#gear gear gear
notmuchtoconceal · 2 years
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( o ) goodimpressionofmyself
nah, we’re not together or anythin like that, he’s just a friend, bro. he’s a butcher, and a damn good one. get all my meat from him now, it’s quality shit. you should see him with a knife when he gets to choppin, bro, it’s downright mesmerizin. i could watch him for hours, just lay back and watch the steak, the liver, whatever he’s got fall apart into nice even cuts, listenin to the knife hit the block
he hung me up, bro. yeah. yeah. in the freezer, with all the other meat. there were chains around my wrists, slung around this hook on the ceilin. nah, none a that leatherface shit, bro, he cares about me. cares about my safety. i know he seems a lil weird, but he’s a nice guy. smart, too. real good with words. sorta relaxes me when he starts talkin, you know? but yeah, the chains were in my mouth, too, and over my eyes. i was sittin there in the dark, for six hours, shiverin my ass off, tastin the cold steel. every once in awhile, he’d come in with a pot a hot water, throw it on me to sorta shock my nerves and laugh
nah, wasn’t boilin or nuthin, more like a hot shower that’s a lil too hot. it’s nice at first. warm. then it gets to dryin. my nips were rock fuckin hard, bro. i could hear the steam pourin off me, like it was sizzlin. like a wooshy kinda sizzlin, like a gas stove, you know? then it got colder. colder than it was before. so, you know, naturally to keep me warm, he’d need to keep doin it, but, ya see, this’s where it gets tricky, cause eventually, you know, he wouldn’t do it as much. he’d start slippin a straw in through the chains in my mouth, tellin me to suck. at first, i thought, hey this is great, i mean, i hadn’t had a drink in what seemed like hours. then he kept doin it. kept makin me drink. after awhile, you know, i had to take a piss real fuckin bad, and it was so fuckin cold, i’d almost be dancin there, chained up while he watched me flex, listenin to me beg and moan all helpless, cause i was, haha
well, that pan a hot water. he set it down between my legs. empty, a course, he hadn’t gotten more in awhile, haha. aw, bro. you can see where this’s goin, right? yeah. yeah, i see the gears startin to turn in your head, bro. this whole time the only thing i’m wearin’s my jock, same one i wore here, i just came from practice, and i’m so turned on, i’m beadin through the mesh with pre, like bro. the whole pouch was soaked. i could feel it dribblin down my leg, felt like i had puddin on my dick, it was gettin so thick from the cold. anyway, you know, i guess i felt pretty stupid for thinkin my strap was wet before–thighs too, come to think of it–and that empty pan, it didn’t stay empty too long after that, haha. least it was nice and warm, bro. you know, fresh from the tap, haha. hey, you think that’s bad, you remember that chain i was tellin you i was hangin by? well, get this. it had a winch and lever. couple more repetitions a this, the straw and the pot, i’m about three feet off the ground, still blind, still cold, and i’m swingin back and forth, tryin to hold it in, cause i’m thinkin ‘fuck, i miss this, what’s gonna happen? he gonna let me freeze?‘ 
haha, dude, i know it sounds sick. it sounds real fuckin sick, but he always hoses me down afterwards. meat’s gotta get clean, he says. dunno what to say, bro, i like spendin time with him. i like bein meat. i like how he fondles and punches me, just wails on me for hours while i bite down on my bit like an animal. and he’s nice to me. wraps me up in a towel afterward. massages me. talks to me. tells me i did a real good job bein just a piece a meat. he makes me feel good about it, like not just how he talks to me, but how he looks at me and touches me. then he sucks my dick and lets me suck his, haha. i can’t wait to go back there, bro. i like to hang around. sorta like bein the meat’s my natural state a bein. like i was put on this earth to get tenderized, packaged up and sold. like any animal magnetism i got’s a mistake a birth and i shoulda just been born an inanimate hunk a protein
yeah, not a lot a people get it, bro. i guess it is pretty weird when you say it out loud. not a lotta people listen to me this long, either
ya know, what’s real weird is how many people around here are into eatin brain. yeah, actual brain. pig, sheep, cows, people eat that stuff. my new bro gets orders for it all the time, and i don’t think any a his customers are zombies, haha. yeah, almost every night, bro. takes the brain, the whole brain, wrapped up in like this skin, and he peels it off. haha, i sorta like it, bro. it’s squishy, it’s interestin, and the way he touches it, well you ever hear the sound it makes when a guy kneads his fingers in meat? it’s real peaceful, bro, like the sound you’d used to get goin through styroafoam packin peanuts, really takes me back, bro. feels real good. and right before he cuts the brain, he tells me to picture all the thoughts that woulda been in it, really picture the thoughts, of what it musta been like to be a bull, or a horse, or whatever, and it’s just sooo relaxin bro, you wouldn’t believe it. it’s sorta like i’m in the brain, like the brain’s my thoughts, and when he brings the cleaver down, it all goes away
hey, you free tonight, bro? gets sorta lonely bein a piece a meat, i could always use some company. nother big guy to help me reinforce what i am. lookin at ya right now, wouldn’t be outta place in the freezer yourself. whaddya say, bro? wanna join me? how bout we two slabs a meat start hangin around together?
