#gave him the curly hair he has later cause I like it
foolsocracy · 1 month
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Every hand that rises against Garth shall fall
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jnkgrnde · 4 months
— can you stand the rain?, clarisse la rue, pjo
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summary — in which, you and clarisse get into an argument that causes you to kiss in the rain.
pairings — clarisse la rue x black!fem!reader (daughter of poseidon)
content includes — arguing, kissing in the rain, best friends to lovers, jealous!clarisse
authors note — TELL ME BABY CAN YEWWWW STAND THE RAINNNNNN 🗣️🎤 this is def butt but this has been in my drafts for way too long so!
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it was a beautiful, sunny day in long island. the smell of strawberries from the fields established themselves as today’s scent for the camp, the lake was cool enough for a dip.
it was a perfect day.
and it was a perfect day for you and clarisse to hang out with each other. you wanted to convince her to take a day off from training and take a swim in the lake to cool off for the day, before eventually doing something stupid later.
you knew clarisse was up because she was always up before you, so you decided to knock on the ares cabin door first to find her. her younger brother told you she wasn’t there and that you could find her at the sparring field. you thanked him with a smile before leaving to find her. lo and behold, there was clarisse la rue in her armor with her electric spear, training with a dummy.
you didn’t know how long she’d been out here, but the training dummy looked about out of comission. “d’you wake up on the wrong side of bed or did you add him to your hate list?” she halted her movements, dust flying beneath her shoes.
“did you need something, sweet thing?” and there she went with the nicknames. she knew you loved them, and she also knew you’d get tripped up by them. “so i was thinking we’d take a dip in the lake today.” and you knew what she was gonna say,
“y/n, you know i have to train today—“ “but that’s what you do everyday, clar! please? just for today?” you begged. you gave her your infamous puppy eyes, ones you knew she couldn’t turn away from. she groaned dramatically. “… you got me. i’ll meet you by the canoes in ten.” you grinned with excitement. “thank you thank you!” you kissed her cheek before running off.
she stood frozen for a second before a smile started spreading across her face. her cheek felt tingly in the spot you kissed her in.
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you wore a white overshirt with a blue swimsuit underneath, paired with jean shorts. you carried a bag, sunglasses in your hair. you walked over to the lake, a smile on your face knowing you could be in one of the places you loved most.
you saw clarisse standing near the canoes watching the water. she had a towel laid out and was just taking her shoes off when you covered her eyes. “boo.” clarisse feigned annoyance, but still let a smile grace her lips.
you set down your bag on the sand, taking your shirt and shorts off. “not gonna join me, clar?” “nah. gotta keep watch, y’know, for butterflies and stuff.” you rolled your eyes with a smile before walking into the water, eventually going deep enough to wear you can float. you swam out enough for the sun to beam down on you, and just let yourself feel the water.
clarisse watched you. she loved watching you anytime, but she especially loved when you were in your environment. she took note of the smile on your face and how you occasionally paddled your hands to make sure you kept yourself afloat, although with your powers and everything, it wasn’t hard.
clarisse admired her surroundings before her eyes caught a boy staring at you — carter from hephaestus cabin. he was deeply tanned with a good build and curly hair, and had scars all over his hands and face from working on weapons for the camp.
carter watched with a small smile. he held a gold necklace in his hands, twisting them around. it had a sea turtle pendant, and it shined in the sunlight.
clarisse furrowed her eyebrows. she didn’t like what she was feeling — you were just friends, right? it’s just her being protective over you. she didn’t want you to get hurt or anything. she was sure that’s what it was.
it was a while before you decided to get out of the water. you didn’t realize how long you’d been there before noticing that it was starting to get a little cooler. you swam, then walked back to shore, but not before being stopped by carter.
to you, carter was a sweet, caring boy, just not for you specifically, because you had your sights set on someone else. he was starting to show he liked you, and got bolder as time went on. “hey, y/n. i made you something.” he told you nervously but still with a smile. he held out the necklace to you, the sea turtle shining in the light.
you let out a genuine smile before thanking him, not noticing the burning daggers being glared into the back of his head. he offered to put it on for you, so you turned and he slowly locked the chain together.
“thank you, carter.” you smiled before walking over to clarisse. you found her not so happy, actually stuffing things into your bags. “hey, clar, what’s wrong?” you reached out to touch her arm, and she pulled away like you were a hot pan burning her.
you furrowed your eyebrows in hurt and confusion. her face was scrunched up and she looked at you like you disgusted her. she shoved your bag to your chest before storming off back to the main campgrounds.
“clarisse!” you slung your bag on your shoulder and ran to try and catch to her, but she was already gone. your heart squeezed in your chest and you frowned before continuing to walk to your cabin.
a million thoughts swirled around in your head — why was she acting like this? you were just friends, right? you knew she was protective of you, yes, but not to this extent. you opened the doors to the poseidon cabin, where it was empty. you assumed percy was probably out with annabeth on a date, probably.
clarisse didn’t know why she felt this way; she hated it. she hated the way she acted when you touched her, or how she felt giddy and mushy inside whenever you look at her with your pretty eyes. she hated feeling the way she did around you, because she usually feels guilt, anger, or needing to please her father. that’s how she thinks she’s supposed to feel, how she’s wired to feel.
you make her actually feel like a good person, and she knew she impacted you with the way she acted that day.
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it was later at night at the dining pavilion. torches were lit, dryads were flying around with silver platters with food, and campers from different cabins were chatting and laughing with eachother. the energy was high, seeing as there was a planned campfire tonight, with the apollo cabin leading the sing along.
you and percy sat at the poseidon table. his plate was full, and he had blue soda on the side. you gave him a small smile. “have you not eaten since breakfast?” you asked. “nah. annabeth wanted to go on a hike and i forgot to eat after.” you flicked his forehead. “why didn’t you tell me? i have a secret stash in the cabin!” you whisper-yelled. “i’m sorry!” he whined. you both laughed as the conversation flowed.
clarisse stole many glances from the poseidon table, specifically from you. despite what happened earlier in the day, you still smiled. her chest squeezed at the sound of your laughter. she poked her tongue against her lips before looking down at her plate.
it was after dinner where you and clarisse actually saw each other. she was sitting with the ares cabin, and you were sitting with percy and a couple other mutual friends. every time you looked up from the fire, there was clarisse who was staring at you no matter what. you quickly looked away every time you made eye contact.
the empty seat next to you was soon filled, but not by who you actually wanted it to be. carter sat next to, playing with his hoodie strings and smiling at you. “d’you need something, carter?” you asked. you didn’t mean to sound annoyed, but you weren’t as enthusiastic as you were earlier.
“well, i wanted to know if you were free later this week? i-i had something planned and-“ “no, she’s not free.” and standing in front of you was the woman of the hour.
you snapped your eyes up at the familiar voice. she held a glare directed at carter. before anybody could say anything, chiron announced that the campfire had to end early, seeing there was a storm starting to move in. “so, um, are you coming?” carter persisted. “i’ll get back to you on that, carter.” you gave a small smile before getting up. you shot clarisse a look before walking back with percy to the poseidon cabin.
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the night was dark, and thunder started rolling in. the camp turned in for the night, all except for one. there was a tapping on your window, waking you up from your sleep. you groaned, already starting to yell at whoever it was before you recognized clarisse.
you furrowed your eyebrows, “what are you doing here?” she held her hand out without a word. you hesitated, looking back at percy to see him fast asleep. you looked back at clarisse, and she looked desperate. you slipped on your shoes before taking her hand and letting her guide you out the window.
she walked with you, out to the woods and seemingly to your secret spot, the spot that was reserved for you and clarisse only. “clarisse, why are we out here?” you asked her once you finally stopped.
your emotions were already starting to heighten, the rain slowly following. she stared at you for a second. “i’m sorry.” she apologized. “why? you left me with no explanation like i was some animal on the street and ignored me. why?”
she breathed out a heavy breath. “him.” she whispered. “what?” “because of carter!” she snapped. you were confused, “what does this have to do with him?” clarisse looked at you like she begged you to understand, like you were supposed to know why.
“because he likes you,” she put out simply, “and i don’t want him to.” you blinked while taking in her words. she was closer to you than before now, her breath on your face. she soaked you in, watching the rainwater run down your face. she came to the realization.
“i like you,” she barely spoke. “i like you, and i don’t want him to like you.” you stood in shock. clarisse liked you. she liked you back, and you had no clue. you cupped her jaw and pulled her down to your lips. it was passionate, like she would die without feeling you again. you pulled away, “so, you stormed off because you liked me?” clarisse rolled her eyes with a smile. “well, when you put it like that.”
you pulled her back with a laugh and the rain getting lighter throughout the kiss, eventually allowing the stars to shine.
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bad268 · 2 months
maybe a story where kimis gf (reader) has curly hair and she does her curly hair routine on kimi. love your writing!! 💓
Curl TLC (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Curly Hair! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (Thank you <3 and as someone with curly hair, I had too much fun with this)
Warnings: None
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 1332
Summary: Kimi needed some help with his curls.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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It was something you always noticed. Kimi’s hair was always unruly after a race, but after being with him for almost a year, you noticed the little things. His curls used to be so well-formed and clean, but now, it’s like he was losing his curl pattern. And given that you also had curly hair, you decided to teach him your tricks during an off weekend. 
“I don’t see why this is important,” He complained as soon as you started rinsing his hair. “This seems like a lot.”
“I haven’t even done anything yet,” You laughed as you made sure none of the water got in his eyes. “This is just water.”
“But the number of things you have is concerning,” He replied as he glanced over at the three bottles and diffuser on the counter.
“That’s nothing,” You dismissed as you grabbed the shampoo specifically for curly hair. “Now, this is my shampoo. The first time I do it-”
“You’re gonna do it more than once?” Kimi cut you off as he tried to sit down, but you put your hand on his shoulder to sit him back down in front of the sink. 
“Yes, the first time, I’ll give you a head massage. It helps get all the dead skin off your scalp and It’s just really relaxing,” You explained as you applied the shampoo to his roots. As you began working it through his hair. You knew better than to explain your process when you were scratching his scalp because you knew he would not be listening. As soon as you started, his eyes shut and that was game over. After a few minutes, you turned the water back on to rinse it. Maybe, you let a little splash onto Kimi’s face, causing his eyes to snap open and look up at you. “The first shampoo is to get everything off your scalp. The second one is to get all the dead skin out of your hair.”
“That sounds gross,” Kimi cringed as he settled back into his seat. “It’s just two, right?”
“Two shampoos, yes,” You answered as you started with the second shampoo treatment. “Then, we’ll condition once and put curl cream in your hair. I’ll show you how to form your curls, and then I’ll help you dry your hair with a diffuser.”
“What even is that?” He asked confused as you turned the water off to let the conditioner sit.
“I don’t know how to describe it,” You laughed as you sat on his lap to pass the time. Kimi immediately tried to bring his hands to his hair, but you grabbed them and held them to his side. “No, don’t touch it! Leave it alone!”
“That’s not fair!” He complained but leaned into you to kiss you. 
“I know what you’re trying to do,” You dragged out as you pulled away and leaned your forehead against his. You felt his arms trying to pull themselves from your hold, so you adjusted your grip, “And it’s not going to work.”
“How long do I need to leave this in? It itches,” Kimi complained with no real heat behind his words. It did not really itch, but it was a different formula than he was used to. The texture was just weird to him, and he wanted it off.
“A few more minutes,” You said as you looked at his hair. The curls were starting to form back on their own, so that was going to make your job easier later on. “If it’s really bugging you, I can rinse it now and we can move on to the cream and diffusing.”
“Please?” He asked he gave you puppy eyes. He knew you could never say no to him then.
“Fine,” You sighed in mock offense as you stood up and walked around to stand at his side to wash the conditioner out. “I just don’t think you’re used to it, bu don’t worry. You’ll learn to love it.”
“That sounds threatening,” Kimi laughed as he closed his eyes when you turned the water back on.
“Take it how you wish,” You joked as you finished rinsing his hair. You grabbed a towel after turning the water off and gently dried his hair a bit. “Here, stand in front of the mirror and I’ll show you how to define your curls.”
“I never knew it was this complicated,” Kimi groaned as he stood up and stood beside you. You removed the towel and inspected the natural curls he had already formed. You were just planning on working with what he had. They were fairly spaced out right and they were already semi-formed. They just needed a little cleaning up, and that’s exactly what the curl cream would do. “What is that?”
“Curl cream,” You said simply as you put a little on your fingers and started to run it through a section of his hair. “It’s going to help your curls hold their shape and be less frizzy.”
“Is it going to make them hard?” Kimi complained as he watched you through the mirror.
“First off, that’s what she said,” You giggle as you move on to the next section. Kimi laughed a little, but he gently slapped your arm in response. “Secondly, no. It’s not. All it does is help them hold. They’ll still be soft. You’ve never noticed my hair being crunchy.”
“Oh, good,” Kimi said to himself. He watched you for a minute before asking, “What are you doing now?”
“I’m using my fingers to wrap your curls, so they will be more defined,” You explained, slowing down to show him. “Look. I take this piece of hair, wrap it around my finger, and then gently, keynote on gently, twirl it off. You try.” He tried it. Did it look perfect? No. Would it work for now? Yes. He’s learning, but it's a good start. “That looks good! You’ll get better, I promise.”
“As long as you’re here to help,” He sighed. “It’s a lot of work.”
“You don’t always have to do all of this,” You explained. “Some days, just washing with shampoo and conditioner works just fine. Your curls just needed some TLC today, so we did the whole nine yards, but normally, I would not do the curl cream or diffusing. Only when I’m feeling extra.”
“Oh, good to know,” Kimi trailed off as you finished off forming his curls and moved to grab the diffuser. “This is next, right?”
“Yes! If you want, I can show you how to do it, then let you. Or I can just do it,” You offered, but he immediately handed you the dryer. You chuckled at his eagerness to get rid of the object but started to blow dry his hair. “Flip your head down.”
“I feel like this is unnecessary,” He grumbled but did so without question. You did not listen to him as you just laughed to yourself and moved on with blow-drying his hair. “Why is it so cold?”
“It’s cold to start with, but I’ll warm it up as we finish up,” You replied. “Heat ruins your hair, so even though we’re blow-drying your hair, it’s going to be cool air.”
“I don’t like it,” He groaned as he tried to lean away from the cool air.
“Well, lucky for you, you don’t have a lot of hair, so you're basically done,” You said as you ran your hand through a couple of strands without separating them, and you noticed they were completely done. You decided to explain the rules as you started putting everything away. “Don’t brush it, don't run your hands through it, and do not put a helmet on for a while. In a way, it’s a good thing you don’t have a race for a couple of weeks.” 
“About that,” Kimi trailed off, causing your face to drop immediately, “I was gonna go karting tomorrow.”
“You better not! I worked hard to make those curls!”
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priniya · 1 year
hii, this is very specific but do you think you could write something involving fem!reader who grew up with sirius and they’re childhood best friends (but it’s only ever going to be platonic between them) and one day she transfers to hogwarts and immediately has a thing for james, however james doesn’t wanna make a move because he thinks her & sirius have some unspoken thing? <3
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synopsis. growing up with sirius black was easy, but falling in love with his best friend was even easier. however, everything gets complicated — james keeps his distance, overthinking your relationship with sirius.
notes. i wouldn’t lie if i said i didn’t like that request, because i LOVE IT!!!! THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING SM?? obv. james potter x fem!reader. maybe ooc james. gonna make a part 2!
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all the good things that had taken place during your childhood had always happened with sirius black by your side. having him next to you was like a pearl you’d never trade for anything. sneaking out at night as children to spend a little more time with each other, pulling small pranks on your siblings, and having a companion for every banquet was something priceless.
you wished that your friendship would survive the sudden shift, caused by your mother’s dream to come back to her roots in southern france, and who was your father to disobey the love of his life? so, he barely turned eleven, when you bid goodbyes, gave him your future address, and hoped he’d write.
since sirius black has always been a man of his words, he did not disappointed you with the amount of letters he’d sent you. some may think that it slowly died down, when you got to school, although it just intensified. you were certain that he told you at least the majority of his stories, confiding in that he was head over heels with remus, his schoolmate.
telling him you were coming back to england was definitely the letter you were delighted to write. seeing him after those years was magical — almost miraculous. unfortunately, something got delayed and you got to london the same day you’d leave for hogwarts.
