#general dolos
emperorsfoot · 2 years
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fated-normal-767 · 6 months
Sometimes a family is just two insane programmers with weird homosexual connections to several people and their terrifying pacifist daughter .
iris is not a programmer but this is otherwise entirely true. I don’t think anyone actually knows what iris’ job is. I certainly don’t remember. He’s definitely sold drugs before but I don’t remember if that’s actually his job. I don’t think iris knows how computers work at all.
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emolgabrine · 2 years
Because it's new years eve, I bring you headcanon.
Ken hates fireworks, they make him panic
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helpolnix · 3 months
Dolus/Dolos, god of trickery, craftiness, and cunning deception
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I’d say the majority of people that work with Greek deities have either not heard of Dolus or haven’t looked into him. Well, for the latter you wouldn’t find very much anyway so I don’t blame you.
I felt drawn to him when I had happened to stumble upon his name during some research with an unrelated project. Reaching out to Dolus was an easy thing to do, but what wasn’t easy was tackling how to exactly work with him or even worship him.
There’s basically nothing on this guy. Like next to nothing.
There is one main myth, but that is all there is on him which is incredibly unfortunate. I’ll put the Aesopic fable he’s mentioned in at the end if you want to skim it, but it doesn’t have his personality in it at all, or all too much about him. It does show off the “craftiness” title of his, though.
Some may not know if Dolus is a good fit for you if you’re interested. But from the little time I’ve known him I would say his expertise stretches way beyond what you may think. But, primarily he would be great for those of you who work with other trickster gods and the like. But also anyone that wants to try out types of divination that are a bit more niche and strengthening your intuition.
Depending on one of the two literature quotes you can find very easily on his theoi page, Dolus is either the son of Nyx or Gaia. Going forward and on any post I make on him (if it comes up) I’ll be addressing him as the son of Nyx, though.
His personality is one that may catch you off guard, as he, with me anyway, goes from such a kind and warm energy to one that has me wandering what the fuck I did to deserve him playing jokes on me I don’t understand half the time. (All in good fun I’m just terrible with social cues) But that’s the fun of working with him. I’m learning to let loose a bit more and find hobbies that actually tap into my more.. “craftier” side for lack of a better word that doesn’t sound like a really horrid pun.
I’m not great at tarot reading, or just that type of divination in general. Which is unfortunate since I’d like to be quite good at it. Dolus is someone that caught onto this rather quickly, noting my horrid shuffling and how long it took me to interpret cards and such. If you’re in the same boat at me, he’s your guy. The energy that filled my room was one of patience and understanding, but also an energy that wanted to push me to actually dedicate myself to learning the craft.
When I decided I wanted to help him set up more things to associate him with, I don’t think I’ll ever forget the warmth I felt from him. It was a moment that helped me decide that I’d love to do something like this for other gods too. Ones that are either buried or are too intimidating to reach out to because there’s such little knowledge out there. I hope this encourages others to do the same. It’s an incredibly rewarding task, as it also helps you develop a close relationship with said deity.
I’ll have a separate post I’ll link right here that gives you a nice idea for what you could put on an altar for him. In the future, I’ll be mentioning him a lot more, hoping to fill up his tags until it’s filled with people other than me lol.
His Theoi page.
Devotional activities and things to put on an altar: here.
I also have what he looks like to me here.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I know this isn’t super thorough, but I’ll update with anything else that comes to mind or make another post soon. 🩶
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royallygray · 4 months
Okay I know very little about BigB but he is in my au since he is in the Life series SO
He's a hero in my au. And I needed a hero name for him. So
I have named him Dolos. Why? you might ask.
Well, I'll tell you.
Dolos is the spirit of trickery and cunning.
I want to name BigB this because of the whole "hole" bit in secret life, where he confused the shit out of so many people and he just generally seems like a chaotic, but not harmful, little blob
Also on the alignment chart I found they put him on chaotic good on more the chaotic side so
BigB fans what do you think and is this solid reasoning
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mysteriousdoll · 8 months
FF - Project: Revival - File: B
Inside this document, Future Foundation employees will find basic documentation regarding each subject from Future Foundation's revival project in regards to the 'killing game' hosted by Junko Enoshima and Chihiro Fujisaki containing their class. (Hopes Peak Academy's Class 78).
Please refer to File C to update and record all tests. Only document test results in File B if they result in severe changes or information we may need to know of generally.
Subject 001 - Sayaka Maizono
Subject 001 has shown good progress as she recovers. Appears slightly disoriented and refuses to go places alone. Subject 001 does not appear to hold a grudge against Subject 003, but does appear to show apprehension towards communicating with him.
Notably, Subject 001 proceeds to drool blood when distressed, the blood worsening the more she is distressed. She did not initially appear harmed when this occurred, but testing showed this was a farce, as she grew very lightheaded when more blood was lost.
We have noticed Subject 001 has done best in social tests, as, even when covering her face and told to  keep a low profile, she has shown to hold conversations and put those she speaks to at ease. This may be helped by Subject 001 being one of three who shows little obvious signs of scarring, her only scars being on her abdomen, and persistent drool on her chin. (Wiping at this drool does not get rid of it, it appears to be a stain. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 001 has been seen trying to communicate with Subject 006, and continues to try to do so despite their failure to respond to her.
