#amphibia fluff
sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Flufftober can we get valentines headcannons for the calamity trio from amphibia
Valentine’s Day Headcanons | Calamity Trio
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thank you for requesting, anon!
reader is assumed as gender neutral
the trio are assumed as being adults (post time skip) here
Anne Boonchuy
anne prefers to have a more low-key celebration for this holiday because she’s long since come to appreciate the simple things in life
you both work during the day and she’ll run a themed education thing for local kids and teens, teaching them about the courting habits of the various reptiles and amphibians in her care (also gives the animals little treats of their own)
finishes work early and stops by your favourite takeout place and gets you your favourite meal before also stopping by and picking up some small gifts she ordered on the way home
meets you at the front door and jokes about traffic before you unlock the door and exchange presents, eyes heavy from stress and laugh lines exaggerated from all the jokes you’d exchanged via text and call throughout the day
she bought you some flowers (obviously) as well as a nice set of comfortable pyjamas, the fabric adorned with frogs due to a long running joke from the early days of your relationship
then were the cards (filled with inside jokes of course) and the meal, which you ate on the living room floor in your pyjamas
the settees had been disassembled, their cushions set beneath you to protect your butts from the floor, and various other pillows and blankets around you
you’re laughing at some terrible film you found somewhere, choking on your food every other bite and nearly spilling your drinks as you shoved each other with your shoulders
it’s simple and domestic and fun and you couldn’t ask for anything else
Marcy Woo
spending the day with marcy means that you’re basically asking for things to go wrong in one way or another
which, of course, they do
she insists on waking you up with breakfast in bed — which she does! in the sense that she enters when you’re half awake and startles you into the land of the living when she spills a cup of hot coffee square onto your legs
and that’s just the beginning of the beautiful disaster that was your valentine’s day
she bought you flowers and had them delivered but they got absolutely thrashed in transport and were more stem than petal by the time they arrived
she tripped over her feet whilst getting your gift from the pile and busted her lip on the side of the table
and she smacked you square in the nose out of excitement when she opened your present — before promptly apologising and kissing you
but those disasters were more than expected and you were able to find moments for romance between these chaotic instances
you held her close as she panicked over the flowers and assured her that they were beautiful because of the gesture not the look — making a joke about being like the addams family which cheered her up
you joked about needing to her kiss you better after she oh so gravely injured you, which she did (pressing a chaste kiss to the bridge of your nose) — which then led to you pulling her on top of you and tickling her until she was in tears
her burst lip resulted in you holding a damp washcloth to the injury and caressing her face intermittently whilst you read out your card to her — smiling as she began to cry and thank you through her wound
and the rest of the day went flawlessly for how small and intimate your celebration was: a home cookie meal, ordered in desserts, your favourite series on in the background and you both cuddled up on the settee in your pyjamas
it was chaotic and messy and filled with more laughter than you could have hoped for, and in the end that made it worth its weight in gold (and spilt coffee)
Sasha Waybright
valentine’s day is one of the few days that sasha reserved as a day off well in advance — alongside your birthdays and some other key holidays you celebrate
she takes a much more traditional approach from the moment you wake up until the moment you stumble back into the house, arm in arm with her holding her heels in one hand
she wakes you up with a kiss to the cheek and you hold each other close for a good long while before your hunger wins out — at which point you both go to the kitchen and start cooking a sweet and filling breakfast as a team
you exchange cards and gifts over breakfast and your drinks of choice — with her gifts for you including an accessory that you’d had your eyes on for months before it suddenly went out of stock (after she bought it for you)
then you’d lounge around for most of the day, joking and laughing and being heavily affectionate with each other: just being as close as humanly possible as you bide your time
your evening would be spent in a fancy restaurant, at sasha’s insistence, where you’d fully indulge yourselves, gorging on rich desserts and hearty foods until you’re thoroughly full (and sasha’s thoroughly tipsy on wine)
and you’re laughing louder and sharing kisses between each sip and bite and serving of food, feeding each other with spare forks and spoons until you’re finally far too full and you take a taxi back to your apartment
it’s hearty and luxurious and so so fulfilling and you wouldn’t have wanted to spend the day with anyone else
it’s fun and exhausting and luxurious and you wouldn’t have wanted to spend it with anyone else but her
Sasha Waybright
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xtime4ames · 4 months
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i just know in my heart marcy would throw together some cosplay of her old night guard outfit
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ithemissawesome · 2 months
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her gentle touch
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azaraeth · 2 months
"Chapter 2: For a sliver of time, I thought I had everything right"
“What about you?” Anne prompted.
