#gem of a bl
absolutebl · 6 months
hi abl!! i got really curious from your recent reposts/asks about dna says about the "twist" in ep 9, and started watching it... i will also not say much about it and spoil the show, but they werent actually subtle with the reveal in my opinion. it was very obvious when the immediately cut to the past and the present. i really loved how they resolved it by the end and i gotta say i got really vary of taiwan shows after history 4 so didnt follow up much but i was pleasantly surprised with DNA and it was a very cute show!! i guess all i wanted to say was thanks for talking about it!!
I am so glad you enjoyed it! And decided to give it a try.
DNA Says Love You is worth it everyone! I promise!
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
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"do you understand?"
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esmiara · 9 months
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Who can stop me from dressing spiritshipping as soukoku? Exactly, nobody can.
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simplejoyss · 4 months
Something about Myungha giving love so freely to Yeowoon, his own mirror image, and yet being unable to view himself as worthy of love.
Something about Myungha erasing himself from all their lives and Yeowoon still hearing the echoes of his voice because of the imprint we leave on the people we love.
Something about learning that part of loving someone is also receiving love from them and that second chances are worth fighting for.
Something about Love for Love’s Sake that is so raw and honest and also muddled and confusing because that’s what love is.
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dropthedemiurge · 4 months
Love for Love's Sake | Things You Didn't Notice #8
Okay, this will probably be my last "hey, look at the cool thing this series did/said!" post but I can't leave you guys without adding a nice tasty cherry on top.
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This show!! This freaking show! Gave us the fake second credits in the scene where Myungha and Yeowoon have reunited and the mission has finally changed. The credits that you see here are literally the in-universe credits for the Game they were playing. The names say "Cha Yeowoon, Tae Myungha... etc... Coach, Teacher... (everyone else)... Student 1, Student 2... and... Sunbae." =)))
No actors names. The real credits of production team are shown on the black screen in the very end, just like in every episode. But this here? It's end of the Game, they have reached Happy Ending. And the credits are probably something both Myungha and Yeowoon see as well.
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And if you didn't have enormous amount of feelings already, let me tell you (I don't know whether it was subbed in second version of subs but it wasn't subbed in Gaga) that the last line of dialogue, last thing we hear anyone say anything in this show – is Myungha hugging Yeowoon and whispering "Cha Yeowoon, I love you".
Which is so heartwarming for one (Myungha has only said it once and Yeowoon didn't hear it and now he definitely did) or another reason (meta-subtext about Myungha finally confidently loving himself as well).
This show was amazing. So amazing I'll probably spend some time watching livestreams (and maybe I'll translate stuff if others didn't do it already) and checking their YT channel for more content, because I surely hope the authors and the team gets enough recognition that they film another brilliant BL series.
Please, go to love4lovesake yt channel and send them lots of love or post some love on Twitter (and on the Instagram, but I don't know the links, sorry). Like WE NEED MORE DEEP STORIES LIKE THIS
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pharawee · 1 month
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"If you miss me, just remember this kiss."
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becauseimanicequeen · 1 month
We can all root for poly in Deep Night, which I'm definitely on board with (they're practically the only reason besides the neon lights and Freya and Meji that I'm still watching this).
Bringing up poly in a conversation with your new boyfriend (if it's Pan), your boyfriend and childhood friend (if it's Seji), and your childhood friend (if it's Ken) requires a lot of courage and trust that the other party/parties won't take it the wrong way.
If the series wants to go for the throuple, rather than having it stay in Pan's daydream, I need a real conversation between all three. And I want it to be nerve-wracking at first (because that's how it would be unless you were really, really comfortable with the others) before they come to an agreement.
And I want them to come to an agreement. An agreement to be together. Because I. NEED. POLY.
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fanfictionroxs · 9 months
Sand 'fatherly' mode on:
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Nick in his head and to his online friends: I stand with my cancelled wife.
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miss0atae · 3 months
Random thoughts about Dead Friend Forever episode 11 :
It’s the second to last episode before the end of the series. This episode gave us the final flashback, I believe. We now know what happened after Tee brought Non to his uncle.
▪️ First thing first, I’m glad I was wrong about what happened to No. I really thought he would end up sex-trafficking to repay his debts, but it was less horrible. Don’t get me wrong, it was still a very dreadful situation. At first, Tee’s Uncle wanted to sell his organs, but Tee spoke up for Non and he got spared. Instead of being killed and his organs sold, Non ended up working in the illegal casino of Tee’s Uncle. I don’t know how Non still found the will to live because he lost everything. He never deserved any of the shits that happened to him. He was abused, exploited, abandoned, beaten and scared for no reason. He was just different and all those who hurt him did it because they just couldn’t accept this difference. I’m glad he lashed at Tee and asked him why he had to endure all of that. He just wanted to finish a stupid short movie. He was a normal kid who wanted to do something he likes and his life turned into hell. I felt like crying when Non said he was a loser and couldn’t even get back to his parents because they wouldn’t care for him (which we know is not true but Non never got to know it). The worst thing is Tee didn’t have any answer to give him because they never had any good reasons to be this mean to him.
▪️ The hardest part was watching Non becoming this empty shell while working at the casino. He had a vacant look. His face was still messed up from his beating. He was also hunched and he was unsteady when walking. You could see, he was barely clinging to life. He was also coughing a lot which made me see that he never really got better after being beaten and he must have been exhausted from working a lot. I really wanted someone to just miraculously appear and save him from this hell but this is not the tone of this series.
