other trainers who had stepped in for Carlos. He has an enthusiasm about him that finally broke your resolve and made you laugh and smile throughout. You felt the want to impress him and really started focusing on the skills you had learned over the last few months. You bounced around the mat ducking his advances until you finally planted a jab into his gut.
He let out a grunt and slapped his glove onto his stomach, “Oof! Damn girl, that was sneaky. Talk about float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. You look like a bunny bouncing around on the toes.”
You smirked and knocked your gloves against his to close the session. “Thanks, you’re a good teacher.”
He removed his one glove to toss his hair back that had gotten sweaty during the session and was sticking to his forehead. You held your gaze far longer than you should have.
Benny collected his bag and turned to you, “That’s all I got for today, I’ll see you on Monday Bunny.”
“Okay, see you.” You smiled shyly. He offered you a large grin and nodded to Kayla as he exited the ring.
Once he was far enough away you fell to the mat and sat with your knees bent, leaning against the corner.
“Awwww, Benny and Bunny!” Kayla mewled.
You huffed, “Fuck, he’s got a lot of energy. I’m exhausted. He’s like a golden retriever. Just keeps going and going.” You panted.
Kayla leaned forward, “Yeah, can we keep him?” She had shit eating grin on her face and popped her eyebrows up and down.
“Fuck, no. I don’t need another dog.” You smirked.
She looked confused, “What other dog do you have?”
“You, ya fucking mutt.” You nudged her and her mouth gapped with a sarcastically hurt look on her face. “You’re enough to take care of, trust me.”
She shook her head, “Well, I think once Carlos is back you should see if he wants to go out.”
When Carlos gets back. Huh, you thought to yourself. You loved working with him, but Benny was something else. You almost didn’t want to lose your 3 hours a week where you would have his undivided attention.
The following Friday was your fourth session with Benny, each one better than the last. He was fun and bubbly and dare you say flirtatious. Even Kayla saw and quite frankly could not shut up about it.
You had just finished up your session when Benny crossed back over the ring to your corner. “So, what do you lovely ladies have going on tonight? Friday night, any big parties?”
Kayla and you glanced at each other before you replied, “We’re gonna go to that club opening downtown actually with a few other friends.”
His eyes lit up, “Gators? Oh, sweet I’m going too.”
Your eyes widened, “Cool, well maybe we’ll see you there I guess.”
“See you later.” He beamed with excitement as he left the ring once again.
You groaned as you entered your apartment with Kayla, who was skipping behind you.
Your other roommate Tasha perked up from her place on the couch, noticing your disgruntled attitude and how you rested your head between your crossed arms on the kitchen island, Kayla shimmying her shoulders beside you. “What’s her problem?”
Kayla bounced in her spot, “Her hot trainer Benny is going to the same club opening tonight.”
You groaned louder into your arms, Tasha squinted her eyes and drew her eyebrows inward, “And that’s a bad thing because?”
Your head shot up and you replied exasperated, “Because he’s so, so hot, nice and funny.” You paused, biting your lip, Tasha staring at you waiting for the boot to drop, “But he’s older.”
“How much older?”
“At least fifteen years I’d guess.” You said, tucking your head back down.
Kayla scoffed, “Can you just not count yourself out before you’ve even started? Geeze, Mike really did a number on you. Remind me to kick his ass next time I see him.”
You huffed a laugh into your arms. She continued, “Just, put on something sexy, try to have fun tonight and if you see him, just be yourself. Whatever happens, happens.”
“You’re right, I’ll try to have fun.” You said, pulling your head up begrudgingly and exiting for your post work out shower.
Loud country music filled the room as crowds of people danced along. You glided through, holding hands with your friends as you all tried to find a place to settle before grabbing some drinks. The room was a pretty typical country bar; dance floor in the middle, wood and western style décor with a mechanical bull on the stage, a big painting of an alligator with a cowboy hat on it on the wall behind the DJ booth.
Upon finding an open tall table to stand at, you and your friends leaned against it and scanned the room, bobbing your head to the music. You had done your hair and makeup nicely and had put on a tight black dress with spaghetti straps that showed off your curves with short red cowboy boots.
Kayla leaned in, “Does anybody want a drink now?”
You nodded with Tasha and her friend Chris. “I’ll come with you. What do you want?”
Tasha and Chris gave you and Kayla their orders and cash. You and Kayla sifted through the hoards of people to the densely packed bar. Kayla squeezed her shoulders between two guys while you stood sturdily behind her, trying not to get knocked around.
Your eyes flicked around the buzzing room, looking for Benny. You weren’t sure if you would even talk to him if you found him, but it still made you nervous at the thought he might be here.
Kayla turned to you, grabbing your attention back and she handed you two drinks before reaching again for the others. You and she returned to your friends and started drinking and getting into the vibe of the club. Eventually you all made your way to the dance floor after the drinks had started flowing and you let yourself forget about Benny and just enjoy the night.
You and Tasha were dancing along to the music when you suddenly felt unfamiliar hands land on your hips from behind you. You turned your head and were met with a man, around your height and age, plaid shirt to match the theme of the club, a brown beard and mustache with green eyes. Not unattractive by any means but not your type. You kindly stepped out of his clutches and danced beside him, rolling your eyes at Tasha. The man seemingly unaware of your rejection, followed behind you, moving his hands to your waist again and situating himself closely behind you. You stopped your movement and grabbed his hands, pushing him off you.
Turning to him you bluntly said, “No thanks.”
He crowded you again, which caused you to raise your hands in a defensive manner, “Oh come on baby it’s just one dance.”
Your face could not show more annoyance, but before you were able to respond, a strong hand latched onto the man’s shoulder, spinning him in his spot. You glanced over his shoulder, your eyes widened when you spotted Benny looming over the man.
“She’s not interested man, get lost.” he said, still clutching the man’s shoulder. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt, light washed jeans with a few intentional rips and square toe boots.
Benny’s stature and attitude clearly did the trick as the man nodded nervously and stepped aside, disappearing into the crowd.
“I guess I owe you a thank you.” You stated nervously.
He smiled, “Don’t, the only one thanking me should be him. I’ve seen your right hook, and he probably would prefer he goes home tonight with his nose intact.”
You grinned, looking around you. Tasha had apparently exited sometime during the incident, and you were left totally alone on a booming dance floor with your mysterious crush.
He leaned forward, “Wanna get a drink?”
His eyes were so light and inviting, you swallowed deeply, willing your nerves away and replied, “Sure.”
Taking your hand, he led you through the crowd to the bar. He easily captured the attention of the bartender and ordered the two of you shots. He turned to you handing you the second shot, he had a devilish grin on his face.
You looked down at the liquid, not recognizing the colouring. “What is this?” You yelled through the music, pointing to the shot glass in your hand.
“Tequila!” he replied, popping his eyebrows up and down and shimmying to the music.
Your eyes bulged, you hadn’t had tequila in a while and last time you did you made some unfavorable decisions. You looked back up at the handsome man in front of you, waiting excitedly for your acknowledgement that you wanted to do the shots with him. You took a deep breath and held it up for him to cheers with. His eyes lit up and clinked his glass against yours, both of you downing the burning liquid swiftly. You both let out a huff and laughed to one another.
“You wanna dance Bunny? I’ve already seen your moves in the ring, but I wanna see what you’ve got on the dance floor.” he asked, shimmying his shoulders towards you.
“Aren’t you here with anybody?” You ask.
He shook his head, “I came here with my brother cuz’ he’s in town visiting from New York, but he just ditched me like 20 minutes ago. Doesn’t like clubs anymore, he’s like really old.” He said with a wink.
You nodded, suddenly feeling the effects of the tequila as your body became warm. “Sure, why not!”
He took your hand again and returned to the dance floor. The two of you bounced back and forth from the dance floor to the bar for an hour. Downing shots and dancing along to the country music that played along with the rest of the crowd.
Midnight struck and the DJ announced they would be switching the music to a more night club vibe.
The room darkened and the lights flashed as vibrant hip hop music boomed through the speakers. The people cheered and started bumping about, effectively pushing you into Bennys chest. You let out a meek sorry and tried to separate yourself from him.
He looked down at you, leaning into your ear to speak, “Don’t be.”
You met his eyes, they were dark. You didn’t hesitate when he reached his arms around your back, bringing you closer and slanting his leg between yours. You instinctively brought your arms up and wrapped them around his neck as you both started swaying to the music. No words were spoken, but your bodies clung to one another like your lives depended on it. He had his hands grazing gently along your back and hips, following your movement as you lightly grinded on his leg. Your eyes never strayed, each of you staring into the other with a burning desire that felt so questioned at the same time. Should you, shouldn’t you passed through your mind on repeat. You would surely survive if you held your resolve and refused yourself in your want to fall into his body fully. You still had at least a week of training with him before Carlos returned, and even then, you would still have to see him at the gym multiple times a week. If he didn’t feel a spark, if he didn’t want you longer than a night, you may not survive the ache that would bring to your heart as you had gotten to know him more in the last week.
Kayla’s words rang through your eyes, “Don’t count yourself out before you’ve even started.” How were you to know this couldn’t be the start of something. Maybe he isn’t just some guy in his late thirties who likes to bang college girls. Perhaps he does feel what you feel, and perhaps the risk would be worth it in the end.
As you toyed with your own emotions, Benny seemed fully decided, flicking his eyes between yours and your lips. He readjusted his hold on you, bringing his hands together on the small of your back and squeezing slightly. You both leaned in and after a desperate breath of desire, slotted your mouths together in an aching kiss. Wasting no time, he licked at your mouth, begging for entry to deepen the kiss. You obliged and the two of you fell into each other, hands grabbing at hair and bare skin. The rest of the room disappeared, all you could hear was your heartbeat and the intense breathing between the two of you as you gasped for breath between kisses. You felt your core start that unbearable ache and need to be satisfied. You squirmed slightly, trying to get a bit of friction on his leg and release some of the tension you felt building.
After what felt like eternity and no time at all, you broke the kiss and looked up at him, chest heaving, “Wanna get out of here?” you asked, timidly.
He grinned, “Fuck yeah.”
Benny took your hand and led you out the club, you were quickly able to shoot a look at Kayla as you passed, to which she responded with a big cheer and a crude gesture.
When you emerged from the hazy club, the liquor you had both been consuming began to overtake you as you stumbled towards a cab Benny was somehow able to wave down between his own hiccupped laughs at your imbalance. You slid into the cab and chuckled to him as you gave the driver your apartment address and he mocked you for the way your words slurred.
Once the cab pulled off the curb and began the quick drive to your place, Benny was back on you like a cat on a mouse. You held his face in your hands and laughed between mouthfuls of each other. He pulled your leg up onto his lap and ran his hand up your thigh to squeeze your ass through your skimpy dress. His poor excuse for facial hair tickled your neck as he lapped up every inch of exposed skin he could find.
The cab finally pulled to a jolted stop in front of your apartment, Benny reached into his wallet and handed the driver some bills, as well as an apology for the misconduct that had occurred in the back seat. He guided you out of the car and shut the door behind you.
You took his hand and led him upstairs to your floor. Upon reaching your door you paused, looking to him, your uncertainty taking over you once again, “Are you sure you wanna come in? It’s okay, if you don’t. We can just blame this whole thing on a drunken mishap and-,”
Before you could finish your self-deprecating rambling, Benny crashed his mouth back into yours. He pushed your body into the front of the door with his own and held your jaw with his hands. You were taken aback but accepted that he did in fact want this as much as you did, so you lifted your hands up to his elbows and stayed in the moment with him.
He slowly pulled his mouth off yours with a slight pop, his lips were already swollen and eyes stary. “Are you gonna let me in or you gonna keep trying to convince yourself I don’t want this?”