Subject 001 has not had to be punished with the electro-shock band often.
Subject 002 - Mukuro Ikusaba
Subject 002 is very closed off, but has recovered physically. She remains closest to Subject 000, but during visitation has been drawn to Makoto Naegi. Subject 002 is very resilient during testing, but appears more vigilant than what her old peers claimed.
Subject 002 does not appear to hold a bond closer to any other subject, but has been seen staring at Subject 006. Subject 000 has been recorded stating that Subject 002 is ‘drooling’ staring at Subject 006… we have not seen this occur, though. Subject 002 is docile with FF members, and does not attempt to aggravate others like her sister. She’s shown to have an interest in the common room’s exercise equipment, she seems to most enjoy the jumping rope.
Subject 002 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her helping of Subject 000’s desire to cause trouble for other subjects.
Subject 003 - Leon Kuwata
Subject 003 has been less than progressive with his recovery. We suspect this is due to his scarring, as it was much more significant than most. He has stitch-like patterns emblazoned onto his body from his ‘execution’, and we had to perform a rhinoplasty to restore his nose, as it was completely shattered, giving us little to work with. 
Subject 003 has shown to hold a positive relationship with Subject 005, but holds no (apparent) connection to Subject 006, despite being around them when with Subject 005. Subject 003 has also been noted to stare at Subject 001, although there does not appear to be any malice in this habit. We plan to initiate an interaction between them to study it.
Subject 003 is aggressive when testing is prompted, but has yet to be so aggressive he needs to be sedated.
Subject 003 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band often due to his abrasive behavior.
Subject 004 - Chihiro Fujisaki
Subject 004 was a Mastermind. Because of this, she is heavily monitored. However, unlike Subject 000 (whom Subject 004 is in a romantic relationship with), she does appear to have remorse for her actions. This has only been noted in conversations she’s held with Subject 000, which have been recorded and transcribed. Subject 004 has made several comments in regards to the ‘looks’ she gets from the other subjects. Despite this, she does not seem to hold any desire to stray away from Subject 000, and in fact shows heavy disdain at the idea of ending their relationship.
Subject 004 has a large scar from where she was struck, but often covers it with her hair. Unlike Subject 006, she does not appear to have any other facial scarring. (Subject 004 has shown severe anger towards Byakuya Togami. I advise any researchers not to allow her to speak to him and vice versa. - Rs. Dolo.)
Subject 004 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band a few times, this is mostly due to her attempting to perform acts of kindness before we deem it proper. She is not yet ready for redemption, it will only ruin the experiment.
Subject 005 - Mondo Oowada
Subject 005 has done well in his recovery, however we have noted he refuses to leave Subject 006’s side. He speaks with Subject 006 more than anyone, and has expressed immense remorse for Subject 006’s death being ‘his fault’. It is rare the two do not have some form of physical contact
Subject 005 has scarring all over his body, albeit it is not in any notable consistency. These scars take the form of fencing, a diamond-like pattern seen throughout them. He also has a large x-shaped scar on his face, something he appears to be discouraged by.
Subject 005 is extremely aggressive to testing, he MUST be sedated. (DO NOT TRY TO SEPARATE SUBJECT 005 FROM SUBJECT 006 WITHOUT SEDATING SUBJECT 005. HE WILL ATTACK ANY FF MEMBERS. - Rs. Dolo) Due to his temper, he is easily set off. While Subject 006 usually can get Subject 005 to settle, enough prodding will lead to extremely violent behavior.
Subject 005 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to his violent outbursts. We have noted he requires a higher wattage.
Subject 006 - Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Subject 006 is the most compliant out of all subjects. This would be great if not for his refusal to speak to most people. He only speaks with Subject 005, Subject 008, and Yasuhiro Hagakure.  (Hagakure has noted that Subject 006 often asks about his father. Due to the non disclosure clause, little updates have been given. Hagakure has asked that we allow subjects to see their families soon. He may have a point. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006 has been found suffering multiple migraines in short periods. We initially suspected this to only be due to their OSDD, but conversations recorded with Subject 008 suggest otherwise. We are unsure if his ‘blacked-out’ eye causes him pain, but we have noticed it bleeds when he cries. We are also unsure if he is blind in this eye, or if his vision is limited. (Recent tests have proven that Subject 006 can see in the dark. A recorded conversation with Subject 005 confirmed his sight is in fact extremely clear in the dark, and his ‘blacked-out’ eye ‘glows in the dark’. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006, while never hostile himself, holds a member within their system (referred to only as Akira by Subject 009 and Subject 006) who is VERY hostile during tests. They have had to be sedated twice. (THEY BITE!!! HARD! Will draw blood. I suggest having Subject 009 coax them into allowing tests to be run. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times. This is due to his failure to eat on time, hydrate, and due to attempted self harm.
Subject 007 - Hifumi Yamada
Subject 007 has coped the most well out of every subject. It appears he uses his art to cope with his recovery. Subject 007 has suffered migraines, although his scarring does not seem as severe as that of others. Strangely, Subject 007 holds no malice towards Subject 008. We are unsure why this is. Evidence from the game (see: File A) suggests Subject 008 lied to Subject 007 and killed him, something he was aware of in death.
