#gathering consern
drunkenlion · 2 years
Man worth 6.000.000 $$
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Since you’ve been old enough to mend for yourself and since you’ve remembered yourself you’ve always been a very light sleeper. After that, after being a mercenary for a few years, your sleep became even more uneven and you’ve been plagued with insomnia for many nights in a row, until you just pass out of tiredness.
After being used as a bait and stood up by one of your contractors you’ve became a scapegoat and a wanted criminal with some petty sum on your head.You've been angry at yourself for falling into the stupid trap, but decided to just deal with it and clear your name, since you've kinda enjoyed the life and the paycheck of a mercenary and before the incident you've managed to build up a bit of a name for yourself. For now, all you needed to do is lay low, travel off the roads and find the jerk who stood you up.
 Somewhere on your trip you've met a peculiar guy, who you really didn't believe to be "the" Vash the Stampede as he claimed at first, but you've decided to stick with him cause why the hell not, it became a bit of a burden to travel all alone and be on the constant lookout for your back. Somewhere along the way, you've have gathered that he was indeed "the" Vash by observing his skills with dealing with attackers without killing them. Somewhere along the way, you've warmed up to him; and somewhere along the way you've noticed that you're not suffering from insomnia anymore.
 Due to your travels off the road, you've had to spend a lot of nights out in the cold desert, so you've slept in close proximity to each other to keep warm without having a fire out, so that you're not noticed so easily. With time, the close proximity turned into basically curling into each other in one sleeping bag with all the other clothes piled up above. During those nights, you've began resting more and more peacefully, maybe by having a feeling of companionship with someone and having your anxieties subsided for a bit, maybe just by listening to his breathing and the beating of his heart. You've been able to score a few little jobs along the way and pretty much stay low (although it has been not so easy due to your travelling companion's ability to attract all kind of crazy situations around himself), so you've managed to even book a room for the night in a few inns in few small villages you've came across so far. Most of the time, it was a single-bed rooms, but you've been so used to sleeping near each other, that it didn't raise any conserns.
 But this time, it has been different. Once you've booked a room and went upstairs to get rest, you've noticed that it has two small single beds situatied pretty far away from each other, separated by two bedsite tables. Just as any other time, you barely had any energy to assume anything, so you've just took a shower, got into your spare semi-clean clothes that can be used for sleeping. But as minutes and hours went by, you couldn't fall asleep for a second, no matter how tired you've felt. Your continuous tossing and turning with loud groans and exhales has woken up Vash at some point. He blinked a few times at your side and asked whatever's bothering you. After venting for a bit that you can't fall alseep but assuring him that it's fine and you've been used to it for your whole life, you promised to keep quiet and nudged Vash to get back to sleep so that "at least one of you will be sane tomorrow".
  You've wondered what has been different this time but couldn't figure this out. You've felt safe, you have not been hungry, you have not been anxious, but still sleep evaded you for so long..you've tried to concentrate on something to take off your mind of idle thoughts, and your ears have caught up the sound of your companion’s soft snoring. Still, it was very-very quiet.. and very far away…Wait a second.. The realization of the cause of your newfound insomnia overtook you instantly. You’ve tried to calculate how selfish it would be to wake up Vash right now and burden him with your problems, but the thought of you being a functioning and rested person outweighed 20+ minutes of sleep Vash could lose from your request. You came up to his bed, kneeled in front of him and tried to shake him gently while whispering his name. At this, he opened his sleepy eyes and looked at you absentmindedly, trying to focus on your face. You’ve sheepishly tried to explain to him that sleeping next to him seemed to make you fall asleep easily and asked if you two can move the beds closer together right now, so you can catch a few hours of sleep before the dawn. Hearing that, his face flushed a little (not like you could’ve seen it in the dark room) but he nodded while yawning, got up and helped you move both bedtables first, then your bed closer to his, in fact he pushed your bed against the floor till a soft “thud” of it hitting his own bed has been heard.
Later in the night while lying in the now-shared bed with Vash, you still couldn’t fall asleep while listening to his breathing, but you didn’t want to wake him up, or make him aware of you not sleeping after he was awoken and been asked to push the furniture in the ungodly hours, so you preferred to just lay there unmoving with your eyes tightly closed. At one point, a moon must’ve risen up in the sky cause the black color behind your eyelids became touched with a bluish tint, so you’ve opened your eyes and look at the side Vash was occupying and winced, because his eyes were wide open and he was gazing at you. Seeing you awoken and startled, he chuckled and just pushed you closer to him asking why you’re not sleeping after making him moving furniture during the night (just as you thought he would), so you redirected the question at him. It took him a few breaths to start talking, after which you’ve heard his confused thoughts on you wanting to sleep closer to him willingly, because all the previous times were “out of necessity”, in his words. You could barely see his face since you’ve been tucked under his chin while he was saying that. You wondered, if it was intentionally on his part, so you pushed yourself back and up a little, your eyes now on the same level as his, seeing a confused and almost pained look in his eyes. So, you’ve fought with your common sense for a bit and started spilling out everything you’ve been thinking and feeling about your travelling companion for the past several weeks, explaining how his presence seemed to finally cure your insomniac tendencies that you’ve had since forever. You’ve been explaining everything quite passionately, so you were more in your head gathering your thoughts and putting them into words, that you didn’t notice that Vash moved closer to you again, and pressed his lips to yours in between your rumblings. You didn’t register at first what has stopped you from talking, before you opened your eyes, scrunching the nose and looked ahead of you, seeing only Vash’s eyelashes and his shut eyes in front of you. At the same time you’ve felt his lips being tightly pressed to yours. Later, you were sure that this moment took a few seconds, but at the time it felt like eternity between you experiencing the touch, and it provoking the corresponding feelings in you.
Just as he began trembling a bit against you and moving away, you’ve pressed your hands to his cheeks, and pulled him back to your lips, responding with a vigor. The kiss was sloppy, but tender, filled with hands on each other’s faces and each other’s hair, touching teeth, brushing noses and almost no air to breathe. You were feeling elated at the moment, giddy with giving and receiving so much physical affection at once, you’ve probably haven’t felt this way in years. So you smiled gently back at him, when stopping and suggested living all the talks after a bit, since Vash couldn’t bring himself to talk, so you decided to give him time to think about what happened. Surely it’s not like it’s something he has planned, but it has made you very happy; feeling loved and loving someone back, whether platonically or romantically was fine by you, but overwhelming. With these thoughts, you fell asleep peacefully, listening to his fast beating heart.
When you woke up, the other side of the bed was empty, so you’ve assumed that Vash awoken earlier than you as usual, and headed down to the inn, so you were not worried in a bit, as you’ve started packing your things and getting ready for the day, but then you’ve noticed a few bits of paper laying on one of the bedside tables. You stretched out and took them in your hands. One was a quick sketch made by a street artist of Vash and you looking around the town square, that he definitely did while you were not watching and then guilt tripped you into buying, but the second was a hand-written letter saying something about “not deserving the happiness” and “not willing to risk the life of people he cares about”. The last thing you looked at was a little stone that was initially laying on top of the letter. It was a stone you’ve found on one of the nights you’ve spent in the open desert. You’ve said then that the specs of color in it remind you of Vash’s eyes.
You sighed and put them all inside the pocket of your jacket, finishing up packing so you can start chasing your companion, who dumped you without even starting anything. Luckily, due to his crazy luck it won’t be as hard to find him as a regular person. After all, he was a man worth 6,000 000 $$. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is me spewing this monstrosity after overconsuming the Trigun content, and also after reading all the ‘Skip to Loafer’ manga. I’ve been also comparing the characterisation of OG Vash and Stampede!baby Vash and thinking about how OG Vash wouldn’t let a situation like this occur. He’s like so used to wearing a persona under the persona under the persona + outlining his boundaries, that by the time he would’ve scared the reader off with his fake overly flirty persona or would’ve just done nothing and ease any tension with humor. As the very last resort, he’d spew all his thoughts right to the reader’s eyes, if they were so insisting in their feelings. I feel like the Stampede Vash is a bit more naive and open and conflicted. He’s very closed off initially, so it takes a lot to bring him out of his first “cheery” persona, then he feels too much, then he flees ahah So yeah, just my little headcanons, enjoy everybody who’s as Vash content starved as I!
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knbu · 2 years
the ballad of felines [a series by nivale]
— in which, fred porlock and [name] talk cats
pt. 3; intrests [part one]
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— fred kneeled down in front of the window, drenched from head to toe. what is fred porlock doing? simple, hes doing a mission assigned to him from master william. nothing for you to worry about. fred observes the other side. there, he sees a group of people. all of which the assigned targets to spy on. all of which he gathered intel tediously on.
unlike fred—whom was freezing and most likely to catch a cold— they were inside, warm, and relatively dry. (save for the drying droplets on their shoes).
fred continues to spy for next hour and a half, getting wetter in the process. it seems that the little get together is as well getting livelier by the second. laughs and clinks of glass were heard even from where fred stands. the party wasn't a big, extravagant, event for aristocratics. this was rather a small house event, with a minimum of 10-20 guests in the list. and all intel of the guests are registered as requested of master william.
what kind of "party" is this then?
it was a gathering of doctors.
'doctors they are...' they were corrupt.
'according to plan...so far...' a thought crossed his head. trying to be level headed even if it was raining cats and dogs over his head. his eyes squinted, looking a little further into the room through the window.
"all targets have arrived..." that is, what he thinks. "...just one more–"
as if on cue, a man walks in.
the guest who are present greeted him, as the man put hung his damp coat, all while conversing with the others.
but thats not what fred was conserned about. it was another one behind him. someone who wasn't from the esteemed guest list, someone who he did not have the info on.
'who are they?' lucky for fred porlock, his question was answered.
"Ah dr. [redacted] finally you're here! and who is this one behind you?" one of them inquires.
