#gemini fanworks
tangledinink · 1 year
Here’s some very quick Gemini sketches as I’m trying to learn how to draw them
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v-albion · 1 year
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Gemini AU doodles ft. Pretty outfits
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kiwi-smug-silvalina · 10 months
@tangledinink Gemini au <33
i wanted to do an edit for ages and actually did try several times, but it never was good enough so finally!!! this song fit so well holy shit
MASTERPOST with other edits
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midostree-art · 2 years
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You are only coming through in waves
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cupcakeslushie · 4 months
Feral Leo Masterpost
My Feral Leo Au in which time in the Prison Dimension moved much faster for Leo. By the time the boys can get him out, Leo has spent three years alone with the Krang, and doesn't even recognize them.
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Feral Leo general tag everything under the sun about this au
Feral Leo Main-All the art and main story under one roof
Feral Leo Asks- Got a question? Someone might've already got you covered! (A lot of asks also have drawn replies, so there’s more art in the ask tag than just was directly linked here!)
Slow the Break-fic about Donnie finding some of Leo's recordings
Future Leo Shows up and is now staying with zero explanation
Our Boy Meets the Bunny
BISHOP COMIC (ONGOING) (slightly on hiatus)
Feral Cat Meets One
Feral Cat Meets One (again lol)
Meeting Omega
Meeting Gemini
Feral Leo Fanworks
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sixpillarsofgenesis · 3 months
Timeline for Lies of P
Disclaimer: This is a fan-made timeline of Lies of P for my fanwork Blue Butterfly Record with the assumpting that the game itself takes place in the middle of the Belle Epoque, with the events of the game happening shortly after the release of Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, published for the public on September 1st, 1900. This will cover 40 years before the game itself by my estimation, and some major events loosely before the events of the game.
1493: Phillipus 'Giangio' Paracelsus and his twin brother are born.
1514: Paracelsus achieves immortality via research into the homunculi - his brother, believing him dead, takes his place.
1674: A descendant of Antonio Corea is found to be a Listener, and is converted into the Gold Coin Fruit Tree after being brought to what would eventually be Krat.
1853: Giuseppe Geppetto is born.
1854: Valentinus Monad is born.
1857: Camille is born.
1861: The Casati Act is passed, requiring mandatory education.
1867: The Path of the Pilgrim is made.
1869: Fearing the advancement of war between the Papal States and Italian troops, the Alchemists left for safer territory and landed in Moonlight Town.
1869: Simon Manus is born.
March 1870: The Alchemists discovered Kroud and Ergo underneath Moonlight Town after an Alchemist (later revealed to be a Listener) heard the Ergo.
July 1870: After reports of Ergo's power are discovered, the Alchemists found the City of Krat and began to build.
September 1870: Rome becomes the Capital of Italy.
1871: Lorenzini Venigni is born.
1872: Hotel Krat is purchased by Antonia.
1873: Geppetto moves to Krat and invents the first 'Puppets'
1874: Sophia Monad is born.
January 1877: Romeo "Lampwick" Marino is born.
December 1878: Carlo Geppetto is born on New Year's Eve. During childbirth, Camille C. dies giving birth to her son.
1880: Venigni makes Pulcinella under his parent's supervision.
1881: Free education is established in France.
1881: France introduces Electricity in the Universal Exhibition of 1881
1881: Carlo is turned over to St. Frangelico's Church for daycare, and handed to a maid puppet in the likeness of Camille after.
July 1881: Storia di un burattino begins publication, and Carlo is read the story by Camille every week.
1881: Camille's ego awakens, and she saves Carlo from falling from a great height. She is taken by the alchemists, leaving Carlo to be placed back in Geppetto's care.
1882: By popular demand, Storia di un burattino is revived for serialization.
1882: Secular education is made mandatory in France.
1883: The Venigni parents are killed by Arlecchino.
1883: The Adventures of Pinnochio are published - a signed first-edition book is given to Carlo.
1884: After a dispute with the Monad Charity House, Carlo is enrolled as a boarding student with tuition to be paid on the first of every month.
1887: Fearing the potential dangers of Paracelsus' influence, Geppetto attempts to murder him.
1890: Paracelsus returns to Krat under the assumed name of Giangio.
November 2nd, 1892: The Blue Butterfly Record is played for the first time.
December 1892: Romeo graduates late due to a postponed exam due to a broken arm, but remains at the Monad Charity House to stay with Carlo.