You swallowed deeply, and nodded, turning your body from his grips so you could unlock the door. It swung open and you fell into your apartment, dragging Benny behind you by the neck of his t-shirt.
His eyes stayed on you the whole time, while you kicked off your shoes, while you put your purse on the counter, while you fumbled with the lamp in the living room to give some light to the space.
The air between the two of you was electric as you met in the middle of the room, bringing each other into one last kiss before you break and take his hand, leading him down the hallway to the bedrooms. He smiled to you as you opened your bedroom door and followed you in. You prompted him to pass you and then reached up onto the front of the door at the sign hanging there. You grabbed it and turned it over to read “Do not disturb”, before kicking the door closed with your foot.
Next chapter
@rmwarn90 @meveispunk
27 notes · View notes
You get shot in Colombia. Frankie, Benny, Santiago and Will all have their own ways of helping you heal.
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Pairing - Santiago Garcia, Frankie Morales, Benny Miller, Will Miller x female reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - Cursing, mentions of blood, gunshots
Word Count - 4329
Author's Note - hi lovely people. i loved writing this one so much oh my :( those four boys in one movie together is a dream. and i don't know if you noticed, but i have a real soft spot for will. and yes, i did photoshop ben afflecks character out of that picture. more than happy to write for any of the triple frontier boys individually - just send me an ask! as always, lots of love x
my other triple frontier fics - Tethered, Tranquility and Home Is Where The Heart Is.
Masterlist. Requests.
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It’s been 6 days since you were shot.
6 days of blood, pain, sterility, stitches, hazy memories that float into your consciousness like smoke in the air.
You somehow remember it both clear as day and blurry as night.
The metallic taste of copper in your mouth, clear as day.
The searing, burning pain in your side, clear as day.
The panicked looks on the boys faces, the yelling, the frantic scrambling – clear as day.
The rest of it? Blurry as night.
You can’t remember getting home. One minute you were bleeding out on the ground in Colombia, and the next minute you’re back on US soil, lying in a bed in Houston Methodist Hospital.
You can’t remember your discharge. You fell asleep on those sterile, crinkly white sheets, and woke up in a soft bed, wrapped in a navy blue comforter that smells like Will.
All you’ve known for the last 6 days is sleep. That molten sleep that moves like molasses, warm and slow and sticky. The sun rises and sets, and you’re none the wiser. Floating aimlessly through unconsciousness, just you and your dreams.
Unbeknownst to you, you haven’t been alone for a minute since you got home. The boys have taken turns sitting by your bedside, heart rates rising whenever you stir. All of them silently processing what all of this means, for you and for them.
It was damn close. Too much blood. Pints after pints after pints of it. Pouring over Will’s hands, soaking into Benny’s jeans, slipping beneath Santiago’s boots, choking the air around Frankie where his forehead was pressed to yours, begging you to stay awake. All of them wondering the same thing – where has all of this come from? Surely one person can’t have so much blood in them. It can’t all be from her.
The Doctor said that you got lucky. Any more blood loss and you’d have lost your life too. Your surgeon said that you owed your life to whoever stopped the bleeding.
William ‘Ironhead’ Miller. He’d shoved his hand straight into the wound, applying as much pressure as he could without breaking any ribs. It was the worst thing he’d ever seen, but he was in fight or flight mode. He knew it had to be fight. He hoped you were making the same choice as you were lying there, breath rattling in your chest like pennies in a tin can.
Some would call it a miracle. Divine intervention, perhaps. You shouldn’t have survived. Scientifically, statistically, you should have died right there on that floor, in a mission gone wrong. Tragic accident. Caught in the crossfire. Collateral damage.
But you didn’t. Now, you’re half conscious in Will’s guest bedroom, enveloped by his scent. Warm, cozy, safe, and alive. You’re struggling to stay awake for more than ten, fifteen minutes at a time. It’s all catching up to you. You had to fight so hard to take each breath, that now you’re exhausted. The kind of exhaustion that sleep can’t fix. No, it’s settled into your gut, wrapped it’s limbs around your bones. It keeps you weighed down and heavy, a reminder of the trauma. You’re alive, but you’re tired. So tired.
The boys are worried. Worried beyond belief. When the Doctor told them she was happy to discharge you, reality hit the four of them like a high-speed freight train. How do they navigate this? You can’t go home. You can’t be by yourself. They’re all back on Texan soil, which means work, and family, and bills to pay, and routines to carry out. How do they factor in the woman they call their best friend, who’s currently in the deepest sleep of her life with a healing bullet hole in her side?
“I’ll take her,” Will had said. “She can stay with me, in my guest room. You guys can come over whenever you want. I have the most space, anyway.”
That was true. Santiago and Benny live in apartments, bachelor pads really, and Frankie’s second bedroom is his daughter’s room. She was only with him on weekends, but she needed a place to sleep, so that was him out of the question. Having you stay with Will made the most sense. They all agreed to come and sit with you in shifts, so Will could go to the grocery store, or for a run, or to take a shower. The Doctor never actually said that you needed twenty four hour surveillance, but the boys thought it would be best. Just in case.
So that’s exactly what they did. You’re on bed rest, and they’re all happy to play nurse for a few hours during the day, and to leave you with Will during the night. He’s been sneaking in to sleep in the armchair next to your bed. His room, a mere ten feet away, feels too far. He wants to be able to hear if you need his help. Just in case.
None of the boys quite know how to treat you. They don’t want to act any differently around you, but it’s hard not to. They haven’t seen you like that before. You, a force to be reckoned with. The backbone of the group. You, with your sharp wit, quick humor, blinding smile. You, who always seems to be a step ahead of them. You, a pillar of strength, proving yourself just as capable in this world designed for men. Lying on the ground, painted crimson, you looked fragile. Small. Frail. You looked so… innocent. So afraid. That was the scariest part for all of them – seeing the fear in your eyes. They’ve never seen that before. They never want to again.
So, they all take their different approaches. They cope the best way that each of them knows how.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When Frankie visits, he always brings a book.
Cracking open the door, he pops his head around the frame, smiling as he sees both you and Will asleep – him in the chair, you cozy in bed. He gently squeezes the blond man’s shoulder, whispering as he wakes.
“I got her for a while. You go do what you need to do.”
Will shoots him a grateful smile and stretches his arms above his head, before padding out of the room, softly shutting the door behind him.
Frankie opens the curtains, letting the soft morning light fill the room. It illuminates your face, catches on the strands of your hair, making it glow. You look like an angel, in this orange haze. But Frankie already knew that.
Your eyes flutter open, and land straight on the broad man standing next to your bed, trusty cap sat atop his head. You smile, and his heart stops for a second. God, he’s missed that sight. All of the tension from the last week leaves his shoulders, and he sinks into the armchair next to you.
“Hi, Francisco,” you whisper, voice slightly hoarse from minimal use.
“Hi, cariño,” he whispers back. “You doing okay?”
You nod, golden smile still etched on your face. The wound in your side is a dull ache, and the psychological pain keeps washing over you in spontaneous waves. But you’re okay.
“You here to babysit me?” you tease.
He smirks, which is all the answer you needed.
“You don’t need to. I’m okay, I swear,” you insist.
He looks at you and quirks an eyebrow, the corners of his lips still turning up slightly.
“Well, you’re my baby, and I’m sitting,” he winks. “Now that we’ve established that, what do you wanna do for the next few hours?”
His abysmal attempt at a joke makes you chuckle, which in turn makes you wince, pain shooting through your abdomen. He jumps out of his chair towards you, placing a hand on your cheek gently.
“Shit, querida. I’m sorry. Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
Breathing deep and slow, you tilt your head to meet his eyes.
“Yes. For you to stop fussing. Sit down, Francisco. Your nervous energy is making me stressed.”
He exhales carefully, and presses a kiss onto the top of your head.
“Yes ma’am.”
He returns to his original place, and grabs a book from the nightstand.
“Have you read this already?” he asks, showing you the cover.
You shake your head, and he flips to the first page.
“It sounds good, actually. You comfy, cielito?”
You nod gently, holding his gaze. He flashes you one of his signature smiles – the rare, genuine, time stopping ones – and begins to read softly, in that dulcet, honeyed voice of his.
He reads to you for hours. You were only awake for 45 minutes, but he continued reading aloud anyway. Morning becomes afternoon, yellow sunlight beating through the open window. A gentle breeze blows the curtains and ruffles Frankie’s hair that is ever so slightly too long for his liking. He’d be perfectly content to read to you like this forever. He’s gotten so into the plot of the book that he doesn’t notice Will stood in the doorframe, watching with those careful eyes of his. They gleam blue in the sunlight, his golden hair glinting like citrine. He eventually catches Frankie’s eyes, and the older man makes his way over to the door, both boys talking in hushed whispers so as not to wake you.
“Has she been okay?” Will asks, eyes scanning your sleeping form.
“Perfectly fine. She was awake for about 45 minutes,” Frankie replies, pride evident in his tone.
“That’s the longest she’s been conscious since. Progress, huh?” Will smiles. Frankie can’t help but smile too. A week ago, they were huddled around your lifeless body, hands deep and bloody in your wound. Now, they’re watching you slumber peacefully, life returned to you like a gift from the universe.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When Benny visits, he brings comfort with him.
He uses his key to let himself into Will’s house quietly, aware that you’re most likely asleep. It’s been a week and a half since everything happened, and while you’re awake more and more each day, you’re also still on bed rest.
Creeping up the stairs and peeking his head around the door that’s ajar, he finds Will sat at the end of your bed. You’re awake, but barely. The light shines from the hallway into the bedroom, and illuminates your tear stained cheeks.
Will wipes your cheekbone with his thumb gently, and moves to meet his brother. The older Miller pulls Benny into the hallway, shutting your door momentarily.
“She’s having a real bad day. The worst since she’s been home. The memories are flooding back man, they’re drowning her.”
All the colour is gone from Will’s face. He looks helpless. His brother hates it.
“I don’t know how to help her,” Will continues. “The tears won’t stop. It’s like every time she calms down, another nightmare takes her by surprise. I don’t know what to do, Ben. I don’t know what to do.”
Will’s voice is shaking, tears threatening to spill from those cerulean eyes. He has a hand fisted into the front of Benny’s shirt, as if he’s grounding himself. There’s something unsettling about seeing the calmest person in the room start panicking. Benny doesn’t like it.
“Hey, it’s okay. She’s gonna have bad days, that’s a given. Go get some fresh air, go for a drive or something. I’ve got her. I ain’t gonna leave her.”
Benny looks pointedly at his big brother, and inhales deeply. They exhale together, and Will wipes his face with the back of his hand.
“Are you sure?”
Benny nods. Will trusts him.
“Okay. Call me if you need anything and I will come straight back. I mean it, Ben. Anything.”
Benny pulls his brother into his chest, holding him for a moment. Will isn’t used to being the glue holding everything together, he thinks. It’s usually you.
Will pulls away and starts his journey down the stairs, momentarily pausing to watch Benny straighten his shoulders and clear his throat before opening your door carefully.
“Hey, gorgeous,” he smiles.
You don’t feel gorgeous. No, you feel like you’ve shattered into a million pieces in William Miller’s guest bedroom. The weight of your trauma has come crashing down on top of you suddenly. It’s suffocating and it’s choking you and no matter how many times you inhale, your lungs won’t fill with air. Tears keep streaking down your cheeks despite your best efforts to stifle them. You wonder if you’ll feel like this forever – forced to carry around the weight of surviving something that you weren’t supposed to.
Benny’s never been any good with words. So he tells you what he needs to with his actions instead.
