#gender swap podcast
steviebeastinks · 1 year
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🔈🔈🔈breaking news !!!! this transgender podcast has 4.8⭐️ rating on spotify and also there’s dinosaurs and monsters and shit in it !! let’s fucking go homos you know want to get in on the next big thing !!!!🚨🚨🚨
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silverybees · 11 months
Interview with writer of Sherlock & Co podcast
The hosts of the I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere podcast have just published a fantastic long-form audio interview with Joel Emery, writer and co-creator of Sherlock & Co.
A few interesting notes in no particular order:
Their Watson, Paul Waggott, lives New Zealand, so he's recorded remotely
Atmos was recorded on real Baker St, on the tube and local buses
They plan to keep Holmes and Watson under one roof :-)
They haven't cast Mycroft or Lestrade yet, are holding out introducing them to a story where they're really highlighted. Since the podcast is doing really well, they're hoping maybe to get someone cool to do those roles
Updating the stories involves giving the women more agency, gender-swapping some
No grand story arc is planned (the idea of it stresses Joel out) and Moriarty isn't going to have threads out to all over the other stories
They'll be doing the novels but figuring out how to do them concisely because 12 episodes would be too much to keep track of
Audio storytelling is handy because you can, say, set The Greek Interpreter in Greece without having to take a crew (or anybody) to an actual location
Taking some stories where there are upper-class, rich folks and setting them amongst more ordinary people (so Thor Bridge isn't going to be set in the grand gardens of a country estate, rather in East London )
Interestingly they acknowledge the three audiences:
the Sherlockian audience who'll want Sherlock Holmes Content
the "Johnlock community" audience who is generally younger and want "diversity to be explored in all its forms" and wants something flamboyant and different and want "that relationship between the two men to be intimate in some respects, but really powerful and centre-stage"
and the general podcast-listening public, listening to the podcast on their commute, just as the original fans of Conan Doyle read the stories in the Strand, on theirs
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mariacallous · 5 months
Is a five-year age gap in a relationship a little untoward? What about a three-year gap?
On social media, Gen Zers ― at least those who are chronically online ― are constantly debating the ethics of age gaps. Even if some relationships are perfectly legal, that doesn’t necessarily make them ethical, many say.
It’s little wonder then that age-disparate relationships are cause for so much conversation: Having grown up alongside the #MeToo movement, Generation Z is well versed in unbalanced power dynamics and the language of consent. And lately, there’s been plenty of celebrity pairings to interrogate.
There’s the obviously icky examples, like the recent, short-lived romance between Aoki Lee Simmons — Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons’ 21-year-old daughter — and restaurateur Vittorio Assaf, 65. Earlier this month, viral photos showed the pair flouncing around on vacation in St. Barts.
Yes, they’re both consenting adults, but it was still unseemly, critics said. If anything, the argument that they’re both of age is “something groomers cling to,” as one young woman on Threads put it.
“Adulthood was meant to signify voting/draft age,” she wrote. “But everyone knows your prefrontal cortex is not fully formed at this age.” (This difference between so-called brain age and chronological age ― you might be 21 but your brain is undeveloped! ― often gets brought up in these kinds of conversations.)
There are gender-swapped examples too, like actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson and filmmaker Sam Taylor-Johnson, a now-married couple who met while working on a 2009 John Lennon biopic called “Nowhere Boy.” At the time, he was in his late teens and she was a mother of two in her early 40s.
“I didn’t relate to anyone my age,” the actor told The Telegraph in 2019, reflecting on when they first met. “I just feel that we’re on the same wavelength.”
Some fans aren’t convinced. “We def aren’t talking about male grooming victims enough and this is literally proof,” one person wrote in a highly shared TikTok video about their coupling.
Then there’s the less expected critiques: Is four years too much of an age gap? “At 25, I wouldn’t even date a 21 year old,” reads one tweet with around 80,000 likes.
What about 10 years? Fans of Billie Eilish were up in arms in 2022 when the then-20-year-old singer revealed that she was dating fellow musician Jesse Rutherford, who was in his early 30s. One viral tweet about the 10-year age gap reads: “jesse rutherford was alive during george h w bush’s presidency . billie eilish cannot legally drink.”
Long-established relationships aren’t safe, either. Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively’s 11-year gap has been scrutinized. And recently, Beyhive members have begun debating whether Beyoncé was “groomed” because she was 19 when she started dating Jay-Z, who was in his early 30s.
Noncelebrity couples are getting called out, too. “I was 19. My now husband was 27. My now 13yo child calls him my ‘predator,’” one woman wrote on Threads alongside laughing emoji, probably only half-joking.
Why Gen Z Seems To Have Such An Aversion To Age Gaps
Is Gen Z just more prudish on this subject than prior generations?
Not necessarily, said Justin Lehmiller, a research fellow at the Kinsey Institute and the host of the “Sex and Psychology Podcast.” He’s been studying age-gap relationships for roughly 20 years and said the stigma around age-disparate relationships is long-standing.
In 2008 ― when terms like “cradle robber” and “cougar” were bandied around a lot more than they are now ― Lehmiller co-authored a study that found age-discrepant couples reported experiencing significantly more social disapproval than people in gay or interracial couples.
So the discomfort around these types of relationships isn’t anything new. What is new, according to Lehmiller, is how comfortable Gen Z feels about publicly and vocally disapproving of these relationships ― even on people’s personal Instagram pages. (Aaron and Sam Taylor-Johnson recently spoke out against the “bizarre” online judgment they’ve received. Eilish and Rutherford brushed off the criticism from overly concerned fans by dressing up as a baby and an old man one Halloween.)
“To some in Gen Z, age-gap relationships read as being inherently exploitative because they perceive age discrepancies as necessarily creating a power imbalance that favors the older partner,” Lehmiller told HuffPost.