January 1893: Romeo's Father Francesco, owner of the Red Lobster Inn, is the first known death of the Petrification Disease. After his death, his most senior employee Maria takes charge.
January 1893: The Tuition Incident takes place.
May 1893: Carlo resolves the Tuition Incident, and successfully graduates as the first person to complete all three Specialties (Stalker, Workshop Technician, Alchemist) with a distinction in Ergocraft. Geppetto does not show up for his graduation.
August 1893: The Petrification Disease Quarantine Zone is established.
1894: The Rose Estate Incident happens; Sophia Monad goes missing, and Romeo, Carlo, and Gemini are all declared dead, among others.
1895: Geppetto finds out Simon Manus is responsible for Carlo's death and breaks from the Alchemists
1896: The first attempt to craft the P-Organ, the Nameless Puppet, fails.
1896: 'Giangio' delivers the Arm of God to the Alchemists anonymously.
1896: The first Nameless Puppet fails.
1897: The Black Rabbit Brotherhood starts
1898: Cecile steals the Arm of God and hides it deep in the Malum District. This resulted in the first mass outbreak since the Rose Estate Incident.
1899: Pino is made, fails, and is set aside while a new power source is looked for.
1990: The Puppet Frenzy begins, two weeks before the Grand Exhibition is scheduled to start.
September 1st, 1990: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is published, and Pino is awakened.
(Canon) September 1st-3rd, 1990: Lies of P takes place.
(Blue Butterfly Record) September 1st-18th: Lies of P takes place, Real Boy Ending, Max Humanity [redacted]
November 2nd, 1900: Sophia expends the last of her Ergo to create the Blue Butterfly Record.
November 1st, 1901: The Real Boy Carlo Geppetto discovers the Blue Butterfly Record.
December 31st, 1901: Carlo Geppetto celebrates his 23rd birthday, and plays the Blue Butterfly Record before leaving Krat for good.
January 1st, 1902: All of Sophia Monad's Ergo is expended to send Carlo Geppetto (in all his forms) back in time to November 2nd, 1982, starting the events of the Blue Butterfly Record.
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multifairyus · 1 year
Legendborn Fandom Challenge: Kane Coded
So this was a challenge originally for the Legendborn Discord Server (see @infiinnityverse’s bio for the link) and may make more sense that way, but fuck it!
It’s Gemini season ♊️, and I think it’d be fun to have a classic word prompt challenge for our favorite Gemini Classics major pansexual disaster, Selwyn Kane, with a twist: a Bingo Card!
Comment on this post or DM me to receive a ✨Kane Coded Bingo Card✨, and then create a playlist, theory/headcannon, fanfic, fanart, or any other fanwork to make a bingo! The work must feature Selwyn. It can focus on a familial/platonic/romantic/sexual relationship, retro/introspection, a monologue, POV switch, anything so long as Sel is the focal point.
The bingo can be in all one work, or a series! And it’s up to your discretion if you do the center “free space” prompt Kingsmage Angst. Post your Bingo card alongside your fanwork(s) by the end of Gemini season, June 21st (or don’t. Selwyn Kane content is never out of season, imo).
The rationale behind the bingo concept is twofold:
1. Relieve pressure on fandom creatives to complete a “x number of prompts” or have something be in “x number of days” challenge in it’s entirety. Not only can that be stressful, but it can be tougher to pull off for some fanwork more than others. I’m here for stress and drama in the books proper, not the fandom experience!
2. Different arrangements of the same word prompts adds an element of surprise! We all have the same words to work off of, but each person’s interpretation of those words and/or ways combine them are bound to be unique!
Pease tag me (this @ on AO3, Twitter, and Instagram) and/or use some variation of “Kane Coded Challenge” in tags for easy searching!
Okay I hope the bolding of phrases made people not skip past this cuz I really want it to happen and to see how creative y’all can get 😃🖤
💖 Multifairyus
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Asking some AU comp competitors & supporters:
- Are there any AUs you weren't familiar with that have recently caught your attention, or that you would like to learn more about?
- What are some AUs/fanworks that you enjoy, and would encourage more people to go check out? (Doesn't have to be in the comp!)
I discovered @v-albion's True Colors AU, and @tizeline's Tiz Sep AU through the comp very recently, and I love them!