“sirius!” a laughter left your mouth as soon as you noticed the black-haired boy, standing next to a group of teenagers. before sirius even realized, you threw your arms around his neck, clutching him in a tight hug.
“you’re finally here!” he shouted, lifting you few inches off the ground with a smile, earning a lot of confused looks from all his friends. “couldn’t get any later, could you?” the boy rolled eyes at you, turning his head to face the confused group. “this is y/n, my first best friend.” with that, his arm was thrown around your shoulder, squeezing you a little.
before any of them spoke out, you got at least two seconds to look at them, memorizing their distinguished features, which could help you recognize them later. the boy standing the closest to you, who, you guessed, was james — the only one beside remus that sirius actually put a thought into writing about.
“nice to meet you.” he was first to greet you, embracing you in a short hug, something in his cologne almost made you lightheaded, his scent staying in your mind till falling asleep that night. “sirius couldn’t stop talking about you, always blah blah blah.”
“shut up, could you?” sirius retorted, pulling you away from the potter boy.
few hours later, you were trying to settle in your new dorm, when you heard a knock on the door. “hey.” a head peaked inside before you even got to open them. “am not interrupting something, am i?” potter asked, smile rosing on his lips as he walked in.
“noo, just trying to make this place more like mine, you know?” you smiled back, putting down a few frames with photos of you and your friends back in beauxbatons. “while you’re here, could you help me with putting books on the shelves?” curly-haired boy nodded his head eagerly, before taking a pile of books to put them where you wanted.
it was almost perfect — he was about to put the last one in its place, but something was wrong, and the book fell down, and hit him right in the nose, causing a nosebleed. “shit!” he groaned, immediately grabbing the hem of his shirt, using it like a tissue.
“merde, james i’m so sorry.” you mumbled, embarrassed. the towel quickly found its way to your hand, putting it close to his nose gently. “i’ll try to be as gentle as i can, i promise.” you whispered.
the distance between you was intimidating. his eyes focused on your faces as you carefully tried to stop the bleeding, your cheeks getting warmer with each second his sight was on you. “i’m a man made of steel, it’s fine.” he chuckled, eyes squinting right afterwards.
“i can see that.” you laughed softly, pulling the fabric away, seeing that the bleeding stopped. “don’t worry, you’re still the pretty boy you were before you got here.” blush creeped onto his cheeks upon hearing your comment.
and you stayed like that until sirius stepped into the room without knocking, catching the two of you barely inches away from each other, talking in hushed voices about something insignificant. music you like, movies you want to watch, fun summer stories and anything that found its way to your tounges.
the next few weeks were horrible, having yourself busy with all the workload you got, revising all the things you weren’t taught at your previous school, but they were compulsory at hogwarts. maybe if a certain curly-haired boy wasn’t on your mind 24/7, it’d be easier to study.
“y/n, good to see you!” marlene smiled, grabbing your arm as you were walking back to the common room after the study session you had at the library. “ready for the party?” she asked, grinning widely.
the question had taken you off guard — there was supposed to be a party and you were supposed to be ready by then? to be honest, the amount of time you put into studying, made you so exhausted you were barely standing on your own. on the other hand, the raging urge to impress sirius’ friends (specifically james) was unstoppable, and refusing the party was the last thing on your priority list.
“i’ll be in thirty minutes.” quickly, you matched her smile, stepping into the already crowded gryffindor common room, only to find sirius on the coffee table with james. “guys, this is my best friend, y/n! the party is for her!” your best friend shouted to the people, earning a few laughs and claps.
you laughed along the people, catching a brief glance of james, locking eyes with him for a little too long until he looked away, cheeks tinted pinkish. “geez, pads. let the poor girl change…?” mckinnon shook her head, pulling you away from black.
“so…” she beamed, closing the door behind her. “what’s going on with you and james?” she asked with ease, making herself comfortable on your bed, watching your inept attempts to hide how easy it was for james to make you lit up.
“nothing.” you shrugged. “geez, i feel bad for saying this since he’s sirius’ other best friend, but sometimes i really wish there was something going on. you know, he’s kind, funny, and cute.” a sigh escaped from between your lips as you looked through all the cute dresses your older sister made you buy last summer in italy.
“that’s what i thought.” she giggled, picking up makeup accessories. “well, from the way he looks at you, he seems to think you’re cute too.” she made a pause. “or he’s jealous of you, and doesn’t want to lose sirius.”
upon hearing that you decided to tell the blonde girl about those few evenings, when he just happened to be walking past your dorm and stayed with you for the whole night. “then he’s definitely interested in you.” marlene gasped, immediately jumping onto the spot next to you, grabbing the fitted, silky, red dress. “we’re gonna make him make a move. i swear, this boy won’t be able to stop himself.”
twenty-five minutes later, when you were already done with shower and trying to convince marlene to let you do make up on your own (which didn’t work out and she wanted to do it herself), you were sitting in front of the girl, legs crossed as she did the perfect line on your eyelid, once in a while stealing a glance of your bra.
“think about me if things are shitty with potter, yeah?” her smile made you roll eyes jokingly. “okayy, let’s take a quick pic of the masterpiece and go.” she quickly grabbed the camera from a shelf, snapped a picture of you, and her in the mirror, and left the room shortly after.
you remember the look james gave you, when he finally noticed you came back. he didn’t know if it was just him, but you looked like you could compete with world-level models. seeing you like that caused his heart to do a flip. just when he was about to walk up to you, sirius found his place somewhere next to you, close enough to sent james a signal to back off.
potter instantly assumed that there had to be something between the two of you, mostly by how touchy sirius would become whenever you were around, having his arm thrown around your shoulders or always somehow embracing your waist. and stealing his best friend’s girlfriend was the last thing he ever wanted to do, even if he felt he clicked with you.
as soon as sirius handed you the red cup filled with a liquid you assumed was alcohol, you let yourself forget about the whole thing with james. chugging down the cup as fast as you only could, trying to win the little competition with the black boy.
few hours later, when the entire party began to die down, james was trying to get to his dorm, completely sober, but then he noticed you sitting on the stairs, your knees and palms covered in blood. “shit.” he mumbled under his breath, debating in his mind if he should just walk the other way around or help you, and…
“what… happened?” he sat beside you, his stomach doing few more flips, seeing how your face lightened up at the sound of his voice. “y/n could you talk to me?”
“i fell down the stairs.” you grimaced, head leaned against his shoulder. “one of the seventh years suggested i should go to my own room, but i couldn’t move, ‘cos it hurts.” the grimace was replaced by a pout.
a sigh left his mouth as he picked you up, without saying a word — he believed it’d be easier to help you, and immediately leave than if he’d started a conversation with you. the whole walk to your dorm was silent, none of you hadn’t even let out a whimper until you were seated on your bed, while james tried to take proper care of your scrapped knees.
“are you mad at me?” you whispered softly, tilting your head to the side to get a better look at him. the sadness in your tone made his heart clutch. “why aren’t you speaking then? we hardly even talked today.” you added, when he just shook his head.
“i don’t want to do something, both of us might regret later.” his reply was strange, did he really think you’d regret anything that includes him in any way?
after that, the room remained silent — wordlessly, james handed you clothes that seemed like a good pyjamas material and turned away while you shamelessly changed. “can you stay with me?” you asked, stopping him in his tracks.
“of course.”
he laid down beside you, his eyes focused on the ceiling above. “have you ever thought how would your life looked like if you stayed in england?” the question left his mouth swiftly. “or if you never got back, do you think you’d fall out of touch with sirius?”
“there’s always a possibility that could happen, but i don’t think so, you know.” you answered, shifting on the mattress to see that he was already looking at you. “however, there were times when i thought he would throw away all those years of friendship.”
his curious gaze made you continue. “two years ago, he told me all about his plans with you. that you’d live together, far enough from his parents to not be threatened by them, but close enough to visit your parents every weekend. it sounds funny now, but all those plans — the apartment somewhere in the southern london, traveling and other stuff were exactly what we’d planned before i was forced to leave. that’s the only letter from sirius i didn’t keep. i couldn’t, it was a sign that the friendship wouldn’t last forever, so i burned it.” you shrugged, laying the fluffy blanket on top of your bodies. “i really wanted to hate you for this all those years, you know? but you seemed too fun to do so, coming here just made me more certain.” that was the first time in the whole evening that you’ve heard him laugh, feeling as if his normal self was coming back to you.
“look where we ended up.” the smile on his face was contagious. you beamed, laughing. you were so jealous of james two years earlier, and now you didn’t want him to leave the warm sheets of your bed. his face was getting so close to yours, you let yourself think he wanted to kiss you for a moment. maybe it was just the intoxication? “i don’t know where this might go, so i’m gonna say it know. i want us to stay on friends basis, please.”
and with those words it was your time to turn silent, acting sleepy to make him think you were about to drift off to sleep. “don’t worry, that’s what i wanted too.” you muttered with your eyes closed.
from that moment on, you hardly even spent time with james anymore, always finding an excuse to bail out if someone even suggested that you should hangout with them. the way you two acted was growing suspicious, and who would remus be if he didn’t notice?
“you’re sulking.” lupin retorted, when it was only james and he in their dorm, both pretending to not paying attention to one another. “care to elaborate? it’s been a month since you got so grumpy.”
“you won’t tell sirius?” potter tilted his head to the side, putting away the magazine he was reading and looked directly at his friend, who shook his head. “it’s about y/n.”
“so? you seemed to get along well when she got here.” remus frowned. “i mean-, you’re right, but then there was the party in october and uh, we almost kissed. i wanted to kiss her, but i quite panicked.” the seeker explained, making the werewolf to deepen his frown. “james, i swear to god what have you done?”
but remus already know. marlene had told him a few days after the party that the two lovebirds were drifting away, and prongs was definitely the reason of the sudden change in their dynamics. until now, he was just looking for a chance to speak with him about it.
“i said i wanted to keep it on friends basis, she rarely talks to me ever since.” he sighed, turning down the volume of the radio. “i really wanted to keep talking to her without breaking sirius’ heart if something between us happened.”
“wait.” the frown was now an unchanging part of remus’ face. “why do you think you’d possibly break pads’ heart if you started dating y/n?” lupin shifted on his bed, yet to connect all the dots.
james grimaced at the thought of his response, wasn’t it obvious? “well, it’s against the brocode to steal someone’s girlfriend, isn’t it?” upon hearing that, remus choked on water, confusing his friend even more.
“prongs.” the blonde boy laughed, making his way towards the other boy. “i believe that if you started dating y/n, sirius would be far from heartbroken, and he wouldn’t consider you a girlfriend thief.” another bursts of laughter escaped from between lupin’s lips as he clutched his stomach. “if you’d like to break his heart, you’d have to steal someone else, not a girl he considers a sister.”
all remus regretted that moment was that he left his camera at lily’s, so he was unable to capture the funniest expression on james’ face, he has ever seen. “you should really talk to her, to at least explain yourself.” he squeezed his friend’s knee in reassurance, before james stood up. “i’d look for her in marl’s dorm, if i were you.” he hinted, disappearing behind bathroom’s doors.
you sat on marlene’s bed with dorcas right next to you, her arm thrown around your shoulder as you drunk the wine, she bought specifically for that evening. it happened to be the day, when girls had their weekly girls’ night, so mckinnon thought you should tagged along.
the knocking on the door interrupted lily’s story about remus and hers trip to edinburgh last summer, and the one hot girl she met back then. “hey, is y/n there?” james’ voice rang loudly in the room, giving you shivers. you couldn’t have a day without thinking of him, could you?
marlene flashed you a look, before looking back at him. “i don’t know, do you think she’d like to talk to you?” she crossed arms at her chest, watching the rosing confusion on his face, before you appeared in the view, ruining the whole scary girl gig. “we’ll be right here, love.” she nudged you lightly as you walked out of the room, closing the door behind you.
“heard you were looking for me…?” you asked, muscles stiff at the thought of being one on one with him. “can we do it quickly? my wine’s bottle is probably emptied by dorcas now.” you chuckled, trying to sound as calm as you only could.
“i don’t want to be friends anymore.” his confession made your heart twitch. the alcohol running in your veins almost made you vulnerable in front of him. the sigh that left your mouth was his signal to realize you misunderstood him. “you really came up here to tell me that?”
it was getting pretty bad, and james knew, there was one thing he could do that wouldn’t mess up what he wanted to tell you. hands flew to your cheeks, cupping them with his palms as leaned in to kiss you. it was definitely unexpected — but you couldn’t resist him, the thing you’ve wanted so bad, finally came true. james’ lips on yours.
he took his time before pulling away, and when he did, you were reminded that there was world beside him. all the misery you were in was long gone, just by seeing the smile on his face. “i’m sorry.” the seeker began, his eyes tracing around your face but not stopping on your eyes once. “i misinterpreted the relationship between you and padfoot, and it got all messy in my head. i thought you two were… you know, a thing.”
a quiet chuckle escaped from between your lips, caressing his cheek gently with a thumb, involuntarily smiling at his vivid embarrassment. “james,” you spoke out softly, amusement still audible in your tone. “hypothetically, if sirius and i were a thing, would i really invite you to spend time in my room, one on one, always suggesting that you should stay overnight? you, my hypothetical boyfriend’s best friend?”
“well, i haven’t thought about it.” he shrugged, smile tugging on his face. “nonetheless, i’m taking you on a date, but don’t tell sirius. i’m sure he’s going to kill me for hitting up on you.” james scoffed, hair getring ruffled by his fingers.
“when did i agree on going on a date with you?” you asked, biting back a smile, at the same time trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. “don’t worry, i’ve never told on a cute boy before.”
he opened his mouth to reply, but marlene opened the door and snatched you inside, before you could even react, her action earning a few laughs in response. “excuse me, lover boy, but the time is up!” the blonde laughed, visibly tipsy, and disappeared behind the door.
now, james potter had two things to do — figure out where should he take you out, and how to tell his best friend that he wants to date his childhood best friend.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 7 months
Hi luv! May I req for Leo falling for a mischievous (cat-like personality) demigo (maybe ares, idk) after she beats him while sparring so he continuously asks her to spar just to spend more time together (and maybe she knows it and just plays along, maybe tells him she’ll go on a date with him once he beats her?). Idk this was just an idea, thought I got. Do not feel pressured or anything obvs!
Heya this has been in my inbox for a while and I finally got a good idea lol cause I don't wanna be posting half assed WIP's. [this is also combined with a request for Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena reader I got a while ago btw]
Enjoy <3
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love is stronger then everything [except Clarrise, of course] ---Leo V x Daughter of Athena reader
»»————- ★ ————-««
Leo was a mastermind. 
Like, obviously you were the daughter of Athena, but he was the one behind it all. He was just… so smart.  It was unbelievable sometimes. Not to be big headed or anything, he was just the most intelligent person in the room.
Well, in this scenario, it wasn’t the room, it was the arena. And that’s about where his cunning brain cells decided to sit on the bench and do their nails with Piper. 
He’d tell them off later, if he ever survived the sharp eyed sharp edged girl in front of him who was somehow holding a war axe made of solid imperial gold over her shoulder like it was nothing. The sight of your arms distracted him of his incoming death momentarily, but then you just had to open your mouth. “
“Valdez, are you gonna spar with me, or was the six step official challenge at breakfast with a disco ball and three tonnes of strawberries for nothing?” 
“Four tonnes, actually,” he managed to squeak out, and then shifted his grip on the sword he’d borrowed from Jake, who’d only laughed in his face when Leo told him he’d challenged you.
Judging by the way you fiddled with your camp beads necklace and then swung the smooth golden axe stained with something remarkably similar to human blood, Jake was right. Leo gulped and stepped back, ready to scramble out of the way and clang his too big sword against the edges of the axe he only just realized were sharp enough to cut through bone. 