What’s also changed is which parties tend to receive the brunt of the judgment. In the past, people were often scornful of both the younger and older partners in these relationships. Historically, the younger partners, especially when they were women, endured labels like “gold digger” ― with the implication that they were the ones doing the exploiting. That terminology doesn’t always fly with Gen Z.
“That perception seems to have largely disappeared when you look at what Gen Z is saying,” Lehmiller noted. “They seem to cast the younger partners as victims who are being preyed upon or ‘groomed.’”
Gigi Engle, a certified sex and relationship psychotherapist and resident intimacy expert for dating app 3Fun, worries that the term “grooming” is being overapplied and losing its meaning.
“The narrative is really toxic here and in many other cases,” she told HuffPost. “Trans people are groomers, gay people are groomers, older people dating younger people are groomers ― and this just isn’t accurate. It’s a really fear-mongering time we live in.”
Gen Z may be hyperfocused on this because of their age: If you’re a 35-year-old woman, you’re probably less hung up on the idea of a 50-year-old guy expressing interest in you.
“I think younger people may be more susceptible to manipulation and are therefore more afraid of it,” Engle said. “The reality is, age-gap relationships have been happening since humans have existed, and it is absolutely not some one-size-fits-all. In the vast majority of relationships like this, nothing untoward is happening.”
Here’s What Gen Z Has To Say About Age Gaps
Talking to actual Gen Zers, you’ll find that their opinions on age gaps run the gamut. As with most things, their takes on the subject are much more nuanced than those found on X, the platform previously known as Twitter, would have you believe.
That said, many are genuinely bothered by age gaps. While the #MeToo movement gave them the language to talk about power imbalances, some 20-somethings say their opinions are more colored by their own personal experiences.
Layla — a 23-year-old who asked to use her first name only for privacy reasons, like others in this story — thinks it’s better to date within your own age group, ideally within a two- or three-year range.
“When I was around 21 and 22, I tried talking to guys who were 30 and over but soon realized it wasn’t right,” she told HuffPot. “They had so much more life experiences than me, and it was awkward being from different generations.”
Layla said she’d tried to joke and laugh about certain things ― a meme or a TikTok video ― and got a lot of blank stares. She wasn’t a fan of their humor, either: A date recounting the umpteenth “Seinfeld” episode or that one “Step Brothers” scene gets a little old after a while.
“Trying to relate to one another just didn’t work out, and it felt awkward and wrong,” she said.
“I believe a relationship between an 18- and 25-year-old is problematic,” Layla said, noting that this applies regardless of gender.
“I actually wish women got called out for their predatory behavior, too,” she said. “It almost seems like no one wants to hold women accountable.”
Mona, a 21-year-old college student in Georgia, even finds her own parents’ 11-year age gap a little “predatory”: Her dad was in his late 30s and a divorced father of one when he met her mom, who was in her late 20s and didn’t have children.
Mona would date someone three years older. She wouldn’t consider going younger, though. “I do think that an 18- and 25-year-old together is unacceptable,” she said.
She is particularly weirded out when she hears people talk about how their partner basically raised them or taught them “how to be a woman,” as Beyoncé said to Jay-Z in a 2006 birthday toast that went viral recently.
Mona is also wary of anyone who almost exclusively dates young people ― the Leonardo DiCaprios of the world. Every time the 49-year-old actor gets a new girlfriend, a graph highlighting the fact that each of his ex-girlfriends has been 25 or under starts circulating again.
“Any respectable adult would have the common sense that pursuing a teenager is extremely weird, and I also believe it says a lot about the headspace of the older person,” the 21-year-old said.
Mona also thinks the COVID-19 pandemic might’ve been a factor in Gen Zers’ apprehension over age gaps. They might technically be 21, but given that weird few-year pause, they don’t feel it.
“You hear about how we’re mentally the same age that we were when the pandemic first started,” she said. “That might play a role in why some people are not settling on older people pursuing them ― you feel you’re still too young.”
Not everyone agrees. Rei, a 22-year-old who is queer, said they don’t find age-disparate relationships inherently problematic. They said there’s a lot more than age that gives people power over each other, and if you consider five years an “age-gap relationship” then Rei is currently in one.
“Though my partner is older than me, I have a college degree and she doesn’t,” they said. “So arguably I have a better financial and career outlook that would make me the ‘abusive one,’ if you’re using that language.”
Age gaps may be more common in the queer community, Rei said. “I don’t know a gay guy who hasn’t been with someone much older than him,” they said. “It’s just normal to us.”
Problematic dynamics can exist no matter the age. “People now don’t know what grooming is and just use the term as synonymous with age gaps,” Rei said.
To some extent, Rei sees the hubbub over age gaps as an overcorrection of the mores ushered in by the #MeToo movement.
“People overadjust and assume that any relationship out of the norm is abusive,” they said. “In my experience, people who feel age gaps are problematic are also the same people who argue the internet is harmful and should be censored because they had a bad experience as a kid. Your experience isn’t universal.”
For Amelia, 24, actual age matters less than the stage of life you’re in. She figures if you’re a relatively accomplished 28-year-old dating an accomplished 40-year-old, what’s the big deal? The word “grooming” really only applies when an adult is introduced to a future partner when they’re underage, Amelia said.
She cited the relationship between Dane Cook and his wife as an “egregious” example of a questionable age gap. (The now-52-year-old comedian met Kelsi Taylor at a game night he hosted when she was in her late teens.)
“Do I think it’s possible for people like that to have a healthy and happy relationship? Sure,” Amelia said. “But the older I get, my desire to talk to high schoolers grows slimmer and slimmer. I really can’t put myself in the shoes of someone who would want to befriend a high schooler.”
That said, Amelia thinks that some Gen Zers take their judgment too far. To her, the concern over age gaps seems like a weirdly “paternalistic” brand of feminism, where women feel the need to protect women from men.