Subject 007 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band a few times due to breaking curfews. However, when we administered a game system in the common room, this issue reduced in occurrence.
Subject 008 - Celestia Ludenberg
Subject 008 shows indifference when approached about her recovery. She stays close to Subject 006, this is likely due to their blood relation and their deal in the game (see: File A), and we have noted she has been trustworthy in preventing Subject 006’s failure to eat.
Subject 008 has several burns on her arms, and has made comments about wishing to cover them with long gloves. She also has a large scar on her torso. Subject 008 has requested several pain relieving creams for her burns, but we have opted to only adhere to these requests when convenient. (Avoid giving her these during physical tests, only for psychological tests so she is not distracted. - Rs. Dolo)
She continues to complain about the quality of her bedding. We do not plan to upgrade it.
Subject 008 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her refusal to comply with wardrobe requirements. We suspect this will change when she is sent home and is able to dress as she pleases.
Subject 009 - Sakura Ogami
Subject 009’s recovery has gone well, but similar to Subjects 006 and 007, she suffers headaches, and was required to be given liver and kidney transplants due to the organs being inefficient when the revival process was complete. This has led to Subject 009 having to take several medications every morning. Do not allow a day to go by without these being taken, lest the experiment be ruined. 
Subject 009 appears to get along most well with Aoi Asahina, as well as Akira (see: Subject 006). Despite Hagakure’s fears, she has made it known she holds no ill will towards him. Due to the nature of Subject 009’s death, she has minor scarring from the glass she was struck with before it, as well as altered hair that is now black and white. (It’s like Frankenstein’s bride or something. Subject 006 has a similar white streak throughout their hair. - Rs. Dolo) Dyeing the hair does not hold for long, regardless of how strong of a dye is used. She appears indifferent to this.
Similar to Subject 001, Subject 009 has been found trying her best to help other subjects cope. We’ve noted she’s the most mature out of the group, and although she may not perform as well as Subject 001 in social situations, she performs quite well regardless.
Subject 009 has not had to be punished with the electro-shock band very often.
Subject 000 - Junko Enoshima
Subject 000 was the mastermind of the game, working with Subject 004, with minor help from Subject 002. She has several scars, but does not appear to care about the changes to her appearance. Rather, Subject 000 seems more focused on watching the other subjects. She most often speaks with Subject 004 and Subject 002, the others she tries to speak to refuse to respond to her. Unlike Subject 004, Subject 000 has shown zero remorse for her past actions, instead appearing to take great pleasure in the evident coldness shown from her peers. 
We warn researchers to not allow Subject 000 to see any files, regardless of how often she may ask. 
Subject 000 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her desire to cause trouble for her peers, researchers, and incessant talking during testing.
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miraclesabound · 1 year
When It All Goes to Hell
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Summary: Shoresy manages to really fuck things up between himself and Reader, and while Laura is willing to help patch things up, things get ugly first. Sequel to "That Hits The Spot".
Pairing(s): Shoresy/Laura Mohr, one-sided (?) Shoresy/F!Plus Size Reader, eventual Laura/Shoresy/F!Plus Size Reader, background Sanguinet/Mercedes
Notes: I know this makes her a little more like an OC, but I'm now expressly writing Reader as a plus size woman, and Shoresy has given her a nickname related to her job as a publicist for the Bulldogs. She can still be read as any race. Set after Season 1. Any italicized dialogue is meant to be in French. Also on AO3.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and drunkenness, romantic frustration, canon-typical language, past fat-phobia on Shoresy's part, Reader using Shoresy's first name, misogynistic and fatphobic language, sexual harassment, aggravated assault, mention of police, description of injuries, hopeful ending (Friends to Enemies to Possible Lovers)
Tags: @pettyprocrastination, @captainsbestgal, @magpie-to-the-morning, @deadbranch, @brewed-pangolin, @ironmandeficiency
When Shoresy calls you over to play foosball with him and Sanguinet and Mercedes, you figure it’ll be guys vs. gals like it’s been most of the evening at the lanes.  Generally, it’s been you, Nat, the twins and Mercedes on one side, and Shoresy, Sanger, Hitch, Dolo and Goody on the other.  However, he surprises you by nodding to his side of the table. When you ask, he says, “Trust me, Pubsy, small game like this – makin’ Sanger play against his sweetie would just be mean.”
Honestly, you don’t mind the nickname. You like your job as a publicist for the Bulldogs, and at least he didn’t choose Pubby. That sounds too much like “Tubby”, and you hope that your weight isn’t the only thing Shoresy sees about you. In the last few weeks since he helped fix up your back, you’ve found yourself getting more and more sweet on him.
You join Shoresy on the red team, while Sanger and Mercedes take blue. “Rules are simple,” Shoresy says. “Gals on goals, guys in the middle, reset the ball if no one can reach it, we’ll play best two of three, losers buy the next drinks.”
You’re decent at bowling and billiards, but it turns out that foosball is much more your speed. With your goaltending and Shoresy on the attack, you absolutely annihilate the other couple. A third game isn’t needed, and you even join Shoresy in a bit of trash talk before Sanger goes to get your victory shots.