You seemed to pity him as well, which Leo didn’t appreciate, but at least you gave him a few extra seconds to scramble out of the way.
A moment later there was sand in his eyes churned up by your sneakers, the ones with little green string snakes as laces. He vaguely remembered snakes being a symbol of Athena, only that thought was scrapped when he had to step back to avoid having his skull split in half. 
Piper cheered sarcastically and passed Jason a leftover strawberry from this morning’s events. 
You spun around and the axe made a crater in the sawdust covered ground. Leo turned and half heartedly swung his hammer at your shoulder, but you dipped back and knocked it out of his hands in less then a second, leaving him defenseless. 
Leo launched himself backwards and felt his shoe skid on the ground, sawdust billowing up into his vision as gravity decided to ruin his day, and his dignity. 
He was contemplating just falling asleep right then and there, when a gray sliver appeared in front of him. He had to cross his eyes to identify the metal poking his nose as the tip of your war axe. Leo just got comfy on the ground, resting his hands beneath his head as you glared. 
Apparently you weren’t satisfied with the early defeat, gray eyes narrowed as you snapped. “What on Olympus was that, Valdez?”
“Me fighting?” He asked hopefully, squinting up as the sun angled itself behind you. He brushed away the thought that it made you look a bit like an angel, despite the frown on your face and the weapon at his throat. 
“Well you aren’t any good at it, so don’t bother,” you said, hooking the axe over your shoulder and marching off. “I have to go help Beth with the capture the flag plans.”
Leo huffed, blowing a strand of his curly brown hair out of his face and grinning up at the roof, which swirled a little. He might’ve bumped his head a little too hard, now that he thought about it. 
Then another face swam in front of him and Piper popped a bubble that smelt vaguely of grapes. She looked towards where you’d disappeared out the arena’s swinging double doors. “What in the ever loving fucknuggets was that, Valdez?”
“I liked their version better,” Leo grumbled, and sat up slowly, feeling his bones groan internally at him. “And it’s not my fault their fit. And strong. ANd have a huge weapon. And pretty eyes. And-”
“And a nice ass?” 
“Yep, especially in those camo pan- why are you looking at their ass?” Leo asked suspiciously. Taking a hand from Piper to get up properly. He stretched his arms above his head and tried to stop thinking about your butt. It didn’t really work very well, and then his thoughts skipped along to your thighs and the really cool scar along one and he missed half of what Jason was saying in between the smile he was trying to hide. 
That didn’t matter very much though, because Leo was struck with the best idea in the history of children born of the literal ideas god. Well, maybe that was Athena, not Hephestus, but your parents were a problem for later. Way later. Like when you’d decided Leo was more than just a rock stuck in your shoe.  
That was something he could work on though. 
He just had to impress you so much that you’d agree to go out with him. Building something cool would be the immediate option, but he built cool things everyday. It wasn’t easy, per-say, but it wasn’t a date-worthy achievement.  
Piper snapped her fingers in front of his face and Leo jerked his head back, “huh? Sorry I was just thinking…”
“About what? Finally giving up on-”
“Imma single handedly win capture the flag!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
You handed out the last of the helmets, blue plumes dotting the crowd of demigods jostling around and yelling about lice and how their butterfly clips wouldn’t fit underneath the bronze. 
You chose to ignore those ones and turned back to the little canvas tent someone had dragged out from Bunker 9 to set up base in, even though it couldn’t be used during the actual game. You weren’t actually sure what the point of it was, but Clarrise deemed it necessary, and you decided not to argue with her, in the interest of living.
The Athena cabin had managed to swoop in and ally with the Ares cabin before Connor got there, so you managed to rein in the help of Butch and his siblings [which meant that the Red team would have quite a few problems involving pegasi droppings in the hours to come], the two twins of Nike, the Dionysus and Hebe kids, as well as the smattering of Aphrodite kids that were ready to get blood under their perfectly done nails. A few of them seemed too happy about that prospect, but Drew had heart shaped arrows and Charmspeak, so you ignored the fact Lacey was singing about chopping off heads. 
Annabeth propped her sneakers up on the table, smudging mud on the map of the forest as she did so, to tie up her laces. “So, we’ve got puddles of pegasi shit under the leaves, I asked Holly and Laurel who could make the most nets so we’ll have enough to trap most of the Hermes cabin under by the time we start, and then Clarrise and her lot can just heavily maim the rest.”
“Nice,” you noted, and pushed the coloured pins for each demigod wiping blue warpaint across their cheeks around the map to their places. “We’re against Will’s dickwits, so they’ll do that thing and keep the sun behind them to blind everyone on our team.”
Annabeth fiddled with her camp necklace and glared at the map. “ And what are we supposed to do to counter that? Ask Apollo to take the day off??
“Start handing out sunglasses.”
Someone dragged a bucking gray pegasi through the opening to the canvas tent and chaos broke out, Butch yelling orders at a group of Dionysus kids who began feeding the freaked out mare shiraz. 
You turned away before you were lumped with the task of dealing with them, and reached for your axe. A sticky note fell off, the yellow paper floating to the ground. 
Hi hi so if i win capture the flag by myself then will you go out with me also i cant ask you this in person because jasons teaching me how to use a sword and im about to run out of sticky note and now ive forgotten what i was trying to say
The note ended there, and you frowned, trying to ignore the twitch at your lips when you turned the greasy crinkled paper over. 
right yeah this is leo by the way you probably already figured that out cause no one else is smart enough to beat all of camp to go out with you the flying horse distraction was my idea too by the way im a genius you should definitely go out with me okay now im out of pa
“Who’s the person?”
You nearly decapitated Drew in that moment. You lowered your axe and shoved the note in the back of your pocket that you only just remembered wasn’t there, courtesy of the armor you’d donned. “What are you talking about?”
“The love note,” she insisted with a curious smirk, lipgloss shining. “They sounded pretty excited and now you’re making that face oh my god you actually like them back!” 
“Do not!” You snapped back, tightening your shoulder guard and hefting your bloodied axe over you shoulder. The pegasi was led out of the tent as you shooed Drew in the same direction. “Now go back to your station, we’re starting in five.”
She squinted at you for a second, then her eyes widened as he jaw dropped. “Leo!”
You blinked, wrinkling your nose. “Okay how did you even-”
“Seeya later!” Drew called over her shoulder, skipping away with Butch to find her section of the woods to patrol, her assigned heart shaped sunglasses slipping down her nose. 
You narrowed your eyes at her retreating figure, but then one of Clarisse's sisters was wondering if the no killing rule had changed in the last four minutes and you were promptly distracted. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Why don’t you just run along there and turn Travis into a toddler for me?” You asked a son of Hebe who nodded solemnly and disappeared into the trees. Light dappled the leaves on the ground and once you’d ordered around the rest of the soldiers in training, the bellowing horn sounded. 
A tense silence filled the woods, no one daring to make the first move and startle the spies out of their trees and the runners from their starting places. You pushed the cat eyed sunglasses up your nose and adjusted your sweaty grip on the axe, which must have weighed as much as the Hebe boy you’d just sent on his way. 
Blue streaked the sky behind the clouds, but the blue you were concerned about fluttered peacefully in the wind from where the flag had been nestled in Zeus’s fist. 
From what you’d planned, the Nike twins should be hiding in the two pine trees in font of you that had grown on either side of the track you knew the red team would take, nets between them ready to trap the enemy. Drew was placed behind you with her bow and arrows, ready to take down anyone that made it past Holly and Laurel. 
And if the lucky little fucker made it any further, you had your axe ready.
The rest of your team, save the Ares kids bordering the river, who were ready to maim but not kill, were causing a distraction that included a lot of grapevines and a reenactment of the Hamilton Musical [the second half was to be acted out at the campfire later that night]. It was sure to distract the Apollo cabin while  Annabeth donned her blue Yankees hat and snuck through. 
The only way it could go wrong at this point, is if a certain fluffy haired pointy eared son of Hephestus went through with his sticky note proposition and burned down the entire woods. 
Considering the fact he’d challenged you to a duel four times this week, you wouldn’t be surprised. Not that you minded. His concentrating face was sort of cute, especially when he stuck his tongue out a little and that time you’d pinned him to the sawdust covered ground you’d realized he actually had a few little freckles along his nose. 
And he really liked strawberries. That you could admire. 
Okay, maybe you looked forward to whatever proposition he’d set up at breakfast each day, but it mainly had to do with the presents. And definitely not that grin he’d get when you agreed.
If he won this game of capture the flag, which was impossible for one demigod anyway, and you did go out with him, you’d get to see that smile times one thousand. It sort of made you want him to win.
Then you shook the thought from your helmet cladden head. Your team was going to win this, and you’d stab Leo yourself to do so. 
Lightly, though. 
He still had that crackly laugh you could place from across the dining pavilion, you couldn’t kill him. It made your brain melt for a moment, which wasn’t something a daughter of Athena needed. But, he was a certified genius. Maybe that would even it out. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Where the fuck is Drew?” You yelled into the forest around you, but only the crickets and startled squawking birds answered. Metal clanged and the crickets were silenced when your Axe thudded against a tree, handle first. 
Austin smirked, and his bow knocked into your shoulder hard enough to leave a bruise you could already feel forming. 
You ducked another blow and stumbled back, stumbling a tight ring around the sun of Apollo to get back to your weapon, glancing around the clearing as you did so. Holly and Laurel were nowhere to be seen, and there were certainly no nets to help you out in the one on one ambush. 
You’d been waiting around for some action when suddenly there was a lot but still not enough, because apparently everyone on the blue team had decided they’d rather fall asleep in their stations than help you. Even without them you could hold up your own, grabbing your axe and swinging it around at Austin when he came back for seconds. The arrow in his hand seemed less scary once his bow was in two splintered pieces at your feet.
He stepped back, face falling, and the daisies crushed underfoot sprung back into their slightly crumpled places when he backed away properly, turning to where the blue flag was still untouched on the top of Zeus’s fist. 
You paused, lowering the axe in confusion once he called out to nothing, “Oi! Move it loverboy, I’m running out of time!” 
Then you froze, because of course somehow, against all odds, a panting Leo was clambering up the highest point with the red flag in one tightly closed hand and a second later he was holding the blue one above his head victoriously as well, a stupidly wide grin on his cute face. 
He let out a yelp as pebbles began to slide around his feet but then you couldn’t see him anymore, pushed to the back of the crowd by a stampede of yelling demigods brandishing weapons.
It took you a second to realize they were cheers and not war cries [the difference was hard to make out most of the time], so you weaved through some Hermes kids who were chatting animatedly and a Demeter girl with a stump where her arm had been. Will rushed along behind you to her side once you’d gotten past both teams of the now over capture the flag game. 
“What the fuck is this?” You yelled up at Leo, who sent you a double thumbs up and then began hopping down the pile of boulders, the flags now held with his crooked teeth.
You squinted up at him, watching his green army jacket get caught on an overhanging branch and then when he jumped down finally, you were there to cross your arms and glare at him.
“Sup?” he smirked, holding his hands behind his back and rocking on his feet. “Did you get my note?”
Apparently he guessed your answer through your facial expression and then held up the flags like an offering. You ignored a fatal sounding screech from an Aphrodite boy in the distance as Leo chewed his lip. “So…. I won!” 
“And how, exactly?” 
Leo glanced to the side, and you followed his gaze to a smirking daughter of Aphrodite, who’s hoop earrings shined with blood that definitely wasn’t hers, judging from Drew’s satisfied expression. He then pulled out another crumpled up sticky note from his jacket, which was stained with something dark. He read out in a stilted tone, “I have to make a flamethrower, a chariot with poison shooting arrows, a two real life hoverboards, about thirty pairs of water, lava, and acid proof headphones, and a few jetpacks.”
“Right,” you muttered, tilting your head at Leo.
 He blinked obliviously at you and tucked away his extensive list, probably not able to hear you speak over the yelling crowds that bustled around carrying bandages and broken weapons, already busying themselves with the aftermath of the set up blood-bath.  
“It was worth it,” he shrugged, “but I’ll be stuck in bunker nine for the rest of the my life.”
“Maybe you can take a day off.” You unfolded your arms, resigned to the fact all of Camp Halfblood was about to witness this. Then you stepped forwards a little and leant in to whisper in his pointed ear. “...Y’know, for our date.” 
Leo blinked.
“Someone get the Leo extinguisher!” A Hebe kid yelled, and there was a general uproar of chaos from everyone but you weren’t really paying attention because Leo had patted down his flaming torso quickly, only that didn’t change the color of his face back to normal.
He narrowed his eyes, but the grin had never faded and you could see his fingers tapping along his thighs a thousand miles an hour. “You serious?”  
You nodded.
“DID YA HEAR THAT?” He yelled at the crowd of teenagers, cupping his mouth with a scarred hand, “I GOT A HOT DATE YALL!” 
“Don’t make me regret it,” you muttered back, rolling your eyes, but when Leo smiled up at you you knew you’d never regret it, so instead you just smiled back, shoving your hands in your pockets while Piper started screaming from Jason’s shoulders. 
Leo clapped his hands eagerly, “great, now you gotta carry me.”
“That’s cringe.”
“I’m being serious,” he said and held his arms up so you could grab him bridal style. You paused for a moment and then resigned yourself to the fact this might be the rest of your life. It wasn’t too bad, you realized, when Leo wrapped his arms around your neck and pointed in the direction of Will triumphantly. “Forward, sexy steed!” 
“One, if you ever call me that again, I will literally throw you off a cliff, and two, why do we have to get to WIll?” You asked as you carried him through the crowd in the direction of the stressed out blonde anyway.
“Cause Clarrise stabbed me in exchange for letting me win.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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varpusvaras · 25 days
I've had a headcanon for a while that Breha and Fox are really into the romance genre - like, in a way that if the book/show/movie is good, they enjoy it as a good piece of media, and otherwise, they read or watch things together and have fun with it. Bail is...not so much into this, as much as he can also enjoy a good piece of media, but the second part of the experience is kind of lost to him.
He will listen to Breha and Fox talk about them and tries to guess what is going on in any given book/show based only on what they tell him.
(If he is actually a bit invested. Shh. No he isn't. No, he's not watching this- alright, fine, you menaces)
So, there's this relatively new show. It started a bit before the war, and gained a lot of popularity then, and when the show was put on hiatus because of the war, the fans were impatiently awaiting for more. The show is about mostly fictional planets and their high-society, royals and nobility.
Breha and Fox watch the part of the show that came out before the war, and make Bail watch with them as well (Bail watches, because they are asking and he wants to spend time with them, and, hey. He likes looking at them when they are happy and joking around). Then, some time after, the show announces that it will be coming back with new episodes!
The episodes start releasing. Breha and Fox watch them, and make Bail watch them as well (no, he isn't invested at all-). One week, there's a new character introduced. A Princess, who is going to become a Queen soon. She is from a very old and rich planet, that does arts and peace and nature. Breha says that it reminds her of Alderaan a bit, perhaps they have taken some inspiration.
One episode, the Princess meets a nobleman, who is very politically idealistic and believes in equity, and is striving for making the galaxy a more peaceful and unified place. The actor is very tall.
Fox jokes that they kinda remind him of Breha and Bail. Breha laughs. Bail squints his eyes at the screen.
The Princess becomes a Queen, while becoming increasingly close with the nobleman. Then, one week, they introduce another new character. A former soldier, who has now returned from the war, and the Queen and the nobleman meet him when they are in an event, discussing how to make more peaceful solutions.
Bail frowns at the screen. The actor is not a clone, but looks very much like one, with his tanned skin and dark, curly hair.
Fox looks at the character as well.
"Oh", he says.
"Oh", Breha says as well. "I do think...that they have taken inspiration from close by."
You don't say, Bail thinks.
He's not super stoked about this development, but at least the two other actors do not resemble him and Breha too much. He can...sort of understand the choice of casting someone who looks kind of like the clones into the role of the soldier. It's commentary. Easy to understand. It's....fine. They are just drawing inspiration from their overall dynamic, nothing more. There's nothing else that seems too recent.
