#genes hand movements while singing>>
Full Name: Isabella Moreno
Age: 28
Race: (Human/Demon/Reaper/etc.) Human - Mexican
Sexual Preferences: (Hetero/Homo/Bi/Etc.) Demiromantic
Nickname(s): Issy, Bella, Angel
Alias(es): "Song Bird" (stage name)
Birth Place: Guanajuato, Mexico
Date of Birth: May 25th, 1861
Date of Death: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Appearance of the Character
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black
Height: 5'6
Weight: 112 pounds
Handedness: (Right/Left/Ambidextrous) Left
Tattoos/Birthmarks/Scars: A small scar under her right knee cap
Jewelry/Accessories: Pearl necklaces, gold rings
General Appearance: Isabella is very beautiful woman with a hour glass type figure with medium wavey dark hair and luscious red lips with narrow brown eyes
About the Character
Personality: Sweet and caring once you get pass her cold mask
Favorites: Lemon tea, red wine Candy Floss, the scent of Lilacs and lavender
Least Favorites: When customers get handsy or rude, someone sneaking into her dressing room, if someone is rude or hurts her sisters
Hobbies/Interests: Dance, writing screenplay, reading
Phobias/Fears: Being alone, being harmed
Habits: Tugging/curling her curls
Mannerisms: She talks in a pretty clear way but with a lot of emotions in her movements, such as shoulder moves or animated hands
Skills/Talents: Singing, dancing
Best Qualities: Great singer, loyal to all dear to her
Worst Qualities: A bit of a pushy person
Morality/Ethics: She's a very loyal person who rarely lies
Goals/Motivations/Dreams: (Describe character’s goals, motivations, or dreams)
Hand-to-Hand Combatant: (explain how good they are without usage of a weapon)
Strength: While she isn't the strongest physically she's strong mentally
Durability: She's very light on her feet
Character Type:
Class of Society: Middle Class-ish (I say this cause it's hard to tell how high or low performers were back then in comparison) but makes enough to have a good home in London Living Conditions: An apartment in London
Least Dominate Gene: N/A
Style of Living: Performer
Occupation: Burlesque performer
Fighting Style: She goes for the legs first than groin/stomach and try to run, if caught she goes for the head or neck area next
Preferred Weapon(s): She has a pistol she has hidden for protection
Family: Mother - Dolores Moreno (deceased)
Father - Unknown
Siblings: Amelia Moreno (younger half-sister), Maria (half-sister)
Friends: The other performers
Pets: None
Enemies: N/A
Character Background: Isabella was born from her mother Dolores who was a maid in a well off family but was kicked onto the streets after her 4th birthday after, from what her mother said, Dolores' affair was found out by the wife. She took care and raised her half-sisters Amelia and Maria mostly by herself as her mother works varies jobs that slowly turned to prostitution just to get by. By 13 her mother met and married a much older English gentlemen who took her and her sisters to London where she stayed since. By this time, she was already getting plenty of admires of her appearance and feared to be attacked her hurt after a few incidences of men following her where she goes. At 18 she got a job working at the local theater cleaning and would watch the performances in the shadows in awe. One night as she cleans alone she sings a bit which catches the attention of a man named Mister Johnathon Crafts, a owner of a burlesque who offers her a job right on the spot. At first she wasn't do much performing since she refused to show any skin but soon got used to it and became a hit thanks to her humor and her incredible voice. Though she still dreams to leave this life behind and be a writer or actual theater shows and maybe even be married to a man who loves her deeply regardless her status...
I used this template for this character! She's heavily based off all the Peter x Hispanic SO content I have made thanks to the ever so wonderful @onehellofashadynerd cause she helped birth this beautiful woman
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lunaekalenda · 2 years
age: 17
"You look so pretty!" your words make your daughter smile, as she turns around with the cute dress she chose for her graduation dance. It was a long search between stores and modistes, but, finally, she has the dress of her dreams and the flower bracelet that makes match with her date for tonight, as he rings the doorbell. Your husband walks on the corridor. "I'll open."
"Dad, wai..." Maybe your daughter was starting to regret not telling you who her date is and who is gonna take them both to the dance. A pair of men receive him. The first one is using a suit, and the same flowers your daughter wears decorate his jacket pocket. He's nervous, sering how he plays with his hands. Thanks to his dad, he has those attractive genes, maybe getting more enhanced by that messy black hair and the suit itself. He looks attractive, but his face looks too much like the one behind him.
"What a surprise to see you here, Jean." Your husband raises a brow as he reaches Eren's hand, shaking it slowly.
"So, my daughter is going to a date with your son." Eren palms his son's shoulder, smiling.
"Yep. And I'm their chofer for the night." Eren smiles and his son looks to the main stairs behind Jean, mouth softly open. Jean keeps going, without noticing.
"You're not taking my girl anywhere." he says, but a quiet voice calls him. There you are, behind your daughter, who looks stunning. Jean feels his eyes teary when he turns around. She was so little when he first held her, so tiny. He liked to see you sleeping her, whit your sweet voice singing her cute lullabies and your soft steps around the room. And there she is now, so pretty, so happy. And his eyes catch her gaze, lovingly looking to the starstruck guy on the porch. Jean remembers the exact moment he took you to the Paradis dance. The exact same gaze, the thought of "this human chose me." repeating on his head with every step you gave on his direction. He sighs. His dad was the biggest jerk on the university, but that doesn't mean he couldn't change, or that his son isn't different. He looks at her as if he wanted to treasure, love amd take care of her in such a long and intimate way. He sees love.
"I want her back at 1:30, go slow, make sure they have their seatbelt on, don't drink, don't smoke on the car, don't do anything to leave them in evidence, don't give them alcohol..."
Jean is surprised by Eren's soft smile. "You've became a real dad, man. I'll take care of them." Jean feels automatically bad. Eren maybe was just a little jerk on uni, but he wasn't a bad man. With a smile, he turns towards the car, letting Jean say bye to her. He hugs his daughter under your gaze. "You look beautiful, treasure." She looks at her hero, the one that always moved earth and sky to see her happy. "You grew up so fast... Have fun, hm? And be careful." he turns to him. "And you, please, keep looking at her like that. You value her, and I can see it. Make her happy, alright?" With a palm on his shoulder -again.-, he lets his daughter go find her date. Their fingers tangle perfectly as two puzzle pieces and their smiles and eyes talk way more than their quiet words. They love each other. They really do.
Your hands hug your husband's waist before kissing his back, and he sighs while they leave. "Our little girl." you nod, thumbs caressing his skin. "She's such a strong a pretty and smart woman now." You feel how Jean's arms move when he cries silently. You hug him tighter, as Eren finishes accommodating them and, with a movement of his hand, they leave. You smile.
"And you're still her dad, her hero and example of life. You mean the world to her as you do to me."
He smiles, hands caressing yours above his abdomen. "You both are whole universes for me, my love."
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faun-the-hound · 2 days
Excerpt from what would be season 2 of Daybreak.
Warning for horror elements and possibly body horror.
Singing. He realised with a start. That's what it was. The deceptively comforting voice, long, drawn-out notes that echoed off the cobble stone walls. A song. A lullaby. One he recognised. One that sent a shiver rolling down his spine.
Abby stopped crying for a moment, loosening the death grip she held on his cape. "What is that?" she whispered, leaning in. Dante frowned, glaring over his shoulder. He though that was where the voice was coming from- somewhere behind him. Reverberating off the walls of the tunnel, racketing into his already pounding skull.
Only two other people could know that song- neither of them were supposed to be alive anymore. His heart caught at the idea- his father, long dead, longer than any other member of his family, a siren. The reason he had to hide for so long, the reason his brother despised him, the reason he had to flee his home to begin with.
Or his brother. Gene. Drawing a shaky breath, he pried away from the trio of children that held onto him. His own kids, Dmitri and Naoki, tried to hold onto him, while Abby stepped away, hands shaking as she watched the tunnel past his shoulders.
"Stay behind me." he ordered, voice dry, sharper than he intended. Abby put herself in front of the toddlers, just thirteen years old, and so incredibly brave, brandishing the dagger Katelyn had given her.
Dante drew one of his own crimson scimitars from the sheathes on his back, watching the hallway with narrowed eyes. The catacombs were nearly pitch dark, faint orange light given by the embers of torches mounted to the walls providing no assistance.
The song continued, so painfully familiar. It couldn't be them, he swore it couldn't. Why hide? Why hide? Why run from home? Come stay, be safe, little darling ones.
It haunted his memories- all the fleeting happy moments from his childhood. Few and far between and long faded, now coming back to that familiarly haunted melody.
A light flickered at the farthest end of the tunnel, where it curved away. White and pale, shifting with an unsteady movement. No torch made a light like that. No mortal being sang like that. As a low, grating laugh cut the music short, the reflection of crimson caught against the approaching light.
A pale webbed hand curled around the stonework. Elongated claws on each of four digits drew thin white lines against the grey. A second hand landed hard on the ground, hauling along a body too big for the narrow tunnels, crawling on its hands and feet.
A head followed it, matted blue-black curls pushed away from an eyeless face. Severed at the jaw by a manged grin, too many jagged teeth growing in roes through a hollow skull. White lights danced in front of its face. Shadows enshrouded a body too thin, the right arm- chest- ribs exposed- bare of skin, dark blackened bones, scorched beyond repair.
It lumbered the corner, gripping the walls, leaving white scratches against the dark stones. And stains of deep crimson, prints of past victims- or of its own ichor. Its head snapped up audibly. Dante jumped, tightening his grip on the hilt of his blade.
The thing cackled. The shadows that coiled around it seemed to laugh as well, flickering and dancing and shifting like tangled serpents. It dropped to one knee, staring unseeing at Dante, its smile widening, tearing up to its finned ears, black and red and viscous ichor running down its jaw.
The empty socket in its half-covered skull cracked- split apart above and below to its jaw- a bloodshot eyeball rolled forwards, a teal iris fixing on him.
"I knew it was you." its voice echoed through the hallways, gravelly and broken- damaged by smoke and ash. And horribly familiar in a way that made Dante's heart stop.
Gene grinned wider still, leaning forwards and upwards, drawing as high as the ceiling would allow. Digging bloodied and skinless hands into the walls and roof, looming above the cowering guard. Hunched in the arched ceiling of the tunnels, dripping black and red blood to the ground, he chuckled.
"Hello again, baby brother."
Dante has a Time in season 2.
Naoki is Nekoette. And that's Abby as in Jeffory the Golden Heart's daughter. She's three when he died (pre-timeskip) and the time skip is only ten(ish) years in Daybreak, so she's about thirteen/fourteen when this would happen.
It might not happen at all, but it was an idea, and I wanted to write something, so here ya go.
I'm not a good judge of how good my writing is so please give feedback (nicely please, I'm sensitive)
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ausetkmt · 9 months
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Les McCann was already an established solo artist — a blues-forward jazz pianist in his 30s, with more than two dozen albums to his name — when he had a career-defining moment at the 1969 Montreux Jazz Festival. There, during an impromptu jam with the saxophonist Eddie Harris, he dug into a new song by his friend Gene McDaniels, which struck a cultural nerve.
The song was "Compared to What," an anguished yawp of disillusionment that Roberta Flack had recorded several months earlier for her debut album, First Take. McCann begins his version with a rollicking vamp, which he takes through a handful of escalating key modulations before a startling entry on vocals, two minutes in. With a soulful holler, he brings plainspoken fire to lyrics that skewer rampant greed, religious hypocrisy and the quagmire in Vietnam: "The president, he's got his war," McCann sings in the third verse. "Folks don't know just what it's for."
The song's temperament, outraged and despairing, captured something crucial about the era; so too did its rhythmic drive and righteous, consuming fervor. When Atlantic Records released "Compared to What" as a single, it spent four weeks on the Billboard Hot 100; Swiss Movement, the live album on which it appears, held a spot on the Billboard 200 for 38 weeks. The song remained a calling card for McCann for the rest of his musical career, which yielded many more successful albums — including a sequel with Harris, Second Movement, in 1971 — as well as samples by hip-hop artists like Massive Attack, Mobb Deep and The Notorious B.I.G.
McCann died on Dec. 29, 2023, at a hospital in Los Angeles, at 88, of pneumonia. Alan Abrahams, a veteran producer and record executive who served as his manager, confirmed his death, noting that McCann had lived at a nursing facility for the last four years.
With a ringing, percussive piano style and a rousing command of the beat, McCann always amounted to more than one breakout hit could encapsulate. The grit and grease in his playing, informed by his early experience in the gospel church, helped establish the subgenre known as soul jazz. That sound is already fully present on an album he recorded live in 1961, Les McCann Ltd. Plays the Shampoo at The Village Gate. (Along with "The Shampoo," an early hit, it includes McCann originals titled "Someone Stole My Chitlins" and "Filet of Soul.")
The urge to move his audiences extended to a new sonic palette when McCann embraced electric pianos and synthesizers — notably on the 1972 album Invitation to Openness, which features Yusef Lateef on assorted reeds and flutes, and Cornell Dupree on electric guitar. His subsequent albums with Atlantic, often incorporating synths and clavinet, formed the basis for his popularity as a sample source for hip-hop producers.
Leslie Coleman McCann was born on Sept. 23, 1935, in Lexington, Ky. His father, James, worked at the Lexington Water Company; his mother, Anna, was a homemaker who took occasional housekeeping jobs. He was one of six children, with four brothers and a sister. "​​Everybody was in a position of doing the best they could with whatever," he recalled in a 2015 interview with Red Bull Music Academy. "We never thought of ourselves as being poor."
Still, McCann grew up with limited resources, and was almost entirely self-taught as a pianist. He played sousaphone and drums in his high school marching band, and enlisted in the U.S. Navy at age 17. He often told a story about hearing Erroll Garner's recording of "Lullaby of Birdland" during his service, and having the sudden realization that the piano was his calling. But while stationed in the San Francisco Bay Area, he won a talent contest as a vocalist — an accolade that landed him an appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1956.
After his discharge, he formed a piano trio, which found work backing Gene McDaniels at the Purple Onion jazz club in San Francisco. McDaniels took the trio on tour, after which McCann moved to Los Angeles, working at clubs like the Hillcrest and signing to the Pacific Jazz label. The band that he called Les McCann Ltd. recorded a string of surefooted albums, and also played on the debut album by the jazz-R&B singer Lou Rawls, in 1962.
McCann eventually left the Pacific Jazz roster for Limelight, a Mercury subsidiary overseen by Quincy Jones, before landing at Atlantic Records. There his partnership with the producer Joel Dorn yielded a number of successes, starting with the 1969 album Much Les. Featuring McCann's electric piano against a complement of strings, the album also spotlighted his vocals, notably on a ballad called "With These Hands," which became a hit.
Here and throughout his career, McCann faced enduring critiques of his piano playing, which lacked the outward sophistication and technical precision of some of his peers, especially those who'd mastered the lingua franca of bebop. "I think what Les did musically, for most of his career, was really brave," attests Joe Alterman, a pianist who regarded McCann as a mentor, and released an album in tribute last year. "He wasn't a bebop player. He appreciated it, but he really loved these joyful piano players. So I think Les was kind of going against the grain."
McCann's most recent release, just out on Resonance Records, bolsters the point. Titled Never a Dull Moment! Live From Coast to Coast 1966-67, it features a few effervescent trio dates from the same era, at the Penthouse in Seattle (1966) and the Village Vanguard in New York (1967). There are, in fact, some bebop tunes, like Dizzy Gillespie's "Blue 'n' Boogie," in the set list. But the spirit of the playing has little room for bebop's idiomatic concerns. It adheres instead to a characterization of McCann from Bob Porter's 2016 book Soul Jazz: Jazz in the Black Community, 1945-1975, as "a pianist of enormously contagious enthusiasm."
McCann was certainly that, and more besides. He had a good ear for talent: He was the one who brought Roberta Flack to Atlantic, and he is credited with discovering the soul-jazz organist Richard "Groove" Holmes. And he was a gifted photographer whose portraits were anthologized in the acclaimed 2015 collection Invitation To Openness: The Jazz & Soul Photography Of Les McCann 1960-1980.
At the same time, McCann held a steadfast devotion to certain core principles, in music as in life. "The blues is definitely one of my major religions," he affirmed in a 1986 interview with Ben Sidran. "I mean, I like to think of whatever we do as something that's uplifting and giving to the world so that it's on the positive side, that is saying that we are here for a purpose. We are a part of this. We do count."
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ask-flip-frost · 1 year
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? Rain and moss. She has an earthy, fresh scent that makes you feel like you're both embraced and cleansed by nature.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE? Flip's hands are colder than you'd expect. Her parents were Ice Sprites (she developed the Moon Sprite element as a recessive gene trait), so her blood runs much cooler than the average mammal. They are comforting, though. Like a chilled breeze on a hot day.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY? Flip is very much an omnivore. She's just as likely to eat a scorpion or a bee as a fine, Fae meal of the highest quality. Day to day, she typically eats meals that she's prepared ahead on high energy days, or just snacks on dried fruit and nuts or stuffed mushrooms. It's only if she's out on errands in disguise that she'll eat out somewhere.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE? It's fair enough among Fairies, but exceptional among Humans.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? She tick-tocks her long ears when she's thinking. The faster she's thinking, the faster they move. She is great at multitasking her thoughts while any number of things are going on, so if she asks you to be quiet while she's thinking... it means the situation is dire and concentration is of the utmost importance.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR? Usually she's wearing black slacks and a forest green sleeveless top with dark boots. It allows freedom of movement in difficult situations, which are the direct conditions she works in. Her long hair stays tied back in a high ponytail, but she lets it down fir sleeping or formal occasions.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO? She certainly can be. While she's never been great at maintaining the idea of personal space, you're even more on her invasive list if she likes you. She's very touch oriented.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN? Flip can sleep curled up almost anywhere, but she's most comfortable in a chilly room in her hanging bed. It has tons of pillows to burrow into for ultimate comfort positions.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? Flip is heard when she wants to be heard. She us eerily silent on approach, as is necessary in her work in Nightmare territory.
tagged by: @muppeteyes1001
Tagging @the-witch-and-her-husbands @winged-gentleman @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable
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nat-20s · 3 years
what’s poppin everyone please have this fun lil writing warmup/short story inspired by me thinking “Dancing in the Moonlight” was definitely 100% about werewolves
“So, this your first transformation?”
The counselor? Leader? Tour guide? Asked this with a perfectly jovial tone, as if the typical social mores surrounding, ugh, lycanthropy, didn’t apply to her. They didn’t know what exact title to call her, and her name tag just said “Luna”, which, reflecting on it, either was a joke on her part or a reflection of her parents’ sense of humor.
Picking at the scabs from last month, they cringed and replied, “No. Uh. Second.”
Luna lets out a low whistle. “Oof. That sucks. Guessing you got bitten rather than inherited the ol’ wolfman gene?”
“That’s...kind of personal?”
Unlocking the front door of the log cabin that served as King Harvest’s Headquarters, Luna shrugs and says, “Shit, sorry. Forgot the whole weird stigma around your source of the once monthly nightmare, as if it fuckin matters. Also, I know, I know, ass out of you and me. Hey, you got any dietary restrictions? Gluten, peanut allergies, the like?”
Voice flat, they tell her, “I’m vegetarian,” and waits for the obvious response.
As they wander through the cabin towards the kitchen, Luna flipping on the light switches, generic club music starts to filter in. Instead of the obvious response, Luna asks, “You like veggie burgers? Or maybe pasta? I’d offer salad, but that’s really not gonna cut it for tonight.”
“I ate before I came.”
With a snort, she tells them, “Oh yeah? Did you have about 4000 calories?”
“No? Why would I have?”
Sweeping out her arm, she gestures at the food laying out on the counter and tells them, “Then eat up! 4000 is really a minimum for the night if you don’t want to feel like someone physically beat out all of your energy in the morning. 6000 is more the target area, but we got, hmm, about 15 minutes before things get uncomfortable, and half an hour max before things get dire.”
They glance down to the food, and, admittedly, the broccoli alfredo does look pretty appealing. Still, they have to ask, “Is this a cult?”
Luna lets out a bark of a laugh that has nothing to do with her (maybe) being a werewolf. “Okay, first of all, what kind of cult is like ‘fuck yeah, we’re a cult’? Secondly, despite the first thing, I can say that we’re not a cult. I know how “King Harvest: Center for Movement Therapy” sounds, both clinical and vague enough to be suspicious as hell, but I didn’t come up with the title, blame my long deceased dad for that one. Plus, ‘King Harvest: Bitchin’ Wolf Dance House’ probably wouldn’t look good on the grant applications.”
“Oh yeah. This bad boy’s been publicly funded since its opening in 1972. Hence no membership fees.”
“Is that why animal control is giving out your business card? Are they one of your sponsors?”
“Nah, that’s just Jack. Me ‘n’ him go way back, hell, to his park ranger days.  I mean, yeah, I think he’ll campaign for us, but mostly I think he just hates capturing a wolf in the night only to have a naked, trembling human in the morning, and he knows that our program significantly reduces the odds of that happening, at least in this neck of the woods.”
They let out a hum, then glance back down to the food. As appealing as it down look, they’re still about..30% convinced this is an elaborate organ harvesting operation. Or sketchy sex thing.
Apparently sensing their hesitation, Luna says, “You got a favorite chip?”
“Salt and vinegar.”
Grabbing a sealed family sized bag from the overhead cabinets, Luna tosses it to them. “If you come back next full moon, either eat enough in advance or have a real meal here. That being said, excuse the turn of phrase, you should wolf that down. It’s sure as hell better than nothing.”
They catch it, and the bag opens with a puff of air that speaks to a reassuring lack of tampering. As they toss a chip into their mouth, Luna grabs a water bottle from the fridge and places it down next to them. “So? Any questions for me? We’ve still got about ten minutes before we have to go out there.”
Rolling their eyes, they tell her, “No. None at all.”
“Great! Soon as you’re done eating we’ll get you started.”
“I was being sarcastic.”
“Yeah, no shit, smart-ass. Seriously, what are your, we haven’t got much time.”
“I don’t know? The whole..thing? I mean, how is it supposed to..work? Like? At all?”
“You ever see Amok Time?”
“Is that relevant?”
“It’s a yes or no question babe.”
“And if I say no?”
“Then the explanation is going to be a lot more technical and take a lot longer, ultimately to likely make less sense.”
“...I’ve seen it.”
“Great! So, Pon Farr is basically this chemical blood imbalance that results in fuck or die disorder, yeah? But then Spock neither fucks nor dies, and eventually the vulcans get their shit together and find out that an intense fight can serve the same function, and the blood fever chills out. Lycanthropy operates on a similar enough basis for comparison. You’re compelled to act out on energetically heavy base instincts, returning to the ways of the wolf or whatever. Traditionally, that’s done through running and hunting, which has, historically, been a crapshoot at best. Theoretically, sex can also get the job done, but I’m sure you can imagine how that gets extremely dicey extremely quickly. Either restraints or isolation has been implemented for a while, but, c’mon, they’re bandaid solutions, and they’re far from foolproof. Luckily for us all, my grandmother decided to connect back with her ancestors, and there was a handful of stories having huge festivals to deal with ‘moon violence’. She tried it out, and, yeah, dancing works.”
“That sounds…”
They don’t know how that sounds. Made up, mostly.
“Like a bunch of hippie bullshit? Yeah, it kind of is, Grandma Josephine was a huge hippie, but it’s hippie bullshit that works. In fact, let’s go see the others, it almost always makes things clearer.”
Figuring that whatever they’re about to see can’t be worse than their transformation last month. They head through the sliding glass door out the back, the thump of the music suddenly loud enough to be felt in their chest. The sight that awaits them makes them drop their chips and let out a gasp. Barely able to speak, they exhale out, “None of them...they’re not wolves. How..how??”
Indeed, the roughly forty people jumping to the pulse of whatever they’re listening to (some to the in house DJ, some, apparently, to what’s playing over the large headphones they have adorned), resemble the image of a wolfman much more accurately. They bare claws, fangs, elongated snouts, upright ears, and  serious amounts of hair, but they’re on two legs, and moving like humans. Some of them are even singing along to the lyrics, which really shouldn’t be possible.
Luna grins, making it obvious that she’s used to this level of shell shocks. “Ultimately, you do have to give into some damn rigorous instincts. But dancing is a human instinct, not a canine one, so you end up, well, humanoid. Pretty nifty, huh?”
“And they all..they all keep their minds? I didn’t...they don’t blackout?”
“Not since we banned alcohol in the 90s! Here, watch this.”