“It’s similar to how Swifties treat Taylor Swift,” she said, referring to the now-34-year-old pop star.
“You have young women ‘looking out for’ a billionaire woman in her 30s. I’m a fan of Taylor Swift, but I don’t think she needs protecting from Travis Kelce because Travis Kelce got in the face of his NFL coach during the Super Bowl.”
The anti-age-gap sentiment held by many plays into the “puriteen” narrative that’s been inescapable lately. Online, there’s a lot of hand-wringing over Gen Zers’ seeming aversion to sex: Studies show that they’re having less of it than earlier generations and that they don’t want sex scenes in their movies.
Though Amelia overall disagrees with age-gap critics ― she feels like their arguments rob women of their agency, she said ― she gets where those in her peer group are coming from.
“The majority of us had unsupervised internet access from a young age. We were in chatrooms, on Tumblr, and other various corners of the internet that we probably should not have been on at that age,” she said. “It was easy for grown men on the internet to reach us if they wanted to.”
If you’ve been oversexualized at a young age ― or seen others in your age bracket be oversexualized ― that experience is understandably going to shape how you perceive these kinds of things, Amelia said.
But the reality is, there are likely just as many happy May-December unions as there are disappointing ones. “Believe it or not, we often see more ― not less ― equity in these relationships,” Lehmiller noted.
All of the Gen Zers we spoke to said that ultimately, two consenting adults can do whatever they want in their private lives, even if others find it off-putting.
“Men can like women that are younger and not be a creep,” Amelia said. “He also can be a creep, but some random person with a Twitter cartoon avatar shouldn’t necessarily be the judge of that!”
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theerurishipper · 1 year
I just listened to a podcast clip that talk about a trend in TikTok about how some women ask to be treated like a princess but many of them dont want to take on a feminine role while expecting the man to take a masculine role and this make me thinking about ladynoir relationship because this feels similar to where the writing direction take. Like in Kuro Neko it's obvious that ladybug expect chat noir to just do what she said without question because as she said "I'm a guardian" she also expect chat noir to stop flirting with her all the while she didn't want to work on the relationship. Think again her relationship with Luka also work like that she barely do anything while Luka provide her everything which happen again in her relationship with Adrien. If this what people call as this show being feminist then I'd say this is toxic feminist show. You can't expect someone to change while not change yourself or give a reasonable answer as for why that change is needed.
You know what? This is true enough. I tend to blame this less on Marinette herself and more on the writers, but it is a trend for Marinette to mostly be attracted to guys who perform emotional labor for her while demanding nothing from her. I don't think she was wrong to want Chat Noir to stop flirting with her, but you're right that she more or less never has to do anything to comfort them while they just bend over backwards to attend to her emotional needs. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's not feminist to just swap the genders and just repeat the same tired tropes. It's not feminist to have the boys perform emotional labor for the girl while she does nothing on the same level for them. It wasn't good when women were being put in that position, and it isn't good now just because the genders are reversed.
Thank you for your ask!
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
gender swap.
request: how do you think a female wammy’s boys, lawliet and light would be?
# tags: headcanons; gender swap; slice of life; mostly fluff; maybe angst or drama; also comedy (a bit); sfw
includes: light yagami, l lawliet, beyond birthday, nate river, mail jeevas & mihael keehl {death note}
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↘ Oh, she is definitely one of the most beautiful women in the university and gets a scholarship every year for her academic achievements. She is not competitive and doesn’t try to be; she simply has an innate talent for quickly remembering informations and numbers and uses it to get the best grades, and thus awards or recognition among professors.
↘ She is not very interested in relationships; many boys chase after her, but she doesn’t care at all. Brown-haired girl much more prefers to focus on her career and private goals (both in the Kira case and her job in the investigative department).
↘ Nevertheless, if the situation requires it, she will use her charm and grace to achieve what she needs. This woman will stop at nothing when her own life is at stake.
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↘ I imagine she’s wearing these cool, fluffy hoodies and huge pants tightly tightened around the waist. She is the definition of a woman who likes to play video games, drink energy drinks, watch anime and sit in her own room (alone).
↘ Just like the original L, she also likes sweets and juicy fruits. I imagine her favorites are mango or peaches. In my head I think that she is a vegetarian and cooks well to maintain a healthy, balanced diet based on the right products.
↘ She is an introvert and it’s hard to make friends with her, even though I personally find her a very attractive woman. However, she seems to be unapproachable and therefore has no success in friendship or love.
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↘ She is a loner who devotes herself to her own projects. She has at most one friend, but she lives alone in a small studio apartment with her beloved cat (she is definitely a cat-person).
↘ She studies criminology or forensic psychology and likes to listen to podcasts. She has very good grades, but very rarely appears in class (he comes to universities only when there are exams). The professors have no problem with her, but they know that she is a rather mysterious girl who struggles with personal problems. Nevertheless, she does very well, although she is an outcast.
↘ That girl enjoys night time and loves spending time with her cat while watching crime shows on Netflix. She definitely has trouble sleeping.
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↘ Another nerd. The best student in the year, the best student in the field and the best student in the entire university. In addition, she is artistically and musically talented (playing the violin and piano, #canon). Although she doesn’t have many friends, she is quite popular and her white hair catches the eye of most students. She is very liked by the professors, even if she looks at the window during classes and does not write anything in her notebook.
↘ I think she is fluent in French, German, English, Japanese and Swedish. She likes to learn new things – she remembers everything so easily. And also has a natural talent for this type of thing.
↘ She doesn’t have a driving license and is afraid to drive. She’s definitely using other people for a free ride.
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↘ Not studying. I think she found work as a graphic designer, game tester or digital game designer. It’s something she likes and she’s really good at it. In the future, she would like to set up her own studio where she would create games.
↘ I have a vision in my head that she is sharing a room in an apartment with several people and she is that girl who likes to party and come home late. Plus, she smokes cigarettes and likes to sleep in late – a real example of a bad girl you don’t have to worry about if your boyfriend hangs out with her after school on a project.