Then Bail goes for work to Coruscant, and gives statements regarding his views on the clone rights, the war, and his relationship with the clones and how, even though he cannot claim himself to be a part of their culture, he and Breha and Alderaan as a whole have tied themselves into it and consider it to be a part of their culture as well.
It's a good statement. Bail is proud of it and the reaction it causes. The way Fox and Breha look at him after is the best reward he could possibly ask for.
Then, a few weeks later, a new episode comes out. The nobleman gives a speech about the war and cultures and how he relates to them. It's very much the statement Bail gave, but just reworded to fit the world of the show.
Oh, Bail thinks. Oh, it is on.
Bail decides to have his own fun. He starts to make very showy gestures to Breha and Fox in public. They know immediately what he is doing, and go along with it.
Some of the things he did end up in the show. Bail can deduce from what those things are when whoever it is who is gathering material is present.
Bail knows the press. He knows how they dress, he knows how they operate. Once he knows where to look, it is very easy to spot them.
It's a rare occasion that both Breha and Fox are accompanying him to Coruscant. Bail is playing it up, until he notices the person who is very much not press but who is very much recording and making notes, when Bail is not even saying anything to any of the people surrounding them.
Bail turns to look straight towards the camera.
He person holding it stiffens, but doesn't turn away instantly. Not so easily intimidated, then. Bail can respect that at least.
Bail continues to stare at the camera, not saying anything. Just staring. Fox and Breha have caught on to what he is doing by then, and they are trying their best not to burst out laughing.
Bail continues to stare at the camera. He has stared down bounty hunters, separatists, assassins, the sith. He can do this all day.
Finally, the camera turns away. Bail smiles, and clims into their speeder with Breha and Fox.
As soon as the doors are closed and the speeder starts moving, Breha and Fox lose it. They cannot stop laughing the whole way, and are barely able to contain it once they arrive to the Senate.
Unsurprisingly, at least for some, the plotline of the three characters in the show starts to steer to entirely new directions in the very next episode.
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awkwardlyflustered · 2 months
Best Babysitter Ever
A/N: I have been watching too much Criminal Minds recently, I just started it over for like the 5th time. I love the BAU so goddamn much, and I specifically love Reid (he’s just a lil guy) so y’all better get so ready for so much lee Reid in the upcoming weeks. For now though, Reid and Hotch interacting has my entire soul and being so here’s a quick little story for the two of them. 
“Hotch, I promise you everything will be okay, I read five parenting books on the way here just to prepare.”
“I know, I trust you’re gonna be fine, you’ve just never babysat by yourself before, and JJ was supposed to come over and help…” Hotch trailed off, unable to keep the overprotective dad side from surfacing. 
“We’ll be fine! I’m great with kids,” Reid continued to argue, “We’ll have so much fun, isn’t that right Jack?” Both men turned their eyes over to the small six year old playing with his trucks in the corner. Jack agreed enthusiastically and ran over to hug Spencer’s leg. 
“Alright, I’m sure you guys will be fine,” Hotch finally relented. “Reid, call me if you need anything at all, and Jack, be good for Spencer” Spencer gave a salute towards his boss as Jack ran to hug his dad goodbye. 
A few hours later, Hotch walked back into his house and was immediately greeted by the loud screams of laughter from Jack. Smiling, he made his way towards the two, not saying anything. 
“SPEHEHENCEHEHER!” Jack squealed as Reid’s fingers scribbled across his belly. 
“Spencer? Who’s Spencer, I’m the tickle monster!” The curly haired boy announced, scooping up the small kid’s wrists in one hand, and drilling into his underarms with the other. Jack kicked out and tried to squirm away from the intruding hands, finally noticing his dad standing over the two of them. 
“You can scream all you want, no one can save you from the tickle monster!” Reid called out with a grin taking over his face as he turned to Hotch as a greeting. 
“You heard him Jack, I can’t save you, there’s nothing I can do.” Hotch had a soft grin taking over his face as well, though not quite as smug as Spencer’s. 
“PLEHEHEASE,” Jack whined out, obviously enjoying himself. 
“Hmm alright fine, I’ll do my best but no promises.” Hotch threw his coat that he had just taken off onto the couch and crouched down by the two of them. “Let’s see here…” he muttered out, taking a hold of Jack’s arms and pretending to pull as hard as he could. 
“You’re no match for my incredible strength!” Spencer continued in character, vibrating his fingers into Jack’s ribs causing a whole new round of laughter. 
“Hmm I have an idea,” Hotch thought aloud as he stalked towards Spencer. 
“You’ll never beat me! Jack will be mine forever,” the so-called tickle monster called out yet again, too busy with his charade to pay any attention to the older man getting closer and closer to him. Without warning, Hotch practically tackled Spencer and started digging into his ribs. Spencer squealed and kicked his feet, completely caught
off guard by the attack. Jack quickly stood up from his position on the floor cheering and encouraging the attack. 
“Well well well, looks like the tickle monster is ticklish.”
“Nohohoho” Reid giggled out, weakly swatting at the offending hands currently wracking his nerves. Hotch grabbed Spencer arms and held them above his head, waiting while Reid panted beneath him.
“Hey Jack, come here,” the father beckoned his son over, and started pointing along Reid’s torso. “You know if you poke him right here he makes a really silly noise.” Jack, excited he got to play too began poking his little fingers along Spencer’s tummy. With every poke Spencer gave a hiccupy squeal, that quickly advanced into hiccupy giggles when Hotch’s fingers found their way to his upper ribs. 
“Wahahahait guhuhuys,” he pleaded, being careful with his squirming to not hurt Jack. 
“This is only fair after you tickled Jack for so long, what do you think buddy?”
“Yeah! You did this to me, you deserve it!” Reid just squeezed his eyes shut, threw his head back, and gave into the ticklish sensations. 
The Hotchner duo continued their attack for a few more minutes, making sure to get thorough revenge on the tickle monster before letting him up. Spencer sat up panting, with slight tears in the corners of his eyes. 
“The tickle monster isn’t gonna forget this, you better watch out,” he teased Jack, reaching out to pinch his side. 
“My dad will rescue me every time!” Jack replied indignantly, clinging to his dad’s leg. 
“I absolutely will,” Hotch reassured, ruffling his son’s hair, “But until you need more rescuing, it looks like it’s time for bed. Go start getting ready.” With that, Jack starting running off to get ready for bed, but quickly back tracked to give a crashing hug to Reid.
“Goodnight Spencer, thank you for playing with me.”
“Of course kid,” Reid replied, hugging Jack tightly. “I had fun playing with you.”
“Are you gonna come back tomorrow?” Hotch interrupted the interaction before Reid could be put on the spot.
“No buddy, not tomorrow, but you’ll see Spencer again soon.” Jack just nodded and finally left the two to begin getting ready for bed. Spencer stood up from the floor to stand next to Hotch.
“So I take it the babysitting went well?” Hotch asked with a slight smirk. Spencer nodded happily.
“Yeah, Jack is great. We had a lot of fun together.”
“I could see that. Do you maybe want to come back next week to babysit some more?” Spencer nodded again, much more enthusiastically. “And I take it the tickle monster will be making another appearance?” Spencer blushed out to his ears at the mention of the silly character. 
“Maybe he will.”
“Well then it looks like I’ll have some more rescuing to do, won’t I?” Reid just smiled and looked down at the ground, too sheepish to continue meeting Hotch’s eye. Hotch smiled warmly, remembering just how young Reid actually is despite his age. He quickly pulled Reid in for a hug.
“Thank you again Spencer.” 
“You’re welcome, it was nice getting to feel like an older brother for a little while.” Spencer’s eyes widened and he pulled away from the hug as he realized what he just said. “Not like that I just meant-”
“You’re the best big brother Jack could ask for,” Hotch assured the genius, clapping him on the shoulder. Spencer smiled an almost cheshire grin as the pink tint returned once again to his cheeks. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” he called out, slinging his bag over his shoulder. 
“Yep, and I can’t wait to see the rest of the team and inform them of what a great babysitter the tickle monster is,” Hotch teased, a smirk taking over his features. Reid froze, his hand on the doorknob. 
“Hotch you can tell anyone and everyone you want, but don’t tell Morgan I’m ticklish, he’ll never let me live it down.”
“I don’t know, I think Morgan would really like to know…”
“Alright alright, I’ll keep it to myself, for now anyways.” Spencer breathed a quick sigh of relief and waved goodbye before leaving the house. 
Hotch smiled fondly, and pulled out his phone to text Derek. 
Tomorrow morning you should ask Reid how babysitting went. He has a really funny secret to tell you
“Technically, I’m not gonna tell him anything,” Hotch muttered to himself, smiling. “Plus what fun is having this information if I’m just gonna keep it to myself?” With that, he walked towards Jack’s room ready to tuck him into bed. His heart was full between his son and his work family, he couldn’t be any happier. 
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euno11a · 5 months
Tattooed Hearts IV
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Genre: No one to someone Tattoo artist! Jungkook X Reader
Summary: What happened to us? Why did we end up like this? It was only a one time thing. Now it’s ruined us both.
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut, mentions of hookups, insults, arguing, blood, mentions of period, insecurities, mentions of being kidnapped
Pt I • Pt II • Pt III • Pt V • Pt VI • Pt VII • Pt VIII
“Come on, slut, cum for daddy.” The rando spoke as he thrusted into you. You laid on the bed, not moving except from the occasional jump from his hard thrusts. Listen, you weren’t one for calling things stupid, lying or faking things. But the amount of times you’ve faked an orgasm tonight was hilarious. It’s been two hours of nothing but faking moans, whines, whimpers and orgasms. You couldn’t wait to leave, feeing stupid for even agreeing to have sex with this guy. Once he was finally done, you hurriedly put your clothes back on and gave him a quick smile before leaving. God, you really were a dumbass. The streets were dark, nothing but the street lights illuminating the road and sidewalk. Every sound you heard caused you to jump, it was never the safest option to walk home at 11 PM, fearing of being kidnapped or taken. You knew you weren’t gonna make it home without freaking out, so you walked into the nearest store, which just happened to be a flower shop. The scent of flowers and different herbs hit your senses like a truck. You walked around a little, curious about the beautiful blue flowers you saw.
“Blue hydrangeas, they symbolize remorse and regret.” You whipped your head around, seeing a pretty lady, thick curly hair with a green apron on, the worker. “You walked right to them, maybe it’s because something’s happened?” You paused, looking at the lady with slight shock in your eyes, “How did you…?”
“Honey, I work with flowers. Every flower in my shop has a story…just like you apparently.” You gave you a gap toothed smile, it was one of those rare smiles that filled your heart with joy. “Uhm, yeah…Sorry, I’ve had a rough night.” You smiled apologetically, turning to look at her. Eloise…what a fitting name, derived from ‘Helios’ meaning sun in Greek. “Well don’t keep me in the dark now! Tell me about it, hun.” She sat down behind a wooden table, making full bouquets, each one telling a story. You didn’t know why you felt the need to tell her what had happened, but she felt like someone to lean on. Catching her up about your night, Lindsay telling you to get dick, hooking up with some random guy, faking everything, even about Jungkook. You were now an open book to her, she chuckled, cutting off the bottom of the stems, “Sounds like your friend was just tryin’ to help, darling.” “I know, but I shouldn’t have listened. I’ve had experience like that in the past, I should’ve known.” You spoke quietly, looking down at the chrysanthemums on the table. “Listen to me, life is about experiences. Good or bad, they make you who you are. And you can’t let this man take control of your love life just because he hurt you. You gotta pull your pants up and find yourself a nice man that treats you right in life AND in bed.” She smiled up at you, giving you a knowing look. Blushing, you laughed, nodding your head. Maybe you should let Jungkook go. Yes, he’s hurt you in the past, but you can’t dwell on it. You sat with Eloise, watching her make bouquets, looking at the time you saw it was getting later than it already was. “I think I’m gonna head out…thank you, Ms Eloise.” You smiled, grabbing your bag and making your way to the door. “Honey, wait! Take this, I think it’ll help start your new story.” She smiled at you, handing you a bouquet. It was made up of hyacinths; representing young love, lilies and orchids; representing missing someone, daffodils; representing new beginnings and gardenias; representing secret love. You took the bouquet, smiling gratefully at her, waving and bidding your goodbyes, you left. *** The bouquet sat in a vase on your kitchen counter, standing full and tall, proudly almost. You stared at the luscious flowers, the bright colours illuminating your apartment. It seemed almost chaotic, the bouquet, so many colours, different flowers…it matched your life. There was so much chaos, yet it was so beautiful. You brushed it off, but the thought still in your mind as you got ready for bed. Brushing your teeth, your phone buzzed; it was Lindsay. Girl I trust🫶: Hey babes, I hope the hookup went well 😏 You: Yeah, I love faking everything for almost two hours Girl I trust🫶: OMG NOOO Girl I trust🫶: IM SO SORRY!!! You: Honestly, it’s okay, I met a nice lady that gave me flowers You: So something nice happened at least The both of you texted for a while, saying good night and heading to bed. Something about this whole night was itching away at you, almost as if you knew something was going to happen, but you didn’t know what. *** With two coffees in your hand, you walked down the street, it was a thank you gift to Ms Eloise for the flowers and listening to your currently fucked up life. You made it to the shop, it looked even brighter in the daylight, the flowers looking their absolute best just waiting to be put into someone else’s story. You tried to open the door, but it was hard when holding two coffees. “Let me get that,” You heard from behind you, someone opening the door for you. You turned to smile and say thank you, but remained stoic when you saw it was Jungkook. Don’t let him ruin your life. You gave him a tight lipped smile, “Thank you.” You walked into the shop, not saying anything else. The shop wasn’t busy, but you could see Ms Eloise behind that same wood table, making beautiful bouquets.
The little ring of the bell alerted her someone came in, she looked up and gave you her gap toothed smile. “Why, it’s lovely to see you again, darlin’!”  
“Hi, Ms Eloise.” You smiled back, walking further into the shop. “I got you this coffee as a gift for the flowers last night. I hope you like it!” 
She threw down her scissors, hands raising in happiness, “Ooo, honey, you don’t know how much this means to me. I absolutely love it, thank you.” She took the coffee carefully, sipping it and humming in delight. Ms Eloise looked past you, raising her brow, “Boy, I thought I told you to stop comin’ in here if you weren’t gonna get any flowers!” 
The deep chuckle, the one you knew all too well sounded through the shop. “Come on, Eloise, I was just helping this lovely lady open the door! Her hands were full and you know me, I love to help damsels in distress.” Jungkook walked further into the shop, leaning on the table beside you. 
“Oh honey, if you knew this one, you’d know she ain’t need any help from you.” She smirked at him, then looked to you, sipping her coffee.  
“Trust me, I know she doesn’t.” He looked over to you, glancing down your body, admiring the sundress you were wearing. 
You stood there stunned, “How do you know each other…?” It was almost like you’d been hit in the face with flowers.  
Ms Eloise laughs, grabbing a sunflower from the table in front of her. “He likes to pop in every once in a while to bug me, he’s like a pest that won’t get off my flowers! Only thing is, he never buys any.” She raised her eyebrow looking at Jungkook. 
He raised his hands up in defence, “I didn’t know there was a problem coming to say hello to friends!”  
“There ain’t, honey, but you could at least fill my pockets a little bit! The amount of times you walk in and never do anything is incredible!” Ms Eloise teased him, placing the flowers on brown wrapping paper.  
You couldn’t help but crack a smile at their playful banter, laughing a little as well. You talked with Ms Eloise for a little before deciding to head out, needing to get some errands done. You said goodbye and walked out of the shop, hearing your name being called. This time, you knew who it was and you turned around. “Y/N, where you going?” Jungkook asked as he walked to catch up with you. 
“Just running errands.” You spoke, your tone was no longer spiteful or hurt, but calm and more confident. 
He nodded, placing his hands in his pocket, staring at your eyes for a second too long. He looked to the street, seeing others walking around, shopping and talking. “Listen, I wanted to apologize for the other day. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable with anything.” His voice was sincere, different from what you’ve heard from him before. 
You nodded, looking into his dark brown eyes, “Thank you, Jungkook…that’s very nice of you.” You both stood there, looking at each other, but not saying anything until you broke the silence. “I…I have some errands to get done, so I have to get going, but I’ll see you around.” 