Luna nods her head at the DJ, and the DJ, obligingly, turns down the music for a moment. The members of the crowd not listening to their own music pause, then look towards the door. She cries out, “Hey gang! HOW WE ALL DOIN’ TONIGHT?”, and gets a mix between a howl and “WOO!” cried back. The DJ then turns the music back up, and the general movement of the crowd resumes.
They should be more skeptical. They want to be more skeptical, they were just minutes before, but it’s hard to disagree with something right in front of you. “This will work for me? I just..have to dance?”
“Well, it’s not guaranteed. Few things are. But we have yet to have someone turn violent on us. If you start to fell yourself slipping from consciousness, though, I do ask that you start heading further into the woods, as to not hurt other guest. If you find yourself just getting tired, there’s beds inside, and a fair amount of pillows around the edge of the quote unquote dance floor, if you end up in more of a nesting mood. Also, I recommend taking off your shoes before you start.”
“What? Why?”
Luna gives a pointed glance at the dancers’ feet, which, ah. They’re about twice as large as normal and at least twice as sharp. The converse on their feet would be no match. “Ah.”
They shove off their shoes and place the remainder of their chips aside. “As I’ll ever be.”
Good thing, too, as they’re starting to feel an uncomfortable pressure in their chest that was the prelude to disaster last month.
Luna strides to the center of the dance floor, which is really a plush lawn surrounded by forest. The crowd naturally moves around her, and she yells out, “Aiyana! Play my song!”
Aiyana gives a nod, and the opening notes of “Dancing in the Moonlight” start to sound out. “Seriously?”
Luna shrugs, grinning like a fool, and says, “It’s a classic!”
“It’s cliché at best.”
Luna shrugs, and then begins dancing. She’s hardly elegant, but she is dazzlingly joyful in her uncoordinated movements. As the song reaches the first chorus, she gives a twirl, and in the split second it takes, she’s transformed. They blink in shock, not knowing you could transform that seamlessly, that quickly, that painlessly. Luna in half wolf form is just as expressive as the human Luna, and she gives a nod over her shoulder as if to say Come on.
Feeling somewhat foolish, they start to bop their head to the tune. Luna lets out a huff and grabs their hands, spinning them around and forcing them to get moving. At first, it’s them indulging Luna, but as they let themselves get lost in rhythm, they feel a stretching sensation in their face and limbs. It’s not unpleasant, more like when you wake up and work out the tension in your spine. They open their eyes and look down at their hands, now covered in fur in and made for slashing. It didn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt, and they’re still themselves, and they had no idea that full moons could be like this, maybe for the rest of their lives.
They turn their head to the night sky, and their body can’t help but continue to dance. Despite all their fear, all their dread, “movement therapy” worked, and they can admit, at least to themselves, that they feel warm and bright.
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
there’s a scar you’re not telling
You almost thought you were running late. Well, you weren’t.
But you were late to miss the early train.
And the train was packed. Just fucking great.
With your backpack hung in front of you, you tried to balance within your personal space whilst avoiding bumping into others. Thing was, it was getting more and more cramped as it was rush hour.
Why the fuck did school have to be so damn far!?
Businessmen, students, workers slowly filled in and out the train, it was wall-to-wall of people, barely allowing you a breather. Still, it was fucking cramped.
Absentmindedly, you bunched your hair together, letting it drape over your left shoulder, fingers nimbly working on a braid through your (h/c) locks.
Just as you secured it with a tie, the train cart screeched, the sudden movement throwing you off balance, falling back. Thankfully, warm hands grabbed hold of your shoulders, steadying you.
Your eyes turned to the windows, wondering if there was an attack from villains, some people were muttering behind you, thinking the same thing. Overhead, the PA went off, apologizing for the turbulence then announcing the next stop coming up.
Everyone sighed in relief, realizing it was just a train momentum, people were now shuffling around at the announcement, some preparing to leave while many others struggled to remain in their current spots.
Looking over your shoulder, towards your captor, with a smile you offer your gratitude. “Whew, thanks- “then you met ash blond and carmine, smile faltering, lower eye twitching, but a gratitude was still in order. “Yeah, thanks.”
Bakugou Katsuki's response was a noncommittal hum, roughened hands slowly slipping off your shoulders. As the train came to a stop, there was a shuffling of people, you were just about to take a step back, allowing people to move, but remembered that he was behind you. Though you were steady on your feet, it was still rush hour and people tend to really rush into the train - not wanting to miss the train. One false move and you could find yourself squished against someone, or against the window, or be cornered by some pervert – all options made you shudder.
Damn it. This is why you take the early train!
“Here,” without waiting for you to argue, roughened hands gently brought you aside, your back against the wall, shoulder touching the railing, with him in front of you. Protectively.
The feel of his hands on you made you remember just how warm they were, how big they’ve become compared to before.
“Um,” you didn’t like the way his eyes bore into yours, especially when it felt like he was seeing through you. “thanks. Again.”
Okay, not counting the time you had to confirm it earlier, that was two times already. Two words of gratitude in one morning.
He just blinked, towering over you whilst the train filled. Just the mere fact that he was in front of you made you consider a lot of things. Now that you had a good look at him, you could see that in his UA uniform, he was dressed rather ruggedly with the top buttons undone, even his blazer’s not completely buttoned, and his pants were loose – Auntie Mitsuki must’ve given him hell for his appearance. It was a total contrast to Izuku, who dressed like a good schoolboy – granted, he’s always been one. He just didn't know how to work a tie.
Regardless, he looked every bit of a high schooler now. Physically speaking, he’s always been muscular in build and tall – because of his good genes. But in a matter of time, because of his UA education, he’ll probably build up more.
But wow, it’s only been a few months since high school started, he’s definitely gotten bigger. Izuku, as well, but Bakugou’s muscles were more prominent-
Shit, were you ogling him?
Geez, it’s too early for these thoughts. Leaning against the railing, eyes squeezing shut, tucking your chin in, you groaned angrily to yourself.
Thankfully, you had your bag in front of you, creating a respectable space between you both.
Also, you could just end up not talking right? That was a thing.
You barely know the guy anymore, after years of bullying under his command, years of distance – he was nothing but a stranger to you now.
It hurt, actually.
There was a time when you were so close, never apart.
Everything just had to change because he had a quirk, birthing this damn ego that propelled him further and further away from you. Izuku, too.
And though you had your own (longer than Izuku), you felt so behind.
Him and Izuku in their UA uniforms, you in your generic public-school uniform.
The two of them were going places you could never see yourself following.
“Hey,” he called, voice surprisingly soft, cutting you off your thoughts. “that mark on your neck,” due to the environment noises surrounding, he had to lean in so you could hear him properly. “how did that happen?”
Fuck. He was too damn close!
But at the mention of the mark, hands instinctively reached for it, just by the junction of your neck and shoulder, abnormally shaped like a heart. A tiny splotch, that was over years old.
“You wouldn’t remember.” It was barely a whisper, but it reached his ears, carmine eyes faltering.
“Try me.”
Lifting your head, (e/c) eyes meeting carmine, fixing him an almost pained look. He balled his hand into fists at that, gazes holding, unwavering - a thousand words could be spoken.
The train came to a steady halt, finally reaching your stop.
Not breaking eye contact, you told him, in one breath. “It was when you discovered your quirk in kindergarten.” Then the doors opened beside you.
Hurriedly, you exited, never looking back.
Absentmindedly, your hand reached for the mark. To others, it might look cute due to its shape, but to you, it was a reminder. One of the many, anyway.
(It burned when you touched it.)
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Middle school was a rough time, especially when you were the quirkless girl, an easy target, or a punching bag. Little did they know of your martial arts prowess and of your quirk, that even though you were restless in the morning, you learned to conserve just enough energy to fight, it just made you extra tired the next day though.
One day, you were cornered by a bunch of girls, all of which were fangirls of Bakugou, they saw you as a threat because of your relationship as childhood friends, forgetting that it was rather strained.
It was a four against one, which you easily won - because they chose to approach you near dusk, that was when your quirk picked up, but not without casualties.
“E-Eh, (Nickname)!? What happened to you?” Izuku frantically hovered over you when you met on the way to school.
Chuckling easily, you scratched at your bandaged cheek. “Ah, you know…assholes with quirks.”
His expression only worsened; eyes filling with tears. “(N-Nickname)…”
“IZUKU, PLEASE DON’T CRY!” you cried out, tossing your shoes into your shoe locker, lazily slipping on your indoor shoes. “Don’t worry, Izuku, I got them all.” You assure, adjusting your bag on your shoulders. “Besides, you’re forgetting that I’m a badass who knows martial arts!”
That quells him a little, worry still in his eyes. “T-That’s true. I’m just not sure how to feel that you have to resort to actually using them to defend yourself. I mean, I know you’re good at martial arts, because it’s in the family, and you’ve always been kind of strong and quick on your feet-“
“Izuku,” cutting him off, you worked on a cheeky grin. “I’m fine.”
Unconvinced, he fixes you a look, brows knitting together. “Just promise me you won’t get into fights again,”
Ah, he’s so cute when he’s being serious.
Scoffing, you swiped at your nose with your thumb. “No promises, so long as loose assholes with quirks continue to run amok and mess with me, I’ll show them exactly how I’ll mess them back and worse!”
That only made him uneasy, somehow a bit assured. “(N-Nickame)…”
When you both entered the room, your eyes easily caught on the girls from yesterday, each sporting some cuts and bruises from yesterday. The corner of your mouth lifted into a smirk, whistling breezily towards your seat.
“F-For now, (Nickname), are you feeling better? Do you want some aspirin? Do you need to head to the clinic?”
You shook your head, smiling at Izuku’s concern, he can really mother too much. “Like I said,” you said in a sing-song “I’ll be fine~ This’ll all heal soon enough, you’ll see.”
As soon as you said that, a pair of carmine eyes looked your way, focusing on each and every bandage and bruise on your skin.
Feeling someone looking your way, you turned your head. “Can I help you, Bakugou?” you drone lazily, leaning back against your seat to give him a bored look.
“A-Ah, K-Kacchan! G-Good morning- “
“Should’ve stayed at home to rest, idiot.” He tells you, eyes never leaving the bruises and bandages.
“Fuck off.” You replied, knowing the girls from yesterday were watching. Hopefully, that assured them that your relationship was pretty non-existent. Dead.
For the rest of the day, you were teetering on sleep and academic dedication with the former winning at each turn – a drawback of your quirk. Thankfully, you managed to snag some sleep during Japanese Literature and Science.
“Ah, (Nickname), you look like you’re getting better. But it would be wise not to sleep in class next time…” Izuku tells you, beratingly.
Yawning, arms stretched upwards, you fixed your best friend a dopey grin. “That’s alright, I can always depend on you for notes!”
“Really,” he sighs, announcing that you two should probably head off to lunch.
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Yawning, you made your way to the meat section, mumbling over and over the things you need to buy for dinner. Lately, because your grandfather’s been working with Eraser Head, he’s been quite antsy when it comes to food, and a bit demanding, too!
Grumbling under your breath, you were just about to reach for the Wagyu steak (on sale, lucky you) when another hand appeared, reaching for the same thing, making you halt.
“Ah-" looking up, you were met with familiar warm brown eyes. "Uncle Masaru!”
“Oh, (Name)-chan, it’s you!” Came his soothing calm voice, eyes brightening at the sight of you. “It’s been a while.”
“It has been, Uncle.” Your smile grew, turning to him fully before the cold wind gently whispered to your skin as if to remind you. “Ah, you can have it, by the way.”
“No, no, you were reaching for it first.”
“No, I insist!”
“Please, (Name)-chan, it’s the least I can do. Also, this at least gives me an excuse to make something else,” he replies sheepishly with a light chuckle.
You paused at that, processing the information shared. Bakugou must’ve wanted steak for dinner, but since Uncle Masaru gave up the meat, it was yours now. It was your win.
Pettily taking the win as yours, you happily took the steak and dumped it into your basket. “Thanks, Uncle Masaru!”
If he noticed the mischievous – almost devil-like expression on your face, he didn’t mention it. He just smiled, kindly, warmly, like how you remembered.
“How have you been?” he asks you.
Normally, the question would annoy you, because it was rather basic. But it’s not every day you run into sweet, mild, and good-natured Uncle Masaru.
“Eh, I’m doing very well, as you can see.”
“I’m so happy to hear that. You used to be the smallest thing, with scrapes and bruises on your pretty dresses. Whenever you and Izuku were over, it was either a riot or a party.” Okay, you had to laugh at that, but it was true. Uncle Masaru laughs with you. Having him remember those things were endearing, made you feel warm. And guilty.
“I know it might seem awkward, but Mitsuki and I would love to have you over for dinner sometime. If that’s okay with you? Of course, you can bring Izuku-kun.”
Glancing up, you met the man’s kind gaze, the one thing Bakugou never got from him – everything was from his mom, he only ever got Uncle Masaru’s spiky hair and height.
You didn’t want to say no, neither can you say yes, but you sure as heck didn’t want to disappoint Uncle Masaru.
“No promise, Uncle Masaru,” his expression fell, shoulders dropping. “but, I’ll see what I can do.”
He smiled weakly. “Then that’s more than enough for me. Just don’t be a stranger, (Name)-chan, okay?”
Smiling softly, you bowed at the older man and turned on your heel.
Cutting your losses with someone really hurts, especially when it involves certain people.
Cutting off from Bakugou meant you had cut off all contact with his parents, whom you loved so much since they took care of you for a time when your parents had passed – both taking turns to visit you when you were deep in depression. It hurt, but it was expected when you decide to cut someone from your life. Nobody is spared.
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This time it was seven-against-one.
After having their asses served to them, those bitches managed to talk some filthy high schoolers into beating a middle schooler. A quirkless middle schooler.
Rolling your shoulders, you enjoyed the burn of your wakened muscles. “Wow, you bitches really want to make yourselves look bad in front of an audience, huh?”
So far, they’ve all showed to have power quirks that could be readily usable for the future, should they decide to make use of it. Sadly, their prized quirks turned out to be nothing but a waste for these fuckers.
You easily toyed with them for the first few minutes, allowing a few hits in before retaliating with a force and speed that was twice theirs. You made sure that the punches and kicks, especially to those bitches, stung and hurt, they were your own brute strength honed from training and your quirk.
A sickening crunch rang in your ear after some high school student punched you in the cheek, you made sure to return the favor by capturing his next punch, taking your legs up to strangle him by the neck, catching him completely by surprise, using your weight to swing your body towards an approaching somebody before jumping off.
Watching the two high schoolers stumble to the ground, you lazily walked up to the rest, fingers caked with dirt, grime, and blood, knuckles aching, a dark bruise forming on your arm, (h/c) hair was a mess.
Spitting blood on the ground, you wiped the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand, grinning at your next opponent, eyes glinting dangerously, menacingly, excitedly.
The rest of them faltered at your expression but didn’t back down.
That was alright, that meant they weren’t complete pussies after all.
Also, you liked fighting.
You came from a family of fighters, the thrill of it made your blood sing, made your instincts come alive – it made you feel alive.
“Hey, I’m a little disappointed,” you call out, watching the group – beaten and bruised. “you lot say you’re strong, an added bonus is your oh-so-cool quirks, so beating a measly, quirkless middle schooler like me should be no problem,” working on your most sickening grin, you tilted your head. “right?”
“Fucking bitch!”
“Now you’re really asking for it!”
“We’ll beat you black and blue!”
Falling into a stance, adrenaline rushed through your veins (and mentally preparing for a tongue lashing from your grandfather), when an explosion went off.
Clouds of smoke and sand filling the air, gushing furiously against the wind, making you squint.
“OI! IS THIS SOME DIRTY TRICK!?” you yelled, voice fading into noise of wind, sand, and explosions.
More explosions went off, going out at random – big, small, small then big. There was screaming and panicking on their end. Maybe they’ve probably found themselves in some yakuza turf and are being under attack? Shit, you had to make a run for it while you had the chance!
The sudden change of scene wasn’t good for your senses, everything was completely mushy and too much to comprehend. You at least remember where you put your bag, running towards a certain direction, you stopped at the sight of one of the fuckers. Their eyes widened at the sight of you, you readied a fist, but the gust was making your eyes water.
Falling to your knees, you covered your mouth as you coughed – having inhaled too much smoke and dust in your lungs, he saw this as an opportunity to attack you. But something grabbed him by the shoulders, some punches and groans followed, then an explosion could be heard before footsteps approached you.
Too busy coughing your lungs out, you were ready for any pain thrown at you, especially when you were at your most vulnerable.
Instead, a garb lands on your head, shielding you, arms easily scooping you off the ground, something lands on your belly, then loud hurried footfalls were taking you away from the scene.
The more you coughed, the more it felt like your lungs were going to give out, too strained to heighten your senses.
Eventually, your cough died down, your hands rubbing at your chest from coughing too much, throat dried out.
Ah, I probably will run into those assholes again, since we weren’t able to finish the fight.
You must’ve passed out – or dozed off, you weren’t sure – because the next thing you knew, you were being lowered down gently on a soft and cool sofa.
Tugging the garb off your head, (e/c) eyes flinched at the light, strained to make out the furniture around you, the familiar TV set, the fancy-looking wall panel, the familiar staircase, that unmistakable family portrait – one brunette, two explosive blondes-
Wait, you were at Bakugou’s place?
What the heck, you haven’t set foot here in forever! Why’d he bring you here?
Fully coming to, you turned to the blond “Why’d you bring me here!?” you had to ask, demanding.
The sudden movement stung at your fresh injuries, making you coil in your seat.
“Where else was I going to take you?” he replied immediately, coolly, loud enough for you to hear as he was taking two bottles of water from the refrigerator. “My place was closest, yours takes a while to get there, plus, you wouldn’t want to worry your family, right?”
You stared at him, distrustfully, then at the water offered to you, shocked to find that he remembered how much your family would worry over your injuries – big or small. He was always the one carrying you home, almost witnessing first-hand how much your mother would be near tears, your grandfather giving you a murderous-worried look, and your father just ash-faced and pale.
Taking the water from his hand, you nodded your thanks, pressing the cool item against your jaw, hissing in pain from the punch thrown earlier.
Carmine eyes narrowed at that, an emotion crossing over them.
“Don’t move,” he orders, walking off somewhere, you don’t care, eyes wandering around the area. It’s been a while since you were here, the last time was when it was his 10th birthday. After that, though, you and Izuku stopped receiving invitations.
Twisting the cap open, you took gentle sips, relishing in the cool water running down your throat.
The Bakugous were loaded – because Uncle Masaru worked in the fashion industry and Auntie Mitsuki worked in a cosmetics company. The two adored you, treating you like a daughter they never had – Uncle Masaru would gift you cute dresses (which Bakugou would make fun of you whenever you wore them) whenever he can, and Auntie Mitsuki was a hard-ass woman you looked up to.
But since discovering his quirk, Bakugou had become unbearable to be with, a shitty friend to both you and Izuku, ties had to be severed. However, that also meant not being able to see Uncle Masaru and Auntie Mitsuki, who were surely saddened by you and Izuku’s absence.
Suddenly, Bakugou was in front of you, his gakuran unbuttoned, exposing his shirt underneath, a first aid kit in hand. Eyes meeting, a silent conversation was being held, carmine clashing against (e/c). Fixing him a dull stare, he clicked the first aid kid open. With a roll of your eyes, you allowed him to clean your wounds.
Silence filled in, nothing you both seemed to mind. Surprisingly, for a guy with an explosive, volatile quirk and a shitty attitude, he was rather gentle. Not like you’ll ever tell him that, eyes looking around the house, remembering the times you were over with Izuku, anything to avoid staring at him in awe.
“Do they always come for you…” having finished cleaning most of your wounds, his voice came out quiet, but you heard it, a statement rather than a question.
Blinking, you were unsure if he deserved an answer. He thought that was the case and asked again, dipping iodine into the cotton, “Do they always-“
“I don’t see how this is any of your concern.”
Noticeably, his fingers stilled. Then, something smoked, it was the cotton ball, now reduced to ashes. A beat passed before he found himself working again, getting another cotton, now applying ointment to your bruises.
“Do you always need to fight them back?” There was a slight edge to his voice, controlled yet on the verge of breaking.
(E/c) hardened down on him, a seesaw of options playing in your head.
“Have to.” You reply breezily, watching him snap his head up to meet your gaze, unfazed by the anger in his carmine eyes. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“No shit.” He growled, hands beginning to shake. “What I do understand is the disciplinary action you’re gonna get once people find out you’ve been fighting fellow students, even if it were an act of self-defense! Y-You,” he slammed his fist into the glass table beside him, cracking it a little, his head hanging. “you could’ve just called the teachers, told them, too. About those bitches…”
“Again, I don’t see how this is- “
“YOU’LL BE FUCKING EXPELLED, (NAME)!” head still hung low, you could feel his hot breath and tufts of his hair against your skin, making you tingle a bit. It scared you to be this close to him, after all this time. Scared of how he was still protective of you.
Hating how you could hear the guilt in his voice because, in a way, he caused this, he allowed this, he was the reason. He was scared for you.
And he called you by your name.
The seesaw in your head continued, teetering, options weighing one after another.
“…why do you care?” One option up, the other falls. In the end, you just destroyed the seesaw. “Why waste your breath and time on an extra like me, quirkless too, if I might add, why waste your time?”
His head snapped up to yours, his expression was a shock to you. Why…why did he look so devastated, so crushed, so- “(Name)…”
Unable to stay any longer, never mind your still healing body, you stood. “I’m going now. Thanks for treating my injuries. I’ll..." you gulp, hard. "I'll try to avoid getting into fights.” Without waiting for a reply, you grabbed your bag, heading towards the door. “Bye.”
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The next day, extremely exhausted from the fighting, Izuku once again panicked at the sight of your bruised and beaten face. When you reached the classroom, you were more than ready to meet the gazes of those bitches – only to find out they had been suspended, as they were given serious warnings should they cause another fight with you.
Apparently, someone had reported their involvement in ganging up on a quirkless student. Plus, there was a video of them taunting you since first year.
Bakugou was in his seat, looking anywhere but your way. Returning the gesture, you quietly sat in your seat, listening to whatever Izuku had to say.
Since then, you swore never to get into fights anymore for the sake of Izuku, and because Bakugou practically begged you.
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“How’s school?” your grandfather asked, helping himself to some bok choy.
Shrugging easily, you cut a piece of steak, gesturing for his bowl to serve it to him. “Could be worse, but I’m doing fine.”
“Clarify, silly girl.”
“Mathematics continues to chew me in the ass,” you tell him, avoiding the hit thrown your way.
(Name) – 1, Shihan – 0.
“You’re failing already!?”
“Translation: it’s difficult, not I’m failing. Geez, old man, context!”
You barely dodged the chop aimed for your head, making you wince from the pressure.
(Name) – 1, Shihan – 1.
“That’s no way to talk to your elders, silly girl!” handing you an empty bowl, you nearly pawed it off his hands.
Angrily, you scooped him his heaping, a mound of hot rice returned to him. “Where do you think I take it from!?”
(Name) – 2, Shihan – 1.
“Enough arguing, more eating, foolish girl! We have training to do!”
(Name) – 2, Shihan – 2.
Narrowing your eyes at your grandfather, you wished lasers would come out just to fry off the last of his remaining hair out of petty spite.
Regardless, you loved your grandfather and appreciated these banters. He was rough on you, only because he wanted to teach you to be strong and to be able to hold off whatever was thrown your way so you can repay them back twice, thrice, or ten times more.
You were his pride and joy the moment you were born and swore to your parents that he’d guide and protect you so long as he was still kicking.
“I ran into Uncle Masaru today.”
“Oh! How is the man?”
“Same as always. Not a single grey hair in sight, despite living in a household full of rabid Pomeranians and hitting his forties.”
The Yoruichi patriarch stared down at you, unamused. “Please don’t tell me you told him that.”
Snickering, you deftly avoided his chops.
(Name) – 3, Shihan – 2.
“Gramps, please, like I’d be so willing to break Uncle Masaru’s heart.”
“You don’t have a problem doing that to me.”
“Simple: you’re literally and figuratively old,” you pointed with your chopsticks, waving them in the air as you enumerated more. “you’re Shihan of our dojo, and you have to raise me!”
(Name) – 4, Shihan – 3.
You failed to block the flick on your forehead after finishing your piece.
“Don’t wave your chopsticks in the air, fool, it’s rude.” Snickering at your whining, knowing it’ll leave a mark, he ate more steak. “And easy there with your words, silly girl, otherwise, I’ll repay your kindness in training!”
Recovering, you smirk, helping yourself to some steak. “Bring it! You know I love a good challenge!”
“Oho? My, someone’s cocky.”