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greatcheshire · 8 months
You should never forget literally the best line in all of video games
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moosenaround2448 · 9 months
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I'd fucking retire dude are you kidding me
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orotundmutt · 28 days
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FUEL photographed by ALBINOHECTOR with jlojosh and albinohector
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myassmatheory · 8 months
Me: im trans
Snake: Hrm... trans huh? give me a moment
Snake goes into a box and calls up his husband
Snake: Otacon, this lady dropped a piece of intel in regards to herself, do you know what "trans" means
Otacon: Snake, that's short for the term "transgender" a phrase used for those who's identity doesn't align with their asigned sex, some use hormones or surgery to better fit their lifestyle
Snake: Chemical and Surgical modification huh? they're like supersoldiers but they choose to change to fight for their own spirits rather than a nation...
Otacon: Remember snake, being "trans" is an umbrella label, many in the community identify beyond our common gender binary, including traditional cultural gender roles or wholly new ones
Snake: A wide variety of genders, such diversity not only make them unpredictable but increases practical versatility, impressive stuff
Otacon: oh this is just like Lily Hoshikawa from my Japanese animes
Snake leaves the box
Snake: You're pretty good huh? this trans stuff sounds intense, you have my support as a fellow soldier
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theproblemsofdonhi · 2 months
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Big Luffy finds a weird looking cat.
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brisketer · 1 month
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toboldlymuppet · 5 months
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divine wrath
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tentacion3099 · 9 months
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venomous-snake · 5 months
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lakemojave · 2 months
If you receive a rapid amount of boops from me know that I'm doing this to you:
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notmuchtoconceal · 1 year
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( o ) goodimpressionofmyself
smile like a television broadcast. eyes tuned to weightless waves of light and color. voice fit for radio, stammerin without a script
what else is there to see, bro? who else is there to be?
i know who you really are. i know what you really need. you don’t wanna think anymore, bro. all you wana do is be dumb and happy and jocked. dumb and happy and jocked. you’re not havin any second thoughts, are ya bro? that’s your mantra. that’s what you said first time you saw me standin there in full pads. chubbed up right on the spot, you got so stupid and dreamy seein me just go for it. livin my best life. my jock life. i know how bad you wanted this. all those nights we stayed up talkin. you begged to be on the team. begged me to slip you a copy a the orientation program so you could have an edge on the competition. dived right in and started loopin the file. stayin up all night deletin yourself to hit those weights first thing every mornin. bout fuckin nutted on the spot first time i let you try on my helmet, it made you feel so dumb, horny and controlled. dumb and happy and jocked. now you got one of your own. you made it. we’re in this together now, bro. that’s what you said, right? this was the man you needed to be? you couldn’t imagine a future where this didn’t happen? that you’d rather lie down and rot than go another day without this trainin, without this acceptance? 
i know you’re not gonna pussy out on me, bro. you made this choice. you suited up. accepted the programmin. submitted yourself to coach’s authority. sat down right next to me while we tuned out to the play board together. that not mean shit to you, bro? don’t start pullin any a that woe is me i was a biochem major shit on me now, bro. you want a lesson on endorphin release, run like your fuckin life depended on it. i mean, what the fuck kinda second rate dumbass are you, showin up and draggin ass, while we train like motherfuckers to make bitches a these other guys. fuckin wah. you don’t really wanna be here, get off the fuckin field, bro. either you’re fit to wear the gear, or you’re not. knock that shit off, bro
hey, bro. brooooo. come on, bro. don’t be that way. ballbustin ya cause i love you, bro. want you to succeed, want you to acclimate yourself fully to your new place on the team. hey. come here. come here, bro. hard for some guys, givin themselves up. throwin away everythin they used to be. everythin they thought they were. bet if you say the words along with me, you’ll find yourself slippin right back into that headspace, right back into the way you’re supposed to be, the way you need to be. give it a try, bro. dumb and happy and jocked. dumb and happy and jocked. yeah, that’s it. gettin a lil dizzy, huh? a lil light headed? prolly a lil bit stiff inside your pads? haha, don’t stop now, bro. keep goin. dumb and happy and jocked. dumb and happy and jocked. dumb and happy and jocked. hell yeah bro. gettin so tight inside that jock, bet it’s about to sting like a motherfucker. bet you’re tempted to unbuckle those pants right now, reach down into your tight ass comp shorts, right down into that sweaty ass jock, and yank that bad boy out right here on the field for everyone to see, huh? not the only python. unleash the beast. nothin in heaven or earth’s gonna contain that monster, haha
too fuckin bad, bro. you’re a football player now. that still means somethin in this crazy mixed up world a ours. another golden boy. upstandin model a collegiate manhood. you owe it to yourself, and to your team, and to the school not touch your dick, at least while the cameras are rollin, haha. hey. try to keep your hands off that monster til we’re back at the house, we can find you a nice tight hole to fill, huh? not in the mood to wait, you can learn to enjoy bein pent up and horny. we don’t make this next pass, coach’ll teach us the meanin a self-restraint the hard way, bro. weldin tools. workshop. that’s not a cup bulge over there on #34. can see the padlocks jinglin on his helmet. on the straps of his shoulder pads. i’ll let you use your imagination, you’re a smart guy… haha, not
get your helmet back on, meathead. we got us a game to win
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groove-27 · 2 months
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the duality of men
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frankenfran · 3 months
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retolee · 6 months
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dash-n-step · 6 months
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Autistic Transfem Communication
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