▪️ This episode was clearly centered around Tee’s side of the story. We saw how guilty he felt to Non and how he wanted to make him leave his Uncle’s place as quickly as possible. He started to work more at the casino and for his Uncle’s embezzlement schemes (don’t know if it is how you should call it). He also got a part-time job at an internet cafe, where he found a way of making more money to give them to Non. Every time, he saw Non, it was a reminder of how he fucked up. Many times, he referred to Non as his friend during the episode. I don’t know if he truly believed it or if it was just the guilt. Non and him had a weird relationship. It was clearly emphasizes during the part where Tee gave him a money envelop. The way Non looked at him and how he reacted it… I don’t know, I felt there were a lot of nonverbal communication between them at this moment. I’m probably over analyzing this part.
▪️ After this moment, we had a glimpse of Tee’s life with his father. We previously heard about him in previous episodes but never got to see it. Tee came back home and couldn't find his father. He isn’t well and Tee is the one who has to take care of him. It clearly has a negative impact on Tee since he must be the responsible one when he should just live a normal teenager’s life. He wishes to have this life he can’t have, instead he has to be involved in his Uncle’s life to be able to get money and to survive. As always, with DFF, you see, this is never all-or-nothing. Tee has a very hard life and he has troubles keeping himself afloat, but at the same time he didn’t hesitate to use and abuse Non to serve his own interest. He knew it would be terrible. How can he not know it? He said to his father he didn’t want to be involved in this gray business. I think you can feel sad for him and understand how difficult it can be, but also vilified him for what he’s done to Non. If only he had found the help he needed before… I don’t know how he would have turned. We would never have this story, I guess.
▪️ This series loves to blow hot and cold. You start to feel pity for Tee and this series shows you, you can’t. The next scene is Tee coming to the casino and not finding Non. Perth is the one telling him and us why. That’s where we discover Non being dead. He died… I can’t accept it. It may sounds crazy but I had this idea of him being away and having a really good reason to not be here in the present… I wanted it to be true. Unfortunately, it isn’t. Non is dead. He died of exhaustion… This is so sad! Tee is as lost as us, viewers. I know the group is at fault with Non, but frankly I was mostly furious with Tee’s Uncle in this scene (This man is a freaking cancer and manipulator). At the beginning of the episode, after Tee spoke up for Non, we learn from his Uncle how Non’s debt isn’t that high in fact. He should have been able to pay it and move on with his life. Instead, he died of exhaustion after everything he went through, alone and sad. He never learned about how his parents did everything to find him, how they died… The only person who knew about his death at that time was Tee… The only person who cried for him at the end was Tee… someone who made him get to this point. Cruel irony! I really cried when reading the message on the paper where he said: “I’m gonna get out of this place. I’m not a loser”. Shit! That hurts. He was counting the day. I can’t believe Tee did nothing after discovering it. He just decided to be sad and depressed. That’s his answer… Yes, he cried. I also cried. Did it change anything? No… I wish he at least tried to do something to avenge him… anything. Even, if it didn’t work.
▪️ Tee decided he just didn’t deserves happiness but happiness found him anyway. That’s when White came into the picture. He just arrived at the internet cafe and apparently became very interested in Tee. They started to spend a lot of time together. White was this flirty and cute boy who wanted to charm his crush. They were cute. I mean the series did something magical because I couldn’t stand Tee and I still found his burgeoning relationship with White, cute and charming. Being in love with White, made Tee realized he could be a good person and he should do his most to get better. It would have been sweet in another series. Right now, it just feels flat after what happened to Non. Poor White, never knew the truth until Tee told his side of the story. White really has nothing to do with Non and he is just a poor boy who fell in love with someone he shouldn't have which dragged him into this mess. He truly is innocent and I will get mad if anything happen to him. I don’t care about the others. They can all die, but not White. If there is only one who deserves to leave this house alive, it’s him.
▪️ Back into the present, Phee takes the gun from Fluke and he wants to stop this madness but Tan/New is set on making everyone pay for what happened to his brother. He has nothing to lose anymore and he will not let Phee stand in the way of his revenge. Besides, he never completely trust him. He starts to smoke and everyone pass out because of it.
Next week is going to be the conclusion of his revenge. How is it going to end? Will Tan/New get justice for his brother? Is anyone going to be alive at the end of the next episode? I’m dying to know. It’s going to be really hard waiting for this last episode. Until now, this series has been really entertaining and I hope the end will be great. I don’t want to feel disappointed.
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pondphuwin · 1 year
tinn and heart and being the beloved only child of successful but distanced parents. parents who genuinely love and care for them but whose protectiveness and expectations are actively stopping them from experiencing their youth to the fullest. but tinn and heart won't say anything because they believe that their parents know what's best for them and have never thought to question their authority.
tinn and heart and all of their loneliness and their struggles that they have to keep hidden away from the people who love them the most, otherwise they risk not being the perfect child anymore.
tinn and heart and meeting a boy who's going to change everything, who's going to make them realize that love doesn't have to mean confining yourself from the world—that love can be celebrating yourself, prioritizing yourself, and choosing yourself.
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
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"I have no hope anymore."
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yowzie · 1 year
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Some fanart for Unintentional Love Story. This series is an absolute gem ✨️
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khunvegas · 1 year
tinn might have waited for 2 years and then some to kiss gun but you best believe my little man fourth was cheering for finally getting his kiss. the crowd cheered.
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singto-prachaya · 6 months
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So the new gen DMD guys is getting a show to find their ship parter and the winning ship will star as the leads in a DMD original script. I wonder about that that adaption of the book Your Sky. Because that one was also meant for the new gen.
Anyways I was sure First and Latte were already a ship since they appear as a side ship in Love Upon A Time. + they had them going to some events together. I have been 🤡
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pharawee · 2 years
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