“I wouldn’t be your granddaughter, either way.”
You two laughed at that, dinner coming to a finish as your grandfather happily ate the last of the steak. Eyeing the leftovers, you delighted at the thought of tomorrow’s lunch.
Just as you were to clean up, your grandfather asked a question: “By the way, how is the young Bakugou boy?”
(Name) – 4, Shihan – 4.
You stopped at that, hands freezing in the air, feeling your grandfather’s stare on you.
“Dunno.” Came your reply, hands found themselves resuming their work. “Don’t care.”
He watched in silence as you arranged the empty plates, bowls, and chopsticks. “Still not in speaking terms, eh?”
Your grandfather didn’t have to ask to know that something changed between the three of you, especially with you and Bakugou. What you two had was not something so easy to forget, especially when both of you had been so close. Since then, his name had been taboo in the house.
“He goes to UA with Izuku, right?”
At the mention, you feel the tension seeping away slightly, mouth fixed in a straight line. “Yeah…”
“Are they in speaking terms?”
That made you scoff, fixing your grandfather a dubious look. “Civil, to say the least. Izuku’s not a brute, not like that other one.”
The animosity was clear in your tone as you talked about the other boy, like a bitter pill. Strong arms, decorated in scars and tattoos, crossed against his chest, displeased yellow eyes fixed on you.
“Has he tried talking to you?”
Shrugging with one shoulder, you turned to a lone rice on the table, flicking it without care. “He has, but they’re pretty half-assed.”
“What makes you say that?” to which, he received another shrug from you, mouth twisted into a twisted pout.
Consciously, you reached for your mark, rubbing at it with your fingers. “Some things are better left unsaid, the same way that some things buried should never be unearthed. It’s better off that way.”
His eyes never left your form, taking in your slouch, the look on your face, the sadness in your eyes. “Are you talking about yourself? Because that’s a rather selfish line of thinking, don’t you think?” Shifting, he slowly stood from the table, you watched him stand and met his gaze, offering you a sad look. “In a way, aren’t you being half-assed, yourself?”
Winner: Shihan, Loser: (Name).
masterlist • six
61 notes · View notes
zhe-lazy-fox · 4 years
My brain threw an angsty idea/scenario at me when i was about to sleep This is a bit of a ramble...
Fundy is Wilburs son and Fundy is a fox hybrid, Wilbur looks pretty much human making most people think that Sally was the one with the fox genes, but! What if Wilbur has them instead, but the only signs are a bit pointed ears and a tiny bit sharper canines, and a good sense of smell and agility.
Anyway the idea that my brain threw at me when i was trying to sleep, keeping me up one hour longer was this: a group of people kidnaps hybrids to use as test animals. Not a good bunch of people.
They get their hands on Wilbur and he tries to get free before the leader is like "I know you" and names Philza and Technoblade but not Wilbur's name just calls him the son and brother off.
Maybe Will took a walk to get out of the house because he felt ignored and not seen. Tommy is Phil's biological son but Phil was away on a trip with Techno when Tommy was born and away a couple of years before he found Tommy on the side of the road and took him in, it is first when Tommy get his wings, same colour as Phil's that he realises they’re related.
The group get their hands on Wilbur and takes him away. After a few days in captivity they push a needle into his arm with a potion that makes his nose burn from the smell. The potion forces his hybrid blood to grow stronger and after hours of fevers, pain and screaming his throat raw, he looks a bit more like Fundy. A tail appeared and his teeth grew sharper as well as his nails and the bones in his legs moving and changing to make his legs more like that of a fox's and he got a more red orange sheen to his brown hair. aka pain galore and non consensual body modifications.
His instincts are haywire and he struggles to find himself.
Meanwhile the rest of the sleepy bois have noted Will's absence and are looking around trying to find him. They end up hearing about the group that most people only talk about in hushed whispers.
But they find the hideout and break in, finding the leader high up on something kinda like a balcony and the leader gloats and smirks to them while they demand that he tells them where Wilbur is.
It is then the door that the trio entered from closes with a slam and locks that they realise it is a trap.
The leader gloats some more before a door in the other side of the room opens and Wilbur is thrown inside. He got matted fur and hair and several bruises and is way thinner than when they last saw him, but that isn't what worries them the most, it is the wild look in his eyes and non recognition as he looks at them.
Cue the leader shouting something hitting a bell that makes Wilbur do a full body flinch before he scrambles into motion and lunges at them.
Techno dives out of the way and Phil takes to the air, Tommy being not as good at controlling his wings as Phil yet, is the one Wilbur crashes into sending them both crashing to the floor, hard. Tommys wings does not like it at all and he cries out in pain, trying to keep Wilbur’s clawed hands away from his face, sacreficing some of the skin on his arms.
Techno barrels into Wilbur sending him tumblring, as Phil checks up on Tommy. 
Techno and Wilbur starts pacing around in a circle like two predators. Techno doesn't want to hurt his younger brother, but the voices in his head is screaming for blood. Making him one second too slow to avoid Wilbur as he attacks again, teeth sinking into Techno's shoulder as they two crash to the floor and tumbles. Techno is fighting against his piglin instincts because he still doesn't want to hurt Wilbur, but Wilbur hurt him and oof mental struggles for Techno.
Phil is the one who comes to his rescue and throws Wilbur off Techno. Wilbur tumbles a bit, before getting up on his feet growling, blood dripping from his mouth and claws. All the while the leader is cackling in delight.
Phil tells Tommy and Techno do deal with the leader while he handles Wilbur. The two are a bit unsure about it but trusts Phil and does as he says. Tommy starts to fly up towards the balcony, dragging Techno with him, both are in pain but they are both very stubborn so they push it down.
Back to Phil and Wilbur, Phil is the only one who actually knew Wilbur was a fox hybrid. He had dealt with Wilbur's teeth once before when Wilbur was still a child and terrified of the world.
Cue Philza expecting Wilbur’s attack and makes him bite into his arm/hand instead but instead of fighting back he just pulls Wilbur closer and hugs him, wrapping them both in his wings as he brushes his free hand through Wilbur's matted hair. Shushing him and telling him things are going to be okay. It takes a while before Wilbur's growling dies down and he let's go only to blink and look up at Phil with some recognition before he just whines and Phil pulls him closer, until Wilbur falls asleep/goes unconscious from the stress.
Meanwhile Tommy and Techno is using the leader as a punching bag, once he is roundhouses enough they demand him to tell them what the fuck he did to Wilbur.
The leader just laughs only to choke on his words when Phil lands on the balcony, holding a limp Wilbur in his arms gently, but has a murderous look on his face as he looks at the leader. It doesn't take much after that for the leader to tell them there is a antidote... they force him to take them to it and Wilbur just whines weakly not waking when the needle with the antidote is pushed into his arm.
The modification's can't be reversed but the thing that made his instincts go haywire calms down.
Once they're sure Wilbur will be fine Techno stabs the leader without a care and the family leaves to go back home to take care of their wounds.
Wilbur wakes a few days later, he is a bit more skittish than normally, and flinches at loud noises and sudden movements but slowly he starts to calm, he even started purring a bit when Techno brushed his hair and the fur on his back along with the tail and his legs.
And the moment they hear a weak voice singing and some hesitant guitar strumming, none of the boys will say it but they all cried a little.
The moment Fundy sees his father again he just gapes and stares, making Wilbur rub his arm and look a bit uncomfortable at the sudden attention, before he got his arms full of his son who is whining and pushing his head up under Will's jaw and slowly but steadily they start to work out their problems as well. 
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belit0 · 4 years
1500k Commission [Uchiha Obito / Coffy Fem Reader] @obitobrigade
Cause I rarely see this anywhere... How about Kakashi admitting to Obito he's kinda jealous that Obito got with Coffy/reader instead of him. And Obito enjoying that fact while he cuddles on the couch with Coffy(she wearing obito shirt of course) fluffy and NSFW. *same girl from my first commission*
[Writer: My imagination flew with this scenario, I hope you like it, it's not exactly the same but it meets all the requirements !]
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"I think you're exaggerating a little..."
The grey-haired man said casually. He had come to Obito's house only a short while ago and they had been talking for a moment. Or rather...
"But I am not. Watch your mouth, idiot."
"All I said was that your girlfriend is indeed beautiful... what's the matter with declaring truths out loud?"
Kakashi's intentions were not as expected, and his mere presence there was for an entirely different reason. After trying to find you at home and failing, he figured it would be best to try his luck at your partner's, even if it meant crossing paths to the one who got the woman he wanted so badly.
"I swear on my life, Kakashi, if you don't shut up right now, I'm gonna..."
"Ma, ma, Obito. How grumpy you've been lately... I wonder what she saw in you such as to stay here..."
"Are you fucking with me? Do you really want us to beat each other to death in the middle of my house?”
The patience of the Uchiha was getting closer and closer to its respective limit. He was aware of the situation, you had let him know to avoid him feeling insecure, and you had asked him not to confront his friend. Sensing a deep betrayal, Obito felt his family's genes flourish when Kakashi showed up at his door, looking for you, and decided to try to torture him to get the bitter drink out of his mouth.
"Why would that happen? We're just having a conversation. Like friends do. I'd like to talk to [Y/N], is she-"
"Too bad for you, she's mine and she’s not here."
"Since when is she a thing? You bought her and didn't tell me? What did she possibly perceive about you..."
"I treat her best, you stupid bastard, and she loves me as much as I love her."
"I don't think you love her as much as I do.”
That ended his patience. It was one thing to covet his girl, which he could not tolerate, but which he could not do anything about. You are beautiful, a woman with no equal, it is obvious that looks and desire are attracted to you. But something totally different is to come and claim love, even worse, to love you more than Obito, an impossible task.
"What did you say?"
"Uh? What?"
"Repeat it if you've got the balls."
"What? That I don't think you're worthy of her? That I don't think you can handle her? That I think it must be torture for such a woman to wake up next to... you."
"What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought you were my fucking friend."
"I thought so too until you decided to steal [Y/N] from me and play dirty. You have no shame."
"I believed it was me who treated her like a thing. Listen to you, you fucker. She decided. And she chose me. Deal with it yourself."
"She was fucking mine."
"She's fucking mine."
Both men faced each other, dangerously close and holding on to their clothes, threatening themselves with body and words.
Yes, perhaps at first your attention had been on the grey-haired one, but by now you were sure it was because you did not know Obito at that moment.
Once he appeared in your life, it was impossible to look at anyone else, things happened on their own and everything went as it should. Not being in any commitment with Kakashi, you put him in the back of your mind, enjoying the wonderful man you now had by your side.
More violent words continued to fill the room when everything suddenly fell silent before the noise of the main door. There, entering as if nothing had happened, with your bag and your phone in hand, looking at the screen and distractedly singing one of your favorite songs, was you.
Both of them let go of each other in front of you, wanting to pretend everything was fine and nothing was going on. Obito had promised to keep things calm and let you deal with the problem, and he really wanted to meet your expectations.
Dropping onto the couch with a murderous expression towards the other man present, he looked ahead and completely ignored the situation.
Kakashi, on the other hand, smiled seductively, quickly approaching to greet you.
"I tried to find you at your place earlier because I wanted to talk to you about..."
With just a glance at your man, you understood that he was making his best effort not to beat the other one up just then. No doubt was the right one. Determined, and with a politically correct grin, you knew what you had to do.
"There's nothing to talk about, Kakashi. I thought I had made it clear multiple times at this point.”
Faced with your statement, the Uchiha looked at you pouting. It seemed that he could start crying at any second. His insecurities were something that you worked together daily, and he had made enormous progress, but he still had a few problems.
"I insist that-"
"And I insist that you must leave, now. My boyfriend and I have things to do. May I show you the way out?"
The grey-haired man didn't need to hear anything else, and left the house with a loud slamming door, while you left your things in the entrance and sat next to your man on the sofa.
As soon as you touched the cushions, he hugged you, putting his head in your lap and his arms around your waist.
"I'm sorry... I know what you said but I kept going crazy trying to do nothing... I thought I could help..."
"Love, love... it's okay... it was unfair from me to demand you not to act, it must have been difficult"
You caressed his hair, while he hid his face in your body to cover his regret. Your fingers ran over his scalp, while your nails scratched and sent warm sensations to his whole form. In your grip and drift, he was completely happy.
"Do you feel a little better now? More relaxed?
"As long as you give me your affection, I'll be fine."
"Actually, let me show you how devoted I am to you."
Rising and running his head carefully, kneeling in front of him, you looked at his sad little face, and decided to make him feel better with his preferred activity.
You stretched out to kiss him, joining the lips of both of you in a slow and compassionate smooch, caressing his cheeks and taking your time to savor him in your mouth. The Uchiha leaned back on the sofa, letting his arms fall to the side of his body, too depressed to even try and reciprocate.
Dealing with his inner doubts was always difficult for him, and when it came to you, they were even more intense. To be enough, to be at your level, to give you everything you deserve. He wanted to fulfill every one of those things. When he failed, he felt completely useless, wanting to hide in bed and not go out for days. But you had discovered the best way to work on his self-esteem was to let him know how utterly perfect he was.
You dragged your hands across the extension of his neck, across his chest, and onto his waist. There, you unbuttoned his trousers, still keeping his lips on yours at a slow pace, revealing a flabby limb.
Breaking the kiss, you knelt again and took his cock in your hands. Bending your head over his lap, you inserted it into your mouth, gradually for him to feel every wet corner of your cavity. Your tongue traveled and wrapped around his length, while you started with up and down movements.
His face contorted at your action, and a soft moan was born from within. The moment was not tinted with passion or hunger, as usual, rather it was an intimate, sweet situation, where love for each other became the professed act of the body and not words.
Hands caressing your hair, while your eyes were fixed on his worked figure, increasingly warming to your supplies.
His erection hardened to the maximum quickly, while your mouth continued to work on him. Grasping his waist, you ran over the head of his limb before sliding your tongue down, finding his sack and sucking.
"I... love you... too... much... I'm sorry...."
Releasing your cavity, you occupied one of your hands along his shaft as you stretched towards his neck, sitting on him but not imposing any weight on his limb. The fact that you were both fully clothed added a special bonus to the occasion, and by kissing his skin, you spoke.
"There is nothing to apologize for... let it go... feel me on you and remember that I am yours..."
It didn't take much more work for his seed to explode, staining both your garments while his body relaxed under you.
"I would really be lost without you."
"But that's what I'm here for."
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formeandmyfics · 3 years
Jugenea Fic
just a short, random, fun one
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New Frontier Hotel
It was nearing 4 a.m. when Judy turned out the lamp on the nightstand and snuggled into the feather-down comforter of her hotel bedroom. The darkness, along with the fresh, cool sheets, made her immediately drift off into sleep. As she did so, her mind replayed tonight's events.  
She was nearing the end of her contracted show at the hotel. Every show had been a success, and with such a great audience, she was having a blast. Unfortunately, that morning, she had come down with laryngitis. She could speak alright; singing, even a slow melody, her voice had come out raspy and trying any loud or high notes sounded like a good impersonation of Mickey Mouse. She panicked. She could not cancel that show, not just because of financial aspects with the hotel, but because she didn't want to have newspapers write more false claims as to why she cancelled, which some columnists had gotten almost venomous since she left MGM. Most importantly, she also didn't want to disappoint her fans.  
With Gene's quick thinking, he contacted their buddy Jerry Lewis, whom was in town, and begged him to help Judy out. Fortunately, he came through, but told both of them, "I'm scared shitless. I don't know what to do out there." Judy was nervous, too! She didn't know how the show would pan out or how the audience would react.
Gene had said to her, "They just want to see you. That’s all. You can sit at the edge of the stage and talk to them about the weather and they'd be happy. That's how magnetic you are, so go and use it. Go out there with Jer' and just have fun."
Jerry did his comedy bits, bantered with Judy, leaving her in hysterical laughter, and they interacted with the audience. Jerry also sang some of her songs, in her normal arrangements, including 'Rock-A-Bye' with Judy as his personal cheerleader by his side. The crowd didn't mind at all that she couldn't perform. It was a very intimate evening, and all-in-all, a smash. She was so very grateful.  
After the show, she had a late dinner with Gene and a few friends, including Frank and Lauren, who surprised her by showing up to the show. By 2 in the morning, more people started coming around their booth in the bar and the noise was too much for Judy's exhaustion. Gene wanted to stay there with Frank a bit more so he told her to get some sleep. Giving him a kiss goodnight, she went up to the room. After reading a book, she finally got sleepy and head to bed. And boy, it felt marvelous.  
In the downstairs lobby, Lauren shook her head, annoyed, as she walked hastily up to the front desk in the hotel's lobby.
"May I use the house phone, please?"
The receptionist nodded, "Here you are ma'am," then placed the phone on the corner for her.
"Thank you." She immediately dialed the Kelly's hotel suite. When there was no answer, she dialed again, but no answer.  
"Dammit, Judes," she murmured as she clicked the phone down. She hoped Judy hadn't taken a sleeping pill.  
The Kelly's suite was quiet, and dimly lit, as Lauren entered with Gene's key. The double doors to the bedroom were shut, no light coming from beneath them, so Lauren knew Judy was dead asleep. Still, out of curtesy, she knocked before entering. Walking over to the empty side of the bed, she turned on the lamp there.
“Judy,” with no response, Lauren kneeled on the bed and leaned over to softly shake her friends arm, “Judy. Wake up, hun.”
She stirred before turning, a puzzled look on her face, clearly still more asleep than wake, “Betty?”
“Yes, it’s me.”
“What are you doing in my room,” she asked sitting up.
“Something’s happened. Are you awake?”
“What time is it?”
“4. You gotta get up. Gene’s got himself in a dilly,” Lauren said getting off the bed to grab Judy’s silk robe which hung over the vanity chair.
“What do you mean,” she asked alarmed.
“Some drunk asshole kept running his mouth and Gene kept antagonizing him. It ended in a brawl and Gene cut his arm pretty bad.”
Judy bolted out of bed putting her robe on, “Oh my God. Is he alright?”
“He’s okay, but the cut’s pretty deep. He won’t stop bleeding. The bartender gave him a rag to hold on his arm. I told him he needs stitches but he won’t stop arguing with me,” Lauren said as she followed Judy into the living room.
“Where is he now?”
“Downstairs with Frank talking to the house detective.”
“Oh, wonderful,” Judy said upset, “What should I do? I can't go down there like this. Lord knows what would come out in the papers if someone saw us.”
Just then there was a knock on the door and Lauren went over and opened it. Gene came in first, and irritatingly nudged Frank’s hand off his back, as he did so.  
“Gene, what the hell have you done now?”
“I’m fine,” he said upset himself before he plopped onto the sofa.
“You’re not fine. You need stitches.”
“I don’t need fucking stitches, Betty. I told you that.”
“Please don’t talk to her like that, let me see,” Judy said sitting next to him.
“Don’t worry about it,” Lauren replied unphased, “He’s cranky and has a gash the size of the Grand Canyon. I think it’s all the blood loss that’s messed with the tone in his voice.”
Judy tried not to smile at Lauren’s sarcasm, but Gene shot her a dirty look as if they were siblings. When Judy got the rag off of his arm carefully, she looked at her husband horrified.
“For Christ sakes, Gene.”
“Baby, I’m okay.”
“You’re not okay. You’re still bleeding. Look at the damn rag. It’s soaked,” she cried out.
“He needs a hospital.”
“He’s not going to a hospital because that’s dramatic and a waste of time,” Frank cut in, “Just call the house doctor.”
“I’m not taking him to the hospital or calling the house doctor,” Judy said getting up and walked across the room towards the phone, “If this gets out, people will think he came down with a Judy Garland ailment.”
“Judy,” Gene yelled shocked, then shot her a look over his shoulder, “That’s not funny.”
With the phone to her ear, she waved him off, clearly had been poking fun at her own expense.
“Who are you calling,” Frank asked.
“Tom Jacobs. He came to see the show tonight and is staying at the hotel,” she said of their doctor friend, a prominent Beverly Hills physician, “Maybe he can come look at Gene.”
“You’re going to wake him up at four in the morning,” Gene asked.
“Yes, so my husband doesn’t bleed to death...Hi, Tom? Hi, it’s Judy. I’m so sorry to wake you up, but I don’t know what to do. I’m alright, but Gene’s got himself in a pickle. He cut his arm pretty bad and we think he need stitches...”
“I DON’T NEED STITCHES,” Gene yelled interrupting her.
Judy continued, looking at her husband upset and yelled back at Gene covering the receiver with her hand, “He DEFINITELY needs stiches! Ok. Yes. Room 209. Thank you, darling. Buh bye.”
She walked on back over to Gene and sat down next to him again, “Why did you antagonize him, especially when you know he’s a drunk. You know I hate that stuff,” she said in a stern, wifely manner.
“If you heard the things he was saying, you would have thrown your martini in his face,” Gene retorted leaning his head back against the couch tired.
“Judging by what he was saying, she would have thrown it on his crotch,” Frank agreed.
“How hammered are you,” Judy asked.
She sighed impatiently, “1-10.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“No,” Lauren interrupted, “He didn’t drink that much.”
“I can attest,” Sinatra added.
When Gene rolled his head to look at her with a ‘see’ expression, she smiled, softening.
“What did the house detective say,” Lauren asked her buddy next to her.
“Threw the guy out and I sweet-talked him and he let us go,” Frank quipped quite proud.
“Are you in pain,” Judy asked sweeping some of his hair back with her fingers.
“No. Can't really feel my arm right now.”
“Can you feel this,” she asked and leaned in to kiss his cheek.
“That I can definitely feel.”
When the doctor came, Lauren and Frank said their goodbyes to give them privacy. Tom looked Gene over and took his vitals.
“Well, here’s the deal, bud,” Tom said, “Your vitals are great. Your blood pressure is just a little high but that’s to be expected after what happened. And your wife is right. You definitely need stitches.”
“Fuck,” Gene said to himself.
Judy looked at Tom and whispered, “He hates needles.”
“Tell ya what, pal, I’m gonna give you some happy juice so while I suture you up, you won’t feel a thing.”
Judy lit herself a cigarette as the doc worked on Gene’s stitches, who looked like he was asleep. She paced slowly back and forth. The movement caught Gene’s eye and his head slowly rolled to look at her. He tried focusing his eyes a moment, and when he did, he made a silly grin.
“Hey, you.”
Judy stopped in her tracks and looked over at him, exhaling.
“How are you feeling?”
“Come here,” he said and reached his free arm out towards her, lazily.
“Gene, don’t move, please,” the doc said looking through his magnifying glasses.
Judy immediately went over and took that hand so he wouldn’t continue to move.
“You’re beautiful.”
Judy let out a surprised chuckle, “Even at the crack of dawn, huh?”
“Is that what it is?”
“Pretty much.”
“You look familiar.”
Judy’s eyes widened and she looked up at Tom who just smiled not lifting his eyes, “Don’t worry about him. It’s the same effect as if he’s coming off anesthesia. He’ll be fine.”
“Well, you look familiar, too,” Judy played along.
“I’m Gene Kelly,” he stated proudly, but still with a slurred speech.
“Nice to get reacquainted, I’m Judy Kelly.”
His smile faded and he furrowed his eyebrows, “We have the same last name? Oh, no, you're not my sister are you?”
Judy let out a laugh but quickly cleared her throat, “No, darling, I’m your wife.”
“What’s your maiden name?”
“What an odd question. You want my maiden name or my given name?”
“Well, you probably remember me more as Judy Garland.”
“Wait,” Gene went to sit up but Judy pushed him back, “I married Judy Garland?”
“Yeeeees,” she teased.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled to himself which made her laugh again.  
“Oh my goodness,” she giggled.
“How long we been hitched?”
“5 years.”
“How can I not remember this? Where have I been this whole time?”
“You’ve been with me...dancing me off my feet and giving me two little Kelly’s.”
“We got kids?”
“Yes, sir,” she said reaching for her cigarette again, “A four-year-old girl and a one-year-old boy.”
“Can I see them?”
“I’m sorry, darling,” she giggled feeling a tad uncomfortable with her husband’s temporary amnesia, “Your parents came and took them home with them a few days ago. We’ll be with them again next week when we leave here. Tom,” Judy said a bit worried, “How long is this going to last?”
“Oh, it’ll wear off in about an hour, if not sooner. It’s a completely normal reaction, Judy, don’t worry yourself.”
“I’m worried he’ll want to re-do our honeymoon and have two more kids in that next hour since he can’t remember,” she teased.
They both suddenly heard Gene softly snoring and Judy felt relieved.
“I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about that. He’s going to have a very restful night’s sleep.”
“He’s such an idiot sometimes,” she said looking at her cute, sleeping husband, “But he’s my idiot.”