"pardon for my tardiness, the rain was quite the obstacle-" he exhaled.
"and as for your question, this is dr. [last name]. a certified psychologist, very excellent in medicine, and more" the person stepped up from behind him, hands behind their back, with a serene smile.
"good evening, gentlemen. excuse my sudden intrusion, dr. [redacted] had offered me shelter from this devastating downpour we have, i hope you don't mind" they apologized.
"dear lord, you are more than welcome here. after all it is a gathering of us doctors after all" the man let out a laugh, welcoming them in.
seems like fred porlock has something interesting to report on
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this belongs to @knbu [refrain from plagiarism please]
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samee i just neeeddd themm, give them to me right now haha xD i'm going to watch it on the 28th so i dont wanna die in the cinema so im gathering all i can lol I also feel for both of them and kinda understand where they come from because abandonment issues is totally relatable for me, also, i hope is not only Rin the one "being dropped" out of harus life because as far as Im consern Ikuya even helped Rin to make that decision so I'm really curious about how they are gonna built that in part2
Awww you lucky bitch haha. I think they're probably gonna build it as usual like s1... everyone suffers, bc of rinharu angst and now they're gonna help them get back together, too bad Rei probably won't be able to help haha I'm guessing Ikuya will have to replace him now. xD According to many, he was watching them really closely during their australian trip and constantly asked how they feel about each other, so I doubt it was all for nothing :)
T_T I totally don't want it no more, but Haru will for sure isolate himself from them all. I just hope theories about them doing a time skip bc of the competitions timeline isn't true, bc I just do not want to watch some Harubert shananigans montage, I'd rather they handled it this spring pls. And I just really want more time for happy times at the end, but I have a feeling that they might just put off the reunions until the very end. Fingers crossed for it to be a satisfying finale :)
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kennakat02 · 4 years
Hey guys! This is my first fanfic so it's probably trash I based it off of a prompt I found on Pinterest. But I hope y'all like it!!
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I was awoken from a peaceful sleep when I heard the sound of what sounded like a cat trying to cough up a hairball coming from somewhere in the compound. Deciding the sound was interesting enough to investigate, I decide, being the curious person I am, to find the source of the ungodly noise. After pulling my self out of bed and pulling on a black robe, I found myself following the noise until I finally found myself in front of the door of my boyfriend, otherwise known as Bucky Barnes. Slowly I knocked on the door and got no answer, assuming he was asleep I started to walk away I considered the possibility of the noise to be a stay cat that some how wandered into the compound. As I was starting to convince myself that it was just a stay and was heading back to my room to maybe get some shut eye I heard groans of discomfort coming from inside the room. Now knowing I was not in fact going crazy I turned around and knocked once more " Bucky, you okay in there?" I ask opening the door slightly to hear better. Not getting any response made me worried so I did what any concerned girlfriend would do, I walked in and firstly spotted a empty bed with blankets and pillows thrown everywhere. After looking around I noticed that the only source of light was coming from the bathroom, "you okay in there?" I ask as I walk closer to the door, as I approached the door the groans of discomfort got louder. I noticed the door was ajar and you could nearly see one whole side of the room. Walking slowly into the restroom I lightly knocked and heard a small groan in response. "Buck I'm coming in okay" I say in a soft voice. "Yeah, I just...." he never got to finish his sentence because thats when the noise the you heard returned, it turns out to be him dry heaving. Now completely conserned about his well being I opened the door fully and saw a very pale and sweaty super solider curled up on the ground beside the toilet. Seeing this I first went over to the cabinet beside the door and grabbed two wash cloth then walked over to the sink to wet one of the rag with Lukewarm water. Moving from the sink I kneeled down next to him and handed the wet rag to him. With a shaky non metal hand he grabbed the rag and wiped his face with it. "Buck are you okay,do you need anything?" I ask while helping him up and to the sink so he could brush his teeth. "No,I think I'm fine now" he says before turning around to walk out of the bathroom.
Now walking out of the bathroom and to the bed was a slight struggle. "Are you sure your okay?" I ask softly knowing he doesn't feel grate. In a low voice he responded "No...I'm fine I just need to lay down". Knowing he's not going to omit he's sick I offer to stay the night, "do you need me to stay the night?" I ask while fixing the blankets so they aren't thrown everywhere. He shakes his head and turns over to possibly get some sleep. "Oka, but you have my number so if anything changes don't hesitate to call me" I tell him while I walk to the door.
~Time Skip to the Next Morning~
I woke to the sound of my phone ringing on my bed side table and with a sigh and rolled over to answer it thinking it was Tony calling to bug me again.  "Hello.." I answer still not fully awake "(Y/N) I think I'm dying" Bucky said in a sickly voice. I groan with a small laugh mixed in "buck I dont think your dying you just have a cold but I'll meet you in your room in five minutes" I say still slightly giggling. I hung up the phone and sat up, deciding that I'm not get dressed I pull on a pair a pajama pants and start to gather supplies that I needed which included: movies,blankets,and most importantly medicine.
As I walked into the dimly lit room I saw a lump laying inside a cocoon of blankets. Maneuvering my way to the bed was not hard but getting Bucky to sit up was a different story. "Hey sweetie, can you sit up for a minute and take this medicine and then you can lay back down." I say as my motherly side came out. With a groan he sat up and took the meds out of my hand then gulped down half a water bottle.  Then he did something I did not expect he grabbed my arm and pulled me down onto the bed with him and laid his head in my lap and clung to my waist. "Well someone is clinging today" I say to myself while running  my fingers through his hair. luckily for him everyone was out on a training mission because if not I would have probably already fought someone. I pulled a blanket over him and started a movie on my laptop. A few minutes passed and I noticed he had fell asleep seconds later he moved in his sleep then woke up and said "I think I'm dying". "Sweetie like I said  this morning, you're not dying it's just a cold." I say while running my fingers through his hair "I promise you are not dying". Just as I convinced Bucky he was in fact not dying my phone started basting Steve's ringtone. "Hello?" I said trying not to disturb the sleeping assassin on my lap. "Hey (Y/N) is there any way you can come and help on this mission?" He asks slightly out of breath "Sorry steve I can't I have a feverish and clingy assassin on my lap," I say while looking down "I'll call you back when I've convince him a cold doesn't mean he's dying." I say with a laugh.  " Ok tell 'em I hope he feels better and we'll be back in about two days" and with that he hung up.  After the movie was over I woke Bucky up and told him that he had to take more medicine because he still had a fever.
~Time skip to the next day~
The next day I woke to a sleeping bucky curled up next to me, but I didn't get to admire him for to long because a pain in my stomach had me up and into the bathroom within seconds. "Looks like it's my turn to take of you" I turn to look at a smirking super soldier leaning against the door with a wet rag and a glass of water in his hand. "Not funny" I say as I shakily get up and start walking to the sink then to bed. but before I got halfway to the bed I got picked up bridal style and carried the rest  of the way "Now stay here and cuddle because I still dont feel 100% and you are running a fever." And with that I drifted off to peacefull sleep cuddled into the chest of the man I love.
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leesalts · 4 years
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Perfect by Design (1)
Genre: Fallen Angel Au, Angst, Humor(?)
Warning: Talking about Blood and Burns, Reader is a chaotic af
Description: There was a new Homeless boy in your neihgborhood and you want to know why. Well the Universe gives you a chance to get anwsers when the boy comes to you covered in blood and with wierd burns on his back.
Word count: 2140
Note: I will try to update every Tuesday. I managed to finish this last night and I hope you enjoy. ^^ Do write to me if there is some errors or spelling mistakes I proof read it but it could be not enough.
After the wierd acounter I came back to my apartment. Luckily it was my free day so i could relax a little bit. I made myself a cup of White Tee and sat down before my TV.
 The Dude was petty harsh. It could be that I said something inapropriate but... what did I say? He looked Neutral up until I mentioned Homelessness... It could be, that the cause of his Homelessness is something unpleasant for him.
 Well I shouldn’t overthink. It could be that I’m totaly wrong and I would do more harm just by assuming things.
 I frowned and turned the TV on. I can’t do anything about it now can I? Maybe my day didn’t started so well but it doesn’t mean it can’t get better.
 It was evening now and I wached whole Sherlock series on Netflix.... Somehow I feel disappointed but happy with myself. I stood up and gathered all disches that I had to wasch. I had to do something so I get to Imagine that my life isn’t a Mess. I was in the middle of washing the cutlery when I heard a knock on the door.
 „Just a sec! I’m comming” I yelled. Who could it be at this hour, It couldn’t possibly be Jaehyun he’s visiting his parent’s for a week.
 I looked through the peephole just to see a white puddle of hair. Was it Whitey? It seemed that his head was leaning on my front door.
 „Watch out, I’m opening the door” I said a bit louder so he could hear. I slowly opened the door to look at him. „Hi,what’s up.... Oooh my god is that blood?!” I panicked when I saw blood running down the side of his head. „Come in, and sit down in the living room.... or better not, I just bought a new rug. Uhhhh.... Come with me!”  I opened the door for him but he didn’t buge instead he started falling down. I tried to catch him but he waighed a little bit more than I thought. I catched him by his torso and tried to slowly lay him down. Yeah, tried, the ending was tough. „Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Dafaq mate?! Don’t pass out on me like that! What am I supposed to do!?” I panicked and stroked my face as if it would give me an Idea.
 I heard a noice to the right. I looked that way and saw my Neighboors comming out. They looked my way wierdly.”Do you need help?” Asked the lovely eldery Lady.
 „Oh no! It’s just my friend, he got to much drink ya know.”I said while lightly hitting my throat with a straight palm. „I get him to a living state. Thank you though!” I smilled at them and they nodded while walking away „Have a lovley evening!” I yelled behind them and heard them response with the same.