“What about me?”
“How are you?”
Sasha paused. Tilted her head to the side in brief contemplation. And said, “Fine, I guess.”
Anne punched her in the arm, hard. “Don’t be a jackass, Waybright.”
Sasha and Anne catch up, get lost, and then get reacquainted.
hi again I'm back and this chapter was really fun to write, so enjoy!
Chapter title is from "Sliver of Time" by Sarah Kinsley. (Author very much intends for all songs mentioned to be listened to by the reader...)
thank u to @luna-mistrunner and @diasphoriaaa for beta reading this chapter
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zippedfluff · 1 year
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have some pain <3
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tea-plantz · 1 year
Ok ok okkk, so I got this really cute idea! It’s about my girl, Anne! (I feel like I haven’t gotten to write much about Anne, because I haven’t really gotten that many requests about her, therefore I took matters into my own hands)
She/her for Anne
They/them for the reader
Anne Boonchuy x reader
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Ok so this is sorta like a little imagine/oneshot thingie!
So, imagine that you were Anne’s crush before she got trapped in Amphibia! And since you weren’t really a part of her friend group, you weren’t there when the girls opened the box in the park.
And now, Anne finally gets to see you again after so long!
This takes place in s3 episode ep2. Yk, the episode where Anne and the Plantars go to the mall so Anne can ‘test’ them? Yeah that one
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Anne’s POV:
I was at the mall, seeing if the Planters were to be trusted in my world. I gave each one of them their own little task, and so far things where going pretty well!
‘Maybe we can actually manage to go one day without almost dying!’ I smiled to myself.
Then, all of a sudden I heard a familiar voice behind me. “Oh my gosh, Anne?!” (I don’t remember if this is what she actually says in the episode, but meh) ‘On no’ I turned around as I came face to face with an all too familiar ginger. Maggie.
“Hi Magg-“ before I was able to finish my sentence, she flung out and hugged me.
“Where have you been?! It’s been like five months! Didn’t you die?” (I still don’t know if this is what she actually said ok?😭)
“I was uuuuh.. in my family’s farm.. in… Alaska..?”
Maggie kept talking to my about some rando couple at school, “catching me up” on all the drama I missed, apparently. I was honestly trying to avoid her, since I needed to keep an eye on my frog family, plus I didn’t really care. However, she kept talking to me, not getting the hint at all.
I sighted, realizing that she wouldn’t go away. As I zoned out, my eyes drifted over to random places in the mall, searching for anything interesting to look at, when I suddenly caught sight of them. Y/n L/n. My crush. They were sitting over by one of the food courts, scrolling through their phone while sipping from the straw of a milkshake. My whole body tensed up as I stared at them, completely forgetting that Maggie was there, until she gasped violently and almost gave me a heart attack, that is.
“Oh my god, I totally forgot, you’re still crushing on Y/n!” She squealed loudly. My whole face turned to the color of a tomato as I shoved my hands in front of Maggie’s mouth.
“Shh! Don’t just shout that out loud!” I turned around to see if they had herd her, but luckily, my crush was still paying attention to their phone.
“Phew! They didn’t hear you… wait, how do you even know about that! I never told you anything about my love life!”
“Oh please Anne, it was sooo obvi! You totally suck at hiding the fact that you’re in love~” she said in a teasing voice.
I groaned as burrowed my face in my hands from both irritation and embarrassment.
“They are still single, by the way”
“Wait, they are?” I looked up as Maggie started laughing.
“C’mon lovergirl, just go up and talk to them”
She shoved me in their direction pretty hard as I stumbled forward. I was feeling really nervous right now. It’s not like I’ve never talked to Y/n before, but it’s been such a long time! Plus, we weren’t even that close before I got transported! ‘No, you know what, Anne? You’ve grown so much in Amphibia! This is just a pice of cake, you can do this!’