He kicks off his shoes and shrugs off his jacket, throwing it on the chair. Then, he unbuttons his jeans and slides them off his legs, tossing them sideways with haphazard aim. The last thing to go is his t shirt, which he shucks over his head with ease, landing somewhere with the rest of his clothes. He moves across the room towards you and pulls back the comforter. He strokes your cheek with his knuckles gently, looking at you carefully to gauge your reaction. When he’s satisfied, he climbs into bed behind you, pulling you mindfully to sit in between his legs, his chest pressed to your back. He pulls the comforter back up over the two of you, and uses his arms to cage you in to him, enveloping you in his warmth.
Benny’s always run hot. You joke that he’s like a walking space heater, a radiator if you ever need one. Right now, it’s like having your own ball of sunshine, warming you gently from the outside in. You feel the safest you have in two weeks.
“Relax, baby,” he murmurs into your hair. He pulls you in tighter, and nudges your head to rest in the crook of his neck. You inhale deeply – the first real breath you’ve been able to take all day. He smells like sunshine, and salt, and sandalwood, and safety. You relax into him and let all the tension leave your body. You let go of the flashbacks, and the fear, and the chaos, and surrender yourself to Benny.
He stays with you like that for three days. He doesn’t separate himself from you more than a few inches for 72 whole hours, keeping his arms wrapped around you from behind, as if holding you together. When he gets up to go to the bathroom, he takes you with him. You stay attached for three days, skin to skin, allowing his warmth to seep into your bones, to settle your nerves. You’re convinced that no medicine could heal you the way Benny is. Science doesn’t have a match for this. It never will.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When Santiago visits, he brings his guitar.
The first time he came to see you, right at the beginning, he sat with you for 20 minutes before he careened out of the room, gasping for air. The silence was strangling him, sending him into some sort of panic attack. Then, the guilt settled, and he felt like he’d betrayed you so badly that he couldn’t bring himself to go back in. He sat on the floor of the hallway with his back pressed against the door for 6 hours before Will returned home, concern coursing through his veins.
When Santiago explained what had happened, Will looked at him knowingly.
“You don’t have to be deathly silent, you know. You can watch some TV, turn the radio on. Frankie reads to her. Benny talks her ear off - doesn’t stop fucking rambling. I walked in the other day and he was explaining the current state of the NBA to her, team by team. She’ll sleep no matter what.”
Santiago nods, patting Will on the back lovingly before leaving, weighed down by shame.
The next time he visits, he brings his guitar.
If he’s honest with himself, he’s hoping you’ll be asleep. It’s easier to play for you if you aren’t looking at him like he hung the moon with those big, bright eyes of yours. But, lo and behold, he walks into the room you’ve made your own, and you’re wide awake.
“Hi, handsome,” you smile. “Where you been?”
“Oh, you know,” he smirks, “just caring for all the pretty girls that need my help.”
“And here I thought I was special,” you tease.
That smile of yours wraps itself around his heart, tangling in the core of him. You’ve always had that effect on the boys. One grin from you, and all of their problems melt away, even if just for a moment.
“You staying today, or you gonna run away again?”
You’re joking with him. Why are you trying to make him laugh? You should be upset, telling him that he’s a bad friend, that all of the other boys have sat with you for hours, so why can’t he?
But instead, you continue.
“I’m kidding, Santi. I get it, you know. I don’t think I’d be able to sit in a room with you lying there all half dead and helpless if the roles were reversed.”
You’re looking at him with so much understanding in your eyes that he has to choke down the tears that are trying to escape from him.
“It’s not that. It’s just – it’s my fault, bebita. You wouldn’t have even been in Colombia if it wasn’t for me. I’m the reason you got shot.”
He’s crying now – heavy, ugly sobs crawling their way from his chest, up to his throat. His knees give out, and he sits on the side of the bed, hands fisting in your comforter.
“Santi, baby. Hey. Look at me. Please, Pope.”
Your pleading gets his attention. He looks at you with those red rimmed, watery eyes, and your heart breaks so hard you swear you can hear it shatter.
“It wasn’t your fault, Santi. I followed you out there voluntarily. We all did. You know I’d follow you anywhere. I still would. It could have been any of us that got hurt. I’m glad it was me. I wouldn’t be able to stand seeing any of you in a hospital bed. It’d break me.”
You’re crying now too, at the thought of one of the boys in your situation. The bullets, the blood, the makeshift bandages they shoved into your side, ripping their shirts and tearing apart anything they could find. You couldn’t have survived that, if the roles were reversed. You wouldn’t have wanted to.
You press your forehead to his, hands tangling in the front of his shirt. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest, needing you as close as possible.
You fall asleep like that, face pressed into him, his heartbeat in your ear. Santiago tucks you back into bed gently and takes his place in the armchair, settling down. Pulling his guitar out of the case, he tunes it slowly, meticulously, before beginning to strum the strings carefully. He picks at the strings, playing you tune after tune, only stopping to stretch his arms and crack his knuckles. He plays for you for hours, time slipping by him like sand through his palms. When you wake, you keep your eyes closed, savouring his presence for just a moment longer.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Will doesn’t visit.
He sticks steadily by your side, day in, day out. If Frankie visits for 6 hours, Will sits with you for the other 18. When Benny holds you for 3 days, Will gets anxious, popping his head around the doorframe every few hours, checking in just in case. Since everything happened, Will’s whole universe has revolved around you. Which, he’s realising, is the way it’s always been. His whole world has always been you. He’s just been forced to confront that truth now, and it’s scaring him.
He’s suddenly aware of the fact that he almost lost you. He’s never felt fear like that before. He’s had men press guns to his temple, shoot at him from mere feet away, fight him with their fists. That’s nothing, now. He’d take that any day over watching you lie there, drenched in crimson, dripping with pain. His hands, twisted into your side, wet and slipping, trying to quell the dam that’s broken inside of you. Your eyes, looking into his, terror grasping your whole body like a cold chill. When he falls asleep at night, all he can hear is the way you said his name, like it was the last thing tethering you to the Earth.
He makes a silent vow to himself. A promise - to never let you go again. To protect you forever, no matter what. All of this trauma has just made him love you more. He’s not sure what the future will look like, for him, or for you. But he knows that right now, you need him.
And so he pours all of his love into his actions. He makes you breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and sits with you as you eat slowly. He eats at your speed, too - always doing everything at your pace. He combs your hair every morning gently, brushes your teeth twice a day carefully. He tucks you in when you fall asleep, pulling the comforter around you, keeping you safe and warm. As soon as one of the other boys leaves, he takes their place, sitting in the armchair – making sure you’re never alone. Whenever you’re awake, he listens to you pointedly, nodding and smiling. When you have a bad day, he’s right there next to you, wiping the tears from your cheeks and murmuring reassurances gently.
He watches as slowly but surely, you come back to yourself. You’re awake more often, smiling more confidently, cracking jokes and asking for laughs. The two of you are chatting like you used to, about nothing and everything. And you watch as slowly but surely, he returns to Will. The frown lines in his forehead become less pronounced, the worry in his eyes fades slightly. The smiles he throws your way are bigger, more genuine. The scales balance out again.
You’ve been in bed for two weeks when you decide to ask him for a favor.
“Hey, Will?” you query, looking at the blond man who’s currently folding laundry on the dresser.
“Yeah, sweetheart?” he replies instantly, ready to give you anything you could possibly ask for.
“Can we go outside? I think I might go insane in this room real soon,” you smile, bright and bold.
He beams at you, relief washing over him like an ocean wave. You haven’t left your bed for a fortnight. He’s offered a couple of times, but you refused, scared to leave the comfort of the safe haven you’ve created. But you’re ready now.
“Of course we can. You want me to carry you?”
His tone is light, jesting, but you know he’s being serious. Neither of you are actually sure if you can walk all the way outside.
“I can walk if you carry me down the stairs? Not sure I’m quite ready for those yet.”
He grins at you, and your heart stops. That smile of his seeps into your pores, lifts you up, sends energy flowing through your veins. You’re alive, and you’re okay, and Will Miller is looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky. You feel invincible.
Admittedly, it does take you 20 minutes to get from your room to the back patio. Will throws a strong arm beneath yours, holding you up as you take the journey step by step. When you reach the stairs, he picks you up bridal style, carrying you carefully. Before he sets you back on your feet, he nudges his nose to yours, still grinning.
The sun soaks into your skin outside, gentle breeze rippling your t shirt that you’re now realising is Benny’s. The leaves rustle in the trees, and you inhale the world, as if seeing it again for the first time. Will sits right next to you on the bench, hand holding yours tightly, fingers interlaced as if he’s worried you’ll blow away.
You glance at Will’s watch and see that it’s only 1pm. You have so much time left. So many possibilities to be fulfilled, so many people to love, so many places to see. But for now, you press yourself into the blond man’s side, settling in. You fit perfectly. Almost as if this is where you belong.
“Can’t believe I almost died without telling you I love you,” you murmur. It’s quiet, but he hears you, loud and clear.
“It’s okay,” he reassures. “You’re here now. We have time. So much time.”
“Forever,” you whisper. “We have forever.”
He turns to look at you in the hues of the bright afternoon. His blond hair is glowing gold, and his blue eyes match the sky, hopeful and full of promise. His hands come up to cradle your face, and he caresses your cheeks with his thumbs, rubbing comforting circles into your skin. He moves in closer, and nudges his nose into yours. He breaks out into a grin, and you can’t help but join him. Leaning in, he presses his lips to yours, soft and reassuring. You melt into him, running one hand into his hair, the other at the nape of his neck. He pulls you impossibly closer, until every part of you is pressed together. The sun is still beaming, and the birds are chirping, and you have time.
“Forever,” he whispers into your mouth when he breaks the kiss.
“Forever,” you murmur back. “We have time.”
You have time.
You have time.
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1K notes · View notes
rhoorl · 4 months
Delta Landscaping | Ch 14: Sparks Fly Like the Fourth of July
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Series Masterlist | Chapter 14 A03 Link
Word Count: 8.2k (sorry!)
Previously on As the Mule Falls: The Pikes moved into the neighborhood and immediate sparks flew between Benny and Vanessa. The boys got materials and supplies to work on Melissa’s backyard and the neighbors organized another party via their group chat. 
In this Episode: Marcus and Victoria get their day off to a fun start. Frankie and Jo keep chatting. Cousin Joel and Sarah call Benny and Will. The neighbors meet up at David and Ty’s house for a party. Cue a montage: David in a red, white, and blue feather boa, Benny making Vanessa laugh, Will and Marcus conspiring, and a game of cornhole. We end with Will and Katie having a heart-to-heart. Have your bingo card ready for another PPCU Easter egg!
Chapter Warnings: Brief unprotected P in V (established couple), allusions to PTSD and complicated feelings around being a veteran, some angst, and Marcus Pike and Cousin Joel both need their own warnings. Feral David.
*Cue the theme music and roll opening credits*
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“Babe, what’re doing?” Victoria whispered, peeking around the corner into the kitchen to find Marcus rifling through boxes in the dark. 
“Hey, I…uh…I was trying to surprise you,” he turned with a sheepish grin, his white V-neck shirt riding up slightly as he set a box atop the counter.
She cocked her head to the side as she walked further into the kitchen, her arms finding her husband’s waist. “And what surprise would pull you out of bed at 5 in the morning, mi amor?”
“I was looking for the griddle…I wanted to surprise you all with pancakes.”
“Ay, mi vida, you are literally the sweetest,” she brought both of her hands up to cradle his face, pressing a kiss to his lips. “How about pancakes this weekend when we have more stuff unpacked? How’s that sound?” She rubbed up and down his back.
“Ok,” he pouted. “We need to get groceries, there’s nothing in the house.”