↘ Nevertheless, she is a girl who sleeps with her favorite stuffed animal at night and I have no excuse for that, I just feel in my heart that she has a little brown teddy bear without one eye that she got from her favorite grandma and always sits on her bed waiting for her to come home.
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↘ She has many friends, but only one true bestie, with whom she is perfectly matched in characters. She swears, she smokes, she’s always late, she’s sophisticated, she’ll take your boyfriend away if you get in her way... She does not like nosy people and gossip about herself, which is why she always deals with such matters personally, preferably behind the walls of the building or between the garages.
↘ She is brutal and emotionless. She has definitely not yet met a person who could heal this little, wishing for happiness heart. Currently, she lives alone and spent nights in the arms of random men. She doesn’t mind.
↘ Somewhere in the back of my mind I have a vision that she has been to the police station more than once for theft or battery. But she has a rich dad, so she gets away with everything. 
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sampilled · 4 months
In a gender swap au dean would play up to femininity the same way he plays up his masculinity
Sam doesn’t care as much and I think the same would be true the other way around.
It’s just kinda unfortunate that sam is a soft spoken prude so men would see her and think she would be the perfect little tradwife which is something I think fem!dean would want like he would be one of those girls on the alpha male podcasts who none of the alpha males actually want
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lol-jackles · 5 months
Back in 2021, Danneel had mentioned in a podcast that CMP had optioned/bought rights to a young adult book that was a “gay Great Gatsby” to turn into a tv series. Do you think this is the project Jensen referred to as being sold?
No, its not this. The guy who talked about this (and then deleted) specifically said that he could talk about it only because the option had expired. He said the Ackles had kept him in the loop as they "hired writers and developed the pilot. Seemed like everything was on track until the pitch failed to sell. Bad timing with the WB changes they said." (direct quote from the tweet). These tweets were from Feb 2023 so that option expired over a year ago.
Thank you for the added information. Honestly this adaptation just sounds like the typical "woke" contents of the past decade with gender swaps and making the lead gay and making it for the "modern audience", literally. Half the charm of the original is the roaring 20s.
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pinkpearlswirl · 3 months
Was on YouTube just now watching someone talk about and react to some horror series, and the first one reminded me of Malevolent podcast's backstory for Arthur (spoilers).
Okay, to sum up, it's this video here: https://youtu.be/v8frnFqvbOc?si=NZGRdvO3vu9rsq1h (haven't watched it on its own, but I saw it here: https://youtu.be/72ZDZTrDJD8?si=bnvh520FdWJ2OVjv
I mean if you ignore the gender swap, that's basically what happened to Faroe but if she went on to, like, haunt Arthur?
Creepy stuff.
Don't watch this if your sensitive to this kind of thing, obviously. The imagery of the boy can be unsettling.
I'll be real, I got no idea why I'm posting this right now.
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electricgaunt · 6 months
Live Blog of Interstitial Infinity #11 - The People At Home:
power plays are already happening in the introductions, we love to hear it
oh god, we just got Al's body back, and now he's totally missing hhhhhhhh
I'm appreciating everyone getting a chance to ask, "hey, what about this person's reaction to them being missing?", that's fun
hearing all the different "tension-building-music" from everyone's shows is good, I love that
I've got a really messy and disconnected word cloud going on in my head that's just, like:
The Mirror Figure at the Truth Gate
Lake/MJ/Chrome Car denizens
Shadow The Hedgehog/being a clone of Shadow The Hedgehog/Metal Sonic
Interstitial's The Other playbook
Kingdom Hearts and Nobodies
Bath & Butler (^& Borges) Works
and now I'm laughing at the idea of seeing this entire word cloud on a T-shirt lmao
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure... man... those adventures certainly are bizarre, huh?
does Trish just go to regular high school??? excuse me??????
interior...Cannolo...Murolo...I drive a Chevrolet...movie......rococo? (that doesn't quite work, ah well, gonna be tumbling that JoJo name around in my head like a nice rock, very cellar door quality name)
part of this ep is dedicated to me learning things about JoJo lol 😄
thinking about if mob and ritsu universe swapped or role swapped with ed and al...the brother vibes are just sooo different in certain ways
I think Tome asked akinator where mob is
suddenly getting flashbacks to reading a cute ot3 fancomic with reigen/mob's parents a long, long time ago
GOOD FOR HER!!! (Rouge-style Mephiles 🖤)
if there was a character ask meme for developing your interstitial infinity character, I feel like "what made you want to get on the train?" is great
"aS a PoDcAsTeR"
Ed annoying Ling again by doing the brother hair antenna telepathy, like he did in the gluttony dimension
special delivery to Ling!!! congratulations! it's a diplomatic incident!!! :D
I'm laughing at the difference between FMA and most of the other universes where in FMA it's just like, basically EVERYONE knows Al is gone!!! but! shhh!!! we can't tell!!! or else his brother (infamous for fighting SCIENCE & GOD to bring his brother back) will. Lose. His. Shit. (and even worse!!! he'll be sooo Annoying until his brother is back)
this episode was such a treat aaaaa, this show y'all 💚💚💚
and now: we shift to Not Worrying about this arc's name 🙂🙂🙂
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wellntruly · 1 year
The 4077 Film Festival
I watched three (plus) movies that they watched on M*A*S*H; this is my book report.
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“Marlene Dietrich is back in town.” / 2x24 ‘A Smattering of Intelligence’
Okay so this one is actually just referenced in dialogue, not a specific film we watch them watch, but it happened that I watched two of Josef von Sternberg’s Marlene Dietrich films right before starting the M*A*S*H fest programming in earnest, so prologue, baby, prologue!