I took a deep breath before I started walking towards them, as I herd Maggie yell behind me.
“Good luck Anne, and welcome back from Alaska!”
Your POV:
I was sitting at a table at the mall, feeling more bored than ever. My friends had some stuff they had to get done today, so I was completely alone. I let out a sigh as I kept scrolling through social media, not really doing anything in specific.
Then, I decided to look up from my phone, just to look around the mall and see if anything interesting was going on. But the second I did, my eyes shot wide open. Is that… Anne?! I could feel my head almost explode with questions as I saw the brunette walking towards me, looking kinda nervous? ‘Huh, I wonder why?’.
“Anne?! Is that really you?” I got up from my seat as I ran towards her, giving her a quick hug. As I did, I could feel Anne tense up. She even started to stutter a bit.
“Y-yup, it’s me hehe.. god ol’ Anne..” she made finger guns as she spoke, whilst laughing awkwardly. “surprise..? ….I’ve been talking for to long”
I giggle at Anne’s weird antics as I notice her cheeks turning a slight shade darker.
‘That’s weird.. could she be blushing because of me?…. Nah’
“Where have you been all this time? I honestly thought you where kidnapped or something, no joke”
“Oh you know… just visiting my relatives and such in Alaska haha” Anne avoids my gaze as she says this, while sweat dropping a little. I must admit, I don’t fully believe her, but I won’t question it.
Anne’s POV
‘Omgomgomgomggg I can’t believe I’m talking to them again after so long! Gah, and I’m acting so weird too! Snap out of it Anne!’
We keep talking a little, catching up and just simply chatting with each other. It feels nice.. although I can’t help but noticing my face heat up a little as I’m nervously swaying back and forth on my heals whilst talking to them. I even added in some flirtatiously comments here and there, and woof my flirting skills are absolutely horrible!
‘I’m usually so good at talking to people, but Y/n makes it so hard! Why must romance be so difficult?!’
Then all of a sudden, we’re both interrupted by a loud crass.
“Woah, what was that?!” Y/n says as they look around, confused.
“I don’t know… wait” oh no… I completely forgot, the Plantars!
“ Sorry Y/n, gotta run, nice talking to you love ya, byeeeee” I yell as I run off.
… well that was weird-
Anne’s POV:
“Phew, that was close” I panted out as me and the Planters where hiding with the trash cans behind the mall. I felt kinda bad since I had pushed them so hard, but luckily, everything worked out in the end as usual.
We where just about to leave when Sprig spoke up.
“Hey Anne, I noticed that you where talking to another one of your kind, but you looked really nervous? Why? Are they dangerous?” He whispered while leaning closer to me with a suspicious look.
“What?! Haha pff no, I was not nervous, whaaaat? Who’s Anne?! … Alright let’s leave” my face flushed red as I nervously looked around, trying to play it cool, but quite obviously, failing miserably.
Polly and Sprig looked at each other, sharing a smug grin as they giggled. Hop-hop on the other hand, placed his hands to his hips and started another lecture about the “good old days” and “tradition”.
“Why yes, I saw you talking to this person too. You even said ‘love ya’ to them! You know back in my days we didn’t even-“
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This honestly turned out a lot longer then I intended, but oh whatever, it’s cute! Fr though I love Amphibia s3 sm!!
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beetleisblue · 3 months
Even now.
Fandom: amphibia
Lee: Sasha
Lers: Anne and Marcy
In response to an ask I previously replied to exactly 30 minutes ago, here you go!
This was fun! Feel free to send in more asks or whatever. But as I said, this was made in 30 minutes so it may have some spelling errors!
Sasha had remembered what it felt like.
Yeah she had been tickled before. Hadn’t everyone at one point? Memories stretched as far back as the beginning stages of her trio of Marcy, Anne, and her. It was a normal kid thing to do, tickle fights.
But those times have passed now, right? That doesn’t happen anymore in your teen years.
She had an army now. An army. Who could think of something so stupid when she had soldiers to train and plans to draft?
That didn’t stop her from remembering those times, though. Late at night..