“Well, we have that party today. We should probably bring something, can’t show up empty-handed to our first neighborhood party,” she winked. “I’ll shoot Megan a text later to see what she thinks and then maybe Nessa and I will run out to Publix this morning. We’ll pick up some donuts or something for the kids for breakfast.”
“You always have it all figured out,” he moved his hands up from her hips to her mid-back and bent down for a kiss. “One thing though,” he said against her lips.
“What’s that?”
“Well,” he pulled back, a devilish look coming across his face as she brushed the errant curl off his forehead. “Nobody’s going to be up for at least another hour…and since I’m off pancake duty…” he smirked.
“Special Agent Pike. Are you suggesting what I think you are?”
“We’ve already gotten the bedroom taken care of mi amor, how about the kitchen next?” He pushed her towards the dining room table, urging her to sit once her thighs grazed the edge.
“Marcus,” she giggled as he trailed open-mouth kisses down her jaw to her neck. 
Experts at quickies thanks to having two small children, they moved in tandem as she pulled down his sweatpants and he pushed her oversized sleeping shirt up her thighs and pulled her underwear to the side. As he notched himself at her entrance, his mouth returned to hers, swallowing her moan as he started to ease himself in. 
“You were ready for me baby,” he smiled against her lips, loving the sounds he pulled from her whenever he hit that spot. 
“Fuck, Marcus…” she mewled as he kept a steady pace. 
It didn’t take long before they both found their bliss and amidst soft giggles they cleaned themselves up and went back to their bedroom for round two.
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Even though it had only been a day, Frankie and Jo kept in pretty consistent communication. From texts throughout the day to hours spent talking on the phone last night, they were both still giddy from their time together.
Her morning got started pretty early. Her company was a big sponsor of the Peachtree Road Race, an annual 10k in Atlanta held around Independence Day, so she had to be there to ensure everything looked up to standards. Although she grumbled when her alarm went off, she suddenly felt a lift when she saw a text from Frankie waiting for her.
Frankie: Good luck today!
Jo: Aw thanks! I can’t believe I got dragged to this. 
Frankie: You're going to do great! Send me a picture of the medal when you're done.
Jo: I'm not running the race silly
Frankie: Well, you deserve one anyway
Jo: Well, I think deserve a pic of you in your swim trunks later Morales
Frankie: I'll see what I can do. 
Frankie smiled at his phone as he tossed it onto the kitchen counter. He was still on cloud nine from the weekend and couldn't even feel the soreness of his muscles from yesterday's training session with Benny. He also almost forgot what day it was. 
The Fourth of July brought up different emotions for the guys. None of them wanted the attention that came from being veterans, they mostly kept to themselves on a day like today. But the idea of being around the neighbors of Mule Fall Court brought some comfort to Frankie, especially since Jo couldn’t be there in person. 
Although she wasn’t physically there, Frankie was excited about seeing her later on FaceTime for their virtual movie date. It was her idea to watch something together, figuring she could maybe help take his mind off things once the fireworks started. Her words from last night still floated through his mind, enveloping him in warmth.
“I want to be there for you the way you were there for me.”
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“Hey man,” Benny walked in from his run to find Will leaning against the kitchen counter, staring off into space as he drank his coffee.
Will cleared his throat, shaking his head to try and rid himself of the anxiety that started to cloud his mind. “Hey…good run?”
“Yeah, yeah. All good. Listen, ah…I know we said we’d go over to David and Ty’s today, but if you’d rather do something else I’m down. We can…I dunno grab some beers and chill here. Or we can-”
“It’s all good Ben. It will probably be good for me, well for us, to …I dunno I guess it might do us some good to be around friends,” the corner of Will’s mouth perked up as he got a devilish look in his eye. “Besides, I need to see the girl who made little hearts float around your head,” he chuckled. 
Benny’s ears turned red as he faced away from Will, walking to grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator. He had no idea who may have given his brother the heads-up about Vanessa. Santi was the obvious first choice, but he had a feeling this was more of Frankie’s doing. His mind raced trying to figure out what to say, but relief washed over him when he heard Will’s phone buzz.
“Well look who it is! Hey there baby girl,” Will answered, beaming at the screen.
“Hi, Uncle Will. Happy Fourth of July!” Sarah waved a little American flag across the screen before wagging it in front of her father’s face of screen.
“Hey! Nothing for your favorite uncle?” Benny appeared behind Will, an arm around his brother’s neck as he winked at a giggling Sarah.
“Uncle Benny!” She squealed with the biggest smile on her face. “Daddy said you have a fight soon! You gonna win?”
“Of course sweetie pie,” Benny smiled back, putting on a brave face for his favorite girl. “Hey! You planned the shirt for this summer yet?”
For the past several years, Joel let Sarah design a special edition Miller Contracting shirt. It started one summer when she was playing with a new paint set and decided to get a bit creative with an old shirt of Joel's. Rather than get mad, Joel fed her artistic side and let her create a design. He then had the shirt replicated and ordered enough for his crew, Tommy, and his cousins and friends. Everyone looked forward to getting the “Sarah Special” each summer and wearing it proudly no matter the design or color.
“I'm thinkin’ like a bright teal? And the logo in white.”
“You goin’ easy on us this year baby girl?” Joel teased with a side-eye.
“Yeah, I was expecting you to bust about the big guns. Y’know I always get compliments on that neon pink one from last year when I wear it to the gym,” Benny added, his eyes twinkling as he saw Sarah crinkle her nose.
“That’s because you cut it all up…it’s barely a shirt,” Will winked as Benny rolled his eyes.
“Gotta give those followers what they want huh Bean?” Joel smirked, quickly changing the subject when he saw Sarah’s interest piqued. “So, ah, what’re you all up to today?” He put his arm around Sarah’s shoulder so she could rest her head on his chest.
“We ah…got a neighborhood party…gonna go over there for a bit, see how it is and then lay low once the fireworks start,” Will with a tight smile, not wanting to say too much in front of Sarah.
“Damn those neighbors of yours sure do love to throw a party.”
“Yeah well, we had some new ones move in yesterday and Benny seems pretty ah…interested from what it sounds like,” Will ruffled his little brother's hair as Benny slapped him across the stomach.
“Ah, gotta girl you like there Bean?” Joel raised his eyebrows.
“Ooo is she pretty Uncle Benny?” Sarah added which made Joel and Will both snort seeing Benny so embarrassed.
“Oh well, will you look at that…bad connection…we gotta go bye! Love you!” Benny switched off the phone as Will doubled over in laughter. 
Although Benny didn't always love being the butt of a joke, if it got his brother to laugh on a day like today, then he'd gladly take the hit.
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“Babe, where’s my cup?” David yelled from the kitchen as Ty filled some coolers with ice on the lanai.
“Which specific one are you referring to, sweetheart? You have 20,” Ty responded sarcastically. David’s Stanley cup collection had grown exponentially over the past year, to the point that their kitchen cabinets were starting to become overrun by the things.
“The red, white, and blue one, duh!” David huffed as he came outside. “I have no idea where it is.”
“We need to install like shelves or something so you can see them all. Maybe if you see the whole collection you’ll stop buying more,” his eyes widened with a tight smile.
“Oooo, what if we have one of the guys install it for us? Could be fun for the both of us,” David winked as Ty rolled his eyes. “C’mon, admit it, any of them with a toolbelt…nailing…and hammering…and…”
“Ok…get your shit together, Blanche,” Ty cut him off. “We have guests arriving soon and I need you to quench your thirst.” He walked back into the kitchen, opening a cabinet and finding the cup in question. “Here.” “What would I do without you?” David walked up, kissing Ty on the cheek.
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“Where’s your swimsuit?” Victoria raised an eyebrow as her sister came downstairs in an oversized T-shirt, jean shorts, and flip-flops. 
“I'm not wearing one,” Vanessa side-eyed her with her lips pressed in a line. She scooped up Mariella who was babbling “uppy uppy” at her.
Victoria sighed as she got her backpack together with some snacks and a change of clothes for the kids. “That person was an ass, Nessa, don’t pay them any attention.”
“Who was an ass? What happened?” Marcus asked, coming around the corner and tucking his sunglasses into the collar of his heather gray crew-neck t-shirt.
“Someone at the donut shop asked Nessa if she wa-”
“Hey! Stop, don’t,” Vanessa hissed, cutting her sister off. “Same old sh- I mean, stuff, Buck, you know,” she gave Marcus a pleading look, hoping he’d pick up on the fact that she wanted to change the subject.
He walked around the kitchen island over to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder, “Oh Vandy,” he kissed her forehead. “Don’t let some idiot ruin your day ok? We’re going to have fun,” he winked, seeing the slightest twinkle in her eye as she gave him a side hug.
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“Francisco! Que allegria!” Lulu approached with open arms as Frankie and the boys walked into the party.
“We…I mean, she missed you so much, must be nice being the favorite huh?” David winked, shaking hands with the guys.
“Wow, I see how it is, chopped liver!” Benny sarcastically scoffed, as Lulu tsked and brought him in for a hug.
“Benny! How’s the training going? Lis says you have a fight soon?” Danny asked as he and Melissa walked up. All of the neighbors started to gather around the four newest additions to the party. 
“Oh ah, yeah, going good. A few weeks to go.” Benny rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well, I don’t have my rotation set in stone yet, but if I’m in town I’d love to come. I mean…if that’s cool with you. I haven't seen MMA in person in a couple of years and now I have someone to root for,” Danny smiled.
“Ooo yeah! A group outing! I’ve never been to a fight before! Sounds…fun,” David clapped his hands.
“You need a cheering section right, Benny?” Megan asked as she sipped her drink. 
“We'll make you signs,” Katie added, her mind already thinking of a design.
“Oh ah, yeah, the more the merrier,” Benny chuckled, suddenly realizing that he’d opened up the door for the entire neighborhood to come to see him possibly get his ass kicked.
“It’s gonna be a big night, our cousin may come from Texas…Ben’s gonna have quite the supporter’s section,” Will put his arm around his brother, noticing Katie’s head snap at attention out of the corner of his eye. 
“Are those the new neighbors?” Ty asked, looking past Benny and Will and toward the family who just walked in.
“Oh yes, the Pike’s! You’ll love them, they're super nice,” Melissa gushed, waving wildly and grabbing Victoria’s attention. 
Will side-eyed his brother and felt his back straighten. “So, ah, which one is your girl,” he whispered, as Frankie and Santiago snorted at Benny’s sudden change in demeanor.
“Shhh, she’s not my girl,” Benny looked down wishing he could shrink down to the size of an ant and scurry away.
“Purple hair,” Santiago muttered out of the corner of his mouth as he took a sip of the beer Frankie handed him.
“She’s pretty, Ben.” Seeing his brother so flustered was quite amusing to Will. “You gonna talk to her or…”
“I know how to talk to a girl,” Benny replied, a bit petulantly which made Will and Santiago stifle some laughs.
“Hey, hey, let him go at his own pace…I got faith in ya Benny,” Frankie winked, feeling a sense of accomplishment as he managed to get a small smile out of Benny.
“Hey, our movers! Great to see you guys again,” Marcus chuckled as he shook hands with the guys, stopping and introducing himself to Will.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Will, Benny’s brother. Seems like I got out of the impromptu moving duties yesterday huh?”
“You did, all good though, these guys were pretty efficient. Oh ah, Will, this is my wife Victoria and our kids Nico and Mariella,” Will smiled, shaking Victoria’s hand and managing to get a high five from each of the kids. “And this is Vanessa, Vic’s sister.”
“Hi Will, nice to meet you,” Vanessa felt a little intimidated by Will initially, but his sweet, genuine smile put her at ease.