Other AUs in the comp I've read are Ghost in the Shell, Little Scraps of Wisdom, and The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin, which are all EXCELLENT, I highly recommend giving them a read. I've also read Two Souls, which didn't make it last round, but it's so good guys, please check them out too if you like iteration crossovers.
I've also seen @kathaynesart's Replica, @star-sparkler's August AU, @pezhead's Age Gap, @butterfilledpockets's Bad End Ninja Turtles, and @tangledinink's Gemini Twins around tumblr before, and they're all lovely aus, it makes me happy to see them on my dash.
I'd also recommend The Eldest Brother, which is a crossover AND an au, and Elemental Brothers, which is an excellent human/ATLA au. I am also a fan of @shardkn1ght's Hueso Raised Leo AU.
And what kind of writer would I be if I didn't plug my own AU, Lost and Found... and also the Bakery AU, it's small, but it deserves love too.
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pommigranite · 7 months
Asking some AU comp competitors & supporters:
- Are there any AUs you weren't familiar with that have recently caught your attention, or that you would like to learn more about?
- What are some AUs/fanworks that you enjoy, and would encourage more people to go check out? (Doesn't have to be in the comp!)
Uhhhhh not really, I know and follow most of the aus I’m interested in
gotta promote my favs fr
at my worst by @teainthesnow
sorry I’m late by @gemini-forest
rabbits broach by @pigeonsgrame2
is this right by @cruilty-ink
HEA by @phykoha
there’s A LOT more but I’m not one to tag a bunch of people
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dimpledpran · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
(created by @fiercynn)
Thank you for tagging me @morkofday (x) and @disasterbabygirlnick (x)
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
Mimi, 30, She/Her, Singapore, always in need of more sleep, and more time to get through the watch list
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
So I was initially waiting for Bad Buddy to finish airing so that I can binge it. But it was getting harder to avoid spoilers on the dash, so I decided to give it a go. I am so glad I binged ep 1-6 and only joined the airing from ep 7. Because there is no way I could have survived ep5 and waited a week after watching Pran walk away. That would have been torture.
favorite ship(s)
Of course PatPran are the ultimate ship. I love them so much. And also InkPha because we are finally getting some GL representation!!!
favorite character(s)
I know everyone says this, but it is true. Pran is me. I am Pran. Like I have never related to a character as much as I have related to Pran. In terms of character, personality and even certain issues he was facing. It's just insane. And I love him so much.
favorite episode(s)
Episode 10. It just has everything; the highs and the lows. A perfect mix. We start off with the staircase confession, which is also one of my fave scenes, and then we have the boys finding out that the business/Chai was never the main problem the parents, prompting them to dig deeper. Pha's realisation and thew whole park trial date with the Wai encounter. That was such an epic scene. The only thing better than confused Pha was protective Ink and flustered/heartbroken Wai.A little cameo from Gemini, Ford and Fourth! INKPHA DARK ROOM SCENE!! PatPran on an actual hotpot date! And of course the parental confrontation and rooftop breakdown. I know I did not have to list out the whole ep, but I got excited. I am sorry.
favorite scene(s) 
Episode 5 4/4 is just a different league. That should actually count as an episode on its own. Love every second from the lobby fight scene to the rooftop kiss and Pran walking away. Its all just chef's kiss. All the emotions!! I am forever in awe at how Jimmy stood up to Nanon and Ohm. He could have easily gotten swallowed by their presence and energy, as a newbie. But nope, he gave as good as either of them. He demanded that space in the scene. And all three of them killed it! Not even gonna start talking about the rooftop scene. There is not enough time and character limit for that. Another favourite is the rooftop breakdown. That was one gorgeous breakdown, and idk if it can be topped. The way Pat is already there when Pran calls his phone. The way Pran who has always been in absolute control, jsut completely breaks down sobbing in Pat's arms. The way Pat can't hold his tears back at seeing Pran cry. The way he tries to still hold it back because he knows Pran needs the space to finally let go. Pat asking Pran if he likes Ink in ep4, and Pran crying in his bed. Idk if he was meant to cry, or if it just happened. But that was beautiful. I can't watch that scene without feeling like I want to punch Pat for puttiung PRan through that, and to give Pran a nice long hug. This shall be my last. InkPha darkroom scene!! They both did such a rgeat job there as well! I can still hear the way Pha's voice quivers when she talks to Ink. It was remarkable. And to think everyone was actually there for that scene (I think it was this scene?). Cos everyone wanted to see the girls act a GL scene. So it must have been pressurising, but they were amazing!
one thing you would change about the show if you could
Gonna say the same thing as Vi and Vishie. WAI NEEDS TO APOLOGISE TO PRAN! It does not matter if homophobia does not exist in the BB universe. You still broke your friend's trust. There's no way you are being made the victim here. You have to apologise and face the music. I am not saying that Wai dropping the curtain should not have happened. I can understand why he did that. But I can't understand why he got away scot-free, and Pran was left to chase after him with an apology. I do not like that they left this unaddressed.
what are some of your favorite fanworks made by other people
It honestly is a struggle to control myself here and not just tag everything I see/read. So here are a few.