You and Shoresy stay a team for the rest of the night, and his arm keeps ending up around your shoulders. The others aren’t blind to the two of you getting cozy. Hitch and Dolo make particular note of it, and their conversation makes Nat’s ears tingle, even over the noise of the bowling lanes.
“You think he’s wheeling the publicist?” Dolo asks.
“Dunno, me son,” Hitch responds. “But ‘s true that where she’s to, that’s where ‘e’s at.” He smiles. “They do make a right pretty pair – would knit a fine coupla’ little ones.”
Nat’s managerial instincts are screaming at her. When no one’s looking, she pulls out her phone and sets herself a reminder – she needs to talk to you within the week about this Shoresy situation.
“Am I in trouble?” you ask. Coming into Nat’s office during the day is rare – she usually leaves you to your own devices in your room down the hall.
“Not at all,” Nat promises. “But I need you to be straight with me about something – are you and Shoresy a thing?”
“Um…” you shrug. “We’re not officially giving it the old college try, but we’re not not a thing…I think?” You wish you could give a clearer assessment. You and Shoresy have spent time together every day this week, and he’s been physically affectionate, but he hasn’t tried to kiss you either.
“Fuck…” Nat mutters. You look at her funny, and she speaks more clearly. “Listen, you’re a grown woman, I can’t tell you who to spend time with, but there’s some shit I think you need to see.” She pulls out her laptop and opens it to a video link. “Did you watch the National Seniors Championship back in ’19?”
“Didn’t get the chance.” You come around to her side of the desk and crouch to see the video. You squint when she hits play – “Is that Shoresy and JJ?”
“Yup – and it wasn’t pretty how they met.”
Your eyes grow wider and wider as the video goes on. It’s not just Shoresy hitting JJ’s leg that gets to you, though that’s one of the uglier hits you’ve ever seen. What’s viscerally upsetting is what Shoresy is saying to JJ through the whole thing. You’ve heard some vicious anti-fat talk in your time, both directed at you and in general. However, the pure vitriol coming out of Shoresy’s mouth is enough to make you nauseous.
The video finishes, and Nat turns to you. “You see why I’m worried?” she asks. You nod your understanding. “Plus, he’s getting Laura Mohr to warm up to him. He’s cleaned up his act, but he’s still a loudmouth, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“No, no, I get it,” you say. “I appreciate the lookout.” You really do, even if you feel your heart deflating.
Nat’s words echo in your head for the next few weeks, especially after Laura finally accepts Shoresy’s request for a date. You hold out hope that it’ll just be a one-off, but when she starts attending practices and coming along to group outings, you know she’s Shoresy’s sweetie for real.
You don’t hate her – far from it. In fact, as she integrates into the group, you understand why Shoresy is into her. She’s more his type, especially with the age gap, and she’s just good fun to be around. This woman knows every joke you can think of and then some, she’s got good taste in movies, and when you see her around her kid, you recognize that she’s a wonderful mother. You’re even comfortable with her calling you P in front of the gang.
No, it’s not Laura who ruins things between you and Shoresy – it’s Shoresy himself. You understand him pulling away from time together; you’d be doing the same thing if you’d met someone. That part makes perfect sense, even if it stings. That said, when you see him, he’s still kind to you – or so you think.
However, one evening changes all that. You’re finishing up paperwork in your office, and you hear the guys on the team chatting down the hallway. You’re not above gossip, so you put your work down, trying to focus on what they’re saying.
“Think we’ll ever ask JJ back?” you hear Hitch ask. “The man could do his work, b’ys.” You’ve been wondering the same thing yourself – you know he ran back to Quebec after some woman trouble, but you never knew the particulars.
You hear Shoresy’s voice chirp back, “Not if I can fuckin’ help it – Frankie’s a fuckin’ coward who doesn’t know how to treat women. Fuckin’ walrus pulled Laurence LeBouef and didn’t worship at her fuckin’ feet? Fuckin’ fat loser…”
You tiptoe to the office door, close it as quietly as possible – and then go back to your desk and sob. Nat comes by to check on you about ten minutes later, and you tell her everything.
You’re not going to have Shoresy booted from the team; you’re not that vindictive - but you do cool considerably around him. You’re still cordial to the others and to Laura, but to him? You are winter incarnate. One time, he tries to tease you about something innocuous, and your response shocks him.
“Knock it off, Fenton, you’re too old for this.” NO-ONE, not even his dad, uses his first name. He doesn’t know how he stepped in it, but he has to make it up to you.
It’s Laura who texts you some time later, asking if the three of you can meet up at Doghouse. You haven’t been answering Shoresy’s texts or calls, and you know that he’s using Laura as a workaround, but if she’s going to be there with him, maybe this won’t be so bad.
On the night in question, you get there early, and you find a seat at the bar. You’re looking at your phone when someone taps your shoulder.
“Hey, is this stool taken?” The voice belongs to a decently attractive man with dark well-groomed facial hair and a stylish haircut.
“All yours – my friends’ll use these other ones when they get here.”
You think that’s the end of it, but instead of taking the stool elsewhere like you expect, the man sits down next to you. “Buy you a drink while you wait? I’m Rolland, but everyone calls me RJ.” You can’t remember the last time a guy took the initiative so quickly to chat with you. You ask for a whiskey and Coke, and RJ gets a tall pint of some beer you don’t know the name of.