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punkpanda16 · 4 years
Yes Puppy
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Jimin (dog hybrid) x Reader
Word count: 12k+
Summary: Just a city girl living a lonely world, who couldn’t find love anywhere. Just a city boy (hybrid) born and raised in a world that wouldn’t let him get anywhere. That is until they find each other as strangers as she walks up and down the boulevard. He was in the shadows waiting in the night. Together they live to just find emotion. But they hide it from each other. Together they hope they will never stop believing in love and each other. 
(Yes  was inspired by Don’t Stop Believen” by Journey this is just a good song)
Genre: smut, fluff, angst 
Warnings: Smut, voyerism, marking kink, daddy kink, unprotected sex ( be safe please), jealousy, shy jimin, dom!jimin, switch! Reader, switch Jimin, marking kink, semi possessive behavior, It’s mostly soft and sweet
Jimin was the first hybrid you ever owned. Truth be told you never wanted one because you felt it was wrong own another human. It didn’t matter if their genes were a little different. It never mattered what his spliced genes said, Jimin was still a man. After two years of having him in in your life this belief only became stronger.
 Until meeting Jimin never knew hybrids could look so human. There was a spectrum of how mortified their genetics were. Some looked more animal that human and some could even shape shift. However, one glance at your cute roommate and you would think he was normal man. A quick second glance and you may notice his cute little pointed ears that he hides with his hair. You may even see them twitch with sudden sounds. But, other than that you could never really find anything that would lead you to believe that he was a hybrid.
 His personality told a different story. After spending some time he became more comfortable and some of his more animalistic characteristics would become more apparent He was a dog hybrid, terrier mix to be exact. What he was mix with? Well no doctor/vet could really tell you. But he was definitely a terrier. He had a cute angelic face that hid his a naturally mischievous and quite curious nature.
 Whatever he was mixed with must have been some kind of tracking dog because he could find anything or anyone with just his nose. If you ever lost your keys he’d have them in your hand before you could finish asking if he’s seen them. When you would go out to meet friends he would know they’re coming before they even walked up to you.
 His instincts were also very protective like when he walked a little closer to you when you were out. He would sit with a stiffer posture when the doorbell rang. There was even a time at a club when he didn’t think twice about knocking a guy out to protect you when the guy couldn’t take “no” for answer. For being mixed with such a small breed he was very tough.
 But that’s not to say Jimin was ever mean or aggressive toward everyone, especially not you. He was the sweetest man you ever met and took such great care of you. He really is just a soft puppy who wants all your love and attention. Being his roommate and best friend meant you would give him anything his little heart desired.
The world hadn’t progressed much on the hybrid rights end. You always felt bad for having to “own” him just because so many people were uneducated and had no respect for other human rights. You were his owner on paper but only for legal and safety reasons. You promised him he would have full control of his own life. The collar and tags were just to keep him safe and would only have to be worn when he went out. Therefore, as a silent apology you worked tenfold to keep him happy. Whether that be pets on the couch while watching movies or letting him sleep in your bed when he “missed” you. He had you wrapped around his little finger and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
 In turn, Jimin satisfied every aspect of your life...well almost every aspect. Your love life was still dry and let’s get started about the sex. Before meeting Jimin you had been dating but you didn’t want to settle down just yet. Therefore, you went on dates, had one-night stands, and even had very short-term relationships. Which was fine because everyone had a right to explore what they want and who they want to be. After some time however, that life became boring and lonely. You weren’t feeling emotionally satisfied anymore. You didn’t know what to do because commitment was still scary after many heart breaks and trauma. It seemed like you were at your wits end when suddenly you stumbled upon a cute guy sitting in dirty alley looking like a kicked puppy.
 Which wasn’t too far from the truth. After taking Jimin home you fed him and allowed him to clean up. The entire time he seemed too afraid to speak and would jump at any sudden movement. That night you gave him the choice to stay or he could take extra clothes and food and leave if he that was what he really wanted. The next morning, to your surprise the handsome stranger was sleeping peacefully on the couch cuddled up other your favorite sweater. As you made breakfast you felt someone watching you. You turned to find a cute puffy cheeked Jimin standing behind you. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes he looked so innocent and vulnerable all you wanted to do was to hold him so he knew he was safe now.  Ever since that night he became your priority.
 Those feelings only intensified as time went on. Jimin began to open up more about his past. The abuse, physically and mentally, which made him shy and scared of almost everything and everyone except, you. As time passed you became his safe space. The more he opened up about his pain the more he was able to work through it. He began to realize that the pain never really goes away but we learn to use it as strength and not a barrier to hold ourselves back.
 The months progressed and he blossomed like a flower. Besides the work you did with him he relied on dance and music as well. He really enjoyed singing but dancing became his purpose. He had such natural talent that you couldn’t confine it to just your home. A bonus to his passion was it would help him with his confidence. This led you to enrolled him in an art school with a special program for hybrids.
 There he began to make new friends both human and hybrid. The first friend he made was Yoongi, a lazy but very cute cat hybrid. He was never much of talker but his music and rapping spoke for him. Through Yoongi he met Hoseok and Namjoon who also rapped and helped Yoongi make tracks. He grew close to Hoseok, who was human, through their shared love of dance. Namjoon was a wolf hybrid with an old soul that loved poetry. He took Jimin under his wing like an older brother.
 As time went on Jimin met more people in his classes and even those who were not in his class. Like Jungkook a bunny hybrid who loved photography and Taehyung a human who was best friends with Jungkook. Taehyung was all about fashion and design therefore, he would Jungkook with his photoshoots.
 Looking back now it’s amazing how things have changed. Two years ago, you would sit alone in your home wondering when things were finally going to get better. Now you sit here watching Jimin and boys play games after dinner hoping things will never change.
 Tonight, the boys were spread around the room peacefully watching a movie. The quiet atmosphere lulling you to sleep as you snuggle closer to Jimin’s chest. You began to drift off to dream land when the calm environment was interrupted by the doorbell. Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon all sat up a little straighter at the sound. Their ears begin to twitch as they tried to pick up any sign of danger.
 “Are you expecting someone?” Jimin asks as you push off of him to get the door.
 “No. Are you?” you ask back as all their eyes follow your movements toward the door.
 “Nope. Everyone I like is here so?” Jimin says with a smile.
 “It probably a neighbor.” You say as you swing open the door.There were times when the nice old women next door, Mrs.Kim, needed help with something so she would come ask you or Jimin. It did seem a little late to come over. Maybe something was wrong.
As the door opened completely it most definitely was not your sweet old neighbor. Before you stood a very tall very handsome man. The first thing you noticed was how wide his shoulders were. He was well-built and to too top it all off he had the perfect face. With his plump lips and dreamy eyes. As you look more at his appearance you find two pointy ears in the middle of his dark hair. You become so mesmerized you forgot your manners.
“Hi.” He says with a shy wave.
 It was sweet how such a simple encounter already had a cute shade of pink dusting his cheeks. His hands also began to fidget nervously with the long fluffy sleeves of his pink sweater.
 “Hi.” You say quickly after being snapped from your little trance. A light blush now growing on your cheeks.
“I’m Kim Seokjin and I’m moving in next door with Mrs. Kim. She suggested I come over here to introduce myself. She said…umm… she said you had a hybrid too. And well she said maybe I can make some new friends here. I’m sorry if I was interrupting anything.” He says politely as he peeks over your shoulder to the boys who are all intently listening to the interaction. He bows slightly to them.
 “Hi Kim Seokjin. I’m Y/N. It’s so nice to meet you. Don’t be silly you’re not interrupting anything we’re just having a movie night. Would you like to come in?” you say with a welcoming smile.
 You step to the side to let him and he hesitates for a moment as he looks back at your friends. You give him a small nod to let him know it’s okay as keep as calm as possible to reassure him. His instincts must have started to kick in now that he sensed that there were multiple hybrids in the room. Yoongi and Namjoon seem to relax once they catch his scent. He must not pose a threat to them. Jimin however, grew more tense. This surprised you because even Jungkook, who is very tense around other hybrids relaxed. Jimin’s behavior surprised you because he’s usually so welcoming to other hybrids. He was always so nice because he never wanted to stress them out knowing what it’s like to be in their place.
 Seokjin seemed to shy away from Jimin choosing to stay closer to you and the door as you closed it behind you. The boys, except Jimin, went back to their places in the living room as Seokjin followed you. As he reached the entrance of the living room Jimin let out a warning growl.
 The other hybrids in room shot up at attention. Jungkook was ready to run and hide while Yoongi and Namjoon were ready to take Jimin’s side if needed. The room became tense and quiet as Jimin stared Seokjin down. He was trying to get him submit but Seokjin stood his ground. Taehyung and Hoseok look to you for answers but you were just as shocked as them.
 “Jimin!” you called his attention so he would look at you instead.
 His eyes briefly moved to you but he attention was still on Seokjin who was also starting to growl. You stepped between them in order to avoid an actual fight. You knew it was stupid idea but you felt like you had to keep the peace. Something told you the Seokjin didn’t want to fight but if provoked he’d defend himself. Jimin was more than capable of taking care of himself but Seokjin had a definite size advantage.
 “Jimin.” You called out calmly as you stepped between them. You turned your body toward your best friend to let him know your attention was solely on him and reached out careful so he could get your scent. He instantly began to relax.
 He took one last look in your eyes and stormed down the hall and locked himself in his room. Once he was out of sight Seokjin took a deep breath and finally relax. Yet, there was still an unanswered tension in the air.
 “So…is anyone going to explain what just happened.” Yoongi’s gravelly voice broke the silence.
“I am so sorry I don’t know what came over me. I’m usually so good at controlling myself. I’m so sorry.” Seokjin whimpered helplessly.
“Hey it’s okay it wasn’t your fault. I’m the one who should apologize. I don’t know what happened today but I promise you Jimin isn’t usually like this.” You tried comforting the scared hybrid.
“No, I came into his space. He clearly has something here he’s very protective of. I should have been more considerate and asked him if I could come in before. I should be going. I’m sorry.” His ears were flat on his head as he began to move toward the door. He looked so shamed of his behavior you couldn’t just let him leave.
“Hey Seokjin.” You gently stopped him with a hand on his shoulder before he could reach the door. His sad eyes met yours as you tried to console him.
“Listen everything is fine. You are welcome here whenever you want. Let me just talk to Jimin okay?” He gave you a small nod and left. You could practically see his tail tucked between his legs.
“Okay… again, is someone going to explain to me what just happened?” Yoongi asked.
“I’m not sure Yoon but I’m going find out. You guys don’t mind if we cut movie night short, do you?” you asked the confused boys who were still in the living room.
They all began to collect their things and wished you a good night before walking out the door. You really wanted to talk to Jimin but seeing as you had never been in this situation with him before you weren’t sure how to approach it. Maybe he needed some time to cool off first…yeah that’s probably best for now. Tomorrow morning would be better to talk.
The next morning, you quietly sneak into Jimin’s bed. As much as you hated to admit it, you really missed him even if you had just seen him last night. It was strange not having his body heat to keep warm while you slept. You realized last night effected more than you thought because in all your previous fights no matter how upset either of were, you would always end up in bed cuddling together. He was never one to go to sleep with either of you upset.
As you climbed under the covers you noticed that even in his sleep he followed your scent. His body was draw to your warmth as he snuggled up next to you. He stirred for a moment but then went back to a peaceful slumber. Now that he was next you everything had fallen back into place. You closed your eyes and went back to sleep. Hopefully the comfort you are trying to provide will be enough for him to open up to you later.
A few hours later you felt the warmth of the sun rays wake you. As you stretched you noticed the spot next to you was cold and empty. You began to panic thinking that Jimin was so upset he had left. That was until the lovely smell of pancakes hit your nose. Then your ears picked up the sound of soft music and pans being moved on the stove. With one last stretch you climbed out of bed and headed toward the kitchen.
As you reached the kitchen you watched as your best friends stood in the kitchen looking so domestic. He was in a plain white tee and his basketball shorts he usually slept in. His hair was still a mess from sleep. His face was still a little puffy but that only made him look all the more adorable. He still hadn’t noticed you staring as he continued to cook and hum to song he was listening to.
“Do you need any help?” you finally spoke up. He nearly dropped the bowl in his hands as his head turned toward you. You could help but let out a giggle at the surprised look on his face.
“Huh? Oh, NO! I mean no thank you. Just sit down I’ll get you plate.” He was always so cute when he was nervous.
As you took your seat you watched him trying to read him. He set a plate in front of you and stood there awkwardly as if there was something he wanted to say but couldn’t bring himself to do so.
“Are you going to eat?” You ask him with an amused smile.
“Oh! Umm yeah. I’m going to eat.” He jumped a little and grabbed a plate as well.
He sat next to you as you began to eat in silence. Whenever there was something on Jimin’s mind you let him decide when and how he wanted to tell you. It was system you both learned worked for both of you. In the beginning, you were so desperate to help him that you would constantly ask him how he was feeling or what he was thinking. As time went on you realized that was only pushing him away. He needed time and space to organize his thoughts.
“I’m sorry.” His voice was almost whisper.
“Jiminnie it’s okay.” You tried to reassure him.
“No. It’s NOT okay. I acted like a jerk because of my stupid animal instincts.” He said with his head lowered in shame.
“Jimin, honey, they’re instincts. You can’t always control them. They’re not stupid because they are a part of you and you should never hate that part of you.” You told him softly. You gently placed a hand on his shoulder and continued. “I’m actually the one who should be sorry, I should have considered your feelings this is your home too. I assumed allowing Seokjin would be okay because I had never seen you be anything but welcoming to everyone you meet. Listen, it’s okay you’re not always going to get along with everyone and there’s no problem with that.” You stood up to place your place your plate in the sink when a whine broke from Jimin’s chest.
“No. No that’s not okay. I’m not usually like this. I don’t have a problem with Seokjin. His scent made me feel territorial.” He corrected. His puppy dog eyes made you swoon. He real felt bad about yesterday.
“I understand that hybrids are more sensitive to other hybrids’ scents but we have hybrids here all the time like Joonie and Yoongi. What was wrong with Seokjin’s scent?” You wondered.
“It’s just different.” He tried to cut the conversation short.
Normally you would let it go so he would feel comfortable but this time it different. This time Jimin had acted in a way you had never seen him act toward another hybrid. This aggression was unprovoked, Seokjin had walked in respectfully and calmly into your home. There was nothing on his behalf that would indicate he was trying to claim Jimin’s space. In fact, he was being more submissive considering there were so many scents of other hybrids in the room. You could not allow this behavior to go on because it was dangerous to others and Jimin. On top of that, Seokjin was your new neighbor, what if one day when you’re not home they run into each other and something does happen. It would end very bad for both of them. They would up in the hospital or in the pound where they would be labeled as aggressive, which is basically a death sentence.
“Jiminnie look at me.” You gently cup his face. “I need you explain what’s happening. I know usually this is around the time we let this go but, we both know that this time we can’t just walk past this like it never happened.” You said calmly.
“I know.” He responded like scolded child.
“Now, what is about Seokjin that made you feel protective?” You sat back down as you waited for him to respond. As you looked up at him again you could see him struggling to explain. “It’s okay take your time.”
“Well…he’s also a dog hybrid like me.” He began to play with his fingers nervously.
“Oh, I see. Is it just because he’s a dog hybrid or is there another reason. You’ve never had a problem with Joonie and he’s a wolf hybrid?” You asked.
“It’s different with Namjoon hyung. He’s not an alpha, he would never force me to submit to him. His scent is also different. Wolves and dogs are not the same.” He stops for a moment to look you in the eye. “Plus, from the very beginning I’ve known his intentions. He never posed a threat claim y--.” His eyes grow wide as if he said too much. “I-I m-mean…he never wanted to claim anything that’s mine.”
You sat for a moment allowing his words to sink in. “Ah okay, I understand. Wait. Did Seokjin threaten you in anyway with his body language or a change in scent that you picked up?” You asked with your brows frowned… maybe you read him wrong this whole time.
“Oh no. No. He didn’t do anything. I-I ummm…I think I just- I-I mean I think my hybrid side assumed something based on how you guys interacted.” He confessed as a cute shade of pink dusted his cheeks.
“How we interacted? When?” You asked confused.
“Umm well… umm your scent kind of changed when you saw him for the first time.” You could have sworn the blush was a brighter than before. He even began to avoid you gaze, suddenly very interested in the state of your kitchen table.
You began to think back to anything that could have changed when you opened the door. Everything as you recall it seemed normal. Seokjin didn’t even get close enough to scent you. The only thing that you remember was you found him very attractive. It has been a while since you had been with anyone so there were times that your body reacted to that attraction…but it was impossible for Jimin to smell that…right? If that were true then he would know you also found him attractive but he had never caught that change before. Well... could he sense the change when you felt like that 24/7 around him?
You cleared your throat and looked at Jimin again as a blush began to form on your cheeks as well. “Is possible t-that y-you maybe you were thrown off by any scent that was on him. I mean he was in another house and I assume he was in the shelter right before that. Maybe you confused the smell?”
“No. I know what hybrids smell like when they were in a shelter, it’s like a jumble of smells. I also know what Ms. Kim house smells like. It wasn’t his scent it was yours. I’m positive it was you. I mean it’s gone now but when you saw him it changed.” He defended. If there was one thing you could never fight him on was on his nose.
“Okay. I’m not sure what could be causing that but how about you try going over to Ms. Kim’s to apologize and I’ll stay here until we figure it out. I really want you to work this out with him. I’ll keep an eye out in case you begin to feel like that again.” You suggested.
He seemed hesitate at first but ultimately, he agreed. After he finished his breakfast he got dressed and went next door. When he knocked on the door the door Seokjin answered and by the looks of it Jimin was back to his old self. He had a bright welcoming smile. You assumed everything went well because Jimin went in and spent the next two hours at Ms. Kim’s home.
When he walked in you were about to start lunch for yourself. You assumed he had stayed to have lunch at Ms. Kim’s with Seokjin. As you opened the cupboard to fish out some ramen the front the door opened and in ran a very excited Jimin. It was times like this that he was the embodiment of a puppy.
“Y/N!” Jimin yelled as he ran excited into the kitchen nearly making you drop your ramen in the process.
“Hey. Jiminnie how did it go with Seokjin?” You asked with a smile. You hoped they worked out whatever issues they had.
“It was great! Jin hyung is so nice. He’s into music and art like me and the rest of the guys. I even convinced him to join the art program with me. He has a real talent for singing and he plays guitar and piano like Yoongi hyung.” He said excitedly.
“I’m so happy you two got along. You’re even using nicknames with him now. So, when you guys were hanging out you didn’t feel any hostility or uneasiness with him?” You asked.
“No. Everything was fine. You were right, maybe a scent from the shelter he was in before threw me off or maybe something was outside when he was at the door. Anyway, everything is great between us I think we’re all going to be good friends. He even invited us and the boys out for dinner tomorrow night. He suggested we go to a restaurant so everyone can get to know each other and feel more comfortable. He also wants to apologize for last night, he felt really bad that he growled at me. He knows how uneasy that could make other hybrids. I would also like to apologize to the others for my behavior.” He lowered his head the end of his little rant.
Your sweet Jimin is always worried about how other perceive him. You know he must be beating himself up over what happened last night.
However, you know you both have amazing friends that would never hold it against him. They all know who he really is. He has the biggest heart of anyone you’ve ever met. He’s always there to cheer everyone else up even if he’s hurting inside. He’s always the first to hug his hyungs when they’re upset because he understands that just because they’re older doesn’t mean they have to be strong all the time. With his younger friends he could never leave their side if even the slightest thing hurt them. He would do anything in his power to see them smile again. He will always put the world before himself and that speaks volumes to the kind of person Jimin is. Despite, the events that transpired last night, Jimin could never bring himself to hurt another living thing. He’s all love and positivity.
“Well since everything is worked out then there will be no problem with us all going out.” You said with a bright smile.
The rest of the day was spent lounging around the house. Jimin would throw in an apology here and there no matter how many times you told him everything was fine. It wasn’t until you cuddled him on the couch for the rest of the afternoon that he finally seemed to relax.
The next day you had a few meetings to attend. Luckily, you were given the opportunity to work from home most days. Once you Jimin came into your life you found it harder to leave him alone. If you were in the office you wouldn’t be able to focus anyway.
The workload on your desk was enough to distract you until Jimin told you you’d be leaving in an hour for dinner. Normally you would leave in basic tee-shirt and jeans seeing as there was no one you had to impress. Well, there was Jimin but by now he had seen you at your very worst and could not careless how you looked. He even confessed one night that he liked you best in something comfortable. Today, however, marked 2 months since you had gone out. Due to your busy schedule these past few months you opted to stay in and order take out. Most times you would go out it would be with all the boys but they too have been busy with their projects and work. When you would see each other, everyone would be too tired to go out so you would all end up sprawled out in your living room. This would be the first time all of you would be out together in a long time which was perfect to dress up a little bit.
After a quick shower you did some light make up and dried your hair, opting to wear it all-natural tonight. You stood in front of your closet debating what outfit to wear for bit. A quick glance at the clock showed you only had ten minutes left which was more than enough time to get dressed. You decided to go with tee shirt tucked into a box pleaded skirt that stopped about midthigh. This look would be cute and comfortable for the occasion. At first heels felt like the way to go but after careful consideration your Converse seemed like the better option. Jimin never mentioned where you were going but you assumed it would be a nice casual spot. A perfect spot to sport your outfit.
“Y/N! It’s time to go.” Jimin’s voice broke through the apartment as you took one last look in your mirror. You grabbed you bag and phone as you walked out of your room.
As you walked into the living room Jimin looked up from his phone. He took one look at you and his jaw dropped for second. You became shy under his gaze. He not so suddenly looked you up and down stopping briefly to take an extra glance at your legs. It was surprising seeing his reaction seeing as he has seen you in more revealing clothing. You have to admit it still gave you a sense of pride getting that reaction from him.
“Y-you look beau- I mean you look good. New skirt?” He said as you blushed. It was cute seeing him stubble over his words. You were sure if he had a tail it would be wagging.
“It’s actually not new I just hadn’t had an occasion to wear it to. I was looking through my closet and I saw it. I felt it would be good to dress up a little bit for dinner.” You said with a smile as your hand played with the helm of the skirt.
“Y/N, it’s just me and boys. No one special. You don’t have to dress up.” He said with a small laugh. His smile quickly turned into a frown as he looked you in the eyes with a serious expression. “Unless… there’s someone you’re trying to impress.” He asked with a hint of what seemed to be jealousy in his voice.
“I-what?” You were beyond confused. Never once before had he reacted like this toward you.
“I-Is it because of Jin hyung?” He asked. The jealousy from before was gone and replaced with a sad broken voice.
“No. First of all, I don’t have to dress up for anyone other than myself. If I felt like dressing cute it’s for me and no one else.” You said sternly. You walked closer to Jimin to have his full attention. “Second, there would be no reason for me dress up for Jin. This is not a date it’s dinner with my friends. Understand?” You waited for him took look you in the eyes.
“Yes.” He said softly. The guilty look in his eyes was more than enough to prove to you he understood.
“I’m sorry. You have a right to wear what you want when you want. I don’t know why I’ve been so protective over you lately.” He confessed.
“It’s okay. Listen, sweetie, I love that you are protective of me and take care of me but you don’t own me. I am my own person. I’m not upset because I know that you understand that. Okay. I just need you figure out what’s going on with you so we can help you.” You said as you grabbed his hand to reassure him.
He tried to give you on of signature bright smiles but you could still see sadness in his eye. With one last nod and hug you headed off to dinner. The car ride was a bit awkward and silent. You could tell there was something on his mind but it was too soon to ask. Whatever was going on with him he had to figure it out on his own. You would be there if or when he needed you.
The drive t restaurant was not too long. As you pulled up you found it was a cute mom and pop KBBQ spot. It was nice and a little more intimate, which you knew was perfect for all of your friends to meet Jin. After finding a parking spot you and Jimin headed inside. It was easy spotting all the boys sitting in a long table. There were a few other people in the restaurant but your party was the largest.
“Hi guys.” You greeted as six pairs of eyes turned toward you. They seemed to be in deep conversation as you approached the table
“Y/N! You’re finally here!” Jungkook said excited as he almost literally jumped from his seat and into your arms. It was very subtle but you could have sworn you felt Jimin stiffen next to you.
“Hi bunny.” You greeted Jungkook
After he finally let go you went around greeting the other boys as Jimin followed your lead. You went around to everyone until you came two empty spots which was right next to Jin. As you were about to sit down Jimin took the spot first. It was a little strange since he always let you sit down first but you brushed it off as him wanting to sit next to his new friend.