 A sudden moan got my attention. I looked at Whitey and saw movment, movment is good, it means that he’s alive. I turned him so that he layed on his back and closed the door after making sure that there wasn’t any blood stains on them. I kneeled next to him and lightly slaped him in the cheek to help him regain concusness. „Do you hear me? Can you speak?” I asked him, he looked at me and nodded lightly. „Well I’m gonna take that as a yes to first question”. I sighed deeply and looked around, I have to get the First Aid kit but it’s in the kitchen and Kitchen is quite far away. I have to get it, only so I can help him... Or I could call 911 like a normal person and let them handle him. That would actually be the most rational thing to do.
 „Wait here, I’m gonna call the ambulance.” I told him and I wanted to stand up but he grabed my forearm and pulled me down.
 „No ambulance, please” He choked out and let go.
 „What do you mean no Ambulance?! What are you some kind of Mafia Boss or something?!” I yelled at him „Oh god what did i get myself into.” I mumbeled to myself. I have to help him now, I don’t want to die if he turnes out to be a Mafia Boss. My life may be a mess but I like it and I would like to keep it. I took few deep breaths and turned to him. „Okey, wait here and don’t die on my floor. I’m gonna grab First Aid kit from my kitchen and I will come back in max a Minute.” I told him but it seemed like i was talking to myself since he didn’t moved again... Oh my god he isn’t moving again. „You can’t just keep passing out!” I rolled my eyes. I rised his legs and ran to the Kitchen for the First Aid kit. When I came back he seemed to be concous again so thank the stars for that.
 I kneeled next to him and opened the box. „You awake?” I asked him and looked at his face. He was looking at me a little panicked. „Okey I need your help. I have to check for any other injuries and since you have blood almost everywhere I have to get rid of your shirt.” I told him and he just looked at me. „Blink once for yes and two for no. Come on man Help me a little.” When he blinked once I followed. „Okey, I need you to try and sit up, I will help you of course. I will do most of the work for you actually so it could be easier for you.” I told him and stood up. „ Don’t panic I will grab under your armpits so I hope you’re not a tingly person.” I stood behind him and delicatly grabed him like I said. „On three I will push you up.” I warned. „ One, Two, Three!” I counted and pushed him up, with his added strengh it went easily.
 His whole back was in blood and I didn’t like that. If he bleed out too much he could die. I have to take care of them like right now.
 I slowly and carefully started to take off his shirt. In the morning the shirt was in a beautyfull baby blue color and it was flowy, now it was pretty much all soaked in blood. When I got to the mid back I noticed some burned skin. As I went further the burns worsend and I saw what caused the bleeding. There was a big burn that went from his mid back all the way to his shoulders.
 „What the hell happend to you?” I mumbeled to myself. The burn looked like it was healing but there were a few big outbreaks that bleeded . I looked at his torso and saw no wounds, was it posibble to have all this blood only from the wound at the back... I mean the burn looked like the seckond degree burn. I took off his shirt compleatly and opened my first aid kit. Afterwards I found a gauze and soaked it with some hydrogen peroxide. ”This is going to hurt” I warned him and started to slowly clean the outbreaks. It wasn’t as bad as it looked to be but it still was pretty bad.
 I found some unused Antibiotic cream and started to gently applay it to the burn. Afterwards I covered the whole burn with some gauzes and wraped it kinda losley around his torso. When I had the burn under control I went to his head. There I cleaned the wound and saw that it wasn’t so servere as well. The skin broke but it wasn’t a cut of some sorts. It looked like he fell and knocked on somethin, could be the floor for all I know.
 „You okey there?” I asked him silently. I was really conserned about him. Burns like that don’t come from nowhere. I looked at his face and met his gaze. He looked intensivly at what I was doing. He nodded slowly as a response. The wound was still kinda big so I had to use gauze again but a smaller one. When I was done I went in front of him and asked. „Are you okey to stand up?” He nodded slightly and started to slowly get up. I took his arm and helped him like I could. „Let’s go to my bedroom it’s right there on the right side. Take it slowly though” I told him.
 He groaned all the way there. When we made our way to my room I helped him sit down on my bed. „Hey, I will get you some new t-shirt and some sweatpants okey? Try to not lose concusnes again” I told him and made my way to my dresser. I knew that I have some too big for me clothes in there . Turnes out liking big clothes was a good thing, and my friend Jaehyun said it was wierd. I fastly found him something that hopefully fits him and made my way to him. Whitey was sitting with his head hunged down. I put the clothes next to him and lightly touched his schoulder. His head quikly rised up and he looked at me questionly.
 „Do you want me to help you change?” I asked. He looked down again but nodded. Slowly I grabed the t-shirt and unfolded it. „Can you carefully rise your arms up?” I questioned and he complied.
 After helping him dress up I looked at him but he was looking down with wide eyes. His breathing became shallow and his body looked kinda droppy.
 „Hey, how about you lay down on the bed and I get myself a blanket?” I asked softly and layed my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me suprised, it was like he didn’t hear me. I looked in his eyes and repeted. „Come on, lay down on your somach, it will cause you less pain. I’ll get a blanket for myself and sit down on a chair okey? I’ll be here if anything happends.” He looked down again and nodded. Slowly he changed his posisons to lay down on my bed. I took some of my stuffed animals from the bed and took a blanket from the middle of the bed. „Lay how you’re comfortable” I advaised. He looked at me and nodded again. When he was down, I covered him with a duvet and sat down next to the bed.
 I figured he would want some space but I don’t want to leave him when he blacked out so many times. I took a spare pillow from my bed and tuck it behind my back. I made eye contakt with him and smiled softly at him. Maybe he felt reassured because he closed his eyes and cuddeled into the pillow.
 I finally had time to take in what just happend. Whitey came to my apartament. He acually took my offer and came for help. What happend to him? Where did his burns came from? Was he dangerous?
 I looked at him again, he had white hair but some of his strands were turning black, it weren’t his roots though. Some of his hair strands were black. It wasn’t like that at the beginning of the week. He had plump lips and a medium sized nose, kinda chubby cheeks and a long face. He looked bulky but not to a extend where it would be visibly showing when he’s standing up.
 I’m not gonna lie, he was attractive. I looked at the closed closet doors on the opposite side of me. I had a feeling it was gonna be a long night...
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justme-living-life · 4 years
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The world is so beautiful when you take the time to look. There is so much hatred in the world with people conserning themselves in other peoples lives.
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The earth itself goes unnoticed by so many because people are so busy rushing to and from work. The grocery stores. Restaurants. Parties. Family gatherings. They smoke. They drink. But they don’t see that none of that could be possible if the Earth didn’t work endlessly all year round to give us seasons. To transform cardon dioxide into oxygen so we can function.
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I am by no means a tree hugger. But I enjoy sitting in silen to hear mother earth work tirelessly so create an environment we can live in. I enjoy watching the sunrise and the sunset. To feel the rain fall from the skies above. To embrace the wind as it twirls around me. To slow down daily life to let me soul appreciate the world around me.
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Take the time. Feel. Heal. And be lighter. Because its all we have.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
The girl, with the lizard lion necklace
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I sat fishing away in the marshes close to greywater humming a little song I had heard in some vision the other night, I forgot the name of it honestly. I heard a strange sound like something hitting the water or something in the water Jump out I thought little off it perhaps a lizard lion getting at some poor kid again. "Help! someone help me!" A voice screamed I ran for it towards the nosie and I saw a girl about my age in a little torn and muddy purple dress with dirty y/h/c hair she screamed as she sat in a little boat a young black lizard lion in her boat looking to attack her she had only a small back pack and a old broken bow to try and defend herself, she was clearly an outsider but I didn't want to leave her, if I did she would surely die. "Hey! Throw me the rope!" I tell her she quickly did to I pulled her little boat in luckily as the thing was young I picked it up by it's tail dropping it back into the water "there you are all safe now" I tell her "My hero" she smiles jumping from her boat to cuddle me tightly nuzzling her head on my chest "Ohh I uhh... It's alright miss" I tell her "Thank you so much for saving me" she smiles "I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along" she says "Don't worry one like that would at most take a limp" I shrug and she looked even more frightened "sorry, you get used to them" I smile  as she moves away "Should have killed it! Before it could hurt someone" she says "No, there my houses symbol it would be bad luck" I tell her "Ohh.. I'm sorry" she says "It's alright, what are you doing in these parts anyhow?" I ask her "Looking for greywater, they say it moves" she giggled "What do you have to go on?" I ask "My map" she smiled and I laughed at her "What?" She asks "You really think you can find what countless have tried to... with just a map" I laugh "I thought I would get lucky" she smiled "What's your name?" I ask her "Y/n" she smiles "Y/n what?" I ask "I don't know, snow I guess" she smiled "or sand...or rivers or waters Or whatever it is in this part of westeros" she smiles "Just y/n is fine then... You know uhh, grey water has been looking for a couple new kitchen girls, they give you a little house in the village and everything" I tell her and her face lit up "Could you take me?" She asked excitedly "Alright, but... You should know the marshes are very closed to outsiders so, just act like you've been here your whole life" I tell her and she nodded "Could I hold your hand? So I don't get lost?" She asks "Well... alright" I smile letting her hold my hand as I gathered up my things and began taking her on the little paths back to greywater.
I sat to dinner with my father and my sister listening to them chat about hunting my dad telling that stupid story about how he saved ned Starks life I sighed noticing my glass was empty the second I put it down one of the kitchen girls scurried over to refill it I looked and it was y/n blushing hard as she filled the glass "hey" I whispered "Hello" she blushed harder fixing her hair I checked knowone was looking my dad was deep in telling the story and Meera listened as normal so I got the little note from my pocket putting it in her hand she smiled widely before running off I smirked a little having another sip of wine.