“Vanessa. Nice to meet you. Cool hair,” he gestured up with his chin.
“Oh ah, thanks,” she played with the ends. I uh dyed it myself,” she looked down at her feet, shy that a handsome man complimented her.
“You didn’t tell us that yesterday!” Santiago chimed in. “So you a hairdresser or something?”
“Oh ah no, not professionally. I’ve always kinda dabbled with it.” She bit her lower lip, eyes flitting over to catch Benny softly smiling at her.
“She cuts my hair,” Marcus jumped in. “Haven’t gotten any complaints,” he winked at Victoria who rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a smirk. 
“You know, I could probably use a haircut soon,” Frankie took off his cap and ran his fingers through his hair.
“NO!” David yelled from across the lanai, everyone stopping to look at him. Ty lowered his chin and looked at his partner from over the top of his sunglasses. “I um…sorry, Ty grabbed the wrong cups. Babe, remember, we need to go grab the ones from inside,” his eyes widened as he backed away and scurried into the house.
“Ignore him, it’s been a while since we hosted anything,” Ty laughed it off, walking into the house after David.
Frankie chuckled and put his hat back on his head. “Benny, you were talking about getting a haircut soon weren’t you?” Benny swallowed hard and nodded. “Said it’s getting in his eyes. We need to make sure you can see those punches comin’ atcha Benjamin,” he shadowboxed towards Benny, who playfully batted away his hands.
“Oh, are you a fighter or something?” Victoria asked, moving Mariella to rest on her other hip.
“Oh ah no, not professionally. I’ve always kinda dabbled with it,” he caught Vanessa’s eyes and laughed to himself seeing her smile. “I do it from time to time. Have a big one coming up in a few weeks.”
“Well, I don’t want to impose if you already have something established, but I’m an athletic trainer. Happy to help if you need anything,” Victoria smiled.
“Athletic trainer, huh? You working for one of the pro teams in town?” Santiago chimed in.
“Oh ah, no, well, I used but now I work for a high school. Torrey Hills Prep. You all know it?” Victoria looked around at the group.
“That’s where my son goes! He plays basketball,” Megan perked up. “He’s around here somewhere,” she looked around, spotting Connor and Aria sitting together on a lounger. “Ah, he's busy,” she shook her head as everyone laughed.
“No way, that’s actually one of my sports this year! Our friend Ben is the coach and when he knew Marcus and I were trying to move back down here he put in a good word for me and here we are!” Vanessa replied.
“Well look at that, what a small world,” Megan smiled. “Coach Ben is great, everyone loves him.”
“We do too,” Victoria looked quickly at Vanessa and then back to the group. “He’s like a brother to us.”
Everyone turned when they heard a glass clinking, seeing David donned in a red, white, and blue feather boa and silver sequined cowboy hat. “Ok, looks like everyone’s here. Let’s fire up the grill and have some fun!”
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Benny watched as Melissa ushered Vanessa and Victoria over to meet Olivia and her kids who were playing on a slip-and-slide David and Ty set up in the backyard.
“There a reason you haven’t turned on that Miller charm yet?” Frankie narrowed his eyes as he took a sip. 
“I dunno man,” Benny rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s probably going to think I’m just some dumb jock or something.”
Frankie chewed the inside of his cheek, observing Benny’s body language, shoulders hunched over and eyes downcast. Sometimes Frankie forgot just how low Benny got during his last relationship and the subsequent aftermath. It pained him to see how little his friend thought of himself, not missing the irony that when given a mirror his friends would say the same about him.
“Well, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, Ben. From my observations, I think she’d be…ah…receptive to you talking to her. Seems like a sweet girl. C’mon, see where it goes…have fun hermano,” Frankie put his arm around Benny’s shoulder and gave him a shake.
“Thanks, Fish,” Benny smiled.
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“You doing ok?” Victoria leaned over to Vanessa as they watched the kids playing.
“Yeah. Everyone seems really nice.” Victoria got closer to his sister, lowering her voice to a whisper. “You should go over and talk to Benny.”
Vanessa looked over her shoulder to see Benny in deep conversation with Frankie. She could feel her sister's eyes on her as she turned back around. “What Vic?” she cocked her head to the side.
“Oh nothing,” she let out a breathy giggle. “It’s just…cute.” Vanessa furrowed her brows, waiting for her sister to continue. “What? Now I know how you felt all of those years ago trying to get me to talk to Marcus,” she teased. 
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“So, is this like a big day for you guys or one you'd rather just get past?” Ty asked Will as they both observed the spread of food laid out in front of them.
“Ah, one I'd rather get past I guess, don't love all the attention,” Will gave a tight smile.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to,”
“Naw it's all good man. It's kinda nice to be here and just hanging out. We appreciate getting just a regular invite and not having everyone look at us like “guests of honor” you know?”
“I hear you, I hear you. And hey, of course, we'd invite you…you're part of the family now,” Ty smiled, patting Will on the back before he walked away.
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Vanessa watched with a soft smile as the kids played. Mariella made friends with Olivia’s little girl Diana and the boys were all chasing after Connor. She was so wrapped up in their ruckus that she didn’t hear the incoming footsteps. 
“Are you…um…having fun?”
Vanessa heard a deep Southern drawl behind her, turning around to see Benny leaning forward. His eyebrows were scrunched up and his bright blue eyes searched hers like he wanted to say more.
“Oh…ah, yeah…yes. Are you?” Vanessa bit her lip, wincing internally at how awkward she must be acting.
Benny nodded. “Yeah. Beautiful….day, it’s a beautiful day,” he smiled quickly shifting his weight from foot to foot. “You…ah…you going swimming later?”
“N-no,” Vanessa shook her head. “I didn’t bring my suit,” she swallowed hard and turned her attention back to the kids.
“You didn’t wear a swimsuit to a pool party?”
“Still unpacking,” Vanessa shrugged, hoping to get off the subject. The thought of getting herself into a swimsuit was hard enough, she couldn’t even fathom doing it in front of a guy like Benny, who practically looked like a male model in his simple black swim trunks and cut-off Army shirt.
Benny opened his mouth to speak but stopped when he felt something brush against his knees. He looked down and saw Mariella looking up at him with her big brown eyes, arms reaching up to the sky. “I…uh…” Benny’s eyes widened, panicked at what to do.
Vanessa laughed and bent down, “Ven aquí chiquitita,” she cooed. “She’s at a stage where she wants to be held all the time. Mari, you remember Benny? Say hi,” she gave an encouraging smile to her niece.
“Bunny,” Mariella responded matter-of-factly.
“No, mamita, his name is Benny…Ben-ny. Now you try? Ben-ny.”
Mariella shook her head up and down and assumptively said, “Bunny.”
“Well, your name is Bunny now. The queen has spoken,” Vanessa laughed, feeling her cheeks get warm as she saw a big smile come across Benny’s face.
“Well, who am I to deny a pretty girl,” he scrunched his nose up and booped Mariella on the nose. “Besides, I've been called a lot worse.”
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Frankie felt that familiar buzz in his pocket that made his heart race. Quickly unlocking his phone he was greeted by a selfie of Jo, looking tired but as beautiful as ever.
Jo: Finally done. I need a shower and a nap.
Frankie: Wish I was there to help
Jo: You can later 😉
Jo: How's the party? You and the guys doing ok?
Frankie: Yeah all good so far. Everyone’s been cool, it’s almost like I forgot what day it is.
Frankie: Plus I’m trying to help Benny talk to a girl
Jo: The pilot being a wingman…nice
Frankie: Trying.
Jo: I don't want to keep you, but I'm glad it's going well. Call me later.
Frankie: I will. Enjoy your shower 😏
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Marcus walked up to the cooler to grab a couple of drinks when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He turned around and saw Will who also was also on the hunt for a refill. The men exchanged pleasantries before drawing their attention to Vanessa and Benny who stood at the perimeter of the play area, observing all of the kids. She had her hand up to her mouth laughing as Benny animatedly told a story.
“Uh oh,” Will chuckled.
Marcus arched an eyebrow, “what’s wrong?”
Will smirked, “Oh no, it’s just…pretty eyes, a nice smile, and laughs at his jokes…that’s the trifecta for my brother.” 
Marcus let out a breath and softly laughed. “I have to say…she’s smiled more in the last day than I’ve seen in the last few months,” Marcus tilted his head, observing Vanessa cracking up.
“Well, I haven’t seen Benny this nervous around a girl since we were in high school,” he shook his head, smiling to himself as the memories flooded back. Marcus looked a bit confused so Will continued, “Our cousin dared him to talk to one of the seniors and ask her out….joke was on him though because the girl found Ben’s…goofiness…to be pretty charming. Ended up getting a date out of it.”
Benny glanced over in their direction. Years of reconnaissance made him acutely aware of when he was the one being watched. Realizing they were caught, Marcus and Will coughed and turned to face each other. 
“So…ah…you and Vanessa…you all close?”
Marcus glanced over fondly in her direction, “Yeah…she and I have always had this like unspoken connection. She means a lot to me…I love her very much,” he looked back at Will. 
“Look, I know this probably doesn’t mean much because he’s my brother and I obviously love the kid….but Benny’s a good guy.”
Marcus nodded, taking what Will said to heart. “So…I think we may both be on the same page here then?” Will nodded, so Marcus continued. “Vandy is probably going to kill me for saying this, but she’s not going to make a move. She's afraid of getting hurt…her ex,” Marcus shook his head, “he really messed her up.”
Will took a deep breath, “same for Ben. The kid hasn't always had the best luck.”
“Well, maybe we can partner up,” Marcus winked conspiratorially. “Seems like they're both interested right?”
“Ohh yeah,” Will chuckled. “Benny's interested alright.”
“Hey Will,” Connor walked up to get a bottle of water from the cooler.
“Hey man, what's up.”
“Santi and I are getting corn hole set up, think you and Benny want to play?”
“Actually,” Will smirked, looking over at Marcus whose mouth was slowly curling into a smile. “Think you could find a partner?”
“I think I know just the person,” Marcus chuckled. 
“Alright, c'mon let's go. Connor, you wanna help?”
“Ah, sure…with what?” He looked between both men confused.
“It's for Benny,” Will motioned over to his brother and Vanessa with his eyes.
“Oh.” It was as if a switch suddenly turned on for Connor. “Ohhh. Yeah ok! Tell me what I need to do.”
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“Wait, backward? I don't even understand how that would work?” Vanessa giggled. 
“I get a strike every time. I'll have to show you,” Benny puffed his chest out a bit, feeling more at ease as he and Vanessa talked and got to know each other. 
He learned that the catalyst for her to pack up and move back to Tampa from Charlotte was two-fold: she recently lost her job and her mother wasn’t doing well. That coupled with the fact that Victoria and Marcus offered her a place to stay in exchange for some babysitting solidified the decision to move back “home”. 
As they talked, Benny grew more and more infatuated. Her laugh was music to his ears. She listened enthusiastically like she was genuinely interested in what he had to say. She was smart and really funny. And she was beautiful, he couldn’t help but admire that.
“Hey Benny! Hi, you're…Vanessa, right?” Connor appeared next to Benny, flipping his hat around backward.
“Yeah, that's right. Good memory,” Vanessa regarded the boy with an amused look.
“You having fun C?” Benny brought the boy in for a side hug.
“Yeah, it's been a good time. Hey, actually. We're getting a cornhole tournament set up. Will said you're like a five-time Texas state champ or something?’
“Five?” Benny scoffed, feigning offense. “Where you come up with five Will?” Benny called over to his brother who shrugged as he walked up with Marcus. “I’m a five-time Texas Cornhole League champ, but don't forget about my Delta Force Cornhole Tournament wins. But, my most prized trophy is from the Oak Hill Elementary School Family Field Day,” he winked at Vanessa. “My niece…Sarah. She and I kicked ass and took names that year.”