 “Hey Jimin hyung why do you smell funny?” Jungkook stated as his little nosed twitched.’
“Ya! You brat I showered, no I don’t!” Jimin exclaimed a little louder than he should have. A few of the patrons turning their attention to your table.
“Jimin. You smell fine.” You reassure a now grumpy looking Jimin. You tried to place your hand in his but he just pulled it away.
“Yeah everything is okay. You’re fine. Right Jimin?” Yoongi asked with a skeptical look on his face.
“Yes.” Jimin crossed his arms and leaded back on his seat like an angry scolded child.
“It’s okay Kookie, your hyung didn’t mean to yell at you right, Jimin?” Namjoon said with a pointed look at Jimin as he tried to console the scared bunny that had literally ducked under the table. The poor bun was never good with confrontation.
“Yeah. Whatever.” Jimin scoffed.
After a few moments of awkward silence Jin got the table back to their prior conversation. As dinner went on the conversation flowed smoothly. The entire table began to share their personal stories. It was through these stories that you found out that Jin had been born into a normal happy family. His parents, who were both pure bred Doberman hybrids, that were owned by a lovely older couple who were very respectful and treated him and his parents like equals. It was until his teens that his parents tragically passed in an accident. The couple continued to care for him until he was old enough to join the police department. They were supportive of  him until their dying breath. It was too long after their passing that he had to retired from the police department due to an injury he received during a mission. With the loss of both sets of parents he had nowhere else to go so he surrendered himself to the shelter. Luckily, Ms. Kim was a friend of the older couple. When she heard of Jin’s story she tracked him down and adopted him. As tragic as his story was he seemed to carry himself with well. He seemed to have use his experience as a reason to become stronger and an overall better person.
As the night went on the drinks began to flow and soon you found yourself feeling tipsy. It was definitely not enough to be considered drunk but Jin’s dad jokes were becoming funnier. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, well everyone except Jimin. He had remained uncharacteristically quiet throughout dinner. He would only join the conversation when asked questions directly. After some time, his behavior began to annoy so you chose to ignore it and just enjoy your night with your friends. The table spilt up into smaller groups of conversation. Jin was closest to you besides Jimin so naturally you talked more with him.
“Wow! You really helped so many people you are an amazing man.” You’re not sure if it was the drinks he had or your flattery but a blush spread across his pale face. You couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped you seeing how cute he looked. Another thing you had come to find out about Jin was that, despite how charismatic he was, he became very flustered when he received too much attention. You first noticed it earlier in the evening when the waitress not so subtly began to flirt with him. He turned so red you thought he would combust. Luckily, she was very respectful and backed off when she sensed his uneasiness. It was so cute and surprising seeing his reaction because one would assume someone as attractive as him would be use to getting attention.
“T-Thanks Y/N. It was just a part of the job.” He said shyly.
“Aww you’re so humble it’s adorable.” You said with a wide smile that only made him blush more. You had the urge to reach over pinch his cute pink cheeks.
You don’t know how long you two sat there smiling at each other but clearly it was too long for a very irritated Jimin. A low growl erupted from his chest as he slammed a fist on the table making you and Jin jump back in surprise. Just like the other night everyone was sitting up at attention. Yoongi and Namjoon flatted their ears in submission as Junnkook jumped into Taehyung’s arms. Hoseok sat with a shocked look on his face. Some of the patrons in the restaurant had abandoned their meals to look at your table in horror.
“Jimin.” You whispered harshly to the seething hybrid next to you as you grabbed his arm. Yo u were very much aware of the fact that Jimin was much stronger than you but that didn’t stop you from trying to pull him up as you stood up. There was no way you could stay there. The people around you had a look of fear as they stared at Jimin, one call to hybrid control and they could take him away no questions asked. Staying there longer also risked a fight breaking out. You might have been able to prevent on from happening in your home but the stimulation in the restaurant could make the situation worse. Therefore, you had to get out of there as soon as possible.
You lead him to your car by his arm. It seemed like your scent was not enough to calm him today because his body was vibrating with anger. You weren’t sure if it because of how upset he was but his body seemed to be radiating heat to the point where it almost burned to touch him. The car was fortunately was parked in a spot covered by trees and bushes which would allow some privacy to talk to him. The closer you got to your car the quicker you walked. You thought he would resist you dragging him along but Jimin just followed you. He didn’t say anything but you could hear his heavy breathing behind you. Once you reached your car you quickly unlocked it and lead him to the passenger side. He sat down obediently as he tried to get his breathing under control. You quickly got into the driver’s side and locked the doors.
You finally let out a breath you weren’t even aware you were holding. This was far from over but at least you were in private space now. You tried to get your own anger and frustration under control before even trying to get to Jimin. After counting to ten you turned your body to your friend. The sight before you broke you. His face was buried in his hands as his body shook with quiet sobs. He looked so much like the scared puppy you found years ago that you just wanted to hold him until everything was okay again.
“Jiminnie, honey.” You called out softly. “Baby. Could you please look at me?” It wasn’t very often you used that nickname with him but it always seemed to pull him from the emotional spirals he would throw himself into.
“I-I’m not a baby!” He hiccupped.
“I-” You tried to apologize but he interrupted as he roughly wiped the tears from his eyes.
“I’m not a baby. I am MAN! Just like Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung a-and like J-Jin hyung. Why can’t you see that?” His voice came out so broken toward the end that it cracked your heart even more. He sniffled and wiped away more tears from his now swollen eyes.
“Jiminnie of course I know your man. I didn’t mean to insult you, I swear. I just needed you to look at me and talk to me please.” You tried keep your voice sturdy as you held back your own tears.
“No. You’re a liar. You always say you know I’m a man but you don’t see me like a man.” He said angrily as more tears rolled down his cheeks.
“What do mean Jimin of course I see you as a man?” You asked as tried reaching for his shaking hands. He quickly pulled them away as he turned his body away from you. It seemed like even looking at you hurt him.
“NO! You don’t understand. You will never look at me the way you looked Jin hyung.” He said exasperated.
“How did I look at him?” You questioned as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
“You looked at him like he hung the fucking stars in the sky. Like he could give you the world and more. Like he was everything you ever wanted.” He answered sadly.
You were shocked by his answer “Jimin I-”
He interrupted you again as all the frustration he was feeling finally reached its breaking point. “I KNOW! Okay I know I’m not special. I’ve never been anyone’s first choice, until I met you. Jin hyung is funny and charming and he was fucking police officer crying out loud. His breed is even superior, he was literally made to be a loyal protector. I’m just a little lap dog. I could never be half the man he is. And now you’re going to want him and forget me and once again I’ll stop being someone’s first choice. He has everything you deserve in a man, everything I’ll never be.”
Tears began to freely fall from your eyes. You never knew he felt this way.
“Jim-” you choked out
“No. Just please don’t give me pity. I’ll be gone by tomorrow. Once I’m gone you can finally be free to be with Jin hyung or whoever you want. I love you too much to make you stay with me. I should have never become a burden to you. I’m sorry. Please just forgive me.” His puppy dog eyes full of unshed tears finally looked up at you begging for your forgiveness.
“NO.” you said roughly.
“What?” It was as if you shattered his entire world.
“You don’t get decide was good enough for me or what I need. That is mine to me. No one gets to pick and choose who I get to love. You can’t just leave me not when you became my everything. I love you for fucks sake Jimin. I’ve never wanted anyone more than you. No one not even Jin could have a heart like yours. I love you for who you are. I don’t need anything other than you. I love you.” You were sobbing again partly out of frustration partly because it felt so good to finally confess everything you’ve been feeling for such a long time.
“You-wait, you mean it?” He asked as hope bloomed in his eyes.
“Yes, dummy.” You laughed as you wiped your tears.
“Wait but your scent.” You rolled your eyes as he brought up that topic again.
“What about it?” you asked jokingly.
“It changed again when you and Jin hyung were giving each other that degusting lovey look.” He said with a hint of jealousy. His nose even scrunched up as if he was witnessing something gross.
“You really can be such an idiot sometimes.” You laughed out. His look of disgusting morphing to one of offense. 
“Jimin think back…was there ever any other time my scent changed? Maybe when I’m around my best friend?” You questioned. He sat there with a cute pout as he thought back.
“Well… maybe there was a few times?” he said shyly.
“Uhuh…and when was that?” You asked with a sly smile.
“Ummm well…” his ears turned red and he began to play with his fingers nervously, “T-the first time you,” he cleared his throat, “the first time you saw me shirtless.”
You too became embarrassed at the memory. It was the first time you went swimming the boys. Jimin was apprehensive to remove his shirt claiming “he wasn’t fit like the other guys.” The boys, mainly Jungkook, were able to convince him to finally remove his shirt. His claim was obviously ridiculous, he was very fit. You couldn’t help to steal a quick glance at his abs which could arguable rival Jungkook’s. When he caught you peeking he became nervous again and tried to put on his shirt again. That was until you told him he looked very fit and handsome. He became bashful especially when the boys started teasing him about his blushing cheeks. Ever since then he became less afraid off showing his body. Recently, he even started walking around the apartment shirtless.
“Baby, attraction and love are different things.” You explained.
“Wait so that means you were attracted to Jin hyung.” He said with disheartened look on his face.
“I will be honest with you I think he’s an attractive person but I would never feel half of what I feel for you toward him.” You tried to reassure him but you could still see the insecurity in his eyes.
“Promise.” He looked at you expectantly.
“Baby.” You leaned in closer with a seductive smile. “Jin is nice but I would never let him do the things I dream about you doing to me.” You leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. As you pulled back you saw him swallow hard. He looked at you with his pupils dilated.
“Like what?” He asked almost as if he was out of breath.
“Well for starters…I want to please you. Just imagine how pretty I would look on my knees for you. I would let you use my mouth as long as you wanted. But I’d want you to pull out before you came because I need to be stuffed with your cum.” Every word seemed to turn him on more and more.
“I would be yours and only yours. I want you to claim me and mark me so everyone knows I’m yours.” You placed your hand on your neck to show him where you wanted him to mark you.
“You won’t believe how many nights I laid in my bed with my toys wishing it was you fucking me. That you were the one filling me up so good that all I could think of was you.” You had just finished your sentence when his soft lips were on yours.
At first it was rough as your tongues fought for dominance. Eventually you submitted to him and the kiss became slower and more intimate. It was as if he was trying to put all his love into this one moment. His hand wove its way through your hair and he began to gently pull at your roots. The feeling shot through your spine and caused a deep moan to erupt from your chest. The sound encouraging him to respect the action on a bit harder giving him an even bigger reaction. He pulled away as you both gasped for air.
“Fuck baby. Are you going to be good for me?” He purred as he began to kiss down your neck. The sensation making your mind go blank. The only sounds leaving your body were moans. The sounds you were making were not enough for Jimin as he growled and nipped at your sweet spot.
“I asked you a question.” He growled ad he continued to leave pink marks across your skin that were sure to bruise tomorrow.
“Y-yes I’ll be good. I’ll be the best girl for you.” You whined.
“Good. Can you take care of daddy right now?” He pulled back to look you in the eyes searching for any signs of discomfort. You were taken aback for a moment because you had never done anything like this in public. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, you just never had someone you wanted to do it with. With Jimin however, it was different the idea of sucking him off in your car with the risk of someone, maybe even on of your friends, finding you made the fire in your belly grow. However, Jimin must have interpreted your lack of response as a rejection to his proposal. He quickly back away and began to apologize.
“I’m sorry baby. I went too, fast didn’t I? It’s okay if you don’t want to. We will do whatever you want whenever you’re ready.” He said sweetly. He went to peck you lips but you grabbed his head and deepened the kiss. He groaned as you pulled away and bit his lip.
“I want to make daddy feel good.” You reassured him.
“Baby I promise you don’t have to feel obligated to do this. I got carried away. I’m sorry.” He said softly as he ran his thumb over your blushing cheeks.
“Fine.” You pulled away defiantly. “We’re doing this my way. Jiminie first of all, I promise you I want this. Second, I’m not going be your good girl anymore.” He looked at you confused.
“I’m not going to be your good girl because YOU are going to my good boy now. So, get the backseat and pull your pants down for me, please.” You said with firmness in your voice. You weren’t sure how Jimin would react you your power change. At first, you thought he would be a stubborn dom who would not relinquish any control but the twitch in his pants told you this was going to be a fun game.
He opened his mouth but one firm look from you had him scrambling to the backseat. You watched him through the review mirror with a smirk as he fumbled with his pants. He met your stare through the mirror and began to run his hand up and down his hard cock. He let out little whimpers at the feeling.
“Did I say you had permission to touch yourself?” You questioned with a raised brow.
 “No mistress.” Huh? Mistress? Well this should be fun?
His hand quickly moved off his throbbing cock. He was so pretty when he was obedient. After checking on last time if the coast was clear you joined him in the back. Instead of sitting next to him you settled in between his spread legs. It was a tight squeeze and your knees hurt from the contact with the carpet on the floor of your car but it was exciting.
“This is going to quick okay baby? We wouldn’t want the others finding you like this would we?” You said as you ran your hand up and down his thick thighs. He let out a whine in protest.
“Oh? Do I have a dirty boy who wants his friends to see him being filthy like a whore in the streets? Or is there someone in particular you want to see you…” you pretended to think as you placed a hand on your chin, “OH! Maybe someone like your Jin hyung?” He moaned at the name you knew you hit the nail on the head.
You spit in your hand and placed on his cock. It was so beautiful. Length it was a little over average and the girth was enough that you knew it was going to burn and you’ll probably be feeling it tomorrow too. As you slowly began to move your hand his hips chased the feeling.
“Look at you baby wanting your hyung to see you humping my hand. Is it because you want him to know I’m yours?” You asked innocently.
“Y-yes I want him to see I could be so good for y-you. I-I I’m so good you could never look at him or anyone else that way.” His head was thrown back pleasure as he confessed his dirty little fantasy.
“Of course, my Jiminnie is such a good boy no one could compare to him.” You loved to see how your words made him squirm. “Good boys get rewards.” You purred.
Finally, you licked from the base of his cock to the tip. You collected the drops of precum and used them as lube as you finally began to take him fully into your mouth. As soon as the sensitive skin of his cock hit your warm wet mouth his hips twitched. The action almost causing you to gag but you stopped it. You started off with a slow pace that had him gripping the seats and groaning. Then you kept you focus on his extra sensitive flushed tip. Every swipe of your tongue had his member twitching in your mouth and Jimin almost screaming. He began to bite his lips to control his noises. After a while you took him whole again with more suction and faster movements.
“Fuck!” he groaned as his hand flew to your hair. He didn’t try to control your movements. He just tugged at the roots causing you to moan. The vibrations making him lose his breath.
“I’m close.” He finally looked down at your glassy eyes.
He was so close to his end when he tried to push you off. You looked up at him questioningly but kept your hand on him still moving at a steady pace.
“Y/N…oh god.” He moaned.
“I-it’s J-Jin h-hyung. He’ll see us.” He groaned but made no other effort to stop you.
You let go of is twitching cock and looked up at him innocently, “I thought you wanted him to see us Jimminnie?”
He sat there flushed weighing his options “Y-yes please don’t stop. I’m so close.”
“Okay but you have to be quiet so we have more time.” You gave him on last smile and went back to sucking him off. You took a big breath and took him all the way to the back of your throat, you were sure if you placed your neck you would able to feel the outline of his cock. The action had him biting his hand in order to prevent any noise from escaping. You smiled in satisfaction. You released his cock with a pop and took another deep breath. You took him to the back of your throat again ignoring the ache in your jaw and the burn in your throat. Once he was all the way in you stayed their focusing on breathing through your nose.
The loudest moan you had heard from him disrupted the relativity quiet car. You were if someone was walking by the car they would know what was happening. His gripped on your hair tighten as he finally released his cum down your throw. You pulled back a little in order to swallow it all. You were proud to find a fucked out Jimin with his eyes closed in ecstasy.
“Was that good?” You asked smugly as you wiped some cum and saliva off of your lips.
A deep chuckle rumbled through Jimin’s tired body. “I don’t think I can walk. Do you think that’s not good enough?” he said as he helped you sit down next to him. He leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on your neck. You sat there in a comfortable silence until the atmosphere was broken by your phone. You rolled your eyes as you reached for it in the front seat. As you answered Jimin tucked himself back in and went back to cuddling you. You could help but smile at how clinging he is.
 “Hello.” You answered not bothering to look at who was calling.
 “Y/N! It’s Jin. I’m sorry to just call you like this I was just so worried. Yoongi gave me your number. I just wanted to make sure Jimin was okay.” He sounded so worried.
“We-” You were about to answer when Jimin took the phone from you.
“Hey hyung, it’s Jimin. Yeah. Don’t worry we’re okay. We just had to talk in private about something.” He said as he bit his lip. You rolled your eyes for the nth time today. You heard Jin say something on the other line.
“Oh no we didn’t leave the restaurant. Yeah. We’re just outside in the car. Okay. See you soon.” Jimin said sweetly. He hung up the phone and wicked smile graced his lips.
“See you soon?” You asked astonished. He wouldn’t mean that… No?
“Yeah he’s coming to check on us. You better cover up baby? Unless you want him to see the pretty mess I made of your neck.” He said with a smirk. This cocky bastard.
Well jokes on him, the marks for you were a badge of honor. You cleaned up and climbed back into the front seats. You then opened up the windows to let some of the stuffy felling and smell out. You were sure Jin would know exactly what happened, if it wasn’t the marks on your neck then Jimin’s smug attitude would be a dead giveaway. You just wanted to be considerate and not send his senses into overdrive. Not too long after you saw Jin approaching your car. Even a few feet away you could see his nose twitch as he caught yours and Jimin’s combined scents. He hesitated as he walked closer to the open window on your side.
 “Is everything okay?” He asked as he looked between you and Jimin.
 “Yes.” Both of you answered.
“Okay? Ummm I just wanted to apologize if there was anything I did to upset you Jimin-ssi.” He said sincerely and bowed his head.
“Don’t worry about hyung we worked everything out. You didn’t do anything wrong. I was just feeling a little off.” Jimin said kindly.
“Oh, okay. That’s great.” Jin let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, that means I’ll be on my way. You guys have a fun tonight.” He gave a suggestive wink and began to walk away. He seemed to remember something else because he turned around and addressed Jimin, “Oh right, I almost forgot. I know she’s your m-” Jimin let out a warning growl that made Jin recoil. You looked at Jimin confused but he attention was zeroed in on Jin like he was saying something telepathically. After a moment Jin nodded nervously and looked at you.
“OH! I mean you guys have something special. I wasn’t nor would I try to come between that. So, ummm yeah.” He stood there awkwardly for a moment. “I’ll see you around. Bye.” He waved and basically spirted back to restaurant
“What was that?” You asked with a small laugh. You tried to laugh it off but looking back at Jimin you could see he was now nervous. “Are you okay Jimin?”
 “Y-yeah. W-well maybe there’s something. But could we talk about it at home, please?” he begged.
 “Of course, puppy.” The nickname making him perk up a little.
 The ride home was awkward. The only sounds coming from the radio. Instead of singing the lyrics at the top of his lungs like he usually did, Jimin quietly fidgeted in his seat and his ears twitched nervously. His lip seemed to be stuck in a permanent pout. You would be lying if you said you weren’t worried. If time with Jimin taught you anything it’s that a worried Jimin was a quiet Jimin. Your poor pup would work himself up about things that he felt would upset you. Most times it was very small things like he would finish the milk but something told you whatever was on his mind couldn’t be fixed with just a trip to the grocery store. When you got home you removed your shoes shortly after Jimin led you to the couch. He sat there for a few moments trying to collect his thoughts until he finally spoke up.
 “So. You’re probably wondering what all that with Jin hyung was, right?” he said slowly.
 “I was pretty confused. An explanation would be nice.” You said with a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
 “The things…Umm. So, you know you’re important to me. I care about you more than anyone else in the world?” he said as his puppy eyes glowed.
“Yes?” You responded urging him to continue with your eyes.
 “Okay…” He took a deep breath and continued. “I want you to know that no matter what I about to say or what happened earlier you have no obligation to me. You can choose to walk away and I well respect your decision. I just want you to be happy. I don’t care if that’s without me because-” he was staring to ramble.
 “Jimin, honey just tell me. There is very little you could say that would make me walk away from you.” You placed your hand in his for reassurance. You could tell your words made him a little more confidant. His trust in you warmed your heart.
 “Earlier Jin hyung almost blurted it out but I wanted to be the one to tell you. I-I think…no…I know you’re my m-mate.” He confessed.
 You were at a loss for words. Of all the things you could have sworn he would say to you, being his mate was not one of them. A part of you was confused and scared. It wasn’t common for hybrids to have human mates but it did happen. The most confusing part was why you? With all the women in the world that Jimin could choose… he wanted you. Not as a friend or even a girlfriend, but a soulmate and life partner. He wanted you for the rest of his life. Another part of you was over the moon because that was exactly what you wanted as well. No matter what happened in your life you knew Jimin would always be a constant. Even if you ended up with someone else you would want Jimin by your side through it all. He had built a place in your heart that no one else could ever occupy. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t notice your best friend going into full on panic mode.
 “Look, I understand if this is too much especially after what happened earlier but I swear this is not about that. I-I love you. I love what an amazing person you are inside and out. How smart you are and how much you care about me. If you don’t feel the same way I get it. I can leave and you’ll never have to think about this ever again. If there is any chance maybe one day you can come to feel something for me t-then m-maybe w-we-” he really was too cute for his own good.
 “One day?” You interrupted with a laugh. “You really think I have to wait for “one day” when I’m already head over heels for you.”
 You could see the joy in his eyes as he captured you lips in earth shattering kiss. The feeling of peace and happiness that flooded every pore in your being told you that you finally had your Jimin. The sweet boy that you had only dreamt of loving you was all yours and you weren’t going to waist another moment without him.
 You broke the kiss to look him in the eyes. “Jiminie I love you.” No other words needed to be exchanged.
 He placed you on his lap as the kiss became more heated. It wasn’t long until you felt his hard on poking your thigh. You placed more weight on his lap an began grind on him causing him to throw his head back in pleasure. This gave you the perfect opportunity to leave marks on his beautiful untouched skin. The little whines that left his throat encourage you. You swear you could have cum with the whimper that slipped out the when you found his sweet spot just below his ear. Things were heating up fast as you began to strip out of your shirt. Once it was off Jimin’s breath hitched.
 “Why are you fucking beautiful?” He mused. You gave him a sweet smile as you ducked down to kiss him again but he stopped you.
 “Wait! I just want to make sure you won’t regret this. I can wait.” He said sweetly.
“Yes, I want this baby. I have never been more sure about anything in my life, other than asking you to stay with me the night I found you.” You said softly. You gently cupped his cheeks and kissed him again.
 It wasn’t long until things were once again heated. His warm hands explored your exposed torso as he kisses down the column of your throat. He reached your collar bones and pulled down your bra exposing your hardened nipples. One of his hands supported your body as the other pinched your nipple. He placed his mouth over the other and gently sucked and bit it until you were a squirming mess. You were so immersed in the pleasure that you almost missed how placed both his hand on your ass and began to carry you to your room. As he entered the room he placed your feet safely on the ground never breaking your kiss. He kicked the door closed with his foot as he finally pulled away from you.
 “Okay, now I need you to be a good girl and strip for me.” He said a little out of breath. “Everything goes except that pretty skirt that has been teasing me all night.” He said with a devilish grin. Without question you did as you were told.
 Once on the bed you lower your front half so your ass was high in the air earning you a growl from Jimin. The sound made you already needy pussy clench in anticipation.
 “You don’t know what you do to me?” He groaned as he joined you on the bed. As his body got closer you could feel he had removed his clothing.
 “You have always been so perfect and for that you deserve a reward sweet baby.” He purrs in your ear. He kisses your neck for a moment and nips at your ear, the action making a shiver run through your body. Your reaction causing Jimin to let out a cocky laugh.
 Without any warning he pulls away completely. Any complain you were about to utter dies in your throat as you feel his warm tongue dance across your inner thighs. He leaving marks as he travels up your body to where you need him most. The first lick has you moving away from the stimulation. In order to keep you still Jimin grips your hips with one hand while his other hand is parting your lips to give him access the nectar he has been craving since the day he met you.
 “You are sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted,” He moaned. You gripped the sheets as he delved into you like you were his last meal. It was like he had spent years studying your body. He knew exactly where to flick his tongue and how hard to suck on your clit. He knew exactly when two insert two finger and find your most sensitive parts. It didn’t take long to reach your peak seeing as it seemed like Jimin made it his mission to have to falling apart for him hard and fast.
