Theistic conceptions of artificial intelligence
View this post on Instagram A post shared by G. B. Gabbler 🤖🦶 (@g.b.gabbler)   Other scholars recognise elements of theism in the discourse around AI and its potential impact on our future. Robert Geraci suggests in his 2010 book, Apocalyptic AI: Visions of Heaven in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality, that AI can fulfil the same role in apocalyptic imaginings as a singular…
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eebie · 1 year
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thing i saw in my minds eye just naow. taken this thing i foun d in a tumblr post but ill never b able 2 find the tumblr psost again
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Lead Generation Company in Delhi 
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There are many companies in Delhi and the market is also very strong. In such an environment, many companies face problems as to how to get good leads.
Today we will tell you about Modulation Digital. It is one of the best lead generation companies in Delhi. It helps companies to progress by bringing them good leads. These leads later become the customers of the company.
In this article we will know about Modulation Digital's service, their working methods and the benefits of joining them.
Understanding Lead Generation
It is important for every business to progress continuously in today's digital age. For this, it is very important to find new customers. Lead generation means finding people who are interested in your product or service. These people have not become customers yet, but may become so in the future.
Good lead generation is important for any business. It includes many methods, such as online marketing and social media. Through these methods, you tell people about your company, maintain their interest and make them customers.
Why Choose Modulation Digital?
Expertise and Experience
Experience and results - Modulation Digital has successfully used lead generation in many different areas, which shows that they can deliver results.
Experts -  Their team is made up of experienced people in lead generation and digital marketing, so you can be sure that they will do a good job and create effective strategies.
Customized Strategies
Planning according to your needs - Modulation Digital creates a lead generation strategy for each client individually. These strategies are designed keeping in mind the specific objectives of the company and their target audience. This increases the chances of success.
Goal-oriented work - They first understand what the customer wants and what his goals are. Then, they create campaigns to achieve clear goals.
High-Quality Leads
Better Leads - Modulation Digital focuses not just on getting as many leads as possible but also on getting good quality leads. This increases the chances of these leads becoming your customers in the future and giving you more profits.
Lead Management - Modulation Digital also ensures that the leads that are received are followed up and kept informed in the right manner so that they stay connected with your company. This makes it easier to convert them into your customers.
Key Services Offered by Modulation Digital
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the backbone of any good lead generation strategy. It increases the number of people visiting your website. Modulation Digital strengthens your online presence by making your website and its content search engine friendly. This attracts more and more people to your website.
When people search for a product or service, they find your company easily. The leads you get are of better quality and are more likely to become customers.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
PPC advertising is a great way to get leads quickly. Modulation Digital creates and runs PPC ads with a specific strategy to show your ad to the right people. They also analyze data to ensure the best use of your ad budget and continuously improve your ads.
Social Media Marketing
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter are great ways to connect with potential customers and generate leads. Modulation Digital runs content and tailored ads on social media for your target customers. Their social media marketing expertise ensures that people who need to know about your company will see you at the right time.
Content Marketing
Modulation Digital’s content marketing services are all about providing timely, relevant and accurate information. This ensures that your key target customers are attracted to you and follow your company. They create content that makes you recognized as an expert in your field. This increases both organic traffic and leads on your website.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is still one of the most effective strategies to retain and convert customers. Modulation Digital creates individual emails for each customer to deliver the right message at the right time. The main focus of their strategy is to build a relationship with the potential customer, maintain brand awareness and convert people to your customers.
The Benefits of Partnering with Modulation Digital
Increased ROI
Optimized Lead Generation
Best Leads - Modulation Digital focuses on getting leads that are more likely to convert into customers, thus giving you more profit.
Target Audience - They use advanced technology to find specific types of customers, which increases the chances of leads converting into customers.
Result Analysis and Reporting
Data Analysis - They use advanced analytics to measure how well your campaign is working and give you the insights to make informed decisions.
Regular Reports - They give you regular reports so that you know where your money is going and how much profit you are making.
Market Analysis and Competitive Edge
Market Research - They study the market thoroughly to find out what can be beneficial for you and how you can stay ahead of your competition.