“She finally had it with her and her old man losing every year, so she brought in a ringer,” Will added.
“It was one of my prouder moments as an uncle, I have to admit.”
Vanessa could tell this little girl meant a lot to Benny with the way his eyes softened when he talked about her. She made a point to remember her name and to ask him later which of his cousins was her father. He mentioned a Joel and a Tommy already during their conversation but she didn’t catch which one of them had a daughter.
“Well, I myself may have won a tournament or two at an FBI family picnic over the years,” Marcus chimed in. 
“You did? With who?” Vanessa scrunched up her face.
“Before I met you and your lovely sister my dear. They wanted us to mingle with different agencies, so I got paired up with this guy from the DEA. He didn't want to be there and was chain-smoking the whole time. But, he and I made a good team and once we started winning he changed his tune. Even shared some of the whiskey he snuck in.”
“I have literally never heard that story before,” Victoria came up and wrapped an arm around her husband's waist. “All this time I've been married to a cornhole champ and didn't even know it,” she smiled as Marcus leaned down and kissed her forehead.
Vanessa playfully rolled her eyes at them and returned her focus to Benny. “So you still got it then?”
The corner of Benny's mouth turned up, “oh I still got it darlin’.”
“Let’s play then!” Connor clapped his hands. 
“With partners, it's more fun that way. Vandy you're with me hermanita,” Marcus wrapped his arm around Vanessa's shoulder.
“Ah, o-ok, um…sure,” she played with her hair, a nervous tick. 
“So, Vanessa and Marcus against Benny and Will then?” Victoria asked, purposefully not looking in her sister's direction. 
“No darlin’, two Millers is too much,” Will winked, noticing the way Vanessa's cheeks flushed. “Connor, you wanna take my place.”
“Sure! Yeah, is that ok Benny?”
“Hell yeah, we got this bud,” Benny clapped his hand onto the boy’s shoulder. 
“We playing for anything or just bragging rights?” Connor asked the group.
“Hmm…what a great question,” Marcus replied a bit too smoothly and Vanessa suddenly realized what was happening. “Let's see. Well, Will was telling me how you boys have been doing some landscaping around the neighborhood. And I know my beautiful wife would love nothing more than to make some…adjustments…to our lawn. What do you say Vandy? We play to get your sister some upgrades?”
“That's a lot to ask of them over a silly little game, Buck,” Vanessa scrunched up her face. “Can't they just like…I dunno buy us a pizza as like a housewarming gift?”
“No, we don't mind. Besides, bet whatever you want, it's not like you're going to win anyway,” Will quickly chimed in. His playful trash talk made Benny cock his head to the side, surprised to see his brother so animated. “So speaking as the team representative, if they win, we want you,” he pointed to Vanessa, “to give Benny a haircut.” Will wrapped his arm around Benny’s neck, as Benny looked down sheepishly. 
Vanessa eyes narrowed. “That hardly seems fair. Connor doesn’t get anything?”
“Oh I don't need anything,” the boy threw his hands up.
“Ok, well even so, hours of landscaping versus a 10-minute haircut seems like quite a lopsided bet.” Vanessa countered, missing the coy smiles Marcus and Victoria exchanged.
“Very true. You make a good point,” Will continued with the negotiations. “Well, then…do something for me then and…take my brother out. I could use a night of peace and quiet,” he winked.
Benny scratched the top of his hat. “W-what? N-no, you don't have to do tha-”
“Deal.” Vanessa extended her hand to Will who shook it. 
Everyone was in a bit of shock at the exchange, but no one more so than Vanessa herself. She chewed the inside of her cheek and avoided looking in Benny’s direction as she quickly turned around and walked over to the cornhole board.
“Where'd that come from?” Victoria whispered.
“I dunno. Fuck, it was too much right? Ugh that was dumb wasn't it?” 
“Are you kidding me? No, that was perfect. Who are you and what have you done with my sister?”
Next to them, Marcus snickered, trying to hold back a smug smile.
Vanessa playfully smacked him on the arm. “You. Ugh I played right into your hand didn't I?”
“You always do. Besides, I'm doing you both a favor. Neither of you were going to make a move so I'm helping…speed up the process.”
“Ok so I love you Nessa and I want you and Benny to go on a date but I would also really love to get that godawful flower bed sorted out and a tree removed. So, please try and win,” Victoria winked.
“Great pep talk babe, you sure do know how to inspire,” Marcus kissed the top of her head and softly smacked her ass as she ran to stop Mariella from running headfirst into a bush.
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Will seemed quite pleased with himself as he, Benny, and Connor walked over to their side. 
“You fucker,” Benny tilted his head back, shaking his head. 
“Come on Bean, it was right there. If the shoe was on the other foot you woulda done the same thing.”
Benny rolled his eyes, annoyed that Will was right, and also touched that his brother was playing wingman. 
“Hey uh, Benny, listen I haven’t played cornhole in a while so…”
“All good, bud, I got this. Especially since I know what’s on the line.”
Will didn’t miss the way Benny’s eyes twinkled. 
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Frankie tucked his phone back into his pocket as Santiago came up, burger in hand.
“These are really good, Ty’s giving you a run for your money when it comes to the grill.”
Frankie snorted, a lopsided grin making his dimple more prominent. “You’re just angling for me to cook something this weekend, I know your type.”
With a raised eyebrow Santiago continued, “You gonna even be here this weekend? By the sounds of it, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d be packing up and hauling your ass to Atlanta for a few months.”
“No…” he shook his head as he thought through his response. “At least not this weekend. She’s got some stuff going on. What?” He scrunched his face as Santiago started laughing to himself.
“Nothing…just…it’s good to see you happy Fish,” he pushed up his sunglasses.
“Well, what about you? What d’you have going on these days?”
“Well, you’ll be happy to know I’ve been… consistent.”
“For how long?” Frankie chuckled.
“Ok, it’s been a week…but it’s with an old…friend.” Santiago quickly took a bite.
“How old of a friend we talkin’ about Pope?” Frankie narrowed his eyes.
Santiago purposefully slowed down his chewing, a bit nervous about Frankie’s reaction. When he finally swallowed he took a deep breath and faced his friend. “It’s Amaryllis, ok?”
Frankie’s eyes widened, “Lil?”
“Yeah? Is that surprising?”
“I mean…kinda. When’s the last time you guys hooked up? Before you took off to Colombia. You lookin’ to get more of your shit thrown out on a lawn?” Frankie snorted and dodged a slap from Santiago.
“It’s not like that, things are different now.”
“Ok…whatever you say, Pope.”
“So what’s going on here?” Santiago asked, eager to change the subject. He motioned to the cornhole game in front of them. Benny and Connor kept high-fiving as Vanessa groaned at Marcus who sent another bag flying well past the board.
“I dunno but Benny seems pretty proud of himself though,” Frankie observed. 
“It’s really unfair you know? The guy hasn’t played cornhole in years and look at him. Throwing a four-bagger like it’s nothing,” Santiago shook his head as another of Benny’s bags went through the hole untouched. 
“You’re still bitter he never wanted to be your partner when we played on the base,” Frankie chuckled.
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“Ok, C, you make this one and we win. No pressure,” Benny winked as he handed Connor the last bag.
“We’re ahead by a lot Benny, as long as I just get it on the board we win,” Connor fidgeted with the bag in his hand. He definitely held his own in the game, but Benny could have played on his own he was that good.
“Don’t just get it on the board, bud. You got this. C’mon the board is clear for you, go on for an air mail.”
“Got any tips?”
“Nah, I’m not sharing the secret sauce,” Benny grinned as he patted Connor on the back. “And I don’t wanna put any pressure on you but you’ve got a little audience.”
Connor turned around to see his mom, Katie, and Aria all huddled together watching. With a tight smile and a small wave, he took a deep breath to focus. He held his breath as he released the bag. Everything felt like it was in slow motion as he watched the bag fly across the 20-some-odd feet to the other board. 
“Holy shit, you drained that!” Benny whooped, picking Connor up. “Way to go!”
Connor was proud to play a hand in their winning, which clearly made Benny happy. Will came over and gave him a high five. 
“Hey,” Benny pulled Connor close for a hug, “I owe you man. Thanks.”
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“Aw damn, we lost,” Marcus threw his hands in the air, going through the motions despite being giddy as all hell.
“I feel like you missed some of those on purpose, Mr. I won at the FBI picnics,” Vanessa narrowed her eyes.
Marcus gingerly rotated his arm in a circle, putting on the theatrics as he rubbed his shoulder. “I’m getting older Vandy, didn’t have enough time to stretch.”
“Don’t worry, Papi, I’ll take care of that later,” Victoria rubbed up and down his back with a coy smile.
Vanessa rolled her eyes and snorted as Nico made an exaggerated retching sound at the sight of his parents kissing. 
“Well, go claim your prize,” Marcus could barely get the words out before he dodged a playful slap on the arm from both Vanessa and Victoria.
Vanessa took a deep breath and smoothed her shirt as she walked over to the victorious and jovial trio on the other side of the lawn. “Good game,” she put her hand up, getting high fives from them all. 
“Hey I’m gonna go get something to drink, Connor wanna come with me?” Will asked.
“Oh ah…yeah…sure, yup, feeling real parched!” Connor’s tight-lipped smile and awkward delivery made the others laugh.
“He’s sweet,” Vanessa’s eyes followed as he walked away.
“Good kid, sensitive. Had some really shitty stuff happen to him. He’s actually become a friend, which is kinda weird to say because he’s like 16 and I’m old enough to be his dad, but…”
“I think that’s really sweet, Benny.” Vanessa’s eyes softened but quickly narrowed as he gave her an offended look. “What?”
“Who is this Benny? I thought my name was Bunny,” he raised his hands.
“Ah, true, true. My sincere apologies,” she responded sarcastically. “However can I repay you?”
“Well, looks like you have a bet to pay up. So, where we going?” He rubbed his hands together.
“Hmm…” she crossed her arms in front of her, tapping an index finger to her lips, which Benny tried with all his might to not focus on for fear that he’d embarrass himself. “Well, you were talking such a big game about being able to bowl backward, I want to see that.”
“I don’t just bowl backward, sweetheart. I get strikes,” he winked.
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“Hey, you ok?” Katie had kept a close eye on Will throughout the party. Even though he had mostly been in a relaxed mood, she sensed a bit of tension in his shoulders as the early evening set in.
“Hmm? Y-yeah, I’m good.” His lips formed a tight line and he knew she could see right through it.
“Will,” she put her hand on his forearm, “do you want to get out of here? If this is starting to be a lot we can head out. Hey, I can finally get you to watch The Mandalorian with me,” she offered an encouraging smile.
His tight smile melted into a more genuine one, “You sure Kat? I don’t wanna take you away from the fun. I can just head home and watch a game or something.”
“It’s whatever you want, if you want to be alone I totally get it. But if you want company, I’m there.”
Will looked at her kind eyes and started to feel calmer. “Ok. Think David is going to be offended we’re leaving early?” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Nah, he’s got so many people here and is in host mode, we can sneak out,” she winked. “Do you need to tell Benny or anyone that you’re leaving?”
“Uh, yeah I should probably tell Ben so he doesn’t make it weird…” Will chuckled as Katie looked to the ground with a smirk.
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“So what did you think?” Katie looked over as the credits rolled after the first episode.
When they started the show, they were on opposite ends of Katie’s couch, sitting straight up. But as the show went on, Katie decided to lay down sideways, curling up underneath a blanket as Will stole glances out of the corner of his eye. When it was done, she sat up, facing him.