 “Ji-Jimin I-” You moaned trying to warn him.
 “Shh baby just let go. Cum for me.” With one last flick of his tongue you fell apart. He helped you right out your high as he cleaned up the mess he made. Once satisfied with his work he left n last kiss on your thighs and back away with a triumphant smile.
 “You did so good baby. How many do you think daddy can get out of you?” He mocked. Despite just having cum hearing Jimin call himself daddy had another spark of arousal jolting your body.
 “I need more Jiminnie, please.” You begged with a little wiggle of your ass to catch his attention and make him break.
 “Anything for my baby.” He said as he aligned himself with your entrance. He moved cautiously at first to make sure there was no discomfort. It wasn’t long until he was buried inside you. There was a bit of pain adjusting his size but after a moment you asked him to start moving.
 His thrusts were slow and calculated. Every time he entered you he would roll his hips so he could hit the sweet spots inside of you. Every thrust sent spark flying through out your body. It wouldn’t be long until you came again. You knew you were a goner when he began to pick up the pace. The faster he moved the louder your moans became. The only sounds filling the room were your combined groans and moans and the slapping of skin. Your end was nearing soon and you began to clench around Jimin causing his hips to stutter.
 “Is my baby ganna cum again?” He grunted.
 “Yes, daddy p-please l-let me!” The pleasure was going to your head at this point.”
 “Good girl. Cum.” It was as if he could control your body because as the words left his mouth your body exploded in euphoria. You released a silent scream as one of the strongest orgasms gripped your body.
 Jimin slowed down to help you ride out your orgasm but didn’t stop fucking you. As you calmed down he flipped you over on your back. You felt his warm hands on your sweating face as he spoke to you. You tried to focus on him but you were a bit dazed from the pleasure.
 “Are you okay baby?” He asked with concern laced in his voice.
 “Yes, I’m better than okay.” You laughed out.
“Good girl. Are you okay to keep going?” he asked gently.
“Yes, sir.” You said confidently.
“My dirty girl.” He giggled as he lined himself again.
You winced at the sensitivity but it wasn’t long before the pain turned to pleasure. You could see the determination in Jimin’s eyes to make you cum again. His thrusts were faster this time but still precise. He was also close to cumming. No matter how much he wanted that release he focused on you. The faster his thrusts became the more desperate he became. His hand slipped in between your bodies spending a spark through your body. He skillfully drew figure eights on your sensitive clit. He hid his face in your neck as he felt you start to clench around with a vice grip. He distracted himself by sucking on the sensitive part of your neck. That was what did it for you. The combination of his fingers playing with your sensitive bud, the pain of the marks on your neck, and Jimin’s moans threw you into your third orgasm of the night. This was stronger than the rest. White light danced behind your eyelids as you arched your body. A deep seductive moan escaped your throat as you hit the peak. It was enough to have Jimin fall apart with you. His body stilled as ropes of cum painted your insides. The warmth only adding to the experience. It felt like every nerve on your body was on fired as warmth spread through your body. As your bodies calmed down Jimin laid his body on yours. You welcomed the comforting warmth.
 You don’t know how long you stayed like that but eventually Jimin pulled out his now soft cock causing both of you to flinch from the sensitivity. He got up and grabbed a cloth to clean up the mess. He then helped you to the bathroom where you did you your business and he then helped you back into bed after dressing you in one of his shirts. After he was cleaned up and did his business and joined you in bed. Your cuddly puppy was back.
 “I love you.” He whispers as he holds your body closer.
 “I love you too.” You say back.
 “Does this mean you’ll only give me attention and cuddles. Not Jin hyung right?” he asks in his cute baby voice.
 “You can have all the cuddles but you need to share the attention.” He pouts at your statement.
“Why?” He asks like a baby.
 “Well… you will always be my only Jimin but you’re not my only friend. I still have six other babies that need me.” You say as you boop his nose.
 “Fine.” He huffs. “But I’m your bestest special baby, right?” He asks sweetly.
 “Yes puppy.” You kiss his sweet lips as you snuggle closer to his body.
 He was always going to be your puppy.
HI everyone,
FInally back and it feels good. I apologize if this isn’t the best work. I just needed something to get back into th flow of writting.
Thank you for all the support. :)
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
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Prompts: Crossover, Distant, Safe and Sound | A03 link here | Connect with me on Twitter. Happy SS Month everyone! 🌸🍅🥗 @ssskmonth
Some confused drabble on Gundam Seed crossover with SS, referencing the scene where Lacus Clyne saved Kira Yamato from his fight with Athrun Zala. Technical notes at the end of the post!
The clanging of metals, the smell of burning wires, the endless beeping of the monitor, and the sickening slash of Justice’s sword through his cockpit. He remembered being exposed to the open air, hearing the waves of a nearby ocean, and seeing Naruto’s face in a Zaft uniform – his face constricted in extreme anger and hatred. He thought this was what he deserved for killing Hyuuga Neji, but he was caught in a crossfire and war was a matter of survival.
Then there was the explosion.
No matter which way one saw it, he should have been dead. Naruto’s Justice detonated after the blonde ejected out of safety. His stomach was bleeding out from a debris when they clashed into one of the PLANT’s areas. He should have been dead, but instead, he woke up to the gentle singing of a familiar voice.
Sakura Haruno, the famed icon and face of PLANT and the only child of the leader of Haruno Faction which was the primary peacekeeping force and bridge between the Zaft Forces and Earth Alliance. Long pink, wavy hair framed the sides of his face and tickled the bandages on his skin while striking green eyes try to follow the movement of his pupils. Some months ago, he rescued her while she drifted in space inside an escape pod, her escort having been mistakenly struck by Earth Alliance as an offensive party. Some months ago, he amicably returned her safely to her fiancé, Naruto, in a covert operation. Some months ago, he met her and got to know her kindness. And now, he was bound to receive it again.
“Sasuke? Can you hear me?” Her hands gently brushed the fringes away from his face. How long has he been out? Somewhere, he heard the waves go up against the same shore. “You can sleep, if you want. Sleep for as long as you want. I’ll be here.”
What was this place? It seemed devoid of war – pristine shores, blue sea, the quiet rustling of palm leaves, the warm sunshine. So far off from the neutral colony he grew up in – of the sudden attack and open fire from the skies, so far off from the open space where galaxy belts have been littered with gundam debris and frozen bodies.
She found him on the edge of the ocean, the waves lapping his wrinkled bare toes. He has been here for hours. She made her way to his side, followed by a small pink circular shape hopping across the sand.
“Haro! Haro! Haro!” The robot cried out after its owner; Sakura spun around and caught Naruto’s creation between her hands, nuzzling it as if it was her pet.
Sasuke hesitated for a while – she was a Coordinator after all, conceived with the most superior genes, and he was too, he was but he hated their kind all the same. The same kind who saw themselves far above the Naturals to the extent that they would wage war and kill.
“How tiring, isn’t it?” Sakura suddenly asked out of the blue, her green eyes arresting him in all their sincerity. “The senseless fighting when there is good in everyone.”
“That’s not true,” he rebutted…which was stupid because he hadn’t thanked her yet for saving him.
“Naruto is a good person even when you were kids, isn’t that right?” The circular robot was wriggling in her hands and she let it go, only for it to almost fall to the water and to its electrifying death if not for Sasuke’s quick hands.
“You also have some good in you,” she said with a smile. She took the fussy robot from his hands and went back to their family mansion.
Sasuke found himself drifting in and out of his own consciousness; he would always fall into a daydream, the collage of the civilian ship ejecting from their mother ship and getting struck by a missile keep replaying in front of him. Screams would often escape him, even during daylight, but the touch of her hands steadied him, and her green eyes would reel him back to safe ground.
He would allow himself to lean further into her skin, liking the warmth a little too much, but torn all the same. She was his childhood friend’s fiancé, and he stole too many precious people away from him already.
It was effective, the way she led him in walks along the shore, her hand in his, and haro following closely behind, filling in the gaps of silences with his automated voice. When the robot finally stopped chirping to recharge, she would let go of his hand and hum a random song. He might have heard it before, in a far away moment and now unfamiliar moment of peace, when he was still a student and led a normal life.
“I killed Neji,” he blurted out, unaware of the consequences, but possibly to rile her up, to make her angry at him, to make it easier to go away.
Sakura brought her loose strands to the side of her shoulder, braiding the length of it while averting her gaze from him. “When I was fifteen, the Zaft Forces struck the civilian plane my mom was in. She accompanied my father to a diplomatic meeting with the Orb Union while I was here in PLANT. But I caught a fever and I asked for her despite being surrounded by nurses. I really missed her that time, you see. So she went on board the earliest civilian plane in Panama. Unfortunately, it was also the day the Earth Forces skirmished with Zaft and a stray missile hit their engine. That put a metaphorical dent as well in the diplomatic discussions.” She returned her attention to him, her pink hair unfinished and already coming undone. “We all suffered deaths, one way or the other, and each loss only breeds hatred if the cycle isn’t broken.”
“And how do you propose to do that?”
“Kindness,” Sakura extended her hand to him, and he subconsciously reached out to accept it.
Sasuke avoided the throng of kids that suddenly surrounded Sakura. He found himself standing beside Sai, the reverend who pulled him from the wreckage some weeks ago.
“They’re Naturals, if you’re wondering,” Sai said. “Rescued and fostered here under a neutrality agreement.”
“Savior’s complex?” Sasuke asked, still defensive about the matter.
“Just common moral decency.” The reverend had this mysterious smile etched forever on his face, and while Sasuke learned to read people, he could never read him accurately.
When the orphanage visit calmed down, and they were left alone with biscuits and tea on the gazebo overlooking the ocean, Sakura received the video message transmitted through Haro. She instinctively angled her body so whoever was on the other side won’t see him.
“Ms. Haruno,” a voice started. “We caught wind of some news.”
Sakura nodded, a cue to continue.
“It’s Operation Spitbreak. The real target is the Alaska HQ.”
Sasuke hitched a breath – if he recalled correctly, his mother ship Archangel intended to refuel there and stock on supplies. All the big guns were in Panama, strategizing for the penultimate and inevitable battle. So why Alaska?
Ah, they were the remaining big ship with the firepower that could match them.
Sakura noticed the change in his countenance, and she immediately ended the call after a quick word of thanks. Arms engulfed him in a gentle hug. “I guess it’s time.”
His arms wrapped around her waist tentatively. “I want to stay a little bit longer in this place where everything is safe and sound.”
“Not for long.” She tightened her hold on him. “Not for long, Sasuke.”
He did the same, trying to savor her fleeting presence in his embrace.
That night, she and Sai led him to a facility under the Haruno family mansion. The steel doors opened after the usual biometrics – iris scan, hand print, and voice recognition. The sight astounded him when the lights started to come on. The gundam was bigger than his previous, Strike, and visually had more missiles and armaments.
Sai handed him a paper bag containing his new mobile suit. “It’s X10A Freedom Gundam, one of the two newest developments of Zaft. You’ll find that it’s much more lighter compared to previous models with faster mobility stats, and more devastating firepower. But you’ll be all right, you have the seed of the coordinator after all. What a dream it would be to see it used for coexistence.” He didn’t wait for Sasuke’s reply and quietly moved away to give the two privacy.
“Isn’t this too much?” Sasuke asked her. She hasn’t even asked him whether his views of the world have changed.
“I believe you’ll do the right thing.” Sakura leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Come back to me safely?”
Sasuke held her gaze, sincere in the uttering of his next words. “I will.”
GUNDAM – General Purpose Utility Non-Discontinuity Augmentation Maneuvering Weapon System
Coordinators – genetically enhanced human beings; improved traits e.g. faster learning, stronger bodies, more honed talents
Naturals – naturally born human being which did not undergo genetic modifications
Earth Forces/Earth Alliance – predominantly Natural
ZAFT – Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty; PLANT’s national army, members comprised fully of coordinators
PLANT – space colonies
Orb Union – nation composed of neutral territories located east of New Guinea
Music used for this writing: Mizu no Akashi | Fields of Hope
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Words Not Said (But Still Heard)
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family/Hurt/Comfort Characters: Gordon, Scott
#fluffember prompt #14 - Song, which decided to be awkward because I’ve already done a few that could have fit this prompt earlier in the month and finding a new take was tricky.  Even after I found a new one, it decided to spiral itself out of my control, because it could.  I’m not good enough to write song lyrics, so the ones used here are borrowed from part of KEiiNO’s “Spirit in the Sky”.
Gordon didn’t remember much about his time in the hospital, but he remembered the song.
Scott had done a lot for them over the years, some more obvious than others but all appreciated just the same.  When they’d lost Mom, and then Dad, he’d stepped up into far more of a parental role than he should have ever had to take on, and while Gordon knew none of them ever mentioned it, they were all keenly aware of that fact.
But perhaps they should mention it from time to time.  They’d grown up secure in the knowledge that Scott was always there for them, but sometimes he wondered if Scott knew that they were also there for him. Knowing Scott and his reluctance to lean on anyone, it was unlikely.  Maybe he’d accepted that John wasn’t going to back down without a fight, and Virgil had inherited the same smother-genes, but Gordon knew for a fact that neither he nor Alan were expected to do any supporting of their eldest brother.
Too bad for Scott, but Gordon wasn’t going to sit back and let him suffer in silence when there was something he could do about it.
He didn’t have many memories of weeks immediately after the hydrofoil crash, not least because he’d been comatose for much of the time.  There were months, even, where his memory was patchy at best, a whirlwind of treatment and hospital and therapy with an underlying current of terrified family beneath it all.
What he did remember was the song.
It was one Mom used to sing, a lullaby that pacified whichever son it was aimed at – a song of hope and reassurance that no matter what, everything would turn out fine in the end.  Mom was several years gone, and Alan had grown up knowing it in Scott’s voice, big brother turned parent to a toddler who didn’t understand why Mommy wasn’t around anymore.
Gordon had been more of Virgil’s responsibility, back then.  Insomnia had been soothed by his immediately bigger brother’s melodic voice and instinct for music.  Scott had had his hands too full with Alan, then.
But it wasn’t Virgil’s voice he remembered as he’d drifted in and out of awareness, all those months in the hospital.  Rough and pained but hopeful, it was Scott that had held his hand and sung to him, reaching him in a way that nothing else truly could.
Gordon wasn’t sure if he’d ever thanked Scott for that.  He didn’t know if Scott knew he’d heard it, let alone remembered it when the whole traumatic experience was locked up securely in the depths of his memories, to be revisited hopefully never.
If there was ever a time to let him know, it was now.
A rescue gone wrong, broken bones and so many painkillers he was barely lucid when he was conscious. Virgil had been sent home by John, putting his Big Brother foot down in a way he rarely did, after too many consecutive nights and days by Scott’s bedside, waiting for signs of recovery. Alan was similarly squirrelled away, all three of them determined that he didn’t need to see Scott like this.
John and Virgil had tried that on Gordon, too.  They’d backed down when he reminded them of his own hospital stints and made it crystal clear that he wouldn’t leave Scott now the tables were turned.  No amount of Big Brothering from either of them was enough to overrule that.  Scott could have, but Scott was in no condition to make anyone leave (he’d tried, in his brief moments of lucidity, but it was painfully obvious that while he said they didn’t need to stay with him, he didn’t really want to be left alone).
So here Gordon was, sat in a plastic visitor’s chair pulled as close to the bed as he could get it, with Scott’s limp hand held in his.  He didn’t know if Scott was aware, or if he’d drifted off again, carried on a wave of painkillers and the haze of pain they couldn’t entirely banish.  It didn’t matter, anyway.
Gordon had never sung it himself; he’d heard it from Mom, Virgil, Scott all those times in the hospital, and even John on rare occasions, but never sung it himself.  That didn’t matter, either.  He’d heard it so many times he knew it by heart.
Can't you stay Stay with me into the night? Stay, I need you close You can go back when the sun rises again Just stay tonight Just stay
I see your spirit in the sky When northern lights are dancing I hear you calling me at night Whenever wind is blowing I can see your spirit in the sky When northern lights are dancing
I'll follow you until the daylight Show me the way 'Cause I am dancing with the fairies now They all sing our name I got my light here Shining here
The hand he held twitched, an aborted movement, and Gordon glanced down at it as he sang, caressing long calloused fingers and watching as they moved again, stronger than before.
“I see your spirit in the sky When northern lights are dancing”
Startled at the sudden accompaniment, he found Scott’s face again.  Blue eyes were open and looking at him, mouth pulled into a grin he could almost describe as smug, although the look in his brother’s eyes was more understanding than anything else.  His voice was raspy with sleep and pain, and nothing like the strong yet quiet voice that had sung to Gordon in the past, but as always, when Scott put his mind to something, nothing was going to stop him.
And Gordon couldn’t say he didn’t like singing with his brother.  It was a rare enough occurrence as it was, what with their hectic lives – and Virgil’s general monopoly on anything music (not that Gordon was complaining about Virgil’s singing, because he absolutely was not).
“I hear you calling me at night Whenever wind is blowing I can see your spirit in the sky When northern lights are dancing”
With the end of the song, Gordon lightly squeezed his brother’s hand, and managed a smile when Scott returned the gesture, if with less strength.
“I never knew if you heard me.”  Scott’s confession was just as quiet and raspy as his singing had been.  It was a vulnerability he didn’t often let himself show, and Gordon wondered if it was the song that had broken through his mask. He didn’t ask.
“It’s the only thing I remember,” he admitted instead, to widening blue eyes.  “Guess I never told you that, huh?”  He squeezed his hand again.
“No,” Scott murmured. “You didn’t.”  He sounded a little melancholy, even sad, despite returning the squeeze with another weak one of his own.  I guess I never thanked you, either, sat on the tip of Gordon’s tongue, but he swallowed them back.  He knew his brother enough to know he wouldn’t want to hear that – not now, and maybe not ever.  Scott never wanted to be thanked for caring about them, even when he went above and beyond anything that could reasonably be expected of him.
Instead, he let a grin cross his face.  “Well, Virgil’s not here, so it’s a one time offer of a performance by yours truly,” he proclaimed instead.  “If you’re lucky, I’ll even take requests!”
The eye roll was immediate. They both knew Scott wouldn’t request anything.  They both also knew Gordon would sing anything if he did.
“You just lie back and heal,” he continued, “and I’ll provide the entertainment.”  Scott had the cheek to groan, but he didn’t say no and that was enough for Gordon to delve into his mental bank of songs and start another one.
Scott wouldn’t accept a thank you in words, but there was more than one way to show it.
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veraynes-blog · 4 years
sam/gene and 5 or 23 for the cuddling prompts?? please and thank u (btw I'll never get tired of saying that I'm in love with your writing)
5. In the backseat of the car.
23. Reunion
I'm sorry this took a while to answer! To make up, I did both prompts! Well, near enough. After writing it, pretty sure this takes place somewhere in the Godawful Small Affair series, actually.. 🤔
Hope you like!
It's nearly 3 in the morning by the time the medics grudgingly say Sam's free to go (since, with trademark obstinacy, he refuses to get in the ambulance for what he insists are just a few bruises and a bit of dehydration), and Chris is done carefully taking down his initial statement of what happened inside the derelict factory building before the rest of the team had gotten there.
Gene stands away from him, busy surveying the efficient chaos of the crime scene. He watches Ray bully the last of the handcuffed perps into the back of a police van (with a sly smack that Gene automatically erases from memory); Cartwright crouching down and pointing at the cut length of rope they'd used to keep DI Tyler secured for the past 29 hours (not that he counted); the plods taking photos of the dropped guns that'll go in the evidence file later.
He wants desperately to light a cig, or better yet take one or five swigs from the hipflask in his pocket, but his brain hasn't quite dropped out of crisis-management mode yet. He's still on high alert, noticing everything that's happening around him, braced for whatever unlikely emergency or threat comes next. If he starts to relax, even a bit, he's afraid the grim fury and adrenaline that's gotten him this far will fade out of him, and instead - well. He doesn't want it happening in the middle of his crime scene, is all.
So he keeps his hands shoved deep in his coat pockets, keeps a scowl fixed firmly in place, glaring around the scene where his DI had almost been shot through his idiotic head an hour ago.
Gene doesn't react immediately as the idiot in question slouches towards him, instead swiftly cataloguing the sight he makes as he gets nearer. The docs have slapped an adhesive bandage across his forehead, over where the muzzle flash had singed him. He's got a split lip and the beginnings of a nasty shiner, and he winces as he slowly pulls his leather jacket back up over his shoulders.
"Gonna get a lift home, if you don't need me for anything else here."
Gene grunts. "I'll drive you." He says it without thinking, still not looking at him direct. It's not so much an offer as an order.
Sam pauses, eyeing him speculatively, then nods. "Thanks."
With effort, Gene forces himself to move at last from his glowering vigil, striding off towards the Cortina. He passes Ray as he goes, growls an order to take over running the scene, and then he's impatiently slamming his way into the car. Sam follows at a more sedate pace, faintly dubious expression on his face as he picks his way round to the passenger's side and gets in.
Gene doesn't look at him, and doesn't speak, as he gets the car in gear and pulls quickly away from the curb. It's almost oppressively quiet. Neither of them turns on the radio, and they're practically the only car out on the dark streets.
Which, actually, might be a blessing in disguise, because Gene hasn't slept in a little over 29 hours (funnily enough), has been running on single-minded focus, caffeine and nicotine throughout, and now that it's all on the downturn he realises belatedly it might be taking something of a toll. There's a tight, nervous feeling building in his chest, and every time he tries to switch gears his hand feels numb and clumsy on the stick. When he actually stalls the car at a set of lights, Sam has the audacity to shoot him a scandalised glance, and Gene knows he has to take a minute here.
There's a multi-storey carpark coming up, and he manages to keep himself under control long enough to steer the Cortina into the first floor of it. This time of night it's all but empty so he parks haphazardly over the lines, fumbling the engine off. His hands are shaking slightly.
Sam's looking at him like he's lost his mind now, eyebrows up in disbelief. "What's up with you?"
Gene turns on him wordlessly, aware that he's slightly wild around the eyes but truly unable to believe the right div he has for a DI sometimes. For a man who likes to spend all his energy proving how right and smart and superior he is most days, Sam isn't half thick when he wants to be.
"You got yourself kidnapped," he practically spits, suddenly furious that he even has to say it, acknowledge it, explain.
Sam just frowns offence. "I didn't exactly go asking for it -"
"But you did, though, didn't you?! Couldn't just do what I said for once, had to go skulking off on your own -"
"If you'd come with me when I asked, I wouldn't have had to -!"
"No," Gene snaps, bouncing his palm off the steering wheel. "You don't sodding well get to give the orders, Sam, you get to listen to them! And I said wait!"
His DI blinks, taken aback. He goes quiet for a few seconds, forehead all puckered up in bemusement - and then clearly can’t help himself. "But I was right! And, by the way, I'm the one who just spent the last God-knows-how-long tied to a bloody chair! But yeah, course, have a go because I showed you up -"
"You honestly think that's what I'm bothered about, you smarmy little git?!" He's hissing, frozen, near trembling in his outrage. He means to launch into a tirade about the unbelievable recklessness of going off alone half-cocked, the shit example that's been set, the sheer hell Gene's put his team through this past day and night demanding results from them. Instead, what barks out is, "I just nearly watched you get shot in the face. Believe me when I say, I do not give a fuck if you were right!"
The other man at least has the grace to look embarrassed, wincing a bit. "I didn't mean... It would have been..." He stops, floundering, and at last Gene sees the slow realisation pass through him, sees him stop short and reassess what exactly they're arguing about. His shoulders drop, defensiveness easing off him as he finally seems to notice the strength of feeling currently radiating through the car. "Oh. Hey. But it's... It's fine, though. I'm fine."
He starts to reach out a soothing hand to touch him, and without thinking Gene smacks it down hard. They glare at each other for a few seconds. Sam goes to move again, determined, but Gene jerks away a second time. Still, neither of them say anything. His jaw is clenched so hard it hurts, nostrils flaring as he tries to breathe through the anger that's building in him.
He's not even sure what he's more furious about: that Sam defied him, or that he apparently thought nothing of the heart-stopping near-disaster Gene walked in on tonight, and which will no doubt be fixed behind his eyes for the foreseeable. It clearly hasn't occurred to the prat that Gene might have some thoughts on that. And alright, they've only been doing this 'behind closed doors' thing for a couple of weeks, it's not something they really talk about, but it's just... Well, he hadn't thought...
He'd assumed it went without saying, that he wouldn't be taking the risk of it all if it didn't bloody mean something.