The conversation flows easily at first – but then you find yourself ill at ease. You don’t know if it’s RJ’s mannerisms, or if he’s looking too intensely at you – but something here isn’t right. It doesn’t help that he finishes his pint rapidly and is already on a refill while you’re only halfway through your cocktail. When he asks if you want to leave with him after only about fifteen minutes of chatting, you’re only too happy to tell him no.
“Told you, I’m meeting my friends.” Your phone buzzes, and you see a message from Laura. “In fact, they’re parking now.”
RJ has been smiling, but now that smile turns into a snarl. “You got some fuckin’ nerve leading me on, you fat bitch!” Before you can chew him out, something crashes into your face and shatters against it. You lose your balance and hit the floor hard.
As you try to sit up, RJ is staring down at you with a twisted grin. “Not so high and mighty now, are ya?” He reaches out like he’s going to grab your hair, but in a blur, he’s shoved back against the bar, and Shoresy is there, his eyes burning like the wrath of God.
You’re so disoriented by the last twenty seconds that you think you must be seeing things – when did he get here? That said, Shoresy’s voice is unmistakable. “YOU DON’T HIT WOMEN, YOU FUCKIN’ ANIMAL!” He bellows, and he lands at least two punches on RJ, both to the face.
Someone touches your arm and you nearly jump out of your skin. “Hey, P, hun, it’s just me…” You turn, and Laura’s right next to you. “Can you stand?”
You nod, and she helps you up. Two bouncers are pulling Shoresy off RJ, and when you hear a siren, you realize someone must have already called paramedics, cops, or both.
The paramedics confirm that you avoided a concussion, but RJ isn’t so lucky. The small cuts on your face are also nothing compared to his black eye and broken nose. The cops even try to hold Shoresy briefly for assault. They don’t let him go until they get the video from the manager showing what happened. By the time it’s all figured, it’s past midnight, and you just want to go home. Laura’s been helping you stay calm, but when Shoresy finally comes over to check on you, you lose your shit.
“Fuck you, Shoresy!”
“Fer what?!”
“Fer bein’ a fuckin’ hypocrite!” you tell him. “I know how you feel about fat people; I heard you shit-talking JJ when he’s not even here to defend himself – and then you go and nearly goddamn kill someone because I’m insulted??”
“But Pubsy, it was more than –”
“I’m not fuckin’ finished! You do this in front of your sweetie too? Like I’m…fuckin’…like I’m yours to save? And now I’m gonna hafta explain this whole goddamn thing to Nat and try to keep it out of the news and….and…oh fuck me…”
You can feel tears stinging the edges of your eyes as the last of the adrenaline leaves your system. Laura lets you lean on her, and she tells Shoresy, “Babe, I think it’s gotta be just us girls for a minute – see you tomorrow?” Shoresy pouts, but he accepts a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye and he scoots out.
You and Laura sit down on a nearby bench, and she pulls a tissue out of her coat for you. While you dab your eyes, she says, “I’m not gonna tell you not to be mad at Shoresy, but did you actually see what it was that RJ hit you with?”
You shake your head. “Nope – just that it crashed on my face and I hit the deck.”
“It was his pint glass – and I saw that one of the shattered pieces looked like a dagger. I don’t read minds, but I know I feared the worst – and I bet Shoresy did too.”
A cold feeling runs down your spine as you remember the violent glint in RJ’s eyes. “You…you think he might have…?” You make the throat-cutting gesture.
“I dunno,” Laura admits. “But I know Shoresy doesn’t want to take any chances when it comes to you – he likes you a lot.”
You want to be happy about that comment, but everything just feels like shit right now. “I’m sorry,” you groan. “I swear I haven’t been trying to steal him – fuck’s sake, I’ve been actively pushing him away!”
“I know,” Laura says. “But…if he were to get himself figured out, would you … be willing to share?”
Your mental gears grind to a halt so fast that you’re surprised steam hasn’t come out of your ears. “….WHAT.”
“That’s what we wanted to talk about with you tonight before everything went pear-shaped.”
The idea Laura’s presenting is something you just cannot process right now. Your confusion must read on your face, because she offers you a hand to stand up and says, “Let me get you home so you can sleep – we’ll catch back up on this in the morning.”
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life-winners-liveblog · 2 months
Anyways, back to my first question, doesn't this mean that Iza can also change their clothes?
Or generally edit them?
(to A-Dolos)
- ???
A-Dolos: I ... Guess?
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audreyscribes · 2 months
What do you think about children of dolos? I never hear anything ab them,canon or fanon
Dolos/Dolus, the personified spirit (daimon) of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery, and guile.
Well I can see why people don't really talk about any children of Dolos, or Dolos either. This is because Dolos is a personified spirit and is very abstract in terms of mythology, and the only substantial specific story about him is from Aesop's Fable (fun fact: it's actually a latin work!)