Innovative Strategies - They use modern marketing strategies to help you get more leads and convert them into your customers.
Data-Driven Decisions
Analyzing results and improving strategies
The magic of data - Modulation Digital uses advanced analytics tools to collect, analyze and evaluate a wide range of data. This data includes user actions on the website, visitors (traffic) and campaign results.
What you achieved - They choose the right metrics (KPIs) to measure how well your advertising and your entire company is performing, ensuring you are on track to achieve your goals.
Insights Generation
Every step of the way - They track and analyze everything that tells you how successful your campaign was. This includes how many people converted to your customer (conversion rate), how much it cost to acquire a customer (custom of acquisition) and how much profit you made (return on investment).
Understanding the entire customer journey - They use special techniques to find out what a customer goes through before becoming your customer and what makes them your customer.
Continuous Optimization
Continuous improvement - They constantly test how well your marketing approaches work and what resonates with users. This allows them to keep improving their strategies.
Finding the best approach - They test different types of ads, landing pages, and email subject lines to see what works best and what drives more people to convert.
Time and Resource Efficiency
Strategic Resource Allocation
Putting the right things first - Modulation Digital first identifies which marketing tasks will benefit you the most. They then focus on those tasks and use their budget wisely to maximize your profits.
Work as you go - They allocate their budget and resources to different tasks based on market fluctuations, seasonal trends, and campaign results.
Time Management
Effective Time Planning - Modulation Digital creates a complete marketing plan and schedules. This helps them know when to do each task and what the deadline is. This saves time and ensures that all marketing campaigns are completed on time.
Time Blocking - They use a time blocking strategy to complete important tasks. This helps them avoid distractions and get more done in less time.
Competitive Edge
In a busy market like Delhi, working with a reputable lead generation company like Modulation Digital is a huge advantage. Their experience, resources, and creative ideas can help your company stand out from the crowd and attract the right customers.
The bigger your company grows, the more your lead generation needs will change. Modulation Digital creates strategies that you can modify to suit your needs. Whether you are a small company looking to grow or a large company looking to sustain its growth, Modulation Digital can help you at every level. They can adapt their services to suit your needs.
Success Stories
Modulation Digital has successfully generated lead for companies in many different sectors. Their work and positive testimonials from their customers prove that their strategies are effective. By joining Modulation Digital, you join the ranks of companies that have grown due to excellent lead generation.
In Summary, Good lead generation is a must to succeed in today's tough business environment. Modulation Digital, a well-known lead generation company in Delhi, helps companies in every way. They create strategies that help companies find good leads, interact with them, and convert them into their customers. Modulation Digital has the experience, knowledge, and creative ideas to help you stay ahead of your competitors in Delhi's fast-changing market. In collaboration with Modulation Digital, you can take your company to new heights by using strategic lead generation.
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webseotoolz · 2 years
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Easily Create XML Sitemap With XML Sitemap Generator Tool - Webseotoolz Visit: https://webseotoolz.com/xml-sitemap-generator
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looseleafteeaves · 4 months
Amavikka Hospitality
Okay so I don't know the exact source of where southern hospitality comes from, but I see alot of rules and expectations regarding hospitality in a variety of cultures. I was also doing some work on the personal spreadsheet I have built based off of @booklindworm's spreadsheet for amatakka, include additions I made just to flesh out different things. The work was basically playing around and creating idioms and metaphors that could feasibly appear in the language, and I did this using a random number genearator, my knowledge of the broadly accepted strokes of amavikka, amatakka, and other star wars slave cultures, and came up with:
Ku akka-du, kus nalu, ku bora- Eat for the body, nourishment for the soul, feed hope.
In essence, by feeding yourself and others, you feed the soul and thus help hope for the future to grow. Amavikka hospitality is built around caring for people so that one day you hope you can see a day without Depur
"Hospitality" in amatakka is Takreti or, literally, "Healing Shelter"
Asking for takreti is kolrutu takreti-ji. "-ji" means searching for a answer
There are rules for Takreti- very similar to the ancient greek hospitality:
Hosts: 1. Offer some form of refreshment, but do not force it. 2. Provide shelter if the danger will not impact your family. 3. When you want to escort people out, you can't flat out say it. (I like the idea of flipping the broom, but that's just my headcannon" ALSO! You HAVE to escort the guest to the door, or to the safe exit. Guests: 1. Bring a small gift- food or something useful is most common WHEN POSSIBLE. 2. Don't flat out ASK for food- it's polite to defer 1-3 times, depending on the situation.(Same thing when being complimented). 3. The last words when leaving should be something along the lines of "thank you" or well wishing.