“Mar, you’ve been on that thing all dayyy!” A younger Anne whined as she tugged at Marcy’s sleeve, whom of which was engrossed in a major video game round of.. well, Sasha could never remember what it was Marcy was always playing. All three of them sat more or less comfortably on Sasha’s bed. another sleep over. One where times were easier and mental wounds weren’t burned into anyone’s heads yet. Innocence.
“Oh, let her Anne.” Sasha scoffed playfully.
“Besides, you gotta know by now it takes more than that to break her focus.” She gave her friend a knowing look, and Anne returned it. She knew. They both knew. And, if Marcy was present mentally, they would all know. But Marcy wasn’t present mentally, and Anne took full advantage of that, squeezing her sides gently and laughing along when Marcy let out a surprised string of giggles. It wasn’t long until Marcy returned the favor out of revenge for Anne letting her lose her game.
Sasha watched both of them and shook her head out of charm for her two silly friends. She didn’t expect however, to be brought right into the middle of it. Their playfight-wrestling knocking into her causing her to properly fall on the bed.
“Heh- Hey!” She was giggling now too out of the silliness of the situation, attempting to get back up until he was pushed back down, albeit, gently, by Anne herself.
“No fair! You never join in, pleeeease?”
Sasha sighed.
“Fiiiine.” She has grumbled, and as soon as the word left her lips, it was replaced by girlish laughter as she was mercilessly attacked by not just Anne, but Marcy too.
One of them got her sides, the other her stomach, and then Sasha finally realized how screwed she actually was.
“W-Wahahait! T-Thihihis ihihisnt- ahahaha!”
She laughed harder than ever before, and the other two watched in awe, never seeing their friend in such a state. Minutes later she would beg for mercy, and minutes later her friends would oblige.
But Sasha never forgot the way it felt afterward. A tired. A good tired. Not the kind of tired she now felt after days of work and leadership. Worried about tomorrow tired. No, this tired was perfect. Safe. A night that was somehow both restful and full of activity. Nobody had to say they loved eachother, they all knew.
She sighed and turned over in her bed, her face blushed from the memory. She could never admit it aloud, at least, not now. But she missed her goofballs. Even now.
Even now.
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sars-wulf · 2 months
Hiiiii tumblr! WIP Wednesday is here!!!
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Burn chapter 12 is in the works! Chapter 11 is already done and is undergoing review. So, for now, have a few snippets of my work!
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angela-draws-stuff · 2 years
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Girlies ✨
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maydaysmadness · 2 months
I have a little time off work, I think I'm just gonna sink it all into chapter 5.
I've got two distinct directions to go; Marcy or Sasha.
Hell I might just write both.
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ts4ritsa · 2 years
Good evening, Im here asking for Marcy Wu X reader who loves samurai movies thank you and have a good day👍
✧ marcy wu headcanons :
dating a reader who loves samurai movies (gn reader)
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- Marcy finds it interesting — she likely enjoys a lot too and you can find yourselves watching some for a few dates
- Although not her fav type of stuff, she definitely will get behind it as she values your interests greatly
- Since you like them and you’re both watching them quite often, Marcy starts to enjoy them more!