As a general concept, not even connecting it to the PJO universe, so trying to create a demigod from Dolos is like grasping at straws without no way of knowing how to build a house with it, or should you even build it, and basically all we have to go with is the concept of Dolos, the fact Dolos is born as one of the many personifications of the world, and that one story in Aesop Fables. If I were writing for a child of Dolos, not adding the restrictions and guidelines for the PJO verse for demigods:
Since Dolos is Guile; deceitful cunning and trickery, I'd imagine you can make the demigod something like a child of Hermes but that leans heavily towards trickery, thievery, and craftiness.
They can lie, charm their way in and out with the silver like tongue, are smart and quick, while also being resourceful. Unlike Hermes demigods, who are basically the Jack of all trades, the mentioned traits are their only traits as a Dolos demigod and are more concentrated. Now whether those traits lean more negatively or a more positive way depends because the demigod children are mortal and their morals are gray, but also hard to say since Dolos is a daimon. They can copy others and things like Dolos did with Prometheus' work with Veritas (Truth) and Dolos' attempt to create an identical one but came out with Mendacium (Pseudologos, Falsehoods). However, although the children of Dolos are nimble with their fingers and their eyes accurate, they cannot copy everything identically and there is always a flaw in it, thus being a counterfeit compared to the original source. But you know the words, "Fake it till you make it"
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A/N: You guys are really coming out of the wood works asking me demigod questions and my own two cents about it. You've found a loophole and cheated the system. I can only imagine when S2 of the PJO TV Show is on air and then you guys are going to go feral.
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teamfortresstwo · 7 months
Sisyphus is just . He is introduced because he pissed off dolos (gods most chill guy) so fucking bad that he got tied to a playing card Permanently. This is shown to occur One Other Time and it means that while he can theoretically live normally, if dolos was one day like ‘kill yourself’ he’d immediately have to do it. it also means that he cannot actually die unless he escapes the effects or is told he can die. He’s actually quite chill about this most of the time because it’s not always relevant. He’s also the first person to get out of dolos’ skill of his own accord, in one plotline. He’s an assassin because he was broke as hell but didn’t want to go to his family (they’d tell him to get an office job like his brother and it’s his life dream to be unemployed and just sort of hang out) and his skill meant he would be just quite good at it. Plus a lot of the time he’s just told to kill people who generally fucking suck. And with the pay, it’s not like he has to do it often. His skill is introduced as the ability to not miss anything he throws, but this isn’t quite accurate. He’s in some kind of best friends/qpr/literally never assigned a label relationship with Phobos. Because dolos told him to keep them safe. Dolos thinks this is effective because Phobos loves psychological warfare and torture but actually them and Sisyphus just hang out and smoke weed together and just generally chill. He wears a cowboy hat. He cuts his own hair and Is Not Good At It. his hair can only be described as ‘mustard yellow’. that is his natural hair colour.
Oh dear me this is the most charming little guy I think I’ve ever heard of . It truly is a wonder how he just . Got put in a card by a guy who apparently hates him enough to want him to be heavily psychologically tormented . and then just . Kept living normally . And was enough of a chill dude to kinda just get along with the guy intended to perform psychological warfare on him . Guy who hates office jobs so much he would just rather kill people . He is what the uneducated think og!Elias was except he’s actually baller . He’s what I imagine Jesse Pinkman is . That’s the Greek myth guy I’m choosing to assign him . Jesse Pinkman .
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msweebyness · 8 months
MiracOlympus- Extras!!!
Here’s a special bonus, with some extra characters of importance! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Gabriel: Cronos
The god of time and the former king of the titans, and father of Adrien (Zeus), Kim (Poseidon), and Nathaniel (Hades). He locked his sons away in Tartarus as children to secure his power, but was defeated and imprisoned by them. Nath makes time every week to go down and troll him.
Emilie: Rhea
The former queen of the titans, ex-wife of Gabriel. She despised him for imprisoning her sons and helped overthrow him. Still mothers the heck out of her boys (and the new gods in general), regardless of how powerful they are.
Anarka: Leto
Goddess of motherhood and mother to Juleka (Artemis) and Luka (Apollo). Will eff you up if you mess with her kids, and vice versa. Still a chaotic free spirit.
Jagged: Aeolus
God of the winds and father of Luka and Juleka. Serves as mentor and teacher to the four young wind deities, telling them where the winds are needed that day. Still loves music.
Clara: Euterpe
Muse of Music, and eldest of the nine. Her younger siblings all adore her and she helped them all to embrace and master their special talent.
Vivica: Calliope
Second eldest muse, muse of poetry and epics. A bit shy, but loves to perform with her siblings.
Lucien: Zelus
God of envy and jealousy. In love with obsessed with Marc (Persephone), and couldn't handle it when he chose to be with Nathaniel. (Mylene (Demeter) feckin' HATES him, and has threatened him with a pitchfork more than once.)
Emani: Dolos
God of manipulation and control. Former lover of Nathaniel who would do anything to have him back.
Duusu: Argus
Marinette's (Hera) sacred peacock, and beloved companion.
Liiri: Aetos Dios
Adrien's sacred eagle, who carries messages for him and serves as a companion.
Xuppu: Delphinius
Immortal Dolphin, and Kim's best friend. Was his wingman and helped him get together with Ondine (Amphitrite).
Kaalki: Pegasus
Immortal winged horse, famed mount of heroes. Found as a foal and reared by Max (Athena).