Hope other people like this idea too!
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decentmonster · 8 months
having congenital cataracts as an autistic person is lowkey a super power. wym you can't handle the big ceiling light. Weak. Like I KNOW if my vision were perfect I'd HATE it. But I got awful low-light vision & i can't see without it. Genearations of autism and my eyes evolved built in sunglasses. #builtdifferent
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sissyloving · 2 years
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
What do you think needs improvement in wwe and aew
OKAY so prefancing this by the fact I have not watch WWE in over a year and the only things I know about WWE now is what im getting from tumblr
both companies need to stop relying on the old stars/ old wrestlers needing either a money hit or a cash hit or like another grasp at talent. as much as I LOVE daddy ass and re-living my childhood in wrestling but like I get sooo tired of seeing people relive the glory days when they shouldnt *cough* ric flair *cough*. like theres sooo many talented younger wrestlers that arent getting shown on TV/ in the companies because older wrestlers get quick pops because of the nostalgia run. I see goldberg one more time I will actually explode.
Aew needs to book more womens matches and treat them at the same like bundle and preface as men! Like give us a womans blood and guts!! and more womens matches in genearal where its more of a rough and tumble vibe with blood. My favourite womens match is the thunder rosa brit baker cage match!! Also give me more nyla like I love nyla rose sooo much and shes so talented and cool and I wanna see her wrestle more
also things that feel like "small" tag teams, like the best friends, arent being like shown how talent they are. I know that sentence doesnt make sense. But re-watching aew during the pandemic era- where you had the trent vs kenny match it was so good and it really showwed just how cool and talented trent is in the ring and I think both him and chuck should be allowed to wrestle more and actually wrestle like do moves and win matches, theyre not just to push other talent or let newer tag teams win, its kinda depressing when taented wrestlers arent used in the way they deserve too
another thing and this is just for me, maybe this is just for me. Like long term storytelling suddenly either being shifted/stopped. Like do you remember when mox was facing [I think its either max or jericho] and someone like attacked him backstage and we NEVER EVER got told/figured out who attacked him and its kinda just been forgotten? ALSO as much as I love the elite and the hangkenny storyline and hangman rejoining the elite. He caused so much issues and trouble with everything and he hurt them, like matt said that bte episode "it hurt my heart" and theyve all like, just kinda accpeted him back. No like deep apology or "you have to prove yourself" or whatever. Its like they forgot the entire three year story they told. Also kenny finding out about the fucking nod- it could have been done so much deeper and sadder and emotional, the bucks have been there with kenny since his breakdown/breakup with kota and theyve always had his back until the one moment he needed them and they sided with hangman. But instead of all of that we got "k its cool" and I dont know if its gonna like come back up after all the kenny dealing with callis emotions is gone. Cuz thats gotta like fuck someone up mentally, suddenly loosing that abusive manipultive hold on you suddenly disappearing.
and FANS!! like, I love wrestling fans but also god I hate them so much. Guys, Guys I am begging y'all to stop showing wrestlers fanfics/ship-fanart and everything else. its not like made FOR them its made FOR other fans. I wouldnt want to be exposed to being shipped with my friends by people online. Like....ugh. ALSO like a small thing that pisses me off is fans thinking we can like, touch them in sexual ways. this is mostly cis-het men touching cis women wrestlers on their asses and tits. Like you wouldnt like if someone fondled your dick without asking. Concent is important and its not just for ike, fucking. its for every single thing in life. Yall can cuddle the wrestlers if they say you can but god if youre making people uncomfortable and gross its fucking bullshit and youre a sucky human being.