I had moved Shanghai Express (1932) up my watch list ever since it kicked off the Little Gold Men podcast’s Pride month Oscar flashbacks series this year, reminding me that I really wanted to see another Marlene Dietrich movie. Just stepping forward a few years into the 1930s also felt good, felt right after watching just so many (all) of Buster Keaton’s movies from the 1920s. Hot Chronological Summer!
I ended up watching both it and Morocco, because Shanghai Express SO enchanted me. Morocco (1930) is the one where Dietrich dresses in a tuxedo and steals a kiss from a woman, but Shanghai Express actually felt more pervasively, albeit subliminally queer to me, perhaps because she and her fellow sapphically inclined co-star Anna May Wong were rumored to have had an affair at some point. There’s just something about the scenes of the two of them lounging in a train car together just listening to music or silently playing cards and coolly eyeing anyone who comes in that says ‘gay culture.’ The actual romance plot is heterosexual of course, but it was wild how much more I was into that relationship than I was her one with Gary Cooper in Morocco, a much more famous and famously handsome star than [looks him up yet again] Clive Brook, and yet Brook all the WAY for me, girl. If we have to choose between Marlene Dietrich’s male love interests in von Sternberg pictures.
Anyway in the second season M*A*S*H episode ‘A Smattering of Intelligence’, Radar is engaged in a bit of hoodwinking (the 4077th’s second favorite pastime after flirting), and to indicate that he’s surreptitiously swapped some papers to further confuse some spy vs. spy antics going on, lights a cigarette and strikes a leg-up pose silhouetted in the doorway, causing spy #2 to ask if that’s the signal, and Hawkeye to remark, “Either that, or Marlene Dietrich is back in town,” and honestly describing Radar as being in drag as a famous bisexual woman from the ‘30s is not necessarily the least accurate description of Radar’s gender that I can think of.
Should you watch Shanghai Express? Babe yes, so moody in the best way. The play of light and shadow! This mysterious cast of characters all thrown together on a train! The Chinese civil war??? SHANGHAI EXPRESS.
Should you watch Morocco? Also looks so so beautiful, but if you only have room in your life for one Marlene movie, easy choice it's the above.
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Blood and Sand (1941) / 3x05 ‘O.R.’
And now we reach the movies they actually watch on the show, although the first is a slight feint: this one we only hear. Early in the third season episode ‘O.R.’, recognizing that they’re all going to be working through the night, Radar asks Henry if he should pipe the audio from the movie in over the PA system, and Henry approves of this. I IMMEASURABLY approve of this, and think hearing the sound of old movie dialogue and Spanish guitar playing half muffled overhead as they operate is one of the most spellbinding atmospheres this show ever captured.
But the interesting thing about the choice of Blood and Sand for this episode, is that what this movie was most known for was actually its bold Technicolor visuals. Reportedly, director Rouben Mamoulian would carry around spray paint with him so he could change the color of props at a moment’s notice, and was also known to just paint shadows onto the walls sometimes if he couldn’t get the effect he wanted with light alone. The efforts of Mamoulian and his crew nabbed them the Academy Award for Best Cinematography: Color for 1941 (this was the era where there were two cinematography categories for color and black & white; ran until the 1960s actually!), as well as a nomination for Art Direction.
Though the film got no other notices and somewhat mixed reviews overall, Tyrone Power and Rita Hayworth were big deal movie stars, and their star-power is probably what contributed to much of this movie’s commercial success. When Father Mulcahy, hearing a scene playing over the speaker, asks what this is, Henry just states the title and their names. From another table, Hawkeye adds as a piece of description: “The Frank and Hot Lips of Old Seville.”
As it happens, Hawkeye’s joke is not so far off really! Tyrone Power is playing a passionate dumb matador married to a beautiful and innocent Linda Darnell (secret stalwart of the M*A*S*H programming, she's in two of these!), but gets swept up in a tumultuous affair with a powerful temptress played by Rita Hayworth. Something I learned watching Blood and Sand is that when Loretta Swit is playing Margaret in glimmering, half-lidded seduction mode, a big loose enticing smile on her lips, she is absolutely channeling Rita Hayworth in movies like this. And given the way Blood and Sand goes (I am so sure you can guess), Hawkeye would seem to be implying that Margaret is fully capable of destroying Frank’s whole hapless married ass.
Verisimilitude Corner: What plays over the speakers is 100% a scene in Blood and Sand, but I believe that the Spanish guitar I so love is actually lifted from a different part of the score and layered in with this particular Power & Hayworth dialogue. It creates a much more distinctive auditory profile to weave through the background of this scene; I completely understand why they would have done this.
Should you watch Blood and Sand? Naw, it’s sure got a look, but story and construction aren’t exactly anything to write home about
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Leave Her to Heaven (1945) / 3x18 ‘House Arrest’
The first thing I noticed about Leave Her to Heaven should have occurred to me earlier: 20th Century Fox. All three of these titles turn out to be Fox movies, making all the sense in the world, as M*A*S*H the show was produced by the Fox television arm, after the success of the feature branch’s surprise hit, M*A*S*H the Altman film. Licensing clips of movies is definitely easier when they are also your movies.
The next framing element we need to discuss is that once more, this film was known for its vivid Technicolor cinematography, again the winner of the Academy Award for Cinematography: Color its year! And yet, what they’re watching on M*A*S*H is definitely Leave Her to Heaven, and definitely in black & white. Come to think of it, all films they watch are.
I have tried to figure out what’s going on here, and in the process have learned a lot more about the mechanics both physical and economic of Technicolor film, but have not come up with any definitive explanation (yet), just an educated guess. Which is, as it so often is, especially with the Army: cost. Shooting Technicolor film was outrageously expensive, involving huge cameras that you had to rent by the day from the Technicolor company, through which you would run three strips of film that were treated in different ways, so would respond to light and then dye differently (yes they dyed the film! incredible! are you seeing why it was SO ‘SPENSIVE), and then they’d all be layered together, et voilà: the richer-than-life colors you see in Technicolor films from the 30s-50s.