Socqueline: Heracles
Greatest mortal hero who ever lived, had the strength of a god. Wore a lion pelt.
Aeon: Helen of Troy
Most beautiful mortal woman who ever lived, kidnapped as a teen by the Trojans for their prince. The Gods sided with the Greeks in the war to bring her back.
Jess: Atalanta
Mortal hero who could run as fast as the wind. A renowned hunter who killed a monstrous boar terrorizing her kingdom, and she refuses to marry unless you can beat her in a race.
Fei: Hippolyta
Queen of the Amazons, and total badass. Has never lost a battle with any mortal that dared challenge her.
Master Fu: Chiron
Immortal centaur, the wise and kind teacher of the greatest heroes.
Bustier, Mendeliev, and Winters: The Moirai (aka the Fates)
Winters- Clotho, Bustier- Lachesis, Mendeliev- Atropos
Three incredibly powerful goddesses who decide the fates and lifespans of all mortals.
Baark: Cerberus
Three-headed, enormous guard dog of the Underworld. Nathaniel and Marc's fluffy baby girl child.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from dunmer male forenames from TES, excluding the letter "R"
Adael Adalno Adelis Adels Adennus Adolms Adovyn Alaalyn Alanas Alash Alennus Algaem Alothalos Alvol Alvul Alvus Angal Angovos Animalis Anius Anovis Anumenvayn Anvalvasil Athel Athen Athisfavel Avals Avelo Ayndalnus Azanelam Azanos Azanu Azanyl...
Baenthas Baldul Balfal Baliman Balin Ballil Balmondyn Balos Bandet Banen Banisi Banollen Banys Beithiv Belaynnus Bellec Belms Belmyn Belon Belvus Benden Beselyn Bevil Biles Bolen Bollien Bolodivos Bolon Bolvaynis Bolven Bolvi Bolvos Bondel Bondus Bonelil Bovandyn Bovanil Bovos Calas Chalvas Cylas Daelmon Dainel Dalain Dalas Dalden Daldyl Dalsel Damedyn Daneldis Danethis Danis Dathis Daval Daveni Davonath Davos Delen Delhulandyn Denas Denlin Denlis Dethelas Dethiathis Dilion Dilos Dolos Donden Donelo Donvyn Dovas Doven Dovosivul Dunbalm Dynik Dynimalyns Eanvans Edaynis Elamels Elavon Elikanis Elnumyn Elovyn Elsels Elvanus Elvos Endevas Ethavis Ethel Ethis Ethyn Evads Evalam Eveden Fadayns Fadil Falad Falphendos Falvam Felos Femynas Fenelis Fevethal Fevos Folas Folashalyn Folythis Fonvyn Fothan Fothelailas Gadelods Gadet Gadiilas Gadol Galan Galbalamis Galdu Galexadas Galil Galkangovos Galvandas Galvas Galyan Gandil Gavin Gavys Gendelo Gidal Gidathanyn Gilam Gilthis Gilynos Golaal Golevyn Golnus Golodov Goloneldyn Golyn Golynethen Golynil Golynus Govals Govan Govos Govus Govyn Gulathes Gulos Halathys Heleg Helis Helos Hlomlyn Hlosi Hlovynel Idaele Idaemilos Idath Ienethis Ienthis Imalm Inelil Ithalam Ithyn Ivalamthads Kanzenni Kemen Kenil Kikan Knumanmon Kovyn Kydenilen Ladelienus Lanis Lanvyn Liudyn Lladohnas Lladovis Llain Llaso Llassenvyn Llayn Lledam Lleson Lleth Llevunevayn Llien Llimalmus Llithale Lliudvyn Llondyn Lynis Madonen Malao Malathus Malil Malmis Malmon Malmus Malos Malvil Malynis Manalius Manalminus Manthalos Manthyan Manus Manvynos Masimmans Mavas Medhelas Mednilvus Mednis Melovam Menis Menos Menth Menvas Methin Methyn Midayn Midyn Mithus Mjahlos Monsolan Mudvasse Mudyns Mulvelanen Muvano Nachals Nachan Nadvam Naladivilam Naliath Nalmil Nalmoval Nalyn Namil Nelynus Nemyon Nevis Nevun Nidyl Nikanad Nikilennik Nikimal Nilunelos Nishal Nisimoni Nisodil Nissen Nivadas Nivandynil Nivanyn Nivasi Nivon Nudvys Odulius Olmel Olvels Omacklen Omalms Onvys Otanelos Othes Othis Othyn Ozulis Quelyn Saddusel Saldsuvis Salenus Saleyn Salith Salms Salvain Savam Savel Savesi Savis Savisi Savon Savyn Sedayn Sedus Seledalas Selil Selms Selven Selyn Selyth Sendosimas Sethalms Sethelmyn Sethilasi Sethynilym Sevinus Sevis Sevyn Shadolyne Shalam Shalnus Shalynilven Shana Shanvyn Shisil Shuls Shulvin Shulvon Shusethen Sikse Skals Skanalas Slissadis Slynil Sovas Stlethyn Sulenas Sunegalvis Sunethyn Suvanden Suvil Suvis Symmanus Tadel Tadil Talaan Talds Talen Talius Talnil Talnis Talvayin Talvon Talyn Tamth Tandulen Tanes Tangadavel Tavil Tavondalyn Tavos Tedaelo Tedun Telvos Tenelms Tenvyn Tethashus Tethin Tevos Theledanys Thelme Theloth Thenvyni Thiam Thisen Tidayn Tisiv Tolas Tollis Tovos Tulas Tulen Tunethan Uldayn Uldyn Ulfavas Ulinil Ulvas Ulvelvas Ulvos Unbimalm Vadelyn Vadon Vaevys Valan Valas Valdil Valis Valnos Valoth Valvos Vamedalmon Vamin Vaneno Vanvalso Vanyl Vanyn Vasen Vassen Vedal Veledyn Velomis Velovayn Velselnus Venas Vennus Venth Vesikon Vevalms Vevulvel Vobelvos Vonil Vulavaladam Vulfalyn Vulsed Wilyn Wynin Zanen Zanylon Zimalas
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strixcattus · 8 months
Conlang Year Week 3
Apparently I only posted about the sound inventory of the time travel lang a day ago? That can't possibly be right. Oh well—either way, I won't be mentioning the sounds in this post, since I already did that. This'll be a roundup of all the proto-forms I created this week.