“Alright, yeah. Have fun with your errands, Y/N.” He gave you a small smile, turning around to walk away, leaving you to walk your own way. 
How funny, you pictured the bouquet sitting on your counter, white tulips being the centre…forgiveness being the central part of your story.
Taglist: @talyaaas-blog @cassies-cookies
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doetic · 5 months
There's Doodles of Rams in the Margins - Enemies to lovers!Jschlatt x F!Reader (pt.1)
Plot: During a lunch with her best friend and roommate Shae, the love hating cynic Y/n is introduced to her new boyfriend Ted Nivision and his friend Schlatt. Little does she know, her and Schlatt would butt heads at a party later that night, leaving her storming out soaking wet and enraged, but with the phone number of a charismatic and attractive curly haired man named Hasan. Warnings: drinking, asshole schlatt, mentions of hookups, swearing Word Count: 2983
A/n: This is just setting up the plot. It'll have better pacing in later chapters. As per usual, not proofread, adhd has me in tight grip and if I get started on proofreading I'll never end and edit it forever. Might look for beta readers soon.
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Perhaps in the past it was a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife, but nowadays you couldn’t help but scoff at the notion. 
In the 21st century, the very idea of a man wanting to settle down with pure intentions seemed far-fetched, especially if the man happened to be wealthy. Many called you cynical for this point of view, but as a sex and romance advice columnist you’d heard of enough horror stories to swear off the concept of love entirely. So, when your best friend and roommate Shae told you over your regular saturday lunch that things were getting serious with a guy she had met, you couldn’t help but be suspicious of the man’s intentions, although you tried to politely bite back the majority of your thoughts on the matter.
“His name’s Ted, Ted Nivision.” Shae smiled as the name left her lips. The instant the name hit the air you pulled out your phone, ready to do a thorough background check on the man.
Shae’s hand flew across the table and landed on top of yours, gently lowering your phone. “That’s not necessary Y/n. Besides, you wouldn’t find anything personal anyways.”
“It’s not that rare of a name,” You reasoned. “It couldn’t be that hard,” You paused, eyes widening. “...Unless he gave you a fake one!” Shae let out a small laugh. “It’s not like that! He’s just a youtuber, he’s got all the personal stuff locked down as much as he can.”
You sent Shae an incredulous stare, putting your phone back onto the table. She smiled in return, used to your protectiveness, knowing what was coming next. “LA men are bad enough Shae, but an influencer?” You began to chastise her. “He’s–”
“I know the drill Y/n, we don’t need to go through this every time.” She rolled her eyes lightheartedly. 
Others found your skepticism annoying, but Shae got it. She understood in ways no one else would or could. As your lifelong best friend, Shae knew your biggest secret: you were completely hopeless when it came to love, you’ve never had a romantic relationship. The shitty experiences people wrote to you about, your parents, and her own failed relationships were your only windows into what a relationship was like. Throughout your life she had a front row seat to witnessing you become so closed off to the idea of letting a man into your life. So, she appreciated and understood the pure intentioned concern,  but still patiently tried to change your mind on the matter, even when everyone else considered it a lost cause. 
“I’m just saying, you know how men like that are. Big fucking egos Shae, it gets in the way of everything,” You stabbed your fork into your salad a bit harder than you intended. “Is he actually successful or just some wannabe? You don’t want a guy with some trash soundcloud rapper mindset.”
“He’s got over a million subscribers I think?” She hummed, unlocking her phone and scrolling for a few moments before turning the screen to you, a dark haired man with glasses staring at you.
“I mean he’s cute I guess, if you’re into the geeky look,” You examined his face. “You could find someone hotter, but I’d probably hate him more if he was.”
Shae put away her phone and swatted the side of your arm playfully. “You haven’t even met him yet!” You paused as you lifted another forkful to your mouth.
“We both know how this is gonna go, Shae. He could be Jesus-fuckin’-Christ himself and he still wouldn’t be good enough for you.”
She let out a small laugh. “Well, please don’t be too obvious about your feelings. He should be here about–” She quickly checked the time on her lockscreen, but before she could finish her sentence the tall dark haired man you recognized as Ted speed-walked over right on cue, a brunette above 6ft with odd facial hair trailing after him. You couldn’t help but think he pulled off the mutton chop loop. In fact, with his sharp, prominent nose, large stature, and flowing, wavy hair that was partially covered by a NY Yankees cap, you found yourself admiring the man’s appearance.
“Sorry, sorry! Am I late?” Ted leaned down to kiss Shae’s cheek, your friend grinning at the small action. 
“Right on time, Ted.” Shae’s grin was plastered on her face, but a quick glance toward you showed that her eyes asked you to play nice. “This is Y/n by the way.” She gestured to you expectantly. It took you a few moments to catch on, busy chewing on your salad and sneaking glances at the man who seemed to be a friend of Ted, but once you realized you were meant to do something, you quickly waved. 
Ted sat in the seat beside Shae, leaving the uniquely attractive man who accompanied him standing beside the table. “Sorry, Schlatt wanted to tag along, but I figured he wouldn’t be too much of a nuisance.” He apologized, mostly to Shae.
“I wanted to spend time with my friend if I’m stuck here in smoggy L.A,” ‘Schlatt’ huffed.
“Oh Schlatt, you can sit beside Y/n!” She pointed to the chair beside you. You moved your purse onto the floor, watching the tall man as he crossed over to sit beside you, giving him a polite small smile. “It’s nice to meet you again.”
“You too.” He nodded in response, giving you a silent, examining look.
The man didn’t seem socially awkward, instead Schlatt just came off as reserved. From Ted’s comment about him being a nuisance, this behavior seemed odd to you. Perhaps he was just being good for Ted’s sake, or just getting a feel of the situation before getting more comfortable. 
“I’m Y/n,” You introduced. Not knowing what to do or say, you went to take another bite of your salad, only to be greeted by an empty bowl. You tried not to frown at the betrayal, opting to take a sip of your drink instead. Schlatt let out a hum, turning on his phone. Perhaps he was just tired?
“So, are you two looking forward to the party tonight?” Ted spoke up, breaking the silence that fell over the table. Although his body language made him appear comfortable, with his arm stretched around Shae’s shoulders, you noticed the awkwardness he felt through the apparent stiffness of his shoulders.
“Party?” You looked over to Shae who smiled sheepishly. 
“Ted! I was gonna ease her into it!” Shae laughed. “Ted invited us to a party with him and Schlatt, it’s gonna be a good one apparently. Some group rented out a mansion on AirBnB. You totally have to come!”
“I’m busy that day,” You said quickly. Schlatt, who was busy on his phone, let out a small chuckle that he tried to bite back.
“It’s tonight,” Ted restated.
“Yeah and I have plans tonight,” You said quickly, searching your brain for an excuse. Your search was cut short by Shae.
“You were complaining about having nothing to do all day when we got here. C’mon Y/n, It’ll be fun!” 
You went to sip your drink to stall while you thought of an escape plan, only to end up slurping air. The world seemed to be against you today. “Okay, okay, only for a bit. And I’m stealing back the Jimmy Choos I let you borrow.”
Sometimes you wished you were better at saying no to Shae. Especially right now.
The party was lively. The bass throbbed throughout the rented mansion as if the building had a heartbeat and the large crowd of people gathered throughout the house swayed in time with it as if the party had cast a spell upon them and commanded it. Although you were committed to being huffy in the corner, you couldn’t help tapping a foot as well. Outside, in the absurdly large yard took place a makeshift game of baseball while others mingled on the deck.
Hate was a word you used quite liberally, despite being warned against it your whole childhood. Despite its secure place in your vocabulary, it was rare for you to truly mean the word as defined. However, in your current situation you felt yourself feeling the word so deeply it was as if you created it yourself. Your irritation was worsened by the knowledge that if the party was populated by any other group of people, you’d be having an amazing time. It wasn’t as if you were upset just because you were a buzzkill, usually you were the first one to suggest a night out and the last one to get into the uber home (after being pulled in by your friends). No, it wasn’t for a lack of loving parties. You just hated the people at this one specifically. You couldn’t stand Influencers.
Your eyes scanned the crowd for Shae, noting the amount of cameras out with scrutiny. You couldn’t help but wonder how many of these people actually liked each other. How many of them were actually friends once the cameras shut off? You couldn’t stand the insincerity that seemed to permeate through every interaction they had, not to mention the egos that they broke their back carrying. 
Unfortunately, the familiar brunette you were searching for was not to be found, the two of you had been separated an hour ago when a group of people pulled her and Ted away to talk. Your phone battery was dangerously low, so you didn’t send more than one text her way. It was only a mansion, she couldn’t have gotten far, surely you’d find each other if you stayed in one spot. The situation made you feel a bit like a child lost in a supermarket. What was next? Practicing a stop, drop, and roll?
The sigh that escaped your lips was rendered inaudible by both the music and the laughter floating through the open patio door to your right, where out in the backyard a makeshift baseball game seemed to be occurring– with cameras out, of course. Unlike usual, your carefully crafted, much too expensive outfit wasn’t enough to lift your spirits. Opting for plan b, you raised your lips to take a sip of your drink. 
It seemed as if brunette men over 6ft were scurrying into your life like rats, with the man who just came to stand beside you being no exception. You tried to subtly look at the attractive man under the guise of scanning the crowd for Shae once more as you sipped your drink, only to notice him staring at you. Like a cobra, the moment the rim of the cup left your lips, he struck quickly.
“I haven’t seen you around this type of thing before, what’s your name?” He questioned. You took the opportunity to get a better look at the man before looking away with faux disinterest. You were opposed to love, yes, but a good hookup was something you were glad to indulge in.
“Isn’t introducing yourself first the chivalrous thing to do?” You commented, opting to act hard to get to give him the thrill of the chase.
“Excuse my manners, I’m a bit buzzed. I’m Hasan Piker. Can I know your name now, mystery girl?”
You let out a small laugh, turning to face him finally. “Y/n.”
“Y/n? I don’t think I’ve heard of you. I’d certainly remember if I did. What type of content do you make?” 
You tried not to grimace at his assumption. “I’m sort of a sexual anthropologist.” You stretched your job description to the limit.
He raised an eyebrow. “Onlyfans?” 
“A magazine advice columnist. It focuses on sex and relationships,” You elaborated with a laugh. “Though I’m trying to break into real journalism.”
He laughed. “‘Sexual anthropologist’?” He ruminated on the words. “Well that’s a creative way of saying it, although it doesn’t seem to be entirely inaccurate.”
“Circumlocution is a guilty pleasure. I’m assuming you’re a streamer or something?” 
“Quite a bit of political content.”
You hummed. “More respectable than most.”
Hasan let out a small chuckle. “But let's not talk business. I can’t talk long, content obligations. But I saw you across the room and wanted to give you my number, maybe we could get more acquainted later.”
You pulled out your phone, opening it up to the contacts app and handing it over. “I don’t hate the idea of that,” You smirked, internally beginning to enjoy being dragged along to this party now that you had the chance at spending a night of meaningless sex with his muscular form.
He took the phone from your hand and typed in his number. “I have to go, but text me. I’ll be looking forward to it.” His warm hand brushed against your exposed back, rubbing a small circle into your flesh with his thumb before slinking into the crowd from where he came.
You tried to hide the smirk that threatened to creep onto your lips, trying to play it cool in case anyone was watching. In an attempt to hide your smirk of satisfaction you raised your drink to your lips, only to find yourself wet and on the floor just a millisecond later, pain and the flashes and clicks of cameras flooding your senses.
The large form crashing into your body was far too sudden for you to even make a sound or register what had happened for a few moments. Slowly your brain began to piece things together. The open patio door in front of you, the baseball game going on outside that had halted with its players staring your way in shock, the impossibly heavy weight that kept you pinned to the hardwood floor. Some fucker had tackled you in an attempt to catch a ball. You were too stunned to speak, and the delayed full-body pain that flowed into your body only added to your silence.
“Watch where you’re standing, toots.” The voice, although with the telltale slur of a drunk man, sounded slightly familiar. Your disoriented brain took a bit to focus, but once it did you saw the face of Ted’s friend Schlatt hovering above you, illuminated by harsh camera flashes.
Your eyes stung as they teared up, embarrassment, pain, and anger flooding your senses all at once.
“Watch where I’m standing? You’re the one who fucking ran into me!” You shouted back in anger, not caring about the cameras and bystanders surrounding you. “Get off of me!”
The man huffed as he moved his large form to his feet, a motion your sore body copied once he released you from your prison beneath him. “If you paid more attention to your surroundings you’d’ve seen me coming!” 
“It’s a dark room!”
“Try drinking less, you’ll be more aware of your surroundings.” He retorted with a pissed off chuckle.
“I’m not the one who reeks of whiskey!” You angrily jabbed a finger into his chest. “I’m not taking this from some ‘influencer’ with an over-inflated ego,” You hopefully accurately guessed his occupation from his attitude before turning on your heel and storming away, focusing most of your energy on not stumbling in pain with such a variety of pitying and angry eyes on your form. Behind you you could hear Schlatt yell out in triumph about having caught the ball, his announcement resulting in loud cheers.
“Y/n! What’s wrong?” You heard Shae’s worried voice as you neared the parties exit. Ted trailed behind her, looking confused at the state you were in. You must have looked like a wreck. Even without a mirror you could tell your hair was messed up and your backless white dress was stained from your drink when Schlatt barreled into you. 
“That fucking guy, Schlatt,” You replied, sending a glare to Ted. “Crashed into me trying to catch a ball and blamed it on me.”
Shae’s face turned angry at your words, looking expectantly at Ted and presumably opening her mouth to tell him to do something about his friend.
“I’ll talk to him, he hasn’t been himself recently,” Ted spoke quickly, giving you an apologetic look.
“Don’t. I don’t want some coerced apology. He’s a dick, it’s whatever. I doubt I’ll even see him much after tonight.” You weren’t sure why Shae and Ted had such weird looks on their faces as you said that, but you felt too scrambled to question it. “I’m just worried about pictures and videos of it ending up everywhere.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Ted comforted. 
“Let's get you home first, I doubt you want to be here any longer,” Shae spoke, placing a hand on your shoulder and guiding you out the front door.
The outside air was cool upon your skin as your drink dried into sticky patches on your skin. The slight breeze felt piercing on the wet spots of your dress that clung tightly to you. You let out a small sigh, the sound of the party fading into the background as the three of you walked to Ted’s car. He had agreed to be the designated driver for the night, something you appreciated. You would have felt awful making some poor Uber driver’s car reek of booze. 
You were so exhausted you didn’t pay much attention to Shae helping you into the car, your body feeling heavy as you rested your head against the back seat window. Thankfully, the two in the front seat respected your reluctance to talk much. You found yourself ruminating on your latest interaction with Schlatt. It felt so fast, there wasn’t much for you to think of at all about it, but of one thing you were certain: you deplored the man, and you looked forward to never seeing him again. 
Taglist: @ghostyoongs
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zaceouiswriting · 6 months
Fairy Prince - Hearts of Leviathans - Ch.18
Character: Sky x male reader, Riven x male reader, Brandon x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in Winx Club/Saga
Warnings: None
Whispers followed my confident question. Of course, I know the two are still on my list, but I don't care which would be my next enemy, even though I hope it will be the blonde, possibly the cruelest, who gave me moldy food and used me as a punching bag. All because he believes the rumors.
But neither seems ready to take a step forward. With a deep sigh, I stick my sword into the ground, ready to degrade the people who believe they are at the pinnacle of military power. That was until the blonde steps forward out of nowhere.
“You’re too cocky. You may have defeated Riven, but you’re just a pervert.”
At this point, that nickname doesn't even bother me anymore. I just don't like that such a lie could destroy the reputation I've built by winning a war I never wanted to be a part of. But my growing anger dissipated as I remind myself that no one there actually knows who I am.
“Can we start this fight?” I ask the instructor, to which he nods. A second later begins the fight verbally.