I sat in my bed reading my book as I heard the little fast patter of footsteps up the tower stairs and a gentle timid little tap on my door so I got up going over and opening it letting y/n in quickly so knowone would see her here "What is it? I need to get back home" she says quietly "I know, I have a gift for you" I tell her "A gift? For me?" She asks excitedly "But... You have to promise me, you'll keep it a secret?" I ask and she nods "no really y/n only three people in the whole world know about this, me, you and the man who made it. And not a soul else is you understand, something like this could get you shipped away, far away... Then we'd never see each other again" I tell her resting my hands on the small of her back "promise?" I ask "I promise" she smiles "Alright, shut your eyes" I tell her and she happily did so I walked her slowly over to the mirror and went getting her present "still no looking y/n" I tell her and she giggled a little as I went back softly putting it around her neck and tieing it up for her "you can look now" I smile kissing the top of her head and she gently opened her eyes seeing it "Huu jojen it's beautiful!" She smiled going close to the mirror to look at it better the little necklace I had made for her it goes around her neck comfortably the whole necklace in the shape of the lizard lion licking it's tail like on the sigil for house reed impossible to tell as you looked at it on but easy once it was off or if you where smart about it she looked so happy "I love it!" She smiled turning to cuddle me "Y/n! Not so loud" I hushed her giving her head another kiss "Why do I have to keep it a secret jojen? It's so beautiful" she smiles "Because y/n, someone might figure out what it is, y/n... I love you, with all my heart. But if someone found out about us, they'd never let us be together, they'd send you away and I'd never see you again" I explain stroking her cheek "keep it a secret for now, until I can convince my father to let me marry you" I tell her "besides it has a little secret of its own" I smile "What?" She asked "Twist the tail" I tell her and she looked confused going back to the mirror twisting the tail and pulling out the curved dagger "just in case you... Get into trouble and I'm not there to help you" I tell her giving her cheek a kiss as I wrapped my arms around her "Thank you jojen" she smiles giving my lips a gentle kiss "Your welcome" I smile returning the kiss
I yawned a little shuffling trying to get comfortable in bed again I turned over trying to cuddle my sweet beautiful y/n, but she wasn't there so I looked around my room and spotted her stood by the foot of my bed fixing her hair wearing he necklace...and that was it. "Ummm good morning my river Angel" I smirk "Hum, good morning my woodland master" she smirked turning to see me so I licked my bottom lip looking at that sexy body of hers calling her back to bed she blushed a little walking over and climbing in the bed her knees either side of my legs "Ummm how am I meant to resist you... When your wondering around naked?" I ask kissing her soft lips then down her neck and between her gorgeous breasts "how am I meant to control him?" I ask her rubbing my cock against her still dripping pussy "Your not" she smirked kissing me deeply she moved her hips a couple times and I slipped inside her "Uhh! You always feel so good" I moan resting my head against the headboard "uhh! I won't be long angel" I moan loudly "Awe I was hoping to ride my master for hours" she complains "Yeah? Let me rest for today after this... Then I'll fuck you all night I promise" I smirk pulling her close again kissing her soft beautiful lips so much the only real escape for this mountain if pleasure we where both feeling this lustful desperate snog I knew to was close and so was she so I made sure to Thurst up into that spot I know she loves giving her tits a little grope as I did she clentched her pussy in reaction to the pleasure she was feeling which got me there spilling my hot seed deep in her pussy she didn't stop letting me ride out my orgasm for so long I thought I was going to pass out it felt so good! Till she squirts down my cock and stops her bouncing resting her head on my shoulder getting her breath back as I caught my own "I love when we do that" I moan.
"Y/n?" I ask popping in her little house "y/n? Where is my little river Angel?" I ask and she jumps out hugging me "AHH! Angel!" I laugh giving her a kiss "Hello jojen" she smiles "why has my sweet woodland master come to Visit me?" She asks holding my hands "Here, it's the book you wanted, just give me it back once your done" I tell her snd she giggled kissing my cheek and taking the book "Thank you" she smiles putting it by her little bed "I missed you" she smiles "Awe I missed you too my little River angel" I smile giving her another kiss "I love you" I tell her "I love you too" she giggled "do you need to get back?" She asks and I sigh and nod "a little longer jojen" she begs running her hand down my chest till it reaches my pants rubbing in my growing erection "Umm." I groan "just a quickie" I smirk kissing her deeply and pushing her down on her bed.
I sat in my room hardly eating I was so scared, the cook had sent y/n out to fetch something and she hadn't come back, that was a week ago I was so scared she got Lost or worse what if something happened to her I had tried going out to look for her but nothing, till there was a knock on my door one of the guards who had promised to find her he knew of our secret so he knew my consern "we found-" he began "You found her! Where is she? what happened!" I ask "We found her dress... Torn to shreds on the bank, I'm sorry my lord" he said "No! No no please! She can't be dead" I cried before it hi he as he left "a dress? That's all you found?" I ask and he nods "what about her necklace?" I ask "Necklace my lord?" He asked "Her necklace, black, a lizard lion licking it's tail, and the tail is a hidden dagger, please tell me it wasn't there" I begged "There was no necklace my lord" he says "Then...she might be okay, her dress might have got ripped that's all, she's okay" I cried "Yes perhaps my lord, but... If someone else does find her or finds the necklace, I don't know my lord how you will explain why the missing girl has a necklace of your house sigil" he says before rushing off he was right what I'd they found her with it or just found it by the bank, I had to be the one to find her so I backed a bag and searched far and wide for the but no trace nothing...
I had been Searching for so long I was struggling to remember what she looked like, I was exploring the outer area of the marshes when I noticed someone watching Me no matter where I went he followed not to close to draw suspiciouns from others but enough to be uncomfortable for me I went down a small alley to see if he would follow me and he did but I was trapped now forced to face this man and he knocked me out.
I woke when the room suddenly flooded the light,
"Good Morning Mudman" a man smirked at me I tried to me but my arms and ankles where chained up
"Where am I?" I ask "Who are you?" I ask
"I'm not important" He smirked "what's important is who you are" the man smirked "The Young Lord Reed," he smirked
"what is going on? how do you know who I am?" I ask in panic "Ohh I know all about you" he smirked "where you were born, when, how it killed your mother to do it." He smirked walking around me a couple times I noticed a glint he had a knife in his hand tossing I between his fingers "I know everything there is to know about you, jojen" he smirked "your life, your house, your skills, your.. perversions" he smirked "Perv- what are you talking about?" I ask him I felt my heart rate and my breathing quicken I tried to not make my panic obvious, but I think I failed "Humm... Well all folks fool around somewhat outside there marriages I suppose that's fair, we all do, but I suppose I can't blame you for not being interested in those mudgirls" he smirked "What are you talking about?" I ask "I really only have one question, y/n!" He called a name I could have sworn I remembered as a girl in a little purple dress ran in with long/short y/h/c hair, she came in and stood in front of me blushing a little "you remember her?" He asked stroking her cheek "Y/n?... Is that really you?" I ask and she nods "I'm sorry i-" she began but he slapped her "Leave her alone!" I yell "ohh y/n I thought you where dead" I cried so happy to see her "Just as you where suppose to" he smirked "What? Y/n what is he talking about?" I ask her "Ohh you honestly believed her?" He laughed and she wiped away tears "that was her job... I needed information on the secretive house reed and the greywater watch" he laughs "so I sent my pretty little sister in to cosy up with a reed" he smirked "Information? What for?" I ask "Like, how to find the watch all the safe paths though the marshes and most off all greywaters exact location and defences" he smirked "in order to launch my attack" he smirked "my little sister made me a nice detailed map" he smirked putting a map on the table that had everything the roads the paths the rivers everything, "Y/n?" I asked "We never loved you, she just was getting the information out of you" he laughed I didn't want to believe him it broke my heart I had loved her risked my life for her and she was just lieing to me this whole time I hoped it wasn't true that some part of her still loved me but I noticed the knife in his hand the knife from her necklace, "Y/n... I thought you loved me?" I cried "Not for a moment, she edured your kisses, your love making, all of it. For this" he smirked tapping his map "as well as enough inside information to bring house reed to its knees, your sisters women lovers, your father's drinking. And hummm I know everything anyone has ever known about you jojen" he smirked coming close to me running the knife down my face "but I need a little more information, things you never told her" he smirked "now squeal" he smirked "Never" I answer "Never? I know everything about you, I can destroy you" he smirked "for example... I know the real reason you don't hunt or fight is theres something wrong with your lung since birth this one" he smirked tapping the right side of my chest "I also know, your exact" he smirked jabbing me with the handle of the knife right at a pressure point under my skin "I also know about the little birthmark on your-" he began "Alright!" I yell stopping him from talking "Humm I will get the information I need, woodland master" he smirked ...
I couldn't sleep, I was in to much pain I couldn't tell him I wouldn't. I would rather die. I would rather be dead my sweet beautiful y/n I had loved her so much but she was just doing It for information she never loved me she never cared about me. "Y/n please... I loved you, I saved your life, I loved you with all my heart, if you've ever had any sort of feeling for me, help me" I begged as I saw her walk past the room She stopped by the door a moment "if not for me then for them, the people in greywater and in the villages, those people they cared for you too, they took you in an outsider into there village, they gave you a house a job went looking for you when you went missing, please make him stop y/n, if he goes they'll all die. The women, the children... every last one will be slaughtered" I begged her but she slammed my door.