His fingers grip restlessly at the wheel, trying to steady himself. He doesn't know quite how to do this, because Sam's not exactly the damsel in distress he's used to. He's not some petite, feminine thing he can hold against himself and keep safe. Those aren't the roles they have, not even close.
Except he doesn't know how else to do it, because right now that's the only instinct screaming in his brain.
So Gene shoots his hand out, thumps his palm against the other man's chest. Sam flinches in surprise at the sudden movement, staring at him perplexed - and then Gene curls his fingers in his jacket, hauls him insistently across the space in the car. It's clumsy. Sam comes haltingly and half-resisting, not understanding straight away what's happening, not knowing where to put his hands to catch himself. In the end he sort of topples into Gene, hissing pain and holding rigid against him, unmoving.
Gene doesn't care. It feels like the first deep breath he's taken in 29 hours as he pushes his cheek against Sam's bandaged forehead and gets the smells of leather and antiseptic and gunsmoke.
"Stupid bastard," he mutters through clenched teeth, barely audible.
Gradually, as the evident bafflement passes, Sam relaxes in increments. He's got his chin propped awkwardly up on Gene's shoulder, and carefully shifts about enough that he can more comfortably turn his face into the side of his neck, sighing a bit. One hand hovers uselessly in the air for a moment, then finally sneaks inside Gene's coat to settle against his side, and they go still like that.
It's not the kind of thing they do, this, even with all the other boundaries they've crossed recently. Not usually the touchy-feely types, either one of them. But Gene's blood is rushing like he's just thrown a punch, and he can't get himself to release the death-grip he's got fisted in Sam's shirtfront, or the arm clamped around his back. He keeps remembering the flash of the gunshot, the other man throwing himself at the floor like he'd been hit, all because Gene hadn't found him fast enough -
"M'fine," Sam says again, firm. His hand strokes aimlessly at Gene's ribs and chest, then drifts up to the back of his neck, holding him in place as he leans his forehead to Gene's temple. They rest like that for a minute or so, tension finally starting to ease off, until at last Gene feels the flighty rush of relief and endorphins start to kick in.
Sam pulls back enough to kiss him then, quick and insistent, both of them inhaling sharply at the welcome contact. It's brief. Even at this time of night they're in a public place, visible to anyone looking. Can't risk anything more lingering. But Sam leaves a hand on his knee as he finally eases himself back to his own side of the car.
"Stay at mine when you drop me off."
Gene clears his throat, already starting to feel awkward at the unprecedented display he's just indulged in. He busies himself turning the engine back on, getting the car in gear.
"Might have to," he finally concedes, fixing a scowl in place as he pulls them into reverse, arm over the back of the passenger seat to look behind them. "Some of us have gone without a decent kip the whole time you sat on your arse waiting for rescue -"
"Sod off!" But he's grinning, shaking his head with happy exasperation as Gene drives them home.
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wheresmynaya · 4 years
Two Ghosts Ch. 27 | Brittana
I must’ve been in a Soft!Riz mood when writing this so enjoy that. 
 Also available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & below the cut! 
Everyone – mainly Quinn – said she wouldn’t last a day, but here she is a whole week later still going strong! Well technically, she’s starting to slowly lose her mind but with all things considered, she thinks lasting this long without spontaneously booking a flight to San Francisco is actually pretty good! She has done well by keeping her mind busy and revisiting some old hobbies.
Surprisingly, one of those hobbies involves the old piano she inherited from her Abuelo that’s been left untouched for months now. She kept it and the record player he left to her here at Maribel’s until she was ready to settle down somewhere permanent and move them properly but she hasn’t felt like settling down anywhere yet. It felt weird to do it alone, but things are changing now that she has found Brittany again.
It’s a surprise she even remembers how to play the thing, but there’s something about it that makes her feel a little closer to her Abuelo. Maybe it’s the holiday season and Brittany’s absence and the loneliness settling in, but Santana finds herself reminiscing a lot lately.
As a little girl, she use to sit on this very bench next to her Abuelo and watch him play. Always so captivated by him and the way his fingers danced along the keys so effortlessly, Santana would watch with a child-like curiosity and try to mimic his movements. He would smile proudly and encourage her to sing along, even when she didn’t know how to control her voice just yet.
They were quite the pair and sometimes Santana thinks that maybe she got her musical genes from him too. He cultivated her passion for music without even trying. When he introduced her to the glorious sounds of Fleetwood Mac, it was like an awakening. She loved her Abuelo dearly; he would always be first in line to congratulate her after a performance, a giant bouquet of flowers in hand and a proud smile on his face.  
Santana finds herself wishing her Abuela could look at her like that again before she shoves the thought away. She doesn’t want to think about her, about someone so quick to judge. Her Abuelo only met Brittany in passing once the night Santana performed Valerie, but Santana’s convinced he would’ve loved her if there was more time to get to know her.
He would’ve loved that Santana was loved by Brittany too.
It’s that thought that causes a tear to roll down her cheek. With everything that happened with her Abuela and her dad, Santana just wishes her Abuelo was still around. She just needs one other person from her family to be happy for her and what she has found in Brittany, because that’s what family is supposed to do. They’re supposed to love you and celebrate with you and when she marries Brittany one day, she doesn’t want Maribel to sit alone at the Lopez table.
If her Abuelo was still around, he would make sure Maribel wasn’t alone. Santana is certain of that.
She misses him and a part of her will always regret not visiting more before his health started to turn. She regrets not talking to him about her feelings for Brittany before –
Santana wipes away another tear and continues to play. She can almost hear his voice telling her how beautiful she sounds and that she should play for him more often.
She thinks now is the perfect time to do just that.
It’s a couple hours later and Santana has maxed out on watching reality tv. She has now ventured into the Hallmark movie territory which is nothing but straight people doing holiday things and all the sappy, cheesy love stories that have been set to Christmas music play on all of Santana’s feelings.
Like if she wasn’t a little emotional before, she is now. But like, don’t tell anyone.
She just really misses Brittany, okay? They’ve done a pretty good job of keeping in touch through phone calls and texts and the occasional video chat, but Santana has been trying to limit how often they talk. She doesn’t want to intrude on the time Brittany is meant to be spending with her family, but it gets hard sometimes. Especially when she keeps subjecting herself to watching hetero couples fall in love over and over again.
Honestly, it’s so cringe-worthy but she can’t take her eyes off of the screen. Though, she’s certain of one thing: her and Brittany’s love story is so much better than the crap Hallmark churns out!
Santana’s already camped out on the couch with a cozy blanket and she’s having an entire carton of coffee ice cream for lunch while she watches re-runs of Chopped: The Holiday Edition. She’s really into it to be honest – it’s way better than A Christmas Prince – and even starts shouting at the tv when a chef forgets to include a basket ingredient.
“See? Didn’t I say?” Santana shakes her head after another spoonful of ice cream. She listens as Alex Guarnaschelli points out a contestant’s technical error then starts to nod along with her, “Exactly, Alex, I completely agree with you. Marcus is such a dumbass for that.”
Another ten minutes go by and it’s time for tasting. Santana eagerly awaits the judge’s criticism, it’s her favorite part of the whole show. Sometimes she thinks she could do this one day for a living – she wasn’t gifted with impeccable wit for nothing – but she’s sure she’d probably get fired pretty quickly for making a contestant cry.
Aarón Sánchez starts to complain about lack of spice and Santana shakes her head disappointedly, “You should’ve used the gingerbread in the stuffing like I told you. Maybe it would’ve helped out your bland ass dish! Pathetic. Where did you even go to culinary school?”
“Like you even cook,” Quinn smirks which causes Santana to nearly jump out of her blanket burrito.
“What the fuck, Q? How’d you get in here?” Santana gasps at the sight of Quinn dressed in her soft grey peacoat standing near the front door.
“The door was wide open?” Quinn quirked her brow as she untied her scarf, “I literally said ‘Hey Santana!’ did you really not hear me?”
Santana tried to backtrack but ended up shaking her head, “Does it look like I heard you? Jesus…can’t just roll up on a girl during a Chopped marathon. Have you no respect?”
“A what marathon?” Quinn glances at the tv then to Santana’s set up on the couch and frowns, “Uh…when’s the last time you’ve left the house?”
Santana ponders, “How long has it been since Britt’s left?”
“Oh my God...” Quinn laughs, “Seriously?”
Santana rolls her eyes, “No. I went out to get this ice cream.”
Quinn shakes her head as she rounds the couch to swipe the remote off the coffee table and turns off the tv.
“Excuse me, I was watching that!” Santana huffs, “I needz to know if Cecile makes it to the next round, she’s the underdog!”
“Get up, we’re going out.” Quinn says with no room for argument, but Santana tries anyway.
“I don’t feel like going out, hence the pjs and ice cream.”
“Right,” Quinn smirks, “And this is why Brittany wanted me to check up on you.”
Santana rounds on her, “She did not.”
“She totally did,” Quinn assures her, “So go get dressed, we’re going out. I know just what you need.”
Santana snorted, “I highly doubt that.”
Quinn rolled her eyes and ripped the blankets from Santana, “Move it, Lopez. I don’t have all day.”
Santana let out a heavy sigh and thrust her carton of ice cream into Quinn’s hands before stomping up the stairs to her room. Through the echo of the staircase, Santana yelled out, “You suck!”
“Drama Queen!” Quinn smirked then she stole a spoonful of ice cream.
“I’m…oddly impressed,” Santana comments as she and Quinn sit on a bench in front of Old Navy with their lattes in hand. They had been people-watching for awhile now, alternating with what shops they wanted to observe.
It was Christmas Eve in Lima and people were stressed the fuck out.
It was great.
“Yeah, I thought you’d like this,” Quinn says before taking a sip, “You love watching people suffer.”
“In theory,” Santana grins. They had seen about three instances now where a fight nearly broke out over something ridiculous like a scarf or the last cable knit sweater that was on sale. Santana was loving every minute of it but she didn’t want the compliment to boost Quinn’s ego.
“Uh-oh, check that one out,” Quinn nods over to another argument breaking out.
“This is awesome,” Santana smirks, “I wouldn’t fight over anything Old Navy has to offer, but if it were like Gucci or Prada then I could understand. I’d cut a bitch for some Burberry.”
“Of course you would,” Quinn chuckles and they knock their coffee cups together in one swift motion. They sit there captivated by all the action for a moment longer before Quinn turns to Santana, “So how are you holding up while Britt’s away?”
Santana’s smile falters slightly before she shrugs, “It’s hard and it brings back some shitty memories of when we did long distance once, but I’m okay. We’re okay. We talk often so it’s fine.”
“That’s good. She’ll be back soon enough.”
“Yeah, it’s only temporary,” Santana agrees, “I don’t want to make it about me. I know she has missed being near her family so I’m just keeping busy.”
Quinn just nods and they go back to watching the drama unfold before them.
It totally beats sitting on the couch and watching it through a tv screen, that’s for sure! And although Brittany can’t be here for this, Quinn isn’t so bad to be around. In fact, it’s kind of nice to hang out with her. Maribel’s been so busy with work lately, Santana’s had to spend a lot of time alone and we’ve seen what happens when she’s left alone with her thoughts for too long.
“Oh look who it is!” Quinn jabs her pointy elbow into Santana’s bicep.
“Ow! Watch where you shove that thing,” Santana grumbles and looks to the direction of where Quinn’s pointing. Her eyes widen at a familiar face and watch as the blonde makes his way over to the pretzel stand. Santana almost forgot how much of a small town Lima was and how it’s almost impossible to go out anywhere without running into someone you know.
“Is this weird? Do you want to leave?” Quinn asks when Santana doesn’t say anything more.
She shakes her head, “No, it’s okay. He’s Britt’s best friend.”
Just as she said that, another familiar face joins his side and her jaw drops.
“Is that,” Quinn gasps and she’s on her feet before she’s finished her sentence.
Santana scrambles after, also happily surprised by the other Glee Club alumni.
“Mercedes!” Quinn squeals and it makes her and Sam jump at the sound, but soon their faces fill with delight as they see who it is.
“Quinn! Hey girl!” Mercedes beams and pulls her into a tight hug, “Is that Satan with you too?”
Santana smirks, “Hey ‘Cedes.” And then she’s pulled into a bone-crushing hug along with Quinn. It’s nice, she secretly kind of likes hugs like these.
“Hey guys,” Sam chuckles as he holds a pretzel in each hand, “I’d get in on that group hug too but…pretzels.”
For some reason that makes Santana laugh and she’s reminded of a time before everything happened where she actually didn’t mind Sam too much. Afterall, they sort of dated once but it was purely to hide the fact that she was brokenhearted. He was a dork and a nerd but he was alright in her book for the most part. She also remembers the time he and Quinn dated and it makes her smirk, to think she was the reason they broke up in the first place. Yikes!
They’re all just funny memories now though.
“Hey Sam,” Santana greets as Mercedes finally pulls away.
“Sorry! Hi Sam,” Quinn waves too before looking to them both, “What are you guys doing here? Last minute shopping?”
“Yeah,” Mercedes’ rolls her eyes, “Someone didn’t get his own mother a gift yet so we’ve had to brave the crowds which is exactly how I want to spend my Christmas Eve.”
“Hey,” Sam frowned, “How am I supposed to figure out what to get a woman that deserves everything? It’s hard.”
“Trouty has a point,” Santana nods and thinks about her own gift for her mother. It’s not nearly enough for what she actually deserves but she hopes she’ll like it anyway.
“I’m just messing with you,” Mercedes teases and presses a kiss to his cheek which makes Santana and Quinn’s brows rise.
They didn’t know they were a thing still, it kind of makes Santana swell with pride. She always liked those two together and genuinely hoped that they’d work it out at some point. Mercedes was her Troubletones home girl and Santana remembered how she use to light up around him.
She’d never admit it aloud, but it was kind of cute or whatever.
“Is Brittany with you somewhere too?” Mercedes asks Santana while Quinn talks to Sam about some jewelry store sale that he might find luck in.
“No, she’s visiting her family in San Francisco for the holidays this year,” Santana tells her with a shrug.
Mercedes looks surprised, “And you didn’t go with? I’m shocked.”
Santana chuckles at that and wonders if Mercedes thinks she and Brittany have been together all this time. She can’t remember the last time she even spoke to Mercedes, maybe the last time she was back in Lima for Thanksgiving? She isn’t sure, maybe Sam told her something. Either way, she likes the fact that Mercedes still thinks they’re joined at the hip.
“Couldn’t leave my mom alone for Christmas,” Santana replies and quickly changes the subject, “How about you? Have you been living here this whole time or are you just visiting?”
Mercedes sends her a look of disbelief, “Girl no, I’m only here visiting my family and my man. L.A. is my home now. I’ve been trying to get Sam to move out there with me for awhile but it really is a different pace out there.”
“That’s awesome,” Santana says and she’s genuinely happy for her, “You know, Nationals are in L.A. this year. Might see you around!”
“Nationals? You take over the Glee Club?” Mercedes asks.
“No way, Mr. Schue is still all over that,” Santana laughs, “Britt, Quinn and I coach the Cheerios now. It’s a long story.”
“Ah, that’s right,” Mercedes nods, “Sam did mention something about it. I couldn’t make it to Sue’s funeral. How are you liking it? The coaching thing? Make anyone cry yet?”
“Maybe,” Santana smirks devilishly, “You know me.”
“Unfortunately I do,” Mercedes chuckles, “Well, when you guys make it to L.A. let me know! I’ll show you around or something.”
“Deal!” Santana grins before Quinn’s interjecting about scheduling a day to catch up before Mercedes heads home. Of all the people that Santana could possibly run into at the Lima Mall, she’s happy that it was Mercedes and Sam. Well, mostly Mercedes.
“So Trouty, hitting up a jewelry store for your mom?” Santana asks once Quinn and Mercedes get to talking about some church service they want to attend together. Sam looks a little surprised that Santana’s making small talk with him, but he just wipes away the pretzel salt with the back of his hand.
“Yeah, Quinn was telling me about it. I hadn’t even thought about jewelry,” Sam answers, “How about you? Got all your shopping done already?”
Santana nods, “My list of people I needed to shop for was pretty short. Just needed to get things for my mom, Q and Britt.”
“Awh, you got me a present?” Quinn teases and reaches around Mercedes to poke at Santana’s shoulder.
“Yeah so you better have gotten me one too,” Santana quips making Sam and Mercedes chuckle.
“Well, we better get going. Don’t want be here when all hell breaks loose,” Mercedes says and hooks her arm with Sam’s.
They all exchange hugs again and bid each other a Merry Christmas. Santana even hugs Sam in the end which she’s sure would make Brittany so proud if she was around to see it. She’s just chalking it up to the Christmas Spirit though.
“I can’t believe they’re still together!” Quinn gasps once they’re far enough from the couple, “I wonder if Britt has known this whole time and just didn’t tell us?”
“Look, probably…she’s sneaky like that,” Santana replies, a small smile creeping up at the mention of her name, “She’d probably say well you guys didn’t ask so…”
“Ugh, she so would!” Quinn groans playfully.
They spend another hour or so people-watching before Quinn drops Santana home again and tells her she’ll be checking up on her in a few days.
“Yeah okay, whatever,” Santana brushes her off but then they both go in for a hug, “Merry Christmas, Q.”
“Merry Christmas, Santana,” Quinn says with a pat on her back before Santana heads inside.
She’s surprised to see Maribel home relatively early and calls out to her, “Hey Mami!”
“Hi mija!” Maribel greets and her voice is coming from the kitchen. Santana follows after it and finds a collection of various Chinese takeout boxes.
Santana is in awe, “Woah, did you order everything on the menu?”
“We have to keep our tradition alive, right?” Maribel laughs.
“Oh yeah!” Santana beams and they both dive in and pile their plates high before wandering into the living room to watch Love, Actually. It’s something that they usually do when Maribel visits Santana in New York, but she’s glad that the tradition has carried over to Lima too. It’s something that’s just for them and Santana sits contently through the movie with her mom at her side.
Maribel had said goodnight awhile ago, but Santana decided to finish the movie in the living room while she awaited Brittany’s nightly phone call. She doesn’t realize she has fallen asleep on the couch until she feels something vibrating at her side. When she blinks her tired eyes open, she finds the fleece throw draped over her and the tv turned low. The Christmas tree lights cast a warm glow around the room and she feels so comfy cozy that Santana almost forgets why she woke up in the first place.
She reaches for her phone tucked under her hip and quickly swipes the screen before the call goes to voicemail.
“Hey Britt,” Santana chuckles with her voice a little raspy from just waking up.
“Hi Santana,” Brittany’s cheery voice greets down the line. There’s a soft gasp, “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
Santana stretches and cranes her neck back to rest against the decorative pillow, “No, I was just resting my eyes.”
“Are you sure? I can call back in the morning?”
Santana smiles softly, “Talk to me. How was your day?”
“Well, my day…it was so much fun. I got to hang out with my cousins – who aren’t as mean as when we were younger – and we helped my grandma bake cookies for tomorrow,” Brittany tells her excitedly, “Did you see the pictures I sent?”
Santana smiles and remembers Brittany’s text she received while she was out with Quinn. It was a picture of a very colorful pair of gingerbread women that she was holding up proudly by either side of her head, a great big smile rounding out the adorableness.
“Yeah I saw it,” Santana tells her, “It was very cute. Sounds like you’re having a great time over there.”
“Yeah, but it’s not all that great since you’re not here too,” Brittany answers without missing a beat, “How about your day? Did…you have any visitors?”
“Ah so you did enlist Quinn to kidnap me,” Santana smirks.
“What? No. Wait, did she kidnap you because that’s not what I asked her to do?”
Santana laughs at that, “No she didn’t, but she did interrupt my Chopped marathon. I never did find out who won the dessert round…” She could hear Brittany snort as she continues, “But it wasn’t so bad hanging out with her. We actually ran into Sam and Mercedes at the mall.”
“No way! I thought Mercedes was only going to be in Lima for New Years?”
“Well I didn’t know she was going to be in Lima at all,” Santana jokes, “Have you known they’ve been dating this whole time?”
“I wouldn’t say whole time…they’re on and off. You know how tough long distance is, but they always end up back together.”
Santana ponders her words, “Huh, sounds familiar. Can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me all this time.”
Brittany chuckles, “Honestly I didn’t think you’d care, but I don’t want to talk about them. What are you doing right now?”
Santana notices a shift in Brittany’s tone – something mischievous – and it makes Santana sit up a little straighter, “Uhh…I’m just lying on the couch watching tv.”
“Right…” Brittany drawls out and suddenly Santana’s intrigued to see where this goes because she might have an idea, “Same couch we made out on on Thanksgiving?”
Santana’s suspicions are confirmed when she hears that, “We’ve made out many times on this couch, Britt, not just Thanksgiving.”
“Mmm, and we’ve done a lot more than make out there too.”
Santana feels a flush cover her cheeks at the memory but she presses further, “You should see what I’ve got on right now too.”
She thinks she can hear Brittany audibly gulp which is hilarious because in reality, she’s just dressed in leggings and Brittany’s sweater from Homecoming. It’s nothing too risqué, but who is she if she doesn’t play along and paint Britt a lovely picture?
Brittany’s voice is husky when she says, “Tell me.”
“I don’t know, Britt, Santa’s coming to town any minute now,” Santana teases, loving how easy it is for them to turn their conversations flirtatious, “Wouldn’t want to get a free show and risk missing out on my presents. I’ve been a very good girl this year.”
“Fuck a present, I can give you something better.”
Santana has to bite her lip to keep from snorting at the sound of Brittany cursing. It’s rare but when it happens, it’s the greatest thing ever because Britt kind of has a potty mouth during certain situations.
It’s kind of hot actually.
“Hmm…I’ll hold you to that, Britt-Britt,” Santana says just as the grandfather clock chimes from the other room, signaling midnight. At least, for Santana it is. Brittany still has a few more hours to go with the time difference.
“It’s officially Christmas!” Brittany cheers excitedly – the huskiness completely gone – and she’s so loud about it that it nearly deafens Santana. The lusty tone has been replaced with a child-like delight as a familiar ringtone replaces static.
When Santana looks down at her phone, she sees Brittany requesting a video call. She swipes at it and soon her screen is filled with a rosy-cheeked Brittany wearing an elf hat.
“Merry Christmas!” Brittany sings accompanied with this cute shoulder shimmy that would put Kurt Hummel to shame. She’s all kinds of adorable and Santana really can’t help but feel smitten.
“Merry Christmas!” Santana replies breathlessly and watches as Brittany’s eyes scan her up and down. She tilts her head at the way Brittany is not-so-subtly checking her out and asks, “Uhm, can I help you?”
“You’re wearing my sweater again,” Brittany points out through a smirk, “Not as risky as what I was imagining you wearing, but I’m not mad at it. You’re cute.”
“Do I even want to know what you were imagining?” Santana asks and watches Brittany wiggle her brows.
“Let’s just say it didn’t involve a sweater…or any clothing for that matter.”
“You’re a horny mess,” Santana giggles.
“Can you blame me?” Brittany jokes, “My girlfriend is hot and all I want for Christmas is to put my – ”
“Hey, don’t start something you can’t finish,” Santana cuts in and suddenly her eyes feel heavy again.
“You’re right. You look tired,” Brittany comments through a soft smile, “You should head up to bed.”
“I will, just wanted to talk to you for a bit more before I did. I’ve missed you today,” Santana says shyly as she picks at the fabric of the blanket across her lap, “Well, I’ve missed you everyday but a little more so today.”
“Awh, look at you,” Brittany coos and Santana’s cheeks instantly flush.
“I’ve been playing the piano again,” Santana tells her then suddenly she feels a kind of sadness, “It reminds me of things and makes me miss people.”
She knows she’s being really vague but she also knows Brittany gets it.
“Oh honey,” Brittany says tenderly and there’s this apologetic smile on her face, “I’ll be home before you know it, only one more week left now. Maybe you can play something for me?”
Santana melts at the sound of home and wonders if Brittany considers that to be Lima or her or both. It’s a silly thought because she thinks she knows the answer to that already. It’s just nice to hear her say it out loud and it makes Santana rethink who or where she considers home too.
“Maybe I will,” Santana beams but just as she was about to continue, a yawn escapes her.
“San, go to bed…” Brittany says and she’s giving her this cross between a smile and a pout so of course Santana has to listen.
She rubs at her eye and nods, “Yeah okay, I’m going. You think…we can stay on the phone tonight?”
There’s something familiar about the request and it seems like they both pick up on it because Brittany nods and soon she’s up too. A moment later and they’re both doing their nightly routine together.
