#general Yunan x reader
randoms-fandoms · 9 months
pls write yandere general yunan x fem reader hcs :3 i luv amphibia owo
I’ve been looking forward to writing a yandere character! Here you go <3
Warnings: jealousy, (temporarily) one sided feelings, and of course yandere themes
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🗡️ (for context, in this you’ll be a human woman who has been teleported to Amphibia several years before the Calamity Trio was)
🗡️ Yunan didn’t believe in love until she met you. Up until that day, she was a typical young woman, working hard because she loved her job and believed in King Andrias and what he stood for.
🗡️ That changed quickly. When you were brought into the throne room you looked on the brink of death— you’d been surviving alone for weeks on the outskirts of Newtopia before being found and captured
🗡️ Seeing you like that made her feel a certain way— possessive, almost. Angry at everything that had hurt you. Guilty that she hadn’t been there to protect you. She had never felt this way before, let alone for a stranger.
🗡️ She hated it at first. She felt like she was going crazy. She was beginning to get anxious and agitated whenever you were out of sight.
🗡️ Being so high rank meant she often had influence when it came to assignments, so she made sure she was in charge of guarding your holding cell.
🗡️ Once she had an excuse to spend all day with you, she felt better. Even though the first few days of your stay at the castle were spent nursing you back to health, she found it to be a very rewarding experience.
🗡️When you finally became lucid again after the worst of your sickness was over, she was the first person you saw. You were terrified, and cried when you saw her. she looked like a monster compared to what you were used to seeing. Her sharp teeth and impressive height were especially intimidating.
🗡️She was disappointed that you were afraid of her. A little bit angry, too— she had spent every day and night for the past week watching over you and protecting you, and you didn’t even want to speak to her? She didn’t know what to do.
🗡️For another few days, she treated you very very gently— she never raised her voice if you were around to hear it, even when other guards screwed up. She stayed outside your room to monitor who went in and out. She brought you your meals, and watched to make sure you were eating enough.
🗡️The first time she lost her temper in front of you was when some Newtopian academics visiting the castle suggested dissecting you to identify what new species you were— she didn’t hurt them too badly, but word got around and nobody dared to suggest anything like that again.
🗡️She didn’t recognize it at first when she was slipping into obsession. She denied it. She told herself she was just very, very dedicated to her post. There was no doubt about it though; she was hardly sleeping. You were all she thought about.
🗡️When she realized what was happening she was a little scared. She was awake one night, watching through the bars of your cell as you slept. You looked like an angel. You were perfect. She had never seen anything like you; she wanted nothing more than to worship you. This is not normal, she thought.
🗡️But she couldn’t abandon her post. She couldn’t abandon you. So instead of running away from her new, scary feelings, she confronted them head on and finally spoke to you.
🗡️Well, she interrogated you. Normal questions, like “who are you” and “where are you from”. She was surprised at how receptive you were, answering each question easily (if a little confusingly). She had gained a little bit of your trust by protecting you. But still, you wanted to be able to leave the cell.
🗡️Yunan’s heart nearly stopped when you said you wanted to leave. She couldn’t let that happen— if you left the castle, everyone in Newtopia would see you! They would never be able to understand you like she did. They might want to dissect you like those professors from before. All she said was “It’s too dangerous”, and you believed her. It wasn’t even a lie.
🗡️ After that the two of you became closer. She told you everything you needed to know about Amphibia, and you told her about earth. She couldn’t wrap her mind around it. She felt a little embarrassed about how much she didn’t understand, so she’d just listen to you for hours on end. She even started keeping a journal to remember all the many things you told her. She didn’t want to forget one single detail.
🗡️ Though she still told herself the diary was for taking notes on this new other dimension, much of the time she would get sidetracked and just write pages and pages about how much she loved you.
🗡️ several months later, she no longer had any excuse when you would ask to leave your cell, which you talked about frequently. Every time she’d just laugh and smile, but the thought of you leaving was painful. She knew you would be suspicious if she tried to keep you any longer after Andrias granted you permission to go where you wanted, so she didn’t do anything… at least not immediately.
🗡️You moved out and were given your own room in the best hotel in Newtopia. Andrias was treating you well mostly because you were human and he was looking for the music box, but you were just glad that he was taking care of you.
🗡️That night Yunan slept in her quarters for the first time since being assigned to watch over you. It was her home, her own bed, but she didn’t feel nearly as comfortable as she did when she got to stay awake watching over you each night. You felt more like hers than her own home did.
🗡️She read and re-read old pages of her journal, detailing each conversation she had had with you… it was like a piece of her was missing. She knew where you were, though— she had been the one to escort you there and help you get checked in.