"You will go under, metal can never defeat plasma-"
Before the blonde could even finish his sentence, I cut the plasma blade in a single movement and held my sword to his neck. With a grin, I move my head close to his ear and whisper, "That's called the viper bite. I usually would have had a dagger in my left hand, so this snake only has one tooth."
Without waiting for a second, I stab him in the neck with the tip of the blade, only to draw out a single drop of blood before kicking his legs in and causing him to fall to the ground while also turning away in the same motion so I can would not be torn down with him. As he lies shocked on the ground, I'm standing over him with the point of my sword at his throat. A crashing sound followed his quick defeat. His weapon, which flew a few meters due to his fall, suddenly bursts as the energy crystal explodes into a thousand pieces.
Once again, everyone around us is speechless. When he looks at Saladin, it is clear that he has already resigned himself to his fate. Fully aware that his people had done something unforgivable. Now that he can see that my grandfather did not lie to him.
I kneel next to Blondie and stare into his clear blue eyes. A beauty of innocence, but they couldn't fool me. He's not the first pretty boy to try to catch me with feigned innocence, although the first one actually managed to trap me this way. His eyes were even clearer than those of the blonde below me, his hair dark and curly. I could feel my face fall. Why do I have to remember him now?
“You were so arrogant it was almost cute,” I whisper as I swallow the sadness building inside me. "Your grip is strong for a swordsman, but you are as flexible as a tree, and your footwork is almost worse than Riven's," I sigh deeply, "you have a lot of training ahead of you."
After giving him these tips, I stand up and walk away. But there's a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Out of reflex, I raise my sword again to keep it behind me. A clinking sound and the feeling of something falling to the floor unnerves me. As I look over my shoulder, my blood begins to boil. There is a small dagger on the ground. I can't believe that an honorable soldier raised with the principles of a knight would do such a thing. It leaves me speechless.
At that moment, something just snapped inside me. The anger rising within me simply broke my patience. With my fist clenched, I turn around and run towards the blonde guy lying on the ground, who is grinning at me so smugly. It just makes me even angrier.
My hand hurt and burned after just a few hits. His face is hard, the bones so strong that I may have done more damage to my hand than to his face. But when people finally pull me away from him, his face is pretty beaten up, bloody, and swollen.
It actually took the specialists five men to pull me away from the dishonorable blonde idiot. They try to calm me down, but none of their words could do anything for me as they have looked down on me the whole time and still call me a pervert just because their walnut brains can't comprehend a male magic fairy.
As I am restrained, I close my eyes and begin to breathe lightly again, soothing my own mind with memories of the warmth of my childhood. But even that can only get me so far if the same person who sparked my anger keeps humiliating me, which is what the blonde does. Even after I beat him to a pulp, he couldn't stop insulting me. Luckily, I didn't react, which shows the guys holding me that I'm no longer a threat. At least, that's what they thought.
Then, as soon as they release me, I run forward, to everyone's visible and audible horror. With my sword before me, I am ready to strike him down. His eyes were as wide as possible with his swollen, almost blocked eyes. Another man is holding him, looking pale and fearing for his own life, although my blade wouldn't hit him as my only target is the monster he is helping.
With my eyes burning and my blade inches from his face, I prepare to kill another person. In my anger, I wait for blood to spray all over me. But it didn't happen, not even a little bit.
Instead, when I come back to my senses, my blade has been stopped by another. A massive, green greatsword. The wielder, someone I never thought would do this. I stare at him through gritted teeth and ask him in a whisper, "What are you doing? Let me kill the smug, arrogant dimwit!"
“I can’t allow that,” he answers quietly, as softly as he had always spoken to me. “He is my knight.”
“Knight?” I ask mockingly. “A knight would never be this underhanded! Throwing a knife in my back? You must be joking."
The brown-haired man briefly looks back at his knight. For a second, I even imagined seeing a momentary flash of disappointment in them, but before I could be sure, he turns forward again. Instead, all I could see was his determination to protect his knight regardless of what he had done.
I try to push him away, but the only thing that happens in return is he shoves me back instead. Startled, I stare at him with shocked eyes. My gaze even involuntarily wanders down my arms to my sword. But there's nothing wrong. So, how could he push me away so easily? His attention is already back on his knight.
"I'm sorry for my knight Brandon, but you can't just kill everyone who does something to you."
I roll my eyes and could only scoff. Once again, I'm beyond annoyed by his insolence. But to calm him down, I take a few steps away, preparing for the next fight.
“If I kill everyone who lied about me or said words to me that I don't like, no one here would be left alive.”
I could see and hear a heavy swallow going down his throat, by his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Because he knows I'm right. I grin at having the upper hand and hold my sword out to him.
“A bet,” I offer him.
"What?" he asks, increasingly confused.
“A bet,” I repeat myself more slowly, “If I win against you, too, I want everyone in your group to grant me one wish.”
"Is that all?"
“No,” you smiled evilly, “I want one of you three to be my assistant, loyal and cooperative.”
“And what if I win?”
“Whatever you want,” I tell him, staring into his eyes, never breaking eye contact, which makes him visibly uncomfortable.
The brown-haired man turns to his friends. They both approach him, and as they speak quietly, I look around; the atmosphere is more tense. Many people watch my every move with a disdain I've never felt before. Why do these people hate me? Is it really just because I wanted to follow my birthright? Would they change if they realized the error in their beliefs? I don't think so, but only time will tell.
I stand there for a minute, staring at the three guys heatedly arguing about my bet. But to be honest, it has quickly become boring. I look up and stare at the sun for only a moment before just looking at my fingernails.
At some point, I must've zoned out because I have only come to my senses after I feel someone pushing me. I shake my head to clear it and see the instructor in front of me, his face twisted in disgust. He doesn't say a word. He only looks down at me as if I'm inferior to him.
Already ticked off, I feel my magic tingling in my hand, ready to bring this man back down to the ground where he belongs. But luckily for him, I catch Saladin's eye as he shakes his head. Annoyed, I let go of the magic building in my left hand, a spell that would've electrified the man to a crisp. However, when I let it go, my arm glows with lighting. It even affects my eyes, with which I stare directly into the teachers' orbs. I could see him swallowing in fear, exactly what I wanted to see.
"Let's get this over with," I mumble impatiently. "Are you ready, pretty boy?"
The brunette guy turns and looks around, but to his visible shock, my eyes are solely on him. It took me a moment too long for my liking to understand that he didn't think I could ever mean him. I call out to him, ready to pounce him, already in my attack stance. Then, and only then, it apparently dawned on him that I could actually mean him. He blushes a little but stood his ground.
Soon, the instructor begins our fight. Unlike the other two times, I don't move instantly and stare at my opponent. Strangely, he doesn't get as nervous as I thought he would. Smiling, hoping he is more than what meets the eye. After a few minutes, he still didn't make his first move, so I did it for him.
Instead of walking, I go down a little. I angle my feet and stand still for a second, only to suddenly start sprinting. My opponent's eyes widen due to my high speed. He could barely react in time to raise his sword into the sky and bring it down a moment later. Seeing this, I hold up my sword, blocking his attack with ease, holding his greatsword slightly above me. Not many people actually fight with a greatsword, as a metal sword of this size is heavy and difficult to handle. But since only the handle is made from metal and the blade comes from a plasma crystal, the weight is certainly not an issue.
I can see the terror in his eyes that even with the power he has put into his sword, I find it so easy to block his attack. Although I feel the pressure he's putting on my sword with his due to his immense strength, I don't show it to make him suffer psychologically. He is strong but not very smart. He could have tried to push me to the ground using his legs or even removing one of his hands from the hilt of his sword since I'm sure he could wield it with one hand. But he doesn't do it. His only way of fighting is direct. This is honorable, but it doesn't work in a real fight.
There were many different ways I could end this fight, even honorably. But what's fun in it? I grin because I know the third fight is almost over. But suddenly, the pressure on my sword grew exponentially. Confused, I raise my gaze up to my opponent. He wears a determined expression on his almost saintly features, portraying nothing but displeasure at the moment.
Soon, I could hear a cracking sound under my feet, and even my left hand begins to hurt from still blocking the brutes strike. I could hold the position if I have to. But to get through this fight unscathed, I really need to do something soon. 
I let my sword waver under the growing pressure, gazing at my opponent's handsome features and waiting for him to smile.
And just as I think about it - not even a few seconds later - a big smile appears on his face because he believes he will win the fight and everything he wants from me. Now that I know he's already going berserk, I can finally end the fight.
I let my sword glide down the plasma greatsword and duck under it faster than the guy before me could react since he's out of his mind. Barely past the sword hanging above my head, I hear it crash into the stone, which cracked further under the enormous pressure exerted on it. My sword helped it come down further away from me. As soon as I feel my sword release from the pressure, I pull it towards me and quickly upwards. I quickly approach my opponent, and in an instant, I am standing in front of him, the sharp blade of my sword at his throat, cutting his skin lightly to bring him out of his rage.
The guy's eyes quickly clear again. The whitish, murky eyes turn into a warm hazel brown. To say it shocks me would be an understatement. I rarely found eyes beautiful, but these? They are from a different world.
“Man, you have beautiful eyes,” I murmur. It's only when I see the increasing blush on my opponent's cheeks that I realize that I actually said those words out loud and not only in my head. Embarrassed, I turn my head away but don't step away from him. "What's your name?"
He clears his throat, trying to hide his blush and replacing it with a grin.
“Sky,” he replies politely, a certain arrogance in his voice as if he is playing a role.
"Just Sky?“
“Prince Sky of Eraklyon.“
I stare at him dumbfounded, my mouth slightly open. He must have taken it to mean that I am amazed that he is actually a prince, but why should I? Instead, I look around. For a moment too long, my eyes are focused on the blonde guy that the guy in front of me called Brandon. He must have seen me staring at him because he moves nervously on his feet.
“Are you sure you're the Prince of the Golden Lion?” 
“Yes,” he says, less confident than before.
“Okay,” I whisper back and sheathe my sword. I step back from him and bow to him mockingly with a slight wink, ready to put an end to this show fight.
I turn to Saladin and the others. Everyone is stunned. It feels good, but I'm still not satisfied for some reason. My eyes shift to Cory, but his gaze is focused on the rest of the forest and seemed struck by its beauty. But he couldn't fool me. With a furious gaze, I stare at him. It didn't take long for him to look at me, but he immediately looks away. He tries to pretend he didn't see my angry eyes.
“Let’s fight!” I shout to him.
Cory groans in annoyance, throwing his head back, refusing to acknowledge me. However, when some specialists persist in bothering him, he reluctantly looks in my direction. It's clear he doesn't want to engage in any conflict with me. All I could do is smile confidently at him.
But Corey wasn't lucky that day because, as my best friend's older brother, I know how to rile him up. I change my face to a cold facade, straighten my back fully, slam the tip of my sword into the ground, and walk towards him. I caught a suspicious look out of the corner of my eye, but he didn't move away, most likely to protect his honor. I mean, who would run away from a rookie, right?
As I approach him, I maintain a serious expression and don't even offer a slight smile. I move around him in a circle, like the superior predator that I know I am.
“I understand you’re afraid of me, Corey,” I start murmuring. Almost immediately, I could feel his gaze on me. But I don't know if he's already figured out what I'm trying to do or if I've already got him hooked. Anyway, it's just the beginning. “Since Richard's failed expedition put your family's name in jeopardy, and your little brother was never able to defeat me even when I was supposed to be a fairy, I understand you are afraid of failure. Especially now that my grandfather has taken a liking to you and your family.”
“Shut it!” Cory warns me quietly. All eyes were on us, but our voices were so quiet that few could hear our words.
As soon as those disrespectful words left his big mouth, I finally stop some distance away from him. I grin at him. It didn't take long for him to realize my end goal. His eyes widen in panic, and he tries to reach out to me to apologize, but it's too late already.
“I demand retribution for this disrespect,” I say loudly. “I demand a Dorbikurr!”
The murmuring crowd abruptly fell silent. Although most probably have no idea what "Dorbikurr" means, the heavy tone of the word is probably enough to convey that it's not something easy or positive.
For as long as I've known him, Cory has never looked so shocked.
“Are you in your right mind?” he asks me in a panic. “I am a close graduate of the Red Fountain Academy. Do you think you can beat me? You know what would happen if I win, right?”
"I have to give up everything and become your servant forever. Corey, do you think I'm stupid?" I ask him rhetorically, my grin growing wider.
Even though I would lose everything if I lose to him, he wouldn't suffer the same fate. As the one challenged to this sacred duel, he would only lose his ability to ever hurt me. He cannot fight me in the future, tarnish my reputation, or oppose me in any way, and if he learns of a plot to harm me, he must inform me. Nothing in this world or any other can break the sacred promise.
He sighs as he resigns to his fate. Seemingly confident he would win. Even though I challenged him, is he really this stupid or just too cocky. Either way, I'll be sure to wipe away the growing smirk on his face.
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munsonsduchess · 1 year
Nothing but a Good Time
summary: your coworker has called out sick and needs you to cover her interview on your day off
w/c: 9,786
warnings: nothing actually, this is p tame
a/n: it’s not plagiarism if it’s my own work! this has been rattling around in my brain for a hot minute and since i won’t be able to update Shadow of the Moon till late sunday i wanted to put something out
if you enjoy this consider reblogging! it really helps me out 🫶🏻🤟🏼
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(moodboard by me)
Of all days for something to go wrong it would have to be today. A day which, as you informed your editor when he called at the ridiculous hour of 9am, you weren’t even supposed to be working. You had checked and double checked before leaving the office the previous evening that you wouldn’t be on call today nor would they need you in the office, you had planned therefore to catch up on everything you missed while you were working.
Laundry, grocery shopping, catching up on that show you’d been watching. The basics. The universe however seemed to laugh in the face of those plans so there you were rushing out of a crowded train station trying to hail a taxi looking like someone’s lost teenage daughter.
All this for a band you didn’t even like. Which admittedly you seemed to be the only one in the office who didn’t but your editor had begged and pleaded and even offered you an extra day off for covering the interview when it transpired that the other colleague who was supposed to be interviewing the band had gotten a stomach bug from her kids and wasn’t fit to leave the bathroom much less travel across the city of london to go to an interview in an expensive hotel for a band your magazine was foaming at the mouth over.
So there you were, coffee stains blessedly hidden on your black shirt, standing at the reception of one of the most expensive hotels in the city waiting for the go ahead to do your job,
“They’ll see you now” a large man also dressed in all black with a very impressive mohawk called from the private elevators, “follow me”
With a sigh you did as the man asked and followed him into the lift where he stood in impassible silence until you reached the penthouse, of course it was the penthouse, where he waited for you to follow him down the plush corridor before stopping in front of the suite.
Well time to get this over with and go back to ignoring the every growing pile of laundry in your apartment.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Walking into the suite you were actually pretty surprised not to be assaulted by the smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke, it really did look as though the band even allowed the housekeeping staff in to clean the room. Not to mention all the appliances were still in their predetermined spots and nothing was missing or in the pool on the ground floor.
Standing in the main living room of the suite you started to take out the things you needed for the interview and found a comfortable seat next to a coffee table where you could set up your phone to record. You’d type up your notes later,
“Hey you’re that magazine chick!” a voice called from another part of the suite causing you to look up and find yourself staring into what could only be described as deep chocolate coloured eyes and a wild mop of curly hair.
No doubt in your mind this was Eddie Munson the lead guitarist and songwriter of the band. He had a very distinctive look
“I’m the reporter yes, it’s nice to meet you” you introduced yourself and held out your hand to shake the man’s,
“You’re totally not what I expected” he laughed as he took your hand and gave it a hardy shake, you didn’t know if that was supposed to be a compliment or not “the guys and I have been out sightseeing” Eddie continued, the bright smile never leaving his face.
“Oh really? Have you seen anything in particular?” you asked out of politeness not really expecting the outburst of energy that came from the man in front of you ,
“Eddie, chill man you’re gonna scare her away” another man said with a sigh, “Gareth. Nice to meet you”
“Likewise, you’re the drummer aren’t you?”