♥ gfx ♥ ♥ @weiyingsexual : InkPha X 4Signs ♥ @pranink : The colouring here is insanely gorgeous , PatPran + Rooftop (Stunning colouring) ♥ @petekaos Just an insane edit ♥ @nanons : Pran Fave Character , This gives such dreamy vibes ♥ @mabellsmora : Love the quote with the scenes ♥ @liyazaki : BB Casette Playlist ♥ @lan-xichens : Love the rainbow and the composition , ♥ @baifengxis : Basically their whole rewatch series , ♥ @ardentlytess : InkPha Edit , Pran Fave Character ♥ @raypakorn : Pran Edit , Pat Edit , Horror Edit , Love the blending and overlays here ♥ @disasterbabygirlnick : PatPranXBollywood ♥ Edit ♥ ♥ @morkofday : Fave Ep , Pran DnD , I just love how Pran GLOWS in this edit , ANGST , This used to be my wallpaper , Planet Symbolism ♥ @snimeat : Love the framing and composition here , This gives such happy vibes ♥ @oswlld : Fave Ep , The quote with those scenes just went straight to my heart , Silly Pat and Endeared Pran , PatPran X Songwriting (such a cool formart/concept) , BB as Noir Film ♥ @patspran : New Beginning ♥ @i-got-the-feels : Dynamics , Pran Parakul Songs , Fave Ep
♥ Fanart ♥ ♥ @thatgothsamurai : Photobooth , Wedding ♥ @hereforlou : just all their fanart ♥ @kit-teung : InkPha ♥ @kornswasianguyswag : All their BB fanart ♥ Fanvid♥ ♥ @patpranism : B99 intro ♥ @transpat : Tujh Mein Rab Dikhita Hai , Pat Version ♥ Fanfic ♥ ♥ Promise Me When October Comes, You Will Wait For Me , Remember Even When You Forget, Do I Need A Reason? ♥ @dimplesandfierceeyes : Aroma-nce So Sweet , When Tempests Toss, Embrace Chaos , The Road To Normal Is A Mirage ♥ @sunshinedobi : Melted , Heart In A Cage , Sleepless In Bangkok , Worth The Wait ♥ Contradictions ♥ What's In Your Head (Zombie Eh Eh) ♥ I Only Want To Have It All ♥ @fiercynn : Wait Until The Stars Uncross And Say Yes , All For Swinging You Around ♥ @bbshyperfixation : Pat & Dissaya Go To Singapore , Don't Worry , All My Clothes would Fit , ♥ There's So Many Of Me And So Many Of You ♥ @morkofday : My People, Our People , My Right Hand, Meet Left Hand
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
Fave Show : Honestly am very impressed with how the blending turned out here. Fave Couple : First time trying out a different style with text effects, colouring those random heart effects, and I was very excited with the final look. Fave Episode : I thought it was a fun idea to explain the episode with song titles, and liked how it turned out. BB X Spiderman : Yes, It is not a happy edit, but I love spiderman and I loved the chance to mix it together with my BB love. Composition Gif Challenge : Again, not a happy edit. But I saw the quote and it reminded me that PatPran could have had an unhappy ending. So I wanted to explore that. It was fun trying to figure out all the shapes and placements. Gifted Buddy Series (1 and 2) : This was entirely a product of Vishie screaming at me with her AU ideas. Thank you for all the screaming Vish, I love it all and I love you! Season 2 Netflix Edit : This took so much time, but I really like how it turned out. And it was kinda fun coming up with a Season 2 synopsis.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
Silver Tongues - Louis Tomlinson This song is totally PatPran's song. It was made for them. It actually prompted a whole series that I planned out in my head last year. And it turned out that @fitfmybeloved also had the same idea, and we brainstormed more. But somehow we still haven't actually done it yet. Hopefully soon?
idk anything else you want us to know?