I woke to a strange sound the door I looked and it was y/n alone in her little dress with her necklace she had something she came over it was water she held it close to me offering it but I wouldn't open my mouth in fear of her poisoning me she sighed taking a sip herself then offering it again so I sighed taking some I drank it all as I hadn't had any in days till she took it away getting the knife from her necklace she was scared she was hear to kill.me but... She broke my restraints freeing me "Hurry" she says taking my hand trying to pull me with her but I wouldn't go "jojen... I didn't mean to you have believe me" she begged "Why should I believe anything you say" I cried "Look at me please, he is not my brother he kidnapped me. They kidnapped me from the river and forced me here, he torched me made me tell them everything I knew" she cried "I'm so sorry" she cried "I don't believe you," I tell her she held up her dress showing burns and cuts in her skin a couple cuts still bleeding "He kidnapped me, forced me from greywater made me make the map with everything I knew forced me to tell him everything about us" she cried "I didn't want them to hurt you, I was so scared" she cried "What about your dress why would you have ripped it leaving it to be found...seems a little convenient" I told her "I did rip it... His men did" she cried "Ohh my sweet river Angel come here" I smiled Hugging her tightly she hugged me tightly too "shh it's okay I love you angel I still love you" I tell her "I love you too" she smiled "come on hurry we have to-" she began "Well well well... Looks like my little informant finally broke" the man smirked coming in the room with a cross bow I hid y/n behind me a little to protect her "well guess I can kill you after all I have the map" he smirked getting the folded map from his pocket "hand over the girl" he smirked "Never! We are leaving this place tonight" I yell "Off you will, in a casket" he smirked firing the crossbow y/n pulled us both to the floor narrowly avoiding it she ran to a lantern on the table throwing it at him making him and his map catch fire he screamed at in pain and she ran to him with her knife stabbing him where she could "Run!" She yells grabbing my hand so I ran with her as fast as I could out of this place.
"Y/n?" I asked popping in her little village house "Hello darling" she smiles from her cooking "Hey" I smile giving her a kiss and a cuddle playing with her necklace A little "that little things come in nice and handy" I smile "It has, go on" she laughs pushing me away do I smiled going to the little room off the side and bending down to pick up little merlyna from her crib giving her head a little kiss her eyes barely even open, y/n gave birth while I was out hunting with my sister she had to use her little knife to cut the cord on our little baby she was so beautiful our little baby girl y/n came over giving my cheek a kiss as I held our daughter tightly.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 5 years
"Just wait until Naoto gets into the really degenerate acts of handholding!"
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“What if I told you I have already done that with Reo-kun? It did take me a while to gather my courage and we’ve only done that once, but it’s a progress. I could name you two ways of showing one’s attention in worse ways, and those are flirting and being too forward.” She chose not to ask what Ibuki was meaning in detail: she knew that there were things worth ignoring and not caring and she’d rather wish that they didn’t consern her.
@demure-defiance, @rockinmusician
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cloudycrystalkpop · 7 years
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pairning: dragon!Jackson x mystic!reader 
sumery: he was cursed for his family, but she set him free. 
warnings: really very long, character death, language
there was a legend. a legened of a man who had been cursed. 
once upon a time, there was a kingdom riddled with crime. many of the kingdom’s citizens were starving and sick. there was one family, a family of seven brothers, no parents, no sisters, only the seven men. they faced hardship like the other citizens, but considered themselves lucky, until, the eldest fell fatally ill. the eldest brother was beloved by them all and they were heartbroken. the idea of losing their eldest brother brought the youngest two to desperation. that was where the mistake was made.
Yugyeom had told BamBam that he’d overheard of a witch that lived high in the mountains, and the two decided to slip away one night to find her. when they did, she said she could heal their brother, but she refused. when the two boys begged her, she still turned them away.
it was then BamBam had enough. he left with Yugyeom, but the next night he returned to the witch. as she slept he rummaged through her potions, looking for one that would heal his brother, and then, he took it. when he returned however, it was to late. Mark had passed when BamBam had been away. after much grieving, BamBam confessed too Yugyeom that he had taken the potion, to Yugyeom’s horror. the youngest insisted that he return it to the witch before she found out it was missing, and the two set off to the mountain again.
they snuck into her cave, and returned the potion to its place. however, before they could leave, the witch confronted them. she cursed the boys for trying to tamper with nature and for her stealing. when BamBam confessed he was the one who took the potion and that Yugyeom convinced him to take it back, her wrath fell on him.
“you stupid boy, do you understand what i must do now? you have to be punished for your wrongdoings, otherwise others will then they can just walts in and steal from me.” her voice was sour and wicked, as she prepared to cuse the boy. it was then another brother stood in front of the two cowering boys.
“please ma’am, my brothers are foolish and young, they are blinded by childishness. do not curse them, take me and give me there punishment. i have lost one brother, i can not bare to lose more.” she listened to the elder brother.
“so willing to give yourself for your family. very well then. the punishment for stealling and greed, INTO A BEAST!” her voice bellowed as smoke swirled around the elder brother. 
“JACKSON!” the two boys screamed, tears blurring their vision as their brother’s once tan skin became scally and reptilian. without a backwards glance, the pair bolted from the mountain.
he never saw them again.
(y/n) had heard this story from her mistress. the witch who’d taught her all the magic she knew. her mistress regarded it as an interesting story, not for the two foolish younger boys, but for the selfless elder. she had told it to (y/n) whenever the selfish greed of man blinded (y/n) from their capacity for good. (y/n) had asked her,
“what became of the elder man?” the old witch chuckled.
“he guards my stash. the place i keep my most valubal things.” was her mistress’ answer. 
time passed and the old witch grew wearing. she had desided it was time for her to assend. 
“my dear, i leave my belongings to you. carry on my legacy (y/n).” and with that, she left. while she had been looking through her old istress’ things, (y/n) had found a map, it was to a small cave cut deep in the heard of a mountain. (y/n) had guessed this was her mistress’ stash. so, she set out to find the place.
it took (y/n) three days to reach the mountain. there was only one path into the heart of the mountain, and it took a careful spell to enter, something only a skilled Mystic could proform. once inside, she walked the dark cave passages, till she felt it begin to get warm.
she found herself in a large open space. there, on the cave floor lay the beast. he was easily the size of a house, even bigger with his wingspan. the dragon opened its golden eyes to look at her.
“hello, i’m (y/n). the witch has passed and left me her legacy. she told me of you, of your story.” the beast looked at her curiously, then with sadness. (y/n) swallowed a lump in her thought, that may not have been the best way to introduce herself. she sighed deeply, an idea popped into her head. she planed to clear out this safe house, and use it as her own living space. while having a guard might be nice, (y/n) would rather acquire her own, then use one from her mistress.
“listen, you’ve been here a along time, and i wont be really be needing you. plus, i prefur to be alone. so, i think it’s time i set you free.” the dragon raised it’s head, looking at her in compleat shock. before it could respond more, (y/n) pulled her magic around her. “INTO A MAN.” she spoke in an authoritative tone as smoke clouded the beast.
when the spoke cleared, where the dragon had been a man sat. he stared at his own hands, patting his body for a moment, before looking up at her. 
“you released me.” his voice was horse and scratchy. she looked down at him. he was a young man, probably in his early twenties, with a strong jawline, and large round eyes. she smiled, and offered him a hand. he took her hand shakly and stood. he was maybe a head or so taller then her.
“t-thank you... thank you, thank you!” he attacked her in a hug, holding her in his remarkably stong arms, and hiding his face in her shoulder. she stiffened slightly. it had been years since (y/n) had been hugged by a human, but... the same was true for him she suposed. she rapped her small arms around him, rubbing his back, running her fingers though his dark locks. she felt him shutter agenst her.
“i haven’t been touched by another person in so long... is this real?” his voice was soft and dreamy. she chuckled.
“yes, it’s real.” she reassured him. his arms hugged her tighter.
“thank you.” he mumbled. she hummed in responce. normally (y/n) didn’t like being touched, but this was... nice. he held her so tighly, as though if he lossened his grip she’d fade away. she felt warm and... relaxed in his arms. he smelled of coles and wood burning fires. after a little longer, he lossened his grip.
“what’s your name?” her question was simply but he blinked in suprise. the witch never asked him his name, whenever she spoke to him he was mearly ‘beast’.
“my name is Jackson.” he said, as if remembering it for the first time. she smiled kindly. 
“it’s nice to meet you Jackson. i’m (y/n).” 
(y/n) told Jackson that he was free to do as he pleased. he insisted upon helping her however, seeing as she wanted to change and move many things in and from the mountain stash.
after she had fully settled into her home, Jackson still insisted on staying and helping her. he would follow her around the halls sometimes, watching her brew potions and write spells. she would sometimes ask him to fetch her things from the nearby forest or market. he was always more then happy to ublige. 
it was when (y/n) had been summoned by the grand coven, she had to leave. 
“the journey is four days by horseback.” she stated, gathering her things for the journey. 
“but what about at night while you sleep? won’t it be dangerious?” Jackson worried as he followed her. 
“no. i prefer to sleep in the day and travel at night.” she reasoned. 
“but that is still dangerious.” Jackson continued to worry. 
“i am a skilled witch Jackson, i can more then defend myself from trouble.” she said with a laugh. he sighed.
“i know... but still... maybe i just don’t wanna be here all by my self.” he mumbled. (y/n) stopped. she hadn’t thought of that. 
“you don’t have to stay here. the place in secure, you can go down to the village market. there are many people there.” she suggested. Jackson shook his head. 
“ya know... it’s be way faster to get there by flying...” she turned to see a plan of some sort forming in his eyes. 
“and how would i fly? the broomstick?” she sassed sarcastically. Jackson laughed.
“that’s one idea, or... turn me back into a dragon.” the idea came so suddenly, (y/n) was stuned. 
“but Jackson, you hated being a dragon. i’m not gunna do that to you again.” she shook her head dissmisivly, turning back around to contine. Jackson reached out and took her shoulders, turning her back to face him and holding her there.
“i’d only be temporary. and you’ve told me about grand coven meetings before, some witches bring there pets. please (y/n)...” he begged.
“you want to be my pet? and do you know how extra i’d look if i show up on a dragon?” she shook her head again, but Jackson grabbed her face this time. his hands rested on her cheeks and he stared into her eyes. 