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Eric cleared his throat and began to sing a song he had written himself:
"Oh, I am the Coon, the bravest of them all I fight for justice, and I will never fall My claws are sharp, my senses keen No villain can escape my scene
I am the hero, the people's hope My powers are real, they help me cope With evil forces that threaten the peace I'll defeat them all, their power will cease
I'll protect the weak, the innocent, and pure No danger is too big, no task too obscure I am the Coon, the protector of all My heart is strong, and I'll never stall"
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ramrodd · 24 days
Is it PAULianity or Christianity?!? (feat Robyn Faith Walsh)
Here's my prblem with your smug little libertarian logical defense of Bart Ehrman's time travel thesis of Mark being derivaive of Pauline Theology, You guys have excellent command of your subject but your conclusions are distrted by the critical historical method of Post Modern  Historical Deconstruction, You left out Tertullian, Book V< OF HIS Apology supports my thesis that Pilate composed an urgent signals communictaion regarding the Tidings of Foy of th Talking Cross to Tiberius, wo was sufficiently motivated to propose Jesus of Nazareth, The crist, to the Roman Panthenon but was rejected by a spirteful Senate for reasons haveing to do with the brutal exection aof Sejanus on the steps of th Senate for running a Project 2025 to eventually conduct a January 6, but TIberius got wind of it and he flushed his popularity polls down the drain for ever, This is why the astronomy reveling that 33 CE sas the date of  Mark 15:1 - 16:8, Christiasn were immediately hated because it was Tiberius idea to mke Jesus a legal God. Because of th Talking Cross. When you reject Hegel, you reject the epistemology of Jesus and the the scriptures, genearally, The Kroan and the Gospel of Thomas are gnostic and are joined, numerologically, to each other by their 114 elements. Sura 74:30 "Above it is nineteen" is validation of the divine origin of the Kroan, This sura presents the clearst porrait of the mind of God in literatue, Nineteen is the Alpha and Omega of Genesis 1:1, which is to say, say The Kingdom of God as distinct from The World containing the Garden of Eden contained in the universe of Genesis 15:5. Mohammad's "Allah' is Genesis 1:2 Elohim the Demiurge refered to in the Torah as the Spirit of God that moves above the waters. Gnositic was to contol this supernatial phenomena. Gnostics are Sorcceres in dofferent cultures. I'm inclinded to believe that the Italian super yacht was sunk by a malevolent gnostic operator. But that's another story, If you re-orient your scholarship around the premis that Pilate's euangelion is the fist written record of Resurrection as it produced the Talking Cross and all the Roman soldiers as they heard of the evnts of that particual Jewish holiday where they kill all the little lambs were justified by faith like Abram in Gensis 15:6. The only reason somebody like me didn't stumble over this was because it was in the best interest of the Roman Christian soldierrs to keep it on the down low, given hos Roman society had received the prospects of Christians in the mix of their successful secular humanism. As Richard Kauckham demonstrated, The Gospel of Mark is as close to being a photographic record literatue can produce with out a camera. Or the Shroud of Turin,
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cellmatecage · 29 days
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pgkadam75 · 7 months
Sora genearate vidoes from text open AI Your Story
#sora, #openai, #texttovideo,
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smileyanie · 5 years
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190526 Yoona @ SMTOWN Coex Artium
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snackboxdiet · 3 years
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Living a Sustainable Life is Good for You, Here’s Why
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A sustainable lifestyle brings plenty of benefits, taking care of both your mental health and physical fitness. Let’s start with cars that not only consume vast amounts of oil and contribute to global warming but also do not let you live a healthier and happier life. Experts from Whole People, a global platform dedicated to […]
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itssyedsahil · 4 years
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Why L4RG Best for Lead Generation?
Do you want to enhance the sales of your own business? So, I recommend investing in a lead generation company.In this competitive field, Lead generation is the best key for growing your business and increasing your sales pipeline that helps attracting and connecting more new clients or prospect leads for your business. L4RG is a list of the top lead generation companies in India. We are offering verified,unique and confirmed b2b leads for your business.
If you want to get our lead generation services or know more further details, So, contact us at +91-906-968-9226
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gaymingbinosaur · 5 years
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