And as a side product this process also resulted in: a black & white negative. Now I have not yet found anyone confirming this, but my suspicion is that the studios would also make some copies off this negative that were not run through the pricey dye process, and those black & white reels would have been available for cheap if you were, say, the U.S. Army, looking for a discounted way to distract for a couple hours the people you’ve sent to fight a war from the fact that you’ve sent them to fight a war. I think it’s a good theory! But if anyone has actual info PLEASE let me know, I’m so so interested in what was going on here.
But meanwhile: in the third season M*A*S*H episode ‘House Arrest’, Hawkeye, on the titular house arrest, learns that Gene Tierney, striking in any color scheme, is in the movie they have that week, and is ready to move Heaven & Earth, or at least Father Mulcahy, to be able to see her. What Hawkeye does not know at this moment, nor would anyone watching this episode who has not seen John M. Stahl’s Leave Her to Heaven, is that it also predominantly takes place in SMALL TOWN MAINE. I love the idea of M*A*S*H writers putting this easter egg in here, winking “and this will be one for the Criterion crowd :)” (also predicting the emergence of the Criterion Collection ten years later).
Verisimilitude Corner: For reasons I cannot fathom, the Leave Her to Heaven clips playing on the wall of the Swamp are happening all out of order. The first scene we see set at a table takes place in the early middle of the film, then we cut way back to the beginning portion in New Mexico, before swinging all the way to a piece in the last act. There is no wedding scene in this film, no matter what Father Mulcahy says, but it is in fact even funnier that Henry cries at the one he does, as this is actually one of Gene Tierney's big dangerous femme fatale moments (for all that like, they all are—tbc!!), and his weeping at it tracks with how Nurse Able is mystified by his reaction, and earlier he'd complained that after looking away for two seconds he had lost the plot.
Should you watch Leave Her to Heaven? So turns out Leave Her to Heaven is considered one of the few COLOR NOIRS, and it kinda fucks totally. It looks so Douglas Sirk melodrama gorgeous, but with a plot straight out of Gone Girl. And like, you ever seen Vincent Price, young? NOT I. Impossibly tall. Shows up in a rain storm in the New Mexico desert. Martin Scorsese has said this is one of his favorite movies—the taste.
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My Darling Clementine (1946) / 5x22 ‘Movie Tonight’
And finally, from the Potter era, and from Potter’s heart, comes the fifth season episode 'Movie Tonight', where we watch really a remarkable amount of the battered copy he’s managed to track down of his favorite film, the John Ford western My Darling Clementine.
Harry Morgan is so cute, the phrase “My Darling Clementine” is so cute—with its lilting song to match—and this episode itself: it’s cute. The film screening works just as Colonel Potter hoped it might: a way to bring his campful of grown theater kids together during a tense patch. It’s very funny how little urging it takes for them to begin using every unplanned projector failure intermission as an opportunity to get up and start doing impressions for each other.
But do you know what’s so intriguing? When I finally watched My Darling Clementine, I found it actually struck a kind of harmony with M*A*S*H’s more melancholy currents. Filmed in 1946, it’s been called one of the first true post-war westerns, and there does feel something sort of haunted in it, this sense of loss. It starts in the song even, which after those first lines you remember is actually about a young woman “lost and gone forever.” So many of the characters are carrying some sort of wound, physicalized in coughs or injuries if not simply the toll clearly being wrought on them by the deaths that keep falling around them.
And then there’s that the two main characters are a brooding, Shakespeare-loving, TB-stricken outlaw surgeon (oh okay!), and their reluctant but-I’ll-do-it new marshal, a mellow, even-voiced, semi-secretly then not at all secretly total fucking weirdo, who caused me to message a M*A*S*H friend part-way in, hey, did we know Henry Fonda as Wyatt Earp is Such A BJ. Fun, FUN. That would have been fun in the mess tent.
The film itself isn’t devoid of humor, either, should mention! Particularly around Old West Hunnicutt. It's that element as well as its dreamy bleakness that pairs well with a mobile hospital post in Korean War sitcom purgatory. Colonel Potter, famously, loves horses, so his 2/3rds horse-based explanation for why he loves this movie raises zero questions, but what that doesn’t indicate is you’re also going to get scenes like one where Doc Holiday is having alcohol poured over his hands so he can do emergency surgery on a pair of scrubbed tables in the saloon. This was a good pick, M*A*S*H writers, is what I’m saying.
Should you watch My Darling Clementine? Oh yes if I was not clear: Yes
4077 Film Festival: Closing Remarks
I enjoyed this process so much. I love conceptual experiences and homework, so, really optimal for me. And I love old movies and I love M*A*S*H and I love their use of old movies on M*A*S*H! Contemporary cultural elements like this do wonders I think to recall you to their actual time period, as this show is so much about the 1970s and Vietnam, that remembering it's actually set in the '50s can give me an enjoyable swoop in my stomach as I suddenly fall back further in time. It was the 1950s... The records that show up in 'Your Hit Parade' are all jazz... M*A*S*H: good show, good movie & music supervision.
Up next: NOT Bedtime For Bonzo (1951), a real movie, that also underscores my statement above as I just need to express to you: starred future president Ronald Reagan. M*A*S*H!!!!
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aggold15hi01 · 19 days
A random thought about (Gender-swapped) Lolex
Post can also be available on my own personal blog as well: https://realpaulaleah4everwrites05.blogspot.com/
Am I the only one who wanted a gender-swap Fem Lolex obviously? i mean I have been thinking about it for a long while ever since I am starting to feel as if the Lolex love is growing me and it grows on me even more just as when i did have the thought of how they truthfully reminded me of 'Heartstopper duo' (Despite how i didn't either truthfully watched the TV Series nor I did truthfully read the comic series) However after watching and listening to Krystal Oh's first episode of her podcast series 'Spill the polish' Erica as her very first guest on the podcast show as well as the 'Team Torque' series then this is where I possibly wanted to write a Fem gender-swap Lolex where they both have their own independent Podcast series where they both chatted about several different topics [just like how the original male counterpart on 'team Torque'] as well as having to share their own thoughts about a topic where they spoke about it in addition to their personal experiences as well they did experienced it along the way in their very own lives.