“i’d be anything for you. and you can turn me into other things. when we’re there, turn me into a dog. you always say i act like a puppy.” he reasoned with a grin. (y/n) tryed to ingore the first bit of what he said, and finally gave in.
the coven meeting went well. it only took about two days to get there instead of four, and puppy Jackson was very well behaved. for the meeting (y/n) turned him into a large black dog, he looked at bit like the grim, but she just had to, for aesthetics. he sat beside her the hole time, and when he got bored, moved to sit infront of her and rest his head in her lap so she could massage his ears.
after the meeting was over, (y/n) turned him back into a man.
“there is a small kingdom not far from here. there are lots of little towns and markets. i was thinking would could spend the day wandering, and then start flying back tomorrow.” (y/n) preposed. Jackson was more then happy to ablige.
the two walked through the small market, all the while (y/n) noticed Jackson seemed destracted. 
“what is it Jackson?” she asked, conserned for her friend.
“i’m not sure, this place seems... familiar.” he wondered, lost in thought. (y/n) looked around for a moment, before noting the mountain that the coven meeted had been held at. 
“Jackson... do you remember the town you lived in? before you... met, my mistress?” she asked carfully. recognision flashed in Jackson’s eyes. he immediately grabbed her arm, and pulled her into a small ally. (y/n) looked up, to see tears in Jackson’s eyes, as he tryed to blink and whipe them away. “Jackson... i’m sorry.” she whispered, pulling him into a hug.
it took him a second to responed, but quickly rapped her in his arms, and hid his head in her shoulder. it was then, just over Jackson’s shoulder, (y/n) noticed a silhouette in the shadows. no, he was a shadow. could it be a spirit? he felt human, so (y/n) guessed probably a ghost. her mistress had trained her in a little necromancy, so she could recognize ghosts when she saw them.
the ghost was a young man, probably killed by illness as there looked to be no trama to his body. he was of a shorter and thinner build, with a kind face, and gental eyes. he smiled when he saw she had noticed him, his teeth white and slightly pointed. his smile was kind and genuine, (y/n) could tell he was a gental and sweet spirit, no negitivety came from him. it was then she remembered something.
“Jackson, what did your eldest brother, the one who died from illness, look like?” Jackson pulled away from her for a moment, shocked by the sudden question. he blinked for a moment, trying to remember as he swollowed thinkly.
“he was shorter then me and our other brothers, with a thiner build...”
“did he have pointed teeth, high cheek bones?” Jackson was taken aback again, but nodded. she smiled, turning back to look at the ghost, who smiled kindly at her again. “did he have a soft smile and kind eyes?” Jackson nodded again.
“yeah... a lot of the girls in town were quite fond of him, the old ladies too.” he chuckled sadly. (y/n) saw the ghost laugh as well. 
“what was his name?” she asked finally.
“Mark.” Jackson said, still with pain in his eyes. he couldn’t understand why she was smiling, looking off into a corner of the ally. when she spoke it send shivers down his spine.
“hello Mark, it’s very nice to meet you! my name is (y/n), i’m a friend of Jackson’s.” her voice was sweet as she bowed respectfully to the empty corner. 
“...(y/n)?” Jackson questioned, voice cracking in the slightest. she turned back to him, still smiling. 
“i can see why those women liked him, he’s very sweet. a little quiet however.” she giggled. Jackson nearly choked.
after a ruff introduction, and with the help of (y/n) acting as a translator, Jackson was able to talk to his eldest brother again. with some guidance from Mark, the pair found themselves infront of a small wooden cabin. the place was all too familiar to Jackson, as he treetered between opposite terror and excitement at seeing his family again. he stood in front, with (y/n) and the ghost of Mark behind him. after taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.
the sounds of chatter, and men arguing, died down as footsteps approached the door. it was opened by a young man with a rounded face, large ears, and slightly puffy eyes.
“hello, can i help yo-” he stopped mid-sentence as he stared at Jackson in shock.
“Jinyoung... it’s me, it’s Jackson!” Jackson smiled brightly at his brother, who simply stared back in shock. after a moments hesitation, Jinyoung slammed the door shut. Jackson was shocked for a moment before he began pounding his fists on the door. “hey! Jinyoung! It’s me! OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!” shouting was heard from the other side. 
a moment later it was opened by another young man. he also had a rounded face, but his eyes were slightly more slanted then Jinyoung’s. he seemed to be the eldest of the five. behind him crowded four more young men, the youngest two of whom looked to be barely twenty year old. in the back should Jinyoung, still looking slightly shook from the fact that his long lost brother now stood before him. hiding behind the eldest, was a man who had a slightly more angular but still soft face, his eyes were small as he hid slightly behind the other man.
“...hyung?” questioned the hidden man in a small voice, peeking up slightly from the eldest’s shoulder. 
“yes, Youngjae, it’s me.” Jackson nodded, laughing to hold back his tears. it was then the eldest spoke.
“Jackson... you’re alive.”
(y/n) stould back and away to the side with the ghost of Mark as the brothers shared a tearful reunion. while quietly listening, (y/n) caught that the eldest’s name was Jaebum, and the youngest two were BamBam, and Yugyeom.
from the story told to her by her mistress, (y/n) could peice together that it was the younger two who had been the boys she had met, and that BamBam had been the one to steal the potion. he had been to one whom her mistress planed to turn into a beast, but Jackson had taken his punishment instead. 
BamBam also seemed the most nervous upon Jackson’s return, astho ether he himself, or Jackson would turn into some terrible beast at any moment. after some time the brother began to notice she was there at all.
“Jackson, who is this?” asked Jaebum, nodding to (y/n) politely. 
“this is (y/n), she’s the one who set me free of the cures.” Jackson said fondly, walking over to her, and standing by her side. 
“but... i thought only a witch could brake the curse..?” asked Yugyeom in a small voice. (y/n) stepped forwards. 
“that is correct. the witch who curesed Jackson was my mistress, and i was her apprentice. after her passing, she left everything to me, and i desided Jackson had served his time and set him free.” she explaned calmly. the men responed with silence. 
Jackson’s brothers regarded (y/n) with slight cashion. even more when they learned it was thanks to her communication with their dead brother that they had found them. she didn't mind much. she understood there caution and fear, and she was more then happy at seeing Jackson so overjoyed. seeing as the other boys couldn’t see him, Mark was there to keep her company. he told her about Jackson when he was little, and the trouble he would get into with the younger boys, mainly BamBam.
soon it began to get dark. Mark noticed and turned to (y/n). 
“miss (y/n)... seeing my little brothers reunite has been the thing i was waiting for, and now that it’s happened... i was hoping you could help me...” the ghost seemed shy in asking but she understould him. 
“lets step outside shall we?” she whispered in reply. the two quietly snuck outside without the other men noticing. once outside, (y/n) reached out to Mark. “place your hands over mine, and i’ll help you pass on.” she said kindly. Mark smiled sweetly in thanks, placing his shadowed hands over hers.
“are you sure you don’t want to say goodbye?” she asked. Mark shook his head. 
“they are destracted, let them forget about me and that sadness for now.” he replyed. she nodded, understanding. (y/n) channeled much of her energy into her heads, and reached up to hold Mark’s. the pairs hands made contact. (y/n) was too focused that she didn’t hear the door open.
“it’s going to feel weird, and you’re going to see a light, when you do, you’ve got to go towards it, no matter how blinding.” she spoke firmly, her eyes closed focusing on her and Mark’s energy and redirecting it. 
“alright, thank you miss (y/n). please look after my little brothers. make sure they know i love them.” Mark’s voice was soft and kind, she smiled in reply, giving his ghoustly hands a gental queeze. 
the brothers all piled out of the door just in time to see (y/n), holding hands with the ghost of their eldest brother. the two were surounded by a white light, and then Mark was gone. 
“(y/n)! wh-what happened?” Jackson ran towards her. (y/n) stumbled back as her energy feld her body, leaving just enough to keep her standing. Jackson caught her as she swayed slightly back and forth.
“Mark... Mark asked me to help him pass on... he’s gone now.” she replyed, sinking to the ground and placing her hands on the grass, grounding herself once again. Jackson followed her, holding her as though he was afraid she would pass out. “i’m alright Jackson... just tired.” she chuckled at the young man’s consern for her. he nodded but didn’t let her go.
“hyung is gone?” the small voice came once again from Youngjae. (y/n) looked over her shoulder at him and nodded. 
“he said he had stuck around hoping to see his little brothers reunited again, and since it happened he was ready to move on. and, that he loves you.” she clarified. Jaebum nodded. as she tried to stand, Jackson pulled her up, steadying her on his chest. 
“come on (y/n), you need to rest.” he insisted, before he picked her up and began walking back towards the cabin.
“JACKSON! i can walk! put me down right now!” she protested, trying to push away. 
“what was that~ you shouldn’t mumble (y/n) i can’t understand you~” he giggled, holding her tighter.
once inside Jackson sat on the floor with his back to the wall. when (y/n) tryed to crall away he pulled her back to him.
“nuh uh~ take a nap (y/n), you need rest.” he said, pulling her to rest in his lap, her head tucked into his shoulder.
“i’m not a child Jackson, i’m a grown woman!” she protested again. he pulled her closer, and whispered in her ear. 
“please (y/n). i just lost my big brother again, and when you snuck out i thought you were gunna be gone for good. please don’t leave me, not right now.” his voice was sad and sincere. she sighed, but curled up agest him anyway.
as she slept the men talked. 
“so Jackson, are you staying?” asked Jaebum finaly. the other men quieted. Jackson stilled. 
“i...i don’t know...” he replyed. 
“you don’t know? Jackson we haven’t seen you in years, we never thought we’d see you again!” protested Jinyoung. Jackson flinched.
“i know... i want to stay, but...” he looked down at (y/n)��s sleeping form in his arms. “i don’t want to leave her alone.”