So @morkofday gave me an idea for a "collab" edit and we are both working through it now, and mine is about BB. So there is an edit coming out soon? hehe
I Everyone who has been tagged above. ♥
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b5popup · 2 months
Is this event 18+? Anyone of all ages can participate. We will reblog participants' entries, and therefore ask that any nsfw content be placed behind a cut or link off-tumblr (e.g. to AO3) with appropriate tags and warnings or we won't be able to reblog it. Prompts are SFW, but intended to be open to interpretation if you want to write NSFW!
Is art permitted? While this is primarily a writing-based event, yes! Art is definitely permitted! A quick sketch counts as a drabble. A completed drawing - a clean, finished line art piece on unlined paper for art - counts as a 1k word fic. To match the 5k word fic, a completed drawing - a clean, finished line art piece on unlined paper for art - must also be either coloured or shaded, and incorporate 5 prompts. (B&W crosshatching is fine, but must be not messy.)
Art can be:
Drawn, whether with a pen, brush, tablet, or mouse
Point, all form of pixel work
CG 3D, art made by modifying 3D shapes in a cyber space
We do not accept:
AI images generated by GenAI (e.g. DALL-E, Stable diffusion, GPT-4o, Gemini, etc)
Can I do some art, some writing? Yes! You can pick and choose.
Can I write/draw more? Of course! You can always write and draw more. But you can't win the same condition twice, so you won't get two badges if you write 4 fics of 1k each. You'll still be a double winner in our hearts. 💖️
Can I do all the challenges? We won't stop you! No one can stop you. 👀️
Will you reblog submissions? We sure will! Please use the tag b5@30for30 / b5at30for30 (we track both) when you post. (If you prefer your posts don't get reblogged, simply use 'don't reblog' in the tags. Then we will track the entry towards a win but not reblog it.) NB: If you don't see it reblogged within a couple days, your tumblr might be shadowbanned, in which case your posts won't show up in tags. Please reach out via DM / ask if that's the case. NB2: Don't forget to add the fandom tags 'babylon 5' / 'b5' so others can see it too!
What do I get if I win? The personal satisfaction of having completed and posted some things! But also you will receive a lil personalised commemorative gif as a badge to put on your neocities or tumblr or dreamwidth or wherever you like.
What does the gif look like? It's a secret. 😉️
I don't like my prompts. Can I get new ones? You are permitted one re-roll with no guarantee the prompts from your first set won't also show up in your second set. But there are 2000 prompts, so it is fairly unlikely. You cannot see the list of prompts beforehand to exclude some. You are permitted to reinterpret the prompts extremely liberally with maximum creativity and it's not necessary that it be obvious how you got from the initial prompt to final execution. And lastly, if you don't like one prompt, there are still 29 remaining.
I like this prompt but it doesn't fit these particular characters... can I be flexible about the order of my list? Sorry, no can do. The list binds you, so select your characters wisely! You can, however, rework which character is which. E.g., "6 asks 8 to dance", and 6 = Lyta Alexander where 8 = Londo Mollari, you can write Londo asking Lyta to dance.
How many prompts can I use per fanwork? The rule is one prompt per fanwork, and once you use that prompt, you can't reuse it for the other fanworks remaining to win. So to win with two 1000-word fics, you must use two different prompts. (You are always free to incorporate more if you want! This is your world, you can do anything you want in here! 🎨️) To win with twenty 100-word drabbles, you must use twenty out of the thirty prompts, and it's one prompt per drabble. To win with the 5k fic, you need to incorporate five separate prompts.
Can I use OCs/self-inserts? You sure can! This can be an all-OC list if you wish. However, 'Reader' as a character will only be available for one character slot - you will need to pick 7 others.
I need an extension! There are no extensions. You must finish and post your work by Sept 30 at 23:59 (UTC) to be eligible for the win. We'll still reblog it later when you finish it! You just won't get the shiny badge and the bragging rights. 😞️
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tangledinink · 11 months
so I made the big momma dress and my brain went
"Big momma may be toxic as ever but she's still probably be chill with the twins wearing dressed if they wanted to she's just want to chose them"
So I made these more unfortunately for them after
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Leo's dress: much more flowy and dynamic made for the long strikes of confidence and to draw attention. Loose sleeve to make the dress more skinny and dramatic the bottom half is see through becuse pretty and lets more are through die to the mess.