Anyway, that's just my own thoughts about gender-swapped Fem Lolex and also a podcast series they would do which I very much wanted to do it as a fan Fiction whenever I can properly get the chance to the writing on it properly.
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skelevenn · 1 year
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Repostober #4
From around this time last year. All the main characters from that time I DM'd Curse of Strahd. The first 4 are the players: Lucretius von Castonburg, Human* Blood Hunter; Reese Hawking, Human Ranger; Aroden Foxtarrow, Half-Elf Cleric; Gonbri Weregeld, Dwarf Monk. The next two are twins Mirabel and Korga Nimrovitch, their escort NPCs. (if you know CoS, they are reincarnated Ismark and Ireena. Swap the genders tho.) And of course the man himself, Strahd.
I explained more but it ended up kind of depressing lmao so its under the cut.
Around this time last year I got REALLY into trying to revive a DnD podcast my group... attempted. I was DMing Curse of Strahd. We always talked about that campaign really fondly and sort of promised to go back (and record again even if it was never processed and posted) and it would come up every now and then as the dropped campaign people most wanted to revisit but... it hasn't come up in a long time now.
But I was proud of the storytelling and my DMing and junk... also it had a fair bit of homebrew because at the time I was very near the end of a CoS campaign with a different group where I was a player. Where I was Tethys, in face. So I did this whole thing where it was like... 18 years after my group had defeated Strahd (though we hadn't gotten there in real life yet... also then... that campaign died too... SIGH) and a bunch of important NPCs (and a couple PCs) that died were reincarnated and... yadda yadda.
Really out of the blue I just kind of dove into re-editing it myself, and then they turned into videos because I know youtube and not anything about podcast sites, so then I did a bunch of art...
And the rest of my group just kinda didn't care. But I was mostly doing it for myself, at the time. But I don't exactly enjoy editing audio, so it petered out... I did complete and post 3 one-hour episodes. I think the 4th was pretty close too. idk. thinking about it makes me sad now. whoops.
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amaya-writes · 2 years
Death Note spoilers!
For the event, can I request reborn!L Lawliet? He died in 2007, so he would be 15 today, so I just wanted some fluff with teen!reader (platonic or romantic, whatever) maybe being friends from school and liking true crime, chatting, just doing normal teen stuff without a care in the world :') thank you so much
Event Masterlist About The Event
Notes: I was going to make this romantic but ran out of ideas lol
Warnings: n/a
Characters involved: L Lawliet, mentions Watari
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
You had been friends with L ever since you saw him win a middle school dodgeball match by using physics.
You thought he was one of the coolest people you knew. He thought you were annoying.
L Lawliet wasn't exactly the type of teenager people would talk about. His real name was Ryuzaki but for some reason unknown to most he had decided to be referred to as L sometime during elementary school, a decision everyone seemed to automatically accept.
He was quiet and went about his days at school perched on his seat at the back of the class with his owlish eyes observing everyone around him.
Everyone thought he was weird. Even the teachers.
The only reason they never said anything was because of how awfully smart he was.
You prided yourself on being one of the top students in your class. But that was before L came along.
You might have been smart, but he was on another level.
Perhaps that was why you had originally been so vexed by him. Him and his stupid sliver tongue and quick reflexes that ensured even if he was regarded as an outcast, no one could ever ridicule him for it.
Especially not when he came from such a rich family.
You heard rumours about how he had a butler who would follow him around wherever he went. And how that butler was responsible for the chemistry teacher's sudden disappearance a week after she dared to mark L's answer wrong.
The second part was obviously a lie. But you found that it was enough to intrigue you even more.
In the end, it was your love for true crime that brought the two of you together.
There was a famous detective known for his books about the serial killers cases he had handled in your country who had a book signing in your city, and you just had to go.
As luck would have you found a familiar raven-haired boy standing outside the bookstore just as you arrived.
At first, you thought he would avoid you. But that was before he dropped by your table after the book signing to cheekily impose on your reading.
"He was never imprisoned."
L took your question as an invitation to occupy the vacant seat across from you.
"The killer. He was a politician who got away with it just because his party refused to believe he could ever do such a thing."
The two of you were quick to share your sentiments about how awful that was, and before you knew it, a simple talk about a book both of you adored turned into reading recommendations and swapping social media.
Apparently, L had only downloaded Tiktok and Instagram to watch videos about the cases he liked to keep up with but actively spent time tweeting about all sorts of things.
You thought the two of you would be restricted to discussions outside of school after that but were pleasantly mistaken the next day when you found L excitedly leaning against your locker ready to talk about how your favourite author had announced they were going to do a podcast.
The two of you became quick friends after that.
It started with both of you reading together and listening to true crime but quickly turned into L tugging you along to a million bakeries and forcing you to play chess with him in exchange for long walks through the park and shopping sprees.
You learned the reason he wanted to be called L was that his late mother had named him Ryuzaki, and he seemed to hold a grudge against everything related to her. He learned about your struggles with perfectionism and need to be the trophy child of your family.
You loved fashion almost as much as he didn't, and he held an interest in all the sports you had never once bothered to learn.
The two of you were different yet somehow still so awfully alike.
It helped that you both lacked any artistic abilities whatsoever. Whether it be dancing, singing, or art.
That was where your other friend came in.
Unlike L who didn't have any friends before you, you had secured a tight-knit but fun group of friends you cared for deeply. One of them was a digital artist who had even gone viral on Tiktok, the other an aspiring doctor who was secretly a theatre kid.