🗡️in the early hours of the morning, Yunan found herself standing on the balcony of your room, staring through the glass door to where you lie on your bed.
🗡️She tried to control her breathing; she was exhausted from climbing up the wall of the tall building, but she didn’t want to be too loud and wake you up. She knew the door had alarms that would sound if she tried to get in, so she was content to just sit on the balcony and watch over you
🗡️When sunrise came, she climbed back down. All day she meandered around the intersection in front of the entrance to the hotel so she would know if you left the building. Not seeing you worried her, but she was patient.
🗡️She repeated this the next night, and late that morning she saw you leave the building. She intentionally bumped into you, telling you that she just happened to be in the area, absolutely thrilled that she got to talk to you again.
🗡️she repeated this for weeks, watching over you to make sure you were safe, and occasionally indulging herself by saying hello. She was completely taken by surprise when you asked her out on a date, however— she never imagined that you would love her back!
🗡️Your first date was pretty average— a nice dinner together on the weekend. Yunan looked beautiful in the suit she wore. You made sure she knew it, too, making her blush with all the compliments you gave her. She had agonized over what to wear that evening, so she was glad to know you liked it.
🗡️Yunan had hoped that officially dating you would help ease her obsessive thoughts, and it did for a while— but being more affectionate as a couple only made her love you more! Whenever you were in public together, she would always hold your hand or put her arm around you to deter others from flirting with you.
Hope this is alright!
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mistkisbiggestfan · 8 months
Heyya! Can I request Marcy wu x gn!reader, where after being transported to amphibia Marcy finds them while out on a mission with the newts
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Marcy Wu x Reader
A/n: Sorry for the late response (but I'm back on that fanfic grind so it's okay, so sorry) Requests are open!!
Summary: While on mission Marcy finds a person she thought was gone forever. Words: 884 Request: Hell yeah!!
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Leaves crumbled under the pressure of several people walking by, cutting through the hedges and bushes, trying to get the thick sticks of theirs to let go of the tree’s trunk. Sighing, one of the Newts cursed under their breath, the Chief Ranger, Marcy, looked back at them, noticing her doing so, they apologized profusely, and with that they retired to the back of the squad. The Chief Ranger looked puzzled but shook it off, looking at the second leader of the mission; Newtopian Army General – General Yunnan.
The tall, pinkish Newt was talking about something related to their current mission and its goal, but Marcy seemed slightly out of it, before focusing on the conversation again. The sun was setting, leaving a shiny marking on Yunnan’s Newtopian-issued armor, her military insignia beamed with a golden flicker. – Our objective is quite easy, compared to the things I’ve done before; secure a shady place in these woods, featuring some kind of camp full of suspected rebels. That’ll be easy enough. – Yunnan said, proudly thinking about the Sand Wars, lost in the memories of her victories and glory. 
The Chief Ranger smiled, since Yunnan is so confident it surely will be the easiest mission they were tasked with yet. Soon, the Newtopian force came to a halt, General looked at her second commander of the mission; Marcy Wu. Looking forward she spoke up. – You, go scout ahead, come back and tell us the situation. – The slender Newt told the girl as she nodded, grinning. 
– You got it General. – She gave Yunnan a thumbs up and headed towards the camp, she had about twenty minutes to get there, at one point deciding to climb up, trying to see if there’s anything before her she should be aware of, seeing nothing she decided to get down. The raven haired girl took out her journal, keeping the track of all things new before her, finally, she got to the camp just to discover it ghostly empty, not a single soul in sight, strolling around, she sketched the small tent and things around it, noting to its very human-like architecture. 
She saw that the tent’s roof was made of clothing with the passionate colors of ivory paired with platinum, almost gold. Marcy, lost in reverie, wondered deeply about the origin of such august, almost regal piece of material in a rugged campsite in the seclusion of this part of wilderness. Her fascination made her quite oblivious to the surroundings around her, otherwise she would’ve noticed a match of two eyes, mirroring the luster of the setting sun. Slowly, the person emerged, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Only if Marcy had her hood off, you would’ve recognized your childhood friend before attacking. 
The blade of your weapon, a small dagger, neatly fit to your palm, dazzled. Showcasing your pupils on its edge. Slowly, step by step, you crept towards the Chief Ranger. Unluckily, you stepped on a branch, the crunch alerting Marcy, she quickly turned around, but to her demise, fell tripping on her cape, and as she looked up to her opponent, a blade made its way to her neck, making her stop in place. Gazing up she saw something she couldn’t believe – her dear friend, one of three lost in Amphibia, you. 