Day 19: Body terms
Average speakers of the language (I've been referring to it as Conlang in the doc) are humanoid in form. People from timelines that host "lichen" might be a little unusual to people from unaltered timelines, the fae (who may or may not have evolved from linear-time humans/humanoids) might be a little unusual—I haven't gotten around to hammering out any details, since they're a minority of speakers and don't diverge in any significantly meaningful ways—and time worms, while capable of intelligent speech, are definitely not humanoid, but in general the most basic terms will be familiar to human-shaped people, which I'm assuming most people who read this post will be.
(If not: Hello, time worm. Glad to see you.)
Some of them were pretty obvious: Eye, mouth, leg, hand. The first things that come to mind when thinking about distinguishing human features. I also wanted something more of an internal body part, for some variety—there are some good options: heart, stomach, spine. In the end, though, I couldn't resist going for a particular set:
*temo: Mouth *kepi: Hand *jola: Eye *noso: Leg *koju: Heart *zese: Lung *dizopo: Liver *kili: Nerves
Day 20: Terrain features
What are prominent terrain features to time travellers? What are prominent terrain features only to time travellers? For the most part here I stuck to the big, slow-to-change features, things like mountains and coastlines, where a significant difference tells you a lot about what era or timeline you've found yourself in. I also included a couple terms that cover the "geography" of time itself:
*dolo: River *kama: Mountain *jepito: Coastline *tanu: Valley *zemu: Timeline (single branch) *puji: Universe (in modern understanding, a distinct cluster of branches) *supila: The void outside time
Day 21: Weather
A bit sparser than the others, to be certain. There are a couple terms which cover the "currents" between universes, one of the complications of hopping, which make trips in some directions easier and in others harder.
*lato: Rain (or other precipitation) *zuma: Cyclone/storm (might cover or give rise to a word for tornadoes or storms in general, but this is mainly for named storms—timeline landmarks) *pajasa: Pervasive heat (more of a climate feature than a weather feature) *kilo: Multiversal currents *deni: A change in multiversal currents (whether a predictable eddy or an unforseen sudden shift)
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fated-normal-767 · 2 months
What theproject characters have tattoos and what do they look like? I think Ares would have that standard heart monitor tattoo on her titty as well as the card one she has .
I totally agree with you on that one I also think everyone would assume she doesn’t have any tattoos and they always get shocked when they find out . Shimmer would have some shitty stick and poke tattoos they got from random guys they meet and/or that they did themself because they were bored HOWEVER I don’t think they’d regret them at all . They like the style of it even thought they probably got infected while they were healing at least once. I don’t know what the tattoos would be. Dolos has a lot of tattoos with probably mainly playing card or general aesthetic pattern designs but I never draw them the same way twice because. I keep forgetting. Eris would want tattoos but couldn’t get any, same with salus. I can’t think of any others yet.
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dojae-huh · 6 months
Hi Huh-nim. Hope you are staying safe. Since dolo's coming, do you have any styles/concepts that you want doyoung to have? That boy's been on full spy mode and hasnt said a word about his solo yet haha. I personally feel like the style of stromae might be a fit for him so genre like Eurodance? I also remember you said you like stromae too!
I like Stromae. I doubt Doyoung knows of him, though. It seems anything non-mainstream from the West gets to him through Jaehyun, and the latter has never mentioned this artist, as far as I'm aware.
Doyoung is very Korean, I'd expect at least his first album to be something the artists he likes sing, i.e. something familiar to Koreans and popular there. That being said, he wants to be easily recogniseable, have individual sound, he won't just copy.
One thing for sure, the songs will be lyrics heavy. Doyoung favours the meaning of words over the melody. Still, Doyoung listens to a lot of Japanese artists, and they generally have a richer sound than Korean songs.
Doyoung approached the rock group Lucy out of nowehere in December. Fans have been speculating that we'd get a rock/pop-rock album ever since. I tend to agree.
I'd like songs with character, like "28 reasons". Doyoung tends to have fun singing those, plus he has room to show off his vocals, technical skills.
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