It’s something they use to do when they were doing long distance just to make them feel a little closer together although it was never as good as the real thing. Back then, Santana hated that feeling but now she doesn’t mind it so much. She knows it’s only temporary and soon Brittany will be here in person trying to leave toothpaste-coated kisses on her cheek again.
A moment later, Santana is tucked away in bed with her phone propped up next to her. She watches Brittany through half-lidded eyes as she tells her more about the day she has had with her family. There’s this warmth or softness or something that surrounds Santana while she listens to Brittany gush over her cousin’s two year old daughter. Santana’s really biting her cheek, hoping nothing slips out like it did with Maribel but imagining Brittany with this toddler does something to Santana’s fluttery insides.
She’s blaming the lack of sleep for this one.
“You should’ve seen it, San. She was so cute! Sprinkles were going everywhere,” Brittany giggles, “Then I had to clean up after her which was a little less exciting, but I didn’t mind. It was her first time decorating cookies, it was bound to get messy.”
“Sounds like fun,” Santana replies. She’s shocked that she’s managed to say just that although her head fills with images of what their family would look like a little ways down the line. She imagines a little blonde with Santana’s complexion and Brittany’s smile toddling around their living room. She imagines coming home from work to that same little blonde head curled up at Brittany’s side as they nap on the couch. She imagines the first words and first steps and she realizes something: she can’t wait to have a family with Brittany.
She also realizes that she’s about to be caught in her daydreaming.
“What are you smiling about over there?” Brittany asks, her smile matching Santana’s
Santana feels like a deer caught in the headlights, but she manages recover before her truth comes tumbling out on her again. Letting her thoughts on marriage slip out is one thing, but talking about a family? Way too soon, Lopez!
“Just thinking about how cute you would’ve looked decorating cookies,” Santana says, “There’s this face you pull when you’re concentrating really hard…just adorable.”
Brittany rolls her eyes as she smiles bashfully, “I don’t know how anyone thinks you’re so big and bad when you’re actually the gushiest and mushiest person I know.”
“You take that back,” Santana narrows her eyes playfully. She ends softening a moment later, “You bring it out of me, I can’t help myself around you.”
“I know,” Brittany replies as she tucks her hand under her pillow, mirroring Santana’s position, “It’s my favorite thing.”
Santana sighs and snuggles deep against her pillow as their conversation lulls. She’s really feeling the heaviness in her eyelids now, but she finds herself trying to fight to stay awake. She just wants to be present and listen to any and every story Brittany has to tell, she doesn’t want to miss anything.
“You wanna know something?” Brittany whispers a bit later and the sudden sound of her voice has Santana struggling to look up. She finds Brittany’s eyes closed and if she didn’t know any better, she would’ve assumed she had fallen asleep already.
Santana’s not sure she’s coherent enough herself to form actual words, so she just hums out in response.
There’s a long pause and Santana almost falls asleep while waiting when Brittany begins to mumble sleepily, “We’re gonna make some cute babies.”
Santana’s eyes go wide at that.
Here she was, forcing herself to stay quiet in fear that she was going to scare Brittany off or something. She looks back to her and finds she’s still lying there with her eyes closed which makes her wonder if that was the sleep talking or if it was Brittany? She doesn’t know, but she finds comfort in at least being on the same page about something like this. She wants to laugh, but stifles it so she doesn’t wake Brittany. It makes her heart swell and nearly burst free from her chest though, because if Brittany’s thinking about what their family could look like then maybe Santana’s on to something here.
She hadn’t considered proposing anytime soon, but if Brittany keeps this up she doesn’t know how long she’ll actually last. If anything, she can at least be a little prepared. Right?
“One day, Britt-Britt.” Santana says and it’s the last thing she does before she falls into a deep sleep.
Maybe it has something to do with the New Year just around the corner, but in the days leading up to Brittany’s return, Santana does a lot of thinking.
She thinks about the conversation she had with Maribel the night before Brittany left for San Francisco. She thinks about her family, her Abuela and Abuelo, and the difference in the ways they showed their love for her. She thinks about her father and how easy it was for him to vanish from her life. She thinks about the people in her life at this very moment who love her unconditionally and have repeatedly come through for her, whether it has been all of her life or again in only the last year.
She thinks a lot about love and remembers a time long, long ago when she didn’t think she was worthy of it. She was harsh and tore people down with her vicious words without a second thought so she didn’t think anyone would ever break through that and attempt to understand the real Santana Lopez.
Then Brittany came into her life and everything started to change.
She was still harsh and tore people down with her vicious words, but with Brittany it was different. Brittany accepted all of the parts that Santana was made of and she never shied away, she only ever wanted Santana to be herself and embrace all of her awesome.
It makes her think about something her Abuelo once said to her a long time ago. She was only in middle school when she first experienced heartbreak, her boyfriend of three weeks had broken up with her for someone more popular and Santana was wrecked. Maybe not so much because a boy broke up with her, but more so because he didn’t want her anymore. She felt replaceable and it sucked.
She had cried with her Abuelo during their weekly piano lesson and he said, “Santana, the easy part of life is finding someone to love. The hard part is finding someone to love you back.” He reminded her of how she still had so much time and that she was better off without that stupid boy. Those words always stuck with her throughout her life.
Little did they both know, Santana would find her person just a couple years later.
She remembered standing in the hall in front of her locker, tears in her eyes, begging Brittany to love her back. She had been so sure this time, she had found her person, but things didn’t come easy for them at first. She thought she had made a mistake again and gave her heart to the wrong one, but then something crazy happened…
“I do love you! Clearly you don’t love you as much as I do or you'd put this shirt on and dance with me!”
Brittany was pissed – probably the most pissed she had ever seen – but it was in that moment that Santana realized something: Brittany just wanted Santana to love herself first. She could see straight through Santana’s bullshit and even after that she wasn’t afraid to call her out on it. Even more importantly, Brittany still loved her anyway.
A lot of their relationship had been full of moments like that, like sudden clarity where all the drama and hurt suddenly made sense because on the other side of that was this…happiness.
She wouldn’t trade it for the world.  
It’s New Year’s Eve and Santana’s desperately trying to ghost Quinn.
A couple days ago, Quinn got word of a New Year’s Eve party being hosted at Breadstix and has been trying to convince Santana to go ever since.
“Come on, it’ll be fun! Mercedes is going and she’ll perform at midnight, you have to go.” Quinn had urged but Santana wasn’t budging. She didn’t feel like celebrating when her person wasn’t going to be there to celebrate with. She didn’t have to say that for Quinn to pick up on it though, “You can’t ring in the New Year alone, San. I know Maribel will be working.”
“What? How do you know that?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just come! There’s a dress code and everything, since when do you turn down any excuse to paint on one of your hooker dresses?”
Santana rolled her eyes, “I have no one to impress so there’s no point.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but, you can always take pictures and send them to Brittany.”
“Please, as if a picture could capture all this hotness.”
“Well it’s all you can eat breadsticks – “
“It’s always all you can eat breadsticks if you talk to the right person.”
“Ugh, why are you like this? Can’t you just go with me? I don’t want to third-wheel with Mercedes and Sam…”
“You really aren’t going to drop this, are you?”
“No. So you’ll go?”
Santana stewed on the question for awhile until she ultimately gave up and agreed to go. It would be a little depressing being stuck home alone on New Year’s Eve and she knew Brittany wouldn’t want her to miss out on a chance to party with her friends.
And it’s that kind of thinking that has landed her in the current situation she’s in, wedged between Quinn and Sam in a booth in Breadstix while they watch Mercedes sing. All in all, it’s not the worst situation she’s ever been in – she’s totally being dramatic – but it does feel off to hang out with everyone without Brittany there.
“She’s so good,” Sam compliments as Mercedes belts out a high note. Santana looks to him from the corner of her eye and he’s completely fixated on the woman on stage. There’s this dopey smile on his face and love hearts beaming from his eyes and for the first time maybe ever, she knows exactly how Sam feels. To be so enamored by someone, so filled with love for them, that you can’t help but to stare in awe.
“Amazing,” Quinn adds breathlessly as the final note rings out.
The entire place stands as they applaud Mercedes. She bows graciously and waves, even blows a kiss to Sam before she makes her way down the steps and rejoins her friends at their booth. A jazzy cover band takes over while dinner is served.
“You killed it up there,” Santana says as the salads come out.
“Thank you,” Mercedes replies with a flip of her hair, “I’m glad you made it out tonight, would’ve missed the surprise.”
“Surprise?” Santana wonders before she catches her usual waitress’s eye. She sends her a look and soon an additional basket of breadsticks appear on the table. She slaps away Sam’s hand as he goes for a stick and the girls all laugh.
“You’ll see later,” Quinn says, “I’ve been practicing my runs so I can keep up with this one.”
“You’re going up there?” Santana asks then glares at Mercedes, “And you didn’t ask me?”
“It was a last minute thing,” Mercedes explains, “And I was already talking to Quinn at the time.”
“I’m deeply offended that I wasn’t your first choice,” Santana quips in between bites of her breadstick, “Could’ve brought back River Deep, Mountain High.”
“Girl, you know this place couldn’t handle all that..” Mercedes laughs.
Dinner goes on without a hitch. It actually is kind of nice chatting with her old friends and she’s glad she made it out of the house for this. She couldn’t imagine spending the night at home getting wine drunk alone while watching the ball drop, if she even stayed up that late to catch it. She has an alarm set for midnight in Brittany’s time zone just incase she did end up falling asleep early though.
“When’s Britt back again?” Mercedes asks as the last course came around, “I hope I can catch her before I go back to L.A.”
“Two more days,” Santana replies and just uttering the words aloud make her heart race, “This has been the longest two weeks of my life.”
“I’m sure,” Mercedes chuckles.
“When are you heading back?” Santana asks.
“Thursday,” Mercedes replies, “So I might be able to see her before I go. We’ll see.”
Santana nods and looks to Quinn who has been oddly quiet all of a sudden, “You’re quiet. What are you plotting?”
Quinn cracks a smile, “Plotting? Can’t a girl eat in peace?”
“I guess,” Santana chuckles and they return to their meals while listening to the band.
Sam’s in the middle of telling a story about this guy he was working with at the gym he works at part-time when Santana checked her phone. She hadn’t received a new text for a few hours now, not since she was modeling different outfits she had been considering to wear tonight for Brittany earlier. It was getting closer to midnight now – just thirty minutes away – but Santana was getting anxious. She kind of missed Brittany and just wanted to hear her voice.
“I’m gonna go call Britt,” She whispers to Quinn.
Quinn nods and slides so that she could let Santana out of the booth.
Santana made her way to the bathroom, opting that it was warmer than outside and quieter than the lobby, and made the call.
At least, she tried to but the call went unanswered. Santana checked the time again and converted it to what it would be for Brittany and it started to make sense. This was usually game night time and the Pierces were probably deep in a very competitive game of Monopoly. Brittany was always pretty serious when it came to that particular game so Santana didn’t think too much of it and instead sent her a selfie and a text.
Santana L. – Thinking about you xo
Santana rejoins the gang just as Mercedes is getting up to perform again. She looks to Quinn who moves to sit back down and asks, “You’re not going up too?”
“Not my time yet,” Quinn shrugs and scoots in so that she’s the one sitting in Mercedes spot next to Sam now.
Santana slides in too and goes for her wine glass as Mercedes greets the audience again. She’s such a natural up there and Santana is actually really proud of how successful she has become and still manages to stay true to herself.
She thinks about her future career and what she wants but it’s all so spotty. She loves to sing, but she doesn’t know if she’d ever do it professionally. She has this business degree yet she’s not putting it to use and before she randomly took over a co-coaching position, she was a singing waitress.
She’s young but seeing Mercedes up there really gets her thinking about getting serious when it comes to her future. Afterall, it’s not only affecting her, it’ll affect Brittany too. She wants to make something of herself, maybe make a difference in people’s lives, but she doesn’t know where to start.
Those thoughts are cut short when suddenly Mercedes is speaking to the audience again, more specifically to her. Santana was kind of zoned out so she only catches Mercedes saying, “Let’s end the year with this little throwback since I’m surrounded by such talented friends.”
Before Santana knows it a familiar tune begins to play, the God Squad’s version of Cherish/Cherish. Santana starts to laugh as Quinn and Sam pull out their hidden mics and sing to Santana as they accompany Mercedes on the number. They slowly emerge from the booth and join Mercedes on stage, leaving Santana behind in nothing but smiles.
She claps her hands and dances along to the beat from where she sits while memories of the first time they sung the song came to her.
She remembers it from her high school days and how Brittany lit up when their friends began to serenade them. Brittany had been so surprised that Santana would gift her something like that, something so public which she was still struggling with at the time. When it came to Brittany though, Santana endured a lot to make sure Brittany knew she was loved.
Santana felt so carefree that night, she barely even noticed any of the talks or looks. She doubted Sugar would’ve allowed anyone in if that were the case, but hearing the song being performed now is a little bittersweet without Brittany here to experience it.
Santana goes to grab her phone in hopes that Brittany will answer this time just so she can hear this awesome performance. She’s about to press call when someone stops before their table.
A familiar voice asks, “Is this seat taken?”
Santana snaps up to find Brittany – her Brittany – standing there before her with her long blonde hair cascading off her shoulders, blue eyes twinkling, and the smuggest grin on her face.
“Oh my God, Brittany!” Santana just about squeals as she scrambles out of the booth and launches herself into Brittany’s arms, “You’re home early!”
Brittany’s angelic giggles fill her ears as she wraps Santana up in a tight hug, “Missed you too much so I caught an early flight home. Came straight here from the airport.”
Brittany shrugs casually, “I figured we’ve had such an awesome year, I didn’t want to spend the last moments of it apart.”
Santana stares back almost speechless and instead leans in for a much-needed kiss. It’s like her body has been on pause ever since the last one they shared at the airport and when their lips touch it’s like she’s finally herself again.
“You like my surprise?” Brittany asks when they pull apart and glances to the side.
Santana’s jaw drops as she follows Brittany’s eyes to where she looks. Santana sees her wave to their friends on stage. Mercedes and Sam wave back while Quinn sends them a wink.
“You did this?” Santana’s wide eyed, “I…how did you – “
Brittany leans down and cuts her off with another kiss before saying, “I’ll tell you later. Come dance with me.”
Santana doesn’t even respond, just gets whisked away to the makeshift dancefloor. It’s all so reminiscent but new at the same time to be dancing with Brittany in almost the exact same spot to the exact same song. Santana thinks she might just be the luckiest girl in the whole world, to be loved by Brittany and their friends, it’s so much.
And the feeling only intensifies when Brittany whispers out an, “I love you.”
It makes the question begging to be asked so much harder for Santana to conceal, especially when Brittany smiles down at her the way that she does while they sway to the music.
“I love you too,” Santana says but it’s filled with so much more, so much promise.
Maybe Brittany doesn’t pick up on it, Santana hopes she doesn’t, but that I love you means more this time. It’s a vow that she’s never going to stop loving her and one day she’ll have a ring to prove that.
For now though, she’s content with dancing the night away with Brittany but only until the clock strikes twelve. She’ll ring in the new year with her girl, surrounded by their friends, but after that she’s taking Brittany home to spend all night making good on a different promise.
A promise that doesn’t involve quite so many people and a lot less clothes.
The heated look Santana earns when Brittany catches her eye tells her that she and Brittany are definitely on the same page. It’s barely 12:03am when the two are hurriedly telling their friends goodbye and rushing to the car with their hands already starting to wander.
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Hi there! Could we also get a Valentines A-Z for Eugene Roe? I am hopelessly in love with that man
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
aren’t we all, anon? aren’t we all
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Very subtly. Eugene Roe isn’t a “words” man  ---  his language is action, tiny gestures which show the people he loves how much he cares. When Gene cares, he cares a whole lot...  so it’s important to him to do things for the people around him. He’ll fix a broken fence without asking, clean his mother’s kitchen, replace a vase of flowers if they’re starting to wilt. Little, practical things, which nonetheless show a depth of care for the other person, and an understanding of exactly what they need in that moment. If he’s really close to someone  ---  at a point where he feels perfectly comfortable with them   ---   he’ll also offer physical affection from time to time.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
He actually knows a surprising amount about flowers and herbology, just from watching his mother, a passionate gardener. He’s not fond of store-bought bouquets. If possible, he’ll throw something together himself, just from what can be found in the local gardens, and it’ll look damn lovely.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
He’s not going to go feral over it, but he’s got a healthy appreciation for chocolate.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
He’d love to do something outdoors. Maybe a picnic in a quiet place, on a sunny day, with a canopy of trees proving shade overhead. Dappled sunlight falls across his bare arms as he stretches out on the blanket, leaning slightly against his partner; they made sandwiches while he brought lemonade and fruit; the chocolate chip cookies are freshly-baked. There’s no chill in the air. Somewhere close, birds are chirping. The entire world seems completely at peace, and he’s so happy to be enjoying it with someone he loves.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Gene’s really not a hugger...  so when he does seek out physical affection, it means something. Maybe he’s emotionally exhausted, or maybe recognizes the other person needs it in the moment; at any rate, his hugs are like finally exhaling a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. They’re not too much, but just enough to leave someone feeling relieved, like a weight’s been lifted from their shoulders.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
He’s got gorgeous eyes. We know that. Say that dark gaze locks with someone else across a crowded room, and draws them in instead of letting go...   or perhaps they’re close enough that it’s easy to brush up against each other just slightly, hands accidentally caressing each other when reaching for the same thing...  Gene’s flirting is very subtle, and has no right to be as seductive as it is.   (Please note:  this is strictly Sober Gene. Sober Gene and Drunk Gene are two very different people. Drunk Gene gives lapdances.)
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
He’s okay at it. No one would call him a gift-giving master. Sometimes he gets it right and sometimes he gives Lewis Nixon a chia pet. When Gene gives great gifts, it’s clear how much effort he put into it; when he misses the mark completely, it’s hard to tell if he put any effort in at all.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
He’s guarded by necessity. Gene keeps his heart locked away behind no less than a dozen fortified walls. Breaking through them requires a wrecking ball, chocolate, and a lot of determination. He’s cautious, because when he cares he can’t help caring deeply, and quietly dreads the inevitability of getting hurt...  but sometimes letting people in is worth the risk. He’s...  still working on realizing that.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
...  more difficult than it has any right to be. Again, Gene’s not great at the whole “expressing his feelings” thing. If he’s in love, he wants his partner to know it...  but coming right out and declaring it is one of the hardest things in the world. He’d hedge his bets, working to show them his love rather than spelling it out. If he has a very verbally demonstrative partner, he’d be able to say it more easily over time, just because he’s used to hearing it...  but on the rare occasions Gene does say “I love you”, it’s that much more precious, because he’s feeling it so intensely in the moment that he can’t keep it inside.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Oh, yeah. Ye-eeahh. Not over just anything, but blatantly obvious things  ---  like seeing someone flirting with his partner, or touching them shamelessly... it gets Gene riled up. He’ll loom over the interaction, not saying a word, but silently intimidating the hell out of the interloper until he backs down...  and once he has, Gene steps up. He and his partner usually have to make themselves scarce quickly, because Gene can’t refrain from touching them. As soon as they’re alone...  all bets are off. Instinct takes over; all Gene can do is press them up against the wall and kiss them, hard and hot, until all thoughts of that other fool have flown out of their head.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Gene starts out shy...  but, with the right encouragement from his partner, finds his footing very quickly. Uses touches very sparingly, but with great effect; tends not to linger in a kiss for long, parting for air just to allow his breath to caress his partner’s flushed lips, before diving back in for more. When he really gets into it, Gene becomes hungry, clutching harder at his partner, sucking at their lips and gasping in the short pauses for breath.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
He’s very devoted to his family, especially his grandmother when she was alive; Gene loves his hometown, everything about it, and he loves the people he’s grown up alongside. Certain people, like Babe and Renee, hold places of honor in his heart; once he’s grown to care for someone that much, he’ll do literally anything for them.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
Gene is a morning person. It’s not by choice. If he knew how to sleep in, he absolutely would, but his body just isn’t wired that way. He tries to be romantic at night, but after a long day, he’s usually crashing by around midnight. Obviously when he forces himself to, he can stay up (copious amounts of caffeine helps) but any time he’s got the time is a romantic time, far as he’s concerned.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Gene is intense to the point that it’s nearly overwhelming. His caresses, his movements, his kisses...  everything is charged with an electricity that can become overwhelming if his control slips.  He’s a demanding lover, giving his partner little time to rest;  his hands are doing one thing while his mouth is doing something else, all designed to elicit a reaction from his partner. It’s not something he thinks through in the moment   ---   Gene’s a purely instinctual lover, but he’s got some great instincts. Loves to have his mouth on his partner’s neck, slowly trailing down to their bare chest. He’s silent in bed, but vocal partners really do it for him; he could get off on his lover’s moans alone.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Oooooh no, he’s not a “words” man at all! Gene struggles to verbalize his emotions; for as much as he feels deeply, getting those feelings out is like trying to speak a language he’s never learned. People close to Gene must learn to read his expressions and gestures, as well as his variety of “hmms”, because they say a lot more about how he’s feeling than he ever could.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Gene needs someone who cares. Not just for him, but...  about lots of things. Everything. Gene is drawn to people whose compassion is endless, who make the room seem a little kinder for their presence. He also appreciates someone who can lighten the mood, because maybe he gets a little grim at times, and who can get him to smile even on his roughest days. He’d love someone with a good singing voice, and a grounded side, even if they don’t show it that often.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
(Go down and read ‘WEDDING’ first!) Once he’s made his mind up, asking is a piece of cake. He doesn’t go all out with the ring  ---  Gene’s not gonna marry someone who needs a huge rock on their finger, and frankly he can’t afford it  ---  but he finds the perfect place to propose. At the top of a hill, under a tree he used to climb as a little boy  ---  maybe the same place they had their picnic  ---  he won’t drop to one knee, but pull his partner close and slip the ring out of his pocket. A quiet “If you’ll have me,” is all it takes to make his intentions clear.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
He’s shy about his romantic side; it’s not something he likes showing off, because he feels a little silly for being taken in by all those fairytale ideas. Gene would love a scene out of a Disney movie  ---   rowing on the river with his partner with fireflies all around, or kissing each other in the rain. Thing is, those aren’t realistic things to want, especially not from someone who considers himself so grounded. Gene’s romantic nature is buried under a heavy layer of practicality, but he can be heartrendingly romantic when the situation is right. 
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
Nah. He was a real wild child in elementary school, and most of the girls were wary of him. By middle and high school, he kept to himself more, and didn’t have much interest in dating.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
He...  genuinely doesn’t know. Maybe it’s real for some people, but until he’s experienced it himself, hard to say. It’s not something he thinks a lot about.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
He’s been burned before, and that’s hurt enough. Gene isn’t eager to have his heart broken entirely.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
Lowkey, Gene would love to do something nice for Valentine’s Day...  but he’d be hesitant at scheduling something himself, both because he’s bad at planning surprises, and because he wants his partner to enjoy themselves just as much as he is. He’d straight out ask them, “what do you want to do for Valentine’s Day?” and they can brainstorm from there. As soon as they’ve got a good idea, Gene will work out all the technical details...  and from there, they can just enjoy the day.   (Even if they’re not doing anything, he never forgets to get his partner chocolate, because that’s just a Valentine’s Day tradition that can’t be ignored.)
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
He...  doesn’t plan on it, no. Doesn’t actively plan on it. It’s not something he has any interest in, or gives any consideration to, until he meets the right person. At some point in the relationship   ---   once he’s it’s casually occurred to him, “yeah, this feels right, I could do this forever”   ---  the realization will hit him like a ton of bricks. He wants to get married. He wants to spend the rest of his life with this person. He feels nothing for the idea of marriage, but everything for the person involved, so they’re his deciding factor.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
He’s veeeery sparing with nicknames. The only times he’ll use them are when he wants to put someone at ease  (like when someone’s injured, and formalities have to be dropped, because they’re already panicked enough)  or when he’s very close to someone. All his family has nicknames, and Gene uses those without a second thought; if he cares deeply for someone, it’s way easier to be informal with them. For a partner, he’ll still be sparing with pet names, but may throw out the occasional “cher/chere”.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
We talked about the jealousy thing, right? Gene’s protective streak is on a completely different level. He’ll throw down for the people he cares about, no question. For such an unassuming man, he can be fierce when pushed to it, and the one thing guaranteed to set him off is seeing someone he loves threatened.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
He had a few girls back home   ---  teenage experimentation, and it never really went beyond that. He’s also got that sexy Catholic Guilt going on, so he feels a bit bad about it; sleeping around is not for him. At most, Gene’s had...  two previous partners.
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