A shocked expression made its way on her face, you were different than she remembered you to be. Scars coating your face, once oh so delicate, now vigorous and rugged. She quickly took notice of your now more athletic, muscular build as you towered above. 
All she could muster out was a one worded question. –  Y/N..? – You looked at her as your face softened, the edge of your blade slightly lowering before you dropped it. – Is it really you? – She said, as she took off her hood leaving you without a doubt. 
You tackled her into a hug as she fell back, both of you laughing and crying tears of joy. You slightly moved, to look down at her and get a full glimpse of your lost flame, both of your faces heated up as you smiled. – Marcy!
Sitting up you gazed at her, she propped herself up on her elbows before going in for another hug, her hands resting on your neck, yours followed soon, missing the contact with her you rested them on her waist, snuggly holding onto her, hiding them under her cape. – I thought I would never see you again.. – You said, breaking the hug and looking at her, your faces just inches away. – Me too… 
Everything felt silent, just for a second, as she stared softly at your lips, as you felt her get more and more tense, you decided to take the initiative. Your face burned as you closed the space between you two, closing it with a kiss. Marcy, shocked, soon melted into the kiss, closing her eyes. The two lovers breaking the kiss only when they finally needed to catch their breath, Marcy looked at you in amazement and shock, you assumed she never really kissed before, which was a fair assumption. 
– I really missed you.. – She said before, hiding her burning face in your shoulder, as you held her close to you, hoping this moment will never end.
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xoxo-maeve-xoxo · 9 months
pls write yandere general yunan x fem human reader pls owo
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Warnings: Toxic relationships, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, and other yandere related things, fem reader, can be read as platonic or romantic idc
Okay, so general Yunan tends to be a softer-ish yandere, she’s mostly obsessive and possessive, and she focuses on spoiling you in hopes you’ll stay w her
Yunan might hesitate to kill someone if they interact with you, but mostly because she doesn’t want to scare you away
Despite her attitude, I think Yunan would be more of a gentler partner, rarely ever using any forms of punishment on you unless you try to escape or piss her off
Yunan is VERY clingy when she’s not at work, she might have an arm (or a tail) wrapped around you, she’ll want to hold your hand constantly, and she’ll watch you like a hawk if you’re out in public together
If you DO happen to escape or piss her off, then you’ll be locked up in her basement for a few days, not any physical harm will be done because she doesn’t want to hurt her precious darling
Yunan will probably end up blackmailing you to stay with her
Source: trust me bro
But anyways 😍
When she’s at work she’ll probably have either Lady Olivia to watch over you or Marcy, but that’s because she trusts the two with her life
She’s rather controlling too, not TOO controlling but still controlling
Yunan would control things like who you hang out with, your schedule, and who you train with (if ur a fighter)
She will try SO hard to impress you omfg 😭
This girl will literally strike a mighty pose in the middle of the street and brag loudly about her feats to try and impress you
This was SO fun to make, General Yunan is so silly I love her sm
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
parenting hcs ; olivia & yunan
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requested by ; anonymous (31/05/23)
fandom(s) ; amphibia
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; olivia, yunan
outline ; “In honor of Pride month (UCS), could you do headcanons for General Yunan and Lady Olivia (both from Amphibia) as moms?”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
these two would be the most loving and supportive mothers that you could hope for — the sort that always push you to reach your full potential but that don’t force you to go either which way
olivia helps you in your academic and domestic pursuits — teaching you to sew and knit and bake whilst also helping you hone your skills in linguistics and mathematics
yunan helps you keep fit and healthy — creating a unique training regimen to suit your limits and strengths whilst also keeping you in the best shape you can be
one helps you care for yourself the other to protect yourself, giving you a well rounded education and upbringing that ensures that you’re set up for life as best as you can be
if you perform in any event — be that slam poetry to performance to sports — then yunan is always cheering the loudest, grinning with pride and calling out her support (to a socially acceptable degree)
olivia shows her support for you behind the scenes, helping you get into uniform/costume/your outfit of choice and smiling as she tells you how proud she is of you and how she couldn’t have asked for a better daughter/son/child
they’re both incredibly protective over you and aren’t afraid to step in to get you out of harm’s way — usually yunan’s reputation is formidable enough on its own to keep bullies at bay, but olivia is more than capable of fending for you both of it comes down to it
for the first few years of your life it was down to olivia to take care of your hair and clothing — all of which was meticulously well styled, because of course it was — but yunan did try her best and could scrape by when she needed to
olivia is ‘mother’ and yunan is ‘mama’ but both will answer to ‘mum/mom’ (depending on who your pronunciation took after)
they both have their own stories of you as a youngster that they’ll bring up to close friends every so often — yunan’s default being when you put on some of her old armour and started acting like (your interpretation of) a general whilst olivia’s is when she picked you up from daycare after one of your tutors caught you scolding another student for making a mess using the same words she’d used with her colleagues a few days before
yunan tends to call you her ‘little one’ or just ‘tiny’ — yes, even if you end up growing taller than her
olivia, meanwhile, calls you by your name followed by a complimentary suffix like ‘(name), dear’ or ‘(name), my darling’
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darks-arts · 2 months
General Yunan x Male Reader headcanons!
