#geniun parts
beanjellysblog · 8 months
Discover a haven for automotive connoisseurs at Dourado Auto Service Best luxury car accessories showroom in Dubai, UAE. Explore a curated collection of meticulously crafted accessories designed to elevate your driving experience to new heights of sophistication.
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jacksontylor · 8 months
Welcome to our oasis of luxury automotive accessories in Dubai, UAE. Explore our showroom and immerse yourself in a world of unparalleled craftsmanship and sophistication, where every accessory is designed to enhance the prestige and performance of your vehicle.
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johnsspacesuittight · 11 months
it's crazy to me that Spies Are Forever, a musical which has a jewish guy playing a nazi with a Hitler puppet on his hand and glitter in his pockets... also somehow has a scene between the lead character and his ex-friend now great enemy, which reveals for certain that they used to be gay lovers, that goes "what about our secret? the moments we shared, the feelings we had... for each other" "that secret died the night you left me for dead" to a quiet smoke filled stage, before the lead character shoots his ex dead, like... what?
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wisteriasymphony · 10 hours
every time a tumblr post mlb rewrite mentions the fact that they're taking out marinette's 'obsessive stalker' characteristics an angel gets run over by a steamroller and fucking dies
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I'm crying,they knew exactly what they were doing with these two
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sylvancastor · 2 months
If the context of the new Aegond forehead kiss still is Aemond mocking Aegon some more, I hope Aegon bites him for it. It's what Aemond deserves.
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boxofthings · 4 months
bet if you put all the ghostroach fans in a single gc we'd all recognize each other
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chucklepea-hotpot · 4 months
happy pride to everyone who loves to dance and SHOUT and LET ALL THEIR FEELINGS OUT
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demento-mori · 2 months
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skittlespizza · 4 months
Sorry to bring this up again its kinda been making me feel things
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couriernewvegas · 9 months
every time i think of samantha traynor . lol . like i played dragon age and mass effect at same time in middle school so i already knew i was gay but the options fr gay people in mass effect were so bleak that dragon age ultimately remains >>>>> mass effect for me personally . next to nothing for gay people (esp men) except for liara (whose romance i have my own issues with ..) until the last game in the series .. like . also making the only gay characters in ur series have extremely limited romances and be non-companion or really plot relevant characters
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beanjellysblog · 8 months
Indulge your passion for luxury automobiles at Dourado Auto Service esteemed showroom in Dubai, UAE. From personalized detailing to state-of-the-art technology, our curated selection of premium car accessories sets the standard for sophistication and exclusivity.
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started watching we are lady parts w my dad yesterday and oh my god i’m so fucking gay
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eirxair · 5 months
sometimes i just geniunely sit there and think about how women literally grow people inside of them. like full on supporting another lifeform for 9 whole months with your own nutrients and all that your own body needs to survive. theres so many risks, its painful its uncomfortable, and women still do it.
like they full on go through hours upon hours of labour. possibly suffer through other complications during that, for example, cesarean sections or even death, and they're all so fucking brave for going through that.
not to mention after, with things like postpartum depression. there's soso many risks involved and women still do it. maybe even more than once if they want to. like i geniunely cant even fathom how a uterus can just grow another person, idek it doesnt feel real.
how do we not talk about this more. like women just grow people. no fucking wonder its called Mother Nature. idek the fact the female body can do that is some divine shit. imagine being able to create and sustain life with your own organs.
i think women are class actually.
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pippastrelle · 7 months
The misogynistic pitfall of anti-misogyny morals (ATLA and Artemis Fowl)
[Note: everyone both suffers from and upholds misogyny no matter what. It's everywhere and in everyone's subconscious biases. People of all genders make the world a better when they take that effort to listen to others' experiences and recognise we're all human.]
‘Show, don’t tell’ is one of the most fundamental rules of writing because nothing takes you out of a story like battling with what you’re reading for the right interpretation. It forces you to back out of the reading experience and re-process everything.
This is where the pitfall of anti-misogyny morals lies in otherwise very well-written media like ATLA and Artemis Fowl.
In the Book 1 finale of ATLA, the protagonists arrive in the Northern Water Tribe where Katara is told she cannot learn martial Waterbending because she is a girl. Katara and the other protagonists revolt against this and the episode ends with Katara being able to join the boys’ class. Similarly, in Artemis Fowl (Book 1), Holly Short is the first female Recon officer. She revolts against surrounding male officers who tell her she should not be in Recon because she is a woman and she continues despite it.
Surely, the interpretation is meant to be “Don’t exclude or look down on people just because they’re girls/women”. However, what do they actually say about girls/women at large?
In ATLA, we don’t see any other girls discuss their inability to learn martial Waterbending, either for or against. We don’t see any other girls join Pakku’s lessons even after he acknowledges Katara as a master. When the Fire Nation invade, we don’t see the women’s healing or general Waterbending skill come in handy. The interpretation you could reasonably come to is no girl or woman in the Northern Water Tribe wants to learn martial Waterbending or has anything to contribute with their Waterbending.
In Artemis Fowl, we learn of one other female officer in the LEP: Lili Frond. But Short balks at the idea of her being in Recon because she’s a “bimbo”. In other words, Frond cannot be Recon because she is unintelligent in a specifically feminine way. Of course, this could reveal Short’s biases. She’s been so degraded for being a woman, she’s internalised that femininity is not appropriate for her profession. However, Frond only ever appears in reference to her rising ranks because she’s an attractive woman riding her family’s coattails. We never hear of other female officers trying to follow Short’s lead or involve any other female fairy. The other prominent female characters in the book are Juliette Butler, who’s a distractable teenage maid that Short mind-controls, and Angeline Fowl, who spends the book catatonic in grief over her husband’s disappearance. Minor roles. The interpretation you could reasonably come to is no woman advances in the LEP on her own skill or has anything to contribute in the central kidnapping plot.
When you set up an anti-misogyny plot in a piece of media that doesn’t lend much agency or interest to other girls/women, it becomes an issue of ‘telling’ not ‘showing’. “Girls can do anything” becomes “Well, Katara and Holly Short can do anything”.
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froghwon · 1 year
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Mark & Jisung | Some Minds & Voices
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