- She always becomes immersed in all of your interests anyway, because she is aware of what it's like to have people disregard her interests
- Definitely cuddling, eating popcorn, and “ooo”-ing and all the exciting bits together too
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parenting hcs ; olivia & yunan
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requested by ; anonymous (31/05/23)
fandom(s) ; amphibia
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; olivia, yunan
outline ; “In honor of Pride month (UCS), could you do headcanons for General Yunan and Lady Olivia (both from Amphibia) as moms?”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
these two would be the most loving and supportive mothers that you could hope for — the sort that always push you to reach your full potential but that don’t force you to go either which way
olivia helps you in your academic and domestic pursuits — teaching you to sew and knit and bake whilst also helping you hone your skills in linguistics and mathematics
yunan helps you keep fit and healthy — creating a unique training regimen to suit your limits and strengths whilst also keeping you in the best shape you can be
one helps you care for yourself the other to protect yourself, giving you a well rounded education and upbringing that ensures that you’re set up for life as best as you can be
if you perform in any event — be that slam poetry to performance to sports — then yunan is always cheering the loudest, grinning with pride and calling out her support (to a socially acceptable degree)
olivia shows her support for you behind the scenes, helping you get into uniform/costume/your outfit of choice and smiling as she tells you how proud she is of you and how she couldn’t have asked for a better daughter/son/child
they’re both incredibly protective over you and aren’t afraid to step in to get you out of harm’s way — usually yunan’s reputation is formidable enough on its own to keep bullies at bay, but olivia is more than capable of fending for you both of it comes down to it
for the first few years of your life it was down to olivia to take care of your hair and clothing — all of which was meticulously well styled, because of course it was — but yunan did try her best and could scrape by when she needed to
olivia is ‘mother’ and yunan is ‘mama’ but both will answer to ‘mum/mom’ (depending on who your pronunciation took after)
they both have their own stories of you as a youngster that they’ll bring up to close friends every so often — yunan’s default being when you put on some of her old armour and started acting like (your interpretation of) a general whilst olivia’s is when she picked you up from daycare after one of your tutors caught you scolding another student for making a mess using the same words she’d used with her colleagues a few days before
yunan tends to call you her ‘little one’ or just ‘tiny’ — yes, even if you end up growing taller than her
olivia, meanwhile, calls you by your name followed by a complimentary suffix like ‘(name), dear’ or ‘(name), my darling’
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mysteriouslee · 2 years
Anne and Marcy love giving Sasha neck kisses cuz they know it drives Sasha crazy and leaves her a giggly and snorty adorable mess
that's it, that's the post
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hyper-pie · 2 years
  “What did you just say?”
Lers!: Sasha, Anne
Lee!: reader
Pairings: Sasha Waybright x Anne Boonchuy x fem! Reader (can be seen as gender neutral too) x Marcy Wu... Marcy isn't in this fic but is mentioned.
Description: Reader is being a little shit and anne and sasha wreck her
Warnings: Cussing, Gayness, Polyamory
this is a tickle fic if you no like than leave
Set in the future btw
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Today had started off as normal as any other could be when you are dealing with the memories of being in Amphibia..until a lee mood hit you like a truck, all you really wanted all day was playful affection but you are way too anxious and easily flustered to tell Sasha and Anne , so of course you thought of the best option, be a little shit until they get tired of it and wreck the living crap out of you. It all started when she woke up to you smiling evilly at the two. Stunt after stunt Sasha was finally at her limit when one final comment pushed her off the edge. And Anne is more than happy to help.
Voice deep and filled with annoyance, adding slight offense in the mix of things, Sasha spoke resting her hands on her hips, tilting her head raising an eyebrow at you.
“What did you just say?” 
 You gulped, staggering back, as you instantly came to regret all the shit you did that day, knowing that there is no getting out of this no matter what. Not after that comment.
“Uh uhm”
She watched you like a hawk 
“Come on, I know you can do it. Spit it out cutie. Or do i need to make you?”
The look of slight amusement crossed her face and you sighed, regaining what sass you had left.
“You dress like a cool grandma Waybright” 
You roll your eyes at her crossing your arms trying to seem all tough but realistically your face was the color of a tomato.
She smirked at you, slowly making her way up to you. wrapping her arms around you 
“Awh, what's wrong Y/N? You are all blushy now, cat got your tongue?~”
You shake your head.
“N-nothing I-I no reason?” 
Suddenly something clicked in Sasha's head and it all made sense to her.
And she clicked her tongue .
“Y-yeah no reasON! WHERE ARE WE GOING?”
 Sasha gently scoops you into her arms carrying you to your guy’s bedroom plopping you on the bed beside Anne who glanced up from her phone.
“Did she do something again? And what did she do?”
Anne groaned facepalming
Sasha nodded glancing at you
Then said in an amused tone.
“She said I dressed like a cool grandma.”
Anne burst out laughing 
“She did not!”
Sasha sat herself on the bed and you rolled your eyes 
“Oh i did and i would do it again”
They both looked at you with a scolding expression. You became shy laying down, allowing them to talk, scrolling on your phone knowing they would be pissed off even more if you interrupted them, again.
Sasha shook her head with an evil look on her face.
She leaned in so that Anne could be the only one to hear.
“I think i know why she is acting this way”
Only Anne could see the evil smirk on her face.