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She leaves you for a woman.
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mistkisbiggestfan · 1 year
hi! can you do a marcy wu x fem reader? it can be about a cute cuddle session or just any cute fluffy scenario you can think of, thanks!!
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A/N: Okay so I'll write a scenario in Amphibia, the fem reader is a Ranger in Newtopia, you got  injured during a mission (nothing big) and Marcy cuddles with you.
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Marcy Wu x Fem! Reader
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You rode on your tarantula with other Newtopian Rangers. Clouds of dust strolled behind you and your group. You were just coming back from a big mission – of taking down rebellious ship members of Newtopia. You were shouting and laughing with your colleagues. After a few minutes, you were met with Newptopia's gates opening for you and your fearless warriors. 
– They made it! – One of the Newts shouted, people cheered as you strode by. You turned to King’s palace – A place you could call home after landing in Amphibia. You were, naturally, upbeat, your duty was done and you could go and rest, maybe spend time with Marcy – One of your friends, you met her in the wild and she took you with her to Newtopia. King Andrias quickly took a liking to you and Marcy, you both were smart and rather cunning.
You took your stallion and walked it to the secure royal stables – most of the livestock and mounts were kept there – You took off the saddle of your tarantula. 
You petted your animal and decided to head off towards the Kingdom’s chambers, the place where your and Marcy’s room was. 
Meanwhile Marcy paced through the castle’s hallways, her cloak was dragging behind her feet, her face was buried in her journal, she almost tripped over her cape. In the corner of her eye she saw two Rangers coming from the opposite direction in which she was walking. 
– Have you seen her cut? – Said one of them, Marcy listened to their conversation, she wasn’t too intrigued in it, yet.
– Yeah, I wonder how Y/N didn’t mind it, if this was me, I would pass out. – Answered the other. – Oh, hello Master Marcy! – One Newt smiled at her. 
– She’s in her room with Lady Olivia, patching up and stuff. – The Newt smiled. – The cut was nasty. – The Ranger took his hand and drew a cut on his chest with his thumb – Marcy shivered.
– Oh, um, hi! Have you seen Y/N anywhere? – She asked them, she tried to make it seem like she hadn't been eavesdropping on their conversation just a second ago. 
– Thanks dude, bye! – Marcy said loudly and nervously and ran off, she almost tripped over again, she quickly collected herself and ran off. 
She hurried to your room, her steps were echoing in the hallways. She finally made it to your doors, she knocked swiftly on the wooden hatch. She decided to invite herself in after no response. 
– Y/N! Are you okay?! – Marcy rushed into the room, instead of seeing you in stitches, she saw you were just sitting on your bed. – Marcy? – You asked, you realized that she bursted into the room. The wind was tangling your hair, the bright sunlight reflected on your skin. Marcy blushed and stood there, admiring you for a second
– What are you doing? – You asked. – Is everything alright?
Marcy went in for a hug, she held you tightly. – Some Rangers told me that you got injured, I was scared. – You were concerned at first but after that you relaxed and smiled at her.
 – I just got slightly scratched, look. – You lifted up your shirt and showed her your big but not deep, patched up wound. – It doesn’t even hurt – You smiled at her warmly.
She looked at you and went back to hugging you. You could feel her fast heartbeat and calm breathing. You brushed your hand through her messy hair. – Can you promise me something? – Marcy asked.
– Sure, what is it? – You still combed through her hair. – Can you promise me you'll be careful? 
– I promise, Marcy.
You two sat in comfortable silence until you felt Marcy drifting off to sleep. You laid her on the bed and snuggled next to her. She brought her arms and hugged you closer. You felt her body relax completely, you closed your eyes and hid your face in the crook of her neck. You felt yourself drifting off to sleep too, you smiled. 
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agender-wolfie · 7 years
Why is it that when I fall in love with a character, there are little to no fics about them? 🙄
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