“That’s me. The good looking one”
“That isn’t what that article Nancy sent me said” Eddie said with a grin and wink in your direction, “besides chicks totally dig Jeff”
“Damn right they do” the man who’d followed Gareth into the room said, “ladies go wild for me”
“Yeah, yeah you’re just the best thing on planet earth and you’ve got your pick of the ladies” Eddie’s smile didn’t waver and it seemed as though this was some sort of inside joke between the three men as no one said more on the subject,
“Well if you’re all ready to get started” you gestured to the seats in front of you and picked your little recorder from the table, “so if you don’t mind i’m going to record the interview on my little cassette recorder here and then I’ll be typing it up and it’ll go into next week’s edition of the magazine. If you’re interested I’m sure you could pick it up from any newsstand”
“I mean we’re gonna be in town for another couple weeks so why don’t you just come by again?” Eddie said, you couldn’t detect anything but sincerity in his tone. He really did want you to come and hand deliver a magazine.
“Well I don’t know what I’ll be doing next week so I might not have the time” you answered, you weren’t sure if this was some sort of entitled rockstar behavior or something else but you’d done this job long enough to be on your guard when it came to celebrities.
Before anyone else could ask any questions you set your cassette player to record and started the interview. Luckily your colleague had already prepped a list of questions and things she wanted to talk about so you had no trouble following her notes.
The band was only too happy to answer questions and talk about themselves, you had half expected them to be like a lot of other ‘huge’ bands you’d interviewed in your time with the magazine - full of themselves, but they really did seem like three down to earth Midwestern boys. Eddie and Gareth had grown up together in a trailer park in Indiana and met Jeff later in life, they’d all shared a passion for music and started doing gigs in run down bars and clubs, at friends parties and really anything they could get a ride to. It was at one of these grungy bars in the middle of nowhere they’d been spotted and the subsequent rise to fame had been meteoric.
Throughout the interview the three men laughed and joked and poked fun at each other, at the music industry, they spoke passionately about things that were close to their hearts, causes they believed in and of course their families.
Jeff and Gareth seemed more than content to enjoy life on the road. The perks that came with being world famous Rock Stars but it seemed Eddie wanted more. He talked a lot about friends he’d left behind when the band made it big including a group of kids he talked about as if they were family,
“I mean you know what it’s like” he said gesturing to you, “you’re a mom”
It took you a second to recover from that before you raised your hands and spoke,
“Oh no i’m not a mom, you must mean Amy. She was supposed to be here today but her little one Jamie brought home a tummy bug and she’s not in any state to be anywhere but the house”
“I thought you were Amy!” Eddie said seriously, “shit I’m sorry I totally didn’t mean to offend you!”
“It’s fine, I know she was supposed to be here and that’s who the magazine told you to expect. I mean you probably thought I was a shit mom to be showing up looking like someone’s angsty teenager” you laughed trying to lighten the mood.
As the interview proceeded you found yourself reaching into the bag you'd brought with you for another cassette to keep recording. You hadn’t planned on the interview going on this long,
"That's a cool bag" Jeff commented and you reached for it, "are all of those patches for bands you listen to?"
You gestured to the little canvas messenger bag that had been your constant companion since university and the plethora of band patches decorating the front flap,
"I mean yeah, I work for a music magazine I've listened to a lot of music" you joked,
"We should get you one for us so you can have our band on your bag all the time" Eddie said, "we've got some pins too if you want one for the strap. I could get you one"
The rest of the interview proceeded after you'd switched out the cassette and you began to notice an almost imperceptible shift in Eddie’s behavior and his attitude towards you to the point where once the interview had concluded he offered to walk you down to the lobby himself,
“I could do with stretching my legs” he said with a shrug, shoving his hands into the pockets of his ripped jeans, “unless you don’t want me to go with you?” he held his hands up in a backing off motion
“No, I don’t mind” you offered him your own smile as you gathered up your things, “you can tell me what you like about the city”
You suppressed a giggle at that. Eddie really just seemed like an over energetic teenager and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t endearing. To the rest of the world he was the enigmatic, charismatic lead guitarist of one of the biggest bands in the world and yet here he was so excited to walk you downstairs.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
“Well thanks again for walking with me” you said once you made it to the front doors of the hotel, “it was really nice to talk to you”
“Yeah? You really think so?”
“Sure. I was sort of expecting you all to be massive dicks all things considered but you seem really nice”
“I am really nice, why don’t you let me take you to dinner and I’ll show you how nice I am”
That floored you. You stood blinking at Eddie as if trying to find a joke in his features but you couldn’t find anything but sincerity,
“You really want to go to dinner with me?”
“Of course! You’re cute and I think we’d have a lot of fun. Plus you can show me around, all your favourite places” he beamed at you and honestly you couldn't think of a reason to say no,
"Alright, you're on"
"You won't regret this sweetheart. Promise"
"We'll see about that won't we?" with that you got into a waiting cab and headed back to the train station still reeling with what had just happened.
One of the most desirable men in the world had asked you to dinner and you'd said yes. Maybe today wasn't such a write off after all.
God bless the stomach flu.
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kindnessisweakness2 · 11 months
Delusional - Part 25
Delaney stood in her now empty room infront of her vanity. She had showered and was currently trying to tame her curly hair with one hand. Her shoulder was unbelievably sore and she didn't want to risk breaking the stitches by waving her arm around. "Baby let me help" Jax's voice was soft and she could tell by his tone he was worried about her. Having been held hostage for a day and shot at, how could he not? Sighing in defeat, knowing there was no way she was going to be able to do it alone she held her hair tie out towards him. "Just pile it on top of my head. The last thing I give a shit about is looking presentable." Jax kissed her head as he made eye contact with her through the vanity mirror. "Your beautiful. Always." Smiling at him, she couldn't help but think that she almost lost him today. Almost lost everything. Because of him. Gently taking hold of her long curls Jax twisted them into a messy bun on top of her head like he had seen her do thousands of times before. "You don't have to do this y'know? I can take care of it.." Spinning around, the look on her face alone stopped Jax speaking. "This. This is my choice. This is something i have to do. Closure. Whatever the fuck you wanna call it." Stepping around him, she continued to speak as she pulled on one of his SAMCRO jackets and zipped up the front. "Look, the amount of hurt he has caused me. What me made me lose and what i almost lost yesterday, i need to face him. I need to watch it happen. Know he is really gone." Delaney took Jax's hands in hers and looked up at him. His blue eyes held nothing but concern and love, and it honestly made her want to melt. The safety and love he gave her was something she had never had before, even from her own parents. And she will spend every day of the rest of her life with him feeling like she didn't deserve it. "I love you. And i know your looking out for me. Us.." She moved their hands to rest on her lower belly. "But this is something I'm not going to let go. If i dont confront this, dont face him, he will haunt me forever. It will bleed all over our relationship, our future and that is not something im going to let happen. " Jax nodded and kissed her gently. "Im with you. Always." Smiling against his lips, she captured him in another kiss. "Always."
An hour later and they were pulling up outside the warehouse on the edge of the Wahiwah land. Delaney would be lying if she said she was fine. Sickness rolled through her stomach from the moment they left the house, but she wasn't going to tell Jax that. If he thought for one second she was anything other than fine he would pull the plug on the whole thing. Stepping off the bike and pulling her helmet off, she made her way towards Opie. Wrapping her arms around his middle, he leaned down and enveloped her in a massive bear hug. "You had us all scared for a second there, D." Smiling up at him, Delaney pushed her fallen curls from her eyes. "Im always fine Ope. Cant die yet, Donna still hasn't made me that dinner she promised." Opie laughed loudly at the mention of his wifes cooking. "Yeah youll wish you had when you try her food. I love my wife, but fucking hell she cant cook for shit. You'll have to give her some tips D." The lighthearted moment was cut short as Happy made his way out of the warehouse. No words were exchanged as he made his way to Delaney and scooped her up into a hug. He held her for a long moment, before putting her down and stepping back. Happy was a man of small words but him and Delaney had always been close. She knew she could call on him whenever she needed and he would do anything to keep her safe. She couldnt explain how happy she was when he patched into SAMCRO, meaning he could stay in charming. "Hes ready." Delaney's smile wiped from her face instantly. Reaching out her hand to Jax, they made their way in together. Lets get this over with, once and for all. That was all Delaney could think.
Walking into the room where Alex was held filled Delaney with mixed emotions. He hung from the ceiling in a very similar position to how she did when he took her all those months ago. His arms stretched above his head in a position she new all to well how painful it was. As soon as she stepped into the room, a grin spread across his face. "Oh how disappointing, i thought id killed you." Delaney took a shaky breath before stepping close to him. Her Anger resurfacing at the sight of him. "Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm very much alive and kicking." Bringing up her knee hard and fast she rammed it in his groin. The noise of pain he let out music to her ears. Turning around to Jax she held her hand out for his knife, which he gladly produced. "I'm not going to stand here and beg you to tell me why you did it, any of it. It's just you. Who you are. Your fucking rotten from the inside out. Theres only one thing i want to know." Tracing the tip of the knife down his chest Delaney had to fight the urge to plunge it in to his breast bone. For the tip of it to graze his hateful heart. For him to burn with pain like she did every day she was with him. "Whats the connection between you and Dr Knowles?" Alex smirked at her. "I cant believe it took you this long to work out. You really are stupid. We both had something in common. We both wanted you and that biker bastard away from each other. Except i wanted you dead and she wanted him to herself." Delaney drove her elbow into his sternum at the admission. She couldnt believe he told her outright. She expected him to toy with her, to make it a game. He groaned painfully as he swung back on the chain he was connected to. She hit him again and again, years worth of anger and pain spurring her on. "Do you think You'll be able to do it?" He spat out "you really think you'll be able to kill me? Even if you manage to do it, itll haunt you forever. The truth of what you did. Just like what you did to that Idiot Kevin does. Just like your baby haunts you." Delaney's eyes watered at his words. "It haunts you deep inside. The pain of it. You carry it dont you? And its heavy. The guilt. That you should've protected it. Just think of what my death will do to you. Ill always be around Laney. Always be in the back of your mind. That voice in your head. Always reminding you Who you really are. Little Laney, Never good enough. You should be thanking me anyway!" He spoke fast blood trickling from his mouth. "Thank you? What the fuck am i thanking you for you delusional prick?" She spat as she glared into his cold eyes. "I did you a favour. You'd be a shit mom Laney. Your not mom material. If you were you'd never have lost the first one. Your weak. You dont deserve to be a mom." Stepping back like she'd been struck, Delaney's back met Jax's chest and he quickly wrapped his arms around her. Tears fell from her cheeks at the taunts from Alex, and her stomach twisted at the satisfaction that spread across his face. He got to her and he knew it. One last dig. And by fuck did it hurt.
"Breathe baby. He's full of shit. Please let me handle it." Jax's worried tone filled her ears. Gripping the knife tightly, she tried to breathe deep. Tried to get a hold on herself. She promised herself she wasnt going to let him do this. Wasnt going to let him get to her. What a fucking lie that was. Stepping out of Jax's arms, She wiped her tears angrily. She wasnt doing this. Not anymore. She was done. Looking Alex directly in the eyes she drove the knife into his stomach. "Hate to break it to you asshole. I'm Pregnant." Pulling the knife back she jammed it into his throat. "I fucking WIN." She spat angrily. She stood there watching the light fade from his eyes. The sick Part of her enjoying it. Stepping back shakily, she dropped the knife to the floor. "See you in hell fucker." Turning around, her eyes fell on a wide eyed Happy and a worried looking Jax.
He's gone. He was actually gone. Never again would she have to look over her shoulder for fear of being snatched. He couldn't hurt her or her family ever again.
So tell me why Delaney still felt terrified on the inside?
Why did she not feel free?
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lovebunnie · 1 year
i love the comedy of tf2 but i also obsessively think of the fact that scout has 7 older brothers and spy met his mom and fell in love with her and met all her sons and because he met them all when they were older probably cared for them in a distant sort of way but then once she gave birth to scout it wasnt “her kids” it was their kid and spy just had to run because he had never been in a place where something so dear to him was so fragile because his ma was a grown woman who raised seven boys mostly by herself but here was a baby and Jesus Christ it had his eyes and he couldnt bear to be anywhere near this child who was such a target but also who the hell was he to raise a kid and play husband? he loved scouts ma sure but being a father was not in the cards not for someone like him. one night he packs his things and leaves some money on the counter, enough to be usable but not too much to be insulting, but before he makes it out he hears the baby fussing and he cant have scouts ma wake up now and confront him so spy walks into the nursery and looks over the crib to see his son, his baby, eyes scrunched up and fists balled in rage only the youngest of 8 boys would have at such a young age. spy knew he was a fighter and he knew he would survive and he knew he was setting himself up to forever be the bad guy but it was a role he was used to. spy knew to hold his son would cause him to lose his nerve so instead he walked over to the small record stash and ever so quietly, pulled out whatever was on the top of the stack and played it at the lowest volume. a mans peppy voice sang and silenced the baby, breaths evening out, and spy made sure to look at the singers face on the album cover and took note of his brown curly hair, unbuttoned white shirt, and gold cross necklace. he closed the door to the nursery and with a lingering touch to the door, the spy turned around and cloaked himself with not even the scent of cigarette smoke trailing behind because he had a feeling his son would need those lungs later in life
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
hiii could I get 33 and 17 for the angst prompts? with Steve Harrington x hederson!reader if you can it would also be really nice if the ending is fluffy but if you feel like an angsty ending would work better that's okay! If not it's okay but if you could that would be amazing :)
“I hope you’re happy.”
“I can’t believe I was ever stupid enough to think I knew you.”
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When Dustin first introduced his sister, Y/N, to Steve he was in awe. She had matching curly hair to Dustin's, and the same sarcastic attitude.
Steve was infatuated with her straight away. He knew Dustin was a great kid, a best friend even. Steve didn't expect anything less for Y/N to be just the same. Only she was different.
Steve couldn't look at her without blushing, without his hands getting sweaty, and saying the most random shit to come out of his mouth. He physically couldn't use his brain around her, it was all mush.
He's been flirting with her for ages, against Dustin's wishes. She flirts back which gives Steve hope. But then he gets confused and lost in what they are. They flirt, go on what he believes are dates, but have yet to put a label on it.
Which is why he thought it was the best idea to find out if Y/N was interested in him, was by seeing if she would get jealous.
"Okay Steve, Dustin wants you at the house by seven so do you want to get some food before your date with my brother?" Y/N asked and laughed as she stroked Steve's hand over the video store's countertop.
Steve went to agree right away,but remembered his plan. He took the answer he had planned on his tongue and swallowed it down.
"I actually have a date tonight, could you tell Henderson I can't make it?" His hand went cold when she snatched away her warmth.
A tight smile placed on her lips.
"You are ditching my brother?" She asked, eyes closing in slits. How dare he make a date when he has plans with her brother.
"Well no on purpose. I forgot I had plans with him when she asked me out." He tried to lie and explain. Her eyes were on fire but he couldn't tell because of jealousy or because she was pissed he was ditching her brother.
"I'll let him know. Good luck making it up to us." She snapped as she walked out the door, slamming behind her.
"and what was that?" Robin asked, questioning Steve's intentions.
"Testing out something." He shrugged. Now feeling like this test has him even more confused.
"it's going to blow up in your face." She said as she went to help a customer.
It's been around two weeks of Steve blowing her and Dustin off. Y/N has no idea what changed or if his feelings were disappearing. But she did know that it fucking hurt. And she wasn't positive if falling for Steve was a good idea anymore.
"Is Steve coming tonight?' Dustin asked, shoulders slumped as he watched the front door.
"I don't know Dusty. I gave up on asking." She said as she pulled pizza out of the freezer.
The movement caused Dustin to look over at her. She was dressed up, hair and makeup done.
"Where are you going?" He asked
"I got asked out on a date. I'm making you pizza for dinner. If Steve doesn't show up and you want me to come home just text me." She ranted as she collected her keys and jacket.
"A DATE? By who?"
"some guy I met at work." She shrugged. Fixing her lipstick in the mirror by the front door.
"what about Steve?"