After a few minutes you looked up to see anne and sasha talking about whatever and smiled at them, finding them both beautiful, the way sasha’s hair framed her face, the way anne’s hair was always out of it, the color of their eyes, everything about them was a treasure to even look at.
 Then a thought returned to your mind causing you to frown, becoming anxious and guilty. Upon hearing a whimper escape your mouth the two turned to you wit a concerned look on their faces, your  girlfriends were instantly at your side sasha pulling you into her lap.
“You alright honey?” sasha asked sweetly, her evil presence disappearing instantly, replacing it with one of comfort and kindness.
Your eyes started to water 
"I am sorry Sashy, I am sorry Anne, I have been a menace today..It’s just I am feeling a certain way and- “
You look down, becoming embarrassed .
“I know honey”
She mused running her fingers through your hair soothingly chuckling as you leaned into the touch feeling the comfort of her strong fingers, against the soft strands of your hair. The tears that had boiled up sank back down.
Anne smiled softly showing a slight smirk "yeah dude we just made a whole plan for you"
Slowly blinking you turned bright red at the thought of what they were planning. Still way too melted to really do anything, as you thought.
 “Did they know you wanted to be tickled mercilessly? What are they gonna do? What do they even think?’’
Taken by surprise you let out a soft squeak as Anne pulled you away from Sasha's lap having you lay down on your back. 
Panic started to surround you as your arms were pinned above your head, the smirk on your girlfriends faces told you everything about what was about to happen, and Sasha straddling your waist confirming your assumption. To that you squirmed softly, giggling out of nervousness.
“Wahahahait! Cahahan’t we talk about thihis?”
Sasha playfully smirked, chuckling.
“Hmmm I don’t know… You sassed, annoyed and bothered me all fucking day and pushed our buttons and I feel as though you did that because you needed something from us, and who am I to not give my partner what she needs? And also you dont want to wait for marcy to be here do you?”
You were at loss for words on what to do to get out of the situation.
But sucked it up anyway
“Ahahanne i barely did anything to you! Whyhy are you helping?”
Anne laughed leaning forward whispering into your ear in a low voice
“Cause you're adorable when you get tickled baby~”
Tickled, the word rang in your ear over and over again for a second before speaking up.
“Wh-what do you- ahEEP! Sahahahahahasha!!!!!”
You burst into soft giggles as Sasha spidered her manicured fingers  over your sides poking and prodding at the sensitive skin, making you squirm like no tomorrow.
Of course you tried not to squirm too much because you truly never wanted this moment to end, and not to mention you didn't want to hurt Anne or Sasha by accident. (which would  be close to impossible)
All you could do was giggle and squirm as the torment continued to persist.
Suddenly  you managed to say one word .
Anne only chuckled at this as she kept your arms pinned with one hand and with the other tapping on each individual rib, bringing you into a fit of snorts and squeaks.
On the other hand Sasha’s eyebrow was raised as she began scribbling her nails on your sides. 
“No? What do you mean Giggle bug? You asked for this, I think you should accept it”
The nickname itself would have killed you on its own if the therapist had not  reached under your shirt and began scribbling up and down on the bare sensitive skin of your sides turning the volume of your laugh up higher.
“did you really think you could just sass us the entire day and expect no consequences baby?~”
You whined at them not being able to get many words out through the giggles.
Anne shook her head, giggling, finding you adorable then started moving her tickling fingers closer to your tummy, noticing this sasha did the same heightening your giggles even further teasing the sensitive skin on your torso. 
Finally you managed to giggle another sentence out.
“Nobhohhohohoho nononononono nohohot there dohont dohohoho thahahaht!”
The brunette tilted her head
“Hm? Do what? Your gonna have to be more specific”
Her fingers inched closer to your tummy looking at Sasha giving her a short wink when you weren't looking. And they both stopped allowing you to breath, as they saw that you had needed a break.
Seeing you looking slightly anxious Sasha soothingly rubbed your tummy in a non-tickly way to help you calm down.
“Take your time love, you know we aren't actually mad right?” 
The guilt in your eyes was clear as day and sasha cupped your cheek, anne caressing your face gently in reassurance.
