ahappyabby · 6 months
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anamericangirl · 1 year
What are your thoughts on this?
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/genderabolitionist/683283519019057152?source=share
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Like there’s so much wrong with it I don’t even know where to start. Like how in the world do you take a true statement like “hey it’s ok if you don’t want to be a mom” and twist it to mean it’s ok to kill your baby?
I’ve seen a lot of bad arguments in justification of abortion but saying “the baby needs the placenta to survive in the mothers body, otherwise they would die!” is a top tier bad argument for killing someone.
The arguments in that horrifying thread literally boil down to “people can die naturally, therefore murdering them is totally fine.”
The baby and mother aren’t competing against each other for fucks sake. Pro-aborts really are a special kind of stupid.
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pussy-ache · 1 year
genderabolitionist -> pussy-ache
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burn-thepain · 3 years
butterflybedofthorns is a scam artist, i’m trying to warn those in the reblogs of her post beware of this blog
Thank you!
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alex-craig · 7 years
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This perfectly illustrates why gender needs abolishment #liberatewomen #radfem #ally Repost @ironbatmaiden_91 ・・・ This is why gender abolitionism exists. #genderabolition #genderisnotreal #genderabolitionist #radfem #breakthechains #sexnotgender
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This woman who identifies as “non binary” set a group of queers on me when she found out I had peaked. I was relentlessly bullied, abused and completely ostracized from my group of friends. All because I’m a nasty TERF. I accidentally misgendered her once as a libfem and she berated me about it for days. No wonder I fucking peaked. #transgender #trans #nb #terfisaslur #gendercritical #genderabolitionist #abolishgender https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzp3DoDh1Ni/?igshid=hah7l63i1wbi
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nastyaaurora · 3 years
hey mechs fandom heads up! there’s two people in the notes of one of my posts about nastya being a lesbian calling her a man as well as one anon calling me lesbophobic for presumably the same reasons. the two people are genderabolitionist and illalwaysbehere, and the anon could be one of them or someone else so maybe keep an eye out. please block and stay safe
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everythingqueerblog · 3 years
List of Terfs to Block Today (who you may not have run into/realised are terfs yet):
@/vagina-dialogues *
*Not to be confused with @vaginadialogues who apparently, despite the normally-a-terf-red-flag name, appears to not actually be a terf and any search for trans in the blog shows up only supportive reblogging of trans rights posts, and there is nothing at all coming up under terf/radfem/gender critical/any other terf terminology I can think of. Don't call that one a terf just based on the name. Names are a place to start in choosing to go through and check a potentially bad blog; they're not a be all and end all confirmation on their own. I recommend checking all the names here yourself, but I have actually gone through each of these blogs myself to check. You don't have to trust me just because I said so though; just be aware that with the terf list here they really are gross with the things they say and post so be warned: it won't be pretty.
And one trans exclusionist I found while double checking all the blogs I was blocking (ie: a trans person who is exclusionist; not sure how that cognitive dissonance works but there you go, apparently it does lol):
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If you don't have it already, install Shinigami Eyes on your computer for Tumblr. It'll flag any and all known terfs in red. I'm not on desktop generally but people who are will greatly benefit from Shinigami Eyes flagging terfs to block and stay away from. Some blogs will actually let people know in comment threads if their Shinigami Eyes have flagged people in the thread. If you see someone who has said "[tumblr handle] has been flagged by Shinigami Eyes" or anything similar, it means the handle being mentioned is a terf.
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This person is an (explicit, open) TERF blog
Extremely clear example receipts under the readmore if you need to see for yourself. T slur warning for the below:
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and so on. There are a million other TERF posts on the blog like that between the miscellaneous Funney posts
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 3 years
@genderabolitionist I keep seeing you harp on the “it’s just one question” thing would it be okay if someone made just one post or “just asked a simple question” that was inflammatory and misogynistic towards cis women? If they said “well we know what uteruses are for, can’t we just accept that women are supposed to stay out of the workforce and have kids? Don’t we agree it would be best for everyone?” I also feel the need to point out that a huge part of the rise in the alt right was literal neo-nazis going around asking things like that about women, and asking things like “are jews actually people?” And when people would be rightfully pissed off, they would put their hands up and say “it’s just a question!! Aren’t I allowed to ask questions??” Great company you keep.
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femmeidiot · 3 years
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@genderabolitionist it’s more that you can say for yourself
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rjalker · 3 years
free terf blocklist
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I don't care really about the teddy bear post I have no strong opinions but the post does very much say that the bear was on the bed while they were intimate, which I would read as while they are having sex. it wasn't a reach on genderabolitionist's part, it is explicitly stated in the post.
Someone pointed that out to me, and I take the L on that! I don’t read things by Reddit men carefully because they generally have nothing of value to say, so that was my bad!
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
[genderabolitionist is trying way too hard to be a good white ally. give it up about white women crying already, it’s not racist]
What is this about? I couldn’t find anything else about this
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#radicalfeminism #transactivismismisogyny #childabuse #transingkidsischildabuse #femaleerasure #adulthumanfemale #abolishgender #genderabolitionist #trans #transgender https://www.instagram.com/p/BwvmYueB_4h/?igshid=z4o9a8g89xvn
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wack-ashimself · 3 years
Dave is not sexist, at least based on what I thought he said...
I was clarified by @genderabolitionist that his quote was him talking about a rapper called 'da baby' and how he was canceled for being homophobic but not killing someone (which is a TOTALLY legit point). He purposely worded it with the word 'abort' but I totally missed the context. (Still stand by that he exploited the fact that friend of his that killed herself and bragged about paying for a trustfund for her kid).
Still, deleted the post. I was wrong. And...you can't brag when you're right unless you fess up when you're wrong, ya know?
Sadly...it's the one thing I have noticed about comedians. Once they get big enough, they don't have jokes anymore. They just talk about what happened to them...cuz they ain't in touch with normal life anyone. And they lose their edge. What made them funny in the first place. Fucking mr fluffy is notorious for that. Just..telling stories about where he's told jokes.
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