“Not bad, Kat. I liked it,” he turned his head towards her, the corner of his mouth curling up.
“See, I told you!” She playfully slapped his arm. “I wouldn’t steer you the wrong way.”
“No, I don’t think you would,” he turned his body towards her, a knee propped up on the couch. His eyes searched hers, stealing a glance down at her mouth which didn’t go unnoticed as her tongue swiped along her bottom lip.
It was hard to tell who moved first, but Will brought his hand up to cup her cheek as their lips delicately pressed together. Their lips stayed locked for a beat, each one waiting for the other’s move. Katie teased his bottom lip with her tongue and Will opened his mouth, recognizing the faint aftertaste of black cherry seltzer on her tongue. But as quickly as they started, they both pulled away with scrunched-up faces.
“Uh…that was…” Katie chuckled, shaking her head.
“It was weird right? Like it was good, obviously, but like … kinda …weird?” Will rubbed the back of his head, realizing that his mouth moved before his brain.
“Yeah, it…look, Will, I really like you. I think you’re an awesome guy and…fuck…,” she winced a little as he started to fidget. “I just…I see you as more of a…”
“A friend?” He clenched his jaw, giving her a tight smile. 
She nodded, unable to say the words for fear that she’d hurt his feelings. But when his eyes started to crinkle and his smile relaxed she pursed her lips and her eyes narrowed.
“I was thinking the same thing.” He saw her visibly relax, both of them nervously laughing now that some of the tension was easing. “You’re amazing, Kat. You know that right? But, I don’t know…recently, I’ve started to see you as someone I can…trust. You know? Fuck,” he shook his head. “I don’t really do this,” he motioned between the two of them.
“Talk about your feelings?” 
“Yeah. It was a big reason why Jelly left…” he trailed off.
“Oh sorry, Angelica, my ex. She uh…well, I just never really knew how to process shit you know? Like Benny had fighting, he’d go and get the shit beat of out ‘em and while it didn’t make the pain go away he still numbed it you know? Pope would go out and pick up whoever he could at the bar, figuring he’d bury his pain in a…” he looked up, “never mind, you know what I mean,” he laughed. “And Fish…he had his own demons…” Will pulled his brows together, his forefinger pushing the cuticle on his thumb back.
“What about you?” Katie leaned forward, resting her elbow on the back of the couch.
“I just…kept it bottled up. She’d try and get me to open up but I just…couldn’t,” he closed his eyes briefly, shaking his head from side to side as if trying to delete a memory from his head. “And then one day there I was in the damn cereal aisle of a Publix, my arm around some guy’s throat. I wasn’t there I…” he took a deep breath, relaxing a bit when Katie rubbed his arm. “I was squeezing so hard, I blacked out…Jelly had to basically climb up my back to get me to stop. She scratched the shit out of me. I’ll never forget the way she was screaming at me, telling me to stop,” he swiped his hand across his lips.
“I’m here, it’s ok,” Katie soothed him, rubbing circles along his forearm with her thumb. 
“Anyway, I’ll spare you the details, but that was the beginning of the end. But looking back it had been coming for a while. I couldn’t be what she wanted, I wasn’t the same person anymore. And we were growing apart. She had goals and plans and I just…I wasn’t there. I wasn’t at the same place. And I guess bottling that shit up kind of just came to a head.”
“What happened?”
“She left. Well, not right away. She tried…she tried to get me to go talk to someone, but I just wasn’t ready yet. You’d think nearly killing someone at a fuckin’ grocery store would do that,” he chuckled to himself. “It was a bad time for all of us if I’m honest. Everyone was in a shit spiral. I ended up flying home, just to get away from it all. Felt like a loser staying with my parents for a couple of months, but I just needed distance. Then one night drinking beers on Joel’s patio it all kind of clicked. I didn’t want to be like that anymore…I don’t know, I can’t explain it. But the next day, I made an appointment to talk with someone and now fast-forward a few years and I’m the one giving speeches,” the corner of his mouth curled up. 
He told Katie about how he started volunteering and working with other veterans, helping others who were enduring the aftereffects of war and battle. If there was one thing Will was proud of, it was the way he paid it forward, helping others the way others helped him – when he finally let them. It was never anything he touted or wanted attention for. He quietly dedicated his time to volunteering and doing a host of other activities that the rest of the guys probably didn’t even realize he was doing.
“I think that’s amazing, Will, you should be so proud of yourself. I am.” Katie squeezed his arm.
“Sorry for unloading that all on you Kat,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “This day always makes me feel weird, I guess I never really talk about it. I feel I don’t deserve any of the attention this day brings you know? Like people will come up to us and thank us and say all of this stuff and they mean well…it’s just hard to reconcile all of the shit we’ve seen and had to do,” he let out a long sigh. “So all of that plus the fact that I don’t like loud sounds, is why today kind of sucks,” he laughed, his bright blue eyes looking up to find hers. “But today has kinda sucked less…and you’re a big part of that, so thank you.”
Katie was taken aback and her eyes started to tear up. “Oh Will, that’s sweet. You’re a good man. I hope you can see that. I’m happy I was here. I’ll be here anytime, ok?” He nodded. “Can I give you a hug?”
“C’mere,” he smiled, opening his arms as she reached her hands around him, nuzzling into his neck. They stayed in a tight embrace but Katie could feel the tension melting off of him. He pulled back, grabbing her hand, “thank you.”
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Next Time on As the Mule Falls: Benny and Vanessa go to the bowling alley. Frankie and Jo try and figure out the next time they’ll see each other. The boys finish Melissa’s backyard. (There will be some time jumps we need to get to Benny’s fight night!).
A/N: Hi! Sorry it took me so long for an update! Aside from life getting a bit crazy, I also decided to focus and finish another series I had been working on. So, for now, this is my only WIP. There’s some really fun stuff ahead and I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Thank you as always for reading, sharing, or sending me a message about this story!
Taglist: @goodwithcheese / @gemmahale / @trulybetty / @noxturnalpascal / @periodtsparadox / @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin / @maggiemayhemnj / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @avastrasposts / @meveispunk / @chaoticfestninja / @beboldbebravethings / @casa-boiardi / @katw474 / @linzels-blog / @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain / @pimosworld / @lynnchun / @anoverwhelmingdin /@lilmizmoz / @pedrit0-pascalit0 / @titlee78 / @noisynightmarepoetry / @inept-the-magnificent / @perennialdoll247 / @for-a-longlongtime / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @harriedandharrassed / @musings-of-a-rose / @anavatazes / @sherala007 / @midnightraain / @partyofone3413 / @inthedarkestnight / @millennial-teenybopper / @csarab615 / @darkheartgatita / @southernbe / @weho2kcmo / @itspdameronthings / @mclibs23
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ktwritesstuff · 11 months
Nothing Else Matters (a Triple Frontier shifters AU)
Title: Nothing Else Matters Fandom: Triple Frontier Rating: Explicit Characters & Pairings: Reader x Triple Frontier Boys reverse harem style Word Count: ~2,000 Summary: Your faves are werewolves and you get to pork them. And you are also a werewolf. Yeah. That's pretty much it. Beta-read by the incomparable @bs-fangirl. Additional content notes below the cut.
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Content Notes: No sexy times in this chapter, but issuing a content warning for some medical drama, my total lack of understanding of the Spanish language, and completely made up shifter nonsense.
Chapter One
Three weeks ago you were convinced Santiago was dead.  And now you were holed up in his safehouse in St. John while he led the rest of your pack on a suicide mission through the Columbian jungle.  You hadn’t been keen on being left alone with the baby in unfamiliar territory, but you didn’t dare complain.  You might have been able to convince Frankie to sit this one out–he had a good heart and he was fiercely protective of baby Luna–but you couldn’t ask that of him.  Not after landing the both of you in hot water for getting pregnant against your Alpha’s wishes.  
You tried not to wonder why the trip that was supposed to last 5 days had stretched out to two weeks, but it was hard not to imagine all the things that could have gone wrong.  Some nights you woke alone in a strange bed so frightened it was all you could do to wake Luna and encourage her to nurse until you could barely keep your eyes open.  
You were relieved when the boys’ boat finally pulled into the dock, until you saw the state that Will was in–bleeding from his stomach, barely able to stand on his own.
You searched their faces for clues to what had happened: Will pale and in pain, Benny agitated and fretting over his brother, Santiago was stern, nearly impossible to read, and Frankie just seemed sad.  You counted them again: four.
“Where’s Tom?”
Santiago pointed to a human-sized bundle of canvas tied with rope at the back of the boat.  A wave of dizziness and nausea washed over you as the realization set in.  You leaned on one of the dock’s pylons to support yourself.     
You felt your wolf, Ginger, raging inside you.  You took deep breaths to calm her, knowing that Ironhead was more than likely scratching at Will’s nervous system, eager to be free.  Seeing Ginger, smelling her, feeling her anguish would certainly push him over the edge.  But letting Ironhead out now would do more harm than good.
“Get him up to the house and get my kit,” you instructed.  Your anxiety dissipated as your whole world narrowed to a single purpose: taking care of your pack.
Benny set Will down on the chair in the main room and helped to remove his shirt.  You grimaced, peeling back the hemostatic dressing to find a bullet hole still seeping blood and pus.  You poured wound wash over the damaged skin and pressed fresh gauze against the wound.  Ironhead growled and snapped at you–fangs and claws bared–before Will could get him back under control.
“I know,” you said as calmly as you could manage.  “I know it hurts.  Stay with me.”  
In the tiny nursery–the outdated butler’s pantry, just big enough for a bassinet and your nursing chair–Luna woke and began to cry.  The sound made Will lurch with the effort of keeping Ironhead contained.
“Frankie,” you called.  “Get the baby.  Frankie, the baby!”
From across the room, Frankie stared at you blankly, still deep in shock.  You instructed Benny to keep the pressure on the wound and went to the nursery to fetch Luna.  Seeing you, she stopped crying in earnest, but still fussed for comfort and attention.  
“Francisco!” you snapped, carrying the baby out to her father.  “Escúchame!”
Frankie’s eyes finally focused on you as you handed Luna off to him.  He clutched her to his chest, cradling her head in his hand and breathing in the familiar smell of her–like fresh powder and breast milk.  His breathing and pulse began to slow.  Catfish grounded and soothed by being reunited with his beloved pup.  
“Take her,” you instructed.  “I need to stitch Will up and get him regulated.  If he shifts now, he will tear that wound wide open. You understand?”
“No,” Frankie protested, trying to hand her back to you.  “I can’t.”
“Yes you can,” you said.  “You are her father.  I need you to do this.”
Frankie nodded, rallying himself to take Luna to the kitchen so you could stitch Will’s wound.  
Stomach wounds were so complex, without imaging or exploratory surgery it was impossible to know the full extent of the damage.  But the truth was, even with a shifter’s regenerative capabilities, if the kidneys or bladder were involved Will would be dead already. He was feverish, so you gave him an injection of acetaminophen to try to bring down his temperature and help with the pain.  An IV would be better, but you weren’t set up for that here.
“Can you swallow?” you asked, opening a bottle of antibiotics to show him the size of the pills.
“Don’t worry, man,” Benny said, trying to soothe himself with humor.  “If you can't, we'll give you the suppository.”
Will rolled his eyes, accepting the pills with a glass of water.  “I can swallow.”   
“Benny, can you get him out of these wet clothes and into bed?” you asked.  “I’ll be right in, I’m just going to put on a pot of tea.”
“You got it,” Benny agreed, snapping to attention, happy to be given a task.
As the youngest member of your pack–before Luna came along–he could be irresponsible, impulsive, and self-indulgent, but he always knew when to buckle down and get things done.   