You nodded after regaining your breath, looking up at Anne.
“S-sorry what did you want to know again?”
The blush on your face made Anne's smile softened even more.
“What do you not want us to do?”
Realization hit you and you said before thinking.
“Tickle my tummy- wait no- AHAHAHA WAHAHAHIT”
The mistake had already been made and the two poked, prodded, traced and scribbled up and down your tummy sending you into loud hysteric cackles face bright red. 
“What do you mean? You just asked us to tickle your tummy. Who are we to refuse?” 
Sasha cooed, an amused expression on her face, as she scribbled all around your tummy slowly inching closure to your belly button, to that your face turned a deeper shade of red trying so hard to squirm away and even managed to get your arms back..and tried to push away sasha’s hand away from your belly button which only made it easier for her to sneak her other hand in the same place swirling around your navel making your cackles more frantic.  The blond and brunette couldnt help but laugh with you.
“Whoops looks like her hands are free! Oh well I guess I have an extra helping hand! What should I do with it Sasha?” 
Anne mused, quickening her tickling pace going from stomach to ribs to sides with one hand.  but your laugh didn’t allow you to hear much of what the girls were saying
Sasha only giggled.
“How about her neck Boonchuy?”
And so she began gently tracing up and down a side of your neck  making you melt, becoming a mess of giggles and blush, even stopping you from trying to push Sasha's hands away. 
You were almost at your limit and sasha had noticed and looked at anne with a nod then leaning down looking at you, then cooing 
“You ready for the final blow honey?”
And to that you nod feeling close to your limit and before you could even think of anything else. Sasha had started blowing multiple raspberries up and down your tummy, while anne covered your neck in kisses to which you started snorting, you laugh soon falling silent to which the two stopped their attack sasha climbing off of you, anne scooping you up into her strong arms to which you melted.
“I am sorry for being cheeky..”
The guilty look on your face crushed the girls hearts.
“Nonono baby we aren't mad, we were just being playful okay?” 
Anne reassured you planting a kiss on your forehead
“Anne Is right we aren't mad please don't beat yourself up about it, I think it's actually kinda cute.. But if you say that I dress like a cool grandma ever again I am gonna get mar-mar’s help in wrecking the living shit out of you when she is here got it?”
Frantically nodding you squeaked burying your face in Anne’s chest. Your girlfriends smiled at you as they held you in their arms until you inevitably fell asleep in Anne's arms.
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femalefinder800 · 2 years
Amphibia x Luz!reader
Prolouge-Amphibia (pt.2)
You stood up,placing your things inside your bag,Looking around with furrowed eye brows of anger. You ended up in another mystical world against your will,did the world have it against you or what? 
You sighed as you slung your bag over your shoulder,luckily your time in the demon realm has prepared you for this,You looked down at the key in your hand,You could use it to go back,but who knows? You might end up in another realm again.  You looked down at the hill,it would be to steep to just walk on alone,You had note book paper and that's all you would need.
You wrote the symbol for the ice spell and slapped it onto the ground as it got covered in ice,you smirked as you slid down it like a pro,before you ment the end you grabbed a plant glyph paper and slammed it into your hand as a vine went up and grabbed a branch from above,you swung along the rest of the ground,hitting a front flip as you hit the ground.
You stood up from your crouched position on the ground and looked at the hill you had just came from.
"Too easy." You muttered to yourself turning back around to the rest of the woods,You began walking,making sure to watch out for twigs and low branches this time. This place looked fairly easy to live in,you should know,you've been through hell and back in the demon realm. You eventually made it to a town where frogs were.
You truly were in amphibia. You put on your hood,your cat ears showing. You had to fit in some how,You walked into the town,attracting the attention of many frogs.
They whispered to their fellow friends about you,however,you could care less as you said before. The demon realm has already prepared you for this,You walked on looking around the town seeing there were many stores. You would have no problem finding food here,You looked in front of you to see a shack with a orange frog in front of it.
He seemed to be selling food,You put your hand into your pocket and looked at the coins and money that laid in it. You really hoped they took cash.
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dankdefrank · 1 year
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my artistic debut i guess! im glad to share info about tad, hes silly guy:D if anyone has questions, ill answer them!
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