“why? what makes her so important?” BamBam spoke. he’d been uncharacteristically quiet while (y/n) had been awake, but now he spoke up. “she’s just like the witch who cursed you Jackson! who was going to curse me...” the younger man hickuped slightly. Yugyeom quickly grabbed onto his best friend and hugged him. it was clear BamBam still blamed himself for the dreath of Mark and the loss of Jackson.
“that’s just the thing, she’s nothing like that witch. that old hag locked me away to be her guard dog, she never even asked my name. (y/n) came looking for me, she set me free, she gave me a home instead of keeping me in a prison.” Jackson tryed to explain.
“a better home then with your family?” countered Jinyoung. Jackson fell silent. after a short paus, he spoke.
“when (y/n) lifted the curse, she told me i was free to go, she told me she didn’t mind, that she didn’t need a guard dog, that she liked being alone...” he began. “i asked her to let me help her, if only for a couple of days. in those days i saw how lonely she truly was. (y/n) has no one, that witch only even sent her on arends, she learned her magic though experience. her family was horrible to her because of her gifts, so she left them before she was even ten years old...” Jackson looked up at his brothers. “all those years i was alone, i couldn’t let her stay in that same loneliness i had endured.” he started finally. his brothers were silent for a moment, before Youngjae spoke.
“what if you both stayed...?” he sigested. the other five looked at him in suprise. “she might be a little scary, but she’s kind. i trust her.” he staited. Jackson sighed and shook his head. 
“she’d never agree. she stands by that she likes being alone, and she would want to get back to her lare. she can’t practice magic freely here.” he said with sadness. 
“you’re right. it’s not that i like being alone, it’s that i like being left alone.” (y/n)’s voice was steady as she raised her head off Jackson’s shoulder, and stould from his lap. she turned to the other brothers and bowed. “thank you all for your kindness and hospitality. but i must be going.” she staited. Jackson quickly rushed to his feet. 
“(y/n), but-” she turned around and held up her hand, signaling him to stop. 
“i’m leaving because i need to head back to the lare. you are staying because you belong here with your family.” it was a staitment, not a question. Jackson looked utterly heart broken. 
“(y/n), you’ll be all alone. it’s dark and quiet and so huge, and... and you’ll start to hear things... echoing... please (y/n)...” he grabbed her arm and begged, but she refused to turn around. 
“no Jackson. this is where you belong. stay.” he only held her tighter.
“none of us actually belong here.” everyone was suprised to hear BamBam’s voice. he walked over till he was standing infront of her, looking her directly in the eyes. “we’re all strays. not even blood related. but we’re family. none of us had anyone, but now we’ve got each other. we live in this village, but it’s not our home, our home is each other.” he stared, unwavering, unafraid. “Jackson’s home might be with us, but it’s also with you. you can’t just shove him away like that because you’re a selfish bitch who thinks she’ll be fine on her own.” she stared back at him taking his challenge.
“i sertinly hope you don’t think i’m kinder then my mistress. if you’d pulled the same shit to me you did her, i would have put a blood cures on you, something not even i could break. and no matter how many of you brothers came and begged to take your place, i would have mad sure you were the one to suffer.” BamBam swollowed thinkly at her words. she chuckled. “are you scared little boy? you should be.”
“well, i’m not afraid of you.” Jackson’s voice was strong and confident. he pulled (y/n) around to face him. “(y/n), i know the only reason you’re lashing out is because you feel cornered. but please. BamBam is right, none of us ever really had a home untill we met each other. maybe we could be your home to.” there was hope in his eyes and his words. 
“i can’t stay here.” her reply was flat.
“maybe not, but we don’t have to.” all eyes turned to Jaebum. “you can’t stay here because it’s not safe for you to practice magic. okay, when we won’t stay. we’ll follow you. we’ll come and stay with you where you’re safe.” (y/n) was utterly shocked. these men, all but one of whom she barly knew, were willing to pickup there intire lives and move elsewhere just because of her. 
“we can be merchants.” chimed Jinyoung. “we’ll travel to different towns and places, and sell your magic. potions, elixers, charms, anything.” he shrugged. that was actually a really a good idea... (y/n) sighed.
“i can’t ask you to just pickup and leave your old life behind because of me.” Youngjae spoke next. 
“you arn’t. we’re offering.” 
“and we arn’t just doing to for you. we’re doing it for Jackson.” added BamBam. (y/n) turned back to the younger man, holding his gaze again. after a moment she sighed. 
“very well.”
“noona~ look what i found!” (y/n) looked up from her grimoire at the youngest boy. 
“what is it Yugyeom?” she asked, bookmarking the page for later. 
“it’s amber!” he chimed, skiping over to the much smaller woman and handing her the golden substence. 
“Yugyeom, thank you! i’ve been needing some more. you really are so helpful.” the young man blushed at her prase. 
“anything for you noona~” she chuckled streaching up to ruffle his hair. he had to lean down so she could, and he giggle at how small she was. 
“Yugyeom-ah, could you go help Jaebum and Jinyoung please.” Jackson said from the door way. 
“why can’t you help them hyung? i’m bussy with noona~” he wined. 
“because i asked you to do it.” Jackson smirked. Yugyeom wined again, but with a prompt from (y/n) he begrudgingly left. Jackson walked over to her, rapping his arms around her from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder as she went back to reading.
“what do you need Jackson?” she inquired. he hummed, nussling his face into her air. 
“your attention.” he mumbled. she chuckled. 
“you’re a grown man Jackson. why do you need my attention?” 
“because. you’re always playing with the younger boys. play with me~” he tightened his grip around her waist and lifted her off the ground. 
“Jackson! put me down!” she protested. he giggled before setting her back on the ground. she huffed in anoyence.
“please (y/n). don’t you remember when it was just us? we would sit by the fire when it was late, and you’d curl up on my lap like a little kitten. then i’d rap myself around you to keep you warm. we’d fall asleep just like that.” he remaneced, cuddling into her neck. 
“yes Jackson, i remember.” she replyed, finally alowing herself to lean back agenst him. one odd thing about Jackson, was that eversince his time spent as a dragon, he was oddly warmer. especially his breath. he still smells faintly of cole and embers. it was little things like that that reminded her that he was real, and not just some man created by her mind. Jackson was real. all of them were real. 
(y/n) sometimes wondered if she had taken up the role of Mark. she was elder then all the other boys, quiet, but they’d pretty much all do anything she asked. she looked out for them, but Jaebum as undisputedly the leader. they all adored her though. the oone who’d taken the longest to warm up to her being unsurprisingly BamBam. but now she was the first one he’d come to when asking for edvice. however, her relationship with Jackson was special. 
she loved all the boys dearly, finally have a family of her own. but her love for Jackson was unlike how she felt for the other boys. she knew, atho nether of them had ever spoken about it, that Jackson felt the same. 
he had been the man who taught her that maybe humanity wasn’t so selfish after all.
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Mass Effect 2 companions react to Shepard giving them a bear hug.
Tali- She giggles,but dos her best to hug them back,even with her arms pinned. She loves the little lift and spin. "Keelah, Shepard. Try not to break me!"
Jack- "Shepard,what the hell!" The struggles,of course she does. It takes time to get Jack to trust them,but she still ain't so touchy feely. Her biotics will flair,but she never actually hurts them, just grumbles under her breath. (She totally loves it)
Miranda- Like Jack, Miranda would have to like and trust Shepard ALOT in order for them to even think about trying this. She just chuckled,and pats their arms before demanding they let her go. "Im glad to see you too Shepard,but we've still got work to do."
Grunt- Grunt's too big to recive bear hugs,but he can certainly give them. Expacially when he is exited about something. He usualy does it in private though, and had most defiantly cracked a few of Shepard bones. No real damage,but they were defiantly sore. Mordin had to tell them not to hug their krogan child, let he eventualt brake something. They still do anyway
Jacob- He's chill with it. He said so himself that relationships should develop natually, and if they're at the point of bear hugs cool. Don't try to pick him up though,he hates that.
Kasumi- "Ah, you found me!" Kasumi likes hugs alot, and she kinda makes a game out of it. She and Shepard play hide and seek around the ship on down time,and every time Shepard finds her,they get a hug. A good portion of the time she looses on purpose, but doesn't tell for the sake of their ego.
Zaeed- Shepard has to get the jump on him, and it was glorious. The entire crew was there in the mess hall when Sheaprd came in with a gleam in their eye. Sneak hug was somehow successful,but Zaeed flayed around alot and ended up kicking a few people in the face. It was less fun after that. He complained and grumbled,but there was a bit of a blush. No one lets him live it down.
Garrus- He chuckeld,but let Shepard do his thing. Garrus was a tad too tall for them to try to lift,and his arms are defiantly long enough to reach and hug them back. "Thanks Shepard, I needed that."
Samara- Samara is one of the only people Shepard actaully asks to hug. She is amused,but ultimately says yes. Shepard also does the lift and spin with her, and carfeuly sets her down looming a bit nervous, causing her to smile. "Such formalities are not needed,dear friend. None the less, I appreciate it."
Thane- Shepard aslo asks if its okay to hug Thane,mostly out of consern for his health. He obliges sighing contently. Even if it is just as freinds,he never realised how much he missed the touch of another while he was asleep. Shepard doesnt do the spin,but does lift him off the ground ever so slightly.
Mordin- Ha. He's ready. He's prepared. Sheaprd doesn't quite get to relish in this sneak hug. He had his back to the door,but was only midly surpised at the embrace. "Ah,sneak hug. Form of affection, no? Glad to see you in good mood,but you must put me dowb now. Back to work.
Joker- Sheaprd cant exactly hug Joker with his brittal bones,but when they do,they barely touch him. He pretends to be annoyed,but still smiles knwoing that the comander cares. "You can sqeeze just a little tighter, dont think I'll break if you actually touch me. But not too much.
"Dr. Chakwas (How could I not include our dear space mom)- She laughs, fully expecting the hug. She loves physical affections, and often gives Sheaprd bear hugs in return. Its so nice.