“Come here,” you urged.  “Give me a kiss.  You’re doing a good job.  You’re a good brother.  I’m proud of you.”  
Benny stooped to place a kiss at the corner of your mouth and you helped him lift Will out of the chair.  As they hobbled to the bedroom you went to the kitchen to put on the kettle.
“How is he?” Frankie asked, bouncing Luna on his knee as she fussed and reached for you.  
A shifter’s wolf was a natural part of their sympathetic nervous system, but like an elevated heartbeat or increased blood pressure, it could also be maladaptive.  The change took years to master without losing yourself to the animal and even then required an incredible amount of energy, energy that Will needed to heal.   
“Bleeding’s stopped,” you explained.  “But he’s not out of the woods yet.  Fighting one hell of an infection.  May need stronger antibiotics than what I have to give him.  If it goes septic we’ll have a feverish, pissed off Ironhead on our hands.”
“Tell me what you need,” Santiago said–the first words he had spoken to you in over three years.  “I’ll get it.”  
You turned away from him, returning your attention to warming up a bottle for Luna as you waited for the kettle.  You would be the first to admit, you hadn’t gone out of your way to bridge the gap between you after he had essentially waltzed back into your lives with a hand grenade after years off the grid.  But if this was his feeble attempt at repairing what he had broken, he would have to do better than that.
“I’m going to stay with Will tonight,” you explained.  “I need you to look after Luna.”
“Can’t Benny watch him?” Frankie pleaded, rising from the table as he shushed Luna anxiously.  “She wants you.”
“Benny has never calmed anyone in his life,” you said.  “And we need Will calm, Frankie.  You will be fine.  She’s just hungry.  Give her a bottle and rock her, play with her for a bit and put her to bed.  There’s toys and clean nappies in the nursery.  It will be good for you both.” 
You went to Frankie, holding Luna between you, wondering what the hell had gone on out there that had him so on edge.
“I love you.  I trust you.”  You held Frankie’s scruffy, bearded face and kissed him.  His lips tasted like salt and copper pennies.
You poured the tea and checked the temperature of Luna’s bottle before handing it off to Frankie.  You went back to the bedroom, thankful you had missed the ordeal of getting Will undressed and settled into bed.
“Thank you, Benny,” you said.  “I can take over; you need your rest.”
“Are you sure?” Benny asked, adding soto voce, “He’s pretty agitated.”
“I can still hear you, Benny,” Will snapped.
“I can handle your brother,” you assured him, giving the taut muscle of his arm as squeeze with your free hand.  “Eat something, try to get some sleep.”
Will growled and shifted uncomfortably in bed as his brother left.
“Where’s Luna?”
“She’s with her father,” you said, taking a careful seat beside him on the bed, holding the back of your hand against his face.
“Frankie doesn’t know shit about taking care of a kid,” Will protested.
"He'll be fine,” you insisted, taking a cold compress from your bag and holding it to the pulse point on his throat.  “You're the one I'm worried about.  You want something else for the pain?" 
Will shook his head.  ""M fine."
You sighed in frustration at Will’s pigheadedness.  Toughing out the pain made Ironhead that much harder to soothe.  You undressed and slid under the covers beside him, pressing yourself against his side.  His bare skin was hot and clammy.
"How's that?"
"Better," he nodded, putting an arm around you.
"I should put you on NPO," you warned, handing him the cup of tea from the bedside table.  "But as it stands you need the fluids. You lost quite a bit of blood."
"I'll make more," Will said, sipping the bitter tea.
"At least you haven't lost your sense of humor,” you said.  “Tell me what happened.”
Will related the whole mess to you: how they all got greedy at the sight of all that money, but Redfly most of all.  That Frankie blamed himself for the helicopter crash, for the deaths of the cocaine farmers, for not putting his foot down when the load was too heavy for the chopper.  That the son of one of the murdered farmers had followed them to seek revenge against Tom.  That they had to cross the Andes on foot and fight their way through an army of child soldiers to get to their boat.  That at the time, being shot in the altercation with Lorea was the least of their worries. 
“Is that so,” you sighed.  Having gone through all that it was a wonder he hadn’t thrown a clot, or worse.  “Any other symptoms? Headache?  Chest Pain? Nausea?”
Will shook his head, taking another gulp of tea.
“Dare I ask when was the last time you took a shit?” 
Will chuckled, just a little.  "You don't want to know."
“You have to tell me if the pain gets worse,” you warned.  “You understand?”
The bullet had gone straight through him, so at least it wasn’t tearing him apart on the inside while they were traipsing through the Andes.  
“All those speeches you give to new recruits, do you ever tell them about this part?”
Of course everyone loved hearing the story about assaulting a man into pissing himself at the Piggly Wiggly.  It made them feel powerful, cool even, paradoxically in control.  They were far less interested in the very real possibility of watching their friends die.
“About beautiful women asking about their bowel movements?” Will scoffed.  “No.  Definitely not.”
“I thought the whole point was to keep it real,” you carefully leaned your head on his chest.  You could feel his heart pounding
“Nobody wants it kept that real.”  
"Here," you said, taking his hand and placing it on your chest so he could feel your heartbeat.  "Does that feel like the heartbeat of someone in danger?  We're safe now; you can rest.  You brought them home."
"Not all of them," Will said with a pained grimace.
"I know.  I could kill Santiago for putting you through that."  
"Go easy on him," Will pleaded.  "He's hard enough on himself for all of us."  
"Well it certainly doesn't show," you said.  "He's cold to me.  Won’t even look me in the eye."
"Don't take it personal.  It's just--"  Will’s eyes flitted away from you like he didn't want to say.
"Spit it out."
"There was a woman.  In Columbia--"
"He can fuck who he wants," you scoffed.  “You know I don’t care about that.”
"A human woman."
A growl formed deep in your chest, but you swallowed it down, mindful of controlling your temper, but you were sure the momentary lapse in judgment wasn’t lost on Will or Ironhead.  
"He said it was nothing,” Will said.  “But he cared for her.  He had to send her away to keep her safe."
“Then it doesn’t matter anyway,” you said in a careful, measured tone as you took the empty mug from Will’s hands.
You both knew that with Tom gone the pack was vulnerable.  You needed Santiago now, as much as you hated to admit it.  If his loyalties were divided it would be disastrous for all of you.
You laid your head on Will’s chest, carefully snaking your arms around him to soothe yourself with his solidness.    
“Close your eyes now,” you said.  “You need sleep.” 
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giowritess · 5 months
fortnight [2]
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gif by @dameronscopilot
pairing | Benny Miller x female!reader [Grace Stratford] summary | you somehow end up pretending to be Benny's girlfriend for two whole weeks. is your heart going to survive that? probably not. warnings | swearing a bit, mentions of certain body parts word count | 1k author's note | to be honest, i have no idea where i'm headed with this fic lol this time, we have some insights into benny's head. love him. english isn't my first language and this wasn't proofread. part one | masterlist | main masterlist
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There was one thing in your plan, however, you hadn't accounted for. You'd have to share a bedroom with Benny for the next two weeks, and you were trying not to freak out because of that.
“Left or right side?” He asked, oblivious to what was going on inside of your head.
“Left,” you replied, and he happily tossed his pillow to the right side before plopping down, landing on his side and leaning his face in his palm and looking at you. His cap flew somewhere in the room.
Shit. Fourteen whole nights sleeping by his side. Jesus Christ, your heart definitely wasn’t going to survive.
“If we're gonna do this, we gotta settle a few things,” you said, sitting cross-legged in front of him.
“How old are you?”
“Thirty-two. You?”
“Twenty-seven. How long has it been since you left the army?”
“This feels like twenty-one questions,” he said, making you laugh. “Six years. How long have you been in the Air Force?”
“Four years. Why did you leave?”
He looked at the ceiling. “It gets to a point when you just have enough, you know?” 
You nodded. Despite loving what you did, sometimes you felt that way, too. “Dad had just died, too, so I had enough,” he added. 
You nodded again.
“We need an excuse,” he said. “To why no one knew about us.”
“True. We could say... I don't know, we didn't wanna rush things and preferred to keep it low?” 
“Yeah, sounds good. Basic. I like it,” he said and yawned. “I need to take a nap. Carrying all my girlfriend's bags made me so tired.” 
He sighed dramatically, making you laugh at his theatrics and the way he said the word girlfriend.
 "Oh, shut up, it was just two bags,” you said, throwing your pillow at his face. His beautiful face. He effortlessly batted it away, sending it flying overhead, but, in doing so, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you, his strength making you land on top of him.
The laughter died in your throat when you realized just how dark his eyes were. You were straddling him, a leg on each side of his body and your palms splayed across his chest for support. His body was a rigid mass of muscle under you, your hands itching to travel all around his naked chest. He was so fucking hot, in both senses—the heat coming from him as arming you in all places. He slightly shifted and you went still when you felt the distinct outline of his cock through your clothes. It wasn't hard, but just a roll of your hips, and…
His eyes were boring holes into yours and you wanted to squirm. His hands circled your wrists. You took a breath of courage.
“There's something we didn't discuss”, you said in a meek voice, trying hard to get the words out under the intensity of his gaze.
Your voice sounded more breathy than you wanted it to. He chuckled, his body shaking slightly under you, sending vibrations up your body. You wanted to move so badly.
“I think we already established that won't be a problem,” he replied, and you wondered if he meant today, the heated kiss you shared, or two years ago, that night in his car? “But we can practice if y—”
Before he had the chance to finish the sentence that would make all your dreams come true, three rapid knocks sounded at the door before Maddie's voice came through.
“Grace? Can I come in?”
“Just a second,” you yelled back, you and Benny scrambling to your feet in seconds. “Come in!” 
She did. She took one look at you and at Benny and a smirk appeared on her lips. 
“Oooh, sorry I interrupted something, but I gotta steal Gracie for a bit,” she said, sitting at the corner of the bed as if she owned it. “Benny, shoo. Go get drunk or go fishing or whatever.”
He rolled his eyes and bent to press up his discarded cap. After putting it backwards—a silly thing, but it made you want to swoon nonetheless—, he pointed a finger at you.
“This conversation isn't over yet,” he said.
All you could do was nod, suddenly unable to speak.
Benny wanted to kick Will the moment he saw the grin on his brother's face.
“Shut up,” he said, breezing past him to grab a beer. To hell that it was only two in the afternoon—the day asked for one, and somewhere it was already five pm, right?
“I didn't even say anything!” Will argued.
Benny just raised an eyebrow at him, leaning on the kitchen counter in silence, waiting for whatever shit he was going to say
“But I gotta ask. How the hell are you suddenly dating Stratford?”
“It was her idea,” he replied with a sigh. "So I can make Sam jealous. She thinksI want her back.”
Benny accidently forgot to mention that it was Maddie's idea. She must have heard one of their conversations and misinterpreted the whole thing.
Suddenly, the expression on his brother's face turned dead serious. “And do you?”
“Hell no. Not in a million years,” Benny replied, a bitter taste on his mouth just by thinking of dating Samantha again. She left a bad taste for relationships for him, which was why he was single ever since. “You know who I want.”
Who he'd been wanting since she got in their lives, but he was too big of a dumbass to do something about it, even after their one night stand two years ago. And to think that, if it wasn't for Maddie, he'd probably have her exactly where he wanted her right now.
“So? What you waiting for?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “To be sure, I guess.”
Will placed a hand on his shoulder, his eyes as serious as ever.
“Big brother advice. Don’t screw this up,” he said. He nodded. “If you want her, go for it. Now get over yourself and let's go fishing.”
Benny chuckled, a sudden feeling of resolve surging through his body. He didn't know exactly how, but yeah, he was going for it.
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by @reveriesources
➜ part three
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