"what about him dusty? He's clearly not interested anymore so why should I?" She snapped. Taking a deep breath, now feeling guilty for snapping at him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I'll be home later." She sighed as she went out the door.
Around an hour after Dustin finished his pizza there was knocking at the door.
Dustin raced to the door, excitement in his veins.
He opened the door to see Steve on the other side.
"HENDERSON!" He screamed as he crushed him into a hug.
Dustin smiled and hugged him back, leading him into the house.
Steve looked around the bottom floor, looking for her.
"She's not here." Dustin said as he stuffed his face with chips.
"I wasn't-," he said as he was about to lie but stopped seeing Dustin's unimpressed look.
"Where is she?" He asked instead.
"On a date apparently." Dustin snapped.
Steve felt like his ears were burning.
"oh she's on a date? That's great." He lied through clenched teeth.
"Cut the shit Steve. What game are you playing with my sister?" Dustin asked as he stepped up to Steve. Trying his best to be chest to chest.
"I'm not doing anything." Steve squeaked out.
"really? So you like my sister, you take her out on dates, get her to like you then you begin to date other people? Sounds like a game to me Steve."
"It's not like that Henderson."
Then the front door opened and Steve felt like he couldn't breathe. She looked gorgeous. A yellow dress that was cut off at her knees, her make up looked flawless, and her curly hair rested on her shoulders.
"Oh Steve, hi." She sent him a small smile as she took off her shoes.
"I heard you went on a date." That wasn't the first thing Steve planned on saying when he saw her.
Dustin quickly left the room, giving them space to talk things out.
"um yeah I did." She said quietly as she walked towards the stairs.
"That's all you are going to say!" Steve barked out. Displeasure clear on his face
"What do you want me to say Steve?" She sighed, turning around on the bottom step facing him.
"Well I don't know but I feel like something more." He threw his hands in the air.
"You know what. I feel like I need something more. Like what the fuck has been going through your head? You make it seem like you are interested in me then you totally ghost me? I can’t believe I was ever stupid enough to think I knew you.”
"I know Y/N. But I just wanted to figure out your feelings for me. I didn't mean to ghost you. I wanted to see if I could make you jealous. And if that meant you liked me too."
"you could have just asked me! I've been open and honest with you the whole time. And you hurt my brother in the process, so I hope you're happy." She said as she made her trip up the stairs, heading for her bedroom.
Steve's loud steps echoed in the hallway as he raced up the stairs.
"Look I'm sorry. And I will apologize to Dustin too. And I know I went about us the wrong way. I didn't mean to make you upset."
"but you did Steve. You wanted to make me jealous, being jealous can easily make someone upset. You could have easily asked me where I stood in this situation that we had going on."
"had going on? " Steve asked quietly. His stomach turning into knots.
"Steve, what?" She asked as she walked to the bathroom, getting ready to wash her face.
"you said had, as in past tense. Are we not in a situation anymore?"
She looked over her shoulder in the mirror at him. He stood behind her, nervous and gittery. Brown eyes watching her closely.
"I don't know Steve. We both apparently feel okay with accepting dates from other people, maybe that's a sign."
"there never was a date, or any dates for that matter." He admitted "I made that all up. I've never looked anywhere else but you. And I know I did a shitty job showing my feelings for you. And I'm sorry for throwing us into this mess. I really fucking like you and I got scared. But you're right. I should have had the balls to ask you."
"so ask me." She said as she turned around.
Steve was confused by the soft tone and smile that lit up her face.
"wait what?" He asked. Is he actually getting a chance to fix this?
"ask me Steve." Her arms wrapped around his neck. He could feel his heart beating faster as he smelled her perfume.
"Will you officially be my girlfriend? And I'll try my hardest not to fuck this up." He smiled as she laughed, throwing her head back.
"of course Steve." She said as she slowly leaned in. Steve got the hint and moved his head closer, inches away from her lips.
Y/N rolled her eyes at her brothers voice screaming through the door.
"fucking cock block." Steve sighed.
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hwangphoria · 1 year
It’s time for a break. (Bangchan Oneshot)
WARNING: this Oneshot contains She/Her Pronouns and has a high amount of angst and mentions of abuse. If you are not comfortable. Please do not proceed.
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Why in the world hasn’t he come home yet?
I checked my watch as I laid there watching the drama that I binged every night while chan was away at work… it was nearly 12 am.
He has been working late every single night and it’s absolute bullshit. The company fails to recognize that he is a human being. He deserves a break too, but he is constantly overworked to his limits.
The blood inside of me is almost boiling at the time I hear the beeping of the buttons from the keypad on the door, signaling Chan’s arrival as I got up from my spot on the couch and made my way over to the front door, my heart softening at the thought.
A smile had crept on my face as the joy had also crept in my heart after feeling so empty all day. As soon as I got there, Chan has already taken off his shoes, and locked the door behind him. His curly hair tousled from the long day of work, only making him look that much more attractive.
He soon turned to face you and the smile that had made its way on your face, soon faded as your heart dropped in your chest after you were met with his emotionless eyes.
Even after such a long day he was usually pretty happy to see me
“Baby what’s wrong…?”
I asked him softly, his eyes turning away from me, still as emotionless as before as he tan his hand through his hair and made his way past me into the living room. Without even saying a single word, my heart had shattered into a million pieces.
“I have dinner ready! I made your favorite Channie!”
I chimed as I followed him from a distance into our shared room, still not receiving a single word in return.
Why in the hell is he being like this? I mean I know work is hard sometimes but I can’t remember a single day in the past 3 years where it has ever been THIS bad. I’ve never seen him this way in my entire life.
“If you’re not hungry, that’s okay if you’d like I can run a bubbl-“
“Wont you just shut the fuck up, please? I’m tired and I want to sleep.”
He snapped, causing me to stop dead in my tracks as we had finally made it to our bedroom, before I could even process another thought my heart absolutely crumbles like a pile of dirt, a pain shooting through my chest already feeling the lump begin to form in my throat.
He paused as well, a few moments later turning around to face me, and the regret had already coated his face and filled his eyes, beginning to walk towards me to apologize, but I held my hand out for him to stop.
“No Chan. I’m… completely fine. I understand that you have had a long day… I just need a little bit of time for myself… and I think that you should too… I’m gonna go for a walk… and um…”
I paused in the middle of my sentence, trying to find the right words to say, but my mind struggled as I tried to focus on not breaking down and sobbing, a few moments later regaining my train of thought.
“I just need to think about things for a little bit okay? And… I’ll give you some time to unwind and give you time for yourself. Okay?”
I gave him a soft smile, which I had to admit was kind of forced, but I knew that he probably needed it. I let out a deep breath to contain my tears and turned around and headed back out of the room.
I need to hurry up and get out of here before I turn into the biggest crybaby the world has ever seen.
I quickly made my way to the front door, pulling my coat over my body to protect my air from Seoul’s brutal chilly wind, along with my slippers before heading out of the door, and eventually out of the building.
It’s going to be okay Y/N… you… just got to learn not be such a sensitive crybaby all of the time. He’s just tired…
Chan’s POV:
Oh my god…
Why in the hell did I just say that? Why didn’t I stop myself? I don’t even… mean that I’ve just been overly stressed and… my god.
I then turned around, coming face to face with the small, now fragile girl in front of me, my heart breaking in half as the regret automatically filled within me.
I began to walk towards her, but she held her hand out for me to stop, which I had obeyed, sitting there trying to find the right words to say.
As she spoke I could feel my heart eventually breaking into a million more pieces, wanting yo just run and hug her but I have to respect her wishes… and her personal space.
I watched them walk out of the room, walking into the door frame myself as I watched them leave the apartment from here, feeling my heavy heart sinking down into my chest.
I can’t believe I let my stress get the better of me… it took her so long to trust me this much, and I’m afraid I just ruined it all.
I know that may seem dramatic. But Y/N is a very fragile person who has had… so many people hurt them in the past, and I promise them I would never become one of those people.
But I think I just did.
Y/N’s POV:
I looked down at the time on my phone, thinking for a few minutes and finally deciding I’ve been out here long enough, taking a deep sigh and getting up, beginning to make my way back to the apartment.
It’s been about an hour… and I’ve thought about plenty of things…
Chan would never do anything to purposely hurt me, and I know that. I think he just needs a break from work, but I know the chances of his company letting him do that are low to none. Chan is also a workaholic, and I don’t want to be controlling and restrict him.
But for the sake of his mental health, I think it’s the right thing to recommend he ask for a short break.
As soon as I had seen the regret in his eyes, I knew that he hadn’t actually meant it. He’s a good guy, and he’s helped me through so much of the shit that other people have caused me from my past. I shouldn’t be asking for anything more.
I had then arrived at the apartment building, walking inside and making my way up and down the hall to our specific room, taking a deep breath within before clicking in the code and pushing the door open.
I slowly opened up the door, peeking around to see if Chan was anywhere near. After seeing that he wasn’t, I made my way inside, shutting the door quietly behind me, feeling to warms snake their way around my waist, causing me to jump just slightly.
There they are. The butterflies.
He buried his head into the crook of my neck, feeling his hot breath against my skin as he let out a shivering sigh. He had been crying.
He then loosened his arms and turned me around so that we were now face to face, my eyes automatically meeting the tears that filled his own, a frown subconsciously growing on my lips.
“Baby what’s wro-“
“The dinner that you made was so so so good. And I’m so sorry… you didn’t deserve any of that. Work… is just… I’m so fucking tired and I don’t know what to do. I need to be there but I really don’t feel like it…”
He was practically sobbing, shaking his head as he buried it back into my shoulder, the ache in my chest returning as I wrapped my arms around him, a deep sigh escaping my lips as all the tension left my body.
This boy just doesn’t know when he’s reached his limits… it happens to the best of us.
“Baby, please don’t cry. I’m okay. And I know that you didn’t mean it, but look at me please.”
He waited for a few moments, sniffling s bit begote he listed his head to look at me, a smile growing on my lips as his bloodshot eyes had met mine.
“You need to ask for a few days off. It won’t hurt them I promise. Your mental health is important. And they need to understand that. Okay honey?”
I spoke softly, cupping his cheek with my hands as I wiped his test stained cheeks with my thumbs, a nod coming from him in return, nodding back at him in response.
“So, you liked my food eh? I told you I had made your favorite.”
I side eyed him as a smirk grew on my lips, causing him to roll his eyes playfully and shake his head.
“Yes, it was very very yummy.”
He wiped his eyes from the rest of his tears, feeling another ache signal from my chest at the sight of him crying, taking ahold of his hand and leading him to the bedroom.
“Where are we going baby?”
He questioned, following close behind me as we did. When we reached the bedroom, I placed him in front of the bed, sending a little smirk as I looked up at him before pushing him back onto the bed gently, his eyes widening.
He smirked, raising his brow as he leaned back even more as I walked over to the bedside table shaking my head in disbelief as I pulled out the remote to the tv from the drawer.
“No, you dirty dog. We’re watching Nemo, so get your horny ass up so we can cuddle.”
He let out a sigh, causing a giggle to escape from mine as he shifted himself up into a higher spot on the bed, opening up his arms wide for me to climb in.
And I did exactly that, feeling all the tension leave my body.
finally back in the arms I belong in.
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spencermyangel · 2 years
One where Spencer has a son, who has an intellectual disability. (like a below average iq.
CW - Ableism
Morgan turned to look out the meeting room’s door, seeing Spencer hurrying towards them.
“Hey, guy’s he’s here,” Morgan nodded towards Reid, his brows furrowed with confusion though when a small boy with slightly long curly hair and glasses clumsily followed after him. 
“I’m so sorry that I’m late,” Spencer began, shrugging off his messenger bag. He turned and whispered something to the boy, who nodded and sat in one of the comfier chairs in the corner of the room. 
“So, we’re consulting on a case?” Spencer asked, as if the team weren’t going to question who the little boy was. 
They all stared at Spencer wide eyed for a while, until Morgan broke the silence.
“Who’s the kid?” 
Spencer blushed, “um he’s my son,” he replied sheepishly. 
Garcia gasped, “my baby genius has his own baby genius?” 
Hotch and Rossi picked up on how Spencer looked slightly uncomfortable at the phrasing but brushed it off, as the team quickly began asking questions, like his age, and name. Spencer froze up looking overwhelmed, so Hotch held up his hand to silence everyone.
“Reid will tell us what he wants to about his son.”
Spencer gave Hotch a grateful look before speaking “his name’s Caspian, like in Narnia,” Spencer explained, “and he’s seven. He was born when I was 20 and no, his mother is not in his life.” 
Spencer sat down and began reading the file when he heard Garcia’s soft voice, “why didn’t you tell us?” 
Spencer paused for a moment, “I was new to the team, with a baby. I didn’t want anyone to judge me for having a child so young and as I got to know you all it just felt weird to suddenly bring him up.” 
“Then why did you bring him in today?” Rossi questioned. 
Spencer sighed, “I have an amazing nanny who lives with us, but she’s sick today and didn’t want to risk getting Caspian sick and I didn’t feel right making her look after him when she’s sick so I told her to rest today.” 
Morgan glanced over at the child, he really did look like a mini version of Spencer. Caspian pulled out some books from his bag and began to read them. Confusion shot through Morgan, they weren’t the kind of books a seven year old would read, which Morgan expected. But what he didn’t expect was for them to be the kind of books a toddler would read. Morgan turned to Spencer, with a questioning look, before opening his mouth to ask, but he was cut off by a small voice. 
“Dada?” Caspian tugged on Spencer’s shirt sleeve with wide honey eyes looking up at his dad. 
“Yeah Cassie?” Spencer turned to pay attention to his son. The team smiled at the nickname, and how adorable they looked together. 
“What’s this word?” Cassie whispered, pointing to the book. 
Spencer smiled and took the book, reading was something they liked to do together. 
“Today,” Spencer responded, “today was a beautiful day,” he read the line out for his son who nodded. The team exchanged subtle glances, Caspian couldn't read that on his own? 
“Did you start on the work Mary and I gave you for today?” Spencer asked. 
Caspian shuffled his feet sheepishly, “it’s hard,” he whined. 
Spencer let out an adoring laugh, “I know baby, don’t worry I’ll-” he paused, turning to Hotch, “do you mind if I help him for a bit?” 
“Of course not.” 
“Go get your work,” Spencer told Caspian, who quickly ran over to his teddy bear shaped bag and pulled out a piece of paper with math on it. He pulled up a chair beside his dad, placing the sheet on the table. The team were shocked once again at the math questions, they were one’s a seven year old could easily do, and there weren’t many of them. But for the next half hour they discreetly watched as Caspian struggled through the page with Spencer helping him. 
Later, when Garcia had taken Caspian to see her office, Morgan was the one to finally ask what they had all been wondering, but were too embarrassed to ask. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Morgan blurted out, causing Spencer to freeze and glare at him. 
“There is nothing wrong with him,” Spencer coldly replied. 
Morgan sighed, “I didn't mean it like that, I’m sorry. I just meant, the work, the books, it doesn’t seem typical of a seven year old.” 
Spencer looked down and nodded, “I know, um, he has a disability. An intellectual disability. The doctor’s said he has a below average IQ, and most likely always will,” Spencer then got  look of concern in his eyes, “but he really is an amazing kid, and so talented, you should see his sketches.'' The team realized Spencer was scared they wouldn’t accept his son. 
“I’m sure he is,” Rossi gave Spencer a reassuring smile, “and we would all love to get to know him more.” 
Spencer let out a sigh of relief, “I just… worry,” he paused, blinking back tears, “people aren't always nice. Kids pick on him, adults can get frustrated with him. One time Me and Mary, our nanny, took him and his best friend, Briar, to the park. They were trying to play with some kids, the pushed Cassie down and called him retared .” Spencer’s voice broke on the last word, thinking back to all the times he himself had been called that name for his autistic behaviors. He was devastated his son would have to endure the same kind of bullying and treatment, just because he was different.  
“That must be hard,” JJ tried to comfort him, sadness in her eyes, wondering how kids could be so cruel, “but, it seems like he has an amazing support system.”
“Yeah,” Emily agreed, giving Spencer a smile, “and he's about to get an even bigger one.”
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