Legion- "This unit does not understand this form of affection,but we still thabk you,Shepard Commander" He's confused to say the least, as the Geth aren't touchy feely. He kinda likes it though,and will sometimes ask for one to "gather more data about huamn affections"
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trpg-dingusmaster · 6 years
8 days after zombie day.
Played werewolf apocalypse at the lfgs tonight!
One of the characters was given a vision of the future (several months ago irl and in game) and the vision was soaked in blood and laden with rot and despair. The dead would walk and the Wyrm would dance. There wasn’t much time. He loaded his truck with supplies and his terrified and confused siblings and stole away into the woods to hide.
Eventually, and with some help from a very conserned group his senses returned and he explained what happened and what was going to happen. Luckily another characters estranged father was a doomsday prepper who was delighted to allow this group of strangers help finish his compound if it meant reconnecting with his child.
Once finished, and now with the extra help, the compound would be able to satisfy the needs of 300-500 people. Working as much as possible on this while still trying to not draw too much unwanted attention to the endeavor about 45% of the compound was completed before the outbreak began.
I missed a lot of this campaign but my pc was dm controlled npc as needed so I missed a lot of the background but my character missed nothing. that’s essentially what happened in my absence and the opening of today’s session. Most of today’s session was figuring out who and what was needed and what priority these things were. And how realistic we wanted to be with all of it, which was extremely realistic I guess, which was fine and everyone seemed to enjoy that discussion a lot but I was very unprepared for it so mostly tried to stay quiet except now and then I did need clearification because I’m out of date with the subjects that came up for doomsday preparation.
the first 1-3 days were spent gathering the last of the supplies there was room for and the tools needed to continue work and quietly as possible bringing friends, family, and trusted colleagues to the compound. Days 4-6 finding familiar people in the community who would be good to have around or not picked up in the first 3 days some of these at the request of the npc dad character who had a list ready as part of his doomsday preparations.
By day 7 the population of the compound was about 120-150, the minimum required to continue run the compound, keep watch, and continue actually building on it without much difficulty.
Day 7 was also the day we decided to break the news to the compound dwellers that zombies were not the only other strange thing running around. That a good number of those present are werewolves, and... a troll, and also a fae. That outside were other werewolves and vampires and numerous other things. Some could be trusted, others not so much. I gave a “Puberty and Your Changing Body” type speech and the fae gave a demonstration of shape shifting, then an educational slide show was presented to help explain the situation without causing much fuss in the audience thanks to some good rolls.
Also the compound leadership was decided.
A LONG time was spent on that. A super long time. And i feel like it didn’t need to take that long? Because we were essentially all in agreement but nobody seemed to notice? this kinda thing happens a lot and I have some ideas on that but I digress,
It ended up being if I understood:
My pc I charge of medical shit, an npc in charge of daily operations, an npc in charge of base defense, a pc in charge of and leading away missions.
Day 8 arrives we discuss were to go and search for survivors, supplies, tools, livestock?, extra weapons because apparently some got confiscated in an earlier session? etc we pick up a radio distress call from a police station in the nearest township. I misunderstood the discussion slightly and suggested we just kill everyone in the building.
“Your a child of Gaia and a doctor dammit not a get of fenris and a murderer!”
“Oh yeah... uh I you know? I maintain the statement. Wren has a big problem with the police apparently,?because I wasn’t paying attention. Also, you don’t know me or my life stop looking at me like that.”
“... fine, but nevertheless we’re not murdering whoever is in that building.”
“That’s fine. I don’t really care what we do as long as we decide and do something.”
And so we did. We headed out to the police station driving some sort of Catipillar? I’m not sure exactly what kind of vehicle the description could have been any of several construction type devices, but would probably have been used in construction of the compound so we had access to whatever it was. Unfortunately the noise drew in zombies from all over and to get to the station instead of 30 zombies scattered around there were 47 coming right for us as soon as we exited the vehicle.
We are nearly defeated almost instantly because of overwhelming numbers and bad rolls. Also I didn’t know what stats do what or how combat worked when I built my character so.... that was an issue.
Luckily the troll npc helped my character get to safety and the other heavily injured pc was right by the CAT so he just went back inside. That’s where we ended the session.
when we meet again I can heal myself and go back and I’m pretty sure I can heal the other two after that? I’ll have to reread those bits of the manual. In between I’m going to use that xp that’s been building up to adjust my sheet. Or try to, I’ll probably have the dm look it over because I feel like it’s written pretty clear but something about it just isn’t clicking?
Somewhere in there, while the internet/phones service was still running we received a mass email/text from our friends in the Glass Walker community informing us that werewolves are for sure immune to zombie infection but not sure about the other supernatural creatures yet.
And I’m pretty sure the other two players either changed characters entirely or changed big details about them but I’m not sure why they’d have done this? And I didn’t bother to ask. It didn’t effect anything really? It was just odd and I noticed.
Also: apparently the Black Spiral Dancers use normal social media. I’m not sure why I thought they wouldn’t? But? I still thought that was a great weird detail to add. Like? I wanna know how many followers a dancer has on instagram?? How often do their accounts get taken down? Do they prefer reddit or 4chan???
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survivethejive · 7 years
Loved your video about the Finnish people! TY! There seems to be an "edit war" on English Wikipedia where morons who follow politics over facts claim that the Sami people are "the only indigenous people in Scandinavia". They're of course not, though they have a protected status. Nothing wrong with protecting a minority, but I really hope you would make a video about that, detailing the facts especially conserning who came first, so the political side can be put to rest once and for all. Kebman
Thanks. They are descended from native hunter gatherers, but so are all Nordic people, so that isn’t what distinguishes them. 
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ranttrantt-blog · 6 years
Haahh..  People really need to stop overheating in a super speeds...
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Someone has a rumour about how someone else did or said something and just like that there are so many people who are angry and ready to tell it to the world... 
Yes,  it’s okay to get angry and feel sad and get all those emotions but it matters what you do with those emotions. Before making everything public and start to gather others to take your side, maybe just maybe do some recearch and take time to cool of....
-Make sure that the rumour is true first because you will get attacted if you blame someone wrongly...
- You don’t have to say anything if it doesn’t consern you. There is always possibility that you might accidentaly say something that make more people mad than you wanted in the beginning... Better be safe than sorry.. And if you want to talk about it use DM..
-If you really want to say something, don’t do it when you are so full of emotions.. When you post something online, it will be there forever! And when emotions are in control, you might not sound very smart or sensible. Smart and wise comebacks are way better than f’‘‘‘ you and suck something.. You words became worthless the minute you link things like that to it...
-And then we come back to the fan acc. When you use your account that is linkend to your fave and the fandom, you then are face of the fandom and the artist.  So if you start/continue drama, you are affecting a lot of people... And if the media can link something you said to your fave and it can be seen in a negative light, then there is a hole scandal possibility... It doesen’t matter if you were talking to make something right or defending something, if media can get some extra cliks by making things look bad they will... Money is a big thing in this world. Unfortunaly..
I’m actually not that mad right now.. More sad and disapointed... There is always someone jumping in conclusions and sometimes it’s later revealed that it was for nothing... And some even star to curse people who are in a public eye already and are so close to making mistakes that can’t be taken back.. I’m not someone who starts to talk others online, so I can only watch and sometimes block people so I can’t see those embarrasing moments... And even if I started to talk to people so that they would not make those mistakes, it’s more likely that they would just get more angry and make more mistakes in their emotional storm..
These times I really wish there were private forums for fandoms to talk about these things, so they aren’t in the public and media can’t see them..
Oh well, time to stop the rant.. 
Last words: Stop, think, cool of and be smart.
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marketrf39-blr-blog · 7 years
Autism Disorder and Treatment Market 2017 Share, Trend, Segmentation and Forecast to 2022
Market Research Future Publish a New Report on - “Autism Disorder and Treatment Market Research Report- Forecast to 2022”
Exclusive Summery About Report:
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or a mental imbalance are both general terms for a gathering of complex issue of brain development. These problems are characterized, in shifting degrees, by problems in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behavior disorders. The global market for Autism disorder and Treatment is expected to reach by the end of the forecasted period and is expected to grow with Good CAGR.
Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 64 market data tables and figures spread over 90 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content TOC & market synopsis on “Autism Disorder and Treatment Market Research Report- Forecast To 2022”
Major Key Players
·         GlaxoSmithKline plc (UK),
·         pfizer inc. (US),  
·         Eli Lilly and Company (US).
·         Allergan (Ireland),
·         Merck & CO Inc. (US),
·         Consern Pharma Private Limited (india)
Request a Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1605
Intended Audience
·         Pharmaceutical companies
·         Research and Development (R&D) Companies
·         Medical Research Laboratories
·         Academic Medical Institutes and Universities
Global Autism disorder and Treatment market has been segmented on the basis of types of treatment which comprises of Autistic Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder and others. On the basis of type of treatment which consists of neurofeedback , auditory integration training, chelation therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, facilitated communication and others. On the basis on drugs which includes SSRIs, Anti-convulsants, Stimulants – Ritalin, Anti-psychotic, Risperidone and others.
Study Objectives of Autism disorder and Treatment Market
·         To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next 7 years of the various segments and sub-segments of the Autism disorder and Treatment market  
·         To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth
·         To analyze the Autism disorder and Treatment market based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis, porters five force analysis etc.
·         To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
·         To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective
·         To provide country level analysis of the market for segments by type of therapy by drug types, by types and its sub-segments
·         To provide overview of key players and their strategic profiling in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market
·  ��      To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the global Autism disorder and Treatment market.
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For further information on this report, visit @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/autism-disorder-treatment-market
The report for Global Autism Disorder and Treatment Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance.
The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different markets segments and regions
About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.
Contact Info: Name: Akash Anand Organization: Market Research Future Address: Market Research Future Office No. 524/528, Phone: +1 646 845 9312
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