Donnie's dress: alpt tighter and more form fitting made dark to blend in more and be the polar opposite of leo's much more triditional and calm eith short scenes to show off his markings. Belt attached on the waist and a more flowy ribbon is around the end of the sleeve.
Leo's pin: a simple brass sheild with twin katans stick into a tigars eye stone and ble glass behind the scene enphasises that leo's the defense of the two
Donnie's pin: based off a drawing Donnie made of a tech bow(becuwe I cant remember if he has one) with purple glass squared to highlights donnie's magic. Normally work on the belt attached to the dress getting simple enphasises donnies the awfence of the two
I love your au(is it wasn't obvious lol)
while im not quite convinced that big mama would go along with any potential requests from gemini's end, (not that they'd make any in the first place...) i can absolutely see her putting them in dresses if, say, a prominent enough designer proposed a lucrative enough brand deal of some kind...
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most stressful photoshoot of gemini's damn lives
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v-albion · 11 months
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Risetober day 13: Witch
Yes these witches do be witching @tangledinink
Prev | Day 12: Video Games
Next | Day 14: Pizza
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lost-in-the-pink-mist · 7 months
Asking some AU comp competitors & supporters:
- Are there any AUs you weren't familiar with that have recently caught your attention, or that you would like to learn more about?
- What are some AUs/fanworks that you enjoy, and would encourage more people to go check out? (Doesn't have to be in the comp!)
We're probably not the best people to ask since we aren't often in the right headspace to dive deeply into aus (can be overwhelming, best for us to go at our own pace), but we'll at least try to answer this properly (sort of.....we had an episode recently so we cant spare the energy to deep dive for au names we aren't familiar with)
There's been a few aus in the competition that have vaguely caught our eye in passing, like the one where April is fused with Mayhem (we think?), or the one with Donnie and his daughter. In general we'd like to eventually get around to looking at a decent portion of the aus
As for aus we enjoy beyond the comp, we probably cant offer much or any hidden gems there. We like cokowiii/weee's aus, and tangledinink's Swantello and Gemini aus (ah, both of those are in the comp actually, whoops). We have a soft spot for butterflyscribbles' Terra au as well, though its not anything huge or complicated
Maybe we should have waited until we were feeling better to answer this, but it's already been in our inbox for a few days and we don't really know when we'll be feeling better, so we'll just settle for this
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merrilark · 1 year
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merri ♢ 25 + ♢ she / her ♢ infp-t ♢ gemini
❀ you can call me merri or lark! i'm not particular. ❀ my pronouns are she / her but i'm not all that fussed. ❀ i'm a 25+ professional artist, but this is where i like let my hair down, so to speak, and put all of my fandom nonsense. this blog is my happy place because cringe is dead, life is short, and i'm having fun! so if you know me irl from somewhere... i love you, but no you don't. :p ♥ ❀ here you'll find lots of fandom content, sometimes including my own fanfic, fanart, and meta! ❀ please be aware that i may also post and reblog whump and occasionally nsfw or suggestive fanworks. for that reason, please do not follow me if you are under 18.
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kizunashipping · 2 years
An atlas of Kizuna in every form
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Kizuna Constellation, a year long ship event created by @the-kings-of-games! It's not at all formal; if anything, it's a personal project to encourage more Kizuna fanworks. :)
The prompts are more guidelines than rules, and fics and fanart doesn't have to be shippy or even Kizuna. Anyone is free to use any of the prompts because I just threw them together. There's no sign up or deadlines, and pretty much no restrictions. Feel free to @ me! (Tags appropriately when needed.)
Prompts listed in text below.
Aries (03/21-04/19): Infinity, Mark, Bond
Taurus (04/20-05/20): Family, Coffee, Rest
Gemini (05/21-06/21): Bond, Morning, Past
Cancer (06/21-07/22): Crab, Star, Gear
Leo (07/23-08/22): Date, Chaos, Sweet
Virgo (08/23-09/22): Bird, Loyal, Quiet
Libra (09/23-10/22): Duel, Connect, Team
Scorpio (10/23-11/21): Squabble, Fluff, Dragon
Sagittarius (11/22-12/21): Soulmate, Blossom, Hurt
Capicorn (12/21-01/20): King, Beginning, Card
Aquarius (01/21-02/28): Dream, Balance, Intimacy
Pisces (02/19-03/20): Love, Choice, Future
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