You were acquainted with a few others too, but L preferred to stick around you or the other two.
Everyone else seemed to be glad that you were helping L come out of his shell.
The two of you quickly turned from the peculiar pair everyone would gossip about to normal best friends, and over time people began to stare more when you weren't accompanied by one another.
You cared for each other deeply and would often spend hours on end holed up in L's ridiculously large bedroom as you did everything from reading to studying to watching bad comedy horror movies.
One school year turned into another, and you soon began to think of L as someone you would be friends with forever.
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veganbear · 1 year
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So at work I started to listen to a podcast by @thepenumbrapodcast, Juno Steel and I love it.
Got through the first season and ogh.
Characters are like, hardly described at all so this is all my interpretation, I can explain some of my choices and personal headcanons for designs.
So the reason why I gave Juno long hair is that honestly, I do not understand gender in this podcast. I can not tell if Juno is a man or not (most likely is, but I keep being confused) so I have him long hair so he could more easily swap in my mind between being female and male. Accidentally genderfluid Juno, oops.
Rita wears yellow glasses because she would wear silly glasses to the office.
Peter's look took inspiration from Aziraphale. Not that I've seen Good Omens, I just think he fits his voice. Additionally, always wears a white tux because he likes the aesthetic (Though gets annoying with the blood that's usually spilled with him around).
Also I would have loved to make them look more martian and future like, but I don't have the creative juices right now, I'll redesign and color them later.
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cuprohastes · 1 year
World building notes
The Tsin are four armed pangolins with their eyes between their nostrils.
Their nostrils are on the sides of their head safely out of the way. Their eyes are hilariously far forward, in front of their big soft round ears.
Their scales are actually heat/moisture control - The underside of their big scales are chubby, like a fingertip, and can radiate heat, and form part of their respiration.
They do have four arms: The big pair they have are long enough to use quadrupedally, though they culturally don't because ugh, what did you stand in?!
The other pair are usually tucked up and not used for a whole lot, though often, for holding ones wallet keys and phone. No, really. It's just convenient.
Tsin hear well, in a wider range than humans, and use a higher pitch when talking "locally" and lower for longer distances. By Tsin standards, all humans speak like they're on the other side of the room. This is considered hilarious.
After reading this from T. kingfisher, the noted author, artist, podcaster, gardener and alter ego of someone even more talented, it made sense to me that the Tsin would have four genders.
There's the Big Males and Big Females...
Which doesn't mean tehy're bigger. They have several words for the gender, ranging from scientific to medical, from formal to colloquial.
None of which map to a single useful human word or phrase, so everyone informally settled on "Big" in the sense of the "Most. The largest amount of. Venti"
There's Small males and Small females.
Only... sometimes it's just one who switches gender because there was a shortage.
Tsin family dynamics are like a pot of spaghetti that's being stirred.
Big females can breed with Small males. Big males can breed with Small Females. Small Males and females cannot breed, unless they do but the offspring is sterile, the same way a mule is.
Big Femals and Big Males also cannot interbreed, and the results are tragic, so don't do that.
Females have a 50/50 chance of male or female offspring, unless they were previously mal in which case 100% chance of male offspring. Males who were female produce 75/25 chance of females.
A standard family unit is at least one large male, 2-4 small males and females, and one large female, "To shout at everyone for not keeping their claws clean".
This would be the alpha female, in the sense of she's pretty much everyone's mother figure. Or the most forceful personality.
Male/Female roles in Tsin society are... complex. The question of being trans or not only applied to the type that cannot naturally switch. In modern times, the specific biological process is more understood and a Big type can be reverted back to a Small type, but should breed as a Big type to avoid really unfortunate results, as genetically they're still Big.
Very few of this particular gender class feel the need to swap, and it's more common for Small class to want to gender swap to being Big, which again, with the right hormones and some attitude coaching and scale paint to get the right colours, is a thing.
This has caused some consternation. In a society where switching genders is fine and natural, switching gender class was the odd one and since having one or more Big class family members not breeding was kind of not a big deal normally, it was considered more of a managerial concern.
I mean, if you start out small, are you going to be able to yell at people so they'll keep their claws clean?
Turns out, yes, so that was worked out Ok as long as everyone remembered their geneology lessons.
The phrase "keep your claws clean" is one of those culturally loaded phrases that has several centuries of references and cultural baggage, but can be summed up as 'ensuring that one's familial unit are maintianing civil ways and fitting in with the morals and standards of the society of which they are part of and e.g not waling around on all fours and getting mucky hand prints on the nice things'.
If you were having fun with this, comment! I hunger for interaction!
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thishadoscarbuzz · 4 months
290 - The Front Page (w/ Roxana Hadadi) (70s Spectacular - 1974)
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1974 brings us to one of the final films of Billy Wilder, which also reunited a screen duo beloved by both Oscar and audiences, Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. Vulture writer Roxana Hadadi is back to the show to talk about The Front Page, an oft-adapted farce about newspapermen getting wrapped up in the case of an escaped convict. Most famously retold in a gender swapped version in His Girl Friday, this version stumbles to deliver the best of this director-star trio and missed Oscar's good graces despite multiple nominations in the decade for Mathau and Lemmon, including Lemmon's win the previous year.
This episode, we talk about the victory lap made by Francis Ford Coppola with The Godfather Part II and The Conversation both earning Oscar love. We also talk about the film's apoliticism was atypical of the moment, our love for Ingrid Bergman's Supporting Actress speech, and the hubbub over the acceptance speech for Best Documentary Feature Hearts and Minds.
Topics also include disaster movies becoming the splashy Hollywood product, The Godfather Part II Supporting Actor nominations, and Anderson Cooper talking about his mom hooking up with Marlon Brando.
The 1974 Academy Awards
Apple Podcasts
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